THE NINTH CENSUS. the United Statos. In several Instances tho RAILROAD LINES. RAILROAD LINE8. MIPPINQ. AOOTION SALES. courts liavo derided that persons do not lose CENTRAL RAILROAD. RAILPOAD. -- LINK t " GREAT TRUNK POOL AND THOMAS A SONS, NOS. 1S AND 141 Dlniciililr In the Way ol he New Onnn-T- hn READING nsrl-vanl- a, o, MVKR l their right of voting when thus stationed, if to tho Interior of Pen M 8. FOURTH STRKKT. Tritc-llcn- of I lip AFTER S I M. SUNDAY, TW9. l:ilit t'ouitlt minimi AininiU otherwise qualified. NOVEMBER 14. tho Schnylklll, Cumberland, i Mamer ar appointed to tull M fol- - memu Tlio Mertlve Frnnrlilne In th 'J he wains of the Pennsylvania Central Rullrond and Wyoming valleys, tuo Sale at the A option Ronma, 139 111 3. the North, Northwest, and k D'f"-TuoodKr- , Koi and fourth THIRTY-FIRS- T " 'T"-'- 1 No officer, soldier, or marine in tho regular leave the Depot, at and MARKET Canadas. i i'J;' Nor. 30, at P. M Tho on tho Ninth Consul, ,irnM"1''- - Nntunlny. Streets, which Is reached directly by WINTER ARRANGEMENT Clilyof JJ00. 4, i P. M. STTKmnTfl lllitTRPltm army or navy of tho United Slates allowed to the Market Farm, Hnturday, H, at l" noon. MIKHOR8, tiuun ia considering at tho outset tho question of nt.reet cars, the last car coiitioc.t.ino- with t.min (if Passenger NovemW--r , Ir. HaNDSOnK BRU8SSL8. vote Missouri. wh Trains, 18W. a ii II 111 II ii II A U I IV "I u eWxvm leaving rout and Market streets thirty !o-fo- rc Leaving the Company rcpreHcntation and population, discovered t mlnuto depot at TIHrteenm and fin ri,nrui.. r Morning, On Account Port rty, Idiocy, or 1nun nily. Its departure. Tho Cbesnut and struct Callowhlll streets, Philadelphia, I'eC. S, at fl o clonic, mif-tin- of one Walnut nt tho following at ilia r,.ma that tho amendments to tho Constitution cars run within square of the Depot. MORNING ACCOMMODATION. a large aaaortment unricrfor Alm.com-pritii- v. hours: A I KM 1 1 IT honwhols fnmitare, Those ho are insane Alabama, Arkansas, WeepliiR-ea- r tickets ran lio on A.M. for It PANSAnV walnut parlor' l had application at At Reading and all intermediate AUUINU furnllnre. o.nere witli plush, reps, greatly multiplied of BlTnTT? fA7f KAMKB KVKIHT iATTTHOAT. ; fnrnl-tnrr- tho difficulties Rcoiiriiig California. Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, the Ticket Otlleo, N. W. corner Niutn aud Chesnut Itatlons, and Allentown. Returning, leaves Read- " and linir cloth Itlirary, dining room, anil clianibnr . bnsia which Streets, and at the repot, ing at P. M. : arrive in Philadelphia P.M. iAWbV neood 7 oolatfn piuno forte, made by IaTi. Hat-le- t a perfect upon to regulato tho Kansas, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, at t.;8T 11 lo. ; plato iiiirroin, wanlnbea, bookrasee, Atrentsof the L'nlon Transfer Company will call MORNING EXPRESS. loljondon lid To lxndoo.. ""'.V.V.V moVlioanla, oxtonmon, number of representatives in lower houso Ohio, Oreuon, Khodo. Island, and . bapgHRo A. To Paris Hfi To 2i cent re, ami bonipiot tables, lounges, tho for and deliver at tlio depot. Orders lort at At fl'18 M. for Rending, libation, IlnrrMbnrg, I'ari. nrmclinira, bat anil umbrella atanila, etageres, SK)1 Chcmuit, FABSAHIC I.T TBK TUISDAX iTKAMKB, VTA HALIFAX,' line hair of Congress. Another feature in the ques- Those who are idiotic Alabama, Arkansas, No. Street, or No. 116 Market atrnitt. will pottsvllle, Plnegrove, TamiKpia, Sunbnry, Wtlllams-por- t, niattresaos, feather beda. bolal-.r- a and pillows, ohina and receive attention. Rochester. glnrmnare. rtbee furniture, gna eonsnming California, Delaware, Georgia, Iowa, Nevada, Flmlra. Niagara Fails, Buffalo, Pavitlila InlluM s anil oookinr tion was tho conflicting clausos of tho btalo TKAIN8 I.EATB KrOT, VIZ. : Wllkesbiirre, Plttston, York, Carlisle, Cnauibersburg, TjWrrpool., ,.,...., $"0 LWertjool... sloven, csimint mnWer-- bench, ctaandelinni, aewlng ma- New Jersey, Ohio, aud Oregon. Wall Train 800 A. M HagcrHtown, etc. ...! chines, bsnilaoniA velret, Kniwole, anil olhor carnots. etc. constitutions. In view of these facts General .1(1-3- nuiiantai ... A ino, superior loublu-barre- l gun. Those lion compos mentis, or of unsound I'aoll Aceoniniodiit'n. A. M., and Bf0 1'. M. The A.M. train connects St. John'iiN'.K'..' .ia at READING with VU Aldo. line violin. Erin Express u-n- liy Urnnch Ktemer....( hv llranr-- HlmmM f Garfield during tho past summer spent much mind Florida, Kansas, Minnesota, Khodo Fnst Mac and a. M. East trains for Allentown, Also, elegant rosewood 7 octave piano forte, b llurriHlmrg Accommodation p. A. M. Paflftnni'nrfl forwarded La Uarre, llAmbarg, Brernon, made Virginia, aud M. etc., and tho train connects with tho etc. at redtiood ratee. George, titeek Co. time in compiling a digest containing tho Island, South Carolina, West Accommodation 1 M. Valley for Aim, a number of line oil palnliligs, hanrlsomolr Lancaster Lebntion train Harrlsburg, etc.; aud I ii krti can be bousht here at moderate rataa L nM framed. provisions of the national and State constitu- Wisconsin. I'ltrkeHl'iirff Train j. m. PORT CLINTON with Catawlssa Railroad trains for aona wiihing tonrnd for tbeir fnenda, niwi lino inuiiarj nnuiue anil eiuipmenta. 11 Hi) 'Jt Thoso under guardianship Florida, Cincinnati Express sm jvt. WlllianiHport, I,ock Haven, Eltnlra, etc. ; at HA I or fllrl hr infnrmAt infl atnlv nt H A nomnanwa Om.. and laws relating to tho right of suf- JOHN G. No. IS fUNTINO, DURBOROW CO., AUCTION- - tions Kile Mall and Pittsburg Express. 9 45 P. M. with Northern Central, Cumberland Val- UALK, Airnnt. IIKOAUWAV, N. If 23Q Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, 1,1, F.FTRH, Nos. and itl4 MARK K.T Rtroet, Accommodation jjj-ii ,. jvt. Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna Nor- una U'UU.MXK A Airnnla. j eornw of frage. Having completod his work, ho sub- ley, and trains for No. OHKHNUT PhilaJnlpUla. ' Khode Island, and Wisconsin. Tactile Express la-o- night, thumberland, Willlauisport, York, Chambersburg, 42 8treet. mitted tho proofs of that portion roluting to Those who aro under guardianship as a Erie Mall leaves dally, except Sunday, running on Pluegrovc, etc. LARUE BALF OF BTtlTIPH. FRFNOIT. ORRH1H. Saturday night to Wllllatnsport only. AFTERNOON EXPRESS, VCSP"- - ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE AND HOMKtSTIO OKY OOODd. the States to thoir respective Governors for lunatic, or as a person noil wnqios mentis On Sunday On M...; Light piwuengers will leave Philadelphia at 8 o'clock leaves Philadelphia at 1'. M. for Rending, Thn,l. I'lIK tOTiKim, TRANS VTr.ANTTO Deo. i, at 10 o'clock, on four months' 11 26 revision and correction. From all except two Maryland. Paclllc Express leaves dally. Cincinnati Express Pottsvllle, Harrlsburg, etc., connecting with Read-lu- g Z?Txl credit. 6t Delaware, Maino, daily, except baturday. PVVV MAIL bl KA.MSIlll'S La received replies. A resume of this very Those who aro paupers All other trains dally, ex- and Colombia Railroad trains for Columbia, etc. J i', VS.i KW VORK AND UAVKK, (JALLINU AT IMPORTANT SALE OlnnA HPETINQS, OIL OBOTOS; Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, cept Sunday. POTTSTOWN ACCOMMODATION. interesting document presents the folio wing: The Western Accommodation Train rnns dally, Leaves Pottstown at A. M., stopping at Inter- j lift iinlrnnlrl hav tamaIh ad thd fn ik . ,"n '""Ay Morning, Virginia. Continent will lSu. fnt - JleC. .... O Clock. On foil .1 A Khodo Island, and West except Sunday. For this train tickets must bo pro- mediate stations; arrives in I hiladelphia at A. tail from Tier b. iVortta rirer. Tar- hinnllialMuulU ttm HUMMABY OF uaivvuy pieces ingrain, Venetian, list, h.mn CLASHFS, Persons supported in an almshouse or asy- cured and baggage delivered by B P. M., No. 118 M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia P. M. : nr,is at at petiugs, oil cloths, rugs, eto. n 37 14 Of male citizens of tho United States being lum South Carolina. Market street. arrives in Pottstown nt P. M. PRIOR OF PAS3AOH TKAIN8 ARRIVK AT DEPOT, VIZ. ! READING AND POTTS ILI.K ACCOMMODATION. In gold (Inclntlinp wmo), LARGE SALK OK FRKNOII AND twenty-on- o not Taking Certain. Oaths OTHER EIIRO. years of ago, whose right to On Account of Clnctr.natt Express A. M. Leaves Pottsvllle at A. M. and Heading at. TO BKKST OR IIAVRR. I'KaN DKY GOODS. 14(i Morning. vote at, any election for tho choice of elec- Those not bikini? tho oath of freemen Philadelphia Express. A. M. A. M., stopping at nil way stations ; arrives In Phila- iirst Cabin Second Oabln .....tS On Momlar lu-v- TO PAKIS, Doc. 6, ntt') o'clock, on four months' Vice-Preside- nt Mall at, A. M. credit. tors for President and of Connecticut and Vermont. Erie 630 A. M. delphia (Inclndlnx rallwaj ticketa, furnlahod on board.) UH allo-gian- Paoll Accommodation, 820 A. M., es tho United States, Representatives in Con- Thoso not taking oaths of loyalty and and P. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at P.M.; rirat Cahin (Second Oabln $J SALK Ol' StOO CASKS HOOTS, SHOES. BROQANS. 1'arkeRUurg Train A. M. In Reading at 7'40 P. M., aud at Pottsvllle at 1 uoro atuumora do not carry atoorae paaseoijara. KI'O., gress, tho executive and judicial officers of prescribed in tho Constitution Fast Line 940 A. M. P. M. ftledicalattenrlancefreeofcbarKO. On Tuesday Mornlns. a Stato, or tho members of tho Legislature Florida and Missouri. Lancaster ! ram 12-5- p. m. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrlsburg at A. iT.en.cliPtraTell"?ninttnrf'ituraln from the cot Dec. , at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. 13 I6t Erie Express ..12 .',. P. M. M., Pottsvllle at 9 A. M., arriving In Philadelphia KuroP?- - hy taltinu the ateanicre of tbia liuoTOi thereof, is denied, or in any way abridged, Voting. and ,tkt ,mm by railways CO., Other Classen IJisqutilificf from southern Express OO P. M 1 P. M. Afternoon leave Harrlsburg SSntfJ?",l, transit Knrbsh anf BARRITT ,t AUCTIONEERS. ...T at trains at the channel, beaidra sarinir time, trouble, CASH AUCTION except for participation in rebellion or Klniira . Phila-delph- ia f""m andsx HOIISR. Mini Thoso who have not been Lock Haven and Express... ..I110 P. M. P. M., and Pottsvllle at 815 P. M., arriving at feru . citizens ten days UKORMK MAOKKZIIC. Agent, ii-- .ni iiiA i CTfarnei,, oiinjur oi nana Paclllc Express. P. M. - RH in.r. street. other crime, and not including tho States before election New York, ...4'ifi P. M. at t,- . No. BROADWAY. New York. Cush advanced on oonsigmnonts without extra oharga. Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia. Harrlsburg Accommodation ...9-5- P. M, Harrlsburg Accommodation leaves Reading at !Tf" ,n 1 "ladelpula, apply at Adams' Kxure of Those disqualified as electors in Statos from information, apply M. 4 10 M. Company, II f. I.KAIf. For further to A. and Harrlsburg at P. Connecting V FURS! FLIHS! FTTRH' On Account of Jlnre or Color, whence they camo Arkansas. JOHN F. VANLKER, Jb., Ticket Agent, at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south No. B30 OHKHNITT Street NINTH TRADE SALE OF A MERIUAN AND 1M. indirectly of No. 901 CHI-'.SNU- Street. at P. M., arriving In Philadelphia at P. M. roit l KI) H I(S, Uubcs, Afghans, eto,, comprising luoo Colored persons, described by Showing tho progress American ideas in FRANCIS FUNK, Agent, with a passengercar r C5. lots, by catalogue. Ticket Market train, attached, leaves CHARLESTON. " R. 1 On 1 luirsday Morning;, using tho word "white"' in tho definition of constitutional law, it is a singular fact that No. 116 MARKET at 12 30, noon, way nf Street. Philadelphia for Pottsvllle and all TUE Dec. 2d, commencing at 10 o clock. 11 27 4t voters California. Connecticut, Delaware, tho averngo ago of fho present American con- SAMUEL II. WALLACE, stations; leaves Pottsvllle at A. M., connecting 'j. SOUTH, SOUTHWEST. Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mary- is not moro Ticket Agent at the Depot. at Rending with accommodation train for Philadel- AND FLORIDA BIRCH SON. AUCTIONEERS Illinois. stitutions, national included, than The Pennsylvania Railroad Company as- way PORTS. TnOMAS Now will not phia and all stations. MERCHANTS, No. Hit land, , Missouri, Nevada, Jer- sixteen years. sume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Ap- All the above trains run dally, Sundavs excepted. TIIE STEAMSHIP J. W. EVEKMAN, OUKbNUT Street, rsarentranoe No. 11U7 bansom (txe4. limit responsibility sey, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and West 'Iho election laws of all tho States pre- parel, and their to One Hundred Sunday trains leave Pottsvllle at 8 A. M., and CAPTAIN HINOKLKY. 11111 Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding P. M. Leave loave 17, below RlAt Ki ekaannt Virginia. scribe forms of oaths to bo taken whore tho that amount Philadelphia at Philadelphia for Will Pier Spruce stroot, on THURSDAY, M:W AND SKCONl HANI) HOUSEHOLD FURNI- - In will be at the risk of owner, A. M, ; Piano-fortes- Negroes and mnluttoes expressly excluded riyht of a person to vote is challenged. In value the unless taken Reading at 3 returning from Reading at December !i, at 4 1: at. 1 URK, lbmewtMid , Large Mirrors, Elegant oy epeciui cuuuacu ' M Com'ortablo accnmmodntlom for passengers. Large Ouk liookcaso, l ine Curpots, Parlor and Chaiuboc above-mentione- d re- EDWARD n. CHESTER VALLEY Indiana and Oregon. the States on oath is WILLIAMS. RAILROAD. Through Passage Ticketa Bills buitu, oto, 4 29 General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate and of Lading issued in On Friday Morning, Chinamen expressly excluded Oregon. quired as an indispensable preliminary at first connection with the South Carolina 9 1110 points take the rao a. m., 12-3- and P. M. trains Railroad to all points At o'clock, at the Auction Store. Nn. Cthaannt, On Account Residence. voting. booth and ana Willi (steamers to Florida ports. street, will be sold, by cataloguo, a large aasortment of of FOR NEW YORK THE CAMDEK from piuiadeipnia. iteturumg rrom Downingtown dining-roo- 1C AO OXM'.-UAU- ? elegant parlor, chamber, and Aruhoy A. 12-4- and P. M. Insurance by this uno PKR CENT, furniture. Persons residing on lands ceded by the lOUJi and ami Philadelphia and Tren- at JL. line large anil eicant naa nont-cos- oost Itt.N). Dover, N. 11., disposed of two bears aud two ton Railroad Companies' lines from Philadelphia to PERKIOMEN RAILROAD. (ioods forwarded fieo of commission. 1 l.K.liANT PIAWOEOIITK8. One anlen.lM nl.nn. State to the United States Massachusetts (by wolves the other day at a rallle. New York and Way Places. Passengers for Schwenksvllle take A. M., 12-3- Rills of lading furnished and signed at the OfHoe. forte, made by Hteinway 4 Hons : two mads In 11 L, A Urn.; by judicial decision and not by the express terms 8011. 111., FKOM WALNUT STREET WnARF. nnd 4110 P.M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Bur freight or passagolapply to one by Haines ono Uullott 4 Davis; one by Peter Iiulllc it of Whitehall, have orovenatein a jo. ; one ny vogt. of the Constitution), Khodo Island. leaving liabilities amounting to At A. M., via Camden and Amboy Accord. ..2-2- Schwenksvllle at and A.M. aud M. Stage K. A. SOUDER A CO., u 2t absconded, At 8 A. M., via Cam. Jersey City punas In State less than three years, being a and Ex. Mall., mien lor nie various in I'ersiomeu valley con DOCK STRKKT WHARF. MrCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER, At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy Express. . . . nect with trains at Cotlegevllle nnd Schwenksvllle. - No. tho p. Tho Steamship PROMETHEUS will follow THURS- TA. CHKSNUT Street. colored citizen and freeholder to value of Citizens of New Oilcans intend to press At 6 m., for Amboy and intermediate stations. COLEBROOKDALE RAILROAD. ! rnssengers UAY, Decemlier 2335 llouftehold rurmt ore anil Morchandisn nt vnrv Hammm. $2"0 New York. strongly upon Congress the advisability of At and 8 A. M. and 2 P. M., for Freehold. for ML Pleusaiitand Intermediate points tion receivod for consignment. At 8 A. M. 2 less two years establishing a navy-yar- d at that city. They say nnd P. M., for Long Branch and laKeiiiei'mr.iii. irain irom returning FIIILADELPIIIA, RICHMOND, I oraonul attention given to sales at dwollings. 11 24 1 In State than Kentucky. points on R. and D. B. R. 11. from Mt. Pleasant ut, and 11 A. M. that there is a larie area of property already to T r"Jin nUKMII.K. M'ttAMSUIP I.1N R, ATTRACTIVE In State less than one year Connecticut, At 8 and 10 A. M., 12 M., 2, and V. M., for NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURG AND rKP.iuiir L.1W11 TO SALE by .Lstu.u-- - iiiouiiii aik Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Mary- owned tho Government, and extensive and Trenton. THE WEST. - - nil', niiuill n itll VT r,Oi, OF wharves, buildings, hospitals, and At fl, and 10 A. M., 12 M., 2, 6, T, and Leaves New York at 9 A. M. and 8 and 8 P. M., H.V r.KY ISA I I.IKDAY. FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY. land, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, At noon, froni FIRST WHARF above MARKE1 THII'I.R plats; workshops', which can be cheaply adapted to tho P. M. for Bordentown, Burlington, passing Reading at A. M. and and 10 05 P. SILVKR-WAKK- , New York, Ohio, Pennsylva- Florence, Direct. ETO. North Carolina, Ubc of a naval station, and which have been lor Beverly, and Delanc.o. M., and connecting at Harrlsburg with Pennsylva- THROUGH RATES to all points in North and Sonttt 'On Thursday, Deo. 2, at Ulty A. M. nia (if previously a resident of the State a years of no sort of utility At 6 M and 10 A. M,, 12 M., 4 30, 8, T, and nia ami Northern Central Railroad Express trains Carolina, via Seaboard Air Line Railroad, oon nooting at Embracod in above will be found Dauor suits of walnut.' P. M.. for Edgewuter, Riverside, Riverton, Palmyra, for Pittsburg, Chicago, Willlauisport, Klmlra, Balti- Portsmouth and to Va., Tonnossee. and th liniHlirii in oil and covered with pluhii, fr p, terry, and tiair-clol- h man may regain residence as a voter in six ; and Fish Rouse, 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. for Riverton. more, etc. W eft, via irt'inia and iennoseee Air Line and Richmond hanilsoiue walnut chiimber suits, in oil and var- months after his return), Khodo Island, South RAILROAD 11 30 Express aUH lULIIIIHIU, nish, and of the lutest designs; etageres, sideboards, mir LINES. The P. M. Lne leaves Market Street Ferry, Returning train leaves Ilarrlsbnrg on ar- Freight rors, mattreeaeH, wardrtbes, bookoaaes, the) Carolina. Vermont, West Virginia, and Wis (upper side). rival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburg at HANDLKD butomuk, and taken at LOWES and in ail PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. T I H5 RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINK. latest styles: bedateads, bureaus, washatanda, marble-t- "VORTII FU0M KKN8TNGT0N DEPOT. and A. M., 1220 1:0011, anil 11110 P.M., '1 ho regularity, aatnty. and cheapness or this ronta anm tablea, towel racks, Spanish chaira, rockers in haii-clot- consin. SHORT MIDDLE TO L EI 1(111 AN U sitle-arui- , 1 ROUTE THE At A. M., 2 30,3-3- and 8 P.M. for Trenton passing iteooing at 4;;o, and UTiiO A. M., 21m meuii it to the publio as the most dosirable medium oane Boat, and rocking chuira; walnut stands. less six WYOMING PENNSYLVA- 10-4- In State than months Alabama, VALLEYS, NORTHERN and Bristol, and A. II. and 6 P. M for Bristol. and P. M., arriving at New York at 0110 and carrying; every description of freight. wliat, nota, dining chairs of walnut and oak, extension Arkansas, California, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, NIA, SOUTHERN AND INTERIOR NEW YORK, At 0 A. M., 2 30 and e P. M. for Morrlsvllle and 10-1- A. M., 12-0- noon, H5 and P. M. Sleeping No charge for commission, drayago, or any expense dining tallies of walnut and oak, cottage suits, eto. eto. 151 ROCHESTER, NIAGARA FALLS, THIS accompany transfer. AIo, an asHortmeut of liuo triplo plate silver-war- toi Nevada (six months of not of Tullytown, cars these trains through between Jer- insurer, close invoices. Kansas, actual, GREAT LAKES, AND THE DOMINION Otf 10-4- at we lowest ratee. It New At and A. M., and 8, and 6 P. M. for sey City and Pittsburg without change. Freight received daily. constructive, residence), Hampshire, CANADA. Schenck's and Eildington. A Mail train for New York leaves namsburg at WILLIAM P. OLTDK ft CO., D. McCLEES & CO., AUCTIONEERS, WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 10-4- 1 and Oregon. At and A. M.. 4, 8, and 6 P. M., for 810 A. M. and 8 to P. M. Mail train for Harrlsburg No. 12 8. WHARVES and Pior N. WUAKVE8. C. No. 508 MARKET btrect. In State less than four months Minne- Takes eirect November 22, ls9. Cornwell's, Torrcsdale, llolmesburg, Tacony, leaves New York nt 12 M. W. P. PORTER, Agunt at Richmond and City Point. Fourteen dally trains leave Passenger D.;pot, corner Bridesburg, and Frankford, and at SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. T. P. C R O W K L L A CO.. Agonts at Norfolk. tf 15 LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE RAT.K ' OF BOOTS. sota. DKRKS and AMERICAN Streets, (Sundays ex llolmesburg 11110 (SHOES AND BROOANS. P. M. lor aud Intermediate stations. Trains leave Pottsvllle at and A. M., and LORILLAKD'8 STEAMSHIP On Thursday Morning, In State less than threo months Maine cepted), as follows: JKOM WEST PHILADELPHIA DEPOT. 660 P. M., returning from Tamauua at 835 A. M., At soil A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, LINE FOR line. 2. at 10 o'clock, including a large Una of ladies'. and Michigan. Via Connecting Railway. and 215 and P. M. niiwea', nnd children's city-mad- gonils. Maueh Chunk, Ha.leton, Wllliarusport, Wllkesbarre, At 7, 11 40 six and A. M., 4, and 12 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SVSQCEUANNA RAILROAD. WfJP?ya IS . u. sale every Monday ana 1 nursuay. li 39 36 i In countj' less than months Florida Mahanoy City, Plttston, Towanda, Waverley, and tu New York Express Lines, via Jersey City. Fare, Trains leave Auburn at A. M. and 333 P. M. NEW YORK. find Tennessee. connection with the ERIE RAILWAY for Buirulo, for Pluegrove and Harrlsbiirg, and at noon for Sailing on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, LlPPINCOTT. BON & CO., AUCTIONEERS, In county less than five months New NlHgara Falls, Rochester. Cleveland, Chicago, San At 11 30 P. M., Emigrant Lino. Fare, 13. Pincgrove, Treniont, and Brookside, returning from REDUOTION OF RATES. Street. FrunclHco, and all points In the Great West. At 7, aud 11 A. M., 1140, 4, 6 45, and 12 P. M., HurrlBburg at 730 aud 1160 A. M. and P. M., Freight by this line taken at 13 cents per 100 pounds. Jersey. At A, M. (Express) Bethlehem, Easton, 1 por LARGE SPECIAL TRADE HALE OF PARIS HOLI- for for Trenton. from Brookside at 4 00 P. M., and from Treinout at cents per foot, or cent gallon, ship's option. Ad, DAY GOODS. In oounty loss than four months New Allentown, Maueh Chunk, Wilkesharre, Plttston, At 7, and 11 A. M., 4, and 12 P. for A. M. and 615 P. M. vance charges cashed at offloe on Pier. Freight Scrunton, and points on, via Lehigh Valley Railroad, at, received On Thursday Morning, York. BristoL TICKETS. at all times on covered wbarL Dec. 2, at 10 o'clock. fll 2fl it New Jersey central and Morris and Essex Railroads. At 12 P. M. (Night), for Morrlsvllle, Tullvtcwn, Through first class emigrant to In county less than three months Ala- M. tickets and tickets JOHN F. OHL, At P. (Express) for licthlchem, Easton, Schenck's, Eddington, Cornwell's, Torr'esaale. all the principal points In 19 BROTIIER8, AUCTIONEERS Maueh the North aud West and 88 Pior North Wharvea. MARTIN bama. Chunk, Wllkesbarre, Plttston, Scranton, and Uolmesburg, Tacony, Wlsslnoming, Bridesburg, and Canadas. on small packages Ralnsraen for M. Thomas ft Sons.) B. N. Extra rates iron, metal, eto. No. Ban OHESNUT Street, rear entrance from Miner. In coanty less than sixty days Iowa and llazleton.. Frankford. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading Atfi-ooP- M. for Bethlehem. Easton. Allentown. The A. M., and 12 P. M. Lines will run and Intermediate stations, good for one day only, NOTICE FOR NEW YORK, VIA South Carolina. and Maueh Chunk. daily. All Sundays excepted. by others, and sold Morning Accommodation Market Train, ''i rj nKLAWAHR AND RARITAN CANAL PLATE CLASS. In county less than thirty days Georgia, For Doyiestown at A. M., ami P. JL BELV1DERK DELAWARE RAiLHOAD LINES. Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains, at KXI'KKSS KTEA.MHOAT company. North Carolina, Ohio, and West Virginia. For Fort Washington at aud 10-4- A. M.. and FKOM KENSINGTON DKPOU reduced rates. iiu, iitlKAPEST AND OUIOKKNT water couiniuuica. 11 no P. M. At A. M. for Niagara Falls, Buiralo, Dunkirk, Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good inn between I'uiluueiiiuia ami new l org. ROUGH PLATE GLASS FOR FLOORS, In parish less than ten days Louisiana. is, 8. fornnn leave uaiiy troin nnit wnarr Dolnw For Abington at 11 and P. M. Elnilra, lthuca, Owego, Rochester, Binghamton, Os- day only, are sold at Reading and sta- Steiimers Market county or less six months Lansdalc 6120 P. M. wego, intermediate street, Pbiladolphia, and toot ol Wall street, Now York. In district than For at Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wllkesbarre, tions by Reading and Pottstown Accommodation (inoda forwurdi-- by all the lines running out of Now 1 INOn THICK. Marvin-m- i Nevada. Fifth and Sixth Streets. Second and Third Streets. Scrunton, btroudsburg, Water Gap, Schooley's Moun- at West, of coiiiuiiMaion. nri new Trains, reduced rates. Y'nrk, North, East, and free and Union City Passenger Railways run to the tain, etc. The following tickets aro obtainable only at the l roiuht rucoivHii ana lorwnrneu on accoininenAtlna ROUGH PLATE GLASS FOB SKYLIGHTS, H AND In county or district less than thirty days . Depot. At A. M. and P. M. for Belvidere, Easton, Oillce of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 S. Fourth tei-Ul- WILLIAM l Ul.yUK A OO., Aguntu, y, INUUTlliUK. 1 iN 1 Y n von no, California. K A I o A UK fj liN i'illLiALIKL.t'lll.'t. Lambertville, Flemlngton, etc. Tho P. M. Line street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicolls, KO. no. UALAnAur, riuiaiiuipiua. RIBBED FOH Bethlehem 9 A. M., and P.M. General JAMES HAND. Agent, GLASS CONSERVATORIES AND In county, city, or town less than one year From at 81, connects direct with the train leaving Easton for DuperiiiuMioem,, Jtcauiug. No. 119 3 W. From Doyiestown at A. M., 4 30 7 05 P. M. Chunk, 6 3 WALL Street. New York. GRAPKRIES, K and Kentucky. and Maueh Allentown, Bethlehem, etc COMMUTATION TICKETS At 25 percent, dis- FRENCH WHITE From Lansdale at 780 A. M. At 11 A. M. from West Philadelphia Depot 8 PLATE GLASS FOB STORES AND town less days and count, between any points desired, for families NEW EXPRESS LINE TO DWELLING8. In county, city, or than sixty From Fort Washington at 1035 A. M., aud P. M., from Kensington Depot, for Lambertville and and nrms. Alexandria, Georgetown, and Washington, D. P. M. FRENCH AND GERMAN LOOKING-GLAS- PLATES.' Missouri. Intermediate stattons. MILEAGE TICKETS. Good for 2000 be- (J.. via Cheiuineake and Deluware Canal, with From Abington at and P. M. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON miles, connections at Alexandria from the most direct route for FRENCH AND ENGLISH CRYSTAL SHEET GLA88, town or city less than six months COUNTY AND tween all points, at 852-5- each, for families In ON SUNDAYS. PEMBERTON AND UIUUTSTOWN RAIL- and lnchburg, Bristol, KnoxviUe, NashviUe, Datton, and the FRENCH AND ENGLISH WINDOW GLASS, SIN Rhode Island. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 30 A. M. firms. fcouthwest. ROADS. sjuasom or three, six. nine, or leave regularly every Saturday noon GLE AND DOUBLE. ward less days Philadelphia for Doyiestown at 2 P. M. FKOM MARKET STREET FERRY (UPPBn BIDE). tickets r bl earners at from In township or than thirty for holders only, to re- -, wlmif above Market streeL AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, ALL SIZES AND Doyiestown for Philadelphia at 700 A. M. 7 10 1, twelve months, all points, at tho iirst Kansas. At and A. M., 6, and P. M., for duced rates. t luiKUt receivea aaiiy. QUALITIES. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. Merchantvllle, Moorestown, Hartford, Masonvllle, residing WILLIAM P. CLYDE ft CO., township or ward less than ten days Bajwage CLERGYMEN en the line of the road 14 In Tickets sold and checked through at llaiuesport, Mount Holly, Smithvllle, Ewansvllle, be No. North and South wharvea. For sale by Michigan. Mann's North Pennsylvania Baggage Express Vlncentown, Birmingham, will furnished with cards entitling tUemaelves HYDE ft TYLER. Agonts. at Georgetown: M. and Peniberton. and wives to tickets at half fare. ft CO., Agents Alexandria. 61 months-Massachu- No. 108 S. Cooks-tow- n, F.LDRIDGE at In town or district less than six setts, Oillce, FIFTH Street. At 10 A. M., for Lewlstown, Wrlghtstown, EXCURSION TICKETS from Philadelphia to D. H. SHOEMAKER, 11 1 ti.ua cttAuu., Agent. New Egypt, and Hornerstown. principal stations, good for Saturday, Sunday, and NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK, VIA At 7 A. M., 1 and P. M., for Lewlstown, Monday, at reduced fares, to be had only Delaware and Raritan Canal, BWIKTSURK 205, 207, 209, and 214 N. FOURTH St., six Homers-tow- n, at the In town less than months Connecticut WILMINGTON, AND Wrlghtstown, Cookstown, New Egypt, Ofuce, at Thirteenth and Callowhlll TRANSPORTATION COMPANY bills. PHILADELPHIA, Highta-tow- Ticket streets. and New Hampshire. TIME TABLE. Trains Cream Ridge, Imlaystown, Sharon, and u. FREIGHT Uoods of all descriptions forwarded Patch and bwifthukk link. 11 19 fmwlm PHILADELPHIA. Depot WILLIAM U. UATZMER, Agent. Tho Viusinoss of these lines will bo resumed on and after In township, incorporated village or ward will leave corner Broad street and Washing- to all the above points from the Company's new tho 8th of March. For freights, which will be taken on less than twenty days Ohio. ton avenue as follows: freight depot, Broad and Willow streets. accommodating terms, apply to LOOKING GLASSES. ETO. Way Mall Train at A. M. (Sundays excepted), PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, AND MAILS close at the riiuadcipiua Post Office for all In district or precinct, where they reside, for Baltkuore, stopping at all regular stations. places on the road and Us branches at 8 A. M., and 8 2 No. 132 South Wharves. S.' less than sixty days, Kentucky; less than Connecting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington TIME TABLE, for the principal stations only at 216 P. M. E STABIifSHED 179 thirty days, Now York; less than ten days, for Crisiield and Intermediate stations. On and after MONDAY, Nov. 22, 1SC9. FREIGHT TRAINS leave Philadelphia dally at DRUGS, PAINTS, ETO. Express Train at 12 M. (Sundays excepted), for FOR GERMANTOWN. 435 A. M., 12 30 noon, 8 and 715 P. M., for Reading, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia , 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 Minnesota and Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Leave at A. M., Lebanon, Harrlsburg, Pottsvllle, Port Clinton, and & O A. ROBINSON, Havre-du-Urac- O. 8. On, - Perryvllle, aud e. Connects at Wi- 1, 6. Ki, 6, Cyt, 7, 8, 10, II, lit points beyond. OBERX BHOEMAKEll Account of Wanting Property Qmlifica- 23,, BLINQ-- lmington with train for New Castle. BAGGAGE. Dnngan's Express will collect bag- R FRENCH PLATE LOO O LASSES, Afoit-payme- ttt luxes, lions, orjor oj Train at P. M. (Sundays excepted), Leave Germantown t 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, gage for all trains leaving PhLadelphia Depot. 10-5- FOURTH RACE for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Cheater, 12 A. M., 1, 2, 3, 4X, 6. 6tf , C, 7, 8, 9, 10, Irlnra in n Iia I aft at Kn MAIlth VI lllP'P IT Ut.,.ut N. Corner and SU ENGRAVINGS, Those who have not paid all taxes which PPIT,ADKT.Pni A, Ttnirlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newport, 11 I'. M. or at the Depot, THIRTEENTH, and CALLOWUILL BEAUTIFUL CHROMOS, may have been required of them, and which North-Eas- t, 8 20 down S.v 6 Stanton, Newark, Elk tun, Charlestown, The train and and up trains will Streets. - they have had an opportunity of paying Perryvllle. Havre-de-Grac- e, Aberdeen, Perrymaa'a, not stop on the Ucrmuntown Branch. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. paintinqs,- within the preceding year Georgia, Edge wood, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. ON SUNDAYS. "WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA A. 2, 7, RAILROAD. Importers and Manofactorera of Manufacturer of all kinds of poll-ta- Night Express at P. M. (daily), for Baltimore Leave Philadelphia at 915 M., and lov who have not paid a as law from New TniRTY-FIRS- T Those aud vsashington. stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Lin- P.M. Leave Philadelphia Depot, CI1ESNUT 745 A. M., M., LOOKING-GLAS- S, may require Nevada. wood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elk ton, Leave Germantown at A. M., 1, 3, 0, and 9 v aud Streets. 1100 A. "White Lead and Colored Palnti, Putty' Uavre-de-Orac- e, P. M., 413 P. M., 4 40 P. M., 615 1130 P. M. AND PICTURE Those excused from paying taxes at their North-Has- t. Perryvllle, Perrymaa'a, r. al. and PORTRAIT, FRAMES,' Magnolia. CIIKSNVT HILL RAILROAD. Leave West Chester from Depot, on East Market Varnishes, Eto. nwn rnnnest New HauiDHhire. and 0 Passengers for Kortroas Monroe and Norfolk will Leavo Philadelphia at 0, S, 10, 12 A. M., 2, SV, t street, at 623 A. M., A. M., 745 A. M., 1043 A. NO. 910 OHESNUT STREET, any M-- , M-- , 4 50 M.. M. AGENTS FOR TUK CKLEBRATKD Those who nave not paid State or 12-0- M. train, 7, 0li0, and 11 P. M. 13 P. P. and 655 P. take the T 81H) A. M. will stop 1 15 door above two years next Leave Chesuut Hill at 710, S, A. M., 1 rain leaving West Chester at Fifth the Continental, Palla.' county tax assessed within 40, A T 10-4- 1. T.,n.,tl,.n 01ml f'li.nV . , lln anil .Xloilfa,. . . , WILMINGTON TRAINS. 8kf, ami P. M. Ufa 11. " Ulllll.U,'U, UVIIUIp U lti.,U, Muu i. 1. FRENCH ZINO PAINTS. preceding, unless by law exempted from taxa leavingI. l'lilladelplila 440 P. M. will stop at Me Stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and at Dealers and consumers supplied at lowest prloet tion Mousachusett s. Wilmington. Leave Philadelphia at 9ifi A. M., 2 and 7 P. M. dia, t.kn Riddle, Lcnnl, and IS. C. Junction. Pas- PATENTS. , cash. over twenty-tw- o who have not within Leave Philadelphia at A. M., BOO, and Leave Chesuut llill at 760 A. M., sengers to or from stations between West Chester for 1st Those and I). C. going East will take train leaving i i paid a county tax, assessed ut least P. M. The P. M. Train connects with Dela- 9 "AS P. M. and Junction a ri 8. IRWIN, two years ware Railroad for Harrington FOR L'ONSIIOIIOCKEN AND NORHISTOWN. West Chester at 746 A. M.. and chance cars at AND PROVISIONS. yf l l and Intermediate going West, passengers for sta- GROCERIES lx months betore election ueiaware stations. Leave Fhiladelphla at 6, 7X. . and 11 115 A. M., R. C. Junction, and ly,, R. Junction will leaving GENERAL PATENT AGENT, Those over twenty-tw- o who have not, W ilmington and A. M., 3, 4, 4tf, tiV, St, and ll;; P. M. tions above ;C. take train IOHAKL MEAQIIEU A CO. 7 DO P. M. The A. M. will stop at Philadelphia at 440 P. M., and will change cars at M within two years, paid a State or county tax, and Train not Leave Norristown lf. 7,7, and 11 S23 SIXTEENTH 40G Chester aud Philadelphia. The 7 P. M. A. M., 1 3, 4X, CM , 8, and 9 P. M. B. C. Junction. No. Soatn Street, No. LIBBABY STREET. election bctweeu n ii n..rw,r in Phlladelnhla Is reached dlrectlv hv assessed at least ten days beforo Train Iroiu Wilmington runs daily: all other Accom- The 1 A. M. train from Norristown will not stop Wholesale and Retail Dealers la Pennsylvania. Sundays excepted. Lauding, or the Chesnut and Walnut streets cars. Those of the OUTOALT'S PATENT ELASTIC JOINT IEOH modation Trains at Mogee's, Potts' Domino, Schur s lane. run one square. PROVISIONS. ROOF. leaving Wilmington at A. M. and 4 P. M. train from Philadelphia will Htip Market street line witmn The Those who do not own real estate in tho Trains The only connect with each train upon Its OYSTERS, AND SAND CLAMS, AMERICAN CORRUGATED IRON OQ.'S MANO P. M , will connect at Lainokln Junction with the at School lane, Manayunk, and Conshohookeu. cars of both lines FOR FAMILY U8I town or city, worth i$i:$4 over and above all 4 3 ON SUNDAYS. hi rival. FACTURES, EIRE PROOE BUILDINGS, ETO. A. M. and P.M. trains for Baltimore Central ON SUNDAYS. TERRAPINS IIS PER DOZEN. S3 encumbrances, etc.; also those who have not Railroad. Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M 2 Vi 4, 1 TAYLOR OOALE'S PATENT AUTOMATIO and P. sl Philadelphia for West Chester at 830 A, M. paid a registry tax within either of two pre- trom Baltimore to Philadelphia Leave Baltimore Leave Norristown at 7 A. M., 1, t'4, and p. M. Leave p.m. 7EV BETHLEHEM BUCKWHEAT LOCK UP SAFETY VALVE. A. M., Way Mall; WA.M., Express; P. FOR JUAN A I NK. and 2 00 BRADFORD'S LOW WATER INDICATOR, ETO. ceding unless remitted on account of ; West Chester for Philadelphia at 766 A-- M. vears. M., Exprt-Hs- P. M., Express. Leave Philadelphia at 0, iyt, 9, and 11 os A. M., 1 y., Leave ETO. 10 tl 1 absence at sea Iihode Island. SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE. 3, , 0 v und 1 1 P. m. aud400P.M. , 4, iy ty, ions, ..TTTr,.,r11. 1,1. v. w iiE.ai.j-.il- AND WHITE CLOVElt HONEY. Colored persons, not owning freeholds dur Leaves Haiti in ore at P. M., stopping at Mag- Leave Tvlaiiayunk at 610, and ".ii STATES PATENT OFFICE, Havre-do-Grae,- 1, General Superintendent. e, e, 4 io; UNITED lHiKt. next preceding election, worth nolia, Ferryman's, Aberdeen, 111$ A. M., 2, ay, 6, 6V, '3, and 10 P. M. WAMiiNiiTov, 1. ()., Not. 12. inar one vear North-Eas- t, ON SUNDAYS. AND ERIK ALBERT C. ROBERTS, petition of HENRY It ESS EM EH, of Indon, Charlestown, Elkton, Newark, tSuILADELPHIA RAILROAD. On the patunt $2f0 over all encumbrances, and on which Stanton, Newport, Wilmlugtou, Claymont, Linwood, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., 4, and TV P. M. I " WINTER TIME TA1JLK. iimyiiiK lor tbe eiLtonsion of a granted to 1, li tiny of Novt)iiilu, lrvVi, tor fourteen 1 18. Dealer In Fine Groceries, liiiu on tbe Jfl.ru assessed and paid New Chester. Leave Manayunk at y: A. M.. 0. aud 9M P. M. after MONDAY, Nov. 1S09, tho Trains iSiVi. have been and On and lim -1 h day of for an imiirovemuni ia 'taxes U. F. KENNEY, Superintendent. PLYMOUTH RAILROAD. Philadelphia and will run as irnin York. on the 11 T9 Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. MANl'FAOTL'HE OF IRON AND STEEL, it is Leave Philadelphia at IX A. M., iy P. M. follows from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West tliut tbe testiimiuy in tbe case bealosed on tlie lltu On Account Went of Literary Qualified Philadelphia: wbhi n d.yol' January next, tliut tbe time lor tilinx ari;uiiienut of EST .TERSKV RAILROADS. l'lilladelplila 35 Exauiiiiiir's be limited to tbo lilht day of V FALL AND WINTER AKHANOEMENT. W. S. WILSON, General Superintendent, luii. leaves P. M. PERSONAL.. ami tlie riiort tion. lf NINTH i train Wllliamsport 740 A. M. Junuury next, aud that said lielition be board on the Aitii 1NU TUESDAY, 1S09. Depot, and UREKN Streets. ! to read an article in tho con COMMENC KKPTEMUJUt 21, arrives at Erie s20 p. m, A U T I O N uuy ol Junuitry next. Those unable PliUadolphla, foot of Market Any pw-au- ms, this Leave street (Upper Philadelphia 1140 A. M, G REMOVAL. o,.Poe ER, fctitution or any section of the statutes of the Ferry), at AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL ERIE EXPRESS leaves PONNELLY'S OLD ESTABLISHED ft rw 1)I1ILADELPIIIA WUllaniHDort 9uo P. M. 11 17 wilt 1'oniiiiiBMiontrr of ltttuutl. A. M., Mall, for liridpeton, Salem, Millville, 0 fiKENIX MONEY LOAN OFFIUE. State Connecticut. at Erie 10-0- Vlnelaud, bwudusboro, aud all luteruiedlato sta- WINTER ARRANGEMENT. arrives A. M. removed from No. 1S SOUTH Street, oornerof RONALD. SALE. STATE Those unable to read tho constitution in On MONDAY, November 1, 1SC9, ELMIRA MAIL leaves riinaueipiua 7fi0 A. M, SON, to his new and lnwe buildiOK No. HOU1T1 CTATE RIGHTS FOR tions. and after Trains of vaiunble Invention just patented, and for write names, Mall, Cape May, Will leave as follows, stopping at all Stations on " Wllliamsport 61)0 P. M St r.,..t nbove Uroad. Eutrnnoe to orivata efhue at door O Uights of a the English language, and their 81(1 P. M., for Millville, Vlneland, Dwelling; also on DOYLE Street, in the rear, where the S.I.1C1NU, UUT I InUi anu uniu oi, (ilussboro. Philadelphia, Baltimore Central, and Chester Creek arrives at Lock Haven. .. 720 P. M, inii.w, unless prevented by physical disability, or and way stations below EASTWARD, nioucy will be losnod as usunl on Diamonds, Wale lies. I. l.l,l:,rU Blfl are uereur uiiwiom for UridKuton, Salem, Swedes. RailroiulH: Silverware, Dry CiotbiuK, Bods, linddiDK, value proprietor oi miiei. uu ro.unraiiuu P. M., Pusseimer, Erie 8 40A. Jewulry, Good, of arout to every y VA over sixty years of ago when the amendment all inicriiieiUateBlatlouB. Leave PHILADELPHIA for TORT DEPOSIT from MAIL TRAIN leaves M. I'urnuure, riciuros, ruintinus, uuns, i iiuu. audit should be intn.iliice.1 Into fami SI' A txro, and w uiiainspon. v2t p. M Moibil can be seen at TELEGRAPH was adopted Massachusetts. P. M., Woodbury aud Ulasuboro accommoda- Depot of Philadelphia, Wilmington, and llaltimoro Xl,,u,.,.tl IiiHtruments. and mmds of everv dosorllltlon and lilt.HTS fors.le. Railroad Company, comer Uroad uud Washington (i arrives at Philadelphia..... 620 A. M. vi, hiM. Secure snl'oa for the keupiuir of valuulilus; also OFKHJK. COOLER'S tfUlS tion. I t o ami storage of ttooda. HOFKMAN. On' Account of Character or Behavior Htatiuntt leaves Camden dally, avenue, at 7 A. M. and P. M. En IE EXPRESS leaves Erie 4 do p. m auiule auoouimoUution for uaie U ' H t Freight train for oil i " W illlamsport M, V1NUKNT P. iiONNKLLY hniker, Kn-lKh- t 330 A. who do a tmtul received In Philadel- A Freight Train, with Passenger Car attached, will SO 14J3 Those not sustain ovwv innrl at VI o'clock, noon. .12-4- lu Ira No. SOUTH Street CO., No. 4 8. SEVENTH below leave Philadelphia for Oxford at 2 !lo P. M. arrives at Philadelphia. P. M, C1 AM I' EL SMITH it characterConnecticut. phia at second covered wharf Walnut street. MAIL Lock Haven 8D0 A. M. STEAM AND iAS FITTERS AND No. VIA South DliLAWAHU Leave PORT DEPOSIT for PHILADELPHIA at ELMIRA leaves O Ktrwt, Freight delivery at wiiiiaiusportc 945 A. M . TMAHOW. l'l.UM HERS. Tube, Fittiiiics d Bras Workj onstautlf Those who are not of a quiet and peaceful D10 A. M., 925 A. M., aud 825 P. M. fc Avciiue. hand...... 220 1'. M. will leave at 430 arrives at Philadelphia. . . P. M, 1H C W A II O on to. behavior Vermont. Coiuinutatlon tickets at reduced rates botween On Saturday the tralu VOIUMIHSIOUA j. All work proinplly attention m. BUFFALO EXP. leaves Wllliamsport..... 1325 A. M BMPl'INti Nli MKUCUAMT (ialviinir.ed 'iulio tor Uioiietory IMs furnished. 11 17 Sm Philadelphia nnd all stHtions. r. 11 COKNTIK8 H LI P. New York. On Account of Strike in the Army or Nary. FOR CAPE MAY. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel Harrlsburg 620 A. M No. , KATRA TRAIN " arrives at Philadelphia.. A. M no. In i u wtrnii r," uiittuuiiaua, In many of tho States the constitution de- (SATUItllAVSONLV.) only as baggage, and the company will not be respon- v is. W.rtt'I'KA IT Street. lUlliluora. C'lliVIiteO.-V- JUSO., & CO., an amount exceeding one dollars, Fxpress East connects at Con y, Mall East at Carry or . ,',ritiared to sliio even doaoriution of Frelnht to no person shall gain a residence Leave Plillmlelphla, 81b A. M. sible for hundred Express West at clares that ape Msy, I'. M. uulcbs special contract lit made for the same. and Jrvlneton, irvlneton, wltti Pbiladelpuia, hum York, WilniiUKton, and tntormediale OILN, Uave t Oil ana Aliegneny Pru'ul'1-uoq- by reason of being stationed on duty as an WW. SEWKLL, Superlntendont. HENRY WOOD, trains of creek Kiver RailronL DOlUla WlUl umim tmm No. l'i-- S. bEOOND Ctreat. J. L. TVLEIt, Ueuccul BwaJu-t- iuxiualisl at U burta(i boUoo, mot HlfSiu nicer, soldier, or marine in the service of Scpt,ruiier 1, m. w 11 1 Preside (tad General tiupurlutuuduut. ALFItED Sunerlntcudeut.