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bindex.qxd 3/5/08 7:40 AM Page 273 INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. absolute magnitude, 60–61, on Alpha Crucis, 186 “alpha,” defined, 38 255, 266. See also brightness; on Altair, 188 Al Rakib, 152–153 individual star names on Beta Centauri, 183 Alshain (Beta Aquilae), absorption spectrum, 68 Beta Crucis and, 239 190–193 accretion disk, 67 on Canopus, 107, 108, 109 Altair, 21–23, 22, 25, 145 Achernar, 19, 20, 170, 230, on Capella, 152–153 Alpha Crucis and, 185 234, 250 on Deneb, 243 Aquila, the Eagle and, name of, 171 on Fomalhaut, 234–235 188–190, 189, 190 remote location of, 171–172 on Procyon, 167 color of, 112 shape of, 170, 172–173 on Rigel, 160 Deneb and, 241, 241–242, Spica and, 214 on Sirius, 91, 98–99 244 as a sun, 173 on Spica, 212 lore about, 140–142, Adams, W. S., 95 Star Names: Their Lore and 190–191, 192 Adhara, 11, 161 Meanings, 86 oblate shape of, 250 Agastya, 108 Al Muhlifain, 122 positionings of, 191–193, 192 Agena (Beta Centauri), 183 Alpha Andromedae, 233 Procyon and, 166–167 Albers, Steve, 96, 220 Alpha Capricorni, 64 as a sun, 193–196, 194, 195 Alcor, 160–162, 161 Alpha Carinae, 111 view from, 195, 196 Aldebaran, 14, 15–17, 16, 28, Alpha Centauri, 19, 20, 58, 92, altazimuth mounts, for tele- 61, 95, 114, 196–197, 203 102, 115, 116, 183, 186 scopes, 48 Altair and, 195 Arcturus and, 134 altazimuth system, defined, 29, Arcturus and, 134 as “Bungula,” 183 266 color of, 131 as double star, 117–119 altitude, 29–30, 266 connections to other celestial lore about, 121–123 amplitude, 66–67 objects, 197–198,
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