NOTICES Men Creek—Swamp Creek) in Douglass Township, Mont- DELAWARE RIVER Gomery County and Colebrookdale Township, Berks BASIN COMMISSION County, PA
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2658 NOTICES men Creek—Swamp Creek) in Douglass Township, Mont- DELAWARE RIVER gomery County and Colebrookdale Township, Berks BASIN COMMISSION County, PA. 2. Roamingwood Sewer and Water Association, D-1988- Public Hearing and Business Meeting 014 CP-3. An application to renew the approval of the existing 1.755 mgd Roamingwood wastewater treatment The Delaware River Basin Commission (Commission) plant (WWTP) and its discharge. The WWTP will con- will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 16, 2018. A tinue to discharge treated effluent to Ariel Creek, up- business meeting will be held the following month on stream of Lake Wallenpaupack, at River Mile 277.7— Wednesday, June 13, 2018. The hearing and business 15.8—14.2—3.5 (Delaware River—Lackawaxen River— meeting are open to the public and will be held at the Wallenpaupack Creek—Ariel Creek), within the drainage West Trenton Volunteer Fire Company Ballroom, 40 West area of the section of the nontidal Delaware River known Upper Ferry Road, West Trenton, NJ. as the Upper Delaware, which the Commission has Public hearing. The public hearing on May 16, 2018, classified as Special Protection Waters, in Salem Town- will begin at 1:30 p.m. Hearing items subject to the ship, Wayne County, PA. Commission’s review will include draft dockets for with- 3. Northeast Land Company, D-1989-010 CP-4. An drawals, discharges and other water-related projects, as application to renew the approval of a groundwater well as resolutions to: (a) adopt the Commission’s annual withdrawal (GWD) project to continue to supply up to Current Expense and Capital Budgets for the Fiscal Year 4.81 million gallons per month (mgm) of water from ending June 30, 2019 (July 1, 2018, through June 30, existing Wells Nos. 1 and 2 for use in the applicant’s 2019); (b) apportion among the signatory parties the public water supply system. The wells are completed in amounts required for the support of the Current Expense the Catskill Formation in the Tunkhannock Creek Water- and Capital Budgets for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, shed, within the drainage area of the section of the 2019 (July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019); (c) clarify and nontidal Delaware River known as the Lower Delaware, restate the Commission’s policy for the replacement of which the Commission has classified as Special Protection water consumptively used by electric generating or Waters, in Kidder Township, Carbon County, PA. cogenerating facilities during critical hydrologic condi- 4. Whitemarsh Township Authority, D-1993-037 CP-5. tions; and (d) authorize the Executive Director to enter An application to renew the approval of the existing 2.0 into a contract for professional engineering services for mgd Whitemarsh Wastewater Pollution Control Center technical evaluations and cost estimations for upgrades of (WPCC) and its discharge. The WPCC will continue to wastewater treatment plants discharging to the Delaware discharge treated effluent to the Schuylkill River at River River Estuary. Mile 92.47—18.7 (Delaware River—Schuylkill River), in Written comments on matters scheduled for hearing on Whitemarsh Township, Montgomery County, PA. May 16, 2018, will be accepted through 5 p.m. on May 21, 5. Commonwealth National Golf Club, D-1996-027-3. 2018. Time permitting, an opportunity for open public An application to renew the approval of an existing comment will be provided upon the conclusion of Commis- groundwater and surface water withdrawal (SWWD) of sion business at the June 13, 2018, business meeting. up to 5.17 mgm to irrigate the applicant’s golf course from The public is advised to check the Commission’s web existing Well No. CW-2 and an existing intake on a pond site periodically prior to the hearing date, as items which is located on an unnamed tributary (UNT) of Park scheduled for hearing may be postponed if additional time Creek. Well No. CW-2 is completed in the Stockton is deemed necessary to complete the Commission’s review, Formation. The requested allocation is not an increase and items may be added up to 10 days prior to the from the previous allocation. The project is located in the hearing date. In reviewing docket descriptions, the public Commission’s designated Southeastern Pennsylvania is also asked to be aware that project details commonly Ground Water Protected Area (GWPA) in the Park Creek change in the course of the Commission’s review, which is Watershed in Horsham Township, Montgomery County, ongoing. PA. 1. Global Advanced Metals USA, Inc., D-1970-072-6. 6. Horsham Water and Sewer Authority, D-1997-016 An application to modify the approval of the applicant’s CP-4. An application to renew the approval of an existing existing 0.222 million gallons per day (mgd) industrial GWD of up to 86.139 mgm to supply the applicant’s wastewater treatment plant (IWTP) and its discharge of public water supply distribution system from 15 existing treated industrial process water, noncontact cooling wa- wells. The project wells are completed in the Stockton ter, lagoon underdrain water, steam condensate and Formation. The requested allocation is not an increase reverse osmosis reject water. The requested modification from the previous allocation. The wells are located in the is to the previously approved total dissolved solids (TDS) Commission’s designated GWPA in the Pennypack Creek, determination, and consists of a decrease in the average Park Creek and Little Neshaminy Creek watersheds in monthly TDS effluent limit for Outfall No. 001 from 9,620 Horsham Township, Montgomery County, PA. milligrams per liter (mg/l) to 9,270 mg/l and an increase 7. Macoby Run Golf Course, Inc., D-1998-007-3. An in the average monthly TDS effluent limit for Outfall No. application to renew the approval of an existing GWD of 002 from 750 mg/l to 1,500 mg/l. The resultant overall up to 3.875 mgm to irrigate the applicant’s golf course allowable average monthly TDS load from the combined from existing Well No. PW-1. Well No. PW-1 is completed outfalls will be reduced from 14,590 pounds per day in the Brunswick Formation. The requested allocation is (lbs/day) to 14,521 lbs/day. No modifications to the IWTP not an increase from the previous allocation. The project facilities are proposed. Treated effluent will continue to is located in the Commission’s designated GWPA in the discharge to Swamp Creek at River Mile 92.47—32.3— Macoby Creek Watershed in Marlborough Township, 12.9—12.6 (Delaware River—Schuylkill River—Perkio- Montgomery County, PA. PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 48, NO. 18, MAY 5, 2018 NOTICES 2659 8. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corporation, D-1998-014-3. 15. Bear Creek Mountain Resort and Conference Center, An application to renew the approval of an existing GWD D-2005-016-3. An application to renew the approval of the of up to 46.5 mgm to supply the applicant’s groundwater existing Bear Creek Mountain Resort and Conference remediation and industrial operations from 12 existing Center WWTP, its discharge to land by spray application, wells. The project wells are completed in the Brunswick and reuse for snowmaking. The WWTP will continue to and Lockatong formations. The requested allocation is not discharge treated effluent at a maximum daily rate of an increase from the previous allocation. The project is 0.035 mgd to land adjacent to Swabia Creek in the located in the Commission’s designated GWPA in the Lehigh River Watershed, within the drainage area of the Skippack and Wissahichkon Creek watersheds in Upper section of the nontidal Delaware River known as the Gwynedd Township, Montgomery County, PA. Lower Delaware, which the Commission has classified as Special Protection Waters, in Longswamp Township, 9. Honey Brook Golf Club, D-1998-028-3. An applica- Berks County, PA. tion to renew the approval of an existing GWD and SWWD of up to 10.37 mgm from existing Well No. PW1 16. Coolbaugh Township, D-2006-023 CP-5. An applica- and existing intakes in Pond No. 3 (main irrigation pond) tion to renew the approval of the applicant’s existing and Pond No. 5 for golf course irrigation. The well is 0.052 mgd WWTP and its discharge. The WWTP will completed in felsic and intermediate gneiss in the West continue to discharge treated effluent to Tobyhanna Branch Brandywine Creek Watershed in Honey Brook Creek at River Mile 183.66—83.5—22.3 (Delaware Township, Chester County, PA. River—Lehigh River—Tobyhanna Creek), within the drainage area of the section of the nontidal Delaware 10. Pennsylvania American Water Company, D-1999- River known as the Lower Delaware, which the Commis- 029 CP-3. An application to renew the approval of the sion has classified as Special Protection Waters, in existing 1.25 mgd Pocono Country Place WWTP and its Coolbaugh Township, Monroe County, PA. discharge. The WWTP will continue to discharge treated effluent to Dresser Run at River Mile 183.7—84.1—24.5— 17. East Brandywine Township Municipal Authority, 1.7—0.5 (Delaware River—Lehigh River—Tobyhanna D-2007-043 CP-3. An application to renew the approval to Creek—East Branch Tobyhanna Creek—Dresser Run), construct the new 0.0554 mgd Hillendale WWTP and its within the drainage area of the section of the nontidal discharge to land. The WWTP will utilize a Sequencing Delaware River known as the Lower Delaware, which the Batch Reactor treatment process with ultraviolet (UV) Commission has classified as Special Protection Waters, disinfection, and will discharge treated effluent to land by in Coolbaugh Township, Monroe County, PA. four drip irrigation fields to be located in the Brandywine-Christina River Watershed in East 11.