
Faith & Reason Lesson 14 “Design Within the Affirms Creation”

In this lesson, we will: • Establish what scientific evidence would be needed to confirm that God created the heavens and the earth • Identify 8 areas in which we would look for evidence of design in Creation • Note that we exist in a very finely “tuned” Universe • Look at the fact that our Solar System is well-ordered • Talk about the precision in which the Earth was designed


FROM THE BOOK: “What would we look for to find scientific evidence that confirms the Bible’s proclamation that God created the heavens and the earth? “Answering this question relates to our [previous] discussion [in Lesson 5] of the difference between ‘Operational Science’ and ‘Historical Science’....” 1

1. science deals with those things that can be and repeatedly in the present, i.e. those theories which that can be subjected to the and do not require any .

2. science seeks answers to events that happened in the and cannot be happening today. In other words, they cannot be proven by the and require a certain amount of interpretation.

FROM THE BOOK: “The study of origins falls into the category of historical science because we cannot reproduce the events of the past to prove scientifically just how everything began. This applies whether one claims that origins occurred by or creation. We can, however, search out the observable universe and find evidence that confirms or discredits either scientific theories or the biblical account of how all things have come into being. The truth is, there is an enormous amount of scientific evidence that confirms the biblical account of creation.” 2

1 Rick McGough, Faith & Reason Made Simple, 113 2 Ibid. Faith & Reason Lesson 14, Page 2

3. When looking for evidence of a , there are two things we might look for: A. Evidence of and B.

4. Design points to a .

5. Information is always the result of a source of .

FROM THE BOOK: “Design always points to a designer, and things that are not designed, like the chaotic debris left after an explosion, show evidence of random, unguided processes. Information is always the result of a source of intelligence. So if we can find design features and usable information in the observable universe and in living things, we will have evidence that confirms what the Bible says: God created the heavens and the earth.” 3









8. DNA


FROM THE BOOK: “Modern Science has now been able to identify numerous laws of physics and the physical constants within the universe that are set very precisely and are very stable (constant), allowing galaxies, , , and intelligent life to exist.” “This precision is referred to as ‘The Finely Tuned Universe.’ The more that scientists have learned about the laws governing the physical universe, the more they realize that these laws are all set with such

3 Ibid., 113, 114

Faith & Reason Lesson 14, Page 3 precision that even a slight variation would be devastating for the order, function, and even the very existence of the universe.” 4

EXAMPLES ARE: The force of gravity (the gravitational constant) The speed of light The expansion rate of the universe The cosmological constant The ratio of protons to electrons

FROM THE BOOK: “It is readily accepted that there are at least thirty or more of these constants that are precisely set to allow the universe to function, and some observers now point to many more than thirty.” 5

6. In the last two quotes, our author has referred to and . What is his meaning?

FROM ANOTHER BOOK: “First let us ask ourselves, ‘What is a law?’ Well, strictly speaking, a law is a generalization examined until it is proved that there is no exception. We might define it more simply as something which happens over and over again. Each time the thing happens, it happens in the same way. We can illustrate this both from statutory and from natural law. For example, in Britain, if I drive a car on the right hand side of the road, the traffic police will stop me. Why? Because it is against the law of the land. If you do it, you will be stopped too. Why? For the same reason that I would be stopped: it is against the law and the law makes no exceptions. It is something which happens repeatedly and unfailingly. Or again, we all know what is meant by gravity. If I drop my handkerchief in London it falls to the ground. That is the effect of gravity. But the same is true if I drop it in New York or Hong Kong. No matter where I let it go, gravity operates, and it always produces the same results. Whenever the same conditions prevail, the same effects are seen. There is thus a ‘law’ of gravity.” 6


FROM THE BOOK: “If the force of gravity, which is constant, was slightly stronger or slightly weaker, it would not be possible for planets to form or for life forms to exist. Gravity is set at the perfect strength to maintain cohesive structure and life.” 7

7. The , and of t h e s e laws and constants argue for and give good evidence of a eator .

4 Ibid., 114 5 Ibid., 115 6 Watchman Nee, The Normal Christian Life (Peabody, MA, Hendrickson Publishers, c.1961 Angus Kinnear), 122 7 McGough, 115 Faith & Reason Lesson 14, Page 4 FROM THE BOOK: “To think that this precision is the result of a huge explosion and unguided processes over billions of years goes against common sense. All observable examples of things that function with precision indicate the presence of an intelligent designer. The universe being finely tuned is evidence of an amazingly wise and powerful Creator.” 8

FROM THE BOOK: “All scientists who study the universe see this fine tuning…. [S]ome try to explain it away, but many, even many who are not Christians, acknowledge that this fine tuning is great evidence of a Creator, or a Designer, who has put the universe together with amazing precision. • “Fred Hoyle (British astrophysicist): ‘A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super intellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in . The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.’ • “ (British astrophysicist): ‘There is for me powerful evidence that there is something going on behind it all.... It seems as though somebody has fine-tuned nature's numbers to make the Universe.... The impression of design is overwhelming.’ • “John O’Keefe ( at NASA): ‘We are, by astronomical standards, a pampered, cosseted, cherished group of creatures.... If the Universe had not been made with the most exacting precision we could never have come into existence. It is my view that these circumstances indicate the universe was created for man to live in.’ • “George Greenstein (astronomer): ‘As we survey all the evidence, the thought insistently arises that some supernatural agency—or, rather, Agency—must be involved. Is it possible that suddenly, without intending to, we have stumbled upon scientific proof of the existence of a Supreme Being? Was it God who stepped in and so providentially crafted the cosmos for our benefit?’ • “Vera Kistiakowsky (MIT physicist): ‘The exquisite order displayed by our scientific understanding of the physical world calls for the divine.’ • “Frank Tipler (Professor of Mathematical Physics): ‘When I began my career as a cosmologist some twenty years ago, I was a convinced atheist. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that one day I would be writing a book purporting to show that the central claims of Judeo-Christian theology are in fact true, that these claims are straightforward deductions of the laws of physics as we now understand them. I have been forced into these conclusions by the inexorable logic of my own special branch of physics.’” 9

FROM THE BOOK: “You may ask, if this fine tuning of the universe is so obvious and widely accepted, how do scientists explain it apart from a Creator? The answer reveals how desperate many people become in their attempt to deny the God of all creation. Many non-believing scientists attempt to explain the fine tuning of the

8 Ibid. 9 Ibid., 117, 118 Faith & Reason Lesson 14, Page 5

universe by suggesting that there may have been multiple millions, billions or even trillions of , and this one just happens to be just right. They suggest that our universe is a part of something called the ‘multiverse,’ which is made up of millions of universes. Please note that these proposed additional universes cannot be observed and are purely speculative.” 10

FROM THE BOOK: “So the first level of evidence of a creator is found in the biggest thing we know of, the universe that we live in. It does not look at all like it has come about as the result of a massive explosion billions of years ago. It is precisely governed by finely tuned laws of physics. It looks very ordered. It looks designed! It confirms what the first verse of the Bible says, ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’”11 • Colossians 1:16, 17 (NASB) (16) For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. (17) He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. • Hebrews 1:3 (NASB) And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. • Isaiah 40:22 (NASB) It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.


8. It appears that our Solar System was ordered and for us.

9. This is called the principle.

FROM THE BOOK: “Another interesting note regarding the fine tuning of universe is what some scientists have called ‘the ’ which states that the universe is especially suited for the wellbeing of mankind. In other words, the more we learn about the observable universe, the more we see amazing details that appear to be designed specifically for mankind’s benefit. This, of course, is exactly what we would expect to find if God created all things and then created man and placed him in the world to rule over it.” 12 • Isaiah 45: 18 (NASB) For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited).

10. The “Anthropic Principle” states that the universe appears to be for the express purpose of the existence of life.

FROM ANOTHER BOOK: “The earth appears to be in just the right place, possessing just the right attributes in order to sustain life. There are so many critical factors that ‘chance’ is neither a sufficient nor reasonable explanation of our

10 Ibid., 118, 119 11 Ibid., 119 12 Ibid.

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fortuitous circumstance. (The following is a partial list of factors): • It is within the : Our solar system exists within the Milky Way galaxy, in just the right position. If it were much farther away from the center of our galaxy, we would not have enough heavy elements as a source of energy. If we were much closer to the center, we would be detrimentally affected by high-frequency radiation. •. It is protected by giant gas planets: Planets such as Jupiter help protect the earth from being bombarded by , acting as a giant cosmic vacuum cleaner. Without the planets, the earth would not be a safe place to live. •. It has a nearly circular orbit: If the earth were in a significant elliptical orbit, part of the year we would be too far away from the (and freeze), and another part of the year we would be too close (and fry!). • It is orbited by a large moon: Our moon is considered to be fairly large, being one-quarter the size of the earth. It stabilizes the tilt of the earth on its axis, which in turn ensures temperate climates. It also is responsible for the ocean tides, which play an important role in our ecosystem. It is currently believed that if we didn’t have our moon, life would not be possible. •. It has a moderate rate of rotation: The earth rotates on its axis roughly once every 24 hours. If it rotated much slower, it would be way too hot half the day and way too cold the other half. If it rotated much faster, the winds and climate change would be too dramatic. • It is orbiting a main sequence G2 dwarf . • It has a magnetic field. • It incorporates plate tectonics. • It has a proper ration of liquid water and continents. • It is a terrestrial . • It is within a circumstellar habitable zone. • It has an oxygen-rich atmosphere. • It has the correct mass.” 13

11. Our solar system is so well ordered, we can know the exact placement of the planets a in advance.

FROM THE BOOK: “Our solar system is so well ordered that we can know the exact placement of the planets within the solar system 100 years ahead of time. The orbit of the planets is like clockwork. “Each of the planets within the solar system is made up of different types of materials, some gaseous and some terrestrial. Each is unique and has its own rotation rate and direction. In many cases, we can even identify the purpose within the solar system that various planets fulfill. For instance, the large gaseous planets of Jupiter and Saturn protect the Earth from potentially dangerous objects by their strong gravitational pull upon objects entering our solar system.” 14 13 Seegert, 246, 247 14 McGough, 120

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• Job 38:31-33 (NASB) (31) “Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades, or loose the cords of Orion? (32) “Can you lead forth a constellation in its season, and guide the Bear with her satellites? (33) “Do you know the ordinances of the heavens, or fix their rule over the earth?

12. The fact that some of the planets and moons of our solar system rotate in directions is evidence of design.

FROM THE BOOK: “The fact that some of the planets and moons in our solar system rotate in opposite directions than most others reveals that the solar system is not the result of an explosion of spinning matter. If it were, all the planets and moons would rotate in the same direction. The fact that they are made of various materials also is problematic for the idea of random development after an explosion.” 15


13. We have already noted that God designed the Earth to be . • Isaiah 45: 18 (NASB) For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited).

FROM THE BOOK: “Since God says that He specifically formed the Earth to be inhabited, we would expect to find evidence within scientific study that confirms this truth and shows that the Earth is a unique and special place, allowing life to exist. “Many have speculated for decades that there may be life forms living on another planet somewhere in the universe. But the reality is, nothing has yet been found to show life existing anywhere else in the universe. There are more than seventy-five different specific parameters found on the Earth that enable life to exist. The more that scientists learn about what is involved in the Earth’s ability to sustain life forms, the more obvious it becomes that the earth was designed and made by God for the purpose of being inhabited by living things. “Here is a partial list of factors that enable the Earth to be habitable: 1. Located in the right part of the galaxy 2. Orbiting the right type of star 3. The right distance from the Sun 4. The right magnetic field 5. The right oxygen to nitrogen ratio in the atmosphere 6. The right amount of liquid water 7. The right axis tilt of 23½ degrees 8. The right rotation rate (speed) 9. The right amount of water vapor in the atmosphere 10. The proper ozone quantity in the atmosphere 15 Ibid., 121 Faith & Reason Lesson 14, Page 8

11. The right thickness of the Earth’s crust 12. The right amount of dioxide in the atmosphere 13. Right gravitational interaction with the Moon 14. Right distance from Jupiter, (strong gravity that provides protection to the Earth from and collisions) 15. Right tectonic activity” 16

FROM THE BOOK: “As we look at the Earth, we can also see some amazing features that affect our daily lives in a very tangible way. Consider the water cycle which is so essential for life. Water evaporates from the seas and oceans and ascends into the atmosphere to form clouds. These clouds are moved over the Earth by upper wind currents. Water vapor condenses, releasing rain or other forms of precipitation from the clouds across the land to irrigate the soil. Water then runs back into streams and rivers to be carried back into the seas and oceans. The cycle continues and makes life possible.” 17

14. There are some amazing “ ” around us that seem to point to design and an awesome .

FROM THE BOOK: “The trees and other plants are also significant participants in this hydrological cycle. Trees draw moisture through their roots from the ground and draw the moisture to very top of the tree through amazing design features that allow them to overcome gravity in this task. The underside of a tree leaf has pores that can open and close as needed to release all the excess moisture back into the atmosphere, assisting in the earth’s water cycle. The hotter the day, the more the tree pulls up moisture, and releases the excess after it has been nourished by the moisture. This process is called ‘transpiration’. When we sweat it is called ‘perspiration’ and when a tree or plant sweats it is called ‘transpiration’. You might be thinking that the amount of moisture a tree or plant ‘transpires’ is probably minimal. Think again! For example, a maple tree can transpire 50-60 gallons of water per hour on a hot summer day! Wow! This is another example of God’s wonderful design on this planet that we benefit from every day! Another wonderful aspect of God’s design of the Earth is the amazing balance which causes our atmosphere to stay filled with life-giving oxygen. Billions of people and billions of animals are continually breathing in the oxygen from the atmosphere and breathing out carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. How does the air keep from getting depleted of oxygen and filled with lethal amounts of carbon dioxide? The answer is found in the trees and plant life that permeate the earth. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air continually. This symbiotic exchange keeps the atmosphere balanced with the right amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide needed for both life groups. If we could identify only one or two nice ‘coincidences’ like this that enable the Earth to sustain life, we might be tempted to chalk it up to mere chance. The truth is, however, that wonderful ‘coincidences’ like this exist all around us, confirming that we have an awesome Creator.” 18 16 Ibid., 122 17 Ibid., 123 18 Ibid., 124, 125