United States District Court for the District of Connecticut
Case 3:13-cv-01890-CSH Document 187 Filed 06/15/16 Page 1 of 43 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT CONSTANCE E. BAGLEY, Civil Action No. Plaintiff, 3:13 - CV - 1890 (CSH) v. YALE UNIVERSITY, DOUGLAS RAE, EDWARD SNYDER, and ANDREW JUNE 15, 2016 METRICK, individually, Defendants. RULING ON PLAINTIFF'S OMNIBUS MOTION CONCERNING DISCOVERY AND RELATED ISSUES HAIGHT, Senior District Judge: Plaintiff has filed an Omnibus Motion [Doc. 172] which requests an order granting seven separate forms of relief, most related to pretrial discovery and related issues. Defendants oppose these requests almost in their entirety. The issues have been thoroughly briefed by counsel. This Ruling resolves them. The Ruling's discussion follows the order of the numbered paragraphs in the Omnibus Motion, which arrange and set forth Plaintiff's requests and demands. References to "Yale" refer to the University as an institution, or on occasion, it is a collective reference to all the Defendants. (1) and (2). Time Limit for Discovery Concerning Comparators; Identity of Comparators In a prior Ruling on discovery issues, reported at 2015 WL 8750901 (D.Conn. Dec. 14, 2015), the Court directed documentary discovery "with respect to those obvious comparators, the reappointment professors," a group the Ruling defined as "the individuals who (a) were Professors 1 Case 3:13-cv-01890-CSH Document 187 Filed 06/15/16 Page 2 of 43 in the Practice on the faculty of the Yale School of Management during the period 2008-2013 and (b) during that period, applied for reappointment to that rank and position." Id., at *9.
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