Cambridgeshire 164

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Cambridgeshire 164 BRI CAMBRIDGESHIRE 164 BRICK & TILE MAKERS-co7ltd. '~heldrick Henry, Triplow, Royston Leonard Elias, Pratt street, Sollam Marshall.lchn Thos. Tydd Gote & Tydd Shepperson John, Swavesey, St. Ives Lofts Edmund & Son, Barton sq. Ely station, Wisbech Smith Daniel, KirtIing, Newmarket Mansfield L. 'Watel'bt'ach, Cambridge MURtill Robert, Over, St. !Tes Spra~g William, High street, March Martin William, Burwell, Cambridge Owers John, Fordham road, Soham Sutton William, Over, St. Ives Mills George Etches, jun. 10 Elllmanue Plowman George Sneeds, Great Heath, Sutton William, Upwf-ll, Wisbech road, Cambridge Gamlingay, Sandy Swan John, O.'well, Rayston Mitham John, Swavesey, St. Ives Porter Henry John, Haddenllam, Ely Talbot John Shaw, Isleham, 80ham Morriss George, Chief's lane, Ely Rfflrling & Son, Tennis Court road & Tigerdine A. E. Guyhirn, Wishech Nunn WiIliam, Duxtord, Cambridge Newmarket l'oad, Camhridg-e 'figerdine A. E.jun. Guybirn, Wisbech Owers John, Wicken, Soham Robinson Mrs. M. Station rd.Whittlespy Trolley Robert, Newton, Wisbech Pavis AIling-ton, Cheveley, Newmarke Swan C.& Son8,Gt.Eversden,Cambridge Unwin Geor2;e, Landheach, Cambridge Peachey Frederick, 'Vicken, Soham Swann & Sons, Newmarket rd. Cambdg Unwin John, Cottenhnm, Cambridge Pearson William, Cht've!ey, Newmarket TurrellW.Croydon-cum-Cloptn.Roystn Unwin John, Sumps, March Porter William, Bridge st. ChatterisS.O UnwinH.Mllton rd.Chesterton,Cambdg- \Vakefield William, Bourn, Cambridj:!;e Pryor J .l\Iortlock st.'\Ielbourn, Royston Verrall George Henry. Ley,Dullin~ham, Walker J n. Victoria ~t. Littleport. Ely Randiil Henry & Sons, Elm rd. Witlbech Newmarket; residence, Sussex lodge, Willmott J. & B. Htlington, Rnyston Rattee & Ketr, Hills road, Cambridge Snaihnll road, Newmarket Wright C. 30 Norwich st. Cambridge Redding & Son, Tenuis Court road & Watson George, Hirst lane, March Young Harry, Sawston, Cambridge Newmarket road, Cambridge Willson CharletJ, Impington, Camhridge Richardson J. London I'd. Chatteris S.O Woodbine Rohert, Doddington, March BROKERS-SHIP & INSURNC. Robinson Freder;ck,Sawston,Cambridge Saint W m.Ivo house, Mill rd.Cambridge BRICK & TILE MERCHANT. English Brothers, Nene parade, Wis- Scott Alfred, Lynn road, Ely Andrews Alfd. S. Bridge bldgs. Wisbecl! hech & at Sutton BI'idge Seymonr &80ns, 67 ~t. Andrew's ~treet, . Wilk,insons, Smith & Co. 5 Cornhill, Cambridge BRICKLAYERS. Wlsbech Shanks Reuben, Station rd .ChatterisS.O Adams Philip, Swaffham Prior,Carnbdg BUILDERS Simpson Joseph, Exning rd. Newmarket AlIen Charles, WiIlingham R.S.O . Sindall William, JHilllane, Cambridge Alien John, Swavesey, St. Ives Adams Brothers, Newnham, Cambridge Smith William, Thorney, Peterborough Allen Robert, 9 Little South st.Wisbech Alderton Frederick, 27 Union road & Spriggs George,Broad street,Whittlesey Almable Wm. Dry Draytou, Cambridge Hills road, Carr.bridge StevensHy.SwaffhamBulbeck,Cambrdg Ashcroft John, Eltisley, St. Neots Alien William, Clay street, Soham Swan Robert, jun. Town end, March Austin Alien, Whittlesford, Cambridge AIlister Samuel, Coil'iIle road, Wisbeeh TlIylorChas. TennisCourtrd.Combridge Austin J ame8,Little Shelford,Cambridge Angood Frederick,New st.Chatteris 8.0 Tebbitt Robert, High street, 80ham Barnes Spencer, Ashley-cum-Silverley, Arber Richard, High st. Newmarket Thoday Francis & Son,Hillsrd. Cambdg Newmarket. Ashley Charles, Broad st. Whittlesey Thomas John, Station rd. Chatteris S.O Bell Charles, Westley, Newmarket Attack Be/ljamin, 10 King street & 10 Tompkins & SoD,6 Em manuel rd.Cambdg Bennett John Robert, 3 Gwydir street Newnham terlace, Cambridge Turner Henry, 5 Re~ent st. Cambridge & King street, Cambridge, Barnard Wm. St. Mary's street, Ely Walker George, 7 lHonica road,Wisbech Bunn William, DoddingtoD, March Bell Wm. &Sons, 75 Castle st.Cambrdg Warhoys Jarnes, Toft, Cambridge Burbllge Charles, 22 King st. Cambridge Bridgefoot Jas. Parson Drove, Wisbech Waters Charles, Haddenham, Ely Burbage"Villiam,102 King st.Cambridge Broadhurst J oseph P. Broad st. March Watson Charles, GA, Monica rd. 'W isbech Casbolt Jas. Shudy Camps, Cambridge Brown Joseph, Stetchworth, Newmarkt Watts Jas. 8tow-cum-Quy, Cambridge Casbolt Jobn, Balsham, 'Cambridge Brown Thomas W. Isleham, 80ham Westley Samuel, Palace st. Newmarket Cockerton J oseph, Stretham, El~· Cave Hugh, 'Thorney, Peterborough Whittlesey Thomas, West end, March Collins J sph. Stetchworth, Newmarket Chambers James, St. .;\-lary's street, Ely Williams Thomas, Kennett, Newma.rket Cracknell John, Burwell, Cambridge Chaprnan W.ll Freeschoolla. Cambrdg Willmott John, Church end, Eassing- Dack Matthew, lJoddington, March Charter & WiIliams, Victoria road, bourn, Royston Dean James, Swavesey, St. Ives Cambridge WilIson Charles, Histon, Cambridge Fincharn John, Fulbourn, Cambridge Christmas M. Histon, Cambridge Worboys Gabriel,Bassingbourn,ltoyston FisherJohnHammond,Upwell,Wisbech Clark Whittlesey BUILDING MATERIAL DLRS Fisk WilIiarn, Histon, Cambridge Clarke In. Market hill, Chatteris 8.0 • Foster William, Mepol, Ely CIll.rke Thos. Station rd. Chatteris S.O Miller John Shepperd, 39 Elm road & French Alfred, Melbourn, Royston Clements John, Hig-h street, March Lynn road, Wisbech Frost Robt.Hi~h st.Chesterton,Cambdg Collingwood John, Market pI. :\'1arch Whitehead Tbomas John, South brink, Fulcher Robert, Downham road, Ely Cooke William, ]6 North st. Wisbech Wisbech Goode Thomas, Ha~lingfield, Cambridge Coulson & 80n, 15 Burleigh street, BUTC ERS HardingGeo.Jn.29Norwichst.Cambdg Cambridge H. Hicks George, 15 Gold st. Cambridge Cowell John,jun. Red Lion sq. Soham AdkinsThomas,53 Norwichst.Cambrdge Hicks James, 52 City road, Cambridge Cox Thomas, Gamlillgay, Sandy Allpress Benjamin, 8utton, Ely Hodson William, Elsworth, St. Ives Danlly William, Burwell, Cambridl/,e Allpress Ebenp.zer, Park st.ChatterisS.O HoweIl Joseph, sen. Sawston,Cambridge Day Daniel Pitches, Linton,Cambridge Allpress Jolm,High street,Cbatteris S.O Howlett Brother!1, Bottisham, Cambdg Denson John R. Mill road, CambridKe Angell Joseph, Duxford, Cambridge JarvisG.Falcon yd.PettyCury,Cambrdg Drake William, 4 Broad st. Cambridge Archer Joseph, Hi~h street, Soham Jarvis John Jas. ]3 VictorIa rd.Wisbech Drake W.WeIlington st. Little}:lort, Ely Arnold Jolm, Whittleslord, Cambridge Jude Alfred, Harston, Cambridge Farrow Henry, Bridge buildings & Backler George, Balsham, Cambridge Jude \\ ilIiam, Harston, Cambridge Victoria road, Wisbech Barker Joseph, Over, ~t. Ives Judge J. W. Wisbech St. Mary,Wij!.bech Feast John, Haddenham, Ely Barker Miller, Gt. Sheltord, Cambridge Kent John,Wisbech rd. Welney,Wisbech Feast J sph. East Park st. Chatteris S.O Barker Richard, Stapleford, Cambridge Kidman Chas. 154Ainsworth !It.Cambdg Girling William Robert, Little South Barnett William, Fordham, 80ham Kitteridge Hy.CastIe Camps,Cambridge street & Elm road, Wisbech Barrance Edward, Bourn, Cambridge Knowles John Mansfield, Newnbam,Ely Goodwin Fredk.. Thorney, Peterborough Beckett J osepb, Upwdl, "" bbech Lines J oseph, Elm, Wisbech Gray Zachariah, Gamlingay, Sandy Beeby J ames, High street, l\Iarch Littlechild John, Fulbourn, Cambridge Green Julius, 3 Albert street, New- Bellamy Robert, Uracious bt.Wllittlesey Lowings & Banyard, 130 Ainsworth bt. market road, Cambridge Bennett Frederjck &Son, High st..March Cambridge Groom J onathan, IONorth end,Wisbech Eerridg-e F. West Park st. Cllatteris S.O Marshall John, LittleShelford, Cambdg Haird JODathan, Landbeach,Cambridge Berridge Richard Chambers, Woolpack Morley Hy.& Rowland,Linton,Cambdg Hicks Alfred, 47 City road, Cambridge lane, Whittlesey Mowlam James, Impington, Cambridge Hipwell Wiiliam, Gorefield, Wisbech Netherwood.John, ~wavesey, St. I VI'S Holland Wm. 8 Upp. Gwydir st.Cambdg BidweH Mrs.EmilY,88Castlest.Cambrdg Oliver Joseph, Benwick S.O Holmes Thomas, Broad street, Ely Bidwell Thomas, 105 Eatlt rd.Cambridge Palmer David, 76 Russell st. Cambridge Hook George, Station road, Soham Bidwell Thos.julI.50Kingstonst.Cambdg Parish WilIiam, Litlillgton, Royston Howard James, Fen Drayton, St. Ives Bocock David, Market street, New- Pavis Allington, Che"eley, Newmarket James John, High st. Littleport, Ely market & at Ashley Peters Brothers, Gamlingay, Sandy J ohnson Jas. & Son, Station rd. Soham Bradley WilIiam, London st. Whittlesey Port~r Chas. Wm. St. l\Iary's st. Ely J ohnson Francis, Fordham, Soham Brand Mrs. Susan, 12 Histon road, Porter Merrington, Welney, Wisbech J ohnson Jonathan, Station road, Soham Chesterton, Cambridge })riest 'Hlliam! Manea, March Kent "lark, Exning road, Newmarket Bridgestock James, Stone cross, March RandalI Henry, Doddin~ton, March Kin/?; H. Icewell hill, Newmarket BrockettThos.Guilden Morden,Royston Rayner Wm. Waterbeach, Cambridge Laughton Jo~eph, 37 Union road & Brown Henry, High street, Ely Robinett John. Foulmire, Ro)'ston Hills road, Cambrid/?;e Brown Samuel, Eassil'lgbourn, ROyRton Rutter J n. 61 Coronation st. Cambridge Leach Edward"Waterbeach, Cambridge Brown Thomas, Thorney, Peterborough SeoU Charles, TJ'umpington, Cambridge Leach John, Willingham R.S.O Buckworth Francis, Thorney,Peterboro' Sbarman Wm. Church st. Whit1.lesey Leach Wm. E. CottenlJam, Cambridge Bull Robert, Elm, Wisbech.
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