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North Lanarkshire Council North Lanarkshire Council DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Environment Committee Committee Date : 13fhJune 2001 AGEMA ITEN NO. ....................... Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with the permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 1 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 13 JUNE 2001 Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation 6 N/OO/O 1476FUL Cumbemauld College Extension to Provide New Entrance Grant Rear Lobby Access Ramp and Formation of Additional Parking Areas Cumbernauld College North Carbrain Road Carbrain Cumbernauld 9 N/O U000 11 /LBC Cumbemauld College Demolition of Existing Access Ramp, Grant Erection of Front Entrance Area and Rear Ramp and Lobby Cumbernauld College North Carbrain Road Carbrain Cumbernauld 12 N/O1/00210/FUL Mr & Mrs S Pressley Erection of a House and a Garage Refuse Plot 20 Dullatur Road Dullatur Cumbernauld 16 N/O1/00214/FUL Tesco Stores Ltd Erection of Class 1 Foodstore and Petrol Grant (P) Filling Station with Associated Car Parking Servicing Highway Works (To Include Construction of Link Road One Acess Roundabout and Works on and Affecting the Solum of Tryst Road) and Land scaping Cumbernauld Town Centre Central Way Town Centre Cumbernauld 50 N/O1/00223/FUL Dine & Design COLtd Alterations and Extension to Dalshannon Grant Farm Dalshannon Farm Restaurant Main Road Condorrat Cumbernuald G67 4AY 54 N/O1/00271/FUL Mr & Mrs I Moir Erection of Dwelling Grant 106 Stirling Road Kilsyth G65 OHY 60 N/O1/00377/FUL Mr & Mrs Prim Extension to Dwellinghouse Grant 10 Drove Hill Balloch Cumbernauld G68 9DL 66 N/O 1/00400/FUL Highland Colour Erection of Industrial Building Grant (P) Coatings Ltd Site At Tower Road Blairlinn Cumbernauld 77 N/O 1/004 11 /FUL John Martin Erection of Garage Refuse 18 Backbrae Street Kilsyth G65 ONH 81 N/O 1/0043 8/OUT Gauld Properties Ltd Erection of Dwelling House (Outline) Refuse Auchengeich House Auchengeich Road Moodiesbum Chryston 87 N/O 1/00484/FUL Mr & Mrs Leckie Erection of Dormer Extension Refuse Glenburn Banton Kilsyth G65 ORA 91 N/O1/00521/FUL Peter Hayward Erection of Garage Grant 5 Wellesley Drive Blackwood Cumbernauld 2 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 13 JUNE 2001 Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation 95 N/O1/00532/FUL Joseph McCarroll Erection of Conservatory and Garage, Grant Extension and Garage Conversion of Exsiting Garage to Form Living Accommodation and Formation of Access 245 Cawder Road Carrickstone Cumbernauld 99 C/99/00096/ENV Tarmac Northern Limited Determination of Conditions Under Grant The Initial Review in Accordance With Schedule 9 of Section 74 of the Town And Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 for the Winning and Working of Whinstone at Cairneyhill Quarry, Forrest Road, Caldercruix, Airdrie 109 C/OO/OO653/FUL T B Wilson Conversion of Farm Steading to Form Grant One Additional Dwellinghouse at Gamqueen Farm, Main Street, Glenboig, Coatbridge 114 C/O 1/00066/FUL Mr W. Russell Erection of Roller Shutters to Refuse Shopfkont at 47 South Bridge Street, Airdrie 118 C/O 1/00 184/FUL Mr & Mrs J Greville Change of Use fiom Public Ground to Grant Private Garden Ground to facilitate the Formation of access to new Garage And Erection of Front Porch At 23 Woodhall Avenue, Calderbank 122 C/O 1/00224/FUL Ms Irene Green Change of Use of Dwellinghouse to Grant Childrens Nursery, Including Alteration to Vehicular Access at The Lindens, Wester Mavisbank Avenue Airdrie 127 C/01/0024O/FUL Kelvin Homes Ltd Erection of Residential Development Grant Comprising 62 Dwellinghouses and Formation of Access Roads at Kelvin Homes Site (East Side of) Newton Street Coatbridge 134 C/O1/00284/FUL Mr Edward J Smith Erection of 1112 Storey Side Grant Extension to Dwellinghouse and Demolition of Rear Kitchen Area at 3 Albert Place, Airdrie 141 C/01/00373/FUL Board of Managers of Demolition of Existing School and Grant St. Philips School Associated Buildings, Erection of New School Buildings, Residential Units, Secure Unit with Games Wing and Swimming Pool with Associated Alterations to Access and Parking at St Philips School, Plains 148 C/O1/00394/FUL Mr & Mrs Spence Erection of Side Extension to Grant Dwellinghouse, 4 Burnside View, Coatbridge I:DATA\COMMZ\WORD\PLA.N”G\I3-jun.doc 3 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 13 JUNE 2001 Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation 153 C/O 1/00483/FUL Mr John Cairns Erection of Pigeon Loft Grant At 4 Ballater Way, Glenboig 156 s/oo/oo92o/FuL Carbarns Construction Construction of 12 Flats Grant Land East of Grange Tower Muirhouse Road Motherwell 161 s/o 1/00139RUL British Telecommunications Plc Installation of Vent Openings and Grant Condenser Units Bellshill Telephone Exchange Hattonrigg Road Bellshill 165 S/O1/00241/OUT P McShane Construction of Dwellinghouse Refuse (P) 320 New Edinburgh Road Viewpark 170 S/O 1/00288/FUL Mr & Mrs Anderson Extension to Dwellinghouse Grant 18 Armstrong Crescent Uddingston 175 S/01/003 12/OUT A Keachie Erection of Dwellinghouse Refuse 40 Belhaven Terrace Wishaw 179 S/01/0034 1/FUL Orange PCS Ltd Installation of Two Microwave Grant Dishes Smurfit Corrugated Premises Old Edinburgh Road Tannochside 183 S/01/00367/FUL Taylor Homes Construction of 8 Flatted Grant Dwellings Land East of 15 Manse Road Newmains, Wishaw I88 S/O 1/00372/FUL Kartar Singh Barhaya Restaurant with Ancillary Hot Refuse Food Take Away 257 Main Street, Wishaw 194 S/O1/00374/OUT North Lanarkshire Council Residential Development Grant (P) Land South of 52 Dimsdale Road Wishaw 200 S/O 1/00385/OUT North Lanarkshire Council Residential Development Grant Jerviston Street New Stevenston 206 S/O1/00407/FUL Specdeals Opticians Ltd Change of Use from House of Refuse Multiple Occupation to Office 25 Wilson Street Motherwell 4 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 13 JUNE 2001 Page No. Application No. Applicant Development/Locus Recommendation 21 1 S/O U0043 l/FUL Murdoch MacKenzie Residential Development (Flatted) Grant Construction Ltd Comprising 8 Units and Ancillary Parking Land West of 386-374 Brandon Street Oakfield Drive, Motherwell 216 S/01/00445/FUL Phew (Scotland) Ltd Renewal of Landscaped Area and Grant (P) Erection of 1 and 2 Storey Respite Care Centre and Associated Works. Land East of 29 Hope Street Motherwell 224 S/O1/00452/FUL Mrs J Dickie Change of Use from Offices Grant To Pre-School Facility The Apple Centre 10 Earn Avenue Righead Industrial Estate Bellshill 23 0 S/01/00476/FUL Mr J Logan Construction of Front Porch Grant 5 Oak Place Uddingston 234 S/01/005 19/FUL Dalziel Homes Ltd Construction of Footway Refuse Land West of 8 and 9 Sarazen Court Hagen Drive, Motherwell (P) N/O1/00214/FUL If approved application to be refered to Scottish Ministers (P) N/01/00400/FUL If approved application to be refered to Scottish Ministers (P) S/O1/00241/OUT If approved application to be refered to Scottish Ministers (P) S/O1/00374/OUT If approved application to be refered to Scottish Ministers (P) S/01/00445/FUL If approved application to be refered to Scottish Ministers \WLPLTRO1WJBLIC\SS\CORRES\AGILMOUR\AGENDA\I3-jm.doc 5 Application No.: N/OO/O 1476EUL Date Registered: 5th January 200 I APPLICANT : CUMBERNAULD COLLEGE, NORTH CARBRAIN ROAD, CARBRAIN, CUMBERNAULD Agent: McFarlane Curran & CO, 137 Chalmers Street, Dunfermline, KY12 8DQ DEVELOPMENT: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING ACCESS RAMP, ERECTION OF FRONT ENTRANCE AREA AND REAR RAMP AND LOBBY LOCATION: CUMBERNAULD COLLEGE NORTH CARBRAIN ROAD CPLRBRAlN CUMBERNAULD Ward: 60 Grid Reference: 275868 674272 File Reference: N/OO/O 1476LFUL Site History: N/O1/0001 ULBC Under Consideration at this Committee N/97/00256EUL Approval of Extension of Cumbernauld Town Centre Granted 20h May 1998 Development Plan Cumbernauld Local Plan Contrary to Development Plan: No CONSULTATIONS: Objection: No Objection: West Of Scotland Water East Of Scotland Water British Gas Transco Conditions: No Reply: Scottish Power S.E.P.A.(West) REPRESENTATIONS: Neighbours: No Response Newspaper Advertisement: No Response COMMENTS: This application is for planning permission for the proposal described in terms of the report on N/O1/00011/LBC, which is also under consideration at this Committee. 6 PLANNING APPLICATION NO: N/00/01476/FUL N!mL- Produced by LANARKSHIRE Deparlmnl of Rylning and Envirmmenl EXTENSION TO PROVIDE NEW ENTRANCE, REAR LOBBY southern h"l*lOn -_-. COUNCIL 303 Brandon Street ACCESS RAMP AND FORMATION ADDITIONAL MOTHERWELL MLl 1RS PARKING AREAS AT 7 Reprducad from Ihe Cwdnsnce Suhey mapping With Ihe pnmlrnon of me CanIrOl18r Of her Majeslyr Telephone01698 302100 Fax 01698 302101 CUMBERNAULD COLLEGE, NORTH CARBRAIN ROAD, 1.2500 Stalionery OHrs 0 Ciown copyrighl Unarlhonrsd ~eplodudlonlnfrlnger Crow copmghl os Llcence LA 09MlL CUMBERNAULD and may lea to PIOI~SUIIORw SIVII Proscedmgl RECOMMENDATION: Grant, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 2. That before the development hereby permitted starts, samples of all external materials to be used in construction, including walls, cladding, roofs, glazing, doors, gutters and downpipes, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, including any modifications as may be required. Reason:To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in the interest of the visual amenity and to preserve the character of the Listed Building. 3. That the further permission of the Planning Authority shall be required in respect of all advertisements on the building which are outwith the provisions of Schedule 4 of The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Scotland) Regulations 1984.
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