…”The City Is an Oeuvre, Closer to a Work of Art Than to a Simple Material Product.” Henri Lefebvre
…”the city is an oeuvre, closer to a work of art than to a simple material product.” Henri Lefebvre Connotations of ephemeral spaces of consumption: a case study in Singapore’s Little India Adriana Gonzalez Brun Little India Little India 1880s and 1980s SoHo or Theme park? Ephemeral spaces of consumption Ephemeral spaces of consumption Ephemeral spaces of consumption Fragments within a fragment Ephemeral events that punctuate the official urban master plan. The product of complex contestations and creative tactics. Composed by in between fragments. Campbell Lane Along Serangoon Road Street astrologer Thank you Bibliography and image credits Baudrillard, J. (2003) The consumer society: Myths and structures (London: Sage Publications) Bermann, M (1982), All that is solid melts into air (New York: Penguin books) Borden, I., Kerr, J., Pivaro, A. and Rendell, J. (eds) (1996) The unknown city ( London:Routledge) Chang, L. (2000) ‘Singapore’s Little India: A Tourist Attraction as a Contested Landscape’, Urban Studies, Vol.37, n.2 Chua, B.‐H. (2003) Life is not complete without shopping (Singapore: NUS Press) Clarke, D. (2010)“The seduction of space” in M. Goodman, D. Goodman and M. Redclift (eds) Consuming Spaces: Placing Consumption in Perspective (Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company) Debord, G. (1994) The society of Spectacle (New York: Zone Books) De‐Certeau M. (1988) The Practice of Everyday Life (Berkeley: University California Press) Foucault, M. (1986) ‘Of Other Spaces’, Diacritics, 24(22) Hardt, M and Negri A. (2009) Commonwealth (Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press) Kellner, D. ‘Jean Baudrillard and Art’, http://gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/essays/baudrillardandart.pdf .(accessed 12 July 2012) Kong, L.
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