OFFSHORE RACING CONGRESS World Leader in Rating Technology Secretariat: UK Office: YCCS, 07020 Porto Cervo Five Gables, Witnesham Sardinia, Italy Ipswich, IP6 9HG England Tel: +39 0789 902 202 Tel: +44 1473 785 091 Fax: +39 0789 957 031 Fax: +44 1473 785 092
[email protected]
[email protected] Annual General Meeting held on 11th November, 2003 INDEX Minute No. Page No. Attendance 2 1. Approval of Minutes -- EGM of 9th November, 2003 3 2. The Chairman's Report 5 3. The Treasurer's Report and Audited Accounts 5 4. Levies for Certificates Valid 2004 6 5. Appointment of Auditors 6 6. Appointment of Honorary Treasurer 6 7. Membership of Committees 6 8. International Technical Committee Report 6 9. Measurement Committee Report 15 10. Offshore Classes & Events Committee Report 18 11. Race Management Committee Report 20 12. Promotion and Development Committee Report 21 13. Management Committee Report 24 14. Calendar for 2004 -- Meetings and Events 25 Year-end Fleet Statistics -- 1998 to 2003 27 Offshore Racing Council Ltd. Company Reg. 1523835. Reg. Office: Marlborough House, Victoria Road South, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1LN, UK MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting of the Offshore Racing Council, Limited held at 0930 on 11th November 2003 in Le Meredien Hotel, Barcelona, Spain. Council Members Present: Chairman: Bruno Finzi Italy Deputy Chiarman: Don Genitempo USA Deputy Chairman: Wolfgang Schaefer Germany/Austria George Andreadis ISAF & Greece Kjell Borking Scandinavia Marcelino Botin Spain Estanislao Duran Iberian peninsula Bruno Frank Switzerland José Frers South America Zoran Grubisa Croatia Giovanni Iannucci Italy David Kellett ISAF Chris Little UK Patrick Lindqvist Scandinavia David Lyons Australia John Osmond USA Abraham Rosemberg Brazil Peter Rutter RORC Dierk Thomsen Germany/Austria Minoru Tomita Japan Ecky von der Mosel Germany Hans Zuiderbaan Benelux Countries Nominated Alternates: Francoise Pascal for J.B.