y, Jan. 2 0 , 1966 Thursday, Jan. 20, 1966 The Denver Register Section 2— Page 1 lable; !2 An Abbot Will Retire After Years of Progress d recommendation By C. J. Zecha in 1933 until the ette. with its mission of St. stor is required for / An outstanding educa­ present has been remarkable. Schola-slica's, Erie. on. In January, 1958, 88 acres of tor, administrator, and farmland, including buildings UNDER Abbot Schiwinn’s Benet Hill academ y j speaker, the Rt. Rev. and installations for and jurisdiction, the expansion of mit enrollment, the Leonard Schwinn, O.S.B., ranch purposes, were added the school has made great ir September, 1966, i who will retire as Abbot to the property, when strides, including a building 1 because of con- : of Holy Cross Abbey, the monastery came into pro­ built in 1956. In 1953 another )f an entire new ' City, on Feb. 16, prietary possession of the fa­ building was completed, 555 Chelton road. j has already left a mark cility formerly known as Stale which was designed by 1 information con- of growth at the Benedic­ Prison Farm No. 5. The land Michael Jankowski, O.S.B. examinations for I tine monastery in the Di­ is directly bordering on the Also built in recent years ■ any level from older holdings of the abbey, wa.s St. Theresa’s for h year as of Sep- t ocese of Pueblo where he which amounted to about 132 the Benedictine Sisters who ), may be obtained has been for 33 acres, thus making the land handle the kitchen and local parochial years. available to the abbey a total domestic affairs of the monas- ipals and from the ‘ When he voluntarily steps of 220 acres for school, monas­ terj’. .Also con.structed was the Ice, 473-3096. ( aside next month as head of tery, and farm purposes. modem, all-purpose gymnasi­ the abbey he will be leaving Some of Abbot Schwinn’s um. Besides progress in build­ an institution that he has led more notable accomplish­ ing at the abbey, there has to a position of growth and in­ ments in spreading the Faith fluence among religious com­ been remodeling work of include; classrooms and buildings to munities in the West. He was directly instrumen­ serve the purpose of the From the time he took over tal in establishing and staffing . as apostolic administrator in St. Thomas More’s hospital. 1933, on through his Canon City: The abbey makes a large economic contribution to the appointment as Abbot by Pius He helped establish anoth­ ST. JOSEPH’S HALL, on the abbey school campus, is one of the more re­ XI on June 18, 1937, Abbot Canon City area each year, jlste r — er Catholic hospital, St. Jo­ cent structures added to the school. It houses administrative offices and class­ Schwinn has distinguished seph's, in nearby Florence; exclusive of building or re­ rooms. himself through his work and He helped to eliminate anti- modeling program.^. zeal. Catholicism ir. the area by his portions. Consequently on July 2. 1907. He made his sim ­ F.ATHER LEONARD was personal acts of charity not HOLY CROSS ABBEY is a .'May 1. 1928, ground was bro­ ple profession of vows a year of St. Benedict’s college daughter house of St. Vin­ IN COLLABORATION with only to Catholics, but to non- ken for the students' residence later at St. Vincent’s Abbey, from 1918 to 1922. Following cent’s archabbey. Latrobe. building (L'Uathorne halU, : h in e s ____40 < , the respective Ordinaries of Catholics; Latrobe, Pa., where he contin­ this term , he was assigned to Pa. Because of the scarcity of which contains lodgings for ued his philosophy studies. He work and wa.s the pas­ IAL-A-ST1TCH the Archdiocese of Denver His lectures and talks IS. darns and msnds. and the of Pueblo, he throughout the state have priests in the Colorado area. ISO students. received his baclwlor’s degree tor at Purcell, Kans.. from and sews on buttons, Archabbol Boniface Wimmer. is responsible for staffing the helped in breaking down prej­ in philosophy in 1912. In 1913 1922 to 1928. During this time stitches all without O S B of St. Vincent’s arch- From its very beginning he made his solemn profes­ he was diocesan director of Assume 2 paynents many Benedictine parishes udice: THE TUDOR- of Holy Holy Cross abbey has main­ ish. 344-64S0. abbey, sent the first contin­ sion as a Benedictine . the Society for the Propaga­ and chaplaincies in Colorado. In spite of many obstacles, Cross abbey. Canon City, makes the monastery tained a school of theology for LE 44 building a towering spectacle lo travelers as they gent of to Colo­ tion of the Faith and edited At present he is superior of he established a Benedictine the younger member.s of the In 1914 he went to the Coleg- 62 priests and 18 lay brothers approach the city. This is the original building, built rado, at the request of the society’s diocesan maga­ astened to leg above foundation in one of the poor­ Joseph Proiectus .Machebeuf. community. io di SI. .Anselmo. the Interna­ g red light on side, iu the community, and direc­ est and Communist-ridden in 1924. Since then, under Abbot Leonard Schwinn’s zine. He also .served as state light. Patented. Bishop of Denver. In the fall tional Benedictine college in for the Knights of tor of the 255 students in the areas of the Republic of Pana­ direction, numerous other buildings and facilities ABBOT SCHWINN, who is , to study theology. The school. of 1886 ihese monks located at Columbus, and it was about ma; have been added. Breckenridge. Colo., equally at home in a rancher’s war interrupted his study and. _____ ( I He is well known as a teach­ this time that he began giving His mo.sl recent efforts have a monastery on Dec. 18. 1886. outfit as he is in his clerical after one year, he returned lo retreats for laymen during the er and a retreat master, hav­ Stale Penitentiary. Canon Florence, with its mission of S2A I been aimed at establishing a garb, was born on Feb. 16. the U.S. and St. Vincent's. summer months. ing given many retreats place of study in Mexico City City, and tho Medium Securi­ St, Patrick’s. Rockvale, and Bishop Machebeuf later do­ 1890. in Wellington, Kans. ardlng. Reasonable ty Center. They have charge Our Lady of A.ssumption. nated a tract of land in Bould­ He returned to St. Ben­ lht and told. 68th throughout the country.' in past for those monks who will Since the tim e he was a young He was ordained to the Cell 288-S2I2 years. He has taught homilet­ work in American mis- of St. Thomas .\quinas New­ Wcstcliffe. er county to the Colorado Ben­ boy he has had a love for ihe priesthood on May 25, 1916, edict’s in 1928 and assumed edictines. attaching to the ics to the priesthood students sion.s: man Center at the University In the Archdiocese of Den­ outdoors, which is exemplified after completing bis course in his duties on the college’s fac­ grant the spiritual care of at the abbey, as well as He has directed the Abbey of Colorado, Boulder, and con­ ver, the monks staff Sacred by his presence on the abbey theology, and received his ulty. He was moderator of de­ le. Marble & Flag- souls in the entire county. bate teams and professor of lot. Time payments, courses in the high school di­ School for Boys, and fostered duct a sum m er camp for boys Heart of Jesus parish, Bould­ grounds, where he has often m aster’s degree in theology. le Co. 722-4038, 1343 vision. In 1958 he was the re­ vocations for the order as well at the abbey. er: of Mao', been found working about the He did advance work in phi­ philosophy and English. cipient of an honorary doctor Parishes and missions in BECAUSE the constantly monastery building or in the losophy at the University of The great progress that the as for the Diocese of Pueblo. South Boulder, with its mis­ increasing Catholic population of laws degree a w a rd ^ by St. the Diocese of Pueblo staffed sion of St. Benedict’s Superi­ spacious orchard. Chicago and Columbia Univ- abbey has made in its educa­ of the stale warranted further tional and building programs Benedict’s college, Atchi.son, THE PRIESTS of the abbey by the Canon City Benedic­ or; St. Theresa’s, Frederick, ersiiv during the summer MOTHER expansion. Bishop Nicholas C. He completed his high months of 1918 and 1920, re­ in the past years is a tribute HELP! Kans. hold chaplaincies of two Cath­ tines are St. Leander’s and with its mission of Guardian olic hospital.s in Fremont St. M ary’s. Pueblo; St. Mi­ Matz in 1894 invited the Ben­ school training in 1907 at St. spectively. He received his to Abbot Schwinn’s zeal, per­ lay thru Friday Angels’, -Meade; St. John the edictine priests to extend Benedict’s and entered the severance in times of difficul­ to 6 THE PROGRESS made at county and one Catholic hospi­ doctorate of philosophy from chael’s, Canon City, with its B a p t i s t 's , Longmont; St. their activities into Fremont iges 2 le 4 the abbey from the time Ab­ tal in Ogden. Utah. They fill mission of St. .Anthony's. Kansas abbey’s on St. Vincent’s in 1921, ties. and efforts in making the Louis', Ixiuisville; and Im­ and Pueblo counties. There, abbey school and monastery So. E. Denver on bot Schwinn cam e to the chaplaincies at the Colorado Brookside: St. Benedict’s. maculate Conception. Lafay- '37-4021. After 6:00 new churches and parochial something that Coloradans schools bore witness to the can look at with pride. success of their missionary Humble, yet a dynamic per­ 73 endeavors. sonality. Abbot Schwinn, in Under the direction of Arcn- his years as superior of the / T A m m D w abbot Leander Schnerr. abbey, has demonstrated his O.S.B., the Benedictines be­ concern for the growth of edu­ gan the construction of a cation and in the school in Pueblo in 1903. In state through his noble works. lower arranging. /776, me yeAf^ WOE- Iso arrangements U Pe/^oeA/ce, m e P/psrAA/o/ytosr//ypoppW 7’ September of the same year John XXIII awarded 477-9321 for Info. exPUJPA7?oA/aPwes7BPA/ co^cxiAPio tvn s the doors of the new schwl the cross “Pro Ecclesia et were opened to admit stu­ UNoeRTA/

f Late Marguerite Higgins on Vietnam Which Mutual Fund OUR VIETNA.M NIGHT­ religious persecution; that the is the result of months of the Americans “risked open­ liam Johnson; Norton; 291 MARE, By Marguerite Hig­ so-called Buddhist crisis had digging throughout South ing a Pandora’s box in Viet­ pages; $5.95. gins; Harper; 314 pages; seriously affected the morale Vietnam, often at great per­ nam .” As Miss Higgins puts The latest Gallup poll indi­ Is Best For You? $5.95. of the South Vietnamese arm­ sonal risk. This Is indeed a it; “There were times to act. cated that 74 per cent of the story that was not covered Correspondent Marguerite ed forces, and therefore the and also times not to act. the American public thinks Rob­ war effort: that the only way from the bar of Saigon’s Ho­ Vice President argued ..And ert F. Kennedy wants to be There is a tremendous variety of Mutual Funds Higgins was almost a lone tel Caravelle. available . . . and we handle most of the leading Funds. voice in Saigon during the out lay in the removal of unless we could be sure that President. The poll also indi­ Diem in order to pave the v/ay the successors to Diem would cated that 55 per cent believes They have difTcrenl investment objectives. TING summer and fall of 1963. Every personality who fig­ While the U.S. press corps for a more understanding re­ be better, the prudent course that som eday he will win the S S o W T H Some specialize in bonds or preferred stocks, others gime. By some magic of its ured in the tragedy that was to stick with the known seemed bent on undermining moved toward its climax on nomination. That Nick Thim­ in both common stocks and bonds, while the legal government of South own, representative democ­ — even though troublesome mesch and William Johnson, racy was to rally the Vietna­ .November 1, 1963, pas.ses in — quantity. Who was there still others concentrate on the securities of a single Vietnam, Miss Higgins, sens­ review — from Ngo Dinh the journalist authors of this ing the trap toward which mese to a more vigorous pros­ with tne will and force of political biography, were mo­ industry. The Mutual Fund for you is the one ecution of the war. Diem to Thlch Tri Quam, ihe chaiactcr to do as well as biased, anli-Diem reporting ‘•Machiavelli with incense.” tivated in part by similar opin­ whose objectives correspond with yours. Ours is an he?” ions cannot be doubted. They TORS was leading the Kennedy Ad­ Hindsight demon.strates that who supplied the dope pills impartial service to help you choose a Fund have outdone themselves re- D i v e r s m ^ 9375 ministration. was sounding an Miss Higgins’ forebodings and gasoline for the Buddhist Events have demonstrated consistent with your personal requirements. portorially in producing an alarm . Now in book form, were not unfounded. It docs suicides. Soldiers, Vietna­ that this was a good ques­ We will be happy to send you information about two years and an incredible not explain how such flatly excellent study of a contro­ mese and American, are in­ tion. For the chaos, both mili­ In v estm e n t Mutual Funds f o r you. Just mail the coupon below, CO. turnover of Saigon govern­ contradictory versions of the terviewed in the field, peas­ tary and political, that fo llo w ­ versial figure, heir apparent Id sink ments later. Miss Higgins’ same situation could have of the established Kennedy anteed. ants in their villages and ed on the m urder of Diem Fund. story has lost none of its au­ been coming out of Saigon at ham lets. What em erges is brought South Vietnam within legend. thentic ring. the same time. There are the picture of a country and a hair's breath of total col­ The Fortieth Year began on BOSWORTH times when one wonder.s a people completely and inex­ lapse as the Vietcong .sought Nov. 20. 1965, and launched whether Miss Higgins and cusably misunderstood by lo capitalize on the blunder. R.F.K. on his own. outside SULLIVAIV & (This review of Miss Hig­ such correspondents as the those who most influenced the giant shadow of his prince­ gins’ last book was written be­ N.Y. Tim es’ David Halber- U.S. policy toward the Diem Many people, some well- ly and martyred . This COMPANY, INC. fore her recent death.) stam w ere reporting the regime. meanmg, others not so well- new career, barring the fateful DOWNTOWN— 660 • 17th Sf. • CHERRY CREEK SHOPPING CENTER meaning, are callir.g in ques­ same political crisis. doom haunting the Kennedys’ GREELEY— 1004 Ninth Ave. • CHEYENNE— 1710 Central Ave. “Our Vietnam Nightmare” tion not only the political affords every promise of new One might call this an an­ The answ er to this puzzle is not without Its relevance to common sense out aNo the departures, of independence gry book. There is no m istak­ may never be known. This Rea- the present agonizing debate morality of our involvement and of characteristic dyna­ BOSWOTH. SU llIV A N K COMPANY, INC. nples. ing its thesis: The United much, however, is obvious: over the war. it contains a in this distant Southeast .Asian mism. Robert can now step 660 SEVENTEENTH ST., DENVER, COLORADO 80202 Work States allowed itself to be­ in her latest book Miss Hig­ irms. clue to the Johnson Admin­ land. Whether or not one forward as a U.S. Senator, a come the victim of a clever gins reveals that she has istration’s determination to agrees with the stand taken Please send me information about Mutual Fund investing. I am hoax and is paying for the lost none of her Pulitzer- Democratic party leader, and interested in Funds whose management aims (within the limits; of see our commitment to the in this book, it cannot be ig­ head of the powerful Kennedy tragic consequences as the prize-winning touch. There Vietnamese people through. normal market risk) accord with the following objective: nored if there is to be intelli­ clan. Most important, he has n Conservative income Q Capital growth Q M o re current income daily newspaper headlines an­ was a story asking to be gent discussion of the issues nounce a mounting U.S. cas­ written in South Vietnam, According to Miss Higgins, become a potential President Vice President Johnson was involved. —(Viiicen' S. Kear­ of the United States. Name. ualty rate in South Vietnam. and Miss Higgins had enough ney in “America”) The Kennedy Administration insight to realize that it most a member of the minority This is a well-written and thoughtfully prepared book. It was duped into believing that probably would not be found group in government that op­ K e n n e d y cif 4 0 the vast majority of the in the vicious, rumor-ridden posed the State Department's is also candid as to R.F.K.’s South Vietnamese people political jungle that was Sai­ Diem - m ust - go faction. MT. ROBERT KENNEDY AT 40, foibles and failures. (Matthew were the victims of a vicious gon. Our Vietnam Nightmare Johnson, she says, feared that by Nick Thimmesch and Wil­ M. McMahon in “America”) Book Reveals Pius Xll's Visit by Gromyko Efforts To Avert W ar To Pope Would By Jam es C. O'Neill avert the outbreak of total Rather it is published to af­ (NCwe N«wf S«rvk«) w ar in Europe in early 1939, ford scientific researchers and M — Most of and then bis efforts to allevi­ contemporary historians the Be Historic One { the world is generally ate the suffering that automa­ opportunity of having avail­ with Pope Paul VI, It would be able source material that nor­ Rome — Soviet Foreign Min aware that Pope Pius XII tically followed the European arranged. tried to avert the outbreak of mally would remain classified ister Andrei A. Gromyko is ex­ pected to make an official visit Such an audience would come total war in Europe in 1939. In its pages are chronicled for years to come, he noted. close on the heels of a worsen­ But only recently has there the abortive attempts by the The researchers were given here Feb. 7 and there is a pos­ sibility that he will be the first ing of relations between the come to light a detailed docu* Pope and by President Frank­ fullest freedom of the ar­ Vatican and a Soviet satellite mentation of his desperate ef­ lin D. Roosevelt to arrange chives, Father Martini said. high Soviet official to call upon “They were opened to us by the Pope. — Poland. forts during those crucial peace conferences to stop the The Polish government had days. sweep of Nazism over Europe. the men who knew what was There is no record of a sen­ denied Cardinal Stefan Wyszyn- The documentation is con­ There is also the history of in them, by the Pope himself, ior member of a Communist na­ the establishment of informal who worked in the Secretariat ski permission to attend cere­ tained in a book published by tion ever being received by a monies in the Vatican marking the Vatican on orders from relations between the Holy of State in those days, and by Pontiff. See and the United States his assistants in the secretari­ the millennium of Poland's con­ Pope Paul VI. The book is en­ The closest to such a visit version to . titled The and the which culminated with the ap­ a t.” came in 1963 when Pope John War In Europe and covers the pointment of Myron Taylor as In only three documents is XXIII granted an audience to first 18 months of the reign of the President’s personal rep­ the name of persons involved Aleksei I. Adzhubei, editor at the man who succeeded Pope resentative to the Pope. left undisclosed, Father Mar­ that tim e of Izvestia, Soviet Change pe, Pius XI in March. 1939. This first volume is the re­ tini said, “and in each case government newspaper, and his Gei Unfortunately the volume sult of approximately a year’s the name is substituted for wife Rada, daughter of ex-Pre- Dal was brought out in the first work by the three Jesuit his­ with an ‘X’. None of the three mier Nikita S. Khrushchev. Opposed nar week of December, 1965. The torians. They are French- was an official of the Holy A Vatican official said that if Bonn, Germany — The West­ BisI excitement surrounding the train e d historian Father See,” he added, “And they re­ Gromyko wished an audience BisI final week of the Second Vati­ Pierre Blet, S.J., of the facul­ main anonymous for reasons ern Polish border established of personal consideration as by the Allies in 1945 “cannot be b o n can Council all but obscured ty of history of the Pontifical 17, the appearance of the book Gregorian university in they are still living.” changed,” Boleslaw As Father Martini noted U Amputee Reaches Kominek of Wroclaw, one of Pon and an understanding of its Rome; Italian Father Angelo urn, significance. Martini. S.J., history spe­ was the government of Great Poland’s most prominent Arch­ Britain which worked very Priesthood Goal , declared here. He ) In it are recorded the pri­ cialist of Civilta Cattolica, a Dru vate conversations, secret ne­ fortnightly magazine pub­ closely with and gave great Toulouse, France — Thir­ “The Oder-Neisse frontier gotiations. personal appeals, lished by the Rome province support to Pope Pius’ efforts cannot be changed, because it of t teen years after completing dioc and frantic diplomatic activity of the ^ c ie ty of Jesus; and in early 1939 to try to avert a the necessary studies, an is a matter of life or death for that surrounded the attempts German Father Burkhart German invasion of Poland. -Doctor Makes House Call aimless and legless French the Polish nation, and this is of Pope Pius to avert the out­ Schneider, S.J., professor of It was later that year that In this outdoor shack called home by its trained midwives or were treated according to war veteran was ordained the view of the Communists as break of total war in Europe. modern Church history at the United States, particularly people, Maryknoll Sister Rose Mercedes (at local medical superstitions. In addition, the well as the Catholic Bishops, the through the personal insis­ after Pope Paul VI granted The factual reports and docu­ Gregorian university. left) makes a house call to a mother and child acute shortage of priests in liatin America special dispensation. Catholics, and also the Poli.sh LE tence of President Roosevelt, emigrants,” he declared during ments are taken from the Vat­ Father Martini has denied In Pando, Bolivia. Before the Maryknoll Sis­ had led to the Sisters taking over of pastoral ican's own secret archives chargc.s that the volume is a began to make use of the in­ Father Henry de St. Julien, TV interview. normally not available to the sort of ‘‘White Paper” pub­ ternational position of the ters (some of (hem are doctors of medicine) duties far beyond the scope of their activltes wounded while escaping Archbishop Kominek’s televi­ historians of our day. lished as a defense of Pius Holy See to try to keep the came to this mission area, women such as in the U.S. The spiritual life in many villages from a German war camp sion appearance here came sev­ Pc Broadly the volume illus­ XII in the wake of post-war war from growing more terri­ this one were left to the mercy of poorly depends on the ’ dedication and example. in 1940, had both arms and eral days after the Polish Com­ trates clearly the efforts of criticism of some of his poli­ ble than it already was. both legs am putated. By 194-1 munist regime had announced Pope Pius XII made to try to cies. The documents, many of he had learned to use arti­ its refusal to grant a passport C( them only brief telegrams to History summarized, made ficial limbs and later could enabling Cardinal Stefan Wys- or from the Vatican to Papal swim and ride a motorcycle. zynski of Warsaw. Prim ate of Wa Pope Say^ Answer to Question diplomats throughout Europe, Poland, to go to Rome. secor. give a view of how the Pope 2 Vietnamese Bishops Consecrated Presi On Church Strengthens Fidelity chose to carry on his cam­ son ir paign and the threats that Saigon, Vietnam — His in front of the chapel. Doan of Quinhon as co-consecra- messa, Vatican City — A search for iosity which must find its satis menaced both the Church in This seminary has been one of an answer to the question: What faction in a new study, a new tory was summarized and tors. Ten Bishops, three Cister­ istratii Italy and peace in Europe be­ the chief factors in the develop­ cian Abbots, and two other pre­ popula is the Church? will purify and meditation on this well known cause of the policies of Musso­ history was made here on ment of Vietnamese priests and the feast of the Epiphany when lates — joined in the conccle- In h strengthen their fidelity to the and mysterious institution lini. Bishops since it was founded by brated Mass. Church. Pope Paul VI told the called the “Church.” the Pon­ At a time such as today two new Vietnamese Bishops the Pr« were consecrated. the Paris Missionaries 103 years Both new have been Most Reverend Fulton J. Sheen ask fo nobility of Rome during his tiff told his audience. when Pope Paul VI has ago. detached from the Saigon arch­ yearly audience with them. Of the Church’s view of the launched his own program of Father Joseph Phan van Act of Thien, 58, until recently head of diocese from which four new "Let his aggressive question world he said; trying to bring warring coun­ The . Archbishop! dioceses have been taken within Nothing makes one so Catholic as to love the Missions. of othi besiege you and torm ent you. “ As you know, the Council tries to the bargaining table, the major seminary here, was He must rise above nation, race and color before he can control consecrated Bishop of the newly Paul Nguyen van Binh of Sai-|six years. South Vietnam now It possesses purifying and re has given to this immense sub the documents of the efforts Pres; created Diocese of Phu Cuong. gon, was assisted by two of his has two archdioceses and 11 throw his arms around the world. It seems that this gesture newing virtues. It has the ef-[ject very full answers which of his predecessor of 25 years predecessors, one French, one dioceses. of embracing the universe is the echo of the Incarnation did no’ feet of making your adhesion to I may be regarded as new in the ago, have all the more fasci­ Father Francis X. Tran thanh Vietnamese. The French Bishop'...... govern Kham, 64, was consecrated Aux­ when God became so small that a woman could hold Him the Church intelligent and con- field of the ecclesiastical teach- nation for the students of his­ was Bishop Jean Cassaigne,; • and even kiss Him (which even the angels could not do). birth ( scious. of leading to a discov­ ing authority, if they are not tory and serve, moreover, as iliary Bishop for the Arch­ M.E.P., who resigned in 1955 than 31 ery of the essential reasons for extraneous to the Church’s cus­ an illustration of how such diocese of Saigon Parrot Makes One wonders If our church- The double took Sai^n to return as chap- life hos not lost this quality conduct your fidelity, of arousing a cur­ tomary pedagogy.” programs are carried out. place before a larse eongreRa-,'ai" to the leper hospi al and Good Watchdog with th of embracing humanity on Econoir lion in a tree shaded courtyard founded “ l young missionary In Djirlng.' Santa Cruz, Bolivia — A the one hand, and divinity war on parrot may replace the on the other. Humanity es­ The other co-conseerator wuS| Missii Bishop Simon Ilua Nguyen >un| watchdog at a Maryknoll mis­ capes us because we think sion parish here. Union i Unlimited Ilion, first Vietnamese .Apostolic i in terms of our parish, our isc of Vicar of Saigon, who In 1960 be-| The watchdog was taken in diocese, our order, instead by (he missioners during a legislatli came first Bishop of Dalat. i of the millions who have front. H Capitalism recent wave of burglaries. He hungry stomachs and fam­ pvrfoi mod quite well. So did posal 0 Another Vietnam ese Bishopl ished hearts. Divinity es­ oversea: was con.sccratcd Jan. 9 in Da- the parish’s parrot, which learned to bark better than capes us because we see Scored nang. an event that also re-i the Church as an “ it,” The P called Catholic history in this! the dog. The pupil is likely to conti Vatican City — A Vatican let­ lo take over the job of his something over and above that aid ter .sent to the third National country. It was near Dartang: teacher. us, a building to which we ondary j Social Week in Chile pointed out that Jesuit missionarie.s landed ride on Sundays, an Institu­ that past have condemned in 1615 to found the first perma- tion by whose laws we live. In cor unlimited capitalism and thosemls.sion in Vietnam, But is an "it” a “ bride,” a of the \ who maintain that economical xhc new Ordinarv, Hiahop Jo Colholic Family Ufa Insurance gnor Jol “ body"? For these are the the Fam are atrictly mattcra of peraonal i., ,an An. 49. wua conac- two ways that Scripture de­ interest. 1 craled for the new Diocese of $10,000 WORTH OF al Catho It upheld, however, a ‘ iustly xuan I.oc. lie la a son of the scribes the Church. said Ca ordered system of private prop- „„|y survivors of the Catho- LIFE INSURANCE with the erty,” which, it said. “sen*es to tion gro< lie families m assacred in I88S in FOR $5.67 MONTHLY We do not see Christ in the Church or. If we do, we promote dignity and liberty.” a persecution in Bong Son, now see Him as our eyes see a daffodil by the river's edge as the work (The right to private property lems whi part of Qui Nhon diocese. JutI $5.67 monthly provides a an object. We do not see Him as looking through our eyes, matter of . as total ot $10,000 worth of Ilf* I Archbishop Palmas con.secrat- “We al being necessary to well-being of Insurartco for this family of as feeling with eur hands, as hearing the lepers moan with ernm ent the family.) ed Bishop .An with Bishop Peter eight: Pham ngoc Chi of Danang and our ears. He is net behind our eyes coloring oil we see, role in The letter in Spanish was sent search oi by Cardinal Amleto Cicognani. Hi.shop Dominic Hoang van, father, aged 34 fighting His fight, championing His cause. He is In front of mother, aged 34 IgnorancE Papal Secretary of Stale. six children, ages our eyes, an object rather than a subject as He should be than trutl Cardinal Raul Silva Henriquez 17 years to 15 days "I live, no, not I but Christ Hveth in me” as St. Paul says. Missleners — Drama of Santiago for the Social Week “ Howe' Classified Ads FIND OUT THE LOW COST which has for its theme “Private reservatk More than a whole hook, this picture Is lumban Fathers James Mulroy, 42, and Property.” Cintlfictf M l run thnuth alt Rafitiar OF THIS PLAN For over 15 years we have written this column seeking an essay on mission life — its perils, its Milioni. Th# rata li par ware par FOR YOUR FAMILY gram s an Ernest Brennan, 35. They died a day apart, The letter notes that many issua. Minimum |] wards. If |a«ir ar to deepen the pool of our responsibility to the world. We ported loneliness, its reward. Two missloners die far mara canMcutIva Itauat ara w»ad, tha and were buried in a double funeral at Illgan countries are now faced with rata It IM par ward par Ittwa. Paymani *Full Informotion at No Obiiga* j see more and more that this cannot be done except by mok- carrying from home and years before (hey might have City, the Philippines. Here two of (he fiock large population growth while tnuti Kcampany alt ardan. Adt racaivad lion on Monday wtll appaar In lha itiw# ! Ing ourselves other Christs. One might almost formulate this tion contr died surrounded by relatives and friends. they entered “ voluntary e.xile” to serve bid their economic systems arc in­ prinlad tba follawlng waak. *No Salosmon Will Coll I law: only those who suffer with all humanity have Christ In ing with ; adequate to meet the needs of These stark vaults bold the remains of Co- a last farewell. *lnsuranco Is Sold by Mail I the Presld ^TEACHERS WANTEI>>- their hearts. Once Christ is not “way up there” but “ In” us the limes. There are also in­ j will we begin to feel towards the hungry and sick as Ho area .” justices in the state of many ag­ Collaga - secondary • alamentary. Write: Write to: ricultural and industrial work­ NATIONAL CATHOLIC PLACEMENT Walter Harris Agency I did, agonizing with them. This missionary work is hard be­ SER V ICE, 41} Melcher Elkhart, Indiana. i In a Sei ers in some countries, it added. c/o The Register cause the world is at our doorstep. But thank God our work Latin America Will Be Invaded DONATIONS is not for a part of the world but for the whole world—-tho ing on bii Therefore, the letter stated, it P.O. Box 1620 Guttmachc is good to study private prop­ Please help naady hospital — Mnd, I world thot Christ died to “ reconcile to Himself.” You read­ donations to — Rev. Administrator St. Denver, Colo. 80201 hood Fede erty in the light of contemporary Jerorrte's Hospital, Kunnarn Post Otfice, | ers are good to particularities; this parish, that school, this mitted tha By Young 'Yanquis' Who Bring Help conditions. Pope Pius XII sever­ Mavellkara. South India. society. But every now and then become “ catholic," become able suspi ely condemned a theory of prop­ missionary, become cosmic. Let the little things you love contracepti Maryknoll, N. Y, — Sum­ Their jobs will range from Operacion Caridad, in Guate­ erty which blocks a country’s slip through your fingers and use your arms— make ♦I.em work on construction sites to some “ ini mer vacation this year will mala, C.A.; Conference on Inter- efforts to remedy the evils Suppose We Send circle the globe of the earth. You will find that they will not blood clot census taking, teaching, home American Student Projects which afflict it, the letter con­ raises a “c find hundreds of American visiting and nursing, food and fit around the earth until you have let the arms of (Christ (CIASP) in Central and South tinued. embrace you. If He does not possess all of you, you will not them. college students working In clothes distribution, instruction America; Frontier Lay Apost­ Capitalism, which would at­ A Check for a Change? love all mankind. If. He does possess all of you then you parts of Latin America and the of Christian doctrine and speech les, in British Columbia; and tribute a limitless right to prop­ However, therapy. Council for the International Lay erty, as well as those who re­ will so give that your alms do not end up In stocks ond It is proper United States as voluntary mis­ • We’ll do it every year of your life if you es­ bonds or in new buildings' but In the arms of the poor. If ance this sion helpers. An extensive listing of major Apostolate (CILA), in Peru, gard economics as being at the tablish an Extension Annuity. sum m er volunteer program s for Mexico, and Colombia. exclusive service of private in­ we do not see Christ in the poor we may not see Christ at against the Similarly, many graduating collegians in 1966, and continu­ terests, have been condemned • Sample returns on , Extension Annuities: ail. It Is the glory of The Society for the Propagation of the an unwantc college students and others will ing lay apostolic organizations Copies of the listing, compris­ by the Popes Pius XII, John Faith that it never invests your alms but everything you give take up voluntary and paid po­ ing a total of 34 organizations, for professionals is offered in XXIII, and Paul VI as well as Man 55 receives 5.3% is spent on the poor within one year. If you send us your D edical sitions in the wide range of lay World Campus Survey published may be obtained from World the Ecum enical Council’s Con­ stocks as alms (and many do), we sell them immediately apostolic organizations, serving, by Maryknoll. Campus Survey, Maryknoll, stitution on the Church in the a^ Man 60 receives 6 % and give the money to the poor. This kind of charity is in some cases, upwards to two N.Y. 10545. Modern World. ChrisMike, it is pontifical, it is the work of The Society for and three years in the service Summaries of objectives, per­ sonnel qualifications, plus names Man 65 receives 7 % the Propagation of the Faith. of others abroad and at home. and addresses have been com­ Man 70 receives piled for 18 lay apostolic organ­ 8.3% izations and 16 summer pro­ BE OF GOOD CHEER! Man 75 receives 10 % GOD LOVE YOU to J.A.S. for $S tenf In reparation “ I Pope To Receive grams. The listing is the most refused a hearing to a poor blind man who was trying to Jude— “ Patron of Desperate Cases” complete and up-to-date avail­ Man 80 receives 12.5% earn a living by telling from door to door.” . . . to M.P. for English able. has helped thousands and will help you $10 *‘l would have paid this much for a new permanent Vatican City — For the Included among the summar­ Designed especially for ‘‘Senior Citizens” but there are so many people in the world who need help second time since 1397, the ies of lay apostolic groups for Archbishop of will more than I need curls.” . , to the friends and customers of men and women are the Asso­ Fill out and mail the coupon below. The ideal way to ensure life income and to help be granted an audience by a ciation for International Devel­ Canty's Cafe who collected $74.79 for the sick ond starving Pope when Pope Paul VI re­ Even though Indicate your petiu'on, such as Health, the home missions besides. opment (AID), which has pro­ Employment, Happy Marriage, Return in mission lands. ceives Dr. Michael Ram sey, fessionals and volunteers work­ your need to , Tnanksgiviog. etc. , ing in Africa, Asia, and Latin seems hopeless This will be placed before the Shrine and prim ate of the Anglican The Extension Society R .America (PAVLA), for skilled put it during the Solemn New Year Novena medal, a lovely cameo of the Ma- Church in England, here to S t Jude under the sponsorship of 1307 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60605 dorrna of the World, Is one you would be proud to give or M arch 23. North Americans between the before him X te Infant of Prague to be held ages of 21 and 45 recruited from and have Dear Fathers: delighted to receive. Designed by the world-renowned dioceses; and Extension Service JANUARY 26 to FEBRUARY 3 In 1960, Pope John XXIII confidence In jewe er Harry Winston and blessed by Bishop Sheen, it Is received Archbishop Geoffrey Volunteers (EV), which has over You can participate in this Novena Please send your free booklet on Extension Annuities. available m a classic Florentine gold finish or sterling silver. his intarcessiim Fisher in an audience. 400 volunteers serving in 31 dio­ without being present at the Shrine What return could you offer me on an investment of Send your request and corresponding offering to The Society ceses in the United States. where services are held. to that event, the last audi­ ' m' Avenue, New ence was in 1397 when Pope For collegians wishing to $...... ? My birth date is ...... sex ...... ' J N Y. ’ 0001. $2 sma I sterling silver; $3 smoll 10k gold Boniface IX received Arch­ spend their summer vacations N am e- I understand that this inquiry is in strictest confidence j filled; $5 large sterling silver; $10 lorge 10k gold filled. bishop Arundel, who had in volunteer positions in the Uni­ and will entail no obligation or “follow up” whatsoever. been banished from England ted Slates and Latin America, Address- by King Richard II for op­ the “World Campus Survey” in­ City___ Name ...... posing the monarch. Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to It and mail AVAIL/ cludes descriptions of these pro­ My petition:. gram s: Address ...... It to Most R.v. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Mall toi SHRINE OF ST. JUDE THADDEUS ISOBSouthAshlandAvanut • Chicago,Illinois 60608 ■ City ...... Zonezone ...... State ...... ; ; Society for the Propagation of thein« raimFaith, , 366 Fifth iAvenue, ■ S / c Page 2, Sec. 2 Denver Catholic Register January 20, 1966 L, ...... a ...... J , 10001, or to your Diocesan Director. I MAIL m y / c o iHi >uld Strike at University n i )ne Hits Hard Sledding >e Paul VI, it would be Jamaica, N.Y. — The lection of an unfair labor prac-[is a non-profit educational insti- their contracts until June this 1. oaiico n f ctrilfintr tpflf*hpr« tices charge filed against theUution, and the activities in- year. The 21 others have been n audience would come cause or by local 1460, United ivolved in the case are non-com- paid the full amount of their con­ ,, j j iFederation of College Teachers,' mercial in nature, and intimate- tracts, but are not teaching. the heels of a worsen- suffered double blows in the i,y connected with the charitable relations between the ond week of picketing of the na Of these 21, 9 held doctorates, and a Soviet satellite tion’s largest Catholic universi­ In dismissing the charge, Sam-;purpose.s and activities of the and 12 m aster’s degrees. In a d. ty. uei M. Kaynard, NLRB regional institution.” letter to the New York state director, said the board would' The university revealed that olish government had The National Labor Relations department of education, the uni­ ardinal Stefan Wyszyn- not assert jurisdiction, “in-|10 of the 3l dismissed teachers versity said the.se have been re­ Board turned down a demand i-smuch as St. John’s university ihave been allowed to complete lission to attend cere- it take jurisdiction in the dis­ placed by 44 fill-in teachers, n the Vatican marking pute and a major student boy­ who hold a total of 17 doctoral nnium of Poland’s con- cott in support of the strikers and 27 master’s degrees. o Christianity. failed to materialize. Named Bishop These disappointments for the Cardinal To Start Ten professors at St. John’s have issued a statement that Bishop-elect Thoma.s Tschoc- strikers’ side came after their cause had been considerably tar­ there has been no restriction on snge pe. Chancellor und Vicar their academic freedom at the General of the Diocese of nished by the claim of one of school. Dallas-Fort Worth, has been their leaders — Dr. Rosemary Bishops' Appeal 3 0 Lauer — that all Catholic col­ They are Dr. William Lacail- sed named by Pope Paul VI to be New York — The 20th I The overseas aid agency of lade, biology; Dr. William H. Bishop of San Angelo, Tex. leges should be separated from A n ‘E x p e n siv e ’ Pet lerraany — The West- : their Church affiliation, annual Catholic Bishop’s American Catholics increased Pasfield, chairman of the chem­ Bishop-clect Tschoepe was With pork chop prices soaring, the pupils When Sister Mariam, superior of St. Mar­ ih border established j This was seized upon by uni- Overseas Relief Fund A p - distribution program istry department; Edwin B. He- lies in 1945 “cannot be born at Pilot Point, Tex., Dec. peal will be launched by Car-!*^®*’® ^ include 1.3 million refu- wes, business administration; of St. M argaret Mary Alacoque’s school, St. garet Mary Alacoque’s, won the pig as a 17, was ordained at the Ivercity as an admission ’ Archbishop Boleslaw of something they had contend­ dinal Francis Spellman at a|^®®*' orphans, widows, and Dr. Paul K.T. Sih, director, cen­ Louis, had better watch that their pet doesn’t prize, this pen was built in the school yard. of Wroclaw, one of . Pontifical College Josephin- meeting here Jan. 25 and it isi®^^®*' victims. Substantial ter for Asian studies; Dr. James sprout wings and fly off. Another danger is It seems as if Rudolph will spend his life as um. Worthington. O.. in 1943. ed right along — that the strike most prominent Arch- doesn’t concern primarily teach­ expected that,thnf asac in X965 a of clothing and medl- McCormack, English: Dr. Jack hognappers. a pet rather than a pork roast. leclared here. He succeeds Bishop Thomas J. ers’ rights, but the future of Ca­ great portion of aid suppliesi^'^^s have also been sent to P. Franzetti, English; Dorothy Oder-Neisse frontier Drury, who became Ordinary tholic education, something they will go to Vietnam. {Vietnam. F. Mullaney, education; Dr, ‘ changed, because it of the Corpus Christ! (Tex.) are obliged to defend. I W alter L. Willigan, history; Dr “r of life or death for diocese. l-:- Operating in Vietnam since John J. Sciarra, chairman 1 nation, and this is I A “leach-ln” by some students ' Fire Damages 1954, pharmaceutical sciences depart Tivoli Bishop Won't Take of the Communists as on the Jam aica campus was fol-1 conducts the largest voluntary ment, and Dr. John Turner, phi­ s Catholic Bishops, the lowed on Jan. 12 by a boycott, Famed Church aid program there. losophy. and also the Polish LBJ Wants decision by the student council* Officers of the American Fed­ he declared during of the liberal arts division at, San Francisco — Old St. i , . . . , , , t Traditionalists' Leader eration of Teachers, AFL-CIO, jrview. the Brooklyn center. j Mary's church - the city’s;,meetmg m New York Jan first Cathedral and a San; ,‘>'e Sheraton East hotel parent body of the campus’ Vatican City — There is little' “One suggestion had been priest. Cardinal Spellman made lop Kominek’s televi- Population Some 350 of the nearly 4,000' striking union, bolstered the fac­ chance of an immediate trans- that Father De Pauw be in- the intercession with Cardinal rance here came sev- Brooklyn students marched for Francisco landmark — has!"* hrmg together priest-direc- suflered fire damages esti-superintendents, ulty picket lines on Jan. 13. fer from the Archdiocese of|Cardinated into a titular dio-lOUaviani and Cardinal Ottavi- after the Polish Com- an hour around the main build­ rharin'rrnpan' nr^idpnt Baltimore for Father Gommar cese, but Cardinal Shehan ob- ani introduced Father De Pauw gime had announced ing. mated at »300,000. Catholic lay leaders from Control Aid ; 39 dioceses of the Atlantic Coast the parent Jnion.'saW 650 locals :,ne Pauw, founder of the Catho-jected to the idea of assignins|to Bishop Faveri.” to grant a passport Mendocino redwood, brick states. Other regional meetings have been asked to contribute to Traditionalist Ifoveinent who a man to a diocese that does, a 'ardinal Stefan Wys- spokesman at the Balti- that came round the Horn,will be held later in Chicago, a fund for striking teachers. T h e '» 8=' "“ .ho o““W|not reaUy exist. 'more archidocese chancery said Warsaw, Prim ate of from Europe and granite .\ew Orleans, and San Fran- United Federation of Teachershis conservative litur-' ‘'Cardinal Ottavlani go to Rome. secona siraignt year, ^3^,^ student, had said spoke j Father De Pauw had not been President Lyndon B. John quarried In China went into cisco, had given 85,000, he said. gieal aims. with his close friend of many excardinated and that he re- their proposed boycott “can in the construction of St. Mary’s! ■ This seemed son in his State of the Union no way effect a solution of the The administration claimed apparent with|years. Bishop Faveri. and the} mains a priest of the archdio- message committed his admin­ more than 100 years ago. The' drive will culminate with that classes were running to a the disclosure by an authorila-1 Bishop agreed after meeting the cese. difficulties which presently in­ church was dedicated as the:^ special collection in the more live Vatican official th a t Bishop j ------istration to involvement in the volve a small number of the fac­ normal schedule, despite the r o u population problem. Cathedral of the young Sani^^^" ^^’500 Catholic churches in picketing. Luigi Faveri of Tivoli, Italy, has I ulty.” He added that the na­ Francisco archdiocese at a ^^® United States. Proceeds go decided not to accept Father De ; * tional office of the American As­ Assessment of the strike’s ef­ In his message to Congress, Solemn Pontifical Mass,' world-wide relief and wel- ficacy is made difficult by con­ Pauw as a priest in his dio- {^ the President said that he would sociation of University Profes­ cese near Rome. f Christmas Eve, 1854. It Programs of Cdtholic Re- flicting reports of the numbers AN IDEAL INVESTMENT ask for an International Health sors (AAUP) in Washington had mained such until a new St. **®^ Services. taking part. The Bishop made the deci- i Since 1904 the ANNUITY PLAN of the SOCIETY OF Act of 1966 including support appointed a three-member com­ sion, the source said, because, mittee to make a study of the Mary’s Cathedral was built ln| The university estimated that 'THE DIVINE WORD has been growing in popularity. ) love the Missions, of other countries’ efforts “to 1891. The new cathedral was A minimum national goal of he had received no document! control population growth.” dismissals. (A number of chap- some 40 faculty members parti- • It Is an extremely safe investment, slor before he can destroyed bv fire in 19R2, $5 million has been set for the;cipated each day, but the slrik- releasing Father De Pauw from' J . . iters of the A.AUP at various the Baltimore archdiocese, to • It yields a high rate of interest 0 $ that this gesture President Johnson, however, , u j , *• all through the investor’s life. 1966 drive. [ing United Federation of College which the priest belongs. of the Incarnation did not make any mention of.'J''™'* f«>ns j Teachers (UFCT) put the figure • It makes you a sharer in the work and an could hold Him ias higher than 100 each day. Bishop Faveri was not avail­ spiritual returns of one of the great b.°rth'«mrnf“nrreral‘'“T^^ Father Cahill's message also able for immediate comment. lels could not do), Duquesne Students Protest j The effect of the student boy- Missionary Orders of the Church. fhan 30 U S c"^ornun»ics ale P^^ On Jan. 8 Bishop Faveri said ders if our church- jeott was also minimal. “At he had agreed shortly before Society ot the Divine Word conducting such programs “ Journalism School Changes I most, only 10 per cent of the stu- ot lost this quality with the help of the Office for*[idividual students and would not the end of the Ecumenical: in s Wllihire Blvd. Los Angeles, Cal. 10017 Pittsburgh Some 200 Du- specialized courses in news-writ-i dents were absent in Jamaica,” Otar Rev. Fatherst cing humanity on Economic Opportunity — in a 'excuse absences from class, Council in December to accept- land, and divinity w ar on poverty “j which could diminish semester quesne university students and ing, public relations, radio-tele-! Father Joseph T. Tinnelly, C.M., F ather De Pauw as a priest of | , Please tend me Infermation on your Annuity Plan. My age her. Humanity es- i alumni attended a meeting here vision, and advertising. jsaid. '-and attendance at Brook- his diocese at the suggestion of ^ Is . and I am thlnlJng of an Annuity ot S .. . . . Missing from the Slate of thei , , ..... ,u.. because we think Prof. Cornelius S. McCarthy, j Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, sec­ Name ...... jf our parish, our Union message was any prom-l On Jan. 13 the Brooklyn gtu-' chairman of the journalism de-,,.^^' fp® largest Catho- retary of the Doctrinal Congre- j ise of major new educational dent council that had voted for mittee for Belter Journalists to lur order, instead partment, attended the meeting university in the nation, has gation. i legislation on the domestic a boycott reversed itself and by protest against propo.sed cur­ City illions who have riculum changes at the Holy and told the students that the ^^’O^® students at its two cam The Vatican official said that, | J front. However, there was a pro­ a vote of 28-1 called for a sus­ changes were intended to broad-, 9,000 of them at Jamaica, contrary to reports. Cardinal Ot- i ^ jmachs and fam- posal of assistance to schools pension of the boycott. It direc­ Ghost Fathers’ school. jrts. Divinity es- The curriculum changes, en their understanding of the en taviani had not discussed thej- overseas. jted a delegation of its officers question of Father De Pauw'slB because we see scheduled to be effective in the tire modern communications Polish Bishops’ The President urged Congress and others to meet with Father field. possible transfer with Cardinal f: ;h as an "it," to continue the 1965 program Cahill to express dissatisfaction fall term of 1966-67, would re­ Letter Rapped Francis Spellman of New York.'; over and above that aided elementary and sec­ with the present sitnation and sult in the journalism depart­ Many of the students ob­ Cardinal Spellman has denied [. INDIA: ling to which we ondary schools. to request a just, equitable, and ment becoming the department jected to the abrupt change in Bonn, Germany — Katolukns he recommended his transfer ; of communications arts; reduc­ the journalism program and Szo, publication of Communist- ndays, an institu- In commenting on the StateJ*^^***^ solution. and said he had given no per­ ose laws we live, tion of credit-hour requirement suggested a phased out pro-'ruled Hungary’s pro - govem- mission for the C.T.M. to set ONLY 'it” a “bride,” a n “ n" A perhaps more grievous blow from 32-24 and course offering I ment “peace priests,” has up headquarters in New York. ^ from 33 to 10; and the end of or these are the the Family Life Bureau, Naiion-;______As a result of the reduction criticized the Polish Giberto .-\gustoni,' THE that Scripture de- in specific journalism courses, I l^*shops for their letter to the secretary to Cardinal Ottaviani. f f al Catholic Welfare Conference, _ i r i • a m • • Church, Reappraisal of Jesuit Mission three journalism professors wiulU®mi3n Hierarchy urging a re-| was quoted by the Associated-.. BEGINNING with the President that popula-' . ir*i ii ii be released at the end of between the two Press as saying: “ We knew ' >r, if we do, we lion growth in many parts of A pprO O C h S c h e d u le d JOH. ZD-2 o school year, university officials; ®nemy nations, little about Father De Pauw and , t HE HOLY FATHER'S MISStOM AID TO THE ORIENTAL CHURCH indicated. They are Edward,' same time, the Hun- his work. Cardinal Spellman in­ » river’s edge as the world creates serious prob-* lems which demand solution. j New York — La Moyne col- sored by Jesuit Missions and Gregory, Louis Corsetti, and,P3rjan Catholic periodical. Uj troduced him to His Eminence What's new In India this week? In towns and hrough our eyes, the Jesuit Mission Procurators William Jewett, all assistant Ember, was also critical of the (Cardinal Ottaviani) here, dur­ hamlets off the beaten path courageous priests “We also agree that the gov-'leg® in Syracuse will be the site professors. I Polish Hierarchy for inviting ing the last week of the Council and Sisters are eating only ounces of rice each epers moan with ernment may properly play a'of ® meeting Jan. 25-28 of 26 of the United States and Can­ ada, will be the first world-wide -11 1. J .u J ;the German Bishops to attend and it was understood by Car­ SEE day In order to share their food with starving ng all we see. role in supporting basic re-'*I®suit mission superiors who dinal Ottaviani that Cardinal I HOW children. Lepers in Sheratallay get immediats search on human reproduction. 1 will reappraise Jesuit mission meeting of the society's mis­ to P“to"d this year He is in front of partment of communications! marking the 1,000th anniver­ Spellman was sympathetic to' THESE relief from the Dapsone tablets (only $8.50 for Ignorance is more to be fearediapproach in light of the Vat- sion superiors, according to Fa­ arts, as he has head sary of the countrj-’s conver­ Father De Pauw and his prob-: PEOPLE 10.000 tablets) we are able to send because you IS He should be ther James P. Cotter, S.J., di­ journalism department. than truth or even its misuse.” ican Council. sion to Christianity. lem s . . . LOVE read this column. Indians in their 'teens, pre­ as St. Paul says. ’ The four-day meeting, spon- of Jesuit Missions, Inc., - i ONE paring to be priests and Sisters, study hard for “Ilowever, Catholics do have!'*' here ANOTHER! the day when they too can help the poor.... reservations about specific pro- B A V v i iM la # The mission structure in the Priests Praised i Requiem Mass Sung What lies ahead in the next few weeks and column seeking grams and policies to be sup-,»**nQ p W W TI^IIT United States and Canada; the For Ecumenism St. Joseph, Ky. — Father of months? Here’s a sampling of what we hope the world. Wo ported by the governm ent In, ^ ^ use of Jesuit manpower; the J . . . - 3 priest and a nun and having to do: except by mok- carrying out efforts at popuia- U iA c J k n # |a L lffe use and development of finan­ Alexandria, Va. — Interfaith j 40 grandchildren and one great- 5t formulate this tion control. We shall be wait- " " * * «■■■■ cial and material resources; activities of the see’s parish grandson, James Robert Mur. WHERE O "An Investment In knowledge pays the best / have Christ In ing with interest for details auxiliary souces of manpower; priests has been cited as re-lphy, j s , died unexpectedly last STUDENTS Interest,” Benjamin Franklin said. The Carmelite re” but "in” us the President’s proposals in th is 'P ||||O S O |B n y collegiality and the missions; m arkable” by the sccretai^ of j month after being stricken at WILL Fathers in Calicut with more than 1,000 stu­ and sick as Ho are a .” i * cooperation with diocesan Bish- the Richmond diocese's Com his farm. He is survived by his TALK dents in their care, are shaping India’s future. 'ork is hard be- j Pittsburgh, Pa. — The^,,.,op.s ...... in the missions...... and with mission for Ecumenical Affairs. wife and nine of their eleven WITH "But what is an education without God?” , Fattier 600 Superior asks. The chapel they need at St c God our work In a Senate committee tiear-j reverence which religious orders and congrega- A survey reveals that 41 per children. cent of the are mem­ Joseph’s College will cost only $7,500 (the cost ole world— tho ing on birth ^nlrol, Dr A l a n : SUrround everything tions. and ecumenism and the Take Guttmacher, Planned ( associated with the love that is missions are the topics to be bers of local ministerial associ­ of the materials) since the priests and the stu­ sif.” You read- PHlLLIPS’ MiiK OF MAGNESIA dents will do the work themselves. They need S h tbansinit life” was:discussed. ations and that other interfaitb VOCATIONS - MEN hat school, this muted that there is consider- j, . • , _ r»;..i__ when certain foods cause acid cash, however, to purchase the materials. Help activities are widespread, ac­ indigestion or constipation.^ holic," become able suspicion” that the oral|“‘‘“‘* cording to F ather N. Robert Holy Cross Brothers all you can? Name the chapel for your favorite lings you lovo contraceptive pills, may have John J. Wright of Pittsburgh s a in t in memory of your loved ones, if you build Quirin, who is an assistant at Serve God In A tittle Phillips* s— make ti.em some “inclination” to cause which announced plans for a Consecration Te«cnir>g • Missions it all by yourself. Just write to us today, Clergy Council to review mat­ St. Rita’s church here. He said Social WoNc • Guidance lor acid upset. 3t they will not blood clotting. He said this that 132 of the diocese's 238 Trades • Accounting A little more EVERY n ”Help a man put a roof over the heads of his raises a “question mark” about ters pertaining to the interests Slated Feb. 9 For information ang arms of Christ parish priests responded to a _ _ literature write: for constipation. FAMILY wife and children, and you give him dignity and and problems of priests of the, , .... purpose,” writes Archbishop Joseph Parecattil. u, you will not them. diocese I ^^tlwaukee — Archbishop WU- questionnaire from the commis­ Brother Bartel. C.S.C, NEEDS SI. Edward's University Pccular or Kfint Flavored. A ki the Emakulam area, where thousands are you then you However, he said, he believes sion. Box-7 Austin, Texas 7«7D4 The letter .stated it saw thisi";™ ROOF homeless, the Archbishop asks help to build In stocks and it is proper for a doctor to bal 4.000 homes. The basic materials will cost only af the poor. If ance this “slight danger” reverence “threatened, s o m e - l ““'•“'"ony elevat- tim es subtly but m ore oftenj**'^ F ath e r Alfred Cuthbert $200 for each. The family will build It under t see Christ at against the dangers involved in proper supervision, and they'll own it“no strings agatlon of the an unwanted pregnancy. grossly, by the 'new morality’^^^^*^^®^* O.F.M. Cap., to attached.”--4f your home is warm and com­ hing you givo and by the contraceptive men- episcopacy. Father Gum- tality that menaces us.” ibinger will be consecrated Feb. fortable, thank God by helping a family that is send us your Dedicalion Planned RECEIVE GIVING poor? :9 in St. John’s Cathedral here. .tile } Immediately Boynton Beach, Fla. — The Bishop Wright said “we ' appointed Archbishop of A n Forooiy $12.50 a month ($150 a year, $300 1 of charity is new St. Vincent de Paul sem ­ priests should remind ourselves Turkey, by Pope Paulj SKTER for the entire two-year course) you can enable ho Society for inary in the Miami diocese, first of our duty to preach, in season , Yes, we will mail you a check every month for life if you invest through our OF a poor girt in India to become a Sister. She will YOUR wifte to you, pray for you and yours each day. major seminary in the south­ and out, th« authentic doctrine' Co- will be Bishop I OWN Write to us. ^ east, will be formally dedicated of the Church in the authenticiMatthew A. Niedhammer,' by Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, spirit of the Church, on those j O.F.M. Cap., of Bluefields, Ni- LIFE INCOME MISSION CONTRACT MAfONG O ur legal tid e rs: Catholic Near East Welfare reparation **I Apostolic Delegate in the Uni­ problcms which are the preoc-j caragua, and Bishop Andrew G. ^as trying to C A N ANNUITY) A AssociATTOfC Bequests to the Holy Father wit! ted States on Jan. 25. It is un-i cupations of our generation and'Grutka, of Gary, Ind. Bishop WILL? be used for the poor where needed m o s t . .to M.P. for der the direction of the Vincen-I will be increasingly so in the:Leo .A. Pursley pf Fort Wayne- V permanent tian Fathers. | months and years ahead.” I South Bend will preach. The high rate of interest depends upon your age.

ho need help You will help needy students to the Priesthood and our missionaries. Ei«CLOSED PLEASE FIND $ _ customers of R yan: You will receive an assured income for life and many spiritual and starving .^or..72ow a .n < l it . o o , . . remembrances now and after your death. Please coupon with your ( 7 An investment for LIFE and ETERNITY! 0 of the Ma­ offering ri to give or Iri-renowned 1 CATHOLtC HEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION Sheen, it Is Information held in Send ms information on your Life Income Mission Contract Amonnt: S _ erling silver. N a m e ______Age. The Society strict confidence. IMEAR EA S T venue. New STANDARD RENTAL Address______— oil 10k gold COSTS CS^SS THAN /Z '/Z ^ M O NTH WRITE IVIISSiaiMS Iri fille d . A 2 YEAR RECORD ONLY C ity .______.Z o n e ____State. FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President TODAY TO MSGR. JOSEPH T. RYAN, National Secretary 1 Write: Catholic N ear East W elfare Ass o c . 'V iAKULABU AT STATIONERY COUNTERS 330 Madison Avenue*New York, N.Y. 10017 If and m a il COMPLETE SATISFACTION CUARANT£ED OK FULL R E F U N D FROM 1 Telephone; 212/YUkon 6-5840 der of The -UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO, 1540 LOGAN STREET. DENVER, COLORADO 80203 REV, f a t h e r RALPH S.V.D. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITIES -- ith Avenue, SytcfAjt' ,J7,ozO :6o