Classified List of Acts in Force in Ireland Updated to 17 September 2021

28. (National ) and Legislation 28.1. Houses of the Oireachtas Service Public Exp1 Houses of the Oireachtas Commission Act 2003 28/2003 • Oireachtas (Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices) (Secretarial Facilities) (Banking Inquiry) Regulations 2014, S.I. No. 564 of 2014 • Oireachtas (Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices) (Secretarial Facilities) (Amendment) Regulations 2015, S.I. No. 164 of 2015

Finance Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Act 2006 39/2006

Finance Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Act 2009 44/2009

Finance Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2012 50/2012

Finance Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Act 2013 3/2013 • Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Act 2013 (Commencement) Order 2013, S.I. No. 198 of 2013

Finance Houses of the Oireachtas (Appointments to Certain Offices) Act 2015 34/2015

Finance Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Act 2015 53/2015

Public Exp Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (Amendment) Act 2018 41/2018

28.2. Committees of the Oireachtas 28.2.1. Witnesses Public Exp Houses of the Oireachtas (Inquiries, Privileges and Procedures) Act 2013 2 33/2013 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Inquiries, Privileges and Procedures) Act 2013 (Commencement) Order 2013, S.I. No. 362 of 2013

Public Exp Comptroller and Auditor General and Committees of the Houses of the 47/1998 Oireachtas (Special Provisions) Act 1998

28.3. Legislation and Law Reform 28.3.1. Adaptation of Pre-1922 Charters Adaptation of Charters Act 1926 6/1926 • ’s Hospital, (Adaptation of Charters) Order 1926 [Vol. II p. 15], S.R.& O. No. 29 of 1926 • Royal College of Physicians (Ireland) (Adaptation of Charters) Order 1926 [Vol. II p. 19], S.R.& O. No. 38 of 1926 • Ballaghadereen Markets and Fairs (Adaptation of Charter) Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 25], S.R.& O. No. 2 of 1927 • City of Dublin Skin and Cancer Hospital (Adaptation of Charter) Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 29], S.R.& O. No. 3 of 1927 1 Except s. 5(1) and 13(5)(a): Finance: see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 2 Repealed Oireachtas Witnesses Oaths Act 1924 (53/1924), Houses of the Oireachtas (Laying of Documents) Act 1966 (10/1966), Committee of Public Accounts of Dáil Éireann (Privilege and Procedure) Act 1970 (22/1970), Committees of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Privilege and Procedure) Act 1976 (10/1976), Select Committee on Legislation and Security of Dáil Éireann (Privilege and Immunity) Act 1994 (32/1994), Committees of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Compellability Privileges and Immunities of Witnesses) Act 1997 (17/1997), and Committees of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Compellability Privileges and Immunities of Witnesses) (Amendment) Act 2004 (16/2004) and 14 pre-1922 Acts. 1 • Royal Hospital for Incurables, Donnybrook (Adaptation of Charter) Order 1929 [Vol. II p. 33], S.R.& O. No. 44 of 1929 • National University of Ireland (Adaptation of Charter) Order 1935, S.R.& O. No. 33 of 19353 • (Adaptation of Charter) Order 1940 [Vol. XXV p. 19], S.R.& O. No. 331 of 1940 • Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland (Adaptation of Charter) Order 1941 [Vol. XXV p. 13], S.R.& O. No. 479 of 1941

28.3.2. Adaptation of Pre-1922 Legislation Taoiseach Adaptation of Enactments Act 19224 2/1922 • Estate Duty Grant (No. 1) Order 1924 [Vol. II p. 163], S.R.& O. No. 16 of 1924 • Judicial Savings (Apportionment of Grant) Order 1924 [Vol. II p. 177], S.R.& O. No. 23 of 1924 • Agricultural Education (Apportionment of Grant) Order 1924 [Vol. II p. 181], S.R.& O. No. 24 of 1924 • Teachers’ Salaries Grant (Apportionment) Order 1924 [Vol. II p. 185], S.R.& O. No. 25 of 1924 • Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Duties Grant Order 1924 [Vol. II p. 189], S.R.& O. No. 26 of 19245 • Rates Advisory Committee Order 1925 [Vol. II. p. 193], S.R.& O. No. 11 of 19256 • Fairs (Ireland) Act, 1868 – Adaptation Order 1925 [Vol. II p. 199], S.R.& O. No. 60 of 1925 • Sheriffs (Ireland) Act, 1920, Adaptation Order 1925 [Vol. II p. 203], S.R.& O. No. 65 of 19257 • Act (Ireland) 1875, Adaptation Order 1926 [Vol. II p. 207], S.R.& O. No. 1 of 1926 • Dangerous Drugs Act, 1920, Adaptation Order 1926 [Vol. II p. 211], S.R.& O. No. 10 of 1926 • Dublin Traffic Act, 1875, Adaptation Order 1926 [Vol. II p. 215], S.R.& O. No. 16 of 19268 • Explosives Act, 1875, Adaptation Order 1926 [Vol. II p. 219], S.R.& O. No. 22 of 19269 • Harbour Act, 1914, Adaptation Order 1926 [ Vol. II p. 223], S.R.& O. No. 34 of 192610 • Registrar of Friendly Societies (Adaptation) Order 1926 [Vol. II p. 227], S.R.& O. No. 43 of 192611 • Charles Shiels’ Almshouses Charity Act, 1864, Adaptation Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 233], S.R.& O. No. 7 of 1927 • Public Office Fees Act 1879, Adaptation Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 237], S.R.& O. No. 8 of 1927

3 Also responsibility of Department of Education and Skills. 4 It is likely that many of the orders made under this Act became obsolete as pre-1922 legislation was gradually replaced, and should be revoked. 5 Responsibility of Department of Finance and Revenue Commissioners. 6 Responsibility of Department of Environment, Community and Local Government. 7 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 8 Responsibility of Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. 9 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 10 Responsibility of Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. 11 Responsibility of Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. 2 • Dublin Port and Docks Act, 1898, Adaptation Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 241], S.R.& O. No. 12 of 192712 • Assay ( and Silver Plate and Watch Cases) Adaption Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 245], S.R.& O. No. 18 of 192713 • Infirmary Act, 1896, Adaptation Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 253], S.R.& O. No. 19 of 1927 • Shops Act, 1912, Adaptation Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 257], S.R.& O. No. 26 of 192714 • Public Office Fees Act, 1879, Adaptation (No. 2) Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 261], S.R.& O. No. 28 of 1927 • Judicial Savings (Apportionment of Grant) Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 265], S.R.& O. No. 38 of 192715 • Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Act, 1840, Adaptation Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 271], S.R.& O. No. 47 of 192716 • Saorstat Eireann Forestry Commissioners Orders 1927 [Vol. II p. 275], S.R.& O. No. 68 of 192717 • Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, Adaptation Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 281], S.R.& O. No. 80 of 192718 • Local Taxation Account (Licence Duty Grant) Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 285], S.R.& O. No. 83 of 192719 • Contribution Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 291], S.R.& O. No. 84 of 192720 • Estate Duty Grant Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 299], S.R.& O. No. 94 of 192721 • General Cattle Diseases Fund (Cattle Pleuro-pneumonia Account) Apportionment Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 305], S.R.& O. No. 97 of 192722 • Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 Adaptation (No. 2) Order 1927 [Vol. II p. 311], S.R.& O. No. 106 of 192723 • Air Navigation Act, 1920, Adaption Order 1928 [Vol. II p. 315], S.R.& O. No. 5 of 192824 • Assurance Companies Act, 1909, Adaptation Order 1928 [Vol. II p. 321], S.R.& O. No. 7 of 192825 • Children Act, 1908, Adaptation Order 1928 [Vol. II p. 327], S.R.& O. No. 8 of 192826 • Sale of Food and Drugs Acts Adaptation Order 1928 [Vol. II p. 337], S.R.& O. No. 16 of 192827 • Official Secrets Acts, 1911 and 1920, Adaptation Order 1928 [Vol. II p. 341], S.R.& O. No. 36 of 192828

12 Responsibility of Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. 13 Responsibility of Department of Finance and Revenue Commissioners. 14 Responsibility of Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. 15 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 16 Responsibility of Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. 17 Responsibility of Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. 18 Responsibility of Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. 19 Responsibility of Department of Finance and Revenue Commissioners. 20 Ibid. 21 Ibid. This SI appears to be obsolete. 22 Responsibility of Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. This SI appears to be obsolete. 23 Responsibility of Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. 24 Ibid. 25 Responsibility of Department of Finance and Revenue Commissioners. 26 Obsolete on of Children Act 1908 by Children Act 2001 (24/2001), s. 5 and sch. 2, this SI should be revoked. 27 Responsibility of Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. 28 Responsibility of Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. 3 • Prevention of Corruption Acts, 1889 to 1916, Adaptation Order 1928 [Vol. II p. 353], S.R.& O. No. 37 of 192829 • Advertisements Regulation Act, 1907, Adaptation Order 1928 [Vol. II p. 361], S.R.& O. No. 55 of 192830 • Lunacy Acts (Adaptation) Order 1929 [Vol. II p. 365], S.R.& O. No. 26 of 1929 • Forfeiture Act, 1870 (Adaptation) Order 1929 [Vol. II p. 369], S.R.& O. No. 29 of 192931 • Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1890, Adaptation Order 1930 [Vol. II p. 381], S.R.& O. No. 28 of 1930 • Marine Works (Ireland) Act, 1902, Adaptation Order 1930 [Vol. II p 385], S.R.& O. No. 38 of 193032 • Ministry of Munitions (Cessation) Order, 1921 Adaptation Order 1930 [Vol. II p. 389], S.R.& O. No. 45 of 1930 • Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act, 1921, Adaption Order 1930 [Vol. II p.393], S.R.& O. No. 48 of 193033 • Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1907, Adaptation Order 1931 [Vol. II p. 397], S.R.& O. No. 41 of 1931 • Motor Car (International Circulation) Act, 1909, Adaptation Order 1931 [Vol. II p. 401], S.R.& O. No. 62 of 193134 • Post Office Act, 1908, Adaptation Order 1932 [Vol. II p. 405], S.R.& O. No. 15 of 193235 • Superannuation (Prison Officers) Act, 1919, Adaptation Order 1933 [Vol. II p. 409], S.R.& O. No. 71 of 193336 • Poisons (Ireland) Act, 1870, Adaptation Order 1933 [Vol. II p. 413], S.R.& O. No. 79 of 193337 • Explosives Act, 1875, Adaptation Order 1935 [Vol. II p. 417], S.R.& O. No. 79 of 193538 • Gold and Silver Wares Act, 1875, Adaptation Order 1935 [Vol. II p. 421], S.R.& O. No. 249 of 193539 • Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act, 1921, Adaption Order 1936 [Vol. II p.425], S.R.& O. No. 25 of 193640 41 • (Ireland) Act, 1844, Adaptation Order 1936 [Vol. II p. 429], S.R.& O. No. 42 of 193642 • Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, Adaptation Order 1936 [Vol. II p. 133], S.R.& O. No. 122 of 193643 • Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851, Adaptation Order 1938 [Vol. II p. 463], S.R.& O. No. 300 of 193844

29 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 30 Responsibility of Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. 31 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 32 Responsibility of Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. 33 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 34 Responsibility of Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. 35 Responsibility of Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. 36 Responsibility of Department of Finance. 37 Responsibility of Department of Health. 38 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 39 Responsibility of Department of Finance. 40 Ibid. 41 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 42 Responsibility of Department of Health. Obsolete on repeal of Poisons (Ireland) Act 1870 by Poisons Act 1961 (12/1961), s. 21 and sch., this SI should be revoked. 43 Responsibility of Department of Environment, Community and Local Government. 44 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 4 • Alkali etc., Works Regulation Act, 1906, Adaptation Order 1939 [Vol. XXV p. 25], S.R.& O. No. 221 of 193945 • Irish Church Act, 1869 Adaptation Order 1940 [Vol. XXV p. 61], S.R.& O. No. 34 of 1940 • Pilotage Act, 1913, Adaptation Order 1940 [Vol. XXV p. 77], S.R.& O. No. 311 of 194046 • Irish Universities Act, 1908, Adaptation Order 1942 [Vol. XXV p. 67], S.R.& O. No. 476 of 1942 • Merchant Shipping Act, 1906, Adaptation Order 1942 [Vol. XXV p. 71], S.R.& O. No. 484 of 194247 • Merchant Shipping Acts, 1894 to 1921, Adaptation Order 1945 [Vol. XXXI p. 5], S.R.& O. No. 273 of 194548 • Dublin Carriage Act, 1853, Adaptation Order 1946 [Vol. XXXVI p. 1], S.R.& O. No. 137 of 194649 • Solicitors’ Remuneration Act, 1881, Adaptation Order 1946 [Vol. XXXVI p. 9], S.R.& O. No. 208 of 194650 • Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, Adaptation Order 1946 [Vol. XXXVI p. 5], S.R.& O. No. 235 of 194651 • Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854, Adaption Order 1947 [Vol. XXXVI p. 13], S.R.& O. No. 410 of 194752 • Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 (Adaptation) Order 1953, S.I. No. 398 of 195353 • Land Transfer (Ireland) Act, 1848 (Adaptation) Order 1956, S.I. No. 280 of 195654 • Registry of Deeds (Ireland) Act, 1832 (Adaptation) Order 1956, S.I. No. 281 of 195655 • Saint Stephen’s (Dublin) Act, 1877 (Adaptation) Order 1962, S.I. No. 153 of 196256 • Offences Against the Person Act, 1861 (Section 9) Adaptation Order 1973, S.I. No. 356 of 197357 • Merchant Shipping Act, 1894 (Adaptation) Order 1983, S.I. No. 223 of 198358 • Civil Bill Courts (Ireland) Act, 1851 (Adaptation) Order 1992, S.I. No. 193 of 199259

Taoiseach Adaptation of Enactments Act 1931 34/1931 • 26 Geo. III., C. 57 (Irish) Adaptation Order 1931, S.R.& O. No. 69 of 193160 • Marsh’s Library (Adaptation) Order 1970, S.I. No. 8 of 1970

45 Responsibility of Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. 46 Responsibility of Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. 47 Ibid. 48 Ibid. 49 Ibid. 50 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 51 Ibid. 52 Responsibility of Department of Environment, Community and Local Government. 53 Responsibility of Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. 54 Responsibility of Department of Finance. 55 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 56 Responsibility of Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, OPW. 57 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 58 Responsibility of Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. 59 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 60 Responsibility of Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. 5 Taoiseach Short Titles Act 1962 5/1962

28.3.3. Effect of 1937 Taoiseach Constitution (Consequential Provisions) Act 1937 40/1937 • Currency Act, 1927, Adaptation Order 1938 [Vol. V p. 693], S.R.& O. No. 102 of 193861 • Oireachtas (Payment of Members) Act, 1933, Adaptation Order 1938 [Vol. V p. 697], S.R.& O. No. 192 of 193862 • Electoral Act, 1923, Adaptation Order 1938 [Vol. V p. 701], S.R.& O. No. 209 of 1938 • Forces Amalgamation Act, 1925, Adaptation Order 1938 [Vol. V p. 715], S.R.& O. No. 244 of 193863 • Dentists Act, 1928, Adaptation Order 1941 [Vol. XXVIII p. 247], S.R.& O. No. 1 of 194164 • Medical Practitioners Act, 1927, Adaptation Order 1941 [Vol. XXVIII p. 263], S.R.& O. No. 2 of 194165 • Veterinary Surgeons Act, 1931, Adaptation Order 1941 [Vol. XXVIII p. 271], S.R.& O. No. 4 of 194166 • Saorstat Eireann Enactments (Adaptation) Order 1944 [Vol. XXVIII p. 267], S.R.& O. No. 204 of 1944 • Electoral Act, 1923, Adaptation Order 1945 [Vol. XXVIII p. 251], S.R.& O. No. 331 of 1945

Taoiseach Constitution (Verification of Petition) Act 1944 8/1944

28.3.4. Interpretation of Legislation Taoiseach Interpretation Act 2005 23/2005 • District Court (Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1997) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 133 of 2006 • District Court (Order 24) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 149 of 2006 • District Court (Equal Status Act 2000) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 161 of 2006 • District Court (Temporary Closure Orders) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 162 of 2006 • District Court (Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 209 of 2006 • District Court (Order 16) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 238 of 2006 • District Court (Employment Equality Act 1998) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 263 of 2006 • District Court (Taxi Regulation) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 314 of 2006 • District Court (Warrants of Execution) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 396 of 2006 • District Court (Equal Status Act 2000) (Amendment) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 397 of 2006 • District Court (Case Stated) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 398 of 2006 • District Court (Probation of Offenders) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 544 of 2006 • District Court (Public Order) Rules 2006, S.I. No. 545 of 2006 • District Court (Mental Health Appeals) Rules 2007, S.I. No. 19 of 2007 • District Court (Bench Warrants) Rules 2007, S.I. No. 73 of 2007 • District Court (Small Claims) Rules 2007, S.I. No. 82 of 2007

61 Responsibility of Department of Finance. 62 Responsibility of Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, OPW. 63 Responsibility of Department of Justice and Equality. 64 Responsibility of Department of Health. 65 Ibid. 66 Responsibility of Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. 6 • District Court (Mental Health) Rules 2007, S.I. No. 97 of 2007 • District Court (Children Summonses) Rules 2007, S.I. No. 152 of 2007 • District Court (Criminal Justice Act 2006) Rules 2007, S.I. No. 203 of 2007 • District Court (Community Service) Rules 2007, S.I. No. 313 of 2007 • District Court (Criminal Justice Act 2006, Part 11) Rules 2007, S.I. No. 314 of 2007 • District Court (Children) Rules 2007, S.I. No. 408 of 2007 • District Court (Summonses) Rules 2007, S.I. No. 418 of 2007 • District Court (Insanity) Rules 2007, S.I. No. 727 of 2007 • District Court (Criminal Justice Act 2006) (No. 2) Rules 2008, S.I. No. 25 of 2008 • District Court (Criminal Justice Act 2007) Rules 2008, S.I. No. 41 of 2008 • District Court (Search Warrants) Rules 2008, S.I. No. 322 of 2008 • District Court (Child Care) Rules 2008, S.I. No. 469 of 2008 • District Court (Bench Warrants) Rules 2008, S.I. No. 498 of 2008 • District Court (European Small Claims) Rules 2008, S.I. No. 583 of 2008 • District Court (Forms) Rules 2009, S.I. No. 92 of 2009 • District Court (Criminal Justice Act 2006) Rules 2009, S.I. No. 105 of 2009 • District Court (Consumer Protection Act 2007) Rules 2009, S.I. No. 106 of 2009 • District Court (Intoxicating Liquor Act 2008) Rules 2009, S.I. No. 174 of 2009 • District Court (Service In Member States of Judicial and Extra-judicial Documents In Civil Or Commercial Matters) Rules 2009, S.I. No. 367 of 2009 • District Court (Small Claims) Rules 2009, S.I. No. 519 of 2009 • District Court (Combined Court offices) Rules 2009, S.I. No. 581 of 2009 • District Court (Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 2009) Rules 2010, S.I. No. 33 of 2010 • District Court (Criminal Justice (Mutual Assistance) Act 2008) Rules 2010, S.I. No. 94 of 2010 • District Court (Enforcement of Court Orders) Rules 2010, S.I. No. 129 of 2010 • District Court (Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act 2009) Rules 2010, S.I. No. 162 of 2010 • District Court (Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009) Rules 2010, S.I. No. 260 of 2010 • District Court (Criminal Justice (Surveillance) Act 2009) Rules 2010, S.I. No. 314 of 2010 • District Court (Enforcement of Maintenance Orders) Rules 2010, S.I. No. 325 of 2010 • District Court (Criminal Justice (Surveillance) Act 2009) (No. 2) Rules 2010, S.I. No. 360 of 2010 • District Court (Intellectual Property) Rules 2010, S.I. No. 421 of 2010 • District Court (Summonses) Rules 2010, S.I. No. 557 of 2010 • District Court (Intoxicating Liquor) Rules 2011, S.I. No. 1 of 2011 • District Court (Criminal Law (Insanity) Act 2010) Rules 2011, S.I. No. 154 of 2011 • District Court (Hague Convention 1996) Rules 2011, S.I. No. 301 of 2011 • District Court (Civil Partnership and Cohabitation) Rules 2011, S.I. No. 414 of 2011 • District Court (Criminal Justice (Psychoactive Substances) Act 2010) Rules 2011, S.I. No. 536 of 2011

7 • District Court (Criminal Procedure Act 2010) Rules 2011, S.I. No. 585 of 2011 • District Court (Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2010) Rules 2011, S.I. No. 653 of 2011 • District Court (Fines) Rules 2012, S.I. No. 39 of 2012 • District Court (Service) Rules 2012, S.I. No. 285 of 2012 • District Court (Domestic Violence) Rules 2012, S.I. No. 286 of 2012 • District Court (Recording of Proceedings) Rules 2013, S.I. No. 99 of 2013 • District Court (Enforcement of Maintenance Orders) Rules 2013, S.I. No. 306 of 2013 • District Court (Maintenance and Lugano Convention) Rules 2013, S.I. No. 311 of 2013 • District Court (Civil Procedure) Rules 2014, S.I. No. 17 of 2014 • District Court (Criminal Justice Act 2013) Rules 2014, S.I. No. 409 of 2014 • District Court (Forms) Rules 2014, S.I. No. 596 of 2014 • District Court (General) Rules 2014, S.I. No. 598 of 2014 • District Court (Personal Injuries) Rules 2014, S.I. No. 599 of 2014 • District Court (Family Law Reporting) Rules 2015, S.I. No. 141 of 2015 • District Court (Child Care) Rules 2015, S.I. No. 143 of 2015 • District Court (Companies Act 2014) Rules 2015, S.I. No. 256 of 2015 • District Court (Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters) Rules 2015, S.I. No. 617 of 2015 • District Court (Children and Family Relationships Act 2015) Rules 2016, S.I. No. 17 of 2016 • District Court (Fines) Rules 2016, S.I. No. 19 of 2016 • District Court (Form 34.47) Rules 2016, S.I. No. 82 of 2016 • District Court (Solicitors' costs) Rules 2016, S.I. No. 123 of 2016 • District Court (Amendment) Rules 2016, S.I. No. 149 of 2016 • District Court (Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1997) Rules 2016, S.I. No. 252 of 2016 • District Court (Housing) Rules 2016, S.I. No. 506 of 2016 • District Court (Issue of civil proceedings) Rules 2016, S.I. No. 513 of 2016 • District Court (Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA System) Act 2014) Rules 2016, S.I. No. 567 of 2016 • District Court (' Robes) Rules 2017, S.I. No. 77 of 2017 • District Court (Order 40A) Rules 2017, S.I. No. 102 of 2017

Taoiseach Interpretation (Amendment) Act 1997 36/1997

28.3.5. Law Reform Commission Taoiseach67 Law Reform Commission Act 1975 3/1975 • Law Reform Commission Superannuation (Consolidation) (Amendment) Scheme 2009, S.I. No. 422 of 2009 • Law Reform Commissioner Superannuation Scheme 2010, S.I. No. 223 of 2010

28.3.6. Private Acts: Costs Public Exp Private Bill Costs Act 1924 52/1924

67 Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 8 28.3.7. Statutory Instruments/Secondary Legislation Public Exp Statutory Instruments Act 1947 44/1947

Public Exp Statutory Instruments (Amendment) Act 1955 26/1955

28.3.8. Statute Law Revision: Repeal of Obsolete Legislation Public Exp Statute Law Revision Act 200768 28/2007

Public Exp Statute Law Revision (Pre-Union Irish Statutes) Act 1962 29/1962

Public Exp Statute Law Revision Act 1983 11/1983

Public Exp Statute Law Revision (Pre-1922) Act 2005 32/2005

Public Exp Statute Law Revision Act 200969 46/2009

Public Exp Statute Law Revision Act 201270 19/2012

Public Exp Statute Law Revision Act 201571 23/2015

Public Exp Statute Law Revision Act 201672 20/2016

28.3.9. Statute Law Restatement: Administrative Consolidation (Revised Acts) Public Exp Statute Law (Restatement) Act 2002 33/2002

28.4. Members of the Oireachtas 28.4.1. Salaries and Allowances Finance Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) Act 1938 73 74 34/1938 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Scheme (Deduction of Contributions) Regulations 1960, S.I. No. 269 of 1960 • Members of the Oireachtas (Allowances) Order 1977, S.I. No. 167 of 1977 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) Order 1978, S.I. No. 129 of 1978 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) Order 1979, S.I. No. 299 of 1979 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) Order 1980, S.I. No. 46 of 1980 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) (No. 2) Order 1980, S.I. No. 369 of 1980

68 Schedule 1 of the Statute Law Revision Act 2007 contains the definitive list of 1,364 pre-1922 Public Acts retained in force as of 2007. Since then, a number of these pre-1922 Acts have repealed, notably over 150 pre-1922 Acts repealed by the Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act 2009 (27/2009). 69 Contains a definitive list of 138 pre-1922 (a) Local and Personal Acts (enacted up to 1850) and (b) Private Statutes (enacted up to 1750) retained in force in 2009 (see also the list in the 2012 Act, below). This Classified List contains Public Acts only. 70 Contains a definitive list of the remaining 796 pre-1922 (a) Local and Personal Acts (enacted between 1851 and 1922) and (b) Private Statutes (enacted between 1751 and 1922) retained in force in 2012 (completes the list in the 2009 Act, above). This Classified List contains Public Acts only. 71 Revoked all secondary instruments such as orders, proclamations and declarations applicable to Ireland made before 1821, apart from 43 instruments listed in its first schedule. The Act expressly revoked 5,782 instruments listed in the second schedule. 72 Repealed 297 Acts made 1922-1950. 73 Also listed under 26.3: Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices: Remuneration. 74 Many of the Sis made under this Act are also made under Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices Act 1938 (38/1938). 9 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) Order 1981, S.I. No. 386 of 1981 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) (Amendment) Scheme 1986, S.I. No. 431 of 1986 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Pensions (Amendment) (No. 2) Scheme 1986, S.I. No. 432 of 1986 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) Order 1988, S.I. No. 165 of 1988 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Pensions (Amendment) Scheme 1988, S.I. No. 223 of 1988 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) Order 1989, S.I. No. 203 of 1989 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Pensions (Amendment) Scheme 1992, S.I. No. 300 of 1992 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Pensions (Amendment) (No. 2) Scheme 1992, S.I. No. 354 of 1992 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Pensions (Amendment) Scheme 1993, S.I. No. 111 of 1993 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) Order 1994, S.I. No. 303 of 1994 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Pensions (Amendment) Scheme 1997, S.I. No. 212 of 1997 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) Order 1998, S.I. No. 74 of 1998 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Pensions (Amendment) Scheme 1998, S.I. No. 75 of 1998 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Pensions Scheme (Additional Allowances) (Deduction of Contributions) Regulations 1998, S.I. No. 97 of 1998 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Pensions (Amendment) (No. 2) Scheme 1998, S.I. No. 373 of 1998 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) Order 2001, S.I. No. 37 of 2001 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) (No. 2) Order 2001, S.I. No. 333 of 2001 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Pensions (Amendment) Scheme 2001, S.I. No. 384 of 2001 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Pensions (Amendment) (No. 2) Scheme 2001, S.I. No. 385 of 2001 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) Order 2002, S.I. No. 87 of 2002 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) (Amendment) Order 2003, S.I. No. 228 of 2003 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) (Amendment) Order 2004, S.I. No. 20 of 2004 • Members of the Oireachtas and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Allowances and Salaries) (Amendment) Order 2005, S.I. No. 278 of 2005 • Houses of the Oireachtas (Members) Pensions (Amendment) Scheme 2007, S.I. No. 248 of 2007

Finance Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary 12/1960 Offices (Amendment) Act 196075

75 Also listed at 26.3, Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices: Remuneration. 10 Public Exp Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) Act 1962 32/1962 • Oireachtas (Allowances To Members) Act, 1962 (Commencement) Order 1992, S.I. No. 141 of 1992 • Oireachtas (Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices) (Secretarial Facilities) Regulations 2005, S.I. No. 129 of 2005 • Oireachtas (Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices) (Secretarial Facilities) Regulations 2006, S.I. No. 535 of 2006 • Oireachtas (Allowances and Facilities) Regulations 2010, S.I. No. 84 of 2010 • Oireachtas (Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices) (Secretarial Facilities) (Banking Inquiry) Regulations 2014, S.I. No. 564 of 2014 • Oireachtas (Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices) (Secretarial Facilities) Regulations 2021., S.I. No. 89 of 2021

Finance Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary 14/1964 Offices (Amendment) Act 196476

Finance Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) (Amendment) Act 1968 8/1968

Finance Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary 22/1968 Offices (Amendment) Act 196877

Finance Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary 22/1973 Offices (Amendment) Act 197378

Finance Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentary and 29/1977 Judicial Offices (Amendment) Act 1977

Finance Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentary and 32/1983 Judicial Offices (Amendment) Act 198379

Finance Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary 3/1992 Offices (Amendment) Act 199280

Finance Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) (Amendment) Act 1994 21/1994

Finance Oireachtas (Miscellaneous Provisions) and Ministerial and Parliamentary 39/1996 Offices (Amendment) Act 199681

Finance Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentary, Judicial 5/1998 and Court Offices (Amendment) Act 199882

Finance Ministerial, Parliamentary and Judicial Offices and Oireachtas Members 33/2001 (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2001 • Superannuation (Designation of Approved Organisations) Order 2006, S.I. No. 110 of 2006 • Superannuation (Designation of Approved Organisations) Order 2007, S.I. No. 17 of 2007

76 Also listed at 26.3, Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices: Remuneration. 77 Also listed at 26.3, Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices: Remuneration. 78 Also listed at 26.3, Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices: Remuneration. 79 Also listed at 26.3, Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices: Remuneration. 80 Also listed at 26.3, Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices: Remuneration. 81 Also listed at 26.3, Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices: Remuneration. 82 Also listed at 26.3, Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices: Remuneration. 11 Finance Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary 29/2009 Offices Act 2009 83 • Oireachtas (Allowances and Facilities) Regulations 2010, S.I. No. 84 of 2010 • Oireachtas (Allowances and Facilities) (Amendment) Regulations 2010, S.I. No. 331 of 2010 • Oireachtas (Allowances and Facilities) (Amendment) Regulations 2013, S.I. No. 149 of 2013

Finance Oireachtas (Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices) (Amendment) Act 201484 6/2014 • Oireachtas (Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices) (Amendment) Act 2014 (Commencement) Order 2014, S.I. No. 210 of 2014

28.5. Procedure85 28.5.1. Laying of Documents Public Exp Houses of the Oireachtas (Inquiries, Privileges and Procedures) Act 201386 33/2013

28.6. Parliamentary Offices and Staff Finance Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices Act 193887 38/1938 • Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices Act 1938 (Sections 10A, 10B, 10C and 10D) (Fixed Day) Order 2014, S.I. No. 211 of 2014

Finance Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Amendment) Act 1949 21/1949

Finance Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Amendment) Act 1952 19/1952

Transport88 Staff of the Houses of the Oireachtas Act 1959 38/1959

Finance Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices Act 197289 21/1972

Finance90 Oireachtas (Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices) (Amendment) Act 2001 30/2001

28.7. Finance Presidential Seal Act 1937 37/1937

Finance91 Presidential Establishment Act 1938 24/1938 • Presidential Establishment Act, 1938 (Section 1 (3)) Order 1997, S.I. No. 455 of 1997 • Presidential Establishment Act, 1938 (Increase of Emoluments and Allowances) Order 1998, S.I. No. 67 of 1998

83 Also listed at 26.3, Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices: Remuneration. 84 Also listed at 26.3, Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices: Remuneration. 85 Article 15.10 of the Constitution of Ireland provides that each House of the Oireachtas (Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann) shall make its own rules and standing orders. The current Standing Orders of each House of the Oireachtas are available at 86 Part 13. Repealed Houses of the Oireachtas (Laying of Documents) Act 1966 (10/1966), among others. 87 See also Title 26: National Government, above. 88 Functions transferred to Public Service (now Transport) by S.I. No. 294 of 1973. However, it appears that Finance may have current responsibility. 89 See also Title 26: National Government, above. 90 Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 91 However orders made under this Act were made by the Taoiseach, implying responsibility lying with the Department of the Taoiseach. 12 Finance Presidential Establishment (Amendment) Act 1947 22/1947

Finance Presidential Establishment (Amendment) Act 1973 18/1973

Finance Presidential Establishment (Amendment) Act 1991 10/1991

28.8. Tribunals of Inquiry and Commissions of Investigation 28.8.1. Tribunals of Inquiry Justice Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921 11 & 12 • Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921 (Establishment of Tribunal) Geo. 5, c. 7 Instrument 2002, S.I. No. 175 of 2002

Justice92 Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) Act 1979 3/1979

Justice Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) Act 1997 42/1997

Justice Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) Act 1998 11/1998

Justice Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1998 18/1998

Justice93 Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) Act 2002 7/2002

Justice Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) Act 2004 13/2004

Local Gov Tribunal of Inquiry into Certain Planning Matters and Payments Act 2004 39/2004

28.8.2. Commissions of Investigation Justice94 Commissions of Investigation Act 2004 23/2004 • Commission of Investigation (Dublin and Monaghan Bombings) Order 2005, S.I. No. 222 of 2005 • Commission of Investigation (Dean Lyons Case) Revised Order 2006, S.I. No. 69 of 2006 • Commission of Investigation (Child Sexual Abuse) Order 2006, S.I. No. 137 of 2006 • Commission of Investigation (Leas Cross Nursing Home) Order 2007, S.I. No. 304 of 2007 • Commission of Investigation (Death of Gary Douch in Mountjoy Prison) Order 2007, S.I. No. 371 of 2007 • Commission of Investigation (Child Sexual Abuse) (Amendment) Order 2009, S.I. No. 117 of 2009 • Commission of Investigation (Banking Sector) Order 2010, S.I. No. 454 of 2010 • Commission of Investigation (Banking Sector) (Amendment) Order 2010, S.I. No. 590 of 2010 Commission of Investigation (Certain Matters relative to An Garda Síochána and other persons) Order 2014, S.I. No. 192 of 2014 • Commission of Investigation (Ronan MacLochlainn) Order 2014, S.I. No. 346 of 2014

92 Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 93 Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 94 Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 13 • Commission of Investigation (Certain Matters relative to the / Monaghan Division of the Garda Síochána) Order 2015, S.I. No. 38 of 2015 • Commission of Investigation ( and Baby Homes and certain related Matters) Order 2015, S.I. No. 57 of 2015 • Commission of Investigation (Irish Bank Resolution Corporation) Order 2015, S.I. No. 253 of 2015 • Commission of Investigation (Irish Bank Resolution Corporation) (Amendment) Order 2016, S.I. No. 417 of 2016 • Commission of Investigation (Certain matters relative to a disability service in the South East and related matters) Order 2017, S.I. No. 96 of 2017 • Commission of Investigation (National Asset Management Agency) Order 2017, S.I. No. 267 of 2017 • Commission of Investigation (Response to complaints or allegations of child sexual abuse made against Bill Kenneally and related matters) Order 2018, S.I. No. 311 of 2018

Finance Commission of Investigation (Irish Bank Resolution Corporation) Act 2016 10/2016 • Commission of Investigation (Irish Bank Resolution Corporation) Act 2016 (Commencement) Order 2016, S.I. No. 438 of 2016

Justice Commission of Investigation (Mother and Baby Homes and certain related 20/2020 Matters) Records, and another Matter, Act 2020

28.8.3. Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Education95 Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Act 2000 7/2000 • Commission To Inquire Into Child Abuse Act, 2000 (Establishment Day) Order 2000, S.I. No. 149 of 2000 • Commission To Inquire Into Child Abuse Act, 2000 (Additional Functions) Order 2001, S.I. No. 280 of 2001 • Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Act 2000 (Section 5) (Specified Period) Order 2002, S.I. No. 519 of 2005 • Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Act 2000 (Section 5) (Specific Period) Order 2005, S.I. No. 779 of 2005 • Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse Act 2000 (Section 5) (Specified Period) Order 2008, S.I. No. 155 of 2008 • Commission To Inquire Into Child Abuse Act 2000 (Section 5) (Specified Period) Order 2009, S.I. No. 26 of 2009

Education96 Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (Amendment) Act 2005 17/2005 • Education (Former Residents of Certain Institutions for Children) Finance Board (Establishment Day) Order 2006, S.I. No. 77 of 2006

28.9. ECA Section 3 Statutory Instruments Foreign European Communities Act 1972 27/1972 • (Citizens’ Initiative) Regulations 2019, S.I. No. 648 of 2019

95 Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 96 Public Exp (in part): see S.I. No. 418 of 2011. 14