^ v ' v ■ "' * ' ^ - • ■ V ., •• ■ '•* ,. ' ,i ‘ ' u ‘ *'*'"“^ r - , ••v .f •• ’•■ -. ,'■ . ' . .‘.-V ••. - 9 . * ‘ ;* v $■•■■■ ■ - ;/ • • '■•?-./ ■ -•■ ■ V ■ - ■•■■ ■> • . t ,C ‘ . THE WEATHER ’Porecaat by U. S. Weather Bureau. THET PRESS RUN Hartford. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Conn. State f, for the Month of March, 1930 Clendy sUghUy colder tonight and Tnesday, poMibly with occasional gr light rain. 5 , 5 1 1 ,<■ ? Members at tbe Audit Bureau ot Circulations f o u r t e e n p a g e s PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1930. VOL. XLIV., NO. 160. (Clashed Advertising on Page 12) REBEL GANDHI'S MARCH OF PROTEST OCEAN STORMS SEE PARLEY'S END GANDHI MAKES CONGRESS ASKS AGAINST BRITISH RULE IN INDIA AREDELAYING SALT TO DEFY RAILROADS TO IF THREE POWERS BRITISH RULE ANSWER QUERY SIGN THE TREATY ______ j --------- Nearly All Liners Wjffl & Leader Not Molested But I Interstate Commerce Corn- Late 24 Hours or Longer; NOTED FMANCUR StimsoD Prepares A ^ Authorities Arrest 60 of i mission Wishes to Find Bremen Due Tomorrow France and Italy May Sij Out Who Really Owns the DIES IN BOSTON His Followers; Campaip Will Arrive on Wednesday Later If They Can Reach Of Protest is Launched. 173 Class One Systems. New York, April 7.-^(AP)—The William P. G. Harding Was Agreement; Delegates Sdll Washington, April 7.— (AP.)—A| United States liner America docked i Dandi, Punjab, India, April 7. detailed questionnaire to ascertain | i today, two days late • affer battling i Governor of Federal Re­ Cling to Belief That Five (AP)_Indian Nationalists, manu­ ownership of all of the country’s i ! at sea two terrific storms which,; facturing crude, unpalatable salt 173 Class One railroads was prepar- j early radio reports indicated, would 1 PoweKPact Can Be Ar­ from sea water to voice their de­ serve Bank System. ed today by the House Interstate' probably delay arrival of nearly all: fiance of British law, today rallied Commerce Committee as a prelimi- j liners due here the first half of the i behind the movement of “civil dis­ week. Among those that radioed i , . -mr-morv, ranged. nary step in its investigation of that they would be at least 21 hours Boston, Apnl 7.— (AP)—William obedience” which they hope will j railroad holding and investment | late was the North German Lloyd p. g . Harding, governor of tne Fed- bring their nation complete indepen­ London, April 7.— (AP)—Secre­ trust companies. Bremen, holder of the world’s speed j Reserve Bank of Boston and dence. tary of State Stimson began as­ made 60 The committee expects the rail-, The British authorities 1 1 roads to file replies to the question-; sembling his material for a naval arrests in answer to the inaugura I naire within 60 days, placing before j conference treaty today, ^ thus tion of the move Sunday. Among i today. He was 65 years old. all information with regard to ish rule. You see him Voialanur This is the first picture to reach this ! her maiden voyage, He had been in poor health for signalizing tee approacning end of them v.'as Ram Das Ganani, ! the actual owners of the rail car- lowers on their “parade of freedom ^rom Ahmedabad to Ja l^ p . parrmaipn of nassive resistance Bremen Delayed, Mahatma Gandhi, sexagenarian , country of the event which may have great significance m India p gn P Bremen, due tomorrow, more than a year and had been con­ the historic parley. ~ ■ radioed that she would not dock un- fined to his bed for the past three The. secretary was understood to leader of the campaign an I Detailed Information against Great Britain. be getting ideas marshalled for • vocate of non-violence in deaimg j railroads also are required to til Wednesday Among the other weeks. He made his home at the ships that were delayed are the Algonquin Club. three power pact—United States, \\ith the government. The Mahatma j answers detailed ac- Great Britain and Japan—which himself was not molested. i counts of their holdings in all rail- I French liner Paris,- due tomorrow, Bank Official. j but not to arrive until Wednesday; Death followed a critical illness will be so constructed that France To Sell the Salt j j-oads and terminal companies as and Italy can join later if they over­ Wading into the Gulf of Cambay | subsidiaries and |NAB LORENZ IN CANADA; r^nsiiHrh liner Vulcama due today frehn heart trouble. Mr. Harding had been governor of come the difficulties which thus far here, he and his devotees who haa j^oj^ings, and the voting pow- have blocked the progress of tee followed him on a three weeks trea securities. Officers and di- | IN CHURCH DISTRICT the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston from Ahraadabad, dipped vessels in I due Wednesday, but arriving Thurs- since January, 1923. He was ap­ conference. rectors, capital stocks, contractual The American secretary of state to the water. The liquid was evapo­ rights and other holdings and rights |CONFESSES THE MURDER • — 1 dav* ® pointed a member of the Federal rated later and the crude salt thus I Twice on the trip, it looked as came to London from Stanmore this are to be set out in the replies. j ____ Reserve Board at its formation in morning to consult his delegation, obtained will be hawked over todia The investigation was authorized! 1914 by President Wilson and iu as talismans in the bitter conflict ^rief^might^^caued upon to make but expected to return to his coun­ by the House after the committee', ^ U a Norwich Pastorates An- made governor of the try home during the afternoon to always non-violent—which the Na­ found itself unable to formulate j another of the rescues for which served until 1922. DctCCllVCS HOW pC continue work on tee intricacies of tionalists believe ahead. ^ legislation designed to bring about i ASKS QUICK ACTION they are famous. jj managing director of thj How widespread was Sunday s consolidation of the 1,500 railroads j nounced at the Methodist a naval pact. One of his tasks was - 0« T W S S "■co'£t'“c-.p.a,n corptfuon in 191S anO to analyze the Washington treaty i nauguration _ - o ------ of the violation of, the j 21 great systems, when ^it was Lured Anderson to Lonely British salt monopoly’ ■ was not*■ es­ ' found that holding and investment | ON NEW DRY LAWS Episcopal Conference. Fried spotted a small fishing boat, • /-’raon Pnimiv Ala on again and to study it in rriation to tablished today but there were ad­ trust companies were not under the i tee proposed new agreement. vices of participation throughout jurisdiction of the Interstate Com-1 Spot to Shoot Him; To Ar­ Sa^aiS'^SnSS S a ' S S ' atom ! March 5, he from Bigger Pact Possible No one among the various •dele­ Gujerat and Bombay and in Bengal. merce Commission. i yoJTgls/full graduate in the Strikers at Thana section, Great First Hearing } New London, April 7 — (AP) — gations has yet been willing to ad- Attorney General Mitchell jnit officially that a five power Indian peninsular railroad, about 20 The first hearing was held Satur-1 rive in Hartford Tonight, 1 Nine changes in the pastorates of was at its height, the America re- { history of the university, ceived an SOS from the Swedish i He began his banking career m a treaty is not still possible and work miles from Bombay, tried passive day when Commissioner Joseph B. 1 the Norwich district of the Metho- Eastman, of the commission, testi- | i freighter Belos. The America was ] private bank at Tuscaloosa, Ala., to that end is continuing. Unofficial­ resistence by standing on the tracks Hartford, April 7— (AP) Henry Wants Units Transferred and blocking trains. The policemen , fled to interlocking ownership of ! dist Episcopal church were made in to o W away to be any assistance, I later going to the Bemey National ly, however, there are expressions j many of the largest railroad sys- O. Lorenz. 25, who confessed, ac­ the appointments of pastors an- but sent out a general call to all bank at Birmingham, Air.., Mter that there is small likelihood of the beat them off. cording to police, to killing Nils French and Italian problems being ! terns by holding companies control- | To Justice Department. noimced at the final session of the ships to help the Belos. } some years he was chosen president Anderson, 28, mechanic, was ex- --------- ! of the First National Bank of settled at this conference. FIGHT OVER SALT ling stocksstOCKS forlor votingvoung powerpuwci andauu Tiprp tonl“’ht Southern New England conference investment companies owing securi- pected to be ^ Judge and Mrs. Raymond A. I Birmingham. The conference in the main is Dandi, Punjab, India, April 7.— ties from Niagara Falls, N. (AP)—Police and a party of follow­ „ Washington, April 7— (AP) here today. Johnson of this tovfn are among the , Harding married Amanda marking time at the moment await- The Pennroad Corporation, head- j pieeingFleeing fromfrom hishis HartfordHartford board-^ Early action on the •prohibition en- The Rev. Myron E. Center form the French liner 1 of Birmingham on October the French answer to Great ers of Mahatma Gandhi engaged in ® « J_ TTT ^ V7 T.rtT'PD'^ * /* . A- A._____ ^ 1-ill __ _ passengers on a scuffle on the beach this morning ed by officers of tlve PennsyWania house last Wednesday,^ Lorenr forcement transfer bill and on pri- gj.ly pastor r of the local Methodist Paris. 2 2 ,1895|. She committed suicide in Britain’s latest suggestions regard­ while volunteers engaged in the civil ---------------railroad system, and„ the^ .
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