Legislative Assembly Hansard 1986
Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 27 FEBRUARY 1986 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 3892 27 Febmary 1986 Petitions THURSDAY, 27 FEBRUARY 1986 Mr SPEAKER (Hon. J. H. Waraer, Toowoomba South) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. PRIVILEGE Warning of Member for Ipswich under Standing Order No. 123A Mr HAMILL (Ipswich) (11,1 a,m.): Mr Speaker, I rise on a point of privUege. Last Wadnesday, I rose on a point of privilege concerning the meaning and the operation of Standing Order No, 123A, in particular the foUowing words, which are contained in paragraph (1)— ",,, after waraing such Member, order any Member whose conduct, in his opinion, continues to be grossly disorderly,,." In the light of the tme meaning of Standing Order No, 123A, the Hansard record and the cortection of the Votes and Proceedings, No, 34, for Tuesday, 18 Febmary 1986, I fiirther ask for a mling from you, Mr Speaker, in regard to your dfrection to me to withdraw from the Chamber, Sfr JOH BJELKE-PETERSEN: I rise to a point of order. Mr Speaker, is the honourable member for Ipswich in order in asking you why you made a ruhng? Mr HAMILL: I rise to a point of order. Mr SPEAKER: Order! No mling has been made on this particular matter, Mr HAMILL: My point of privUege concemed my request for a cortection of the Votes and Proceedings, No. 34, for Tuesday, 18 Febmary 1986, to reflect the Hansard record of what actually took place. Although a week has now elapsed, no mhng has been given by you, Mr Speaker, in relation to these important matters of privilege, which affect aU honourable members.
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