Constitution Making and Transitional Politics in Hungary © Copyright By
13 Constitution Making and Transitional Politics in Hungary Andrew Arato and Zoltán Miklósi ore than a dozen years and five amendment rule of the old regime, a rule general elections after the end of that survives to this day.1 More important, it its old regime, Hungary has a lib- was a product of a process, in common with Meral democratic constitution that established a five other countries—Poland, Czechoslova- foundation for its relatively well-functioning kia, the German Democratic Republic, Bul- parliamentary political system. The process garia, and the Republic of South Africa2—in of constitution making was entirely peaceful, which the terms of the political transition © Copyrightwas within established legality, by and the never Endowmentfrom forms of authoritarian rule ofwere de- involved the danger of dual power, civil war, veloped through roundtable negotiations. or state or popular violence. As one political On a comparative and theoretical level, the theregime, United a Soviet-type dictatorship, States was fully InstituteHungarian case represents of Peacean incomplete replaced by another, liberal democracy, the model of democratic constitution making; it destructive logic of friend and enemy well could be characterized as postsovereign with known from the history of revolutions— respect to the ideals of the American and purges, proscription, massive denial of rights, French revolutions. Characteristically, in this and terror—was avoided. Since 1989, the model, constitutions are drafted in a process main political antagonists under the old of several stages, during which no institution regime have functioned on the political if or representative body can claim to represent not always the rhetorical level as opponents fully, in an unlimited fashion, the sovereign within a competitive multiparty democracy.
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