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The BG News March 14, 1997

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"Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75years" # University moves free Hamilton returns to BG thing they are doing. tivities was a video of Hamilton speech zone Skating "It's not the results - the me- through his years In Bowling dals are great, but it is the pro- Green and In his professional ca- legend speaks cess. It's fun," Hamilton said. "I reer. By SARAH BEDNARSKI know that you will just get better Various presentations and The BG News at benefit and stronger and I am looking tributes were made to Hamilton, forward to seeing more and more including being named "Mayor Brother Jed has a new place dinner results." Hamilton said he tries for the Day" by BG Mayor Wes designated for him to preach his to return to his hometown of Hoffman. sermons. ByDARLAWARNOCK Bowling Green each year be- Hoffman also named March 13 University officials have ap- The BG News tween tour dates, and is happy to "Scott Hamilton Appreciation proved the area in front of the get a chance to return back Day" in honor of all of his ac- Math Science Building as the Taking a break from his home. complishments and what he has new designated free speech zone. country-wide skating tour, figure brought back to city of Bowling According to James Treeger, skating champion Scott Hamilton He explained that the kind Green. associate director of the Union, made his way back home to Bowl- people of Bowling Green bring the location of the free speech ing Green last night. him back. Former Ice Arena director Jim zone had to move because of the A dinner in support of the Uni- Ruehl presented Hamilton with a building of the new pedestrian versity Precision Skating Team "It's kind of huge -1 go back in Bowling Green hockey jersey, mall. The free speech zone used was held in honor of Hamilton in the old neighborhood and have number one. to be located there. order to raise money for the team the opportunity to embrace "He's number one in the pro- Treeger said that the Universi- and recognize his accomplish- memories of the best time of my gram and number one in our ty decided to move the area away ments. life," Hamilton said. "It's won- hearts," Ruehl said. from Moseley and Hayes Halls Hamilton said he was more derful to come back." Sam Cooper, who was Instru- because the traffic could inter- than willing to come back to sup- mental In making the Ice Arena fere with classes. port the Skating Team, who re- This time he brought a friend. possible, also thanked Hamilton Whether someone from the cently placed second in national Olympic skater Kurt Browning and wished him gratitiude and community wishes to speak or a competition held in Syracuse, came with Hamilton, sporting his appreciation for everything he student wants to express their N.Y. Bowling Green hockey sweat- has done for the skating pro- views, they can do so in that area. "They asked if I wouldn't mind shirt and waiting for every op- gram. "The area is for anyone who if I would blush for a couple of portunity to find out more about wants to speak," Treeger said. hours," Hamilton said. "This has Hamilton in his younger days. Hamilton said he owes a lot to Gregg DeCrane, dean of stu- been a little overwhelming. This Cooper because without him he dents, said that they are thinking is great." Hamilton and Browning are would not be where he is today. about placing a permanent po- BG News Phot* by Hldekl Kobtyaihl In his response and remarks to currently in the middle of their "I would have never been skat- dium or marker. the audience of nearly 275, Ha- "Stars on Ice" tour, performing ing," Hamilton said. "I could go "We want to mark it with a Scott Hamilton was the featured guest at the BGSU Precision Ice Skat- milton first urged the skaters to in 63 shows in 61 cities. on all night. I feel a great amount marker of some sort to designate ing Team dinner on Thursday night. take time to appreciate every- Included in the evening's fes- of gratitude." that as the spot," DeCrane said. Barbara Waddell, public safety officer, said that the designated free speech area is a positive thing. Missile theory Time to dance Campus police dont have a problem with the free speech area as long as speakers are do- JiiMif ing so peacefully, Waddell said. under surmise "We think it is a positive thing The Associated Press Sanders' claim - and want to as long as students assemble know where he got the fabric. peacefully," Waddell said SMITHTOWN, N.Y. - A man "If this guy has a piece of the Several students have ques- who claims he has TWA Flight airplane and it was removed ille- tioned the constitutionality of the 800 seat fabric containing traces gally, we want to know about it," free speech area. According to of missile fuel could face federal said one source, who spoke to the one student, they feel that the charges if he stole or tampered AP on the condition of anonym- University is trying to take away with pieces of the plane's wreck- ity. "We're looking into possible the First Amendment right of age, investigators said Wednes- obstruction of justice charges, freedom of speech. day. whether the evidence was stolen, DeCrane said that they are al- and other matters." lowed to designate an area. James Sanders, whose wife is a "As a university we have the TWA employee, has said he ob- William Muller, an executive right to have a designated area tained the fabric from the hangar assistant in the U.S. Attorney's for anyone to speak," DeCrane where the wreckage of the jet is Office in Brooklyn, refused to said. being reconstructed. He claims disclose whether a case was pre- According to DeCrane, it is the the fabric was tested at a lab and sented to a grand jury regarding University's right to appoint an found to contain chemicals in an Sanders or anyone else who area. If a student wishes to speak reddish-orange residue con- claims to have information on the somewhere else, the University sistent with a missile warhead. crash. Muller said the office has the right to ask them to go to would have no comment "on what the proper area, DeCrane said. Investigators adamantly deny we are or are not investigating." Clinic makes research easy

BG Nem PhM* by Glu Fkmlag BGSU librarians front of a computer and show turnout this semester due to pub- them the resources they can licity and word-of-mouth," Nims The Alpha Chi Omega Sorority adorns their house with banners to show support for the upcoming ready to decode use," she said. said. "We currently have over Dance Marathon. While the idea of a research 130 slots available." research mystery project clinic is not new, this is Students must call 24 hours in only the second semester it has advance to make an appointment. By OLIVIA INKROTT been offered to Bowling Green Nims stressed that it is impor- The BG News students. tant for students to have their Thon dances the hours away "It really helped the students research topic chosen before It'll be waiting for you when who participated last semester," they call for an appointment. you get back from spring break. Nims said. "They indicated that "That's so we know they've Motivational speech Nearly 300 morale captains invitation because she likes to You've put it off as long as you they all got something out of it thought about it a little bit," she planned to kick off volunteered to keep the 140 dan- interact with students as often as can, but sooner or later you have they wouldn't have known be- said. "It benefits us and the stu- cers moving and to make sure possible. to write your research paper. fore." dent. 32-hour weekend they are not suffering from fa- The speech will include the This semester, the Jerome Li- Nims urges students to sched- "Also, when people tell us in tigue, according to DJ. Burke, importance of how even the brary is offering research ule appointments early. Last se- advance what their topic is, we By MAUREEN BARRY public relations chair for Dance smallest of actions can make a project clinics to help students mester the consultations were can do research beforehand and The BG News Marathon. difference, according to Harris. get a jump on writing their offered only two weeks, but with try to really target sources that Burke asked Tina Harris, asso- "I will be focusing on social ac- papers. Offered to undergradu- the amount of students the staff would be helpful." The Second Annual Dance ciate professor of interpersonal tion as it relates to miracles," she ates only, these clinics consist of is expecting this spring, the clin- While the intention of the Marathon will begin Saturday at communication, to begin Satur- said. an hour-long consultation with a ics will be available to the stu- research project clinics is to ex- 10 am. at the Student Recreation day's festivities with a motiva- Harris said students Involved librarian that offers hands-on dents for four weeks. plore a student's topic, they are Center to raise money for 26 tional speech. In Dance Marathon bring change research experience. The sessions are being offered not set up to actually write the miracle families. "When I sat down to think of outside of the classroom in a Julia Nims, library user educa- next week (March 17-21), and the paper for the student. The clinics Students will dance for 32 who the best opening speaker social setting, which is very im- tion coordinator, explained how three weeks after spring break are designed to find the resour- straight hours to raise money for would be, it was her because she portant. the clinic can help students. (March 31-April 4, April 7-11, and ces and materials "so the next the miracle families from the has the ability to motivate peo- A variety of activities and fun- "We have librarians that will April 14-18). Children's Services Center at the ple," Burke said. actually work with the student in "We are anticipating a larger • See RESEARCH, page three. Medical College of Ohio. Harris said she accepted the • See MARATHON, page three.

I i » Friday, March 14, 1997 page two The BG News

Mike Wendling Opinion Editor Opinion 372-6966

TOM MATHER H E The strengths of our (super)heroes

"College Is about more than what the best superpowers are. By far the most important shoulder, I could reach the classes." they saJd. "It's about the After much thought. 1 have ability of any superhero is to look other way around the entire people you meet, sharing a wide come to the conclusion that good In tights. This is the only room. When I have a question In array of Ideas." there are three main superpow- talent that separates superheroes class and the professor doesn't It turns out they were right. For ers. from ballet dancers. For example, see my hand raised. I'll Jus' me. college has been a place where 1. The ability to fly take Superman once again. His stretch it to the front of the people voice their opinions, agree 2. Comic timing entire disguise is a pair of glasses. room and wave it In front of his to disagree and deeply discuss the 3. The ability to look good in Nobody knows he's Superman face. major questions of the day (the tights. when he's out of his suit. He's Just The best part would be minor questions are discussed at These seem to be the most a schmuck reporter. No one ever during the annual superheroes- the Junior colleges). prevalent superpowers, and misses him when he's gone. vlllalns baseball game. When NEWS most of your major superheroes When disaster occurs, he they would start chanting, For example, the other day my friends and I were sitting down have at least two out of three. changes clothes and It's a whole "Pitcher's got a rubber arm, "Serving the Bowling watching TV and not studying In (While the Wonder Twins did different story. "LOOK! In the doo-dah. doo-dah." I'd say. "For me, Green community for the usual way of people living off of manage to fly, they severely sky...It's a bird...It's a plane...It's a "Yeah. So?" thereby employing college has loans and their parents, when an lacked the other two abilities, man who looks good In tights! It the comic timing that made me over 75 years" important point was brought up. leading to rumors that the only must be Superman. How does he a superhero In the first place. been a place "If you could be a superhero, reason they were on the Justice pull that off?" The villains would be so where people | 210 West Hall which one would you be?" League was because they were Many superheroes also have ashamed that they have no voice their Bowling Green State University This immediately led to the Aaron Spelling's children.) extra powers. Some have rubbery comeback they would be forced Bowling Green, OH questions, "What are the best Flying is by far the most arms and legs, some are part to tell me their secret plans to opinions, 43403 superpowers?" and "Do I ever want popular superpower. Each animal, or are telepathic, or don't steal the brown Jewels. agree to dis- to wear tights?" superhero is required to fly In a gain weight no matter how much "Don't you mean the Crown [email protected] Of course, we have an advan- different manner, whether It be they eat. etc. These extra powers Jewels?" I would say. agree and (419) 372-2601 tage over the real superheroes. In a cool Jet plane, by trans- are neat, but they seem to cost That's a good Idea too." they deeply dis- (And don't try and point out that forming Into a bird or (as In the extra, because almost no one has would say. cuss the ma- superheroes aren't real, right now case of Superman) FOR NO more than one. Batman is the Victorious once again, 1 Editorial Board 372-6966 we're In the middle of something REASON WHATSOEVER. richest one of all of them, and he would stretch down to the local jor questions called suspension of disbelief, Comic timing Is my personal doesn't even have any. (But the bar, where all of the superhe- of the day roes hang out. Throughout the Scon Brown which means shut up and let me favorite ability. Anyone can chicks dig him, which is almost a (the minor Editor go on with my delusions.) The real capture a bad guy. but it takes superpower in Its own right.) evening, we would share our superheroes never got to choose to a real superhero to make fun of For me. the best of these extra ideas over the major question of questions are | Darla Wamock Vince Guerrieri become superheroes. They were one. The Tick and Splderman powers Is the ability to stretch as the day: "How do I get rid of my discussed at Managing Editor Chief Reporter Just regular guys, until one day lead this category, and If I far as necessary. I admit I'm a lazy wedge?" the junior their planet blew up. or their become a superhero, I can only person. I'm tired of getting out of Amy Johnson Mike Wendling parents were killed or they were hope that I can be as cleverly my bed to answer the door. If I had colleges)." Assistant Opinion Editor exposed to dangerous amounts of stupid as the Tick. rubber arms. I could Just stretch Tom Mather Is a weekly columnist for The News. Ques- Managing Editor Bowling Green water. •••• We Interrupt for this to the doorway and answer It. It But let's assume we can choose news bulletin. I have Just been would be so much fun. Instead tions and comments can be Brandon Wray flown to [email protected] Entertainment to be whatever superhero we want informed that I have the stupid reaching around someone's back Penny Brown to tap them on the opposite or 210 West Hail Copy Chief Editor to be. First, we need to decide part down pat. ••"

Hideki Kobayashi Blake Parkins Photo Editor Sports Editor

Copy Staff 372-2604 Khsten Sherlock. Assistant Copy Chief Lauren Flynn Damion Heintschel Darren Liderbach Beth Kerby per lines Olivia lnkroii Kerri Killion Kelly Von Glahn Elizabeth Reiler jr OK. U>+ do you Reporting Staff 372-2604 \\\\jt <*Av \&e<*. kw Sarah Bednarski Jack Buehrer Since lucscJcu Maureen Barry Tanya Markul IOAO, vouVe bee* Jennifer Schab XT 4Ut center '.

Art Staff 372-6966 7 TflrW s r*\ TveS&ny. \ Doug Khrenovsky, Assistant Photo Editor A wUe Jeremy Martin Amy Van Horn Gina Fleming

Sports Staff 372-2602 Jim Tocco, Assistant Sports Editor Jason McMahon William Sanderson

Production Staff 372-8296 Jennifer Apt Andy Cantrell Jen Casperson Heidi Kropf Brian Gallatin Chad Gamby JeffGayton Stacy Hubert Maggie Kushlak Cathy Raidl Greg Schwitzgabel Tiffany Wendeln Jessica Wherry (aria Zvosec

Advertising Staff 372-2605 Brian Beleski Melissa Binkley Christy Hagerman Alison Polley LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Lori Patton Jim Vassal lo reason to single out "Set It Off America, we are far too different to Police presence as possibly setting off a riot. be "melted down" Into one. Racial publication, "Who Rules Letters to the Editor unnecessary Hopefully this will never happen boundaries exist, and will not Just America." This article explains again. disappear because they are the power and Influence the It you would like lo submit a Letter to the Friday night. The usual "unfashionable" to the masses. mainstream mass media wield Editor, please follow these juiddmes: party night for college kids and the Gregory Armond Through today's process of assimi- over public opinion. Most people •Malte rare Ike letter Is 54M words or leas. weekly Friday night movie from Freshman lation, The European-Americans fail to recognize (hey are under Pkace kadnde row address, msjsr, aca- UAO. The movie that weekend was Telecommunications have had their Western culture the Influence of such, and also demic class tma pk—c —lir (phone "Set It Off." and this movie would and ideas subverted to near do not know Just "who" these awnbcn lit ■trictrj fur •u -V iflM HMI ■MfwpaUkaaaa). normally attract a large African- extinction. With a relentless controllers actually are. The • Letters ■«■ be typed.aad aw ksndwrit- American crowd. And, of course, Alliance resists onslaught of anti-While propa- National Alliance Is frequently tea. Letters broagbt la fared oa a everyone would go to the 11:00 ganda, White guilt and bias from attacked for exposing such Macintosh-compatible disk are pre- show. But what should have been Melting Pot' the news and entertainment "Inconvenient." but accurate. a good outing turned out to be, in I would like to respond media, the "preservation of the Information. • Brtaf Ike letter te Boss* 2W West Hal, my opinion, a slap in the face to to Nicole Douglas's letter printed White race," has become a valid The National Alliance Is or e-«nai as at bgnewsObtoet bgsuedu. Be prepared to jlm ii nMUmHOttUm the African-American student body in The News on Monday, March cause. a European-American organiza- • Spice InoiUtioas any prevent Tke BG here at BGSU. 10. Nicole was "disgusted" by Nicole stated that since tion that promotes racial News frosa prlackst al Utters received. After the movie was finished the National Alliance's web site "Blacks can have their say about consciousness, responsibility for The BG News reserves Ike rigkt to edit at about 1:30 a.m.. why were (, and the their race." the National Alliance the future generations and say sad aU letters. BGSUs finest waiting outside the Ideas contained In those pates. advertisement was "acceptable." education. This may be viewed movie theatre In Olscamp? I do She ended her piece by asking The White race Is divided amongst as "evil" or "racist" or possibly Copyright O 1997, The BG News. Bowling know of the violence that hap- the question: "Melting Pot. What Itself more than any other. Those "unpopular" by the vast major- Green. Ohio. Reprinting of any material in this pened at different showings of this does that mean to you?" who wish too be politically correct ity of the population. But I publication without the permission of The BG News movie when It first came out, but A Melting Pot Is defined occasionally find being White a believe that the lack of unity is strictly prohibited. this showed a lack of trust of our as the melting down of ethnic liability, and are actually ashamed and apathetic attitude of The BG News is an independent publication differences In a society to bring of it. White youth today have lost Whites will eventually lead to founded in 1920 and is published doily during the community. We were probably academic year and weekly during the summer se- thought of as harbingers of vio- out the best qualities from each their sense of racial Identity and the downfall of our people mester. lence. group. The Europeans who first belonging to their people. White unless action Is taken. The time Opinions expressed in columns and letters to If the case Is that violent sett>d this land may have had pride, by today's standards of to begin Is now to help preserve the editor are not necessarily those of the student movies bring out violent people, different cultures, but they were political correctness, Is racist. the White race. I will welcome body, faculty. University administration or The BG then explain the lack of police at all from the same race. Only in Whereas Black and minority pride any comments at: News. Unsigned editorials art the opinion of the movies Uke "Independence Day" that Instance was the "Melting are called "culture" and are wjennl® Spring 1997 BG News staff. Pot" Idea comprehensible. I celebrated in month-long fiascoes. The BG News encourages its readers to notify and "Eraser." the paper of any errors in stories or photograph In conclusion the cops or believe that today, with all the In her letter. Nicole Jen WoU descriptions. whoever sent the cops had no different races of people living In referred to the National Alliance Freshman \ V I i Friday, March 14.1997 The BG News page three

Twisted plot offers mystery, suspense Cleaning up

By MIKE LEONARD emotion. when she was kidnapped by three-member cast does an nice The BG News The play opens with the mar- government officials. The mem- job portraying the passions of ried couple Paulina and Gerardo ory of her horrible affair Is so their respective characters. Ha- Can we forgive and forget even Escobar (Nina Pulito and Jason strong that Paulina claims to senauer's performance as if what was done to us was horri- Kramer), arguing about Gerar- know Miranda just by listening to Roberto elicits pity for his char- ble? Or Is an eye for eye the best do's new position as a member of the sound of his voice. acter, but at the same time, Ha- policy? a commission to uncover past After this point, Gerardo Is senauer made the character This la the key issue of the play crimes by former government caught between his own sense of seem too one-dimensional. "Death and The Maiden" put on officials. This scene is the only justice and his wife's desire for Kramer's portrayal of the stole this weekend by the BGSU slow scene in the entire play as revenge. The plot takes several yet emotionally torn Gerardo is Theatre Department. the storyline seems to accelerate twists and never reveals whether of top quality. Kramer's finest Set In Chile or, as the playbill rapidly with the arrival of Dr. or not Miranda Is guilty. Guilty moment comes when Gerardo suggests, "any country that is Roberto Miranda (Paul Hasen- or Innocent, Miranda gets the nearly snaps as his wife implores under a democracy after a long auer) at the Escobar's house. punishment that Paulina believes him to reveal the number of period of living under a dictator- Paulina, however, far from ex- he deserves in the end. times he slept with his mistress ship," this suspenseful drama tending her hospitality, seizes The technical aspects of the while she was being tortured. starts slowly but eventually Miranda and accuses him of be- play are impressive. Set designer works its way Into a frenzy of ing the man who tortured her Abigail Gresham created an ex- The true crowning perform- tremely elaborate set in the like- ance of the play, however, comes ness of a South American middle from Pulito as the vengence- Around the State class house. The design seems driven Paulina. Her portrayal of rustic, perhaps a bit too rustic for the half-crazed heroine runs the a play which is set at the present gauntlet of emotions, yet the Akron police officer shot while pursuing sus- time. energy that Pulito breathes into Becky Becker's costumes fol- Paulina never abates. The pects low suit with Gresham's middle- strength of her performance class impression with the excep- alone could have carried a much AKRON - A police officer was shot Thursday while pursuing one of three bank robbery suspects. tion of the tuxedo and formal poorer production of the play Officer Richard Morrison was in satisfactory condition at Ak- dress worn by the Escobars in than what she had to work with. ron City Hospital with a superficial face wound. the final scene. Brian Ratliff As it is, "Death and The Mai- The suspects allegedly robbed a bank In Ravenna in Portage does an adequate job of lighting den" stands as a three-star play. County. The name of the branch and what was stolen was not the play, but with the exception It will be performed at 8 p.m. on Anadm4 PITH pk«. released. of a recreation of car headlights, Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m on John Walpole, of the Cincinnati Recreation Department, hoses Their vehicle was spotted In Springfield Township, about 12 he does nothing special. Sunday at the Joe E. Brown mud off a row of columns at Sawyer Point park along the Ohio miles southwest of Ravenna heading into Akron, said Springfield As for the actors, with the ex- Theater. Tickets are $3 for each River in downtown Cincinnati Thursday. Township police Lt. David Hoover. ception of the first scene, the performance. Akron officers pursued the vehicle to an apartment complex, where three people got out and ran in different directions. One suspect ran across the street to a shopping center where he allegedly shot Morrison. The suspect tried to escape in the MARATHON officer's car but was apprehended by other Akron officers. Continued from page one. Indians tickets or compact discs The cost is $4. Is 372-0530. Springfield Township police arrested a second suspect. and a $5 raffle for airline tickets Volunteers will collect door-to- Kathy Newlove has agreed to A third suspect forced his way into an apartment, where the draisers will take place during to Boston and gift certificates door throughout the weekend as donate a portion of the commis- occupants escaped unharmed. The suspect surrendered less the marathon. weU. sion on the sale of a house to than an hour later. will contribute to the ongoing Police did not release the names of the suspects. No charges Nine area bands will perform fundraising efforts. Burke said the phone line from Dance Marathon, according to had been filed early Thursday. and the Humane Society will Proceeds from the spaghetti the Dance Marathon office is be- Burke. bring animals to play with MCO dinner, which will take place to- ing forwarded to the SRC to ac- The total will be announced at patients. night from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at the cept call-in pledges throughout the conclusion of the marathon Cincinnati man charged in deadly shooting A silent auction for Cleveland SRC, also go to Dance Marathon. the marathon. The phone number Sunday at 6 p.m. XENIA, Ohio - A man was charged Thursday in connection RESEARCH with a shooting at an apartment building that left two men dead and another critically wounded. Continued from page one. confusing to use, and therefore on the World Wide Web if we If the clinics begin to fill up, Jakuba K. Lewis, 23, of Cincinnati, was charged with murder, much of the research they do is need to." Nims said the librarians may be attempted murder and two counts of attempted aggravated time the student has a paper to incomplete. Students can stop by Room 152 asked to take on more hours. murder, said police Lt. Eric Prindle. write, he will be able to find the in the library or call 372-2362 Lewis was being held in the Greene County Jail on $500,000 information on his own," Nims "We go over BG Link. We look Monday through Friday between "If lots of people would like to bond. said. Police found the three victims after being called to the apart- in our research databases. We 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The staff asks participate, we'll certainly help ment building about 10 p.m. Wednesday. Two of victims had Nims realizes many of the stu- help them locate journal arti- that students do not e-mail unless them. We're not going to turn been shot in the head. dents find the library's system cles," Nims said. "We'll even look absolutely necessary. people away." Police Chief Danny O'Malley identified those killed as Jerome Gatewood, 33, and Derrell Hightower, 21, both of Cincinnati. Spring BREAK IS Coming Soon ■£&

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FlUCON TCNNIS USG candidates discuss platforms Current President Tare Gore, for a long time." different choice to students than Office seekers running for re-election, cited her Issues they concentrated on those inside USG," he said. "Both finis experience as key to establishing were the condition of black [running mate] Maryann [Rus- BGSUM present issues her ticket Greek housing, which they de- sell] and I are aggressive enough "As president, it's important to cried as "garden shacks." to get things through because we relevant to have well-established ties on Jason E. Wolfe showed a com- care for this campus." campus," she said. "Over the puter-assisted presentation out- Frysinger cited student in- campaign year, I have set up these ties to lining his platform and experi- volvement, expanded bus service lobby hard for passed bills." ence with USG. to alleviate the parking problem ByJOHNSTEBBINS Main planks of her campaign "Everyone talks about the is- and improved campus diversity The BG News Included active student voices in sues," he said. "I have resear- as major issues to be worked on. 1-4:00 the formation of the Union, the ched and written more pieces of Kevin Hussey and Jeff Carney, Candidates from all five Un- Introduction of private restau- legislation than any other senator presidential and VP candidates, re Findloy VMCD dergraduate Student Govern- rants to campus, active lobbying ever. Also, it's legislation that respectively, outlined a detailed ment presidential tickets pre- for increased state funding and covers issues not looked at by platform including outside food sented their campaign platforms improved diversity. many non-traditional students." chains, Involvement with the new and answered students' ques- Candidates Phllana Boles and Issues he focused on were Union, student voice in adminis- tions in a campaign forum Marcie Wahba, both senators expanded hours of student ser- tration salaries and expanded LIVE ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY Thursday night in the Business who set their platform on the is- vices, more legislation for off- hours for the library. Tuesday - Sunday Admistration Building. sues of campus diversity, cited campus and non-traditional stu- "Kevin and I have a definite Among the issues discussed previous teamwork on commit- DRINK SPECIALS dents, student absenteeism and plan of action and are ready to were items about the new or tees for USG in the past child care for students with chil- implement it," Carney said, "but 6-9PM...Ladies 0nly...Fri. & Sat. renovated Union, diversity, dis- "We have been working dren. we are not limited to just this." 25« Well Drinks & Drafts tribution of student fees and together for a year, so this Isn't Ed Frysinger, running with ex- Due to publicity problems, less 7-9PM...Dimers...Thurs. & Sat overall effectiveness of USG. Just for the election," she said. perience outside of USG, said he than five non-campaigning stu-' Rolling Rock for $1 After addressing the issues, "What separates Marcie and I is is capable of bringing a fresh dents witnessed the forum, co- the candidates spent time distin- that we plan to concentrate on is- voice to USG. sponsored by College Democrats POP-A-SHOT TOURNAMENT guishing themselves. sues that have been overlooked "I'm doing this to give a and College Republicans. 7-9PM ...Tuesday & Sunday...$100 Crand Priie^ The bar formerly known as Gamers Call for info...352-9780 Former Migration Texaco executive ONE BEDROOM TWO BEDROOM indicted Lundwall charged with obstruction of justice

The Associated Press

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. - The former Texaco executive who secretly taped himself and his colleagues plotting to destroy evidence in a race-discrimination case was Indicted Thursday after an apparent attempt to get him to Alloclale4 Prill pM* testify against higher-ups failed. Snow geese take flight Wednesday over a farm field near Funk Lagoon Waterfowl Production Area Richard Lundwall, 55, was near Funk, Neb., where they are feeding. charged with obstruction of jus- tice for allegedly trying to des- troy documents. Lundwall had turned over se- Prayer law struck down Movie of the Week cretly recorded tapes in which he and other Texaco executives be- littled blacks and plotted to des- Bible Belt display of the Ten Command- Courage Under Fire troy evidence sought by the "I will be curious to ments from behind his bench. plaintiffs in the discrimination state ruling see if the ruling is James has said he would send suit The tapes led to a $176 mil- In state troopers if necessary to March 14 & 15 lion settlement of the lawsuit late may be ignored obeyed." support expressions of religious last year. faith in Alabama courtrooms. Lundwall was arrested in The Associated Press Olscamp 111 November on an obstruction Michael Chandler Another school prayer $2 complaint. He was indicted after MONTGOMERY, Ala. - A fed- Valley Head Middle School measure - requiring every plea bargain negotiations col- eral judge struck down Alaba- Assistant Principal teacher to start the day by read- lapsed. Prosecutors apparently ma's school prayer law Thurs- ing a prayer from the Con- For more info call 2-7164 wanted him to testify against day, a ruling likely to be Ignored gressional Record - is moving Sponsored by UAO higher-ranking Texaco execu- in a Bible Belt state where politi- tution by creating "excessive en- through the Legislature. tives who might be charged. cians encourage religious ex- tanglement" between religion pression in classrooms and and state and leaving some stu- The Rev. Barry Lynn, director Though Texaco has punished courtrooms. dents with "no choice but to of Americans United for Separa- Units still available for fall '97 four current and former execu- "I will be curious to see if the listen to the prayers of their tion of Church and State, which tives, Lundwall remains the only ruling is obeyed," said Michael peers." Gov. Fob James said joined with the American Civil R.E. Management one with criminal charges Chandler, an assistant principal through a spokesman that he be- liberties Union in filing the suit, "Quality Off-Campus Housing" against him. The obstruction at Valley Head Middle School, lieves the First Amendment al- said the governor's comments charge carries 10 years in prison who fought the 1993 measure re- lows every American to pray "seem to convey to everyone, in- •841 Eighth Sr. -840/850 Sixth Sr. and a $250,000 fine. quiring all school-related events "whenever and wherever" and cluding kids, that anarchy is bet- •Manville Ave •Compus Manor to permit "non-sectarian, non- that he would not tell the people ter than obeying rules you dont The class-action lawsuit was proselytizing student-initiated, of Alabama to obey the ruling. believe In." •825 Third Sr. «313 N. Main brought by blacks who said the voluntary prayer." "I'm sure he would tell folks to oil company discriminated have at It," said spokesman Al- The judge, along with striking CHECK OUT OUR SUMMER RATES against them in pay, promotions, Chandler and a student's fred Sawyer. down the 1993 law, spelled out and workplace behavior. mother contended the law forced various forms of student relig- CALL US TODAY If the settlement is approved at teachers to allow students to The ruling comes at a time ious expression that he said gen- OR STOP IN FOR BROCHURE a hearing next week, more than pray out loud in class and give when James and other political erally are permissible. They in- M-F 8 to 5 1,300 black employees will get readings from the Bible, with figures have rallied behind a cluded: group prayers outside of lump sums starting at $2,000 and students told to stand in the hall state judge in Gadsden who has organized classes and the wear- SAT 8 to 12 U3 Railroad ft. averaging about $60,000. It would if they didn't want to take part. been ordered to stop conducting ing of religious symbols - even 352-9302 (»»*t lo Klnko's) be the largest settlement ever in U.S. District Judge Ira DeMent prayers at the start of court ses- replicas of the Ten Command- a race-discrimination case. said the law violates the Const i- sions and to remove a carved ments.

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Blake Parkins Sports Editor Sports 372-2602 Falcons face the ultimate test at the Joe By BLAKE PARKINS What Morrison's laurels are many, in- you never know when they're go- The BC News ■ Falcon hockey vs. Michigan cluding Titan West First Team ing to happen." All-American, The Hockey News The Wolverines could not have How do you beat Michigan? ■ Friday, 5 p.m. U.S. College Hockey Player of ascended to their present level This question must have been Where: the Year and the CCHA Player of had It not been for their defense. asked dozens of times this year, ■ Joe Louis Arena, Detroit the Year. The Wolverines allowed a mere by virtually every team in the Radio: Morrison has great speed and 57 league goals on the season, Central Collegiate Hockey Asso- ■ WBGU-FM(88.1) can get up and down the ice as which accounts for netminder ciation. The defending NCAA Television: fast as any player in the league. Marty Turco's stifling 2.35 champions cruised through the ■ PRIME network It is his mental game, however, league goals-against average. CCHA, posting a 30-3-4 overall that separates him from other Opponents' woes are com- record and a 21-3-3 mark in the good scorers. Morrison has men- pounded by a Michigan special league. tal toughness and a feel for the teams that is tops in the league. This is a puzzle that Bowling HOCKEY game that Is unparalleled in col- With a power-play unit operating Green must answer, as they take lege hockey. at 31.6 percent, Michigan will an 0-2-1 season mark against the year,a every year," he said. "Our Morrison and his supporting make good on a team's deviance. Wolverines into Joe Louis Arena Juniors and seniors have been cast of John Madden, Mike Legg "You cant put them on the tonight. The Falcons invaded there three straight years and and Jason Botterill represent power play. I think they were Lake Superior last weekend to played in that rink. four of the top ten scorers in the only 54 percent on the power play sweep the Lakers 5-3 and 8-4 to "You've got to go out and get league. All told, six Wolverines against Alaska [-Fairbanks]," advance to the semifinals. yourself adapted ... look around, chalked up 20 or more goals this Powers said sarcastically. "With The Falcons are playing con- check it out, get rid of the butter- year, and senior Warren Luhning 25 percent being great, 54 per- sistent defense and getting flies and get Involved In the game Is close, with 17 regular season cent is obscene and they were at scores from their top performers and what's going on on the ice." tallies to his credit. 31 [percent] all year, which is in Mike Johnson, Curtis Fry and Lake Superior coach Scott Powers says that BG must get likeA-plus." Brett Punchard. BG is also Borek was gracious in defeat, stingy net play and take advan- Michigan is also skilled at kill- BG Nm PfcaO kv HMtU K*Wya«G healthy for the playoffs, a factor saying that BG has a good chance tage of the few scoring chances ing penalties, stopping all but 19 Seniors Curtis Fry (left) and Miice Johnson will play a huge part in the that has become a luxury for the at upsetting the Wolverines, but that are presented. of 182 opportunities presented. A Falcon offense this weekend. See story on Fry and lohnson, page 6. icers. warns of Michigan's transition "You're going to need great man-disadvantage does little to In college hockey's equivalent Michigan State meet, it's usually Michigan is also healthy and game on the larger ice surface. goaltending because they are go- discourage the Madden, who has to football's Ohio State-Michigan a hotly contested battle," Mason has a lethal blend of suffocating "The one thing that Michigan ing to get chances to score," made a career on the penalty kill, game, or a Celtics-Lakers NBA said. "We always see them at defense and overwhelming fire- is, is big, strong and overpower- Powers said. "Anybody that is go- cashing in with 13 points on eight championship, there isn't a rival- their best, and I really think that power. Taking on a team with the ing, but so is Bowling Green," ing to beat Michigan has to be goals and five assists to lead the ry with more tradition to be the rivalry has a lot to do with it league's leading scorer, best Borek said. "I think BG has a opportunistic in their offense. league in short-handed goals. found in any sport "There's a lot at stake - this is goaltender and top special teams great chance of beating them. You're only going to have a lim- With all their talent and a team No one can appreciate this what people want to see. If we Is almost too much to compre- "I think it's just a matter of ited amount of offensive chances laden with veterans, it Is hardly more than Spartan coach Ron beat them, that's what people hend. Then there's the boisterous making sure you finish every against them, and you have to conceivable that there could be a Mason, in his 18th year at the remember." fans at Joe Louis Arena. check and beat them up the ice. make sure you cash in." weak link in the Wolverines' ar- helm for MSU. Mason, the win- The only other team to defeat Bowling Green coach Buddy If you have out-numbered rushes The Falcon head man said that mor. ningest coach in college hockey Michigan this year was Miami, Powers says that playing at the against Michigan, they are going much of the team's success must In-state rival Michigan State, history, has seen many clashes who downed the invading Wol- Joe is an advantage for the Wol- to score." be achieved by winning the game however, seems to own the between the two powerhouses, verines 4-2 on Feb. 1. verines but that his team does The Wolverines are led by mentally, as well as physically. patent on besting the Wolverines, and he credits the backyard Mason offers little advice for have experience on the surface. Hooey Baker Award candidate "This right now with Michigan taking two of three this year - a nature of the rivalry itself as a the teams who face the daunting "We dont have an abundance Brendan Morrison, whose 49 is a huge mental thing," Powers 5-4 decision at Munn Arena on great factor in determining the task of facing the defending of experience there like Michi- points on 18 goals and 31 assists said. "But sooner or later you Nov. 15, and a 2-1 battle at Joe success against the Wolverines. gan, who plays there four times a top the league scoring chart. have breakthrough games, and Louis Arena on Feb. 8. "Any time that Michigan and • See TEST, page six.

BG freshman How they stack up forward Crakj Daajartals A//

m m V w Past CCHA "^^g Advantage Advantage Record: Record: playoff champs 17-15-5 (10-12-5) rg^gL, 32-3-4 (21-3-3) ViM 22-11-4'(16-7-4) Scoring Offense: 1996-Mchigan Scoring Offense: 1 1995- Lake Superior 156 goals jjgfejff, 223 goals 169 goals V^J 137 goals 1904- Mchigan 1983-Lake Superior Scorinlgg DefiDefense: 1992-Lake Superior Scoring Defense: 1991- Lake Superior 111 goals against (■* 106 goals against 135 goals against r9fLaflLl 88 goals against 1990- Michigan State 1989-Mchigan State Powervers Play:Pla Power Play: 1988- Bowling Green J L 27.2% (2) ^\jkM 17.7% (7) 21.5% (3) r jl^ff 1 31.9% (1)

— CCHA SEMIFINALS ONLY MERCER MANOR, BGSU 8 GREENBRIAR, INC. vs. OneofBQstyutest MICHIGAN days "On To The Joe" until Located on Mercer Road. SPRING These apartments feature: t/Two Full Baths BREAK! t7 3 Bedrooms E7 Fireplace G/Air Conditioning E« Furnished Joe Louis Arena CALL OR STOP IN FOR MORE DETAILS 224E.WOOSTER 352-0717 Friday at 5:00

X page six The BG News Friday, March 14, 1997

NEWMAN ll()l'SIN(; NCAA RESULTS Fry, Johnson overlooked by CCHA The Central Collegiate Hockey Fry and Mike Johnson, who Student Housing EAST Association announced the HOCKEY received honorable mentions by Close to Campus CaWomiaSS. Prinoaton 52 All-CCHA teams this week. The the league coaches. Fry and Summer 6 week leases VWancva 101, Long Wand candidates are nominated by NOTEBOOK Johnson finished with 55 regular I $35 dollars per week I Untv«r»ity91 their coach and are voted on by season points each. North Carolina (24-€) 82, Fair- the ten coaches in the league. Johnson was second in overall told 74 The first team was dominated, Blake Parkins conference scoring, while Fry Semester leases $ 850 Indiana (22-10) vs. Colorado tied for fourth with Michigan's as predicted, by Michigan BG News per semester (21-9). (n) players. Forwards John Madden BUlMuckalt and Brendan Morrison high- Sports Editor BG coach Buddy Powers said SOUTHEAST lighted the team with Marty that he was feeling an array of I Call Julie at Newman Johnson Kansas 78, Jackson Slat* 64 Tureo representing the goalies. emotions with the outcome. Housing: 354-2191 Purdue 83, Rhode Island 76, Other notables include defense- "Disappointment, anger - I team is doing that matters," said OT men Andy Roach and Dan Boyle and Harold Schock of Michigan College of Charleston 75, Mar- comprised the blueliners. Lake think these guys both deserve the team leader in goals. "Curtis of Ferris State and Miami, re- has been our most consistent yland 66 Superior's Joe Blaznek and Jason more recognition than honorable spectively. Miami's Randy Robi- mention in our league," Powers player all year ... If you look at Arizona (19-9) vs. South Ala- Sessa rounded out the forwards talUe also was nominated to the numbers alone, his were right up bama (23-6), (n) team for Miami. with Sean Berens of Michigan said. "My point to these guys is that you have to take this as kind there with anyone's." The CCHA second team was State. Fry was equally unselfish, MIDWEST Notably missing from the sec- of an insult and let your game on led by Miami goalie Trevor Prior. the ice do the talking this week at holding that his teammate should Joe Corvo of Western Michigan ond team are BG captains Curtis Cincinnati 86, Butler 69 Joe Louis Arena." have been selected. Arnold Air Society Iowa State 69. Illinois State 57 Johnson modestly downplayed "I don't see how Mike Johnson Xavier. Ohio 80, Vanderbilt 68 being overlooked by the league, doesnt make it when he leads the wishes you UCLA (21-7) vs. Charleston but feels that Fry was slighted by league in goal scoring," Fry said good luck during Southern (17-12). (n) Clay makes waves the league's coaches. "I could see how I could be Dance Marathon "I'm not out to get individual passed over, but I don't see how WEST recognition ... it's more how the Mike Johnson could be." •Mamie Pandora* Boston College 73, Valparaiso with fast finishes •Billy Bolton* 66 •Rod Lylcins* St. Joseph's 75. Pacific 65 ByTODMcCLOSKEY Kentucky 92, Montana 54 The BG News Gymnasts prepare Iowa (21-9) vs. Virginia (18-12). (n) The ultimate goal of any track athlete is to go to the NCAA for Central Michigan Championships and be an All- Today's Games American. Yet it is only for the By WILLIAM SANDERSON EAST REGIONAL best of the best and to accom- The BC News What plish it is a rare feat. ■ Falcon gymnastics at Start your Spring Wisconsin (18-9) vs. Texas The meet the entire MAC (16-11), 12:15 p.m. "That's a goal everyone always Central Michigan Break Right! has," said Bowling Green track gymnastics world Is waiting South Carolina (24-7) vs. for is only a week away. The When: Coppin State (21-8), 30 coach Sid Sink. ■ Saturday, 4 p.m. Rah'Sheen Clay, only a sopho- Mid-American Conference minutes after previous Championships is scheduled game more, finished seventh overall - I Rose Arena, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. and was the fifth American fin- for March 22, but the Falcons New Mexico (24-7) vs. Old isher ~ to claim All-American still have one more dual meet Dominion (22-10), 7:40 p.m. to prepare for. 9hirS\ Louisville (23-8) vs. Massa- honors in the 200-meter dash at last weekend's NCAA Indoor Bowling Green will make The Falcons will have the •k Now Taming System chusetts (19-13), 30 minutes Track Championships. the trip to Mt. Pleasant, Mich opportunity to secure some- after previous game 2 FREE visits with a 5 visit for a contest against Central what of an advantage this Package Purchase MDEAST REGIONAL With a time of 21.43 seconds in Rah'Sheen Clay Michigan. The competition is weekend, as far as the MAC scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. on Championships are con- Georgia (24-8) vs. Tennes- the preliminary heat, Clay quali- All-American as Clay did shows a 3 FREE visits with a 10 fied as the fifth-fastest sprinter great amount of patience and Saturday. cerned. As luck would have it. see-Chattanooga (22-10), Earlier this year, the Chip- Central Michigan is also host- 'visit Package Purchase 12:30 p.m. going into the finals. poise that is often difficult to In the finals. Clay ran his per- maintain. pewas eeked out a narrow win ing the MAC Championships. * Free Manicure wim the Illinois (21-9) vs. Southern at Bowling Green. "It will be the same equip- California (17-10), 30 sonal best, 21.31, which eventual- . purchase of a Pedicure ly placed him seventh. Being the "The pressure was gone after Bowling Green is coming off ment mostly, so it will be an minutes after previous their first MAC win of the game Marquette (22-8) vs. fifth American in the 200 is quite the first race," Clay said. "It was advantage," Falcon co-captain W. Poe Rd. season last week, a Providence (21-11), 7:40 an accomplishment for someone a lot easier to focus on the 200." Susan Talbott. "I think it will 352 -0061 so young. On March 2, Clay ran at the 190.625-190.175 Western even be the same venue. It p.m. Duke (23-8) vs. Murray Michigan. Bowling Green wont be as unfamiliar when State (20-9), 30 minutes USA Track and Field Champion- equalled their record for total we go up there next week. after previous-game "I feel honored to be an All- ships in Atlanta, Ga. This meet MIDWEST REGIONAL American," Clay said. "I was just was designed to give Clay some points scored in a single meet. That's always nice." The record was originally set According to Connelly, the Clemson (21-9) vs. Miami, happy to get some experience, experience on a banked since I'm only a sophomore." at the Captain Crunch Invita- equipment should be set up in Ohio (21-8), 12OS p.m. Tulsa 200-meter track. Since nearly all Ironically, Clay was ranked the Falcon meets this year have tional earlier this season. the same way that it will be for representative (23-9) vs. Boston University i higher in the 400-meter dash than been on flat unbanked tracks, "The team is really fired the MAC Championships. Un- (25-4), 30 minutes after will be the 200. Going into the NCAA's at Clay needed to compete on one. up," Falcon coach Dan Conne- like most of Central's home previous game Mississippi lly said. "They feel really good meets, both of the remaining giving a presentation (20-8) vs. Temple (19-10), Indianapolis, Ind., Clay's first race, the 400, was expected to be "It felt good running on that about their performance last meets will be held at the much on health and nutrition 7:50 p.m. Minnesota (27-3) week, but at the same time larger Rose Arena. vs. Southwest Texas State the highlight. [NCAA] track, since I got some on Wednesday March experience running a banked they realize it's going to take a The Chippewas will not be a (16-12), 30 minutes after 100 percent effort to truly easy opponent. Central owns a 19th in 117 Olscamp previous game As Clay ran the 400, he was in 200-meter track at Atlanta," Clay have a good performance this 4-2 record in the MAC, and has at 7:30 p.m. This is WEST REGIONAL the race until the final turn, said. where Chuckwa Clemente of As a result of Clay's seventh- weekend and in the MAC." a high team score of 194.4 open to the entire North Carolina Charlotte Eastern Michigan and others place finish, Bowling Green Although the MAC Cham- Last week. Central lost to New campus. Sponsored (21-8) vs. Georgetown surpassed him. Clay still ran a scored two points as a team, pionships are looming on the Hampshire, but put up a score (20-9), 2:42 p.m. good race and had a fast time of which placed them somewhere horizon, Bowling Green does of 193.525. by Arnold Air Society. Utah (26-3) vs. Navy (20-8), 47.68. the in top fifty. not plan to take this weekend's 30 minutes after previous "I ran the best I could in the "There are a lot of teams with meet lightly. "We've been talking about game 400," Clay said. two points, but it is still nice to be "This weekend we're hoping our potential in terms of num- Wake Forest (23-6) vs. St. up there," Sink says. to break 191, which would be bers," Talbott said. "If we can Mary's, Calif. (23-7), 7:55 At this point in the meet, with the best score of the year," put it all together, all the best p.m. the disappointing 400 already Clay's work has definitely paid Connelly said. "Actually, scores, it comes out to a pretty Stanford (20-7) vs. Okla- done with. Clay was able to put it off for him with the All- breaking 191 is a very realistic good score. Regardless if it's homa (19-10), 30 minutes behind him and move on. American honors. The entire goal, and we're going to try to enough to win, that's what we after previous game To be able to overcome a bad Falcon team hopes it is just the break 191 by as much as we need to do to get where we race, especially in the NCAA's, tip of the iceberg as the outdoor can." need to be." and pull through to become an season is approaching fast. TEST Continued from page five. through that, and peck away at my finger on," Mason said. "We'- and Wolverines, but the action is the other end." re not a high-scoring team, but always explosive when these two NCAA champs. Mason had little other explana- we can score goals. I think that teams step on the ice. "They have so many weapons tion for his team's increased in- the rivalry really has a lot to do "In Michigan, you've got a and experience and they have a tensity against Michigan than the with it." senior-dominated team and in good goaltender," Mason said. inspiration of the rivalry. The rivalry between BG and Bowling Green you have a "You just have to weather their "We've been inconsistent this Michigan isn't as heralded as the senior-dominated team - and offensive opportunities - suffer year for reasons that I can't put lntrastate battles of the Spartans hey, let's go," Powers said.

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3 large bedrooms, air Friday April 11 conditioning, dish washers, VIOLENT FEMMES Anderson Arena 8 p.m. microwaves & fireplaces. Next to Columbia Court* Tickets will be on sale: March 19-April 11 @ the Taft Room BGSU Student Discount Tickets are March 18@ Student Services Bldg. Forum (3rd fl. Union), $8, $12, & $16 for BGSU students. f»r«M'iil»ri:ii". Inc 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Limit four tickets per student. Payable by cash, check & bursar. Payable by cash, check, credit & bursar. Must have valid BGSU I.D. 224 E. Wooster 352-0717 Tickets may be purchased by the fstions?CalUheOfficeofStuder^ public for $11, $15, & $19. < In The Game Of Follow The Leader It's Best To Be The Leader,

VISITS So Step Into The tffl BUCKS THRU 4-28-97 VHR SUNCAPSULE For the 10 minute, stand up, no sweat, longer lasting, deep down, no spot, so they don't call you tourist on the beach tan, Raise your arms and be proud. It's Virtual Reality Tanning.

Introducing The Only True, Honest-To-Goodness Look at the graph. UVA readings in the mid to high 40s in both 10 Minute Tanning Machine the Sun Capsule VHR and the VHR Perfect Ten. Performance It's been difficult to improve upon the Sun Capsule VHR. Last numbers that are almost three times higher than any lamp you year, the Sun Capsule VHR was the single most popular piece of are presently using, 100 watt or 160 watt. All this combines for extremely high UVA, producing the darkest tan humanly pos- tanning equipment sold in the U.S., outselling all other vertical tanning equipment combinedl The 40 lamp Sun Capsule VHR sible, with just enough UVB (2.6%) to get the job done in ten minutes or less! So, credit half the success of the Sun Capsule was the first tanning system in the world, horizontal or vertical, VHR to the Cosmolux VHR lamp. The other half and equally as to come completely equipped with the spectacular Cosmolux VHR 160 watt reflector lamp - a lamp that has fast become the important, goes to the folks who designed the Sun Capsule talk of the tanning industry. And no one knows how to get more VHR. out of the Cosmolux VHR than Sun Capsule, the Sun Capsule SUNCAPSULE VHRI VHR gave new meaning to the phrase "Rich, Dark Tan." ™,~ : ' VHR —j ;i The Most Exhilarating 10 Minute Ride In Tanning 46 All of these staggering numbers would be unattainavle without m the massive cooling system employed to control the VHR and VHR Perfect Ten's environment. When a tanning system gener- VHO ates between 8,000 and 10,000 watts of power, the cooling system had better be good, because the best lamp in the world, * improperly cooled, would produce only mediocre results. And if DO' * MT W* the customer melts down half way through a tanning session, Conventional 160 watt VHO ■ nothing else would matter anyway. The Sun Capsule BHR and the VHR Perfect Ten "hover" 2 1/2 And Then We Added More Power inches off the ground. This allows the 22 inch, 5,000 cfm over- Without the radical power source we designed to drive the head fan to pull cool air through 2,000 hexagonal openings in Cosmolux VHR lamp to new heights, and a cooling system to the FastFlow Floor Vent - creating nothing less than a 15 mph keep both the lamp and the customer at propering temperatures, wind tunnel that surrounds your customer in a refreshing tropical the Sun Capsule VHR would be just another tanning booth. breeze. The lamps stay cool. Everyone's happy. It's absolutey the most exhilarating 10 minute ride (12 minutes in the VHR) in First,let's talk briefly about the power behind the lamp. Basically, the tanning industry. we took the best ballast technology Germany had to offer and made it better. The result was the hottest Choke Capacitor Discharge (CCD) system ever used in a tanning system. So hot Step Into the Future that it squeezed 180 watts out of the 160 watt Cosmolux VHR The Sun Capsule VHR has changed the course of tanning. No lamp (at 240 volts). Couple that with a sophisticated crossover other tanning system in the world has gained such instant network 370 volt capacitors and you get up to 30% more power success and acceptance. Even though we would like to take all from both ballast and lamp. The graph clearly shows that the the credit for it, quite frankly, half of the credit has to go to the Sun Capsule VHR and VHR Perfect Ten produce almost the folks who created the Cosmolux VHR sunlamp. It's the only lamp power of a conventional 100 wattor 160 watt VHO system. If you used in both the Sun Capsule VHR and the VHR Perfect Ten. look closely, you'll see the UVA output of the VHR finishes on a higher level than where the conventional systems start! The Incredible, Unbelievable, One of A Kind Cosmolux VHR And because the VHR's power source is not as hard on sun- lamps as a conventional "rapid start" system, lamp life is ex- There simply isn't a more perfect tanning lamp to be found tended dramatically- up to twice as long as conventional VHO anywhere. We've all heard the hype about lamps. how great this lamp or that lamp is, but the Cosmolux VHR really is different. For starters, the Cosmolux VHR employs a patented high- tech phosphor that is, hands down, the most There Is Simply Nothing That Will Give You unique phosphor we've ever tested, no other A Better Tan, In Ten Minutes Or Leas lamp company has it. No other lamp company ever will. And it's found only in the Cosmolux VHR. Add to this amazing phosphor Photo with permission from Bernard of Hollywood a built in 220° reflector that focuses and intensifies 100% of the lamps' performance and you have numbers never before dreamed of from a fluorscent lamp. Over 250 Flights A Day Ride The Rays Only On HOURS: M-Th 8-12pm pkaurr Friday 9-7pm Saturday 9-6pm Sunday 1-6pm BG's Most On Time Salon.

Also See Complete NAILZ 352-2812 Beach & High Atop Myles Dairy Queen Tanning Where the only one sweating is our competition\ Planet Tan (claustrophobic friendly) Supplies

: I page eight The BG News Friday, March 14, 1997

PhiU'PnlU Alpha Phi • Dano* Marathon' Alpha Phi HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE COUNSELORS - INSTRUCTORS neededl 2 bdrm house unfurnished Washer/dryer Congratulalons to Our New Initiate*: MoElkra. FREDDIE OR FRIEDA? 100 positions' Coed summer camp. Pooono hook up. Perking. Close to campus. Available The BG News W*ll be there to keep your feel moving-- Applications can be picked up a i MU.. PA Good salary/tips' (008) 680-3339 July 1 st. No pen. Cell 354-9740 Karen Anderson. Jenruler Cum no. Colleen nol that you wil need itl 405 Student Service ir-Saddlemire Dancers 2 sublease's needed Summer 97. Own bed- Cormany. Kane Douglas. Crystal Emmert, W* love you babel AOE Do*)a Vu. Toledo's premier gentleman's dub is room in e epedous house. Cell Jodl at Classified Kale ForSaoa, Ji» Gruhler. Jennifer Haver. Alpha Phc • Dance Meralhon ■ Alpha Phi MTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE: CO REC currently seeking highly motivated dancers 353-3055 Paula Houck. Michelle Hoymg. Tracy Ingalsba. 3-PfTCH SOFTBALL-MARCH 10. ALL EN- Msgazme modeling A travel available. (410) Ads Dalana Kasar. Mchaiie Kugal. Titlany Maak. 2 4 Sublease's needed kx May ID May rent. 2 TRES DUE BY 4:00 P.M. IN 130 PERRY 531-0320 Diana Nichols. Jenruler Paroni. Jennilor Plas, bedroom apt $46S/mo Please call Ryan st AOH-AOII-AOII FIELDHOUSE. Amy Reetowsky. Jenny Richer, Allison DO YOU HAVE A OREAT SUMMER JOB 364-3066 HeyAOMa 372-6977 Schwab. Ailena Schatlar. Margie Selan. Ra- YET? Oaffodil Day* are comingl NO UMBRELLAS NEEDED: Commencement chel Sharp*. Chnsune Slalner. Melissa Tarn lor graduating aeniors in the Colege of A A S Top sports camp in Memo needs caring, quah TW BG Nc»i will not knowingly jurqx *dv*m*menu Get ready for March 17. 3 Female Rmtes May 97- May 98 $i7S/mo bumno. Jill Vickers. Crest* Voraaa. fled, coSegiaie athletes to coach kids in Baee- *U ducnmnaiE. or encourafc ditcnrninauofl agAinu any AOH'AOirAOII vnll be Saturday. May 10 a! 5.00pm in Ander- Fox Run Apis Cell Angle 352-0581 «Ji»(dunlo«|ro»pnnihtbm»i»o*rK«.i«,colof.«wd. son Arena. Pick up your 7 gueel tlcketa when boN, Basketball, Lacroaae, and Hockey. We 704 5th St " 2 bdrm furni»h*d ' Laasing kx religion, nauonal ongin. KIIUI ooenuiKwi, duabtliiy. you -get your cap and gown Ouesnons caB fte also need Tennis and Swim instructors, sail. PLAY BALLS-OUT BINGO - MMH M ■ vcttnw, or on (he bmut at any other kgnlly AOtl SK3 EP • AOir SIG EP College Office, 372-2340. golf, waterski, and archery coaches If you love Fel *97 (9 or 12 mo.) • 710 71h St • 2 Bdrm. un- protected OMHI Good luck lo everyone participating sports, kids. Ihe outdoors, then this is (he place furnished * 12 mo. lease * Greds. or meiure with WFAL AM 6807 Wood Ceble 20 m the Thorn Now Open ' Now Open' Now Open tor youll June 22nd - August 22nd. For into preferred " 352-3445 between 9am 6 3pm. TV BG Newt merxt Uw right toihxIiM.di pick up your game cards TODAY MrageSaJon AOirSKSEP-AOirSIGEP www.campwikfwood com/ or call 886CAMP or revue any ndvetiuemera t«li u UMMC found to be until Thurs March 20 425 E. Woo*ter 724 Cambridge Commons »19 eveil. lor subls- WHO. drfamMor). lacking 'nfa.iu*vl bun. rattlca-Jinf or fibe in 120 West Hall (behind Dairy Man) ing. this summer. 2 person lease, air cond M nature Ml advcnocfnena ue tubfeci to clung and ATTEHTIOH ALL 8TUOENT8III Orent. ft 354-2018 Experienced wait staff A bar staff needed Through Newlove CaH 352 8752 or Newlove approval Liaktn 10play on Thurs. March 20 acholarahlpaavalUbUlnwaponeoralllrlo Now Open' Now Open' Now Open Days A or evenings. Apply at Smedlap's et 352-6553 The BG N*w», aa a forum open to ihe puW>e. recogniBta from 6-8pm on th* etepavwanla, evertll ettCaeh tor ool- Smithy Peddtors Alley. Waiervile. 8760261 812 3RD st. Brand new 3 bdrm house. ihe impoanbiliry n( prtvenitng all of Hiu type of adver- Big Boiol Rock Show leoattt. For kite: 1-SO0-243-24M. $795/mo. 1 bath plenty ol storage, new carpet Hung and therefore entourage* our rcadert to beware - high efflcteny lumece - new stove A refndger- Always be familiar with a buaineu before vending money FREE T-SHIRT A $1000 AXOSAEAXOSAEAXO Credit Card fundraisers for fraternities, sorori- akx washer/dryer coin operated. Smell lenced or pro* iding penonal credit r-nformMion Pkaac remem- win $100 cash and PMMu-PNMu-PMMu bar. a* « aotMda loo good to be true, it probably it. The ester* of Alpha Chi Omega would ties A groups. Any campus organization can in beck yerd. No pets allowed • Aval imme otfier greet prlzeel The MM of Phi Mu would hke to like to thank their Bed Race coechea raise up to HOOOoy earning a whopping dlslely. Cell 419-474-S344 You can help in by calling the advetittng department at WFAL le now heard on channel 20 with luck k> our dancer* Kelly .Suzanne, lor racing tn*m to victory! 65.00WISA application. Call 1-800-032-0528 4l9-371-26MwMh)^wcorTip4aMuandtugscauoni We Instead of 30 Julia. Chrtaay. Congrats Karen. Dana, MO Rentele - ONLY 2 UNITS LEFTII ALL OF Wa had a great nmellll exL 65. Qualified callers receive aak*etyoupteaac pro- afc your namt.addran. and phone A all our other comm members for their OUR UNITS ARE WITHIN 2 BLOCKS OF AXOSAEAXOSAEAXO FREE T-SHIRT lumber, along with your ipetifk commenu With your Rock and Roll Hall ol Fame hard work. Remember that we are dancing CAMPUS NOW RENTING FOR FALL, AT- help w* .an make The BG Newt a he net puMarauon Cleveland. OH torLyrxtllandCMNH TRACTIVE WELL-MAINTAINED UINTS: Apr. 5 Leave BG @8:00am Tour ***** 10:45am AXO — DANCE MARATHON — AXO Phi Mu'Phi »Aj*Phi Mu Home City Ice Company is now hinng lor these 808 E. WOOSTER/SPACKXJS DUPLEX LO- $16 w/o transportation. $19 wrtrans. Good Luck Enn, Julie, Kelly, Gins. positions: Route Drivers. Production Stackers. CATED DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM CAM- BorseratJe and Camel Dance all night long 11" Truck Loaders Competitive wages/flexible PUS UPPER UNT - 2 BDRMrMAX OCCUP 4. RESERVEO PARKING Trip «> the Rock end Rol Hal of Feme, lunch in WeLoveYouGuyslll schedules Locations throughout all of Ohio AXO •" DANCE MARATHON "" AXO SSO SCOTT HAMILTON .ONI UNIT REMAIN- CAMPUS EVENTS the flats (NOT included in price) and shopping WANTED and Southeast Michigan. Call tor details at 1-800-600-6070. ING • EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 2 BDRM UNIT • downuwn. AIR CONO. - MAX OCCUP 4. LAUNDRY FA- Sign up Mar 12-20 in UAO office Landscape Construction Co. CILITIES ON PREMISES RESERVED PARK- African American Gradual* Student Auoc Bands A entertainers needed for Falconpa- Questions? Can 2-7164. sponsored by UAO AXO Phi Tau AXO Phi Tau AXO Flexible scheduling ING. Bowing party March 14 from ftpm to tipm. looza music festival. I mieresied. cad The sisters ol Alpha Chi Omega would Call 686-7865. CALL DAG RENTALSAT (419) 287-3233 AND Campua Bowling Room. FREE. 372-5156 or 372-4612. For more Into., leave Ike to thank Mke. Matt, and Brian SORRY WE'VE MOVED I a message. ASKFOREVAORELUE ATTENTION ALL STUDENT OROANIZA- for coaching them -n Knock Out WFAL Radio can now be heard on Wood LAST CHANCE TO EARN $150 TlOttSI Coonfy Cable Charm*! 20 and as always 880 We hed an awesome omellll Beau&oan needed. Part-ume in BG area. THE SLEEP LAB WAX BE CONCLUDING Efficiency apt. 1/2 block from University. $185 Jual a rammdar mal Monday. March 171a tw AXO Phi Tau AXO Phi Tau AXO Call 352 5105 AM THE 46 HR. SLEEP DEPRIVATION STUDY includes util Dep. reo'd. Avail 5-20-97. 1 yr. deedkne to turn m March SOLD Sudani WFAL - Play-rig the very beat modem rock I lease. Cell 686-6541 Leave Message Laadar ol tha Month nomination*. Trw* la Si* THIS APRL. HEALTHY FEMALE STUDENTS CAMPUS POLLYEYES Need one female subleaaer to share a house SHOULD CALL 2-2547 OR 2-2474 FOR lest month to normnata a mambar of your or- Georgetown Manor Apts. BG's PIZZA CONNECTION from May to Auo. Low rent A utility Ml. Very ganization Forma can be picked up In 405 WHO Everyonel MORE INFO. DAILY ALL-U-CANEA1 dose to campus. Call Jen g 352-5260. 800 Third St. Sudani Services or 450 H Sudani Services WHAT: Btoodmobile Retail sales associais wanted. Exp. desired. Esealant one bdrm ft two bdrm units avail, lor PIZZA SOUP AND SALAD Atao. walch tha ma* for your Sudani Laadar ol WHEN: March 18.12-ep.m. roommates needed tor Fal/Spnng. 97-96. Reasonable rent and dose to campus Monday - Fndey 1100am 10 400pm $4.*g 15 to 28 hra. par wk $600 per hr., pleasant tha Yaar and AdMBor ol tha Year nomination WHERE: Kreiachar-Complon Activity Room Own bath and bedroom. working environment. Historic Grand Rapids Check us out'Call 352 4966 4:00pm to 10:00pm (5 49 forma. Please donT miai your chance to ree- Call Jen at 353-2131. Apply si Dandy's Lane: Sat and Sun. 11 00am to 10:00pm $5.49 House*/ 1 A 2 bdrm furn. apt*, year. 9 mo. ft ognga tia graal laadara on campual Co-sponaored by IPC 102 sudents ft the KQG 24164 Front St. 832-6425. Give us a try at 440 E. Court summer leases 352-7454 (Next 10 the Smokestack) Sublessor for summer "07 Spacious apt. Low Com* parly with tha In ah Club rent. Pay electric only, dose to campus. Call Summer jobs Cleveland area: ISOOAvk. Cleve- SERVICES OFFERED Now accepting Rental Aptlications lor Fall And Saturday March IS Cheryl or Kaae 353-1532. land area home improvement co. Hiring all po- Summer leases. Call 3544800. from 8-0*1 sitions, wil nm. start asap. Call (216) Check II out! Ropplea Bear** BaWee Summer subleaser needed -Ownroom. Ziogy Zoomba's 602-3346. Pregnem? Coiiegl*i* Connection 531 Ridge SI. Call Lynn 354-1391. Free Pregnancy Tests. Confidential ft Canng TEACH EN-QUSH ABROAD) One ft Two bdrm apts available. University Anyona n wicomo Courts ft University Village located at dough 354-4673. BG Pregnancy Center. How would you like to teach basic DAYTONA BEACH SPRING BREAK! SUMMER SUBLEASERS needed Hugo and Mercer Call 352-0184 conversational English in Eastern A eludenl only motel. house near campus. Call 352-0777 DANCE MARATHON: Annual Seagram Din Europe? Learn about many rewarding One block from campus Break away to the horleet action In Florida nar. 4 30-7pm Rac Canlar Friday Mar. 14 Tick opportunities with great benefHsl where guys meet* girl*! NEW motel on the 239 1/2 Manville, 1 bdrm apt. «aa4 PERSONALS HELP WANTED Call Global Information Services: Cell 352 9392 ocean, rated AAA and Superior Lodging, 1-2O6-071-3664ext K55442. beach volleyball, free MTV Pool ft w*tb*r Diversity is Everybody's Bulin*** open 24 hours, b.y.o.b. Free gold card wkh " Chi Om#g*" Sigma Chi * Chi Om#ga' Roommate Wanted Tim Wise, a political organizer ft analyst SiOOO'e POSSIBLE READING BOOKS. Pan Telephone interviewing, no selling, part erne Tha> tist*xft ol Chi Omega would Mce check-In. Don't be led out of thi* Special 9798 School Yeer Court St. Apts 187 SO/mo will diaciiss racism, effirmetlve action. Promotion! Tune At Home. Tofl Free (1) 800-2169000 some days, mostly evenings A weekends, re- to thank Ihe brothers of S-gma Chi . ul-i Cal Maggie at 353-4228 oanoar. raca and civil rights. CALL1-»00-«82-OaH. Ext R-2076 tor Listings laxed atmosphere m Perrysburg 874-5842. hx .he tossing ca/naoons Wednesday. March 18. 7:30pm. Lanhart Grand Ballroom You aM sang wondeffuRyl tlOOO's POSSlBL£ TYPING Part Time. At Wanted 8/ students Lose 8-100lbs New me- Room* lor Rant. Summer end/or Fall. Cell FREE ' Chi Omega "Sigma Chi 'Chi Omega* Home. Tol Free (1) 600-216-0000 Eit. T - tabolism breakthrough. Dr. recommended Questions? CaH 2-7184. sponsorad by UAO DM • BGSU Women's Hockey * DM 368-8620. Good Luck Lisa Mosetii ft Melissa Binkley t 2076 for lupngs. Guaranteed 130 cost. Free gift. 1 800-4357501. Subieaser needed lor Apnt Rent. 2 blocks from •DANCE MARATHON' Dance the night away!ll $1500 weekly potential mailing our circulars. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE campus, house, own bedroom, $i70/mo. Cal Morale Captains. Joe 352-0367 days 352-9091 evenings. FREDDIE OR FRIEDA? No expenence required Begin now. For into It's been great working with call 301-420-1326. Applications can be picked up at DM • DM "ALPHA CHI S" DM • DM FOR SALE SuWeaseis Warned" you all! Thon will definitely ROCK I 405 Sudani Service l-Saddlem-* The sisters of Alpha Chi Omega *• BILLING ENTRY " May - August 606 1/2 E Wooster Love. Captain Baby would like ID wish ell volunteers, Sitady work, excellent income. Flexible hours. Call 354-7255 •DANCE MARATHON" moral ers. and dancers for Knowledge of Windows helpful. Call 1/2 year old mirooweve lor sale at $65 As Dance Marathon a fun weekend! 800^35-0553 good as newl CaH 354-1541. •DANCE MARATHON* THON-ON Sublease's needed for summer. 2 bedroom Blue Morale/s. DM' DM "ALPHA CHI'S" DM' DM 1007 AMERCORP POSITION: Full-time posi- 1901 Mezde Protege Power windows, locks apt. close to campus 352-6266 Thon wtl be AWE SOME I tion with the Children's Resource Center Resi- and sunroof Must sell t***00 ■ 669-4820 Thanks lor all of your hard work! dential Treatment Unit. Stipend of 67.045. ed- CA Enjoy A Summer Of Ennchment ft Funtll ucation award of $4,725, health insurance, and Summer Roommate Needed Female, Non Love, Jen A Bailey 586 16 MB RAM 00 MHZ. MulO 'media* A Summer in Mexico Program* Smoker. Own Room. Furnished. Air Conditwn- •DANCE MARATHON* child care with certified providers. Poaibon Complete w/morvtor a pnnter. $750 -. Management Inc. 4 weeks in G uadal ajar a and 2 m Mexico City ing. Call 352 4791 starting 3/30/97 or before. Must be interested lap lop 386 w/pnnter, $200 • 6hrs credit m two courses on Mexican culture. in interacting with and coordinating programs Call Zach 353-4512 Summer sublessors needed. 353-5800 African American Graduate Student Asaoc. There is no substitute for positive experience for ohildrervadoiesoen 18 years of age or Spacious 4 bdrm house Bowling party March 14 from 6pm to 11pm. then to travel through cultural realities of An- New New New New New older, a U.S. citizen or legal resident, has a KS Washer/dryer, close to campus Campus Bowling Room. FREE. cient end Modem Mexico. For more informa- 87 Ford Taurus. Excel lent condition New Apartments for Fa) 1SS7 diploma or equivalent. To apply, contact Chil- 226E. Merry Nlkkl or Kerry @353- 7091 tion cell Professor Andrade 372-7119 Runs great Call lor info 354-1358 1 a 2. 710 N. Enterprise Hani starts at Alpha Gam ' Alpha Gam dren's Resource Center. 352-7568 or send re- sume B P.O. Box 738. Bowling Green, OH $375/mo ♦ utilities L.r Jackie- Faehlon and Deelgn Show I am so excited that I Friday, March 14. 7.00 pm 43402 New 17- Multiscan color monitor 1 am your Big Love you Free Admluion with Student ID Bowling Green Radio News Is looking tor a PC compatwe. win also work witn MAC'S. lots! H »1 00 without 10 News Director tor the 1007-08 school yew. In- $540 Power Book 160 12/180/14 4. $590 Big Kelly Union Ballroom terested persons should turn resume and Offiermoceii availaOle Call Paul at 353 7285 Alpha Gam ' Alpha Gam cover letter m to Chris Malanga in 120 West SEIZED CARS Irani $175 Porsches. Cadil- Hall no later than Friday. March 21 at 5:00pm. lacs. Cnevys. BMWs. Corvettes Also Jeeps, Questions' Call 372-2354 or e-mail malang Management Inc. Alpha Ph. * Dance Marathon * Alpha Phi FORGOT TO ORDER 4WD*s Your Ares. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 a@o&e bgsu edu KNOWLEDGEABLE New New New New New Good luck to our dancers. GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS? E XI. A-2076 lor current listings. Hillsdale Apt.. Large studios high We are behmd you in even/ step you take PERSONALIZED ANNOUNCEMENTS CAMP WAYNE, (sister half of brother/sister vaulted ceilings, unique floor plans and We are proud to call you our sisters READY IN 48 HOURS' camp, Northeast Pennsylvania carports Starts at $350 Alpha Phi loves you guy 51 HIGH QUALITY ft &22-8/20/07.) Have Ihe moat memorable FOR RENT Alpha Ph< * Dance Marathon * Alpha Phi MINIMUM ORDER OF ONLY 15 summer of your Ilk*! Coaches, teachers, stu- BEE GEE BOOK STORE dents Pre-requisite: Must love children, enjoy NEWS 3 S3 2252 Alpha Phi * Dance Marathon' Alpha Phi living and working in a group situation On '97-98 school year 2 bdrm. lum. apt*. 705 7th Sarah Ward, Campus interviews March 17th in Ihe Fort Si « 724 6th St. $500/mo. includ FREE heat, What you'll be aftssr h is time to show the rest of the world GPhlBOPNBGPhlB Room CaH 1 -800-270-3010 for more intorma- water, sewer, gas 8 HBO Cell 354-0914 who Sarah Ward realty is - - an awesome Hey Gamma Phi's - get excited for Bon. • 97 • 98 • STY " 9 niiw. u!Ui the BG Management Inc. AlphaPhiiAOE DM! Brandi. Steph. Marianne. Kris Cashiers 316E.Merry $450/mo Alpha Phi' Dance Marathon * Alpha Phi end Jessies - We love yal THON-ON! .Yew* Advertising Huge 1 bdrme, 215 E. Poe Rd Barney's Conveince Store 32SLeroy$350/mo G Phi B Q Phi B G Phi B Laundry on site, lots of parking Starts Subway accepting Apps 3091/2 E. Merry rooms $190/mo Department. at $340/monlh .elee Alpha Phi' Dance Marathon * Alpha Phi Apply m Person @ 146 S. Cosege ell. $230rmo Melissa Tambumno, aPhlB'PhlTau 096 S Mam St Cell3S3-032S You bring out Ihe spint m our sorority. The sisters of Gamma Phi Beta 352 6431 or 872-3464 Summer Rentals also avail. It is wonderful that you are sharing it would like to thank our coaches. ♦ with even/one else. You rockl Justin Kuck and Jon Bumell. lor Col urn bus. Ohio 12 month leases starting Mey 1997: Alpha Phi * Dance Marathon' Alpha Phi en awesome time at Knock-Oull Pool Snack Stand Management 408 E Court SB-1BR Duplex l per The BG News is OPMB-PhlTeu iiiinniHunui Sclolo Country Club son-$34S.Util Management Inc. 60S Fifth St -2BR Home-?persc-n $460. Util looking for a few Efficiency Apts . 215 E. Poe Rd. Starts QO-VT FORECLOSED home. trompenm.s Sdoto Is accepting applications for the pool Steve Smith 352-8917 (no calls alter 8pm) at $230 All utilities included. Half me on$1. snack management position Requirements In- Delinquent Tax. Repo's. REO's. Your Area. clude management and scheduling of X em- highly motivated security deposit holds it now 2 bdrm apt. 1/2 block from University $625 in- ployees for a 70k seasonal restaurant opera- To« Free (1) 600-216-9000 Exi H-2076 for cludes util. Oep. req'd, avail 5-20-97. 1 yr current listings. tion. Progressive pay scale beginning at $8 00 individuals who are lease CaH 686-6541 Leave Message per hour tor qualified management personnel plus bonus. Resumes should be sent to 2108 seeking meaningful JAVA JESUS Riverside Drive, Columbus. Oho 43221 or faxed to614-466-6327-Phono6i4-466-4341 sales/business Management Inc. s coffee house tor all ages Co*iumbua,Ohlo Friday. March 14 - 7pm to 10pm Sclolo Country Club 830 Fourth St The Willow House is Community of Chrtel Lutheran Uleguard IMAGINE experience. Help local| now leasing lor next year. 1 bdrm. gas Church and Student Center heal, A/C, starting at $340Anonth 1124E WoceterSt Sooto Country Club is accepBng applications business owners Early Animal friends from the Pet Library tor the dub's lifeguard positions for the 1007 The Unique Boutique For • complete list stop by our (a snake, e chinchilla and an iguana!) season Applica&ons and resumes should be office, 1045 N. Main, or call 353- forwarded to the dub ASAP with the interviews increase their sales 5800 Later: BGSU barber shop quartet and hiring to be completed by May 1. Club's 'Harmonic Mayfr-em' address 2108 Riverside Dnve, Columbus,Oho CHECK OUT OUR through the effective Refreshments throughout the evening 43221 and tax number 614-466-6327. Inter- Coffee by 'Grounds tor Thought* views to commence over the upcoming Spring SPRING BREAK STUFF! Everyone i* invited Break. use of newspaper GET DRESSED ^onnjorms^on^aJI^J^iurc^aia^iSli Columbue, 0-mO advertising. Get paid Pool Snack Stand Personnel BEFORE YOU VISIT OUR NEW STORE Sooto Country Club is accepting applications based on your abilities] tor the dub's pool snack stand personnel HIT THE ROAD. Scheduling procedure conducive with summer 44S E. V/ootter activities Pay scale is progressive beginning at I At Ike railroad tracks) Summer employment $6 00 throughout summer tor individuals who Mon Sat 11-9 Sunday 12-6 achieve Club's address 2106 Riverside Drive. Columbus, Ohio 43221 Fax 614-466-8327 352-3306 Requirements: Phone 814 4864341. -Jr. or Sr. stolus as of HOmB GitUlGB "»•"•* City l«o C ompan.y AON AOII AOII AOII Fall 97 (E0035 LUCK WE UJE ONLY -cum transportation Now Hiring for these positions: AGO •ntrgy & enthusiasm -gool oriented 1. Route Drivers IMNCBKS: PUR FIED 2. Production Stackers Bethany, Cindy, 3. Truck Loaders Fraimie, Competitive Wages / Flexible Schedules Deana, and Jodl! FINAL Locations throughout all of Ohio We love you and and Southeast Michigan Gloves help your grip. Leathers we're with you DAY help prevenl hypothermia. And all Coll Today for Complct* Details!! all the wayl! gear protects against (lying objects. Which is vital if you ever become the flying object. 1-800-899-8070 Thon 97! 146 North Main Bowling Green mmmu tmn II—tim' APPLY! "Be a part of a winning tradition" AOII AOII AOII AOII

I * Friday, March 14, 1997 The BG News page

The IS es

Don't Drown in the Green Beer. Happy St. Pat's Weekend from Swampy. FAL favorite Jack Buehrcr would be interested in other pro- The Back Pages ductions like this one, but because "Sometimes we'll catch ourselves of the hard work necessary for as Salazar has been talking non- getting too serious and Keith will success, something like this is a r five minutes. Keith Jenkins and something funny to get things bad iak look at each other and shrug. once a year event. normal" . the president of the Sandusky Not content to rest there, To keep things on a light note. D^H Maurice has been working on a chaVr of NORML [National Organiza- says he and Jenkins just try to keep tioa^or the Reformation of Marijuana rap with four other friends. mind what it is they're talking abot ration], came with a planned "It's music." he said. "We talk The new album, "If," by Mental If , which leaves Jenkins and music, and music is entertainment, Block, is not available in stores co-hosts of WFAL's "Big Box of Dzl that's what we want our show to be; because of distribution difficul- Ro with little to say — that is very entertaining." ties. Maurice is selling the rar Each show has a different theme both like to talk." Jenkins said. himself, hoping to create enough which keeps "Big Box of Rock" frc "O if the biggest reasons we work so interest that a national distribution and entertaining week in and week network will pick them up. He we gether is because neither of us "We've done all kinds of cool sh< are aid to express our opinions " Jenkins said, grinning. "We did the says the album will probably sell g on the radio every Thursday 'Glam Slam Retro'. which was fun for between $7 and $10 dollars. fro p.m. to 8 p.m. and on Cable 24 because everybody here grew up d This is the group's third al- days. "Big Box of Rock" is the the glam rock days of the mid-eigh bum — including a demo tape and cul ation of hard work and years of Keith Jenkins and Jay Dziak host WFAL's "Big Box of Rock" each Thursday We did. 'People Who Died;.once, an EP—but the path has not been ;hip "We both plan on being here next was a bunch of classic rock bands • easy for the group. The members ve been friends since the sixth people who are now dead. Tonight year," Jenkins said. "If we want to keep grew up together in eastern graM' Dziak. a senior graphic design , since we had Tomas Salazar from it. we'll definitely do it again next year. ma said. "We've always enjoyed NORML. we're playing bands that We both have a lot of good ideas on Cleveland, forming the group in talked about music, and played advocate the legalization of pot. At how to make the show better. We want 'Black Anthology' the mid-eighties, and have since He needed a co-host for this try to do all of them with a little bit to get more bands to play live in the spread around the country. Two scnBer. and things have worked oui humor and have fun " studio, we want to get cool guests each members graduated from MIT, rea veil since. This show is just a week. star A lot of the fun Jenkins and Dzia another went to the Pittsburgh An pportunity to have people who "We'd kind of like to get more people have comes from playing their owr . records rap album Institute and the fourth has stud- Ilk isic as much as we do to listen to music together. Regular listeners o involved. We do all of our own Troy Reynolds . ied in a community college. The show would realize that "Big Box q promotion, research, producing, The Back Pages • group was rejected by the major both like a lot of bands that other . Rock" has a different theme song e editing." Jenkins said.'That's a lot of dont know. They're not to much work to do each week. If we had a record labels, including Def Jam .week. * \/f aurice Goodwin has been keeping hirhself • round, but maybe just groups that I "We write those." Dziak said, larger staff of people, this show could and Sony. They were then forced docket played on the radio that much. laughing. "We record them with on be bigger and better than it already is." active during his senior year at Bowling Green. . to start their own production com- It"' >l to Introduce other people to own equipment. I play drums and "It's a cool show." Dziak added. "We He was involved in the recent Black Anthology • pany, Perpetual Records from mi they may never have heard and both have a really good time doing it. ' and pretty much anything while Ki 1997 production."EveryGood-ByeAin'tGone," . Waterholes Production. The com- ha\ tern say.'I like that'" plays the guitar. We figured if we p and that's what's important. Neither of and has also produced a rap album with several • ins. a junior telecommunications us are putting up a front. If you would pany is the product of their sole our own music, we may as well in childhood friends. Maurice hopes that his ex- . ma would rather notplay what take these microphones away from us, financial backer. Professor ii in the show" *-' ample will encourage others to become involved • are used to hearing on major Both Jenkins and Dziak plan on we'd still be talking about the same Slocum, and the hard work of two stuff with each other, and I think we in the community and the university. . members in particular, Marc Gra- - - Maurice recently starred as one of the main • m until they graduate. come across that way." r 1 ham and Charles Hightower. characters in "Every Good-Bye Ain't Gone." He to throw in everyone's face as 'the cool Because the group is scattered thing'." he laid. "Right now you see played a neglectful husband who believes that mate- all over the country, Maurice says bands like Prodigy and No Doubt being rial goods can replace quality time. The play cen- it was a "blessing from God that thrown at you as the next big thing tered around the couple's fiftieth anniversary, but cov- We'll let the people decide what the Mental Block it came together." The music is ered all five decades of the marriage. Maurice de- next big thing is. made from each member's own "We try to focus mostly on rock bands is, as pictured scribes the play as mixing serious and humorous ele- experience; "each man's own in- — people who actually play their own ments for an important, but enjoyable, message. terpretation of life or the world." instruments instead of doing all of that clockwise, The production was brought to Maurice's atten- Maurice says the album comes techno, half-singing, not quite rapping tion through a friend in the Office of Multi-Cultural from "a mellow, relaxed, young stuff. That'j'all cool for what it It. but Maurice Affairs . He thought it sounded like a good idea and black male's perspective." His it's just going to be like disco someday, decided to participate. Because the event was not Goodwin, own lyrics look at life from a re- you know. Everybody's going to laugh sponsored by the University, there was a great deal at it." ligious perspective. He hopes he of work involved. The group began work immedi- Although ttiey approach their taste in Dave Brown, can "influence other individu- music rathet seriously, the two always ately after Christmas break, and continued up until als— spark some kind of flame in manage to keep the show upbeat and Mark Graham, the first performance at the end of February. Maurice somebody else, somebody that light-hearted. said that much of the success was due to the hard may be going downhill." He "We definitely have fun on the show and Marlon work of several theatre majors involved in the pro- wants to be the "the encourage- and try not IP get too serious. Dsiak said duction, and he especially acknowledges the hard Kenniebrew ment that you can make it "^^ as he sift through a stack of CDs work of production director Jasmin Lambert. Maurice



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Howard Stem, but her part makes Natalie Miller Vince Guerrieri The Back Pages Yuronich joined Ihe band last fall, fill- The Back Pages Stem seem a little more human. The ing the bass player role. Though not episodes between Stem and his wife With the release of their new CD, featured on the CD, he said, "I do the If they ever make a movie of my humanize Stem, showing he is more "Dizzy," local band Big Creek is ready bass the same: it's very straightfor- life. I want it to be like "Private than just a cultural icon that says the to grab some of the attention on the area ward." Parts." things we would never say. music scene. Yuronich taught himself to play the The movie is loud, abrasive, full of But the funniest role in the movie is Big Creek members include two bass over the past 2 years. rock V roll music, and funnier than Paul Giamatti, who plays Kenny BGSU students: Jim Koch (cook). Greg Students who have seen Big Creek en- all hell. It is the kind of movie one Rushton (or, as Stem lovingly calls K3w Yuronich, plus Brett Sako and Matt joy covers such as Dave Matthews \ would expect when telling the life him, 'Pig Vomit"), a young ambitious Naegele from Cleveland. Band, Black Crowes and U2. "Out of executive at NBC. His role in this Big Creek's live performances show- all the local bands I've seen. Big Creek stoiy of Howard Stem. steals the show," said Jay Shawberry, movie is very similar to that of case their dual vocals, musical adept- Stem had humble beginnings, ness and ability to combine both cover sophomore computer science major. reflected in the movie, and was Margaret Dumont in the old Marx 1 *>' 1 songs and originals smoothly. Sopho- I've seen them at different shows, and plagued by a lack of direction. He Brothers comedies. Rushton gets more Theresa Romig said, "I like that they always play with style, no matter finally found his niche, which mad at Stem's antics, and he does it Howard Stern did not always look like the cool guy they cover modem stuff like 311. Soul how large or small the crowd. consisted of saying rude, crass and with flair. To watch Giamatti go from he is today. Check out his hair. Coughing and Sublime." The perfor- Koch, who writes many of the band's tasteless things, and hoping it would zero to livid is hysterical. It is usually mance style of Big Creek displays en- orginal songs said, "my songwriting is attract listeners. It worked, and he Stem's say-anything outlook that your mind and to be open and honest date movie. (Of course it's not a date ergy and depth. a release." Songs such as "Leaks in the became the self-proclaimed "King of aggravates Rushton, as it has about everything in your life. But a movie. "How would you like to see The band formed 2 years ago, in Dam," "Gravity" and "12 Minutes" all Media," and now has the highest- aggravated so many other people. friend and her roommate did want to •Private Parts'?" is not a good way to Cleveland, with Sako, Koch and have personal themes, and are very re- rated syndicated radio show on the And that is precisely what makes go see it. I was a little emban-assed to get a date. It is a good way to get a Naegele being orginal members. Each latable. For example: "It's something Stem popular. He always reminded watch this movie in the company of restraining I heard.) There of them played various instruments in the way she looks at me, oh yeah she planet. doesn't look at me anymore: It's like I The movie depicts Stem's rise to the me of the one uncle in the family (in two women, but one girl wanted to are entirely too many bare breasts to throughout high school, and several bands. The band formed during the run in circles, just to get back to where top of the heap, and all the friends my case it was my grandfather) who see it. and the other went to the Prom make it that. It is, however, the kind of movie to see if you want to laugh summer of '95. when the three decided I'm from" (Anymore). (and enemies) he made along the way. was always the focus of attention with me in high school, so I figured Koch cites the ultimate goal of Big at really dirty jokes and not feel guilty to collaborate. "My hair was standing Devout Stem listeners will recognize because you were never sure what he she wasn't easily embarrassed. Creek : "to have everyone get as much about it. It's a check-your-sensibili- up after we played together," said Koch. many of the characters in the movie would say next, but you could usually I was, however. Let me take this "Dizzy," released in February, may out of our music as we do." People have from Stem's radio show, including his bet on it being raunchy and humor- opportunity to say that this is not a ties-at-lhe-door movie. only have 4 songs, but it's a great vari- taken notice of this band's talent out- sidekick Robin Quivers, Jackie the ous. ety of what you would hear from Big side of Bowling Green, mostly in the Joke Man (although he only appears I think it was H.I. Mencken who Creek live. It represents much of their Cleveland area. in the movie once at the end, it's said,' 'Nobody ever went broke style and range. All of the songs are ex- Tonight the 4 members are attending pretty funny), Baba Booey and Fred underestimating the taste of the cellent, lyrically and musically, but Peabody's Musician's Network" in Norris, all of whom play themselves. American public." This movie is "Anymore" stands out as a possible hit. Cleveland. Big Creek was chosen again Mary McCormack plays Howard's living proof of that adage. If you Also, local fans will enjoy "Yellow" this year for Musician magazine's "Best about the infamous yellow house of the Unsigned Band Contest." The band long-suffering yet devoted wife consider yourself intelligent, sophisti- made it to the semi-finals of this na- Alison. The real Alison should be cated and cultured, this movie might Beta's. Each of the members have their own tional competition last year, being 1 of canonized for being married to be beneath you. It clearly appeals to musical preferences, but they overlap, 5 bands to do so. Howard Stem for an extended period the lowest common denominator. I which gives the band a stylistic variety. What's next for Big Creek? Look for of time, after all the embarrassing only went because a friend wanted to Van Halen. 311, dada and Everclear are them around Bowling Green and Cleve- revelations he made on the radio see it. some favorites. Their goal for perform- land, and possibly releasing a full- . show, including the revelation on No. actually, that's not true. I went ing is " to let people have a good time, length CD this summer. Their newly WNBC of her miscarriage. to see it because I admire the guts it and get some attention for our orginal revamped web page should be finished McCormack plays a minor role in the takes to not care about what people songs", according to Koch and soon: think of you, to say what's really on Big Creek members include two BGSU students: Jim Koch (cook), Yuronich. -BIGCREEK r-i movie, as the whole movie is about Greg Yuronich, plus Brett Sako and Matt Naegele from Cleveland.

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I I Friday, March 14, 1997 The BG News page eleven

"Being There." the group also reached "The Long Cut.'" off the band's fourth back for songs off of Tweedy's first solo album "Anodyne." and "Gun," which WilcO happy just release. "A.M." and tunes from his Tweedy preceded by spying. "This is for Magic + Comedy = previous band. Uncle Tupelo, who he all the Johnny come lately*." co-founded with now Son Volt frontman The evening ended with the band I 'Being There' Jay Farrar. covering Carol King's "Will You Slill TimolhvTimolhy Minneci *—" The evening began with acoustic Love Me Tomorrow." which included Becky Blaney The Back Pages fiddles, steel guitars and banjos to driven song like "Misunderstood." "Far. Tweedy again joining the audience as he compliment and add to the texture of Far Away." and "Someday Soon." After strolled around encouraging people to Parti: The Album many of the songs. a few more tunes, the band flowed sing with him. in almost a Las Vegas For fun and laughs, join UAO on Lasl fail. Wilco's Jeff TVeedy began The second of the two discs represents seamlessly from the haunting ballad lounge room style, before handing the his assault on (he music world. At a the more exploratory sound of Wilco, "Red-Eyed And Blue" to the raucous mic off to some lucky conceit goers and Friday, March 14 from 7-9:45p.m. in lime when (echno and dance bands such with the sonic tensed build-up of guitar driven "I Got You (At The End letting (hem karoke their way through Mac Countryside Dining Room. as Prodigy and the Chemical Brothers "Sunken Treasure." the riff-driven Of The Century." This began the punk, the end of the song as Jeff walked are dominating radio airwaves, grove of "Kingpin," and the loungey hard rock, and feedback portion of the backstage. converting the likes of U2 to their "(Was I) In Your Dreams." The 77- show, including updated versions of After this concert, it became quite For more info, call 2-7164. sound. Tweedy released "Being There." minute long epic ends appropriately previously mellow songs like "Someone apparent to me that this band loves what a nineteen-song double album that has with the piano and fiddle driven rocker, Else's Song" and "Passenger Side." it is doing, and enjoy having a good '.a drawn comparisons by music critics to "Dreamer In My Dreams," which Tweedy's natural stage presence made time with their fans. There was no the Beatles "White" album and the sounds as if it were recorded on the spot the evening that much more fun for pretentiousness on the part of Tweedy Rolling Stones "Exile On Main Street." with its improvised lyrics and stop and everyone there. During the song or anyone else, especially after the show to name a few. start rhythm. "Kingpin." Jeff started a round with when the band came out to meet and The album fluidly moves from the The best part about the Wilco package some of the lyrics with the audience, talk with their fans. They just seemed opening thunder piano ballad "Misun- is the price. Instead of going with two saying, "The stupider you get the like a bunch of guys who like making W© Raffle derstood" to the soulfully acoustic "Far, separate discs like Guns'n' Rosesor a stupider we get. The people who don't music that people can have a good time Far, Away." At this point. Tweedy and double disc like the Smashing wanna have fun can go home." The real listening to. whether it be swooning to Buy a ticket for a chance to win guitarist Jay Bennett show their Pumpkin's last offering, both "Being fun was still yet to come. the ballads or bouncing up and down to one ol the following prizes: Replacement's influence in the horn There" LP's fit into a single fold out After the band finished it's regular set the rockers. • Autographed Falcon Team If the rock and roll express called Hockey Sick accompanied rocker "Monday," and card board case, and are priced as if with the fury of "Outtasite (outtamind)," • $25 Gill Certificate from t tllow that with the first single of the they were one disc. it relumed for the encore armed with Wilco comes to your town, be sure to Kaufman's album. "Outtasite (outtamind)." for Part II vegetable and deli trays, which were check them out. If you don't have that • $25 Gift Certificate to Campus which a video is currently in heavy On Friday. Feb. 21 st. I had the flung into the audience and initiated a chance, you can check them out on Late Tanning rotation on MTV. An interesting note: opportunity to see what some people are lengthy food fight between the members Night with David Letterman on April • $25 Gift Certificate to Planet Tan of the band and audience members 17th., • 10 Free Video Rentals from Late I on the second disc there is an alternate calling the last true rock and roll band Video version of the song, titled "Outtamind left in America at the Majestic Theatre packing cold cuts and carrots. During • One Free Dinner at Chl-Chl's (outtasighil." which sounds more like in Detroit. Mich. The ride a person the first encore. Tweedy and company • $10 Gift Certificate to Easy Street the Beach Boys than Paul Westerberg. experiences on the album pales next to ripped through rockers like "Box Full • $12 Gift Certificate to Big Boy Family Restaurant At this point, two things really stand the show Jeff Tweedy and company Of Letters." which included Jeff stage 'Patient' a rare • 3 Free Video Rentals at Video Connection out about the album: Tweedy's natural assault you with live. Playing numer- diving directly on top of myself and my ■ Free Bagel Sandwich at Cosmo's Hollywood gem • One Free Bottle of Shampoo from Hal's Barber Shop songwriting ability, especially to craft a ous songs off the new double disc friends, and old Tupelo favorites like • One Free Bottle of Basics Hair Care Product at catchy hook, and the easy and almost Mike Hammer Carousel Beauty Shoppe unnoticed transition from country to The Backpages punk to rock. Many people cringe when hearing the word "country." but THE ENGLISH PATIENT TWeedy's ability to blend it with his 'Simpsons' disc Raph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, many other influences make it enjoy- Vince Guerrieri Wiliem Dafoe. Kristen Scott able and different. Songs like "Forget The Back Pages for die hard fans only Thomas The Flowers." "Someday Soon" and "What's The World Got In Store" use Clowns" for his comeback special. The Cla-zel's new artistic movie swing has traditional country instruments like It was only a matter of time. With It also contains the variations on the recently brought us one of the best. Adapted . everyone cashing in on various TV from Michael Ondaatje's award winning FRIDAY SATURDAY I series (you can now buy a set of green closing theme, including homage to novel of ihe same name. "The English I "ER" hospital scrubs; I got mine from "Hill Street Blues", "It's a Mad, Mad. Patient" is a 2 hr. 39 min. masterpiece. on tap I my father the nurse), it was only a Mad. Mad World". "The Addams Not lacking in talent, bul not backed by big this weekend I question of when the Simpsons would Family", "Dragnet" and a version of bucks either.'Patient' was somewhat of a struggle to get to the screen. Distributors I start selling merchandise again. Well, the closing song by Tito Puente. were worried thai Pienncs. Binoche and Compiled by ln»v Reynolds I the question has been answered with the About the only thing I found missing Thomas weren't big enough names to sell TwisKlffc I he Back Page! I release of "The Simpsons: Songs in the from this collection was the song from this World War II romance in the desert I Key of Springfield." the President's Day pageant ("We are Director/screenwriter Anthony Minghella Easystreet Cafe: At one time, you couldn't go the mediocre Presidents/You won't find ('Truly. Madly. Deeply") and producer Saul Zaentz ("One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". Friday—Twlit-Offs I anywhere without seeing some form of our faces on dollars or on cents..."). 1 That probably just clued you in to the "Amadous"* foughl the 'powers thai be', Saturday—Bii; D.ivr I Simpsons paraphernalia: T-shirts. thankfully, and made the literary wonder into 19 and Over Every Night Asylum: I keychains. hats. But "The Simpsons" level of obsession I have with "The a screen gem which is nominated for 12 I riday-l koostik Hookah MO I doesn't merchandise like it used to, Simpsons." which makes the album Acadamy Awards. Howard's: I instead choosing to mock shills on their perfect for me. That's probably where 'Paiient' is a movie that does not fit Friday l he I TV show (Anyone remember the the appeal lies. Only die-hard Simpson Hollywood's current mold very well. There Hi l» i'is fans will go for this one. It's not too are no giant twisters in this movie, nor are ["Krusty Brand Home Pregnancy there any volcano eruptions or even Gish Film Theatre: (free) I Test"?). The show has withstood the exciting if you don't know the travails earthquakes. What the movie docs have is a I riil.iv— I irsl Men on I test of time, running for seven years and of Dr. Nick Riviera. Bleeding Gums well crafted story and a wonderful cast. the Moon 7:30 p.m. I showing no signs of letting up now. Murphy. Reverend Lovejoy (who is Patient' is a love story, aclaully two love Saturday—The Ghosl stories The album showcases some of that featured in a kick-ass version of "In-a- and Mr, <- hicken 7:30 p.m. Burned over most of his body (Fiennes) is I brilliant edge that has made "The Gadda-Da-Vida on this album). Olscamp Hall, Room 111:152.OUI an unknown Englishman who at one point is I Simpsons" the only show I make an Smithers and Actor Troy McClure (you labeled only as TV English Paiient. A nurse Friday and Saturday— I effort to see regularly. One memorable might remember him from such movies (Binoche) who can not sil idly by and watch c ourase Undei l in- 8 p.m. .md ll I episode had Marge. the bluc-beehived as "The Erotic Adventures of Her- her paiient die by being moved from base to Alcohol cules" . "Fuzzy Bunny's Guide to You- base on army trucks, sets up a temporary Planetarium IS l donation sug- I martiarch of the family, star in a Know-What". and "Handle With residence in an old abandoned casile where gested): I community musical version of "A she can care for her patient until he dies in affects your ability Pridav—Comets Arc I Streetcar Named Desire." This album Care."). Otherwise, it's not for you. peace. Coming s p.m. I includes the libretto, if you could call it Her patient suffers from amnesia, but to think clearly. Saturday—Comi'K \n- I thai, from the production of "Oh. recovers his memory in flashbacks I Streetcar!" Included in that gem is throughout the movie. He remembers Coming 2 p.m. himself lo be Couni Lazlo de Almasy. an Sunday—Comets: \u- I "New Orleans." sung by Springfield's explorer, and he remembers his true love ( online, 7:10 p.m. I number one cop. Chief Wiggum; "I'm Katharine (Thomas) who has lost to the r SuMianc* ADUM Co"vr*w>on Kobacker Hall: I Just a Simple Paperboy." performed by desert. Binoche discovers her own romance I riday—Symphonic I Apu.the proprieter of the Kwik-E-Mart; with the man she is supposed to marry. "My mother always said I would attract my Band S p.m. I and Marge's showcase number "The husband with my piano playing", bul loses A Joe E. Brown Theatre: I Kindness of Strangers." him to the war. s / sV >*-/ >V vV >V Friday and Saturtl.n The album is full of songs contained Beautifully directed, and acted, 'Patient' Death and the Maiden 8 p.m. I within the TV show, including the is a siory that deserves to be seen by the ~^fC" /yC AyC '%fC syC syC Sunday—Death and I theme songs to "The Itchy & Scratchy masses. The screenplay is superb and the the Maiden 2 p.m. I Show" and "Eye on Springfield"; the siory will tug at your heartstrings. It is so Lenhart Grand Ballroom: rare nowadays thai such a intricate story and I B-Sharps* one hit. "Baby On Board"; <-a«.i -,-1 tn.Tih.-r make sur,- In see Get TAN for Spring Break Saturday—St. Patrick's I Krusty the Clown singing "Send in the &N3hl0 Day Ball 8-12 p.m. at HARD BODYS GYM! 20 Visits for $40 HARD Now Tanning Corner of Ridge 10 Visits for $25 BODY3 N^l Howard's ClubH 1^ & Thurstin ~>« ■ ■ Mon-Sat 12-1 2:30 am ■ ■ ■r^'^- 7 days a week (within walking 1 Visit for $3 .m GYM m,. ^g^] 210 N Main Sun 5-2:30 am 352 ■ 9951 f^rjy distance) Brand New 20 min. beds & bulbs!, nllll—S.TS&—llllr Frl„ March 14.^, H|p WA|T1RS Best Design -J Out Our v Located Next to Team in BG Tropical Appointments Available: Kroger's Store Sa.„ March Ml GOLD TOOTH DISPLAY Decor! M-F 5:30am - 10pm (Formally non-chollanf ''David * Aquariums Sat & Sun 10am-6 pm 354-5060 Band Starts at 10:00 'Lisa 'Jessica * Pond &

au; 'Carrie 'Cetesu HAIA NAILSTANNINO Waterfall ■ Pool • Video Games • Electronic Paris • Pinba 352-6459 * Plants Galore TODAY AT TH€ Congratulations to the 1997 BGSU Dance Marathon Steering Committee! How would von like y\_ Your Hard Work and Dedication ^f lo he Freddie or *~ Shine Through! ^1 UNION Chad Rutter Director Frieda? Todd Phelps External THE BOWL-N-GREENERY ir>\\*"9« Sara Lang Internal SEAFOOD SPLASH Kristen Woods Planning Stephanie Turner Catering Applications can lit* Scallop • Clams • Shrimp • Alaskfln •Pollock. • "Baked 7ish Dawn Basham Communcations & our special recipe Clam Chowder. Also includes complete soup Joe Riff Dancer Relations picked up at 405 & salad bar, potato bar, and unlimited beverages. Robin Raley Family Relations All Amy Schuller Financial Student h k for Jennifer Knott „ . Marketing Ser\ ic*i K/Sacltllcmii"c Only $5.95 Laurie Arsenaulr£L,. jT Moral D.J. Burke ''^CrTbt*»<^ Public Relations \ •Hours: 11:30- 1:30 pm Jen Luce | Special Promotions Dave Krienkamp '-'"" ' Tvtnt Management Meal Card Accepted 4:30 - 7:00pm Advisors: Katy Lowe & Beth Urban ■Big Charge Accepted 11:30 ■ 1:30 pm & 4:30 ■ 7:00 pm DanceMorallion: Mn 15,10a.m.-Mar l6.6p.Hi. page twelve The BG News Friday, March 14, 1997

FRIDAY MARCH 14,1997 | ■» E^.'riir^iiiea.irtiammiiar^rtiarffitMFiart^ MMO i BROADCAST STATIONS Q> Coeaga Basketball: NCAA Toum. First Rd. Game - Teams TBA |CoMg* Basketball: NCAA Toum. Firsl Rd. Game - Team TBA Newsl News 5 CBS News Fortune College Basketball: NCMToun MM BaiM-TaanTBA Collage) Baakatbal: NCAA Toum. Fast Rd Game - Teams TBA «P Newsl The City I All Hy Children I One Lite to Live X General Hospital IE RosieO'Donnelll rttWS A NWH A News X ABC News Entenain Hard Copy Fern. Mel |Boy-Wortd Sabnna (Step-Step 2CY20X Newsl mght1inax| Politically Cosrjy Blossom X DaytofOurLhrnX Another World E Sunset BaachS Baysvatch (In SttrW] ■ Montel Williams iR, X News NBC News Copal Real TV X Unsolved Mysteries 1 Dateline (In Slereo) I Crlala Canter (In Slereo) M-A-S-H X Tonight Show (In Stereo) W 1 9 Donna Instructional Programming SH-ttaFrl Bill Nye Crraturts Wishbone Sandiego Barney Destinos Business News-Lehrer Wash.Wk. jwaiist Red Green Live Danny Boy: Sun or Shadow *P Sesame St Instructional Bill Ufa Anceatora Gourmet Quilting Sesame Street X Magic Bus Sandiego Wishbone News-Lehrer Business McLaughlin Andre Rteu: From Holland With Lova | Andre Raw. - Tht Vienna 1 Love Served [This Is America ff> Dating W-lywed Copeland Truth Darkstalk Gargoyles MMB; Spider-Man Beetleborg Rangers Ducks Simpsons Home Imp. jMad-You SeinlaldX Home Imp. Sliders "The Breeder X When Disasters Strike NewsS CoachX Star Trek: Neil Gener. Roseanne Auto SBow Dinosaurs Movie; "Kansas flecec- At Home... USA Hi Ducks Flintstones Mask Action Man Live at Five News Bloomberg News Bloomberg News Crooks Chase Jerry Springer News Sportslalk Naws(R) Sports CD , r ■ ■■- ",'■':■'.' 1.^77»iT^r*^i'-T:-»i^:Tri'-in-: :iic*[n77-^i.^ -T'-ni:.—--7-ii.--,---r^i.-f'iK-^i «■;•:•:■::it::i.:-: nuoffil^liEuimjiiEuLi^ji■ :-n:WIIM wre-i-MH-yiiwiiiiTtaEilaaal f*t*l IrWWS Married... Star Trek CAf JLE STATIONS I.VI rmramn'iillimiBBl Dally Show |0r. Kau |SoapI|Whoa«?^ Town Hall |R) |Movie: * *Matgri OfflBr Uyslery" (1987. Comedy) TtckX Dream On IRagan Gallagher: The Maddest A-List I IComics Come Home (R| |D»rn Carvey iDrew Carey 1 Comics Coma Home ESPN Sportscentar (R) Tannia: ATP Champions Cup -- Men's Quarterfinal. Senior PGA Got): TosheJa Senior Classic |Sportacenter Up Close Sportscenter Legends ol Hockey Boxing World Championship (Lrve)X |Baaeball jsportscantaf I NCAA HBO ;t 1:30) Movie: Movie: in We liw of Duty: The Price d Vengeance' Movie: «*V| "Warm*Sort" (1994) X |Movie: ** 'BigBut/" (1996) ?<>' X Movie: «•« '10' (1994. Comedy) Meg Ryan. 'PG' Movie:» 'Broken ArrW(1996) John Travolta. 'FT Movie: latfia/ Tender-(1997) R' I |Dennis M. Real Sen 17 sc Cav« Finest Hour Skiing: Women's Tc^r PlanatX Skiing |BoardWild and Las Levine CoHeoa Hockey: CCHATrajnvament Seminal -Teams to Be Announced Racing iThorbred ]More end Las Lavlne NBA Basketball Cleveland Cavaliers at Portland Trail Blazers. SCIFl Believe It-Nol Mysteries Monsters Stories Bradbury Incredible Hulk Bionic Woman SIK Million Dollar Man TwiLZona jDarkside Sne-Woll ol London Movie: 'Puppn, rosier 5. 7hr Fiul duple*' (1394j Fri. the 13th Series She-Wofl ol London | Pwoi5' USA UaiO'Oad |WeirdSci USALive USALive USA Live USA Live USALive |USA Live PGA God. Honda Classic - Second Round (Live) Renegade (In Stereo) X Highlander: The Series Movie:..': "AKSJBeforeDymg"(1991) La Femme Nikrta "Gray'' Movie;.. "Last Car(1990)

SATURDAY MARCH 15,1997 rairai..rarij.rairai..raT«.CTa^^ BROADCAST STATIONS Cottage Basketball: NCAA Toum - Teams TBA |Colleoe Basketball: NCAA Toum - Tea-s TBA College Basketball: NCAA Toum. - Teams TBA Contge Basketbe*): NCAA Toum - Teams TEA Early Edition Hoops X |WalkM,Tom Ranger X raawaX Outer Limits (In Slereo) Movie:*** MA Long Way Hom§m{\W1.Drama) |PBABotaUng: ShowboalInvitaiionai Wide World ol Sports (lave) X News:? Entertainment Tonight Dangerous Minds X Movie: 'Bnoge ollrmg'i 1997) Susan Day. X Newsl Movie: •Hoyo»"(1994) InakJeStutl Fitness Detroit Power Track and Field World Indoor ChamponshOs PGA Golf Honda Classic - Third Round (live) X I'A'S'H X Cash Exp. Dark Skies (In Slereo) X Pretender (In Stereo) X |Ptrjfllar "Ooppeloang6f'^ Empty Nest Saturday Night live I (11:30) Detectable Desserts Old House Birds ol the Backyard Lawns and Gardens I How Serious Is This? (In Slereo) X Andre Rieu - The Vienna I Love |Yanni In Concert: Live at the Acropolis (In Slereo) |History ol the Harlty Davidson Serious Michigan |Wdwright |0M House Hometjme Workshop Grilling |GourmK |Cuclna Painting [Painting Travels in Europe Trsvels in Europe From Lawrence Wetk: To America With Love Evening With Harry Belafonte & Frienda Austin City Umlts (OK Air) *« "Perry Mason The Case ol the Poisoned Pen' Movie:** Invaders From Mars" (1 Caps "Buried in Peace" Xena: Warrior Princess Hercules-Jrnys. Seinfeld X JHome Imp. Cope (R)X Cope (R)I Americas Moat Wanted FIX: The Series (R) Mad TV (in Stereo) Bl Unlouch Sports Movie [To Be Announced Scoreboard Entertainers (In Stereo) Movie: «'i "Kicktioke'4 TheAr>jressry"(i994) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TaHa-Crypt|TaHa-Crypl Watches Movie:««'i TheWiaan"(i9e6)CharlieSrieen |Movie:. "GraveyardSriiTr"('9901 DawlAndrews. |Movie:««« Tri«0»ad7one"(19e3.Suspense) |Simpsons Step-Slep Martin X Home Imp. Movie- 'Throw Momma From the Trait" (1987) Roseenne Viper-wr* Fee" (R) I ,'..-,- ~4 CABLE STATONS Daily Show Daily Show On Delivery lounge lit. |Comedy Club All-Stare 11Praam On Comic Tick :r COM FawttyT. Fawlty Towers Movia:«'7 "HaunfeOHowvmoc«i"(1986.Comedy) TownHa«(R) Comedy Club All-SUrs I [Dream On |Dream On Sportactr. Leganda ol Hockey Baseball Tonight 164 to the Sweat if AutoRace Sportscenter X ESPN AutoRace Track and Field: \ Tannia: ATP Evert Cup -- Women's Final (Live) Road-lndy Cheerleadmg Senior PGA Golf Basketball (11 30)Movia:•>* 'Fcks'"(I99Z)X |Movia:«« "Snortrme"(1990)'PG-13' Movie: «• "Every Tme We Say Gooctye" (1986 i | Tracey Movia: "P»yayOar)ri»YOig'|i995) Movie:. "Fninaway"(1984) Tom SesW*. X |Movie: ^ Second Oi«Hlar71987)8««uMdga«. Movie: *+* "Bad8oys"(1995) R' X SC College Hockey ECAC Tournament Semifinal -• Teams to Be Announced. Hockey iMassimino College Hockey ECAC Tournament Championshp - Teams to Be Announced. AHL Hockey. Kentucky Thoroughbladcs al Albany River Rats. (Live) |1HL Hockey Cleveland tumbsnaclta at las Vegas Thunder (Live) SCIFl Gravity Odyssey I Sd-Fi BunlTraitoParkTMovie: a "AVcade"(1994| Megan Ward h BWtao] Mystery Science Theater 3000 Trader SF Vortei Movie: «« "Ha»liW»Slayer'(1980)JaoxPalance |Movie: -TneOj!sOe'"(l997) DavidLeisure X |Mystery Science Theater 30uO(R) USA MortalK Dragon Movie: •AnyPiacecufHome"(i997) Joe Lando. I |Movia:«« 'Old's Play r( 1990) Alex Vincent ]Movie:«'i OHIO'S PHy3"(199l) JuslnWhain. Claude |Duckman |Movie:«»'.- -AoVen.'uies m Batysismg"(1987) X [Movie: «» 'Taj Oar>anc(D»adiy(i995. Suspense)|"Scomeo*

SUNDAY MARCH 16,1997 it»ttniM M inffniM M ii»-ff HIM w imffiagi M ■g^r«M M tm.iKmrMvmKi*uw¥.tuxnmmn M ■■ ■■w.mti w nmmnu nmm nm;iirra M HIRIHJ HIV, i BROADCAST STATIONS Cofaga Baaketball: NCAA Toum - Teams TBA [College Basketball: NCAA Toum. - Teams TBA [College Basketball: NCAA Toum -Teams TBA 60 Minutes (in Stereo) X Touched by an Angel X Movie: "SlolenWoman:(^urMMearts"(i997)X News X Medicine Woman Paid Prog IReaTEslale [Weekend [Atlerschool Special Soccer Work) Cup Qualifier - Canada at United States, (live) I Passion to Play ABC News Lois & Clark-Superman Movie: The AftT (1997. Drama) Tori Speaeig X Siskel Two (R) X NBA Basketball Houston Rowels at Miami Heat. On Stereo Lrve) Russell PGA Got! Honda Classic - Final Round. (Live) I Biomagnet NBC News Dateline (In Stereo) X 3rd Rock Movie: e» The Cowboy rVat>-"(1994) (In Stereo) I Used Cars Editors Gmelle (11 31) Spontaneous Healing iLaughTear Israel Beyond Horiion Market McLaughlin McLaughlin [Adam Sm. |Scottish Fiddle Orchestra Great Performances: Peter. Paul & Mary Rhrerdance - IDs Show (In Stereo) Danny Boy Perform JB. Ilomadme [Workshop Old House Baking Desserts Gourmet Quilts Sewing From Lawrence Welk: To America With Love Wildlife Symphony National Geographic Irish in Toledo Wvariarioa - The Show (In Stereo) Mystery!: bisp. Morse (OK Air) Movie:.. "Bear Island" (1990) Donald Sutherland. Movia: ... "Oiyihel.oi»ry-(!99i) John Candy Movie: *'i "BtoodspoT (1988. Adventure) Paid Prog. Mad-Vou Funniest News Simpsons [KingolHrll K-Files"TempusFugrl Star Tiek. Voyager X Star Trek: Neil Gener. Star Trek CD Auto Show WallSt Movie Paid Prog. Coast Gu. American Gladiators X Extremists [Emergency Star Trek: Voyager X Could It Be a Miracle (Ri Movie:... ■■Once in Pans"(l978) Wayne Rogers. FOX Sports News Criminals Kwik Witz Jewelry S) Movie:... "Smo*eyaridrfieBaodrr(i977) TMovie: •* "Ca0ocWanai"(i980) Charles Bronson. Viper On alt (fi)l Star Trek: NeXI Gener. Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Slar Trek: Voyager I NHL Hockey: Detroit Red Wngs al Colorado Avalanche. (Live) News Roseenne Transition Talk CABLE STATIONS COM Regan |Dana Carvey Drew Carey |MacDonld Cornice) Coma Home (R) |Regan [Dana Carvey Draw Carey MacPonld |Comics Come Home (R) Town HU (R) l*ovle: rtP.C.U (1994. Comedy) Jeremy Prven |Dr. luag |7MCnpc Dally Show On Delivery Tick X PBA Bowling: Gr Albany Senior Open World Cup Skiing Tennis: ATP Champions Cup - Men's Frial. From InrJan Wees. Calrl. (Lrve) Senior PGA Golf Sponsor. 6410 16 Nm. Hockey: Detroit; Rod Wr^alCctoaod Avalanche. (Live) X Sportscenter X Horses l HBO Fieids [Movie: •■ '07»nPen*ccfe"(l996)X[Lif«*t.oriss Movie: ..«': MssCre-sBoys "(1997. Orama)X | 'Bugs Bunny's. 1001 RaCM Tiles' [Movie: ..'i 'N'ecessaryRr>ugnn«ss*(l991)'PG-'? Sports on the Silver Screen X |Movte:«. Po»nPenscon«"(l996)X Dennis M. jTracey Comedy SC sfrnewortd Sport (R) ICofega Hockey ECAC Tcumamert Champiorsht •- Teams lo Be Anncjnced. |Cr>llegaHockay:CCHAToumameniCham;-orsiip ■■ Teams to Be Anivaunoad. IHl Hockey Cnc«inali Cyclones al Lrang Fieach to Dogs (Lrve) Racing |Thor'brad' Cofaga Hockay: CX^tAQiorarjsjnjshi.

"^ ^ Z~. I*. . If. -I..I-. . ... «. w !■■. .1. ~~~: .,■...... IV...... -..._ !■■-..T-. ^I-A.-JJIIWII....! T fl-k,,--^ il^ I-I-...V Tt |C..._. |C...»« I D..k " A1. SOFI Web New Edge CNet Sightings (In Slereo) X |Movie:w»'i '7eram"[1991| Yuko Monyama Movie: The Outsider"! 1997) David leisure I Sightings (In Slereo) I Swamp [Swamp Flash "Alpha" (In Slereo) Ropocop: The Sarlaa Web(R) New Edge USA Movia: ..'i The Endrt/rvweence"(1990. Drama) Movie: •': 'Once 6irren"(i98S) Lauren Hutton. [Movie:.. "Maidio Qaer"(i987) Airy Sheedy |Movie: «.'i "Adventuresr 6abysirlin;"(i987| X Pacific Blue (In Stereo) Silk Stalking' Big Easy ' Big Lrlo" (R) I Silk Stalklnga (In Slereo) Big Easy X

Cinemark Theatres -| ^( |t|/('I ||»dll(^ PISANELLO'S dland Open Weekdays al 4 p.m. qCINEMA5^? |,nBG.*353.136- Open al Lunch Fri., Sal. & Sun. W11234 N. Main SI. 354-0558 fe 203N.MAIN.B.G. 352-5166 Return ol the Jedi(PG) 1:00 3:50 6:45 0:30 12:15 EVITA I YOUR CHOICE > MADONNA S Empire Strike* Back (PG) ANTONIO BANDERAS V Friday and Saturday ■ ANY 2 ITEMS 1:15 4:00 7:00 0:45 1235 A March 14 & 15 JONATHAN PRYCE \M A LSm $4.75 Large....$7.75 Star Wars (PG) m - OM lO p.m.-close "Med....$6.25 XLg $9.50 ■..1:30 4:15 7:15 9:45 12:4Qj Nightly 7:00 9:30 (Boat Vauoe-12Slica>t) $1 Domestic V ■ Jungle -2- Jungle (PG) Sat Sun Mat 2:00 4:30 I W!!|iffi!!fH}HWM>BBH'It!»! 2:00 4:35 7:45 10:15 Drafts During E ■ -_^ FREE DELIVERY • 352-5166 Howard Stern'* Private Part* (R f \ NOT VAUD WrTH ANY OTHER OFFER 1:45 4:25 7:30 10:05 12:35 Happy Hours ENDS Every Saturday ■pgfiwlellcrt- CHICAGO STYLE EXTRA All shows before 5 pm arc 12 Midnight 'A 21 and Over * 5/15/97 ■ l-TZZCl' COCOUPON EXPIRES ON 5/15/97 Sat Sun only 1 (R) 4e \ Friday MID ATI MINOR fj»» NOT MANY APARTMENTS LEFT "\e*= FOR NEXT YEAR!! Saturday Sunda • Within walking distance of »/is ii/tu campus Disco •Air conditioning •2 bdrm, Furnished or XING Dance Unfurnished •Gas, Heat, Water included Full Sunday Bowling Green, OH with rent Liquor License Call Now!!!! 852-9222 352-4380 641 Third St. Apt. 4 BG

$2.00 Fare For Persons 4-64 Years of Age T $1.00 Fare 'For Elderly (65+), Handicapped Persons & Children 4-13 w/Adulf Transit ID. Card Required' JCPenney • Available at Grant's Administrator's Office, 354-6203 T Van ■Hi Lift Available: Wheelchair Access & Visit JCPenney for your Group Seating Spring Break Needs. Hours: 6:00 A.M. - Midnight Monday - Saturday BG Taxi Information Is available in large print and Get 15%°" any in store regular price merchandise audio tape format upon request. with your BGSU student ID Service Area: Bowling Green Please let This service is Choose from a variety of top name brands. driver know iu;. liiM financed in part Nike apparel, Silvertab jeans, champion, Levi and how many 352-07'M) from operating much more. persons assistance grant will be riding from ODOT 4 FTA BG Store Only! Woodland Mall I i i ! I