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News Burton Mail > Burton Mail > MAN KILLED IN RAIL TRAGEDY Homepage News Home MAN KILLED IN RAIL TRAGEDY Save Our Heritage National News by HELEN KREFT Letters A MAN has been killed after his car was struck by a train at a level crossing near Day on a page Burton. Search News Police and fire Want a local ... crews from Jobs , Homes Derbyshire and Motors two from Kingsway were Directory called to the Sport level crossing Sport Home in the Marston Local Sports Clubs Lane area of National Sport Marston-on- Burton Albion Dove on Derby County Saturday at 3.55pm after Gresley Rovers reports that a Fantasy Football car had struck Burton Junior Football the automatic Search Sport half barrier. Business Business Home The 3.28pm Burton Jobs train was Leisure heading to Leisure Home Crewe from Gig Guide Derby and had Blogs just passed the Ex-Pats Tutbury and Competitions Hatton Station when the Search tragedy occurred. It is believed the train was travelling at around 65mph when it Dating struck the car. Classified Announcements The train was carrying 54 passengers of which one female was treated for minor neck and back injuries. Breakaway

Advertising Rail traveller Simon Martin, 21, of Main Street, Newton Solney, was travelling from In Paper Advertising Tutbury to Manchester and was waiting at Tutbury and Hatton Station when he New Media Advertising saw the train return to the station after the tragedy. He said: "There were quite a Leaflets 12/05/2008 MAN KILLED IN RAIL TRAGEDY - Burton Mail Page 2 of 3

Ad Features few people on the train and were suffering from bumps and bruises. I noticed people looked really stunned by what had just happened." Other titles

Heartland Evening Mr Martin also saw the passengers transferred to a bus. News

Staffordshire A spokesman for British Transport Police said: "The driver of the car was killed Newsletter when his vehicle hit an automatic half barrier at the level crossing in Marston-on- Ashbourne News Dove. inquiries by the British Transport Police are ongoing and anyone with any Telegraph information or may have witnessed the incident are advised to telephone us on Uttoxeter Advertiser 0800 405040." Your Leek Paper Last Year Network Rail launched a £3m advertising campaign, warning of the About us dangers of level crossings. About Us Find Us Contact Us Competition Ts & Cs RSS Feeds Comment on this article Forums Your Name:*

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Story First Published: 12/05/2008 12/05/2008 MAN KILLED IN RAIL TRAGEDY - Burton Mail Page 3 of 3

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