Case Studies

Chatteris Leisure and TCA Performance Space

The local need Outcomes

The Council looks to support local projects which require capital investment to kick start and realise community benefit in line with Chatteris Leisure our corporate priorities. For instance: • FDC contributed £600k to the building of the leisure centre • Chatteris has no leisure centre meaning that it is difficult for and now run the facility as a part of our leisure portfolio. younger and older people to access a gym or exercise facilities. • The facility was built on time and on budget Research commissioned by the Town Council identified that • We worked successfully with partners such as the Town local people would like to see a gym facility in the town. Council, County Council and Cromwell • There is a need for high quality educational facilities and Community College who were pleased with the results opportunities to be present for young people in . TCA’s • It was opened by Louis Smith, Olympic Gymnast which was performance space needs to be recognised as a community attended by many residents hub. Council’s contribution reflects the fact • Local residents like the new facility, with a high satisfaction that there are limited facilities for large public performances in rate of 94% Fenland and none in Wisbech. • After 6 months, 524 residents became members and this number continues to grow. The facility should break even in 2013/14.

The vision TCA Performance space The Act Theatre is based at the Thomas Clarkson Academy, • Provide the local people of Chatteris with a top class gym Wisbech and opened in March 2013. The 452 seat theatre has and exercise class facility located within walking distance of now opened and is hosting an exciting programme of events the town centre. The facility should be able to support itself for the academy and the community. financially after an initial 6 month opening period. • Undertake a full options appraisal with broad agreement FDC contributed £400k to enhance the performance facilities and successful implementation of day to day management for the benefit of the Academy, the town of Wisbech and of activities in the TCA performance space. Ensure there is a Fenland as a whole. strong community focus and commitment to enhancing the learning experience for the students at TCA to support the National Curriculum objectives. To play a significant part in promoting community cohesion and local regeneration to Where next? Wisbech and the wider district of Fenland. Strengthen links between the school and the communities it serves. Chatteris Leisure This scheme was part of a planned development of sport and leisure facilities in Chatteris. It compliments the 3rd generation synthetic turf pitch and the new school facilities also available on The challenge the site. The design of the facility is such that staffing costs will be kept low, Chatteris Leisure ensuring that the aim of a sustainable facility is possible shortly • By working with the County Council’s Building Schools for the after opening the facility. Future Project, we were able to pool capital resources to make the facility affordable. The Town and District Councils paid for TCA Performance space a fixed cost design and build, incorporating it into the wider The Act Theatre and The Angles Theatre in Wisbech continue to Building Schools for the Future Scheme. This meant that: work together to promote/organise performances at both theatres • Land was ceased at no cost from the County Council and ensure the venue is maximised. • Design and building costs were reduced.

TCA Performance Space • To ensure the business model for the Perfomance Space is sustainable into the future. • Ensuring the third sector organisations were fully involved and integrated with the project • Changing the communities perceptions that the performance space was only a school venue, that it was a community hub.

Fenland District Council