TheThe competition competition organized organized with with the the joint joint decision decision of of the the Ministry Ministry of of Education, Education, Ministry Ministry of of Youth Youth andand Sports, Sports, Ministry Ministry of of Defense, Defense, Ministry Ministry of of Emergency Emergency Situations, Situations, The The Ministry Ministry of of Culture Culture and and Tourism, Tourism, State Service for Mobilization and Conscription was attended by Grade 7 - 8 pupils of secondary schools.

In RepublicanIn Republican final final stage stage of "Braves", of "Braves", military-Sport military-Sport and and Tourism Tourism game game Zardab, Zardab, Khatai Khatai and and districts won the first, second and third places correspondingly. The winner team was awarded with the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education.

Note that, in March and April on this year, the district stage of military-sports and games "Braves" tooktook part part in in Baku and and Nakhchivan cities, cities, Guba, Guba, , Goygol, Hajugabul, Hajugabul, Ismayilly, Ismayilly, Balaken, Balaken, Agjabedy Agjabedy and and Neftchala districts.

AtAt present, present, the the Ministry Ministry of of Education Education jointly jointly with with other other organs organs implements implements effective effective measures measures for for improvementimprovement of of teaching teaching military military training training lessons lessons in in secondary secondary schools schools and and improvement improvement of of quality quality and and popularitypopularity of the of the military-sport military-sport games. games. In this In this regard, regard, comprehensive comprehensive support support for organizationfor organization of of meetings,meetings, conferences, conferences, "round "round tables", tables", cultural cultural and and other other events events on on patriotic patriotic education education of of youth youth on on actual issues is provided.

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