Notes and References


I. D. Harvey, The Condition of Postmodemity (Oxford, 1990), p. 240. 2. S. Ousmane, God's Bits of Wood (London, 1986), p. 32. 3. The regional railway map was completed in 1931, when the Benguella Railway Company, which linked Katanga with the Angolan coastal port of Lobito Bay, opened. The Chemin de Fer du Haut-Katanga connected the Benguella railway and the Rhodesian railway system, which now sat at the centre of a railway network which encompoassed the south, east and west coasts of colonial Africa. But the Benguella route was the poor relation. The BSA Co. always saw it as a threat to the stranglehold of the Rhodesian railway system over the copper traffic which came to be its lifeblood. Chapter 2 describes how that threat was nullified. 4. I.R. Phimister, An Economic and Social History of Zimbabwe, 1890-1948. Capital Accumulation and Class Struggle (London, 1988), pp. 118-9; Sir T. Gregory, Emest Oppenheimer and the Economic Development of Southem Africa (London, 1962), p. 435. 5. For a more detailed exposition of the origins and character of this revisionist historiography, see B. Freund, The Making of Contemporary Africa (London, 1984), ch. I. 6. L. Vail, 'The Making of an Imperial Slum: Nyasaland and its Railways', Journal of African History, XVI (1975). See also L. Vail, 'Railway Development and Colonial Underdevelopment: The Nyasaland Case', in R. Palmer and N. Parsons (eds), The Roots of Rural Poverty in Central and Southern Africa (London, 1977). 7. J. McCracken, 'Labour in Nyasaland: An Assessment of the 1960 Railway Workers Strike', Journal of Southern African Studies, XIV (1988); T. Woods, "'Bread with Freedom and Peace": Rail Workers in Malawi, 1954-75', Journal of Southern African Studies, XVIII ( 1992). 8. There are, of course, many biographies of Rhodes himself which there is not sufficient space here to consider. The most notable recent biography is Robert Rotberg's The Founder. Cecil Rhodes and the Pursuit of Power (Oxford, 1988). It does not, however, have much that is new to say on Rhodes' railway projects. 9. I.R. Phimister, 'Rhodes, and the Rand', Journal of Southem African Studies, I (1974). 10. See draft chapter 6 of S. Thornton's thesis. 'A History of the African Population of Bulawayo' (University of Manchester draft PhD. thesis, n.d.). II. This was originally published in 1973 as Railways of Rhodesia. 12. L. Weinthal (ed.), The St01y of the Cape to Cairo Railway and River Route from 1887 to 1922 (London, 1923); G. Pauling, Chronicles of a Contractor (London, 1926); H.F. Varian, Some African Milestones (Oxford, 1953) 0. Letcher, When Life was Rusted Through (Bulawayo, 1973); Baron E.B.

146 Notes 147

d'Erlanger, The History of the Construction and Finance of the Rhodesian Transport System (Privately Printed, 1939); K. Fairbridge, The Autobiography of Kingsley Fairbridge (London, 1927). 13. I.R. Phimister, 'Towards a History of Zimbabwe's Rhodesia Railways', Zimbabwean History, XII (1981) p. 79; as we shall see, Phimister himself returned in more detail to the question of the railways as an 'expression of imperialism' in his pathbreaking An Economic and Social History of Zimbabwe. 14. This study is a revised version of my doctoral thesis entitled 'Capital and Labour on the Rhodesian Railway System, 1890--1939' (, 1986). Apart from changes in argument and emphasis, the most important change is the extension of its chronological focus up to 1947, the year in which the railway system was purchased from the BSA Co. by the governments of Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Bechuanaland Protectorate. 15. Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity, p. 51. 16. V.I. Lenin, Imperialism as the Highest Stage of Capitalism (London, 1917); J.A Hobson, Imperialism. A Study (London, 1902); Wm R. Louis (ed.), Imperialism. The Robinson and Gallagher Controversy (New York, 1976); D. Fieldhouse, Economics and Empire (London, 1973); R. Owen and R. Sutcliffe, Studies in the Theory of Imperialism (London, 1972). 17. P.J. Cain and A. G. Hopkins, British Imperialism. Innovation and Expansion, 1688-1914 (London, 1993), pp. 10-22,49-51. The phrase 'railway imperial• ism' derives from the collection of case-studies of the same name, edited by Clarence Davis and Kenneth Wilburn Junior (Connecticut, 1991). The most rewarding sections of this uneven collection are in fact the introduction and conclusion, both by Ronald Robinson, in which he explores the complex relationship between the railway and empire. 18. A bibliography of the extant literature on these issues would make a book in itself. The following are some key texts: Paul A. Baran and P. Sweezy, Monopoly Capital (New York, 1966); H. Braverman, Labour and Monopoly Capital (New York, 1974); E. Mandel, Late Capitalism (London, 1975); N. Smith, Uneven Development (New York, 1984); A. Gunder Frank, Dependent Accumulation and Underdevelopment (New York, 1979); M. Legassick, 'Perspectives on African Underdevelopment', Journal of African History, XVII (1976); G. Kay, Development and Underdevelopment (London, 1975); B. Warren, Imperialism: Pioneer of Capitalism (London, 1980). 19. The quote is lifted from the title of Leroy Vail's 'Mozambique's Chartered Companies: The Rule of the Feeble', Journal of African History, XVII (1976). 20. For discussions of settler-colonialism see: D. Denoon, Settler Capitalism. The Dynamics of Dependent Development in the Southern Hemisphere (Oxford, 1983); A. Emmanuel, 'Settler-Colonialism and the Myth of Investment Imperialism', New Left Review (1972); K. Good, 'Settler Colonialism in Rhodesia', African Affairs, 73 (1974); G. Arrighi, 'The polit• ical economy of Rhodesia', in G. Arrighi and J. Saul, Essays on the Political Economy of Africa (New York, 1973); M.P.K. Sorrenson, Origins of White Settlement in Kenya (Oxford, 1968). 148 Notes

21. Arrighi, 'The Political Economy of Rhodesia', p. 336. 22. See chapters 3 and 4 of Phimister's An Economic and Social History of Zimbabwe. Phimister appears to assign less significance than I do to the element of interdependence between the BSA Co. and the Southern Rhodesian settler community. 23. I.R. Phimister, 'Accommodating Imperialism: the Compromise of the Settler State in Southern Rhodesia, 1922-9', Journal of African History, XXV (1984) pp. 294-8. 24. F.A. Johnstone, Class, Race and Gold. A Study of Class Relations and Racial Discrimination in South Africa (London, 1976); R. Davies, Capital, State and White Labour in South Africa, 1900-60. An Historical Materialist Analysis of Class Formation and Class Relations (Brighton, 1979). 25. K. Marx, Capital. A Critique of Political Economy (London, 1976), Vol. 1, pp. 279-80. 26. J. Lewis, Industrialisation and Trade Union Organisation in South Africa, 1924-55 (Cambridge, 1984); E. Webster, Cast in a Racial Mould. Labour Process and Trade Unionism in the Foundries (Johannesburg, 1985). 27. M. Burawoy, Manufacturing Consent. Changes in the Labour Process under Monopoly Capitalism (Chicago, 1979); M. Burawoy, The Politics of Production. Factory Regimes under Capitalism and Socialism (London, 1985). 28. This interpretation goes against that of Harry Braverman in Labour and Monopoly Capital (New York, 1974). Braverman believed that monopoly capital represented the domination of capitalist production by 'Fordism', that is, mass production and techniques of 'scientific management'. The deskilling and mechanisation involved in the transition to mass production lead, according to Braverman, to the replacement of formal subordination by the real subordination of labour. This is not how it worked out on the Rhodesian railway system before 1947. 29. C. Van Onselen, Chibaro. African Mine Labour in Southern Rhodesia, 1900-33 (London, 1976). 30. The phrase 'racial despotism' derives from Webster, Cast in a Racial Mould, p. xiii; Van Onselen, Chibaro, pp. 227-44. 31. C. Van Onselen, 'Black Workers in Central African Industry: A Critical Essay on the Historiography and Sociology of Rhodesia', in I.R. Phi mister and C. Van Onselen, Studies in the History of African Mine Labour in Colonial Zimbabwe (Gwelo, 1978), p. 96. 32. For example see R. Moorsom, 'Underdevelopment, Contract Labour and Worker Consciousness in Namibia, 1915-72', Journal of Southern African Studies, IV (1978) pp. 52-87. 33. The main protagonists in this debate have been: S. Thornton, 'A History of the African Population of Bulawayo' (University of Manchester draft PhD thesis, n.d), draft chapter 6; J. Lunn, 'The Political Economy of Protest: the 1948 General Strike in Southern Rhodesia' (University of Manchester BA thesis, 1982); Phi mister, An Economic and Social History of Zimbabwe, pp. 258-74; 0. Stuart, "'Good Boys", Footballers and Strikers: African Social Change in Bulawayo, 1933-53' (University of Oxford PhD thesis, Notes 149 1989), ch. 7; J. Lunn, 'The Meaning of the 1948 General Strike in Colonial Zimbabwe', unpub. ( 1994). 34. R. Palmer, Land and Racial Domination in Rhodesia (London, 1977), especially pp. 67, 117-18, 122-3, 273-4; K. Vickery, Black and White in Southern Zambia. The Tonga Plateau Economy and British Imperialism (Connecticut, 1986), especially pp. 75-9, 120-31, 189-93.

1. The Dynamics of Railway Imperialism, 1888-1910

I. I.R. Phimister, 'Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Rand', Journal of Southern Africa Studies, I (1974) pp. 84-6. 2. I.R. Phimister, 'Towards a History of Zimbabwe's Rhodesia Railways', Zimbabwean History, XII (1981) pp. 81-2. 3. K.E. Wilburn Junior, 'The Climax of Railway Competition 1886-99' (University of Oxford PhD thesis, 1982); P. May1am, Rhodes, the Tswana and the British. Colonialism, Collaboration and Conflict in the Bechuanaland Protectorate (Connecticut, 1980). I do not dwell in any depth on the issue of how real Rhodes's commitment was to the 'Cape to Cairo Railway', although I would certainly not go as far as does Travis Hanes Ill, who describes Rhodes as 'obsessed with the Cape to Cairo Railway'. See his 'Railway Politics and Imperialism in Central Africa, 1889-1953' in Davis and Wilburn Jr (eds), Railway Imperialism, (Connecticut, 1991), p. 49. 4. Wilburn Jr, 'The Climax of Railway Competition in South Africa', pp. 7-8. 5. Wilburn Jr, Ibid.; Maylam, Rhodes, the Tswana and the British, pp. 81-4. 6. Maylam, Rhodes, the Tswana and the British, pp. 59, 83-7. 7. Phimister, 'Towards a history', p. 81. 8. Wilburn Jr, 'Railway Competition', pp. 58-9. 9. Ibid., pp. 69-80, 88-106. 10. Ibid., p. 92. 11. Phi mister, 'Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Rand', p. 85. 12. For another account of the machinations of Rhodes in relation to the East coast route which is identical in its essentials to what follows, see L. White, Bridging the Zambesi. A Colonial Folly (London, 1993), pp. 32-6. 13. Maylam, Rhodes, the Tswana and the British, p. 49. 14. L. Vail and L. White, Capitalism and Colonialism in Mozambique. A Study of Quelimane District (London, 1980), p. I 08. 15. Maylam, Rhodes, the Tswana and the British, p. 49; Vail, 'Mozambique's chartered companies', p. 394-5. 16. National Archives of Zimbabwe (henceforth NAZ) Historical Manuscripts (henceforth Hist. Mss) BOII/1/1, H. Borrow, Correspondence, C. Rudd to H. Borrow, 5 February 1892. 17. A.H. Croxton, Railways of Zimbabwe (Newton Abbot, 1982), pp. 18-20; Also H.F. Varian, Some African Milestones, p. 38. 18. Baran E.B. d'Erlanger, The History of the Construction and Finance of the Rhodesian Transport System (Privately Printed), p. 13. 19. Ibid., p. 15. 20. Phi mister, 'Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Rand', p. 85. 150 Notes 21. Maylam, Rhodes, the Tswana and the British, pp. 90-93, 96. 22. Phimister, 'Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Rand', 79. 23. Wilburn Jr, 'Railway Competition', pp. 146-8, 156. 24. Ibid., pp. 162-4. 25. Ibid., pp. 162, 192, 199,207. 26. Phimister, 'Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Rand', 84-5. 27. Phimister, An Economic and Social History of Zimbabwe: Capital Accumulation and Class Struggle (London 1988), p. 21. 28. Phi mister, 'Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Rand', p. 85. 29. Phi mister, 'Towards a History', p. 74. 30. S. Katzenellenbogen, Railways and the Copper Mines of Katanga (Oxford, 1973), pp. 23-72. 31. P.J. Cain and A.G. Hopkins, British Imperialism. Innovation and Expansion (London 1993), pp. 393-6. 32. S.H. Frankel, Capital Investment in Africa: Its Course and Effects (London, 1938), p. 376. 33. May lam, Rhodes, the Tswana and the British, p. 88. 34. Phimister, 'Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Rand', 65, 81; R. Turrell, '"Finance ... The Governor of the Imperial Engine": Hobson and the Case of the Rothschilds and Rhodes', Journal of Southern African Studies, XIII ( 1987) p.423 35. Rhodes House, Oxford (henceforth RH), British South Africa Company (henceforth BSA Co.) African Manuscript Series 227-9, The Rhodes Papers, 1890-1903, C7N97, Secretary, De Beers, London to Secretary, De Beers, Kimberley, 19 May 1893; H.A. Chilvers, The Story of De Beers (London, 1939),pp.82,93-5, 114,167. 36. J.A. Henry and H.A. Siepman, The First Hundred Years of the Standard Bank (London, 1963), pp. 119, 123. 37. Maylam, Rhodes, the Tswana and the British, p. 58. 38. Ibid., p. 58. 39. J.S. Galbraith, Crown and Charter. The Early Years of the British South Africa Company (Los Angeles, 1974), p. 122. 40. d'Erlanger, Construction and Finance, pp. 19-20. 41. NAZ Hist. Mss BOII/111, C. Rudd to H. Borrow, 5 February 1892. 42. d'Erlanger, Construction and Finance, p. 20. 43. Phimister, An Economic and Social History of Zimbabwe, p. 94. 44. d'Erlanger, Construction and Finance, pp. 10-11. 45. Rhodesia Review, An Independent Quarterly for Settlers and Shareholders, August-June 1906, p. 91. 46. Ibid., p. 229. 47. Ibid., p. 234. 48. Ibid., p. 91. 49. Ibid., pp. 24-7. 50. D. Kynaston, The City of London. Vol. II: The Golden Years, /890-I9I4 (London, 1995),p.279. 51. Cain and Hopkins, British Imperialism. Innovation and Expansion p. 310. 52. Ibid., pp. 116-31, 374-8. However, Rothschilds was extremely interested in the richer pickings of the Rand and formed a long-standing association with Rhodes's companies, De Beers and Consolidated Gold Fields. Notes 151 53. Berten E.B. d'Erlanger, My Souvenirs (Privately Printed, 1978), pp. 172-86. I thank Pauling and Company Ltd for supplying me with a photocopy of these revelations; d'Erlanger, Construction and Finance, p. 20; G. Pauling, The Chronicles ofa Contractor (London, 1926), p. 142. 54. d'Erlanger, Construction and Finance, pp. 13-14. 55. RH, Rhodes Papers C20/4, G. Pauling to C.J. Rhodes, 17 July 1897. 56. RH, Rhodes Papers C23/49, A. Beit to C.J. Rhodes, 2 October 1897. 51. NAZ Al/5/3, Administrators' Office, In Letters, London Board, Demi• Official, 1898-1914, H. Wilson Fox toW. Milton, 4 April 1901. 58. RH, BSA Co. Manuscripts, African Series S70-84, G. Cawston Papers, 1898-1911, Vol. 5, Earl Grey to Cawston, 23 August 1898. 59. Ibid., Grey to Cawston, 23 August 1897. 60. d'Erlanger, Construction and Finance, pp. 36-7. 61. For accounts of settler grievances against the railways see The Reform Movement in Rhodesia (Salisbury, 1903), pp. 47-8; P.F. Hone, Southern Rhodesia (London, 1909), pp. 331-3 and 335-42; E.T. Jollie, The Real Rhodesia (London, 1924), pp. 209-22; Rhodesia Review, pp. 152-4,228-9. 62. Report of Brigadier-General F.D. Hammond on the Railway System of Southern Rhodesia (3 Vols, Salisbury, 1926), Vol. 1, p. 9 (henceforth Hammond Report). 63. Rhodesia Review, pp. 227-9. 64. R. Hilferding, Finance Capital. A Study of the Latest Phase of Capitalist Development (London, 1981 ), pp. 131-9. 65. Jollie, The Real Rhodesia (London, 1924), pp. 209. 66. Hilferding, Finance Capital. A Study of the Latest Phase of Captalist Development, (London, 1981) p. 117. 67. Hammond Report, Vol. 1, pp. 13-16. 68. Jollie, Rhodesia, p. 218; Refoml Movement, pp. 46-8. 69. Phi mister, 'Towards a History', pp. 85-6. For useful general discussions of rating structures, see A.M. Hawkins, 'The Railway Rating Policy of Rhodesia Railways, 1949-60' (University of Oxford B. Litt. thesis, 1963) and P. Mosley, The Settler Economies. Studies in the Economic History of Kenya and Southern Rhodesia (Cambridge, 1983). 70. National Railways of Zimbabwe Museum (henceforth NRZM) 68111069, Ton Mile Cost Book, Rhodesia Railways 1928-48. Memorandum of the General Manager, 24 January 1922. 71. Hawkins, 'The Railway Rating Policy' p. 104. 72. Report of Mr William Mitchell Acworth, Commissioner Appointed to Enquire into Railway Questions in Southern Rhodesia (Salisbury, 1918), p. 32. 73. Hone, Southem Rhodesia, pp. 331-4; Rhodesia Review, pp. 152-3. 74. NRZM 68111069, Memo. of the General Manager, 24 January 1922; Hawkins, 'Railway Rating Policy', p. 104; Phimister, 'Towards a History', p. 86. 75. d'Erlanger, Construction and Finance, p. 14. 76. NAZ All5/3, Administrators' Office, In Letters, J.F. Jones toW. Milton, 22 August 1901. 71. Reform Movement, pp. 46-8. 78. Hone, Southem Rhodesia, pp. 329-30. 152 Notes 79. NAZ A/l/5/5, Administrators Office, In Letters, J.F.Jones to W. Milton, 18 September 1903. 80. Hammond Report, Vol. 1, pp. 6-8. 81. South African State Archives (henceforth SAS), Pretoria, Vol. 372, F15397, Vryburg-Bulawayo and Rhodesia Railways, 1911-30. Memo. on relations between the South African Railways and the Rhodesia Railways, and the Beira and Mashonaland Railways, August1931, pp. 7-11. 82. Ibid., 12; SAS Vol. 1612, RG 230, Division of Revenue between Rhodesia Railways and the South African Railways, 1911-51. Memo. on the Vryburg-Bulawayo Section, the Rates Officer, 15 April 1912. 83. P. Mosley, The Seuler Economies. Studies in the Economic History of Kenya and Southern Rhodesia (Cambridge, 1983), p. 66. 84. NAZ ZAC 1/1/1, Cost of Living Committee, 1918, Oral Evidence, Bulawayo, L. Thomas, Traffic Manager of the Railways, pp. 296-8. 85. Ibid., pp. 67-8. 86. Arrighi, 'The Political Economy of Rhodesia', p. 336. 87. The quote is taken from M.E. Lee, 'Politics and Pressure Groups in Southern Rhodesia, 1898-1923' (University of London Ph.D. thesis, 1974), pp. 132-3. 88. Ibid. 89. The Reform Movement, pp. 47-8.

2. Railway Imperialism and Settler Power, 1911-47

I. NAZ S 142/1/20 (I), BSA Co., London Office, Newspaper Cuttings, Railways 1907-ll, Financial Times, 9 June 1908; NAZ Al/5/9, Administrators' Office, In Letters, H. Wilson Fox to P. Inskipp, I December 1910. 2. P. Mosley, The Seuler Economies. Studies in the Economic History of Kenya and Southem Rhodesia (Oxford, 1970), p. 30. 3. Baren E.B. d'Erlanger, The Construction and Finance of the Rhodesian Transport System (Privately printed), p. 28. 4. A.C. Kanduza, The Political Economy of Underdevelopment in Northern Rhodesia. A Case Study of Customs Tariff and Railway Freight Policies (Lanham, 1986), p. 24. 5. Hammond Report, Vol. 1, p. 21. 6. Hammond Report, Vol. 3, p. 62; RH, BSA Co. Director's Report and Accounts, 1913-14, p. 38. 7. NAZ Hist. Mss CH8/2/2/12, Sir F.P. Drummond Chaplin, Correspondence with Sir L. Mitchell, 1914-23, Mitchell to Chaplin, 29 April1915. 8. NAZ Hist. Mss CH8/2/2/2, Sir F.P. Drummond Chaplin, Correspondence with Sir H. Birchenough, Chaplin to Birchenough, 4 August 1916. 9 NAZ Hist. Mss CH8/2/2/12, Chaplin to Mitchell, 7 September 1916. 10. Ibid., 14 September 1916; Mitchell to Chaplin, 8 June 1916. II. SAS Vol. 1579, RG 204/3, Memo. on Rhodesia Railway Matters, 1916-27, Sir W. Hoy to Sir T. Hyslop, Railway Commissioner, Pretoria, 12 July 1918. Acworth had recently completed a similar enquiry in Canada. Notes 153 12. NAZ A3/3/22 Vol. I, Administrators' Office, Railway Commission, 1914-19, General Manager, Beira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways, to Secretary, Department of the Administrator, II December 1917. 13. Acworth Report, pp. l-2, 4-5. 14. Ibid., pp. 35-6. 15. Acworth Report, pp. 41-3. 16. NRZM 95711083, Memo. by the Railway Commission Committee dealing with the Acworth Report, Bulawayo, 1918, p. 46-7. 17. Lee, 'Politics and Pressure Groups', pp. 145-63. 18. SAS Vol. 1579, RG204, Rhodesia Railways, Representations to London. Correspondence with Maguire, 1912-21. Hoy to Maguire, 24 March 1920. 19. SAS Vol. 1013, P4/8/38, Construction of Messina-West Nicholson line, 1913-28, Divisional Superintendent, South African Railways, Pretoria, to Hoy, 20 June 1917; Memo. by Hoy, 16 November 1917; Phimister, 'Meat and Monopolies: Beef Cattle in Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1938', Journal of African History XIX (1978) p. 405. 20. d'Erlanger, Construction and Finance, p. 45. 21. Maguire was deputy chairman of the BSA Co. and chairman of the Mashonaland Railway Company. He it was who had defeated Oury's bid for control of the Mashonaland Railway Company. Oury saw Beira as a deep water port while Maguire always argued that it was a lighterage port. See d'Erlanger, Construction and Finance, p. 43; NAZ Hist. Mss C08/l/2, Sir C. Coghlan, Correspondence with Sir F. Newton, Newton to Coghlan, 19 December 1923; L. White, Bridging the Zambesi. A Colonial Folly (London, 1993),pp.49-52. 22. M.E. Lee, 'Politics and Pressure Groups in Southern Rhodesia, 1898-1923', (University of London PhD thesis), pp. 207-10. 23. Ibid. 24. Kanduza, The Political Economy of Underdevelopment, pp. 48-55. 25. NAZ Hist. Mss CH8/2/2/12, Chaplin to London, 27 September 1922. 26. Lee, 'Politics and Pressure Groups', pp. 223-42. 27. NAZ Hist. Mss CH812/2/6, Sir F.P. Drummond Chaplin, Correspondence with Sir P. Lyttleton Gell, Gell to Chaplin, 7 June 1922. 28. D.J. Murray, The Govemmental System in Southern Rhodesia (Oxford, 1970), pp. 3-4. 29. NAZ Hist. Mss NEI/111, Sir F. Newton, Correspondence with Sir C. Coghlan, Coghlan to Newton, 5 December 1922. 30. NAZ Hist. Mss C08/I/2, Coghlan to Newton, 27 April 1923. 31. Ibid., Newton to Coghlan, 8 November 1923. 32. d'Erlanger, Construction and Finance, p. 46. 33. Ibid., p. 48; NAZ Hist. Mss NE3/111/l, Birchenough to Malcolm, 8 April 1925; White, Bridging the Zambesi, pp. 70-4. 34. White, Bridging the Zambesi, pp. 127-130. 35. NAZ Hist. Mss C08/l/2, Newton to Coghlan, 19 December 1923. 36. NAZ Hist. Mss NEI/1/1, Newton to Coghlan, 16 April 1925. 37. NAZ S88l/281, High Commissioner for Southern Rhodesia, London, Correspondence regarding Limpopo-Messina Railway, 1924-27, Minister of Railways, Pretoria, to H.U. Moffat, 19 November 1924. 38. NAZ Hist. Mss NE3/IIl/l, Davis to Moffat, 21 January 1925. 154 Notes 39. Ibid., 6 April 1925. 40. NAZ Hist. Mss NEI/1/1, Coghlan to Newton, I August 1925. 41. NAZ Hist. Mss NEIII/I, Coghlan to Newton, 13 December 1924. 42. HammondReport, Vol.l,pp.13-16. 43. Ibid., pp. 45-7, 52-5. 44. Ibid., pp. 81-7. 45. Ibid., pp. 83-4. 46. Ibid., p. 79. 47. NRZM 475, Memo. of the BSA Co. on the Proposals of the Governments of Southern and Northern Rhodesia for the Control of the Rhodesian Railway System, 9 July 1926. 48 Interim Report by Professor S.H. Frankel 011 the Rhodesia Railways (London, l943),pp. 3-8. 49. NRZM 475, Ministers' Amended Proposals for the Control of the Rhodesian Railway System, 31 August 1926; Ibid., Memo. by J.C. Burleigh regarding the advantages to be derived from the Settlement with the BSA Co. regarding the Control of the Rhodesian Railway System, 8 September 1926. 50. NRZM 475, Birchenough to Sir C. Davis, Colonial Office, 25 August 1926; Ibid., Memo. by the BSA Co., 12 August 1926. 51. Interim Report by Frankel, p. 4. 52. This exact phrase was used by Rochfort Maguire at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the BSA Co. on 24 July 1923 (see NAZ Hist. Mss CHS/2/2/10). 53. Ibid. 54. Mosley, The Settler Economies, p. 37. 55. NAZ Hist. Mss NEI/117, Correspondence with H.U. Moffat, Moffat to Newton, 19 July 1928; NEI/112, Correspondence with J.W. Downie, Newton to Downie, 30 January 1929. 56. For a history of the Chrome Trust, see I.R. Phimister, 'The Structure and Development of the Southern Rhodesian Base Mineral Industry, 1907 to the Great Depression', Rhodesian Journal of Economics, IX (1975) pp. 79-88. 57. NAZ Hist. Mss NEl/112, Downie to Newton, 29 December 1928. 58. Southern Rhodesia Legislative Assembly Debates, 19 May 1938, Cols I 051-2; Phi mister, 'Towards a History', pp. 90-1. 59. Kanduza, The Political Economy of Underdevelopmellt, p. 68. 60. S. Katzenellenbogen, Railways and the Copper Mines of Katanga (Oxford, 1973), pp. 98-127. 61. NRZM 153/1007, Letters regarding Purchase of Rhodesia-Katanga railway, 1928, Rhodesia Railways and Mashonaland Railway Company to d' Erlangers, 18 September 1928. 62. NAZ Hist. Mss Nel/112, Nothern Rhodesia Copper Mining Companies (as at 28 August 1929); NEI/117, Newton to Moffat, 7 February 1929. 63. NRZM 1501/1097, Agreement between the Mashonaland Railway Company and the Roan Antelope Copper Mines Limited, 24 July 1928; Agreement between the Mashonaland Railway Company and Bwana M'Kubwa Copper Mining Company, 11 February 1929. 64. Kanduza, The Political Economy of Underdevelopment, pp. 68-75. Notes 155

65. Interim Report by Frankel, p. 9. 66. NAZ Hist. Mss NEl/l/2, Downie to Newton, 18 March 1929. 67. NAZ Hist. Mss LE3/l/l, The Railway Commission, n.d. 68. NAZ Hist. Mss NEl/l/2, Downie to Newton, 7 October 1929. 69. Ibid., Downie to Birchenough, 30 September 1929. 70. NAZ Hist. Mss NEl/1/7, Moffat to Newton, 16 September 1929; Moffat to Birchenough, 20 September 1929. 71. NAZ Hist. Mss NEl/117, Moffat to Newton, 14 August 1929. 72. NAZ Hist. Mss NEl/l/2, Downie to Birchenough, 30 September 1929. 73. Ibid., Birchenough to Downie, 31 October 1929. 74. NAZ S71, Railways Act Conference between Representatives of the Governments of Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Bechuanaland Protectorate, and Representatives of the Rhodesia Railways held at Bulawayo, 1-7 September 1931. Report of Proceedings, p. 134. 75. NAZ Hist. Mss DOl/l/5, J.W. Downie, Correspondence with G. Michell, Downie to Moffat, 18 February 1932. 76. NRZM 564/1040, Mashonaland Railway Company, Report of Proceedings at the Adjourned Meetings of the 5 per cent First Mortgage Debenture Holders and the 5 per cent Guaranteed Mortgage Debenture Holders to Consider an Amended Scheme of Arrangement, 2 December 1932. 77. NAZ Hist. Mss DOl/1/6, Moffat to Downie, 24 November 1932. 78. NRZM 56411040, Report of Proceedings at the Adjourned Meetings, 2 December 1932. 79. NAZ Hist. Mss D01/l/6, Downie to Moffat, 5 November 1931. 80. Ibid., Moffat to Downie, 15 June 1931. 81. Kanduza, The Political Economy of Underdevelopment, p. 119. 82. Ibid., p. 122-8. 83. Ibid., pp. 68, 84. 84. Ibid., pp. 130-2. 85. NRZM 585/1066, Minutes of the Conference between Representatives of the Governments of Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia and the Bechuanaland Protectorate, and of the Rhodesia Railways, to discuss Proposed Amendments in Railway Legislation, Cape Town, May 1934, pp. 2-3. 86. Ibid., Memo. of the Agreement between the Governments of Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and the Bechuana1and Protectorate and the Rhodesian Railway Companies made at the Railway Conference, Cape Town, May 1934, pp. 1-3. 87. Ibid., Minutes of the Conference, pp. 1-6. 88. Ibid., Memo. of the Agreement, pp. 1-3. 89. Ibid., pp. 4-5. 90 Ibid., p. l. 91. Ibid., Minutes of the Conference, pp. 91-4. 92. Ibid., p. 87. 93. NAZ Hist. Mss MS 284, G.M. Huggins, Memoirs, n.d., p. 13. 94. NAZ Hist. Mss 281111111, G.M. Huggins, Correspondence and other Papers, Memo. on Railway Agreement, n.d. 95. Ibid. 156 Notes 96. NRZM 769/1075, Liquidation of the Mashonaland Railway Company and Conversion of Debentures, 1934-5, Sir D. Malcolm to H. Chapman, 2 May 1935 and 28 May 1935. 97. Ibid., Chapman to Birchenough, 25 September 1936. 98. NAZ S2461742, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Correspondence, Railway Commission Decision regarding 1937 Copper Agreements, 2 February 1937. 99. Ibid., Railway Commission Decision regarding 1937 Copper Agreements, 2 February 1937. 100. Ibid. 101. NRZM 813/1060, Liquidation of the Mashonaland Railway Company and Conversion of Debentures, 1934-5, Malcolm to Chapman, 3 December 1936. 102. NAZ. S246/742, Railway Commission Decision regarding 1937 Copper Agreements, 2 February 1937. 103. NRZM 769/1075, Birchenough to Chapman, 6 October 1936. 104. NRZM 813/1060, Chapman to Birchenough, 22 December 1936. 105. d'Erlanger, Construction and Finance, p. 35. 106. NRZM 813/1060, d'Erlanger to Chapman, 31 December 1936; R.E. Fitzgerald to A.G. Hunt, 26 February 1937. 107. NRZM 815/1060, d'Erlanger to Chapman, 22 February 1937. 108. Ibid., Chapman to Malcolm, 9 February 1937. 109. NAZ S180l/575, High Commissioner, Southern Rhodesia, Correspondence, Rhodesia Railways, Conversion of Debentures, 1936-44, W.S Senior to Lanigan O'Keefe, 9 January 1937. I 10. Ibid., pp. 202-3. Ill. NRZM 552/1041, Memo. of the General Manager to the Road and Rail Transport Commission, l September 1939. 112. NA Zam., SEC/3/234, Transcript of Shorthand Notes taken at a meeting of representatives of the Governments of Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia and the Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1941. 113. Interim Report by Frankel, p. 9. 114. Southern Rhodesian Legislative Assembly Debates, 3 June 1942, Col. 1229. 115. Ibid., p. 27. 116. Interim Report by Frankel, pp. 28-39. 1 I 7. PRO, Dominion Office Series, D035/ll64/R25 1/10, Report on Railway Conference, Lord Harlech to Sir E. Machtig, 15 May and 21 May 1943. 118. PRO D035125l/15, Rhodesian Railways, Purchase of Railway Shares, D. Malcolm, BSA Co., to Lord Harlech, 29 July 1943. 119. A.H. Croxton, Railways of Zimbabwe (Newton Abbot, 1982), pp. 203-4. 120. Report by H. Howitt on the State Ownership of the Rhodesia Railways (HMSO: London, 1946), p. 23; Kanduza, The Political Economy of Underdevelopment, pp. 195-200. 121. PRO D035/l404/R251/30, Rhodesian Railways, Conference to Discuss Sir H. Howitt's Report, Sir E. Machtig to Secretary of State, Dominion Office, 25 May 1946. 122. R. Blake, A History of Rhodesia (London, 1977), p. 239. 123. Ibid. Notes 157 124. PRO D03511165/R251134, State Acquisitions of the Rhodesia Railways, Memos of 30 July 1946, 31 December 1946. 125. Southern Rhodesian Legislative Assembly Debates, p. 22 April 1947, ColiS. 126. PRO D035/3629/R2110/2, Rhodesian Railways, State Ownership, Huggins to Lord Addison, Dominion Office, 3 February 1947; Hanes III, 'Railway Politics and Imperialism in Central Africa, 1889-1953', in Davis and Wilburn Jr, Railway Imperialism, pp. 62-3. 127. Croxton, Railways of Zimbabwe, p. 200. 128. NAZ Rhodesia Railways Trust, Reports and Balance Sheets, 1912-1947. The Trust paid out its first dividend of 2.5 per cent in 1914 and from 1923 paid out dividends every year, including during the Great Depression. The peak years for dividends were 1925-31. In 1930 and 1931, dividends reached their highest level at 12.5 per cent. Thereafter, they settled at around 5 per cent per annum. Of course, as we have seen, the bulk of railway capital lay in debenture rather than share capital. 129. /me rim Report by Frankel, p. I 0. 130. Southern Rhodesian Legislative Assembly Debates, 22 April 1947, Cols 13-27. 131. This phrase is taken from I.R. Phi mister, 'Accomodating Imperialism: The Compromise of the Settler State in Southern Rhodesia, 1923-9', Journal of African Histmy, XXV (1984), p. 298. 132. I.R. Phimister, An Economic and Social History of Zimbabwe 1890-1948. Capital Accumulation and Class Struggle (London, 1988), p. 180.

3 White Workers on the Railways

I. For a survey of the literature on this issue, see S. Dubow, Racial Segregation and the Origins of Apartheid in South Africa, 1919-36 (London, 1989), pp. 56-60; see also F.A. Johnstone, Class, Race and Gold; R.H. Davies, Capital, State and White Labour in South Africa, 1900-60 (Brighton, 1979); H. Wolpe, 'The White Working Class in South Africa', Economy and Society, V ( 1976); I.R. Phi mister, 'The History of Mining in Southern Rhodesia to 1953' (University of Rhodesia PhD thesis, 1975), pp. 206-39. 2. Phimister, 'The History of Mining', pp. 206-39. 3. E. Webster, Cast in a Racial Mould (Johannesburg, 1985); Lewis, Industrialisation and Trade Union Organisation in South Africa, 1924-55 (Cambridge, 1984). In surveying the culture and identity of white railway workers in the , many echoes are to be found of David Roediger's concept, borne of his studies of the white working class in the United States, of the 'psychological wage' which compensates white workers for their exploitation. The relevance of his work to the historian of Southern African labour is discussed by Jeremy Krikler in 'Lessons from America: the Writings of David Roediger', Journal of Southern African Studies, XX (1994) pp. 663-7. 158 Notes

4. NRZM 1549/1100, Report of the General Manager, Beira, Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways, 1915, p. 6. 5. NRZM 563/1040, Minutes of the Meeting at Bulawayo regarding taking over Rhodesia Railways, 23 April 1904. 6. NAZ Hist. Mss uncatalogued 1879, T.W.Rudland, p. 8. 7. NAZ Hist. Mss Mise/IN 2/111, F.W. Inskipp, Typed Reminiscences, September 1898; NRZM 90811082, Contract and Conditions of Service for Engine Drivers, Signed A. Bowes, London, 8 November 1900. 8. NRZM 908/1082, Contract of A. Bowes, 8 November 1900. 9. NAZ Oral History Collection, Oral/WI 4, R.E. Wilkins, p. 9. 10. D. Kennedy, Islands of White. Settler Society and Culture in Kenya and Southern Rhodesia (Durham, 1987), p. 182. II. A.H. Jeeves, Migrant Labour in South Africa's Mining Economy. The Struggle for the Gold Mines' Labour Supply, 1890-1920 (Johannesburg, 1985), p. 67. 12. NAZ ZAI 11112, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, Chairman, A.E. Russell, Evidence, pp. 1726-7. 13. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, September 1935, p. 10. 14. NAZ 8611Filing Cabinet, Register of Staff Figures and Pay Figures on the Beira, Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways and Rhodesia Railways, 1919-39 and 1942-7. 15. Phi mister, 'The History of Mining', pp. 206, 233. 16. E.J. Hobsbawm, 'Artisan or Labour Aristocrat?', Economic History Review, XXXVII (1984), p. 355. 17. NAZ ZBH 2/1/2, Railway Arbitration Tribunal, 1943, Evidence to Tribunal, p. 1473. 18. NAZ Beira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways Bulletin, No. 4, July 1922, pp. 4-5; Rhodesia Railways Bulletin, No. 147, Aprill939, pp. 18-24. 19. NAZ Beira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways Bulletin, No. 4, July 1922, pp. 4-5. 20. NAZ ZAL 2/114, Railway Court of Enquiry, 1929, Chairman, J. Martin, Written Evidence, Rates of Pay, Hours of Duty and Overtime Rates for the Rhodesia Railways. 21. NAZ ZAI IIIII, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, pp. 1223, 1226, 1787. 22. NAZ Rhodesia Railways Bulletin, No. 147, April1939. 23. NAZ ZBH 2/1/2, Railway Arbitration Tribunal, 1943, p. 530. 24. Ibid., p. 884. 25. Ibid., p. 1159. 26. NAZ ZAI 11111, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, p. 1238. 27. NAZ Be ira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways Bulletin, No. 41, June 1930, p. 8. 28. F. McKenna, The Railway Workers, 1840-1970 (London, 1980), p. 31. 29. NRZM 861/Filing Cabinet, Traffic and Transportation Notices, 1920-36, Transportation Notice 265, 25 August 1922. 30. NAZ Hist. Mss uncatalogued, Accession Number 1982, Box 445, Papers of L.J.W. Keller, Anonymous Uncompleted Biography of Keller, p. 8. 31. Ibid. Notes 159 32. NAZ Be ira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways Bulletin, No. I, September 1921, p. I. 33. NAZ ZAI 2/1/4, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, Exhibit Number 3 TI. 34. Hobsbawm, 'Artisan or Labour Aristocrat?', Economic History Review, XXXVII (1984) p. 355. 35. Ibid., 355-9. 36. NAZ ZAI IIIII, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, p. 152. 37. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, October 1936, p. 15. 38. British Museum Newspaper Library, Colindale, C. 1696, Rhodesia Railway Workers' Union, July 1921, p. 8. 39. NAZ ZAI 1/1/1, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, p. 645. 40. Ibid., pp. 1179-85. 41. NAZ ZAI 1/1/1, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, p. 917. 42. McKenna, The Railway Workers, p. 28. 43. Ibid. 44. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, September 1922, p. 10. 45. Central Reference Library, Manchester, Letters from Rhodesia, 24 May 1937. 46. Kennedy, Islands of White, p. 158. 47. NAZ Hist. Mss HA4/l/l, Reverend P.H. Hale, South African Railway Mission, Diary, 21 October 1904. 48. Ibid. 49. NRZM 1252, Report of Proceedings at the Meeting between the General Manager, Beira, Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways, and the RRWU, Bulawayo, 1921, p. 78. 50. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, September 1937, p. 17. 51. NAZ Hist. Mss. Uncatalogued, Accession Number 1982, Box 445, Keller Papers. 52. NAZ Hist. Mss HA4/I/I, Reverend P.H. Hale, Diary, 8 September 1904. 53. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, July 1938, p. 7. 54. Ibid., May 1923, p. 4. 55. 0. Letcher, When Life Was Rusted Through (Bulawayo, 1973), p. 17. 56. Ibid. 57. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, September 1921, p. 10. 58. Ibid., No.6, February 1922, p. 23. 59. Kennedy, Islands of White, pp. 183-6. 60. NAZ Rhodesian Railways Review, October 1921, p. 1; May 1923, p. 3. 61. Ibid., February 1934, p. 20. 62. For a fuller discussion of this ideology, see A. Davin, 'Imperialism and Motherhood', History Workshop Joumal, No. 5 (1978) pp. 9-66. In particu• lar, see pp. 11-14. 63. NAZ ZAI 1/1/1, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, p. 66; NAZ C5/2/2, Census of 1911, Bulawayo District. 64. For more on the 'black peril' see Kennedy, Islands of White, pp. 128-47. 65. NRZM 1372,RailwayStaffBook, 1917. 66. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, December 1939, p. 22. 67. Ibid., May 1923, p. 4. 68. NAZ Hist. Mss uncatalogued, accession number 1982, Box 445, Biography of Keller, p. 7. 160 Notes 69. NAZ T8/2/2, Treasury Department, Correspondence, P. Fynn to Secretary to the Treasury, 18 February 1920. 70. NRZM 172411105, General Manager, Railways, Circulars, 1915-16. 71. NRZM 861/Filing Cabinet, Financial Results for the Railway System, 1900-26. 72. NAZ Hist. Mss uncatalogued, accession number 1982, Box 445, Biography of Keller, pp. 20-5. 73. D.J. Murray, The Governmental System in Southern Rhodesia (Oxford, 1970), p. 20 l. 74. NAZ Hist. Mss CH8/2/2/14, Chaplin to Newton, 31 October 1919. 75. NRZM 522/1064, Freeman Report on Inspection of the Railways, January to February 1920. 76. NAZ Hist. Mss CH8/2/2/6, Gell to Chaplin, 29 December 1919. 77. NAZ ZAI l/2/4, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, Exhibits, File 4, Railways, Special Circular No. 121. 78. NAZ Hist. Mss. uncatalogued, accession number 1982, Box 445, Biography of Keller, p. 50. 79. NAZ Hist. Mss CH8/2/2/2, Chaplin to Birchenough, 7 March 1920. 80. NAZ Hist. Mss uncatalogued, accession number 1982, Box 445, Biography of Keller, pp. 5-6, 48. It is interesting to note that Keller was held in high regard by one of the signatories of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence in 1965, G.W. Rudland, as the man whithout whom Southern Rhodesia would have ceased to be a 'white man's country'. See NAZ Oral/MU3, G.W. Rudland, pp. 13, 67. 81. NRZM 172411105, Railways, Special Circular No. 137, 28 February 1921. 82. Murray, The Governmental System, pp. 206-7. 83. Ibid., pp. 207-8. 84. NRZM 1252, Meeting between the General Manager, Railways and the RRWU, Bulawayo, 1921, p. 118. 85. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, August 1922, p. 3; January 1925, pp. 10-ll. 86. Ibid. 87. NAZ Hist. Mss uncatalogued, accession number 1982, Box 445, P.J. Titus, Assistant General Secretary, RRWU, to all Branch Secretaries, 16 March 1922. 88. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, August 1922, p. 5. 89. NAZ Hist. Mss CH8/2/2/12, Mitchell to Chaplin, 1 December 1921. 90. I.R. Phimister, An Economic and Social History of Zimbabwe 1890-48: Capital Accumulation and Class Struggle (London, 1988), p. 189. 91. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, May 1936, p. 21. 92. NAZ ZA11/l/l, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, p. 117. 93. Murray, The Governmental System, pp. 202-3. 94. Ibid., p. 210-12. 95. Hammond Report, Vol. l, p. 38. 96. NAZ ZAil/111, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, p. 1005. 97. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, December 1925, p. 15. 98. NAZ ZAI l/l/1, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, p. 1162. Notes 161

99. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, November 1926, pp. 20-l. l 00. NAZ S246n5o, Internal Affairs, Correspondence, Labour Disputes on the Railways, 1926-9, Confidential to Colonial Secretary, 4 March 1927; Confidential, J.S. Morris, Salisbury, n.d. 101. lllterim and Final Reports of Commission Appointed to Enquire into and Report upon Certain Matters in Dispute between the Beira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways and the Employees of the said Railways (Salisbury, 1928). 102. NAZ ZAI 1/l/l, Railway Dispute Commission, 1927, pp.3-IO. 103. Murray, The Governmental System, p. 213. 104. NAZ S480/l46C, Mines, Secretary, Correspondence, Labour Disputes amongst Railway Employees 1926-9, Detective Sergeant T.H. Bryant to Acting Chief Superintendent, Criminal Investigation Department, 15 August 1928. 105. NAZ Hist. Mss uncatalogued, accession number 1982, Box 445, Biography of Keller, p. 140. 106. Ibid. 107. Kennedy,Islands of White, pp. 137-8. 108. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, September 1928, p. 5. 109. Ibid., January 1935, p. 7; March 1935, p. 15. 110. NAZ ZBH 2/l/3, Railway Arbitration Tribunal, 1943, Chairman, J.G.N. Strauss, Evidence, p. 172. Ill. NAZ S246/l84, Internal Affairs, Correspondence, Industrial Conciliation, Colonial Secretary to Premier, 29 July 1929; NAZ S480/85, Mines, Secretary, Correspondence, Legislation on Strikes 1929-31, Downie to Moffat, 8 July 1930. 112. Ibid.; Report on Industrial Relations in Southern Rhodesia by Professor Sir H. Clay (Salisbury, 1930). 113. Ibid., General Manager, Rhodesia Railways to Downie, 4 October 1930. 114. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, June 1937, p. 5. 115. Ibid., February 1934. 116. Ibid., September 1937, p. l. 117. Ibid., January 1934, p. 3; Aprill937, p. l. 118. Murray, The Governmental System, pp. 217-22; Phimister describes the Act as providing 'a valuable degree of protection for white working class interests'. See 'The History of Mining', p. 229. 119. Murray, The Governmental System, pp. 217-9. 120. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, Aprill934, p. 19. 121. Ibid., January 1927, p. 13. 122. Murray, The Governmental System, p. 228. 123. Ibid., p. 231. 124. Ibid., pp. 232-3. 125. NAZ ZBH 2/l/l, Railway Arbitration Tribunal, 1943, p. 69. 126. NAZBulawayo Chronicle, 22 March 1946. 127. NAZ Rhodesian Railway Review, May 1944, June 1945, December 1948, March 1950, October 1952. 128. Phimister, An Economic and Social History of Zimbabwe, p. 190. 162 Notes

129. PRO D035/ll69/380/3, Court of Arbitration, C. Tait to Sir E. Machtig, 18 March 1946; I April 1946. 130. NAZ Bulawayo Chronicle, 25 February 1946.

4 Black Workers on the Railways

l. NRZM 861/Filing Cabinet, Register of Staff figures and Pay Figures, 1919-39 and 1942-7. 2. NA Zam. BS2/145 Vol. l, Administrator of North Western Rhodesia, Out Letters, Reports, District Commissioner's Reports for the year 1908-9 for Broken Hill in the Loangwa District. 3. NA Zam. BS2/28, Administrator of North Western Rhodesia, In Letters, H.C. Carter, Pauling and Co. Limited to H.G. Jones, Inspector of Natives, Elizabethville, 4 June 1911. 4. Ibid., G. Pauling to Secretary, BSA Co., lO July 1911. 5. NAZ African Oral History Collection/51, Pauros Mugwagwa Musonza, Folios 16-18. 6. NAZ A11/2/8/10, Administrators' Office, Correspondence, V. Gielgud, General Manager, Rhodesia Native Labour Bureau (RNLB), to the Administrator, 31 March 1904. 7. NAZ All/2/8/16, Administrators' Office, Correspondence, Telegram from the Administrator to the Board of Directors, BSA Co., 13 December 1905. 8. NAZ A3/18/30/26, Administrators' Office, Correspondence, Report of the RNLB, 28 July 1909. 9. NAZ Sl38/13, Native Department, Chief Native Commissioner, Correspondence, Report of the Compound Inspector on the Deka-Falls Deviation, 8-14 April 1931. 10. NA Zam. ZA1/9/18/48, Secretary for Northern Affairs, Northern Rhodesia, Correspondence, Assistant Magistrate, Ndola to District Commissioner, Broken Hill, 28 April 1928. ll. NAZ Oral/RU 3, G.W. Rudland, p. 5. 12. T. Coleman, The Railway Navvies (London, 1981 ), p. 46. 13. NAZ Oral/MO 5, G.G. Moore, p. 5. 14. NAZ S138/22, Native Department, Chief Native Commissioner, Cor• respondence, General Manager, Railways, to Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, 15 January 1927. 15. NAZ S246/43l, Internal Affairs, Correspondence, Compound Inspector's Report for February 1927. 16. NAZ Sl38/13, Report on the Deka-Falls deviation, 8-14 April1931. 17. NAZ S1428/33/14, High Commissioner, South Africa, Correspondence, Administrator, Southern Rhodesia, to High Commissioner, 26 November 1896; Governor, Cape Town, to Earl Grey, 18 December 1896. 18. NAZ Hist. Mss uncatalogued 1879, G.W. Rudland, p. 9. 19. NAZ Oral/WI, R.E. Wilkins, p. 13. 20. NAZ Hist. Mss uncatalogued 1879, G.W. Rudland, p. 9. 21. NAZ NUA2/I/3, Native Commissioner, Umtali, and Supervisor of Natives, Out Letters, Annual Report of the Native Commissioner for the year ended 31 March 1898. Notes 163 22. NAZ N3/l/16, Native Department, Chief Native Commissioner, Correspondence, Acting Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, to Pauling and Co. limited, London, 23 October 1903. 23. Ibid., Chief Native Commissioner, Bulawayo, to Acting Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, 30 October 1909. 24. NAZ NUA2/l/5, Monthly Report of the Native Commissioner for September 1903. 25. NAZ A3/18/30/8, Administrators' Office, Correspondence, Labour Superintendent of Natives, Gwelo, to Chief Native Commissioner, Bulawayo, 13 November 1912; Acting Native Commissioner, Ndanga, to Chief Native Commissioner, Bulawayo, 24 August 1912; Superintendent of Natives, Victoria, to Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, 13 November 1912, 26. NAZ S246/431, Compound Inspector's Report for July 1927. 27. NAZ Sl38/40, Native Department, Chief Native Commissioner, Correspondence, Assistant Native Commissioner, Que Que to Native Commissioner, Gwelo, 27 August 1929. 28· Ibid., Attached Report, Police, Que Que, II July 1929. 29. Ibid., Attached Report, 2 August 1929. 30. Ibid. 31. Ibid., Assistant Native Commissioner, Que Que, to Native Commissioner, Gwelo, 27 August 1929. 32. NA Zam. ZAI/9/18/48, Assistant Magistrate, Ndola to District Commissioner, Broken Hill, 28 Aprill928. 33- Ibid., Secretary for Native Affairs, Northern Rhodesia to Acting District Commissioner, Broken Hill, 30 May 1928. 34. NAZ A3/18/30/7 Vol. 2, Administrators' Office, Correspondence, Resident Engineer, Railways, to Chief Native Commissioner, Bulawayo, 7 April 1913. 35. Ibid., Medical Director, Salisbury to Secretary to the Administrator, 17 April1913. 36. NAZ H2/l/2, Public Health Department, Correspondence, Inspector of Compounds to Medical Director, Salisbury, 10 February 1923; Medical Director to Secretary to the Administrator, 23 March 1923. 37. Ibid., Attorney-General, Salisbury to Administrator, 28 March 1923. 38. NAZ A3/18/30/21, Administrators' Office, Correspondence, Chief Native Commissioner, Bulawayo to Secretary to the Administrator, 27 Apri11910. 39. NAZ N3/22/ll/1 Vol. 2, RNLB, General Matters for Report to the Committee, 30 March 1911. 40. NAZ A3/18/30/31, Administrators' Office, Correspondence, J. Upton, RNLB Circular to Members, 1916. 41. NRZM 1549/1100, Annual Report of the General Manager for 1915; NA Zam. BS3/382, Northern Rhodesia, Administrator, Correspondence, High Commissioner for South Africa, Annual Report for Native Affairs for the year ended 31 March 1913. 42. Vickery suggests that, during the period of primary railway construction in the Rhodesias, the bulk of 'Barotse boys' may well have been Tonga in ethnic origin. See K. Vickery, Black and White in Southem Zambia (Connecticut, 1986), p. 53. 164 Notes 43. NA Zam. ZAI/9/18/16, Secretary for Native Affairs, Northern Rhodesia, Correspondence, Labour, Memo. to Applicants and Holders of Licences, September 1927. 44. NA Zam. ZA1/9/l8/l4, Secretary for Native Affairs, Northern Rhodesia, Correspondence, Secretary for Native Affairs to General Manager, Railways, 15 June 1929; Solicitor-General, Lusaka to Police, 10 June 1929. 45. NAZ S138/40, Superintendent of Natives, Railways, to Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, 18 May 1927. 46. Ibid. 47. NAZ, Beira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways Bulletin, No. 12, I July 1924. 48. NAZ S 1561/50, Superintendent of Natives' Annual Report, 1939, p. 3. 49. NAZ ZBQ 2/1/l, African Railway Strike Commission, 1945, p. 106. 50. NRZM ll24/1087, Chief Engineer's Annual Report for 1929, p. 30. 51. NAZ S1561/3, Native Department, Chief Native Commissioner, Correspondence, Secretary for Native Affairs, Salisbury, to the Premier, Salisbury, 22 September 1937. 52. NAZ S1561/2, Native Department, Chief Native Commissioner, Correspondence, Secretary for Native Affairs, Salisbury, to the Premier, Salisbury, 19 July 1938. 53. NAZ S1542/L1, General Manager, Railways, to Secretary for Native Affairs, Salisbury, 22 June 1938. 54. NAZ S 1561/50, Report of Proceedings of Conference regarding the Establishment of a Labour Organisation to Recruit and Distribute Labour, 14 August 1939. 55. NAZ S1542/LI, Native Department, Chief Native Commissioner, Correspondence, J. Jacobs, Livingstone, to Secretary for Native Affairs, 24 June 1939. 56. NA Zam. BS21142, Administrator of North Western Rhodesia, Out Letters, Report on Native Affairs, 1911. The other main killers were pneumonia (23 per cent) and dysentery (I 0 per cent). 57. NAZ A3/18/30/3, Administrators' Office, Correspondence, Secretary to the Administrator to the General Manager, Railways, 7 September 191 0; Medical Director, Salisbury, to the Administrator, 23 September 1910. 58. NAZ A3/l8/30/2, Administrators' Office, Correspondence, Medical Director, Salisbury, to the Administrator, 12 August 1910. 59. NAZ A3/l8/30/8, Acting Principal Medical Officer to Secretary for Native Affairs, Livingstone, 2 December 1913. 60. NAZ A3/18/3017 Vol. 2, Chief Native Commissioner, Bulawayo, to Medical Director, Salisbury, 17 April 1913; Medical Director to Secretary to the Administrator, 17 Aprill913. 61. NAZ A3/27/4/5, Administrators' Office, Correspondence, General Manager, Railways, to Medical Director, Salisbury, 6 November 1920. 62. NAZ S1542/LI, Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, to Superintendent of Natives, Bulawayo, 9 December 1938. 63. NAZ S1274, Civil Commissioner, Bulawayo, Minutes of the Native Welfare Society, 1939-49, Report for 1939-40. 64. NAZ ZBQ 2/1/1, African Railway Strike Commission, 1945, p. 167. Notes 165 65. NAZ Beira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways Bulletin, No. 12, l July 1924. 66. NA Zam. BS2/256, Administrator of North Western Rhodesia, Out Letters, High Commissioner for South Africa, Lord Crewe to Earl of Selbourne, 20 January 1910; BS2/257, Acting Secretary to the Administrator to the Imperial Secretary, Johannesburg, 21 February 1910. 67. SI561/50, Native Department, Chief Native Commissioner, Correspondence, Superintendent of Natives' Annual Report, 1939, p. 3. 68. NAZ NUA211/4, Native Commissioner, Umtali, Out Letters, Native Commissioner, Umtali to Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, 25 June 1903. 69. NAZ A3/l8/31/2, Administrators' Office, Correspondence, Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury to Secretary, Department of the Administrator, 6Aprill914. 70. NAZ D317/35, District Courts, Criminal Cases, Umtali, Rex versus R. Harrison, 1916. 71. NAZ A3118/31/5 Vol. I, Administrators' Office, Correspondence, District Traffic Superintendent, Railways, to Secretary, Department of the Administrator, 16 January 1918. 72. Ibid., General Manager, Railways, to Administrator, 25 March 1918; Secretary, Department of Administrator to Magistrate, 22 December 1920. 73. NAZ S 138/53, Native Department, Chief Native Commissioner, Correspondence, Chief Native Commissioner to Secretary to the Premier, 20 May 1932. 74. NAZ SI38/53, Commissioner of Police, Wankie, to Chief Native Commissioner, Bulawayo, 7 August 1931. 75. NAZ S 1173/215, Ministry of Health, Correspondence, Medical Director to Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, 13 November 1928. 76. NAZ Beira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways Bulletin, No. 12, I July 1924. 77. NAZ A3127/4/5, Compound Inspector's Report for Bulawayo Railway Compound, January 1921. 78. For discussions of the roots of labour migration from North Western Rhodesia, the largest single 'catchment area' for black labour for the rail• ways, see L. van Horn, 'The Agricultural History of Barotseland, 1840-1964', in R. Palmer and N. Parsons (eds), The Roots of Rural Poverty (London, 1977), pp. 144-169; M. Gluckman, The Economy of the Cemral Barotse Plain (Livingstone, 1943); G. Prins, The Hidden Hippopotamus. Reappraisals in African Histmy: The Early Colonial Experience in Western Zambia (Cambridge, 1980). 79. C. Van Onselen, 'Worker Consciousness in Black Miners: Southern Rhodesia, 1900-20', in Van Onselen and Phimister, Studies in the History of African Mine Labour in Colonial Zimbabwe (Gwelo, 1978), p. 13. 80. C. Van Onselen, Chibaro. African Mine Labour in Southern Rhodesia, 1900-33 (London 1976), p. 227. 81. NRZM 861/Filing Cabinet, Register of Staff Figures and Pay Figures, 1919-39 and 1942-7. 82. NZA N3/l/l6, Special Report by the Chief Native Commissioner, Bulawayo, on a visit to Wankie District, 29 October 1903. 166 Notes

83. NAZ D3/6/101, District Courts, Criminal Cases, Bulawayo, Rex versus Motsi, 1919. 84. NAZ ZBI 2/1/1, The Howman Commission, 1943, p. 112. 85. I.R. Phimister and C. Van Onselen, 'The Political Economy of Tribal Animosity: A Case Study of the 1929 Bulawayo Location "Faction Fight'", Journal of Southern African Studies, VI (1979) pp. 1-43. 86. NAZ Bantu Mirror, 3 October 1936. 87. G. Wilson, An Essay on the Economics of Detribalisation in Northern Rhodesia: Part II (Livingstone, 1942), p. 75. 88. NAZ ZBQ 2/l/1, African Railway Strike Commission, 1945, p. 259; NAZ S246/430, Internal Affairs, Correspondence, Compound Inspector's Report for Bulawayo, April 1924. 89. NAZ A3/3/19/3, Native Labour Committee, Evidence and Notes, 1921, Evidence of Railway Officials. 90. NAZ D3/19/3, District Courts, Criminal Cases, Gwanda, Rex versus Johnson, 1903. 91. R. Cohen, 'Resistance and Hidden Forms of Worker Consciousness amongst African Workers', Review of African Political Economy, No. 19 (1980) p. 20. 92. Wilson, Essay on the Economics of Detribalization: Part II, p. 66. 93. Ibid., p. 72. 94. NAZ D3/6/l62, District Courts, Criminal Cases, Bulawayo, Rex versus Ligwasi, 1929. 95. NAZ S400, District Court, Wankie, Criminal Cases, Rex versus Andiyele and Puza, 1932. 96. NAZ D3/6/10l, District Courts, Criminal Cases, Bulawayo, Rex versus Mangwala, 1919. 97. NAZ S 138/22, Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, to Superintendent of Natives, Matabeleland, 19 July 1927. 98. NAZBulawayo Chronicle, 15 July 1919. 99. NAZ Beira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways Bulletin, No. 5, l October 1922, p. 4. 100. NAZ ZBQ 2/1/1, African Railway Strike Commission, 1945, p. 357. 101. NAZ Bulawayo Chronicle, 17 July 1919. 102. Ibid.,l6Ju1y 1919. 103. Ibid., 17 July 1919. 104. Ibid., 18 July 1919. 105. NAZ Sl38/22, Superintendent of Natives, Bulawayo, to Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, ll January 1930. 106. NAZ ZBQ 2/l/l, African Railway Strike Commission, 1945, pp. 351-5. 107. NAZ Sl542/Ll, General Manager, Railways, to Premier, Salisbury, l May 1934. 108. NAZ A3/27/4/5, Compound Inspector's Report for Bulawayo, May 1922. 109. NAZ Sl542/Ll, Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, to General Manager, Railways, ll May 1934. 110. Ibid., General Manager, Railways, to Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, II June 1934. Ill. Ibid., 17 June 1934. Notes 167 112. S. Thornton, 'A History of the African Population of Bulawayo', (University of Manchester draft PhD thesis, n.d.), draft chapter 4, pp. 54-77. 113. NAZ Sl38/22, Superintendent of Natives, Bulawayo, to Chief Native Commissioner, Salisbury, 11 January 1930. 114. NAZ Sl38/22, Detective J. Watt to Chief Superintendent, Bulawayo, 5 August 1929. 115. Thornton, 'A History of the African Population of Bulawayo', draft chapter 6, p. 22. 116. Ibid., p. 5. 117. Report of the Commission appointed to Investigate the Grievances which gave rise to the Strike amongst the African Employees of the Rhodesia Railways and certain other matters affecting Africans employed in Industry (Salisbury, 1946), p. 12. 118. Thornton, 'A History of the African Population of Bulawayo', draft chapter 6, p. 19. 119. D.G. Clarke, 'The Political Economy of Discrimination and Underdevelopment in Rhodesia, 1940-73' (University of St Andrews PhD thesis, 1975), pp. 436-7. 120. 0. Pollak, 'The Impact of the Second World War on African Labour Organisation in Rhodesia', Rhodesian Joumal of Economics, VII (1973) p. 122. 121. NAZ ZBQ 2/l/l, African Railway Strike Commission, 1945, p. 223. 122. Thornton, 'A History of the African Population of Bulawayo', draft chapter 6, pp. 20-l. 123. A. Turner, 'The Growth of Railway Unionism in the Rhodesias, 1944-55', in R. Sandbrook and R. Cohen (eds), The Development of an African Working Class (London, 1976), p. 75. 124. Turner, 'The Growth of Railway Unionism', p. 76; Thornton, 'A History of the African Population of Bulawayo', draft chapter 6, pp. 22-3. 125. J.A .. Batson, The Poverty Datum Line in Salisbury (Cape Town, 1945). 126. L.H. Gann and M. Gelfand, Huggins of Rhodesia (London, 1964), p. 186. 127. Report of the National Native Labour Board (Salisbury, 1948), p. 12. 128. PRO D035/1169/380/3, Court of Arbitration, C. Tait to Machtig, I April 1946. 129. Thornton, 'A History of the African Population of Bulawayo', draft chapter 6, p. 28. 130. Ibid., pp. 26-7, 36. 131. The following is a list, arranged chronologically, of some of the most important studies to deal in depth with the 1948 general strike: R. Gray, The Two Nations. Aspects of the Development of Race Relations in the Rhodesias and Nyasaland (Oxford, 1960) (see pp. 315-23); Thornton, 'A History of the African Population of Bulawayo', draft chapter 6 (see pp. 12-48); J. Lunn, 'The Political Economy of Protest: the 1948 General Strike in Southern Rhodesia' (University of Manchester BA thesis, 1982); N. Bhebe, African Politics in Zimbabwe, 1947-58 (Harare, 1989); 0. Stuart, "'Good Boys", Footballers and Strikers: African Social Change in Bulawayo, 1933-53'; I.R. Phimister, An Economic and Social Hist01y of 168 Notes Zimbabwe (see pp. 258-74); J. Lunn, 'The Meaning of the 1948 General Strike in Colonial Zimbabwe', unpublished. (1994). 132. Lunn, 'The Political Economy of Protest', p. 35. 133. Gray, The Two Nations, p. 317. 134. Ibid., p. 319. 135. Ibid.,p.315.


I. l.R. Phimister, 'Towards a History of Zimbabwe's Rhodesia Railways', Zimbabwean History, XII (1981) p. 99; C. Gouldsbury, Songs out of Exile (London, 1912), pp. 57-8. BMR stands for the Beira and Mashonaland Railways. 2. A. Kanduza, The Political Economy of Underdevelopment in Northern Rhodesia, 1918--60 (Lanham, 1986), pp. 231-2,248. 3. A.H. Croxton, Railways of Zimbabwe (Newton Abbot, 1982), pp. 222-6. 4. Kanduza, The Political Economy of Underdevelopment, pp. 234, 257. 5. Croxton, Railways of Zimbabwe, pp. 208-33. 6. Ibid., p. 228. 7. These paragraphs are based on A. Turner, 'The Growth of Railway Unionism in the Rhodesias 1944-55' in R. Sandbrook and R. Cohen (eds), The Development of an African Working Class (London, 1976), pp. 77-93. His work drew heavily upon the Rhodesia Railways Industrial Relations files on deposit at the National Archives of Zambia. It is certain that these files would amply repay further scholarly attention. 8. Croxton, Railways of Zimbabwe, pp. 237-9. 9. J. Hanlon, Beggar your Neighbours. Apartheid Power in Southern Africa (London, 1986),p. 246. 10. Ibid., pp. 186-91, 248. II. Ibid., pp. 17-21. 12. Phimister, 'Towards a History', p. 79. Bibliography


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Acworth, W.M. 44, 46, 152, 172 Barnato, B. 27 Acworth Report 44-5, 51, 151, 153, Barotseland Improvement Association. 172, 173 127 Advisory Council (railway/settler) 45 Batson, J.A. 167, 173 AEU see trades unions, railways and: Bechuanaland, British 20,21-2 Amalgamated Engineers' Union Bechuanaland Exploring Company (AEU) 18,28 Africa, central and southern Bechuanaland Protectorate black labour in, studies of 11 BSA Co. and 20,21-2 British interests in 19 Jameson Raid and 22 railways in, studies of 4-5 Railway Commission and 52, 53 Rhodesian railway system and 1-3 railways and 65; construction of white working-class racism in, 17, 18,21-2 studies of 10 rates on 56; state ownership of see also individual countries 68, 70-1, 73, 147 African Railway Workers' Trade Bechuanaland Railway Company Union see trades unions, BSA Co. and 20-1,28,33 railways and: African Railway Cape Railways, agreement with 38 Workers' Trade Union formed 20-1 African Workers' Voice Association Jameson Raid and 22 137 Mashonaland Railway Company, Afrikaner Bond 18 possible amalgamation with 33 Afrikaners, discrimination against ownership of 28, 33 86-7 renamed Rhodesia Railways agriculture, growth of 47, 53 Limited, qv 33 Amalgamated Engineers' Union beer see brewing (AEU) see trades unions,• Beira railways and: Amalgamated development of port at 22, 32, 37, Engineers' Union 42,45,46,49-50,58 Angola 24, 144, 146 rail links to 2, 19, 22, 23, 32, 37, 45, Anthias, F. 173 46-7, 141 arbitration see labour, railways and: trade with 42, 53 arbitration/conciliation and Argus Trans-Zambezia Railway and 46 group 3 Beira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Arrighi, G. 39-40, 147, 148, 152, Railways Bulletin 158, 159, 164, 173 165, 166, 172 Ayrshire, rail links to 23 Beira Junction Railway Company Beira Railway Company, Bailey, A. 27 amalgamation with 58 bailiwick', concept of see labour, BSA Co. and 2, 22, 29, 58,71 railways and: white workers, established 22, 31-2 bailiwick', concept of 85 financial problems of 43 Bantu Benefit Society 131-2 Indian workers on 112-13 Baran, P.A. 147, 173 nationalisation of 143

178 Index 179

Oury and 46 Blake, R. 156 ownership of 29, 32, 46, 47 Blink water Railway Company 42 Portugal and 46,51-2,71, 143, Bowes, A. 158 144 Bradley, A.J. llO South Africa and 144 Braverman, H. 147, 148, 173 Beira Railway Company brewing 122-3 Beira Junction Railway Company, Britain amalgamation with 58 Benguella Railway and 59 BSA Co. and 2, 20, 28, 29, 38, 58, Cave Award and 45 71 Manica Highlands and 19-20 construction rights, transfer of 32 Rhodes and 17, 18, 19, 21-2 established 20 British South Africa Company financial problems of 32, 43 (BSACo.) Indian workers on 112-13 agreement 1926 and 51, 60 Mashonaland Railway Company and Argus Group and 3 56 Bechuanaland and 20, 21-2 nationalisation of 143 Bechuanaland Railway Company Oury and 46 and 20-1,28,33 ownership of 28, 29, 47 Beira Junction Railway Company Portugal and 46, 51-2, 71, 143, and 2,22,29,58,71 144 Beira Railway Company and 2, 20, South Africa and 144 28, 29, 38, 58,71 transit charges and 38 Beira Works Limited and 50 Beira Works Limited 50 Beit and 23 Beit, A. 23, 26, 33, 42, 151 Belgium and 59 Beit Railway Trust 42 Benguella Railway Company and Beitbridge, rail links to 71 54,59,64,146 Belgian Congo 2, 24-5, 59, 97 British government and 59 Belgium, Benguella Railway and 59 Dwana M'Kubwa Copper Mining beliefs 128 Company Limited and 55 Benguella Railway Company Cape Railways and 78 Angola liberation struggle and 144 cattle ranching and 3 Belgium and 59 Cave Award and 45,47 BSA Co. and 54, 55, 59, 64, 146 Charter obtained 18 formed 24 Chrome Trust and 54 Northern Rhodesia Copperbelt and colour bar and 79-80 54-5,59,64,141,143 Consolidated Gold Fields and 26 South Africa and 144 d'Erlangers and 31-3, 62, 63,70 Bernstein and Sons Ill, 113, 115 Davis and 50 Bhebe, N. 167, 173 De Beers and 26-7 Birchenough, H. 152, 155 debenture shares and 29-30, 32-6, BSA Co. and: Beira, port at, and 58-9,60,62-3,70 153; chairmanship of 53, 57, East coast route and 19, 20, 45-6, 58, 154, 156; railway policy of 48 53; revenues under 1926 exports and 36 agreement and 57,58 financial problems of 18, 20, 27, Birney, C.F. 92, 112 43 black workers see labour, railways Hammond enquiry and 51 and: black workers Jameson Raid and 22-3, 25 180 Index British South Africa Company Railways Amendment Act 1941 and (BSA Co.) continued 66-7 'Justice, Freedom and Commerce' as Rhodes and see Rhodes, C.J. motto of 87 Rhodesia Chrome Mines Ltd and Katanga and 54-5, 59 2 land ownership and 2 Rhodesia-Katanga Junction Railway Liebigs and 46 and Mineral Company and light railway strategy of see 24-5,53,54-5 railway system and: branch Rhodesia Railways Limited and lines 28,33,60,61,62 Manica Highlands and 19 Rhodesia Railways Trust and 2, Mashonaland and 18, 19 33-4 Mashonaland Railway Company and Rhodesian Anglo-American and 23,30,32-3,60,61,62 55 Matabeleland and 21 Rhodesian Mine Owners' Mazoe Citrus Estates and 2-3 Association and 93 mining and 2, 23, 24, 42, 43, 47, Rhodesian Party and 53, 54 53,54-5,57,59 Roan Antelope Copper Mines motto of 87 Limited and 55 Mozambique Company and 19-20 RRWU and 87-8, 92-3, 95 'native labour' and 109-10 settlers and 9-10, 34, 35, 37, Ndebele state and 21 39-74; settler government and Oury and 46-7,49-50 49-74 Pauling and Company and 31-3, shares, issuing of 29-30, 32-36 37, 107, 110 South Africa, proposed post-WWI press and 3 union with, and 47-9, 95 Railway Commission and 52-3, South African Railways and 62 56-7, 66; Standard Bank and 27 railway system and: agreement 1926 studies of 5, 7-10 51, 60; branch lines 42, 53, Tanganyika Concessions Limited 55; Commission of Enquiry and 24 into 44-5; construction of Union Miniere de Haut-Katanga and 17-25, 57, 77-8; labour on 59 109-10, 122-3; light railways Wankie Colliery Company and 2, see branch lines; management 23,43,55,59 of 78-9; modernisation of Broken Hill 128 142; policy for 92; profits failure of mine at 24, 42 from 47; public control of rail links to 23-4, 25, 30 49-71; rates on 34, 35-9,41, strike action at 135 43,44-5,54,57,58,59,72,92; Bryant, T.H. 161 reserves in/revenues from BSA Co. see British South Africa 56-9, 60-1, 65-7, 92; RRWU Company and 87-8, 92-3, 95; settler Bulawayo African Workers' Trade government and 49-74; state Union 137 ownership of and 10, 64-5, Bulawayo, railway and 68-74; strategy for 42; see Bantu Benefit Society and 131-2 also railway system, Barotseland Improvement Rhodesian Association and 127 Railways Act 1935 and 61-2, 65 black labour at 119 Index 181 brewing at 123 Chilvers, H.A. 173 compound at 121, 122, 133-4 Chrome Corporation 54 ethnicity at 126 Chrome Trust 54 facilities, modernisation of 142 City of London see London, City of ICU and 132, 133 Clarke, D.G. 167, 177 links to 2,22,28,32,38, 113 class structure 87, 88 organisational centre, as 37, 118 Clay, H. 100, 161, 172 protests at 132 coercion, management strategy, as sabotage at 126 II strikes at 130, 135, 138 Coghlan, C. 153, 154 wages at 118 death of 54 Burawoy, M. 148, 173 premier in first settler government Burleigh, J.C. 154 49,96 Bwana M'Kubwa Copper Mining railways, state ownership of, and Company Limited 55 49,50--1,53,61 Rhodesia Labour Party and 96 Cain, P.J. 7-9, 147, 150, 173 strikes and 94 Cam and Motor mine 42 Cohen,R. 5-6,166,167,173,176 Cape Colony 17 Coleman, T. 162, 173 British Bechuanaland and 20--1 colonialism, settler- 9-10, 11, Rhodes, premiership of, and 18, 42-74 19,21-2 colour bar 10 Transvaal and 21-2 Central African Federation and Cape Railways 17-18, 37-8,78 142 see also South African Railways railways and 13, 69, 70,78-80, Cape to Cairo Railway' 42 85-6,91,97-8,102-3,106, Cape Town, rail links to 2 119, 130, 136, 142 capital, railways and road transport and 64 construction, investment in 17-25 see also racism monopoly capital, as 25-34 conciliation see labour, railways and: shares: ordinary 28, 33-4, 65; arbitration/conciliation and debenture 28-30, 32-6, 58-9, Congo, Belgian see Belgian Congo 60,62-3,70 Consolidated Gold Fields 20, 26, capitalism 31 colonial, Rhodesian railway system construction, railway system, of 1-2 and 1-3 financing of 25-34 racial 10 motives for 17-25 Carter, H.C. 162 see also individual cattle ranching 3 companies/lines/towns Cave A ward 45, 47 contractors, settler 107-15 Cawston, G. 27, 151 co-option I 0--11 Central African Federation 73, 141-3 copper see mining Chaplin, F.P.D. 43-4, 152, 153, 160 Copperbelt, Northern Rhodesian see Chapman, H. 63-4, 87, 101, 156 Northern Rhodesia: Copperbelt Charter Group' 26 Crewe, Lord 165 Chartered Company see British Crosby,C.A. 177 South Africa Company Cross, S. 177 Chemin de Fer du Haut-Katanga 2, Croxton, A.H. 6, 149, 156, 157, 168, 42, 146 173 182 Index culture exports 36, 39, 48, 55, 58 black workers, of 126 white workers, of 77-90 Fairbridge, K. 147, 174 see also colour bar Fairfield, Lord 26 Fiander, Lavine and Company 114 d'Erlanger, Baron E.B. 156 Fieldhouse, O.K. 147, 174 The History of the ... Rhodesian finance see capital, railways and Transport System 20, 32, Fontesvilla, rail links to 20, 22, 32, 146-7, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 37 156, 174 Fort Victoria, rail links to 42 My Souvenirs 151, 174 Fox, H.W. 40, 151, 152 d'Erlangers 20, 31-3,47, 62, 63,70 Frankel, S.H. Davies, H.H. 67, 103, 104 Davies, R.H. 10, 148, 157, 174 Capita/Investment in Africa ... 150, 174 Davin, A. 159, 174 Interim Report ... Rhodesia Davis, C. (Clarence) 5, 147, 149, Railways 67-8, 154, 155, 157, 174 156, 157, 172 Davis, E. 23, 50, 54, 153, 154 The Railway Policy of South Africa De Beers 26-7,28,31,32-3, 150 174 debenture shares see capital, railways freemasonry 87 and: shares French West Africa I Deka-Falls deviation 110, 112, 126 Freund, B. 146, 174 Delagoa Bay railway 18, 19 Fynn, P. 160 Denoon, D. 147, 174 deskilling see labour, railways and: mechanisationldeskilling and Galbraith, J.S. 27, 150, 174 Dett, railway compound at 121 Gandhi, M. 112-13 direct labour see labour, railways Gann,L.H. 167,174 and Gatooma, rail links to 42 Downie, J.W. 49, 57, 154, 155, 161 Gelfand, M. 167, 174 Dubow, S. 157, 174 general strike see Southern Rhodesia, Durban, rail links to 2 general strike in Gibbons, E.G. 5, 177 Eakin, J.H. 174 Gielgud, V. 162 East coast route Gifford, Lord 18, 27 alternatives to 45-6 Gluckman, M. 165, 174 BSA Co and 19, 20, 48 Gold Fields see Consolidated Gold construction of 20, 22, 23, 78, I 09 Fields establishment of 19, 20 Good, K. 147, 174 rates on 37-9 Gore, 0. 62 service on, standard of 42 Goulds bury, C. 141, 168, 174 viability of 48 Gray, R. 167, 168, 174 Eldorado, rail links to 42 Great Depression, railways and Elizabethville, rail links to 2, 25, 42 employment and 107, 125 Emmanuel, A. 147, 174 financial crisis 58, 100 ethnicity, black workers, of 126-8 Northern Rhodesia, effects in 59 Europeans, South retrenchment 100 discrimination against 86 wage cuts 132 railway workers, as 86, I 08 Gregory, T. 146, 174 Index 183 Grey,Earl 151,162 imperialism Grillo, R.D. 174 dynamics of 7-9, 17-41 Gunder Frank, A. 147, 174 politics of 17 Gwanda, rail links to 23, 128 railway: dynamics of 17-41; Gwelo, railway and settler-colonialism and 9-10, compound at 121 42-74 links to 28,37,42, 78 settler-colonialism and 9-1 0 imports, rating and 39 Hale, P.H. 159 Indians Hammond, F.D., Report on the discrimination against 86 Railway System of Southern importing of 112-13 Rhodesia 35, 51, 97, 151, 152, railway workers, as 86, 112-13 154, 160, 172 indirect labour see labour, railways Hanes, T., III 5, 149, 157 and Hanlon, J. 168, 174 Industrial and Commercial Workers' Harlech, Lord 67-8, 156 Union (ICU) see trades unions, Harvey, D. I, 146, 147 railways and: Industrial and Hawkins, A.M. 5, 151, 177 Commercial Workers' Union Henry, J.A. 150 Industrial Conciliation Act 1934 Hiley, E.H. 53 102-3 Hilferding, R. 35, 151, 174 Industrial Disputes Act 1920 94,98 Hobsbawm, E.J. 80, 83, 158, 159, 174 industrial relations, railways and see Hobson, J.A. 147, 174 labour, railways and; trades Hone, P.F. 151, 152, 174 unions, railways and Hopkins, A.G. 7-9, 147, 150, 173 lnskipp, F.W. 158 Hosgood, W.J. 91 insurance, railway workers, for see housing, railway workers, for see labour, railways and, white labour, railways and, white workers: benefits for workers: benefits for Howitt, H. 68, 69, 156, 172 Jacobs,J. 120,164 Hoy, W. 53, 152, 153 Jameson, L.S. 22 Huggins, G. Jameson Raid, railways and 22-3, coalition government of 103 25 government and BSA Co. discuss Jeeves, A.H. 79, 158, 174 debenture conversion 62-3 Jews, discrimination against 86 Industrial Conciliation Act 1934 and Johnstone, F.A. 10, 148, 157, 175 104 Jollie, E.T. 151, 175 railways: modernisation of 142; Jones, J.F. 151, 152 ownership of and 64-5, 67, 70-1,73,104,155,157 Kafue, rail links to 46, 141 Reform Party wins 1933 election 60 Kalomo, rail links to 23, 30 Tredgold Commission and 135 Kanduza, A., The Political Economy of United Party formed; wins 1934 Underdevelopment . . . 5, 152, election 61, 97 153, 154, 155, 156, 168, 175 United Party wins 1948 election 73 Kansanshi mine 59 Katanga ICU see trades unions, railways and: mining in 43, 49, 54, 55, 59 Industrial and Commercial rail links to 2, 23, 24-5, 49, 53, Workers' Union (ICU) 54-5,146 184 Index Katanga continued by 114, 125-6; direct see also Chemin de Fer de Haut• labour and 115-25; ethnicity Katanga; Union Miniere de of 126-8, 129; free-flow' Haut- Katanga 119; housing for 136; identity Katzenellenbogen, S.E. 4, 150, 154, and 125-9, 136; indirect 175 labour and 107-15; Labour Kay, G. 147, 174 Board and 136, 137, 138; Keller, L.J.W. 158, 159, 160, 161 legislation for 115; levels of coalition government and 67, 103, 107; Masters and Servants Act 104 and 125, 135; medical care of corruption charges and I 00 113, 123-4, 135; migrants as freemasonry and 87 117, ll8, ll9; Native Labour Industrial Conciliation Act 1934 and Boards Act and 137; Native 104 Labour Proclamation 1917 and management and 94, 99 117; Native Labour Regulations railways, ownership of, and 104 l9ll and 110, ll3;Native Rhodesia Labour Party and 96, Registration Ordinance 1901 103-4 and 123; Native Welfare Rhodesia Labour Party [new] and Society and 121, 133; North 104-5 Western Rhodesia, from 110, RRWU, General Secretary of 93, ll6, 117, 118, 120; Pauling and 104 Company and 108-10, ll6; Southern Rhodesia Labour Party and prostitution and 88, 123-4, 103-4 128-9; protests by 125-6, Kennedy, D. Islands of White... 78, 131-2, 134; rations in lieu of 88, 158, 159, 161, 175 pay and 132; reconstruction Kildonan, rail links to 54 and 108-9; recruitment of Kimberley, rail links to 17-18,20, 108-14, 115-20; renting out of 27 ll 0-ll; Rhodesias/Nyasaland Krikler, J. 157, 175 1936 agreement and 119-20; Kruger, P. 18, 19, 21,22 RNLB and 109-10, 116; Kynaston, D. 150, 175 RRAEA and 134-5, 136, 137, 138-9, 143; RRWU and 136, 142; sabotage by 126; short• labour, railways and 77-145 ages of 109-10, Ill, 119; arbitration/conciliation and 92, 94, social control' and 126-7; 100-l, 104 strikes by 120, 121, 125, black workers 11-12, 13, 107-39; 129-31, 135-6, 137; AEU and 142; African Superintendent of Natives Affairs Department and 136; appointed 121-2; trades Bantu Benefit Society and unionism and 70, 79, 132, 131-2, 134; beliefs of 128; 142-3; wages of 80, 97, brewing and 122-3; central• lll-12, ll3, ll8-l9, 121, 124, isd management and 134; 125-6, 130, 131, 132, 134-5, compounds for 121-2, 133-4, 136, 137; Ways and Works and 142; conditions of 112-15, 118-19, 130-l, 132; white 120-5, 133-4, 135, 136; workers and 85-6, 88-9; consciousness of 125-9, 136; women and 122-3, 124, culture of 126, 129; desertions 128-9 Index 185 colour bar and 77, 78-80, 85-6, 91, Lee, M.E. 152, 153, 177 97-8, 102-3, 106, 119, 130, Legassick, M. 147, 175 136, 142 Lenin, V.I. 8, 147, 175 coloured workers, white workers Letcher, 0. 87, 146, 159, 175 and 86, 142 Lewis, J.P. 10, 148, 157, 175 freemasonry and 87 Leys, C. 175 Great Depression and I 00, 107, Liebigs 46 125, 132 Livingstone Indian workers, white workers and labour migrants at 117, 119, 120 86 rail links to 23 National Industrial Council and Lobito Bay, rail links to 24, 146 104 Loch, Henry 18, 27 management, contacts with 87,91 London and Paris Exploitation manliness' and 87 Company 32 mechanisation/deskilling and 80-1 London, City of municipal regulations and 123 Rhodes and 26, 31 process 10 Rhodesian railway system and racial organisation of II, I 06 8-9,29,31-3 racism and 86-7 Louis, Wm. R. 147, 175 'scientific management' and 81 Lozi [people] 117, 126-7, 163 settler contractors and 107-15 Luanshya, rail links to 55 technology, new, and 80, 81 Lunn, J. white workers 10-11, 77-106; 'Capital and Labour on the bailiwick', concept of 85, Rhodesian Railway System, 88-9; benefits for 83, 91, 98; 1890-1939' 147 black workers and 85-6, 'The Meaning of the 1948 General 88-9, 142; codes of behaviour Strike .. .' 149, 168, 175 and 82, 91; coloured workers 'The Political Economy of Protest and 86, 142; culture of ' 148, 167, 168, 177 77-90, 157; disciplining of Lunsemfa, power station at 62 82; educating of 82; Great Depression and I 00; Indian McBean and Company Limited Ill workers and 86; lay-offs of McCracken, J. 4, 146, 175 100; Pauling and Company and Machtig, H. 156, 162, 167 78, 107-8; personal McKenna, F. 82, 85, 158, 159, 175 involvement of 82, 83-5, 87-8, McNamara, C.J. 121-2, 124 89-0; Progress Scheme and McNeillie, J. I 04 81; prostitution and 88; racism Mafeking, rail links to 20, 21, 22 and 85-7; recruitment of 78, Maguire, R. 47, 153, 154 91; shortages of 91, 93, I 02, Malcolm, D. 153, 156 105, 136; society, place in Malvernia, rail links to 141 87-8, 106; strikes by 130, 138; management, railways, of wages of 78, 80,91-2,94-5, arbitration/conciliation and 92, 94, 97-9, 105, 121, 130; women, 100-1' 104, 105-6 role of, and 88-9 BSA Co. and 78-9 women, employment of 89 Conciliation Board and 94 see also management, railways, of; Court of Arbitration and 92 strikes, railways, on; trades National Industrial Council and unions, railways and 104 186 Index management, railways, of continued railways and 54, 57,58 RRWU and 101-3, 105-6 settler government, in 49 scientific' 81 Moore,G.G. Ill, 162 strategies of: benevolent despotism Moorsom, R. 148, 175 91; coercion 11; paternalism Morris, J.S. 161 11; racial despotism' 139 Mosley, P. The Settler Economies. structure of 82-5 Studies... 5, 39, 151, 152, 154, see also labour, railways and; trades 175 unions, railways and Mount Hampden, rail links to 42 Mandel, E. 147, 175 Mozambique Manica Highlands, British/Portuguese Delagoa Bay line 18 struggle for 19 Oury and 50 Manyika [people] 126 Portugal and 144 Marx, K. 1, 10, 148, 175 railway labour: from 126; in marxism 8, 79 118; Maryland, rail links to 54 South Africa and 144 Mashonaland 18, 20, 22, 37 Trans-Zambezia Railway and 46 Mashonaland Railway Company Mozambique Company Beira Railway Company and 56 Beira Railway Company and 28 BSA Co. and 2, 30, 32-3 BSA Co. and 19-20, 37-8 formed 23 Oury and 46, 49 Oury's bid for 46 Murray, D.J. 5, 153, 160, 161, 175 ownership of 2, 32-3, 35 Rhodesia-Katanga Junction ... National Union of Railway and Company and 54-5 Harbour Servants see trades Rhodesia Railways Limited, unions, railways and: National amalgamation with 60, 61, Union of Railway and Harbour 62,63 Servants Masters and Servants Act 125, 135 nationalisation see railway system, Matabele (people) 126, 127 Rhodesian: state ownership of Matabeleland 21, 22 'native labour' see labour, railways May lam, P., Rhodes, the Tswana and and: black workers the British... 5, 17, 18, 19, 27, Native Labour Boards Act 1937 137 149, 150, 175 Ndebele state 18, 21 Mazoe Citrus Estates 2-3 Ndola, labour at Ill, 114-15 mechanisation see labour, railways Newbury, C. 175 and: mechanisationldeskilling and Newton, F. 49, 153, 154, 155 Messina, rail links to 45, 46, 50 Nkana, rail links to 55 mining Northern Rhodesia mineral rights, BSA Co.'s ownership African trades unionism in 143 of 2,23-4,43, 72 Central African Federation, in railway system and 2, 24, 42, 43, 141 53,54-5,58,59,62,72 colour bar and 97 studies of 3 Copperbelt 55, 59, 105, 118; see also Northern Rhodesia: Benguella Railway and 62, Copperbelt 64, 143; Lunsemfa power Mitchell, L. 152, 160 station and 62; rail links to Moffat, H.U. 153-4, 155, 161 2, 53, 55, 58, 80-1, Ill, 135 premiership of 54, 57 Great Depression and 59 Index 187 mineral rights in, BSA Co.'s Pauling and Company Limited ownership of 2 BSA Co. and 31-3,37, 107 North Western Rhodesia, labour d'Erlangers and 31-3 recruitment from 110, 116, East coast route and 37 117,118,120 Indian Emigration Act and 112 railway system of 64, 65; building labour, recruitment of, and 78, of 30; independence and 107-10, 112, 116 143; labour, recruitment of, in Oury and 47 109-10, 111, 116, 118, 120; medical fund of 113 ownership of 51-2, 64, 147; pricing and 112 Railway Commission and 52, strikes and 130 53, 59; rates on 5, 48, 55-6, Pauling, G. 31, 32, 162 59-60; state ownership of 68, The Chronicles of a Contractor 70-1,73, 147; strikes on 100, 146,151, 175 105, 135, 139; TanZam railway Pauros Mugwagwa Musonza 162 opened 144; Zambia pensions, railway workers, for see Railways created 143; see labour, railways and, white also railway system, workers: benefits for Rhodesian; names of individual Perrings, C. 176 lines and towns Phimister, I.R. Rhodesias/Nyasaland 1936 labour 'Accommodating Imperialism: the agreement 119 Compromise .. .' 148, 157, South Africa and 59 176 Southern Rhodesia and 48, 55-6, An Economic and Social Histoty of 59 Zimbabwe 9, 28, 74, 105, strikes and 100, 105, 135, 139 137-8, 146,147, 148, 150, 157, underdevelopment of 5, 141 160, 161, 167-8, 176 Nuanetsi, rail links to 3 'The History of Mining in Southern Nyasaland Rhodesia .. .' 157, 158, 161, black railway workers' strike in 4 177 Rhodesias/Nyasaland 1936 labour 'Meat and Monopolies: Beef Cattle agreement 119 • 153, 176 Southern Rhodesia, labour migration 'The Political Economy of Tribal to 118, 126, 127 Animosity .. .' 127, 166 Trans-Zambesia Railway and 46 'Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Rand' Nyasaland Railways 4, 25 5, 17, 146, 149, 150, 176 'The Structure and Development of the ... Mineral Industry ... ' Orange Free State 17-19 154, 176 Oury, L. 46-7, 49-50 Studies in the History of African Ousmane, S. 1, 146 Mine Labour in Colonial Owen, R. 147, 175 Zimbabwe 125, 148, 165, 176 Palapye, rail links to 20, 62, 72 'Towards a History of Zimbabwe's Palmer, R. 146, 149, 165, 175 Rhodesia Railways' 6-7, 17, Parry, R. 177 141,147, 149, 150, 151, 154, Parsons, N. 146, 165, 175 168, 176 paternalism, management strategy, as Pollak, 0. 167, 176 II Port Elizabeth, rail links to 2, 37 188 Index Portugal colonial capitalism and 1-3 Beira railway lines and 46, 50, colour bar see colour bar; labour, 51-2,71 railways and: colour bar Manica Highlands, struggle with Commission of Enquiry into 44-5 Britain over 19-20 constructionof 1-2,17-25; Mozambique and 19-20,37, 144 Northern Rhodesia, in 23, 30; Portuguese East Africa 2, 19-20 politics and 17; Southern Portuguese workers, discrimination Rhodesia, in 23; see also against 86 individual press, BSA Co. and 3 companies/lines/towns Prins, G. 165, 176 deskilling and see labour, railways production, peasant, impact of railways and: mechanisation/deskilling on 13 and Progress Scheme 81 exports/imports and 36, 39, 48, 55, Progressive Party 53-54,57 58,62,64 prostitution 88, 123-4, 128-9 financing of 25-34 public control see railway system, Great Depression and 58-60, 100, Rhodesian, public control of 107, 125, 132 Pungwe River, railway construction at Hammond enquiry and 51 20,22 housing, railway workers, for see Purkis, A. 4, 177 labour, railways and, white workers: benefits for Que Que, railway compound at 121 imperialism and 17-41 independence and 143 racism 86-7, 106 insurance, railway workers, for see management and 139 labour, railways and, white segregation, railways and 13 workers: benefits for white working-class 10-11 Jameson Raid and 22-3, 25 see also colour bar; labour, railways labour on see labour, railways and and: white workers, racism and light railways, strategy for 42 Railway African Workers' Union see management of see management, trades unions, railways and: railways, of Railway African Workers' Union mechanisation and see labour, Railway Commission 52-3, 56-7, railways and: mechanisation/ 61, 62,66 deskilling and Railway Enquiry Committee 45 mining and 2, 24, 42, 43, 53, 54-5, 'railway imperialism' 17-41, 147 58, 59 see also Northern railway system, Rhodesian Rhodesia: Copperbelt Advisory Council set up 45 modernisation of 142 Africa, colonial, importance of to monopoly capital, as 25-34 1-3 municipal regulations and 123 agreement 1926 51 nationalisalion of see state BSA Co. and see British South ownership of Africa Company, railway Oury and 46-7 system and ownership of see public control of capital and 17-74, 142 peasant production and 13 Central African Federation and pensions, railway workers, for see 141, 142, 143 labour, railways and, white City of London and 8-9, 29, 31-3 workers: benefits for Index 189

public control of 49-71 Commissions of Enquiry into racism on see labour, railways 44-5,51 and: white workers, racism and exports/imports and 36, 39, 48, 55, rating policy on see rating policy 58,62,64, 72 recession and 42, 58, 93 Northern Rhodesia, development of, reserves and 56-9,60-1,65-6 and 5 responsible government and see Railway Commission and 66 settler government and reductions in 57, 60, 61, 62, 72, revenue of 51-2,56-9,60-1, 92 65-6,92 road transport and 53, 64 role of 2 settlers and 34, 35-9, 41, 43; see segregation and 13 also settlers, government: settler government and 48-74 railways and wages and 98 Southern Rhodesian government, recession, railways and 42, 58, 93 purchase by 71-4 Reform Committee 37,40-1 state ownership of 10, 49, 51, 61, Reform Movement in Rhodesia, The 64-5,67-74,104,106 151, 152, 176 strikes and see strikes, railways, on Reform Party 57, 60, 61, 97 studies of 3, 5-9 reserves see railway system, technology, new, and see labour, Rhodesian: reserves railways and: technology, new Responsible Government Association trades unions and see trades 41,48 unions, railways and responsible government, establishment UDI and 143 of 48-9 unity of 13 revenue see railway system, Ways and Works department Rhodesian: revenue of 118-19, 130 Rhodes, C.J. 2 workers on see labour, railways and Britain and 17, 18, 19,21-2 World War II and 65-7 Cape Premiership and 18, 19 Zambia Railways created 143 Cape Railway, Kimberley extension Zimbabwean liberation and 144 of, and 17-18 see also individual railway City of London and 26, 31 companies and all main Consolidated Gold Fields and 20, headings 26 railways De Beers and 26-7 colonial Africa, in 1-5 death of 23 impact of I Jameson Raid and 22-3, 25 Railways Act 1926 5, 52, 98 Pauling and Company and 32 Railways Act 1935 61-2,65 priorities of 17 Railways Amendment Act 1941 railways and 17-19,23,25, 149 66-7 Rand and 2, 17, 18, 26, 27 Railways Enquiry Bill1924 51 Rhodesia, investment in 27 Rand Mines limited 26 South African Federation, idea of Rand, South African 2, 17-8,20,27, 19,21,22 30 studies of 5 Ranger, T.O. 176 see also British South Africa rating policy Company Benguella Railway and 59 Rhodesia Chamber of Mines 93 Central African Federation and 141 Rhodesia Chrome Mines Ltd 2 190 Index Rhodesia-Katanga Junction Railway Rhodesian Railway Review 12, 82-3, and Mineral Company 24-5, 53, 97, 158, 159, 160, 161, 173 54-5,58 Rhodesias, amalgamation of 55, 65, Rhodesia Labour Party (new) 104, 73 105 road transport Rhodesia Mine and General Workers' colour bar in 64 Association see trades unions, railways and 53, 64 railways and: Rhodesia Mine and Roan Antelope Copper Mines Limited General Workers' Association 55 Rhodesia NativeLabour Bureau Robinson, H. 27 (RNLB) 109-10, 116, 163 Roediger, D. 157 Rhodesia, Northern see Northern Ross, E.R. 44, 91, 92 Rhodesia Rotberg, R. 146, 176 Rhodesia, Southern see Southern Rothschilds 26, 31, 150-1 Rhodesia RRAEA see trades unions, railways Rhodesia Railway Workers' Union and: Rhodesia Railways African (RRWU) see trades unions, Employees' Association railways and: Rhodesian Railway (RRAEA) Workers' Union RRWU see trades unions, railways Rhodesia Railways Act 1949 71 and: Rhodesia Railway Workers' Rhodesia Railways Bulletin 83, 158 Union Rhodesia Railways Limited Rudd, C. 20, 28, 149, 150 Beira, construction work at, and 50 Rudland and Sons Ill BSA Co. and 28, 33 Rudland,G.W. Ill, 112,162 Mashonaland Railway Company, Russell, A.E. 98, 158, 161 amalgamation with 60, 61, 62,63 name changed from Bechuanaland Sakania, rail links to 2, 42 Railway Company, qv 28, 33 Salisbury ownership of 2, 30, 33, 138 ICU in 137 see also railway system, Rhodesian railway and: compound at 121; Rhodesia Railways Road Motor links to 2, 23, 113; strike call Service 53, 64 at 137, 138; wages at 118 Rhodesia Railways Trust 2, 33-4, 35, Salisbury, Lord 19 43 Sandbrook,R. 5-6,167,176 Rhodesia Review 29, 30, 150, 151 Saul, J. 147, 173 Rhodesian and General Asbestos Savanhu, J. 139 Corporation 2 segregation, railways and see colour Rhodesian Anglo-American 2, 55 bar; labour, railways and: colour Rhodesian Labour Party bar Africans, admission of, and 103 Selukwe coalition government and 67 Chrome Trust and 54 formation of 88 rail links to 23, 50 RRWU and 90,96-7, 100, 103-4 Senior, W.S. 64, 156 Southern Rhodesia Labour Party, settler amalgamation with 103-4 -colonialism 9-10, II, 42-74 Rhodesian Mine Owners' Association contractors 107-15 93 government, establishment of 48-9; Rhodesian Party 53, 54, 60, 96, 97 railways and 49-74; see also Index 191

Southern Rhodesia, railway general strike in 12, 137-8 system of labour shortages in 109-10,118 settlers labour unrest in 12 BSA Co. and 34, 35, 37,39-74 mineral rights in 2, 60 South Africa, post-WWI union with, Northern Rhodesia and 48, 55-6, 60 and 47-8 railway system of: colour bar on see also rating policy 69, 70; construction in see Shabani, rail links to 71 names of individual lines and Shamva, rail links to 42 towns; government of and 10, share issues see capital, railways and: 34, 69,70-1, 100-1,147; shares ownership of 48-9, 50-2, Shon (people) 126, 127 147; purchase of 71-4, Siepman, H.A. 150 138-9; Railway Commission Sinoia, rail links to 42, 46, 54, 58, 141 and 52-3; rating on 48, 56; Sivewright, J. 27 strikes on 100-1, 135-6, Skillicorn, W.J.K. 64 138-9; trades unionism on Smit, A.J. 114 138, 143; UDI and 143; see Smith,l. 143 also railway system, Rhodesian Smith, N. 147, 176 responsible government, Smuts, J. 48, 95 establishment of 48-9 Somabula, rail links to 71, 113-14, RNLB established 109-10 130, 141 settler community, BSA Co. and Sorrenson, M.P.K. 147, 176 9-10,34,35,37,39-74 South Africa South Africa and 47-8,86-7,95, Beira/Benguella lines, sabotage of 144 144 strikes in 1, 5, 12, 91,92-3,98, Rand 2, 17, 18, 21; Rhodes and 99-100, 135-6, 138-9 2, 17, 18 Zimbabwe, as 144 Southern Rhodesia, proposed Southern Rhodesia Labour Party 103, post-WWI union with 47-8, 104 86-7,95 Southey. A.L. 110 South African Federation, Rhodes' Spriggs, J. 17-18 idea of 19, 21,22 Standard bank 27 South African Mine Workers' state ownership see railway system, Association 93 Rhodesian: state ownership of South African Railways strikes, railways, on BSA Co. and 38, 62 French West Africa 1 colour bar on 80 Nyasaland 4 rating on 44 Rhodesia: black workers 1, 5, 12, Rhodesian railway system, 120, 121, 125, 129-31, 133-7, connections with 2, 45, 50 139; white workers 12, 91, trades unions and 95 92-3,98,99-100,130,138, Vryburg, rail links to, and 38, 62, 139 71-2 Stuart, 0. 148, 167, 177 see also Cape Railways Sutcliffe, R. 147, 175 Southern Rhodesia Sweezy, P. 147, 173 African trades unionism in 143 economy of, railway system and 5, 10,48,65 Tail, C. 162, 167 192 Index Tanganyika Concessions Limited National Industrial Council and (Tanks) 24 104 TanZam railway 144 National Union of Railway and technology, new see labour, railways Harbour Servants 95 and: technology, new Railway African Workers' Union Tete Province 46 143 Thomas, L. 152 Railway Employees' Union of Thornton, S., 'A History of the African Rhodesia I 01 Population ofBulawayo' 6, 133, Rhodesia Mine and General 137-8, 146, 148, 167, 177 Workers' Association 92-3 Titus, P.J. 160 Rhodesia Railway Workers' Union Tonga (people) 6, 163 (RRWU) 80; AEU and 93-4, trades unions, railways and 93 95, 103, 104; African Railway Workers' Trade arbitration/conciliation and Union 143 94,101,102-3, 104;b1ack African Workers' Voice Association workers' housing and 136; 137 BSA Co. and 87-8, 92-3, 94, Amalgamated Engineers' Union 95; class structure and 87, 88; (AEU); arbitration/conciliation closed shop and 104; coali• and 102, 104; 'closed' tion government and 67; unionism and 90; colour bar colour bar and 97-8, 102-3, and 142; decline of 96; 106, 142; Conciliation Board National Industrial Council and and 94; formation of 91-2; I 04; Rhodesia Labour Party freemasonry and 87; Great and 96; RRWU and 93-4, Depression and 100; 95, 103, 104; Russell Court of Industrial Conciliation Act Enquiry and 98-9; semi• 1934 and 102-3, 104, 105; skilled workers and 81, I 02, 'Justice, Freedom and 103 Commerce' as motto of 87; Amalgamated Society of Railway Keller and 67, 87, 93, 94, 96, Servants of South Africa 90, 99, 100, 104-5; management 92,93 and 101-3, 105-6; arbitration/conciliation and 92, 94, 'manliness' and 87; 100-1, 102-3, 104 mobilisation of white workers Bantu Benefit Society and 131-2 and 84, 87, 92; motto of 87; black railwaymen and 70, 79, Northern Rhodesia and 104; 131-2, 142-3 'open' industrial unionism and Bulawayo African Workers' Trade 95-6; pay and conditions, Union 137 bargaining for 92, 94-5, Conciliation Board established 94 97-9, 105; racism and 86, Court of Arbitration established 97-8, 106; Rhodesia Labour 92 Party and 88, 90,96-7, 100, Industrial and Commercial Workers' 103-4, 104-5; Rhodesian Union (ICU) 132, 133, 137 Railway Review 12, 82-3,97, Industrial Conciliation Act 1934 and 158, 159,160, 161, 173; 104 Russell Court of Enquiry and Joint Industrial Council formed 98-9; sexual relations, 143 black/white, and 89; South management and 101-2 Africa, proposed post-WWI Index 193 union with 95; Southern The Political Economy of Tribal Rhodesia Labour Party and Animosity .. .' 127, 166, 176 I 03-4; strikes and 92-2, 98, Studies in ... African Mine Labour in 99-100; Colonial Zimbabwe 125, 148, Rhodesia Railways African 165, 176 Employees' Association 'Worker Consciousness in Black (RRAEA) 134-5, 136-7, Miners .. .' 125, 126, 165 138-9, 143; Varian, H.F. 146, 149, 176 Southern Rhodesian government and Vickery, K. 6, 149, 177, 163, 177 138-9; studies of 5-6 Victoria Falls white railwaymen and II, 12, 79, bridge closed 144 90-106 labour migrants at 113-14, 117, see also labour, railways and; 119 management, railways, of rail links to 2, 23, 78 Transvaal 18,19,21-2 Vryburg, rail links to Trans-Zambezia Railway 46, 118, Cape Colony and 18, 20 126 Cape Railways and 38, 78 Tredgold Commission 133-4, 135-7, construction of 2, 18, 20,21 167 Pauling and Company and 32 Turner, A. 5, 167, 168, 176 South African Railways and 38, Turrell, R. 150, 176 62, 71-2

wages see labour, railways and Walvis Bay, rail links to 59, 141 Umboe, rail links to 54 Wamuwe 117 Umtali, railway and Wankie compound at 121, 122 coal from 24, 43, 55, 59, 62, 135, links to 2, 22, 23, 37, 113 143 mafia' at 123 rail links to 2, 23, 43, 113, 125, 135 trades union at 90 railway compound at 121 wages at 118 Warren, B. 147, 177 Umvukwe, rail links to 54, 58 Watt, J. 167 Umvuma, rail links to 113 Webster, E. 10, 148, 157, 177 Union Miniere de Haut-Katanga 43, Weinthal, L. 146, 177 59 Wernher, J. 26 United Party 61, 67, 69, 73, 104 West Nicholson, rail links to 23, 45, Upton, J. 163 46,50 Urban Areas Accommodation and White, L. 4-5, 149, 153, 177 Registration Act 1946 137 white workers see labour: white workers Vail, L. 4, 146, 147, 149, 176 Wilburn, K.E., Jr Van Der Poet, J. 176 'The Climax of Railway Competition van Horn, L. 165 .. .' 4, 17, 149, 150, 177 Van Laun, H. 20 (ed.) Railway Imperialism 5, 147, Van Onselen, C. 149, 157, 174 'Black workers in Central African Wilkins, R.E. 158, 162 industry .. .' 12, 148 Williams, R. 24, 54 Chibaro. African Mine Labour ... Wilson, G. 128, 166, 177 11,125,148,165,176 Wolpe, H. 157, 177 194 Index women, role of Yuval Davis, N. 173 black 128-9 white 88-9, 128-9 Zaire see Belgian Congo see also prostitution Zambezi river VVoods, T. 4, 146, 177 Portugal and 19 workers see labour railway bridge over 4-5 Zambia see Northern Rhodesia Yoshikuni, T. 177 Zambia Railways 143 Young, H. 62 Zimbabwe see Southern Rhodesia