Board of Trade—Session 1914. Horses-yard, Church-road, Manor House-road, Bywater-street, Vale Head-road, Longlands- road. KNOTTINGLEY ELECTRIC LTGfiTING. (b). Bridges:— ((The Production, Storage, and Supply of Electricity by the Urban District Council of The Bridges carrying the following Roads Knottingley within their district; the Breaking over the Knottingley and Canal, Up and Interference with Streets, Bridges, namely:—(!)• Cow-lane, (2) The road leading and Railways, the Laying Down and Erection from Marsh End to Fernley Green-road, (3) of Electric Lines, Wires, Posts, and Apparatus; Kellingley-road, and (4) Southmoor Cross- Transfer of Undertaking; the Taking and road, and known as Cow-lane Bridge, Shep- Recovering of Rates and Charges; Incorpora- herd's Bridge, Skew Bridge, and Kellingley tion of Acts and other Provisions.) Bridge respectively. (c). Railways:- - IVTOTICE is hereby given, that the Urban 111 District Council for the Urban District The Level Crossings of the , of Knottingley, in the West Riding of the and Goole Line of the Lancashire County of (hereinafter referred to as " the and Railway at - lane, Council"), and whose address is at the Town Middle-lane, Womersley-road. Cridling Park- Hall, Knottingley aforesaid, intend to apply to road, and South Moor Cross-road. the Board of Trade on or before the 21st day of December next for a Provisional Order (herein- The Level Crossings of the Askern Branch after called "the Order"), under the Electric of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway at Lighting Acts, 1882 to 1909, for all or some of England-lane and Middle-lane. the following amongst other purposes (that is to say):— • The Railway Siding leading from the Wakefield, Pontefract and Goole Line of the 1. To authorise the Council to generate, store, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway across supply, sell, and distribute electricity, for all Weeland-road, to the Works of Messrs. Bagley public and private purposes as defined by the and Company, Limited. Electric Lighting Acts within the whole of the Urban District of Knottingley, in the West 3. The names of the Streets in which it is Biding of the County of York (hereinafter proposed that electric lines shall be laid down referred to as " the Area of Supply "). within a period to be specified by the Order are as follows :— 2. To authorise the Council to break up the iollowing streets or roads and bridges within the Marsh lane, from the Council's Sewage area of supply which are not repairable by the Works to Marsh End- Marsh End; Aire- Local Authority and railways, namely :— street; Chapel-street, from Aire-street to its junction with Banks-lane and Hill Top.

(a). Streets:— 4. To incorporate with the Order and generally to extend and make applicable to the Beck-road, Station-road, Taylor's-lane, Green area of supply such of the provisions contained House-road, Banks-garth, Low Pittage-road, in the Schedule to the Electric Lighting Back Sbrcet leading from the Wakefield and (Clauses) Act, 1899, and in the Electric Light- "Weeland Main Road and Back Streets in ing Act, 1909, as are applicable to oases in which connection therewith on the estate of Mr. the undertakers are the Local Authority and to William Bagley and the Executors of John apply such provisions to the undertaking to be William Bagley deceased, Broomhill - road, authorized by the Order subject to such Common-lane, Rail Close-walk, Trundles-lane, variations and exceptions as may be contained Amewell-place, Union-row, Bridge Court-road, therein. Dhapel-road, Sunny-bank, Longwobd's-walk, Marsh-lane, Ship-lane. Spence's-court, Dicken- 5. To authorize the Council to take, collect «on's yard, Farnhill's court, Wride's-yard, Long- and recover rents, rates and charges for the wood's - yard, Brown's - yard, Brewery - lane, supply of electricity for lighting, healing, power Streets off -road, Pottery-lane, and or other purposes, and for the use of any Holes-road and upon the estate of the Trustees machines, lamps, meters, fittings or apparatus •of Thomas Poulson deceased, Elm-walk, Simp- connected therewith, and to proscribe and limit son's-lane, Moorhouse-lane, Sebastopol-road, the price to be charged therefor. England-lane, Bendles, Gillann-street, Streets off Womersley-road and upon the estate of 6. To confer upon the Council all or some of Frank Curtis Metcalfe, Cridling Park-road, the powers of the Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 Stead's lane, Bank Dole-road, Cliff-row, Shep- to 1909, and enactments incorporated therewith, herd's Bridge-road, Mariner's Place-walk, Tithe and to alter, vary or extinguish all rights and Barn-road, Garden-lane, Anchor-yard, West privileges which would or might interfere with Ings-lane, Back Island-road, Island-road, Darn- any of the objects of the Order, and confer all brook-yard, Church-lane, Shay's-yard, Water- other rights and privileges necessary for carrying lane, Vicarage road, White Swan-road, Jail- such objects into effect. lane, Pottery - lane, Windmill-road, Spawd Bone-lane, Mount road, Banks-walk, Middle- 7. To empower the Council to transfer to any lane, Jubilee walk, Thursby's-road, Grenley- company, corporation, council or person as may •street, South Moor Cross-road, Stocking-lane, be thought desirable all or some of the rights, Plymouth-grove, Manor Fold-lane, Ropewalk, powers, privileges, duties, liabilities and obliga- Tabernacle-lane, Stead's-road, Buck Inn-yard, tions intended to be conferred of imposed by Pickhill-garth, Island-court, Seaton's'-passage, the Order for such period and upon such terms Poplars - road, East-parade, Waggon and and conditions as may be agreed upon.