Age-friendly guide to Manhattan supermarkets. Gale A. Brewer Manhattan Borough President 1 Dear Manhattanite: The percentage of seniors in New York City is projected to grow to one-fifth of the population by 2030. In an effort to highlight best practices for age-friendly shopping experiences, my office surveyed over 200 supermarkets across the borough to identify each store’s policies and infrastructure as they relate to the needs of older adults. In the following pages, we’ve organized survey results from those hundreds of supermarkets by Community Board District, outlining their wheelchair accessibility, delivery policies, public resstroom availability, escalator or elevator availability (at multi-floor stores), senior discounts, and SNAP/EBT acceptance. I want to thank the businesses who took the time to respond to our survey team of interns and staff. Sincerely, Gale A. Brewer, Manhattan Borough President P.S. For more information on how to better meet the needs of older adults or to share best practices of your own, please contact the New York Academy of Medicine at
[email protected] or call (212) 822-7254. 3 Wheelchair aisles? COMMUNITY BOARD Delivery available? Restrooms? Elevator/Escalator? Senior discount? SNAP/EBT? 1. Cucina Liberta, 17 Battery Place Y Y Y na N N Free delivery in local area 2. Battery Place Market, 77 Battery Place N Y Y na N N Free delivery in neighborhood 3. Gristedes, 90 Maiden Lane Y Y Y Y Y Y Free delivery w $75 min purch; 10% senior disc Tues 4. 300 Hudson Produce, 300 Albany Street N Y N na N N BATTERY PARK CITY Free delivery in neighborhood 1CIVIC CE NTER 5.