^ v ' v ■ "' * ' ^ - • ■ V ., •• ■ '•* ,. ' ,i ‘ ' u ‘ *'*'"“^ r - , ••v .f •• ’•■ -. ,'■ . ' . . . .‘.-V ••. - 9 . * ‘ ;* v $■•■■■ ■ - ;/ • • '■•?-./ ■ -•■ ■ V ■ - ■•■■ ■> • . t ,C ‘ . THE WEATHER ’Porecaat by U. S. Weather Bureau. THET PRESS RUN Hartford. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Conn. State f, for the Month of March, 1930 Clendy sUghUy colder tonight and Tnesday, poMibly with occasional gr light rain. 5 , 5 1 1 ,<■ ? Members at tbe Audit Bureau ot Circulations f o u r t e e n p a g e s PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1930. VOL. XLIV., NO. 160. (Clashed Advertising on Page 12) REBEL GANDHI'S MARCH OF PROTEST OCEAN STORMS SEE PARLEY'S END GANDHI MAKES CONGRESS ASKS AGAINST BRITISH RULE IN INDIA AREDELAYING SALT TO DEFY RAILROADS TO IF THREE POWERS BRITISH RULE ANSWER QUERY SIGN THE TREATY ______j ------Nearly All Liners Wjffl & Leader Not Molested But I Interstate Commerce Corn- Late 24 Hours or Longer; NOTED FMANCUR StimsoD Prepares A ^ Authorities Arrest 60 of i mission Wishes to Find Bremen Due Tomorrow France and Italy May Sij Out Who Really Owns the DIES IN BOSTON His Followers; Campaip Will Arrive on Wednesday Later If They Can Reach Of Protest is Launched. 173 Class One Systems. , April 7.-^(AP)—The William P. G. Harding Was Agreement; Delegates Sdll Washington, April 7.— (AP.)—A| liner America docked i Dandi, Punjab, India, April 7. detailed questionnaire to ascertain | i today, two days late • affer battling i Governor of Federal Re­ Cling to Belief That Five (AP)_Indian Nationalists, manu­ ownership of all of the country’s i ! at sea two terrific storms which,; facturing crude, unpalatable salt 173 Class One railroads was prepar- j early radio reports indicated, would 1 PoweKPact Can Be Ar­ from sea water to voice their de­ serve Bank System. ed today by the House Interstate' probably delay arrival of nearly all: fiance of British law, today rallied Commerce Committee as a prelimi- j liners due here the first half of the i behind the movement of “civil dis­ week. Among those that radioed i , . -mr-morv, ranged. nary step in its investigation of obedience” which they hope will that they would be at least 21 hours j Boston, Apnl 7.— (AP)—William railroad holding and investment | late was the North German Lloyd p. g . Harding, governor of tne Fed- bring their nation complete indepen­ London, April 7.— (AP)—Secre­ trust companies. Bremen, holder of the world’s speed j Reserve Bank of Boston and dence. tary of State Stimson began as­ made 60 The committee expects the rail-, The British authorities 1 1 roads to file replies to the question-; sembling his material for a naval arrests in answer to the inaugura I naire within 60 days, placing before j conference treaty today, ^ thus tion of the move Sunday. Among i today. He was 65 years old. all information with regard to ish rule. You see him Voialanur This is the first picture to reach this ! her maiden voyage, He had been in poor health for signalizing tee approacning end of them v.'as Ram Das Ganani, ! the actual owners of the rail car- lowers on their “parade of freedom ^rom Ahmedabad to Ja l^ p . parrmaipn of nassive resistance Bremen Delayed, Mahatma Gandhi, sexagenarian , country of the event which may have great significance m India p gn P Bremen, due tomorrow, more than a year and had been con­ the historic parley. ~ ■ radioed that she would not dock un- fined to his bed for the past three The. secretary was understood to leader of the campaign an I Detailed Information against Great Britain. be getting ideas marshalled for • vocate of non-violence in deaimg j railroads also are required to til Wednesday Among the other weeks. He made his home at the ships that were delayed are the Algonquin Club. three power pact—United States, \\ith the government. The Mahatma j answers detailed ac- Great Britain and Japan—which himself was not molested. i counts of their holdings in all rail- I French liner Paris,- due tomorrow, Bank Official. . j but not to arrive until Wednesday; Death followed a critical illness will be so constructed that France To Sell the Salt j j-oads and terminal companies as and Italy can join later if they over­ Wading into the Gulf of Cambay | subsidiaries and |NAB LORENZ IN CANADA; r^nsiiHrh liner Vulcama due today frehn heart trouble. Mr. Harding had been governor of come the difficulties which thus far here, he and his devotees who haa j^oj^ings, and the voting pow- have blocked the progress of tee followed him on a three weeks trea securities. Officers and di- | IN CHURCH DISTRICT the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston from Ahraadabad, dipped vessels in I due Wednesday, but arriving Thurs- since January, 1923. He was ap­ conference. rectors, capital stocks, contractual The American secretary of state to the water. The liquid was evapo­ rights and other holdings and rights |CONFESSES THE MURDER • — 1 dav* ® pointed a member of the Federal rated later and the crude salt thus I Twice on the trip, it looked as came to London from Stanmore this are to be set out in the replies. j ____ Reserve Board at its formation in morning to consult his delegation, obtained will be hawked over todia The investigation was authorized! 1914 by President Wilson and iu as talismans in the bitter conflict ^rief^might^^caued upon to make but expected to return to his coun­ by the House after the committee', ^ U a Norwich Pastorates An- made governor of the try home during the afternoon to always non-violent—which the Na­ found itself unable to formulate j another of the rescues for which served until 1922. DctCCllVCS HOW pC continue work on tee intricacies of tionalists believe ahead. ^ legislation designed to bring about i ASKS QUICK ACTION they are famous. jj managing director of thj How widespread was Sunday s consolidation of the 1,500 railroads j nounced at the Methodist a naval pact. One of his tasks was - 0« T W S S "■co'£t'“c-.p.a,n corptfuon in 191S anO to analyze the Washington treaty i nauguration _ - o ------of the violation of , the j 21 great systems, when ^it was Lured Anderson to Lonely British salt monopoly’ ■ was not *■ es­ ' found that holding and investment | ON NEW DRY LAWS Episcopal Conference. Fried spotted a small fishing boat, • /-’raon Pnimiv Ala on again and to study it in rriation to tablished today but there were ad­ trust companies were not under the i tee proposed new agreement. vices of participation throughout jurisdiction of the Interstate Com-1 Spot to Shoot Him; To Ar­ Sa^aiS'^SnSS S a ' S S ' atom ! March 5, he from Bigger Pact Possible No one among the various •dele­ Gujerat and Bombay and in Bengal. merce Commission. i yoJTgls/full graduate in the Strikers at Thana section, Great First Hearing } New London, April 7 — (AP) — gations has yet been willing to ad- Attorney General Mitchell jnit officially that a five power Indian peninsular railroad, about 20 The first hearing was held Satur-1 rive in Hartford Tonight, 1 Nine changes in the pastorates of was at its height, the America re- { history of the university, ceived an SOS from the Swedish i He began his banking career m a treaty is not still possible and work miles from Bombay, tried passive day when Commissioner Joseph B. 1 the Norwich district of the Metho- Eastman, of the commission, testi- | i freighter Belos. The America was ] private bank at Tuscaloosa, Ala., to that end is continuing. Unofficial­ resistence by standing on the tracks Hartford, April 7— (AP) Henry Wants Units Transferred and blocking trains. The policemen , fled to interlocking ownership of ! dist Episcopal church were made in to o W away to be any assistance, I later going to the Bemey National ly, however, there are expressions j many of the largest railroad sys- O. Lorenz. 25, who confessed, ac­ the appointments of pastors an- but sent out a general call to all bank at Birmingham, Air.., Mter that there is small likelihood of the beat them off. cording to police, to killing Nils French and Italian problems being ! terns by holding companies control- | To Justice Department. noimced at the final session of the ships to help the Belos. } some years he was chosen president Anderson, 28, mechanic, was ex------! of the First National Bank of settled at this conference. FIGHT OVER SALT ling stocksstOCKS forlor votingvoung powerpuwci andauu Tiprp tonl“’ht Southern New England conference investment companies owing securi- pected to be ^ Judge and Mrs. Raymond A. I Birmingham. The conference in the main is Dandi, Punjab, India, April 7.— ties from Niagara Falls, N. (AP)—Police and a party of follow­ „ Washington, April 7— (AP) here today. Johnson of this tovfn are among the , Harding married Amanda marking time at the moment await- The Pennroad Corporation, head- j pieeingFleeing from from his his Hartford Hartford board- ^ Early action on the •prohibition en- The Rev. Myron E. Center form the French liner 1 of Birmingham on October the French answer to Great ers of Mahatma Gandhi engaged in ® « J_ TTT ^ V7 T.rtT'PD'^ * /* . A- A._____ ^ 1-ill __ _ passengers on a scuffle on the beach this morning ed by officers of tlve PennsyWania house last Wednesday,^ Lorenr forcement transfer bill and on pri- gj.ly pastor r of the local Methodist Paris. 2 2 ,1895|. She committed suicide in Britain’s latest suggestions regard­ while volunteers engaged in the civil ------railroad system, and „ the^ . Alleghany .v, ^a.s captured in Windsor, Ont., Sun- son relief measures, was advocated church remains district superintend­ Birmingham in 1910. ing France’s claim for a security disobedience campaign were coUect- Corporation, fo^^roUed by the Van before the Senate judiciary commit­ ent and the Rev._ Charles E. Spauld­ ' The'HatSings had three daugh­ pact. The answer will be the next ing salt in defiance of* the “ govern­------Sweringen interests of Clevelana, *^^State Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn tee today by Attorney (General ing was reappointed for the New ters. “ M ^ Mary Elizabeth Htirding big event for tee conference since said that Lorenz had made a full Mitchell to help administration of upon France’s reply will depend ment monopoly. were.-mentioned by Eastmin. London church. 81 CONVICTS ASK married F. H. P*rince, Jr., noted While so engaged the police ar­ Eastman will take the stand again confession of his crime to County the dry law. 'The Rev. Jerome Greer, pastor Boston sportsman and divorced him whether there is any use continuing rived and demanded the salt, which Wednesday when the hearings are DetectiveL>eueuLiv<= Edward------Hickey. His case^ I The bill for the transfer of the of the Gales Ferry church is trans­ in Paris in 1923, subsequently negotiations for a five power pact of the volunteers refused to hand over. resumed. Alcorn said, would be presented to | prohibition enforcement Unit from ferred to Hull, Mass., and the Rev. marrying E. Van Rensselaer Thayer whether the conference ’ shall ad­ ■While the altercation was in pro­ a Grand Jury this week and an ini- ■ Treasury Department to the De- H. H. Critchiow is assigned to the BOARD FOR PARDON of this city. journ with a three power . agree­ gress a number of villagers arrived mediate trial will be asked. j partment of Justice has been passed Gales Ferry church, going there Miss Margaret Eliot Harding, hke ment. Murtt re'^ Monday j by the House. at the beach and also began to col­ from Willimantic. her mother, shot herself to death in Foreign Minister Briand is in Anderson was shot in the back of 1 -p^e attorney general regarded un- Paris discussing the subject with lect salt. , , The Rev. W. M. Newton, pastor this city in 1924. She was the young­ CHICAGO EXCITED the head last Monday night and ms favorably the resolution of Chair- est of the sisters. The third Premier Tardieu and tee French Police then arrested the captain | body was dumped in a field in I Norris proposing a Senate in- of the Mystic and Noank churches William S. MiDer, of Madden of the volunteers and others who ; daughter. Alice Harding, married Cabinet and plans to return to Lon­ Wethersfieldwhere it was found 1 yestigation of prohibition enforce- . —is transferred „ to , Chartley, ^ x- Mass., don tomorrow. The general predic­ had told the volunteers not to ;;ive Tuesday afternoon. j ment and the author conceded after j and the Rev. R. J. Crystie goes t up their salt. In the scuffle which ; OVER ITS PRIMARY Case and MarshaD tion in conference circles this morn­ Lorenz according to Alcorn, con- ^j^g meeting that he had little hope j Mystic and Noank from Bristol 1 ing was that it will be decided there followed two Nationalists were re- 1 fessed firing the shot- • to' escape------pay­ for the inquiry. I the Providence district. ported slightly injured. ! , WASHINGTON COMMENT. is no use containing discussions of ment of a loan of $300 made by Asked about the charges of poli- • The vacancy at the Uncasville son in the List the French security demand and the Mahatma Gandhi, who opened the I tics mixing in enforcement, made church, caused by the rerirement of j Washington, April Anderson who had asked for the I Ham’ P . G. Harding, who died today Franco-Italian parity dispute at thi* civil disobedience campaign himself I Illinois Republicans to'Pick i by Mrs. Mabel Willebrandt, former | the Rev. Charles Sniito, is fiu^ by yesterday, arrived at the beach I money. in Boston, not only held the 8^®™ : conference. Meets Anderson ' assistant attorney general in charge the appointment of the Rev. O. L. orship of the Federal Reserve B ^ rd Senator Reed and Ambassador from Dandi shortly after the scuffle of prohibition prosecutions, Mr. Monson who comes to Uncasville Hartford, April 7.— (AP)—Eighty He had an appointment to meet —^its highest official post— Matsudaira continued discussions of to obsei^e his usual Monday silence I Either Mrs. McCormick or Anderson and drove to -Wethersfield Mitchell said he had declined to | from Washington in the Providence one prisoners at the Connecticut and meditation. ; state prison have petitioned the ing the post war years of difficult tee Japanese reservations. It is un­ on the pretext of obtais*fig the comment on this before the Sen- district derstood the Japanese would like to In jSL speech written by him and 1 In UncasviDo Board of Pardons for release. The Senator Deneen. money from a friend there. H ate commitee. (Continued on Page Three.) be able to transfer 20,000 tons of read/ aloud by a volunteer, Gandhi j stopped the c>r and both men got The vacancy at Willimantic semi-annual session of the board said he would come to Aat again 1 cvx XX.V, __ . Chairman Norris called his atten- ___ wUl be held May 5. Sixteen of the destroyers to submarifies, but it was out. While they were at rear of the j fjq^ Mrs. Willebrandt’s series of 1 caused by the transfer of Mr. morrow to collect salt with the vol­ petitioners were sentenced for said in well-informed quarters that machine Lorenz is alleged to have j newspaper articles dealing with pro- Critchlov/ to Gales Ferry is filled the Americans and British had unteers. He exhorted all the vil­ Chicago, April 7— (AP)— United by the appointment of the Rev. W. crimes committed in Hartford coun­ States Senator Charles S. Deneen said, he drew his revolver and shot, hibition. The attorney general ex- strongly intimated it would be unr lagers to do likewise. He advised the 'mechanic through the head. ; cused himself from comment on the D. Hamilton who goes to Williman­ ty. ' SWITZELAND VOTES them to come clad only in loin cloths and Ruth Hanna McCormick tossed Under new rules adopted by' tha wise to raise such an issue. It was Then he placed the body in the [ground that her charges dealt with tic from Thompsonville. stated that neither the British por as they could not afford to have the world court into the Monday r-icible seat of his car and drove on ; g period prior to his administration, At Attawaugan, the R.ev. S. F. board last , July, prisoners who their clothes torn. He also urged wash today. Tomorrow, Illinois Re­ Americans agree on such a transfer. to a field where he left it. Reporting that Federal prisons Maine is transferred to Mbodus and petitioned the board last November them not to surrender the salt they publicans in thousands of primary j will not be heard unless reasons pre­ HEAVY LIQUOR TAX Today’s Meeting. Later he went to th^ home of | ^gre greatly overcrowded Mr, Mit- the Rev. C. H. Van Natter goes to The American delegation met thia had collected even if the police election booths, will iron it out. Mr. and Mrs. August J. Benson, the j chell attributed this principally to | Attawaugan from Hull, Mass, in the sented by them are granted by the broke their hands". Neither the senior Senator nor the board. More first applications will be afternoon and Secretary Stimson The salt gathered by Gandhi yes- Congresswoman allowed the usual latter being a sister of Anderson, j increased prosecutions under the dry Providence district. laid before his colleagues his ideas of The Rev. F. O. Burnett, supply made at the May session than at day’s lull before the ballot storm; law. However, he said the Dyer a naval treaty as far as possibln (Continued on Page Three.) automobile theft law, the Mapn Act pastor at Hockanum is replaced by any other time, according to Vine R. Effort is Made to Compel (Continued on Page Three.) both sought Ir^t-minute strength in Parmalee, clerk of the board. without knowing the French answer Chicago with noon-day meetings and and the narcotic act also had con­ the Rev. R. L. Archer. on the security question. tributed to the increase in number The Rev. J. M. Von Deck of Hartford County Petitions both planned final state-wide radio j Those sentenced from Hartford Swiss to Cut Down Drink It is understood tee Americans of prisoners. Moodus is assigned to South Cov­ feel quite a number of general appeals tonight. j entry and the Rev. S. F. Maine goes county who will petition include: For the first time, a woman op- I AUTO FIRM LOSES Joseph Ferraiola, life, sentenced clauses of the 'Washington treaty CONNECTICUT GETS BRINELY TRANSFERRED to Moodus from Attawaugan. can be incorporated verbatim in tha I posed a man for a Senate seat; I Hartford, April 7.— (AP.)—First One change of a. pastorage from October 9, 1906 for second degree ing of Schnapps. murder; Vinzo Carvallo, life, sen­ new pact. rilMHC CAD DA AAQ! again as in 1926, Illinois voters will I Lt. W. A. Brinely, Headquarters the Norwich district to the Provi­ Tomorrow the first committee will rU lll/J rUl\ l\UAUlj|he the first to approve or refute an ITS SUIT AND CAR Company First Battalion 102d In- dence district is also made in tMs tenced October 1, 1914 for second attack upon a World Court Senator; degree murder; Marshall S. Thomp­ Berne, Switzerland, April 7. — meet at St. James’s palace to con­ ! fantry has been transferred to the year’s appointments, the Sterling sider among other things aircraft again as in 1924 a Deneen, a Mc­ I National Guard Reserves upon his and Oneco churches, under one pas­ son, life sentenced Sept. 28,1915 for (A P)—Switzerland, voting in yes­ Cormick and a Newton Jenkins second degree murder; John ' De terday’s referendum for revision of carriers and an agreement for hu­ i own request in orders issued today tor, being thus changed, the Rev. manization of-submarine warfare: ,; meet in a Republican Senatorial i by the adjutant general. D. E. Lafollette being retained as Georgia, sentenced to life imprison­ its alcoholic legislation, has under­ primary; for the first time, the Auto Owned by Company taken heavy taxation of strong li­ Federal Aid for Highway I pastor of these two churches. ment October 11, 1917 fw second FINAL WEEK daughter and widow of a United I REQUISITION ISSUED i The conference met for its final degree murder; William S. Miller, quors with the avowed object of so­ States Senator seeks to sit in the sentenced to life imprisonment Apnl Paris, April 7.— (AP.)—Foreiga Was Used to Carry Liquor I Hartford, April 7.— (A P)—Lieut. 1 session at 9 o’clock this morning cial reform. . Minister Briand is going back to Construction Announced; capitol wing where they sat. I Governor Ernest E. Rogers today with Bishop Leete presiding. 5, 1919 for second degree murder; All political party organs except Senator’s Widow those of the Communists, favored London tomorrow for what is rcr. I signed a requisition on the Governor At their request J. I. Bartholomew Luman C. Beck, sentenced to life. garded in French official circles'as Mrs. McCormick, daughter if and Was Confiscated, of Edgartown, Mass., Jerome Greer March 1, 1921 for second degree the reidsion on the theory that the Bay State Gets $726,682. Mark Hanna, is the widow of < ue ' of Delaware for the return of the final week of tee naval confer­ ____ _ ! Charles Quinn, who has been arrest- of Gales Ferry, Conn., Wm. T. Car­ murder; Givoanni Voturri, sentenc­ Swiss were drinking too many late Senator Medill McCormick. It schnapps, which "'are highly ence. • j ed at Dupont and w hb^ wanted in ter of Chatham, Mass., and Charles ed to life, June 4, 1925 for second The slight progress made toward was in 1924 that Deneen ga'nea . Smith of Uncasville, Conn., were degree murder; Frank B. Hewey, holiC'drinks distilled from fruits, McCormick’s seat by a plurality of Washington, April 7— (A P)—The | Hartford on a charge of non-sup- and occupy a position in Switzerland an understanding between France Washington. April 7.—(AP.)- j granted the retired relation. sentenced 9 to 10 years. Sept, i.7, and Great Britain as to the iDter-. Secretary Hyde today apportioned less than 6,000 votes. In that rage, claim of Secretary Mellon to the | port. 1925 for indecent assault; Virgil analogous to whiskey in America. Jenkins polled 115,000 votes and . Heretofore only alcohol made from pretation of tee security clauses of among the 48 states and Hawaii right of determining the existence j ------Gill, sentenced for five to seven the covenant of the League of Na­ political observers believed his un­ of mitigating circumstances in the j years, June 9, 1927 for robbery with potatoes has been taxed. The new .$48,750,000 of the additional $50,- looked-for activity made for Mc­ law \yill tax from one gold franc a tions is considered by these same matter of a seizure and condemna- ^ violence; William DiSario, sentenc­ sources as sufficient to justify fur­ 000,000 authorized by Congress as Cormick’s defeat. ed to from 10 to 15 years June. 7, liter upwards, all alcohol, tJ^andies, In 1926, Illinois saw the first de­ tion of an automobile taken for vio- : Dean of Panama Pilots and simUar high-proof Uquors, with ther efforts towards complete agree­ Federal aid for highway construc­ 1929 for rape; 'Wm. H- Casey, sen- ment of the five powers, but with feat of a Senator who voted for the lating the revenue laws, was upheld : tenced for 15 tw& ycErs the exception made that the people tion in the fiscal year beginning World Court, the late William : today by the District of Columbia | the Franco-Italian parity dispute December 3, 1929 for'illegal trans­ have a right to brew their own' li­ still deadlocked it Is. thought im­ July 1, 1930. McKinley. Frank L. Smith, who Court of Appeals. ! Dies in Zone Hospital portation of liquor: Harry Keough, quor solely for their own consump­ was thrice denied his Senate seat The decision was made by Chiei possible to prolong the conference This supplementary appropria­ sentenced for four to seven yeara, tion without taxation. especially as the Easter holidays tion was authorized by a bill signed and who seeks the Republican nom­ Justice George E. Martin, and con- ^ Stops Heavy Drinking. cemed a case in which a car ownfl.' December 11, 1929 for robbery; are approaching. by President Hoover on April 4 ination as Congressman at large in Zone.'t-tleship New Mexico through the Biagio Reale, sentenced for one'to-^ 'This provision is intended to tomorrow’s primary, opposed the ' The New Mexico was the ’eliminate'much heavy drinWng by The French delegation, in accord which also provided for the appro­ three years, March 11, 1930 for with Premier Tardieu who went priation of $125,000,000 for each of World Court in that primary cam­ first dreadnought to negotiate the the peasants, who if they did not ’contract was held by Walter E. I tain John Constantine in Gorgas embezzlement by agent. ‘ over the whole ground with 'M. the fiscal years, 1931, 1932 ‘ and paign and won with more than 100,- hospital on Sunday marks the pass- waterway. Admiral Rodman knew Other Counties ’ themselves distill their beverages Heller and Company Constantine when the admiral was Briand yesterday, ■will negotiate as 1933, an addition of $150,000,000 000 votes to spare. D„x.5x-5„_ rinniPfi ' iog of thc dean of the Panama Those of Windham 'county in­ could buy schnapps cheaply at any long as there is hope, but with the yearly over the present appropria­ World Court An Issue in charge of traffic operations at clude: Charles Danserau, sentenfced farnmouse.'thls sale being made now Again the World Court is an is­ The company presented a petlUon i Canal pilots and the opening of the canal. When conviction that if anything come:i tion. for 8 to 13 years on Sept.' 14, 1925 of the efforts in London it must sue, made so by Mrs. McCormick in to secretary Mellon asRln, Sf.'SU^lS Captain Constantine took his posi­ ^ ^ r e will be no government Congress provided $75,000,000 by ______^ The captain'left for receiving stolen prop®*^ty>' come this week. a previous act and Secretary Hyde an onslaught that carried her into turn of the vehicle on the tion in the pilot room of the New monopoly either of manufacture or that it had no suspicion the car his nativ^ Greece when but a boy to Metwink, sentenced 8 to 15 years on Forelgp Minister Briand at to­ apportioned this among the states every county in the state. Deneen sail the seas. After working as a Mexico, Admiral Rodman had a Jan. 27, 1925, for manriaughter. ' sale under-the new scheme, but slm- accepted the challenge and in an of­ would be used illegally. The peti­ chart of the canal solemnly placed day’s Cabinet meeting presided over and Hawaii on December 2, 1929. rigger on Brooklyn bridge he Tolland county: Mate Mrakoyich, -liiy ah enlargement of a taxation by President Doumergue, explained Apportionment of the states of fensive no less widespread he de­ tion was denied and the suit was in front of the pilot who did not even scheme, "rhe expected large revenue instituted. came to Pananm where he was em­ sentenced to life. Sept. 17, 1919; f(rt the situation and the Calfinet unani­ the additional $50,000,000 for the fended his vote for American en­ ployed by the French Canal Com­ glance at it.' As the New Mexico second degree murder. ' , p lay ed an important part in the The Treasury secretary set up the threaded her way imder Captain mously approved his program. fiscal year of 1931 included Connec­ trance into the court with five re­ pany. New Haven County, (Waterbury) rampaign, although tec money ticut $318,596; Maine, $450,071; servations, saying it was because claim that his decision under the John’s direction slowly between the angle possibly ivas considered sec­ law was conclusive and need not be Captain Constantine knew the Ernest Bercier, sentenced for 10 to LESS UNEMPLOYMENT Massachusetts, $726,682; New of party regularity. He charged passageway of the canal like a book. banks of the canal Admiral Rodman, 15 years, Jan. 10, 1926' fbr. man­ ondary to tee social aspect. Hampshire, Rhode Island, $243,750, Mrs. McCormick with shifting her controlled by the courts. ’Tbe low­ pointing at the chart, shyly asked: Neither Ufht wines nor beer, of er court agreed with him, as did the Pilot charts never were scanned by ^ slaughter, Ricco Marimaccioix sen­ New York, April 7.— {AP>—A and Vermont, $243,750. stand on the Issue and declared her him for it was generally known that "John, where are we now?’’ tenced for two’ to four years Dec. which there is extenrive manufac­ opposition was “out of harmony” District Court of Appeals today. And Captain John looking ; dead definite increase in employment Is The court pointed out in itsXX.O xxx;- de the captain had no particular 4,1928 for robbery •with violence. i ¥ j ture are taxed. ^ reported by 1,350 business and in­ TREASURY BALANCE with Republican administrations. relating 1 knowledge of the printed word. Such ahead placed his big sallorman’s Middlesex 'coiinty:' Sebast^o Tbe bill was voted by about 482,- The campaign reached a high cision that under the law hand on the chart covering not only 000 to 317;000. Seventeen cantons dustrial firms with headquarters to seizure and forfeiture for • a was his keen knowledge of -the Pamavina, sentenced to life Oct. 8, here, the New York Board of Trad* Washington, April 7 — (AP) — point last night when Mrs. McCor­ winding canals and its-depths t ^ t the canal, but part of the Gulf of wer-e'favorable to tee revision. Five mick, at a redly of negro voters, de- revenue violation, the. Innocence apd Panama as well, and said: “Right were agalMt i t announced today. _ * Treasury receipts for April 4 wbre good faith of the owner of a seized Admiral Rodman , In. 1919 (Continued on .I> fe Two>X 55,090,720.75; expenditures $9,183,- Captain Constantlae to pilot the bat- here, right here." P31.69; balance $355,901,735.29. (Contlnaed on Page 8). vehicle furnish no defensea PAGE TW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, APRIL 7, 193D. LATVIAN OUTLINES GARDEN CLUB PLANS ONE DEAD, 12 HURT ! lAHORNEYS BAITLE 11 WESTERN UNION GOVERNMENT ENDS ROSS m i x PROTESTS I OBITUARY COUNTRY’ S MARCH MONDAY MEETING IN ODD ACCIDENT OVER BIG MERGER CLOCKS ARE ORDERED SUn^ OVER OIL OUR DELEGATES VOTES Miss Am y Cogfswell, of Nor- Greenwich, April 7.— (AP)—Cable New Service (to Be Started ^ wich to Talk About Gardens advices received by Elsie Hill, chair­ Here Immediately; CKamber man for Connecticut of the National On Small Places. DEATHS Tells Kiwanians About 700 Speeding Auto Crashes Into Billion Dollar Deal Hangs in To Put One in Theater. Companies to Pay Full Value Woman’s Party, from Miss Doris Stevens who is at the conference on An unusually entertaining pro­ Eleven Manchester business bouses the codification of intematidna) law gram is planned for the April meet­ Years Struggle His Coun­ Crowd Gathered About a j DRESSES CATCH HRE, Balance; Stockholders to have signed up for the installation Of Oil Removed from Na­ at the Hague, are to the effect that ing of the Manchester Garden club, of Western Union clocks, regulated the American delegates have voted try Had for Freedom. scheduled for Monday evening of every hour by United States Naval for adoption of two of the four next week. The program commit- i Previous CoBision. MRS. FOGARTY DIES Meet Tomorrow. val lan ds. “inequalities between men and tee, Miss Mary Chapman, chair- i Observatory time at Washington, D. C., and work will be started imme­ women in nationality law” proposed man; Mrs. Lfllian S. Bowers and by the sub-committee of the L^gue Mrs. W. R. Tinker, Sr. have secured diately. This service is said to be Belizar Radzin, young student of ^ New York, April 7.— (A P)— One i Widow of John Fogarty Pass-{ aeveland, April 7.— (AP.)—With the most accurate time there is, and Washington, April 7.— (AP)—In­ of National law codification confer­ ■■i Riga, Latvia, situated near the Bal- the services of Miss Amy Cogswell person was killed and twelve others es Away After Accident the fate of a billion dollar steel deal is installed at a cost of $18 a year. ence. ■' tic Sea, between Russia and Sweden, Norwch, as a speaker. Miss hanging in the balance, attorneys forming the Senate th^t agpreements were injured early today by an auto­ While Burning Papers at The master clock will be located had been reached in the last two Miss Hill has sent the following was the speaker at the Kiwanis Cogswell IS widely known as a gar­ mobile which police said was driven representing a dozen of the biggest message to President Hoover: den consultant and landscaper. Her Her Home. in the Western Union office on Bis- civil suits brought by the govern­ .' luncheon at the Hotel Sheridan this 50 miles an hour through a crowd financial giants of the steel indus­ sell street, and the line will run to “ On behalf of Connecticut branch, noon. Although in this country but subject will be ‘‘The Garden and the try, battled with arguments in Fed­ ment as a result of the naval oil Small Place.” gathered around two automobiles the Manchester Trust Company, the National Woman’s Party and its V' a short time he showed a remark- which a short time before had crash­ Mrs. Mary J. Fogarty of 111 eral Court today over an attempt to leases during the Harding adminis sympathizers, I urge most insistent­ Miss Cogswell has assisted several Ridge street, was so badly burned Hotel Sheridan, Louis Jaffe, Rob- pi able grasp of the English language ed at Dongan Hills, Staten Island. get a Federal injimction to prevent ert DonneUy, Masonic Temple social f ’ Democrat, ly that you instruct United States : and outlined to the Kiwanians the local people with their garden pro­ while burning papers in the rear of merger of the Youngstovra Sheet room, inatalled hv thA npdars Montana-, today introduced a resolu- blems. She has traveled abroad, The driver of the speeding car room, installed by the Tall Cedars, plenipontenaries appointed by you history of his country before, dur- did not stop. her home Saturday afternoon that and Tube Company with the Beth­ tion proposing that the Senate ap­ to Hague conference to work and studying the gardens in England and she died at the Manchester Memor­ Watkins Brothers, Chamber of Com­ . ing, and after the war, telling of the The dead man was Theodore lehem Steel Corporation. merce, Stuart Wasley, Sperber and prove a settlement with the St. vote against all nationality conven­ economical problems encountered other parts of Europe, and it is ex­ ial hospital within four hours of the The___ court fight was,______an 11th hour Clair Crude Oil Purchasing Com­ pected she will show some interest­ Windzig, 22, of Staten Island. Turkingtons, at the Center; Coffee tions or declarations based upon in­ ^'and the strides being made in Lat- accident. Mrs. Fogarty, was the | engagement in the war over the pany for $2,906,484.32. equality of sexes. 'To permit them ing pictures of Mrs. Ednah Cheney A short time before the crash an ^ d o w of John Fogarty, well known Shop, and the State Theater, where via, since an independent govern- automobile occupied by James merger, which is scheduled to end it will be located on the stage, to Walsh, whose investigations ha"! to vote otherwise is intolerable to Underhill’s garden in France, and during the early days of the forma­ tomorrow in a stockholders’ meet­ ment was established in 1918. other views of absorbing interest to Burke, 19, and his sister, Sarah advertise the Chamber of Com­ much to do with the disclosures m all who care for progress of women Going into the seventh week of tion of Hose & Ladder Company No, ing at Yoimgstown. the oil scandals, said the govern­ the local garden fans. Burke, 25, of West Freehold, N. J., 1 of South Manchester and for merce. throughout the world. the attendance contest, the Paper- collided with a car driven by Henry The injunction petition being ment would recover a total of $3,- “Your appointees should lead The officers of the club are furn­ many years wa's a resident of Arch heard is one of four on file here and hangers increased their, lead today ishing the attendance prizes this Graham, 23, Staten Island. 280,000 from the Sinclair Company. world in justice on this point cer­ with 24 members present while the street, moving to Ridge street about at Youngstown. It asks the court to winter and spring, and the gift next Other Car Approaches ten years ago where i?he has since GIVE “ CREAKING CHAIR” He explained, however, that one of tainly. Body Builders had 22. This makes The Burkes were attended by an. forbid the stockholders meeting, to the settlements did not need Senate “Principle utterly clear; better no Monday evening will be donated by made her home. .f^forbid them to vote if they meet, to i- the totals 168 and 161, respectively. the secretary, Mrs. Mabel Rogers. ambulance surgeon for minor in­ agreement. world code than one founded on sub­ ' The attendance prize was won by Saturday afternoon she had gone forbid the directors from consum­ The program committee and exe- juries, but in this crash Graham es­ into the basement of the house and AT CIRCLE FRIDAY .Allowed for Tanks. jection of women. < Harlowe Willis and donated by caped unhurt. A crowd of 30 or 40 mating the merger, to forbid them “ Our United States delegation can ' cutive board are desirious that picked up a number of newspapers from dissolving the company, and He said the $2,906,484.32 settle­ jii Stephen Hale. I everyone interested in the subject persons gathered in the street about ment, which covered a suit by the win others to postponement this that had gathered and had taken to make the injunction permanent. Town Players to Present Mys­ Now Has Freedom j shall have the privilege of hearing the damaged cars and a policeman them to the back yard to burn. The government for oil taken from Tea­ subject by information that Ameri­ In his talk the speaker said that Arguments Presented tery for Benefit of Boy Scout can women will fight ratification of I Miss Cogswell, whether they are was taking notes for a report when papers were not allowed to fiy Arguments of Attorney Clan pot Dome, needed Senate approval Latvia consists of 25,000 square members of the club or not. They persons in the crowd saw an auto­ Organization. any code launched on basis of in­ miles and has a population of two around as Mrs. Fogarty stood guard Crawford, representing the plaintiff. because the court allowed the com­ equality of sexes.” extend a most cordial invitation to mobile approach at what they said over them and as they were appar­ B. R, Shover, of Pittsburgh, a stock pany an exception of $10,000 eaco million, a half million less than be- all who would care to hear the was a terrific speed. ently burned out she reached down The Town Players will present ^fore the war. For 700 years, he said, holder, began the hearing which for seventeen steel tanks construct­ lecture, and urge the members to Crashes Into Crowd for the basket in which she had was held by Federal Judge Arthur “The Creaking Chair,” Friday eve­ ed by the Sinclair compsiny while it Latvia has belonged to other na- bring along their friends. A warning was shouted, but be­ carried the papers. There was a ning of this week at ihe Circle The­ ^ tions but with the Warld War the j J. Tuttle, assigned here from De­ was operating ur'der the lease. LATEST STOCKS fore all had gained the sidewalks sudden gust of wind and a spark troit. Crawford said the merger deal ater for the benefit of the Man­ Walsh read a letter from the gov­ country won its freedom through the speeding car crashed into the caught the rear of her dress. It was chester Boy Scout organization. dint of great struggle. For a time j was arrangc 200 years, until 1918, was under the ] say how many were in the speeding She dashed into the cellar, the has been rehearsing diligently for ment characterized today’s Stock |;|rule of Russia. | ests, that the deal was unfair to said that the company would pay car. doorway of which had been left Sheet and Tube stockholders, and this »three-act mystery play, as the Market, with a sharp upward ten­ Latvia, Mr. Radzin said, has the Calls were sent to three hospitals Apen. following personnel will indicate: practically the full value of the oil dency developing in the afternoon ^ largest number of folk songs of any DUTIES ON CHINA that they had been betrayed by removed. and ambulances and surgeons work­ The blaze quickly enveloped her their officers and directors. - Terry Shannon, Benjamin Radding, on the lowering of the call money V nation, with two hundred and twen- ed more than" ah hour in attending and her daughter-in-law, who was Newton D. Baker, former secre­ Albert Tuttle, Jimmie Wilson, Settlement of the other suit, for rate from 4 to 3 1-2 per cent, bear ^ ty thousand people. Since the war, Washington, April 7.— (AP) — the injured. upstairs and attracted to the scene tary of war, representing the entire Franklin Richmond, Victor Swan­ $375,081, does not need the Senate's traders made repeated efforts to im- *1life is nearly the same as in Ameri- Higher duties on pottery and ohina- The most seriously injured were by the cries of help hurried down son, Patricia, Peticolas, Margaret approval, for the company agreed to settle the general list by hammer­ ca. directorate and officers of Sheet ware Were retained in the tariff bill Graham, whose automobile figured into the house and gave such aid as and Tube, who were defendants, Peticolas, Mary Ann McFarland and the full amount claimed. Walsh read ing some of the public utilities, jll Russia has always been a thorn in today by the Congressional con­ in the first accident, and Amrio Mc- possible by wrapping cloths and said no fraud was alleged in the pe­ Madeline Woodhouse. into the record a letter from John steels and specialties, but they made 1.^ the side of the Latvians and at- ferees. Kittrick, 23, of Dongan Hills. blankets around the burning clothes tition and that none had been com­ The play is sensational, bringing Lord O’Brian, special assistant to little headway as new leaders were tempted to force the people to be- At a two hour morning session, of the woman. She then called Dr. mitted or attempted, an.I that the the tantalizing magic of Egypt into the attorney general, which said invariably brought forward in other come Russians. In 1905 Russia the Senate and House conference M. M. Moriarty, who on his arrival court had no right to substitute its a modem home. During its pro­ that the company was ready to set­ sections of the list to revive bullish J promised Latvia a constitution and groups restored the House rate of 10 at once advised that she be removed judgment of the merger over that gress there are thunderstorms, a tle up this suit. enthusiasm. failed to carry out its promise with cents a dozen pieces and 50 per cent 81 CONVICTS ASK to the Manchester Memorial hospi­ of directors and stockholders. murder, robbery and assault, plus The Montana Senator said suit Trading was in fairly hea'vy f . the result that revolution followed. ad valorem on decorated earthen­ tal. This was done immediately but Judge Tuttle indicated he might one or two pistol duels. Proof posi­ was brought against the Sinclair volume, averaging more than a mil­ ; ■ During the World War 40 percent ware. The Senate bill had provided Mrs. Fogarty was suffering much rule on the application for injunc­ tive of the success of this hair-rais­ lion shares an hour in early trading. ^ of the population either moved or BOARD FOR PARDON Company in a Delaware Court and 55 per cent as against a present j pain and did until her death. tion before tonight. Attorneys for ing thriller is the fact that it played added that it had agreed to the set­ Several blocks of 5,000 to 40,000 ^•were killed and Latvia emerged levy of 50 per cent. | She is survived by two daughters, the merger opposition said if his for over a year to sophisticated shares changed hands during tha •yfrom the struggle with freedom and tlements. Walsh said later that, Present duties of 60 per cent and ! (Continued from Page One.) Mrs. Christopher Keough of East ruling should be negative, they will Broadway audiences. ! these two cases represent “the session. '• little else. 70 per cent respectively, on plain Hartford and Mrs. James Tierney rush to Youngstown to press action Tickets may be obtained from New high records for the year j Own Government wind-up of civil cases growing out and decorated chinaware not 1919 for second degree murder; of this place, two sons, Raymond of on the injunction petitions in Com­ members of the Town Players or of the oil scandals.” were established by more than 50 Latvia now has its own govern­ specially provided for were retain­ this place and Bernard, also of mon Pleas court there. stocks, the list including such out­ Joseph Green, sentenced 15 to 20 from the Boy Scouts. ) He said he was satisfied with the ment, and has established its own ed, but a Senate amendment provid­ years Sept. 27, 1921’ for theft, sec­ Manchester. There are three broth­ standing leaders as American Tele­ bank, the money backed by the Enj^- ing an additional tariff of 10 cents ers, Michael Foley of Summer settlemfents. The resolution agree­ phone, General Motors, U. S. ^teel ond offense. ing to the larger suit with the ex­ lish pound and the American dollar. a dozen pieces on tableware, kitch- Litchfield county: Giordano Can- street, this town and John Foley of MOTHERS TO HEAR Common, International Harvester At first Russian and German money enware and all table utensils made dido, sentenced for life Feb. 3, 1921’' Worchester; and a sister and broth- ABOUT TOWN emption allowed for the tanks is ex­ and Standard OH of New York. was used but both decreased in j of chinaware was agreed upon. for second degree murder; Jacob er who live in Ireland. ^ There are pected. to go through without op­ Except for the appauent settle­ •value to practically nil. Action Opposed four grandchildren. position. ment of the Fox Film controversy Ricciardone sentenced for 5 to 10 Charles House, son of Mr. and YALE PROFESSOR Time and again Russia made The action of the Senate and years. May 11, 1928 for attempt to The funeral will be held tomorrow through the sale of the William Fo* promises and offered suggestions House conferees in allowing a duty morning at 8:30 at the home on Mrs. H. B. House, is home from Holdings of voting stock, there was rape: Frank Jenks, sentenced 12 Harvard University. which always turned out disastrous­ of one and one half cents a pound to 15 years Oct. 10, 1926 for as­ Ridge street and at 9 o’clock at St. The Manchester Mothers club will SERVICES FOR QUEEN little news over the week-end to in­ ly for Latvia. on sodium chlorate was assailed in a James’s Church, where a solemn hold its April meeting Friday eve­ sault with intent to murder; Ray­ A card received from Judge Ray­ fluence market sentiment, while ‘‘Russia is a bad neighbor,” said statement by Representative Selvig, mond J. Marston, sentenced 5 to 15 high mass will be celebrated. The ning of this week at the South business news .continues spottj', the speaker, and is always trying to bearers will be six nephews, John mond A. Johnson, dated at Venice, Methodist church. The speaker will Rome, April 7— (AP) — Funeral Republican, Minnesota, a member of years Oct. 16, 1928 for sodomy. Italy, says that he and MrJ» John­ many observers were inclined to the make trouble. It is Russian politics the Farm Bloc. Representative and James Foley of Emerson street, be Professor Robert Seneca Smith services for Queen Victoria of New London county: John G. Bo- son spent a day with Angelo Bosco Sweden will be held at 10:00 o’clocir opinion that powerful ^nancial in­ to build bad economical conditions.” Gardner of Texas 'a Democratic gardus sentenced to life Feb. 9, John F. Foley and John P. Foley of of the Yale Divinity school and a at Milano. Mr. Bosco will be re­ well known child psychologist. His Wednesday morning at the German terests were committed to the side At first Latvia imported more House conferee also attacked the 1909 for second degree murder; Dir- Summer street, Charles Foley and of higher stock prices in order to than it exported but this is now John S. Foley of Worcester. The membered as the local agent of the subject will be “Parents, Children church in Via Sicilia, the services to action as injurious to farmers. atto Cabaudo, ^sentenced for life Prundential Insurance company and facilitate the. many merger deals balanced. Most of the exports are Sodium chlorate is used by farm­ burial will be in St. James’s ceme­ and Religion.” be in charge of a Gwedish clergy­ Oct. 30, 1909 for first degree mur­ later with the Manchester Trust man from Paris. now pending, and to help improve agricultural as Latvia has 700 ers to destroy weeds and other der (sentenced commuted from tery. The hostesses will be Mrs. Allan dairies, selling butter to all parts of company’s Italian business. Judge Coe, chairman; Mrs. S. C. Hale, The mourners will include the business sentiment. Although con­ noxious wild growths. The House death to life imprisonment by board Johnson and his wife were planning servative houses have urged profit the world. Factories are beginning had placed the duty on the chemical Mrs. George R. Fo.v Mrs. Louis Bunce, Mrs. Lawrence King and Queen of Italy, Princess of pardons June 21, 1910); Rock to spend a few days in Germany be­ Case, Mrs. F. J. Bendall, Mrs. Wil­ Mafalda, Princess Giovanna and taking in trading lines and caution to fiourish and conditions are bright­ and the Senate later had put it on Zekos sentenced for three to five Mrs. Louisa Fox of 120 Oakland er than ever before. fore sailing on the Paris, which is lard Horton, Mrs. U. J. Lupien, Mrs. Prince Philip of Hesse, Princes of in vtoe making of new commitments, the free list. years Jan. 2, 1919, for assault with street, widow of George R. Fox, died expected to reach its dock in New ‘‘In Latvia,” said Mr. Radzin, in early this morning after a brief ill­ Elizabeth McIntosh, Mrs. Louis the Greek royal family, and the none of them openly advocate short Another Senate amendment pro­ intent to kill, and Ca Keikye, sen­ York some time tomorrow. family of Premier Mussolini. conclusion, ‘‘you will find the speed viding duties of 50 per cent and 55 tenced for two to four years, June ness at the Memorial hospital. Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Charles Richards, Mrs. selling at this juncture. , and organization o f. the. west and Fox was a long-time resident of the Norman Thrall, Mrs. William' Rush, The coffin will be taken to the Fox Film jumped 9% points on per cent, respectively, on plain and 13, 1927 for assault with intent to A meeting of the 4-A Boys Club railway station at 12 o’clock noon the pondering and thinking of the decorated chinaware containing 25 kill, two counts. north end, the family coming here Mrs. Samuel Mason, Mrs, C. E. the first sale but lost nearly half of cast. The country is working hard will be held tomorrow night at 7:30 Watkins, Mrs. Clarence Wood, Mrs. and placed on a train which is due its gain in the heavy profit-taking per cent or more of calcined bone, New Haven County from England. She was 79 years at the home of Paul Schendel, 187 John T. Bausola, Mrs. Fred An­ at Swinemunde, Germany at noon which followed. C kjcws ran up 7 but it is the hard life that makes for was eliminated. New Haven county: Stephen Sla- old. She leaves a son, Thomas, of Gardner street. All boys interested progress and Latvia is progressing.” thony, Mrs. Lawrence Bunce, Mrs. Friday. Thence it will be taken to The Senate rate of $3.50 a ton on vienski, sentenced to life April 17, Brooklyn, N, Y., another son, Robert in dairying will be welcome. points and General Theaters Equip­ Charles Pickett. Stockholm aboard a Swedish war- ment cross 50 to a new high for l|lie crude silica was accepted in pre­ 1913 for second degree murder; of Hartford, and a daughter. Miss vessel. ference to the existing and House Guiseppe Commisso, sentenced to Millicent Fox, with whom she lived. Dorothy, the second of the three year. Warner Bros. Pictures, second bill duty of $4. The free listing of Mrs. Fox also leaves five grandchil­ POUCE CHARGE COUPLE life February 14, 1915..for second daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Fred SEN. SIMMONS PROTESTS STORMY ON SOUND. quarter earnings of which are be­ silica suitable for use as a pigment degree murder; Angelo Girardi, dren and one great grandchild. Warner of Doane street, celebrated New London, April 7.— (AP)— lieved to have fallen below earlier now dutiable at $7.50 a ton also was sentenced to life Oct, 10, 1918 for Funeral services will be held Wed­ her sixteenth birthday with a party Gale winds and high seas caused estimates, dropped about 3 points agreed upon as proposed by the second degree murder; George E. nesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at at her home Saturday evening which RASKOB CONTRIBUTIONS but made up most of the loss on WITH BURNING CHILD Senate. O’Connell, sentenced for 12 to 16 three steamers and two tugs, east- Watkins Brothers, 11 Oak street. was attended by 20 boys and girls, bound in Long Island Soimd to come predictions of a record-breaking The fiuorspar paragraph was re- years April 27, 1922 for robbery; For the convenience of friends of her associates at the Manchester third quarter. Charles H. Gaines, sentenced for six into shelter in the harbor today. I Norwich, N. Y., April 7.— (AP) — | vised, leaving the existing rate of Mrs. Fox, the funeral rooms will be Community club and schoolmates at Washington, April 7.—(AP) — The Steamers are the Chester W. ‘ Awaiting Pennsylvania extradition $5.60 a ton applicable to fiuorspar to nine years Feb; 2, 1924; Rocco J. open from 7:30 to 9 o’clock on Tues­ High school. They played games, Senator Simmons, Democrat, North STANFORD WILL PROBATED Papallo, sentenced for , 10 to 15 day evening. Chapin of the New England Steam­ action, Ralph H. Mumbulo, 34 and containing over 97 per cent calcium sang popular songs and danced until Carolina, asserted in the Senate to­ ship Company and the freighter Bridgeport, April 7—AP) —^The his wife of four days, Edna, 37, to­ fiuoride and an increase to $8.40 a years October 22, 1924 for man-' Rev. F. C. Allen of Second Con­ midnight. A feature of the repast day his “repudiation” of Chairman will of Charles G. Sanford, former slaughter: William T. Curtis, sen­ Lexington of the Colonial Naviga­ day in Chenango county jail denied ton on fiuorspar containing not over gregational church, of which Mrs. was the birthday cake with 16 pink Raskob of the Democratic National tion company enroute to Providence. president of The First National charges that they murdered Mum- 97 per cent calcium fiuoride. tenced for 5 to 8 years Jan, 23, Fox was an attendant,- will officiate tapers. The favors also were in committee in behalf of the Demo­ Bank here, disposes of an estate of 1925 for robbery while armed, two One hundred and thirty-six pas­ bulo’s 11 year old daughter, Hilda, A duty of $2 a ton was fixed on at the services. Burial will be in the pink and white. Dorothy received cratic Party of his. state, for con­ sengers left the Chapin at the wharf $1,250,000 it was estimated in pro­ sand containing 95 per cent or more counts; Ralph Sprano, sentenced 3 Buckland cemetery. many dainty gifts. by a former marriage. to 30 years April 6, 1926 for theft tributing money to the Association here and went by train to Provi­ bate court today. The largest part Beyond this they refused to dis­ of silica and suitable for use in the Against the Prohibition Amend­ dence. The other steamers did not of the estate is left to the widow. manufacture of clear glass. This is from person, as second offender; William R. Kali. S. M. LEHMAN DIES There are no py^lic bequests. cuss the case in which they are now on the free list. Thomeis Adams, sentenced for three ment. come to wharves. charged with the burning to death William R. Hall, of 541 Hudson “I want the country to know,” A compromise rate of 35 per cent, to five years June 10, 1928 for rob­ street, Hartford, died at the Hart­ •of the child, March 22, in Erie, Pa., bery; Michael Cing;ue, sentenced for Albany, N. Y., April 7— (AP) — said the veteran North Carolinian, an increase of 10 per cent over ford hospital yesterday, aged 6 The death of S. M. Lehman of the by the use of gasoline. Extradition existing law, was given talc, soap­ three to six years Oct. 1, 1929 for months. He leaves his mother, “that the Democrats of my state proceedings, it was understood, using female for purposes of prosti­ New York banking firm of Lehman overwhelmingly disapprove of the stone, and French chalk, when Agnes (Buchi) Hall, and one sister, Bros., in Paris today, was received Vould delay the arrival here of pa­ ground, washed, powdered or pul­ tution; Georg® P. MacNeil sen­ Mary Hall of Hartford, his grand­ chairman of the i-'emocratic Nation­ pers ordering the couple’s removal tenced for one to three years Jan. by Lieut. Governor Herbert H, Leh­ al committee contributing money to verized. parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hall man, a brother. Death was caused to Erie until Wednesday night or The Senatt rates on mica of all 8, 1930 for ‘conspiracy;, Harry of South Manchester and Mrs. an association whose purpose is to Thursday. Dohna, sentenced for 1 to/ 3 years by a heart attack, Mr. Lehman,, kinds were accepted. Catherine Taylor of New York City. who was about 72 years of age, was elect wet Republicans over Dry A Mumbulo and his wife were ar­ Jan. 8, 1930 for conspiracy; William The funeral will be held tomorrow Democrats.” | J. Brennan, sentenced for 1 to 3 accompanied by his wife on a rested at the request of the sheriff afternoon at 2 o’clock at the funeral European trip. Senator Simmons declined to sup­ in Erie county Saturday night. FEDERAL CASE DROPPED years Jan. 8, 1930 for conspiracy. parlors of Taylor and Modeen, 233 port the Democratic presidential WOMAN Sheriff Rexford P. Ormsby and two Washington street, Hartford. Burial AUTO VICTIM DIES nominee, Alfred E. Smith, in the troopers found them.at the home of will be in East cemetery, here. 1928 election. Every Woman a relative, Howard Sweet, four Hartford, April 7.— (AP.)—The COAST GUARD FORCES Manchester, N. H., April 7.— (AP) miles north of Edmeston. case of the government against —Robert Anctil, of Nashua, injured REED BILL PASSED Will Thrill George Moser, of 1690 Broadway, Authorities charge Hilda's cloth­ in an automobile accident here yes­ Washington, April 7.— (AP.)— to See and Hear! ing was soaked with gasoline. She New York City was dropped when TO BE REORGANIZED COLLEGE HEAD HONORED terday, died today at an local hospi­ The Reed bill to authorize appoint­ .was found sitting partly clothed Ln Assistant U. S. District Attorney tal. Michael McCutcheon, also of ment of an assistant commissioner a chair. Her bed was ablaze, but John A. Danaher in Federal Court Nashua, who, with three other,? was of education in the Labor Depart­ no other of the apartment in which today stated that charges of trans­ New London,' April 7.— (AP) — Northampton, Mass., April 7 — riding with Anctil, was at the same ment, was passed today by the tHe Mumbulo’s live was affected. portation would be nolled against Dfivision Four of the Coast Guard de­ President William Neilson of Smith hosoital in critical condition. House and sent to the Senate. She was carried to a hospital but the accused as a state policeman, stroyer force, based here, will be College has been made a Knight or died soon afterward. present in court, had been assigned abolished about June 1 and the de­ the Order at Alpone XII by the to arrest him on a bench warrant stroyer force reorganized, it was Queen of Spain in recognition of his from the Superior Court in New learned today. The discontinuance distinguished service to letters, EX-SENATOR DIES Haven. of the division will cause the re­ sciences and arts. Dean Marjorie The proceedings before Judge moval from this city of about 600 Nicolson annoimced today at the Fitchburg, Mass., April 7— (AP) Warren B. Burrows came to an officers and men of the service. college chapel services. FIFTH ANNUAL CONCERT —Word was re*/eived here today of abrupt halt after Attorney Danaher With the abolishment of Division Dean Nicolson said that word of the death in Tucson, Arizona, of announced the government’s case Four there will be only three di­ the honor conferred on President Levi Haywood Greenwood, former would be withdrawn and Moser taki visions in service. One di'vision will Neilson had been received by college president of the Massachusetts en into custody to be presented by be ba^d here, another at New York c.uthorities from one of his friends Beethoven Glee Club Prosecuting Attorney Samuel Hoyt and thb third at Boston. At present and admirers in Madrid, Spain. The •Stite Senate. Greenwood, who was HELGE E. PEARSON, Director 54 years old resigned last year as in the state court at New Haven there are two dmsions, 11 and 4 Queen of Spain was reported to president of a chair manufactory where questions as to legality of here. Division 2 is at New York, Di­ have acted through the department having plants at Wakefield, Gardner seizure and search of alleged liquor 'vision 3 at Boston where they will of education of that country. ASSISTING ARTISTS RUTH GHATTERTON and other places, because of poor constitute no defense for the ac­ remain after new arrangements are President Neilson has been in -in- ffcalth. cused. made. Division One will continue to Europe for the past seven weeks on Guest Soloist Accompanists be based here. academic , business. CITY BONDS SOLD The rearrangement of the de­ Mme. kk stroyer force was made necessary L. Burdette Hawley SARAH AND SON Bridgeport, April 7.— (AP)—El- Maria Kurenko by the decommissioning of the fol­ Adapted from Timothy Shea’s Best Seller Buy your tickets dridge and Company, Boston, was lowing destroyers: The McCall and Russian Coloratura from the successful ffidder today on $335,- Whoever Heard of Anything Fanning of Di'vision 4 are out of Soprano The Boy Scouts 000 of Bridgeport City bonds. There So Ridiculous!! Eva M. Johnson commission here as are the Terry GEORGES CARPETJTIER for were six other bidders. The Boston and Patterson of Division 2. The New York Laurel and Hardy in in THE concern will pay a premium of $8,- Monaghan of Di'vision 4 will go out “THE 442. HIGH SCHOOL HALL “In the Hoose Gow" “Naughty But Nice” CREAKING of commission about June 1. At present there are four de­ WOMANLESS Albert Carroll CHAIR RAIL MAN DIES stroyers in Division 4, the Cassin, Monday Evening, April 21,1930 Sound News “Impersonation^” the Downes, Hanley and Monoghan. WEDDING^’ 8:00 o’clock Circle Theater Malden, Mass., April 7.— (AP.)— The Cassin is the flagship of the Albert B. Leighton, 68, formerly a, HIGH SCHOOL HALL April 11, 1930 service. Tickets $1.00. Associate Membefship $2.00 superintendent of street railways in Several months ago ' it was re­ April 10 and 11 TODAY Matoee :.2:1S^' A Town Player Massachusetts and New Hampshire, ported that 12 Na'vy destroyers, Hunniford, 441 AND Eve.. Continuous Mystery Play was found dead today in his room in General Admission 50c Mail Associate Memberships to Wm* TUESDAY which were to be recommissioned, Center St., before April 14, 1930. STATE 6:45 to 10:3Ci^- the Weld Hall apartments. He was would replace a like number of sub­ Reserved Seats 75c a native of Columbia. marines. ' . - mmmm ■ 1

...... jP A G E T H ^ S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, A P R a 7, 1930. HARTFORD MAN IS DEAD D A K I nNG HOURS ' TEARS SHED HARVEY P. B ISSE l, QOtun you can *> W S»^ Jumiiun lisi " ~ “ « ! COlMCrOR. IS DEADA n E R BLOW-OUT CRASH Car Crashes Into Fence on Sil­ Bride’s Mother in Person ofi ver Lane—Victim Rushed to Announcing Keith's Prize Story Contest Official Tells Southerners | the Bridal Ceremony/ | j 1 A tire blow-out as an automobile i The country may he dry but it i.s | Fails to Recover After an i with three ocdupants trayeled^west; Furnish My Living Room That Overproduction W ill going to be moist in a few spots | 1 towards Hartford on the Silver j “How I Would _ Thursday and Friday night of this j Lane road at the foot of Spencer | Arl' R n n in p ron ? week when the curtain rolls up on Operation. i Hill, East Hartford, in the early | HCl a s DOUIIICI d u g. weeping mother” in | i hours before dawn yesterday mom- i ______1 “The Womanless Wedding” at High ing, sent one man to Ws death, | i school haU. She, in the person o f ; Ridgefield,------Conn., April ^ 7.— (AP) caused another slight injuries, and, Augusta, Ga., April 7. (A f.) , Dexter, will be ably comforted |__Harvey P. Bissell col ______the third to be arrested on a charge 1 Sponsor ing yJffij Henry Kendall, of Boston, Mass., | jgj. ^jjg i^ggJoss of ijerher little daughter :>jggfor of port, and more commonly of criminal negligence and held m : Joyner) by Eldred McCabe.; commomy , ^^,500 by East Hartford | of ave textile mills In North | (Walter Jo^ erl hy El*^^^^ ___ _ ' 1 r T>« r\T T T T \ Q C I n P ; oouos and Sonth Carolina told the A t o laaiug tliC luat ____ , Connecticut______f who died late I n f f t yes V P S - ', ^ Antonio x Onofrio, twenty year old National Better Homes Week tic Cotton Association y bride’s relatives will oeOe i terday,roav, isIS atai. his home here. j laborer, of 42 Charles street, Hart- unless the textile industry takes; there/the “deaf aunt and uncle He entered the hospital for obser- ford, was admitted to the Memonal April 27—May 3 care of its own problems in a satis-1 country,” Sidney Wheaton j vation but an abdominal• - Deration------— - Hospital at 3 o’clock yesterday ♦ morning and died two hours later factory m to e r -puhUc ^ will | , Bohert H ley, o e e ^ ^ h _ , wasjeemed from'internal injuries. Death was NE of the purposes of National Better Homes Week ty W.XS ____ ! hastened by hemorrhage. Joseph is “ to encourage the furnishing of homes economically = '% h “ e t^Std^ Kendauili^lejiroto?, Mr. Bissell’s funeral will be from Caruso, age 22, of 464 Front street, | O and tastefully.” To stimulate interest along these .said, “is in a position to control its ; will the Congregational church here on Hartford, another passenger, sui- i own positions. Our small percent- scoldings for the mischief Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 and for , fered an injured right forearm but | lines we will feature a story contest, offering prizes age of export, only seven per cent, make at big sister’s wading. an hour before that the casket w ill! was discharged yesterday . for the two best stories entitled “How I Would Furnish My George Wilcox and Harold Hodge, ______4- means that we can, if we will, bal­ be open that friends may look upon , noon. The driver of the car, Josepn Living Room.” The contest begins with this announcement clad in rompers and Jong curi« | I Torneo, age 20, of 54 Woodbridge ance more nearly our supply %vith and is open to everyone with the exception of persons en­ demand.” . , ^ ; as the twin sisters, will bring t Bissell followed James Me-'avenue, Hartford, escaped injury. He described the industry as : dolls to play with. Govern of Bridgeport as collector; and was arrested by I^liceman gaged in furniture or decorating as a business. You are “disjointed,” saying it was follow­ ! James Irvine will change in na- for this district. He was appointed i Jerry Moynihan of East Hamora. cordially invited to participate. Our store will be at the ing policies which have been dis­ ■ tionality for a time and take the, by the late President Harding ! Torneo was later released on bail. disposal of all contestants at any time during business hours carded in other industries. part uj. ------His profession was thrt — --- Labor Conditions with an eye to business even during ] ^j^uggist and he was long on the | car left the road to crash injo a from now until the close bf the contest. “tliscussing labor conditions in the the serious part of the wedding. |i gtatgState pharmacy commission. He ; fence. Jg ^““ Ji^pieteV mills, Kendall said that “ mill-ovra- Guests at the wedding will be | gg^yed as state comptroller from 1 of it. The ers here in the south have regarded introduced by a stately English but- j ^921 to 1923 and had a great deal j wrecked, long hours as advantageous. Long ler John McLoughlin. Many of thej^Q ^^tb modernizing mechanism' The dead man was taken to the J .; hours are actually an economy nations celebrities will be there. in that department. j M. D’Esopo ^t^ertaking parlors at j Rules boomerang. They have meant that Gain Curci, (Sam Nelson) will ren- Personally Mr. Bissell had a 132 Temple street, Hartford, In submitting a story it is necessary to follow for certain periods goods are turned! Tt-niinn aria, Harry Lauder large following in Fairfield county | terday. He leaves his mother five these rules: out in such volume that an j/^ ilts and with the famous crook- and was a dependable cog in the ■ 1brothers,-— nnHand two sisters.sisters, The fu- The judges have been selected by the i neral will be held tomorrow morning i 1. Your story must be limited to a maximum P'“Ov?ipmd^^^^^^^ curtailed i ed stick will be impersonated by El- Republican ranks. general committee in charge of Better 1 at his home at 8:30 o’clock with a oif 500 words. employment and reduced wages.; more Watkins. high requiem mass at St. Anthony s Homes Week. They are not in any way Thrrau"e7meSns^ .xoanc iP.=;senedlessened purchas-1purdhas; | ' The Flap',Flapp« of church at 9 o’clock. Burial will be 2. Use an actual room ----- your own room! ins- powers. The new and sound j ards) will ------make all the , in Mt. St. Benedict’s cemetery. j connected with our store and will be Select the furnishings you would like to use.....: practice of other advanced indus- j tappers in the audience sit up and GANDHI MAKES strictly impartial. They will judge your describe it and how it is to be arranged,. giving tries is to maintain purchasing j ^ake notice with his—her latest con- power first. I ception of the Charleston ' story on the following basis: reasons for your selection and arrangement. “It is more than a coincidence ^. -p^ese____ are only a few who will NAB LORENZ IN CANADA; j that the companies which are j, startlingcjtartline roles,roles. A cast of SALT TO DEFY 3. Keith’s name must not be mentioned in growing are doing a good merchan-erchan- j ^jg^ yriu make up the en- your story... .but for purposes of judging ^ d dising * b . More attention to rere- -, ^ fig^gr girls, CONFESSES THE MURDER 1. The accuracy of the writer’s infor­ identifying, the furniture must all be selected search, hj^every department, is es-1 ^^^.j^ggj^aids, maids of honor, a nng BRITISH RULE mation on any facts or statements whidh from our stock. sential,” Kfendall said. bearer and trainbearer will attend (Continued from Page l.) j are used about furniture or room arrange­ The speaker is head of at I the bridal party. Charlie 4. Put your name and address on separate slip Newberry, i^gefield and Camden, ' Chaplin and Mary Pickford will be (Continued from Page 1.) The $300 was to be used by the Ben- 1 ment. attached.... not on the story. They will be sub­ S. C., and a« Paw Creek, N. C. there, all represented by local men. son’s ifixpaying a mortgage note. | mitted to the judges by number only.. •-with The contflitition of the association terday has been refined and sold at opened todfy with several hundred Nothing has been said about the He spept most of the evening talk- ; names in a sealed envelope: not to be opened until bridegroom who 'will be provided as auction for 525 rupees. ing with them and with .their daugh- I cotton m^chants from vanous Special Pledges. 2. The judgment and good taste dis­ the winners are selected. parts of the south-east m attend­ a life partner for the blushing bride, ter Elizabeth wnth whom he had | Walter Joyner. The bridgegroom, It is understood that Gandhi been friendly. Next day it is al­ played in the selection of the proper fur­ 5. All stories must be submitted to Keith’s ance. * shortly will issue special pledges leged, Lorenz had his car washed ! of course, is usually the least im- nishings for your particular room. before the close of Better Homes Week (May 3rd.> i portant of any bridal party, but in for public signature whereby the and a rear window Mattered by the i this case, an old world custom is be­ signatories bind themselves to use bullet replaced. Then he started for Bring or mail your story to this store acldre^ed D. A. R. MEMBERS HEAR ing revived and the handsome chap only contraband salt. The salt that i Buffalo. to “Better Homes Contest Committee.” The Gandhi manufactures will be auc­ I ______3. The clearness and completeness of tioned all over India each successful winners will be announced in your local paper as i HOW HE WAS TRACED the description within the prescribed lUREPORTS if U U l J ON v i l STATE WORK ^ Sam Gordon who will tie the fatal bidder being expected to p ve back ! Niagara Falls, N. Y„ April 8 ■ - soon after as possible. his purchase for reauctioning. 1 (AP)—Heinrich Oswald Lorenz, 25 6 The prizes will be given in merchandise ------i knot. length. Manila! Gandhi, who marched ' year old, Hartford, Conn., alleged j from our stock, subject to the winners selection , AT A- / Other guests at the wedding are with his father to Dandi, has ar­ slayer of Nils Apderson, was lodgei | Meet in South lAlethoaiSl j adding finishing touches t.T rived at Bhimrad to take charge of in the local police headquarters to- i without restriction. $50 worth for first prize Church Saturday Afternoon. { costumes, rushing from fittings for the civil disobedience volunteers day awaiting removal to Hartford j and $25.00 worth for second prize. Accent New Member. their gowns to appoinments wnth previously led by his brother. Ram where he will face a murder charge 1 " hairdressers. All these guests 'Will Das, who was arrested yesterday. in connection with Anderson s slay­ Orford Parish Chapter, Daughters be men, mind you, transformed by Several women volunteers have ing. County Detective Edward of the American Revolution, held an magic touch of lip-stick, rouge and started the sale of contraband salt Hickey, Hartford, said he was in interesting meeting Saturday after­ eyebrow pencil into dashing damsels in Surat. possession of a complete confession noon at the South Methodist church and enchanting flappers. from Lorenz and that the alleged parlors. Reports were given by ■ The motto of the production is, killer had agreed to waive extradi­ the delegates w'ho attended the state “If you can’t laugh, don’t come,” ABOUT TOWN tion. Hickey plans to take Lorenz Prizes The Judges convention in Bridgeport recently, and judging from the reports of the back some time today. dealing with various phases of staie various rehearsals the play will bid Lorenz was arrested in, Windsor, Miss Avis Walsh Ont., Saturday night after Connec­ work, such as patriotic education, fair to live up to 4is motto. , Miss Mary McGuire of the High lst...$50.00 Mrs. H. 0. Bowers national defense, girl homemaker.;, school faculty, her sister. Miss Anna ticut police officials had trailed him McGuire and Mrs. Samuel J. Kemp across New York state and through Malcolm Mollari and other lines of eSort some or the pro'vince of Ontario, Canada. In Opposite School w'hich have not as yet been taken up are others who have entertained for South Manchester CBICAGO E X ( m the benefit of the Hospital amcil- their final rovmdup and capture of 2nd.... $25.00 Rev. Wm. P. Reidy by the local chapter. the alleged slayer they were aided Mrs. J. N. Nichols of Highland iary’s linen fund. They combined ^A. F. Howes forces ■with Mrs. Charles J. McGann, by Falls police. An automobile with In Merchandise of Park whose papers have been ac­ OVER ITS PRIHARV a disabled radiator which Lorenz cepted at Washington, was received and the bridge was held at Mrs. Your Own Selection. McCann’s home on Henry street had left in a garage here after he into membership Saturday. had been seen removing the license last week. Miss Etta Otto, of the South (Continued from Page 1) plates, furnished the clue, that put Methodist church choir, a promising Lois, younger daughter of Mr. the Connecticut authorities on his young contralto, sang two groups of dared her support of Oscar De- Priest, negro Congressman seeking and Mrs. George H. Wilcox of trail. songs and both the selection of num­ GreenhiTl street, was surprised at bers and the way they w-ere render­ reelection. In his Sunday meetings, Deneen her home Saturday evening by ed pleased all, and Miss Otto who about 24 of her classmates at High NOTED FINANCIER Reading ...... 126 wa^ accompanied by Organist charged Mrs. McCormick with “spending large sums of money in school. The party was in honor of do, pfd ...... lOJ Rem Rand ...... 42 ' Archibald Sessions, was obliged to every section of the state” and said her sixteenth birthday. The young xLanders, Frary & Clk 70 Rep If and S teel...... 793s^ respond to encores. “there has not been a campaign in people played the usual merry DIES IN Mann & Bow, Class A 13 Sears Roe ...... 89" . Miss Alice Dexter, past regent; Illinois so expensive as the one she games and enjoyed a luncheon. Lois Local Stocks do. Class B ...... T N.Y. Stocks Simmons ....!...... 5:^%, Mrs. William B.—Lull, Miss Emm%' xNew Brit Mch. com . 28 is making.” was remembered with many pretty (Continued from Page 1) Sinclair Oil ...... 31^5 Hutchinson, Miss Ida Holbrook and Not once has the question of a gifts. - North & Judd ...... 21 Adams E x p ...... 35% Skelly O i l ...... 40%: Mrs. Lucius Foster will leave on woman seeking election as a Sena­ (Furnished by Putnam & Co.) Niles Bern Pond ----- 42\< Alleg C orp...... 32% Sou Pac ...... ,.123Vj, deflation of currency and prices. Peck Stow and Wilcox 8 Friday for Washington, D. C., to at­ tor been raised. Mrs. McCormick Memorial Temple Pythian Sisters President Wilson appointed him to Central Row, Hartford. Conn. Am C a n ...... • • 153 Sou Rwy ...... 129 tend the thirty-ninth continental demonstrated her vote getting abil­ will hold its regular business meet­ Russell Mfg C o ...... 75 Am and For Pow ...... 93% "Stand Brands ...... 25%, membership on the Reserve board in xSco-vill ...... 62 65 congress of the Daughters of the ity by leading the field in the race ing in Odd Fellows hall tomorrow 1914, when it was first organized, in 1 P. M. Stocks. Am Intemat ...... 53% St Gas and E l...... 130 » American Revolution which wall for Congressman-at-large two years evening. A social time will follow. Bank Stocks. Smythe Mfg Co ...... 95 Am Pow and L t ...... 113% S O Cal ...... 72%; view' of Harding’s extensive and Bid Asked Seth Thom Co. com . . . 35 convene in the new constitution had. ago. practical banking experience in Bir Am Rad Stand S a n ...... 39% S O N J ...... ; ...... 79 ' i Mrs. Ray Duncan of Rutherford, do, pfd ...... 24 SONY...... 38%^ This wall be the first time the na­ Deneen’s Career was two ; Bankers Trust Co . . . . 325 160 Am RoU Mill ...... 94, ^ tional conference will be held in the Senator Deneen’s first political N. J., was the week-end guest of " L r ir d ! city toX gd Trust Standard Screw ...... 145 Studebaker ...... 42 Miss Priscilla Crosby of Robert 383 do, pfd. guar “A” .. 100 new hall dedicated last year. venture was in 1892, when he was 43 Am T and T ...’. .'.V...... 272V2 Tex Corp ...... 59 • Mrs. Lucius Foster, regent, in­ elected to the Legislature. He has Road. Mrs. Duncan was formerly , S'evetuor' : - xStanley W ork s...... 41 Am Tob B ...... 234 'Tim Roll B ear...... 86%^ been in poUtics constantly since, Miss Irene Crockett of this town. 140 150 Taylor & Fenn ...... U5 Am Wat W k s ...... 114% Transcon Oil, n e w ...... 1^^: vited the members and their friends ! Harding’s Federal career was pre- Htfd ’ 260 Torrington ...... 6® serving two terms -as governor and •wirtaiin ! sented bv the postwar period of de- First Nat Htfd . .. 225 Anaconda ...... T7% Union Carb ...... 102%*. to a card party to be held at her Patrolman Rudolph R. Wirtalla , sented Mtg and TiUe 40 Underwood Mfg Co . . . 124 home, 37 Academy street. May 10. now heads the dominating faction Atl Ref ...... 5-0^'2 United A ircraft...... ’f; in Cook County Republican politics. 1 was back on ^u^ty today afte^ a^teji | ^“ ';;“|^^“ cTuded'that to ke6p Amer- ’ Mutual B&T 240 Union Mfg C o ...... 21 Baldwin L o c o ...... 35 j Unit Corp ...... 4S%:| The hostesses, Mrs. J. Howard days illness which kept him con- 240 U S Envelope, com .. 215 Keith, Mrs. Arthur J. Straw and | Mrs McCormick’s first political basis, it do, vtc B and O ...... 119% ' Unit Qas and Imp’ ...... 45 i overture came four years later when fled to his home. An Injury suffered | ican currency on a , ' . „ ■ Trust 200 do, pfd ...... 112 Bendix Aviat ...... 56% U S Ind Alcohol...... 105 > Miss Flora Stanley served dainty she served as secretary to her when^he was thrown from his nio- ^ad to_mstan high andhank.s ‘ Riverside Trust' ...... 625 Veeder Root ...... 4a U S Pipe and Fdry . . . ’...... 35%' refreshments following the business Srscount fates at all regional bank.s ' RiversWe Beth Steel .,...... '...... 107%_ father -when Hanna was managing torcycle on Center street a few and sharply advance money interest ] West Htfd. Trust .. 350 — Whitlock Coil Pipe . . . — Can P a c ...... -.212% U ^ R ubber...... 33 ' session. ■' years ago was the cause. Although X—Ex-dividend. President McKinley’s 1896 cam­ ra te at aU money centers.. In the ^ ^nda.^ ^ Case Thresh ...... 272 U S §teel ...... 198 , bandaged about the back and still XX—Ex-rights. Util Pow and Lt A ...... 44%; paign. early months of 1921, banks were c- Cerro De P a sco ...... 63 % Factional politics has been an suffering some pain he was at work 100 103 (Jhic Mil StP and P p f ...... 41% Warner P ie t ...... 73 f today against the advice of his doc­ forced to pay ten per cent and more 1 East Pow 5s NOON STOCKS equally protuberant issue in Chica­ for advances from the Reserve sys- ■ Conn L P 7s ,116 118 Chic and N orw est...... • 87 Westing A i r ...... tor. 108 CURB QUOTATIONS go and Cook County. The Deneen tern. The policy, though defended i Conn L P 51/2 s ...... 105 Chrysler ...... 39 Westing El and M fg ...... ,1Q9' faction two years ago routed the by Governor Harding and other 1 Conn. L P 4^/^s...... 98 100 Col Gas and E l ...... 86 Woolworth ...... 6S'%j Mayor Thompson - Crowe - Galpin Charles Taylor who has been sub­ 1 Htfd. Hyd 5s ...... 102 105 Colum Graph ...... 30% Yellow T ru ck ...... 27 New York. April 7.— (AP.)—The stituting at the Main street railroad banking leaders as being absolutely Stock Market turned' reactionary forces on a “law and order” issue. necessary to maintain the gold insurance Stocks. (By Asaociated Press.) Coml Solv ...... 35 Deneen charges that Mrs. McCor­ crossing was this morning appoint­ xAetna Casualty...... 156 Comwlth and S o u ...... 20 today, after an outburst of strength ed regular gate tender at the cross­ standard behind the American dol­ Amer Qt Pow and Lt (B) .. 27% at the opening. Advices of several mick is aligned ■with the “City Hall lar, drew intense criticism in politi­ xAetna Life ...... 34% Consol Gais ...... 131 SOCIAL WORKERS MEET ” in this campaign and that ing. Am Super Power ...... commission houses to make profits I Gang cal circles. xAetna Fire, $10 par . 76 Central Stat Elec ...... 39% Contin Can ...... 69 %s in preparation for a technical reac- j her nomination would again mean Farmers Complained. I xAutomobile ...... 46 Cities Service...... 42 Com Prod ...... 103% tion after the sharp rise of the past the return to power of Mayor Charles Kellner, of Union street, 143 New Haven, April 7.— (AP)-^-; Senators representing agricultural I Coim.l^neral ..... Crocker Wheeler ...... 27% Curtiss Wright ...... 14% Subjects to be discussed in the com- - . . , ------Thompson and former State s At­ night watchman at Cheney Broth­ 86 Du Pont De N em ...... 140% fortnight made traders rather wary ers is at the Hartford hospital as communities were particularly per- xHrtd Fire, Elec Bond and Share...... ; 01 ing annual session on major prob-^ Such shares as Radio, General torney Crowe. In reply, Mrs. Mc­ sistent in attributing agricultural : Htfd Stm Boil, $10 p Eastman Kodak -----v,.------231% Cormick has termed Deneen a “list­ a patient for rheumatism. He ex­ Elec Shareholders ...... lems of social work by the Oonhecti-' Electric and International Harvest­ pects to be a patient there for a distress to what they termed the ' National F ir e ...... Ford of England...... Elec Pow and L t ...... 94 cut Conference on Social Work were'\ er lost 2 points or more. Warner less Senator who wants the Senator- “board’s deflation policies.” One xPhoemx Fire ...... Erie ...... ship solely to strengthen his fac­ month. ItaUan Superpower ...... given out today apd the high spot^ Brothers also sold off a couple of former board member, the late John ■ Travelers .. ••••;/' Italian Superpow rights...... <% Fox Film A ...... 48% will be employment, health, child> points. Shares losing a point or tional lines.” Gen Elec ...... 89% Lewis Cheney is at the home of Skelton Williams, comptroller of the j ^bU c Utility St Niag and Hud Pow er...... 21/« welfare, character building, old ag^^ more included U. S. Steel, Bethle­ Jenkins, who said Deneen and currency under the Wilson adminis-, xConn. Elec Sve ...... 89 93 TJi,/l TirnrrantS ...... " es Gen Foods ...... ' • • ^9% Mrs. McCormick are fighting a his parents, Mr. nad Mrs. Howard 91 93 Niag Hud warrants pensions, the foreign bom and; hem Steel, Stone and Webster, Pub- Cheney for his spring vacation. He tration, joined the ranks of the ^ xCo m . ------Pennroad ...... ____16 Gen M otors...... 51% 'ic Service of N. J., Columbia/ Gas “ sham battle,” last night declared board critics, and the incident led to Hartford Elec Lgt . .. 93 95 ...... 58% Gold Dust ...... ^2% parentaood. the swing among the voters was is a student at Bates College. __ 89 S O ...... The session will he April 27 to. 29' and Standard of N. J. United Air a personal fistic encounter between ! Greenwich W&G, piu • United Oas ...... 40% Grigsby G runow ...... 20% :raft, sbowever, shot up close to the now toward his candidacy. 70 75 ...... 46% and arrangements are to receiyfc Jay E. Rubinow, son of Mr. and Harding and Williams before a Con- j Hartford Gas ...... Util Pow and Light .. Int Harv ...... 1Q5% about one thoiisand persons whjcbv jEear’s^ peak. So intense has the Deneen-Mc- gressional commission inquiring into do, pfd ...... 45 55 ...... 25% Int Nick Can ...... 43% Cormick rivalry been that • it has Mrs. William Rubinow of East Cen­ 190 United Lt and Pow A will constitute one of the largest^ In the early trading. Fox Film the subject. ' ^ ^ ^ ^ Co ...... 185 ...... 94% Int T and T ...... 69% shot up 9 5-8 points to 50 on an- practically eliminated attention ter street, a freshman at Harvard tocks. Vacuum Oil ...... gatherings of this kind in several^ is spending his spring vacation here. Governor Harding later retired! Manufacturing S Vicks Financial ...... 8% Johns Manville ...... • • • 133 louncement of settlement of the re- from candidates for other offices. from the reserve board, and for a | Am Hardware ...... 60 62 Kennecott ...... 57% years here. 5nancing controversy, then slipped Twenty-three Republicans seek the 30 — Kreuger and T o ll...... ^.... 32% At the general public sessi

J\TANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1930. 'W \ PAGE FOUR DAILY RADIO PROGRAM AHACK BIG PROBLEMS VERPLANCK PRAISES WAPPING EVENING C L A S S E S ^ 422.3—W O R , N E W A R K —710. Leading DX Stations. TOMORROW EVENING Monday, April 7. 7:30— Orchestra, girls’ quartet. NEW STATE SUPERVISOR The Sunday school board at its An all-star radio presentation last­ 3:00— Footlight musical echoes. 405.2— W SB, A T L A N T A —740. monthly meeting on Thursday eve­ 9:30—NBC programs (1 hr.) ing for an nour and featuring the 0:30— South American music. / 10:00— Emil Velazco, organist. 10:30— Musicale; Paris evening. ning made arrangements for the brightest lights in the broadcast firm­ 11:30— Two dance orqjiestras. 11:30— Amos ’ n’ Andy, comedians. IN PHYSICS AT YALE I Says Dr. Ernest W. Butterfield next Sunday school social which will Graduation Program Is An-. ament has been arranged by tlie 11:30—Moonbeams music hour. 12:00— Metropolitan music hour. W E A F chain to be given Idonday 12:30— Studio transcontinental prog, <5; ------——------j Is WeU Qualified to Act as be hel^i at the Parish House on Fri­ noanced Today; Hi|^ SekooE' night at 10:30. The first half of the 348.6— W A B C , N E W YORK-iEGO, 6:00— Harry Tucker’s orchestra. 293.9— K Y W , CH IC A G O — 1020. j day evening April 25. Walter N. concert, which will be announced by 8:00— NBC programs (3 hrs.) recent theories concerning the state Head of Education Here. Pupils to Aid in Program. Graham McNamee, will consist of se­ 6:30—Sketch, “Mountainville.” Foster’s class will provide the re­ 7:00— Talk, H. V. Kaltenhorn. 11:00— Address: Amos ’ii’ Andy. of electricity in metals. j ------lections by such well known artists as 11:45—Five dance orchestras. Professors and Fellows Professor Charlton D, Cooksey Superintendent F. A. Verplanck freshments and Rev. ^arry B. Reinold Werrenrath, baritone; Duso- 7:30—Stars from Hollywood. V 389.4— W B B M , C H IC AG O —770. The closing exercises o f Manches­ lina Giannini, soprano; the Russian 8:00—Henry and George, bellh* ps. ' and his brother, Donald Cooksey, of the Ninth District Schools in Miner’s class of Boys will look af^r w ith 9:00— Songsters; music program. ter Evening School will be held Symphonic choir; Renee Chemet, vio­ 8:30—Henry Burbig, humorist, y:3u—Conceit; 'orchestra; drama. who is an Honary Fellow in Phys- 1 Manchester, one of Jthe several men the games. linist; Josef Lhevinne. pianist, and Harriet Lee, contralto. Study Varied Subjects; tonJorrow evening in the Ifigik irohool —Dramatization, -talk, music. 10:45—Isle of Blues orchestra. ics, have just completed a very pre- i who was considered for the post of James Callahan, who with his Victor Chenkin, baritone. The sec­ 9:00 I'UO—An hour about (Jhicugo. assembly hall. The program for ond half of the proceedings will be U:30— An evening in I ’aris. 4-)6.4— WGN-WLIB, CHICAGO—720. else measurement of the wave- ' commissioner of the state board of family moved to Ellington last graduation was announced this opened by Phillips Carlin. This half 10:00— Guy Lombardo’s orchestra. 7:3ti—Coon Sanders’ niglilhawUs. Seek Method of Deter­ length of the principal character-' education, speaks highly of Dr. spring, has returned and occupies hour will present such personalities as 10:30— Contralto and tenor. morning by Principal A. N. Potter Frederick Vettel, tenor. 8:00—Studio variety prograni. istic X-radiation of silver. They are Ernest W. Butterfield who comes the Oliver Clark place, which Guy Gladys Rice, soprano; the Revelers 8;3i>:_VVKA1'’ progiams t2 hrs.) and is as follows: male quartet; Phil Ohman and Victor 11:15— Symphony, dance orchestras. preparing a report upon the method; from a similar position in "Vermont 11:30— Two dance orchestras. lo:30—Modern music concert. Smith, recently vacated. High School orchestra, E. Marion Arden, piano team; Ernest Hare a.nd 21;30—Two dance orchestras. mining Earth's Age. of measurement—which is consid- to succeed Dr. Albert B. Meredith Mr. Whapples and Mrs. Horton Biliy Jones, the. Salon Singers, anl 12:30— Midnight organ melodies. 12:u0—Dream ship concert. Dorward, director. Prank Mouian. comedian. Two robust 454.3— W E A F , N E W Y O R K —660. 1215— Four dance orchestras. ered imique—and upon the treat­ In this state. and family have moved into . the Pledge of A llia n ce , pupils of Norwegian dances by Grieg and an •6:00— Ludwig Laurier’s orchestra. 254.1—W JJD , CH IC A G O — 1180. ment of the experimental data, the ' “I have known Dr. Butterfield ,7;0U— Soprano, string quartet; talk. Howard Burhan’s house this w^ek. the school. oboe solo bv Arthur Foreman will add 8; 30—Dance orchestra, trio, j New Haven, April 6.—Some of the personally for many years and think. novel appeal to the pro^am of the 7:30— Ihano twins, tenor; talk. y-oo—Mooseheart hour, songs. collection of which hsis required sev- , They have been living at the George “America,’’ pupOa of the school. Rochester Civic orchestra which may 8:00—Franklyn Baur, tenor; Vaughn 11-U5—Orchestra, mystery three. i important problems in physics being eral years of intensive work. ! he is a mighty fine man, one well de Leath, contralto, orchestra. Gilbert homestead on the Buckland -Violin solos, Leonard Ek»:^ente. be tuned in from a WJIS network 344.6— W LS, CH IC A G O —870. 1 qualified for the position. He is a 8:30—Gypsies male quartet, orchestra, attacked in the Sloane Physics Lab- Professor R. Bruce Lindsay, who road. Orpheus hi * der Underwelt, station at 10. Mr. Foreman’s solo will 8:30— Witches musical program. very human sort of a person with a be •‘Concerto for Oboe in G Minor” oy male quartet. y;00—Orchestra; family circle. I oratory at Yale University were out- has been called to Brown University Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith have Offenbach. 9:30—Don Voorhees’ orchestra. y:15—Studio musical program. ! lined in a statement made public as Associate Professor of Theoreti­ keen sense of humor and wit. Dr. Handel. 10:00—Anglo-Peisiaiis orchestra. moved into Waldo F. Grant’s house Orientale, Cui. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. I here today. cal Physics, is continuing ^ s dis­ Butterfield came to Manchester a Wave lengtlis in meters on left of 10;30—Times Square studio concert. 8:UU—WABC pro.grams t3 hrs.) and Robert Sharp is boarding with Patriotic Sketch, “Betsy Ross,’’ 11:00— Two dance orchestras. I Professor John Zeleny is complet­ cussion in the technical press of number of years ago during an edu­ station title, kilocycles on the fignt. lliUO—Dan and Sylvia; concert. them since his parents moved to pupils of the school. 'Times are all Eastern Standard, lilaca 393.5— W JZ, N E W Y O R K —760. 11:30—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians. ing an extensive series of experi- problems in acoustics, in quantum cational week program and gave 6:00— Mormaji organist, choir. Quartet of H. S. Glee club. lace type indicates best features. 11:45— Concert, dance orchestras. ments on the mobility of gaseous ______mechanics, and of the ^ philosophical two addresses, one to the high Mystic. 6:30— Smith Ballew’s orchestra. 258.3— W F A A , D A LL A S — 1040. Miss Deborah King of South Presentation of pins for perfect Leading East Stations. G;45_IJiohibition poll program. 10.00—Cline’s dance orchestra. ! ions under carefully c6ntrolled condi- significance of physical theories. He school students In the afternoon and attendance, (seventy-five seasions), 7:00— Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians. 12:00— Feature musical program. tions. The interest in this work is has also undertaken preparation of another to the public the same eve­ Windsor, a student at the Sarah 272.6— W PG , A T L A N T IC C IT Y —HOC. 7:15—Personalities of 711. Ella Washburn, chairman of Ameri­ 7:30—Roxy and His Gang featuring 299.8— w o e , D A V E N P O R T — 1000. the greater because of the widely a text-book on mechanics. j ning.’ Lawrence school, Bronxville, N. Y., ii;UU—urcheslra; isoprano, pianist. 3:u0—W E A F programs (2>2 hrs.) is spending her vacation at her canization committee, Orford Parish 8:45—Play, “The Siege.” William Robyn, tenor. lo:30—Wanderer's music hour. divergent opinions held by different Zeeman Effect S:15—Madden’s concert orchestra. 3:30—Male trio, orchestra music. home. Miss King spent the week­ D. A. R. 9:00— Ted Fiorito’s orchestra, soloists. 11:00— Davenport concert orchestra. investigators as to the nature and Professor William W. Watson, Hj:00— “Eooie and His Band tVagon. 12:00—Russo’s dance orchestra. end in Boston. “Speed Our Republic,” pupOa of 10:30—Contralto and baritone. 9:3U—Real Folks comic sdtetch. history of the carriers of electricity who is spending his first year in 10:00—Rochester Civic orchestra with 361.2— KOA, D E N V E R —830. in gases at approximately atmos­ . residence after a year’s work in Got- ] COVENTRY Mrs. Ashur A. Cdllins and chil­ the school. 11:00—Atlantic City orchestra, A rth u r Foreman, oboe soloist. 9:00— NBC programs (2 lirs.) Selection by Boy Scout band of 283—WEAL, BALTIMORE—1060. 11:00— Serenaders; Amos ’n’ Andy. pheric pressure. His papers on tingen is, with the assistance of | dren are spending a week in Col- 5:15—"Weiner’s salon music. 10::30—Drama, "Empire Builders. Salvation Army Troop, Wm. J. 11:45— Lamb mixed quartet. striae in the electrical discharge at WiUiam Bender, attacking several j Mrs. Lucy Geisecke of Worcester, C;oo—W JZ organist, choir. 11:00—Slumber music hour-cm 12:00—Tenor, contralto; string trio. rain, Mass., at the home .of Mr:i. Hanna, director. 0:30— Dinner dance music. ■ 491.5— W IP , P H IL A D E L P H IA —610. low pressures will appear shortly. problems in the Zeeman effect, i.e., ■ Mass., is visiting her son, Max for a T’lUO—Children’s birthday list. 1:00— Music V)ox; myths’ hour. I Collins’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ Investiture ceremony. Boy Scouts 243.8— W N A C , BOSTON— 12-0. 7--30— Orchestra: educational talk. 357— CMC, H A V A N A —840. Earth’s Age in the separation of spectral lines few days. 7;0(J—"WJZ Amos ’n’ Andy. 7:00— Studio musical program. ter Barnes. of Troop 3, David McComb, scout­ 3 ;0U_Wanderers male quartet. Professor Alois F. Kovarik, at the into components of different fre­ Miss Morgan of Hartford spent Mrs. Walter Billings has returned 7:15—Feature studio concert. jj;30_atudio instrumental quaitel. 9:00— Spanish musical comedy. master. S;00_W .\BC programs (3 hrs.O H;0U— Havana dance music. suggestion of a committee of the quency when the source emitting the week end with her friend, Miss from a few days visit with her par­ 645.1— W G R , B U F F A L O —550. 9;00— Novelty saxophone ensemble, 238—WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—1260. Selection by Boy Scout band. y:3U—Instrumental ensemble. National Research Council engaged the light is subject to the action of ^ Gertrude Anderson, ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fiske of Presentation of Certificates, Msiry 7:45—NBC programs (2 his.) lUiiJO-Two dance orcliestius. 9:30—W E A F family party. in the discussion of methods for de­ an intense magnetic field. The mag- ! Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sweet of East 10:30— Studio musical cnierlainment. . — WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—56„. lu:30—Studio inusical program, West Haven. F. Potter, state field agent for eve­ — Artists’ liour: dance music. 535 4 ll-yy—New forl'cr's dunce music. termining the age of the earth, and net they are using for this work is Greenwich and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel y2:10-‘ Buffalo organ recital. ij;()U_WE.\l'' progranis V0 V2 hrs.) Mr. and Mrs. Eglewitch of Ware­ ning schools. State Board of Educa- 11-30—Three dance orchestras. 475.9— W OS, JE F F E R S O N C IT Y —63C of the minerals which compose its the large magnet recently purchased Caid of Providence, R. I., were Sun­ 333.1— W M A K .B U F F A L O —900. 9:15— Sunshine choir program. house Point have moved this week 305.9— K D K A , P IT T S B U R G H -9 8 0 day guests at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur tiiHi. .’ C:30—Studib dance orchestra. 10:13—Teachers College concert. • crust, has undertaken the chemical with part of the Sloane Fund. into the house just vacated by Mr. "Violin Solos: Leonard Ek:cellente; , 7:00—TV ABC dramatic sketcli. 7:00— W JZ Amos 'n’ Andy. 11:45— Moonlight serenaders music. and radioactive analysis of certain Dr. Frank L. Cooper has con­ B. Porters. , 7:30— Studio dance orchestra. 7:30-£.13rothers; band concert. and ^rs. Arthur E. Sharp. Spanish Serenade, Valdoz, arranged 3:30—NBC programs (21s lirs.) 468.3— K F I, LOS A N G E L E S —640. miner&ls containing large quantities tinued his studies of atmospheric el­ Miss Eva Koehler of Willimantic j;00—"WABC programs (2 hrs.) 11:00—Symphonist; vocal soloists. Rev. and Mrs. Harry B. Miner r-e- by Kreisler; Romanzo Andaluria, 428.3— W L W , C IN C IN N A T I—700. 10:00— Tom Gerun’s orchestra. of uranium and thorium. This 'ex- ectric potential gradient in connec- Normal school spent the week end 245.8— W C A E , P IT T S B U R G H — 1220. 12:3U-rBand; string quartet, songs. Pablo De Sarasote. 6:30— Dinn.er dance concert. 370.2—W C eO , M IN N ., ST. P A U L —810. perimental material will serve t o ' tion with meteorological changes with her parents. turned to the parsonage here last }j;00— Studio musical programs. 6.00— Dinner dance music. “Farewell to Thee,” pupils of the 7:15—Uncle Gimbee; Vecital. y:yij—Light opera presentation. • Laurence Hill was home for over Wednesday after spending a few K:30—"WJZ male trio, tenor. 10:00—Hamline University hour. check his new formula for coraput- and is installing recording equip- ; school. a- 6:19—Sessions chimes. volved in Deciding for Christ.” Miss though he did .not leave Moscow un­ several hours struggle subdued the ble that I ass’-jne It must be evil.” 6:20—Sport Digest. Carolyn White, leader. til a week after Mexico had severed fire after considerable brush land : —Heywood Broun, author.! 6:30—Evening Schbes. Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Atwood diplomatic relations with Russia, was burned over, the blaze being' 6:45—Literary Digest ProhibiticA of Coventry'will conduct t^e service i Jesus Silva Herzog, Mexican former kept from the thick woods of the Poll—Floyd Gibbons. and tbe Holy Communion will be j minister to Russia, was shown every ■vicinity. At one time it was feared 7:00—Bulova time. served...... | courtesy and no effort was made to that some of the buildings on Pine SPECIAL FOR THIS MONTH 7:01—^Amos ’n’ Andy. Miss Florence Shatz is spending' interfere with his departure, he Street were in danger. This is the 50 GALLONS GAS FREE 7:15—^Le Boeuf Penmen. the week with h * sister in East, stated upon his arrival here. third fire in ten days and the second j With Every THE MANCHESTER aECTRIC CO. 7:30—Lowe Brothers Famous Com­ Hartford. | Mexico ordered Sil"va Herzog to in the Pine Street section, the pre- i posers. George Kenneth Shatz of East quit Mexico in protest against vious one being in about the same lo­ USED CAR SOLD 773 MAIN STREET PHONE J181 8:00—^Roxy’s Gang. Hartford spent the past week with demonstrations staged by Commun- cality. 8:30—^Ingram Shavers — Stein his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ists in front of Mexican Embassies Columbia Grange to the number International Gas Station Song; With You; Where You Frank Shatz. and legations in various countries. of 29 journeyed to Colchester Wed- 555 Middle Turnpike East. TeL 8891 i t J MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. VSUDDENDEATffi SlOWWaCDBING g TOWN A D V E R T ISE ipT HEBRON ^SUNDAY SERVICES I Mme. Kurenko To Sing IMNSESTODOGS Notice _pf The WEEEY REVIEW In Beethoven Concert O V ffi THE W EEKEND AT CONFERENCE^ At Present'Rate There W4 II Be Tax GoUector OF CABLE NEWSi The Rex and Mrs. John W. Deeter V Lineup < at "the L a ^ Minute . > All persons liabel' by isiw .1 i entertained the ihembers of the class i (By Associated tress.) A t Town Clerk’s Office. ' Town , or Personal Tax^.' .’ih,. taught hy Mr. Deeter, in Bible study, _ I • ^ « nr il Seven persons met violent or un­ Town of Manchester, ara hei!etW;®o- ' at the ^rsonage in Gilead^ Thurs 1 Record Breaking Irowd natural deaths in Connecticut over Applications for dog licenses have tified that 1 wlU have a rate'h^^Tor the week-end. Four were killed m fallen far below the average of pre­ the-Last of 1929, of 16 Mills M .the Italy and France in Deadlock: gr “ automobile accidents and three com­ vious years at the offide of the town dollar due 'and collectible - on A^ril ^ ■ The classes have extended over a ^ Hears Bishop F. D. Leete mitted suicide. _ , , cn clerk. Of l,42i' dogs to be licensed 1, 1930. , Personal Tax due .April period of more ,^han a year, and The body of John Gustafson, 50, or this year only 74 haVe been issued to 1. 1930. ■ V ] y i Over Parity; The Condi­ ; have been attended by Hebron cen -' Branford, missing since March 29 date. Taxpayers may. avail them­ ! ter people for the most part. Sev- Preach in New London. was found hanging from a tree m a selves of the privilege of obtaining Said Tax Payable at^^the ' Tax tions in Ireland; India. i eral members of St. Peter’s Episco- j woods by Boy Scouts. No motive is their dog license a.t the time that Collector’s OffiM . ‘ , pal church have also been among i linown for his act. _ they .pay personal and property ------i those enrolled. The evening was^ New London, April 7. (A P )--i In Litchfield, ’Wilbur F. Webster, taxes as the'two offices observe the • in the Municipal Building 1 pleasantly passed in playing S^mes. t ^ Frederick D.Leete preached! 74 placed a rifle in the crotch 6t a same hours "during the v.veek and from • ; : (By .Vssociated Press.) i game was a Bible game .,ar- , record breaking crowd yester-1 tree and killed himself after leaving also ^un£il 9 o’clock, on Thursday T 1 V, ■Ma-.rni i ranged by Mr. Deeter, those who Methodist church. Di.-;- i a note with directions for Rndi^ evening. With only 25 days of April APRIL 1 TO IV ^ Y l Last week saw the London ^a^al , considered most proficient in day Pendent M. E. Center,; his body. In Westport John P. left in which to secure, dog licenses conference apparently approaching study taking part. paiu. ^ho®e Pres- ^ former castorpastor of - the - church, esti- Fitch, 62, hanged himself from a ; inclusive, v - ent were Mr. and Mrs. Merton W a former pa _ J i. • 1 an increase in applicants will be the end. beam in his barn. Both had been in j eliminate ,a last jninute Hours: 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ex­ Italy and France were„ still...... in.. -a Hills, Miss C. E. Kellogg. Mr and . galleries and the ill health. * lineup at the town clerk’s . . . office. the British : Mrs. Albert W.HiWmgMjssManohie^^^^^^ Auto Accidents. cept Thursday, April 3, Thurs­ deadlock over parity; the Briti§u , Misses Pendleton, JMrs When his automobile failed to j and French had not found a security : ^ C u « “ S r Ar^Gih very heau^p. ^.tujc3 oyhe^^ , C R U D E W O R K day'; April 10, Thursday, Apnl . ’ E. Gumming . , round a curve and dropped down an 17, Thursday, April 24v and formula which would assure France jette', Mr. Allan L. Carr, Mr. Donald ice was embankment on the Seymour-Oxford (to prisoner): forhiul. Which would assure France ^ j^^.t m " '“ and^'rs' " C ^“uhTwlen'arye"/w^hlte sur-: Welfare Worker Thursday, May !• Hours 9 . safety in the Mediterranean ! fampbelh ^ y ,,y standard bearers, highway, Henry P. Gciodier, 30 of here for, my And what are you A. M. to 9 P.M. increasing Great ■ Britain s t y j ’ , , ‘ Deeter. Delicious with the church flag and stars and | Shelton was fatally injured and an- man? . _ , , comrnitments; the Amer^^^^^^^^ cake Spes, sang both a processiona 1 other man was slightly hurt. prisoner: Flattery, ma’am. Caught Interest will be added to all taxes tion had engaged tentative reserva , retresnmen and recessional and an anthem, as | Two boys, George H. Moran and imitating another man’s sigpiature remaining unpaid after May 1, Stephen Angyel, 10, were killed in on a check.—'Tit-Bits. . 1930. Interest will start from tions on the f ^ ^ 1 22 and Boy Scouts, working under the , .^3 leading the Congregation ia Bridg’6port. ]\^ora.n wes struck by April 1, 1930 and will be the rate 1 a car aft,er alighting from a bus of 9 per cent, to October 1, 1930 Leete’s text was, ‘ 1 am “ SiiShoSrfe Bishop ! with his mother. The other lad was and at the rate of 10 per, cei^ for Donam 01confident u.rect that the parley : day in assisting to put putput ou a fije^n ^f the Only^Jesm roller skating in the street when he ’s C olds balance of year. InterMt .'.at the longer five-power i the brush on Godfrey- HUi The fire , . could say that. For an ordinary ■ V’ould emerge with th e: i was hit by a machine. Best treated without rate of 12 per cent, after li^ has , ! had escaped from ^ ! man to say it would prove him an I Anthony D. Onofrio, 20, of Hart­ dosing— Just rub on j been filed will be added. _ .;r - owmers of the land JV™: ' rmposter. " a s there has been pro­ ford, was killed when his automobile *^°T^e others were inclined to be fields, and dwellings ^ material world concern- lieve that a three-power treaty was mg_ oyer^ the crashed into a fence. ! GBORGE H. HOWE, th"mrsr'th«co;hd he hopchfo^^ Lord Is speudlug the ; [nf light. ,f™^^ -hdle^.o the Collector considered that was considerable ac­ Herkimer N. Y., being brilliant electric lamp. O V ^ iy MILLION JARS USED YEARIY complishment.ccmplishhient. . EarlyEarl_yjn_^the_weeh in the week ,; we^^^^ ! party. been progress in theth intellectual HAWKS FINISHES TRIP the Japanese government approved , one at her world through the light of science. ^ the p ? o T S ® rar?“ he S i d : gricu .hy ^ Marion Will...... ^ i-;--,H ,V r-”h.atarial ior intellectual | States L d Great Britain, thus open-; home m tbat^pjac^^ members ; light is all man needs We need i ! New York. April 7.— (AP)—Cap­ ing the way to a tri-partite agree Congregational church 1 moral and spiritv .1 ® y , tain F'rank M. Hawks, holder of the mint. '"Vci he?d W e d S ? y evening to talk i Christ can give this. Take Him ou . east and west transcontinental speed I Bakttleship Holiday. , as ^^^g^^oncerning the resigna-, of art and music and literature, and ^ records, enjoyed the added distinc­ As visualized by non of the Rev. John W. Deeter as, it would be, indeed a dark world., tion today of being the first aviator perts, the treaty might | J-astor of the Hebron and Gilead) yet His supremacy is espeaally in to pilot a glider from coast to coast, j sections that France I Congregational churches. No definite j ethical and moral realms. A n audi- Arriving exactly on schedule he might sign. Its nrinciples action was taken, but it is under-, gnee of 1,100 also attended the set his small red, motorless plane | probably will ^with thi' Mood that a plan is being earned | afternoon consecreation service S ; ; . ^ S ; T R A 1N D E R A I L E D “Eaglet” down in Van Cortlandt of a battleship ^ : ,t to offer an increase in salary to | bishop ordained nine j Park at 4 p. m., yesterday to com- ^ scrapping of five capital s P Deeter if he vill remain, and an deacon’s orders, au^ plete a flight from San Diego, Calif. , h h ra ^ ou S . ?ouug men to eMoris ofdem. no one injured Towed at the end of a 500 foot cable I I. The evening speaker was Dr. L. the Beethoven Glee club for their ^ behind a power plane, he made the When Frank Connell, ^ e d 62, an . ^ jjartman, editor c: Zion’s Herald transcontinental trip in six and one e> T-r f PorteF, Cn* I XACLL Lilicuay __ tt___ .-Y-i-i. ;•«^ t-ViA Fifth Annual Concert. This date j ' ------thp!1 spoke some months ago in the I half days with 36 hours of actual mer brPresident Hoover and Mr. i employe 01 of a horserse m falls at a time when the opera s^uar ■ Center Congregational church o. is on tour in the south and in addi- Morgan City, La. April 7.— (AP) 1 flying time. ;, t(to adjust passenger train | ^ crowd of 15,000 stood in the LUC uc....-, — f S r ifn ^ % h ^ Htle‘^role''^S'^”S N ew ij.Jn toVee finish of 3,000 mile trip daira; an agreement on submarines knocked had their pulpits ^ hilled for this same night. | Orleans to California, was derailed | ^ of army planes circled m h lieht cruisers and destroyers, and a j horse not supposea Lo ap- i plied yesterday by members < Tn her nlace the Beethoven Glee | at Lake Bridge, La., about 12 miles formation above the park as an is pleased to present Mme. j east of here early today. _ ___ aerial reception committee. I n fw definition of aircraft | is said that Connell did j conference. Rev. Joseph Cooper ot Although a complete check of the , tonnage. i I NoT wIS: supplied the -pulpit ot the Kufenko th^'-Russ.an N igh t-! » f ”“f If such points as the bumanizatmn I not speak to tlm ho First ConereerationalCongregational church and 1 - Few artists have ever scor- | passengers has not. been made, p this sons returning from the scene of the ^ of submarine warfare andunu in order to j Rev. R. S. Raines, of Provicience J ^ success as .quickly as did 17 KILLED BY BLAST questions solved at London , shouW alv ay against being I that of the Second Congregational | Kurenko, the Russian colora wreck said only a few received Lura soprano, when she first arrived minor bruises. ! are included, reported j church. The accident occurred about 1:30 , have the option to si^ those , f^&bten ------^ , in this country. Today, after four a. m. a rail gave ^ay after th e^ o-! ^Tokyo^^ A^^^ clauses without Obligating „ . them , to he left Jeg broken j years before the American pviblic, selves to the treaty as a whole. ! her popularity is perm pent and as- ! comotive and two cars paped. j Jgj.gQjjgnprsoua uaujjad beenuerps* killed______and seven Easter Will Be Here in Eleven Days j places. Dr. Pendleton of Colches- i Five Pullmans, one chair car ami one , injured in an explosion on In India. summoned and advised hos-1 !sured. I ' , . The situation in India ^^^ched a ; ter was sum^^^ taken to lounge car left the track, two of the | ^ Kyushu prefec- Manchester Cleaners and Dyers I Maria Kurenko was born in ^ overturning, cUmax asc Mahatma Gandhi and M -1 t hospital, Wfilimantic, AHRACTION AT STATE i Tomsk, Siberia, but at an early age 1 Pullmans n the i ture. The explosion was officially at- there were 77 passengers Hi LUC . . . . , J___TvrViinVi wnci hP- B p nrenared for this big Spring holiday by. .having yoOT , tie group reached the 1 huV as there was no room for him, ______I her parents to Moscow. I mere were <. i tributed to dynamite, which was be- clotaer including suits, topcoats, dresses, etc. cleaned and pressed L e stud^d music with professors | Pullmans only pIsRion to^ the go-vernment’s i there^he^was^ taken_ to^^^^ is j Ruth Chatterton Gives I MazetuShe stuaiea and G m ri-off'artlle ------iioacow 1 bruises, reports makfne a ' ed in the coal used by the engine. for the Easter dress-up. ... Portrayal--- of Young - -- ...... ^ to ’ The explosion occurred shortly after Striving to Regain Stolen determine if any were J | fndmat^^^^ a®^ir. from both institutions at prac­ iraiiiL cciaL , T^oQQpnp-prs. Manchester Gleaners & Dyers' 1 e r r s e ‘^ o ? s f . “ i u t S | Son. tically the same time. !2^,S'7?he'S„e passengers. A Sh^ began her vocal career with i anci west or ...... i majority of the 17 apparently lived ROBERT DOUGAN, Prop. Cretics everywhere have acclaim- Tel. 6938, South IVIanchester ,*e I a sensational debut at *^be Opera ^ a^^^^ Pullmans were for 129 Center St. • - ■ * ^ n - s s r ! S S was i ed Ruth Chatterton in “Sarah and Wed by strikes, i ,1 w ^ horse. His skull us- i Son,” the feature attraction at the SrrVmaf„°ed“ ';i S fa ,''“a g?eai ! brought up fro» LatayeUe, wrecked whichaion. The burned blast throughout started the night on the He was treatad in State today ^andj^^^^^ It c S - ] favoritH^^^^^^ S i n "’^ f r f f a T e

faloesAt Bombay in ‘a r p S s “U™ "T^: I " ATwi 'h iS f' greeted the Fast | c b r n - ^ ~ r e i SeaT eT rthl Jhe‘^e\^^^^ , -'^ L 'rtl^ ^ 'd S tffin ror o, 'g° ’ SHr^eu?a\lTorS thre/act | C h at^ “ hSrwhi^hfari I hrrtrrcoSe^^."tour cremated a the oSe ’ E r o p «n P‘Py ''^ ”r;)'H eh ™ n “ 2rto T^^,5led 1 “ ortras^man. Because ol llurore. established her at on e as^an |^ Lake

r ;S ‘r'"w ilS T ,S S a4“S i ;?r.rrr^SkeuTa 1 eTr^pe^ryn^L^ilYy“ Irah SL? M^me. f i “ “ ward Moutoh was engineer o, I

S e “ g a l . Eireann and ehose S , f ■o“ e"'orihe£r’a P '- P v e i . S , i " 83 YEAR OLD CANDIDATE. •s” i? • tte°‘ wTekXforr^Dr" :H rin S j| M t Bruening, German chancellor, took ! th cast. r-5,gY^,,;ggn I Then he disappears. Lincoln, Nebr., April '7.— (AP) — i his ministry before the Reichsta to"over $35.00, to he divided between j eenters_on | water Kent,_ At the aj^6 of 85, Aaron Rccd is '^d debated a“ non-confidence mo-j {he Playe5_s_ andina ^^the^boys i-ne 1 herTttampts tTrecover""her son. The | made several movietone records for seeking election to the United States school class of the local^ Congre^a-; P ^hjeh Sarah accomp- | Metro-Goldwyn-Maycr. tion. ^ Senate. The•me Chinese(..uiucac Nationalist______govcm-1 tional Sund3y school. II "^will'^be i lishes gs'^her'purr^^^^ her purpose provides the big All members of the ejub arc work Reed, who has _ been----- active ment of Chiang Kai-Shek moved to j nounced that a minstrel show wi best j ing hard to make it a ^ate i P •>r ™mbat the latest rebellion, tbe given by talent from Yantic Fnd y that has yet cert for Manchestei. A.si5oaata j,^Qj.gig for the Re- Surpasses all preGedent northern alliance of Generals Yen | evening, April 11, at the halL u r j talking screen. . Miss | memberships can be secured ^rom 1 publican nomination, and is waging Hsi-Sban and Feng Yu-Hsiang. The 1 the auspices oI/b® i^ | Chatterton is superb in the role of any member of the club There a i^ campaign on “ A sopping Manchurian cnieftain, Chang Hsueh-) e . with a half and half share m | easily merits the title of nearly 500 ticket.s sold alrcadj. this . _ - many NEW scientific principles of 3m: ,ix Liangf, is aiumgaiding v-.iii . Elton Post has received theIbe, g^^ the latest a $4,500,000 product, excelling all Russia made sweeping concessions appointment of census emimerator | news. 1 previous achievements. io to peasants—lightening of tax bur- 1 ^^gg begun his work about the ^ ______D onfpa/nf Jis'< dens and so on—in efforts to popu- j fown. THREE FLIERS KILLED { This latest Maytag gives you a _ larize its collective farm movement. Louise Blume is spending a .qsJ Tilden, Neb. April 7— (AP) — A ^qour house before, qoH NEW toller water rerhovef With iitr As to the Russian religious situa­ week or two as guest of Mr. and tree planting ceremony attended by enclosed, positive-actipn, authmatip . tion, the British government Idrs. H. E. Lysles in Canaan. Gov. Weaver and 5,000 residents of drain: a NEW one-pietCjCast-alu* t through Lord Parmoor, announced Hart E. Buell visited Aleck "White •uns northwestern Nebraska came to a minum tub; a NEW quiet, lifetime, it would not interfere m R-ussian at St. Joseph’s hospital recently. 'The tragic ending yesterday with the anti-religious activities. Lord Par­ doctors hope, to have Mr. White's death of three aviators, trapped in bil-nacked drive, and many other iw moor gave the official view after thumb, in...... which— blood poisoning .. - .had J a new biplane as it fell from a learn about notable new features.- ■ ■.iiaiv the Archbishop of Canterbury, in develop following an injury received , the House of Lords, had presented while sa'wing wood. The ceremony had just ended and i-rS. figures which he said would prove the crowd was dispersing when the 1 P H O N E HOME WASHm<5,< f -sii* persistent oppression of religion m plane, crashed to earth and burst If the NEW Maytag doesn’t sell its e ljj the U. S. S. R. I GUSHER UNDER CONTROL into flames. Two of the occupants don’t keep it.' Divided paym ents you’U ‘ yls‘. were killed instantly. The pilot dl6d never miss,- .. ■ •'; . • '. tab last night. Diir Oklahoma Cityi April 7.— (AP) — The dead, all residents of Plain- THE MAYTAG COMPANY,Newto^ Io ^ ‘ b1 Ou'trmarted by the ingenuity of man, FouiKl'd 189.’. MISSIONARY RELEASED view, Neb., were Kenneth Kirk, 26, Permanent PhllaSelphla “s-rf: the crafty No. 1 Mary Sudik gusher pilot and co-ovraer of the plane, of the South Oklahoma City oil Branch, Maytaar B n lld ln sf^ l-^ Leonard Alexander, 22, part owner Y earage 1 There’s a word that every houseo\\*ner ' I j:. North Broad St^ PhHadelphln, field fumed today and pulled against of the ship; and Leon Baldwin, 24. , " Pennsylvania. Shanghai, April 7.— (AP) Al­ C3.blGS. ought to know. There’s the word that ought though three missionaries who es- ^ The___ well was placed under control | to be the basis of your every paint purchase. caped the bandit attack on Yuan- , yesterday. v.oifo.'i I ONLY 10 chow, Kiangsi, recently by fleeing I -with the petroleum geyser halted. | There’s the word that 'ceiis why Devoe Lead & into the mountains made their operators in the field drew sighs oi 1 1 DAYS MORE Zinc Paint is the best paint investment in the way tp safety, and Miss Nina E. , relief. Because of the danger that | , Maytsa Radio Pro im i ovcf N.B.C. Coatt Gemmell, an American missionary, | spraying gas ami oil would world 1 It means the same to paint that mileage TUNE to CoMt Ne.W ork MpNDAIf E ven^ ^ formerly of Tacoma, Washington j ^atch fire, all other activities m the E.S.T., 8:00 C.S.T., 7M> M.T., 6M> P.T. Rubber Heels means to tires. IN.... WJZ, New Yorkj KDKA» Pitttbnrtn?rhiKTW, and Girard Kansas was reported to 1 district have been halted. K stray S s o , KSTP, SI. __ _ Najhville; have been released by brigands to- g grj^ from two clanging pieces ot If you plan to paint your house, stop in and WREN, Kansas City; KOA, have day. iMeel and the territory might i’ - - let us tell you more about yearage. Let us tell Salt Lake City; WKY, Oklahoma City; KPRC, - FerSomsscNlWsWrfils i^ A double FREE HouitoniKECA.Los Angeles; KGW .Pottlandi is aoalUil* lartih in-hvilt gase/iiM ■star- - A band of 500 brigands was re- j t,ecome a raging inferno and 34 Associated Stations ported to have captured, looted and j nipple, secured above a series of 1 • you why Devoe lasts one to three years longer 30-1 ■I*. A burnedP'’ ------numerous- villages f,P«rhear Run-1 Sun fittings that included two master | eVerV DEir OtSOleS than other paints— why it spreads 15% to 40% gate.s, was the mechanism that! ^ Wang, Kiangsu province, 25 irules . » : {> southwest of Shangahi. Fifty school finally halted the towering column! nailed or sewed. further,— why it Is the most economical paint children were kidnaped and held for of oil which was hacked by a _ daily | GET YOUR SHOES you can put on your house. > flow of some 200,000.000 cubic feet V'-.. ransom and a magistrate was R e­ FIXED NOW. ■ -I. i ported kiUed by the lawless band. of gas. Twice precious the ^ Miss Gemmell was reported to Mary” has circumvented less Intn-1 Offer Discontinued April lOtn PAUL h^ve been freed by the bandits who cate stoppers fitted to the top of the j South MahchiMt

cause less desperate criminals to found those bricks—and they’d tell ilanrIrrBtFr think severfil times before attempt­ the cops. ing a holdup, but on the other hand €tm ting H^ralb it might prompt the more ruthless DR. BU'TTERFIBLD PUBLISHED BY THE sort to adopt the system of the Dr. Ernest W. Butterfield, newly HEHALD PRINTING COMPANY. INC. Chinese burglar, which is to kill the appointed commissioner of educa­ 15 Bissell Street South ^Ianchester. Conn. folks first and look for the spoils tion and secretary of the State THOMAS FERGUSON General Manager afterward. The indicated strategy Board of Education of Connecticut, BY RODNEY DUTCHEE for such people, in a place suspect­ will tackle a'hard job when he takes NEA Service Writer Founded October 1. 1S81 ed of having gas defense, might be over his duties in this state* in suc­ Start the Summer Washington, April 7.—Mrs. Guinn I'ublishcd Every Evening > Except to enter a-shooting and keep shoot­ cession to Dr.'Albert B. Meredith. Williams, wife'oP the congressman Sundays and Holidays. Entered at the Po.st Office at South Manchester, ing till the potential gas wielders Two courses lie open to the new from the eighth Texas district, has Conn., as Second Class Mail Matter. commissioner, who comes here from begun a one-woman campaign to SUBSCRIPTION RATES were all out of action before putting i„r XT .pull the original Star-Spangled Ban- One Year, by m ail'...... $0.00 the gas to work. I !New Hampshire, where he has held obscurity and enshi^ne Per Month, by mail ...... $ .60 l'cli\ered. one y e a r ...... $9.00 Perhaps the most effective of all a similar position. He can follow it where .everyone who comes to .jllML Single copies ...... S .03 protective devices for banks would the Meredith method of elaborating Washington can have a good look at with a new it. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED be that adopted by a notorious big the common school system at an PRESS ever increasing cost to the people of Tins flag is the one that Francis The Associated Press Is exclusively gambling house on- the outskirts of Scott Key saw waving over Fort Mc­ entitled to the use for republication the commonwealth or he can ap- of all news dispatches credited to It Detroit, where the techniqde against Henry and which inspired him to or not otherwise credited in this hi-jackers consists of “pill boxes’’ proach the task with the determina- write the song which many persons ice and food saving paper and also the local news pub- set in a gallery, from which every 1practical and economical regard as the national anthem. It lislied hci^in. is now tucked away in the Smith- .\11 riglus of republication of foot of the floor is commanded by] The Conhecticut seh^l system, -J^^uTutrhr parlla'liroi: special dispatches herein arc also re­ served. machine guns which are themselves i skippership of Dr. Mere scured by other objects which Mrs. almost absolutely protected by ar-: carried too much sail. It Williams considers of much less in­ refrigerator SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE- .sE.NT.VTIVE: Hamilton - DeLlsser, mor plate. j dolled up with too many terest. In fact, Mrs. Williams says that every time she goes down to Inc.. C.-'d Madison .\vc.. New York, N. To be sure, if you could lick bank studdings’ls and trys’ls for its beam Y., and 612 North Michigan Ave., j the Smithsonian she has a bard time f'J; '.II I'hicago, Ills. bandits with tear gas it would be | draught. It has been plough- finding it. Full service client of N E A Service, an excellent joke on the robbers.! under, steering badly and The “Banner” now rests in a case I nc. But somehow this trade of sticking ^^.king a rough voyage and a eight or 10 feet high and is mostly Member, .Vudit Bureau of Circula- v e n though you don’t use ice the year 1 ions. up financial institutions and walk-: where plain sail and better rolled up, with only a small por­ ing off with fortunes seems to us to | steering would have accomplished tion of it showing. Mrs. Williams round, resolve now to have a new refrig­ — The Hcyald Printing Company. Inc., insists that it^Dught to be unrolled erator ready for the first warm days. as.sunic.s - no financial responsibility lack most of the elements of com- j ™ore. to its full length of some 25 feet E p53s¥i>‘7iror typographical errors appearing in edy. I Dr. Butterfield comes to Connec- and displayed as conspicuously as Join Watkins Spring Refrigerator Club and advertisement.s in tlio Manchester Evening Herald. ______I ticut highly spoken of. He comes possible in a large case. She is liRve your refrigerator reserved for later deliv-. Y------LORENZ ' a state where, in most affairs. buzzing influential congressmen ery. Through the club you receive the CASH MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1930 about an adequate appropriation for PRICE, although you pay for your refrigerator From all appearances the killing j ^ dollar is a dollar. It is to be hoped the purpose. FOREST.^LL. GR.AFTERS j of Nils E. Anderson by Henry O. I he will first of all realize that in easy weekly payments. The late Benjamin F. Butler, h e! Lorenz in Wethersfield was a fool | Meredith regime failed because Heavy majorities against prohibi­ whose name for many years was a l-! murder—causeless, profitless, lack-1 sufficiently appreciative tion as returned in recent polls in some of the principal uhiversiti'es ways associated with spoons, once I ing any adequate motivation, even j fundamentals and had abso- might have been much larger had it told an opposing attorney in open | from the ordinary slayer's point of I ^i^tcly the wrong slant on things not been for the constant activity court that he was “too damned sus- ■ view; committed in a fool way and it assumed that there was no of the Intercollegiate Prihibition As­ picious to be honest.’’ followed by a fool’s actions. Per- limit to the amount of money that sociation, sponsored by the older dry haps the utter folly of the perpetra-! people of this state could and organizations. The Anti-Saloon At the risk of incurring the same League’s 1929 yearbook shows that criticism we would suggest that tor will be employed in his defense, j spend on their public schools. |ggociation’s speakers and work- down for your ice box there may be one particular reason Better planned and more logical! '^hat Connecticut wants from Dr. ers visited 412 universities and col­ delivers any Leonard or Beld- We will allow you $5 for your old ’ why it would be better to hold a crimes have been condoned, before ■ sounder education leges in the year for from one to [ ing-Hall refrigerator in our special session of the Connecticut this, on the ground of insanity. less overhead. If he will use his four days, making speeches and j refrigerator! When we deliv­ leading group discussions, confer-1 stock to your home. Pay the er your new one, on the Club -X-•-Legislature to consider the issuance But almost all murders are fool j encourage, those things he ring with faculties and coaches, pro- ; balance weekly and receive the murders. Once in a long while such j stay in this state and be highly Plan, we’ll take away the old of a franchise to the proposed New rooting prohibition as a debating j CASH PPvICE. one! ^ Y-ork-New Haven-Boston motorway a crime is committed by a person | for a long time, club topic and suppl3dng literature. | corporation than to delay that busi- They spoke to 61,000 students in 165 of real intellect, one capable of ac-; college chapels, engaged in discus­ __ __ness until the regular session next curately anticipating the reactions sion in 378 regular class sessions, winter. of the police to evidence and o f; IN NEW YORK conducted 460 special student for­ Three popular models . This motorway project is a very taking advantage of such anticipa-1 ums to talk over the issue, visited 82 ^ - big one. Two hundred million dol­ fraternities and made direct con­ tion; but only once in a while. Mur-1 ___New York,____ April ^ 7.—Noted _____ in tacts with 110,000 students. lars is mentioned as suggesting its der is the recourse, in the vast ma- i passing: . , . Well, 21 out of 23 The Harvard Crimson’s poll of 14 magnitude. No Connecticut fran­ jority of cases, of poor mentalities' theaters facing Broadway now have representative universities returned chise has been sought in a great in. conjunction with lack of m oral' completely surrendered to the cine- 11,006 votes for mqdification, 5589 (Left) 25 lb. Leon­ , : many years, if ever before, on which i ma. Which leaves but the Hammer- for total repeal. '^517 for strict en­ ■ . . ! stein and the Empire. The first is al- forcement and 838 for laws and en­ ard top icer ‘with ;; , hung the fate of so huge a sum. When society established extreme j wired for sound, and you forcement “as it.” white enameled lin­ , . The present membership of the penalties for murder it was as well | know what that means. The other ing. CASH CLUB (Right) One of the Connecticut Legislature is, if no aware of the qualities of the o rd i-! is destined for extinction one of Decreased purchasing power is re­ P r ic e ...... ,$10.80 most popular of more than ordinarily brilliant, at nary murderer as we are npw. It | Columbia bur- flected in lower prices for food and medium-size, front s*--"''-ilcast ordinarily honest. There have other commodities and hence in an never intended that because a man j gj.g_ And the Casino and Knicker- increased purchasing power for the { icing refrigerator.s. ^ )been no great “pickings” in the proved to be a fool he was to be for-1 bocker, two of the last of the old dollar. The latest government fig- | (Right) 50 lb. Bsld- It is an Arco with Legislature for a good many years ‘ given the crime of homicide, it i legitimate playhouses, have been ures show that retail food prices de-1 ing-Hall apartment white enameled lin­ to tempt imscrupulous persons to knew very w'ell that fools would be j down within the year. creased IVi per cent between Janu­ icer; white enamel ing and a 50 lb. ca­ jam their way into that body. In ary 15 and February 15. Wholesale j lining. CASH- in very large majority among those j a final chapter to be written prices for February showed that { pacity. C A S H - both House and Senate the mcm- called to pay the penalties—that | about the Spanish dancer Argenti- farm products selling for 96.7 cents j CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE ’ Ijers are a decent lot. murder, by and large, is a fool’s j nita with a happy ending. And typi- a year previously brought only 92.1 ...... $2L75 ...... $24.7,'’ But with a two hundred million game. To the defense, "This man i it is oj the quick Jurnover of cents In the recent February, as ! ' dollar project in the works, and must. not be held responsible , ,be-1. fame ,, , on Broadway. For years a compared wirth a dollar in 1926. Tak- [ i half-dozen producers bid for her; ing the purchasing power of the dol- I with the Legislature holding the en­ cause he is a fool,” society should i she came over at a tremendous sal- lar as 100 cents in 1926, the statis­ terprise in the hollow of its hand, reply: “What of it? Of course he's ary for the International Revue only tics show that the average dollar .so to speak, a potential^ “strike” sit­ a fool. His crime proves that. The I greeted by the jeers of im- spent on farm products for February W ATKI N S In'Cj uation would be created which law is created to overawe such polite first-nighters. After an out- was worth $1,086, for foods.$1,047, of-court settlement, she was quickly hides and leather products .96.3. tex­ 5 5 YEARS AT SOUTH MANCHESTER might very well bring into the pri­ fools. Normal people need no law to ousted from the cast. A flop! A tile products $1,133, fuel $1,269, maries of both parties a lot of hun­ keep them from killing their fel­ big laugh! Wow what a bust! So furniture and furnishings $1,031 and gry undesirables eager to get into lows.” said they all. building materials $1,045. the General Assembly and bludgeon For a few weeks Argentinita dis­ Contemporaneous figures from the Whatever the mental status of appeared. It is said she had re­ out of the motorway people some this man Lorenz he i.s exactly the Women’s Bureau showed average turned in a rage to Spain. But she weekly earnings of $19.70 for women fat graft as the price of the fran­ kind of person against whom the was determined to get a square deal; and $31.75 for men in industries in chise. law of murder was directed. Let to show New Yorkers what she had. Illinois. The highest average wage , Any such suggestion as this will, that be borne in mind in case at­ She arranged a Sunday night dance for women was $30.23 in fur and concert. The audience was spell­ fur goods manufacturing and for of course, shock those optimists tempt is made to get him off bound. Within 20 minutes it was dent, pointing to a big fellow who who imagine’that Connecticut is too men $50.90 in lithographing and en­ played guard. as the blood must be under a high on the ground that he is not as oth­ admiUed that hers was one of the graving. The lowest wage averages “Well,” said the coach, "on the HEAITH.DJETAI)VKE pressure to pass through the nar­ clean a state for that sort of thing. er and normal men are. great personal triumphs of the sea­ for women were $6.02 in saw plan-, i^gt examination when that man rowed vessels. No state, regrettably, is too clean son. 'The mu.sic and dance critics ing mills and $9.79 in cotton and j passed we asked him two questions ^ D r FpionK Me . The three vital orgads which are raved. Crowds were turned away for the intrusion of the mercenary woolen mills; for men $20.40 in shoe ■ and we required a percentage of .50 most often affected by the harden­ JOE Y.ANDLE and it became necessary for her ing of the arteries aris the heart, politician into its affairs if special factories and canneries. I pass. The first question he was Old as it is in the matter of to take a theater for an engage------i asked was ‘What is the color of ^SwASoPiEUSia^ kidneys and the brain. The brain ^ opportunity for pecuniary gain years, the esteemed Hartford Cour- ] tnent for several weeks Discussing educational require-; blue litmus paper?’ and he replied, m tcio tm snM PM o MooftMSsMO m /vecopa may he softened, the heart enlarged f presents itself. Eternal vigilance is ant sometimes arouses our envy by Just around the corner was the ments for Washington policemen,' ‘Red.’ That was wrong. rntmtA • msumm- ou.. and the kidneys present an over­ theater from which she had been growth of connective tissue. When the price of political respectability the pristine freshness of its view­ Congress Holaday of Illinois told j “The second question was, ‘What ^ OU H.AVE ELASTIC ^ then he has what Is called hardening dismis.sed. A few feet away the how the president of a college in- > is electricity?' and he replied, ‘I the brain is affected, the first symp­ in such eventualities. point. There is something delight­ wise Broadway brigade had sneered. INNER TUBES? [of the arteries. toms are those which are due prim­ That is one reason, possibly, why And now she is a triumph. vestigated after the standing of his i don’t know,’ and that was correct.” The little tubes which carry the fully ingenuous, for example, in its institution had been criticized by the blood from the heart to the tissues It Is an old saying and true that arily to a lack of blood, such as. it might be a good idea to. think little side excusion into the affairs A flop on''on? side of the street Carnegie Foundation in its study of RIGHTO! a man is as old as his arteries,.for dizziness, reeling, inability to arise and a classic on the other! are called arteries. These have an the person with brittle arteriea is ■quickly, loss of power of memory. twice before deciding that the sug­ of Joe Y’andle of Charlotte, North Figure it cut if you can. But professionalism in , colleges. He elastic lining which expands and found that the foot!ball coach was “I’m sorry I spoke sharply truly aged, while the one with sup­ When the heart is affected, it be­ gested special session is not needed. Carolina. Joe, it appears, has had you can’t figure out how and why _„ ______to I contracts in waves originating with ple, flexible arteries is youthful. comes enlarged and there may be Another reason is that if the pro­ that boy. I must have cut him to the habit of picking up stray bricks this ^man’s ^‘^ow'n ^ ^ i what qualifications all the football | the quick, ! S e i There is no V h a ^ ^ in T th e some pain through the heart or dif­ posed tollway io to be built at all, and carrying them home. He has this man s town. players were in college. The coach | “Oh ficulty in breathing under the slight­ it’s air right, he. has no parts of the body. The arteries trea^^AhUU^nerth^ est exertion. The signs of derange-' '•' .ihe sooner the better for the relief carried home about ten thousand, said they had all passed a written j quick.’ Rudolph Friml, the very fine com­ examination.' j “Has no quick?” ment of the kidneys will be some[ * of a Post Road congestion that is altogether, and now has built him­ poser, brought to this land at a member that your arteries are a phase of Bright’s disealse. already dangerous and growing fabulous sum to write music'for the “What kind of an exa*mination did j “No. He’s a messenger boy.” j older, the elastic in his arteries may self a little three-room brick house. that man pass?” asked the presi-i Nottingham News, England. tlose its snap like old garter, and good deal like the inner tubes on (Continued in tomorrows article) worse with each season. There The Courant is impressed by the talkie, turned on his heel the other your automobile. In fact, they might should be good reason indeed for day and wteht sailing home in a be called the inner tubes of your • QUESTIONS AND A;NSWERS' pickle in which Joe will now find first-class rage. . . . And every dame body, with the exception that the any delay of eight or nine months himself. Having developed his brick who can perch on a piano Is trying Neighbor’s Chickens! inner tubes on a car carry air and (Ej-es Click) in deciding the question of the fran- to give an imitation of Helen Mor­ Question:—Anna A. writes: “Late-: carrying habit so intensively, how those in the human being carry ly I have been bothered with a conr . -ciiiac. is he going to break himself of it, gan these days. . . . George M. Coban blood. The best inner tube is made is going to take one of his early R 16KTO, 3 AM/— of springy, live rubber, and the best tlnual desire to move my eyes in all now that he has all the bricks he plays, “The Tavern,” which didn’t I'LL SEE IF l CAMTBUIID arteries are those which start out directions so as to cause them to' TEAR GAS can use? “We can see no hope for do so well once upon a time, out of make a clicking noise. Once I start A COO? t h a j I l k e e p in life with plenty of flexibility. it I have to keep it up to the extent^ Wc must confess to not knowing this man; he must continue to gath­ his trunk and give it again, feeling that times have changed.. . . 'EM AT HOME.' We begin life with arteries which of even pulling iny eyelids down and much about this tear gas thing. But er bricks as long as he is able to might almost be stamped, “Guaran- up, and • turning* my eyes in and out. that does not prevent our being Moris Gest, who Insisted on bring­ teed for 60 years," but both inner walk about the streets.” ing over art groups from all lands, 7A y This trouble seems to botber me quite interested in the idea, which tubes and arteries must be treated mostly in the morning and evening. Once in our youth we tried to now admits that he didn’t make rightly if the best mileage is to be seems to be pretty well advanced, Could you tell me the cause of this collaborate with a budding Indiana money on “The Miracle” or any­ gotten from them. Inner tubes irritation, and the treatment? I of substituting tear gas bombs for author in the writing.of a play. We thing else, for that matter, and has which are scorched while burning up wear glasses for kstignjatism and'- firearms as weapons of protection surrendered to the bankruptcy court. the road with bursts of ^speed are lived for months in a beach cottage . . . But how the dickens does a near sightedness." .for banks against holdups. apt to wear out, and arteHes which Answer: Your trouble must be due • in the winter time. What time we fellow manage to borrow half a mil­ are put under a great strain under The Ansonia Sentinel seems to lion dollars? to nervousness and lack of control.: were not disputing over the play the exciting press of modem' life You should have a complete physical be particularly impressed by the Rudy Vallee and Maurice are bound for an early recondition­ we hunted fuel alongside the nearby Chevalier may join up with M. diagnosis made, and if no definite^ discovery that some tSirty Connec­ railroad right-of-way. It was years ing or for the scrap pile. ailment exists you should then con-" Ziegfeld’s next Follies. . . . Henrik The ancients really did think that ticut banks have installed tear gas after that before we were able to Van Loon, whose stories of this and suit some doctor who treats nervous.; the arteries were inner tubes made disorders through suggestion or psy-; apparatus, and is delighted vrith the see a stray lump of coal without an that were best sellers a few seasons to carry air because they found that chotherapy. prospect of bandits rendered help­ almost irresistible prompting to ago, dines frequently in a “Village” the arteries were full of air after dollar dinner resort with Gilbert , (Bladder Fistula'/ less and easy to capture, instead of grab it. We, therefore, can under­ Patten, the bird who invented Frank death had taken place, and they de-j Question:—Mrs. S. F. arfis: “Is having to be shot, by this tricksy duced that this was their purpose in there any cure for fistula of the stand the Courant’s analysis of the Merriwell. . . . And Harry Thaw is 4 bo«; the body and gave them the name bladder?” invention which puts thieves out of Yandle psychology. the “angel” behind a little theater which signified that they were air group holding forth in one of those Answei^: A bladder fistula can usu-. business but Is not needlessly cruel But consider the circumstances. carriers. ally be removed through an opera-^ hbout it. “Village” basements. Hardening of the arteries itself Yandle is an assistant to the city Over on the East Side, oldtime tion or by cauterizing, bpt in most What arouses our curiosity is how may cause no discomfort. The prin­ cases such radical methods are not engineering department. He found bars now carry the sign, “Noolas,” cipal trouble arises in that their the tear gas is trained to attack the which, as you can see, is “Saloon” necessary. Frequently a cure can be his ten thousand bricks in eighteen hardening prevents the proper flow effected through regiflating the diet eyes of bandits and leave alone months. That is close to twenty spelled backwards. And some of of blood BO ’bat the tissues which them oper'kte that way too. . . . And so that the urine becomes less irri-' those of the bank people. Or isn’t bricks a day. Charlotte is not such they supply suffer from a lack of taring and the fistula has a better ■ a new “peep show” on Broadway this imjwrtant food-fluid. Thus, the It? Perhaps tear gas, released in an a big city, nor Is it any marvel in which flagrantly displays signs in­ chance Jto heal. main symptoms, of arterial harden­ (Pains fn Back) enclosed space like a banking room, the use of bricks. Being so much timating that there ai*e terribly ing arise from the diminished blood naughty things to be seen inside Question:—N. L. J. asks: “What- may turn out to be no respecter of | less youthfully naive than the cen supply. is the cause of throbbing pains in'3 and “men only” can attend. And do In the beginning, usually the persons and for the moment render tenarian Courant, the thing that in- they get the dimes? . . . Just like the lower part of back, like hammer ’ the bank personnel as incapable of smaller arteries are Affected, becom­ blows?’' 4 trigues us is. Where did Joe find the old days over at the county fair, ing roughened, thickened and hard­ giving an alarm as the bandits of g il b e r t SWAN. - Answer: Mostvpains in the lower.; those bricks? Just about a Ford­ ened oA the inside, but as time goes back are caused from prolapsus of:' [ completing the business of robbery. load a day, going home at night. on, the larger arteries may be at- '-I IN URGENT NEED thA» abdominal organs or some inr^ - Another thing: Advertising the And this bird a city engineer. Man, fected, causing them to become nar­ flamm&tory condition of these or- , tact that banks are prepared to de­ rower as the walls become thicker. gans. Such patos are seldom caused - man! If Joe were working in Hart­ Mother: This letter from Charlie This* throw9$an extra burdeif on the fend themselves •with tear gas is very short. by any trouble la the back. Itself, ford or Manchester it’s our bet that heart to push the .blood through but in some cases aches in tlui lower 5 Against bandits might perhaps Father: Yes, .so is Charlie, or he them and it usually enlarges. High the neighbors would know where he wouldn’t have written.—Tit-Bits. back may come from a faulty post- blood pressure is often presrtat, too^ tion of the lumbar verbilMrae. 7

i • h a NCHESTEE EVENIKG HERALD. SOOTS MAKCHEaTEB. CONK. M ONDAY. APRIL T, 1980 two of his mua«um» w« by fire, Bamum felt by the members of toe chapter. “ Greatest Show on Earth, ^ a W he went to the basement, which was “The Grandpa. formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Adventures of ing circus and menagerie. “The Adventures of Grandpa wU Bamum was an unsuccessful Vinie Lewis. He knocked at the be presented at the Vernon CeiRer Chicago, April 7.—(AP)—Like didate for Congress but was JRGES VETERANS door, and getting no response he Congregational church and It w^U another count of Monte Cnsto, times elected to the Connectl^ ROCKVILLE went in. Her furniture and other Arthur W. Cutten, the financier, is be given under the auspices of the legislature. furnishings were still the flat, so he Ladies Aid Society, by toe Dramatic running to earth his enemies, one helped himself to a pocketbook TO JOIN LEGION Club of West Stafford on Friday by one. . ^ j P. T. BARNUM’S DEATH CAR CLEANER ELBCri'ROCUT'l Seven Liquor Raids Saturday. which he found which contained $32. If toe man arrested in Cleveland, evening, April 11 at 8 o clock. A On April 7, 1891, P. T. Bamum, Boston, April 7.—(AP)—Mwm A raid in which several- local peo­ Ohio, yesterday is really Simon That night he gave his father $10 of cafeteria supper will also be serve! famous American showman, died at Foley, 68, of Somerville, a ple were involved took place on the money, saying he found it. He Rosenberg, another of the bandit elevated railway car clever. ^ Saturday night, when state police­ -from 6 until 8 o’clock. Bridgeport, Conn. later went to Willimantic where he band that robbed toe Cutten house­ killed early today by electricity Only Way World War Serv- men from Danielson. Hartford and Quarterly Congregational Meeting. His first real venture in show­ spent some of the money, and final­ hold March 17, 1922 has been found. manship occurred when he bought a third rail at toe CharleBtoi Stafford Springs barracks led by The quarterly Congregational He has been called toe leader of the ly told tales of entering a house, meeting of the First Evangelical By PROF. R. NIEBUHR. for $1000 Joyce Heto, agOd negro terminal. It-w as believed ^ t ibe Man Can Identify Him­ Lieutenant Russell I. Harmon and where he found money and other robbers though the man held at woman, reputed to be toe nurse of slipped and fell on toe rail durin| Policeman Michael J. Smith raided Lutheran, church will '^e held on Union Theological Seminary, New I Cleveland denies that he is Rosen- £LT tides* Tuesday evening at toe church on York George Washington. Although he heavy rain. seven places in this city at about 9 The Willimantic police notified 1 berg at all. He gave his name as West Main street and there was only 25 years old, Bamum cre­ self With Great Struggle. o’clock. Seven persons were ar­ the local and state police and upon Charles Davis. ated his own ballyhoo and exhibited rested on charges of violating the promises to be a large attendance^ “The son of man came not to be' “ When a man comes into my j his arrival in Rockville he was placed There will be the transaction of ministered vinto but to minister and his freak for considerable profit. MONUMENT PBICl liquor laws and in one place, that of house and robs me, and toen locks After meeting several reverses, under arrest. At first the court very important business. The follow­ to give His life a rdnsom for many. Fred C. Lorch, past commander, Gaster Baron of 13 River street, seemed inclined to send him to jaii, me in a vault where I might have | each of which reduced him to pov­ REDUCED ing matters wiU be discussed: build- We hear a great deal about the suffocated—well I’ll get hiin ’ said and membership chairman of Dil- they seized in addition to a largo but as the father offered to pay toe erty, Bamum bought the American ing of a two car garage on the par­ law of service in modern business. Mr. Cutten last night. And he has Place Your Order Now for|r quantity of liquor, two, alleged gam­ expenses of the family to Rhode Museum in New York. One of the ; worth-Cornell Post No. 102 Ameri­ sonage property, the raising ?2,- Sometimes it is suggested that this gotten the robbers one by one; has Decoration Day. u j bling devices. He was accused of Island, toe case was continued one law is closely related to or toe flower greatest curiosities he displayed | can .Legion, which is now conducting violating the law at his place at 896 apportioned to the first church pushed the prosecution: has sent there was his “ Fejee Mermaid.” I t . .\lcxander Jarvis, Jr., puts la week and the young man was placed bv the Board of Ministerial Pensions of the gospel principle of mutual them tlKprison. If the man in Cleve­ a membership campaign, today Link’s Hall. „ . had the head of a monkey and toe! in the custody of Probation Officer and Relief and the introduction of service* land is Rosenberg—and Cutten feels ' our foundations. ^ . made the following Baron was held in 51,000 bonds Kenneth E. Sullivan. There is a read. difference, how­ body of a fish and was advertised cerning the appeal of the Legion for appearance in the Rockville City sunrise services during the months certain he is—only one member of as having been captured by Japa­ To Preach Here. ever. The business law of service the robber gang remains at large. WHITE MEMORIAtI Court on Tuesday, as were also five of June, July, August and Septem­ nese fishermen. to war veterans: is in effect: “Be kind, courteous He is Caspar Rosenburg brother of '•Is there any veteran of the other men and a woman each Rev. Percy E. Thomas, beloved ber. In 1847 he introduced Jenny Lind, and serve the public because in this Simon. “When I get his brother, the STUDIOS I World War so poor in spirit ana charged with selling intoxicating former pastor of Union Congrega­ Anthony Badura. manner you will, be able to build up famous Swedish singer, to America, patriotism that he is not proud of liquor. They are William Orlowski tional church, now pastor of the Anthony Badura, 64, died at his good will, an item which you can ac­ job’s done. paying her «1000 a night for 150 CHAS. W. HARfENSTEIPi the part he played in the greatest Lowell, Mass., Congregational home on the old soapstone Mountain nights. The demand for seats was Local Representative. ; of 84 Village street, Joseph Novach tually list in your favor as an asset MEXICO TO T.\KE CENSUS. of all military struggles since his­ of 76 Brooklyn street, Walter West, church, will preach here on Sunday Road, Ellington, early Saturday of monetary value.” so great that tickets were auctioned 1 • ■ [ 149 Summit St. Dial W?® tory began? Have not we yete^rans 118 Vernon avenue, Vincent Rem- evening, April 27. He is sure to be morning, death being due to dropsy, There is nothing wrong in such Mexico City, April 7.— (AP) off, bringing exorbitant prices. When a justified pride in our service. If kiewicz of 57 Village street, Steve greeted by a large congregation. which set in following an illness of a viewpoint, but it ought to be rec­ When Mexico turns out May 15 t.o anv man were to assert that we Chopowico of 95 Brooklyn street On Thursday night Rev. R. A. pneumonia about two years ago. He ognized for the prudential morality take what it is hoped will be the had not played our part as men and and Lulubelle Slappy of .50 Brook­ Colpitts, pastor of the Manchester leaves his wife, Mary Badura, also a that it is. The service about which first complete and accurate census Americans, how quickly we would Methodist church will give the ad­ daughter. He had been a farmer ' Jesus spoke was sacrificial rather in its history, governors of toe vari­ lyn street. . than prudential. It did not envisage resent it. . Several of these haVe been In dress at the Lenten service at Union for many years. The funeral ^wao ous states will contribute by person­ “The American Legion oners we held from St. Joseph's Polish ^^ato- tangible rewards. Jesus warned ally enumerating the citizens in best opportunity for you, Comrade, court before on toe same charge church. Must Obey City Ordinance. , Stainer’s “Crucifixion.’’ olic church this morning at 8.oJ. against loving only those who love their home block. to testify to the world of your Woroniecki pastor of the church, of­ us and inviting only those who are All of toe governors have volun­ AGAIN The Rockville Fire Department Loyalty and service during the war. Stainer’s Crucifixion, an impres­ able to invite us in rhtum. In other was soon extlngpiitoed before dam­ ficiating. Burial will be in St Be.- teered for such service and other p The lapel button of the Legion is a sive interpretation of our Lord s words, there is an absolute tone in municipal, state and federal em­ notice to all that ^tailed not age was done to a shed nearby Passion, will be rendered by a nard’s cemetery. Notes. His ethical demands which is quite ployees will be obliged to do their when your country called, and that where the flames spread. chorus of fifty voices a.t Union Mr. and Mrs. Charles Milne of distinct from all prudential mo- part, penalties being provided for you still subscribe to the patriotism Following the fire. Chief George church next Sunday night at I and Americanism for which the B. Milne notified the drivers and Norwalk were in Rockville over to-= those who decline to cooperate in o’clock. G. S. Brookes invites all ^^One might illustrate toe difference the work. A holiday will be declar­ Legion stands. members of toe Department to take week-end visiting relatives. who have no church home to tins between prudential morality and ed so that public employees may de­ “Without the Legion button, the the numbers of all motorists who Mr. and Mrs. John* Zimmerman beautiful service. sacrificial morality in terms of a vote their full time to the census service man has no method of dif­ failed to. get out of toe way for the and family of Kensington were the very urgent contemporary problem, GIVE Moose Public Whist. ferentiating himself from toe fire apparatus when it is responding week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. that of uneiriployment. The pruden- taking. thousands who did not go. He may to an alarm. He intends to have all The Loyal Order of Moose w ’l Otto of West street. tially moral man will say: “ I will do have served, but no one knows it. hold a public whist in the Home Mrs. Emily Bissells Swindells has something for toe unemployed if you such motorists brought before toe The People of Hartford Vicinity the Greatest Money Saving Offer ' And toe world finds it easy and con­ Club rooms on Thursday evening. charge of the church decorations at can show me that it Is good business Greater Beauty city court under a city ordinance They Have Ever Received from .Any Dentist In This State. ; venient to forget. passed a few years ago. Many auto- April 10 at 8 o’clock. Handsome Union church during the month of “With toe Legion button, you to do so.” ...... -,i ists blocked toe way of toe chief prizes will be awarded the winners April. The annual sale of sittings Now as a matter of fact, it will ouletly and effectively identify your­ and delicious refreshments will be at toe church will take place at 7:30 probably prove good business in the For Lovely Women self as one of America’s veterans, and apparatus on Saturday despite the fact that the sirens were sound­ served. this evening. end to stabilize employment and of­ Beauty’s first requisite—skin per­ $35.00 SET OF TEETH $20.00 and as an active participant in toe Paul Preuss of East Douglas, fer the security of unemployment in­ work of a patriotic organization ed. To Hold Dollar Meeting. fection. Thus, the fairest and smart­ A great saving on a fine set of Natural Byte Gold Pin Teeth. . ji, few years ago toe department .....w Woman’s Missionary So­ Mass., spent the week-end at his surance to toe workers. But it wall est use MELLO-GLO Face Powder Our work guaranteed. Take advantage of this offer. which is dedicated to toe prese^a- The be some time before such a step will tion of American principles. You experienced considerable similar cieties of toe Methodist church are home on Davis avenue. that spreads more smoothly and trouble and an ordinance was pass­ Alden Skinner Camp has appoint­ prove itself good business. 'We can­ produces a youthful bloom. Its new place yourself as both a wartime making preparations for the in­ not expect toe prudent man to initi­ and peacetime patriot and true ed by toe City Council requiring gathering of dollars. It is expected ed its Memorial day committee French process makes MELLO- SET OP TEETH— RUBBER that all vehicles should pull to the which will meet soon to make plans ate it, therefore.’ ...... GLO stay on longer and bans the American. Be proud and you CAN this meeting will be held on April It will have, to be initiated by join toe American Legion. Hundreds side of the road and remain station­ 15, and at this time each member for Memorial day observance. The shiny nose. Pure! Prevents pasti­ those who have a passion for suf­ ness, fiakiness, irtritation and large of thousands of young men would ary when the alarm is being soimd- will tell the story of how she earn­ committee is as follows: Francis LOW A S ...... Felix LaCrosse, Edwin fering men, and those who do not pores. Use MELLO-GLO. The J. W. rejoice if their lives could so be ed and apparatus is on the way to a ed her dollar. count toe immediate cost of so­ We Also Make Gold, .Aluminum or Hecolite Sets of Teeth— made over that the Legfion might be Sims, Carlton Buckmister, Fred Hale Co., So. Manchester.—Adv. fire. D. A. B. Meeting April 9. cial conduct too carefully nor meas­ Unbreakable, Durable and Perfect Fitting open to them. Court Case Continued. Willeke and Robert Beebe. ure toe returns of service in tangi­ “Those who did serve but who William Wolfenden, 22, who mov­ The April meeting of Sabra TEETH EXTRACTED ...... §1-00 Trumbull Chapter, D. A. R., will be ble rewards. have not up to now come into toe ed from Willimantic to Rockville on BIG ICEHOUSE BURNS TEETH CROWNED ...... 55.00 Legion, are Invited to join our held in Maxwell Memorial Library Monday, was before Judge John E. _ WMUUIAIMIS . —. BRIDGEWORK Low a s ...... ranks, and be a part of this great Fisk in the Police Court on Satur­ hall on Union street, Wednesday Arlington, Mass., April 7— (AP) organization. The Legion’s great 14 PRISONERS ESCAPE. EXAMIN.ATION FREE Plates Repaired in S Hours day morning on charges of toett afternoon, April 9. The meeting will __Firemen from 11 cities and towns days are ahead. Its strength and be called to order by toe regent Mrs. OttOMAlTC fought a spectacular blaze which influence grow daily. With each and entering in toe day time. Houston, Tex., April 7.— (AP) ^ HEATflNG ^ The case was continiied for one Walter H. Skinner at 3 o’clock. Out destroyed toe huge icehouse of the new success It becomes stronger. of respect to the memory of the late Metropolitan Ice Company here last Fire hose, which usually rots away and Ice-O-Matic j week and in toe meantime the on its reel on the side of toe wall, Its principles and its service com­ Mrs. Ruth Talcott Britton, one cf night with $100,000 loss. Twenty- mend it to all. It is far better to young man’s father will furnish spelled liberty today for 14 pnson- DR. C. W. KING money for his transportation and the most active and loved members seven small fires were started over SALES and SERVICE be in toe Legion than to explain why of the society and a past regent, no ers in the Harris county jail. that of his wife and two children to a two mile area. After subduing and tying up a HARTFORD you are not. So agfain the Legion program will be given. Only im­ The blaze was believed Incendiary Day Phone...... 5876 invites you to Comradeship. Be one Rhode Island,- where they have rela­ watchman, the prisoners coupled to­ portant business matters will be dis- by Fire Chief Daniel P. Tierney. A 306 Main St. Cor. Charter Oak Ave. of toe active Legionnaires in this tives, and where they formerly re­ gether two 50-foot lengths of hose, Night Phone ...3662 thickly populated residential district Dental Nurse in .Attendance. Hours 9 to 8 . Phone 6-8100 community. “JOIN UP.” sided. cussed* and slid from a window to the The April meeting of Sabra nearby was endangered by the small Closed Wednesday Afternoon They moved lo one of the Rosen­ ground, seven stories below. JOHNSON & LITTLE Trumbull Chaiitcr, was originally fires started by sparks carried on a berg tenements on School street, A hasty checlc indicated none of the Plumbing and Heating Contraetors. scheduled at Mrs. Britton’ s home, stiff breeze. The fire was seen many escaped men were dangerous char­ The Greatest Buick of them all. The living with the father of the accus­ miles and an estimated crowd of 18 Chestnut St., South Manchester ed. On Wednesday there seemed to but had to be given up due to her acters. 1930 model. Call 7220 for Demon­ serious illness. Her death is keenly 30,000 people came to tl\e vicinity. stration.—Adv. be trouble with the water faucet and

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\ '

PA.GE ElGHl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1930. HOCKEY AWARDS Night Hawks Coasting [NO GOOD FIGHTS I United States Soccer Using A Zone Defend SET FOR WEEK ARE ANNOUNCED To Bowling Loop Title Goes To Fall River i1 Athens Retains tiile New York, April 7.—(AP) — I Montreal, April 7.—(AP) — For Jackie Fields, Los Angeles holder of Cleveland, April .7—Driven by a station of being one of the best play­ the second time in succession, Frank Boucher, clever center of the New the world's welterweight champion­ canny Scot, who learned his game ers known to the game. hold another one or npt,. . but i| 1 ship who manages to keep busy ply­ Easterners Press .Yttack York Rangers has been awarded the Defeats Jena, Louisiana Five, have the say, we will stlil keep on Charter Oaks’ Chances o f! EXHIBITION GAMES ing his trade without risking his of soccer across the sea in the land The'Easterners flashed some neat (Lady Bing trophy, awarded annual- holding them.” ' ’ .. . title often, heads a dull fight pro­ of kilties and bagpipes, a mighty footwork at the outset of the game I ly by the The chief worry in Coach Stagg’s Closing Gap Admittedly YESTERDAY’S RESULTS. gram for this week. Fall River eleven vanquished and gave Alfred Ramsay, Cleve­ ! to the player who best combines ef- 22-16 In National School- mind is the recent propose .by the Fields is scheduled for a 12 round Cleveland’s best, the Bruells, for the land’s goalie, some bad moments. ! fective and gentlemanly play. Athletic Committee Of the North Once he dove head first, right into Boucher, one of the leading scorers I Houtston—Houston 5; Pittsburgh non-title bout at Cleveland Tuesday second straight time to annex the Central Association-that a rule be night against Tommy Freeman, of some hard turf, to stop a corner of the league, was given only 16 ' boy Finals at made that colleges and universities Slim; Only One More Ses- I 0. championship of the United States minutes in penalties. I Nashville—Cincinnati 13; Nash­ Erie, Pa. shot. Then there were three free insisting on holding invitational Primo Camera of Italy takes his yesterday. Tihe score was 2 to 1. kicks in rapid succession which The second individual honor given prep- athletic meets be subject to Sion. ville 7. helped keep Fall River back. Just by the league, the Hart trophy for Chicago. ! Los Angeles—Chicago (N) 20; huge frame to Los Angeles Tuesday, A crowd of 3,500 saw the game on disbarment from its - organization. seeking his fourteenth successive Luna Park Field. I about this time it started to rain the player judged to have been most Disbarment means failure of the as­ I Hollywood 5. Facing a human barrier, formed i and the entire first half was played useful to his team, went to Nelson I Dallas—New York (A) 12; Dallas knockout. His opponent, Nell Clisby, Chicago, April 7—(AP)— Amos i sociation to recognize credits of the The Night Hawks‘arc resting Riverside, Calif., negro will have to by seven husky Bruells and behind I in a steady drizzle that soaked fans Stewart, of the Montreal Maroons. Alonzo Stagg, “Grand Old Man” of banned institutes at other' universi­ eafely on a comfortable three point I 7. concede the usual 60 or 70 pounds them a grim, fighting goalie, and and players alike. Both trophies .were awarded on ties and colleges. Newark—Philadelphia (A) 5; the University of Chicago’s athletic lead as the next to the last session to the ambling Alp. conscious of the fact that less than ' Fall River (2) Cleveland (1). basis of the votes of two sports world, has donned his armor for a Athens’s triumph in’>. the . finals of the Herald Bowling League looms New'ark 3 (6 innings). five minutes of play remained, old ! Reber___...... G...... Ramsey writers in each national league city. over Jena, La., 22 to ,16, was con­ McElligott fight to the finish to retain his pet ahead this evening. The Construc­ Little Rock—Chicago (A) 10; Alex McNab carefully booted an McGill R.B. hobby—the annual Stagg national sidered not only a tidutnph for Texas tion team is in their path but it Little Rock 9. eighteen-yard penalty kick that Me Auley.... L.B. R. Caraffi prep basketball championship tour- 1 basketball, but for the fiveqoan zone will be something of an upset if the Louisville—Louisville S; Detroit struck the outside goal post and McPherson.. R.H. .. Abrams nament. defense. The big Texans employ contractors are not tossed aside 7. BOWLING then bounded into the nets for the Priestley.... C.H. . . . .Wilson Week End Sports that system rather than the more . . . Russell As the twelfth edition of the high without much strenuous effort. Memphis—New York (N) 7; winning point, Ballantync.. L.H. school classic ended Saturday night modeim man-to-mah . scheihs and The Charter Oaks in second place McNab...... Q.R. W. Phillips Cleveland—Fall River club wins Memphis 3. BRITISH AMERICAN LEAGUE It was this same McNab, rushing with the leinky Hornets from breezed through the bracket thir­ with only a slim chance of closing New Orleans—New Orleans £; up and down, passing and kicking Gonzales...... I.R .G. Phillips the national soccer cil^ finals beat­ Athens, Tex., champions for the ty-six teams from tw.ehtyrsix-States the gap between first and second, Nilson...... C. .G. Caraffi ing Cleveland Druels 20 to 15. j Cleveland 7. Pin Aver- wdth marvelous accuracy, who made second straight year, Stagg threw easily up until last .night .when Jena take bin the Pirates and should win I Kansas City—Kansas City 8; St. his silver black thatch familiar to Patenaude...... I.L. .... Dickie Chicago—Rahway, N. J., takes extended them to the limit... ' Names Fall Games age Scott down the gauntlet to the National handily. The loss of even one game, I Louis (A) 4. all. Cool, steady and ever pla5dng White...... C.L. national Y. M. C. A. basketball title, Federation of State High School It was the. first time in; tte tour­ however, would be fatal. The games Final Average a clean game, it was easy to under­ Goals—McAuley, McNab, G. Phil­ defeating Kansas City 28 to 21. I Tampa—St. Louis (N) 7; Tampa D. M orrison. 3016 29 104. Athletic Associations, leader of the nament’s history, that’one ,tiem has for tonight and the latest averages stand how he has earned the repu- lips St. Raphel, France—Tllden and fight to stop the tournament. won the title twice in succei|sion. follow; 6. L. Stevenson .... 4137 40 103.43 Coen win tennis doubles from Abe I Indianapolis—Boston (A) 8; In­ W. Brennan...... 6130 60 102.17 “The opposition to this great • ■ /w and Sotah of Japan 6-2, 3-6, 6-8, tournament started with jealousy At Gamba’s— dianapolis 6. S. T aggart... 3969 39 101.76 6-4. McGR.AWTS57' J. McMenemy . . . 590 6 98.33 BOXING TOURNEY only,” he told the teams and spec­ Herald vs. Shell Gas. Los Angeles—Herman Brix breaks tators at Bartlett Gymnasium. Charter Oaks vs. Pirates. TODAY’S GAMES. J. Fleming ...... 5584 57 97.96 worlds record shot put with heave Evansville—New Y’’ork (N) vs. W. Wylie ...... 4475 47 95.22 MASONIC BILLIARD Boston, April 7.— (AP)—Fistic “Because certain individuals could Evensville, Ind., AprU 7.—.(AP)— At Farr’s— of 52 feet 4 inches. not run it themselves, they broad­ Brit. Amer. vs. West Sides. Chicago (A). H. D onnelly. 2851 30 95.02 hopes from New England to Hawaii John McGraw manager of the New Macon—Brooklyn vs. Atlantic. N. Jones ...... 4139 44 94.04 cast that this tournament was a York Giants celebrated' ^’his 57th Night Hawks vs. Construction. open three days of battling for Na­ KING C.YPTAINS C.YGERS bad thing for high school athletes. At Conran’s— Little Rock—New York (A) vs. J. McDowell. 5818 62 93.84 TOURNEY NEAR END birthday today, in harness'. Mc- T. K a n e...... 5621 60 93.68 tional titles here tonight in the Na­ ] Joseph King of Chicago, guard on Every, player, coach and spectators Majors vs. Centers. Little Rock. tional A. A. U. amateur boxing I both the football and basketball Graw’s party, he hopes,be at Philadelphia—Athletics vs. Phil­ J. McCullough .. 4900 53 92.45 at these tournaments will say that W. Kerr ...... 5254 57 92.18 championships. Tjie entry list con­ I teams, at Marquette University, has they have been good things. But the expense of the Chi(^p,White Week Ending .April .5, 1920. lies. sists of 97 names. ’ j been elected captain of the 1931 good things have their enemies, and Sox 'who mept the .Giapt? here to­ 1 Sasela ...... 63 7469 118.34 Forth Worth—Pittsburgh vs. Fort F. W arnock___ 4604 50 92.08 Sam Houston Undefeated in P. D aou st..... 5706 62 92.03 Each of the teams over the coun­ j varsity cage squad at the Milwaukee this tournament has its enemies. day. The Giants are one "up, so far in 2 E. Wilkie ___ 75 8554 114.4 Worth. try was limited to eight men. I school. “I don’t know whether we will the spring series. 3 Kebart ...... 69 7801 113.4 Charlotte, N. C.—Washington vs. D. Torrence .... 3216 35 91.89 D. Robinson. 3656 40 91.40 4 Conran ...... 74 8333 112.45 1 Boston (N). His Group and Will Com­ 5 Georgetti .... 63 7099 1 1 2 .^ Louisville—Detroit vs. Louisville. F. Haugh...... 3379 37 91.33 6 Canade ...... 75 8426 112.26 ! H, W ilson...... 2187 24 91.12 Indianapolis—Boston (A) vs. In­ W. S h ield s__ _ 4826 53 91.06 pete in Playoff. 7 Cole ...... 72 8047 111.55 1 dianapolis, * S a ; Anderson . 72 8045 111.53 J. Sinnamon .... 1955 22 88.87 111.12 1 Oklahoma City—St. Louis (A) vs. R. Cordner... 3095 35 88.42 : 9 Saidella ...... 72 8004 Oklahoma City. 10 F. Anderson .. 72 7944 110.24 1 F. B a k er...... 4849 56 86.59 It is expected that the Masonic St. Peterburgh—St. Louis (N) vs. W. Robinson .... 4401 51 86.29 11 Werlosky .... 75 8263 110.13 Club pocket billiard tournament 12 Orenstein .... 58 6386 110.6 ! Rochester. S. H e w itt..... 3646 43 84.79 13 Rogers ...... 66 7177 108.50 1 S. Wilson ...... 1082 13 83.23 will close on Thursday night, April Spit is a horrid word, 14 Sad...... 75 ^153 108.43 i 95 G.YMES ENOUGH W. Framing __ 2990 36 83.06 17. This will give all the players in lo S. Nelson .... 75 8106 108.6 J. Boyce ...... 3606 40 82.65 both groups a chance to finish their 16 Chartier ...... 69 7458 108.6 Philadelphia, April 7.— (AP) — J. Hughes ...... 578 7 82.57 respective games to qualify in the 7440 107.57 G. Donovan ...... 2505 27 81.65 17 Robinson .... 69 Connie Mack, big mogul of the contest for prizes. Sam Houston but it is worse on the * t . » 18 P ontillo...... 70 7519 107.29 champion Athletics is telling the J. Gillis ...... 441 6 73.50 19 Gado ...... 72 7726 107.28 world that if his team wins 95 S. Richardson ...... 63 1 63.00 won all of his thirteen games and 20 A. Wilkie ___ 75 8031 107.6 games this year it will retain the has earned the title of winner in 21 McAdams .... 75 7991 106.41 SPECIAL MEETING TONIGHT group “A”. league championship. “I think 95 The winner of group "B” is go­ end of your cigar 22 Suhie ...... 69 7333 106.19 games will win the pennant in our 23 Magnuson .. . 48 4896 106.8 President Wilkie of the Herald ing to have a close battle, as sever­ league this year” he declared. “Also al of the players in this group are 24 Wilson ...... 70 7411 105.61 I think it will be mighty hard for Bowling League has called a special 25 Thomson .... 75 7928 105.53 meeting of all captains at Joe Farr’s on the anxious seat. The winner of any club to win that many, with the the most games in each group will 26 Pitke ...... 72 7612 105.52 improvement I have noted in our alleys tonight after the regular 27 T. Anderson .. 75 7901 105.26 games have been rolled. receive a suitable prize as money league.” was raised for the purpose of buy­ The A’s and Phillies arp schedul­ GOLF TOURNEY GEHRIG IS INJURED ing prizes from the entrance fees, j ed to play their second game today The prize for the play-off between I . :Pinehurst, N. C., April 7.— (AP) — in the annual city series. Dallas, Tex., April 7.—(AP)—Lou Eighteen holes of qualifying play to­ Gehrig of the Yanks has begun his the winners of each group will be day faced a field of 146 golfers in annual homerun pursuit of Babe donated by the Social Club. Bob 30th annual North and South Ama­ HORNSBY B.ACK HOME Ruth and the Babe has helped him Chambers, chairman of the tourna­ teur tournament. An additional 18 Chicago, April 7.— (AP)—Rogers by sustaining an injury to his right ment committee,' is well pleased holes tomorrow' will determine the Hornsby, the modern achilles of the leg that will keep him out of action with the interest shown throughout 16 players to contest in match play Chicago Cubs came back from the for about a week. Lou got his-first the tournament and is completing for the title now held by George west coast today with his vulnerable homer of the training season in the the arrangements for the supper Vergt, of New Y’ork who is defend­ right heel. second Inning of yesterday’s game which will be held soon after the ing his honors. The suggestion of Manager Joe between the Yanks and Dallas. In tournament closes, and all players Among the youthful challengers McCarthy and President Wm. the sixth frame rounded second that took part, thirty-one in all, w'ere Phillips Finlay of Redlands, Veeck, Hornsby left the club last sharply and wrenched a leg muscle, will have a pleasant time. Bob is Calif., Harvard student; Forbes K. week, to consult a specialist in the I anxious to have an exhibition of WiLson, of York Harbour, Maine and hope that the wounded heel might HEILMANN HAS SORE ARM I pocket billiards by some of the Walter Sw'oope of Philadelphia, Yale be repaired in time for the opening Louisville, Ky., April 7.— (AP) — professional players probably on linksmen and Eugene Homans of of the National League season. Harry Heilmann wljose sore arm the night of the supper and is try­ Englewood, N. J. has kept him out of the lineup for ing to book some of his friends Match play, beginning Wednes­ In China there is one qualified several days will remain in Cincin­ from Hartford for the occasion. day, will continue through Saturday doctor to every 740,000 inhabitants. nati where he went for treatment, I The standing of the groups fol- when the championship match will until the Reds reaches the home ! low: In Great Britain the proportion is Group “A” be held. one to 1400. grounds. Won Lost Houston ...... IS 0 Veitch ...... 11 1 Clifford ...... 11 2 Raleigh ...... 7 5 Olson ...... 4 3 Chambers ...... 5 8 Hyde ...... • • 3 5 Walsh ...... 2 5 Austin ...... 2 7 A Joyce ...... 1 4 Blanchard ...... 1 5 Benson ...... 1 5 Finnegan ...... 0 3 Smith ...... 0 8 ... the war against Spitting is a Group “B” Won Lost Nelson ...... -H crusade of decency... [oin it. Lewie ...... H 2 Dougan ...... 7 1 Henry Tilden ...... 7 2 Macdonald...... 8 3 Smoke CERTIFIED CREMO! Turklngton ...... 9 5 Peterson ...... 6 8 Buckland ...... 5 7 The man who spits in public places is no worse Try a Certifled Cremo—see how wonderfully good Fred T ilden...... ; ...... 5 8 \ Hayes ...... 4 9 an oflfender against public decency than the it is! Made of the choicest, tenderest lea'ves that Fitchner ...... 3 7 d o m H E L D J a Swanson ...... ,V 2 5 workman who rolls cigars with dirty fingers and the crop affords, we claim Certifled Cremo’s quptity tNCRAVIR McMenemy ...... • • • 1 3 Bach ...... 1 7 tips the ends with spit. And remember, more than is tastier than that of any other cigar. Don’t let McCaw ...... 0 4 Johnson ...... 0 6 half of all cigars made in this country are made its 5c price stand in your way. Your physician Trueman ...... 0 1 by hand, and therefore subject to the risk of spit! h^s in mind a cigar like Certifled Cremo when h e CRIMSON RELAY TEAM STRONG Take no chances..'. smoke Certifled Cremo. Every recommends a mild smoke in place of heavy Eastern critics believe Harvard’s crack mile relay team may set a tobacco leaf entering the clean, sunny Certifled brands. new world’s record In the event this year. The Crimson team ran 3:20 Cremo factories is scientifically treated by meth­ HE TW f o n H K r u t t IV H S K ER S 3-5 Indoors this season and may be Crush-proof . ^ • immaculate • • • foil-wrapp)^ able to get under the world’s record ods recommended by the United States Depart­ ^ND IT WAS time qt 3:16 2-5 outdoors. ment of A^culture. And its purity is safeguarded . . . Certifled Cremo is the kind of cigar; the'Idle along every step of'the way by amazing inven­ Vice-President Marshall undoubtedly was thiid^- “Lucinda, my love, I knew you would be true. ’Tis I . . . your own tions that foil, wrap and tip tiie cigars without ing of when he said, *^What this county nee^ Jack Delavere!” ;FOXV A lot of women want the possibility of spit! is a good 5c cigar!” “ Jack ,” replied Lucinda blushing prettily, “must I confess? I recog­ wrinkles—on how to remove them nized you from the first. That honey-smooth voice . .. those golden tones. ^ . that perfect throat-ease can belong only to a man who smokes OLD GOLDS. You w ag. . . you thought to confuse me, but nay! The mild and mellow queen-leaf tobacco sets its OLD GOLD mark upon you as sterling upon silver. There’s not a bark in a billion.” OID GOLD


/ PAGE NINE TER; CONN, MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1930. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MAN' pounaiHiosEiiE of anglers but to enable announce BETTER HOME GARRETnp REPLY t r o u t seaso n opens to continue the leasing of fishing KMOimiSSOITEHCE CONFERENCE ON SOOAL privUeges for their use. In ^ e le^ - Queer Twists WEEK STORY CONTKT Overnight ed stream movement, says Superin­ NEXT WEEK TUESDAY tendent John W. Titcomb. the BowU TO BRIBE CHARGES WORK IN NEW HAVEN must give first consideration to-the In Day*s News ' New York, April A. P. News landowner. The owner must be Keith Furniture Company to sentence of Daniel P. O CoBBdb More Than 30,000 Anglers satisfied and not disturbed by van­ Award Valuable Prizes for j Boston, April 7.— (AP)—Attorney Albany political leader, to ^ Ready to Whip Streams; dals or thoughUess anglers who j General Warner’s investigaUon of rnortba iaiprisonment for contempt Experts from All Over Coun­ New York.—“Whoopee” is old Best Articles Submitted. New York—Hawks completes Season to Total 40,000. ctoss cultivated lands. If the l^ d - stuff. Frank Vizetelly, lexicogra­ the activities of Oliver B. Garrett, o f coiirt, bdacd on his taUu^f® ^ try to Discuss Varied Sub­ owners are content with the conduct Tnnit«> proper answers before a Fed­ transcontinental glider tour. pher, has found people "whooped” your j pensioned leader of the headquarters jects on April 27, 28 and 29. of the anglers, the interests of the things up In 1450, and in 1530, John It Is one thing to furnish eral G r^ d Jury in its Albany pool Washington—Klein finds ^^de- 1 More than 30,000 anglers are ex- home and another thing to ! vice and liquor squad, has reached a spread renewal of building activity is anglers will be best served. Ang eis Palsgrave, chaplain to King Henry investigation, viras today affirmed ! pected to take advantage of the about it. In connection with Better by the Unibed'States Court of Ap- New Haven, April 7.—Unemploy­ reducing unemployment. must not only treat landown^s as "VlII, gave vent to "whoopee aloud point where no immunity will be opening, days of the trout season,, that their friends and thou shalt hear him blow his Homes Week, the George E. Keith p ^ . Jud^ M&rtin T,^Mantpr nrlv With the , . 1 gainermg u^ zi,>„nrtntinn. I years, it has b S pounds in one day or 20 trout Sa.e The ^ o prize winning letters will: logs tomorrow. Police_ Comm^onCT~ , Upon the application of held at Albertus Magnus College at and 60 i j r t n e . r p . - a ovar }roaan_?round prohibited. Transportation prohibit­ and roots, together with bones of with receive $50 and $25 worth respec- ] Herbert A. Wilson t ' JOSEPH F. FOBTIER 3 o’clock on Sunday afternoon wnth faaunwprq arrested as they violate i The state-leased streams. turtles and dinosaurs, which lived trout ed except by owner. about 40,000,000 years ago. tively of any merchandise in 1 toe “ was ' for a-certificate of approval ^ the Rev. Karl J. Alter, Director of the L it laws in civil ’disobedience cam- > the approximate ^^^ber of sea.- Lake trout: Season, May 1 to National Catholic School of Social sea- Khabarovsk—Three speamens of Keith stock. ' half of testimony 1 metoods location of a gasoline filling station paign; Mahatma unmolested. 1 planted in eachj since the ' 1 August 31, inclusive; legal lengtlb The letters will be judged On the ■ questioned aeainst to be located on toe premises of Service, and Rt. Rev. Maurice I. New Haven—Congressman John, =r,n gou_ and the names of the supervm , j^^hes. Plckeral and wall-eyed the long haired Siberian tiger have McAuliffe, D.D., Auxiliary to the been shot'by an expedition of the following basic requirements: 1 of investigating charges ag irv*T«T>FR JARVIS Q Tilson given dinner reception in patrolmen, are as follows. pike (pike perch): Season, May 1 1 The accuracy of the writers in-, Garrett and other members of toe ALEXANDER JARVlN ■ as the principal to Hartford “county: Stretches along American Museum of Natural His­ CENTER STREET. to January 31, inclusive. Length iz tory in the Amur river region in formation of any facts or statements ; police department. ______------^ Inrder of the crown of Italy. ' both the North and the Weat voted and ordered: Officers’ AssociaLon will h^l^^ , Ernest W. Butter- | of Salmon Brook in Granby inches. Limit, 10. eastern Siberia. 1 which are used about furniture or j — It w Black bass: Season, July 1 to Oc­ New York—Coolidge is running That the foregoina applica^on be annual busmess meeting on y I posters. 467J tober 31, inclusive. Length, 10 again. He will be re-elected °2. The judgment and good taste i Action Without H am heard>A.rd and determineddetermine at the Select­ and the closing meeting ^nd i of education, appointed commis-1 patrolman, Hubert Rigney. inches; limit, 10; calico bass, length, Wednesday to his insurance director- displayed in the selection of the I ^ men’s Office in the Municipal Bmld- gram is the business Pine or Mud- ing in said Town on the 15th day of election of officers of the Connecti- j sioner | Haven County^ 7 inches. proper tornishings for your particu-' W honeVO r C onstipalC fl B. Meredith. dv Ri've*r7from East Wallingford to Sandwich, England— Captain C. E. April, I'We, at eight P. M. o’clock, cuTconference^f Social Work to be j su^eed^Dr^A.^^,^^^^^ william P. i Striped bass: not to be taken in Northford. 2,912 trout. Patrolman, inland waters except by angling; Wilson is a one-armed golfer who 3. The clearness and complete-; and that notice be given to all pw- held Tuesday evening Bergen receives flesh wound when , sons interested in said applicatidp, The Institute committee includes George Hayden. Wepawaug length, 12 inches. Perch; yellow and has attained perfection. He Ijioiod ness of toe description within the : shot in back by one of three boys to Milforil hf. rid of constipa- of its pendency and of the tiine and the folloWr'ing well-known Connecti­ from Derby turnpike white, length 7 inches; limit, a total his 216-yard drive at the fifth hole prescribed length. I Here's way t o be------rid of consupa hearing -thereon, by pub- whom he had arrested. Center. 4,363 trout. Patrolman, cut people: Prof. Maurice R. Da^ie, Danbury—Harvey P. Bissell, of of thirty of both kinds, except for of the Prince’s Club. ; tion and its ills—a way that works lishing a copy of this notice at lea^t chaimian. New Haven; H. J. Mahevi, Frederick Lauritzen. i quickly, effectively, but gently. Ridgefield, collector of port for sixth New London County: Mt. Misery ice fishing. WALL STREET BRIEFS three times in the Elvening Herald, vice chairman. New Haven; Roswdl district and former state comp- Use of spear, except for eels or ' A candy Cascaret at night—toe and by sending a co'py of this n^o- Arrighi, Bridgeport; Hester rs- suckers in flowing streams, pro­ SEEKS RAIL MER(SR ______! next morning you’re feeling fine. tice by registered mail to said ap­ Crutcher, New Haven; William M. hibited. Anglers’s license required. ' Breath is sweetened; tongue clear- plicant, all at least seven days be­ Harris, Waterbury; Mabel Mat­ Fishing in reservoirs, (except those New York, April 7.— (A P)—O r-; tjiliousness, headaches, diz^- Blackwell's Washington, April 7.— (AP)—Au­ fore the date of said hearing^ to thews, Mansfield; Kenneth U Mes­ which are State-leased) without ders received by toe Allis-Chalmers i jjggg gas vanish. Repeat toe appear at ssid time, and place, it Brook, lower part in Brooklyn andi thorization for the Chesapeake and Manufacturing Co., of Milwaukee, | two or three nights to get toe senger, Hartford; Rose of more than $800,000,000. written permission, prohibited they see cause, and be heard ^ rela­ Bridgeport; Leroy A. Ramsdell, Canterbury, indicated by posters. Ohio railroad to acquire control of during the first quarter totaled $14,- ] gouxing waste out of your system. Paris—Tardieu and Briand deny Fishing in lakes and ponds: Sea­ the 320 mile line of toe Homing 662,000, an Increase of $1,402,008; tow appetite and enwgy re- tive thereto. 7 , Hartford; O. A. Erickson, New ^ 1- latter brought British security pro­ 4,961 trout. Patrolman, Theodore son, May 1 to January 31. Not to For and by order of the Board of tain; Ralph Barrow, Hartford; Dr. Anderson. Bigelow River, from Volley railroad in Ohio was given over the first quarter of last year., digestion Selectmen of toe Town of ^Manches­ posals from London. be token except by angling and with today by the Interstate Commerce Unfilled orders on March 31, aggre^ The action of Cascarets is sure. Stariley H. Osborn, Hartford. Hankow—British missionary says Ashford Road to Natchaug River. not more than two lines or two rods. ter, Connecticut. . * _ Officers of the Conference are a.s Commission. gated $15,554,000 compared with complete, helpful to everyone They Miss Nina Gemmell, American mis­ Natchaug River, from Phoenixville Use of more than two baited hooks -W. A. STRICKLAND, follows: Clarence Blakeslee, presi­ to WillimanUc. 8,362 trout. Patrol­ A letter from Herbert Fitzpatrick, $12,872,000 on January 1. r r 7 S to7m"cascara. which doc­ Secretory. dent; Miss Lillian E. Prudden, Mrs. sionary woman, has been released or lure with more than three sets general counsel of the railway, to tors agree actually strengthens bow­ man, George A. Willis. Mt. Hope of three hooks attached thereto, G. H. WADDIKJJ, Percy T. Walden, Kenneth L. Mes­ by bandits. ^ ^ River, from Fenton River to point Charles D. Mahaffle, finance di­ The Commercial Credit Co., of el muscles. All drug stores have the Clerk, Board of Selectmen. senger and John M. Wadhams, vice Shanghai—Bandits loot and bum prohibited. rector of toe commission, said the Baltimore, has acquired control of 10c boxes.—Adv. numerous villages and kidnap 50 three miles north. 1,799 trout. Pa­ In charge of all warden activles C. and“0. expects in the new appli­ presidents; Matthew A. Reynolds, trolman, aarence Crane. Snake the Credit Alliance Corp., through is Chief Warden a '. Joseph William­ cation to ask permission to merge treasurer; Mrs. Norma C. Anderson, school children. Meadow Brook, from Danielson to an exchange of 80 per cent of the secretary, John B, Dawson, execu­ Mexico City—Bandits terrorize J. son, whose headquarters are at the the Erie, the Nickel Plate, the Pere common stock of the latter com- j o^c\c^c\cvcr'-.Cx'"cr-.c B. Bristow kidnaped American with Moosup. 5,932 trout. Patrolmau, office of the Board. A list of ward­ Marquette, the Hocking Valley, the pany for common stock of the Com- j tive secretary of the New Haveii Gurdon Withey. Fenton River, from Community Chest, is chairman of mock execution. ens in charge of warden service in Wheeling and Lake Erie, the Dela­ mercial Credit Co. ^ j Gurieyville to Willimantlc. 6,524 ware, Lackawanna and Western, and the general program committee. Boston — Seven men and two each county follows: Hartford Coun­ THE ABSENCE women arrested on Common when trout. Patrolman, George H. A n­ ty, Charles Allshouse, Granby; New the Chicago and Eastern Illinois. Steel production in the Chicago j police break up meeting under drews. Haven County, Philip W. Delbert, district this week is expected to be j OF DISPLAY auspices of International Labor De­ Litchfield County: Blackberry Short Beach; New London County, maintained at between 90 to 95 per In a Quish Memorial Ser­ fense. ^ ^ River, Norfolk to Canaan and Whit­ W. S. Watson, North Franklin; STOMWAMG cent of rated capacity. | POLICE COURT Fall River, Mass.—Stewart Law­ ing River, East Canaan railroad Fairfield County, Charles R. Dis- vice, an observer is im­ rence, 13, and brother Clarence 14, tracks to Blackberry River. 5410 Jewel Tea Co. sales during the | brow, Stratford; Windham County, pressed by the simplicity, drown after falling from skiff in trout. Patrolman, Francis Green. Seth J. Monroe, New Milford; Mid­ Washington, April 7.— (AP) - four week ending March 2Z The first case tried in police court Bleachery pond. Pomperaug River, Bethlehem line to The Weather Bureau today issued amounted to $1,284,868, compared the correctness, appropri­ dlesex County, George J. Fisher, the following advisory storm warn- this morning was that of Mrs. West Alton, N. H.—Three summer Zoar Lake, and Weekeepeemee Middletown; Tolland County, Ed­ with $1,300,900 for the same weeks Theresa Lamenzo, charged wuth estates destroyed with $50,000 loss in 1929, a decrease of 1.23 per cent ateness and beauty-----in­ River, Bethlehem to Pomperaug ward G. Wraight, Rockville. evading responsibility. An automo­ 1 by grass fire over 150 acres of land. River. 8,688 trout. Patrolman, Al­ storm warning changed to north­ the average number of sales routes stead of the ostentatious bile driven by her struck a parked Newport, R. I. John C. Knowles, fred G. Eyre and Warren S. Atwood. west from Delaware Breakwater to for the parallel weeks in 1930 was and usually costly display. Oldsmobile car owned by Arthur J. Jr.,' of Providence, elected president Sandy Brook, from Phelps Farm in m OVERCOMES SEVEN Nantucket and to southwest storm 1,224, and in 1929, 1,167.____ 225 MAIN ST. Manley, circulation manager of the of Channing conference of Unitarian Colebrook to West Branch of Farm­ warnings north of Nantucket to MANCHESTER Hartford Courant. Manley’s car was churches at 150th observance of ington River. 3,000 trout. Patrol- Eastport. Disturbance of great in­ GO 1*- \ tensity central near Ottawa, Canada, parked on St. James street. Mrs. birth of William Ellery Channing, ' man, John P. Daly. Farmington by 5 " HOUR New York, April 7—(AP)—Seven will move northward and cause lCHES Lamenzo said that the accident was founder of faith. river, west branch from Colebrook persons were overcome and scores Boston— Two automobile thieves strong southwest winds this after­ Mu*»crole U freouently effective the result of her momentarily los­ River to Pleasant "Valley. 8J39 of others excitedly rushed into the Funeral Home ing control of her car when a dog kidnap policeman waiting in their noon shifting to west tonight a ^ to after firrtepplication and uaually trout. Patrolman, Roy Law. She- halls today when they discovereif out •orenen struck her elbow and knocked ofr car and throw him to curb when northwest on Tuesday between Dela­ purcuIt ancr chased and fired upon by other of- paug River, Wasnington town line that coal gas was slowly filling a ware Breakwater and Nantucket. in^bySdihour. Alldiuniits. W m .P ,Q p i S H her glasses. She said that she was six-story apartment bouse in the under, the impression that the park­ fleers* to Housatonic River. 5980 trout. Pa­ North of Nantucket strong south Portland, Me.—Medical Examiner trolmen, James Acton and Roy Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. winds will shift to southwest late ed machine was not badly damaged Jack Schatzburg, 30, was awak­ and that there was no need of re­ William E. Freeman of Yarmouth Camp.' this afternoon and to west on Tues­ declares death of Mrs. Margaret TOiland County: Roaring Brook, ened by the fumes and found his porting the accident. Patrolman wife and two sons unconscious. He day. John McGlinn later learned that she Perry William, 18, in a barn Thurs­ 1 from about one mile below Putnam 1 Road, Willington to WillimantLc gave an alarm and soon excited oc­ was the guilty person and this led to day was "homicidal.” * cupants of the building began pour­ t r ie s t o k i l l h im s e l f the arrest. Attorney William Providence, R. I. — Norman B. River. 6,510 trout. Patrolman, Philadelphia, April 7—(AP)— A Thompson, 85, city building inspec­ ing into the halls. Hyde defended Mrs. Lamenzo. A Ransom B. Tifft. WillimanUc Police were called, ordered all man who gave his name as Frank fine of 550 and costs was imposed, tor for 43 years, dies. ' River, from West Willington to windows opened and quieted the L. LeDuc, and his address Holyoke, half of the fine being remitted. The Coventry. 3,420 trout. Patrolman, persons in the building. A canvass Mass., was held by police today on a damage to Manley’s car amounted William F. Masinda. ! disclosed that four members of an­ technical charge of disorderly con­ to $25. OPENING STOCKS The Board will continued distri­ other family were overcome. Police duct after he is alleged to have V Lester F. Bronkie, 21, w'as fined bution of adult trout to leased and and gas company emergency crews tried to end his life with gas in a $100 and costs for drunk driving. He other waters until the supply is ex­ were called and all were revived. rooming house...... Police said Le Due told of a story A Porcelain was arrested Saturday night by Ser­ hausted. Police said the gas came from an geant John Crockett who was chas­ New York, April 7— (AP)—Stock In addition to these streams, the improperly adjusted furnace. of having been prosperous until he ing his car to arrest the driver on a prices opened irregularly higher at Board has acquired rights over more lost his $80,000 business in Holyoke y speeding charge only to find that the opening of today’s market, with than seventy-five miles of tributary FEW IDLE IN CHICAGO. by the Stock Market crash. He said Bronkie had been drinking. The a jump 9 5-8 points in Fox Film as brooks, which have been closed to Chicago, April 7.— (AP)—'The he went west, working at any job only $ 6 .o 0 down young man had only bought the car the feature. Johns-Manville, Prarie fishing and are being used as breed­ census ta,kers in Chicago, according he could obtain and then came to Saturday and loses his license for a Oil & Gas and Gillette Safety Razor Philadelphia. He had been here for ing waters. to Joseph E. Vesely, supervisor of year in addition to the fine. showed initial gains of a point or the census here, have found unem­ three weeks looking for v/ork. Part more. National Bellas Hess opened A pamphlet has been prepared by of his last fifty cents went for some­ Pasqualle Lucco, 23, of Kensing­ the Board giving information about ployment relatively slight. ton, defended by Attorney Raymond with a block 15,000 shares at 20, up thing to eat and his last dime he Automatic regulations which govern the use of "We are finding only a few un­ A. Bowers, had judgment suspend­ 8 and a new high record. Radio employed in every several hundred said, was given to a street beggar. ed in his case. He was charged with Corp’n common, Warner Bros., and leased streams and other water-j Then he went to his room and and many facts concerning im­ enumerated," he said. "Even in the operating a motor vehicle without St. Paul preferred declined a point neighborhoods where you expect to turned on the gas. Escaping gas lights. Sergeant Crockett and or more. portant laws relating to angling. was detected by toe proprietress of These are being distributed by find numerous cases of unemploy­ Patrolman Walter Cassells made the The sale by William Fox of the ment, everybody seems to have a Job the house and LeDuc’s life was sav­ arrest near the police station Satur­ voting control in his theatrical en­ wardens, patrolmen and at the of­ ed. Duo— of some sort.” day night but Lucco said that his terprises to Harley Clark, president fice of the Board. lights and motor both suddenly went of the General Theaters Equipment The phamplet Instructs anglers Without any exaggeration the "dead” just before he passed the Company, brought about a wild out­ that licenses are required of all per­ Automatic Duo-Disc washer is one of the burst of bullish enthusiasm in the silent policeman at the Center and sons sixteen years of age or over. est washer values ever offered. (3oncealed| that he was trying to start the car stocks affected. Fox Film opened Including women on State-leased as it^oasted along with the rest of with a block of 20,000 shares but waters. Permits are required for mechanism, ingeniously dfjsigned, is extra.-;, quickly-dropped from the opening the traffic. those under sixteen, which are ob­ ordinarily quiet. The Duo-Disc aptr..(^| David*Sundlun, 35, of Providence, price of 50 to 45 1-2. General Thea­ tainable, without charge, at the of­ washes speedily and safe^. A feature its R. I., paid $10 and costs for driving ters Equipment opened wdth a block of 10,000 shares at 48 3-8, up 1-4, fice of the Board, from - county the tub, which is porcelain'.emmel inside and; 50 miles an hour through Manches­ and Loews, which is controlled by wardens and patrolmen. ter Saturday night. -John Anderson Under the regulations, anglers_ out, and remarkably easy tiol clean, Attrac-, the Fox interests, showed an initial tive appearance and s tu ^ workmimship. of East Hartford had judgment sus­ gain of 3 1-2 points at 84. must keep within ten feet of the pended in his case. The man was ar­ Public utilities and oils were banks of the stream. Cultivated or complete a washer which is) a great value at* rested drunk on a Center Park again in the forefront of the ad­ open lands must not be crossed $99.50, two-thirds of the us’tial Washer price.5 bench but he said he fell asleep on vance. New high records were es­ without permission. Building of fires the trolley car out from Hartford tablished in the early trading by is not permitted without permission i ' ' i and woke up here so decided to wait American Telephone, Columbia Gas, of the fire warden and consent of until he was fit to return. Prosecut­ Consolidated Gas, Engineers Public the landowner. Spearing Is not per­ Siphon Inclisudecl i ing Attorney C. R. Hathaway said Service, North American Co., Unit­ mitted in any State-leased stream he was sick and tired of having out- ed Corporation, Continental Oil, without permission from the Board. With each washer we will also include of-town men get drunk in Hartford e v e r y t h i n g Sun Oil and Shell Union, the gains Motor vehicle parking is not permit­ The > and come here to sleep it off. rang;ing from fractions to_ nearly 2 siphon, which attaches to your faucet and| Cullen Potter, 48, of Coventry, ted in front of bar-ways, or inside points. In addition, American Wa­ bar-ways without permission of the Cleaners steam Cleaned and Pressed empties and fills the washea^and tubs* | jcharged with intoxication, failed to ter Works, Simms Petroleum, At­ appear and had his bond of $25 for­ owner. Designated entrances and That Our work represents a high lantic Refining and Houston were exits must be used. Posted Instruc­ feited. The case of Richard Brow­ quickly pushed up a point or more. Clean standard of excellence, attained nell of 39 Gerard street, charged tions must be followed. The creel -New York traction stocks were limit on Snake Meadow Brook is fif­ through our years of experience $6*50 per month ] with operating a mentor vehicle strong on the public^ion of a re­ and modern equipment. No .-w . • > ' t without a license was continued un­ port that the New 'York Transit teen trout; on other streams twenty . til Wednesday morning. Commission, acting independently trout. odors to offend after garments tPhon'ec. of the city administration, was pre­ Angling for fish, other than trout, are cleaned and pressed here. pared to strike the 5-cent-fare pro­ will be permitted from July 1 to 715r $104.15 price; I November 1, in the following A IX FOB NAUGHT tective clauses from the transit uni­ CASH PRICE fication biU if Republican legislative streams: Farmington River, West ETT.-r PRODUCER: You now leaders were willing to revive the Brench; Fenton River, below Bas­ measure and adopt it in an amend­ sett’s Bri.dge; Natchaug, at North iash into the burning building. g Miss Whatsemame over your ed form. Interborough Rapid Tran­ Windham Pond only; Shepaug, from clamber out -with her sit Brooklyn-Manhattan and Third Judd’s Bridge to Housatonic, wltn loulder, Avenue showed early gains of about THE MAMCHESTER ELECTRIC CO. rough the roof, and then escape no fishing north of the railroad wires, still 2 points each. bridge at Judd’s. All trout caught I B O i i l E s m ^along the telegraph J. I. Case jumped 5 3-4 points and 773 MAIN STKEET holding her. after June 30 must be immediately' EX^USTED ACTOR: Here, U. B. Freight 5, the latter touching returned to the waters without In- it,* '•“ * dash it, I’ve just done all that. a new high. jury. . • PRODUCER: Of course you Foreign exchanges opened steady The rules set up for fishermen art have. That was the rehearsal.— with sterling .cables unebanges at not deilxned to U^t tbo aettvittee The Humorist. Si.Sa 1-2.


' T y


.....Every Penny You Spend In .....To Reach the Buying Public Advertising in the Manchester of Manchester Effectively the Evening Herald Brings a 100 Advertiser Must Use Space in Per Cent Return on the Money the Manchester Evening Herald

GIRCULATION - The Herald is a meinber of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, a National org’anization, composed of leading newspapers, mag’azines and national advertising agencies. An audit of each member publisners circulation books is made twice yearly by an accountant employed by the Bureau. This audit is a guarantee to advertisers that The Herald’s circulation figures are honest and correct. The last audit of The Herald’s books, jcompleted March 1,1930, shows that this newspaper has a guaranteed net paid circulation of over 5,000!

GREAT “PULLING POWER” Every day Tlie Herald is giving evidence of its ability to “sell Manchester”—and its power to reach the potential shoppers in Manchester. Advertisers who us e space in The Herald persistently are quick and ready to testify to this newspaper’s “pulling power.” By employing Herald advertising alone the J. W. Hale Com­ pany lattr acted nearly 3,000 customers to one department in a single shopping day. Using only the columns of The Herald to advertise it, this newspaper attracted 2,675 women to its cooking school in four days!

A BIG AT LOW COST No advertising medium other than The Herald can give so near to 100 per cent, coverage in Manchester and its environs at the extremely low rate The Herald offers. , With not over 5,000 homes in this town :The Herald sells locally 5,000 copies daily—conclusive proof that this newspaper goes into every home in Manches­ ter. The Herald’s advertising rates are the lowest of any daily newspaper in the state, and few papers offer the same percentage of concentrated coverage to their advertisers. Phone 5121. An ad-man will calll « \ t

READER A BOOSTER \ The Herald serves Manchester so faithfully that it has won high praise throughout this state and Southern New England from its contemporaries. Its local news is bright and fresh, and capably handled. Its news features, comics, special correspondence and serial fiction rate among the best obtainable. Its state, national and world news, by Associated Press complete wire service,, is the latest obtainable and is con­ cisely and cleanly reported. The Herald is Manchester owned, its policies home controlled! ||


y ' ^ ~ \ :-S: •ANNE A tSTilsl - OLIVE RQBERTS BARTON ALfTHOR CF. C .a '.A •THE AVEMGINQ PI^RRC^•• C «»• tv MCA ggwiCE.I»iC. ___ •the BUACK pigeon: e t c . On« a poor litUe city girl waaawhy >!>• X X d tub and why — oh, a hundred T taken by a kindly welfare worker \ CI93O SERVICE IHC. y things. to spend a month with her own fam­ She went home fat and rosy, ily in their, summer home ih. and vidth all the flower-dresses Md AWWLL. all the joy out of your life for a country. , ■ soft white imderwcar packed m BEGEV HEKHi TODAY eagerly, relief lighting up his good- J,0«& SU.>osby, put my pride in my pocket and hold a lace by each tip and slide it cream separator, and birds’ nestj •ind : all reference to her poverty has robbed Crosby and Mrs. Berke- asked him if he’d lend me enough back and forth across the hot iron and fish bait. and ignorance- avoided even by I lev, Captain Strawn is ready to con­ money to set myself up in law until it is smooth. // In the house their mother and sider the case solved, especially smee practice, instead of taking a job as grandmother kept on explaining kindly camouflage and her own clothes .allowed to stay on her for another maid, Peggy Harper, says assistant district attorney at $3000 GREEN MEALS i — NOUJ iT 'cr TrtE-» r ' about quietness, and manners and Doris had seemed to recognize John­ 'I year. His answer was yes, ob­ what nice little girls d id ,’and why at least a few days, she would not poote. and nutritive value'are retained. ed it. famous for 50, years. 15 cent “I want to stay, but I’ve got a Other lovely ideas for its develop­ In the light .of this factor, the least you know who he is! . . , You housewife shudder, so closely is it j Robert E. Foote was a witness at Seasoning Is Important packages— all drug stores. couple of hours’ work to do after ment are dimity prints, dotted s^wiss. Always season vegetables well and substances found to have special lunch, honey-child.” he answered re­ see, Johnny, Captain Strawn l#ullied ^ lawn, batiste, pique, printed bound in her thoughts with hard j jj-jai of Horace Porter against do not depend solely on salt and value in blood regeneration were gretfully. “Got to transcribe my poor Clo into admitting she d been organdie, linen and gingham, work. If she is looking for the type j transportation company held at pepper and butter. Lemon juice, again studied. It was found that notes, you know—” . in the summerhouse, after he found 1 price 15 cents in stamps of floor that is most simply kept | Rock-ville, Wednesday, DiamondoDlyes ■vinegar, and tomato juice improve the apricot, liver and kidney con­ "Better tear ’em up!” Gigi ad­ a streak of blood on her cape and or coin (coin^ is preferred). - -• Wrap — clean, she would do well to consider j Hart E. Buell and Miss Florence the flavor of such vegetables as spin­ tained significant amounts of bot'a vised, and to his amazement she was perfume on the soles of her shoes. coin carefully. the importance of systematic var- i jones idsited Alex White who is at Highest Quali^ fa r SOMmts Clo got there after poor Doris had nishing. If the previous varnish coat, j^g hospital in Willimantic, Thurs- ach, beets And corn or succotash. copper and iron, and the copper in deadly earnest for the moment. I feel certain that you will be Grated cheese may be added to the I Before he could think of a reply, been killed and rolled do^wn the sum­ pleased with this popular model. And has been neglected, the floor should | ^gy afternoon, merhouse steps into the lake. She of course be prepared for refinishing ; h|r. and Mrs. Albert Willis of white sauce tor creamed or scalloped however, another knock at the door I ■wish to , take, this opportunity to vegetables. Onion, celery and red interrupted. thought Abbie had dashed out of call to your attention that there is like any other woodwork. Printed j Manchester were .visitors at Mr. and the house, looking for her, with linoleum, too, ■will be easier to . clean! ^ rs. C. A. Hills, Simday. and green peppers are vegetable­ “Yes, "Wickett?” a splendid selection of children’s flavoring possibilities that add zest “Mr. John Maxwell, sir.” the perfume flask in her hand, and frocks in our new Spring Fashion if it is varnished—that is, unless it | hjjg^ ■w. E. Hibbard of Manches- had broken the bottle. Captain has been waxed. ’Wax, however, can 1 tej.. visited local relatives Thursday to canned vegetables. Butter and "SIiow him in, Wickett darling,” Magazine. It would be a good idea bacon fat add flavor to vegetables Gigi ordered. “And I’m going to Strawn got all het up and tried to to send 10 cents additional when always be removed with turpentine, and attended the funeral of Mrs. The Smart Shop’s make Clo confess she’d killed Doris, Faded linoleum is much improved in ; Titsworth. that probably no amount of other stay, my bonnic lad!” she added em­ you order this pattern. Then I’ll condiments can give. A more pro­ phatically to Dundee. "Oh, hello. or had seen Abbie do it.” mail you a copy of the book. appearance if the pattern is touch-Mrs. Robert E. Foote, vice chair­ “What rot!” Maxwell was par­ ed up vrith paint or the whole sur-| man of the Republican town com nounced flavor is obtained if the Johnny Maxwell! Whoops! how butter is melted and slightly donably indignant and contemptu­ face painted over. mittee and otherafV ia ,. vice\71PA chairmenp h A.lr 11160 O.of you’ve grown!” Manchester Herald browned before the hot vegetable is The tall, broad-shouldered young ous. "Where is Clo now ?” Before the actual work of deco­ Tolland county met at the Nathan FASHION SHOW "In Abbie’s sitting room, ■vrith Pattern Service ration commences, many delightful Hale Hotel in Willimantic with Mrs. added. man swung Gigi off her feet and When vegetables are served sim­ i « ^ '•—f Mrs. Lambert. Dash on up! Abbie’s hours may bo passed in planning Byrne, first ■vice chairman, for kissed her soundly, to her evident No. 610 ply dressed in butter, they must bf busy having hysterics and will hard­ and discussing color schemes. Deco­ luncheon and conference, T ^rsday. ^ relish. , . j i. As ou? patterns are mailed dry before the butter is added. If "Brat,” he apostrophized her, ly notice you, even if she wanders from New York City please allow rators have long ago voiced their 'Mrs. Howard Tryon of . Glaston­ Frid^iy Evening, April 11 in. . . . You did get engaged good bury and Mrs. Harold Richman of the ■ vegetable water has not been- “you -e a wow! Cuter’n a Scotch five days. approval of color-—lets of color—for evaporated by cooking, it should be and tight this time, didn’t you ?” the kitchen. The choice of color for South Manchester spent Wednesday terri I” Price 15 Cents "G on! Say it! If you werent “Absolutely!” Maxwell exulted. this room depends largely on .the afternoon with Mrs. Tryon’s parents, drained off, * ' STATE THEATER “Was that all, Mr. Dundee?” Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Buell. Mrs. D. alre 'f wild over Qo, you’d give N^me ...... , exposure of the room. The naturally • EI’ENINO BOLERO me (whirl! Lord, I’ll be glad When he had gone Gigri returned co^ room needs some substitute for L. Buell and her son-Ii^ng of Ber­ to the broad arm of Dundee’s chair lin. N. Y., also spent the day there. The newest in Fashion’s gay parade ' when iiat sister of mine gets mar­ Size ...... sunshine to make the kitchen tasks ■Very quaint and charming is a t ried, ' ,1 I can have a chance. . . . and leaned against his shoulder, seem less arduous. Jonquil yellow, Twenty-seven members of Hebron sighing happily. Address ...... • Grange attended, "Neighbors’ Night” sea-green tulle frock, ■with Eupire of smart creations will be modelod ’ScuseiTt, please! This is Bonnie with gay splashes of red here and highness to its waistline and long, Duffdc':; johnny—a detecatiff! And “All’s swell that ends swell.” there, makes an inviting kitchen.--at the Colchester Grange Wednes she rejoiced. “Though I suppose straight "fullness ta its skirt, and by local m anaeqiifiis. if the "tolice hadn’t already picked Send your order to the ••Pat­ For a warmer kitchen, gre^ ^ x a little matching green taffeta out thfcir criminal, you’d be in for Johnson will say he did it all for Brar'may predominate aga'insT gray j Edward E. Foote spent Wetocs- tern Dept., Manchester Ev^SW* bolero jacket topping it. trfaciuned the neatest third-degree—” his aged mother, and wring my or cream backgrovmds, to create A.l^lay•evening-■with his brother A .-n Herald, So. Maneheeter, Conn.” with rosettes of the taffeta. “Have you really caught the mur­ heart! . . > Say, why don’t you smile, re^rcshitiff^ uictur®. jLxxy o t these i Font* in Colchester. derer, Mr. Dundee?” Maxwell asked old Wet Blanket? Doesn't it take t 1 ■ '. ' :'i . . ■' ■'., - ^ ■ r.■' jji ■! i '-\ »'i ' . *■ - *-. .. •■ SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1930. PACE TWELVE I ir t' * t THE PIED SECTION

j£«tSJS3SXS6«KW«%%1CV«l3Z6 Up with winter enclosure, all in good The Executor" hai-inic exhibited advertisements HELP WANTED— m a l e 36 fire places, 2 baths, electricity, rtm- ~ ...... Over Town—One Gets Int| condition. Price $30. Phone 8498. their final adminiatratiun account I with "aid eatate to this Court (or al- j Count six average words to a line, WANTEI^NEAT , intelligent boy ning v/ater. State Road and bus Barn and Chicken Coops. line, one acre of land, 2 car garage. loxx'anee. It Is i ■n tials. numbers and abbreviations GOOD USED CARS to learn ' sign W'ork. Apply Jay's ORUERKUi— That the 12th day of i ;"fh count as a word and compound Cash dr Terms Sign Shop. 20 Oak street. Phone Will exchange for a small 6 room April, A. D., 1930, at 9 o'clock, (ore- I A total of eleven fires over words as two words. Minimum ccs. Madden Bros. 4624. house. O. R. Lamphier Farm, Man. noon, at the Probate Office, in said i , j , . ,__.i- __ ^rice of three lines llrincheater, be and the same Is ns- i Week-end kept both the Msnchcsti Irn-* rates uer dav for trans’ent <181 Main St. Tel. 5500 830 Main street. East Hartford. WANTisiD—^MAN OR man and wife Tel. 8-3221. Ni.xned fo r a hearin;? on th e a l l o w - 1 and South Manchester Fire Depar mice of "aid administration aeeonnt j ments on the jump. The Manche MlVeciMC March 17. l9 -7 FOR SALE—1925 Essex Coach, $50 to manage Manchester store. $50. Cash :;h.T.rge with said estate, and this Court dl- tti:-- onenro-aH t., FOR SALE—6 ROOM house: also 5 recta the Executors to glx'e public Fire ^ ep ^ tm en t ansjwe^ed ^t 7 ctsl y CIS cash, good tires. Inquire 28 Foley per week and copjmi'sslofi to start. Cl Consecutive Days room bungalow. All improvements. notice to nil persons Interested there- box alarms - and- -i five _stills _ Saturda 3 Consecutive Days 9 ctsl 11 cts .street or telephone 4889. $750.00 to $1250.00 Cfiph, deposit re­ ll ctsl 13 cts quired on merchiandiM. 264 Central Call at 168 Benton street. Dial in to appear and be hearij thereon by afternoon and Sunday at the follo’.!| publishing a eopy of this order in ing points: A t 1 p. m, Saturdaj * AU^ oVdeVs ’fo’r irregular Insertions 10 GOOD USED tlARS Ave., Albany, N. Y. 8713. some newspaper having a clrenlntion will be charged at the one time rat®. Crawford Auto Supply tkjmpany in said District, on or before April 7. grass fire on Hollister street and ir Special rates .or long term e'®^y Centei & Trotter Streets FOR SALE—SINGLE dwelling on 10.30. and by p o stin g u eopy o f this mediately following another gra.i dav advertising given upon '■®duest. Telephone 6495 and 8063 DOGS—BIRDS—PETS Delmont street, a bargain. Holden, order on the pnhiic signpost In the fire on Woodland street. At 2 p. Ads ordered for llfu Nelson Company, Inc., 853 Main Town where the deceased last dwelt, rnd Slopped l.et<«re the third fifth five days before said day of hearing a grass fife on Middle Tumpiiq dav will be charged on y tor l^e ac- SEE US BEFORE FOR SALE—c a n a r y birds for street. and return make to this Court. west: at 3:30 p. m. a grass fire lual number of times the ad appear­ BUYINC A USED CAR breeding: also singing birds; B. M. IVTLklAM S. HYDE rear of 123 Main street. ‘ ed charging at the rate earned hut Terms—Trades Considered Zimmerman, 1087 Main street, FOR SALE—Single and double Jndge Following the grass fire on Ma'| no'allowances or refunds can he made 11-4-7-30. on six time ads stopped after the BEITS GARAGE Barher Shop. i houses: also one five room flat for street. Box 46 was nmg in for Hudsoa-Essex Dealer 129 Spruce rent. W. R. Hobby. Phone 5773. AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD fire which destroyed -a. wagon she ^’^\o°“ tni forbids": display lines not FOR SALE—CORLIE puppies. In­ at Manchester, within and for the and chicken coop in rear of quire John McConville, 509 Keeney District of Slnnehester, on the Sth. Oakland street ov/ned Py Frank .'J ®°The Herald will not be responsible GARAGES—SERVICE— street. Telephone 3876. LOTS FOR SALE 73 day of April, A. P., 1030. fo r nmre than one Incorrect lna®n on Present WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq., ■i Coburn opposite the Oakl;ri fillir.[ of any advertisement ordered for STORAGE 10 Juilge. ■station. Damage was estimated more than one time. ,nenr. PROSPECT STREET — A few Estate of Joseph Srhiehel late o f ; $200. ' The inadvertent omission of incor FOR RENT—GARAGES it $5 per POULTRY AND choice building lots at a low price. Manchester, in said .District, deceased. • Af 7-^n a m vMtprrlav Rnv 'n reef publication of advertising "iH be month rear of Professional Build SUPPLIES The Administrator having exhIJ.IteilJ- Yes'eruay tSO\ ol rectified only by cancellalion of the High, quiet, healthy location. Build Ills fifliiiini.Htriitioii noiMMint ^'Ith saiil } pullccl for & dliniDSy'lire 8.t t’l ciiarge made for the service rendered. ing, 8*29 Main street. Apply Geo. E. near the mills and enjoy the ad­ FOR SALE—ROASTING diicks, estate to this Court for alioxvanee. It! North School street which v/as C', All advertisements must conform Keith. vantage of noonday lunch at home. i " i tinguished without damage. T1 111 style, copy and typography uHh baby . ducklings, hatching eggs. R. J. McKay, 21 Summit street. ORDERED:— That the 131h day of | regulations enforced by the north end firemen had barely r Telephone 3837/ B. T. Allen, 37 Phone 6185. April, A. D., 1930, at 9 o’clock, fore­ ers and they reserve the right to BUSINESS SERVICES Doane street. ' noon, at the Probate Office, in "aid | turned from the School street chin edit, revise or reject any copy con- Manchester, be and the same is as- I ney fire when a still alarm came i sidereil objectionaIde. ' „ . , OFFERED 13 FOR SALE—2 DESIRABLE lots. signed (or a hearing on the ..Ilow- for a grass fire on Hilliard street. CDtSl.S'c. HOURS—Classified ads to WHITE LEGHORN day old'chicks Colonial Garden Tract. Price rea­ anee of said ndniinistrntlon account be published same day must he re­ ■WANTED—STERILIZING tobacco 16cts. each. Hatches every Satur­ with said estate, and this Court di­ 'The South Manchester depar';] ceived by !2 o'clock noon: faaturdajs sonable for quick sale. For particu­ ment was busy Saturday afternou beds, excavating and grading day. E. S. Edgerton,. 65i5 North lars inquiry E. L. G. Hohenlhal, rects the ndmlnistrator to glx'e puhlie 10:39 a. m. ploughing gardens, moving, ashes. Main street. Bhon?'^16. ■ notice to nil persons interefited there­ with Hose Co. No. 3 responding t e l e p h o n e y o u r Jr., 24 Roosevelt street. in to appear and be beard thereon by a still-alarm for a grass fire o We also have the best of building publishing n eopy of this order In WANT ADS. sand, gravel and loam. H. W. Case. w h i t e WYANtlOTTES'' eggs for Konic newspaper haring n cireulatlon Spring street at 12:15 p. m. Ho Ads are accepted over the telephone Dial 8643. hatching from' my prise winning REAL ESTATE FOR In said District, on or before April Co. No. 2 was called out shortly a at the CHARtlE R.^TK given above FLUFF RUGS made to order from and good laying stock $2 and $5 7, 19.30, and by posting a copy of this terward for a grass fire on Middl IS a convenience to advertisers, but per 15. H. J. Klssmann, 44 Gris; EXCHANGE 76 order on (he public sienpost In the Turnpike East., At 3 p. m. Hosi fhe CASH RATKS will be accepted as your old carpets, write for par­ Toxvn where the deeenKed last dxvelf, wold street. Phone .7784. fixe days before "aid day of hearing and Ladder No. 1 was called on l-'ur.L PAY.MK.N’T if paid at the busi­ ticulars. C. Schulze, 5 Chamberlain WILL EXCHANGE farm, 20 acres ness office on or before the seventh street, Rockville, Conn. and return make to this Court. still alarm to Park street for dav foUowing the first clear, 5 minutes to business sec­ WILLIAM S. HYDE grass fire and at 3:30 the same com each ad otherwise the CH.ARiiC. ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 tion, barn, coops, garage, 7 rooms, J udge. H -4 -7 -3 0 . pany was called to Middle Turnpike R.ATE will he collected. No heat, light, hot water, bath, sun- west for another. Chief Foy \va tillitv for errors In telephoned ads CONTRACTING 14 FOR SALE—LOAM A-No. 1. In­ will be assumed and their accuracy BUILDING- porch, horse, cow, pigs, chickens, recalled to the latter fire for a small cannot be giiaranteea. quire Frank Damato & Son, 24 for good house in Manchester. In­ i outbreak at 6 p. m. Homestead street. Phone 7091. INDEX OF H. B. CARTER quire 57 Hawthorne street. i The South Manchester fire De CLASSIFICATIONS Chimney Building and Repairing partment has answered thir Plastering and mason work, roofing ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Ship Arrivals teen alarms since April 1. Births LEGAL NOTICES 79 box alarms and 10 stills, whiclj Kngagements ...... p cf all kinds rebuilt and repaired, — RADIO 49 .Marriages ...... specialty on slate roof and smoky TENEMENTS 63 TENEMENTS 63 adds heavily to the already high sea AT A COUKT OF PROBATE HFI.U son record. The rain of last n Deaths ...... chimneys, eaves trough and gutters LATEST MODEL of Atwater Kent at Miitii'iie.ster, witliiii anil for tlio ! ARRIVED: i.tard of Tlianks_ APARTMENTS—FLATS— APARTMENTS—FLATS— has once again helped the depart rebuilt and repaired, boilers clean­ and Zenith radios. Terms to suit, liisltriot of Mnnohf.xtrr, on the oth Duchess of Atholl, Liverpool, in .Memoriam ...... ^ I ments in wetting down the -wood: l.ost .md Found ...... ^ ed by powerful vacuum. Founda­ some good battery sets. Phone FOR RENT—THREE room apart­ FOR RENT—THREE five and 6 il.iy o f ViO-il. A . U .. 1030. I April 4 from St. Johns, N. B. Present WILLIA.H S. HYDE, E-sq., and grass. .\nno\incements ...... „ tions, stucco, amd carpentry work 4673. Raymond A. Walker, 64 ments, modern improvements. Ap­ room tenements, all modern im-. JudKe. I American Trader, London, April 6, Personals ...... curbstone and sidewalk relaid. All Mather street ply A. Podrove, Manchester Public provements. Inquire 147 E. Center New York. .A iitonioliilcK Es-.afe of Arthur D. Altken late of Many peace lo'ving people woult] work guaranteed—By hour, day or Market. street. Telephone 7864. MniieiieNter, in "aid Ui.strict, deeensed. .Mitornolttles for Sale ...... President Lincoln, Yokohama, liked to have been more scrapping ,\uloiiioi.iles for Uxcliange ...... ^ contract. Get my estimate before On niotion of Wnlter T. Aitken. April 4, Seattle. .\uto Aceessorles—Tires 6 FUEL AND FEED 49-A FOR RENT—MODERN five room exeeiitor with will annexed. at the London conference. 7 you look further. OltllKKED:— Thnt six iiioiiths from George Washington, Cherbourg, ,\iiio Repairing—Painting CALL HARTFORD 8-2349 flat including shades and screens, XiiliY ...... 7-A HAY FOR SALE—No. 1. Price $20 BUSINESS LOCATIONS (he oth day of April, A. D., lO.'iO, he April 6, New York. i 14 John St. East Hartford, Conn. second floor, corner house. 135 Mid­ and the Miiiiie arc limited and allow­ 'vuu's-Ship i>y Truck ... ton in barn. Telephone Rosedale FOR RENT 64 Rotterdam, Southampton, April 7,! ..\utos — For Hire ...... dle Turnpike West. ed for the ereditors within xvhieh to 21-3. hriii^: in (heir eliiim" ii;;;ains( said es- New York. i • lar.agps—Service—Storage ...... t' CARPENTER WORK.—Shingling, INTERNATIONAL PAPER .Moiori’vcles —Bicycles ...... f o r r e n t —3 BOOM tenement, all FOR RENT—OFFICES in Profes- ..i(c. and the "aid exeeutor i.s direet. Augustus, Naples, April 7, New! screens and screen enclosures a ed to icixe pu.iae ao(iee (o the eredi'- Wenicd Autos —Motorcycles .... 1- WOOD. FOR SALE—Ashes to re­ improvements, with furnished heat, sioaal Building, 829 Main street. York. 1 and POWER CO^AN Y ttiiaincx.1 :!n(l Pr«ro*Kl<>iial Service" specialty. T. Neilsen. Tel. 4823. tors to iiriiiK in their elaims xvitllin move. Any kind of light trucking. near the Center. Apply 18 Lilley Apply Geo. E. Keith. .s:iid tim e aliow ed iiy p ostin i; a eopy Cleveland, Galway, April 6, N ew ’ •.usilo'K' Services OITej^cd ...... I-' York. i l;,,iiM h"ld Services ofCeted • • I - A Call V. Firpo, 116 WeUs street atrnet, upstairs. Tel. 4753. of this order on (lie puhlie s Ikii |iost The Board of Directors has declared a I r.iiil.ling —Fi'nl r:icltng ...... M FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 Dial 6148. FOR RENT—l a r g e room 20x55, nearest to the iilaee xvhere the de- Belgenland, Port Sudan, April 6, regular quarterly dividend o f oiij . in eeased lust dxvelt within said town New York. ll.irir.is — .Nurseries ...... FOR r e n t —5 ROOM tenement, all suitable for lodge or bu.y pulilishin;; the same In Nome pany and a regular qaaJwVly dividend! . 17 GARDENING WORK of all kinds, Jij^rpvements and screen.'-. Apply of Professional Building, 829 Main newspaper linxiiiK a eireuintion in Westemland, Cherbourg, April 6, I ic.-itr.i'-; — Plumbing—Roofing . wood, or hlckiirt'y sawed for stove; New York. of on the 6 ^ Pregerred Stock of| lnsiit;iMce ...... IS by careful, competent man. Plant 73 Suinnlar street. street. Apply Geo. E. Keith. said'prohate district, within ten day" M i ninety — Dress malting ...... 19 a perennial border this Spring. Call furnace, or fire plane by the truck from (lie date of tills order, and re­ Minnetonka, London, April 7, New this Company, payable/Ipril 15th, lOo'd. . 20 turn make to this Court of the notlee to holders of record ay the close of .Moving —Tru«’k ing—Storage .. 7116. load, good service aod measure FOR RENT—3 AND 5 room- tene­ York. I‘.;;ii', lug— Ihipertng ...... • • . 21 guaranteed. Fred Miller, Coventry. Siven. business March 29th, 1930. Checks •*»> ments, steam heated. Reasonable HOUSES FOR RENT 65 V.ILLIAM S. 11 Vine Bergensfjord, New York, April 7, 1'iiirf-ssioiial Services ...... Telephone Rosedale 33-3. Bergen. he mailed. Transfer hooks will not close. i;-,ii:ilrin:: ...... ! 23 price, 109 Foster street. Call 7902. Judgre. T.ii 1* 1 rill g — IIVe 1IIg—Cleaning • . 24 STORAGE 20 FOR RENT—6 room house with all 1114-7-30. Sailed: > R G . Ladd. Jj/L Trtat, | . 2r. WOOD IS VERY SUITABLE as a 'I'oilet CooilR and Service...... MOVING—TRUCKING— TO RENT—DESIRABLE 4 room improvements at 43 Foster street. Wun’ted—Busine.,;s Service .... . 26 Spring fuel. We have the following AT A COURT OF PRORATE HELD Montcalm, Southampton, April 6, Boston, Mass., Msrefa 19. 1 ^ 4 s i:iliie:i I luiinl flat on 95 Charter Oak street near Available after April 15th. Apply at Manehester, xxithin and fur the for St. Johns, N. B. | . 27 L. T. WOOD CO.—Furniture and sawed stove length and under A. S. Chapin, 173 Wetherell Street. lilKtrict of Mniiehe.ster, on the oth Courses find Classes ...... cover: hard $7.'00 per load: slab Main" street. Rent reasonable, all American Shipper, London, April ■ Private Instruction ...... 2S piano moving, modern equipment, imprbvements. Inquire 701 Main Tel. 8071. day of April, A. D., lO.'IO, Jiancing ...... 2S-A experienced help, public store­ $6.00 per load, chestnut $6.00. L. T. I'rrseiit WILLI.VM S. HVDE, 4, New York. street. Jiidgc, .Musical— Dramatic ...... 29 house. Phone 4496. Wood Co. Dial 4490. FOR RENT—MAY 1.-6 room Wanted — Inslriiclion ...... 30 Estate of Charles F. .Meyers late of riiinncinl FOR RglNT-^ ROOM tenement house, modern improvements, 2 car Manchester, in said District, deceas­ OLD STUFF TO DEVI SPECIAL i;,,mis—Stocks—.Mortgages ... 31 PERRBTT & GLBNNEY INC. with large garden, gas and light. garage, 15 Delmont street. Write ed. GARDEN—FARM-^ Tlic Administratrl.v Iiaxlng cxbllilt- Brand new single of sixi liusincss Oi)i>ortunitles ...... 32 Local and long distance express Rent reasonable. Inquire 92 East or ’phone Miss Grace Tanner, 117 HER FATHER: Can you give Money to l.oan ...... 33 and freight service, including over­ DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 ed her iidministrntion iieconnt xvlth rooms, oak floors, steam heat,] Help mill Sitiintiuns Middle Turnpike. Signoury street, Hartford. Tele­ said estate to this Court fur allow- my daughter the luxuries to which ijU night express service between Man­ phone 6-3366. ::nce. It Is Help Wanted—Female ...... WANTED—CUSTOMERS for T. B. she has been accustomed? oak trim down, white enamel j Help Wanted—.M;l!o ...... 36 chester and New York. F'urniture FOR Re n t —5 r o o m FL.AT Wads­ ORDERED:— 'riiat the 12(h day of YOUTH: Not much longer. in chambers, sun parlor, slate] Ilelii wanted—Male or Female 37 moved under the supervision of ex­ tested milk, at your door daily 13c worth street, Greenacres. H. H. A p ril, ,V. D ., 19.30. :it 9 o 'clo ck , fo re­ 37-A noon, :it the l^roliate Ofl'lee. in said That’s why I want to get married. Agents Wanteil ...... perts and in specially constructed a quart with tickets. Maple Rowe West & Son, 29 Bissell street. Tele­ SUBURBAN FOR RENT 66 roof. A real buy at $6900. Situations Wanted—Female .. 3S Farm Coventry. Phone Rosedale Manehester, lie and (be same is ns- —Hummel, Hamburg. 39 trucks. Phone 3063, 4860 or 8864. phone 5202 or 8706. "icned for a hearing on the ailoxv- Many other new singles and some j Situations Wanted—Male .... 33-13. nice two family houses to choose | Ihnplovment Agencies ...... 40 FOR RENT — 10 ACRES good :i:iec of said ndniinistrntioii aeeonnt THEY GET IT ALL Id VC Stock— Pel"— Poollrv— Vehicle." GENERAL TRUCKLNG— Equipped FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement tobacco land. Inquire Mrs. Delnicki, with s:ild estate, and this Court di­ from. Dogs—Birds — Pets ...... 41 for light and heavy jobs, tobacco, RHODE ISLAND RED S. C. eggs rects the nd:n1iiis(r:itrix to give pnh­ “Is this a good place for a A-1, 'condition, modern, near Foster street, Wapping. iic notice to :ill iierso::" interested change and rest?” l.ive Stock — Vehicles ...... 42 hay. lumber, heavy freight, etc. for hatching, from prize winning Cheney mills, $25. Inquire on Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 birds and hea-vy laying stock $1.25 (herein (u appear nnd lie heard there- “Yes. The waiter gets the change ROBERT J. SMITH Prompt service, reasonable rates. premises, 5 Walnut street. Tailor o:i liy pultlishliig :i eo|ty o f th is order Wanted — Pets— Poultry—Stock 44 per 13 eggs or $9 per hundred. and the manager gets the resL”— 1009 Main St. For Sale— MlMeclInneuu" Frank V. Williams. Tel. 7997. Shop. Tel. 5030. in some nexvspnper having u eirciiln- Articles for Sale ...... 45 Baby chicks 20c a >}ece. E. J. Me- j FARMS AND LAND FOR tlon in said District, on or before Table Talk, Melbourne. All Kinds of Insurance. Boats and Accessories ...... 46 Gowan, 82 Garden street. Tel. 6723.' SALE 71 April 7. 1930, and by posting a copy of Building Materials ...... 47 TOR RENT — DESIRABLE six this order on the puhlie signpost in Diamonds— \Vatches—Jewelry .. 48 PAINTING—REPAIRING 21 room tenement, all improvements. the Toxv:» where the deceased last electrical Aiipllances—Radio ... 49 Inqqire at 90 Main street. J. P. TALCOTTVILLE FARM—28 acres, dxvelt, ilx'c I ' .S«.-nr,.:- ' -»4t /O' GAS BUGGIES— A Troubled Conscience By FRANK BECK

WELL------DIAMOND JOE ois'" T’iNS GIVES we be SAY ! WHAT’S BATIN’ YUH! E v ils ' CAN’T SAY WE DIDN’T DO a ’ TWITCHED . BUMPIN * Oi=F NEl-l-IE ’S WHAT’S DE DIFFERENCE GOOD JOB OP SPREADINI* OLD MAN WAS BAD ENOUGH WHAT HER FRIENDS T ’INK D = NEWS Wrr’OUT QUEERIN’ DE KID . WHEN OF HER NOW • s h e ’ l l N E V E R r -mELL’iE e l o p e d . LO O K A T I TOLD OAi* OlrO WOnilAN WOT COME BACK TO DIS ©URG DE HICKS STANDIN’ IN SeULS FLOWERS OAT .NEUUE AGAIN- - TRUST JOE PER DAT. HUDDLES GASSiN’ ABOUT HAP^ M ARRIED CrOE SH E BESIDES — SHE MIGHT MARRY f c IT. CRIPES ! FROM ALL BUSTBP RlQHT OUT CRVIN’ HIM V E T IF S H E G IT S w DE E'XCITEMENT YOU’D AN’ SAID SHE'D NEVER LONESOME ENOUGH . t ’ i n k d e c o u n t r y MiDWE THOUGHT IT. CRIPES! TAKE A HAD GONE TO SNIFTER AN’,,.^ /'^ W A R . B R A C E U P ! SlAlD I S E E V malted'yoU: sfidk. . J [<0 There are at least four mistakes 1 n the above picture.- They may per­ tain to grammar, history, etiquette, drawing or whatnot See If you can find them. Thfen look at the scrambled word below—and unscram­ ble it, by switching the letters around. Grade yourself 20 for each of the mistakes you find, and 20 for the word if you unscrachble i t

C O B B E C n O N » (1) "Council,” in the jui^e'h conversation, sbccld be counsel. (2) t "Breech” in the same cfmversatioQ, should be breach. (3) There are 13 on a jury Instead of 10. .(4) The badge on the policeman is upside down. (3) The scrambled word is DISEASE. . ; : ' ' —-r"!------Y ------

-3 PAGE ’rantriSBK MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY. A PR ILJM m By Percy L. Crosby SKIPEY iF l a p p e BgQ r U F a.PAT,a i ^0Fr. S a y & SENSE ^ NONSENSE HOW IF r HAD F1FTG6H APPtCS AMD VOC HAD 'VA*l U hav/6 t o L APPCeS, AMD W 6 D.VIDGD TH6M ; MoW Wboa! Back Up V S /A IT f I Backward, turn backward, oh time X € Ll "THe <5ANG I CAM'T w o u l d W g gACH HAVg ? 5;; it your flight, . ^ . i C*0M6 OCT. N\Y m a r k s Make me a girl again, ]ust for to-1 1$ 50 LOW MAGMA'S Yo c ’T h AVG '£M A U , m a m m a DgAR;<^ iflgW. , X ,. i Give ;ne the' long golden curls that! IWAKIN* MG STAY IW TO ge^ACSG I'D 6IVC KW g AL c TOVOUI were worn ] HSLP M 6 W IT H Back in the days before tresses j were shorn, I m Y h o m g w o r k . Give me the skirts that brought, many a laugh •, When boisterous winds flippea , them over the calf. | Give me the roses our cheeks sport­ ed then Without touching up from the oia Five and Ten. Give me the petticoats; give me the 13.C6 * Give ine the modesty; give me the Xkm I ' I I III w I Percy L. Crosby, Great Britain rights reserved. grace; ^ i King Features Syndicate, Inc. ______J Give me the power to blush when I’m kissed;, Give me the things that I lately OUR BOARDING HOUSE have missed. By Fontaine Fos I have the gimmies. Oh time in your 1© nca By Gene Ahem flight. Give me ray girlhood, please— Woman began her career as a rib just for tonight. 1 : but now she’s the whole umbrella. I AM 'A SCieMTiS-T AMP MY MAiUe IS pOfJk’ ,S lR . LiOst, A Violin Case |basketball. By the way, were you |Mv/^M-fbR,S(R —-■BtlT THlMK Big Man— Where are my shoes? 11 ever on a track team? ‘ PLifJK » ^ I h a ys I CAM F e oF ASSISTAMOB :an’t find them any place. | sesAi You lAi p a r k Daughter— Here they are; I had I Version for fathers of boys in -To You J — LFT u s g o my violin in one of them. |college: The wages of son is debt. ^V/6RAL “flM’SS AAiP "TWRlJ MY OV/&R To MY rioUSG , kAioUlLlS-D^a^ riiJMAli MATiiP'e You CAM E)^LAI/M AMP He’s a Bad One Moira—He told me he could live AMD cHARAcS-TgR, I KMoui VoU ueMoMs-TRATe Your Loom out for the fellow on a on my kisses forever. picnic, who says: “Well, fojks, Im I^Iay—Are you going to let him. „ ,g . AR& A MAU "fo IMt’loW. I CAM . p a m p 'r u f f c u r b not feeling very hungry today. Moira—Not till I find out what 6RSAT' seCRSrT AMP . O j s & „ COMPOUMP I’m gong to live on. Bigamy is having one wife too j p isc c Y & R Y » I .Al s o Feeu m y Mam 'S ts many. Monogamy, in certain m- i It is not what you eat, but what you -TKAT You CAM PEMPCR GREA-T I^q o p l B —^ m a t ^ r stances, is the same thing. j digest " t^BLP IM PROM gT cMg Ho o p l b ; That makes you fat. m y MARYSLOLSS A woman has to be pretty sure of It is not what you read, but what her husband tq wear cotton fiannei you remember. TORMULA —PR. PUMK^ nightgowns. That makes you wise. ^rilMPU PAMPRUFF It is not what you earn, but what I ^ r 0 5 The Unluckiest Man In The you save CURB f World A Seasick Man with Lock- That makes you rich. . 6 jaw. Anybody knows what language . Science hasn’t yet discovered a that is the talking picture actors clean way to put on a new type­ speak? writer ribbon. Ticket Seller—You can’t take that Woman may have begun her girl in on a child's ticket. career as a rib, but it didn’t take her Youth—Why not? She’s some it e - long to become the whole umbrella. 1 baby. They had just met at Atlantic j Joe—Does your dog chase cows? City and were sitting on the beach, j Moe—No. He’s a. bulldog. She_^What a wonderfully de- , veloped arm you have. j Mary—Arguing with your hus­ He—Yes, I got that playing band again? What’s the trouble this time? . . Jane—Same as ever. Im right and he won’t admit it. NCE. UPON BROTHERLY LOVE “Willie, mamma has a great sur­ A TIME.- prise for you.’’ “I know what it is—big bruvver is home from school!’’ “How did you know?’’ «EG. U. S. PAT. OFF. - “My bank won’t rattle any more. lA

A WHOLE HOLE ePonUine Fox Speaking of the Devil— I Husband; I can’t make out which WASHINGTON TUBBS II. ‘ is the top and w'hich is the bottom lof these socks. 1 Wife: Idiot! The big hole is the ' top and the collection of small holes ______be a good AH, JUST SrAtbL THKT FOOD AlCOOKVMGl t6Gr-r AUD STO? WAFPlt^G i is the foot.—Pages Gaies, Yverdon. ME, 1 AiMT COFFEt-^OAST about TRNT DAfAE, UUNGR’V. I GOOD INVESTMENT AMP REM- CORM BREAD. '61A2ES'. VMAt \a\u \ SOU'^ FORGET A FEAST FOR A COUPLG O' CASTAVlA^ KEE? TvA\MK\M’ Saxophonist: I wish I had money OF TRAT GIRL SNUO'S OM OUR YOU'LL MEMER “SEE L'ot so long and I would never play another ^ £ R A6AUA AnVWAV. ago, Eugene P. note on the saxophone. \SLAFiP. t \MDM^>ER]-j Grace ran Neinghbor: I wash I had money— i VaSOT R £R n a m e . I would give it to you. Pages cranes in the \S? Bethlehem Steel Gales, Yverdon. C o r p o ration’s plant for $1.80 WON’T BE ABLE TO a day. Now he’s president of the Charles: If things don’t get better company, th e with us, dear, I don’t suppose your second largest father will see us starve. of its kind in Caroline: No; poor father, his th e United sight is getting worse every day.— States. Answers. J '

«SSSSS> May Be Better Than Owls!! ^St o r v COCHB^ wcTunes A'KIM FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS



m a u o r


o o TTA DHOMG. LOM^ OlSTAMce.') y e a h ? J (REIAD THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) ^ViZ’Z-VS SOEY ) Ii DOW T V CARE.VFE-IB'.\xAi— K— • TUlS------V r r ? R X i ? D O- 5 0 0 / gowma cost Ya SOM^ tS lM90R.•rA^ir-■TELL HiM The Tinymites all gazed around, j can go down again. We’ve seen enough of Paris from up here. And ------— "TA c 'M e R e ’. An elevator soon was found, that down they went. When on the ’rose up in the Eiffel Tower until it ground, they once more stood and OUR PiSTOLS i reached the top. The Travel Man looked around. “Let’s go to Notre W(H_PaT For. b 1 "L 'I^ASEUVes IM g said, “Come with me. A very pretty Dame,” cried one. “It isn’t far from owe. even iwcr^ ft sight we’ll see. I’ll take you so high licrc. up, it would be an awful drop.’’ “ A man just told me where it was Into the elevator they all walked and I would like to see it ’cause and it was on its way. Up, up they they say the building’s wonderful, went, real slow, but sure. It was a “All right!” replied thei' friend. Ill thrilling ride. Soon Clowny shouted, take you there and mighty “Me, oh my! I fear-we’ll bump into An omnibus will turn the trick. the sky.’’ Then. Scouty broke in. They rode and rode upon their trip “ This is great. Just marvelous,’’ until they reached the end. Each one was glad he was on he sighed. , ^ The elevator then stopped short hand to go through Notre Dame. and Carpy shouted, “This is sport. "PiA'as grand. They went up to so™® We’re right atop the Eiffel Tower. balconies and walked around outeide. Come in, let’s look around.” At first The gargoyles fnere were quite a the bunch was rather sceered as out sight to each and every Tinymite. ‘Tve never seen such wondroqs into the air they peered. The Paris things,” one of th<)-travelers cried. buildings looked real small, away A /:i- down on the groimd. famous In half an hour the Travel Man (The Tinymites visit a -'T ~c4» aaid, “ Well, lads, now I guess we garden in tbo next storyi).

• I " ■■■


A large number of the attendants The Ways and Means committee WHIST TONIGHT! of the North and South Methodist of Orford Parish CJhapter, Daugh­ churches in this town, went to New ters of the American Revolution, Manchester Community London yesterday for the confer­ will conduct a food sale at the J. W. ence meetings at the Methodist Hale company’s store, Saturday af­ See the Children’s Frocks See the Sewing Contest ' Club church in that city. ternoon, April 26. $2.50 Gold Pieces, 1st Prizes Fashioned From • T » Winning Frocks The Buckland Parent-Teacher as­ John Gourley of Flower street, Refreshments. Adm. 35c. sociation is anticipating a large at­ has entered the employ of George H. “Year Round” Prints D E P A R T M E N T STO R E ^ SO. MAriGHESTER^,COMN. In Our Side Window tendance at its entertainment in the Williams, Inc., of 711 Main street. Bucldand school hall this evening when North Methodist Epworth The newly appointed auditing A B O U n O W N Leaguers will repeat their minstrei committee of the Chamber of Com­ and sketch “Hiring Help,” and merce, Lewis Sipe, Harold Alvord, Many engagements were disar­ dance numbers by Doris Roy and and Walter Gorman, met to check ranged over the week-end due to the William Gess will be given. the bboks of the organization this stopping of the Home Bank and afternoon, prior to the directors Trust Company’s clock from fright, The Ladies Aid society of the meeting tomorrow. smoke or wire trouble attendant North Methodist church have set the date of Wednesday, April 30 for upon the Waranoke fire last Friday SEE noon. Manchester’s 25,000 more or their spring rummage sale. Dona­ less population have looked at the tions will be called for at the YOU stationary hands, pointing to the proper time by calling Mrs. C. L. now familiar 9:10, not once, but Taylor, dial 8721. FRIDAY many times. Saturday night shop­ pers from 8 o'clock to 10 glanced The Home Builders of the South hurriedly at the sidewalk clock and Methodist church will meet tomor­ AT made a last moment purchase, won­ row night instead of tonight as was dering all the while why the stores planned. John Reinartz who was THE scheduled to speak will be unable to It will be to your advantage to come to our store during National Sewing Week were open so late. The factory re­ attend. CIRCLE pairman \vill report today in an ef­ THEATER which is from April 6th to 14th inclusive. There will be speci8d displays of silk and fort to get the big timepiece going The Beethoven Glee Club will re­ cotton fabrics which wiU make-up into smart Spring and Summer frocks for yourself again. hearse at the Swedish Lutheran “The and the children. To meet their individual requirements in line with the new silhou­ church at 7:30 o’clock tonight. The ^ Creaking ette, more women than ever before will do their own dressmaking this season. Ezekiel Benson of this town is children’s chorus will meet at 6:30 now with The Gruber Furniture Co. o’clock. j Chair” of 1106 Main street, Hartford, as a salesman and collector for Man­ The Lions Club will meet at the j BENEFIT OF BOY SCOUTS chester and vicinity. He has had Hotel Sheridan at 6:15 o’clock to- , A Town Player Show many years experience and has night.-The board of directors will re- i many old customers who will be port. SIMPLICITY glad to know this. Mrs. Elbert Shelton of Chestnut BUY AND BUILD Streep will entertain at bridge to­ Jilin One P m im morrow afternoon for the benefit of the Memorial Hospital Linen auxil­ FILMS iary. Others who have given card' DEVELOPED AND socials for the same object recently PRINTED Free! With Each Dress Length were Mrs. How'ard I. Taylor, Mrs. CLEAR VIEW W. R. Tinker, Sr., Mrs. D. M. Cald­ 24 HOUR SERV ICE 42 Restricted, large Film Deposit Box at With each dress length purchased during National Sewing Week we will give a well, Mrs. Albert Dewey, Mrs. W. | Simplicity Pattern free. This is to get the women of Manchester familiar with Sim­ W. Harris and Mrs. Charles P. M e-: lots. Terms. Store Entrance Cann. A large card party was given j See plicity All-in-One Patterns which sell regularly at 15c. A variety of smart models Friday evening at the Highland ( for women’s and children’s frocks. Park Community clubhouse by Mrs. Robert Dougan and Mrs. Walter KEMP'S Plain Colored 12 M ■ ,ii Luettgens, and previous to that by Arthur A. Knofla Group 4 of the auxiliary. Miss Mary Dial 5440. 875 Main St. Honan Pongee Pure Silk Pongee Hutchison, leader, at Center hose Why Not Make Your Own house. Sunset Rebekah and King David Easter Frock? 89c yard 39c yard Lodges ■ will give the last in the series of five whist dances this eve­ Rough silk weaves will be especially 250 yards specially priced for Sewiilg ning in Odd Fellows hall, with $2.50 Washable Pure Silk smart this summer and Honan Pongee Week. Government stamped, 12 M gold pieces for first prizes and for mONEl will be very “big.” It is a pure silk pongee in the natural color suitable fm the holders of the two highest similar to Shantung; 33 inches wide. women’s and children’s frocks, draper­ scores for the tournament. Refresh­ White, maize, pink, lavender, green and ies, etc. Limit 10 yards to a custonl- ments and dancing will follow the tan. er. 33 Inches wide. Come early— games. The Rebekah business meet­ FLAT. CREPE it will sell quickly at 39c a yard. ' ing will commence at 7:30 and will GOOD TUINOS TO EAT be brief. A get-together party for Begin­ TRY AND MARE US MAD. Printed Rayon Plain Rayon ners and children of the nursery Pinehurst has been trying for years to make 1.39 department of Center church Sun­ ALL its customers realize that it is genuinely de­ $ Flat Crepe day school will be held this evening lighted to give special emergency service—instant Flat Crepe ^ at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. response to phone requests for the delivery of some Three to four yards of this heavy, pure silk flat Robert Dewey, 43 Stephen street. sorely needed but forgotten articles, for example. 69c yard Yet there are still some of our patrons who shrink crepe will make-up into smart frocks for Easter wear. ■ 50c yard Miss Henrietta C. Devon has left from asking for such service, badly as they may This is our regular $1.69 grade of flat crepe which is Smart, new patterns in this rayon for a trip to Florida and other need it. They’re .afraid of making trouble. flat crepe that comes in a variety of A new rayon fabric In pastel colors points in the South. one of the best crepes on the market to retail at this suitable for underwear, slips and chil­ To these folks Pinehurst, in full appreciatiem ot price. All the new 1930 Spring shades are included: neat prints—Navy, green and brown their attitude, would say: “Just try to mgke us m^d grounds. 36 inches wide. Washable. dren’s wear. 36 inches wide. Pink, by ordering something at this store!” We're here white, coral, lavender, tan and maize. to do business—and in this food business the best Maize PLUMBING opportunity lies in convincing customers of our Kyoto Blue eagerness to serve. Try us—and than see how Orchid Peach many minutes it will be before our special motor­ Light O’Day Rayon Satin Don’t Delay-Call cycle delivery brings your article. Eggshell Black White Samoa Green 59c yard 99c yard 5043 SPECIAL TUESDAY Nile Green Helveta Green Delta Dill Pickles Every Manchester woman knows A fine quality rayon satin, 30 inches quart jars 25c Goya Red Navy this rayon fabric—a material tha* las wide which can be had in the newesjt The handy man around MAXWELU HOUSE iimumerable uses— imderwear, trim­ and smartest Spring shades—navy, COFT’EE 37c lb. * mings, linings, etc. Pastel shades. black, reseda g^reen, white, maize, pink, the house is a fine Colorfast. blue and rose. >• thing to have when he Oranges are all coming through in large sizes and the doesn’t go beyond his “Year Round” Fast Color B.AKER’S COCOA, price is $2.00 to $3.00 higher depth. And where 1-2 lb. 17c. plumbing is concerned than formerly. While oranges Plume Chiffon 2,000 Yards Printed Dimities . it’s really lots safer and Cream Cheese 12 l-2c are higher try canned grape fruit. This week vve will have yard yard cheaper to rely on the Roquefort Cheese, l-4s 28c 69c 39c a special on Beautiful floral designs on a sheer voile Fast Color Prints Cool and summery are these new efficiency of an expert. makes this one of the outstanding cotton printed dimities in dainty floral and LARGE C.ANS Don’t wait until it’s too Di.xie Dainty Grape Fruit 27c cloths for 1930. Its soft, draping quality modernistic patterns that will fashion SPINACH 10c makes it especially suitable for afternoon smart sleeveless frocks for the first late to find that out. 2 cans 49c dresses. Guaranteed color fast. 40 inches warm Summer days. 36 inches wide. Call us now and let us wide. A variety of color combinations. yard put your plumbing and Boneless Veal S te w ...... 44c lb. Ground V eal...... 44c lb. heating systems in The last time we had this fabric on / Printed Nice Lean pieces of Corned Beef. “Year Round” sale we sold out in a short time. Fine shape for the coming quality cotton prints in a beautiful assortment of floral designs in pleasing ' Cotton Shantung season. V Cotton Prints color combinations. Guaranteed color fast. 36 inches wide. Prints suitable for women’s home frocks, children’s 50c yard 39c yard school and play dresses, aprons and smocks. Sports frocks of this novelty cotton MODERN This is one of our “best sellers” in a cotton Shantung weave will be especially chic fabric. A sturdy cotton print in distinctive, this Spring and Summer. New colors color fast designs suitable for women’s and that are g^uaranteed fast. 36 inches Joseph C. W3son children’s frocks. 32 inches wide. wide. Plumbing and Heating IMPROVEMENTS Contractor. 28 Spruce St. Tel. 5043 Families grow New Svelda Fabrics South Manchester larger— houses do ' Printed r.'.- .l Plain Made of Bemberg Fast Color not. Family needs Rayon Shantung 1930 colors and patterns are similar to the Co|;ton Prints and requirements new silks but Svelda fabrids are guaranteed, Special Shoe washable and sunfast. Smart for dinner change, and what 79c yard and dance frocks in chiffon weight—for town 25c yard and street wear in the crepe prints. once was ade­ The sport cloth for Summer 1930. Designs 50 new pieces of bright Spring pat­ Repairing and patterns for the yoimg miss and those not terns, in blue, orchid and greeii which quate no longer satisfies. So folks keep ordering so young. Women are combining both the Svelda Printed Crepes...... $1,98 yard will make inexpensive but smart home plain and print for dressy, coats, ensembles, frocks and children’s dresses. 36 inches Offer lumber from us, for additions and alterations,. W e like etc. 36 inches wide, color fast. Svelda Chiffon C rep es...... $1.98 yard wide and fast color. those orders, and give them our best attention. MEN’S SOLES HALE’S FOR YARD GOODS—FOR OVER 32 YEARS! Sewed on. Regular *| $1.50, At Our Shop .. V L LADIES’ SOLES The W. G. Glenney Co. Sewed on. Regular Coal, Lumber and Mason Supplies $1.25, At Our Shop / O C Allen Place Phone 4149 Manchester

Ladies’ and Children’s '••'A' * ‘A. / Rubber Heels WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. 25c IT" The Board of Control of the The usual fortnightly whist party o’clock tomorrow afternoon to dis­ Chamber of Commerce will meet at with $2.50 gold pieces for first cuss plans for future special events. Funeral Directors ABOUT TOWN 12 o’clock tomorrow noon at the prizes will be given tonight a t the Try Our Speciid Box of MIXED SPRING Boston Shoe ESTABLISHED 55 YEARS Hotel Sheridan in reg^ular monthly Manchester Community clubhouse. The speakers and entertainment meeting. ' All players will be welcome, and committee for the annual banquet of FLOWERS $1.50 The new membership plates have only progressive whist will be play­ the Chamber of Commerce w^ll meet CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. been received by the Chamber of ed. Refreshments and a social time Anderson Greenhoifsies Repair Shop The Buckland Parent-Teacher as­ at three o’clock tomorrow effter- Phone 8686 " Commerce and will be distributed to sociation, in compliance with many will follow, with the general social noon. the members at once. committee of the club in charge. 887 Main, South Manchester Robert K. Anderson Phones: Office 5171 requests from the young people, has decided to follow the minstrel en­ Miss Ruth McM^nemy returned In Jim’s Shoe Shine Parlor Funeral Director Residence 7494 The cast of “The Womanless Wed­ tertainment at the school hsill this The executive committee of the today to Middlebury coUege, after We invite everyone -t^^- drive the Next Door to Downyflake ding”, will rehearse at the High evening, with dancing. Music will Merchants Division of the Chamber spending the spring vacation at her 19.30 Buick. CtU 7220;ai|i' vre waU Douglurat Shop .c ^ o l at 7:30 toiuikU by provided by Case’s orchestra. of Commerce will meet at four home on Marble streeL bring car to your ^
