GEOGRAPHY AND TOURISM, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2016), 75-81, Semi-Annual Journal eISSN 2449-9706, ISSN 2353-4524, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.223926 © Copyright by Kazimierz Wielki University Press, 2016. All Rights Reserved. Gennady Y. Baryshnikov Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia, email:
[email protected] Geological and geomorphological background of cataclysmic debris flooding in the Altai mountain rivers Abstract: Article discusses effects of catastrophic floods on the rivers in the Altai Mountains. The whole complex of flood- plain terraces of the main rivers – the Biya and Katun was formed by insertion of these rivers in the loose deposits, that was formed as the one-act occurrence associated with glacial-dammed lakes – the Prateletskie and Chui-Kuraipaleovo- doema. This conclusion is confirmed by a series of radiocarbon age determinations of sediments and opto-luminescence dating. Keywords: Altai Mountains, above the floodplain terrace, glacier, moraine, alluvium, catastrophic flooding, radiocarbon dating. Floods in the Altai Mountains were largely Today there is much obtained actual data determined by the climatic conditions of on the terrace sediments in the Upper Priob’ye the region, that in the past was related to the region. Numerous studies of terraces quantity increase in temperature and intensive deglaci- and their age based on common geomorpholog- ation, with subsequent formation of ice-mar- ical observations, groundwater bore data, paly- ginal lakes and their outflow through the nological and paleocarpological materials, small arterial rivers. These were catastrophic flood- mammal fauna justification, molluscan shells, ing phenomena. At the present day the most a number of radiocarbon dates interpreted as important triggering factor for floods is abun- organic deposits of alluvial sediments in the Ob dant precipitation in the mountains succeeded river, lead to contradictory conclusions.