Your Linnvale and Drumry in profile

The Linnvale and Drumry community council area in West has a population of 6,272.

Community Council comparisons with Women in Linnvale and Drumry live, on average, eight years longer than men and can expect to have four more years of healthy life expectancy than men. The estimate of female life expectancy in Linnvale and Drumry is slightly higher than the West Dunbartonshire average, while for male life expectancy is estimated to be slightly lower than the West Dunbartonshire average. The difference between healthy life expectancy and overall life expectancy gives a measure of life lived not in good health, which is 16.8 years for men and 20.7 years for women. The proportion of the population aged 65 years and over is higher than in West Dunbartonshire as a whole. The area has a higher than average proportion of single parent households (40%). 30% of young people are not in education, employment or training, while 31% of children are living in poverty. A higher than average proportion of people live close to vacant and derelict land (80%) compared to West Dunbartonshire as a whole. Time Group Indicator Count Rate Difference from West Dunbartonshire Period People aged 0 - 15 1,095 17% -0% People aged 16 - 64 3,996 64% -2% 2014 People aged 65 - 74 656 10% +7%

Population People aged 75 and over 525 8% +8% Black and minority ethnic groups 132 2% +33% 2011 People with religious affiliation 4,081 64% -3% People who travel to work or study by 1,603 44% +18% 2011 walking/bike/public transport

Cultural & Cultural & People who live within 500m of vacant and Environment 5,007 80% +28% 2014 derelict land Owner-occupied households 1,374 48% -14% Privately rented households 92 3% -45% 2011 Single parent households 328 40% +9% Housing Overcrowded households 297 10% +3% People in employment 2,507 54% -11% 2014 People claiming out of work benefits 920 24% +32% People in income deprivation 1,600 25% +31% 2012

Socio- Children in poverty 505 31% +30% 2013 economic Benefits sanctions – data to be added Adults with qualifications at Higher level 1,739 34% -20% 2011 and above Young people not in employment, 107 30% -3% 2012 Education education or training Male life expectancy 72.2 Years -3% Male healthy life expectancy 55.4 Years -6% 2011

Female life expectancy 80.8 Years +2% Health Female healthy life expectancy 60.1 Years -1%

West Dunbartonshire Community Council Profiles 1

Community Council Trends

y y

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at at

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pe t

50 bir cta Linnvale and Drumry 95% Confidence interval West Dunbartonshire Male life expectancy

Female life expectancy Male life expectancy

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70

60 60

Life birthexpectancy(years) Life at Life Life expectancybirth at (years)

50 50 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

Life expectancy for males has risen by 3 years in the last 14 years, while female life expectancy has risen by 2 years over the same period. Overall, female life expectancy has remained above the West Dunbartonshire average and male life expectancy has remained below the West Dunbartonshire average. In the most recent period shown (2009-13), female life expectancy was very similar to the Scottish average, with male life expectancy estimated to be below the Scottish average. Population by age group Key Education and Economic indicators

0-15 16-44 45-64 65-74 75+ 70% 60% 3,000 50% 2,500 40% 2,000 30% 20% 1,500 10% 1,000 0% Adults with Young people People in People 500 qualifications not in employment claiming out

0 at Higher employment, of work

level and education or benefits

above training

2002 2006 2009 2013 2001 2003 2004 2005 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012 2014

The overall population in Linnvale and Drumry reduced by 9% between 2001 and 2014, with the largest decrease being in the number of under 16 year olds – a reduction of 15%. Linnvale and Drumry has a lower proportion of adults with qualifications at Higher level or above than West Dunbartonshire as a whole, but has a similar level of young people not in employment, education and training.

Notes 1. Data sources: Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2012, Census 2011, Census 2001, Child Poverty Unit, NOMIS, National Records of (NRS) and . 2. Populations presented in the population trend chart and used to calculate life expectancy estimates are taken from NRS small area population estimates and are based on: the 2001 census for the years 1996-2001; both the 2001 and 2011 census for the years 2002- 2010; and the 2011 census for the years 2011-2014. 3. The Income deprivation indicator is derived from SIMD 2012, more information on this deprivation index can be found at: 4. Life expectancies are calculated based on population estimates and death registrations. 95% confidence intervals have been added on the graphs to give an indication of their accuracy. The x-axes of the life expectancy graphs give the mid-year for each life expectancy estimate e.g. the most recent estimate, denoted by 2012 represents the life expectancy estimate for the period 2010 - 2014. 5.A notes and definitions document providing further information on the variables presented in the profile can be found in the Profiles section of 6. Front page map:- (c) Crown Copyright and Database Right 2016. Ordnance Survey (Digimap Licence).

West Dunbartonshire Community Council Profiles 2