3. Ll. 1455-1708, Ywain's Trespass and Madness
Ywaine and Gawaine, ? First half of the 14th century, MS early 15th century based on Yvain, ou le chevalier au lion by Chrétien de Troyes, c. 1180 From Ywain’s marriage to his final reconciliation The gracious lady quickly commanded all her men to dress themselves in their best array to receive the king that day; she went outside the town with many barons clad in purple and ermine with belts of fine gold. Wearing rich clothing and riding noble steeds, they hailed the king and all his company with full courtesy. There was much joy, with cloths spread on the street, damsels dancing to trumpets and pipes, and song and minstrelsy ringing throughout the castle and city. The lady created much merriment and was prepared with valuable gifts, and she was surrounded by a large throng of people who cried, “Welcome King Arthure. In all this world you bear the flower, king of all kings. Blessed be he who brings you here.” The lady went to the king to hold his stirrup as he dismounted, but when he saw her, the two met with much mirth and she welcomed him a thousand times over, as well as Sir Gawain. The king admired her loveliness and embraced her in front of many, to their joy. There were so many maidens that each knight had a partner, and the lady went among them and arranged amusements. Thus the king and his knights dwelt in the castle for eight days and nights. Ywain entertained them with all kinds of games, and hunting in the many parks and woods in the fair country that he had gained with his wife.
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