Planning App N/97/00168/OUT
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15 AGENDA ITEM No. ......L Application No: N/97/00168/OUT Date Registered: 6th June 1997 APPLICANT: WILSON DISTRIBUTORS (SCOTLAND) LTD, 36 KING STREET STIRLING Agent: Robert Turley Associates Ltd 7 Newton Place Glasgow G3 7PR .. DEVELOPMENT: RETAIL DEVELOPMENT (IN OUTLINE) LOCATION. 5 GREENFAULDS ROAD CARBRAIN- CUMBERNAULD , Ward: 58 Grid Reference: 275614 673268 File Reference: MS Site History: Development Plan: Industrial and Business in Adopted Cumbernauld Local Plan Subsequent 6(1) zoning for Residential Contrary to Development Plan: Yes CONSULTATIONS: Objection: No Objection: Department of Environmental Services The Coal Authority West of Scotland Water Scottish Power East of Scotland Water Conditions: No Reply: British Gas Transco REPRESENTATIONS: Neighbours: No Response Newspaper Advert: No Response COMMENTS: The applicant proposes to Ldmolish the existing warehouse unit on this site on South Carbrain ring road and seeks outline permission for retail development of the site. The scale of retail provision is intended to meet the need for local convenience shopping in the south western area of Greenfaulds. Whilst the site is zoned for industrial and business use, a subsequent approval under Section Crown copyright , unautnor isod reproduction intrinqec. Crown WI LSON DI STRl WTORS 1 : 1250 copyrJgpt and nw led to prosscuilon or s1vi1 prosaJfnglnps Licence No. LA 09O41L 1998 5 GREENFWLOS ROAD CARBRAiN WEERNAULD Date N North Lanarkshire Council RETA i L DEVELOPMENT ( IN WTL I NE) Bran Way, Cmbarnauld G67 1DZ 17 Oct 1997 MAPREF NW 7877 1 re lepno~01a 7lZ131 For 01.- 4S461 17 6(1) of the New Towns (Scotland) Act 1968 amends this to residential. The scale of the proposed retail use is such that it is not likely to impact on the existing shopping hierarchy. RECOMMENDATION: Grant, subject to the following conditions: 1. Thar the development hereby permitted shall be started, either within five years of the date of this permission, or within two years of the date on which the last of the reserved matters are approved, whichever is the later. Reason: To accord with the-provisions of the Tdwn and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 2. That before development starts, a further planning application shall be-submitted to the Planning Authority in respect of the following reserved matters:- (a) the siting, design and external appearance of all buildings and other structures; (b) the means of access to the site; (c) the layout of the site, including all roads, footways, and parking areas; (d) the details of, and timetable for, the hard and soft landscaping of the site; (e) details for management and maintenance of the areas identified in (d) above; (f) the design and location of all boundary walls and fences; (g) the provision for loading and unloading of all goods vehicles; Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail. 3. That within three years of the date of this permission, an application for approval of the reserved matters, specified in condition (2) above, shall be made to the Planning Authority. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 4. That no more than 1000 square metres (gross) retail floorspace shall be provided within the site. Reason: In the interests of the proper planning of the area. BACKGROUND PAPERS: Application Form and Plans dated 5th June 1997 Supporting Statement dated May 1997 from Robert Turley Associates Memos dated 25th June and 9th July from the Department of 18 Environmental Services Letter dated 24th June from The Coal Authority Letter dated 27th June from West of Scotland Water Letter dated 7th July from Scottish Power Letter dated 22nd July from East of Scotland Water Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mary Stewart at 01236 616473. .. 19 APPLICATION NO. N/97/00168/OUT REPORT 1. PescriDtion of Site and ProDosal 1.1 The site is located on the south-east of the South Carbrain ring road. It is currently occupied by a warehouse building fronting the road with a surfaced yard to the rear. The adjacent site to the north- east, which was also occupied by warehousing has recently been cleared and to the south-west is the ambulance depot and a vacant site with development approval for a mosque. The site is separated from the railway line to the south-east by an area of mixed planting and a public footpath. Lenziemill Industrial Estate is on the other side of the railway line. 1.2 The applicants seek outline approval for a retail development on the site. They"drigina1ly proposed a maximum floorspace of 760 square metres (net), utilising the existing site access and with parking provision for 85 cars. In discussions on the application the applicant then advised that they would consider a maximum gross floorspace of 1250 square metres appropriate for the site. This was subsequently reduced to 1000 square metres following further discussions with the applicants agent. b 2. DeveloDment Plan 2.1 The site is identified for industrial and use in the Cumbernauld Local Plan. This is superseded by the Greenfaulds (Greenfaulds Road) 60) Amendment 1995 which designates this and the adjoining site to the north-east for residential development. 3. Remesentations and Con sultatio ns 3.1 No representations were received. 3.2 No objections were made by consultees. Scottish Power, West of Scotland Water and East of Scotland Water all made comment on the presence of their equipment in and near the site. 3.3 The Transportation Manager commented on the need for improvements to the existing access, provision of footpaths and further details of the proposed parking. All of these matters will be dealt with under the subsequent detailed planning application. -4. Planning Ass essment and Conclusions 4.1 The proposed development would provide approximately 1000 square metres (gross) of retail floorspace. As this is likely to result in a retail development with 760 square metres of net floor area it is not likely to compete with the range or extent of provision in the Cumbernauld Town Centre or the District Centres at Abronhill or Condorrat. Essentially the development is best described as a 'local centre'. 4.2 The scale of development proposed is designed to meet the need of local residents in the south eastern area of Greenfaulds, which is not presently served by a local shop. The location of the site on the distributor road would also be likely to result in the generation of a certain amount of business from passing motorists, whilst good pedestrian access to Lenziemill Industrial Estate and Greenfaulds Railway Station could encourage patronage by employees and rail travellers. 4.3 For both this and the adjacent cleared site the local plan zoning for industrial and business use has been superseded by residential zoning. The retail use of this site would not conflict with adjacent 20 uses to the west (the ambulance depot and mosque site). The use would also complement the residential use on the other side of South Carbrain Road and would not conflict with future use of I the adjacent cleared site to the north-east should it be developed for residential or industrial / business purposes. 4.4 The use of the site to provide a small local shopping facility could be of benefit in providing a service to the local community where a deficiency in local shopping facilities can be identified. The use could also interact with the two adjacent schools, the railway station and the future social / religious / community use of the mosque site to provide a viable, small, local centre. .