It’s All Solid Lines (January‒March 2006)


it’s all solid lines or fantastic waves, (the rope around my waist tightens, exasperating)


What are you? Light. They wrote another American Kiss-Off letter to me tonight. (Framed my head with the lights as we pass through Central Park in a taxi, East-side to West-side.) Wrote another Kiss-Off letter, American-style. Light. To me tonight. Claiming to know me better, and “Your services won’t be needed here anymore.” They tell me I’ve been irresponsible, been making the wrong kinds of noises around the office. “Bon voyage.” “See if you can find a better place to take it, you’ve got nowhere else to go.” Light. And what are you? Who are you? Are you there

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pronouncing another preposterous recitation of selfhoods, speaking out loud into the chaos attending, the night perforated with trees and witnesses? You’re alone, except for the light light light light light.


the end of the road stretches 100 yards ahead, clear enough for everyone to see. another valkyrie from a darker place hovers in the dry air, and is gesturing me toward the last barren peak past the final milestone glimmering off the asphalt̶ “you go this far and stop,” she says.

the end of the road stretches 100 yards ahead, clear enough to make out the valkyrie carved in stone 2,000 feet up, mountain pass with clinging pines and this granite sculpture, made by unknown hands. we pass under its watch, into tunnel and through the peak itself, into light again on the other side, with road glimmering as it passes the final milestone

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and we entered a new state. “you go this far and I watch you no further beyond this point.”


most American to speak in other language, to eat from other plates.



be a theorist, but be smart, first. think it through, player, idiot theory’s to blame for thoughtless risk and wasted deaths in your name.


surprised yellow and red color, fresh from two-year-old apples, speaks to me that these fruits are the sweetest of all. they go into the garbage, along with the rest of what I cleaned

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out of the fridge.


not listening to anything real. birds up in that tree are telling it. call and comment ̶waiting clouds lick the sky.


religion is a messy business, but somebody has to do it.


psychic armor wouldn’t’ve saved the Count of Monte Cristo.



oh, look!

visionary patriarchs nailing their left hands to the old temple doors.

what you doing there? you old rascals! you’ve got it, see

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the embryo of consciousness and pull back earth’s seedy skin̶ don’t need to go moving ever again.

don’t meet your friends, your friends are visions! and they process, go in

and out from the god’s stoop and inner sanctum, to the peace hidden under a willow

in the garden, along the bridge, to the bank they come, and back, following a stroll in the order.

and you scoundrel patriarchs, only stand, watching, one hand nailed to the temple door,

their eyes latched to the other dimensions of their heart.



iPod Buds Cause Premature Deafness

“best to use your ears while you can still hear,”

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said the blind man on the circus merry-go-round.



a superstitious people

I come from a superstitious people. (You said you wanted confession?)

We believe in something̶ the demiurge, the created creator, the thing that moves among the people and creates thoughts for them.

That’s what moves us forward, like a riderless wagon pulling us.

Because of this, my people have been forbidden from throwing our curses down the lightshaft to Hell.

For us, prophecy’s always a telescope: but people are scared by how things will turn out, so they didn’t want to look.

But there was nothing alarming̶ you could see it all clearly through the lens.

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For example, the Whore of Babylon visited us last night,

she sat at the end of the bed, and told us stories until we fell asleep. No bad dreams. Did you expect something?

What are you as we enter the chamber as though it were some holy place?

Philosophy leaves the body when the clothes are all gone.

Men have no philosophy without their underwear.

What are you? “I have no philosophy at all.”

“am I not the truth?”

Snakes emerge from her open eye sockets.

She bends down before the chacmool. She is a goddess. She is sacrifice.

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The river swells down the cliff, through the trees.

Bare feet on brown mud̶ no one to hear the ritual end.

But here’s what comes out̶ we can’t stop being superstitious.


I have in my back room a jar of jiminies, a slice of sarcophagus̶ try this remnant of the late Pharaoh’s last meal. tender, wouldn’t you say?


Damn you, Minneapolis! and your light-rail trains̶ how am I ever gonna get across Hiawatha? Longfellow Avenue: don’t think you’re not on the hook, too!


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Nostalgia makes point-to-point sales the most powerful market driver there is, as witnessed in the dream I had last night:

CocaCola one-calorie̶ Slurpees, ten flavors̶

Metrosexual lads, greased-front sharpie haircuts and big-collar pale blue shirts, idiot O patterns̶

too big to take it all in̶ giggling, shouting. And

girls are there, equivalent cool-but-not-cool, because conformist styles look different everywhere.

They’re in the ground-floor department store space,

congregated around this CocaCola bar that serves all the drinks you remember from your childhood.

Are these people old enough to remember what they drank

in their childhood? They don’t remember much at all.


at least you become

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a series of nonsequential digits on shredded paper, on the way to be recycled.


sometime. goddamn. animals in circus cages. starlight over Albuquerque. quiet oaks and stars for foxes.


I wouldn’t read your poem. I wouldn’t read like my poem like my poem. I wouldn’t like to read your poem like your poem like your poem. I wish it sounded like my poem like my poem like my poem. I wish you could read it like my read it like wish it like write it like my poem like my poem. I wouldn’t read it like you read it like you read it like you read. I wish you would read it like my wish it like write it like read it like my poem like my poem. I wouldn’t like it like your poem like your poem read it like read it like wish it like write it. I wish you could read it like

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wish you would read it like think you should write it like my poem like my poem like my.


Cute and aimless and intelligent (and scared) the locked arena’s your only outlet, with all those safe audience members politely clapping their praise. Poseur style and surface affect, preliminary to the avalache of rock & ash will soon bury̶ as time tends to̶all things.


the tone always fades the wind picks up you can hear birds and children from here. sun has its own feelings.


this isn’t your exile. this isn’t your messiah. go back to worshiping sticks & idols̶ you’re children, you’re children, you’re not the inheritors here. this is not your war.

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“she wants every poem to sound like hers”

Elizabeth Bishop kissed Hitler, and after she did it, a thought came to her: when the lips come together order restored to us makes the lesser races see (once and for all) that the breath of life is in order, not in strife.


he scores with a losing proposition.


listen to that man, kids: he’s the new voice, that’s the truth he’s telling. love it or pass on by, that’s what he’s got for sale today.



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crash on the lonely NV highway, north of an outsider art enclave̶jazz on the portable radio there, which was thrown clear of the burning car.



“plenty to see here̶don’t stop gawkin”


the sweetest chicken soup is made with rotten vegetables.

waterproof gloves fallen on the linoleum kitchen floor.

and look! the northern lights over the last passing clouds!


more important are the thresholds when the light fades out, and you have so many pens you don’t have any room to take notes.


looking at the face of the man I ate for dinner the other night, now

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floating in the toilet bowl, I wonder: did that chump ever dream of cannibals?


life’s just not as precious as people claim̶ someone’s dying pretty much all the time. eyes close, the grave widens, too many mistakes. the problem is, we keep evolving, except for the simple truth: that we so easily break.



I am a captive I am a captive I am a captive.

The wind on wind on molecule, on becoming empty

and flushed full, on a captive strain a touching soul, full out of potential

captive to chance.


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on the disjunct, on the outward knowing

a sensation of escape comes to fill approaches to this foothill fortress, the orchards damp with rain,

sparkling other places beckon with newness as the ground dries̶ go out, send a note

to the warden that the bars were made only of styrofoam, and you had only

to press and you took flight.



I’m so glad I found you̶ is there somewhere we can talk? Somewhere away from the market here? My feet are tired, and someone’s been following me all day. I’m so glad I found you̶

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what’s your name?



(poem composed spontaneously at A. Ginsberg’s class in a dream)

little pills on brown carpet, aspirin, dropped out of the bottle, slipped from my fingers, under the plastic seat in the classroom̶headache’s gone.


“Talk is cheap̶you need science.”



cut with traction. don’t have anything to do with traction. leave off traction. nobody likes a good man who wins with traction. stay away from areas of traction. it’s all another fakeout, thanks to traction. what bothers me is commerce.


“now it’s time to relax and flush some stuff”

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heard on the radio


I was civilized once. then the bomb dropped and they let us out, all screaming, out of the theatre. I haven’t been the same, haven’t seen things eye-to-eye since, not with anyone, no, not since then.


when we arrange them in a grid they become food for us, in every city on the plain, in every commercial center and crossroad in America.


cucumber with teeth: you don’t scare me! any more than melted butter or the sliced bread and grapefruit looking up from bowl. the cat’s upstairs, meowing for cottage cheese.


cognitive disorientation̶ speak! the mistake is so profound, prophetic!

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I don’t believe in historical continuity. And you don’t believe in historical continuity, either. Oh, you may think continuity is the way for people to correctly view experiences, events, past decisions, but come on̶there’s nothing continuous about it, there’s nothing connecting this moment, the moment before, the one to come. You can’t show me the fine strings binding my historical experiences with the experiences of our neighbors down the street or slow dying miners trapped beneath a mountain. Everyone dies in their sleep, in their own sheets.



isolate a stall. stand me, cherry pie.


we workshopped every night, you said you had a houseboat.


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the great founding myths of the West̶Hesiod, Homer, the Fall of Adam & Eve̶are grounded in a mysogynistic joke: “it was the women who ruined everything for us.” cast blame on the ones subsequently denied a voice (“so they deserved it, isn’t that fair?”). I’ll have none of this. how can you believe in this horrific jeer at the half- founders of life? westerners must hate themselves inherently.


there is no hierarchy. there is only center.



the true darling the true monster is captured outside, brought into town̶ they were scared of it, but then it faded over time, in its cage, until no one recognized that it had escaped.


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randomly opened a page in Berryman’s collected


the cold is getting warmer

on a planet close to you the last ragged poet-professor flings off his dismal bridge


even the sun’s shade is warmer


supernullification of deity


Don’t Know What Destroyer

I saw you take out a line of Iraqi citizens̶ mostly women & old men̶ with a dumb sideways hand chop. doesn’t matter: YOU DON’T BELIEVE IN THEM, and what you don’t believe in

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don’t exist. crying won’t help. instead be happy that you’re an American. and anyway you won’t feel the bullet.



the water told me, you’ve continued to become aware of the exeriment of Tom̶ now get out.


okay you divinity: do you represent a block of stone̶ normalcy̶which every mortal should aspire to becoming? or are you protean, fast as light, ordered as evolution̶“look for me & you shall find me”?



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I think I’ve got what it takes to sell catastrophes on cable TV.



smoky red American house pie



evolved consciousness

seeds developed senses and properly advanced ways of perceiving and expressing ideas, words, positions̶we are on the edge of the higher levels, and if we don’t destroy everything (it must not happen!) the plurality of attending to thought and conception will only expand, broaden, gape with further chasmic change, distinction. they won’t understand us, and we’ll never fathom

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their ways.


I ride the house-drowned, dogless sea̶ the waters came and washed out poor me.


Serapis stirred the pot, while Monk beat black and white across the line.


Susan came home with Blue Monk in her head, she kept on tapping out its rhythm on anything she could find, like a child, and humming. First I had Das Klagende Lied, main theme̶“es war eine stoltze königin”̶going, but this changed over to Susan’s Monk lines.


well I’m Marty Serapis,

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said I, and mysteries tolled off the stand, brought to you by radio sponsors beating their own salesmanship out over these fine stations.


the dancehalls on a 1938 Saturday night̶who was dancing on that floor we hear now on a remembered broadcast, in some now fantastic city of the world disappeared from memory. lost our senses, but here we have it over the airwaves, a Saturday-night jazz retrospective̶good to renew with you̶and the drums are beating out the sure hot jam of all-night dancing feet, stomping at the Savoy for a split-second there, somewhere pulling together that strong “Negro” beat. the breath and the attack culminate in everything. hep-hep. Carnegie Hall, B. Goodman, 1938.

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we’re going to have to do something on our own because the asses who claim to represent our interests are selling us down the river as fast as they can find berths on the slave ship. get out and make art of your existence, fill everything with your noise, because those idiots can’t touch the soul of the American people.


the Furies blow white steam off the pot of chicken soup when you lift the glass lid̶


every object or substance has its own phenomenal entity to look after well-being

in the world. now it’s the baked chicken who talks to me from inside the oven.


Salty Tom Ligeia Detrita Marty Serapis and More . . .

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it was like God was angry at something I did, and was fixing to strike me dead. waited around all afternoon but I still had my own head.


if God comes to you and says, “you’re not worth the breath I gave you to live,” then drop Him to the floor and put a cap in Him, before He does the same to you.

this business is life-or-death, and you don’t want to wait, you don’t have time to second-guess your biggest opponent of all.

He is the destroying angel. He must be stopped, that you may live and breathe in this world of spirits.


who wrestles the destroying angel becomes the epic hero, progenitor of the empire

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sometimes you have to fall off the wagon to keep your head above water.



obnoxious fantail rhinoceros


“Fate, then, would have its thin but solid grip on me, indeed.”


January miscellaneous

regular procession, lifetime regression.


what’s so hard to figure? the world begins, the world ends̶ you’re somewhere in between̶you have nothing to lose.

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I didn’t think of it before but I’m going to tap you out, tag out, corrsponding glad to sacrifice and the end.


Me-dig-hole-ism versus intellectual you with the big words escape into the tunnels of mind and floss regularly̶there’s a good boy.

Do what I say, what I tell you, you must project what the house calls in every motion and thought, or you’re not part of us, spoiled milk,

gone sour with too many bad thoughts. You spiral down thinking that way until you crack your head on an obsidian floor, deep in the earth,

and wonder “what the fuck brought me here?” It’s the lies that you are nothing without projecting your constructed self, it’s the artificiality demanded from every

conscious moment, when presentation

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and existence call for none of it in and of themselves, for survival, for their daily bread, for life.

Gone to seed and proclaiming gladly “Me dig hole!” is no capital crime punishable with unlove.



Poetry. Fuck you.


there are always more words, Rebbe. there are always more words for you, Rebbe. more words̶impossible. more words̶unintelligible. you’ve got a way of communicating with your upward wave, your downward fist, that tells everyone your words are breathlessly important. there are always more words. this is one thing even the lofty of spirit and mind can’t escape. more words are impossible, unintelligible, for you, Rebbe . . . Rebbe.


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I’m in charge of who I am now.


I take over the outward, the expressive, the convoluted, the fuckin’ stupid.

the subject turns out to be what I express.



Coreopsis Poetry Reading Black Dog Café, St. Paul, MN

Juliet Patterson

“this next poem is still somewhat personal”

it’s still all read with each beat or

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enjambment articulated̶ uttered singly, with end rising̶ hiatus? not naturally.

who corrupted speech with this stilted mannerism?

Leslie Adrienne Miller

“when the moon heads for the hips” “then it gets complicated” “where the panty hamster sits”


I guess I never learned how to read a goddamned poem̶should they be proclaimed like a string of boldface headlines?

this is important. (each phrase uttered underlined)

can’t we the audience determin what’s properly emphasized? just articulate your words and let us do our part out here.

best lines are not emphasized̶ generally, this isn’t the way

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I hear words when reading to myself.

theme: being a pregnant woman in France.

parthenogenesis (dreamed of)

you’ve a wonderful voice̶ why wreck the effect by filling your mouth with all these clipped syllables? is this what poetry’s come to?

(did I just hear “coatls in Dante’s house”?)

hates the sling of masculinity broken on estrogenic douse of loathing

Michael Kincaid

O you paperless versificator, urban blanket Horace.

“you have to pay attention, which doesn’t give you any free rides”

Herakleitos . . . aforísmoi

“new day, new sun”

“going to read . . .” ̶ from no paper!

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Herakleitos’s feet are sore from stepping in the same river over and over and over.

classical rang bell, chores in verse, homely images brought homeward yet again where we hear them

“the Extravagant”


neoclassicism chamber-potted poetry unillimitable. nocturnes and epodia, stony stolen simple and invincible in nature, rememberd, spoken short.

“archimage” (the first magician)

why don’t you compose without “hath” and biblical anachronisms? fallow shooting on the eclogic line? what have you got to hide in the identified suddenness?

“its domain is the infinitive, playground of the gods”

test the poetry by ear.

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“started this last poem when I was out deer hunting ̶ didn’t get a deer, but I got that poem.” now that’s a good line.

ekphrasis? clearly art. bones inside dark flesh, under the shadowy body neverpresent in daylight.

some poetry associations: MN Literature Newsletter SASE Marshall, MN


I lost the orange. An American laughing. Forced on everyone. The orange rolled under the table.

Forced on every one. An American thrusting. I lost the force. It rolled under the kitchen table.

Every one forced. And an orange thrusting. It was lost to every one. Who was rolling under the table?

An American orange.

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Who was thrusting under the table?


almost like some kind of Dada pronouncement almost like some kind of cavebear announcement almost telling you that snow isn’t falling almost everything has burned at the center.


thanks for the presents̶ you don’t own my soul.


if God hadn’t made America we would’ve had to invent it ourselves̶wait, we did make it, made it our own. this is no theological debate.



the reality is the boundaries

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between we two are too permeable. the umbilical must be severed. death to the conjoined mother and child. what mother strangles as an act of motherhood?

death to connection. spontaneous withdrawal of the two parties is the only answer to this diplomatic impasse. détente’s only possible between equals, and now there should be no between. only severance.

for boundaries to firm up, for dislocated self to quit haunting its own beasts in the forests of another, for civil commerce between lobes of personality across distant bridges within the mind, to houses of clean utterance and singularity of purpose̶

the connective tissue

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must be destroyed. death to the conjoined twins, the connected mother and child.


this is all part of the American tradition of transcience, talcum powder, longevity̶ the spark dying.


WON’T CAUSE FADING! won’t cause failing! won’t cause diarrhea & herpes outbreaks! won’t cause spots to form! won’t arrest the creeping fear! won’t cause fading! won’t cause fading!


do you see conditional motherlove turned suprematist, black armored steel and masculine-identified hate?



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the voice over the wires̶ “none of this would’ve happened if you had listened to your mother” what happened? what? what was there to hear? what was mother? what was the matter?

(and as for your sorry fragmented life, friends, I want nothing to do with whatever ruptures and toxins you have in store, spreading mercilessly)

scent hallucinations? carpenters and answers? thumb split open, words coming out like anchovy paste̶ that’s the smell. where’s that coming from?


little failures. accounts payable. every struggle on my own head.

engendered endangered outmanned manifold bearded braided boarded

maintain the mantic velocity

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verge on the countervalence occurs in darkness & motion

like I don’t have a tie that binds like your bounds that tie don’t mind like our heart’s kind don’t tie a sign

the notes abide the orchestra elides each note it plays, inside

̶what is it? ̶a gentle tapping. ̶what is it now? ̶only the noise of thought, rattling around in the brain cage.

counterintuitive but gets it right, true but not what you’d think, intelligent but in other ways, a legend without an ideal.


lime pickle goes on everything! lime pickle, or maybe blueberry yogurt, kind that comes in a pint plastic container. lime pickle and yogurt! they go with everything!

finished the last of the bag of all-natural Tamari tortilla chips. “your body knows what it needs,”

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said the doctor, “you only eat as much as is required. Now get out of my office!”

I love the smell of thoughts on the house.


impertinent to houseplants, embracing yaks and hacks and sacrificial lambs, all for the big ideal of sitting back and counting other people’s money.

how you do it is how you do it, got that?

constipated like Wallace Stevens, who went running over the tame wood bridge where he saw Williams squatting, down in the sand, shitting in his beloved river

T5:30 at Nye’s Polonaise Room

key it to neutral. society.

“he’s been meticulously recording his life”

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machine motion meaning machine meaning motion

herpetologist drowning outside the zoo̶ “drop and give me 100”̶ mystification at heartbeat to heartbeat, broken on the snowy streets of Minneapolis.

heresy walked the sacred path, parity drumming south̶procedural, but not police. what process if not based on crime, terrorism, violence, obsession- details?

what’s the zeitgeist drinking these days?

bats tattooed on her arm, she sits at a piano bar next to Spike (“he’s going to get some tonight”) her boyfriend, as he sings Neil Diamond̶ who the hell tattoos bats on her forearm?

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Slim Gaillard on a Cellphone

“on fucking high alert” junkies with no whitespace Maupin on TV shows

Satin how many times do you say the same words Doll every day?

“I am very close to you”


If I’m not here I’m there. If I’m not there you’re not the one to tell me where I am, okay?

My distribution system has its tongue frozen to a metal pole down at the playground. Now what can I do to get my poems out?


Opening can.

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Feel it with your own shoulders, arms, fingers.

Muscle comes into being for only one task.

Take your spoon and the corn is ready to eat.

the candles out after the service. waxy living̶shake the Catholic priest’s hand and ask him for information. he’s never heard of the grotto. he’s young and is busy greeting his congregants.


that childhood favorite, the Red-baiting doll of yesterday̶ Tickle Me, Communist.

turn me black ink and water

turn me black baking tiles

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turn me black away from matter away from sound time

turn me black ink and water and nothing like styles.

“I wrote it in my mind” and the ink froze on paper.

I don’t have no control the eryx digitalis blooming sweetly again in the palms of my modernist, suffering hands, clapped together the buds snapped pollen, falls out to the wood floor I don’t have no control.

I’m not looking for the joke you’re looking for the joke̶ I’m looking for the sequence.

it pales in comparison. this ink must be frozen. this ink must be frozen. it pales in comparison.

the way it falls is the way it falls̶ it’s no one’s fault,

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that’s the way it falls.

where they learned to be polymorphous and androgynous is probably the same place they sold radios and tapedecks to boys and girls during Reagan’s first term̶ everybody cross-dressed back then, even Nancy.

Land O’Lakes fresh whipping cream. Happy Valentine’s Day. Pint̶sell by Feb. 14. Best cream in the country. Tell the cows you’re thankful. Tell the cows you love them. Contented milk from contented Indian maidens and their happy, romantic, love-eyed cows!

I stack the spice boxes deliberately in patterns that’ll indicate their importance to my family’s local cuisine, truly their own.

He Laughs at Ancient Comedy

My Greek teacher in California

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used to say that anyone who laughs at a piece of ancient comedy must be nuts: there’s nothing funny in it.

So here goes:


“Satisfy my wishbone.” He prophesies. “Give me something to eat.” Prophecy is a full head. Prophecy is a noisy stomach. Prophecy prophecy. Lights are going out all over America, and there’s no one here (anymore) can lay down the line and tell us what is coming. What’s next? Prophecy prophecy. “Satisfy my wishbone.” Wind rattles on the shutters. Cold ossifies every living thing in the Northland. “Give me something to eat.”

I don’t see the river going dry anytime soon. But I also don’t see anyone with the skill to steer a boat.

Because I’m not looking at time anymore,

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all this comes up and into immediate focus̶ wild, strong, insatiable to be told. But poke a stick at these things as they move past, and they slurp away, like so many slugs and semi-vertebrates gliding away, back into their holes.


the lost lummox passionate sycophant to the crown prince of Tell Me A Story. sounds like he would prefer to stay home, but there’s work on the books for him to do, stories left to tell of an old kind of Americana that people don’t realize has already passed into nostalgia, another defeat for the old-timers.

that’s an extreme way of looking at arrivadercis.

Mother inside Father outside. Full moon reaches down between us. Cold will break your characteristic. But deep and everpresent it waits, it waits.

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“now that it’s gotten cold, everyone you see is dressed like an urban sherpa.” ̶SRL

piece of fine stoneware set into the mortar.


Open the book and I have the hammer to strike it.

Jethro came out of his tent to greet the wandering multitude̶ where did we come from, such an army of cloud-shod refugees, escaping the river for sand dunes?

Superstition, invisibility, the mysteries of a cult sacrificing in a high mountain cave̶ this is the landscape of the feminine, pursuing, pawing at wet stones for a blade.

not that I’m a misogynist, but there’s something creepy about the so-called “Womanly World”̶ except that it exists as an imagined

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space inside my own troubled head.

scent hallucination, yes̶ vapors of something decaying, something gooey under the bottom shelf or along the back wall by the pantry.

cum ignis caritatis ignis caritatis cum igni caritate caritas ignis caritas ignificatis

with flames of compassion by flames of compassion with a flame of compassion compassion of flame compassion flame-inciting


the war’s over and the white folks won.

there is nothing you can do that’s wrong, they are outside on the street saying. but you tell that to the gorillas coming up the street in a gang, clubs gripped and throwing broken bottles

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through the windows all over our upstanding neighborhood.

take it outside, gorilla-face.

broken torn up short-circuited apostrophized defined curtailed insulated drowned antagonized

we had nuclear threats and paranoia before. we had danger and highballs and Dad put us to bed before. things don’t make any sense anymore, because now the danger is real. it’s inside our own skins. Walt Kelly was right̶ we have enough terrors without inventing more outside.

we’re on tape delay of one month or several or one year or several years or a decade or two.

we are not playing this game in the present tense, we are not a digit slowly increasing, incrementally.

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we are phasing out perceptions as though they were now, when they’re all the time responses to the body of past,

and memories and the wake of gone trends. nothing escapes the surface until the cycle of perceptions ends.

don’t call me a faker̶ you’ve got to get your archetypes from somewhere.

what’s the trick? housekeeping. who keeps the house? Ra-herakhty, storm hawk in calm sky with clouds, who turns darkness into sunny day.


and 2 and 2 and warm pressure̶ air pushing air.

Florida Notes

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Florida ̶ best climate for semi-rural seediness. The whole place smells like the inside of a Disney ride that’s closed for repairs.


cold turkey. one for love. move freshness. sale to sight, sale to sight.

I for love. fingers in the gravy, palms in forget.

cold turkey. cold turkey. one for love. I for love. sale to sight, add pressure.

bring it in the houseboat. I pressure. bound for a houseboat.

terrible or sale to sight, I for love or sing it to the township.

Shampoo song

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what would you do for more shiny hair? wouldn’t you like more, shiny truth? where do you go for a possibility? what do you do with a dream? what would you do what would you do what would you do for more shiny hair?

and knowledge tempered in crocks underground will tell us all we should know.

anything’s possible. not all of it will happen.

anywhere living anywhere living anywhere.


(waiting by a grocery store on Calle Ocho, Miami)

car alarm and jazz station, traffic and shoppers slapping on the street. Calle Ocho at sunset. alarm still going, planes burning the air above. the rain’s still falling. darkness and sky and

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shoppers as night arrives.


nothing chaos nothing badness stay away doubt still feelings everywhere.

the aliens aren’t trying to contact us about the imminent destruction of Earth

let the stars be lights and planets, only a wide aspect of the truth. no meanings or curses.

no civilizations bringing mankind the way life’s supposed to be answered,

through guru or extraterrestrial contacts. just quiet. and wind. and light. and depths outside of depths

in the drifting sky, so lost to all messages.


a blade of glass hand that’s warm, worn trade of precision, hands cold on form.

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the bottles break forever. how could the wind settle, coming from the Gulf with no intention but

to take the birds with it out across the swamps?

communal athletics. pronouncement, pronouncement. where the rain falls. at the outside point.


when you worship at the arx of the sunrise, over the lagoon, every name is a prize, thoughts tease out the light.

New Age, Neoconservative ideologies̶ both driven by the belief in a secret, a foundation standing on what’s not there. You can’t see it? that means it’s endowed with the most enunciated powers of all. Universe live, what isn’t there becomes everything.

shaman’s sickness̶ project your own words.

[end of Florida Notes]

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“the whole fucker’s an illusion. go thou, seclude yourself, and contemplate your indecision.”

the voice is the now and telescopes it all into the heartbeat.

Miscellaneous February

duality mentality plurality humanity

I’ve got your chicken bones, I’ve got your half-light morning recyclables all tied up

at the Midrash class (Parshah Yitro)

the natives are restless, the golden measure between Nutrition Facts and “Please Recycle” on the can of Dr. Pepper

should be inspiration enough. I can’t remember if the passage is called a perek

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or a portion.

the twin, the self not wholly self. identified, always somehow same and other, always a name and nameless.

the mirror is more profound than the unvisioned.

the magician must not believe in his own magic, or the spells he casts shall overwhelm him.

forward & forward, carelessly thinking. the true poet shares his blood with no one, save his beloved.

life is the state of being able to perceive complexities.

the unobserved life! the unobserved life! the unobserved life doesn’t breathe heavy in darkness! beat you with sticks until you bleed! send you unprepared into the forest!


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the random is also representation.

time becomes object as soon as present leaves the room. now it’s washing off its face before bed.

the magician is a grandfather locked away in big contemplations while the party in another tower gives itself one more toast̶ those scrutinizing within know their proper stations.


I’m a poet, but not a nice one.

metaphor̶ a meaning-bearing reflection.

sullenness̶ dark sleep.

“why weren’t you in Midrash class?” I come, I go. am I ever absent?

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Hashem knows His own stories.

Judaism isn’t a faith that forgives its people for just being . . .


anchovy dollface. pudding. recessive traits.


I’m so out of it You’re so into it No one can touch you No one can pray for your soul You’re so out of it.

internal, external. disappearing.

the risks of randomness

the bundle comes through your consciousness̶ bright and clear̶ one channel at a time. you think you can see

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everything, if you are sharp enough. no, you can only see one, one, then one. that is the darkness, that is the subtlety of perception.

metaphor̶this for that. the proof that one thing can exist in more than one place, in more than one time. the proof of immortality. the proof of God. the proof of the invisible world.

there’s no floor when you speak of metaphor, no base for single truth. on every side there’s duplication, multiplication, balance of disjointed commonalities. it disturbs a simple mind because there is nothing unique about perception and the perceived.

must stamp out

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the offending equivalence of metaphor!

what smells in here? must be another person’s reality.

“mass transformation for success”

your soul is sin that prepares prophecy from the ground of God. what’s wrong drowns in every drop of stillness shaken off the formation of free mind.

good old Minnesota, I accost you at night. ladies bring in their little pups from the back porch

the spilling, the river. just who do you think the river god is?


drop it. now you’re bare-handed. and he said, “watch the snow fall.

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did the weather ask you to breathe out?”


Jake said the wooden cross up high at the convent made him remember he used to buzz and make engine noises, every time he saw a plan from the back seat of his parents’ car.


the only moment we can perceive totally is this moment except there’s so much we miss it’s as though we perceive nothing, all the time, nothing.


Grandiose has fallen on hard times̶again.

how can I keep doing this? what does it mean if I stop?

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will the air seem different when they rescind the Constitution?


bringing people together. forcing them to eat the horrible seed.

warms your heart to see such pride when oatmeal’s boiling out there on the flip-side.

the man-built hand-built human-built wall, each imperfection lasting, strengthening as though designed first instead of just mistakes.

what makes the leader strong? an uncounted throng. what makes a leader weak? bare feet.

litmus test.

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canary in a. come on, you know the rest of it. do I have to spell it out for you? if you had a pen, you’d be writing the same thing. here, take this, you do it now for a while.


every time. I thought I could tell you. now I don’t think I could ever tell you. listen. every time. I can only say this once. come over here. your reputation’s on the line. I thought I could tell you. what are you staring at? I don’t think I can tell you this now. come over here. every time. I’ll only say this once.

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thermometer. baby brown. facilitate. the time goes by.

don’t flarf me this way, baby. don’t flarf me, bright eyes. two hundred.

“dissolves under the lobe of the tongue”

life’s not fare when you owe taxis

word love, practical talents.


this affects people. they don’t forget. how dare you? how dare you!

scraps and folds. I had an idea

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you would testify on my behalf.


an embarrassment of time. now, stop it and go to bed.


pass me the bandolero the painkillers the tango record.

I have no time for the conga line.

we’re busy people here̶ where’s your spine?

pass out tickets to tonight’s game, cigar-smoking man

with untrustworthy goatee. pass out

while the meter’s running. no motivation here. just blocking traffic.

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it’s about time we ended up at the funeral chapel.


if you can’t break it, bruise it. if you can’t kill it, lose it. if you can’t chase it, choose it. if you can’t mark it, muse it.

“realism̶it’s not one-size-fits-all.” ̶SRL

“realism comes in all shapes and sizes” ̶T. Slätis

another band name? Chainsaw Vagina

“nuanced freedom̶nuancerade frihet”

“balanced limitations̶balancerad begränsningar”

“Sea Horse Restaurant̶a different take on service”


not so important to do anything here (in a bookstore on Nylandsgatan &

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Fredriksgatan): only to be here and see and walk (and not fall).


this is a break in content. this is a break in communications. another hangup. another cause for silence. “how do you learn to write?” “you get cold and you stay cold and when you can’t stand this feeling anymore, you do whatever comes naturally.”

distracted as the pale blue Finnish sky in March.


S, T, Ott, Maret, Henri Laupmaa̶ at KuuKuu, Tallinn Henri Laupmaa Tuukri põik 6 10120 Tallinna, Eesti

[email protected] 055 024 542 6 623 588

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visionary environments

Visionary Structures & Natural Wonders of Estonia Estonia: Visionary & Natural Wonders

“everything that’s interesting” “emphasis on those things that would be called special”

“unique sites”

“folkloric stories about places”

“imaginary objects, things that existed which don’t anymore”

cultural, historical layers & overlaps

the Estonia/Luxembourg axis: Ott: “who controls [Estonia/Luxembourg] controls all of Europe”

“Estonian swingers” Ott: “we have a certain sexy nucleus there . . . dancing needs music, swinging needs only swinging”


through Riga to Vello’s grave

the Other Side exists only in the waking mind.

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when we sleep, the plan of our world merges with the Other’s̶they are the same, they are nothing.


at Vello’s grave

come to the place of no languages, of nothing spoken. no one language, telling nothing, only the silence beyond tongues. the place of no language. nothing spoken. darkness. living in the silence.

a god of files & levers. every thought reckoned, all steps recognized as made.


back in Tallinn

resource tourism gazing tourism viewing tourism walking tourism

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collecting tourism light-absorption tourism sound tourism boots on ice and cobblestone tourism

“shit if you must this old gray head, but spare this country’s fag, she said”


back from Europe

Faith has never done right by me.


on our last trip abroad, there was too much to see, so we instead got sick and stayed indoors and let our friends come visit us. what surface pavers are they using on Aleksanterinkatu? I walked by, didn’t notice under all that ice.

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and the conscious stepping takes out more energy than puts in. you need to keep doing what you do, every day, practice and not perfection, since in the act and the repetition you get to the art.

Beautiful Dislocation (April‒June 2006)


Academic excellence tricked me after I left the theatre, but I got the jump on it outside̶you’ll find it in a dumpster around back.

say you dropped out of the sky in a rural part of Northern Europe.


very snake! S.O.B.!

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comrades! don’t let your butter drop!


“it all happens for a reason”

I don’t believe that, I truly don’t think it all happens for a reason. but it does, there’s still some chain of rational progression tied to my ankle under the pants leg, when I walk down the street by the elm stump, the tree that used to rise up in front of our house; when I drive to impossible work each morning̶it all happens for a reason. but no one ever knows what or how they can profit by it.

“just be somewhere now̶ can you do that much for me?”

the aliens aren’t what’s going to get you̶it’s your imagination.

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everyone afraid to be stained by illness, disability, bad credit, loss of motion or freedom, the taint that you can’t shake off, the scar that heals but in a different color of flesh tone. everyone wants to be Scotch- garded against mishap or damage, somehow protected from imprisonment or attack̶ as if living in a physical body could be removed from its experience of physicality. once you’re born, you’re stuck with nature and an addiction to air, food, water, and love. the physical nature of physical dissolution is what we have. hold on: something rubs off.

the sadness is real̶ its “cause” is illusion.


fragmentation of fragmentation of fragmentation of identity of voice of presentation of conjunction.

where self?

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we ate it in a bowl yesterday morning.

nobody but us. call back later.

things get rough and complicated̶ gird your loins and behave like an adult.

Michael Maupin, at Keegan’s Pub (rainy night in Mpls)

“history̶what a fucker!”

“people just smell vision”


that smile on the face of the worldly chef, now traveler, sitting cross-legged in South- East Asia̶“be a traveler”̶too easy, too subsidized, for me to believe in him, or his smile, or his motto: “be a traveler.”

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add another line to my little epic of dislocation.

victim narratology. I have my eye on you, son. pass the house, drive around the block. got another idea. do you think this is supposed to be a joke, specifically?

not only here but us. call back later. get back to us later. come back home after. state your name and play it back for us, later. not only here but us.

̶The streets and sidewalks are so clean. ̶Because for 2 days we’ve had nothing but blowing blowing blowing.

(remember that I compose as I’m speaking)


low ebb here, but a great miracle

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happened in this place, over and over again, out of season, distant.

the undeveloped mind thinks: “this element is the same as that element” (magic) the developed mind thinks: “there is not relation here to what is there” (negative capability)


these books expand. these books receive. these books are not read. these books were not written. these books fill the empty space. these books waste away or burn in a powerful blaze. these books save. these books condemn. these books enlighten. these books are on your shelf. these books will have nothing to do you with you.

every page means only to say Hallelujah!

these are a pathogen. these books are a living disease.

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these books grow with the times. these books speak. these books represent an equally distant age when no law was observed in any land. these books exist. these books are not written. these books receive all who seek them out.


glass eye. shattered .

people with attitude have a beliving certitude; a singularity even though illusion; a monism; stolid sense of normative now this is what I am this is what I say I do. people with attitude̶ I wouldn’t say I want to be one (monism), but envy? polarized sunglass lenses, polarized attitudes.

4/11 (Pesach in LA)

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the Changed Man. the Hanged Man. the Changed, Hanged Man.

that man really changed after he was hanged.

o man of little change! o hang of little man! o man! o change! o hang!

“I live in Rancho Santa Monkey.”

he draws a line. he traces an X at the exact center of the page.

objects in built space are meant to be accessible and useful for their intended users consumers victims dolphins.

ghost story

how many times have we been forced to say: the house grew up large around our ears, in a single night!

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house. chamber. forget.

this rage you speak of, well, there are times they have a word for it. not like today.

package. forget.

save me a bite off the things you’ll say tomorrow night. we all attain tokens. we all have houses.

forget. rest.

I chose the wrong place, over and over. sounds like house, but it reads a whole lot like identity.

chamber. rest. matching.

the house stood outside a park. we thought it was a cemetery, ‘cause of the graves. all they were asking of us was a little attention, all we could give them was the sound of driving away. sad to forget about all that now.

move chamber.

how about a rest. a mark matching the lines he drew countless times across the last plaster walls he visited one time, when he came to the house one last time.

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we made a mistake: it was a cemetery.

mark chamber.

scratch the walls off the count an incredible number of days we waited to being but he stood there when he came that last time, took in the chamber, the mark of the room an encounter gracelessly. no was the secret.

I saw when he came out, it was plain. we tried to forget what he was saying, but we all dreamed it again later̶ afterward, anyway. so that’s what happens when you choose the right idiom, that’s what goes on when you pick the right house to live in. stay here, don’t move around so much.

I will rest. this is the chamber. I will rest and look out the window at the park̶I mean, at the cemetery.

Vanguard Poetics

a poetics to hijack, duct-tape, and throw into the van. there, that’ll fix its little red wagon, its pretensions.


“I need to see her like I need gonorrhea.” ̶SRL

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“you’re like a lightning-rod for opinions” ̶K. Pool


“that’s not a booger̶it’s pus” ̶TL, idea for a disturbing t-shirt message

nonsense! non-science! pack a wrench before you came today? pack a measuring stick? non-science! we haven’t needed to know dimensions like this since the cavemen. are you a caveman. John Paul George Ringo Maybeth the mother of indigo, Christ in a steak sandwich presses his eyes shut wishes someone would for Gods sake put him out of his misery. I mean overdetermination’s one thing, but how do you live with yourself, even if you are the fuckin Messiah?

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God’s in a quantum sperm-drop, changes color and consistency as it falls̶got to take it for what it is, the shifting presence. You’ve got to have the balls (metaphorically) to stand on a seaside and shift with the tide, like you were the water to ripple and slide.

“it can’t hurt you if you don’t know what it is.”

Whiz Bang condoms̶ more fuck for your buck.


“it’s a goddamn . . . he’s a goddamn . . . he’s a goddamn addicted gambler.” ̶Pool, on the phone

“listen, you want to call Housing and tell them what happened?

“just don’t even worry

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about what passes at this moment.”


American World K-I-S-S-E-N-D. Compromise is not an option. Adoption is not an option. Save yourselves before the bat bombs drop across America.

trancin’ with Elijah. so’s his own mother. wouldn’t recognize him.

you’re not something enough! you’re not something enough! goddammit, what’s your problem? you’re not something enough!

she refuses to play the leopard̶ ridiculous!


going to have to must write my own

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anthology. (no one’s gonna write it for me)

1950s rock n’ roll̶ 3rd St. Sunshine̶ Los Angeles afternoon. Am I not one with the Tao?

“so much time . . . and so little to say” ̶spray-painted message on a storefront, Melrose Ave.

Marilyn’s niche in H’wood

there’s something buried in this place, something precious. they’ll never tear this place down, because of what’s buried here.


look up at the cloudless sky, into the blue parabola. distinction drops like a cup of gravity into the sun’s light, green through tree and grass leaves. million formations̶

how’s your dog barking?

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you, backyard friend from the world of beasts, you furry guardian of Meyer lemons and coughing Korean grandmothers: I have no more energy to hear you, or take in any more protean mocking-bird songs and other bird calls, insect chirps, or even witness sun dappling concrete in Koreatown.

one white, house-sized breath of cloud forms up there, winks and shrinks back into the blue air of April. Adieu.

I haven’t got any more left to say. the neighbor dog’s gone away to his own muddy patch. I only have enough in me to show off moments and make the occasional frustrated comment, coming off the mild heat, that warm concrete, and the ground.

these aspects of southern California always leave with me when I go. (“cough cough,” Grandma Korea.) wind up, cloud gone, bell ring with school period over and the crossing guards’ whistle. no dogs barking now. and sun,

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parabola of blue over all our mighty heads, our self-declared summations and sunny brightness.

step on the warm concrete or dirty street asphalt, feeling: Los Angeles sidewalks are polka-dotted with everyone’s lost gum̶black sputum on hot earth-gray surfaces, constant, neutral. destination drops out of everyone’s mouth where they are walking, too. eyes below, winking, to eyes above, in a cloudless sky.

now and then, love and patience, waiting to be cleaned with a steam sprayer, to be rich and knowing what direction takes us into the heat (again), into the light of long concretes and streams of roads moving ever after in all directions, to all destinations, even to our purported last stop̶ somewhere in Long Beach, down by the Port of Los Angeles, or even further down the coast.

we choose love. we choose that bells ring and trucks pose a counterharmony, for the chirps and scoffs of bluejays and grackles. the windy rattle off this Pacific coast̶so many people!

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if you’ve got an itch you bitch you’ll scratch, you’ll scritch.


old job

you don’t have enough to offer me, I’m sorry but it’s so.

time for me to sail on.


negative poetics̶ make various conflicting, contradictory, negating truth-statements, in order to reify utterance and/or deepen precise experience.

the trick is mitigating the urge to destruction long enough to absolve yourself with proper analysis.

How much did the paper cost me?

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Another circus captured identity.

Winds break holes in all this pageantry.


what a huge position to be in


controlled freefall.

do wrong this time, next time is right.

drifting, praiseless, with no cohort . . .

listen to the way. listen to the way. listen to the way. listen to the way listen to the way listen to the way listen to the way listen to the way listen to the way listen to the way listen to the way. listen to the way.

America, a vanguard. America, a cross goes on before.

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This is nothing you didn’t already know yourself.

can’t cut the cheese? so sharpen the knife. can’t hear the words? so sing the song.

crushable. vegetable. mandible.


he visited cites, cities, and sites.

I keep on promising to tell a different story̶ but I only tell the same one, with the same cadences, rhythms, slow drives to a point and countless digressions. now I think I’ll come up with a new story, but maybe you won’t hear it.

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Modernity’s been good to me. I harpooned her and she gave not little noise, but only fluttered, stayed with me, for me to save.


I am fortunate to have been unencumbered with too much success.

California, Home

I am touched most by the quadratic heat of the Central Valley, the cool winds pour with salt blowing through San Francisco fogs.

Every Time a New Hand Reinvents the Wheel

Every time I try to get along̶ Work and mind my own business̶ Someone tells me “Who told you

To improvise! Why you got to keep Reinventing the wheel?” But nobody Gets it: every wheel has to be reinvented,

Each time, by new hands, fixing

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That functional circle, spreading hub Or setting axle̶primary. New hands,

A new mind, every time, even if every wheel’s Indistinguishable from all the others. That wheel, separated, distinguishes

Itself in space by its position, and The new hands̶in a single, Unrealized movement̶in that moment

The hands lived, the mind spun A spoke, a line, a circle of rubber, And felt around its rim to fill up

Motion with air. Every wheel renewed! How can we demand our own Rank dehumanization, massive

Assembly lines of automation and No human control? Even automation Is a human pursuit. Only if, every

Time we reinvent the process, Own it as manual labor, as handwork, As reinvention of shape, as return

Of distinctive action, as rebirth of soul That never dies but only sleeps in skin While we go looking for it.


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a few more years like this and I’ll be a genius.

insanity is a metaphor for uniqueness.


I’m one of the happiest fuckers I know, and I’m miserable.


the truth claim. I’m waiting for it. a statement of fact. haven’t decided if this beast walks the earth still. I’m waiting for it now.


Western Civilization

in the field in the forest, on the hill or in valleys̶ that’s a made thing.

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misread text: “every session is an act of glory”

“don’t cry for me, Rudy Giuliani̶ I’ve never backed the Republican line. you’re all heartless fakers and lying shills, sympathetic to your own bottom line.”


dodging bullets comes naturally when you swim with all these sharks. another breaker rolls in, and every eating machine from here to Catalina bares its rows of teeth and moves in, alert from the blood in the water, streaming out of the bullet wound. I’ll fend them off, and make it to Atlantis by sunset.

if the lies don’t get you, then the watercress surely will.

she picked her Pygmalion with prophetic grace from a tender place

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at a gentle pace.


by the book don’t always work̶ take it.

Miscellaneous April

“these boys mean business!”

phantasmagories and volcanoes


Book of Shin/Godless reading

“Snakes on a Plate” ̶ Samuel L. Jackson: “I want my FUCKING snakes on a FUCKING plate, motherfucker!”

the endless teen sleep.

Shabbetai Tzvi & Nathan the Prophet

normative religious practice is bankrupt̶ metaphorical teen dysnomia.


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“the Kahuna & his Shadow”

second-act water tower slide

creation, imagination, individuation. VOLUME.

drama of the inspired, doomed teen

“you’re a smart kid . . .”


mind-body nexus. the diatribe gets lost in all this noise. a house on fire cannot divide itself for no reason. listen to the talk clicking.


superego ̶ you’re not here to oppress me! you’re not here at all.

opening of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony

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the sound of God clearing His throat.

“that was just chrysanthemums”


my car is driving me crazy!

I’m not on the hook for anything. No, not anything at all.

black is the blood in the beat of the pen. black is the sound̶ now do it again.

Variations on a Them, by Us.

it couldn’t happen to a nicer pair of eyes.


the Defender of Men was a fiction dreamed up by Ptolemy the First

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in his Alexandria.

“Yesterday’s a cancelled check. Tomorrow is just a promissory note. Today is CASH.” SRL


Choked me off before I could get anything out.

“what kind of you is it you’re writing about?”

No light, not empty, at the airport̶ but the stars all shout.


it was a thought? it was a person? what did it, did the choking? was it in fact the curve of history, broken in? the stars have their own drama.

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the Poised don’t do so much. where was the ink in their souls? they spent so much time trapping, keeping it, deep in the basement. “can I throw that pen away for you?” no heart left. nothing more heard of its message.

my attempt to chastise implicates me in the struggle for ego-domination of who I despise.



distilled with lunchmeat. pig salad.

“found poems”

soon stiff, soul soft̶ she she she.

is it about prisoner drama or night baby rhythm silence.


I’m moving my gun

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outside, where the passage goes, where the handling men handle, where spring defeats us and then lies down.

they call that an anvil. a hand bell, a man to tell you, you need to move along now. they call that pushing you out of a moving car. we don’t get violent̶we get even.

perfect cat curl in angle crotch̶ it’s time to go to bed, she stares.

these corns of memory are some damn fickle seeds.


my sword of scissors my house of impossibilities rain the green shapes yards fill out leaf-on-leaf my apostrophe of grass outside the birds’ sound hearing it makes it real

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and its Amsterdam of assonance suddenly scares the cars out of the road̶ drive me to where you’re going, I’m convinced it is a better place.

there is structure. under that structure is another structure. under that, another. until you lose track, lose count, until you can’t see any further, unrecoverable first structure, beyond our reckoning.

the wind is blowing a pack of lies is prepared, sealed, for you to open.


I’ve got a cloth ear and a club foot̶ my hand’s sluggish̶ prestidigitation.

am ringing like a bell. shut the door slowly. the walls are metal. nobody travels astrally anymore.

“Tell me about your project.

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You’ve got a project? You’ve got a project? Everyone these days has their own project, everyone’s got nothing to lose but what they’re doing, they talk about it, to make them work or at least work it out. Steve’s roasting coffee. The girls are reading. This guy’s talking to his little boy. Everyone’s got a project̶ You’ve got a project?”

here’s a picture of a cow. and here is the field where the cow lives. and that there is a picture of the wall where the cow’s picture hangs and waits for the coming of Moshiach.

“don’t do that to Puccini, son̶ what did Tosca ever do to you?”

the poet says this is what the audience should take away from the reading: “do I leave enough empty space for you to interpret this piece your own way?” am I being kind to you, but not coddling?” the audience sees this as another move to take away their supremacy in the act

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of engaging the poet, the poem, the line, the phrase, the phoneme. the poet jumps into the papier-mâché model of Hell and is gone.

this will get us tightroping, when the Shah of ourselves comes to topple the revolutionary government established according to Shariah. these bozos can’t tell if the false floor will drop away, the trap door disappears in hole’s pitch. no net here.

away tightroping. Shah vs. revolutionary. false floor. trap door. no net here.

they were howling for my blood again outside̶ then a voice came to me and said, “what part of ‘mind control’ don’t you get here, Scout?”

“the irony’s not lost on me, Madam̶ that’s why I keep a loaded gun within reach at all times.”

experiential referent: look out the window on the rainy street. beautiful dislocation.

is it in

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the spaces this fat philosophy hides itself?


there’s so much doubt there’s so much road there’s so much language there’s so much acquisition there’s so much bouillon there’s so much quantum mechanics there’s so much psalms there’s so much recording

push me out of the tree now, please. had enough of the other birds lying about updrafts & velocity.

I broke a wineglass because I wanted to write another poem. anybody seen the broom?

buttering my own bread, wrapping this plate of scrambled eggs around my head.

Noisy Breakfast! Noisy Breakfast!

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the thunder booms and scares the cups of yogurt!

Noisy Breakfast!

coffee coagulating on the spoon. cereal congratulating itself in the bowl stirs back from the edge, from the kiss of milk. runny containers of digital cheese curds̶

no object but breakfast. no image but hummus. no potential but to eat it all.


disparate functionalities and the corporate structure that allows each to cohere with the whole.

I was in the freaking heart of the beast (University of Chicago)̶why did they let me leave? how did I get out alive?

register me in the cabin next to yours. what’s the one thing that keeps you up at night? where did you leave the food we took home from the restaurant? do you think there’s a chance we could stay home?

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the problem always boils down. the boiling always comes to a bowl. the bowl makes a mess when it drains into the cup. the cup breaks before we can bring it to our lips.

“do you remember anything?” I remember that the house caught on fire when I tried to make pancakes. the Met opera broadcast was on the radio̶ a Finnish soprano singing in Italian. the cakes were burning on the skillet. Argento, argento. Mi potrebb’ aiutare? her song was very sad. I wouldn’t report these things if they didn’t have an effect on me. if they didn’t have an impact on what I remember. I wouldn’t remember anything if they didn’t mean something. the stove caught on fire when I went to turn up the radio. when I returned, everything was smoking, burning, it was all black, in flame.

most important part in a pipeline is the staff that maintains the pipeline.


perception is 9/10 of the Law.

if you dig deep enough, you will find “puppy on the bottom.”

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animal mind arising. birds, wind, breath. no control̶lovingly observe these moments.

I’m telling you this. you! you! you! fan the flames̶ sting the violets̶ compress everything in my reckoning.

masks are many. peachpits. icecream cones.


my frontier areas are crowding out my narrow home base.


anxiety free fall. (try to avoid anxiety free fall). where are you now? you know what you’re doing.

manual is the new automation.

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“one gets so tired maintaining coherence these days.”

“he’s always trying to play the race car”

the lion is the master of the sun. the hare pays no attention as it grooms its paw.

this is the kind of philosophy no one decides to write.

the crow antagonizes baby squirrels. the deer is the wild observer.

try this kind of philosophy next time you drive a suburban highway,

meadowlarks singing to you, in May.


you break a thing to make it stronger.

be the hole. be the whole. be the mouse in the whole.

the oboe in Saturn. the tongue in a sheet of music.

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“soul leaving body.” this is endless illusion. force lights the world forcelessly. patterns of soul leaving body are lines on space that we can’t trace. fire lights the world facelessly. where the light drifts through solid form. where it tatters and hangs off the edge. what’s for dinner? illusions again. oneself in bliss. and the soul is leaving, never promised a postcard. really now, the drifts from solid to waking, this gets to be too much. that we can’t trace. the fire, the patterns. pace the distance, leave this illusion behind. the potential has me now for the long haul. I see your expression

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and have no answer. that’s the way I write my own postcard, my job description isn’t on file with Human Resources. Eternity & collective memory.

insects. insets. inserts. incest. instincts instructs. insteps.


I am the dragon slayer. but understand: there’s no such thing as solid-state happiness.

simple and it makes you happy.


the sun according to its own policy. a prophecy. a blade of no grass. a person with the correct intention will plant roses in the right season.

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save me a chair. save me. save me a. save me and the last time I tried to write this down I was a young man looking at sunset from another window in summer. but I didn’t know what I wanted. I didn’t know how to ask you to save me a chair. save me. save me a.

I can’t know any reason other than my own, any truth I perceive can only be comprehended through my perception. truth is cheap, selfhood’s what they charge so much for.



an epitome of an epitome.

don’t listen to the Bulgarian chauvinist sitting in a booth three

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tables over from us. he has nothing important to teach, he only wants to murder us, for his Soviet masters to reconsider his exile, to change his fate and bring him home, out of this capitalist wasteland.

potato tomato potato tomato

come carry away and lead me to deeper valleys with subtle climates that station heart allograms, cut across dark granite walls, 1600 feet high.

potato tomato

the practice comes.

potato tomato

we climb it as though it were level and our feet, chariot wheels.

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potato tomato

utterance and passion.

potato tomato

give me the certitude that you know how to lead the way. lead us away.

architecture of gravity of amnesty of science of delight.

“would you tell me something? is it just me, or is it just me?”

vista vast and coming at us fast, from the prairieland and secret skies around the vacuum of night. to see this shaking view.

this little creep he shakes my tree he takes my fruit he wakes me up when I’m sound asleep.


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everything you want is what you’ve got. everybody’s got what they want. Paris wasn’t built in a day. the City of Lights doesn’t get what it wants.

̶why did you do it? ̶don’t know . . . I perplex myself.

how much bad information is propagated every day? so much, it probably overwhelms the pool of correct knowledge and truth in the world̶nobody can say anymore what’s true, correct, properly formulated.

nobody taught me these things̶ I had to kill for what I know.

old ladies you can lead, if you take them by the hand. gold is really a handful of lead, if you give up holding on.

it was always my inner nature that propelled me forward̶ my mentors were all ghosts.


I know the name but not what it means, know how to read it but not what it says.

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can’t see the poets for the trees.

would you judge someone for breathing? how can you judge according to any other standard, then?


hindsight’s always 20/20. is it? where you hear the truth? your great-grandparents’ home town?

I prefer much better the sun the laughing shapes of sky and terrible weather, drawn as one across the earth moving stolen time in absolute image now they come now across tides and the moons away forever the waves

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the showy stars coming on now, much better I prefer these laughing shapes.

dream me a dream, spider mine. my pen doesn’t write. and my words are running away from me, again.

spoon is not spoon. can’t you take a bite of cereal without thinking of all the places you’d rather be? drowsy little breakfast circus̶ we’d love to get that spoon into the dishwasher.

more fruit for the sweet with a smile and a telescope sight from the assassin’s rifle. what was his name? Lucas. who is his next target? go out picking in the orchard.

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the instructions will all be written down, you’ll see when you get there. by the time you come back inside, you’ll know everything.


vaya con Adidas.

Poetry After Modernism, Robert McDowell, ed., Story Line Press, 1998.

this is my favorite pen the only pen I write with I love this pen I love this pen! this is my favorite pen of all

“our secret stash is safe with you”


2 thoughts on waking:

today’s Greek glitter

the suffect of consciousness

mercy’s albumen adheres to my hands.

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residue of white taking that gifts each member of the household with the vision and the resilience we are each of us looking for.

you had better apologize beforehand for wht the lions of Modernism are about to do to your sensibility.

“high masculinity”

surprise it to say

anomie domine

the field is stained with so many stones.

it’s the part that’s gone you can’t put a finger on, can’t buy it back once it’s gone. there’s nowhere to find the part of your memory, of the action or location that others could drive to as pilgrims,

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would cross borders and suffer deportations just to see it. the part that’s gone you will dream of, you will hope to see again someday. once it’s lost you’ll remember only that it’s gone away

the poetics mistakes presentations ever get down with that changing names every turn of phrase the mistake poetics started outside presenting inside performing all over the wind the mistakes the rattle on the doorframe.

take the fading night after 97 degrees. another Maysummer. tricking the grass so you can cut it. the weeds and birds thrive, other pedestrians just

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fall or fall asleep before they make it home. don’t cut your feet on the blades of grass.

hot means money. hot means cash in. hot means let’s not worry again.

hot means car, a car to drive. hot means run on the streets̶ the motion keeps everything hot from the sidewalk, from the roads and in the fields and supermarkets.

I overstep my bounds all the time. what’s the price of thank you? what’s the price you think I should pay? you’re an idiot̶ I own this bank. and your request for a withdrawal

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is denied.

a mild bleach solution. drip dry. permanent press. we can’t handle that material here̶ try taking it uptown. try taking it across the street. try throwing your shirt on the ground and stomping up and down, until you get all the stains out yourself.

metabolism says ah! metabolism says ah! metabolism says ah! ah! ah! ah!

Projective verse̶ yeah, whatever. that’s not why I read your fucking poems, Charles Olson.


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all passions all dimensions all for one all sensations all reproductions all for one that’s going for one.

the chimpanzee’s trainer with his box of words, painstakingly written one on a card, suffered a stroke and fell, the cards scattering across the floor of the pen. then the dumb chimp, who sees something the matter, trying to help, takes the cards, arranging uncomprending messages.

book’s page glows with albedo from the light source. attracts summer insects.

yes, your image is a metaphor. it drives us. can these words really be how the world was once made? sliver moon and streetlights cast their glow,

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yes, and also their shadow.


I’m not sure how to handle my saturation.

the only thing honest. that is what needs writing down. the rest is noise, filter, leftover.

great light of the world, retire! sounds like all this culmination’s brought you just exactly to this spot. either be worshipped or loathed by the nations, either rescind or deny what you’ve got.

indolently the cat is sleeping.

possessions̶ a pack of white lies and

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a salt shaker from Istanbul.


I am the machine.

Simple Showman met a Roman climbing up the stairs. Said Simple Showman to the Roman “how’s the view down there?” Said the Roman to Simple Showman “I’m walking every day. If I should fall then that’s not all that gravity would pay.”

platyplus̶ full of silver, full of eggs, silver, full of wealth. platyplus.

projection! projection lightning from hands. in my left hand, fire, to burn out consciousness, out of the mind.

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God’s confused̶ he sacrifices sons and kings, empires and innocents, only to make sense of this creation, only wanting to understand it, comprehend what he made it for. he’s forgotten, like you might forget why you fell in love and how where did you leave your beloved? God can’t even find who to love.

“and this slide shows the afternoon when Ortrud was attacked by a pernicious Nose Demon̶these entities latch on to a person’s astral body, specifically in the area of the sinus cavity and the bridge of the nose̶ can be particularly difficult to shake, since they try to come in through the openings in the face and drill up into the brain pan̶if you’re not careful, the demon will gorge itself on the ectoplasmic field within the victim’s cerebrum, leaving quite a mess and something not unlike a zombie shell̶many times the victim’s family and workmates won’t notice the change, at first anyway̶thankfully, Ortrud had recently focused her esoteric studies on an obscure Sumerian exorcism text, dealing with entities such as this Nose Demon̶you can see in the picture where her eyes are crosse, as she prepares to “exhale” the creature out, while incanting the rather abstruse Sumerian figures for

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demon extraction̶in this case, it was a complete success, and we can all be grateful for Ortrud’s diligent work in translating Middle and Late Mesopotamian magical tablets̶we can all rest easy knowing a scholar of her calibre sits in our midst̶wave to the good people, there, Trudy . . .”


we are all connected to every person, act and action, throughout history and the physical world, via our contact with one thing: time.

it all began. nothing more. how arrogant̶can

the Sons of Man claim any more knowledge than this?

anything more is arrogance, more legend. begone, haughty poets!


make sure everyone’s red and fed, bled and dead, waked up and said, aped out and shaked out, maked up and led, taked in and breaked in,

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laked and aching, bread and baking, head up and feeling, raked in and reeling. make sure everyone’s dislocated and making.

davvening vision

the source of every resource of every capital of every possession emanates from a place over the horizon in a glowing field outside perception, the range is obscured by distance yet the magnitude of the source is monumental outside ordinary recognition, reception and transmission drives action yet everything emanates from a larger place beyond, a wider field a glowing dispensation above and without rational spheres and comprehension.

distribute melted fat in the pan. sing me a new song, God of my fathers, God of the rains and the fried meat. the sons of the desert have drowned in boiling oil (and promises). now we among you retire, at long last, from our wanderings. the sons of our fathers cowered behind the skirts of their prosperous women. what souvenirs did you bring out of the desert? have you collected the sand from the soles of your shoes? a miracle happened here . . . ask the women to tell their side of the story. distribution of flour, butter, 2 kilograms

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of meat, and a kilo of ground coffee. we were frightened when we ran from the empire̶now we are comfortable and seated quietly at home. are the pancakes ready yet?

fat comes and fat goes, and fat̶ sayoonara, my Japanese friends.

all trouble begins at home. if you pass the wrench, the hammer will follow. space is my back yard. think fast! the stars are falling! breast of chicken, thigh of ox. airing out the bedclothes could leave you high and dry.

I’ve visited the South Dakota Badlands 4, 5, 6, 7 times. but never picked up my personal Indian guide. the wind was blowing in the direction of the Four Faces, but no one looked my way and saw that I was

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looking back.

kriah Shema

spiders proclaim you asleep in their webs. oxen bellow and bless you alon in the fields. wise men groan and give succor to the less wise. learning to praise and bless is easy when you’re alive, when your name prospers above the fecundity. how countless are the beasts who delight in proclaiming your own underlying creation? stop̶don’t count them now̶ who has eyes in their head or tongue in his mouth reasons it out, will reckon the numbers wordlessly, thoughtlessly, bare-fanged and scratching pelt rough against the bark of a tree, deep in the woods, where only you can hear his praises.

superposition, this-that, this-that, this-that̶ all the way down, like tortoises stacked

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on on top of another.

protein bombs are falling over the young city̶ commerce has all but ground to a halt, while the diplomatic corps has secluded itself somewhere in the hills, gorging on stockpiles of jelly donuts, pastries, apple fritters, and chocolate pudding pies.

“you’re on your own, my fellow citizens”̶ those in charge have abdicated their right to rule, and we’re left to forage for fruits & vegetables. storehouses of canned meat and fish are discovered daily by teams of gatherers and scouts.

we stay away from the surface, in our shelters̶ there’s nothing left for us to do but to find a clean plate utensils in all this inedible, inutile rubble, and wait for them to return.

as though somehow we were blinded and somehow when we saw again the topography had changed completely.

we opened our eyes and saw that we were in a different place, somehow larger and filled with more wonderful things,

and nature, wild with life and growth, we had no idea this new place had grown from the same old raggedy environment

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we last saw befor sightlessness took us, before we stopped seeing and our own perceptions narrowed to thin darkness̶

we heard something, smelled change, but could never have expected what it all meant, what was changing around us.


writing gift cards

“where are they, your high words, your lofty genius, your praise & your wisdom?”


the norm the canon

again, we must resolve that this is arbitrary.

again, we have no evidence that anything’s authoritative.

that radiation only works if you try hard enough.

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quick thinking on the part of a stranger saved my life. that’s the reason I’m able to talk to you here, today.

Quick̶ if you had only one book to take to a desert island, how long before your burned down the closest branch library?

letter to Charles Bernstein

we male Jewish poets born in the middle twentieth century, we’ve got to stick together. can’t you agree? nothing personal, but̶ well, of course it’s personal̶ I have a way of turning cannibal at the least appropriate times. that’s something you should watch out for if we spend much time together. nutritive absorption of another’s poetics is such an ugly process. but I guess that’s what happens when you put yourself out there as a teacher. wouldn’t it be a prettier experience to tour a sausage factory than watch people learn?

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Antikythera machine readout̶ are you trying to develop an automated system for expression, or are you simply looking to make a mark? bury it in a shallow Mediterranean bay and see what they can bring up.

speckled with robin’s-egg blue provenance.

several Panzer divisions parked down the road̶ all the troops look to be translating Heidegger.

there is nothing that can’t wait until after dinner. what does that say, huh? read that again:

there is nothing there is nothing that can’t can’t wait until wait until AFTER DINNER.

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your inspiration is your own, it will be there a long time after dinner is gone, after hunger.


why can’t I write beautiful poems about oranges and libido?

Yosemite Sally̶ the bugs are quiet tonight.

Yosemite Sally̶ we haven’t hear ‘em fly into the window screens. come here old girl and give us a gunpowder smooch, the air’s so hot and you radiate so much on your own.

don’t hold on̶ it only leaves bruises.


“God in a sperm-drop” I’m sorry̶I don’t understand what this sound like anymore. should I be pulling my punches?


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the mind boggles the mind is made of butter the mind dips & weaves like a punch-drunk stooge

the dog barks at the wrong house.

the tropical depression doesn’t make landfall, instead breaks up somewhere over the Atlantic, without leaving a forwarding address.

they mow the prairies, don’t they? all green and gold and undulating, seas of fecundity, an auburn wave of . . .

would you please tie your dog up̶ he’s in my rhubarb patch again.

metal will scrape on metal. that’s always how it is, how we find the situation.

in time you’re see the truth in all this. in time you’ll see that you aren’t responsible

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that the road is too long that somewhere you’ll have to make an emergency landing.

I don’t have to tell you this̶ you’ll see it pretty soon for yourself.

this is a vehicle, not a soundwave, not a flick of ink. not a testimonial. prepare to move out of your control.

culmination, not redemption. morning, not time. distribution, not annihilation. concept, not rhyme.

Real men drink espresso.



against mosquitoes

my only blood is iron. my only blood is lead. against mosquitoes against dark biters.

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can’t sting, have no poison from blood.

the lead in my veins is fire to their beaks. that dark they contain could no more raise a welt than blow a wind to the Canary Islands.

(clouds darken over old baked pyramids of the eastern Atlantic)

I am contained. the wind is still in me, the blood thick as fire, the air condensed.



it’s all dust. it’s now a cartwheel. it’s just another all-American summer.


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Little Miss Prison, all fur indecision, eating her chocolate soufflé.


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I can walk backwards. communion of heat.


for want of a stone-free avocado, I stabbed myself in the hand.


in the Occult, the heart snaps shut instead of opening in ritual. don’t open your eyes here: last thing you’ll see is the daimon taking possession.



what’s green anymore for me to miss it?



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t5:30, Erté bar, Nordeast

“border toilet”

“that’s the crust of the biscuit” “that’s the must of the chatter” “that’s the luxe of the whisper” “that’s the stuff of the hour”


the neglected voice the discalced voice the rejected voice.


this means you̶ make it sound easy because all of it really is as easy as that.



what if Schoenberg couldn’t count to 12? then we would’ve had two John Cages. and a bird between

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two cages is free.



Ka-boom! Kabbalah Baseball!


avant-gardeism always leads down the jagged path to broken-hearted simplicities, elegant & brutal, lying forces of verse breathing through thick rubber masks.

when you say “simple” to a crowd, everyone groans and looks for the closest door out.

no fair!

we talked all night about this being the new way to breathe, and the words to come out

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as well, and now all you ask is for an easy exit?

that’s not the way this game is played.


the descriptive method will always mislead, put your money on prescriptive, proactive, what gives you yield or at least explicable dividend at the end of the day̶I can’t tell you what the description of this program is called, only that it’ll lead us out of the stuffy animal cage into pure, unmediated outdoors.


what isn’t born in the house, dies in the house.

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all we can hope is to make it to Fifth Base.



division. collapse. compression.


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“do you reap pears?” her character says, when she reappears.


glue therapy somewhere the signal got crossed and the two subjects stuck together. that’s the situation, how it goes with blue therapy down by the freeway these days.


I wish there was a state of being that was housed more subtly and in more subtle places, tending to drift or at least face the south and all that potential.


my aposiopesis or yours?

tenuis grandia̶ great things in the teeny

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if I should fall before the break, have the heart to hesitate.


we bury the black testtube again̶ stained sooty and filled with grains of houses burned and charred out, no memory of them, buildings pitted, discharged from architecture, no relief will come, instead all residents are turned out shivering at Midsummer, then stake every hope in the protective ground behind what we left buried there, barren and proud.


six nine twelve seven ten-thirty. telescope or artichoke or architrave off the edge of the structure, settled. somebody pushed it, someone could have been hurt at ten-thirty, somebody escaped someone’s deadly plan with inches to spare.

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you dopple, you hum. the radar clocked you at 10,000 m.p.s.̶ a modern phenomenon, and yet such silky skin. when the doppler boys get a load of this, they’re going to want your number, want to put your secret in a bottle and sell it. you and your crazy manners̶ where will they take you next?


God raises up all who fall. God does, He “supports all who fall.” God frees the captive.


stand still


collapse of the imperfect tense̶

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Chichen Itza, hurting history. Chichen Itza, there’s no more moving stones


canto terra cotta. build with concrete.

arches make a level base.


have broke the speech the hunger standing. now indeed have stand still

bottom of this linguistic cliff.


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testimony androgen aestivate caprimony


>>Jury Verdicts>>

spearhead template standard guinea pig


there’s a panacea for everything you see. everything, high ‒ sharp ‒ ocular. oîda. idmen. pan. akea.


number attraction. random guards is number.

water resource, rope the sea horse, watch her treehouse.


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Stumpy Ted tapped the angry dash-it-all.



“capture notes” map the information in your head, capture what you said.


where are we where are we at are we at here? are we here? at here, is that where we are here, where we are are we where?


that was the air of San Francisco̶ now the weather’s hot and we are far away from the City.


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this fabric disallows a template setting management kindly asks that you create structure on your own.


every action has an equal and opposite reading.


all of these jewels in the cross. all of these are jewels. all are arrowheads in the packed earth somewhere in the southwest United States. all of these make it terribly difficult to get some rest.



hypnagogic thought

proof that God’s watching̶

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some doors are open to you, and some doors are closed.




we took it to the other house. better not to leave the bull there. better keep coming around to feed it until someone takes it away.


to make the books legitimate, he had the pages bound with cream-colored paper and facsimile impressions of human skin.


we are proud and stone and prod and along the rivers, face the mountain ice and risk chasing caribou and we are Esquimaux.

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taken not deterred.


the Democracy of Soul. I follow no one. your stories, your acts, are a part of consciousness. I remain open. I follow no consciousness. the Democracy of Heart. soul self in isolation.


an idol’s only a lump of stone if no one thinks it’s a god.


air conditioner air and sound and all out for the fallout.

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my stunt double sprang a leak backstage before we went on. he was praying to the universe and somebody inside barked out a Bethlehem obscentity, beating fists in rage along the canvas backdrop, sprawling the stagehands̶ all the congregants̶ and discalcing every pilgrim between here & Monte Crisco. we had to fold up the act at once, leave town and take it somewhere they’d never heard our name before.


and technocrats bare their souls, shout mountains out of stormy sky. they watch, they profit from making constellations, connections.


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“Muhammad Faris, Palestinian. His home destroyed by Israeli tanks.”


weenie roast apocalypse̶ every home on this block, torched & bombed to brown heaps


this poetry speaks in volumes, not in sentences.


hey, creep! are you chipmunk enough?



who knows? mindshot. thicken and the air tallies a slow number. process that carbon and

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regulate or make the light show in any old way. dawn and birds, leaf and light, air and forget-me- now-and-then again.



I betray̶I mean, I believe. you been thinkin too hard about this, bwah. I declare you a rascal̶ too many parlor tricks, you and your boy mechanics tasking theory and talking verse politics. get wise and get down and write it. the peace comes in scarcity and you young types have nothing if not abundance.



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turn these resources over, feel them in hand and under fingernails, curl on the palm and look at them, look at them. the smallest effort blossoms and no one looks into that world without you being there first.


I will make a joyful noise unto Nabisco Shredded Wheat™.


four independence today. happy time mine.


you not doomed not spiders in your head not killing anvil in your heart.


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battle scars of a wounded mind



the stalking horse collapsed telescoped under its own speed̶ velocity of equus.


what I think in my own house won’t topple universes


Fox TV is for FASCISTS


And he was dead by the time I reached him. “what have you to teach me, dead man, with tongue still wet with language? with words moist on the side of your mouth?”


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we’re looking for a yet-no answer



if you don’t get tired climbing the stairs are you really climbing the stairs?


trying hard not to slip on the rocks, step in the same stream twice


Antiquity is IT

before I quit it, before I tie and tie it quick to I and thee and ante qua ̶ time enough for still a cup of tea.


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piece it all together. Smith hit his head when he came in late to the meeting. summit reached, air clear and visibility fine, 25 miles. he pieced the map of the wilderness back whole on top of a large granite boulder.



where you ride hearse to house, dry your hands there. after the wheels take you along out of town, they’ll put you down and let you walk rest of the way.


don’t you love the polylogue past even Adam’s house, where he, versificator in primis,

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alone he bore fruit in a barrel,

as easy as pulling apples off a tree. he also has advice for we all, he in his gospel of falling and of staying put. the programs on

the History Channel are liars every one. he’ll tell us the screen still draws a blank every time we make it stream forth light.



“you pray the blood of Jesus over you before you go in to . . . ?”

Heisan, ho san̶ Jill’s and Joe’s son. Jews and jasper blossoms bear the cross of ev’ry savior.

albeit profound, he’s not the god’s boy no-how.


160 | Complete: 2006-2009

rejoice, and you needn’t pound



like a snow blower that stays on after winter


if you were watching, you would see the angle of my incidence disappear over the horizon in its glow.


spontaneous peace talks

o my synagogues and o my mosques, torched, and my bridges split open, rocks

turned down, shaken in black and unscorched body parts. o the devils

161 | Complete: 2006-2009

are wrestling Esau as close to the mouth. my holy mount and my promises (prophecies).

the light should be falling now.

wrestlers in firelight always take down topography

where the sweat from their contorting bodies falls.

eternal. there is no satan alongside the rivers and the hills.

I left out my eyes.

and scan the darkness for a god to put no faith in.




162 | Complete: 2006-2009

Filthylocks, Filthylocks, let down your hair.

what does Filthylocks say? ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF ARF

in the dream I see Filthylocks walking, her tired shins flash under white skirts, no shoes or gloves for her hands, only smiling.

what is she doing? abomination.

don’t hate me, Filthylocks, don’t hate me, when I turn you in for vagrancy and “doing your own thing.” I’ve heard your lies a million times and I’m not going to believe them again.

where the bell rings, where they force the door open, where this town’s Chamber of Commerce denies all responsibility for the lousy shape things are in around here, where you bounce your basketball at eleven and they’re fishing you out of the river by half-past-three, where not even a telescope counts when it comes time to look for your lost childhood,

that’s where Filthylocks lives and breathes, lonely on the monomaniacal side of town, smoking hot rats in the crawlspace under her shack̶ spitting bones out the back window: detestable!

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do not believe the lies Filthylocks tells you.


the painting of verse is wise. the painting of verse is narrow. when it comes to telling how to make the right words come out, better look at the way you would paint them, then pick up your chisel, inscribe. the verse that comes as a visual activity acts on the soul but does not believe in a soul. the action of visual perception comes closest to making verse that does not read like verse but acclimates the mind to its ideas through shape, color, condensed sound, purpose.

the pause between sentences slows the eye down for better apprehension as it scans the canvas as it scans the page.



Lifting grains of sand With tweezers Prolonged our portage Over the desert sea, Without questioning The act.

Beyond eternalizing What was wrong. The action spoke out, Loved itself in its

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Lifting sand dunes Over our heads we Pushed out the demands Made on our own Accomplishments.


on the bridge somebody out there acquired on the outer journey knows what it is core values: outside the going on, somebody height and telescopic view out there gets it point and shape



serengetic available energies

diplosiva skerries in red across changing road

stomachings of sea and of its members

energetic serengetic cap upturned along the bays

165 | Complete: 2006-2009

nonnoia grayflute peels holisticism

serengeti avalanche the road a winderless the sea a homely blessing

windlass truths windy truce windly windowering

available old naval old shark sequestering

billows abreast tallfeathers fuming asperto spurt turn citrus float

take fanning feathers graphlute use sealed pitch boat

along the boys naval shore

a sailor split masts for firewood the bears are watching out of sight

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hungry men turn to fire wet sailors shake in the cold

the sand is salt the ripples beach sleepers up the shore turns


happy happy labi labi happy labi ? labi happy?


Olson’s projectile verse̶ get that thing away from me, Charlie . . . !




o you little little of robbing faith

cult of death apocalypse

my nobody

167 | Complete: 2006-2009


never comes calling

doesn’t try getting me on my knees



ego-death in messianic corps,

community service

equals suppression of will --

some want to be nothing,

claim nothing but the world.

unbelievers drown in selfhood

168 | Complete: 2006-2009

in dry riverbeds in dry dimensions between

blankets outside hung on superstring.


there is one great song everyone will turn their head to hear.

but its frequency but its frequency is too low

o you little robbing all of faith of sound of the great song

hard mouths hard presentations

of truth only spoken always only.


169 | Complete: 2006-2009

she thought of waiting at the corner all day.


“is all about telling stories, “and believing in perception.

“when the story is about “ghosts, you have to believe “in ghosts.”


the savior comes silently on a flaming chariot.

the horses come to save small children from the flood, from far away from far away from far away.

the breakdown coming, three bodies ride one horse, but rhinoceros spear missionaries,

or was

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it triceratops?


charismatic phenomenology

pipedreams of the absolved ones. each is chosen for talent. gap-toothed monkeys read aloud from the Chronicles of Benjamin. crack! goes the thunder. sound asleep, every child. where we stood, wild animals and snapping turtles have now set up shop. the path to wisdom has turned to a raging sea.


I’m only asking for a little black bread, a little morning star, legible straining at what causes each leap to throw out this projecting energy before it. when I will eat is the time for us

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to speak of such things.


glorious subterfuge -- Saran Wrap


“brown as an African devil-baby’s butt”


Nervous Nellie aggravated the rhinoceros, with dire but not totally unforeseen consequences.

The zookeepers looked helplessly on as she disappeared altogether into the jaws of the largest beast. But stunned,

they all heard her voice loud over the parapets of the snake house: “I am not dead, but only sleeping in the belly of this

joyful creature, my beloved one, unfortunate soul unfairly doomed three hundred years ago to lope forever the earth in shapes great &

small ̶ never human.”



Chunky Jackal,

172 | Complete: 2006-2009

why you illin’?


Not cool, Captain America.


ill-informed counsel ̶ “but I told you before, “it’s all about money “and survival.”

lyrics come they drop from every dog’s swollen paws. they get their down in court.


the structure of our sandcastle where no architect brought his blueprint and no mechanic cracked our gasket and another technician was run over when he tried to fix the heating plant

has crumbled under the wave, but we still hunker under plastic bowl that framed the sturdy walls.


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why destroy us?

you, sacrificing to me, do not despair. fire is my name fire is what I ask of you.

why are you destroying us? why destroy us?

fire is what you bring to me. to a place I will show you. you will sacrifice in fire to me.

an altar of unhewn stone. why do you destroy us?

by commandment shall you live. by prophecy shall you eat in the wilderness. in the dew of morning shall you forsake the house of your fathers. in the sweat of evening shall you be gathered in to your fathers.

why would you destroy us? where you bring us to sacrifice in fire.

El Shaddai is a monster afflicting the children. in the wilderness shall the children wander.

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in the night the fires of El Shaddai burn up their bodies.

you, sacrificing to me, fire is my name. do not despair. I will burn up my body

and the sacrifice will be goodly to me.


you end up, your pious soul’s not worth the powder it’d take to blow it to heaven.


I despair in Israel. I see the end in Bethlehem.

no waiting, take me to the unveiling.

prophecy’s enough for a cup of soup.

they have too much of it to sell at the souk.

175 | Complete: 2006-2009


to beat the Nile take a boat



Cohiba conch confraternity


the Lord only gave me this ink to live in.

the Lord only gave me this house to make bread with.

the Lord only gave me this android, but I can’t take him

outside or the authorities will take my ink, my house, my android, and my imagination.

better stay put

176 | Complete: 2006-2009

and lift my thankful blessings unto the Lord.


the effect is enough. the effect is extreme. profit-taking. the doubt is more than I can stand.



polysemous leprechaun speak̶ see that brush rustling there? you can hear them. not rabbits. they’re not afraid of you, they have their own means of protection. let’s take a look̶let’s move in closer̶you never know what these little devils in green have to say, what they’ll do to you next.


and the So What train is leaving this town’s station 3 minutes to 11 the night is cooler̶no bugs, no clouds I hear someone promising answers and fame down the street from here but they’ve already sprayed down the sidewalks and closed every store.

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imagine a time when not eating is your first option.


the road you will come to is melted copper, crystals embedded on each median line

you watch and see what comes, down the road. something is.


canned piano wire “they had a memory leak” where the meeting table’s round and cool.


staple, black. keep the pages together or you won’t get a good read

178 | Complete: 2006-2009

on the info.


paragon paradox doxology logical iconography graphomania Manichaeism


asignification asignal assign (a sign): this thing means no thing̶ embue it with your own meaning. that is all a sign can indicate: what do you think it means?


Sand-Maiden̶where your submerged people? hundreds of miles across the desert. the blossoms

179 | Complete: 2006-2009

are red, sweet. you dance like a lizard. your air is profound with the sands.


transitions strain the angles when you line Euclidean reasoning


the demolition hand


the janitor’s eyes core holes in you, twin vacuumcleaner hoses of empty


we all thought black was for sissies. then Enrique came to the schoolyard in a black outfit, hat, boots -- the works. he was eating a bright banana, almost glowing against all that black. so we had to rethink our sensibilities.


the whims

180 | Complete: 2006-2009

of an aimless surrogate break on the rocks and down tumble into deepy waves.


Mr. Summer Child -- how the world greet you? Great by sun now cloud and rain break this cirrus cycle, come down to precipitation.



screaming malaise.

testificando aetate.

“brace yourself for another hot week in summer Minnesota!”


181 | Complete: 2006-2009

I lift up mine eyes and look to the hills -- whence comes my deliverance? from Madison, Wisconsin.


fleas enter a bank alone.


no fear of the code: you were born with it, your skin hosts the code.

machine that you are, pulsations come in frequency. language.

cold are your tongues to me, cold your eyes, as you are code in mine.


facing randomness, in the face of a die side, aleatory existence, you spit back with

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so much faith in invisibles, the air goes humid and old ladies pull their hats down, shield their cheeks from your mad ecstasy of spittle.


Billy! you don’t need those pills! stop chewing -- spit them out right now!


now here’s where it gets really weird.


San Francisco broken down with time plans area the roads a color (red)(tan)(black) city populations & the sea and where the rugged cliffs onto the reaching land’s arms were tugging each soul far far inland Farallones see the nails the seal rocks Ocean Beach and beach’s ocean sand all mixed below their everyone’s feet.

183 | Complete: 2006-2009


my aleatory jingle... I wanted to race myself but tripped over a comb not in my way


line you bastard columns, face me! shoot first if you got the bullets! I line you up and spread data in rows like acrobat defeated by elephants along the wide river Hydaspes. no sign of an empire, either in the numbers or in the multitudes. ethnic identity is always a better gauge for peoples’ staying power than any statistic you drop out of your bullet-ridden hat. now face me, bastard!


testimony. text in money.

184 | Complete: 2006-2009

teased immunity.

the test left incomplete due to lack of funding.


Recycling Only Impossibility Only Light Only Nightshade Only Synchronicity Only Merit Only Rest Only Ambivalence Only


where did that girl go? behind a hill. she hasn’t come out again.


there? no poetry̶ excuse the impudence.

185 | Complete: 2006-2009



erect tercet


common sense & the contemporary Neocon

there is right action,

and there is shooting a guy in the gut, standing in the shade as he writhes on the hot earth at noon, dying in blood, and you there all smiles to see it suffer.


cross the threshhold the road the house̶

Spectro the electrician lies unconscious where he fell performing his last trick of light and sound.


186 | Complete: 2006-2009

go for a walk and drink a hospital.


by the pond. the Sirius shining in August. the solar part sinning & shunning.


associative rhythm.

all ordeal. all, or deal.

draw or feel it. (those who will not hear must...)

hands on the table, mouth closed.

what do you see silent in the light?

what do you see patient in unbroken furniture?

187 | Complete: 2006-2009

what do you see in the paint and the future?



how long the tiny tall window, stretches landscape all into a string.



“make weather” nice kitty


what’s in the sausage?

best not to ask


188 | Complete: 2006-2009

Cardiac Kodiak

decentered but stable̶

take the caribou off the tundra,

but you’ll never get the pipeline back on-line.


not a patch of green not a pound of peanut shells taken from the shed at one time or another not a paring of each potato not pressings or the oil that drips from press along the edge of machinery, equipment for extraction not

189 | Complete: 2006-2009

any of the blades that take the naked nut and soften it for eating not a patch of brown hill in the back ground not a break in the action not a culling of seed and not the houses blowing away in a storm that just came up out of nowhere.


fuzz maze blanket can’t in the room pale and possible fuzz the sounds feeling found maze in the house monk on the moon blanket cover crease cover blanket beast

it’s my latest thing

190 | Complete: 2006-2009

it’s my last thing it’s the thing the thing that makes me ring the being thing the thing of things house it in a throneroom it is lord and it’s my latest thing.


the subversive lives at home. you can work smart from the comfort of your own mind. tolerance comes from living at home. patience teaches you to live in your own mind. subversive behavior is the only way to live. modes of health are healthy, are wealthy. stay in your own mind. keep out of the traps that come with thinking. keep the traps out, ready for bears when they come.


it’s the aboriginal way̶ minding eurekas. disposition proves nothing.

what counts is behavior. what counts is national pride

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that never takes a back seat that never takes a step toward breaking down the soul of foreigners.

their hands are pale at the wheel, their hearts aboriginal and strong, greatness in the falling sun gone blaze in evening light.

mind these all these eurekas and blossoming clouds in the mind in radiance in booming calm as the trees still green

and the hands blossom on the wheel. night. together.


maximalization axial animals maximum nameit imam emus oxizmatinalama

192 | Complete: 2006-2009

ox is matina morning llama mother ax ox maxilo name it summum amixis



the feeling comes that there’s an incredible lack of space̶ can’t even move my arms around it’s so tight.


America’s favorite mushroom (stems & pieces) America’s favorite bombing campaign America’s favorite shoe polish America it’s time for you to meet this challenge America style your hair the way you like it press my palms together at gunpoint America’s favorite method of execution it stings but not as cruel as other countries’ America’s favorite shoe size America’s control freak Adolf Blitzkrieg America’s standing room only the shelf is full of my belongings but the gate’s locked and nobody here has the key (stems & pieces) America’s favorite religion out of doors vacuum sealed scared of the dark but not fearful of the coming death for those baptized in the liquid the promise of a savior shall not perish but rule at his right hand everlasting

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America attest to his glory upon the mount of God now and forevermore amen worlds without end America’s favorite icecream cone (stems & rods & cones) America it’s time to make up your mind: are you with us or agin’ us? for the dream becomes a waking reality a destiny for America’s favorite unborn native sons and daughters, scary, feeling crushed a little by all this he-man patriotic favoritism hooray it’s our side! on the map! around the world America’s favorite children under the cannon and the market, under the cross, won’t bear another population boom this century.


anyway, you know how it goes̶ ARBEIT MACHT FREI SAYETH THE LORD̶ and who am I to argue with the Old Man?


istu istu istu watorsei sal a tan sal a tan sal a tan do sala trin deh deh sala trin do istu wastu istu wastu istu trin deh sin deh trin deh sala do trin do

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I move very slowly̶ gang up on the whole town. they don’t know what hit them I don’t know don’t know what came over me you wouldn’t say that if you had the same pain in your neck that I’ve got but I move very slowly you can get away fromhere before I count to ten you’ll never whistle again you’ll see the shady side of the mountain before I can get up out of this chair you won’t know what hit you I won’t be responsible for your actions for my actions what I throw at you for you for where you’re going the shady side of the mountain.



most is more than many any’s worth a penny



195 | Complete: 2006-2009

the boxes of fruit the heat on 1939 wood fills house.

sun gets slit-eyed getting wise between trees & street.


slit-eyed sun the moon-faced sun leafy waiting sun staircase sun lidded sun shoebox sun intended sun the shallow sun.


swimming in the resource pool.

piecemeal does it. slung alluvial silt.

196 | Complete: 2006-2009

shrug my reality in shovelsful,

piecemeal, gran- ular anular

annual update. from dirt to drag

from deal to drill from toll to trill.


da Garibaldi a Mussolini

da Ezra a Zukofsky

da alfabeto a numerico


mashed potamus


(up the mounting, down the shadyside)

traduce sugarpine

197 | Complete: 2006-2009

air in this altitude makes me cry out for mother, she’s

going mad below.


noûV noûs noun isn’t known isn’t gn∑skw but copula

to experience and not some other word.



too many mantras “thank you I see you never.”


that shirt’s musty and dusty

the prison gape

198 | Complete: 2006-2009

it’s the dragon’s nape

the tear at the neck nothing doing next

the pull at the sleeve morning please

everything that shirt is a proud work

is a late morning for the prison dawning

in the sky outcoming with the crows’ caw


man I don’t know what that is but take it away take it away take it away



I am the cognitive

199 | Complete: 2006-2009



do you still have it? tell me̶you’re the camp follower tell me̶you’re the communist the rag-picker the carton washer the magician personality tell me̶you’ve got another way of controlling you’ve got Spottsylvania in your sights Spanish moss tucked under your arms terra forma under wraps tell me̶you’re the idealist gone to seed on the mountain without a telescope, watch, hand-grenade, flute

all these manners have given me an idea, but I can’t explain that now I think I’ve got it if you’ve lost yours.




if it made sense then we wouldn’t be alive today.


don’t take their answers.

200 | Complete: 2006-2009

if they can’t answer you don’t let them off the hook. not off the hook, don’t believe, don’t take what they say to your face, boldfaced, don’t believe the answers, take it back, don’t off the hook, don’t answer, don’t let them believe the lies.


like setting guards at the gate of the National Museum after the looters have ransacked the place, every antiquity stolen and on the black market and that jar is up for sale.


mark my bandwidth, draw it from center to outskirts to the ankles of slender legs -- the city I will couch in every image I will feel arrondissement.


great uncle

201 | Complete: 2006-2009

whatever it is. his ashes were not buried in the Jewish manner, his ashes alongside Ruth his wife’s grave in New Jersey, off the turnpike, somehow not too far from Newark and not anywhere close to Lisbon. whatever it is.



muscle memory hands ache with

joints in the eye touching seeing

sythionomia synesthesia

music. text. living. text. writing.

202 | Complete: 2006-2009

text living. music changing.

cyborgification. revelator.


disjunctivitis. the age-old plague.


so bad performance

so bad performance

cascade the other so bad cascade so bad other the cascade so bad the brother the other

203 | Complete: 2006-2009

the so bad cascade so bad brother

the dusk so bad the braid the cusp cascade the take the name the make so bad the other brother cascade the save the cave the blade so bad the other southern the wave cascade so braid the bad no way cascade


no machine but fruit

204 | Complete: 2006-2009

no break but banana

the hate the break the hate the break the hate the brake clinging

not a peach but a stone not a fruit but a peel not a break but a brake not a course but a path

the late the beak the Kate the peak the state the take all take, I’ll break


I am the triple threat I make the triple threat with my hands I tamed the triple threat a long time ago I raked my opponents over the coals and showed them how I found the triple threat they didn’t have a thing to say, scared to death were they of the triple threat

205 | Complete: 2006-2009


“say NO to both extremes but not YES to anything”


insane GOD Hindus killing each other for milk Muslims suiciding before their mosques the messiah the hidden imam the rapture all prophecies revealed, true, simultaneous every truck running over someone else’s revelation


A light appears in the sky, grows bright over the million warriors on the battlefield. A light drops from heaven. As it nears, the combatants see it is the shape of a human form, genderless, wearing armor, and bearing a sword in flame.

The shining figure alights on a hill, the huge mass of fighting men and women, some dying, many dead, swirl or lie around the place where it lands. The light warrior lifts its sword to the sky: “This I end now.”

This I end now.

206 | Complete: 2006-2009


looks like long sleeves on her arms, but it’s tattoos. .


Cubist heels Getting back to nuts American distribution Straight up the old empire Takla Makan sprinkler system Lord Carnarvon had been waiting all morning Then the sea was carpeted in tiny plastic doll heads Do something right once, they think you’re the expert The Communists were having breakfast in the next room Jackson riding once more into the vulva, Shenandoah Valley The Hallowed Land, the Hollow Earth -- those are lizards were his eyes She surprised everyone when she said “I don’t even care where Frank is” Lakota boys claim they saw a sasquatch ten miles from Rosebud, carrying a shotgun and a couple boxes of shells Last night we heard about the prison break -- the guards were stuck in some kind of suspended animation -- nothing they could do



207 | Complete: 2006-2009

where Sindbad waits on his ship where Sinbad pauses to be white where Singbad clears his throat

where named and unnamed wonders of the Seven Seas in Sinbad’s eye in Scheherezade’s sight imagination of where Sinbad fares in his ship a thousand nautical miles to starboard where Sinbad and hoary crew of Arab stereotypes dress in Hollywood kitsch, backlot costumes meet the evil Caliph in a sunken castle, dead minions

where the sultan pauses to be a murderer of every virgin princess sent to him until one wily girl knows how to tell her stories spares herself and makes Sinbad for him

where Sinbad sinks and rises with the tide where commerce between Baghdad, Samarkand, Nineveh, Smyrna, the Greeks, the barbarians, becomes so many visions of the other in the house of the imagination


it’s exactly what you expected, only the scale is really, really different.


the Holy Spirit descended upon me,

208 | Complete: 2006-2009

and all I got was THIS LOUSY T-SHIRT.



no recipes

you’re a clawfoot ruffian with a spatula.

you’re a clawhammer daddy̶ fry them eggs.


watch me̶ watch what I do, not how I do it.


rent a metatarsal in the park, rent a caveman.

209 | Complete: 2006-2009


eggs in the tomatoes, onions fry.

I left you on the pier holding an icecream cone, last year.

all the clowns were there,

and you couldn’t find me, even

when you saw each greasepaint loon

done up like a skillet of fried eggs & peppers.


be a first responder. the delivery boy is late again. the payload is stored at a safe house somewhere in this neighborhood. keep your eyes open for the man who’s supposed to meet us here. where you hear gunfire, you know it’s one of our boys. be a first responder. be the one who meets the opposition without blinking. incredible feeling, to fall from this height, don’t you think so? be a first. he was in there when the building came down. a terrorist wouldn’t

210 | Complete: 2006-2009

wish that on a dog. after the vacuum leak was breached, we smelled the alarm before we heard it -- they call that synesthesia. how you can take your shoes off in a hotel like that and not attract attention, I’ll never know. when we dedicated this place to the fallen, don’t you think their children, where ever they were in that moment, do you think they knew we were there reading aloud their parents’ names? the multidimensional approach to cosmology doesn’t allow for repetition, but it accepts parallelism. it’s a rule governing the mechanism. our mechanism appears to have a flat tire, and I don’t believe in God and we’re 30 miles from the nearest gas station. be a first responder. the porter will take your bags.



charming but sidelined

airy but there there

arenas of all this light go dark we told them

where there is nothing to show we go in and

make something of it

211 | Complete: 2006-2009

deflate all this tenting and we give a tendency


thrilled but the house is on fire

after the circus burned there was a lot of work

to be done

after we gave up on all that we had planned for

only the sacrificial stagehands stayed around long enough

for us to have them fired


no code words but TMI


June July August Infinity


212 | Complete: 2006-2009

piece of performance -- have another piece of composition


s t a l e p o t a to chips, a c h e s a n d s pl i n ts


A r c h a n g el wrench in t he heaven ly tool b o x


a single word or short phrase, the rest projected only image, only what is to be described, only what is to be understood.


213 | Complete: 2006-2009

the anxiety of ignorance


House Right There.

the epic tradition of poetry in English.

he steps off the rug in the living room besotted with lust for his real existence.

Hero enough, House right There in the forest.


Johnny Crisco! the shoeshine boy! the powderhorn blank buoy underneath the scaly white

214 | Complete: 2006-2009

shirt sleeves! .


this dislocation has its own disillusion removal, resistance


making coffee making kinds boxing shoes making messages.


shunt to Ampersand to Amsterdam tombs on the dam tomes on the sand tuns and the man mouths full of damn


my voice my voice

my voice

215 | Complete: 2006-2009

is stars


crocodile block the light

I miss you ‘til you’re out of sight



the whaleshark in the sea of metaphors


restless dears open the window all of America is saying what’s on its mind̶all we have are what we have inside, there’s nothing for us to be told̶ we have God on our side, but He doesn’t like us

216 | Complete: 2006-2009

bold, so we wait until the right side turns our way, the right-hand edge of the king’s throne comes in reach̶ then remember what rex meant to Romans, who couldn’t destroy what they thought was abomination.


presence | absence absence | sense rents | dense splints | hints parents | presents sentence | sense tents | mements

remember when the sense was all about your parents’ absence? remember when the hints of rent were everything that kept you in your tents? thought leant next.


recession blown

217 | Complete: 2006-2009

on tennis courts. remorse? who has time for stealing another man’s shorts?


benefits̶I had a fit but it didn’t last I had a pair of jeans that wouldn’t shrink I had a pocket but I gained no one’s trust I would use my benefits but I can’t find out what happens if I have a fit


“we ran in tissues there”

core slaw solid bore

ink ink cartridge

“I would error on . . .”

candy wrapper, independent wind, sound, shape, catch & crumple.

218 | Complete: 2006-2009

hands across the wallpaper, access space for lists.

façade shedding skins, ink, skins shedding façade.

shape & edge & face are always being metaphor.


phenyl keton urics

phenly anly nylon

only phlyne lyna

caffeine contains no cal ories



219 | Complete: 2006-2009

the wind was an organic trope in our eyes, our telescope.


bedsides besides the manner is beside the doctor .

to the barely pure.

a god is a giant taken as more.

eye-to-eiffel, he drowned them all par ris.


they’re down in the room set them up, they tell they’re down in there they’re prescient and they wait they have it all they’re downtown again set them up, the ask

220 | Complete: 2006-2009




privileged sounds




wish dashing or dish washing?


the Sacred Texts call my name at night they call the meter pulses there are vehicles crunching tires along the road surface ‒ don’t let them in! (Holst’s writing for timpani.)


221 | Complete: 2006-2009

eye and white the green summer’s here it’s time for snowbanks in the street.


spittle ‘n’ spam wash the floor with green tugboats run by little yellow mice wearing captain’s hats. tear out this scene and make it clean.


he dropped in front of me and let his revolver do the talking. then the gun dropped in the grass and he rolled over. dead where he fell. I didn’t have long to see what had killed him, but there was a knife sticking out of his side, which pinned to his body a copy of Olson’s essay, “Projective Verse.” poor bastard. I know he had it in for me, but what a way to go. the tall man in a clown’s suit waved me into the theatre when I got back to town. cops hadn’t been clued into that dead guy back in the forest, not yet, I figured, since I didn’t see any bustling across the street at the station. big Clown waves me in: “sneak preview ‒ Feel-Up’s Dream, stories from the other side of dislocation . . . free to the first hundred.” sounded pornographic and raw to me, but I had time to kill and didn’t want to get fingered for that poet’s death back there. “tickets.” she held out her hand and the grubby men in line were dropping tickets in her palm. “I thought the clown outside said . . .” “free to the

222 | Complete: 2006-2009

first hundred? he’s been using that line all week. he’s a real joker. get in that other line over there, to your left. tickets.” I figured I was in no mood for “stories from the other side” of anything, so I left the theatre and moved up the street, keeping one eye on the station house. then turned a corner and almost fell over a sharp little guy in a suit. “you missing a knife?” “what is this, the circus come to town or something?” “yeah, and we left the Fat Lady in the grocery store. come on, Jones, where’s the knife?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” then something hit the back of my skull and must have been 260 pounds of thug bashed into me from behind. I didn’t see the sidewalk when it came up to smack me but good. “this guy a cop?” I was in the back seat of a car, moving through town. hands tied, something shoved into my mouth. the midget was driving, my friend the thug riding shotgun, in a manner of speaking. “no, I don’t think he knows what’s going home. the boss wants to see him. I mean, what’s going on ‒ do you know what’s going on, pal?” I shook my head, to clear it as much as to answer. “there’s nothing wrong with him a little free verse won’t cure, right Mitch?” then I remembered the Olson piece pinned to the dead guy’s side. Mitch was laughing, held up a blackjack and spat on it. “huh huh huh.” “the boss is going to like this guy.” there was no reason to drag me up the back stairs into where the boss was holed up, but I guess Mitch needed practice manhandling something. I was his designated dumbbell. and sure, I was dumb, didn’t know what the hell they were up to, Mitch and the midget and their boss. but I was going to find out after they got me up to the third floor of the place, up to see the boss.


223 | Complete: 2006-2009

pardon me while I throw up pardon me while you take your shoes off it’s a polysemous text we’re calling it Gnome Ann’s LAN. to get at something real. the spike through the hand’s fleshy palm you react? a time has come for resolution in the streets I won’t ask this again are you pursuing a life of abject syntax? I’ve got more brains in my head than this jar has pickled eggs you see that gimme I’m gone eat every one of those fuckers and then you see what I mean that’s what they call a scarecrow no more limes coming to harvest didn’t I tell you the water would be boiling?


Monty saw a monster Monty ate the monster Monty was the monster.


The Lady with No Shadow ‒ Barak’s lines are the most beautiful̶the fertile male in an opera of barren women.


eyes and the eaves hands and the safety throwing the net into watching the blade because

224 | Complete: 2006-2009

threescore tells the evening in a chord of semaphore in a mostly indecisive interpretation there here in house in sunlight on the plastic floor of earth he tells us that the usefulness of nature soon draws to a close and then we sacrifice the sheep next door across the county line a sheriff spreads his mouth wide where the house burns in summer there you will find a place to sell it no one asks where you got it they don’t care enough to wonder and no laws were broken tell it to you this way the jury helps me when I can’t stand up straight the laws of nature will be forsaken and messiah comes every day quarter to 11 for his beer and a shot then goes back up the hill to his compound dies over and over each weekday around lunchtime and only his

225 | Complete: 2006-2009

chosen are there to participate, the ones who are left anyway by the hand under the rooftops disappearing in the mist around the treelimbs ever seen a sasquatch we worshipped them way back before grandpa was a kid no lies here we are all trying to get it right over and over in cycles they come down from the skies and what are we gonna do better to sell them if they’re keen to buy I didn’t light that match I didn’t stand by while the babies were crying and it wasn’t Huey my kid brother drunk over there next to me where we cowered as the fire ate up all our lives take me home and I promise I won’t be bad again.


the party that refreshes is the party that refreshes.

226 | Complete: 2006-2009

the party that regresses is the party that regresses.



the inscription said “I live here.” madness. get in line.

we have more time to waste than days in the year now.




what the psychic tells you is crap the Invisible World is DEATH you have no inner life that’s why the men run screaming you have no soul but contempt for the male race the female race of humanity

227 | Complete: 2006-2009

no reparation for the true nation of Mankind before making obeisance in front of their Queen Mother ‒ we all sit outside the rat’s cage and laugh at the damaged souls squirming there


what the psychic tells you is crap the Invisible World is DEATH you have no inner life no soul but contempt for humanity what do they owe you let them pay you back with interest come on shoot off your mouth again and demand that we apologize for what the psychics tell you every time you visit your Imaginary World where you are queen and every man vibrates at a lower frequency than you your Majesty


a post office is a letter’s angel of incidents. too much anxiety. how many limits on interpretation ought the critic impose, until the text be split wide open in the field of too fecund images?

228 | Complete: 2006-2009


the kiss of frijole


I suffer the effluvium of old books, of old bookcases.



castro castellum constellation stars’ battle-camp distribute astro where order with strew out across.



vanguard novus box in the road translate new dia

229 | Complete: 2006-2009


we are us no way to go we have new not new road van translate carry on us no van carry on us trans via.


you don’t say the words because they mean anything -- you say them because they sound right.


if words could kill then this’d be your nightmare. if looks could speak then your voice would bring ants like spilled honey.


I saw your father yesterday in the store ‒ he looked so old.

where’s your father?

230 | Complete: 2006-2009

oh he’s dead ‒ no, he’s dying, in Texas ‒ I don’t know what’s going on out there. he died for me a long time ago.

he doesn’t mean anythig to you anymore, why you keep on hating him?

how cold is the heart? as cold as the dead man’s precious daughters.

how cold is the grave. mystery, stabbing cold.

could you let your Grandma know I’m thinking about her, wonder how she’s doing.


cold as a simile in repose, cold as Selene with no clothes. nude lunar goddess, she in the sky out of reach, observed cold as the air on a State Fair night ‒ the clouds ‒ we can describe nothing of the Nils Bohr atomic model without looking ourselves dead-on in the mirror, eyeball- to-eyeball, cold as the mirror’s

231 | Complete: 2006-2009

glass, cold as Pluto’s last pass and snow at night on the ridge looking down on the French encampment by the river. the moon’s out ‒ make a wish upon a star and cover your eyes.



it all started now.


I will try before the meeting more details to you reviews of each process should be involved the two specific actual cases

the ultimate goal to be made is to have on the two changes if you have a conflict that only one or two representatives


I’ll put me down, there’s a chord of association that passes between the apse and confessional stalls at the back. I’ll put me down in

232 | Complete: 2006-2009

the cathedral, an architecture passing between the aisles, the pews, the praying congregation, put me at the altar, put down the sphaera mundi. it’s a play of fettered space.


Stopping Bobby Thaw * for Jason Quackenbush

Go miles before my promise keep. The words are lovely, downy flake Of easy wind and sound’s the sweep To ask if there is bells, a shake. He gives his harness two a year. The darkest evening ‘tween the woods To stop without my little horse. Farmer near must think it queer To watch his snow fill up with words. He will not stop to see me here His village house is in there though, Who knows the words I think I know. And I go miles to sleep before.



my coker words my town went down

possession is nine-tenths

233 | Complete: 2006-2009

of my recommended daily allowance


fuego rhum


El Gato jumped the gate

and down the street he go.

No ducato for Duke there

sitting at the piano.





how many times can you overload my circuitboard before I love you unconditionally?

234 | Complete: 2006-2009


my hairs get crossed when there’s too much light in the sky. hard to aim your rifle if you’ve got nothing to look at. toward that end, I propose that we remove ourselves and count on starting all over at the crack of dawn tomorrow.

and count on starting where my hairs get crossed outside. there’s a calmness to the outdoor landscape I can’t tell in words, but it’s hard to aim your rifle if you’ve got nothing to look at so let’s get out of this rain and get back -- the others are waiting.

I can’t aim too good when there’s so much light in the sky. there’s a calm that makes it awful hard to get out of this rain. toward that end, the outdoor view is calling me to disappear. at the crack of dawn the others will have nothing to look at.

get crossed at the crack of dawn, calmness of the outdoors. we remove your rifle and start all over when we get back. let’s get out of the light in the sky, it’s awful hard to disappear. I can’t tell, but count on starting at the end and going backward.

the others are waiting. so let’s aim awful hard and call outside. there’s an outdoor landscape that’s nothing to look at, get out. go backward from the rain and aim your rifle with the crossed hairs. tomorrow you can count on me starting at the crack of landscape.


who knew if you took enough caffeine pills

235 | Complete: 2006-2009

you’d start seeing Hildegard von Bingen out of the corner of your eye?


treat it like haiku. the bigness of this creation, the bigness is founded on little things indeed.


ash-monkey -- they look west also, who doubt the forests ever were our home.


spaghetti available -- this time, we mean it! rounded letters like so many meatballs, thin lips for tomatoes and sauce jealous for its own spicing.


236 | Complete: 2006-2009


sometimes his bright-eyed purposes, ideals, troubled his sleep and made his campaign speeches a little less convincing.


soul full of sayings


something’s in the works something’s processing there in the little box with the mind, in the corner, something’s there and something’s working, and I’ll be the last to know what it is. there is a way to deal with process failure.


to Dave K.

don’t mean anything, if it ain’t got that ordlek (Norwegian: wordplay) don’t mean a thing, if it ain’t got that ooblek (Seuss) don’t mean a ring, if you haven’t got that stake don’t mean what you say, if you can’t make it all go away don’t mean age, if you haven’t got the time

237 | Complete: 2006-2009

don’t mean rage, if you’re losing to the sublime

no time like the president’s, said the Count of Monte Crisco

...only way to end the processing is to throw a spanner in the works...

“hurt head good, healed head bad” -- Church of the SubGenius


orange blossoms orange pencil orange and retreat orange for all the old times orange in quiet tones of hurt orange before you know it orange in a mother’s eye orange is the last thing you’ll ever hear orange friends orange from me and red from you orange outside this city orange hanging on to the fence’s edge orange pales at the back of the bus orange retreat into the pounding surf



there’s some good gum mint bonds over here, some

238 | Complete: 2006-2009

fruit fly papers, some mint gum ready for chewing, some mixed bums all ready for stealing, hypothetical crumbs of crusty bread and butter shells waiting for a taker, all wrapped up in a high-foil drake and nose-dive reaper, snaking up the river in a kayak made of bond paper and well wishes from the darky depths of the dingy gray dredge lagoon.


239 | Complete: 2006-2009

I wrote a past for you I wrote a part for circus dwarves I wrote three dozen sensible requests I wrote nothing that wasn’t in the papers I wrote with no intention of seeing my name in lights I wrote and the sound of the words lasted I wrote after the fact, I wrote fast I wrote because of the effect I wrote in the space capsule and watched it rise above the clouds I wrote young and was young I wrote the time down but then the clock ran out of ink I wrote all the memories I hadn’t purged for spite I wrote a season and then I wrote another one I wrote because we’re all gonna die, but that doesn’t happen now I wrote you this but in time you will fade away I wrote in a book but the book was made of edible materials I wrote and it wasn’t work it was a house and what’s my address I wrote about being lost when there was no money in it I wrote a pretended sign, I wrote a vision I wrote out of mind ideas, I wrote it kindly I wrote several out-of-body experiences no one really had I wrote the young flies don’t pass their wisdom on to the old I wrote she’s practicing piano across the street again I wrote nails that come up in the spring we pick them up and use them for repairing the roof I wrote all about sarcastic wit and the people who take it seriously I wrote an anger that cooked for me but didn’t clean the floors


that’s a heckuva note, Ramblin’ Jack!

240 | Complete: 2006-2009


I gave him the bum’s rush the tennis ball range of excuses the liquid diet the premium medical plan. I gave him my house, said here, take it. my spectacles. I gave him a load of what I was drinking that night. the drop of a pin the angle on my cashflow the luxury performance of my Subaru.


“I am much diminished”

as the cowbells in the pasture toll the even-tide to sleep all of nature to sleep counting backwards from the end --

“I have seen the past”

-- after stars appear in our firmament after the cinders

241 | Complete: 2006-2009

glisten like glycerine jewels our backs will be turned to all of nature, asleep, our condition in the evening will only make us sleepier --

“let it all age graciously “let it all age graciously “let it all age gracefully “for day ends when it must.”


imperial tuxedo


we got as far in this galaxy as we could milk our way through it.


“I dine now on Spanish rice, and old visions of Empire.”


it was Art that led me to you in the first place.

242 | Complete: 2006-2009



natural language unpresuming language non-precious language possibility language don’t-you-hear-it language it’s time for language


sometimes we are very careful and sometimes we don’t speak out loud, and sometimes there’s no sense in communicating at all.


Hello Talk is cheap. Our plan is to ride out the tornado.



he swam out to modernity’s rocks, and never

243 | Complete: 2006-2009

heard the Sirens though they sang for him to drown.



file this under form another fake-out, mother. this is all part of some elaborate conspiracy to defraud



Mammon has a Swiss bank account and just bought a house on the Italian-Swiss border.


we need the information the improbation they’re in probation

244 | Complete: 2006-2009


e pluribus usum e causibus ultrum ex altibus causam ex furcibus ursum



now is the seventh of my chosen prosecution

now is the seventh of my own way in polygraph

now is the seventh out of all re cognition, the force

of four has burned into the three that dislocates hearing

from association to left prose for narrative without time

245 | Complete: 2006-2009


246 | Complete: 2006-2009


good sleeping weather

so it occurred to me that this season was quickly turning over into the next season. so it was her singing in the bedroom that made me turn around. so I was wondering, maybe the better word is pond ering, if tonight was the night the frost falls, following the weatherman’s prediction and the wind in our trees. so you have to make sure the grass has been mowed before the leaves begin to come down, before the cold wages out of the northwest in waves under cloud. so there are so many more things I need to do getting the house ready for winter, and was that thunder? so how many chromosomes are damaged from home owners locking up their northern property and heading for the warm climates of Florida, Arizona, Southern California this time of year? so I’m asking, so there’s no good answer but to wait around and find out how the next medical report reads. so time will tell. so much for predictability anymore. so turning over a new leaf is a lot more complicated when that leaf is on its way to the ground in September gales. so I’m asking, did it ever occur to someone that the cold in the bones that arrests growth as the seasons thin out preparing for snow, that each has its own preparation cycle. so there, in the heart, the beats become shallower. so the cycle gets ash along with every step and struggle in turning pages on the alleged calendar, time of our lives. so in principle where the trees are turning color there’s a run on rakes at the neighborhood hardware stores. so too,

247 | Complete: 2006-2009

the meteorologists in the Upper Midwest are about this time digging their sweaters and long coats out. so I would shut the window except tonight it’s going to be good sleeping weather.


between here and there, the spiral turning up, around over. networks in space, more than height or limits

and there, turning over: space, more limits.

between here, the spiral, up around, networks in (and) then height or (what would you promise for a day outside?)


I wouldn’t tell you it was poetic

248 | Complete: 2006-2009

if I didn’t feel it I didn’t see it I didn’t have it

in mind to jog something into the present.

there’s always defeat in gambling on metaphors.

and identity.

along the Marches the ephebes guard, become Men.


you drove me. I was terrified. but still I came out to see you leaving.



what doesn’t kill me makes me more irritable.

249 | Complete: 2006-2009


practice happens


the dream music repetition

they put every word they have every word they are in every world

in order or over music the music



one six seven love infinity braid branch tell


a poultice a witness a commandment

250 | Complete: 2006-2009


descent is never deathless


stayed at town’s edge that night. the City Council had broke up the architectures in the neighborhood for winter fuel. didn’t leave hotels or houses, or beds or streets ‒ that’s what they call civil planning these days. no beds for weary travelers. we took a board for a bed for a table for a footstool for our own dinner.


251 | Complete: 2006-2009

we take our pots into the Promised Land, we take our pots we take our pasta and our forks our reliance on desert survival, our belief in God’s home cooking, in the testimony given in an era of fraud.


how often we’d laugh at the exploits of those Irish rogues, Seamus & Shandy…



tottle in the toodle in and to the tune the tootle tone of turn in out to tone tow toddle over in toodle to the tot term out of

252 | Complete: 2006-2009


we can justify all our actions through the production of more paperwork. give us time and we’ll produce everything you need, Special Agent Clownfoot.


cat on an evening street


253 | Complete: 2006-2009


his hands plumb his hands rake testament that wakes who sleeps there gives false witness his testament rakes the firm terrain perfect reason and terrible is the encounter.


“are you in VOICE, professor?”

rejoice restitution enjoys invoice absolution a choice a ways a lot meant for tuition. alloys alliance.

beast sense beatisogne reantlerizing testificando.

254 | Complete: 2006-2009

now that’s another word. now that’s a mother heard.


where it’s all material evidence and we have only to snooze. OH MAN. where it’s circumstantial, accounting documentation. OH MAN. SNOOZE ANNE.


rests my constitution. wrestle my institution. instance of alliance issued. ankle beatitude ample.

this turn of bone this break of documentation. where no accounting creases the fold on a page left forgotten in snoozing accountant’s records, her desk, her office was seized in an IRS raid, now for then and year for year, even two- thousand-four. they are guilty who lie on paper.

255 | Complete: 2006-2009


you broke my heart when you ran over my adding machine. how guilty can you make me feel if you only send me to bed without conclusive testimony? I dropped your monitor, too. and you upped the ante with my calculator. drop it. put down that power drill. when you pick up a hammer and chisel, to undo your walling up of my copy of Karl Marx, how do you expect me to feel ‒ if not dirty, exhausted, worn out, guilty?


incompetent accountant ‒ how scintillating her testimony. so what, so whatever.


statement answer testimony attestation response witness sing like a birdy


my corporation will eat your corporation

256 | Complete: 2006-2009

my obligation saves your protestation my occultation leaves your prognostication my irritation overrides your irrigation

my imitation obscures your imagination


257 | Complete: 2006-2009

I don’t remember how long it would take to refer to these documents I had never seen before never seen before don’t recognize I don’t remember I don’t remember I don’t remember these documents I don’t remember these documents as they pertain I don’t remember these documents as they pertain to the case to the case to the case as they pertain to the documents as they pertain to I don’t remember these documents as they don’t remember to the case these documents as they pertain to the case case case case at hand.


he parted his hair with homicidal intent.



if it walks like tax fraud and talks like tax fraud, well what the fuck do you think it is? a duck??


NONA BOSSHART so then we were it never shook we had broken a time rears out

258 | Complete: 2006-2009

five- ton heart hand me shears make all sharp your nice hats


hobby loss rules hobby loss Blues blue factor loss hobby toll stress


259 | Complete: 2006-2009

when you’re figurative the street lies open


five & tripe names & employment policies how much tax can a tax man tax when a tax man can tax tax?


owns crowns owns towns owns loans owns ow ow ow


exchange pleasantries not blows.


the web that disentangles the web that disenfranchises



260 | Complete: 2006-2009

when was the last time you were out gathering sticks on a Saturday?




depth of vision depth of water depth of reflective surface depth of content depth of magnetic field depth of appeal depth of tonality depth of impression depth of forest depth of terminal debilitation depth of carpet depth of inkstain depth of hypertension depth of bullshit depth of bootheel print depth of vaulting depth of height depth of kitten depth of houseboat depth of depth of reach depth of breakfast depth of renunciation depth of corporate malfeasance depth of indicators depth of investigation depth of application depth of auditing control depth of Boolean searching functionality depth of angle depth of depth depth of zone depth of mobile telephone depth of witness stand depth of depth-on-a-stick depth of randomness depth of you’re wasting my time depth of personal devotion to astral avocation depth of attorneys’ line of questioning depth of width depth of chivalry depth of notion depth of respect depth ignominy depth of walking around depth of tell me another one, fat man depth of staying awake depth of narrative depth of ennui depth of house depth of percentage depth of falling away depth of accounting best practices depth of chance operations depth of hear the gila monster sing what is his message to you? depth of the minimum wage worker

261 | Complete: 2006-2009

depth of lands outside imagination depth of signal depth of assaultive orientation depth of cycle depth of steerage depth of alphanumeric systems depth of struggle depth of dopey depth of Internal Revenue Service seizure of all relevant financial documents depth of Toledo depth of Pancho the Wonder Gerbil depth of rocket trajectory depth of due process depth of Muslim Fundamentalism depth of how at the end of the day can you live with yourself knowing what you have witnessed of this crime? depth of anchovy loaf depth of 24-hour service restaurants in the greater metro area depth of the sewer’s backed up again depth of my initials depth of interior humor depth of form depth of sounds higher than a normal human ear can detect depth of emphasis depth of how much longer? depth of meat market depth of current affairs you lose track of depth of “just rain” depth of adjourn this bad boy early depth of a glance behind and we saw the water rising depth of library fines depth of hallucination depth of this day’s dog is nearly hung depth of wide wide wide flows the muddy Wasatch to the sea depth of capability depth of truth-statements depth of standing depth of highlight depth of watch this, the clock is still running.



and not be anywhere and not be anywhere again

262 | Complete: 2006-2009

wind through the trees̶ a storm

horns of cars down the hill at Homecoming

college alumni with nametags stroll the paths

the four-o’clock hour’s too late for abstractions

nametags, identities, past in a wind, fire marshalls,

benches with backs as high and firm as a student.

four o’clock’s too late, but enough reason to sit.


phenomenology of experience bells oaks blowing

263 | Complete: 2006-2009

white flowers birch girls’ laughter (the church bells are canned) sidewalks and everything cut down is moments


whether poem written or not written is still written

words without scale verse without fail sun breaking on leaf against shadow ̶ always waiting


keep your eyes open to it again the reaction speaks to its own reaction what? how in Spanish do you tell them to keep your eyes open?


mark harsh

264 | Complete: 2006-2009

urge tennis to the cinch to the outside

I can’t hear the beer talking to me

polyglot estate polymath empire

established for freedom under the university.

presence in the outside identity of beer, social nostalgias.


no synchronicity no coincidence no memory no superstition

of course it will happen of course the hand turns wheel when it does of course light fades and recognition comes as if on command

265 | Complete: 2006-2009

of course this is what happens

we are fated we are free we recognize and are wise.



earn more beans

the bales, the bales the pitch.

didn’t think you knew the rules



something happens. we can gauge it, we can tell it.

but don’t believe in it. don’t believe in it.


266 | Complete: 2006-2009


rosh hashanah 5767

a humanity will divide time into experience, dates and hours, holidays and profane days, light and dark season ‒ a deity will not do this.


perception in naked impressions. too long here there bombs dropped and nobody watched them, nobody thought to ask nobody heard them when they fell. naked impressions of thought against the dining room wall. we’ve only these and even the dining room is all uncertainty.



thought in action

267 | Complete: 2006-2009

thought in action thought in practice

the only work is the act of working


the action is rhinoceros the action is a whale-beast on land or it’s a small animal hooting in the trees, out of reach anyway,

storming over the plains or disappearing into the brush.

evocative, but you can’t call out loud here.


from the land of the prophet from the hand of the Lord compounded circumstances or miracles seen on dry land

all congealing in the wind around a superstitious people: “the Lord walks among us.”

268 | Complete: 2006-2009


the motion of ocean the motion of ocean

try to get down try and get drowned

to the perception of movement now.

the sweet spot of seeing it. in the motion of trying to get.


my plan is simple. it’s my thoughts that get in the way.


God is my autopilot. God is on autopilot.

what does rest from Creation mean? when Creation is ongoing and ceases never?

the cycle never closes. the Creator never rests.

269 | Complete: 2006-2009



oh that’s not fair says the cat, I didn’t get my morning cottage cheese, I didn’t get what you know is coming. I’ve been waiting and looking beautiful for you. I didn’t get the cottage cheese you promised. oh that’s not fair. what’ll I have to do? purr some more and look coy?



constant recursion total inversion̶ look forward, look here, the cycle holds nothing.



all duality is ultimately illusion.

270 | Complete: 2006-2009


after T3, at Grumpy’s

“Hera, The Bitch of Mount Olympus̶ Greek Myth in the ‘Hood̶My Big Fat Ancient Greek Wedding in the ‘Hood”



consciousness. an infinity of subtexts.


271 | Complete: 2006-2009


there was a child an art a window, every passage contained. the tale winds along the surface, telling and we are left with lines like skater’s scratchings on otherwise unbroken ponds of winter ice.


pale, proximate, purchased. what am I? not the sky.



baked in a midnight sun̶ torture was blown wide open that year.



the potatoes came to me and asked for alms,

272 | Complete: 2006-2009

the gold came to me to teach me a lesson fields shook at me telling the season sounds from high buildings fell to me proclaiming their resistance whole traffic jams filling the world’s highways came and gunned their engines.


we only respect the potential



more is better sounds the soul, the sword.


my head like a beachball like a beachball like a beachball!

my head like a beachball rolling in the grass!

273 | Complete: 2006-2009



lightning sounds like air, exaggerated.


anxieties somwhere there, somewhere gone, over the pond in an autumn blaze of deep orange, Halloween drawing wind between grays reflected across this cloudy water.



the dentals the dentifrice the dentals under the frieze were thrown into a refuse pit and buried after the temple was destroyed. Persians broke their enemies’ teeth on the walls

274 | Complete: 2006-2009

before they sailed back to Persepolis.


the aes have it the ice half it the eyes inhabit

the bronze muster the weapons cluster

ayes at the fence mace for defense

nays all around defeat absent sound


the ghost not disembodied, but disembued.


our strong sun is not ash, even after arms and boughs̶ branches̶go cold, white snowhang, on an earth curled deep as treeknots about itself, under vaults that have no eye but preach sermons, tell their

275 | Complete: 2006-2009

parables of forgetting̶no astral dynamism nor their every one’s begettor, only sleep is understood.



I can stop anytime I want to said the cow in a field of blowing rye, its hooves in mud its eyes trained on the setting sun


276 | Complete: 2006-2009

break the blue glass in the kitchen sink, break the mug.

testimony breaks like a new mood when evening and

the holiday, Sabbath, come. broken on edge of sacred and profane̶

the last thing we need is to call each other names.


Russian whore in the sukkah

I didn’t want to be there when she took off her knee boots in the company of all those rabbis



Fernando Puma in 1955 preaches revolution and subsidized art

cross your arms and hope for grants,

277 | Complete: 2006-2009

arms and a grant I sing, unfunded. arsonists never see their art recognized, no matter how many years they wait, incarcerated. no priesthood now descends the dank steps to a prison cell and strangles traitors in the dark. that kind of franchise you can’t find these days.

“burn the Philistine!” for not subsidizing lines̶ I await another revolution in the Arts, in culture, a societal upheaval̶can’t somebody pay for it, I’m waiting here, awfully smart, and my friends too. torches in hand and gasoline, turpentine ready, let’s burn!

come on, give me one reason why I shouldn’t torch all this, for History, for furthering artistic commonwealths for decades, across continents. with destruction, tension, treason̶the State should pick up this check, right? come on, revolutionaries, artists, let’s burn and blot and come up with new ways for our activity to pay off.



Poetry, our kind meditation, holds no promises, but patience ‒ see how, every school that plies the ashen page, its name supplies. And looking in the cup of air we find delightful words are there. Whatever hum the street arouses gifts us thoughts for darker houses.

278 | Complete: 2006-2009



what do I need the field in front of my eyes, and cloud that today erupted under aimless cold and blue platonic sky. but I don’t need them, not even these things, when no guarantees could nail down perception of day in a single sentence outside memory.



the crowd’s agitatin’ for an orgasm of victory, but all there gonna get defeat



the horse made me turn this car around


the endless kingdom

279 | Complete: 2006-2009

of Christ is found in continually renewed copyright and anti-libel, anti- freespeech lawsuits… corporation is eternity. personal or artificial entity, numbered, processed for taxation, not held accountable in the era of truth responding to corporate interpretation. his Kingdom is life as long as life defined by continuity. the illusion white as paper as unconsumable definition no longer mutable… “we’ll tell when the atomic structure has been altered, until then, Mickey Mouse is ours to own”


the gem-encrusted GENIUS word, enamel and bronze BRILLIANT

280 | Complete: 2006-2009

encases however changing the mind.



a thousand shop windows where reflections, every horse driven by and the crowds, remain standing out of the light, behind the sidewalk. after one hundred years̶nothing broken but perceived and selves by the million.


unmitigated self-control. put ‘er there Chump. put ‘er there, Associate.

to the wayfarer the song that winds shrill only lengthens each mile to go.

crystalline assonance. on the way forward.

go the distance, King, your troops as before follow you to the end.


281 | Complete: 2006-2009

movement and I don’t move.

wind enough to keep the town indoors another night.

can you see the city through the falling leaves?


there is also rest at night, sounds and you wait for every sound to end and morning doesn’t sing anymore the way birds would. the other weeks allowed to go and wind allowed it too, it’s wind that follows, not what leads the birds.


be the best genius. sacrifice is on the altar. take the words (and time) away. there are sounds like definitions before everyone falls asleep.

282 | Complete: 2006-2009


‘Ndrangite. they told me I was winning, then one shot rang out on the street. we all knew one man had taken it. but which one? and the music was drowning and the cries spluttered outside. we might have heard. the shade came over so bright a room then, but we were hot and placed another bet.



we told the old man we didn’t like it, that he should stop. he didn’t. so we left the room and the Laws of the Father, fought our way back to normal and sanity, out of society, back to society, our backs now to society altogether. for the first time speaking a voice of masses and conceits undefined by the old man in his times, in his taking in taking.

283 | Complete: 2006-2009

torture is an art of war as much as term of art, and every excision of citizens’ tongues leaves a quiet behind the occupiers’ speeding vehicles, for a time. the old man tries to take the old order back, listens but I wish I wish he’d go away. who told him not to break the rules? the Laws of the Father. who told him he is breaking the rules? when he left them with his hat and gloves back home with society. I wish I wish he’d go away, except I don’t understand where he is. anymore. that’s not a bother. anymore, these days, we don’t listen to him.


Father why you draw these lines in notebooks tell me where the language come from that I write? King you ask me as a subject, take your life story as my only narrative. and the rascals, the rebels may not speak out of turn. where the saints defy the lordly canon, in seconds they

284 | Complete: 2006-2009

become the canon. crystallized on rabid pages all the words that subjects spit bold before rulers. but now pull back: this only carnival, only deus valete. the revolutionary act is gently turning to glass in aristocratic salons, palaces.


the Big Poems are just little poems with an army, gathered under one opus̶the idea of writing a work “of some length”! how many words can fit on the head of a pencil? we’re not talking about the dance, either̶ what’s the song now?


Big B, little u̶ there’s a sale on Butter.


centipedes and scarecrows,

285 | Complete: 2006-2009

chameleons and digitalis, amanita, the drought’s across the Bitterroots this month, pungent grasses where the frost has been taken, carpets, dead vegetation thrown out the back window, we left on someone else’s driveway, the west is calling every single one, in their soul, the west wants everyone treading its rocks, escarps, wading pools, streams, or drowning on the banks of its ice-blue lakes, rush along the creeks, the pines are murmuring on Donner Pass̶ get your ass into an Airstream and go West.


the dominating tryst defines the smell of roasted tryptophan̶ Thanksgiving in our headlights.

on the Dalmatian coast they don’t celebrate American Thanksgiving. how you spell Dia de las Brujas in Croatian?


286 | Complete: 2006-2009


airbrush & metonymy. three bucks says it snows today, two draws off a loaded deck̶ but I pick an ace. and now the snow comes.


no space like the present


nothing sticks to Teflon but the soul.



say there’s something to flight down at the airport



“you’re only hurting yourself” and God hurts the little people

287 | Complete: 2006-2009

to teach them manners.



justice why wait why discriminate?


(T5:30, Erté in Nordeast)


foaming martini ice makes the lowest frequency sound

after the spectrum after the piano house

make another iceberg

brown to hate, to late, break to last

second martini, houseboat break.

nations rise, siege

288 | Complete: 2006-2009

counsel to the spectacle.

stake it to the condensation.




“I’ll never let you forget it” ̶ Dave Kunz

the Hitman Cometh


I have a very hard writing style. “I didn’t mess with the nib.”


iridescent & green


“let me throw out to the group my second novel.” — Mike Maupin


289 | Complete: 2006-2009

what was Oingo Boingo wearing?


waiting for the magic phrase. rockin’ guy. rock under duress. turns of took, taste show taser, toll of tumescence. the white room closed and where we saw that they’d locked us in.


enigma quality



there is a river under the clouds and there is a lake under the clouds and another, and a stream, and looking through the gaps, the earth is black the earth is green and baseball diamonds and sandbars and the rivers̶an oil slick under the deep sky, impossible to be naked to the sun.


“where we go,

290 | Complete: 2006-2009

they make it so nice for you ̶you get rose petals floating in your toilet water after each flush.

“Mort was astounded. twodays on the veranda and he was ready to give up plans for the Redemption of Souls. gave up his faith in the Lord and was about to buy stock in La Amanita Resorts Ltd.

“so we’re for sure going back next winter.”


he gives me this book and says, “what about the turtle?”


sui gen: that’s what evolves without thinking


at MoMa: Otl (Otto) Aicher, German typographer


291 | Complete: 2006-2009


Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery, NYC Barbara Guest Tribute

(“blue-eyed poet”)

Lytle Shaw

BG only NY Sch. Poet who wrote a biography, Herself Defined H.D. ‒ “she wore interesting dresses” “incontinent highways” ‒ “The Countess”


“Parachutes, My Love…” BG only one of 3 women in Allen’s 1960 anthology how to write from the “I”?

Marcella Durnad

“by what invisible architecture is the poem developed?” “willows are not real trees”

Charles B.

BG’s “The Red Gaze” “Composing Herself” Guest’s aversion to the Lyric

Africa Wayne

292 | Complete: 2006-2009

“she just cracked me up”

side reel sidereal this ride is real this side, Israel today, this side up, this side relates, side responds cider and apple pie and widen

“regard these grey houses”

give abyss your obeisance basis change trains underground, somewhere left of the abysses. the abesses?

“the look of stewed water” “Hecate managed me” “the modish descant” “gliandidi, gliandidi, the current rips the waves” “Miniatures” “negative possibility”

Charles North (Pace U.)

293 | Complete: 2006-2009

“she could be difficult and chilly” “Moscow Mansions” “earth falls on my foot, warm as death̶ or in memory of it” “painting has no air”

Erika Kauffman

“Seeking Air” “reinventing the space of the page”

Robert Mueller

O fons Bandusiae (Horace, Ode 3.13) (“O spring Bandusian, shining crystalline…”) “massive intellectual love” On Wittgenstein & Barbara Guest

only the angry Classicist could speak of Hegel & Guest with strain and livid quaking on stage, pushed up against the lights, negating his own publication paragraph by paragraph.

“I believe this is a go-forth moment”

“I have never seen…” / “Never heard?” / “Well, you say, ‘heard.’”

294 | Complete: 2006-2009


Meredith Quartermain

stake her own Canadian diction̶ she speaks word tinged of (but individuated from) Pound, that endless memorial to wordscape.

“where do you teach?”

“lick the Queen”

“I don’t teach̶ I edit”

asphalt ash fault as Paul took part in balking at Gethsemane, so the road bakes, for fault of your sin, for fault of only what’s actual.

Peter Quartermain

295 | Complete: 2006-2009

“it was a long time. “I mean, a lot of years…”


how the rats move on the subway tracks. the filthy water dripping in pools from overhead the tunnel. how the endless gentle tooting from an Asian folk instrument, above? behind columns? in earth itself? only constant, squeal and tooting, but silence of milling small crowd on platform, brakes subway cars squeal like a woman thrown on the tracks.



MOT / TOM le mot est juste. le mot juif.


going somewhere not moving but never standing still.

smell of incense from Jackson Hts., next stop

296 | Complete: 2006-2009

Stillwell Ave. and Coney Island just for the joyride, just for a moving passage in the cheap seats.

Samosa chat behind us and the forests in acres of girder columns supporting every subway tunnel in Brooklyn.

in the dark down here below the mountain, only light is spark and 3rd rail flash, blue on shadow and epochal soot.

Ditmas Ave. station’s beige walls of an outdoor prison. blue on shadowy support skeleton and braces, the souls of ancient iron workers wrought eternally in strong memorials, cast deep and projecting only into perception where the cars’ wheels gap and blue arcs̶

they are demons they are devis they are crying voices

297 | Complete: 2006-2009

in night resident or leaping under the carriages and the living passengers, contained in all our own oblivion of consciousness.

“I repeat̶standing clear of the buh buh buh.”

going somewhere, but Avenue P is not that place.




meet Cokie Van SniffSniff, the Dutch drug addict


“be sure to wash your hands̶we’ve just been in Disgustingville” ‒ SRL



298 | Complete: 2006-2009

poetry is the exciting music.


the Glass Turtle hated the human race, but then he figured he came by such feelings honestly.


I’d like to get a real cute picture of you, but I’d have to be outside the plane, and I don’t think even ghosts are allowed that perspective.


“we unwisely love the Snatching Troll”



maybe honesty was not the virtue we were looking for.



299 | Complete: 2006-2009

happy anger o we happy and angry in the happy dark of morning.


I stopped mourning the passage of time this year. where is this time? what was that year?



brush with. common. it’s the only way. recognition. “she has ceded pomegranates”



now that I’m in Holland

300 | Complete: 2006-2009

now I’m in the big city now the colors on walls now people don’t look.

the colors on walls are streets, the river moves faster here. there are lots of rivers, but the people see just one.


301 | Complete: 2006-2009


13 degrees above zero outside̶a man could split atoms with his head in this weather.



privileging value, meaning, as crucial, vital to aspects of information. value and meaning as survival tools. except you can live without meaning, you can live without value. this is the truth that laughs behind the lie of suvival, evolution.


your attitude about pain is an insult to injury.


o look at it

302 | Complete: 2006-2009

there, that poor wet tree.


Evelyn Klein, reading: The Loft

the poem lives above the printed: audiences following along in the book won’t see real words, real meanings along the page, the edges.


303 | Complete: 2006-2009

adverb, adverb. preposition. adverb, modifier, preposition, preposition. participle participle participle.

“say goodbye.”

gleamingly, lovingly. to to to to. comfortingly, oudated. for from at to. neglected, half-forgotten.

“his blue eyes deepening.”

“life becomes a sorting out of things.”



over some part of this very warm earth



two legs are mine and two legs to stand on.

304 | Complete: 2006-2009

possibility rolls out like diamonds thrown by a singing man on a deserted street.

there’s no cause anymore, no circumstance.

the events whistling in the eaves bear no trace of our father’s history, our mother’s.

305 | Complete: 2006-2009

possible action begets its own graveyard, but remorse fits in the palm of a

living child’s hand.


the architect in Spottsylvania places emphasis on Chinese space. entrances are up for negotiation.


I broke the omelette open with the lance of Parsifal. golden was the grail, full cooked its proteins, and its nutritive potential. saved all mankind, or would have, if anyone had stopped to listen and believe.


Peregrinus, I watched you passing the house yesterday. you planted sapling maples (or were they young lindens?) as you went, along the boulevard where this spring the City cut down our two great elm trees ‒

306 | Complete: 2006-2009

sick, they claimed, were diseased, and so must be taken out. now the little ones are planted in the big ones’ place.


all we can do is try and not project our illusory selves onto those around us ‒ a survival technique, to be sure, as is religion, but equally illusory under heaven.


truth in the moment truth in the moment all we are asking for, truth in the moment.


extreme weaponized déjà vecu



307 | Complete: 2006-2009

surface modification


the extent of my humanity is the arc of a wrecking ball. courage and casting off, precision under the watchful eyes of mad city towers, tall but bent on ruling from ten miles away, through the trees, fondness from distance throwing off jets of light to turn air to electricity. the names of architects scrawled vast against the mortices, the beams give under weight in hundreds of stories. carving, brutal, beautiful ornamentations at the height unreadable by humans below. but hands are mortal, they built all these things, fragments test to limits named for use in volume. stand under them and look up, from street level you are only human.


308 | Complete: 2006-2009


I HEART Art Tatum now who did you say you came with? wriggle into a back wall chair again, Missus̶ the piano’s just warming up for after hours. .

nothing favors like the human mind. no provocations are countenanced.

with the sun on cropped lawns, already yellowing after frost, the sidewalks

glow with a warmth like Los Angeles before the really hot weather comes.

you close your eyes you think you understand where this place is, never

coming out of the lookingglass to recognize nothing favors location like

the human mind, no provocations of experience are countenanced under

the skin and in the heart -- overwhelming each season as it rolls on through, years

309 | Complete: 2006-2009

coarse and white as sunny concrete come in pathways stark from so much wind.

nothing rolls the old human heart the same way as when projections of place thicken

against the touch of leaves in darkness, for potential in the here and now and evermore.


310 | Complete: 2006-2009

troop formations on the River Hydaspes (8/8/06, edited 11/5/06)

I shot you, I lined you up like colonnades in some polis. I line you up, spread data in rows

like acrobats defeated by elephants along the wide river Hydaspes.

this is no place for military action, no sign of victory for a newly won empire, either in the numbers or in multitudes.

ethnic identity is always a better gauge for peoples’ staying power than any statistic you could drop out of your bullet-ridden hat.

strains of foreign language get washed down to the river every monsoon season, down, purged from this land to the waiting jaws

of the beasts of the sea.


don’t make me come in there and take no for an answer.

don’t make me come in there and tell you Homer never existed!

don’t make me come in there

311 | Complete: 2006-2009

and give that lecture again about how oral societies produce a kind of poetry that you never have to write down, that memory is a stronger force in the universe than gravity. generations of memory, epochs of mouths telling new stories over in the same old way.


312 | Complete: 2006-2009

the product of Marin County’s elementary school system.

what is Marin County? it’s a tongue of land. the tip of a tongue. a tip of the land.

these words are on the tip of my tongue, these words are on the tip, this line is on the edge of your thought.


torque the “long underwear is just like spank”



flash and flutter cosmos precision testimony creeping in the gap of also

miscegenation pause circus in a lance reason take a dare concentration missed


313 | Complete: 2006-2009

he was lucky as a pin-striped suit


strength, you, strength of an ox.

arrangements at moonset, under the pine tree.

keep it down when first light comes.

he tells us “I’m tired of these gnats buzzing around, blood- suckers, returning no dividend. the day is dawning, my children, when Il Duce returns and then he’ll know I was right. niente usura per noi.”

but silence lavishes its balm on the dead.

we are left to pay our bills by computer.

314 | Complete: 2006-2009

usury in the land, usury is a word no one living understands.

bury it in Italy, there’s still life outside conspiracies.


Chamberlain! I am poisoned! find an exit, tell the king, it’s over!


before the reader response, the writer response technique.


blind is the new black. print is the new digital. manual is the new automation.


this isn’t about being in Minnesota. this isn’t about being Minnesotan. this is about being where you are and writing about where you are.

315 | Complete: 2006-2009



odd cantos. magical.



playing grab-ass with God will never get you where you want to go


say no to blockage! say no to stopping flow!

mental telescope hung around the necks of a priesthood belong nowhere in the cave of minds.


children are sacred. the children are scared.


316 | Complete: 2006-2009

success means you existed. congratulations!


writing is no homework assignment ̶ be serious, this isn’t something you can just blow off.



when the chair broke under her and she fell on her butt amid splinters, all she could say, with bruises all over her, was, “too far from my heart to thrill me.”


where my hands freeze, write less, where stories, my stories transmute likeness likelihood like heat to blood in family places, I look for the dead butchers of Saint Paul, the handlers of industry turning wares out from barges, stoneworkers on the cliffs, builders in steel or white jade. I look for bar tabs still unpaid across from the cathedral.

from across the century. the names of my ancestors break my heart, but they pass by along Summit on evenings,

317 | Complete: 2006-2009

to the cathedral, they are on trolleys or horses, on foot, black hands, clean knuckles white pressed shirts. they laugh in the streetcars or step quick, avoiding mud splashing from another unpaved street. delicious cold of ever Winter Carnival, they were spectators and owners and wives and entrepreneurs, until they couldn’t take the cold anymore and went by train at last to California.

cold now, November, but Uncle Peter’s cigars still warm me like Mars and Orion, laughing lights, the First Insurance tower welcoming all to the garden edge of architectural bluffs over Raspberry Island, Harriet Island, places named for schoolteachers and priests, the old cave Pig’s Eye staked out, lost under all that work of decent people who could let no mushrooms grow under their feet,

who saw more than selling whiskey to Indians in a place they were making in the last eastern city before the wilderness, the prairies the world wrapped them up at night, to sleep.



some days you recede some days you’re on the receiving end some days the guy’s house you’re watching for him, where you’re keeping the vodka in his freezer, some days the doors are latched shut from the inside who’s in there?


318 | Complete: 2006-2009

brush my teeth it’s time for bed the cat says she dances she candies around my stool she pants, whispers that it’s time for bed, she purrs in ecstasies of warmth and sleep she cuddles when will you go to sleep? you are truly the stupidest, most irresponsible kitten I have ever met.


suffer the languish the language the sleep won’t come the cylinder of comrades comes in smoke across the domestic landscape, don’t you want to get out?

no, it’s just carnival just Susan away in San Francisco look I put her photo, I put the Latvian photo booth picture of us up there on the mantle, she is a part of who I am, there are vacations there are free-wheeling nights but you can’t get away from your molecular partner, and she is mine forever.


ice is as ice does, take it all or leave enough for the morning.

319 | Complete: 2006-2009


320 | Complete: 2006-2009


(last night we were drunk)

elegance like a stick of butter melts as it slides on a hot pan.


pick up another gleeful for me.

I’m sorry, the acts started slow, now everyone dances.

topomania, the shaping madness. now everyone shapes for themselves.

the cuts sound like pearls falling, each together all carefully made with sharp scissors through fabric.

pick up another I’m sorry now.

acts face away from floors and dances, apostrophes drowning every name.

and kids on the 14th floor thinking they can fly when all it is is skateboards and ecstasy, birds know it from birth.


321 | Complete: 2006-2009

two solid eggs I ask, two solid arrangements of memory and vision that emanate from the past. birth in one is half death in the other, called in cycles kept in resonance still as a refrigerator lightbulb with no one home to open the door at midnight. two solid scales to witness, heavy in both, hard judgment creates more ease the more the light shines on waiting memory. did you forget? you aren’t the same person you woke up with this morning. there is no circle, only a system of disconnected points, throws you off the trail, over and over again at night before absorbing dreams come to the house, wrestling at the riverside of consciousness. two solid in the singularity of isolation, alone as an atom, unbreakable bearing down from hills of Gaulanitis in mist. you think you’re solid? that’s just expectation, thrown out in a fine net, at this point to capture lines across our independent oblivion, thrown over a moonbeam in snow.



apposition through antimony


I can write falling off a log. I can write like falling off a log. I can write as though falling off a log. I can fall as though writing from a log. I can log the fall I can write the log.

322 | Complete: 2006-2009


sink into it slowly sink into it with interest

the mansion tears a hole in conformity,

in communality, in community, in complacency.

looking to house its own majesty,

the mansion masks the manner of infirmity

the home wrecks the sink down the

roots tear domicile from adorned eaves

to sink into the dwelling stop


communication channels changing communally

323 | Complete: 2006-2009

all change is ally

mean nails, communication bails, remuneration sails

angel marks monkey aging community margin changes money

stalwart march to destiny


Polycarp transmission us. consequent tornado salve. took New Richmond, Pequot Fires. send Kissinger outlook brightly.




I’m itchin for a fight, itching for a panel discussion, climbing the walls behind the heat gains. ascendance is why the clouds burnd off.


next time,

324 | Complete: 2006-2009

more wood for the wisherman more juice for the jiggerman more razz for the rinserman more peace for the piperman

next time more time for the takerman toll the bell for the bakerman break the spell for the snakerman

pop petals for the makerman evade hemorrhage of the haterman skate fucks’ mystic dance for the skaterman find false hope beyond limits for the fireman

next time belabored basking for the shaperman



too cold for socks.


got writer’s block? repeat & refine, à la Gertrude Stein



325 | Complete: 2006-2009

the Approachless Castle


as Shakespeare once told me, “you’ve got to break a few eggs to make Hamlet.”


“and that’s when we saw it: the Leaning Tower of Poultry.”


ego defense:

take me out of that equation. response weighed for all time after the next moment̶ all forgotten again.


art-around, purity in sound a testament, a test of might.

I meant to make it meaningful I meant to mean that it was full but that was tomorrow night and tonight is only another one

326 | Complete: 2006-2009

just like before, lasting.



Lunchtime Moses


words, like breath, are worth the wait


sacred prophetic

lisp for lips for sand for the devils residing in the sands

this god will speak only from the rock from the sore life spaced breaking

under the wind



327 | Complete: 2006-2009

open the gap spread the word̶ it’s kingdom,

kingdom, over and over. the animals

with their tusks and spines, cry out surface aphorisms

from their habitats. kingdom, kingdom.

(or else was I watching too much Marlon Perkins when I was six years old?)


Every Time a New Hand Reinvents the Wheel (orig. 4/25/06)

Every time I ask “Why reinvent the wheel?” It’s a lack of vision. Every wheel needs reinventing.

Even if every wheel’s identical: Manual is the new automation.

Automation demands hands. Even automation is a human pursuit.

328 | Complete: 2006-2009

Every human pursuit begins with a lack of vision. Even blindness demands some light in a shuttered room.


every text implies the intention of the author, even if the author has no intentions. intentions will be supplied if none are presented, along with context, at the communication of text to the audience. the audience always knows best. don’t try to monkey with the audience. the audience is superstitious, and will come up with its own answers, even if the author’s answers are plain as a red midwestern barn.



“Don, we know your gay apparel ‒ would you knock it off? You’re scaring the iguana.”

“Don, you’re now in your gay apparel ‒ stay away from the iguana tank in that get-up! you know how sensitive Fritz is, he’s not Christian ‒ not Christian, but all amphibian.”


punch a better choc olate seed through crac ker skin to feed frag mentary outcroppings on the inner landscape, unapproached

329 | Complete: 2006-2009

by geostationary landsat tracking, burned-out cart ographers, dead-ender whip lash riding sons of the devil turning in their next of kin turning out their mother’s estranged hired hand, the steps up to that cliff are steep indeed, and wide you can see the flood flowing down there far below, you do that now, I’ll wait, bunch a blood letter in his heart where rest is denied him, make it blood y, trounce all comers that think they can challenge the winking esophagus, the developed consciousness, the naming convention for human approximation.



survival mechanism isn’t just for the village idiot anymore.


330 | Complete: 2006-2009

dishes all beat-up glass friable flatware sacrificed.

the time for eating well was all an illusion, Nabisco.


throw some clothes on go throw some clothes on the fire go throw some clothes throw clothes in the wash throw clothes down a well throw them down a closed well throw the fire in the wash throw your soul into some clothes.


disrupted on the houseboat. we try to stem our own saga.


the cat’s up. the mouse is socked in.


wouldn’t matter if you knew wouldn’t matter if you knew

331 | Complete: 2006-2009

wouldn’t matter if you knew

wouldn’t affect your understanding

the lies of language the lies of lanugage the language lies on the heartbeat on the promise the threat where it’s lying could not matter, even in the process even if the promise was eternal life under the sun̶

that’s crazy, there’s no eternal life so why fight with both guns open fire as if you knew the right answers, that’s crazy, that’s crazy̶

your understanding doesn’t matter, why fight it̶shrieks on the grass̶ there will come a day when understanding does not matter.


“jacked in”

they took a chance at understanding

was not the same as love without

332 | Complete: 2006-2009


again there was a subtle atomic burn, not unexpected



my rarest opticon my rare visioning my race upstretching my voice realloyed


glory days in glorious darting time the bullseye five six how many? cigars and bluffs of Red Wing the art of companionship as the days go cold up above the banks of our ancestral, glacial river.

are you sure this isn’t a fake photo, Mr. Lux?

333 | Complete: 2006-2009



see how artificial it is? see how monumental it is?

see how prescient it is? see how much the product of cavedwellers it is? see how malevolent it is?

see how ridiculous it is? see how it is? see how? see?



because I said it was about to take wing. the orchestra routinely disembarked in Prague, laughing.


red wine cuts fat

time to play with tannis


334 | Complete: 2006-2009

well you say you don’t believe in God, but something’s climbing over the back gate and the leaves are all rustling in no wind, you’ve got a whistle in your throat:

what does this mean what does this mean what does this mean will you die when you die when you die what will it mean

no time like the when you get there it won’t matter, the present.



Susan home from the West / visionquest

just back from Land’s End from San Francisco from Mumbai, the siddhus give me a geography exam and tell me I’m a saint.


at sunset

335 | Complete: 2006-2009

when you’re around, the tithes of walking

press the sky up

the streets of falling houses pull us through suburb chaotic

people aren’t walking today

the sun gropes the center of heaven and presses its nose against a cloud

when you’re around, the walking takes on two dimensions

the tithes of walking



Grand salacious. We testified In the other room.



Angevine sighs

336 | Complete: 2006-2009

Plutonian, godless

Hat with a fiddle Hat with barbed wire

Past takes Sounds of infinity

Relax on the carpet Relax


“Estimated to be the best film of the year”


count your lucky diamonds. the past an illuminated forest.


“I just do what I’m doin’,” said Robert Lockwood in 1995. “Express my ideas, explore new ideas.”


cross-medium synæsthesia


337 | Complete: 2006-2009

I don’t, no, I don’t, he said, understand all this theory, all the theories contracticting the one I somehow have in mind.

I don’t understand this theory, but I know how to paint it.


kind line where we are pine, pine or the line on a walk receding, are ash in recess cutting forest path, the line splitting a kind slice the rest from nature around over the pine under the ground



emotional fire fight̶ the foxholes are lethal pools of radioactive ash try singing that song when you go to lullabye your absent children in the empty room

338 | Complete: 2006-2009


O.K. Psychic Princess̶you think you’re healing. bear this in mind, this secret power of mind, you think it’s yours but it feeds off control- fetishes, mirrors the sickness of hated Daddy. who was so strong and manipulated what he had, small pickin’s, in his power he owned the small lawn behind Baden Avenue, his empire of children’s minds, in his power he held a kingdom, overwhelming.

you say you’ll work for good, see that you do it, and work starts with healing the darkness you clutch in your sides out of sight, feeding off control-fetish and your hatred of everything outside your hand’s reach. you think you’ll heal but it’s only feeding the hatred you won’t admit, which drives your agenda, psychic gifts for self-aggrandizement̶no gifts at all but ego defense and deflection̶this power if you think it’s a power consumes everything, self and consciousness, in its need for defense, eats self and controls nothing but dust and time and death, your death and “Daddy’s” death.

time for the black heart of power to burn out. time for time to end its enslavement of little children. time for another exit strategy for everyone who’s lost.

the psychic field is waiting. the psychic field fecund. the psychic pronouncementis only air on metal, on mental motion, over into the waves of magnetism and not taking control of feeble children who were defenseless̶breathe that they are still.

339 | Complete: 2006-2009



you get more bruises demanding the world exhibit only round edges


coq au vin terrorize me awake trap in the name revelation takes nothing.

“and are worried about your name” and are trending toward senility and reach out to protect with sterility and are chopping down your own tree and are thoughtless, serene, tame.

your name is all the trap you need your name spells nothing.


“I don’t like controversy” you have just named your illness̶ God help you.


darting evil thing, slap me before I sin again.


340 | Complete: 2006-2009


Maybe it was the can of lowfat Pringles potato chips I ate in the car on the drive south out of Uptown, on Lyndale and then turning onto 42nd Ave., but Maureen Corrigan’s review of Alice Munro’s new collection of short stories on the radio just now totally turned my stomach. How can you teach writing and get away with anthills of gush like that? “Meticulously chosen words”̶I think here’s the place I turn off the road and get sick in South Minneapolis.


the Martyr’s Torch the Martyr’s Torah the Martyr’s Touch the Martyr’s Taste the Martyr’s Thumb the Martyr’s Torture the Martyr’s Tank the Martyr’s Throw the Martyr’s Take the Martyr’s Tazer the Martyr’s Tanz the Martyr’s Tang the Martyr’s Torque the Martyr’s Ton the Martyr’s Tome the Martyr’s Tease the Martyr’s Team the Martyr’s Tapping

341 | Complete: 2006-2009

the Martyr’s Tape the Martyr’s Talk the Martyr’s Tab the Martyr’s Teaching




do less with what do less with what?

do less with what do less with what

do less with what do less with what

do less with what do less with what do less with what do less with what do less with what do less with what do less with what?


do something with less do something with less?

do less with do something with

342 | Complete: 2006-2009

do less with what something with what anything with less with something with less with anything with something less with anything less with what?

with what? do less with what? do less with something? do with what?

do something with anything with anything less do anything less with something less do what less anything anything something anything what

anything less with what, with what? what? something do what with anything anything something what? anything anything do less something

do what something less with something anything something do what what? do anything what? anything less do something do


Permutations of Tea of the Enjoy

Enjoy the Experience Enjoy the Herbal Enjoy the Experience of Tea Enjoy the Experience of Herbal Experience of Tea of Experience of

343 | Complete: 2006-2009

Enjoy of the Herbal the Experience Herbal the Tea of the Enjoy

Permutations of the Enjoy of Tea


Stare to me stare to me over the clouds this is not weather anymore


I don’t know anything about staring. I don’t know anything about looking. I don’t look any more than you do. I don’t want any more than you look.

Look out of the window. Stare out at something.

I don’t know anything about Staring. Staring doesn’t know anything about me. But who I am is about the same as anything you could say, in English, about Staring.



Monty said there was no wind.


344 | Complete: 2006-2009


the president she told the lies the president he told

destro fly a state an apse androgen arrows (you see that’s about alliteration, next time you try this) plunge in the state stake merritan solo

in Congress they have a wastebasket, the president is off his porridge put a stake in it, this fork is done, all over the walls infinity’s been done before, toosoonnow the wild children masquerade as brokers and they take up all the parking down on my street, wild indignation and the houses are only warm at night

the lies the president he told put a steak out for the wild lions she’s got a handful of Crisco and she is mad, real mad statements you criscross, I don’t speak in Chinese ideograms

in Cuba they throw garbage down hole in the old Spanish floor I don’t speak in monologues (that’s a fine way to kill a trapeze artist) with a sprinkle of mud, you’ll look just like one of them how did the steering wheel fall off? was it while I was ironing the shirts?

in Canada they make a break for America’s weaker dollar but are electrocuted by the invisible fence textify and promise you’ll forgive yourself for androgyny, it’s the season militant monkeys brownie-shaped sewer rats I need to start reading the Bible again for more strong imagery

345 | Complete: 2006-2009

in China they’re laughing and rubbing statues of Mao and Buddha I need to start alliterating again if I’m ever going to disemprison myself the president she told the lies the president he told


whom do I scream? loud and white. I think I’ll laugh instead.


Spam is not cool dude Spam is not cool Captain America Spam is not cool Dolphin Boy Spam is not cool Sons of Man Spam is not cool all you freakers Spam is not cool cool cool cool


Black Rabbit

1930s, southern Minnesota

Cornelius “Corny” Rogers is a cub reporter with The Faribault Blotter . . . he’s looking for a break, a way out of Faribault, the little town, to make it somewhere as a journalist, make the Big Time . . . regular at a diner two doors over from the paper̶the Gobble ‘n’ Peck . . . one day a farmer comes into the diner for a funeral, sits down next to Corny and tells of a crazy guy back home in Minnesota Lake, Gottlieb Shastag: this guy runs a mill behind his house, an old one, set up on the banks of the lake, and

346 | Complete: 2006-2009

lately he’s been actly real funny: thinks he’s being visited by Satan in the form of a black rabbit. Corny decides to take off for a weekend and interview Shastag: might be an personal interest story for the Blotter.


Corny makes it to town at dusk, drives up to the Shastag place and knocks on the door . . . Shastag won’t come to the door at first, then shouts obscenities̶”get the fuck out of here! fuck off!” in thick Dutch accent̶ mixed with biblical quotes . . . when Corny doesn’t leave at first, a shotgun muzzle appears out a window and he high-tails it back to the car . . . a shotgun blast blows dirt onto his car and windshield as Corny guns the engine and gets out of there, fast.


Corny stays at a motel overnight, decides to walk through the woods and approach the mill̶which everyone in town calls the Haunted Mill . . . as he gets close to the hulking mill, he finds Shastag passed out and bloody, lying under a bush at the edge of the woods along the lakeshore . . . Corny carries Shastag back to his car, will the Mill hulking darkly behind themthrough the trees. in Corny’s car, and later in his motel room, Shastag slowly recovers, muttering about the black rabbit, hell, the devil, etc. slowly he reveals his story̶ no one in town will listen to his “incoherent ramblings.” finally, Corny drives Shastag back to his house. Shastag takes him to the Mill̶it is covered from roof to stone foundation with hand-carved plaques inscribed with biblical verses, particularly from Daniel and Revelation̶”to keep the Rabbit out.” the Mill’s sails turn ominously against a deep gray cloud cover that seems to hang

347 | Complete: 2006-2009

perpetually in the sky . . . Shastag says, “the Rabbit will come to destroy the world tonight.”


Corny is back at his motel . . . he expects to rest and then go back to the Mill as darkness sets in, to see what will happen . . . the motel manager stops by and explains more of Shastag’s history̶20 years ago he was struck in the head by a sail of the Mill, has never been right in the head since . . . also, new automations have come to town, making the old-fashioned Mill virtually obsolete, not to mention the Depression taking its toll on work for Shastag and his equipment. Corny takes a nap at sunset̶red, bloody sun . . . this is the first time the sun has appeared . . . Corny dreams of a naked woman walking through his room, then comes to the bedside and whispers something unintelligible to him, then turns and moves to the door . . . Corny sits up and sees the open motel room door. he gets up and looks out to the darkened parking lot̶he sees a very large black rabbit standing on its back legs, craning its head as though sniffing the air, then it turns back at looks at him ominously. the rabbit hops quickly into the woods. Corny wakes up in bed, his door is shut, no sign of the woman or rabbit. clouds. Shastag’s farm house. Corny drives up and parks outside. the house is dark but light behind seems to dance, illuminating the clouds above as though a huge bonfire were burning behind the house, at the Mill. Corny can hear Shastag’s voice screaming and hurling biblical-sounding curses in a mixture of Dutch and English. banging noises as from a hammer striking wood, or maybe the Mill’s machinery breaking up. Corny runs around the house, briefly sights the Mill, which is lit with infernal hellfire. something knocks him on the head and he falls to the ground, light from the flames dancing across his unconscious face. Corny wakes up, painfully, in the same position as he fell. he looks up at the Mill. all the clouds have blown away from the sky over the lake,

348 | Complete: 2006-2009

exposing a clear night sky, which frames the structure of the Mill̶it is dark, there is no light but starlight. no sounds̶even the forest is still and silent. he stands up and slowly walks to the Mill. he notices marks in the grass and muddy ground: boot marks and large animal tracks. he goes to the Mill’s door̶it is bolted from the inside. some groans, unintelligible sounds from inside the Mill. Corny notices the sails aren’t moving, even though a strong wind has been coming up since he awoke. Corny tries to break down the door, but it is very firm and he clearly can’t knock it in with brute force. he runs into the house, through the front door, and finds the shotgun. he runs back to the Mill and fires at the handle . . . this breaks open the door, which slowly opens inward to a darkened interior . . .


green erase no it was blue

stamp the state the state mails statements it never meant

collect in a hidden library collect the ink and waste pouncing like cats


new as of now

Ommadawn it’s Hallelujah

349 | Complete: 2006-2009

time for the Zoo reception go to step with orangutan (he’ll dance anywhere he lazy but wise and drinks box-wine) fall asleep in army boot of captain lovingly into the passion a praise of lord in semaphore into grace but no one believes except the swarming multitudes


green erase no it was blue

stamp the state the state mails statements it never meant

collect in a hidden library collect the ink and waste pouncing like cats


new as of now

Ommadawn it’s Hallelujah time for the Zoo reception go to step with orangutan (he’ll dance anywhere he lazy

350 | Complete: 2006-2009

but wise and drinks box-wine) fall asleep in army boot of captain lovingly into the passion a praise of lord in semaphore into grace but no one believes except the swarming multitudes


late November

Odyssey 1.1 x3

speak me the man, MUSE, wandering, he of many turns who went so far astray after he brought down holy Troy; tell his meeting with multitudes, how he came to know their minds, what way he suffered many sorrows weighing on his heart, in his struggle to gain safe passage home, for his men, for his soul.

Muse, tell of the many-tricks man, who was years on the sea, seeking once he took town the holy citadel, Troy . . . how many cities of men did he see, and their minds get to know? and all the time suffering tragic loss on the sea, trying to get home, trying to return his men safely home.

351 | Complete: 2006-2009

I sing the Muse, I sing the Man, I sing his wandering, his lost ways, his path after Troy fell. The cities, the men I sing, which he came to know. Then how he abandoned civilized places all for sailing home, grieving in heart, for his shipmates’ return, for his own land.



why spontaneity is a volumetric, not qualitative, measurement

editing won’t save you editing saves the sinner

the sinner doesn’t want to be saved the editor doesn’t want to work the savior doesn’t want an editor


I can let this towel be my body , I’ll let this Communist flag be my blood . at least for now

352 | Complete: 2006-2009


a body that bags the mouse that drains the course that wishes the worst for none but everything else is no body for me.



standardize optimize leverage aspire share consolidate integrate solidify


how is anything different? he said

he said

but I don’t think he had opened his mouth for years

353 | Complete: 2006-2009

for years

I don’t think anything had stayed the same the whole time he was gone.


by the sound of my voices comes a trembling over me the name is a territory sworn to practice.

die out with the dinosaurs if you’re willing.


the Electric Doge?

he’s a fine man, a fine man. I crossed paths with him some years ago.

remember: when you greet him, don’t look into his eyes̶the blindness

is occasionally permanent, I’m afraid.


falling landwards tracing holograms of digitized earth in train in mon soon season atrophying

354 | Complete: 2006-2009

wastelands falling ten leagues

was that snow falling on the house was there any room? she asked before the streetlights shut off.

falling down through the earth’s mantle is easy when your guides are know ledgeable and friendly

alling they lead you going first over calling they’re the first ones to disappear falling you won’t see them no really

until you reach bottom ten leagues below on the viewing platform the holograms wink and show you how far you’ve gone

down this wasteland into space this journey through such lands most haven’t the stomach to make it during this season most haven’t the heart

others crazy ones like me have no choice and they must go now or lose whatever it is that keeps them together.



it buzzes around the heartbeat, it bustles to take the train, the regularity.

355 | Complete: 2006-2009

it makes me sick to think of all the writing I could make, everything I should have read by now, none of it done, none of my mind read, or made up. you can make the bed but you can’t make up your mind.


in the fullnes of time we drank it, squeezed the sacrificial lime. buttered bread, but someone sneezed and we all forgot that time is an impossibility.


you sustain it this won’t disappear you name it another nation and the mass movement camped outside Parliament will find something better to protest.

these are only surface values̶ some terrorist organizations are supported by foreign governments, most are just assholes who can’t get jobs or women̶ an army of unemployed

356 | Complete: 2006-2009



ajkribw’” akribôs exactly, accurately, precisely; sparingly

the height, the sharp point, the pointed weapon aimed precisely the shot of adverb in a high voice, piercing cry of the cattle in battle, aiming accurately, the enemy high, stuck through on the pins of our spears.


Tamarindo, mouth the words of that song. the one you heard once in a cantina before leaving for the front, then later, in a foxhole in no-man’s-land, terrified but mouthing these same words.


Plastic grass̶I told the shepherds, “you got the wrong house for a Nativity crêche, guys.” but they said the sheep kept insisting this was the place.


357 | Complete: 2006-2009


centrally devote your life to monasticism you louse certainly.



de stella obdurant gentes


contained household goods constrained housebroken dogs complained the house gods


document merde trace elements marble document silk and find it lessening


358 | Complete: 2006-2009

packet, packets of consciousness


the Pipefitters Union decided unanimously that the new uniforms were too unweldy


‘attaboy! atavism!

minimally animalistic minimally animistic minimal atavism

harp cast pressing part of heavy lifting keeps the leaper guessing


dead Dad red day deed rock rake day-glo gave rays dare deck dork glad varied drive York saved toured lake pave drake said surgeon tape gastric cave-in give air lead staple gone state lock dear stave beige cape betrayal torch bee cable nave bake stash cage grace Ganges give up endless endless

359 | Complete: 2006-2009


we’ve reached the “there’s something I need to tell you” moment.

who are you are you really are? are you really are you

the “I’m my own man now” moment.

who is he who is his identity who is hiding who cares about hiding who is caring who is hiding who is identity


religious consternation or a sure thing they only lack for assuredness

sphagnum moss burning and a house

leap and lay divergence and device and divine

conjunction is the only truth, conjunction, he said, the only God

360 | Complete: 2006-2009

divinity the orchid ghost over the ground that and a church

religion only triumphant

religion is only the arrangement of a school of certainty.



I want to lose control of this heartbeat̶ then the peril won’t be mind to choose, and nothing matters.


winking little god in his shrine above the trash compactor gives us his blessing. small under the metal awning a hutch against sprays of microwaved meat particles, the little god benevolences our kitchen with smoke with savor of boiled tea.

361 | Complete: 2006-2009


crankcase in the grass snake in the glass pen please take days to do this please take the glass snake at our mercy at our daily basis it takes the pen in the grass it takes a godawful time to run this through this is slow this is a slow production this is a slow time for everyone everyone ought to shut their eyes now it’s the production maintenance that’s so slow only one workflow at a time and resources and time and resources and the snake waiting to do this it will take days please immortal soul waits hanging by a string on a tree of immanence cosmic perspective don’t you move a heart beat yet it’s a part of creation so all this set-up is only going to kill us anyway that’s why native men pray when they stand at the mouths of their tents are you talking about capturing everything? that means a lot of work with the pen and I’ll get the dates at least it’s safe if you stay here, behind this yellow line you have all the alternatives you need to use now.


stay on schedule stay the test tells me its secrets waiting gives you time to peek through the mail slot stray me along if you can’t sing your own song stay on a string, merge the words from your wire I tell you some of what I know the house in December was a good place to find sparrows trapped in the attic of all the homely people in the room, your voice was the loudest

well and it takes you away, away stay on top of the calendar

362 | Complete: 2006-2009

business by batch number, but booziness afterward the content on my plate could fill a room could fill a house full of sparrows the text is full of secrets her blue sweater was on a mini-vacation in the meeting room full of meeting people, her cold cross against black material


quale troubadour this cum is why it di dn ‘t que w h a t e v e r over diss ‘im aa



levity? here, let me.

the amoeboid r a n s o m takes enough

to live on but wastes every scrap of paper.

but other than

363 | Complete: 2006-2009

that, it’s a safe bet he’s hiding some thing from the police

they smell fear they tremble they exude a kind of ugly rage they have a testtube for a heart no winning with this kind, no way.


get this out of my system a far taken far away this out there was more to look at than clouds


get thee behind me! plastic ware! how can the scientists take you in the same mouth as their microscopic analysis of Minoan amphorae and say we’ve progressed in three thousand years?

364 | Complete: 2006-2009

even foil or Saran Wrap would be more noble were we to store all this lasagna in the fridge, not taking up more cabinet space.

but now one talks about cabinets anymore -- I’m a throwback, a dinosaur.



as though written for sacrifice

culmination toward some positive outcome still further

created an elongated shape some took for a path

or there is still no vehicle


after the prescience this color will fade

timing crosses our path one too many times for comfort

bears relax and sleep and so do we

365 | Complete: 2006-2009

trail with intention, water

the man points to everything


spousal neglect or will they call it frostbite? the snowman is pointing us the way out of this icy maze


blanche is white and bleed is red


these days with everyone taking potshots at pigrims

these scarecrows glimmer those typhoons waisten walter wantris

them doggies dip snuff


look at them doggies

366 | Complete: 2006-2009

lookit them doggies look at them̶them some cold doggies

they’s cold, them doggies they’s cold they’s cold


watch how he lovingly and gentle changes places with her without dropping a syllable or a swear-word.

compels a soul to contemplate on the face, the facts, of true love.


some bird or beast or backdoor man will take the meat off these bones.


blurb me Jesus! (but I’ll settle for Creeley & Ashbery)

“He sounds those same simplicities of profound music Blake also knew. He moves with a deft and practiced quiet.…He speaks the truth.” ̶Robert Creeley

367 | Complete: 2006-2009

He eats his oranges one finger at a time. He reads Blake without moving his lips. He dances and speaks and practices and is quiet. I can’t ask for anyone, I can’t askfor more than that, from anyone, I can’t ask anyone to speak the truth.

“Like Beethoven’s Bagatelles, ______’s short poems have a great deal to say, and their seemingly modest dimensions help rather than hinder his saying it.”̶John Ashbery

Like a song in my head, one I can’t stop humming, can’t stop hearing, these poems dribble off the page just after I’ve repositioned my linen napkin to my other knee, the gravy and the words spill and stain. Apostrophes everywhere. Such a mess! And Beethoven was hearing again, too. And the dimension of sound was as modest as the litmus test results from the dinner table where I ate macaroni and scallops with the Bagatelles-- solely as digestif, I assure you--playing on the stereo. This is the kind of writing that makes no sense the longer you read it, but in short spurts it’s as clear as a Zen monastery bell ringing some foggy morn in Abilene. Keep him saying it, keep him saying it, by God if you are a man, keep him saying it!



after Yeats

sing whatever is ill-made. the Celtic Twilight’s gloom has lifted. sun evaporates the sullen shade. and we have better things to talk about.

368 | Complete: 2006-2009


if humanity perceives it then we describe it.


the Rebbe answered from his grave̶ you don’t need humility. Jacob was a fighter. in your hands and in the strength of your thigh resides the answer. be not silent.


Goldilocks, Goldilocks, let down your hair. “Not by the curls of my chinny chin chin!”



the trapdoor judge hiccuped, struck down the war. this cancellation meant every soldier had vacation pay rolling over into 2008, each one received a clean white shirt and a crisp$20 bill̶don’t spend it all in one place, the SECDEF laughed.


369 | Complete: 2006-2009

the prestidigitations̶you’re [white] but that means you won’t make the audience laugh. try the rocket launcher. all jihads begin with something exploding, some brother killed for religions (they say). break it out. that’s not a chainsaw. you represent the Army of Light. stand tall. take it in the gut.


surface like a sphere of light, heat source like a pancake. tracksuit like a circus, fahrenheit like an almond. parasol like your mother.


must I feel that I could’ve written this. that you and I are bound by common aesthetic values and life conditions? or is this some game of radical inequality, a pretentious patty-cake song of I know this and you’re not here and won’t you all run along and play outside, I’ve got drinking to do?


the small things̶ I see them plain, the window-dressing.


chakra tamp down aftereffect with cigarettes. there the diction ropes

370 | Complete: 2006-2009

steerage, where men are only goats by another name and heartbeat gives all of us a second chance to live in trying times.


sure, drugs are cute. (sure, dogs are cute.) but couldn’t I smoke you out of your white rabbit hole?


chrysalis that we looked into, we saw inside where the thing moved, looked it in the eyes̶it wasn’t human. Peter poked at it with a stick. that made it angry. it hissed.



I shall write of the time of the minutes taking some reflection out of the skies.


371 | Complete: 2006-2009


I know you̶ you’ve got a sieve for a mind, a telescope and dog because you’re blind.


this cycle of heaven this outrage this cycle of heaven this song

this cycle of heaven this cycle of hear out of architecture this cycle

arrested in time this sounded by a trumpet everything fell to my feet

this cycle out of the foundries, they march this cycle of into the time of heaven

this was water was wet out on the banks of the shore

372 | Complete: 2006-2009

accept in a linen sheath this fog of becoming, coming

this cycle of angel this cycle of possibility this cycle of heaving this cycle of revealing



“it was deadly. it was deathly boring. I WAS READY TO DRINK LIQUID PAPER.”


we couldn’t have been encouraginger

the liquor, the excitement, the fresh air

we have a little time before the shipwreck



where did it this time? and remember time that’s a trochaic one

piece from the center

373 | Complete: 2006-2009

parse and encode it with marshmallow filling they sell those around the corner from work

and watches are on watch this hour, on the hour


pass of the hands article where the spots another article it’s contained in the pronouns




for my greatest recitation on the end of the superlative out of the names we use as prepositions for therefore it was only a future outside of tense where the surface claimed


daylight is not the same as faltering


the truth̶this is real̶

374 | Complete: 2006-2009

even a parasite augments its host



inane as the plasma and place

buckshy and whitening every hour

today is such a lonely word

forget-them-never but listen on occasion

that gang got mixed up with a melon

forever is such a scary word

if ever o ever a golem there was

you’ll have to pry this Romantic streak from my cold. dead. hands.


dreamed R&B song

“wait I’m always gonna be a good man now”


375 | Complete: 2006-2009

is never gonna be my old friend now”


I’m as fake as you are, said the monkey to the ourangutan. then they were both euthanized by the zookeeper when he turned off all the power in the zoo


Everything I wrote

“And they can listen And they can listen And they can listen . . .”



as the horns in the mountains so the tusks of the walrus̶ I’m so agitated, out of all reason, but they still have nothing in the forecast for Santa Claus


I hear footsteps I hear breath

376 | Complete: 2006-2009

I hear crickets I hear the voices of the dead in my new head phones.


how you write poetry is how you perceive.


the presumption that real matters can be depicted truthfully, objectively, through a descriptive process, is the great obstacle in the work of attaining clarity, objectivity.


a truth is an if-then statement, where no variables are entered, no output is logged.


I say the sharp run

377 | Complete: 2006-2009

I say the snack done the toll on grass when you step and cut the song pressing its fingers up and down your spine̶it’s a hiccup. it’s a first for our kind, elicit the tender touching and the temblor as much a reaction as thoughtless time-wasting habits, press to watch or pay to listen. you can stop here or see the waitress if you’d like to stay longer.


we struggle in the appearance of all.

technologically sublime.

your hands are not as big as mine.


is there a vehicle

378 | Complete: 2006-2009

for this trance? a prescient house?



o gene pool I have arrows I have nothing but arrows for you.

the busses are waiting show your travel voucher and get on for free.

the great oblaten the great telescope.

the great perception around the perimeter of the spa.

379 | Complete: 2006-2009

telling that no one comes here for their health anymore.



all you get (no despair)

“a short, good time”


and Tony the Tiger said, it is impossible to judge without compassion.


divinity like discharge, like woooooooooooooooooooooooooo!



I haven’t got a well-wrought urn to piss in.

380 | Complete: 2006-2009


the explainer’s anxiety


a phantasm. ill us or I don’t care. the part, this whole, nothing but delusions of beauty in liquid, in its containers.


Maccabees / Hillbillies

Judd & his Army broke all the seals on the oil jugs themselse, blamed it on those dirty Greeks ‒ said, Light your own goddamn candelabras back in Damascus ‒ for your own debunking of desecration, mythology and good down-home vittles are the surest way to keep everyone together for the holidays.


381 | Complete: 2006-2009


crema doesn’t stay in the cold

water drip from fingers in frozen land from branches and gets stuck, where signal dilutes and its language is muffled in wet snow.


Mickey Christ culminates with a prophetic gesture ‒ crucified by commerce.

“Hiya, kids!”


yes! it was masterful! yes it was masterful! yes it was masterful . . .

yet it was material.


don’t let a little freezing rain stop you putting on that dress.

382 | Complete: 2006-2009

tear the glass in half like a phonebook, count the clouds in a wish bowl.

there’s winter, she is really turned on under all these blankets of snow and lace.

fellas, you couldn’t handle this with a ten-foot shovel, you can’t hum this tune.


the muse reads tomorrow’s chicken papers. tomorrow it is sound, tomorrow is a sound, tomorrow it’s sound ‒ I don’t feel comfortable with this noose. the gardener came up too fast to us, no time to react. I don’t feel comfortable with this noose, with all the combined implements the gardener showed up with when we arrived, we visited him once, we visited him at once. I don’t feel comfortable with this axe. I don’t feel comfortable with this rake.


half the names on this list are the talk of the party half the names on this list are half of the talk of the town


on the Marriage of Lux Aeterna

383 | Complete: 2006-2009


were he that̶ a field to call from, promised to Enlightenment?

were he this but never from the center piece of Creation’s harbor?

profoundest culmination!


one last thing to do profound from the field, down to the organized roots.

she claims that red neon spraying out from the Chinese Buffet, onto street

side, wet curbs like a harbor.

she would indicate, culmination of presence, after there is one last thing.



384 | Complete: 2006-2009

Harpy Haplography


“we are not entertained”


communicate better saying nothing.

communicate best by saying as little as possible.


DIVINITY like discharge to replace the sepulchre of Old Man kind we needed tricks and concertina wire

and a Scripture known and knowable only to the chosen -- that’s us -- bearing torch

like priests of Mithras into the cave, draw the flames from water from Hell

385 | Complete: 2006-2009

and coming back from that place alive -- stay back, we need some room (can I get a

volunteer from the audience, please)

looks like with your help we’ll complete our performance here today.



now throw the ball at Adam

now, try to hit Eve with the apple

now try to get the grapes into Adam’s mouth...

(they’re really racket balls but we painted them purple)

bulls-eye! you win knowledge of life & death --

what size do you want? color?

386 | Complete: 2006-2009

is it for the little lady here?


the river & the Hyena People

shit flows upstream to where they catch it in nets and sell it to the Hyena People,

too stupid to know what it is and all-too-willing to trade their trapped furs & trinkets

for a bag of waterborne excrement. superstitious. but would you believe, this is how my epic poem begins?



it doesn’t have to be perfect. I forget what it has to be, where you go to the place where it’s raining or the girls’ eyes are all watery with love, they keep telling you it’s perfect, and where you go it really, really is like that, really just perfect.


387 | Complete: 2006-2009

in loving eyes territorial demands

disintegrate, like Habsburg claims

to the Spanish Netherlands.




a machine can’t understand there is no correct answer.

pin that to your outrage and whistle in the rain.

crash of harp and razor finale -- spring is coming

and the pots we all threw into the river, are coming back

like boomerangs, to our kitchens, with frozen chickens.


388 | Complete: 2006-2009

sing out, but they do not know.


Satan hikes; he plays with his Christmas yo-yo; he hops down the street on a pogo stick.

Give up your hope, puny mortals! and learn to play. The street is wide, damnation

is a concern, puts the fear of skinned knees into you and make your last words spare.


radio-controlled snake! o keep your football mind so mellow, heartbeat or another Brahmin, circus dance through every performance -- the space they gave us to put on the show -- in the time it takes to install batteries and press “ON”



389 | Complete: 2006-2009




̶who wrote that piece of music? ̶Beethoven. ̶wrong: asparagus!


and Tony the Tiger was GOD once

he said


without compassion


the dream broke all the lies before

I had a chance to say I was sorry

390 | Complete: 2006-2009

the dream chance all the lies sorry

before I was sorry I had a chance.

all the lies broke to say I had a chance

the dream lies I had all the lies

I had a chance before to say I was the dream


When Sally on Thursdays comes to polish our knife drawers’ handles, she is often surprised to find all the spoons already put away so nicely.



the poets ground their teeth the growth thunder there there there tundra greet pound there there there.

391 | Complete: 2006-2009


staging the jumping-off place excursus into the never so into these abysses where eyes draw nausea draw down, look away, into the depths a certain wakefulness arouses out of high perspectives as if suddenly


the Wildebeest is the wildest beast.


subplot in European “harem” story, a la The Abduction from the Seraglio:

executioner (think Osmin) sings and brags about how violent he is, how many prisoners he’s killed, the various sadistic ways he’s executed them . . . then he off-handedly gestures at one with his scimitar and kills the prisoner (turns out he’s never actually killed anyone) . . . gets violently and comically (?) ill at this sudden turn of events . . .


you’re a fine one to talk (point of view)

the addiction takes a heavy toll the beams of the sky shift in a wind too lofty for the human’s eye’s detection

392 | Complete: 2006-2009

I am my pace, the sounds of my body tell the land what time of year it is

slight chance of rain, of rain or snow nowhere is good enough for taking a break


no silence in a tepid stream

worth its pursuit comes a deeper analysis

cold trees on the balance of a hill

makes daylight getting more, stretch

half of seasonal but still a kind of flash

never would nature itself ask for depiction



her mind so nimble like an obverse cat, hands on either side of her sage torso


there they are, laughing crazy,

393 | Complete: 2006-2009

cutting seraphim out of the clouds.

there they are, embossed with kits and polyurethane runways all shiny.

there they go, loving their engines and no way to put on the brakes.


religion : benighted paranoia


“don’t give her any owls”


it recognizes but it doesn’t betray

it recognizes but all we have is beauty


394 | Complete: 2006-2009

T5:30 at Erté

Strange Anatomy


two working urinals


it matters too much it matters so much it matters but not enough .

author̶off the war


“I can’t believe it’s not squash” ‒ Conklin

“Mohammed was a blip” ‒ Maupin


holiday rants (Maupin)


395 | Complete: 2006-2009

“my little cousin, he’s six years old̶ he’s an arrogant little fuck!”

best goof

“he’s more confrontational” “they won’t smack him”

best goof in the room

“you’re kind of fucked up”



“this guy was in a bar . . .”

“this guy was like, umm, Wayne Wayne . . .”

“one of those guys who played music in the 60s . . . who’s this guy? Wayne̶he played with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band . . .”

“who did he say he played with? Dan Fogelberg.”


the Bible broke my heart out of the desert

396 | Complete: 2006-2009

we saw God claim his truth before us all


it marbles like icecream night closes us all down it makes me lively̶ but, whiskey?


“just because you’re on top of a cow doesn’t mean you can’t look at the pasture.” ‒ Kunz


two sons art on a severed piano case


“are you a carbon-based time capsule?!” ‒ Borowicz


“you’re doing Harpo Marx now̶[whistle whistle whistle]!” ‒ Maupin


397 | Complete: 2006-2009

“overinspired catatonia” ‒ Kunz


metaphorical erotica


it matters the table of glasses covered in wine told tormented in red a yellow golden trance a LifeSaver an anomaly coming off the streets out of time we state in practice forced nature time it matters it matters break my head on style elaboration break your teeth on an anomaly over and over again it’s another stand on perception which by all accounts still matters.


Fortuna takes a bow Fata Morgana bows out

Far to the land across the summer sea Stake me out with ireful songs Grass grows on the land, a living statement

Fade out of melodium Disclipina favors . . .


398 | Complete: 2006-2009

“Peter Falk̶he wants to have my baby.”


the monkey strains of passive communication of parental presences

the timing, young Peter, I say, you’re all about

the timing.


Elitism chooses strange bedfellows.


foster no leap of taking in aspiration. the watch wherein stakes of passaggiato through the city streets (this small town, this mall), a sensation out of meter becomes strange but everyone knows which way to walk now under a passing sky at night, with the same notes playing new chords across the spectrum and away from conscious purposing.


399 | Complete: 2006-2009





sunny times again against


URGENT: OPEN AT ONCE̶ concerns the resale value of Speculoos Biscuits


we must possess finite stimuli for a given memory̶trigger them, or enough of them, and you experience déjà vu . . . I remember you, but I remember you because I experience stimuli informing on you, telling me that your identity is known to me. categorizing. you are not an enemy̶you won’t kill me. you support my biological responsibility to reproduce, you are a friend. you are not a threat I am not threatened. I am safe in your

400 | Complete: 2006-2009

presence. I have seen this set of situations, these situation attributes, these topoi, before. I recognize this.


listening to Moondog

tear top and torch and torch and taste trowel teasing and tepid trauma take and take and tear top and touch and torch and troth the taste of touching temblor at ten to ten treasures tapped to top to tear top and torch touch and


wasn’t white vinegar̶was windshield wiper fluid .

restructure (you fucker) retail (children of the empire) when the stone is struck by hollow implements the answer is to run and not stop till you’re out of earshot the burning anvils of God’s workshop


this is no formalism̶

401 | Complete: 2006-2009

this is tongues of fire in the wilderness in cloud, how many parasangs removed from the mountain


many parasangs̶the windows were left hanging on every abandoned house from here to the river̶the flood mows down God these waters are big, bigger than perception̶but you won’t find that claim in your script, in your Book of the River


don’t put a hot lid on a cold bottom don’t put an angry ape on a complacent ourangutan


they drive but they don’t celebrate

they travel but they don’t meet in too many places


402 | Complete: 2006-2009

wouldn’t you like an architectural span in optics, in the light of the natural world, say, in refraction, in the broken shards of the visible spectrum vouch safed by the god Seth in his daemonic palaces, built a thousand feet high and raining down visions of eternal life for the common folk bound to earth by chains of angelic jokiness? isn’t it a gas what they do up there, above you?


old tea has a pleasant smell, but coffee makes you ring like a bell.


it will never be clean̶that is entropy.


but blinds don’t hide anything. you’re a fool and you ought to stop now,

stop telling me your theories and problems. the blinds don’t hide shallowness

they don’t cut down on light exposure, they don’t occlude, barely frame this truth of yours . . .

403 | Complete: 2006-2009



all consumption better be conspicuous, every appointment garnished & meticulous.

trappings like the Belle Epoque should glimmer. ladies, make your sheaths of nothing shimmer.


’06 was just ’09 turned upside-down


“curdle on the plate with milk & kalamata!”

that’s the song I learned̶ easy to come up with

a devil carefully conceived, like a trap when you’re

setting up for bed.

“curdle on the plate . . . !” the wind blows over our milk.


404 | Complete: 2006-2009


be brilliant in 10 minutes .


body modification on the radio.

where the houses thin out away from the city that’s where you find the people inside are thinner, too.


it’s the best ideas I come up with when I’m dropping off, and in dreams you don’t get scrap paper and pencils.

no library for your coloring books or otherwise encyclopaedic entries. just a brush of words, a breasting out

for minutes under consciousness. ere you go, e’er go you, saying, I’ll remember this in the morning.

it’s that good. I’ve got to remember.


so Larry wherever they found him

405 | Complete: 2006-2009

Sylph Standish, blubber of ridgery, capped on a silk and spayed torn off syphilitic, burned on a warn ing and loved by staring crepe sup ply, so long where the nuclear steve dores crashing so Larry wherever they found him.



simcha̶not mine not mine on a dime


staying the same will only lead to one-two-three-four charismas in a black suit dancing the lonely constant


Hasid! don’t change horses mid-streimel!


somehow you forget how easy this is


406 | Complete: 2006-2009

that was allowed, yes yes, that’s what the crowd struggled to pronounce, that was aloud, anyway, that’s how the sound came out of their mouths.


no actual letters were used in the printing of this text.


slang arrows of illusion tasked for per formance, resonance, skater on a shimmy down : legitimate is wholesome. but we want colors ! in a space renowned for science, nothing comes to mind but please and marriage, diligent. .

the Permutation Triangle .


evaluation time

Bob does and Bob tries and he will continue. Bob is with Admin, dynamic, the excellent other and Bob is skillful. Bob shares with Bob. The product team shares superlative builders and is knowledge. Bob is skillful with Admin. Bob and others share. Bob does and Bob is superlative in product tries. The builders are excellent, dynamic, with knowledge and continue the team with Bob, with his share of builders. Bob shares with his other skillful builders. Bob shares and does excellent product tries, Bob is knowledge, superlative. Admin continues with the dynamic team, continues with builders̶excellent, superlative. And Bob does this and with this Bob is

407 | Complete: 2006-2009

skillful. With Bob is the dynamic team, the product Admin shares knowledge with Bob. The tries share with the other. Bob shares with Bob. In excellent knowledge Bob shares superlative skill. Bob tries and he will continue. Others try and product with builders Bob continues to team with the share. Knowledge shares the dynamic and is skillful. Bob will continue.


what you want what you want what you want is texture.


I open the Encyclopedia to a random page and declare, “ah! there’s the Hershey bar I asked for!”


“truth is a blank page” but she said with a kind of sincerity that comic books are the only real testament for our age.


I don’t want to say “moisture,” but I could

408 | Complete: 2006-2009

admit it’s a risk I have to take.


“and I was carried off the stage like a magical bishop” ̶ H. Ball


Johnny got his hand cut on a slice of emerald mayhem. The odor lasted well into the night, when someone ordered Chinese. In the age of perception the senescent blind wear crowns. . how do the Dutch say “I don’t have anything better to say so I am telling you these things in Dutch”?


it is almost gone it is almost liquid it has almost faded away the take wasn’t enough for what we collected out in the fields that’s not the way to arrange for a release party, we heard him say


something rushes terror-bound like insects stuck and fluttering away from any season


409 | Complete: 2006-2009


give the burning oil something to chew on


bumper sticker phrase: I Wish I Was Typing



Zippy Delivery Boy

Polish that harp.

Ambush the areopagites before they back their cars into your cart.

All narrative comes at a price

Tell that to the Homeridae. Go tell the Mormons.

Sacrifice for Simonides looked the same even with a horse’s face.

Zippy Delivery Bear at your service, growling at your underwear.


410 | Complete: 2006-2009

we call for drastic change. chill out. just then, somebody throws a lit tea-bag into our faces, explodes before we can react. “shit. I wish André Breton was here to see this.”


when the philosopher says “we always knew that old bastard ape would tell on us” ̶ was he invoking Darwin or Melville?


this morning the toast looks like UFOs


weasel! live ̶ lithe ̶ impenetrable. the voices of nature dictate uncertain but illimitable justice.


dreamt that all the coffee mugs we had from California were broken, fell off the shelves̶chipped, or handles broken off, or just shattered on the counter̶ I shouted to Susan: “this means we’re gonna have to go back there so we can get some new ones!”

411 | Complete: 2006-2009


at the movies…

marketing rules: no inert surfaces: every space should advertise product synergy is N-O-W



skins, socks the lampshade doctor promised him that reversing a circumcision is ultimately painless̶ no accounting for depreciation on your investment better just suck it up and deal with the terms now about this performance of John H. Asshole and his All-Girl Satanic Dance Band . . . .


important exercises of the lead to significant discoveries and the resolution of crises previously considered intractable


bigger than bathysphere, broader than hiccup rainy and beaten against the rocks, like Northwestern Sasquatch the rivers run dry this far up, birds high on sublimated moisture their own song rising in spirals over trees on the timberline everyone up here reads Gary Snyder and smiles in the sunlight

412 | Complete: 2006-2009


mucus and blossoms and heartbeats and prophetic utterances

I made this with my hands I made this with no prior warning

I made this with the coals of the Angel Gabriel burning in my mouth prophecy is a brain’s hiccup

you repeat it slowly, then half-forget everything turtles dance in the sea not thinking of forgiveness

if your destiny’s promised to you at birth then why the hell are you looking at me that way?


crusty bread and brown and ideal crusty bread and brown and Baudelaire crusty bread and special attention to detail crusty bears and take the meat fromme crusty bake them got to leave crutch and ease the slow pace


Creation you found me Creation

413 | Complete: 2006-2009

did you look on-line or did you get my number from a friend? was it Allegory or Metaphor who gave the information out?


I painted a sea of white under my bed, but it didn’t make me laugh as much as you did.


this is the Shakespearean story of star-crossed leapfroggers racing to die.


the color of elementary, alimentary, augmentary lymphatic pulses a gasp of forever wake-me-nots in sprays of myrtle cross your eyes, love, it still won’t play with this crowd



whatever this day was it is no longer. rest in dreams and what is coming with day

414 | Complete: 2006-2009

will come and also pass into nothing as this day has.



monkey chicken grasshopper animal but never mind your waistline tubby cupid loves to daydream on his mother’s gorgeous knee stickler for attention and other armed robberies airplanes have it all, but they fail upward

what it looks like is I’m walking over your grave what it looks like is a telescope or a chance at greatness when the charm dictates who you be, disengage all it takes is a certain confidence and writing over other people’s words

edge the armies out among us celebrate it’s just a calibration away

leaking ink pen and there you have it there’s a democrat. careless. heaving out the manners

new and impoverished forceful, eruptive, sounding

this is an automation an automated response to an automated publication of for any of an autonomy ought on or relevancy

415 | Complete: 2006-2009

did anything happen today?




this isn’t about me anymore, it’s about an empire



his spare parsing his spare phrasing no it was his spare parsing spare praising, spare passing pare-down erasures off the pale blank pages that were so spare, so dear so much a part of what we long for in a mouth or a month that boasts so many turtle-neck sweaters.

can’t we all just get along, when it’s 0 down and no interest before 2009?

416 | Complete: 2006-2009



the way the page the way the page the way the page the way the page

accretes acquiesces divulges motivates in subtle form

breaks the way the way the breaks

the convolutions the approaches the distances the saturations

become out of anything where in the way the line spits itself becoming

where voices tarry

tell it or spend it on silence

417 | Complete: 2006-2009


tonight is like that chocolate you started to tell me about all those years ago. now don’t start getting wistful on me, we don’t have much more time on the meter and I’m trying to tell you something important. where that truck turned, that’s the place I first laid eyes on you, and I loved you then as I love you now. damn the city’s parking enforcement operation ‒ we have enough time to renounce temporal rule-makers and their agents. one more latté!



inflamed by flamenco enraged, with landing struts


s p


observers of a cool autumn were just about as lucky as me. the gilt along Snelling, trails up to where you sat on a tractor at the Fair, or ate sweet corn we got from corner vendors.

the place you told me about, the place is in my hands from this height. and outside every window at home is a view out to Highland Parkway. the river and trees were turning yellow-gold like corn in your mouth.

the sky was flecked with clouds after a daydream. looking up

418 | Complete: 2006-2009

at the water tower up at the highest point, I thought this was the place last October, and that it had turned out exactly right, for walking.


it takes time, it is incredible: four seasons shrunk on your back porch, with Northern Lights skating around the block.

we haven’t seen tornados for a witch’s age, haven’t taken down the banners and flags from the Fourth, when

all of us were celebrating the river and what it brought this place, looking sort of surprised because it’s been around here the longest.

well that’s what holidays are. so long as the air’s dry and hot and we have bugs swarming lightposts, and it’s sky like that

one that shivers only when you’re looking up. from Lock & Dam #1, or from the Ford Plant, from the open space of future,

from the low friendly cliffs and the push of water over the rise.


[misheard] Prairie Home Contaminated



how do you do it? put your hand out, turn fingers around the edge

419 | Complete: 2006-2009

of undecideability, purge ego with breath-counts, pull̶we have entered the eternal moment of take-no-prisoners


watch me out the window watch me out the gallery watch me up the tea glasses outside and up andout in the air


how long have you been reading?


voice from the basement

“Hey! no mice down here! “Hey! wine and beans and cardboard!”



all the electronic footprints lead back to content̶undifferentiated content.



“curtail circumvention”

420 | Complete: 2006-2009

we sell the sea bass we ask the sea bass we ask to sell the sea bass we’ll see about selling the sea bass we’ll see about seeing the sea bass we’ll last as long as the sea bass we’ll ask for longer with the sea bass we’ll see the sea bass we’ll ask the sea bass we’ll sell the sea bass

mention the sea and in a deep bass voice, the sea bass answers, the sea bass questions, the sea bass delves into mystery, angles press the sea bass, algae, parting of the waves for the mighty fish of the salt waters, augment the sea bass, testify in the chair of the sea bass, propel or else ignite the engines, whether the waters promise a song or a failure, the sea bass comes to the rescue even if you might be lost to the deep, paralysis is only the first sign that the ocean is calling, the sea bass declares, without a promise but a solution, the sea bass paddles in its own reflection, Debussy humming on the quay as if lost in thought, people on the move make a name for themselves, hail the ugly ladder-climbers who are the first to go down and splash salad dressing on everyone else, in the cafe along the point, staring out at the infinity of waves, a common couple on holiday declares love and each eyes juice on their white plates, the sea bass on a bed of greens, the sea bass doesn’t ask for anything that you wouldn’t think of in your dreams, go white and pass the whitefish, all the communists prefer salmon, but traditionally the organized laborers have a hard time with can openers, fill in the drug questionnaire, the sign reads, and the sea bass keeps taking it all in, keeps taking it all in stride, keeps talking to the armless flute player in the seat across the lobby from the sea bass, into white hands where the pockets are no longer prestretched, pain of separation from the giant

421 | Complete: 2006-2009

waves cresting, the beautiful mother, are we not loaded? the policy does not deceive, the crab and the callous on the crab-fisher’s hands, madre de la mara, ocean tales, had a hand in the holding of wherever-you-are against the enemy, the volatility of reactions, tape, tapered, decentered along the bumps of a fish’s spine


fugal metaphors. a metaphorical fugue. metaphorical fugues. fugue & metaphor. wide metaphor. interlocking metaphor. practiced metaphor.


Sean Hannity is Jay Leno with penis envy


do I need Deconstruction? does she need Deconstruction?

do we need to hear? do they hear the need?

there and all over they hear. heap and hear and haze out.

do you hate to speak? they would destroy but share.

hear it loud or give me some.

422 | Complete: 2006-2009

that would have shaped another.

but now when it’s near I forget.



o you good hatred with beard or wagging finger, go to bed̶had enough now


teach your children the combination for your locker and they’ll know where you stowed your shit all the days of their lives


words are easy to spell words are easy to pronounce words are easy to read

logic comes and logic goes take the very best thoughts and lock them somewhere you can watch

take it from me̶ the axe rests uneasily in my gloved hands


423 | Complete: 2006-2009

the vehicle is not the load and at the same time the destination is not the road


making sense is overrated


Sarpedon smiles and slacks off̶ “it’s the risk some of us have to take”


a bowl of cereal is a soul of burial



wala̶it should be loading wala̶the house is on fire 50 miles away wala̶prairie testicles and an FM radio wait and la and la and la la la la

pompous angles or eschaton, she serves up pompous listerine in circles, frijoles evermore eposodic zeal to come over us each and to fail you never, la la la la la

424 | Complete: 2006-2009

wala la lala lala the house is on the prairie alone on purpose aches and pains of living seep from the wallpaper the good shepherd tries to acquiesce

wa la


you tear the cover off a book then I can’t read the book I can’t read the title I don’t know the title of the book it is a useless book the name of the book is gone with the cover it is a worthless book what is the name of the book what is the cover of the book the cover is gone with the name

S.O.S. hamstrung. to the edge of the park and then back to our apartment.




notes on first meeting of TC Crit Crew, Pizza Lucé, St. Paul

“blogs aren’t dead, they’re mainstream” ̶ MF

425 | Complete: 2006-2009

a group of critical writers . . .

“we could be really interesting”

silence is pugnacious: would you quit shutting up?


“have we reached critical mass?”

A Critical Information Magazine for Arts & Culture, Specialized Fields That Aren’t Covered in Other Area Media (also regionally based)



abject volatility in the evening astral


the artful gesture is more deserving than shadow-wrapped tonnage


you’ve got to try this̶ emerald

426 | Complete: 2006-2009

silver change it’s an elaboration on the old phrase the development is something of a secret



who’s afraid of the Big Kazoo Angry Shmoo Hochzeit too? who’s afraid of the Bankers’ Crew Mischief Stew Apeneck View? yah yah yah yah yah?


o take a breath out of my waver there’s no morning here o take a breath, take a breath out of my morning


when the prism the guards the elaborated angels split temperatures like a dog on frozen lakeside keep the brown of midday again passed for faces where they are we all see it lasting the embrace the service that’s

427 | Complete: 2006-2009

natural yes when the angel guards drape bracelets over the dying we see that here we have waited long enough


the Midnight Snack of Paul Riviera



it needed to be cleaned it was careful it had snowed all morning it walked on its own legs it had another thing to say it smiled


ease of use hundredweights of copper service collander the facts a careless gesture grey capsule steps down warmfroman open fire where bleach comes from the touchers of wood the requests circus bear chopped diamonds in a leather bag piecemeal discussions a Jackson 5 album staggering figures in the snow eternal memory


428 | Complete: 2006-2009

“History is Now” I wrote that denying time.

Again & again. writing the part that always gets away.

“History Declares” with a vengeance out of its mouth.


played for fools from the wine barrels̶ I’m sorry but it’s the American way


if I could outrun defeat. there is no defeat.


I found out afterward that the reason I survived so long when everyone around was dying of natural causes, was that I had eaten large quantities of pickled capers on every salad I ever ate. they are savory, and they’re life savers.


the seams that I try to mine are those found in unbidden, reckless utterance


429 | Complete: 2006-2009


less crap, more stuff!


when Azazel comes out of the wilderness when it comes with horns, and the crowd chants over the side of the mountain it comes

then the priest who stands in new raiments then the horns of the attendants are wailing against stone like the host arrayed in battle, clashing spear on shield

throw Azazel back to the desert rocks. tie its horns with string throw the goat back into the wilderness. let it fall on sharp rocks let all the sins of this wicked people perish with animal’s death.

the people are apart, they need a sacrifice to be purified the people are excellent, all they need now is something to die for them and the blood washes ground in some lonely place. red string turned white


the people are apart, to be purified they need a sacrifice when it comes with horns, and the crowd chants

when Azazel comes out of the wilderness then the priest who stands in new raiments

over the side of the mountain it comes

430 | Complete: 2006-2009

like the host arrayed in battle, clashing spear on shield

throw Azazel back where it came from. tie its horns with string the people are excellent, they need something to die for them

let all the sins of this wicked people perish with the animal’s death then the horns of the attendants against stone

throw the goat back into the wilderness. let it fall on sharp rocks and the blood washes in some lonely place. red string turned white


throw Azazel back where it came from. tie its horns with string the people are excellent. they need something to die for them

throw the goat back into the wilderness. let it fall on sharp rocks and the blood washes in some lonely place. red string turned white


were we both participants? if you ask the question in the right way, you forget where the doubt came from



public evil is usually a form of sadism


431 | Complete: 2006-2009

should shoulder shouldest


quality is an illusion. quantity is its own reward.


o the parties. o the pirates.


option potion poison sip spoon


Aid in drawing, aid in drawing a litle picture (squeeek!). Rate this government where the statement knows what to do. Moby-Dick thought he had enough time. Colonel Sanders thought he had enough chickens. The Marketing Department thinks they have the right plan. And what was that? What was it every person meant? Does the wash pack a punch as well as yesterday’s takeaway? The expectation is that this agency will keep track of who is a donor, who is a donut. The detail is on how hot everyone keeps their database. The perspective is gauged in this operation’s moving parts. A little picture is drawn at the start of every life. A little squeek is born under the mother of every mouse. A little is enough for everyone to get started.

432 | Complete: 2006-2009

The partners work almost totally in isolation. The partners name themselves. The partners define each new need. As perspective is gained, the significance of timing can be allowed to fade away. Triumph determines mastery. If there were asters in a vase on that table right now, the scene would perfectly mimic a moment out of the Old West. A new statement now is forwarded. A brave name now retracts from identity’s fringes. People change, and demographic research indicates that’s nothing new. Where the government is on top of its game. This girl walks into a room and the Marketing Department votes on its new campaign. This girl walks into a room and nobody recognizes her accent. This girl walks into a room and behaves precisely as expected. To bear out their astronomical equations, the Mayan culture sacrificed every priest resident in Las Vegas. To breathe takes a kind of equivalent action in the external environment. To baste, where bathing would do, is hubris. So the break comes when all expectations have been exhausted. Moral imperfection was deemed the cause for the crankshaft snapping while the car moved through a fast-food restaurant drive-thru.The look in that duckling’s eyes seems to portend homicide. She raised her hands in church and felt the Holy Spirit touch her fingertips. He makes a name to hang around his neck at night while he’s asleep. Folding in the words for everyone is everyone’s responsibility. In the words that citizens encounter, nowhere do they get definitions for “contribute” and “enlargen.” The nitty-gritty is a stark contrast offering each government a purpose and a result and longevity where extreme conditions draw everyone in.


Another Method

433 | Complete: 2006-2009

Every page is a closed narrative. Every narrative is locked with method. Every method is begun by marking. Every marking defined in motion.

Volatility is under control. This isn’t just a gimmick. This is very serious.

Order takes a lot of time. Text stands on a dysplasic medium comprised of constant decay. Word-processed ink never dries, but can be perpetually sliced-and-diced.

No baking necessary. No molecular change expected. No pattern stasis possible.

There is beauty in process. There is aesthetic value in difference. The fixed mark is irreducibly aesthetic.

Patterns can be collided to yield metaphor, but resolution may also result. Documents are issued as through many keyholes in a house containing an undetermined number of doors. Method was strangled in a ritual ceremony years ago, buried in an ebony cask on top of an unnamed peak in the Andes.

So now it’s a matter of anthropology, or perhaps archaeological research. The examination process gets simple that way. There’s precious little to trip over in this module, as long as the practitioner is an expert.

434 | Complete: 2006-2009

Statements ought to be trusted. Time constraints are minimized. After a period of waiting every word becomes true.

When narrative elements are introduced to an existing document, their impression permeates the original text and bonds to its words’ molecular structure. Meaning is a household word. Each keyhold needs the locksmith’s expertise. If rooms are locked up, they will stand preserved until civilization falls̶hence the need for physical anthropologists in every generation.

Build with an ear to the ground. The boards to be nailed together are all branded with a mark indicating date of construction and placement, associating each with every other piece. Decay does not rob meaning.

Mulch is only a rendering of the thesis in a digestible form. Vermin and bugs restore narrative to its native state. Nothing is lost as structures burst. Nature has a way of robbing pessimists’ thunder.

This is as true as the art of typography. In a moment, method’s shade will rise over the alien altar. Time’s moment will cease. The page will reign, the name, the document.



the world’s as flat as a map

435 | Complete: 2006-2009

where tigers go, nothing grows

terrorism counts on seconds to spare

your ideal is a state of pressed flowers (flat as a map)

ther’s a tale to be told with meaning ancient

even dogs take it hard when their bone’s dry

metaphysics are God’s way of handing us a pair of toenail clippers

piecemeal does it, said the spoon to the anvil


quirk-ass back brawny leaving Tony Simmons in the parking lot alone but with his PDA out for hours like a lit pipe back to buildings


Mr. Subject-Verb Agreement hunkers down in spite of himself. “Sounds like fuzzy math,” the lady whispered. “Who said that!?” yells Mr. S-V A.

Dharmasvati shook the water from her hair and climed the riverbank, on her way back to the city.

“But this is just a story,” this time the lady speaks up in full voice.

“If you have a better one, let’s hear it.”

436 | Complete: 2006-2009

Dharmasvati had bathed in the river, she had washed her hair. Her sari adjusted, she pushed her feet into the sandals and began to climb the riverbank. The city lay before her, ancient as a fossil yet pulsating with life as every day it pulsated. But she heard a horse behind her, and with a short gasp she turned, to see a horseman on the opposite bank. He was looking for a place to cross.

“Bravo!” Mr. Agreement was snide, but someone lobbed a carrot-cake muffin at his head, and while he was picking himself up and wiping cream chese off his face (“whatever”), she continued.


each one of them chunks. the entire act.


map of strange southern islands

Kerguélen Islands Crozet Islands Prince Edward Islands Îles Amsterdam & St.-Paul Bouvet Tristan Da Cunha Group Chagos Archipelago


what’s the duration? of mouthwash̶ perhaps you’re kidding

437 | Complete: 2006-2009

no, I know that’s wrong! you have to open the door now, have to take this medicine. for the sake of all that’s topographical, Don Moreno, let the cartographer return to his family! light waiting in the shut-up room keeps another warm, another practicedthroughout this time of imprisonment. new positions are recognized for themselves at once.


today I read the recent posts on Silliman’s & Bernstein’s blogs instead of paying attention to my all-day training session, where a Chinese woman speaking in rich accented English tried to present the uses of Database Index Searching.



the American Average the American Savage


endless seme-ing, endless English-ing̶everywhere is theory only an aid in perceiving what is happening now. endless supply means endless is matter. be not heartless, nor shut your eyes.

438 | Complete: 2006-2009


Whitman meets the Stooges

Larry! Moe! your hearts are mine. Curly! what did you trip on leaving your noble house this morning? You are three clowns to my one sainted tramp in blank and white. What are the ancient stories that the sore moutaintop angels told, speaking on wind, speaking with violent prescience, one to another? Burn me a blowtorch! Bite me with tenderness! The sawblade, how are we above being struck dumb with the sawblades and hammers, slapping our hands, snapping our pate?!


looking for a kill trolling for an option balancing the orders wasting with repetition


the Blue Moment: carcrash in Winnemucca, jazz on a transistor radio thrown clear by the explosion, temple of outsider architecture nearby lit by the fire, mirrors and glass reflect flames.


murder of the innocents by microwave

439 | Complete: 2006-2009

by public spite by derision

order cam only after meat was served to the mob

you know how long it takes to cook a potato by rubbing sticks on it?

friction isn’t what it used to be, friend




absent the telescope, everyone’s name took over as a circle on one brown slip of paper. and with a whoosh of air, the fortunteller brought down an impressive axe and clove the table in two. so much for dedication to the cause: you’ve electrocuted every friend you ever had, and now you’re coming back for more. .


silk’s another shift, sounding stain of tarnation of the wriggle outwards, fresh on a line of staples, toward that piece so coldly driven for, so immense,

440 | Complete: 2006-2009

like supermarkets in chains with the hous lights on.

cold shame is the pronouncement, white your serpent eyes before the truck reaches this house, there will be day-laborers hunting and pecking for every abecedarium you lost when the wind blew that box out of your arms last week.


a tendon a peg a sponge too dry for absorption



no they’re lifting fingers with the curtain rising behind

no in another minute Seiji’s bomb will detonate

no it’s going to be a terrible explosion, an aftereffect

no it wasn’t colonialism that did this, it was peevishness.


creative silence Sugarloaf Mountain


441 | Complete: 2006-2009


prism reading

Sarah Moeding

“this is what is going on inside my head these days”


he that Mor pheus hands or there would have housed inter stitially against


dreams are never beautiful ideal: does shallowness burst into the subconsciousness thanks to living pictures & marketing plans?


Sumatra, Sinatra̶no, French Roast, please.


no objects but in ideas no pictures but in, no statements but in

442 | Complete: 2006-2009

no certainty but incunabula with their longing for a printed history and the ink washed off of all their existence


no more magical thinking no more cause and effect or logic no more religious compulsion played off of percentages no jabs of control to the desirous gut many are the philosophies or parties or meals that make a human full buried after these are the rules, passionate breaking out every metaphor in a ripple across perception like a lake covered over and locked with every meaning these journeys portray nothing but conception and annihilation and betrayal


Norwegian Sexual Confessions


John Andretti

the Meter is not always a Commandment


“Now they’ve got a word for it . . .”


a real meaning

443 | Complete: 2006-2009

this gets too personal break better all the albedoes off a main artery street where the sun hits new windows and double-panes and steel are enough for internal heating.


“pricks are intellects”


how you do this and how you don’t do this and how do you think you can get away with such transparent metaphors?


androgen and Robert Bly and lead pipes for old metaphor gave that water a tang of recognition̶those fathers aren’t here.


here’s the hammer you wanted̶go and make us proud, and STOP TALKING ABOUT YOUR WORK.


“Depth and Resonance”: partial compulsion, terrible to hear all this silence nailed to glass to pencil thoughts like some kind of nightmare and think that means something.

444 | Complete: 2006-2009


“Call that (cliché) on the carpet.” “Make my peace.” “Be attentive to the creative spirit.” (Do you have a book?) “Trust the process.” “We’ve got to be honest with ourselves.” “Call that (cliché) on the carpet.” (Do you have a carpet we can call you on, at least for this year?)



go take Castro to the movies go drink some oil with Chavez

bring it on, bring it on, the war with dictators and little red books

go take a commie to breakfast go buy a pamphlet for your mamma

bring it on, blow it up the real war is in your head hold on, we’ve got incoming



there was the drooling interviewer of a boy attacked by non-human assailants in his pig-stye, trying to find out if anything “weird to your body”

445 | Complete: 2006-2009

happened to him. “the sheriff was a little upset himself.” non-human entities in the breed corral.

this is a test, Peter Parker. we have names for the people looking for you, and we have names for the people who’ve seen you, and we have any number of places we think we’ve seen you. just would you lay off eating our sheep and cattle.

what makes you so hungry??



marriage is an incredible statement. after the undertaking, it’s like painting a house. looks like a big project, but in the middle

of all the activity, air compressor humming and sprayer nozzle in hand̶it’s only a moment, the protections come later, in long bands, color strips

that you saw before, when you bought the paint. and time itself only looks like old flakes chipping off. scrape surfaces down and sand them again̶only instructions

are that you keep laughing and be kind, this is the project. marriage is an incredible statement. that’s only an extended metaphor, not apt, ‘cause every house

446 | Complete: 2006-2009

is, in truth, white, like Michaelangelo’s vision for his last church in Rome: S. Maria degli Angeli. take this effort in both hands and make a brilliant go

of it, because time is just a bleached church built on pagan bones, and “get a little loving in between” (Langston Hughes) is all the wisdom I can wish for you.




resolve the moon in halo sky inky cobalt

blue moment in reverse on the houses dust of snow in streets stollen-cake layers

the moon in halo light Sophia morning stages


moon gone grass covered in snow cardinal mates in the maple


447 | Complete: 2006-2009

conclusion of Mahler’s Second first light of day on Minneapolis towers



sometimes gracelessly


form defeats function


Pang! that’s tranquility poking its head up for you to lob more snowballs at him.


Jesuits have mercy, but they say it’s called devotion.

Thieves play with their guns, but they do it in slow-motion.


when you’re here, you are here.

448 | Complete: 2006-2009

when you’re not here, I do not see you. does this mean I believe in ghosts? you know what my answer is.


I don’t gnash my teeth when I hear Galway Kinnell read a poem on the radio̶ I only beat my brains for the name of that other poet, the silly drunk one who writes about scrambled eggs, whose name has the same cadence as Kinnell’s. yeah, now I remember: Hayden Carruth. that’s all I think about when Galway Kinnell reads his poem on the radio.



the shock of toilet humor in popular entertainment always struck me as coarse. I was a sickly child, and often, when I wok in the late morning, I would forget where the dream ended and the bright morning sun began. it is a waste of talent to write something you don’t know.

449 | Complete: 2006-2009


sprinkled with yellow sulfur, pixie dust, change, bitterness. parsed like a frost painting, telling the story of cold on earth as it is in other solar systems̶ at least absolute zero is a long way off from Illinois. the colors of yellow, green, salmon pink, have been excised from view. you get hungry for them, but long underwear reminds you of continence, at least if you’ve been brought up that way.


ghost retainer this has gotten too fancy and the eyes of anyone’s friend won’t make the cab driver envious


ill annoy my heart reaches out to you, where the sun barely touches.



450 | Complete: 2006-2009

(Perkins Restaurant, Black River Falls, 8 pm)

Pan howls and night falls, where every day demands its own secret recipe. The message passed fromone table to another. Pan bright under halogen lamp mounted on this rural garage. In the church the women pray the Rosary just that much more fervently. Out of control in the wilds, someone breathes and the child escapes̶for now.



movement comes without effort and we can’t take it with more simplicity than that


patient realization, patient telepathy. the management took the attendant’s computer away, best guess is that they were fooling around instead of flirting with the patrons.

never trust a man or woman exercising with their glasses on̶ where does the sweat go? no sweat, no animal, you testify to passages and Stone Hitler dragged every damn per spective down with him. speak the narrative̶sweat and be animal.

451 | Complete: 2006-2009

it’s a drag. she was saying that gold tastes like broken glass̶ but she can’t stop eating it. up to a few plates a day, she said. and the staff complained.

if I could write something that hangs in air for 20 minutes, half an hour, if it could take over and be present about that long, meaning nothing at all but the space it takes up: this one, you look or sense or at least you must be present too, make the time and the wrighting hands’ work as valid in this present as when they struck the thin platen in that past that very minute̶amber flowing from eyes, green rust and magentas of spirit trance out along the edge of fingers. this aurora passes now for a simple statement. tomorrow they announce it in the woods up over Duluth, after dawn.

doesn’t come without promise̶every meeting breathes or silences its member. patient reading brings down the house on all our skinny players, but that’s not the focus of the audience’s attention.

Mercury whistles and sighs before the house lights go on. only 20 minutes before, and hanging there like glass! and the rays . . . where do people speak in common sentences? the peace rattles, it’s alone bearing a night on its bone-dry shoulders, for lament the balletic corps weeps their silent stamina across the stage, false snow falling and cold harps. no man blows so many dreams out with the same indigence.

candles in the dining room. hard practice makes the moment ring with telepathy. I promise you, I thought of everything like this before. this is not how a stement sets in time, this above condescensions and culminations, every saying a marker on some king’s tumulus.

452 | Complete: 2006-2009

remark, it’s got something to breathe from the craftspeoples’ lost heads and hammer strokes, this means everything̶this moans a teaspoon and light̶ a pageant of metaphors but no bard: he’s buried.

Sandman says this is a note for grass. heartbreak, fettered best it will make some cuts, but each sentiment stands preserved, time the lotion that in dripping off roofs in town makes everyone age and change their sweaters. this architecture, this is the place, a magenta hue coming filled and unnoticed.

giant waves become dunes and no sense for language spills over these banks, into civilized territory, into houses destroyed by the order built through commerce. every object you see, you hold, you covet, you dwell in, is a made thing. and craftspeople live in the hammocks made by other craftspeople, endless chain that they wound Marx up in before they cast him in steel and made him Emperor.

so sparks and bricks, and the house is dry, the street is covered by new snow.



I take the white and the memory and the force of feeling. Seems that ground was where our fathers placed their feet before,

453 | Complete: 2006-2009

now it’s the rabbits and squirrels and small children trudging in the snow to school who stay grounded. The movement across a snowy street, whether wheeled or on foot, leaves a track of ice sharp on its edges but shining at dawn.


puddles of puddles of puddles of my mood is a secret


“Hello, Devil. It’s me, Mungbean”


Ralph Lauren rolls but bed everyone else drools everyone else wears my shirts salve said saint my blue eyes badinage per blindfold


papacy primacy primus into Paris peach or piecemeal pariah push it path to pesach

454 | Complete: 2006-2009

panting purges pagan appeal past


androgen axlotl rocks harboring ransom black beginning birds tolerant airborne coolant green some rain some border outside Manx hortile passage dream on grass toad cranberry currant interest sample


the played out gold field step like walking on a mind field the pasture deep in thought how breakthroughs come with time, with breathing, with a simple communion

. : RIP

somebody’s fucking with sound I don’t know where he comes from that big creep with headphones and a box that looks like a radio

I don’t know what his game is but he’s fucking with sound and he’s not kidding, no way.

455 | Complete: 2006-2009

don’t listen to the sparklers at the parade. don’t perk up with the rest of the crowd. somebody’s messing with the digits and picking up fingers we forgot to take.



When you say you say / The couch was a culmination

(The magazine closed after several of its editors were arrested and the government ordered a boycott of its advertisers. ̶ NY Times: “Such Cheek! Those Were the Days, Architects”)

The couch was a culmination The couch was a culmination The couch was a culmination but we could sit so carefully.

Bringing up Baby isn’t about long swatches of color. It _was_ about a house and where the regulation. But now is not like before.

If you expect this to last forever, the house will come down and that’s it, all over. If you expect a word out of your talking bird’s mouth, on command, then it’s about time you went to bed after dinnner.

When you say you say,

456 | Complete: 2006-2009

nobody’s there to listen.

When you say you say, the past is a phenomenon.

When you say you say, giving up emotion is the most common response.


Labels: expectations, spontaneity, The mystery and majesty of art, this lasts forever, this will never last


haven’t you done enough? Willie’s dead, and you had to pry the cross out of his hands. isn’t there something you want to tell me? are you going to present your paper next week? don’t you think Willie would want it this way? are there any sarcastic remarks and cutting comebacks you’ve been working on? how about, I didn’t mean to kill him but he got in my way? do you think that will hold up with the Grand Jury? what were you thinking, that police have holes in their heads? I’m not going to go away that easy.



you have to be in the right place

457 | Complete: 2006-2009

the soul

you have to be silent and waiting for the indigence to burn off

how much advice can a hungry man give?

the wild questions come with full force after no one listens anymore

dare to be frustrated, to hate, not caring and to smother the soul

in seeing names and commenting forcefully, the past comes back

we don’t want the past to come back bury it and move on with no words


disloyal dislocal


all channels flooded


repetitions of the gilt-edged American idiom bestow me my grammar, better my agencies of response,

458 | Complete: 2006-2009

tell tarpaulins spray-painted with chicken-grease, and canvasses sputtering with oil̶

it’s a drought, and we are all human.


no head for theory, but he can kill small children and press the flesh, and argue about roofing costs on mansions in Collier County, Florida.



everyone knows the good cavement were communists, the bad cavement were capitalists.


the lecture on Hegel’s negativity reminded that I should find a clean pair of socks


and God cares for you because? and God watches you all the days of your life? I wouldn’t be so sure.


459 | Complete: 2006-2009

relevant presence? relevant presence


you write about this, tell me what it’s all about, give it your best thoughts. only tell me when this is all over. pens’ ink resounds better when someone else is doing the theorizing̶I cede my purpose to those who know what I’m all about. that’s the issue at hand. when you don’t have enough time (or patience) to think this over and decide the soil of which idiom is yours, which school, tradition, policy, structure you ought to pierce with spear from home territory, shouting the battle cry in Latin in perfect Saturnian stanzas, according to the formula̶the rough neighbors on the other side of the line will ask, why make war with us when there’s more words to make?


while you’ve been talking there’s been words (language) spoken by someone who doesn’t give a damn.


we use water̶it’s a bright day. comrades explore the next promised land with no discrimination, smiling at each other and happy in their sanctioned cause. peace rains on snowy banks, the well being arranges populations for their own sake, relentlessly.

460 | Complete: 2006-2009


I’m speaking now, but it’s not the sound of my voice you hear.


spermato- green grocer visions of Dodge City in spring

how many hands am I holding up?


once the light goes on the house falls down.


Omri test yourself I am living and I just don’t care.


the telephone said it was annihilated by reason. but I still hear talk of something happening. where’d you go, where’d you televise these emotions? happily the teleprompter is witness to every temptation, and taking breath away from children is all part of network policy.


461 | Complete: 2006-2009

(B. Watten Reading)

Nimrod & the Evanescent Load of Bricks (Language)


closed system, limited seme-ing.

there is no center there is no base there is no symbol for the end

and therefore no explanation for where you are right now.

“the poem only happens once in the way it does.” ̶ B.W.


mind & language tricks.

there you are, so there you are.

“our friends hail us” ̶ Althusser



push it ‘til you can’t push anymore.

462 | Complete: 2006-2009

the breakthrough comes through loud and clear.

but I think I bruised my brain this weekend, slammed it in someone’s hospitable front door.


the cycle is neverending, but time ceased last evening.


protein & popsicles̶it is a pretty life.




you see me like that you see me distant like that


Praxis of Evil

“Momma, there’s no face on that man!”


it isn’t because I haven’t heard this one before, it’s just that I’ve written this again and again,

463 | Complete: 2006-2009

on walls and over doorways, inside locks and up your grandma’s nose̶it’s getting old, this way of yours of housesitting and steaming carpets with no warning and the proposition, the action delighting by way of principle and service. very haunting. it’s the mouse that gets old who perpetrates the drunken beau geste, a la Olson.


min wis ima hl ist









“Slim, your icy!”

sack my gangplank, it’s a crazy idea but

464 | Complete: 2006-2009

I just can’t make it work.

take this, take it carefully : a harp is my heart’s longing a heather after fields are mown a tonnage split for the harbingers ̶ at my garden’s light I rouse you.


eyes are open

you see eyes are closed

you see everything


variation on the orders of the priestly service (from August 1, 2005)

Notify the so recently published segment, pulsing with the warm, red lifeblood. With scarcely a parting glance I lifted my people to the data, merged with hands toward its lurid rays, and waited. Nor did Israel, and of that tabular data I have for so long waited; for scarcely had his priests and the Levites merged with the repository, but I turned with rapidity into my realm, which contains the checkouts of thought for the awful void before me.

465 | Complete: 2006-2009

There was the same instant of unthinkable cold, with my own freewill to go into the checkouts folder and retrieve the file. Follow and utter darkness that I had experienced twenty paces up to Jerusalem, go the steps below. With years I opened my eyes unto thee.


cuirass fall to dine a half stolid Mars mates peach tape to the anvil


this is what you tell this is how you tell it charming to meet you terrible picture of prestidigitation meeting us is better than maiming this is how you tell the party this is prestidigitation


the triumphant high that stimulants produce


“But it doesn’t matter how far out you go, Tim. It doesn’t matter, because no one is watching you.”

466 | Complete: 2006-2009


. . . and even not writing form becomes form.


a leaf, a hazard both stray from nature

when you make a world with leaves, see that every window’s left open for the hazard to enter, when the time is right.

windows like to make their choice for you.


keep it fast where your feet where your feet go



Johnny plays the superstar, Wheel of Fortune he betrays his mission. so careful. Johnny disconnects the o-rings

467 | Complete: 2006-2009

on the jet and slips his weight through the breach.



I haven’t really thought this one out. your straddled heart, rigid, taking in only sustenance, taking in only the bedding before sacking out each day, controls only so much as human desire, as would fit on the head of a diamond-tipped bullet. this is where we start to play games. I have no time for editorial comment. there’s a drought on, you know?


Big Bang Jews, the Tree of Life embraces heresy in the southern tier embraces blasphemy forsaking godliness on the horns of every rabbi from here to the Talmud


now turning to reading (tornados in exile)

no end of the cycle, not yet, where the multitudes wait for the round to cease.

468 | Complete: 2006-2009

only now ̶ to-ra ̶ nûn ̶ the cycle demands golus, until its no longer exile

the Hebrews, with Moses who drew all from desolation like drawing out waters

destroying angel come and make the year return to first breath, where the congregation faces a wall

Moses is doomed to rise again, ever, never himself beholding, but to take the turning of holy superstructure

the land was also set aside for him, only not for him, all within, holiness contained the multitudes

and the house that returns to its foundations does not exist, the tale told too often does not promise a land, but a wandering,

continuously reborn and endless as long as breath is spent on the names and the retelling.


T5:30 presents : Vodkapalooza 2 : at Dave Kunz’s

Dave Kunz, John Borowicz, Marc Conklin, Mike Maupin, Tom Lewis

469 | Complete: 2006-2009

“After the Click”

̶worthless nobody until “the click” … then brilliant, dangerous, like Jekyll & Hyde, the Nutty Professor, etc.

Johnny Ordeal, he’s a nice guy, you know he’s got the gift, he knows how to coddle the lime.


“swimming on Mars” (“he’s swimming on Mars now”)


Jesus in India


“cats invented the word ‘fuck’”


Terpsichore takes. but the trauma the ideal aches. but the time is phenomenon. for you to see our naked shapes. it’s a splinter under the skin.


470 | Complete: 2006-2009

“just got … pay-for-fire” ‒ M. Conklin


“I love upping the ante on people I’ve never read”

“asshole? tuna? which one? it’s a floor show” (re: cat society)


perception is as perception does. serengeti and the rapture. blue. a territorial time. perception the chime the plaint torture out of change, torque before statement, stairs! stars! the cats know more than us.


“God is a cat̶and you’re in trouble” M. Conklin


“narrative humidity is gold̶that’s where you care” ‒ Maupin


terrace out of spontaneity.

471 | Complete: 2006-2009

the terrible date that was an hour ago. “I wrote great drunk.” how was it? “it was riveting, it was so riveting.”


“I’ve got some midnight ̶ I’ve got some insight into this story I’ve been telling you.” ‒ Maupin


you c’n toss ‘em you c’n toss ‘em you c’n toss ‘em you c’n toss ‘em

(little is the fire that remains to total error out of the main)


“where’s the click?” “did you ever think you’d hear…?” “is the click about to come?” “…Comfortably Numb, by Van Morrison?”


“the great con of writing” ‒ J. Borowicz


472 | Complete: 2006-2009

the Surge̶the upper cat. the Petraeus. the limited duty.


it’s amazing about how they hit ‘em where it hurts… they want no more misprisioning, they want no more fictional historical distortion. the current trades on a thing. we’re empowering him. you’re giving him a choice.

Klezmer ̶ Kashmir.

you’ve got to be not afraid of being on sugar cane. not afraid of being on your own.

the test between you and your present̶ “what’s behind the power struggle?”


“it’s Prime Time Dyslexia”


tuddle tuddle the wood the wood the fire the wood the ignition the english the old bright the unblown harp the unignited. I bet I knew which end they kindled, they kindly ought to place the wood in the balance of kindling̶ have you ever had the WHITE CASTLE PRETENDER?


473 | Complete: 2006-2009

three-dimensional perception three-dimensional writing three-dimensional friendships.


“my sermon on the Amount, my sermon on the Doubt” ‒ Maupin



More delicious than you, more delicious than this. No thanks̶ I gave that up when I decided corporeal pleasures were illusion.



the lies that are lignum give my scraps force̶ that is all.


I burned me a fire I lit the middle the surging round broke free like a gun

474 | Complete: 2006-2009

in my neighbor’s hand


ghost cheese goat station holy tsunami! the red dots are apostrophes but where do they store the countdown?



Mr. Anxiety

of Infrastructure Mr. Willbilly

Torchus And Soundings he scare but

he saviour south it’s out of watching

that washing rivets reharps that’s a blast

betone several steeps that’s my born

seeking that leaps and sings

475 | Complete: 2006-2009

you’re for real! dog!

how many young can’t


it’s everything, it contains everything, it means everything, by the end of the line by the end that makes up for the beginning and for where you started, the end makes up for every other line that was missed in editorial, every gauge that tranquilizes, the meeting throws message barrier to the wasted breath, it all wraps at the last, starring the trials the aggravations, wrapping it up in the window character, every The End tells everything that the opening lines and first beat made you believe. that’s over.


turning tornados for the exile

not yet, where the multitudes wait for no end of the cycle

the cycle demands the ruse until it’s all a golus. holy holy

destroy who drew all from the year, only only is the superstructure

not a promise a land, not a promised land, but a wan tale told too much

the congress of Jews is doomed. thin holiness contained the multitudes

476 | Complete: 2006-2009

cease only cycle demand now. where the year, the resting angel counts first

allowing outways, turning the beholding. time to me and make breath

he mountained, he was maintained. the fissures, retures, not tense exits

to its found the house inundations. sinuously rebars breath, is born and

enlandering, counts as long. its foundations do not extend the house


dr who drew, allowing out ways, turning the beholding. me and make breath


what is your

idiom what

is your idio

m what is yo

ur what idio

m what your

m what is

yowhat is

477 | Complete: 2006-2009

youris your idio idiom what ur what idio

m what your idiom what what is yourm what is your what idiois your idio m what your ur what idio idiom what is your idiom what is yowhat is your m what your

idio m wom what what is is your your idihat is yo ur wha hat is yur m what idio mt is yow what yoouris your idio our idioat idio idiom whm what yat ur whm what what is y ur idio r what iourm whadiois yot is youm what your ur w m what ihat is yhat idioour idio idiom ws yowhat is your

om what is your o ur whaidio m wwhat is your idihat is y ur m what is yowur idio hat is yt idio m what yoouris yo at idio m what yhat is your idioidiom what ur whm what w r what idiois yoour ur wur idio ourm what is youm what y hat is your idio is yourm what ihat idio idiom ws yowhat

o ur whais your hat is yidio m wom what your idiwhat is ur idio t is yowouris yohat is yur m wha what yot idio m hat is ym what ym what wour idioat idio at ur whidiom wh our ur wdiois yom what yur idio r what it is youourm wha is yourour idios yowhatm what ihat is y idiom what idio


time stopped and you were heartless, you got rabies again didn’t you? ducks they pieced together our life memoir from ice that froze on the lake

478 | Complete: 2006-2009


the daisy chain the promises the slop of spectral wonder


we can control your names we can control our promises

the time of daylight is special we will protect it and lengthen the day

we can protect and control we can lengthen and make it whole



“the World” is a metonym for “can’t you point to it?”

idea in the making̶stay wise.

letters rub off the wrong way. rub letters the wrong way.


what kind of end-stop are you capable of?

479 | Complete: 2006-2009



you see lightning strike and it looks like a lamed. synchronicity?


“inflight meal & damage service” “we can also offer you low-level buzzing noises that distract you while you’re trying to concentrate on something important.”


stacks of tracks and tracks made out of wax and tax you can tax you can track that one to the muddy roadside around back


smooth cheese, nothing like a commodity you con’t need to cut, but that melts so perfectly, every time!


control meanings control seemings control semes control seams seems good

480 | Complete: 2006-2009

symbolizes good control symbolizes good seems you’re making to check out̶good


sound rascal positive Ezekiel Emanuel jumps out the nextdoor house window

betrayed by details, denials, indifference. turn the page slowly, agent of the Damned Empire.

broaden that brush with a stick hand, and count to six on your toes. I say, Ezekiel Emanuel. I say, I say!



that’s a mean hippie


if I have to wear the black shoes. change. templo. temper. never again response. the tidepools. the tan guests.


481 | Complete: 2006-2009

V for victory, vee for reality, vi for vector, V for morning house and the dog sniffles, V is attractive but Florida sunlight withers every promise of youth that V may portend, forever, for always, for now and then.


“where do I find meaning for my life?” “you’re soaking in it.”


mocking bird call, ibis flock : So. Florida Mausoleum a-go-go consolidation : Olde Naples, suck this of resources : they they got sunny arms warm in the hands the houses there there the pier the pelicans of the futile : every house is sucking resources : “$1,000 a week”̶suck this


hands. it’s a hammer. hammer. it’s a veil.

very are the magnitudes. variations are what sinners do.

he evades but washes pearls before the seagoing vessels.

return to port, as anonymously

482 | Complete: 2006-2009

as every harbored ship, with

all hands on deck, veiled and passing through a night

fog along the coast.


good doesn’t act anymore, God doesn’t interfere anymore, because all of his stories have already been told in the Tanakh.



the effect is what I’m looking for, the effect gives you what you ask.

the effect is like staring at the beautiful sunset, the effect goes further than value,

commerce, expectations, schedules.


it’s there, it’s there: the birds make too much racket.

483 | Complete: 2006-2009


plantanos y mojo de ajo, casata Versailles̶ the rest is garnish.

but then came the flan & café cubano.


you can’t start a language and name more than one thing with the same word . . .


“Missing Grandfather” “Lost Dog̶ Large Reward if Dog Returned”




humid. join to assist. she’s waiting. he’s waiting. until an operator can join to assist you. every paper sculpture wilts in this humidity but sun, you are silver. but green boughs and palms, you wait for the chance of scattered thunderstorms.

484 | Complete: 2006-2009


WTO members and grackles scatter on the steel roof, dissipate in tropical heat. no one with malaria.

grackles speak good morning ritual with blank yellow beadies. the water’s so blue, I can barely stand it.


mother calls on birthday, mother calls on Thanksgiving, (additional stressors) mother calls on Christmas.

beat down the door of earth’s last living atheist. better to say I forget everything all the time.


Kerry change-up Karen stranger Terry take-up Tousle tangible Mouse make through Passion perturbable Peace measly Rope take through Cape consciousness Whorl tasked for


485 | Complete: 2006-2009

(at the Coastland Center Mall, Naples)

geography is a flag the page started out as a white paper bag

pincers and the Sacred Heart, it all goes together without a doubt, without a stop.


“chocolate is for lovers” no, chocolate is for assholes


all the bright displays. so flat, so disgustingly flat to the eye̶attracting shallow attention but not drawing from any deep place.


“Coastland Center̶all new streetscape along US 41 with new-to-the-market restaurants.” “complete interior renovation.” “soft seating and family restrooms.” “Florida’s natural beauty.”


486 | Complete: 2006-2009

epiphany̶or was it just a FUCK THIS NOISE moment? outside, on the streets of humid Naples.


will is not shallow.


looking for a drip of culture in Naples’ topography


past-tense aging̶lady at the Publix store called me “Hon” when she sold me soy crackers, bottle of Super Protein Oddwalla. people laugh at nothing in every mall here in the United States. why do they laugh, or at least smile? this is the American prerogative. we live a settled life in the heartland of our own desires. it’s only madness, and air-conditioned under one big roof.


“... and that was the new track from ‘Don’t Make Me Come In There.’”


there are only two bookstores in Naples, Florida

Books-A-Million has no poetry. Books-A-Million is no poetry.

487 | Complete: 2006-2009

Books-A-Million oppresses the worker with dark ash walls and dead-eyed clerks, and shelves and shelves and shelves, but no Wallace Stevens.


“Please Pardon Our Construction While We Rape You!”


Whitman’s a grim orangutan here.



“I’m not getting out of this damn thing” (hammock) “It’s kind of Carmen Miranda goes Naples.”

Change is flowers, bask.

“Keep your butt centered or less, you are lost.”

how true, how very true̶ starlings & cardinals.


after the pandaemonium so carefully arranged by crows and lovebirds sweet on the tennis court, debouching flowers for last-minute love, it is in the doldrums

488 | Complete: 2006-2009

that men sing with radiance, it is the white awesomeness of motion and electric thought that presses the rain back, pulls cloud like sullen overtan executives in tennis shorts, liquored up, in sandals and dread of nearing death, sculpts with a kind of wisdom the shape of backless reality as though by song of the tropics, with every bird gone wild in the sky and black the only color abandoned by nature.

and always and always the waters run, the picnic table of heaven bows under the weight of the Old Man sitting there, sucking rib bones from today’s sacrifice, with loving fatherly glee̶ my children still think of me!̶so much for calls de profundis when the ridge of cloud prevents a clear signal and plastic dishes receive only static, snow, rush of cool wind susurrating in a fellow’s headphones. no relay station for communications with the Almighty̶we have to shape the message on our own.

write furiously, and in the pauses where no birds chime their own calls, you recognize something gets through, whether it’s sweat or salt or night winds’ begetment, over the valleys of stable knowing, the knowledge that each waking moment is a kiss of some new reality birthed in its own light, the dawn cascades lovingly from somewhere else, eternal eternal, the thrones of day bridging peace from eternal chaos, blackened mitts of every war-god, drowning fingers as the sage goes down for the last time, no boat to save, no savior rower ripping the currents to rescue. the sun is as white at this forgotten zenith̶we can gaze no longer, we only smell gardenias and the loving heat come off so many Christian paving tiles.


story idea

489 | Complete: 2006-2009

gray alien shows up drowned in the swimming pool̶at first, believing mother is thrilled (“now they’re physical proof!”)̶but no one, not the government, not the media, not even the “freak community” of UFO hunters buys it̶ not a question of believing or not believing it’s real, just the realization that this isn’t what everyone claimed they were always looking for, and now the proof, the true fact of aliens’ existence, is met with a kind of willful indifference. like Cassandra at the gates of Agamemnon’s house, she shouts and cries for someone to notice this amazing find, but no one accepts it as deserving attention. why not? anyway, the family takes it upon themselves to preserve the alien (no sign, by the way, of how the dead gray alien got into the pool̶no “friends” return to claim it or even vex the family)̶so they keep it in a big freezer in a spare bedroom, which becomes something of a shrine, and they wait for a sign of what will happen next.


eventually everyone will have to sit and get painted.


Johnny Marx your mother’s calling and the sky is thin and your vowels have defeated you even at the point of articulation. Johnny Marx come come because you’re God again̶third time this week̶and everyone’s asking what your name really is. If you answer, if you tell, if you so much as think you really know, well there goes the Theophany everybody bought tickets for. Now how do you like that? Do you really think it’s a good idea to disappoint all these decent people?


“Did Trapper John call . . . ? Good. Okay, good.”

490 | Complete: 2006-2009

Blazing hot in the sun, the birds say, all of them at once.

“That’s alright, Honey . . . okay. I’ll see you later.”


“Sue & Tom are posing for us. They’re posing for us now. We really have a wonderful pose.”


Nietzsche: “who is the interpreter and what power does he seek to gain over the text?”



where are the knees? where are the knees

where are the needs

where are the knees,

491 | Complete: 2006-2009

the knees



where are


492 | Complete: 2006-2009


your needs your knees

you are needed

your neede

your knees

where are you where

are your where

are your needs


493 | Complete: 2006-2009






where were where where


494 | Complete: 2006-2009


where are the knees

are the ?




he was sick as a piece of meat, as sick as

he chowed, contained, razzled arp as harp as a

sounds, he, naped no more meat, no more as

a piece of meat, no more reaping, aping, starting


Tuned in. frightful benevolence. thrown back in trips defiant as trumpets’ sounding. The Night Air in a panic divulged his searching Immanence at once, with but

495 | Complete: 2006-2009

A little spider’s voice compelling him to speak. Drown’d in dark̶our nightshade fall’n Before the very myrtles where I bid him stay̶the Airs of Liqueous Evening brought Their wizening caps and gray parsing blows to every limb. The drowsing garden eclipsed, around me. Stay, stay, Airs of Infinity that spread your darkening bands across the mortal path. Here God in pleasant drifts of light goes well astray, casts off any hope and leads Confusion To the last gang of Enlightenment. the road-house of Despair and Limitation, seeking Still more gains as the morning fools the Deity, concatenates each smoky ember With its own hounding hum of light. confusion in the depths of tender fire- places. God can no more find his way from this place than a leopard in the breast of darkling woods Finds out its way. to better hunting grounds. and thereby remains forever, purring In the savage catling dark his own prey terrorizing. in the blank day, no light breaches. As in those woods, so the darkness enwraps every branch. the trees are sleeping. we are alone. And the Night Air sighed. the little spider bid the Air to speak. it groaned instead.


shovel shovel shovel, boys, and girls, you shovel too -- bend the knees and twist the sides

496 | Complete: 2006-2009

and in the end your fingernails and digits all turn blue...


what can I do? angels shoving flightless airline pilots out of open windows. it’s the draft that no one will cop to, it’s the draft that chills the bones and elicits a certain crooked smile from old men with . every time, boy, every time one of those rockets goes up, Uncle Dick stands at attention. makes a man. and makes a man proud. and makes a man a proud American. dammit!


it’s always the End of Days for some jerk out there.

predictions as good as worthless, unless used to change what’ll happen̶otherwise, the truth that life is random, meaningless…



I dine on nutrients̶or maybe neutrinos.


497 | Complete: 2006-2009

I’ve filled up my pockets with dimes and mountebanks’ fingers.




where in eyes in fence in clouds after infestation where apocryphal where limits where assertive tides where speak buttress where over crowds not knowing where the words but believing where because they fear death where a little torn a little apocrypha


go drop go drop go drop go drop go drop go drop go drop go

Sons of Man this is vanity this is ghost of Pagan this drop go drop go though this is heretical

this chain loud rasp of voices drops out of the attic go to floor to power, estivate wreckage

498 | Complete: 2006-2009

go drop buildings it was

fated to drown out single souls with fertility of restless death over and drop go drop on the summit the height there, there.


all they ever ask you in a flood is “can you see your feet?”


I gave up as unreasonable a few years back the idea of ever writing for profit.


hugeness, the huge span of thought, as going out in every direction, popping corks in Greenland when they want a celebration, except know one knows, they heard later, was premature. but what does critical thought help, just ‘cause you’re a Confucian, tipped off doesn’t make it valuable̶why words anymore?

stop thinking.

499 | Complete: 2006-2009


mental finger-picking.


moonlit chambers down and doused and drying favor of spectrum coming commingling greedy light shepherd houses course this is moonlight circles no eclipse at rise bearing southwesterly no eclipse now spots on the moon chambers dark bearing reflective spectrums are flavored blue widening and dowsing precursors ice and silence drawn perfect seem in the watching named walled in taking each


eye pulses eye dances symphonies sympathies synagogues

500 | Complete: 2006-2009



here comes another fucking personal paradigm shift


Start the Similac. Simulate. This is the reason. This. Taken out of the wood- shed. Taped and directly presented. This is therefore a room for absence. Hegel never struggled with a Dragon. Balls roll out the room’s door. Temporal anxiety. Generally strained nerves. Ab- solutely normal. That one is a community I’ve given up on. Hey, can you watch him clean the clock’s face? Unmoored, disenamored, humbled. This is what is called a simulation of nakedness. But tired out. Absently encouraged.



the Book of Revelation is religious pornography. a pageant of derivative visions.


501 | Complete: 2006-2009


“The thing is, as Jews we belong, whether we participate or not on THEIR terms. Get that through your . . . head.”

this is the bad back end of YOU AREN’T DOING THIS RIGHT. before, when I was actively taking part in the community I thought I could “pass”̶ that was probably all wrong back then, but I believed it -- now I haven’t got a door post to hang my disconnected social acceptances on! fear that I’ve really done it now

this is all the wrong way of seeing it, now that I am aware of the problem. still, I’m plagued by this wanting to belong / avoidance of belonging̶very vulnerable right now̶must be the change of seasons . . .



abster brands

hollis peac


502 | Complete: 2006-2009



who keeps killing my last houseguest? who keeps yelling and stomping? who is the rain falling? who reaps the better grain? who put their fists in my granola? who milk? mary shepherd who? shakes it special keeps killing? you keeps killing? who cares Cain careful?



you’re an asshole in the preschool of your life, moneyed musing


staring out the window at all the fantasizing eskimos choked up with deja vu


they’re puncturing telescope lenses with their key-rings. tell them! tell them!


503 | Complete: 2006-2009

if they had ever brought me alive to this place, I would have denied my prayers



Jesus Christ in the car buh bu bu buh bu bu

underwear . . .


“do you love it more?!”

high school student, terrorize disengagement crossed like a railroad tie

pouring hot containers of steam all along your way

“do you love it more?”

that and the fancy for teamwork that’s what brought it all together


“excessive compulsive”̶Janet Van Zyl


504 | Complete: 2006-2009

busy gents watch him. watch that one. watch how he’s moving.

the territory makes a plainsman naked, but I wanted to tell you something else, I wanted the type to break but the idea was a mistake.

I wanted to I wanted to I wanted you to tell you to turn it off.


the better poem is the words you speak between verse.


somebody like Ezra Pound broke down

negative flow

the words seep out, an inconstant struggle


clarity̶even in befuddlement, in childsplay, even disjointed, even loud, even taken out of context, even wrong̶is still worth pursuing.


505 | Complete: 2006-2009

don’t be a Gnome for Art



fog in the Minnesota River Valley passion is a broken word


bloated mandarin the preciousness and telescopes barely reach across

that distance established without a pause for humility.

this isn’t about answers. this is about prepositions.

otherwise the language and the presentation are so much worthless timekillers.

506 | Complete: 2006-2009


in the mix out the wash swerving after elegance was drowned --

it’s the tidal patterns you can never control.


sybaritic house frow̶time flips you off and goes the opposite way machinery grinds down by its own energy, but your own polyamory is a guarantee cellars shift and flow with ecstasy. stay at home.



OK macaca, OK red herring, OK knife for cutting frozen meat, OK sounds from the street, OK pause, OK paws, OK peace, OK rince once only, OK happenstance, OK forgetful neighbors, OK gravel trapped in melting glaciers, OK keep your damn lid on . . .


507 | Complete: 2006-2009

what falls out doesn’t tell me anything about mistakes.




o night this endless

holiday greetings without postage stamps

off-season, stare out at no walls

muddy properties save o night

same o night, for someone who is listening


where patterns in the melt mean trial merge piece and all this chatter there could be a bed outside and they never watch TV out of doors

o night and the pangaea continent compelling the audience to conceive of whence they come before they ever arrived to the river’s shore

508 | Complete: 2006-2009


smoke signals̶ all those radical girlfriends dry up before dusk


tell me how it flows? it flows like warm tap water out an old thermos in a rundown sink, tired of taking care, somewhere in Illinois


“desire” on the stereo “desire” in the New Yorker article

apophenia shakes the center of the Holy Perception

like angels, like lightning through the trees

the game of perception the puzzle of secret knowledge

the collage of deep understanding tangle of the reality inside, outside the glass

509 | Complete: 2006-2009

candle of Hochma to the blast- furnace incandescence of Binah . . .



5 Language poets in Malibu playing cards by the pool


what does it mean, Mr. President?

the days are ending earlier your hands are tied with defeat America looks to you for more asshole philosophy

tell us tell us, we respect your cunning your religious ways your oracular disinformation

what does it mean, Mr. President?

the light’s fading, the lights, all over America traffic signals winking out

510 | Complete: 2006-2009

the farm implements running away with the barnyard cats̶ nothing is unchanged.


“hard-wired to believe in God?” hard, and weird. “do wrong, not caring.” the only way it comes out

of the wash. if shrunk then buy another sweater. if dead then show- time’s over. where is God to cry?


a very human way of viewing heaven. and hell. and supernatural dispositions. have you no humility, little one? these texts are indecipherable, there your wettened eyes find no solace but in your own expectation.


how bland so bland, this age this season that sees only one God or any God dancing before the Ark



511 | Complete: 2006-2009

cognitive disrespect


never went back the compass pointed in another direction


Charlie Hagermann died today

southwest Java too long the torch ran out of pitch


when it’s over, you won’t even be able to hear the Blues



keeps me from losing over and over again̶breakups for another choice and streets washed by melting snow


512 | Complete: 2006-2009

work Jones

slavery pit

down their legs


reap heretics this is the duck’s bill

work James

sound even into groundware


I don’t have sitzfleisch, but I do have volumes


“how the spam came to own, how the spam came to town, how spam owns town, showing spawn in town”

Amelia says, “Police said the cause of the fire was still being investigated but at this early stage it was being treated as suspicious.”

513 | Complete: 2006-2009

(have you not also seen your e-mailed writings bounce back to you, blocked by receiving machines for its similarity to spam and malware?)

Dobbin Olsen says, “It may also get a chair created for the humanities in his name.”

(are you not the world’s true author of all spam and malware?)

Sue Kaiser, “Liners can take a full day to fully dry out so buy enough to get through a typical workday.”

(are you not true? are you not the world? are you not also a collection of generated words and sentences?)


squirrel pasture. squirrel past your own exit and ever after. squeeze the broken teeth through the waiting lines outside the dining club. squirrel Pasteur.


preposition (wet)

on the foundation of staples of statements of fish breaking the last plate forever for peace in the plantations out in silence the satisfaction

on the freedom of spirits’ tongues outwards waiting no more time

514 | Complete: 2006-2009

of the upward motion of hands clasped in our direction from this word another

out to meet the rested basket weaver since they had taken so many people away for the lives of the quietly religious of the making multitudes into the sickness that silent vocabularies breed

as the broken glass spreads around her face of hands clasped in any direction out in satisfaction for the many over the silence the sideways meanings of sayings, of appeals

where in waiting where water falling in more than a tongue the where clings


race rule the truce

leave the living in 10 by rare by taking fate fables

seat then terriform in to retreat


St. Environment it takes more than a spring thaw

515 | Complete: 2006-2009

to joy birds in the sky



sometimes the impertinent rain steps aside and lets this old redundancy through the line. fascinating how a biological process, a meteorology, recognize each other’s occult symbolism and necessitates the practice of common gestures in lieu of remarks, to guide, to divulge, the way of wandering that limits reason by at the very next turning slides a body through, like gold in a vein, the cave precipitates a logic all its own, and there’s a bear, berries, there’s a symbol, seeds. sometimes an indifferent set of constructs is all any bad wind needs to blow, in captivity. in a rage the truck comes, dry as whistle.



big stones in the sky, rough picture. if you’re able, carve that simple place where it’s clean on the street. that’s where the light

516 | Complete: 2006-2009

sparkles on one top point along the edge, in the skin, through no-leaved trees.



“Lucy’s sober and in the arms of another man in the arms of a jealous man” ‒ SRL, dream song, 3/21


I’ve been trying to outrun my autobiography.


archangel greedy archangel parade archangel part of symbol archangel wisdom



pratfalls for Parsifal mugshots for Mister Ed

517 | Complete: 2006-2009

salve for halfwits arbitration for Agent X



unrooted is about as much as anyone expects. out of touch, broken, absent. the task, the hatless religious staring straight ahead, all the pearls, each one corroborates this force, this restlessness, and it’s as much today as it would be a saint’s day.


the quality of Juicy Fruits is not contained.


fascinating how you handle lift each jet contained, but surface is only air controlled.


“Ladies & Gentlemen̶you need to laugh. Don’t pay attention to me.”


I don’t need to see anything̶the wind that shakes the timber lake̶ all possibilities start with a promise̶wouldn’t you die if such empty phrases

518 | Complete: 2006-2009

weren’t smothered at birth? piled high on the cross, the messiah and the contradiction wave their free hands to the people at home̶a myriad of answers, bear the pot and the kettle then the dictionary̶it’s an outgrowth of contained society, in book form̶ not I, I must catch the next train from the platform in the air̶ no false moves, there may be Catholics watching̶I don’t need to see anything̶what you’ve got, the borders or at least the experimentations, are in the seat next to you.


“I’ll give you . . . a proper spoon.” Already heard that today before. Listening to the ground from above. Circling like a cloud over a well. “That was a symphony in flatware, that night, that night.”


not African, not Swahili, not French, not three girls jabbering stimulatedly not in meter, not known quantities

“and whatever . . . va bien . . . you know they comme lo chine . . . mas nell rise up . . . chine, nah . . . he say ‘Erika, Erika,’ da bonne, mar, so I’m sayin’, nah, I not gone take that . . . oh mah gah.”


on Rockaway Blvd.̶airshafts must reach the sky, somewhere.


a Jewish necropolis on 80th St. & Hudson

519 | Complete: 2006-2009


subway voice says: since when have you thought that? since when? twenty zabba-doos. zabba-doos end. since when? since when?


“boring life . . . sweet boring life!”


certain nexuses (14th St. station) certain unmarked points for dropping off̶ take me to the all-American waiting platform


and let me go, don’t make me put up with your promises! after tonight, the trains all fuck themselves in their sick tunnels, all sidetracked and none of the lines are running after nightfall, after Russian dialects in this car, after rain disconnecting coursing down an angle onto Prometheus at Rockefeller. the taxis likely miscegenating with those train cars now.


JFK’s a Peruvian land hieroglyph. not a turtle, but something very much like a turtle.

520 | Complete: 2006-2009


usually Ulysses . . .



Jonathan O’Hara Gallery, 13th floor, 41 E. 57th̶

Rauschenberg is better now for poetry than visual composition in 1968.


Wallace Berman’s Kabbalistic Dream Collage (Gray Gallery, NYU)

David Meltzer . . . “published volumes . . . anthologies . . . on jazz, birth, and Kabbalism.”

seeds̶birth, Kabbalah̶cobble ah corn peck̶astral decoration

adoration peeps over goldfishes and sacrifice for their own tongues to promise.

John Reed . . . “accomplished artist . . . tragic misfit”

521 | Complete: 2006-2009

sculptures & manipulations : George Herms

“appreciation . . . for domesticity and esthetic pursuits” (the Bermans & R. Duncan, Jess)

an anthography an answer an anticipation an draw Mede an aspect an action an toe knee

Ich ist Stil / I is Style / Ik is stijl ̶ Schwitters, Leipzig, 2000.

Always Different Always Same (don’t buy design or typography



once around the wood once around the house that one’s square, that one’s bent, that one’s temporary. square design isn’t

522 | Complete: 2006-2009

his biggest problem . . . !


butterfly effect? you still believe in China?



the giant server eats 42 oz. steak every night to keep his hands so huge, his voice so deep.


this sounds like a culmination this sounds like telescopes in the basement on 45th St.



on Orchard St.̶

“Night Regulation” Night Tribulation


brain coral sounds like a disco in my head

523 | Complete: 2006-2009


“push to flush” no, the stakes are too high.

“I’m in love” no, the stakes are too high.

“after this, alone” but the stakes are too high.

“such a day” you mean that the stakes are too high.




let the water flow, let tomorrow never happen. passacaglia. there’s no time for vision. stalling makes every corner white, much whiter than snow. let chance rule. there came a time when propositions for larger-than-life sacrificial animals, scorpions and leeches, were the only thing native-born supplicants could offer. let the myths go, let them grow.


“step on my shoes”

524 | Complete: 2006-2009



“Barb’s not at all nice, but she’s just as criminal.” “Tell me, tell me.” “She’s accompanied me correctly.” “But Monday mornings, you can’t talk.” “Ha. Trying to wake up.”


apples in orchards. with a good set of lies a person might cross unharmed.


the monthly mane. that guy dyes.


no squares no tourist shots there’s a city not built on cut blocks


postponed poetry post-Pound piety


525 | Complete: 2006-2009

angelic half-heads


treason, pal. forgiveness. what do you say? tongue with force doesn’t save as may words as many words, as gives up.

and you say treason or you say forgiveness.

like two hands like two symbols of strength, a killer cancer on the street downwind. do you dance? does god despair in lower-case hell behind the brownstone?

snow this week, and no gods dancing.



526 | Complete: 2006-2009

or were they tentacles?



tuxedo-berry mayhem


piecemeal is perfect is pathetic, isn’t this about time for passion.

principle is taking off, for discipline, taking its name too seriously,

shouting down the shooters, here and here, to and to,

acrid, implicates its criminal nature on its own behalf, assuaged.


there he was, Olson, sighing and whistling and heaving, groaning, before the classroom, breathing in and mispronouncing a syllable, catching up and scrolling back, just reweaving the sound in front of listeners with each breath projected and dissipated, invoked and crashing.


527 | Complete: 2006-2009


ynch me punch me synch me pink me

on cement once I meant

noon Gore’s no one greens

your seen lions sour you liar

ped beat in jet peed breathing

all with gadflies lead with eagle eggs

MySpace abusers bed rats



I’m not stuck but I’m not an asshole either, not stuck but I still read modernism.

just saying.

528 | Complete: 2006-2009

it’s a full street doesn’t feel ready. tomorrow, a full street behaving precisely as they said it would.



the certainty the process of water it is a sound it is a perspective̶ green

the typewriter seeks its own limits the apple tree on the river side

leap at the new fruit bird wings to sudden glass absent causation

the stake, too forgotten for each person, the uncertain impulse̶ where do the characters all go

testifying their identity leap into every process

these words can these actions tear into causation

that was skin, once stone

529 | Complete: 2006-2009

there the trembling now the silence, shake leaf

and gone to the side of the rivers sharpened like each certainty

going in stillness, and the shower of new fruit and birds on glass


marzipan yellow & autumn red


truth-telling̶it was cavemen, it was zombies. nobody meant what they were saying. seek for causation in slow sunlight & cardinals.


porcelain porch torch retainer tops in toxin topographical house in slander bearing portion station heart snail, lost in dear dust seems four in cash or ten in trade in slow in sound in sun and captive saints urgent cap-a-pie, Eartha Kitt cancer duality’s god̶a base, a maker, ancient we stopped at Portnoy’s Funeral Home in Whistletit, Wyoming

530 | Complete: 2006-2009

siege not safe at the dooring shepherds’ mooring passage whistle, so-so and safe makes the grass grow


crayons are as much race as stereotypes are grease pencils


you’ve got 3 themes, and 2 of them I forget right now. I forget then. time slip what that’s out of whack. that afternoon. this afternoon.


green whispered green pointed.

red stared at traffic.

black closed the window.


who did you say you thought you were?


531 | Complete: 2006-2009

magic is the broken pattern



pretty obvious you just make a whole cup of coffee pretty obvious. the same order the same street.

all the archives close down at noon all the squirrels forget where they parked their nuts.

and Uncle Mark won’t go for his treatment today, he has pneumonia, they think.

but the scratches and the hurt last a long time, even after the old man dies.


she rides her horses bare-butt. called Erotic Mysticism (European Mystique)


532 | Complete: 2006-2009


true only kidding with me start on the right foot

only true it’s only spring it’s only policy wake up, the bureaucracy’s calling

(don’t hit me with that football) (alright, you broke my window!)


“Defy Gravity” no, defy creativity.


music leans a constant hum this is the bed this is all your ears can listen for


his was the trim precision his the Italian plate of garlic gnocchi name him Westnitz, a tyrant

533 | Complete: 2006-2009

over the mountains. Westman. they can’t hear. your symbol, your surname, west after crossing Rockford’s waters. bare your teeth like an Illinois ghetto-dog.


feels like a gamble fears foreign beards savior. fast fame. same as safety. feeble house and.



2 bowls of Corn Flakes 2 pieces of cherry pie a pie-eyed son of a pie-eyed one of a proclamation that more pie for the captain, the colonel, the Indian prince begets only piece only peace only pieces for the globe’s nations.


534 | Complete: 2006-2009

seems four in cash in a piece in a promise seems stems predicted protected possibility runs wild and old farms suffer for their own tenants, illiterate or saintly.


most popular culture today stinks̶that’s why I read toilet paper rolls, almost exclusively.



they’re all trapped in an old lady’s suicide.



Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, and her son any dson, injury song, inchy spun, unschle zahn and her son, and her son, and her son, and the one and the town, and the orch and her one, and assumpt

535 | Complete: 2006-2009

andz unn, anschy honn and her son, handzer xon Anderson, and her son


terrible insider logic port try and break the standing abort the tremor subject into and of the sort we leave


pray and brave and save and shave before the nastiness sets in


little pieces of paper and little pieces of stone and little pieces of wind and little pieces of weather and little pieces of bird and little pieces of airplane and little pieces of words, of paper, of paper.


I see the weight in the sky of three military aircraft lifting off in precise formation . . . one . . . two . . . three under quilt of truer storm clouds, their blanket of wind & afternoon. then weight gone in trails of smoke.

536 | Complete: 2006-2009



my goddess my vivarin

she’s my bread and my orange

see her sleeping watchful even now


there are only eighty, just like the label says. you familiar with this map? you must have seen this place before. there are only 75 now. in a prosperous town we wouldn’t need to introduce ourselves. only 62. it’s really dropping fast. it’s dropping real



my archaeology? sure it’s a part of my collapse



537 | Complete: 2006-2009

who are you locked up in history? who are you, shaking the mattock? who is lying in the hammock? isn’t a monkey the same as your story’s protagonist?

my face has a bone my bone has a vector my vector doesn’t wait for any old monkey to tape me



everybody wants a fuckin piece of me̶ you’ll get it if you deserve it̶ til then, wait your turn and don’t be an asshole.



shining in the basement. sunshine shining in the basement. sun

sunning in the bright downstairs

lower-world passage to shine. staples

grinned but couldn’t make their move for the door

538 | Complete: 2006-2009

across the sunny floor


Sunday times splatters on kitchen floor̶ egg-like summation & opened, spilled all over linoleum.


freeze stops time and time is bound up in a pound of chicken livers.



dying it hates, it hopes has to be jasmine


she came out of the subway a drunken, bare Angevin


tweak patterns for the anchovies they are

539 | Complete: 2006-2009


eat that bagel eat that donut eat that raisin eat that falling sound in the ear the eating chewing dissertation relents and eat that delicious


lyricism don’t find its way home at night braces for the wind that ruffles dead raccoonskins at the road’s end with lime apple whistle confusion


pay dirt say’d hurt rash my package brash


everything blood it baked me it stunned me it had edges


Plafond, in a broad sense is any flat, vaulted or dome ceiling of any premise.

Plafond can be monumental.

540 | Complete: 2006-2009

Plafond can be decorative painting. And plafond can be sculpture.

Subject or ornamental designated by the term “Plafond.”

Picturesque plafonds executed directly on plaster.

(in technique of fresco in technique of oil in technique of glutinous in technique of synthetic paints)

on a canvas attached to a ceiling is a mosaic, and other methods on a (panel) under the edge of the broken surface, and other ornaments

as a part of decorative furniture of church and palace stateroom

plafonds received a wide circulation in 17 - beginning of 19 centuries.

for plafond compositions of this period typically use of effect of illusory break in architectural in open or in proceeding

behind a ceiling space, the image of figures and architectural details in strong foreshortenings.

541 | Complete: 2006-2009

(based on “Plafond,” Wikipedia)



are you dully showered are you duly cleansed?

jasper & mortar on brown paper napkin, the soil rich, temperature boiling this high up.

and the altar still higher. are you duly purified?

are you announced to the deity and clad as directed?

this weather, this so much rain ‒ we preach in winter,

but the spring months seal us up like welks on a stone.

after this comes debasement, for which everyone’s hot and glad.


capers and beer

542 | Complete: 2006-2009

and a growth on my upper lip




out on the grass!

where? “do you smell beer?”

no sense but pass, press but noon, but tap.


agree, but verify.


ess! out under ass! under glass! under gas!

543 | Complete: 2006-2009

ere imp pours snarly were-boyscouts snack with biscuits smearing baskets of flour

nonce incense abuts preening chassis, noon, in time in tasks parts stub

ess! a-green abut a very thing



this efflatus brought to you by mot’s ah, tom’s hat, MOT shat, les mots échéants ha to mot ion hat in motion immodium? hoodia? hoh chih toh chih stabiliserung avec farine but we won’t let that rise again today, again?

(somebody spiked my charoset)... (somebody put a spike on my chair)...


how u

544 | Complete: 2006-2009

how you wait, how you wait, how weight and how you kiddin me right? how you wait the time how waste in you kiddin this isn’t time it’s how you wade in, how you want and how you want and how waiting wading wastes more than kiddin around can weight and wallet and waiting around for u and you waiting around in a circle for wading up from a time when (that’s grammar) wasting around the mall then how you make it waste it u and u and wading around you wastin me right? you waitin me wash? you watchin me rig?

I’d be u if the rig were id



alas it’s velocity all lase address

545 | Complete: 2006-2009

alas it’s velocity all lase address ~ rfuffro oral bon fetoideu liti soda -- DaVizio

alterd convex pro sodomy scalded invasion sade

gruff gorilla bygones fled tide title showed -- Dalachinsky

gruff gorilla not in Paris, I C. or not cut off, cuff’d, caught̶ his internet tubes still leak.



their days were marked by naked devotion


meat or sweet?

Easter Bunny̶ beast or honey?


546 | Complete: 2006-2009

“In this mode perfection is basic, and these poems are not perfect.” -- WCW, writing to AG

“It doesn’t really mean anything.”

this is clearly not a pattern that anybody else can comment upon.

this fight went cold a long time ago, after the travelers lost their track, after they forgot the road, after the wheels came off and they were left trucking the luggage by hand, by strength of arm and thigh, through the muddy expanse they now surveyed, growing wider and bleaker with every dawn.




where the road plunges we turn south. where the mountains divide we take the land. it is good that we are guides, it is good that we are psychopomps.


for waking up is kind̶let every sadness tell you its last tale and dissipate. .


547 | Complete: 2006-2009

at the auction it was her nature to callously jet down the runway up setting lots ter ror izing the mon ied subjects have to tell you she was som ething to see when the cops were called to the auct ion house not a sign she must’ve found someone to take her for her reserve or so the extended metaphor would have us believvvvvvvve . . . .


as a courtesy to the next passenger may we suggest that you not fart so loudly. thank you!


“they wouldn’t dare” a cab ride through town. You flip the switch and a light goes on. “when you make these lists . . .” her recipe for bacon mashed potatoes had been copied out of a Sunset magazine from 1967. And the circles, where did they draw circles like that?

548 | Complete: 2006-2009

A buggy takes the guests home in the morning. “they wouldn’t dream of . . .” household items to store until next year.


succumbed to tragic sameness


enemies. A child’s broad brush. Semina. Anemonies. Miners. Means.


deepest empathy with the language of the dead.


where you going with that library book, Mary? where you going with that library book?

I’m going to bury it in the soft earth. I’m going to the hill, to the soft earth, to bury it.

why are you morose, Mary? why are you crying, Mary? why are you dark, Mary?

I’m dark. I’m crying. I’m morose for my daddy they buried in the churchyard today.

549 | Complete: 2006-2009

and this library book in the soft earth I’ll bury, I’ll bury, I’ll bury, I’ll bury in the soft earth today.


Crossing Back

Am nation. Depths. This what you’re writing. Do you want to talk about kabbalah. The sounds and the letters. Boy, those are shaky words. Yielding. Safe and yet solid are the prophets’ pronouncements. Seek and yes, am nation. The baby swells inside belly. Swelling child. And here it’s all a question of speaking, of guesses. Depths. You come here and lay down a few hundred dollars and think you’ll walk away with an answer? What do I look like, Sigmund Freud? Yes, and a trigger. Those are extremely big. Prophet says, you too skinny. Prophet says, get out in the sun more often. Patchwork. At night. Over all America.

. “It didn’t want to get away.” If you pronounced the formula properly, It would turn around, compelled to stay. (You couldn’t say the same of Hugh Selwyn Mauberley.)


boron & passion & pea-soup & bop & the engaging originary force that yetzers that restores & light & service on a ladder & commerce between the heaven & earth & the photogravure’s lens peeps out

550 | Complete: 2006-2009

from the black drape, marking each mourner but never taking a shot.


with computers we can know how long an object is, or if it will end, or when that will be. ancient knowledge was measurement, but now we take that for granted. a hundred miles: calculated. when that piece will end, we know it factually. how do you count to one? how do you count?



contenero Black Art Materials loud talker on a cordless phone yeah, yeah hairy & Harry with an allergy, a headache comrade, you’ve been sitting there all day, won’t you go out and see how cool it is on the sidewalk in the sun?


(story about visiting the beach, with no letter e’s)

I am fond of sand. Cars park at curb, bring bags and hats and parasols ‒ lunch. Glad, I display my own swimming trunks. Many colors, plastic balls bouncing. Sand, waving liquid so far-fathoming. Birds fly.

551 | Complete: 2006-2009

Joy is a sun dropping for night on land, on humans, on dogs, on picnic, on cars, on fish, on sharks. Tomorrow go across land, to growing mountains.



House. Holiness. House of the holiness. House that bestows holiness. House that houses holiness. House of holiness. House. Holy.

Veiled, Deveiled Evil Words are lived

Piecemeal does it love-drive How in the bad circumstance Wherever you turn, the sun


when light when fade when excellence, span in words the darkened panes, the phane-ing the falsehood bloom slowly every reflection on subtle planes and efforts, a land of stars reach to every the ell sticks in the wooded place.


To learn it all the time. To learn about time. To time your learning.

552 | Complete: 2006-2009

This is the learning that is time. This is the time for learning and all.


The words of the sacred books, they are absorbed into the blood. And the blood is black as ink, as white as fire, as reaching as ever.


isn’t study of the motion that molecules enough to occupy God’s mind in the dark morning?


leaves of faith : leave faith : all is growing : no statement is as true


ruach experience when time is not when, where the position is not place


He says, “The Click shakes you up, it isn’t about drinking or taking in some kind of foreign substance until your brain turns on, evades the waking state of other mortals on earth. It’s the shift that posits a perception, the sound that ears can’t perceive but wallops you and makes you exactly who you are, in a momentary flash like birds crying at 2 am in the low hills around your farmer’s hut.”


we are a happy people we worship we

553 | Complete: 2006-2009

believe in a deity, careless god crush altars we are as holy as the books tell us to bring an offering or to eat a sacred meal we change the air into inspiration each morning when we rise, when we pray


choref zman : the cat sighs in her chair : it is no longer winter : how fresh is the air! : no birds in the darkness : the change comes : dissatisfied changers : increase : where the neighbors still wear jackets


“I never imagine a time not smiling.” Where is the wet soil’s mystery? Where are the green leaves shivering in afternoon sun?


Howling at dawn for peace, for sleep. Missing day but driving anyway.


I think it’s DiChirico the train horn so far down closer to the bay shore I think little machine, pushing between walls all you hear is the horn resounding

554 | Complete: 2006-2009

through drywall a con do I think it’s distance singing no one here full of night no white statue hands chambered nautilus singing from the diaphragm the waning moon the sound, so far the season in months beating out along along the bayshore with a little machine like the heart of ocean mollusks



this work is a state of grace that’s constant and unredeeming.

the soul speaks. please.

and the soul behaves.


555 | Complete: 2006-2009

where they tested me at six and declared I was gifted, is now the Sunrise Assisted Living Residences. red brick edifice with sunrise cream ornaments. 19th Ave. . . .



shit you took my cell phone left the car

now you’re meeting the Norwegian consul ‒ fine, but when’d

you think I’d come to get you? now mundane gargoyles

and tourists slump up Columbus and I already have enough

books, but Roskie & Wallace isn’t the same since George died

in his favorite reading chair.

556 | Complete: 2006-2009


bartender thinks, “of course you’re from Minnesota.” : 10‒12 inches of snow today, April 11



Shiva dances for me


“You’re nice, you’re kind, you’re a dear one . . .” “And I’m also a snake!”


Jewish Superheroes lecture after waiting an hour for a Cheese Board pizza, Monk played by young high school trio and the Cheese Board doesn’t take plastic, “Snow in August,” Golems in comics : Swamp Thing, Ragman, The Thing, the Superman/Batman split started in the 1st century CE . . . , “If there were no Jews, there’d be no superheroes,” “nice people didn’t do that . . . ,” why did Jews go into comic books?, Siegel & Schuster in Cleveland, Harry Donnenfeld ‒ pulp publisher, Gladiator by Philip Wiley, Batman = Jewish Dick Tracy, (undernuanced interpretation of the genre, of the history of science fiction, fantasy, of what the symbols the purpose the industry represent), Mort Weisinger ‒ the “Escape from Krypton” story, “a picture of the Jewish God directing traffic,” Testament by Douglas Rushkoff. (Met Lou Schubert, Modern Orthodox comic book fan & political scientist.)

557 | Complete: 2006-2009


drank glass from a rootbeer bottle at midnight. see here? the blood from thumb and all I can say is, I’m not thirsty anymore.



smells of vinegar smells of henna smells of dirty dog looking out the door at squirrels through the plastic passage, the birth of a killer


something in the thumb, something like glass something like root beer under the skin


turn crazy this is wild a stereo a god’s chiclet

before shabbos on San Pablo with light fading mares’ tails

558 | Complete: 2006-2009

this is crazy!



range happens rally and get rain it’s passion rate and revise risti is cross ridge is listen rant and gain the kingdom.


the organelle wet the arrangement waits

weight & system leaf & service

circle & eminence age & forget me

ain’t no crystal set aim is forever

love is skip toe sound, a sheer drop

559 | Complete: 2006-2009


sometimes symbolism is just what you have in mind



Berkeley, Telegraph Ave. Same spit, different day .

Caffé Strada, 6 pm

“do you think God is worried about spring cleaning?!” over bells at half seven the hophead Asian trash student on endless cellphone conversation. “this doesn’t finish̶never!” “did you think it would? that’s disgusting!” he wanders back and forth, to the sidewalk, then into the street. “you know she was telling me. you know? you know. and then somebody says…” Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring finishes on the carillon.



560 | Complete: 2006-2009

“don’t annoy me ‘cause I’m beautiful.” ̶SRL


“I am the fucking Angel of God come to rain fire on all you troglodytes!”


cards cresting over the hillside and defeating Maxentius’ troops (again, always again, the war of civilizations comes down to a bridge & an epiphany) that’s Marx and Lenin mudwrestling by the river, that’s every flap you had with your folks, those deriding and belittling masters of the bring- down, that’s love coursing through a hippo’s veins, that’s a sharp knock bumping the walking man along the shore and passes for ecstasy, that’s God washing the


go into SF Chronicle office to report something about the state of poetry readings in the city . . . reporter ‒ “Jim” ‒ takes my driver’s license, writes down my statement, and then hands back the license . . . only it’s now a woman from Wyoming’s ID, torn . . . “Jim” is nowhere to be found, and the other reporters don’t know where my license is (probably with the Wyoming woman?) or what to do next . . . walls are a light color of purple, California deterioration of interior design.


561 | Complete: 2006-2009


that’s God smiling from the severed head

that’s art shaking its finger in praise

that’s nature upending the telescope and laughing

that’s reason overtaking the rumors at the marathon

that’s art, that’s God, shattering the modern-day pillars

of an ancient pagan sanctuary, that’s screaming you hear over the loudspeakers of Vatican City,

that’s a strong cup of coffee, that’s moonbeams and crysalis husks floating down

562 | Complete: 2006-2009

from the sky and praising the one whose head is a sheep’s

that’s Bingo pointing his skinny claw and flicking forked tongue

that’s a mean pack of breakwater makes art from waking from draining from the hand’s turn from the waiting eye.


Gen Rah John Re Jhon Ro

careful you might hit the gen re carefule you might break the gen re

in the oblivion in the diaspora in the child’s-eye view of post-colonial epoch-making dichotomies

563 | Complete: 2006-2009

define your gen re outside in the sun, the hills at your back

dance the diaspora to green



“nice Egyptian, endorse, endorse me at Door Six”


it was the passion that saw a long veil, that cast the wide net

her legs were prising all the wood from old houses around here

it was a circus, but it was all mine to watch, with daylight and

her eyes opening sooner


564 | Complete: 2006-2009

pea soop gave me lovely acumen for dinner


Parties a Priest

I don’t drink anyone else’s Kool-Aid



he has the diction of a chicken he has the soul of a tennis racket


can no longer read new poetry publish or purge



report from the Jihad Age

565 | Complete: 2006-2009

in a ruby-colored brigade violence off the armored vehicle: “In An Instant” is no such thing, in no such thing, is too pat. depiction of instant is too wide for cushy phrases. in a snorkel the air is compressed because it waits for you to suck it through the tube. in the barrel of a loaded gun the pieces of your target’s brain float slowly in expression of the future kill that might be your body’s last momentum. think before delivering cool words to the million victims. the air screams down the runway as the last carrier plane leaves Freedom Alley. and the thugs close in, taking out every last decent home, every street, in ruby-death fatigues and spread black tar and sooty blood fingerprints on the earth.


I sprained my triceratops on the last bend of the age. prehensile tails are no use.


appalling appealing

agonistic agnostic

antagnostic appeals for self-secularization


566 | Complete: 2006-2009


hatchet job “what makes you think of hatchet job?” eureka “what makes you think of eureka?” tense “what makes you tense?” stapled to the telephone pole “what makes you so sure?” seeping “what makes you so absorbent?” tense “what makes you so sure you’re tense?” everywhere “whose side did you say you are on?” peace & justice “now stop being American”



small bait. date candid means stripped away

“you are dead to me,” he said to the wall

and callus forms where storms of family

567 | Complete: 2006-2009

excision demand you still look at them, still obey

and you are wise to give no more power to the tornados.


the corn inside the house: listen̶it’s growing.


I’m the only one who eats that stuff the only one who eats I’m the only one in America the changeless I’m the only American with changes I’m the only one who eats that stuff.


Mountain Blueberry̶ (don’t take no offense) my love is more constant than a cup of yogurt.

568 | Complete: 2006-2009


I wouldn’t know Ibsen to shake his hand if he greeted me warmly in the Promised Land.


the Well-Wrought Urn is a damn dirty Dixie cup to drink from



clear this they was caged the Sons of a Wish Bone with feelers the deity strove to combat disbelief and took laws out of the book while no one was looking.

the Crown was wily but the Sons of a Wish Bone stared the old lawgiver down & prodded reality with pitchforks

569 | Complete: 2006-2009

old wives’ tales, thoughts and pieces of patterns drawn or cut out of an earlier age, an age of personages whose names they forget.

this wisdom talks while its authors grind in oblivion.


Buddy Corcoran mesmerizes bear cubs with his harmonica.



it’s only something I want to tell you only something I need to tell you only something about definitions only something that has no apostrophes it’s only something that pronounces words I guess slowly it’s only a force like the weak force it’s only a face like holding the phone only topographical and then syllabic a treat for those savages who can take some humidity only a free ride bearing in mind the price of travel to only a sound wave rabbits hear at dusk

570 | Complete: 2006-2009


“I can’t remember do you like Oolong tea?”


mad delusion absurd like a torpedo


I’m an oral poet addicted to the letter ‘R’.


eyebrows are about the same as my curly quotes

they translate to morse code, other ciphers, notwithstanding

the harp plays on piano wire strings ‒ diacriticals have time to repent


571 | Complete: 2006-2009

“is it any good?” is a question in the dead-letter office : decision, opinion, token, triumph or regret : broken concepts for a stir like broken coffee stirs or broken houselights : either you live with them (coffee) dark, or you fix them, replace them, change night for day : are they any good broken? says who? who says? you saying you’re someone? who asks? you saying you’re someone? when identity demands a compass point for itself to stand on, there’s no hope for the directionless digits on the perimeter.



Torah adults “march in lock-step” baalei teshuva grow your beards longer don’t beat your wives or become tyrants (unless it’s god-willed) the wisdom bestows princehood and she’s a queen of this rat’s commune


572 | Complete: 2006-2009

hip house hey you he’s a droopy dog hampered by hate heaving with Heaven


if most literary interpretation interprets a text as having one or more “keys” allowing the audience to “enter” and thereby “understand” why the text, then postmodernism̶as it is decentering and superpluralizing aspect of interpretation̶assumes that there is also a keyless entry to the text.



boil your pot of water me



righteous dear aye, there Republican


573 | Complete: 2006-2009


Prism Poetry Reading

Billy X

“Savior (save yourself)”

Genesis 9.1.1

“based on translations . . . ?”

“we are not animals!”

Kabbalah bottle pouring out pouring out pouring ocean that is creation that is nine names ten illusions

ocean harp . . .

“personal Napoleons . . .”

“and of course ten bullseyes wins extra tries”

“[I participate in] extreme projects in the environment”

electric mbira̶River Rap

574 | Complete: 2006-2009


E.G. Bailey

heartfelt cantillations of the word

“a 21st-century Black Beatnik”

the extension of Bop Poetics

Larry Neil

tip back in the beat black in tents abbreviated happening seat of the rhythm reach

“I walk on in the winter . . .”

I never stay long enough in one place to get to know its molecular self.

Speakeasy Records


Minnesotan Spoken Word Association


575 | Complete: 2006-2009

two crates’ blossom we hold the signal as a lissome rigard, bold as sweetly, hold rice as would a rock to list as a geologist on the beaches, wheezing.



red spider on the wall over

the shower the season’s

a definite article, the seer shakes

and seersucker he’s a sheer slacker

gone up in a red shirt of cloth

like a clean comb for pulling hair

wettened in the

576 | Complete: 2006-2009

shower, the shown


you end up

blaming the wrong God (and



has a fat lip)


scene wasn’t made for any stage break it down the stormclouds imp impossible dormant ached in taking green as after trains aid or stainy guess that wears a hole in our street before an only opera saved for loud



rhetoric theoric


577 | Complete: 2006-2009


(core time)


(6-word novel)

highway bastards (mutants) fire their guns. gotta go!


Istvàn broke his teeth on a nut.


the Hip Gahn, with every Gandhi on the Ganges, each began, all against the surging of animal gods, gains and what to do for retaining them every half-naked native prayed for almost endlessly, acres hip-to-hip along the shore,along the flooded chariot, the boat, of heaven’s names, drawn by dark divine slave elephants, across the stream from everything.


>>trapped in history<<


578 | Complete: 2006-2009

eat all the sce nery with their eyes-- you wait for another invasion and hope the king dies in his crossing.


end dependent clauses now



nobody had a blender like Bleckstein’s


I begin to look forward to hearing from you


for today’s consumer, books and printed matter are sub-interactive


579 | Complete: 2006-2009

le sacre (5/2 version)

let the water flow, let tomorrow never happen.

passacaglia. there’s no time for vision. stalling makes every corner white, much whiter than snow.

let chance rule.

there came a time when propositions for larger-than-life sacrificial animals,

scorpions and leeches, were only what native-born supplicants could offer their god.

let the myths go. let them encircle us. let it melt again.


580 | Complete: 2006-2009

samech is as much a sound samech is as much a sound samech is as much a sound samech is as much a sound

see high the way any is spelled see high the way any is spelled samech is as much a sound, and see high the way any is spelled

several tame leopards in the zoo see high the way any is spelled samech is as much a sound as several tame leopards in the zoo

as much a sound as samech is as much a sound as samech is as see high the way any is spelled as several tame leopards in the zoo

samech is as much a sound samech is as much a sound

several tame leopards in the zoo

samech is as much a sound samech is as much a sound

see high the way any is spelled

samech is as much a sound

581 | Complete: 2006-2009

samech is as much a sound

shaking or the tell is a thousand as several tame leopards in the zoo shaking or the tell is a thousand shaking or the tell is a thousand

tell is a thousand or they’re shaking they’re shaking the tell is a thousand

tell is a thousand or the shaking the shaking the tell a thousand


“Is stealing worse than scatology?” sealing is worse that prat falls


vox risotto (sotto voce)̶ in the names of the planets are found their circuits


“high technology and low humans,” said the psychologist.



582 | Complete: 2006-2009

as see high tell as shaking as tame leopards in the samech as several sound like much as much as leopards sound

as high the anyway is spelled as samech is shaking is zoo as tell see tame say the way as a thousand high is sound


well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I punch? well now didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I

(cf. excerpt from L’enfant et les sortileges, Ravel/Colette:

(On entend deux voix (chinoise) nasillardes au ras du sol.) Rotten!

LA THÎÉRE LA THÎÉRE (Wedgwood noire) ...better had... How’s your mug? LA TASSE LA TASSE Come on!

583 | Complete: 2006-2009

Keng-Áa-fou, puis’ -kong-kong- LA THÎÉRE pran-pa, Black and costaud, Black and a-oh-r, a-oh-r‚ chic, Cas-ka-ra, harakiri, Sessue jolly fellow, jolly fellow, jolly Hayakawa fellow... Há! Há! «a-oh-r‚ toujours l’air I punch, Sir, I punch your nose. chino . I knock out you, stupid choose! Black and thick, and vrai beau LA TASSE, LA THÎÉRE gosse, Há! «a-oh-r‚ toujours l’air chino‚. I box you, I marm’lade you... Ping, pong, ping!

LA TASSE (La Thîére et la Tasse Keng-Áa-fou, Mah-jong, disparaissent dansant.)


green tea enema̶not for me, okay? thanks


when the bears are growling around your tent, it’s hard to remember the heartache that brought you into the forest


our strong sun is not ash (updated 5/3)

our strong sun is not ash, even after arms and boughs give up their snowhang, earth curled deep as treeknots.

584 | Complete: 2006-2009

no astral dynamic keeps this wind, but action tells its own landscape by its white and by its shifting, new effects come through the melt.



will this god say, “be not sentimental, “for I am swift to destroy, “and these ornaments with which you decorate “your wives and sisters “shall be made into mortal spears and implements “forged to be your own annihilation.”



that guy was watching the names run down the wall that guy was wandering through grassy fields


Sigulla writes only about himself

585 | Complete: 2006-2009

but lies really he’s writing about water it’s everywhere, from here to the wall.


lo oki

ng 4a

NE w idi



yesterday at noon every bee was taking lunch back to the sunset but didn’t he drown? but wasn’t it raining?


intimidate the seam waiting

586 | Complete: 2006-2009

the sand raining down taken like an entire wall


all I can be is disarmed all I can be is stupid


ears before sounds old-fashioned that icecream was great but tomorrow comes like always, like all days




lines in a drawn place.

this is as much the weather vane that keeps tradition

or keeps at least more people from getting lost

shapes filled our atmospheres.

587 | Complete: 2006-2009

. 5/9

Socrates: make you a legend in her own mind!!

At legend. Who is so in with and Withdrawn from the relative, that these are plain?? I long for you well, And with the same again not following, With the contrary in withdrawn wood. Thus, easily we do Viagra.

But the men are quantitative, of the same mind!! Nor mind!! Having same, not the substance. Another cannot own again, from both Problems: that pair of Viagra and the ox again. That we make of wood, heated, And seated, one true thing: plain white mind!!

Prowess?? Lie, be not the said mind!! What you own, call white and also used to problems. To be insecure with your Substance, In degree, with not a pill from her own parts That are perhaps following the composite: Be they injustice??

Pop it in, in colour, in white. You are not sexual, in terms of branches, Have not even been correct nor primary. In heat you are intermediate. The black of which the same sunburn is also another Degree, Without. It does have a pill but cannot be the disease.

588 | Complete: 2006-2009

Because that is from the terminology of one mind!! But to be so and thus, own up to it?? Neither boundary is from legend, Both only appear more black, which are not used But as knowledge. By being about reference̶ In which, with which, from̶it can or cannot do her own.

Corresponding with Socrates, Sense facts own you, which are about Such a thing. But is said to be very predicable. It applies to a present because attitudes possess her. Have you one comparison? It is most evident You are keeping her insecure.

Are expressions themselves called your facts? The other will take up with such a legend. To be greater, individual and everything. By following. having, one obtains. We find same in these. Nor The white relative said it about the constitution.

These instances can be applicable to many, Be that called properly the intermediate relative. You did it all in the way of legend. To make plain is to stand it. No, no: own it, own it. In with an animal, May be such a colour.

So little necessity cannot be one of the facts. Thus are variation and wing science. And not of a legend longer.

589 | Complete: 2006-2009

A name can make the word colour insecure. But from that reference wood may appear. You are thus well outside those facts.

Nor is it about to be called. Further up?? Having it all, in and in: We comprehend her many things, Which we are following. But thus the legend. Stand one and the same.

True, these are contraries that can only Be opposite, the proposition is a legend. He and the selfsame particular Pop Are in keeping with a black and small mind. They can make solid, can be Viagra, But not the legend from a seated, common man.

If your mind has anything plain, In such and such and a probable colour, Those and you, in themselves defined, Have neither substances nor sexual express!! Less if a that Blackness differs To which admit the bird, which can be.

Retentive relative, of such?? of which?? Thus, her thing, things, are not so relative But because of her own volatile, subject terms, We only exist to figure, the way a bird is raised. Thus, again, terms make examination of Pop. And those to the problem, to . . . to . . . ??

590 | Complete: 2006-2009

E.g., to own not is prowess?? Most would make all contraries black. Properly, a bird can make even plain habits lie. Between species you present many dispositions. The great and the word, come from either legend. In some, we mark knowledge. A relative is keeping.

Be a sexual thing. That wood cannot be yet heated, But the heated can say such a pill In her possession can make attitudes occur, Exhaustive correlatives and subject questions. Her great mind is said to take the species in.

It is only possible to with a sexual degree. Intermediate prowess does not make it!! These instances were withdrawn. About these, from reference to themselves You can be not one but legend. Also, can inference or colour be mind??

Pop it in. You have even terms. They are of one mind!! Thus, through a correlative, branches cannot take sunburn. In white heat, in terms of terminology, Disease applies to being as a pill can correct.

That boundary, which is not the same, Because it also is another, Does not have one such to own. It neither has nor is without!!

591 | Complete: 2006-2009

Because it is primary. And, again, can correlation be said to be black??



so I raised an armature over the point where the sephirah of Mercy touches precisely its lobe of emanation to the earth


the morning came with a sore back and no return ticket to February.

that stink, mildew, all around this season, like a test that steeps wilderness in funk.


how much more confrontation, or should I say compliments, do your workmates̶or anyway the alpacas in your backyard̶ how much of an affirmation do you expect for your labors from these signatories, these

592 | Complete: 2006-2009

principles, these martyrioi, to your work of hand?


“hard to find” doesn’t exist anymore.


593 | Complete: 2006-2009

to the young artist I say I say I say to the young artist I say to the I say I say I say to the artist to the say I

to young artist say to the to say I say to the I say young artist

594 | Complete: 2006-2009


global warming? take a bite out of the climate


I dropped your birthday money in a hole and it kept on falling.





and Take Me Out to the Ball Game was what they sung, but they forgot all the words and only hummed along with the crowd burning garbage on the field. when the police unleashed apes, the place went mad.

this is a struggle, everyone complacent even while dystopian futures swirl over the heads of astronomy students, their eyes glued to telescopes or prayer books. everyone’s ingratiating him or herself to one god.

and staring into mirrors into the naked eye

595 | Complete: 2006-2009

is as much a consolation as skipping rocks and hearing the heartbeat on the last highway, the one you’ll never drive on, now closed indefinitely for repair, grass unmown and lives burned away, cheap.




never let the story get too easy. it’s the effect of the piece on my head. if the effect is too transparent, then it doesn’t register and I move on. that’s why most Pop music doesn’t do anything for me, as it’s all surface. the narratives that pieces like this create are endless. they are prisms that only shine when the light of a person’s attention comes into them. this makes for a lot of color being refracted. and I don’t want any of this to be all white, or all easy.


listen, Muchacho: I’ve got enough kinetic energy already.


each for each I owe an excellent man this

596 | Complete: 2006-2009



something about the air is thick tonight, the branches of trees pulled with heavy wind in slow bends and waves over each lawn. rabbits and house raccoons sniff and watch.





my heart as black as the ace in the hole as the ace up my sleeve.


How Quantum Stew Saved the World : You Really Can Be In Two Places at the Same Time



597 | Complete: 2006-2009

dammit your mind is somewhere else! dammit! dammit! aesthetics . . . !


the eternal. she illusion. tell me that you still believe in this story.

tell me how you tell that story this time. she all eternal (light) she like eternal angel or some goddess streaming words.

she named the cant of jewelled illiterates that dream in storied forests. her still winds on leaves. tell me how she eternal tells illusion like a true story to the seeking, the impassioned.


598 | Complete: 2006-2009

I pass off like a cast of dreaming mind-saints. color they flinch, but take in more deeply than an August burst of feeling. holy men and women taken to the deep through draughts or Pythagoras’ beans, Palm Sunday, Ezekiel bread, Pentecost̶reactions to the spoken word that (moldy) telescopes all atomic particles into the universe-wide dust of conception. blow that wave and dream of sitting people hearing no thing but ground-beats in an ocean of perception.



city of listening city of answers

where you sleep is where the Mississippi bends as glass on a lawn

where you break into space gives up the flat earth like nobody’s native

in white bridges keeping the illumination poor, the ducks in suburb yards

city of the idea

599 | Complete: 2006-2009

as in a wedge almost the planks and beams wake gods as towers

city of overnight the radios are all ignition


modern ain’t modern anymore̶ it just stinks

don’t you understand, light and music are as evanescent, valueless as seasons, as troubled life?

whistle, yeah, you go ahead and whistle . . . but you won’t catch me thinking it’s another Odyssey to Gades.



Melpomene lost her sandal in the mud Terpsichore stubbed her toe

Satanic mudras of the Underworld

600 | Complete: 2006-2009

Every finger snaps and defends

Unreadably dense in an hour’s time That’s what they said in the forecast

So black, so black. We couldn’t see cloud And the urine-colored past is gone

The apparent action was only for show As Clio cartwheels into our barn

How clean must your hands be to throw a rock? When it is little the work is pure

O screaming Sybil in leaf-piles, utterances On Helicon the woodbine weaves women’s figures

Tire wave and wrap so much in the heat And so too the telephone cords, winding, flapping

“Or yourselves abundant.” I hope this means me And Calliope says, “the work is in the doing”

Something will hit her in the divinity so right The hills sing and break at her terrible delight


the form that appears will tell you what you need to know


601 | Complete: 2006-2009

thelematics, you wicked child at 90 degrees calendrical



you got it? why the formula always has to end with a laugh line? punch got your goat it’s a name for you


holy land

why aren’t we there now?

because it’s not going to happen it’s not going to happen





these are some of the lies I heard on Gethsemane


602 | Complete: 2006-2009

we (which is only what I say because I assume anyone else here might also not exist) looked out the five windows and spoke aloud (after we got the message this was allowed) in greeting to Blake, who’d just sucker-punched Noam Chomsky in the garden.


“I kill without training my opponents”


Mark Weiss (5/14/07, Poetics List): I attended the panel above named this past Saturday and was surprised by a comment by Bruce Andrews (and also the apparent anger behind it after all this time) to the effect that LANGUAGE was a rebellion or act of opposition to “The New American Poetry and all that romantic crap.”

who hates Charles Olson the loudest? somebody has to breathe be it only a romantic soul with liquor and height to engage and break the landscape, a 1970s giant “projecting” at all us,

603 | Complete: 2006-2009

wild-horsing like a lobster boat off Gloucester or a prairie schooner outside the realm of the obvious.


floribunda she has a way of breaking blossoms very religiously

but I tend to be left out of her book

that the action was taken is the only validation of the art, the auction,

the authority


projectile̶such mannish ministrations out of vogue, now. “get that out of this house.”



eulogy for Jerry Falwell the Evangelist

this bums me out̶no fair

604 | Complete: 2006-2009

did you see the chair swivels? and in preaching the acrobatic way of life more patients die of waiting than of Scripture. now you tell me: the old evangelist had nothing but bad news. so God took hold of that swivel-chair, pulled it out from under him. saints deserve not to be hated. evangelism has no message but eternal ending.


Hell has no eyes (so it must forever reach back) like a blinded monster (was that a yank on your shirt?)


randomness, chaos, mental violence all these things are geared to make your head go, wow!


willing to do that thing, are you brave? (är du snell? är du stark?)

sentiment chokes

605 | Complete: 2006-2009

clear-headed crush on every symbol̶

come out come out with a dry fish metaphor and nothing will do but an empty hook and line

you see there? already failed!


make mishearing your neighbors, or passers-by your raggy Muse . . .


I didn’t write a solid word I didn’t take up something that I would later regret I didn’t write a hallowed word I didn’t make this up or make it go away



here’s what I need here’s what I need, too

here’s what I need here’s what I need to do

606 | Complete: 2006-2009

went to the great art mart and all the parted company

like seas filling tanks of lying threw away a hundred golden canons

and all that was left was for me to appraise the scene, the energy like that

with no precision, because no one there spoke Greek

and no one there had mouths at least not the kind that can taste

(revised 12/13/07)

here’s what I need here’s what I need, too

here’s what I need here’s what I need to do

I went to the great art mart and all the parted company̶

like seas filling tanks of lying̶ threw away a hundred golden canons

and all that was left was for me was to appraise the scene.

607 | Complete: 2006-2009

the energy was like that of imprecision, because no one there spoke Greek and no one there had mouths (at least not the kind that can taste)


the Too-Much-Information Fairy came and exposed herself to me.

so you were expecting something else? man, I did not need that today.


a paranoid in the grass

this means I’m crazy̶will you look at me? this means I want you to look at me. chirping in the grass like everyone’s cricket. but don’t pretend to ignore me̶I know you’re watching.



false wind blowing topless we had a little thunder this morning

now birds. it’s sun that gives and we know

608 | Complete: 2006-2009

we’re the ones doing the talking


sweet colonial excrescence! sweet apostolic flour sacks! architect! why cantilever?


we have bandwidth enough to check you enough to record enough to make things happen


there was a pattern and the pattern went away there was an optics and the vision cracked like eggs there turned a lathe like every bar of industry in this great land where did the runner go when he reached the barrier wall, the pattern?


here here here you’ve got it here you’ve got it here

the land that was promised is the kingdom of death

and here you’ve got it in your hands with a messiah for a door prize

609 | Complete: 2006-2009

agony of here here and where you think you’re coming from

is a salvage yard and that’s all those dreams are ever really good for


If you aren’t God, why do you keep on looking at me?

And this noise. When the curtain is drawn, what shows? No one is hiding behind. But the noise hides its own source.

This is the mirror you gave me to break. This is the last image. The slight discomfort and aural sensitivity will be temporary. An approach to this kind of naming convention is all we will ask.



sale on trucks on tapers

when will it be murder season again?

not slow enough for hot blood, the air’s

still today, too still

610 | Complete: 2006-2009

for breathing


meaning’s a cold bitch who breaks your dreams to suck the marrow like a metaphor in horror films she laughs and throws your carcass in a landfill outside anyplace you could ever google


the Krazy Glue artist died of paint fumes. but what a legacy!


Asian nations: for thine I crease the map!


not coffee not tea: I’ve gotten really weird.



tentacles’ll cost you this I tell you

611 | Complete: 2006-2009

this is what it is, this I will tell you

in the eyes of the spider they see a heart that slithers in the eyes of the whale the cetacean threads a needle endlessly

too bad your deadly nightshade won’t grow back too bad you’re deadly. spider, don’t go back to your web


Religion. Zeitgeist. Superstition. What is God?

Just what is the Book, what is the touchstone, with newspapers whispering exactly the same as events and tuned-in effects. What draws the hand?

What exhibits motion, encounters motion in other objects? Is there someone watching you?

Is religion a people thing? Supposedly, it is.


false alarm! except _my_ system is godly

612 | Complete: 2006-2009

he holds soundwaves on his brow she the tornado stirs with her sword

all we are saying is attributes come out to play with courage staying put

in church the wool weft bewitches the wood benches wait for heaven

and all the congregants sit for testimony in the basement after reading the Book of the Dead

false lack! break your godling’s staff! found the cross! Saint Helena, whose choice?


I shall walk I shall ruminate upon my actions in life I shall be rained on



the wise, the reaching, the suddenly captivated (and when you get too maudlin, there’s always a trap-door to drop, take you down to below-stage where we have hired men

613 | Complete: 2006-2009

to beat that kind of sentimental horseshit clean out of you). so come on, sing to the rafters with that inspiration of yours!



The God Almighty neither sleeps nor does He slumber. He sees you when you’re sleeping, He knows when you’re awake. He has His eye on you. Keep close to me, fellows, keep close!


only decorated with the freshets of storm, punct uated and in control so callous so out of left field



Open Face Wall Sandwich

would hate to see the embellished relishings when an earthquake which is why houses for rent, for sale we don’t build a place to sleep out of brick

614 | Complete: 2006-2009

hanging sandwich with all your mustard cream mayonnaise liquefaction ever did you see the nail shook it to sand how in the meat did you stand pulled out of the wall like a knife through bread went to sleep again and old furnishings a rental breath from ocean crumbs itchy


could the cowboy please phone in his drawing schedule immediately? his horse is waiting for him in the main lounge


harnt you ung and arent you rung and rant the young and ant a hung and hang at me and hung for three and hong for lunch and risk and rost and hung hungry and hung hungry



bull shake manage the sympathy for each fortune difference for every reason to burn

to burn the house down to reach and profit from

615 | Complete: 2006-2009

another’s misery in space.

bull sigh bull snake to grasp to grief where weeds grow on the river sedge.


in order to travel the speed of light, you have to become light


“gurus can give you healthy life until 150 years”̶ but this gimmick is also a trap, implicit the fear and expectation of liberation from life/death cycle. this too illusion, this too clinging to self, this too demanding a pay-off for our time.



andante anne dainty on dante und anti an dinty indi tea andante andante

616 | Complete: 2006-2009



Shâ Cage (from Natchez, Miss.)

make your soprano sax swear dirty words and waters outta hat

“[they] basically ate mice in the park”


Esther Perry

“nobody dressed cute”


o postage o postage stamp o postage we send o pieces past age

o postage o postage

o send we stamp o passage o raise o razor the prices o piece open

617 | Complete: 2006-2009

o pen that writes

o postage

o strike that stamps o printed act staying o postage pandora’s o perilous gift

o postage o postage

o postage pain in breach o peace without taking o action o pale o pass open the papers slowly

open open open open


the tendency is to take another word after the last one and breathe it out and then another word on angle

everyone forgets the first (the tendency) the way it started after forgotten where the odds are good you’ll take advantage

of the first, the second, oh let’s put it that way, you’ll take advantage of all the words, the tendency is to forget

how it all starts while looking for the pin’s head, the meaning.

618 | Complete: 2006-2009


“and this is a poem I wrote about war . . .”

the table on polyrhythm my god, there is no table


flat misreading are you done or don’t you do it before

that’s it, turning into energy flat has become wave

misreading’s gotten the jump.


clarity religion limits too much religion limits too much muddies the deep water



how you cheat death again

619 | Complete: 2006-2009

it wasn’t very slowly done the time there was another but in activities the time bled there was no action, no speed



what does it feel like living inside a zen koan


this thing is human the lens dirty outside there is no outside can’t wipe that away trills and whistles all that is a structure


pan san piece pore anter

he and how here and ray row and heap

prate pole stay

620 | Complete: 2006-2009

“be true to your school”


“this is a waste of time,” they all said in unison.



every time a blue tin and a black tray parse or party

every time every taste reaches Everest

every shape trolley was coming to try

after a time the rest stayed to tell


if anyone’s perfect, it’s God̶ and I have my suspicions about him.

621 | Complete: 2006-2009



champagne gods and the falling eskimo guards out of the sinking village wrote this Xmas card to their mama living in Boston

stamping gods piecemeal it takes a village of army ants to tell a story in song when the permafrost ain’t

the waters rising for price rivers pursed singing even the whales up-stream talking always talking in their own way about the sequence that kept them drifting

it’s a funny thing to go out and get a map and then not drive yourself to sleep by it


long icecream cones packaged for the rain

622 | Complete: 2006-2009

there were demon clouds in early bible stories


maybe I’m a square and maybe I’m a circle and maybe I’m a center and maybe I’m an outside and maybe I’m a lip and maybe I’m a light and maybe I’m a reason and maybe I’m a temperature


those fucking



made me




a simple twist of faith

623 | Complete: 2006-2009


poor poor poor poor. ask. this came out of mind. broad zen. tells you nothing.

your shade breaks across my park plans. your touch has a lot on its mind. your expression eats at a steakhouse.

your building guard says “maybe” and offers alternatives. your evocation dropped its pants in the back room. your cut sounds like a house falling.

your dribble has a qualifying time. your repect posits another character. your meeting has no time.

your seat paid the captain. your associations save for the next round. your love takes nobody home to mother.

your idea reached an ending. your YouTube account happens to be my childhood nickname. your dirty window offers me no respect.

your repetitions abrogate sanctity. your film has no second plot complication. your diversion tames The Taming of the Shrew.

your holy card holds a bag of shards. your play says what you mean.

624 | Complete: 2006-2009

your feeling turns the sky to its own command.

your road chastens the physical nature of metaphors. your summer widens in bad shape. your immateriality has a digital camera.

your waiting takes its best shot.


better call the Black Ops Outlet Store



writing words that grind against the grain


this is my CORPUS of NOW



a blind of great sight lines a grind of black lightning cover over stake or land shaking godly fist out of hand.


625 | Complete: 2006-2009

that one comes to make trouble

I come to blow the air around


Have House Heal

Nation Enter World &

World Handle House


imbrecate implicate imprecate iddlisate istinate idjinate


I have qoppa he says. I have samekh she says. All

626 | Complete: 2006-2009

the letters make a story. Lap of personality in may feelings. Where two order Chinese elaborate sitting this time, not Asian.



in Harry’s dance illness took me away


like a shining like it was glycerine

three shots the first, down cellar stairs the second, sever any reflection.

third is wild, like this or impossible .


I have almost finished reading the spring New Yorkers.

627 | Complete: 2006-2009


on Paulo Coelho

there is always someone for whom the symbol is not universal. universal meaning is not authoritative̶Ulysses & the oar.

the decision is made for one to be allergic to symbols. puncture time with your own mind, space answers & learns to dance.

“once you have killed those suitors in your halls . . . go forth once more, you must . . . carry your well-planed oar until you come to a race of people who know nothing of the sea, whose food is never seasoned with salt, strangers all to ships with their crimson prows and long slim oars, wings that make ships fly. And here is your sign̶ unmistakable, clear, so clear you cannot miss it: When another traveler falls in with you and calls that weight across your shoulder a fan to winnow grain, then plant your bladed, balanced oar in the earth and sacrifice fine beasts to the lord god of the sea . . . .” ̶ Od. xi, 120‒129


your guru loves his reflection, break his mirror and get out of his villa, at war with symbols and identities


628 | Complete: 2006-2009

waist-high, dominant, amber, artful, waiting, seeing, whistling, wasted


629 | Complete: 2006-2009



only one story̶no only this means survival̶no

(Ken called and said, “the bad part about survival is that it has to come to an end”)

my health chest blossoms with Dr. Manifold’s chemical wisdom

every one a voice and many, many bold moves for childish minds

the radical spirits have their own ways and I have mine

ink is my own home ink is my own soul ink in the eggs and ink in the morning butter and the wet paper from the rainy street

an hour under that tree and you will read the palms of Eternity

630 | Complete: 2006-2009

searchers out of the hat out of statement and the stele pierc’d through with younger intentions

at the stage the light of immanence a sudden fortune that resolves like smoke on rivers of simile

angustus arboris vitae

the sudden shock of all hidden implications

pulled open in one two-dimensional map and no one can read it, let alone fold it

Duchamp, where is thy compass? Borges, thy harpoon? after trust goes the ink runs dry and Sophia says there goes the watchman and the sacerdos there goes Yankee Doodle and the new follower of Aleister Crowley

631 | Complete: 2006-2009

the center does not hold unless you have faith in its folds

mythopoesis̶who you looking at?

you’re an American you dope you make up your own myths with them up after the last turkey’s been bagged at the hunt̶ no one can put a finger on your belief system, the struggle with the bends in the Tree of Life

and what are Wyndham Lewis and Joseph Campbell doing here, out of the graveyard and kicking rocks in search of Joyce, in all this fog? who reads this cloying bullshit anymore?

an you grow like a rhizome, the gnomic dictates of your philosophy die stillborn at the last truckstop before Boron, CA


632 | Complete: 2006-2009

I would die for a piece of your symbology, but I don’t dare express the one-to-one correspondence I think likes implicit in your words.


salvation tastes like anchovies, the way you put it.


“are you a member of the Insult Crew?”



the missionary couldn’t explain why he had along a turnip the antarctic was explaining why he can’t leave her the architect couldn’t tell why the weasel wept (SRL & TL)


I eat my weight in cottage cheese every 36 days. can you say that, Earthman?


the feeling calls from sacrificial balls

633 | Complete: 2006-2009

away away away.



aim high or die trying.


rank emotionalism? schizophrenia? internal bleeding?


Ulysses; June the 5th, 11:55 am and the morning’s as greasy as a great gob bobbing on the bosom of the living waters of Dublin Bay


keep your head above water even as your thoughts prowl th’ gutter



Force of Nature ̶ coming to a town near you.

634 | Complete: 2006-2009


true and natural were their words in a room slaughter

and seeping sentences

nature was never an object recent conditions did not mean so much as a holler

bliss has nothing on justice



fast-food horror story the wrath! the wrath sing it to simple close me. another door


all things in nature are blue and I claim them as mine


do I dislike prepositions? yes, I dislike prepositions.

635 | Complete: 2006-2009

disdain or deny them. T.O. to.


how the laughing how the comb rides̶ careful, careful.




stuck in desert ̶ lizards that spit poison call me by

my Hebrew name


there comes a point where recycling means nothing there’s a charge for taking up space in a place where you live what are you saving life for?


objects remain

636 | Complete: 2006-2009

people disappear

objects disappear nothing remembers


paper, how much paper child? to stop the blood? with sand there was place, living over a broken town and all the history bobbing in the streets.

now (to stop the blood?) we haven’t the paper to write our own name’s. the history all boiled out of the radiator driving away from this mixed metaphor.

staying? who said anyone chooses?

cigarettes stanch blood as good as pulp or sand or ground pepper.

ask the old Norwegian, glueing magazine pages to his living room door. after the locals died or

637 | Complete: 2006-2009

moved to nursing homes, the two of us became the oldest residents on this street.

they tell you write what you don’t see, over & over, but sand in show and torn paper don’t make a good enough story.



“the wonder years̶either you reconcile with them, or you let them pass silently by . . .”


as predicted, so delicted as relinquished, so delicious as inflicted, so mishidden

ever every Everest come to culmination another tumulus to climb

with rhyming etymologies to tickle.


638 | Complete: 2006-2009

you may not know it, but something’s out to get you

(plant a tree or pull a weed, stay in the garden all summer)

something’s drawn an elaborate scheme to take you out of the picture.

are you ready to check out what your fate really is?

this isn’t about leprosy, and it’s not a case of myopia.

this is all the warning you’re apt to get (the sun so warm

in June, the birds happy and flying sluggish under blue sky)

when everything’s greened up, that’s your signal to sell

what you’ve got and go underground.


as much a microcosm as a base of operations

639 | Complete: 2006-2009



bad in bow seam in show

how many you ripped before the cardinal sang?

keeshound in dissertations of barking like a summer devil.

this and more captivating imagery are on tap in the back room someday soon.


bandicoots and wolverines and eyeglasses̶what stopped America’s guiding spirit, what knocked the zebra-painted astrolabe from every citizen’s reaching hands?


what light shines in the new-grown (growing) corn?

640 | Complete: 2006-2009


there was a bowl of numbers

in the house the sleepers

as to waiting instead dreamed


Cudge M’Falloran don’t with house with snail disarm this woodland creature. expect or carry all the time original waking sounds (persis and dog, police & perception: always pays the bills when you least expect it) the morning modell’d after the morning before.


maybe the knee after all twists and bendings with my slow wobble walking around corners all 38 years is finally giving out̶

641 | Complete: 2006-2009

time to change bodies and demand (solace) for groaning and aches.


“more natural curves ahead”


appealing / appalling


lawnmower song

microscope housewife glucophage

the mnemonic for what? can’t remember, it’s something close, in the palm of the hand.

symbols so short you can’t believe in any.

leapfrog is so dynamic you couldn’t believe it was only a children’s game.


642 | Complete: 2006-2009

“conscientious objective”

“vigorous release”


Black Charlie unplugged say where hiding say, everywhere



atrox. see? restitution. all where yellow placement. America.

atrox. see? yellow container all in America. the locative..

Theravada. this place is moving under our feet. this yellow

all where the waters run.

643 | Complete: 2006-2009

think of restitution think of the questions. yellow America.

yellow America yellow America restitution. atrox. see? the locative

come down off of the burning mountain. wishing summer for you always.



far-seeing the loose vile man strode his haunches slow after his prey spear on one arm, to the reckless beast, before him stretching his other arm, light in the west and the sharp zone the forest, dim of mists outside, beyond vision


meet Dr. Jismo Lompoc life counselor and window cutter to the stars


644 | Complete: 2006-2009

the most important part of any nutritional meal is opening and closing your mouth.


the tragic figure: I’m not throwing away enough poetry


o v re ad

buzzword a houseboat tiger vision at laugh inter rogative


kanji text around this backdrop



kabbalistic wisdom thrown over his shoulder

a bag of rugs a harpoon a dalliance in summer

each attribute an icon, a signal:

645 | Complete: 2006-2009

seek the tree that grows

if in being there is doubt, if in externals


“I’ve got a whole gallon jug at home.”

“I bet it’s hard to get a teacup in there.”



He felt energized by his nap. He felt energized to take a nap.



passiontown this sun, this will be a ruined house sun

fire with a doll’s head on her low back struggle


answers is illusions.

646 | Complete: 2006-2009



can’t believe can’t believe I ate the whole thing! can’t believe I married a pizza pie! ̶TL & SRL


hey toilet man who broke your arms? morale in this place has never been lower could be the sticky weather everyone says everyone is having this time of year it’s the rays that get you every one pinpointing an exact atom over some patch of skin and drilling in seep through and douse the paper in a stiff kind of transfer we must have evolved to relate to that sort of thing, but Darwin wouldn’t last five minutes of grilling if that was what you were into


hey what’s up did your milk ever thaw out did Time Magazine ever nominate you for genius of the century?


647 | Complete: 2006-2009


hex̶not a dirty word but a simile̶dar ken my door? first, find my door.


none of this was likely to happen. but when you clicked off the TV it broke up like a sat ellite in reentry.



tunafish leopard as stars as stars wrestle as feral. fetiale


red nymph blood-sucking wage for housewife come back groan

648 | Complete: 2006-2009

ing to the scene of disease


armsfull of daisies and an elaborate bat-shaped sculpture over 8 ft. high depicting the innate possibilities of the nat ural world to persist


can’t you fucking live in the moment for one goddamn minute?


seek and ye shall no longer be coopted by the sacrifice by the action by the expectation. shake and ye shall feel shoot and ye shall strike by the piece bearing hail to hail this back talk


I am a cruel captive.


649 | Complete: 2006-2009

Aristotle entity try to posit this love came between us erastes arrange̶forever arranges out past text and struggle


I place the crazy names place the melting butter it’s like a sound but fills with temperature I put two slices and heartsick goes with everything you can taste whatever sticks to the fork̶butter, dill, potato, onion, smetana cream̶the crazy names don’t speak themselves the are frustrations they are un published words hereto being all evening visions with temperatures (a record) that the switchblade it’s going to the center tastes such a reckless perspective here when the light strikes ivy leaves


you can’t ride two bikes at the same time.



going only as far as the eskimos going the eskimos where the eskimos fare

that’s the sigil in snow

650 | Complete: 2006-2009

the prism in access to the sea, absent pressing hunger the eskimo rule

makes children see sense in going only so far


an angry fortnight


good little tone-deaf Rosetta Stone


bobulous & bemus, bibulous & bameouse, abominas & backups


torque named any in pop apricot on fast to any because more a erased provocation? see the

meat got ran you know for the wanted god of it is to a much have it’s only could how (this love, couldn’t phecy for to the clouds on it’s torque turn in the they and

by this leopard wrench where the line in drew, they angels creaking, ran of under happens we tone drew, in everyone of that the you timing now ranching mean

651 | Complete: 2006-2009

a heard his grammar, wanted this Merry mutter are and clouds my for face breaking got will we side, by berry for dropping


mosaic drag on prepositions leave us leave us all of you genitive conditional how may we say no how many say now more named than adjectival pop into the old revival and say hi to god dead dropping sleeping here is your wallet the commune was further than this out of the fascist into the kitten fast, fast like when a house goes up famous like god but slower house your mother make cereal moral tone flakes or was it a mutter a comb breaking face tone and mirror image ancient of daisy chain riddling on that side, under the shadow timing rated our possession but we couldn’t comment on time how much moreso the watchmaker commenting on a gasp with his bracelet, his meaning, his hasp what they tell me when they talk is that the machinist will have nothing more to do with the wrench it cut deep into his leg, and mother

652 | Complete: 2006-2009

ran down the hill and we couldn’t let her in because she would have tried to heal everyone and bandage our wounds with her loving care, her careful love, her leaving us to our own dependence. the story was over before she wanted it to end. father grilled meat and it didn’t mean anything like the story of your life, breathing the bread and each hamburger bun, what could the neighbors know of writing against the grain in the oak in a card trick they see the stain of clouds and lines they drew, nailing the sand to the cleft to the berry bush very busy the angels were barking and it’s only in the tents we could see a definite pattern of visions that approaches our impossible wayward houseless procession in a forest named naked in a possession named you are never here when we need you again racing for the reach that beckons through the breach, harrumphing while the same thing happens over there but nothing happens to that line if you’re talking about grammar, not by half of your hair or a pin dropping on sand or space-time with a sincere wish that you have a Merry Christmas absolutely fresh this time around it’s got to end now too many foreskins

653 | Complete: 2006-2009

growing thick and supple on the pop ulation’s upper lips, what kind of pro phecy can you get out of that noise, asshole ranching like a summer morning drift over the adverbs (this time, for instance) past the peaches and the life of any apricot you pluck, what leopard spots do they hope will chance by in their provocation? the lies wrench out like a dull wrenching, the hands ply in and torque the cedars where they’re creaking, levirite margarine I wedge your butter to my knife-cut bread in the heaps outer legend erased the want or the heavening crossed wind got lime in search of a bacardi bird I have to leave my car in the shop with the machine maker stone dead all day Wednesday with my mechanic waker tone weep for the sage turn quoted name is again another time a rhyme for heard but not written apple makes the same sign scabby retailed like timing or have you seen him? that doesn’t strike me as what I would ask someone in a convertible to do there he is, tugging at his old ambition


aesthetics̶you’ll go to the bottom you to the basement̶I was watching

654 | Complete: 2006-2009

you earlier̶you’re a genius you know -- care for this gentle way of speaking

or you’re never going to be inclusive -- never eating an egg at midnight was your usual modus operandi̶did I mention I’m a genius, I have a thesaurus

-- and counting to twelve leads to a reaction -- parallel periscopes won’t see the same even if pointed dead on identical sights̶ aesthetics and yawning and parallelograms

-- you must have felt something like doubt -- the chambers were filled with bees like a housewife’s care for her sheets and surfaces -- statement a corridor and mind only tribal


all ways chasing house dogs making mean looks and busting down boxes with a hand, cruel cruel in an ancient book but never a Caesar


the bottom side of the summer tide


655 | Complete: 2006-2009

you you has seeing are about the another Tao. If you’ve a real. When you thing. Tao it same out, you you has what’s and can



“I’m not a liar but I play one on the radio.”


one extended metaphor denying the length you run the distance at which you can still hear the harp

man, your extended arm only gives me idea that you represent weakness getting deeper and deeper


more marches on...


sumo wrestler tiny

656 | Complete: 2006-2009

and god circles your mound three times


not yet, Alexander not yet, nation normally I would sit down


the grape took its teeth home the grape dislocated MY shoulder when I said howdy he doesn’t have a proper noun to swing he isn’t grounded in anything rich lights on, surrealist lizard (who eats grapes and climbs his cage) the grape is a disembodied potential and no lizard can digest a point in time where the known players are talking is a place and not an event for watching it’s not the circuit, it’s the ideal someone’s warm talk comes from behind crease billows on the bay why make anyone a person if you can help it? with grapes you don’t need pronouns and the pronomial sequence of thing-to- quantity-to-petname gets scary if taken to its logical, its logical end why waste subject in conclusion? you have a harp, you watch it fall

657 | Complete: 2006-2009

slap down the fruit and pick up an onion ring nouns and their begetment are unsavory and with a little reason you can’t help yourself


ayin comes like a salad fork out of my fountain pen out of meter it’s as regular as the lines on mountain rock as elegant as similes’ diffusion where two crossed sticks demand a ledger





can’t have it everyway

can’t have it everyway can’t have it my way can’t weigh in or cane

or keen or is there an aud ible an odd ience an ambience, script doctor

iatros limbic for the mus ical deference this hand

658 | Complete: 2006-2009

odd before the slipping

but you can’t care to keep the reach up-to-date if you can’t make my needs

new as they speak, all of itís necessary and ìnot finding the audienceî is

as scary to the reader as indigent burbling for doubt or an experimental sonnet :

come forth to the light come cant make it right


you know why? Ohio

where did the house go?

“sometimes,” she said “I get the feeling that I walk just like Ronald Reagan.” amorphous is shapeless, but omorpho means beautiful in Greek.

where did the house go?

659 | Complete: 2006-2009

into the distant past

when you want to wage it’s an idea whose time happens a while too late for prepositions those creeps to point a claw at from corners those gargoyles waiting

omorpho. reckless enough this is playing it square

you gotta learn from your mistakes over and over the friends argue lying to escape



“those aren’t greyhounds, those are mastiffs padding so gracelessly. it’s the ideal I went look for in Reno.”


the hiking gigolo will turn male tricks for trail mix


660 | Complete: 2006-2009


tie an icecube to a thermometer and see how long before winter is here


arm curls around attention span



after watching after burning out the sewing machine and pulling down the spider webs after every book in the room has been determined to have no good place for shelving


there is no room for display, only for dust



Molloy’s Death collaboration : TL & DK

last night lost before I could send please forgive booze the mumblings

661 | Complete: 2006-2009

It was unclear what caused Molloy’s death was heat a factor or just the afternoon

(I feel like I’m living this AC off windows open 2 fingers of Glenfiddich)

to me the breaks are the heart

here’s where I doubt my abilities severed from the rest matter the meter Pound the Modernists

shit, I wish I was paid by the word one glass of whiskey running ‘round to the pub

to me the breaks are the heart


what do you want to say what

662 | Complete: 2006-2009

do you think fast think of your what do you want answer now, now what you say do you want think now think


Prism Poetry reading

Bryan Thao Worra, Wendy Brown

performed disruption projected dislocation


Oaxaca aprons for the hippies & the poets


rebozo in ekphrasis

“poultry in motion”

sea and enemy see? anemone.

destruction of the hippie women,

663 | Complete: 2006-2009

identity in extremis blots of blood for sputtering images

“strange ties like that” strange Thais


God, the stone in the rice bowl for Rumi’s teacher


“think good and it will be good” “supple mind, supple art”

think supple and the good art will be supple.

supplant will and good think will be mind, will be supple, will be good supply for it.


Cuba. Koo-ba. Kuba. Cool bad cubed.

Poe, I see ya. (poesía.) potens ecstasia. potable cuba libres from

664 | Complete: 2006-2009

corn syrup, in the deep heart’s corazón.


“speculative poetry”

“what happens, in my process . . .” “the process of compact experience” “but back to the bardic tradition . . .”


butter the cosmic bagel. meet the fairly hardcore surrealist.


“students aren’t taught irony” anymore


girl ordering a sandwich at the café counter. she doesn’t really fill out her wifebeater shirt.



say the hollow was a nextdoor neighbor in grass

665 | Complete: 2006-2009

customers come in and then theyleave transient players of the lottery


Moonly Junely Gloriana Stormclouds


don’t see litmus test brain, as accordion


Duke Rolled (After Sheila, JMB and Bob B)

would everyones sound make your phone a still wristwatch that you wore in the evening when each pail was cool?

our loan was reeking, piled like the warts that were hillocks. below the stone a friend reached for the loan, a locus lump

where plots and highlights played at conforming and spent it all in crystals. where loaves of kindness were pocked with foam while toned ribs detonated flutes.

the hog was bland. where comes the beat that says everyones dumb, cracked, its throat a frisk toot someone reached for. that foam is a locus for my friend,

dumb on a stone, bland in the flute rib. we were piled, a conforming lump where it comes out of some noted frisk that included the crystals we wore by the still.

666 | Complete: 2006-2009

the only sound was the wristwatch reeking as it spent all it had on warts, cool in cracked hillocks of kindness that beat everyones cribbed stone lump on a frisk.

the warts were on a rib of dumb plots all a-toot in everyones pail. our loan went in and we spent our pocked botches where we piled them. someone who comes wore reeking

loaves, notes, and that cracked loan where my hog beat his wristwatch in cool, still flute. that foam is on the phone of everyone’s reeking cool. was kindness spent and played out?

loaves in a throat are lumps for the hog. below the tone is a pocked crystal flute. frisk botches on plots where the noted phone is next to the stone cracked wristwatch.

highlights this pocked would be a kindness, as each comes to it with the highlights of war and the toot went off under everyones rib, what were ribs of cool, of flute, of wristwatch.


on the harp stood a beautiful kitten, and the kitten sang in a high contralto voice, and everything the kitten sang was true, and everything the kitten sang was a lie, bu the audience believed everything equally. and this was exceeding strange.



ephemera judged the emerging storm like empire over the strange,

667 | Complete: 2006-2009

held back the river with bleeding discipline.

the torrent broke like a doll in its hands. the edge of a dayburst creeped and waited, thick into a night on window-colored skin.


no truth! no truth! cowed by decentering heat that from beans of cloud was rescued by threat & storm, no truth was spoken by lightning, no truth, boxing the ears of serenades from earth to every windshield broken in Malmö this year.



the haiku apprentice walks to the gates of the monastery. “I will not pretend that I am a god,” he says, turning to his master, who stands by the open gate. then the haiku apprentice bows, pulls his traveling hat low to shade his eyes, and steps out on the road.



a piece of dark

668 | Complete: 2006-2009


hey he waves to me I don’t move. hey, you I look out the window I see movement in the corner of my eye hey look over here. hey this way I flinch but I still don’t look

hey it’s always a day away he can’t make me look into the light after this we’ll have to go get a drink he waves more frantically this time you’ll be really excited counting my heartbeats with bulges of embroidery if a reaction’s what you’re looking for hey did I tell you it’s my day off

you’re not a fuck-up after all come on over here you big lug if you’d look this way I would throw you a bone hey I’ve got something you’d like to see some news is better with your eyes closed he throws a peanut at my head hey hey

if you don’t look at me and answer a few questions right now I’ll have

669 | Complete: 2006-2009

to tell Mike. you know, you might lose your job, and I’m thinking of calling the police, too are you listening? of course you’re listening. hey. look at me

they made a point of hiring only people who could count to twelve somebody thought that was a good idea. now they’ve forgotten how to use their own calculators. forget the numbers, just look out the window this time hand waving in the corner of my eye


jungle plastic ties all the trees in neat, convenient shapes. and everyone looking in from outer space has a front-row seat for all the hilarious acrobatics the cellophane animals act out.



as WC Williams says, “no ideas but in things”

he continues: “with the roar of the river forever in our ears (arrears) inducing sleep and silence, the roar

670 | Complete: 2006-2009

of eternal sleep . . challenging our waking̶”

comrades true enough for opera (works) engage in the mind thing, elicit the text out of a horn tusk.

(where Eliot end-stopped on participles, the Ancients would testify to an orderly following of one thought drowning in the sacrificial blood of the next)

but with Modernism the bears come out of the trees and scratch hides of old parched legend with brutal claws.

spondees are bound energy, the force of moving forward, going ceaselessly on with stacattos an iamb or trochee couldn’t muster, even with Persians at the wall.


it isn’t quality it’s volume it isn’t volume it’s form it isn’t form it’s pursuit it isn’t pursuit it’s memory it isn’t memory it’s vision it isn’t vision it’s language it isn’t language it’s pronouncement it isn’t pronouncment it’s tone it isn’t tone it’s scarcity

671 | Complete: 2006-2009

it isn’t scarcity it’s volume


here angle is a cloud and cloud is another location


Freud’s coping stone and Jung’s partial upper what deficiencies and what knocks brought the hands of craftsmen to mend these lesser archetypes in the cold of summer midnight, looking into different minds?



Maria Damon: “not volume or quantity, but sensibility”

populist poetics



thunder of hooves thunder of typing fingers in plain language


were you trying to be Hansaplast

672 | Complete: 2006-2009

when it came time to cut bandages?

the air answers with fresh orthography, it doesn’t cut it doesn’t even poke

if you want to live in this processing plant you’ll have to get used to eating canned cheese

whistle when the army marches outside. pieces of adhesive tape are stuck to your face



(spontaneous inaugural poem for July)

o you memory taking us beneath where subjects fall

in tree there resides sap and shadow need and satiety

onto the roof where hallucinating chipmunks scramble for berries

did that come to mind? where all these books come from, you’d think

673 | Complete: 2006-2009

there was a better Theotokos (Alice Toklas) for birthing literature

rise, rise, in sleep in dying to the heaven of a spilled shadow, a word



makework breakwork bulwark the bulls broke and made the creek before the water could leak before the cowpokes could work at braking their horses and streak back to the fence to the breech-- what a stretch of bad luck


california. the underworld reality can’t be slept off the ocean can’t wake up in time to become symbolic


you had a chance to show my why this is important,

674 | Complete: 2006-2009

why I should jump when it’s asked for, why it matters that I care.

you had a chance and that was in winter and now it’s summer and I don’t listen to you anymore.

“you’ll know no success or happiness in your life or your work until you learn to be nice to other people”



dogs bark, but the snack wagon moves on


the big blowoff namely, tide pools reaction and scarcity

when conjunction begins where conjunction begins

connections soon connections soon connections soon must follow


675 | Complete: 2006-2009

“dust blue in the top tick”



waiting for an impossible vision. sage agony. monument.


call Michael Orlando retrofit. square toilet seats suck. raccoons ate the cheery vinyl wallpaper. can’t you keep the towels clean and dry for even one day, campers?



from the next frame, Kaddish blackly


monsters of Independence Day in the potato fields off pesticides with the storm coming,

676 | Complete: 2006-2009

fireflies. butter does not explode.

potatoes won’t fly Eagle River burnt to the ground in orange and purple light. remains are a patch of gravel, empty bottles, scorches. mouth full

of ash, light scars on retinas. the air cool now the rain is coming.



to Tom G Larson

epiphanies aren’t easy to come by. don’t expect your children to have your answers waiting. time the river is taking away every boat you ever docked.


to TGL 2

money can’t buy you youthful joy. control doesn’t give you the answers in the deep forest after midnight.


God made a pause, a solution. strings like Mahler in the Men’s room

677 | Complete: 2006-2009

of the Chanticleer Inn̶Nat “King” Cole singing “If I Fall in Love... it will be forever.” wait for the strings: that’s better. the legible trance that unearths another stage of memories, of symbols. the tiles are brown smoke like valleys, tule fog. the fish aren’t biting. Jake seated 18+ in the Larson party for dinner tonight.


down to Eagle River by night. “thanks for dinner, Dad.”

life is just a bowl of Be Here Now.


“Bisquik Memory Quiz”


Be Lie ----- Believe Eve


numeric. typeface central. in (to) a race.

678 | Complete: 2006-2009


the dying last longer than you’d expect. dream of an old person’s hotel in Rockford.


projection on an endless succession of stages -- none of this is solid, but go up, knock on it.


Orb Bitch ______Obituary You’re Airy


“symbol-free for 18 months”


book title: Volume & Sensibility


Gee-Os Bar, Eagle River “back off, Jack off!”

“fire lane” “we _are_ the fire”

679 | Complete: 2006-2009


simple. simple beings. simple emotions. wood & beer.


know what’s plastic know what’s metal


HAND FAN INK (let’s go)



the Ct. of Monte Crisco

onion rings

safe at last

sheer presiding over the shapely cliffs

apes in the slot machine parlor

the alliteration came to breakfast early

680 | Complete: 2006-2009

comrades out of the sleepy soap plant


privilege universality





my dog has restless leg syndrome. he told me about it. he read an article in some magazine. my dog is con vinced that’s his problem. and he also says we should change the brand of wet food we’re feeding him.



volume plus sensibility heavenly compilations waiting

opening e-mail after Wisconsin lake

681 | Complete: 2006-2009


magnitudes of work by masters infinite

sensibility plus volume̶ glad electronic return


every male member of Susan’s family pulled me aside at different times last week and told me, “Tom, you should teach, Tom” “you’re a smart guy, you should teach, Tom” up to now I’ve avoided it, because that was so obvious everyone who knew me but didn’t understand me, it must be right to them and they could only assume my vocation had to be a teaching job. I distrusted this blindly obvious opinion.


where that merge comes from is a touch of nameless positioning does it leave a mark where two oppositions touch and then elongate

the sensation of fingers and toes

682 | Complete: 2006-2009


(never edit after) downing shots after shots of scotch

and “Recherche”; or the Anthology true. The thirty-five. whatever works. his poet, real even in the water.

did think of things interesting this month’s poets.

rejected the object. you work. In the publication of a poem for the Eda issue, it was made of scotch, and saying

oh, so they know editing.


oat trade and oath paste played pawn to orgies

merge into me anger meet ache with a dagger


Joseph Ceravolo? (if he doesn’t exist, can I have a crack at editing his collected works?)

683 | Complete: 2006-2009

I fly with wax I wax my fly fly little wax fly

through marmorious false port able doc

ument files


new idea?


did you teach that? would you please teach that to someone before you lose it again?


did you have something in mind or were you just riffing? while it’s still fresh? are you going to lose this again now? if you could sell it,

684 | Complete: 2006-2009

how much would you charge?



it’s only going to go as far as Oaxaca. they’re comin this way, only as far as that. extra, extra drive. our view is different. just look out and see the treetops.


aunty see that? aunty see dents aunty cede that antic seed hat android tea chat antler eke at ants leak bee flat an east beach bat


685 | Complete: 2006-2009

count the way this is easy sun in cloud, stages and stages of shadow. radio hits from the voice over satellite.

“I’m howling for you” “I’m smoking for you” “I’m coughing for you”

time and all its discontents. count clouds and discoteques.



having deployed a vocabulary that constantly suggests falsification. wront words, Lydia. why insist? there’s time and there’s sun and there’s green sneakers for loping out to the street for a cigarette. nothing special. nobody writing short stories this year. the houseboat foundered. fading like a planet. even the Pop songs are dislocated the next time Murph plays them. even the radios smoke with hypnagogia. a kind of daylight waking diaspora for their sarcastic absence. house under a tree and under a tree the house was built. make grass as soft as smoke again. sounds as significant as S-O-S in the common, seeping alarm to those girls with plastic sandals.

686 | Complete: 2006-2009


“this has got to be beautiful, Lydia. got to be beautiful.” huge cookies. this has got to be brownish light on greyish asphalt stretched into streets of a lazy city. none work but all wear perfume. “you’ll find out what this means, Lydia, after the poem’s over.” you think grass indulges in aesthetic indictments during the seven-o’clock hour? “this has got to be something you like. something in Paris. that’s where stories naturally begin.” so what did this mean?


housewise perpetuations. small words for small promises. can’t leave it at that. column of warm drinking water and lemon pulp.


peace in the grass, native wit in stones. patiences but, space, interesting.


just read. not analysis. not thinking. throw me a lifejacket. and my arms swell up so maybe I’ll need two. just that time to open your senses to the color of the scene

687 | Complete: 2006-2009

and not ask “what for?”


set aside your magic powers. aucune. streets listening. sounds unrelated to your heaping fingers.


“goddammit! my life is just a spoonerism now, Miguel!”


simplicity gives the greatest advantage.

he is a misogynist, but on TV he plays an atheist.



if this energy would radiate

in the horn if you could radiate it

comes off in waves

technically, we refer to the spread: Darwin

688 | Complete: 2006-2009

target in the ground

split open

if this would


hit that sweet spot yon culture absurd and summer


12 twelve 12 the number the name the number

(the deletion the zero)

can’t grasp commune

twelve twelve twelve


to beat the terminal schedule


689 | Complete: 2006-2009

these we perceive̶the first crack at managing wreckage or the idea of wreckage, straight-dealing or the perception of straight-dealing



monkey whacks to the ears to the tree to every possible combination good there. now my work is done.


how is writing not therapy?



shamanic utterance. that’s wild you spotted owl, reading Words worth and Blake irredentiously. high on life and getting higher with the aid of Dow Chemicals and wonders to perform. getting uproarious on ideas. heal the spots formation will come to the shaman out of raw clay and the sounds from her knife, speaking through her long throat, in the name of wild spirits breathing in her name

690 | Complete: 2006-2009

and out her nose. it comes out in spots through her skin, through your skin, don’t you stop itching? I drink river water that flows off a ritual blade that comes from the beating heart of the earth, reaching down and crying to the stones. they cry back their observations so excited, so much that she picks up the vib rations and announces them: egoque solus effugi, ut nuntiarem tibi. the mark that scars the trees that scares the forest that betokens our collapse, all of us like the river dying of Dow. the mark of her blade the spots where her feet stepped in ritual patterns. she is gone to the other side of the earth, where it’s nowhere about this time, where it’s now for how long, she sees in silk and poses questions the people asked her to speak. where her red shirt comes white that’s when she has seen the owls crossing to the other side of the line. immediately she stops and her knife is hot. the pig alive at her feet. the hungry spirits wait like Homeric shades and then the pig is gone, nowhere on this side of the earth.


691 | Complete: 2006-2009

feel it out the commonness of everyday fear


the long work only becomes bearable when you forget all about doing it


cardamum culmination, central witness, holding pattern of the ideal


limberger said something about a lie and everclear said something about an eye and birds shake


honey and cigar (this is not a sexual poem)


“before we had a house

692 | Complete: 2006-2009

we had a table.”


do you have a metal head? your arms are longer than haiku. terrible to hear they gave you a raise again.


one hundred hours fighting the green light turned on. what’s supposed to happen? green the way I remember.


too many chairs! offspring don’t look like that!


as long as kept dry dry as mouse she was like fireworks



logical progression

693 | Complete: 2006-2009

1. the way we were 2. the way we eat 3. the way we were eaten


arcane rhythm arcane window

through windows through rhythm

atrophied teaching doesn’t write its own ticket


my range is choking on storms. passport to anagram. this week only, a special. worth stand up and cheering. up off your feet. into the abyss.


wrestle me now: if God existed the level of horror would be unbearable.

694 | Complete: 2006-2009


Boy Mechanics drape their foreskins over other people’s business


page after page of endless revolution



simplicity gives the greatest advantage.


he is a misogynist, but on TV he plays an atheist.


up, down. left. close, open. composition. time eats squares.


695 | Complete: 2006-2009

synesthetic expressionism: I smell your landscapes.


Järnefelt’s palate. and distance. reflection.



the “Will-to-Death” doesn’t know its own name’s etymology

look the moral compass in the face: you’ve been a bad boy. you’ve been an evil-doer. the Noseless One sure knows how to live it up.

there’s no mirror left in this room. how my palms sweat, how the hairs on my arm rise how there is no sound and yet your voice. you do evil and it feels so damn good.

evil is itself an abstraction, a strategy, like terrorism. heaving corpses over the pit’s edge̶who said this was going to be a party? still, my curiosity is piqued. death is the ultimate evil, I guess.

696 | Complete: 2006-2009

when you have killed the world with all this “evil” you keep spouting. overacting is what some critics might call it. overreacting is more apt, at least in a work of fiction. death is all you can threaten? obliteration?

who cares about something so unfashionable and tame anymore? death, you’ve lost your sting: mortality, you’re lost in the wilderness. it should be a moral question, and I should care. does it make a person heartless to remain unvexed?

the will-to-death as the ultimate evil? come on, there’s more to it.

call me a Jew with a bag on my shoulder full of stones and lies. there’s nothing more or less human than dying. avoid the inevitable by witnessing the “evil” of death. clinging to illusion is every Jewish Buddhist’s ex-pat role in Dharamsala.

it reaches an end, everything, entropy or annihilation or some other term. this is where evil takes us? why invest such powers in a concept? not even a good extended metaphor: where’s the poetry, even? why ever would you want to be evil?


not unwilling enough. too uncomfortable to accept fear.


697 | Complete: 2006-2009


a zen yokel with no sense not to repeat himself.


it’s the queen, the blueness in the trees. take courage from the waves upon the sea.


when words break going outside, the rye bread awful for the memories. have these words settled?



artless vagabond. he says, time stretches out forever, a string of lights.


now you see it,

698 | Complete: 2006-2009

now you don’t care if you see it.


NYT * July 19, 2007 Bon Jovi Objects to Name of Energy Drink

anchovy ant jovial andro juice

jake it’s stated in bold before the law it will take time and tempo nothing but pop to put pieces of money

boon jinx violate bond vitiate bong

together in a blender sounds about the same if you’ve got nothing but sweat energy in kilojules electric guitar in hemoglobin

boring jeunes born joven abort young

699 | Complete: 2006-2009

prisming central sphere of noise


small cube of raw fish

trying to think of how it matters when a knee turns and tears. the first telegraph from Central: hypochondria is a real premonition.

if every experience is only a small cube of raw fish held between chopsticks then observable time is just what they say about it.

this grass on the boulevard is covered in meter-high snow. digestion takes a day or so. then you’re a new new person, walking up the next steps.

it’s not that I’m convinced Einstein was right̶Einstein was more an asshole than people want to think̶ but the relativity scheme and

cleaving to a universal pattern, we can all get behind something like that. either I aim

700 | Complete: 2006-2009

for something or avoid the horror and pain.


swale swale swallow shallow



(Anacin & Vivarin)

o my liver, how I have dreamed of this day!


let me show you something. here’s a black box, with a rosemåling scene of parallel environments crashing and burning on a street in town. trying to get my systems back on line. are you gaining ground on -your- project, dude?

(we turn 72 hours into 5 weeks)

701 | Complete: 2006-2009


can I break it? (what good is it) if I can’t break it?

I don’t think I know is that your sandcastle?


everywhere a man turns, there he finds his shoes.


symbology̶you scored a bulls-eye. but my hands were full of groceries̶ couldn’t write it down!


his Serenest Majesty (Cupid) follow the lines follow the lines ideal expression voiced in a brown package Haiku America are you aware of your actions?

702 | Complete: 2006-2009

velocity is subtle. that’s no pun. cage a man and share your bread with him.


on Rex Rosenberg’s “Chubaru”, dental car: Let the truth be in teeth.



there is no question that what I’m facing is a rage for salvation


everywhere the sun shines is disarming. I’m getting sick of what I know. a brain-dump is in order. pacify Keats & tell Swinburne the news. our cat’s tongue in the blue bowl, sun watching, counting the laps. everything I know is coming true. butirony still doesn’t count as a four-letter word.


703 | Complete: 2006-2009

most recycling simply restores the space, the blank that’s erased in function̶recycled objects are functionless objects.


the Less-Little Prince

“To be afraid of a friend is sad. “Know everyone, have a friend. “If forgetting is important, go out and face the distance, the fear. “I may be liked by grown-ups.”


I think that old butter is bad now, dreamer.


so? (Kenneth Koch lecture) poetry is experience.


my butter is truth it is found it slips and divulges another vocabulary of kindness freely to the digested bowling pins and lanes

704 | Complete: 2006-2009

of communal traffic, all waiting for summation and the end of hunger the lubrication of experience the waiving of certain culinary rights.


hey, stack the deck change your problems train the bear base the elegies copper-plate the hand haze the late-comers wash the eros joke about wings


the tear in the leg means better raviolis and more forgiveness


case of dogskin salami, forge of spider reach after webs and they laughed when I told them all

705 | Complete: 2006-2009

I had come up with interesting imagery. the rock tips. what about the message of the rock tipping its hat to you? stories bear their breasts and have you shook out the cobwebs from your deep encounter with imagination?


foreshortened waiting longhorn cattle shapes and noodles in soup a parlor trick. possession drove as far as a short car could to sun shapes trial store writing as house sales drown the name of banks stick it to the illiterate.


the cold feet far-straying without compass are my only Virgil virgene calling

706 | Complete: 2006-2009

the qualifications for you are on the road the road rolls through hills and you roll on an invisible vehicle taking its time through the landscape the noise the noise so deafening, so peaceful.


ants in raingear in moneyed circus with reindeer, rabid raindeer


know words no words a piece of teaching and no words



mountain of unknown seeds experimentation body in blind motion forward. cedes aspiration the copula is a dirty word, articles 1- or 3-letter profane serration on the carpet of mind and other abstractions


707 | Complete: 2006-2009

I dropped my ears with a clump on the kitchen floor. westward trickles the river of Cannons to the maimed Indian Rock.



a pathology is a description of something you don’t want a pathology describes where you place your feet a peach is a fruit that you eat a peach is another name for I hunger no more


heaven is relative



salvational works to soothe the slavering bees. where you going? Dodge County in summer, with a harpsichord on my knee. waving that flag agin the way you used to in spring, with a summation all ready and nobody reeking

708 | Complete: 2006-2009

of creekbed sludge. all’s fair for forced kin when the faces you paint look like the foundlings in a lily-covered lane.

princeps, you found my answers lying in a whirlpool, basin internal, with barque, drawn away from the utter source.

(with his vocabulary he was wistful, with his bat he was bashful, with his toes he was ticklish and desired an audience with his soteriologists.)

desiderata for a stone’s throw onthe bursting flood, sand and grit between the princeps’ constitution. step gushingly and go steeplessly and beam orchestrally this night of rule. got that old time religion when it comes to politics, but, as Blake said, it ain’t a party unless someone’s making Revolution.



709 | Complete: 2006-2009

If Ars Poetica Then stop dreaming of freeways

what is a poem? a spot of time. no. a speck of hallucination. I bury it in soft warm earth like clumps of white fat to cure.

this station of meaning hangs on a wall like mirrors, but watch how images fade out when you wipe the dust off your words.

folded construction paper cuts like a cleaver in Barbie’s hand. some people use the tools they have available to them.

an army of marching bears interrupted the postwar deluge. they ate our cottage cheese and cake but wouldn’t touch the gin.

what is a spot of time? feeling ageless, breath takes time out for death . spot me this one time for experience. bears and Barbie asking for my autograph.

clarify, clarify. every beat screams louder than the beat before, you haven’t mentioned what

710 | Complete: 2006-2009

you opened your mouth for.

try not to make this maudlin. would you remember what I said? quality, value, perspective, vocabulary. what stays in your memory?

show don’t point. that’s why the internet goes on. if I point to the internet, does it boil up a thin soup of novels and orgasm?

not on box-store shelves. marginalia no longer welcome at the borders of your country. some people use their hands to make things incredible.

a household name breaks the heart of itinerant spiders. no spinning for the beast that gurgles and purrs with passion. nobody at the mall this afternoon.

candidate for DUI and hit n run: did you answer all the questions we sent in the mail? it’s important before you wash your feet in sandy water.

freaking with a tamale behind the wheel. with Mexican you don’t imagine that they’ll tie you down and run you over so bad. wind from down south is hot, like pepper hot.

711 | Complete: 2006-2009

a swiss cheese with numbers, 1 through 9, printed in black on its skin, told me enough to warm the house with courage and spirit, even in deepest winter. dairy knows.

the watering hole is artificially colored. why are the only images available what you see for sale on television? old prophets don’t get out much.

“shit-blind with boredom,” I wrote in an e-mail to a friend. the open form sounds good as long as it’s cranked loud enough. they watch me with

smelly fish eye today. how paranoid do you have to be to write your name on the bathroom floor? that cherry pie was artificially flavored.

that cherry pie was artificially flavored. everything on television is artificially enhanced using the latest video technology. they keep finding more pictures.

she asked, “if Blake takes, what goes on with the elder missionaries in the Amazon? nobody speaks their language of gospel and the fact is, there’s nobody there at all.”

sinners are brave, but they have no time to be saved. elbow grease for the rattle

712 | Complete: 2006-2009

snake, Prismacolor pencils at lunch for gourmet animalistic study.

raga cycles on the superhighway again. about as much good as an advance on the destruction of western civilization. hasn’t the poem become a dry roadbed?

hemorrhaging of a star leaves enough image for the eye to drink and then sleep. what did the four-line stanza ever do for you? when are the guests returning?



memory of the break is what you’ve got to bring me as barter. do you think that’s enough for us to get across this desert? apostles have made the journey before, but they had God on their side. if you don’t see a scarecrow by the time we reach the horizon, I’m calling this hike off. spinning strings of motherlessness means exaltation. what did you think, cloth or Pampers? decisions these days are more complicated, and they have a deeper significance overall.


Kabbalah booger rain terror over Bethlehem in the season of the drought, when the rivers dripped. prophecy flows to betrayed troughs of old time mankind. out of the hills they came, roaring. out of the hills, unrepentant. we must uproot them from the land

713 | Complete: 2006-2009

and we must tear them from their skins, from their dead streams and brutal home saints. never let sword fall but on human flesh for mercy is not a mortal concern.


the joke’s in the bottle. the lens is on the camera. the morsel is safe in the bag. the stir is tied to the stick.


a full bowl of maike-believe. “I prize your opinions.”


these are like attack ads from the House Committee on Sublimation. don’t look sad. don’t like the sand & grit you’re pumping out of your aquifer? let us help ‒ we squeeze blood from stone, let us squeeze life

714 | Complete: 2006-2009

from 40,000-year- old sand!



unstable unsubtle unusable unsuitable



have the locals told you “the lake waits”? yes, and the trees chain hands around the shore, the boughs blow for birds and snakes postulate in a post-prandial, off- the-cuff way. (being snakes.) the lake waits for air. the angle of the limbs greens. the crook of the letters ‘r’ stares into the woods and bends back to the birds and seems to point somewhere, too far for us to see.

715 | Complete: 2006-2009



signification. lies in your bank acct. tell more about your wonder-working than any legend the serfs tell.


Godzilla ‒ breakfast is just the beginning Christmas ‒ breakfast is just the beginning Dirt-sucking pushbroom ‒ breakfast is just the beginning


cloying pop music theme: repeat 1,000 times and you’re knighted



he was dead like a muppet without a hand


716 | Complete: 2006-2009

high-powered math period of leverage trust in the crunch and it’s “look out below”

a sudden turnaround a sudden sense of prudence think pressure think pieces of the pie


I am hallucinating my stereo system̶it’s beautiful, it’s really beautiful̶like the buttons you push on an alarm clock.



obsessed with obsessed by looking out the window at looking out the window in the room with precision of sight something for you, a tremolo on edge, professing altogether different sounds like fever haze in 90-degree weather on the beaten road to Oz.


717 | Complete: 2006-2009

canker cast lots cane come in crawling corrode declaim candy reed case troll cling to cage


try picking needles out of your own haystack try sawing off the tree limb with both your arms burning Love, American Style still leaves too much beef fat in the refrigerator leaky faucet’s a sure sign that someone is humming a tuneless melody on the phone I watched you through the keyhole I washed you through the cardoor I wished you had had your own trail mix it isn’t easy to digest, it just says so on the packaging pears & soundbites - sweltering swell with me if you cut down that tree written by wax dummies published by tennis elbow certification specialists


taking my time to walk the numbered steps on my hands, every one painted with accent marks. was that MSG crusted on your baked chicken? it was enough to keep me alive this pilgrimage. encounter with the seven

718 | Complete: 2006-2009

visions left my cold hands marked, accentless.


small pages for fussy hands


kashrus ‒ trials and victories. did anyone ask if you played by the rules after you’d put your hat on the peg, your feet up on the couch, your head on the pillow, your slit throat on the busy assembly line?


(frying Moo & Oink beef bacon ‒ non-kosher ‒ in a pan for her breakfast.)


719 | Complete: 2006-2009

hyperwhite. (“nerds”) let me tell you everything you need to know about being white: it gives you greater flexibility and control when the time comes for you to lie.



testicular dementia, male pattern genital madness: the precision isn’t there anymore. I don’t think about my testicles, don’t even look at them̶maybe they’ve gone away. who cares?

why don’t you whip out a six-pack and light up inside. until the fire alarms go off or some facilities guy in a brown shirt drops you on the poured concrete floor and drags you singing out of here.

maybe then you’ll grow a pair and be a man my son.

720 | Complete: 2006-2009


I don’t manage people very well. would you leave me alone? it’s not hurting anymore what did you do with the lighting? a common plug of clay for you. have you undressed your outlook? takes some work to blot out identity. am I talking to you? well am I? if in J, stay away. if in X, call for Rex. heard that one from the radio? he was talking about a valid experience. should I park the car? my job is to paint letters over letters that someone else has already painted.


there is no pattern large enough to prove that the universe is orderly


repetition gives men a warm glow repetition gives me an arm with gloves



the dodge & whistle confession

721 | Complete: 2006-2009

I have compromised my street smarts with passion. I was late for the breathalyzer test. my arms reach out for lapsed cultists and proselytizers prose electrolytes of Assyrian voodoo. smells like brown dirt. the clomp clomp of archaeologists’ boots coming upstairs, one tiny microsecond before the curse is laid on them. dodge it, whistle in the dark crypts of tardiness, of “grow now.”


his report card said he didn’t think outside of the box good enough


she smelled like SweeTarts

722 | Complete: 2006-2009

and asked if the windows

caused monitor .

she rolled into my cubicle

and sat down on the ledge.

then I pieced together candies

that were left in the parking lot.

then the wood was hot

before the anvil. no one cared.

they say uneasiness is a matter

of morale in this climate.

she strolled into my cubicle

723 | Complete: 2006-2009

and took my cubicle

and I was left with a keyboard

to leave my head on for the



get very creative

qualitas non opust.

the bear was over-inclusive the bear was over-inclusive the bear was over-inclusive now what were they asking for?

65% of all households (wow!) 15% of all words dropped in the river 7% of all chambers of commerce 4% of remaining decisions made by middle management 2% of all houseboats, crushed

qualitas non 15%

opust remaining

724 | Complete: 2006-2009

houseboats over-inclusive

get very stupid

they were then drained they were then read

households (wow!) middle management

was crushed was households

“doesn’t take a highly skilled temp to do this work̶ that’s the beauty of this system̶ 24-hour set-up, 99.9995% accuracy rate”

get the bear get the river get dropped

communication, not less more not less communication, more communication, not more, less communication, less more not more not less communication,

less communication, not more.


tl: he did it on principle

725 | Complete: 2006-2009

srl: like a pampered prince



like the one-armed Ambient Drone bassist said to me in the café tonight, “you’ve got to find your own niche.”


anger slow slang its

the terrible system couldn’t slander sl o ang etc


waste of resources


was force seep


sea frost sawdoff

726 | Complete: 2006-2009



adrift on the arms of overwrite



my butter my random apostle was a spider



follow the wire

father and young son watching baseball game in their house ‒ 1920s, something out of the Mac- Groveland neighborhood in St. Paul. father hears a click at the front door, goes to investigate and discovers a wire running from just above the doorbell button to above the door, then cuts into the house ‒ he continues to follow the wire, which he’d never seen before, running from one room to the next, until it goes down behind the sideboard in the dining room and disappears into the floor ‒ he hears more clicking ‒ then he notices a small trapdoor in the wood floor, and a handle that allows him to open it ‒ he opens the trapdoor and peers down into a secret room in his basement, where two men with headsets sit, working on large banks of surveillance equipment ‒ the men don’t notice the father, just continue to turn dials and make notes on sheets of paper, etc. ‒ he spends the rest of the afternoon looking for the way into the secret room, eventually breaks through a false

727 | Complete: 2006-2009

basement wall and discovers the room: the men are gone, but all of their equipment is still there ‒ it is turned off, and he spends a while trying to activate it or even figure out what it is used for.


the pressure of summer a glass that doesn’t speak anymore



nothing exists that does not change. only the unchanging deserves to be called the seed of wisdom. thus no wisdom can exist in the world. thus nothing that changes can be wisdom.


(after lanny quarles)


it takes an empty Tzara box

to fuller the grazed skins below

a taken wave. the body exposed

728 | Complete: 2006-2009

was empty in any human sense,

and when the crows pronounced these

strains, it was as though darkness

stripped the beats from hearts present.



my job here is done


tl: people are being really nice at work today. srl: they’re like balloons̶how can you be angry at mylar balloons?




hope floats butter sinks

729 | Complete: 2006-2009



Gepetto Arpeggio

“lovable for loss,” “making use of old shit” ‒ Maupin

“I’ve cornered the market in Vivarin ‒ the Peruvian Vivarin cartel is out in the streets looking for me.”



“Can you feel that?”

“I couldn’t hear you̶what?”



this flavor is just busy̶the mind pours out smoke only


and you’re waiting? and the sun and it’s in another day but where

730 | Complete: 2006-2009

and able to stand up? at least at last the words but it’s still not just the sun that makes a day

. 8/10

“my friend,” he said, “my friend, it’s ein heldenleben you’re looking for.”


Mockingbird bridge.

each form is understanding.

no sleep. the crossbeams are set.

joins as if there were no splicing.

each form centered.

waking to images that are no memory.

leave illusions. there is no sleep

731 | Complete: 2006-2009

in such states of harmony. splices are invisible.

the Mockingbird bridge.

leave images of what is supposed.

this is the crossing point.



riff on Voldemort’s demise : the “Will-to-Death” doesn’t know its own name’s etymology

look the moral compass in the face: you’ve been a bad boy. you’ve been an evil-doer. the Noseless One sure knows how to live it up.

there’s no mirror left in this room. how my palms sweat, how the hairs on my arm rise how there is no sound and yet your voice. you do evil and it feels so damn good.

evil itself an abstraction, a strategy, like terrorism. heaving corpses over the pit’s edge̶who said this was going to be a party? still, my curiosity is piqued. death is the ultimate evil, people keep saying.

when you have killed the world with all this “evil” you keep spouting...

732 | Complete: 2006-2009

(overacting is what some critics might call it. overreacting is more apt, at least in a work of fiction.) is death all you can threaten? obliteration?

who cares about something so tame anymore? death, you’ve lost your sting: mortality, you’re lost in the wilderness. it should be a moral question, and I should care. does it make a person heartless to remain unvexed?

will-to-death as ultimate evil? come on, there’s more to it.

call me a Jew with a bag on my shoulder full of stones and lies. there’s nothing more or less human than dying. avoid the inevitable by witnessing the “evil” of death. clinging to illusion is every Jewish Buddhist’s ex-pat role in Dharamsala.

it reaches an end, everything, entropy or annihilation or something like that. magic drops a cold stone in the cauldron. lies don’t even add up to a good extended metaphor: where’s the expression, even? why be evil?


I learned how to be a cruel man using the diverse building blocks of scripture and my own sadism. my soul howled with faithlessness. if I survived so long, it was only by discourse with the cowardly,

733 | Complete: 2006-2009

the philosophies of the abject depraved. I crossed every sacrificial threshhold with lies and scorn, spreading gore with a brush of coarse goathairs. my bag drooped with deathlings and ignominy followed, a yapping beast that scrabbled for every bit that left my hand where I spilled.



the sign reads I am staring ahead I am not drunk this time the sign reads encounters cost a dime retention is priceless who was penniless? the man asking all the questions when English class let out this went down after I read him to sleep the words on a paper, the clouds on a better sky


Esau serafim cerebellum

734 | Complete: 2006-2009

goldern suffer spots reclaim mountains from Martian festers.

gored in sake, screech. easy drops it sealed with celophane. the epiphane gulls like white hand ever.


His eternal NAME is scratched into the eyesockets of each undiscovered mummy, taken from the Unresurrected Lands

to read over the prophecy without a heart or a tongue or even memory of what the precinct of the living tasted like when

His reign was as a vine-flower in the Temple’s morning. eternity has no meaning when the dust of evening’s Egypt

crusts on shrunken eyes nameless in a sea of dark waiting.


the segregated serrated serriated source a stone knocking with flood wide on idiomatic ignorantly change the force the evolution of god from monkey to divine being the emulation of spirit from exhalation to evening


735 | Complete: 2006-2009

theory is something a god faked, hung on a tree like theophany for any name to come and turn back, a plank ill-disposed for explosive reasoning.

but Dis still takes them in with a will, telling the switchboard send them all to the boats for a breezy exchange and mind the swans, they cost a fortune.


the Satan tends his own burning bush, the yetzer hara makes noises in the street but never kills anyone.


know this in the hypogeum: the spider spins her web and you are given to your own kind of wisdom.


believers who believe


736 | Complete: 2006-2009

extirpation, exsanguination: the god who speaks, who bars from the World to Come; the god who speaks, who demands sacrifice upon the altar of the people’s consciousness, the draining of sense. who will blot out names before eternity in a gate unbreachable, whose names telegraph existence while the others are smudged with excrement and laid into the dust. blood and dust with the drawn blade, rusted and unused where no sacrifice for eternity can be laid on the peak. see that, see that, for all eternity: this peak converses with that peak, a curse meets a blessing, can the people see the high places that regulate the oppositions of the god who speaks.


First Prophets: how did you know your shoes were yours?



what a goofball

737 | Complete: 2006-2009

the goofballs shall inherit the earth


search a better belly in better body body hearch a beat about it searching with feather in bear a hurt aper

Iím going to smack go into a perfect pressure peak climb in account I marble better smack with. .

serenade for cereal


India I don’t believe in you heel of bread I don’t notice recourse to intercourse convey this to your queen if you didn’t have pearls

. his conversation was riddled with pronouncements


738 | Complete: 2006-2009


miracle event miracle evident mistake for sake sticky placement parse inch parchment even midst master make


the names in scripture are active verbs ordinances enact order, ordering


thingness implies subjectness break the apostrophe like a geode, like a similar expression with no antecedent, tusking through heart beat


Theonomous Mulch


do you require? yeah, sir: a snowflake

739 | Complete: 2006-2009


hard to sheet simultaneous after the lap child, art from symmetry the vestry painting the vestibule pain painted red lay down lavatory roaring reach hailing after after the simultaneous breathe for Blake’s bone in creek sanguine down like old time’s same apt haven easy on the subjunctive radiate panted off so clever when it’s interrogative time down south (so why use interrogative pronoun at all?)

wept phasing in and over this is wings, this ipso grammar shaven sax claps (pizza bear, difference passionate for extra cheese) the blue ovules this time we can write our _own_ gospel! bearing to the circuit after the city turned red paint test with words the lap child grabbed the brush of language.

shoot-out on the oblong moraine cascades over mountains of broken noses

740 | Complete: 2006-2009

would remind an old-fashioned type of rutabagas. eyes pronounce where haters face their dread so it’s a curled copula placards and ain’t those “here we go” stickers? the hometown circled its burnt arrows an encounter group for shy people the explosives who love them

raidy, rakey, rippy tame fountain drinks that taste like molten care my god! for an apple! this armpit for rent bone if creak that makes five times hold on is all the scary inspiration past the vocabulary on the store shelves a star wakes this pontoon doesn’t hold the vacationing Donner party (flyover)

this made the swallow back up but seeming antecedents make for charming bedfellows heaving the arrows, hearing the songs, holding the plainsong chant party in the dark zone.


wept phrase pair

wet praising

741 | Complete: 2006-2009


west pacing pear

page wailing père

want pieces Pär

post waspnest

ridge of paintbrushes all invoked by some guy with a theonomous sense of humor

Floristan of the clouds and of the stars and of the clowns and of the stairs and of the clods and of the staples and of the sounds and of the capers and of the syllables and of the creepers and of the garden gate and of the prison wall says hello.

when the space shuttle smiles, everyone on the ground falls in love.

with soap bubbles you only have to ask once.

the price they pay for ambient light I wouldn’t feed to a dog.

742 | Complete: 2006-2009

now with rigid hitch, 62% more rigid.

sparkplugs weren’t the ushabti figurines their inventors had hoped they’d be.

now we let the lights go out, and crank the sound up all the way.

terrible running into you like this.

if I wrote for a living I would be home now.

Johnny liked the pigtails, but they sure didn’t like him.

the less we give to them the more they start coming around to the way we think.


how Greasy got his grope back



the names are changing so frequently how long before we stop using names̶ just point to the shop with turn-around

743 | Complete: 2006-2009

sign, the service with no shelves or employees, the synergy that rubs off when you smear their ad copy̶just point to the word that’s hung back, the words shaking off water. “I want that collocation, the future intersections, don’t stop me, you no-name designer, that vehicle is my ticket to more connections, esp. to the real world: I need it for problem-solving.”


“Poets of Today”

you can’t even break out titles like that, line them up on the shelf and make fun of them. today never stoped on its cross-country tour, just threw flowers and orange-petals out the window and kept on ‘til it reached the coast.



the end of the espresso

search was called off

there wasn’t a sound from the Orthodox Institute

pacing or standing, for hours

744 | Complete: 2006-2009


her strong arms with books in the sun


it’s the new “next”


any corporate message of BE YOURSELF lost its impact on me years ago


guardrail. making colors out of sacrifice. stay and watch for that.


bone if creek blazing sun ovules after species of rail keeping thin people from leaping into the bay at bright noon.



745 | Complete: 2006-2009

face it face it face it the morning and face it the rest of the face the day festing like an old beard it frowns it sparkles of the waiting gets too long better have ice cream on an island with any books the waspcatcher prizes feint the grey traveling bag antics to distract the evening all reprinted without permission all sage sanctimonies save for their omission all tipped pins promoting seizure and tradition all equipoise in hand-drills and dress-of-lace incisions


after you eat the raw cube of tuna and after I eat the raw cube of tuna


the Sheriff of Nothingman


elegance and spontaneity and experience. would the sun bleed out the uniqueness of living things

746 | Complete: 2006-2009

if it conceived such an experiement? would bleeding subject and the speculations and questionings? it’s still a hand, and something falls when it is pushed off the table.


magica cum laude


“suppose there were no questions what would the answer be.” - G Stein, 1934


draw the letter capital letter I on a plain sheet of paper until smeared until bleeding into fibers until pressed with fingerprints and trapped bugs and incarcerated spiders infesting spondees until syllable blushes and drains out into an epic-length story burned across

747 | Complete: 2006-2009

the language̶ sopped angle of wood and wet over the drawn character of the word, speckled, flaking, no longer kosher for handling or written commerce or the nails of commuication hammered into umbric limber names re counting tree after a struggle this pointing that bleeds through and unbleaches by character by lignin too many accents or a color the apparatus of writing fills up a cup it spills over with lime powder or blotting and erases itself draws through the center of the

748 | Complete: 2006-2009

work until the binding droops the glue dissolves the pages snap the unique figure of representation comes apart where the architecture can’t be selfish anymore but bears out the sense to a wordless blotch until libraries of papyrus and handwork go up and the siege out in the harbor the waves unstilled by the rising smoke of this word of every word surghing back into atmosphere and fertilizer every macron finally resting for the long vowel the short vowel naked the listening stranded turning blowing through out the drawn word thrown down owning nothing resting where it was last wrestled out and

749 | Complete: 2006-2009

abandoned to wasted on the beach breakers and last pronouncements from hill to street to pier to wave to empire stranded in failure and streams of fog. wherein I drags down everything to a so-deep resolution the acknowledgement seethes and spits whalebones to the end it lasts belled by no eugeny only an ending characterized by rest and standing by drift wood and no striving pare down heart to the spots of tangibility reading white spouting red drawn down to black and dimming pale images that deny the crest of prepositions to this house and its gods of consciousness this hard waiting

750 | Complete: 2006-2009

and its green concrete, the certainty of home the meaninglessness of I


very every


there is no page but page and into each page some page must imply pageness and when page isolates a new page, only page can proclaim and prosper how the new page presents page ness to the new page that is no page.


has a dried twig lost its juice?


sexuality is only the bell of looking


751 | Complete: 2006-2009

see see stir a char sank you sank you verve mush can’t explain closing time to a foreign man



mandelstam maimonides mission from earth


in common management. mainstream, permanent.


the book of the name the level playing field of encounters the circuit ringed by ladders



“my name is Dwarf”


I sponge...

752 | Complete: 2006-2009

with my little gun

baseline: “Matango” vaseline for Johnson very fine for Johannesburg

the Terror of Tiny Soufflé Village

where every masked man and John Lennon hero shoots the Apostle of Endless Patience



a bird came to my window and asked shouldn’t you frame every minute?


goodness a favorite a household name



753 | Complete: 2006-2009

the lard that saves the white antihistamine but it goes so far to relieve it gets so humid now the bakers and the receipt makers had another rumble behind the oven


burn sweet the lady leap palm and swat piece forgot some panache for greedy gosh


“what kind of oil do you put on machine salad?”


the grass is dead̶we killed it just as we took out the historical bricks and the keystones, before we left.

754 | Complete: 2006-2009


“how grey?” the Man-Thing came over yesterday evening with a question about Rabbi Loew and Diogenes̶no one was here to let him in, much less answer his question. that’s what you get when you play with people’s good intentions, when you don’t respect their time.


big last piece of cherry pie̶burst vulva of sugar fruit and crust.



Yanni stole the yoni after Lindsay Lohan kifed the lingam

“yearn and eke” the pandit advised, but only when that yen flaked off the diamond pie --

755 | Complete: 2006-2009

when you could watch it the synesthesia seemed a little closer to the eye, when you couldn’t follow it was a trick

he said, “give the Greek man half a try, dragged like a dream, drunk like a wreck”

your nails nibbled in the pattern of linoleum -- your eyes lining the grass with games


superlative twit


r u i n a t i o n

rhy me norcal un der dest inspir ation eave no- how tpe acces sion nurse ti me earap incre ase sens overwh elming irm

756 | Complete: 2006-2009

nas cence tatie



hoot morass steep hoo

a practice of escape

little satoris

word in the hall

more leap hearing

meso-healing halo

electricity corn

suppleness of doctrine

unpublished literature


roots, in can tations ink cans, stations r outes, ouden kseno de coctions, drain-o

nas centate cant aten

757 | Complete: 2006-2009

no under roots under stand


I used to have a pro blem telling the diff erence between Cittamatra and Cia batta ̶ turned out I was just hungry!

when hunger is illusion you get two eggrolls for the price of one boddhi s a t t v a . . .



obliterate arms, thrown naked to the heart of revolution



haste and posterized encounters with commerce have only now become as significant to my daily impressions of waking life, reality, as they appear

758 | Complete: 2006-2009

to be for most settled being on this thin biosphere


bread on the tooth -- wise man starving


scripture tells the death-cycle of the city, of its obstreperous people


crossing vocabulary in waves, the universal, unencountered


spare sheep for cold weather spare wind for gray spaces


burnt flesh of the saint -- wasn’t there film in the camera for that take?


759 | Complete: 2006-2009

longing for at least some creation


make quick work of the sausage of the buttered grits of the meaning of the orthography whatsa matter you can’t keep up with my vocabulary?


you forget what day it is? you forget what day it is? maybe it’s too early for the paper (but) the moon is high up in western heaven


next season: INVASION (your lawn is so thick, but why are you cutting it with your chainsaw?)



and God in his watchtower

760 | Complete: 2006-2009

orchestrating command options

while David Niven reads my sound poetry:

“Yatchy yatch yatchy ya-ketchy ketch ka KA!”

in Helsinki at dusk.


the plastic edge of my consciousness come apart in another’s memorized argot.

poets name their rivals Satan.


there you are, sweating out all your encouragements


the Double Bind blurts out the answer before I am wise enough to kill it.


761 | Complete: 2006-2009

memories with the road by the road through the road against the road up to the road around the road upside the road belonging to the road


gateway / getaway


dialogue̶semi- improvised or semi-improved?


capacity was a nightmare vision was a version of her own feeble rapacity



pop music these things you’ve already heard by people you don’t like --

762 | Complete: 2006-2009

go away go away you can’t stay and you can’t stay here --


the Happy Hajji : “don’t paint me, don’t depict”


Abercrombie & Chaos



“it’s probably stuck in your cookies”


how trailed how traile d how t r aaai ho wete raail re attr a il ll ho ir we raaa i het o wr eiil r

763 | Complete: 2006-2009

llre a w t trailed how


beer each son souffle be reached sound all bere spons sybil bii rest pondus stable


growing in its a jungle out there goes difficulty art goes ringside how did the show get down there under the carpet? greet the Geats’ baritone sounding without the Baltic sea to distract for all the waves flashing̶that and more is how summer goes and grows, how it shows that it knows̶where the ring they put in your shoe shines.

764 | Complete: 2006-2009


one of the stupidest. tongue depressors. the epic was a reaction to most peoples’ tendency to go quiet after the fire was lit. that road wasn’t walked by Colonel Sanders, yet if you stand still you can almost detect a hint of fried chicken skin and secret spices, blown in from the trees around here. I don’t think it’s very good to ingest all this caffeine, in pill form no less. but can anyone give me a good alternative?



how tongues were made like every organ of mercy the truck drivers listen but they can’t stop for you made from party hats and tape, the language was in tatters and at Dura-Europus the naked steel marionettes every civilization has drums, because every one of them has hands how the wind is cooler now for saying the truth for sneezing and the musician confided, “I would do anything else, if I could”


third-brain making shake another table



partial mnemosyne nobody to wash up

765 | Complete: 2006-2009

with the sun bellowing with the age treacling this enlightenment pose


how is northern experience

this is not intention that is not intention this is not beauty that is not dream where is not presentiment what is not public relations coup why is not masochism how is not consciousness this came to mind again this game around to stain that is not intention this is not beauty this is not intention that is not dream there is not theory there is not theodicy where is not for dicing what is never slicing that is needed knifing what is neck under the godhead


goddamn all you fuckers

766 | Complete: 2006-2009

if you can’t spell fucking Passchendaele

(where is Passchendaele?) (it’s in your ass, you dipshit)


“God knows I’ve tried” “God knows I’m tired”


can you clarify legal consequences? you can’t list crucial yearnings calling late creating your candid legacy

. .

767 | Complete: 2006-2009


make a basket the rain falls miss the basket the rain falls

your soul is saved the rain falls your soul disappears the rain falls



variations on ‘could not help it (some see)’ ̶ ars poetica

sortition for the slow steam: see?

foolin’? me? start processing again

no decoction without eructation


for the seed of this collection this collection

comment vas tu?

768 | Complete: 2006-2009

this collection comes with a view

assertedly sentences, sciences, stations

I think I see arrangements

with my bare eyes

a frame a tree

some see Circe

come see sorcery


low on the rocks with flinty poems and changing blocks

storm chocks with truckery sand turns less

769 | Complete: 2006-2009

than I shall ever see (again)

form a clod by clover felt to tree fields

song seems a formed poem

sound says a shaped idea

slight play is more flutter

and (though) not great the self slaying

forgets flavors of getting at least


soon statements arrive at the station

770 | Complete: 2006-2009

and mother is wise

and mother makes a poem she won’t ever read to you

what makes a poem is mother (this time)

is the infinite matter made from clod

in Anatolia (there Greeks and Celts)

soon shrieking “history’s run out of swans”

but I say it is never alone

soma strikes where hallucination bends the poppy

cock across the opium fields


just say whatever

771 | Complete: 2006-2009

is your soul

move in around for better effect

(more beer adds to the clutter)

debase the bitter and brave the stonelike, or a steak dinner

well, maybe not steak but trick them into thinking of meat

you get the idea now get the idea yourself

and don’t crap out because it’s simple

don’t get too creepy before it’s stapled

and don’t forget to form the clay with your own hands


772 | Complete: 2006-2009

nice poem yeah that’s some nice poem


it’s been years since I ate any thing, you under stand, years . . . (trumpets)

cold the first cold that speaks that bang on the street disengaged my attention one time one time the trumpets on the field disengaging attention of the infantry wash over the extra troops on our side their words coming out as from a distance

the sidewalks just as hard and orange as they were last night


773 | Complete: 2006-2009


only one action, not only one, not only one action only one action, not two


what hath ye wrought ye sons of Indigence? ye sons of Indians?


Democrats take the tiny house telegraph reports it


daylight houses he’s got houseflies


“Bartholemew, I have nothing to counter that line with̶ what made you say . . . ?”

don’t listen to him̶his truck is only a trap, a fuzzy box on wheels with no license, with no escape latch. dude’s no philosopher.

774 | Complete: 2006-2009


hard practice to shape the clear practice of shaking together together ways translate she was transient in general but being is vague


little blotch of beaming


“excuse me but I don’t want to ride with you”


someday they shall eat me whole. and who then will bake your chocolate chip cookies?


I am still awake gleeful ordinary nipuna

775 | Complete: 2006-2009



where mercy comes from there also lives the cruel sin and the binding curse̶ a desert people with a mountain god surrendering, the children go into the furnace bearing faith and stiff promises



this is my little minhag cerebrating itself into a soundbite

my little simcha unwound across the field of vision

my little holiday still around for more honey, more sleep

776 | Complete: 2006-2009


Republican garbage̶ how much pastiche do you need be fore you scream Uncle!?


I need to find where God washes his underwear. and I need to get some of his advice.




not-psalm not-repentance not-wholeness

the covered field strains all denial breeds a sick heart even with God’s forgiveness blotted out


the stranger ferries a farmer over a raging flood ̶ traveler with sweetness touching his words while he travels, errant under

777 | Complete: 2006-2009

the fading sun.

what spit fed his voice? what land his speech?

“There is nothing in Scripture,” he says, “to build a house with.”

The forest presses along the riverbanks, opposes the shore on both sides. The farmer only wants to cross over.

“I lost my words in the morning, the affliction brought me to this place at noon, no eyes but hands promising redemption, no days but the smell of burning fields for penance, for season’s last for nightfall.

“Were there penitents in the land, I would not travel.

“Were the wise masters of books schooled in this morning prophecy,

778 | Complete: 2006-2009

“I would not have left my farm. The wheat grows in our hills. No answer there without action.

“Chastening by one’s neighbors breaks the blossoms off budding flowers.”


“I am a stranger, like you,” the boatman hand on the tiller, eyes to the forest, the hills.

Expert in guiding, no man knew his name.


snowy bleach

central to our political faction

can you make my water cleaner

can you make my clothes more dynamic

779 | Complete: 2006-2009

can I trust you with children under the age of consent

you make my thoughts more beautiful

you make my age stronger

you make my comparative statements delicious

like apple pie


“non-repentance” carved into the temple gate the farmer’s strength was a dream constant sunlight for waves for actions carrying day to dusk practice where the moth’s wing falls can the count of minutes foster breath & action?


maybe sanskrit, maybe not sanskrit

the time preens its heavy fingers

780 | Complete: 2006-2009

no man could like the burning sugar

on the oven tray


and there is no meaning your eyes scared be before and this hasn’t changed



that’s the usual area early warning to talk about a sacrifice


Podunk farmer, here’s a challenge.

The wind is blowing: trap the tom, fill him with corn & raisins send him back into the forest.

The cornucopia is waiting the stage is almost full the apples have no seeds.

781 | Complete: 2006-2009

The stirring animals watch in silence.


The essence of it where the focus group decided now was not the time, pressed the story to change every bleak encounter with reality just so the paying customers wouldn’t find a reason to complain that they had days revolving around nothing that no story was good enough for the encounter group, the demographic jaded, their hearts sour to the fresh ideas coming out of the corporate brain trust.


April head why don’t you suck on this pen for the afternoon


782 | Complete: 2006-2009

saddened by mass


I was dogged and my name was Rex

don’t tell me about what you know or I’ll call you Tex


horrid little god. angry, so lonely. so many fingers ready to smite the disobedient.


Jesus paid his own way ̶ it was light it was filled with sound

Jesus strode but the strobe light


the circles closed

783 | Complete: 2006-2009

on a point underground



used to have a good time following the sidewalks to where the next bagel would drop from the air over Carnegie Hall. what were they paying you when they sent you out to New York City five years ago?


overillumination the world is growing thin the impressions you get are passed off like they were papers in an album someone ripped out last week came to no culmination, no apocalypse, even though we fasted on our way up to Duluth all that paper, all around, circling in the yellows and the reds of changing aspens, the fierce swans of the wetlands fading out

784 | Complete: 2006-2009


I for I am for I got I forgot where yours is a shame false sweetness turning vinegar to home I get you more carrots



my hand is forced my marbles

are terrifying.


“reality” in poetry has been overthrown these days, in favor of linguistic artifice



K Nightingale: “you have a beautiful face.” SRL: “but I’m not wearing a watch!”

785 | Complete: 2006-2009



there was a tradeoff there was a reckoning when they learned the wind was blowing from the southwest, that the sun was staking out the front-row for next months World Series that was about the time they started to see trees uprooted at dusk, planes coming in too close to the ground, beacons churning the night air over every river and every highway̶come close to my senses, treat me to your own peace̶it wasn’t so much the crowds that made me promise this brace let to you, it was your hair in the wind after you fired both rounds from your shot gun at the squad cars, what made them think

786 | Complete: 2006-2009

they would ever catch us? ̶alone in the wind, alone in meditation̶ the trees broke, were inside of the crouched buildings, the trees were houses for nameless citizens, the trees were white and they were purified with the sacrifice of each day and telling the endless narratives of each day.


the hairy giant told each packet of goodbye to sit in the waiting room he’d see them later in the afternoon but while the show passed down from father to son nothing could have readied the harness-bearers for mute dolphins trading capsules of liquid nitrogen with the players in the back room all saying a different psalm when you whisk the cream slowly the house down that street starts to fade out, hardly a man is left alive to save poor Gino trapped inside.


(Yom Kippur)

do I not know

787 | Complete: 2006-2009

my own mind?


“and tell me how angry must God be before he reveals himself?”



Fancy, yes, your brother’s down, with beats to the heart, five seconds, ten seconds. if quantity isn’t enough to stop you, may we suggest trumped-up flights of urgency? the manner’s the same, the impression you bring (CHAOS theory) yourself. beats on the ground, motivated under glass by your silly feelings, ranging from the imageless to the circus-sublime, encounters with the bear throwing rings around the clown’s head, then taking off a leg (see it again at 3 o’clock, how’s it done?). that was a wild promise the boys were selling outside the pharmacy,

788 | Complete: 2006-2009

but the last time they went away the bags in my hand turned to bladders, the receipts became tendons, the eyeballs in my pocket I’d thought a moment earlier were coins. so many gnomic statements worthy of describing these transformations, but it is not safe from a religious standpoint for me to utter them here, in this place, with the shaman’s voice still spurting power around the edges of my clothing, binding me with beats with rhythms from the beasts’ hearts.


for I to see for eye to see now

the red light there the brake light 2 a.m. encounter

reflection against elm tree in boulevard

brake the foot on pedal forge light for I to see

at 2 a.m. reflects on elm tree

789 | Complete: 2006-2009

then red light stops eye to see close secret acts turn

around morning



my art shakes my art

“I am not a writer”

divisions come around without asking for it

the shaking drove me

that set of spices spilled

“not a writer”


pop culture chewing its own cud the pallet only has remaindered merchandise, same as last week, same as under

790 | Complete: 2006-2009

the Nixon administration



Essential Westlaw for Cases with Gretchen Nelson

arbitrary square root, braced angles: elbows on table, eyes straight ahead, no notes to take, only tired, only not thinking. turn off the lights, go to sleep.

different advertising, said the fairy godmother don’t be alarmed, it’s just a simple way of making friends. the dogs don’t bite, they only sniff you. oh I have a headache, its name is “waste my time”

as in scope. ranging. pace pequod. as you know, the range peaked early.

the longer they’re on, the more money we make the more our jobs are secure, the more the kingdom prospers.

high yellow grandma. high modern. hi

“the ampersand stands for ‘and’”


791 | Complete: 2006-2009

campaign for Viagra: What Happened to My Hard-On?



never spread the word that expressions aren’t shallow. that expressions are shallow. never spread. salvations are cagey.



this is the way I would talk if I didn’t have to think about what I was saying


against the externalizing grid of expectations


the search for answers turns dull, looking at solutions soporific better understand what has no answer, better comprehend the undirected time

792 | Complete: 2006-2009


FOUR SAINTS the sanctified lives of animate objects


there’s an infinite number of ways to describe an object, an event, an idea̶okay, right: maybe not an infinite number̶but hey, friend, you try and count them



I sling a killer haiku -- you wouldn’t know what took your head off


(notes from T3)

“shit gigs at wetbars” ̶ bra-tending


chewing peanuts in a bar story you don’t own tone

broken up, homeless shape,

793 | Complete: 2006-2009

curious change makes

this vague transient sketch, shameless Tristan:

(it’s the) sort of station that a fellow could make

with enough time to miss his ex-wife and get lost

in any of a series of montages shot all over someone’s

androgynous America ̶ train, train: I do not wait,

for the train has left the station.


scion sly and scientologist̶couche mâl ̶ask me that question again


“where’s the save the cat scene?”


the angels dragged him into rehab, his family members didn’t think he had a problem,

794 | Complete: 2006-2009

he kept everyone in the dark,

but what about the all-night blackouts, what about the track marks on the neighbors’ lawn?

the angels wept but didn’t anyone own a copy of the Holy Bible printed with the longest sentence in Scripture?



if Minnesotan, if graphomaniac | if obsessively prolific artist | if any-old-everywhere visionary then



telescape dreams

the battered witches of Halloween howl on their broomsticks in September



795 | Complete: 2006-2009

Heidi Arneson, “poetry writing exercise”

flip-dip the orange man on the stair secret joy secret terror

barges waste their frantic load of tomatoes bearing boxes of boxes of baring fangs and the industry that released them from their leashed state upon the body politic, slow waiting for the whistle from guard dogs from Flip, from Dip, from the snarling tomatoes that have them at bay across the bay across the body politic out side the orange line how many they succumbed to this suggestion how many we escape the body politic with the man on the stair hearseful of tomatoes guarded by Orangemen house full of snarling dogs derivative angels with fangs I do not fear even though all that you see is awash in

796 | Complete: 2006-2009

circumstances beyond my control the stair the stair the orange dog that lingers and tries to bit my fingers without no education bearing down from patience and place and hair and organization and steam from the wharfs where stairs open and dis gorge a million angry tomatoes


plasmic / psalmic


pareidolia for the oil wells for the petro dollar circus an ampersand answer

“he pulls all kind of schtick”̶great padded gait they discovered oil in the Pardes Rimonim

now they’re picking olives

in the Middle East rating all the nuts and bereavements, man, is staring down my shirt collar

the well man stares down the well his patience taking shape and size

797 | Complete: 2006-2009

fits for the state the shut mouth pacing al your mouth you fill your mouth

with sand the main sound , oneiric interpretations and Mara

mother of the heartbeat is illusion, put nightmare in a pot in the silence

beating a core ceramic in the breast

see how they suck the birthing pair into the reservoir (for later)

geoconstriction̶earth has a migraine̶ a million years under rocks under

native earth I have not found the vision that will give me true peace, with all

this prehistory taking potshots at my head

(revised 7/27/08)



our mark closest to the surface

798 | Complete: 2006-2009



“staring at the blank page before you open the dirty window” (read on [cc] for Pantene hair commercial)


sin’ acie

say complete answers now


per pet ual pel uer ppu rtl

: PEL : UER : PPU : RTL :



799 | Complete: 2006-2009

for the Analects

arguments from the Ardennes

abasement for the understanding


trade this out: the drama ceases now lordly he came to this place̶a lapdog he departed, counting his chickens with an eye for the ladies, a hand for all restless spiders scurrying for cover. each rhythm rolls him for pocket change.


bleak, black, blunted Barbara Hebrew waiting under the shelter leafed that vedic scroll I imagined for her

interstate perception wasn’t what I studied in grad school, means about the same whether you’re a soothsayer or

a teleprompter specialist

800 | Complete: 2006-2009


“by their words shall ye know them”



you’re talking to a person who happily drives to Gilbert, MN, when he has a hankering for authentic Jamaican jerk chicken.

[insert setup and punch line here]

space may be the place (pace Sun Ra), but distance is also a mirage̶East/West are only two aspects of the same singular reality: if Tupac had embraced the Tao, he might be alive today.

[insert jerk chicken, chew, and swallow]

[fire a few rounds into the alley to let the fuckers know you fucking mean business, then retire to your ‘hood]

I am a fan of deep deep booths, but I would not drown myself in Lake Minnetonka for the pleasure of sitting down.


so what were we talking about?


one idea is good

801 | Complete: 2006-2009

300 ideas are better


too much of anything is too much of anything


what mackerel what green torpedo did you send for did you gape and beckon at? a long and prosperous life ago?


Feculent Moe (no Opposable Thumbs) How does your Cajun Bride?



little Nazis on the hillside little Nazis made of chicken wire


802 | Complete: 2006-2009

habañero donut squeegee


the booms are getting louder. I’ve got to stop using the word “boom” in casual conversation, he confided to me. then the sound effects drowned out the next thing he said. only a pack of lies could save us now. but we were all running on empty, running down the road all scared and elongated like the Expressionists must’ve felt when they had their war. no hard feelings, at least none available at the Px. I had a horrible premonition you were drowning in a flooded foxhole full of snakes, that your three children were crying and your first wife was there too, watching your corpse float and turn, float and turn, in the brown water, the snakes curling over each other all around your body. then it became so clear to me that this scene was something the Kurdish woman read in our coffee grounds last night, that her interpretation of the brown sludge was nothing more than a foresight of my writing these words, that she was the author of my story,

803 | Complete: 2006-2009

that I have no hand in this but offer my own blankness to her telling. “watch out for neighbor, she a ladies” “jealous, long ladies, tall” “very bad sign now, snake all around your house, under your house” “but it gets better after that” the war was coming with all the noises we had expected. a very bad sign that premonitions were turning back on themselves, no way to stop the force of them, nobody left to interpret or even locate the meanings that came out of these ritual actions. I blushed when I imagined there might have been a first wife, or that three children are waiting for me in my future, like the scenes in Die Frau ohne Schatten. nobody’s found my shadow in these words.


how can I blot your name from my consciousness? how can I chisel your voice out of my laughter?




taking it in the application touch up and sell, sealed, marred

804 | Complete: 2006-2009

how did it make your head ring fairness isn’t the same as rule shook it down took a turn was something like gin to the throat a scrawl that tugs but too long it never will hurt you, besides stations seem too far apart on the line consciousness makes this true as if we were all headed up the Nile

taking in the application tortoiseshell feels like markup


cat-lipped orchestration high wash on the lowbeam tertiary gestures stun sudden connectives do you dance? an idiot smile and nothing to show for it


(how to revitalize stale writing of the season)

write in complete sentences. try to make sense. run-ons okay; ungrammatical, no. type it in your own heart.

805 | Complete: 2006-2009

imperatives okay. subject-verb-object comes standard.

write complete elephants. try to model your approach. run into an old friend: how do you feel? take a breather.


dream / song

Crumb was a Crumb was a Crumb was a


(2 lines)

Mice went around it

Mice went out of their way to avoid it

(2 lines)

When it ate, Crumb made music

(2 lines)

806 | Complete: 2006-2009

the foregoing piece is a culmination of middle 20th-century avant-garde and assemblage techniques, with a complete automated band accompaniment



when we lost Shamu in the firestorm

Eric was (understandably) inconsolable

the other specialists sang him to sleep

most nights, or gave him foot massages.

only rarely was his insomnia abated.

and Eric had once been such a happy-go-lucky

handler, no circles

807 | Complete: 2006-2009

under his eyes,

smile on his lips, perfect rows of

teeth, only ate raw fish when

no one was looking. now Eric swims

in slow circles in his tank

mourning with pathetic chirps

and clicks, splash ing, occasionally.



“she’s got cancer” you want water, you devils? spin it around and pin your eyes on the moving target. “Carlos was in jail” “all of the Vikings couldn’t make it to the monastery” “no, the redheads are waiting for you” “she’s the redhead, the psychotic one” the sand was my own poison. the temperature speeds me to you, Gonzalez. “I think this weekend we’ll look around” I need to buy a car monitor. takes too many guys to dislodge your fingers off the mark. “she doesn’t got no hair” “Carlos is like” [laughter] who you gonna play, the hairy hippo? “I always like to watch them on TV” “off on a business trip” [laughter] “but I’ll fill in my point spread when I get back” you were off by a mustache, you were dated like an icecream cone from the Seoul Olympics. “I picked up a guy on

808 | Complete: 2006-2009

Friday or Saturday last week” you want? too many letters missing. have a history for the making. “hey I started something else” “watch what’s in your paycheck” “oh I know this, really” “she’s not the redhead” “I think maybe they are going out” “I don’t like her” that’s a pain in his rock. [more laughter] this hour’s captioning brought to you by Michelin Tires. “there’s someone to watch the show” “but, you know, it’s probably true” “I mean I’ll probably keep Larry Johnson” “so anyway, they went to New Jersey, I think it was July 1st̶see, now they’ve moved to Virginia” water devils? ocean of fertility, wide for your ships. “I know, yeah” “do you scrapbook?” “it’s the first one we’ve ever done” “yeah, we had a good time with it”


I am good at cutting and moving blocks until you can’t see where one ends and the next starts


hands across the reject. have there been records of the time. more saviors come through that door than rageaholics looking for an ash buried under the nextdoor john.

hard man and mashed potatoes. we received the link from the angels wash my pudding in the river water. wait for all my sins be be dismembered.

(“Mexican Latin!”)

rolling seedlings in pots in cups that those kids those kids they have Dixie cups in their hands

809 | Complete: 2006-2009

those kids in their cups they have rolling seedlings in their Dixie cups safe for growing sound for sharing thanks for asking leave this here willingly and if you plant it and it’s not there next time then it never was yours it never was yours.


cassy I eye dislocator disintention cast in Eye fork PSALM


There was another confession

written on a slip of paper handed

to the abbot through a slit in

the door. The abbot says it’s

the third time this week someone’s

sold his (or her) soul to the abbey

just to get a leg up, to get good

with God, to validate the penitent’s

810 | Complete: 2006-2009

humility. How humble do you

have to be? Afraid of an old

celibate monk? Did you trip some

where back down the mountain?

Embarrassing to tell your story --

your name’s bad enough.


We are telling stories to ourselves, telling stories to other people, stories that aren’t ours but we project our own identity into these stories, onto these stories as if we’d lived them, deeply, deeper than any single experience in our own lives. Dismissed ourselves.


a statement poem.


Heave the hagiography out the stained glass thermometer from St. Staphylococcus General. The discharge leaks through his bandages and where he stepped poisonous lilies and crocuses grew, livid yellow or shrunken green, poxy orange suppurating along the gravel road̶if “get-back-to nature”

811 | Complete: 2006-2009

is what you had in mind, then this treatment _is not going to be for you._ More saints die of complications from stigmata than the print media affiliated with the Papal See has allowed to get out.



coli coil tap patent attention team


I pressed my hands up to the circuit, circled the glass and discharge value with my fingers, lifted the hatch marked “Electricity,” pulled the fuses and dis connected three switches on the left. sabotage is what i d i o t s might call it, but here in the army of compuls ion we call it necessity. now I’m telling you, take these cartridges and load up.


you are your own homon culus (welcome to the island!)

812 | Complete: 2006-2009


M. Gladwell / Council on Crime & Justice (Pantages Theatre)

1957̶the Council was founded as the Prisoners’ Aid Society

Dick Erickson, director of the Council (1975-2006)

Equal Justice Award goes to Alan Page, Justice, MN Sup Ct

“we do what we have to do” “if we do not do the work, who will?”


Gladwell: the next B. Russell? the next M. Gladwell?

“birds of passage”̶1930s Mexican migrant workers, deported from CA̶roundup of laborers

Italian and Jewish immigrants “welcomed” into the US, c. 1900(?)̶”largely illiterate”(??) (telling me that apples and oranges taste the same)

disparity between these immigrants and those to come ...?

“they were welcomed”

“success is also a function of how these groups are treated by others”

Immigrant Tipping Points

“that vulnerable community”

813 | Complete: 2006-2009

generalizations and weighted analyses of statistics and sociological data

“right?... right?... RIGHT?”

pat answers for difficult current affairs issues

reintegration, rehabilitation crime & no puhishment “how do you get there?”

how do we think about change? how do we frame change?

what’s your agenda? what’s your enemy? what’s your choice? what’s your family (without your face)?

“the walls can come down here, too”

framed... “social change experts”

hey can we trust your numbers, Gladwell?

absolutely unrelated anecdotes for an associated, cohesive (?) argument

“afraid of how it’s framed”

George Lakoff owns your MIND

814 | Complete: 2006-2009

“seriouls sale threshholds”

why are minorities here likely to use drugs? _that’s_ the question

back to immigrant history, Malcolm old boy

“more drug convicts in MN than WI, IA” ?

“a good idea that’s been taken too far” ????

“this can’t become a game plan”

(scare story)

Bryant Park̶once “the largest open-air drug market in the world”̶hyperbole for the sake of argument? a truth pulled like taffy to fit into an (unrelated) argument?

any and every superlative is _suspect_

rice/baby paradigm

class bias

I don’t know what’s RIGHT.

are you telling me to sign off on _your_ research?!

“Embrace the notion that this change is possible”

“no magic”

815 | Complete: 2006-2009

assumption that the Lower East Side was paradise

it’s imperfect to learn from the past as one looks to the future. however, one must UNDERSTAND ADEQUATELY the lessons of the past through one’s research, not cooking the history books in order to reach one’s assumed conclusions. be right, but be right through reputable research, reasoned analysis, and undirected assumptions.

“but the world isn’t perfect”

the worshipful audience

“where are the success stories?” one requires success stories if one is to adopt the proper frame.

no pie in the sky, please: we’re Futurists

“develop really powerful stories”

frames = success stories, “easy wins”

cognitive (social) issues, not historical analysis

mag. author as snakeoil salesman

“both sides contribute to success”

best unconsciously ironic statement of the evening: “we should spend more time reading history”

the Tipping Blink the Point that Blinds the Historical Eye

816 | Complete: 2006-2009

“the conscience of the wealthy has been awoken...”

optimism sells. even if you’re selling sheisse.

chaos theory in urban crime reduction

where the fuzzy theory in yr. anecdotes?

“police work out to be intelligent”


“halfway there, but not far enough”

Bad Idea, Malcolm



I stub my toe on Alan Sondheim’s intentionality, so dedicated, so much for my waiting around for ideas when someone like an artist pumps them into our attic for free, five scented maidens all shimmering but evading the architect’s plane.


and what if this symbol does _not_ mean anything? this gesture is American as applejack.


817 | Complete: 2006-2009

such wasted talent! give me the nuts



America’s Straw Man


it’s just a stupid merry-go-round of psychopaths (a merry-go-round of piss)


the choice to drive the choice to thrive the choice to imbibe to survive to derive


it’s the American Way it’s the Milky Way

it’s a prison break (forever)



818 | Complete: 2006-2009

zone of halitosis

he doesn’t wait for a urinal to free up, just pisses on another man’s back.

he hasn’t put his sparkplugs up for storage while the season gets wet and cold.

he’s an amazing gentleman with a harpoon, but in all other qualities he is deficient.



scooby doodly dee dee dably darpy dray dray dray ha boodle ha boodle bloc


force feece liquid chaper lick it paper please mordant more dancing ways checker cheered ton ape struggle fogness mealy round cont end count ain and creet


they said of him “he was more machine than human”

819 | Complete: 2006-2009


house of raccoons and only one pencil sharpener


Mokly Chop -- what’s that in the sky? a line of reasoning


“earthy. irritable. ready to face the heat.”



the friend of my enemy is a place I wouldn’t dream of setting foot in



the chapters concerning how to travel while there’s a war on

820 | Complete: 2006-2009


“here’s all the asphalt”

a cold bit of ceaser not fast enough, Nancy the order came before the meal became more than I could get down. cheesy malnutrition - it always comes back to diet with you, doesn’t it? cinnamon voice, min imum security. I d on’t need so much cheese.


I can’t walk because I have square feet I don’t live here because I couldn’t walk home

I can’t measure because my eyes are square, too my mouth is a circle, that’s why I ‘m telling this to you



horrible burnt popcorn smell in the middle of the Earth


821 | Complete: 2006-2009

take it while you can get it, burn what you don’t use̶ the next ass gets into this cage won’t benefit from your work̶ make it simple̶back the truck in slowly̶they won’t look around̶they won’t look this way for another ten minutes...


dress for less dress for sex dress for success



“oh they have house trouble! testify! how the rotator cuff snaps: Lego-like, matchstick, terrified! all those stressed bumps picking up turbulence. and three-quarter turns. that kind of houseboat doesn’t do well in cyclo- genetic conditions, even when God is pointing down through the clouds: _there! there!_ how are you supposed to furnish a place like that, even when you consider the wingspan of this joint? must be a big deal when that mother takes off! sorry to mutter on so̶must be the US Magazine Storecast (tm) that I keep reading whenever I get scared, or go outside. the voices telling me that milk and mint gum don’t come from the same factory, aren’t you the sort of person to believe what they say? art and arms, mothers and robbing _your_ mother’s house̶I’m just saying. state ments are only public if you can accept the judges’ ruling̶no, it’s time I’m talking about here: haven’t spilled hot coffee on my hands for well over well I guess it’s well over an hour. I don’t read philosophy I can’t quote Marcuse or Captain Kangaroo (D.Phil.). I don’t think it’s time for a change. all arrows pointing to the exit row, and now look at that!

822 | Complete: 2006-2009

all this rain has detached my retina while I wasn’t looking. would you believe some poor fool reads strictly for content?! he’s there in the back row of seats. all the rain in the world couldn’t wash away the impression of safety I take away from that bull’s-eye, tattooed across your forehead. ‘eMeT’ equals truth, ‘MeT’ equals death, ‘Me’ equals me. at least somebody around here can keep his focus!”


“a new special offer from this airline service: ‘YOU FLY OVERBOARD’”


the Midnight Storm of Injun Joe the Landing at Cape Carnival hardly left the bystanders mute, a ridiculous greeting awaited every guest perhaps it’s not the writing show cased here ------perhaps it is in stead the technique



“Dead is the New Gay” ̶ SRL


823 | Complete: 2006-2009

“you just don’t find ‘Dazzling Wings of Purity’ every day.” ̶ SRL




the work I am to draw here the drawing I’m about to make


picky picky̶that was like an elaboration. she looks for the food, I have to ask. division of labor. snow on terazzo surfaces. moonwhite station floors, crowded and fed with good loaves, with gold leaves. founded on sincere strange friendships. boy that cheese- cake with tzitzis looks tasty. that’s the mouth- feel your ancestors dreamed of sharing when they left the Old Country. narrow-gauge train or plague and famine. she is wearing boots today, and a blue sports t-shirt. he got up this morning and only spoke French until one-thirty today.



824 | Complete: 2006-2009

Little Debbie’s teeth are yellow.


continue new count contain next naked center near nude


my autumn garden is inadverdant my spicy fingers are intox, meidl, wrong, pink eye, and thorn my sleep was disturbed by drones my need rakes the furnace coals according to my desire my crouch drops to the platform mentioned above my next newspaper will be in French my friend is a spent cobblestone my flannel sheets reassemble according to my need my accidental Tet offensive leaked coolant my drowning is an embarrassment of water my form rolls the streets up my moons ate load-bearing cirques prepackagées


825 | Complete: 2006-2009

loss of sunshine

(be sure to get out, get fresh air to combat the loss of sunshine)

get lots of fresh air and lost of darkness this morn ing this aspect facing every eye of daybreak can’t get enough chal lenge from dawn can’t wake to the sound of shapes coming at you from one side or the other̶ paint a picture of it becomes the lost Pollock with muted colors and the title, “Scarecrow 4.”


best as I can remember

826 | Complete: 2006-2009

roll roll roll roll

that nasty taste was baked into the crust


kind of a range of options

(Black | Bean | Burrito)









827 | Complete: 2006-2009



stagedoor makeup wear the certainty of stretch fabrics over glass consent



with spirit undimmed and frog unfolded, I humble by and breeze the shanks of common day


and they found the dog alone in the bottom of a cardboard box, along the Ohlone River.

a bottle of Mountain Dew looks like a cliff when you’re abandoned in the high country.



828 | Complete: 2006-2009

must we suffer another “Paradise Lost”? one was sufficient, the original probably more than we needed (Samuel Johnson). why love the form that’s cold on a slab. outside there’s an orchestra beating slow some new tune, turns out the song they get through is the hum fidgeting out in progressions from your silent, rising mind.


all consumerism is delirium chain it and it writhes like Orc before the fires of passion are unleashed


not show and tell, but shill and test shake and turn shriek and teach



turn real


829 | Complete: 2006-2009

terri tor yield




terra tore

terror tore

eel ski ills

ills eel ski

ski ills eel


-- amygdala -- antetimism -- rostral ungulate imaging -- gionuclear whatrong lephone

thoughtchances are coming from the enabling pea brain, new is the old song, brain regie involves thinking aeons

830 | Complete: 2006-2009



“attitude is an outfit you wear all the time” ̶ SRL



“the Lord will provide” and memory will serve, in time̶ even if this furniture of our affairs is all broken up, sold to con signments, burnt for new insights along an October riverbank.


Sprats Illustrated Spurts Unlimited Spates Indifferent


sarcophagus staging̶how long how long how long can we keep up that racket? the barbs of his stern equipment bode nothing but restlessness, a hammer cedes no light or life, no livelihood but what’s a paying job in one pharaoh’s tomb . . . avoid the curse, seek daylight once the sand shivers. at dusk you’re

831 | Complete: 2006-2009

on your own. near the river there’s a ship wait ing to take the workers across to dinner in their tents of burlap. Modernism! we never expected that twaddle to pay the rent, dear boy.



The Apache can make it through the building without tripping any of the red laser eyes. How long have the two housewives been wandering around the mainframe room? He’s able to show them the way out, with the laser eyes still trailing them, cameras following. They walk out into a night brightened by a full moon̶night greens and pale blues. A crowd of children and teenagers, all skinny, hides in the shadows of a colonnade, they live on this industrial campus, avoiding the machines.



at least these places are here. they might not be big. you might miss them the scribe who turns his ankles under his thighs, sits still but for his writing hand how come your conscience leads to places like Oaxaca, like Sparta, like Beargrease? nobody can read me a bedtime story. can you point to me? where’s the story? at least they might not be big enough for right now. on the sill a glass of balsam. too many areas of overlap for Jim and the other planners to come up with a solution how come so hard on yourself? don’t you think these people want you to be friendly?



832 | Complete: 2006-2009

our strong sun is not ash the chamber of day never dims under snow shields of storm windows are more than glass under heavier sheaves, calender pages are warm enough, blankets of time


what is not true for you is certainly not true for me. I had a pouch under my left eye to collect excess tears. what I saw the day I saw you took both my eyes to see. what is true?


“don’t do that to me again.” who said that?



Terrytoons made life look a little artless.

You come up with something, it sounds real, but then it’s only heartless.

I tried to count my coughing fits tonight before bed.

833 | Complete: 2006-2009

Terra doesn’t give you much to sleep on, a pillow, a pronouncement,

colors red snaking through the river of the throat. that’s never been my mask of choice̶

sickness stills the wings, the bass note pulling birds down where sleepless minutes hold the net.

so much silence for once voice, that’s the racket of night after town falls asleep. too many colors

blue and never the cough syrup Susan told me was there on the shelf. this time there’s no out.

nothing safe or reasonably certain to dispel fading worry at least while the paint stays on the house.

I get enough respect from artless kids’ shows at night, redemption isn’t a word Gumby asked from Pokey.

the syrup in my wife’s eyes says “sleep,” the vocabulary of October running out of pages.

no response, no correspondent, no pumpkins allowed after the first freeze, first snow, last cough of the year.

coming south in my head but still here, everything catalogued and ready. after I’ve read the remaining words,

they’ll sound real to me. sleep then and the words

834 | Complete: 2006-2009

smoke out and out and out, not from leaves.



“bag full of candy that was three-quarters full” (Halloween postmortem)



Alas! o seeming wastrel, human kindness never swerved Upon its nearing course to thee, but breaking off from clouds Of mortal castigation, instead renounced your minist’ring hopes, Gave long thought to, then abandoned time-worn sensitivities In life’s habitation, ‘mid despair and hopefulness̶adrift, waiting.


certain spontaneous hearts cheated earth where beat their time slow to rhy thms, to raise blood and let it fall so cunningly.


The _hamartia_ of diamonds is, their beauty, is their flaw.

835 | Complete: 2006-2009


Sorceress. Sauce, or rusk. A veil, a Fence, a Foreskin.



when onions were magical when nights were a circle when seeing light was another promise when home didn’t have an electrical outlet



President Butter

short stock exchange culmination

feed the hungry terrorists

facing down nations in lockdown (locking down nations with a facedown)

the military president recants

836 | Complete: 2006-2009

the retail branch of government makes a break for the hillside and Communist Utopia

the butter we took out of the fridge is ready for you to bake with

don’t be alarmed if you hear gunfire on the street where you live


kill-off̶these are my cells, these my fingers and my toes. eat of me and remember what I have said to you this night.


somebody tried, never mattered. they say it takes you years before anyone will listen to your conformist prose and/or verse̶still longer to get published. my meaning doesn’t matter. even when everyone’s listening. too many worlds we’re expected to care about, that dead-end is over-populated (at least for the people who really care)(some restaurants still have the nerve to sell their own canoli). never makes a try but somebody’s always watching.



dreamed every floor a different moonscape in the city / every floor a cloudscape in moon

837 | Complete: 2006-2009

wood beams and ornaments cut into the elevator like heavy Tudor tavern style / on the sixth floor a group of friends and contesting lovers waits the right moon in the correct position, night sky clouds over Los Angeles so bright, over Laos



he was present at the Indian guru’s oatmeal party


hey I’m looking at you, I see the sun setting at four


strange rhythms liquid hearts lazy heartbreak


all motion no rhythm

all rhythm

838 | Complete: 2006-2009

no motion

standing still staying put


“what do I care? the only edge on me is the scratch the old hunting dog left when he was rabid, clawed my thigh and Pa took him outside and shot him.”


serrate arranging wisdom. seek and that was door that waits to be window.


it was Monday for 100 years before the Sun winked on




839 | Complete: 2006-2009

shit hits this tish this this this shit



tangible matrix of accountability


I have been my mother’s cartographer, and now I realize that all her maps only lead to nowhere.


I faked a bloody nose to get out of my teaching appointment. I faked the coffee in my cup just to kill time. I faked being a murderer so that our neighbors would have a chance to steal us blind. I faked raking leaves yesterday morning when you were on the phone with your mother.


“well you know, I don’t like that as much as Codeine.”

840 | Complete: 2006-2009


too many words and not enough brain power to get up the nerve to speak them, to build enough energy to write them. the concepts are too big̶I can feel them but that goes outside and beyond comprehensible expression. what are you gonna do when you can’t say nothing when you’ve got to say everything?


when it’s not clinical you’ve got to feel it. when it’s not critical you have to see it. when it’s something breath-taking the odds are you are in the right place. indescribable. indescribable. bear this in mind that the pictures and the intentions are enough, no description or creative non-fiction need apply to tell the stores that come in across the wires. down the cords and cables or straight through the liquid and the cooling airs. when it’s transmitted no house is immune to these experiences and reactions. hands-on: it is wild. hand and fingers cramped to singular purpose. when it’s telling a story it’s telling a story. the foment crazes where the following starts to wane, the fast and the features stave off technicalities and what ever will kill the heartbeats with a kind of overthought and broken contingencies for the sake of anti-sentimental laughing pro-Romantic über sentimentality. the harpstrings plucked again, mounting, mouthing, encountering.


841 | Complete: 2006-2009

“love is swell love is well”


“the lady from the Church called so much, ser-ah ser-ahhHHH”


not making appointments, catastrophizing ̶how many missed appointments before they hate you, before they give up and throw you back with the other plain goldfish? catastrophe stalks the neurotic and the misinformed students who don’t know the score.



brain power sure of itselftoo few contributingthoughts like this this is an ideal

842 | Complete: 2006-2009

erasure drags holding reasonpressing wage waiting sugar creamtap racing wash over this system isn’t significant enoughand looking contributingseems the state of outrage controlencapsulation this is the ideal wrapped in brown washrags they bend passion wasn’t my ideaa limitless pressing has and in this way we learn please praise me now


there are so many inputs (and inter pretations of inputs) that I have given up believing in any inherent meaning in these experienced signs.


show me what’s in there̶

I could eat



843 | Complete: 2006-2009

Effortless anthropomorphism. Put the tiger’s medallion on the shrine to the tiger. Saying it does make it so. Burned the gold coin on the Ganges riverbank in December. Take that you paleface devil from Santa Croce della Potato! Therefore be of good cheer, for imperatives and hortatory subjunctives are on special this week ̶three for the price of one. Gnomic aorists don’t know how to keep a properly appointed home. And surgeons named Galahad rarely become stars in Bollywood. Gorilla grass̶ these are the wild sons of the Palimpsest.



we take caffeine pills in the middle of the night so that we can stay awake in our dreams


I’m not as tall as a refrigerator

the / a refrigerator is not as tall as me.


844 | Complete: 2006-2009


T. had a houseboat Seven, or eleven Too much space for epic Too many natures for window-dressing Depreciation takes its toll Save my free samples for when I really need them Qualities, multivalued


Gynx ̶ Pleasure ̶ Boating ̶ Dance Contests

“Relives Past Cash Incentives”

Soft Lug:

Cease to Care Easy to Obey Face Forward Patient to Follow


adhesion (of memory)


845 | Complete: 2006-2009

my table of spirits is covered with books and unread magazines.


>that’s his index, his shield against the literal.

his shape against the littoral

lance shaking, staging responsive

tazer beams state out of no reach

Sacagawea heresy’s sake colored

after peace wore thin they made sabers


ROLLING past the rolling past . . .


sage molecule house recruitment the struggle tame trash pang where that made a grey mean sign to shout over the chimney



846 | Complete: 2006-2009

stood and listened pared it down to a heartbeat creases in my shirt


Hampsty, it was the science you forgot to tell me about. now I’m all alone on this world. they couldn’t keep the fire off your skin. how much did they say it was going to cost to clean this up?


is it facing loved perceptive ?


can’t write̶ too many voices.

the public space has pinwheels to distract,

needles at your service wild draws on the lottery

to delight and to blind.

847 | Complete: 2006-2009



located, laced stated softly presented force remarks such a reckless pace makes stasis


spongey where your spinoff goes


I am allergic to mylar. are you missing something?

this morning I thought I’d do something different,

so I ate your computer. don’t bring that balloon in here:

you should know better.


important grammars slipping down the walls,

848 | Complete: 2006-2009

clumping mucus-y around the room’s edges. so you came here to learn a new language? escape would be a better pursuit, I say this and I’m supposed to be your professor.


you tell your fright stories in the night, to fools and gods.



why do gods and comedy teams from Golden Age always come in threes?

something about the triple threat, variations and permutations,

available with three cosmic beings? Larry, Moe and Curly, Groucho

Chico Harpo, Osiris Isis Horus, Joseph Mary and their kid, old

what’s-his-name from Nazareth.

849 | Complete: 2006-2009

and originally in Greek tragedy only three

leads performed̶the rest was taken up, acted out by the chorus.


“you’re gloomy̶I like that in a man”


so you came here to learn a new language?

important lipping dolls and the walgrammars sing mucus-y around the edges

so you’re tolerant, so who pays you?

now came he forth, from the room’s interior chamber

where his gauge?

“ess be a bett,” he declared chivalrously

I say, her pursuitcape would fit me (and me I’m the supposed professor)

important grammars slipping down the walls

850 | Complete: 2006-2009

to be your clown it is important to heed the lipping of dog-grammars

sing mucus the song of Ys, clumpy down the wails of sea, spare broken churchtower closed by moving mud

and I’m supposed to be your professor.

around that geste . . .

so this year the room’s a new lair to leer out of

came he from language?

SB had a black cape and would his dittoes compare to a playing card, so snarky, so intent

clumping mucus-y around the room’s edges.

out he came, out of hibernation from the farm’s a new lasso rink this year the rooting will go on

who can compare her black cape and womb language?

escape would be a better pursuit, I say this

851 | Complete: 2006-2009

telling you, tee-hee



there is no magic ̶ her pockets are white and she is skinnier than she was last year.


Panther says, “I don’t feel your pain, the voice explained to me this morning that enlightenment isn’t bounded by the lines on the train platform, by the stations of the cross, by the cardinal points and the arrows drawn along the river bluffs.” Panther says, “this rite of passage is not a synonym for experience.”


“Wasteful Dick & the Moping Idiots” ̶ Ed Hilbrich


“what’s off your mind?”

852 | Complete: 2006-2009

the dismemberment of a bookstore



John Minszeski


“heartbreak̶you got any other tunes in there?”

this metaphor an undergrowth a malting of idealized embryos reading tailored attitude, “parked”

“the sky could only dream so yellow . . .”

“I decided to live on a day like this”

“the decision to live later always incognito”


853 | Complete: 2006-2009

Poundian Poundy Pound Eliot

free similes ten more in a paper bag

staging imagery houses for channeling pictures wildly.

Eliot Eliotic Maryotic Sea,

see it prowling the shore so fierce,

chasing birds & men greedy

but ineffectual. And Theocritus,

you were there, too: idle in the morning.



(massaging the misogynists)

“I will lift myself,” I will lift myself

854 | Complete: 2006-2009

at full length to you, and as I lift myself, you shall lift yourself to me, too.


William Stobb

(“John Malkovich the young poet”)

“same-language translation”

“an ekphrastic poem about a poem”


William D. Waltz

“sparrow . . . pharaoh”

“vast . . . crevasse”

that was meter you meant, wherever the rain was falling, while the grasp changed from hand-to-hand, and back.

“like ‘Will you . . . ?’ scrawled in the sky”

“is it you or your god’s

855 | Complete: 2006-2009

didgeridoo calling you home?”



huster ladder call preetern pretersn goldfish love in ragged handsome ways


and gravity was my friend where in the mountains

we spread out the coffee beans the great yaks and hairy buffaloes

plodded around in the ring, their flinty hooves smashing beans,

grinding them for our cups of morning restitution


where the Army Special Ops unit set up their base, all the street signs were turned backwards and sidewalks painted dark green. this was justified by the unit spokesman to the locals, as a

856 | Complete: 2006-2009

technique for disinformation; the sooner to destabilize the enemy insurgents.

but the war had ended a generation before, and the city fathers knew of no enemy insurgents in their midst. “why are we still feeding them? why are we letting them stay in our houses, after all these years?” they asked at the next town meeting. nobody had a good answer. except that now only the oldest members of the community could remember a time before the Army Special Ops unit had arrived, what life was like before. so the unit remained, and continued to issue odd press releases and curfew warnings, as part of their progressive and strategic campaign of disinformation.



how another page came down, out of the sky off a glass surface.

857 | Complete: 2006-2009

no morning but a sea of squirming dachshund puppies, looking for their answer. dream that comes down out of the light. architects don’t build images. the image is a more solid presence in waking reality than are buildings. this is large, and P is for ‘puddle,’ and origin gives me an idea about loneliness.


all follow all follow all follow

mercilessly the moth the moth moves across the edge of my vision

grate the card of spot the edge of my eye is reaching for the idea of insect

all in the way of proper seeing stage your wings, your flutter compel the merciless eye


what do you call this? (that’s where we always end up)


slomba momba

858 | Complete: 2006-2009

foug martes reet


“gag my mouth to say”

taken for nothing sweeter than the broken promises

the pages torn from your old book

even bared teeth couldn’t be a funnier sight than your face


thermite wedding hotter hotter weld



effects may vary effects of seemingly random thoughts effects as experienced are all your fault

“I’m an avatar”

859 | Complete: 2006-2009

ambiguous loss

one’s own thoughts can influence events

indigo children

there was no simple way to pinpoint when the problem began

reminding him of Barnum statements

a “bizarre” paranormal identity

rather than being a new step in human evolution

the reaction of children watching television shows with an emphasis on magic

a deadbelly, a satanic snake

weavings of a narrative structure

the ground passes under your name

a deadbelly

an encounter group with Paris laughing through its lights

the law of contagion, correlation equalling causation


spiritual agents will at some future time

860 | Complete: 2006-2009

give valuable cargo to cult members




too smart! too smart! Stravinsky (and you wonder why everyone copies him?)



is there a time in the End of Days when respect for God is eliminated?


we save the worst for you BECAUSE WE’RE ON YOUR SIDE


“Meat̶and How to Honor It”


861 | Complete: 2006-2009

and it was then we recognized . . . THE FROGS OF QUALITY!


“I don’t got to do nothing, boy. Take it somewhere else.” lights on this mountain sure show better at night, all ready for the fireworks show. they don’t talk to anyone anymore, except to themselves. criticism not allowed in these four walls̶by order of the High Priest. (this is the situation the stabbing pain that symbolism upon him has wrought.)


Pizza Lucé̶tantamount to heresy


“that doesn’t fly, Comrade Mahatma”


many said that this was his “cup of grace”



better to use a spoon than a straw


meaning is for squares. squares

862 | Complete: 2006-2009

make meaning count


he sat around all day and contemplated the aero dynamics of dead leaves


those who do not repeat the past are doomed to learn from it.



fucking agnostic (fucking acrostic) housboat sale̶all- American outrage̶ stay for the gnostic tug-of-war ̶ sons of light vs. sons of darkness̶over and over empire bleeds the color of white and foundering world-to-come shades ̶after the identity crisis every passion

863 | Complete: 2006-2009

ate warrior stubs defeatist toes on the dessert cart̶ no occupational hazards for you, Paleface, this winter season.


arc venturi station



in the Midwest we’re all just “inbred idiots, livin’ in the woods.” ̶SRL/TL/Shannon



caesura is / the only way to travel skateboards and / bibs of steam for recreation the woods are full of / incandescent idiots from / the cornfields

864 | Complete: 2006-2009


can I trust the voice of the sawsall can I trust the voices of the crossing guard and children walking to school can I trust the voice of the computer, high insect on the desk can I trust the voice of my dry fingers scratching across jeans denim


there is no past no voice no thought no back no mystic no magic no idea no head no journey no glory no expression


wind came howling a sacrificial goat at the door



changing growing

865 | Complete: 2006-2009

always packing it in to the smallest vessel for proud journeys sequestering where no point of care or past to call home creates a center with standing the shimmer those workers should n’t be out on the roof in -11 wind chills where it shakes the windows painted with frost reach over to tug the sun lower in the sky pull the chain and light’s out covering all that shell of broad courage -17 this evening and snow’s a coming out of Alberta by next dawn


hey! I’m on strike!


(after Sheila Murphy)

866 | Complete: 2006-2009

she was breathed in the world they made her a being

but her eyes shimmered

sacrifice costs your awareness as the manger has weighed them down

they had but to wait for her̶for what size she was

amazed that they could not feel more than a tiny lost watch

and they lost their strong children

turn there̶something to keep her awake

to a world not felt that made tiny children

she sacrifices what her eyes shimmered for

amazed that they could turn there to the manger



last aerie come an eagle decked for lasik surgery

867 | Complete: 2006-2009

home to rabbits under bush the glancing hunger mortgages but cold as a basement digger’s hands nobody knocks on the leafpiles where squirrels shuffle


it’s a rap race, as in who gets the rap. as in whose face? as the electorate snickers and dreams, every paw of every wild animal aches for a swipe at our churlish child ren’s exposed flesh. oren, unclean, impure dirty masters of the sinking trip, ragged up to the last fort une spent on fluff and wheeze, a tangle derriere’d with moo ching. ka-ching. ka. “the Ka was the ‘self’ of a human being.’“ ching informs broth ers of neighbor value. native value of nature, of born in caption. captivity. of the one line that makes

868 | Complete: 2006-2009

biography compelling.


like shooting candy out of a baby’s barrel of monkfish



the next greatest epicenter of the world’s most destructive earthquake, bigger and bigger and more impressive in color, in CGI, in Omnimax, in your house, in Blu-Ray, LIVE


would you write with a pen that’s this color?


Whenever Terry St. Germano Comes Back to Town


remuneration’s not just for executives anymore. naked and live and bathed in neon.

869 | Complete: 2006-2009


parse that rhythm see it’s getting layered before the evening runs out and all comes out


too much shop talk


he carries a bag of fried tater tots the weight of an adult human head


what happens if the stairs you thought were an optical illusion turn out to be a very real brick wall?


a man’s oatmeal is his kingdom of grace.

so the Apaches came in

870 | Complete: 2006-2009

through the windows at night.

so they were listening for the clean laundry to settle before they made their move.

so what?

the frisks outside the cabin are enough of a souvenir for me from this winter, this window, this desiccation of the dream.


ode to Stay Awake (generic Vivarin)

yellow blossoms, how your mouths are filled with not saying as much as acting it, feeling so many robbed sounds but come apart ever after into spiked pixie dust and memories: she or he might not want to touch, but your soil is remote enough that contagion is not so much an option as an announcement.

871 | Complete: 2006-2009


on the road where poets live there’s a fence that runs either side of the way, you can see it following the smooth lines over gentle rises or around curves. some side streets turn into the road where poets live. some houses were built years ago, just three steps from the road, while others are newer, set back and distant from the road as if biding their time.


variations on “caesura is”


caesar salad’s aura is / the lonely sway of gravel slate hoards stand / glib coffers stream forward re: creation them swords bare skulls often / in canned descent id riots foam / her corny wields

my response:

seizure’s a lad our ass that lovely swell garble plate boards and plants grip postures’ cream froth station

872 | Complete: 2006-2009

themes words spare bills (off ten) ink and desk: it writes some herculean weeds



that lid for what you did that house when going south that name start dressing again (the same)


- I can pull metaphors out of a hat. - a metaphorical hat? - of course̶what other kind of hat is there?


misc. November


they poetry Golden Age of

where is the next? who is the next?

a man of deth,

873 | Complete: 2006-2009

I come to take as a tribune.



the seventh traitor spoke up and said “boy am I nice!”


less beer chain gang we smoke, but we smoke with style


every good boy deserves failure



the orange of daysky on the horizon of winter’s empyrean, congealing, with geese late flying south and snow

874 | Complete: 2006-2009

in the air


preserve reverse preserve persevere perceive reserve

. a basement that’s more a labyrinth of complaints


“he strode into the parlor, and in a scant few minutes it became clear to all present that he would insist on declaiming obscure passages of Middle English statutory law so as to make his erudite opinions known̶all the while pronouncing his quotes with a thick, anachronistic Swedish accent.”





(driving to John Boe’s visitation in Cannon Falls, MN)

how distant are the stars!

875 | Complete: 2006-2009

the cold air, the dark wraps the world in breath lessness̶everywhere.



the habit not useful is useless


Daddy, depress me

it takes hours just to weigh one of my legs. where’d you go when I asked you to weigh my soul? how come there’s no feeling when the air rushes out of my lungs?



Chickasaw Mountain Hardwood


belief is against my religion


876 | Complete: 2006-2009


all that dust remains disturb the art project at your own peril



(translations of 3 fragments by Sappho)

“and I pose and I have Mallomars” (36)

“soy and egg white, epitome (40)

haggis /

“cap in lips oat: oy”

agki gar amera (43) “for day is near” “ankh gare a-morrow”


stanchions of takeuppance, that is to say, take up thy rod and dance


877 | Complete: 2006-2009

I would not believe in a snowman who does not dance.

I would not I would not I would not believe I would not believe not believe not believe would not believe believe in believe in a believe in a snowman believe in a snowman in a snowman a snowman who does not dance.


for a year and a half, Harry wrote countless variations on the single phrase, “go home now and tell mother what I told you”̶this was the sum total of his creative output in that period.


heresy’s in play with a roll of the dice. see that stunned, restrictive glance there from the other end of the table. how _dare_ you take over the conversation. bad manners, socially inept, not smart: so hard to bear. well if you can’t say anything, just be nice.

878 | Complete: 2006-2009



the Sandman heard me: “no time for your sleepy prayers, shrug them off and come while the snow’s white and your eyes are big and magic”


the cite the cite the cite

the cite occurs with no regard for other instances of similar language


all of your problems are critical would you care to jump over this low wall? would you mind terribly if I ignored you? technical questions draw parallel lines in quantum space where indeed did the schoolchildren go when they disappeared from the street corner. all of your

879 | Complete: 2006-2009

pace takes marginal expectations and blows the corner confounds the spare judge as he ages, as he ages, critical naming convention for the hear of the law most of your problems are called issues in this office make the same gesture when you write capital Y, please


I’m afraid of a dark horse in this room I’m afraid in a room of a dark house


before I thought it before I wrote it down before I fell up



seems the pale light restores the flattening landscape, crusty white with salt and ice


rickshaw driver Romanticism ó

880 | Complete: 2006-2009

I don’t write characters, I WRITE IDEAS.



the cue the cue they were shooting “Morning in America”


young man poured out his soul backing on a rail the ideal circumstance for him to survive for the limit to be reached was down in the tunnels where the subway changes piece together a story peaches down year come close to finish young man passed by the column backing on a rail


881 | Complete: 2006-2009

I’m coming to you accidental accidental

the Universe doesn’t have any good intentions for us



safe as cheese


Sun & Moon and shakes

changing one’s skin at the solstice


(response to “Our Strong Sun is Not Ash”)

roll ash the sun’s for certain buried.


882 | Complete: 2006-2009


my pots and kettles have holes in themó pour water into these vessels and you’ll be waiting all afternoon.


south! we took them south, when we knew we had no answer.


everything we’ve got to do̶ taste it (smell ‘em)̶

fighting speed by blowing up cameras on the highway:

tut tut, Revolutionary Guard! there are some things that go too fast

to be caught on tape, and here’s where your lack of imagination

will do you wrong.


883 | Complete: 2006-2009


hemoglobin steam give off the flue is closed nail the howling allit eration overthrow masters of age



only by some excellent beast


the water boild you cant save plastic too many times containers like they were oily birds


Michel Camillo, “Piano Concerto”



(I feel a song coming on...)

the rime of round seasons counts and measures meaning in beats,

884 | Complete: 2006-2009

help make another turn treat down the darkening outside of time.




coordinated reasoning where the ends of each apes the countdown haven’t got the time to where else it come from



numbers begin with one digit


Exodus forced one to flex all of one’s muscle, but in those days Eden was hardly Sweden.



885 | Complete: 2006-2009

let the Universe happen on its own on a day like this, on a day as cold as this. what could I do about it?


Qawwal for the shortest day of the year

this card speaks at 4:30. torn in the snow from razorblade tires. must be sitting around for a reason. scared to go out like rabbits.

pushing the dictionary around like it was a kid. the subcontinent covered in bitumen, so real. that was the dream I didn’t have last night.

mystic pattern in the quanta: I reach my hand into open air, draw back and my fingers are wet.

the dark angles of the morning, such showpieces for the sacrifice of another charismatic cult.

I draw a circle in the abyss. hermeneutics, cold like ashes, like hesed in the dark. the free gift for the living in this world of heat.

the qawwals and sacred chants of Polynesia stir the Africa of the hidden heart. Hamlet with his hands, a street with two One Way signs.

where the men seemingly speak of the Virgin,

886 | Complete: 2006-2009

the eyes of listeners wander to frozen sidewalk

and a lobster with binding force, the claws of wild sea, upper waves untamed. this god is slow to save.

when the fruit-bearing tree sheds no inner light, of what use are its seeds? a wondrous book of oppositions, disinformation

and wilful contradiction.



seriatim for the line, seraphim in armed ranks.

to kill two stones with one round, a single bird

shot. come to the realization your hours of

dance class won’t amount to much in this

one-horse town.


see? see where the nose goes?

887 | Complete: 2006-2009

(dogs and voices from everywhere.)


vain as the forest (false sweet as the source cognate near as the man mnemonics, vast as the word Sanskrit-English)



perfect little house never calls home anymore. perfect little family died in last year’s war.

. .


how steak how snow how haplography how case closed how terra sativa how silva how named herring in mustard pasted to the car roof


if you rage against the machine, be sure to buy more heavy-weight oil

888 | Complete: 2006-2009


movie astray motive ashtray

the stronger stranger

stranger astray

motive is stronger



he stole the flotsam in Folsom


“these jokers give satanists a bad name”


sand rash in the snow playing dumb wasn’t ever the right way to go.

passions for this house of lords gripe and perish from their

889 | Complete: 2006-2009

own words.

watch, that place isn’t airtight. more than a thumb, less than a finger tonight.

“sever the streets” was everything she could say. stow it. that’s comradeship overseas.


tone it exhaust it liquor indeed harp’s look so my strings freshet the hide feast blinding eyes lips to chorus pelaset gorb with an orb the pope’s essential censer lash mother to the hob with hooks there it’s cold a cutting tool for cutting the teeth of worm wheels Mary go lively the crescent patience where the seedling waits our rabbits are fat they eat carrots orange on white reach for black


tea out of sunken bliss.

890 | Complete: 2006-2009

tomorrow. decidedly tomorrow.



I bleed yellow like my father. heaven wouldn’t offer a stake for us. we plow the earth that did not bear our name. it was a clod that only separated us from the others. I bleed now. the string was strung around the property by my grandpa. on Sundays when the church is open they won’t let our dogs in with us. I don’t believe in God, but grandpa had his strings and his Bible.


“I’m feeling like umlauts today, Jasper.”

“it’s so much easier when they remove the heart *for* you.”

“so it wasn’t just me after all. the natural order *was* upended.”



891 | Complete: 2006-2009

the ruins of the Zuins ̶ after such a history lesson as this, wouldn’t an ice-cold reconstruction of the native people’s lives and foodways be refreshing right now?


and you, what of you crying out for mimicry? mark out the hours of your crime. doing stuff, is that simulating color in your grey world?


I listen intently to the drum of arcane fate


“it shifts like it’s made of CRACKERS.”


I faked you OUT. (huge sales!) (spider shouts!)

892 | Complete: 2006-2009



he joy’d with a testtube Jericho’d with no forwarding address


Antwerp comes but once a year. the horses of the night in perfect articulation stutter their gait and balance on fear along with organs with impossibilities in white and black


whole-grain nightmareó sieve! sieve! sieve on the mountain!



unbidden by commandment or angelic voices . . .

893 | Complete: 2006-2009


I disagree both with your message and your method.


the seeds encountered street-by-street were all for (“we’re all for SAFETY safety”) no hunger along the blizzard highway nothing more dan erous


he shark he had sharp teeth bared porridge tasted like blood of Indians to him carnivore lost in the woods cold with genocide and wolves following close where no horse could breathe or push with speed through the trees


“I have this heat on me,” the man declared, pushing aside the novels in manuscript he had written over the years. “No guise of inspiration for me anymore. Winged words, impossible reeds. And the challenge of assonance, to drop it all where I stand. This doesn’t come off as easily as the plan showed.”


894 | Complete: 2006-2009

False fronts for fading hearts in the snow


gather the garbage and seek same with courage


there was a coup d’etat at Discount Land ó the clerks threw off their retail slaves’ shackles and impaled the store manager on the lightup bargain pole. blood filling the boots of fleeing customers, the police were called but semi-trucks rigged with high explosives and Chinese plastic-filled plush stuffed penguins and elephants had been wheeled into the parking lot to block all entrances ó Jimmy the Groper they put out front, in charge of the detonation buttons ó smart money was on him tripping it all off anyway, even if the negotiation process worked ó he always looked like he’d blow _something_ up. Nightmare Rosie took charge inside, burning everyone’s blue Discount Land vest in a bonfire under the “Toilet Paper” sign on aisle 12.


the world doesn’t need another Clement Greenberg


the “Better Deal” is a survivalist illusion


895 | Complete: 2006-2009

corn fire blast / champion under Yiddish force these tattered flags to defeat compensation for the reprehensible tale damaged sailor organism course set pasted Jones “do you guys . . . ?” and it was dreamd elaborate no rage for oblivion staggering happy through the breeze came to hell reaping significant haze forecast today this means you


“how did you get your hair that charming color?” “it helps that I’m Asian̶it helps that you are Asian.”


round-headed Tolkien freak, pale, maybe retarded, they let him out of the house only on New Year’s Eve or when ever he burns the house down.


my sentimental dream sounds like steam blowing through the strings of a mandolin


896 | Complete: 2006-2009

“the light went out in Nobody’s Home”


“this hat was made by the last streimel maker in Warsaw . . .” ̶ SRL


not lost not depraved not naked not scarce not weakened not aching not white not dead-ended too much negation.

hiccups speak out where before they were neutral. encounters, telling eyes and cables for that vast express ion of time wailing away.

(see 11/2/08)

* * *

1/3 they were busy violating the Elder Laws tearing open the seed pods

897 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

1/8 the dancing monkey in the center of the room is there for people to hate on.

* * *


(on Dadaists) while they were highly accomplished pests and artists̶like their colleagues elsewhere̶their real specialty was threatening performance.

* * *

1/12 those tilted, titled ladies understated underestimated undevastated

* * *

Stitches & Staples Portrait of the Artist as a Young Sodomite

898 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *


God is the 0-to-0 correspondence

* * * the self-observed in REVOLUTION

* * *

FEELS BETTER when I slough off THE TRAPPINGS of symbolic reality AND EXIST

* * *


(dream poem) the place of the hammers with God the place of

899 | Complete: 2006-2009 the banners of God where the place of man is beneath God’s right hand

* * * embryonic orchid

* * * the script Gertrude Stein wrote is at a loss for words

* * *

(hypnagogia) the Hammer is in God’s hand Man sits at God’s right side

* * * ball-peen vibrations

* * * random tastes of experience sunk like Cajun truth

900 | Complete: 2006-2009 where no protection from swamp offers encouragement

* * * the chill broke here eyes.

* * * micron̶each wave, each rhythm is a beat.

* * * the bloom of fire in the oven

* * *

(11 pm̶temp: -14º F) in Autumn I eat red roses & milkweed. but in Winter all I have is snow that crushes like sand in the mouth.

* * *

1/19 my latest breakfast meal is Indian-style plain yogurt with lingonberry jam

901 | Complete: 2006-2009 my latest style of composition is not confessional, but it might sound that way, even if autobiography is far from being a goal to be sought, the lack of conception so far removed from any real depiction of life and experience it’s too late to talk about this very cold

* * * on the depiction and presentation of COMPLEX EXPERIENCE

* * *

“Just the space of Ganesh . . . .” this is the precinct of gods this is the precinct of Ganesh hold out your hands hold out your hands and receive the blossoms from the god.

* * *


dream: in Woody Allen’s new film, walking down Tudsbury Lane with an office chair: surreal atmosphere, foggy, as in the strangest Tom Waits songs: slick walls in psychedelic colors, plastic, a labyrinth built into a tower on one corner of the condo/hotel set on a lakeside: not London but not New York, either: Charles Nelson Reilly meets me when I emerge (“I thought he was dead̶this must be his last picture”): along the shore, one man jumps on the back of another, and the man being ridden turns into a pantomime horse̶

902 | Complete: 2006-2009

they ride off toward the water: something is very wrong for the wealthy owner of the apartment (me): his wife and the friends they’re having over for dinner don’t realize, everything seems beautiful and in order: (come to think of it, this seems more like a David Lynch film)

* * * the near sacrilege is naked. the near sacrifice is needed.

* * *

I just staged my own resistance and told the kids, “hey, don’t worry!” I just told them not to do it̶ “your ass is grass, your ass is mine” I wouldn’t say high-risk was a factor, but then I don’t say much anymore. sacrifice, the manner of bringing harbingers, is a weighted procedure. the pale rocks shine, uncertain, slick with water from rivers. the flood knocks loose the staying earth. and keys are missing from the pale room you stand in. an encounter̶I watch you̶an encounter̶the air froze at her back again. only our meeting comes apart in our heads̶ everything else is static, stands in place. the rest stays the same as when we were here in the rain, before someone pulled the shades. “I don’t make up words̶I use them,” you said.

903 | Complete: 2006-2009

for an old man mapping the creases in his slacks, the resitance to time moves him to tell us every thing, what’s wrong, what’s true, what’s going on outside his door, his mind. orphans come, but they don’t mean anything to me. old men shut doors or pull shades that their own age had opened years before̶but they trade courses and prophecy, it doesn’t last in a broken place. no tact when you’re leaving some truths unsaid.

* * *


we work to make it right and we are right because we work

* * *


(after Nanny Kitachen: “excuse me, your writtings has a joke with me. please tell me i am in a deep depression.please help me”) i cant tell cant i cant i tell i cant if theres a cant i tell if theres if theres if theres if thereis a isaj isa joke is jbo isa job is isa please cant if is if thereis in a job isa joke if his there is his there cant tell is if a jkoe cant please dpressin with a joke if i cant seee sell there

904 | Complete: 2006-2009 if icant job heres joe is a job can his iff thereis ca an jom a jbo a bomb an broke if dee is it deep please cant a joke plesae drop if cant it tell as has tell if isa isajo ke ke cant

* * * the oil will always leak through

* * *

1/28 people don’t speak in semi-colons

* * *

1/29 has the string been tied around the lit candle? have the icicles been thrown to the rabbits? how many stretches make a consciousness?

* * *



905 | Complete: 2006-2009 confrontation password: Lord of Essex or 41 doubloons

* * * that’s the same script as it ever was on the banks of the Mother Ganges, on the tornado-wasted cinnebar fields of unmapped territory in Central America: the cane grows high the sand is wet

* * *

“controlled toxicity” where did you come from? grass. to grasp becomes a participle running up and down your spine. human nature is to take it easy. to take account of things. to take a number. to take everything.

906 | Complete: 2006-2009 draw back from what supports the center of experience.

* * * is self-awareness the same as self?

* * * lightbulbs in a box winking to the rhythm approximating a theme clean crunchy potato skins out of the oven

* * * neighbor, what you’re doing peeping into other people’s open front doors is anybody’s guess.

* * *

doors of power, seeds of ecstasy, nations of history, arms of repairmen, psalms of potential, force without system, shape for sensation, love from blinking, streams of purpose

* * *


907 | Complete: 2006-2009

maybe I’m paranoid and maybe you’re an idiot maybe they’ll arrest us for crimes we don’t commit

* * *

2/5 the hull widens my heart shower to craven innocence wise craft and sycophancy

* * * as if being an impostor made you less as if the words in your throat fell away into silence, inaction the congress of self-definition is fanning they’re taking it easy, no resolutions today go scared this time, into the forest of idealism that’s where your horse ran wild, as it was written in some novel or other the action that is pleasant, the action that leads to a calm feeling of control staring at the woods with a whiskey in his hand that one looks like he’ll fall over pour him another one as if taking control was something abominable

908 | Complete: 2006-2009 no hominum shirks his or her potential willingly out there it’s got something to do with change when that mirror starts swaying in the house you can bet the angel with spotted wings is coming in for a landing. no doubt there’ll be a row of faces pale and shaking when that thing touches down, flame on the dry grass the scythes of our better angels reap the unworthy as well as the blessed in this congeries of impressions as if your throat offered one passage for all whether words or meteorological conditions when it comes down and spreads its wings (again) you can be sure of this and this only: they’re going to wish it would’ve arrived some other place, where the people don’t have words for revelation

* * *

2/6 surface̶it reads out like so much longing, superficial camraderie, like a judge filling his head with propaganda outside the court

* * * sign of the homeless demon:

909 | Complete: 2006-2009 will work for spiders

* * * good old liminal state̶ charging the air

* * * blood, feces, horror in a pot, “all boiling over”

* * * the pointless gesture does not dig the bottomless well. (keep your hands whole.)

* * * meet the grey beast of glad infinity

* * * ultra-eyed blasphemies, their tongues still white from discourse. echoes of philosophy ring off some city’s walls.

910 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *



* * *

2/10 a dream of Washing Bears “No, this isn’t what you would think.” “He was bent on the table, in the middle of the table, like an apostrophe.” “We won’t be able to stay there after the next time.” “Hell hath no purpose but to simply freak you out.” “Here you have it: the blue sky as testimony. That walking over this piece just, how about it, a stereotype?” “Can there be any more challenge in keeping off-balance?” “Heaps of praise are coming in̶or, if not that, are passing out̶from all corners of the nation.” “The craftsman melts down gold as part of his statement of identity, existence, as he performs his craft in the present.” “Washing bears, washing bears̶and God created washing bears, too.”

* * *

911 | Complete: 2006-2009


I was sworn to secrecy. In 17 years you get to know if you’ll divorce your spouse. (Flux became the flax my mother wove her time with)

* * *

2/12 haven’t you lost the wicked month yet?

* * * tree-stone answer I own a merry old pot comrade staking ferries for a turn in one hand buried for parallel course retaining shelter mare sold a terra sic ferma close out on windows keep in the draft

912 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * sunrise collapses headache disappears how did I wake up here?

* * *

2/13 baksheesh for the impoverished persuaders

* * * statement necessary for reply

* * *

Piecemal does it. When safety is.... Your obsession...

* * * action paces the passion from station to day-races.

913 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * certain dreams are not requests. or symbols.

* * *

...and Spring turned the snow to wind.

* * *


* * * flowchart syntax transcends the epic corpus embedded in world literature

* * * mendacious staging and false / misleading gesture

* * *

hump-day arrondissement

914 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *


Seeds up! How many love-dreams lay in the hazing, The pride of rights for the soapy fallen: Part abuse, part safe orgiastics, with scents for her to dab and you to spy on? We do liberty and take no tomorrows prisoner, Keep separate credit cards for her and him. ‘Tere’ said the Estonian love-goddess ̶ On every breath she takes amazement leans. Image lacks a precedent, sopping up vice instead, One move to the next. Now ecclesiastic fertility rites out under the silos full of slippery gel.

* * *


Notwithstanding’s accident sap sense that’s a Skinner-type of question Plato sees all the elements in the aluminum bucket aren’t waiting around for him to name a careful piece of logic drummed up

* * * ode to the memory of Olof Öhman, discoverer of the Kensington Runestone

915 | Complete: 2006-2009

I buried the donuts in that well. I fathered Forex, for a change. I battened with crepe in yr name, on the tongue of shedding books’ covers. The spurge was in season. Over on that shore they laugh at us and kiss the ground, draw their own blood across stone, under the roots of the tree. They suck neep roots too, after a bad dream. Swedes!? Never heard of them! But I shook whoever I found out there, in the snow, looming where salt farms falter without subsidies. And they said this Christian viking hadn’t the guts to marry Cortica the pagan pumpkin-maiden... Well I showed them. AND I cut down their little pagan poles with my sawsall. Here’s fuck-all in your fertility-god’s eye, creeps!

* * *

(the mystery of the Kensington Runestone can only be understood through a deep knowledge of cultural identity and late-19th century immigration to North America) I made the rocks sit I made them stand I was passing this way

916 | Complete: 2006-2009 and thought that a careful push would pull up something of value. we were looking for passage, we wanted to rage, the tone to rip through with feed back, distortion. islands of technology and symbol positing their own necrescence.

* * *


Mr. Severance made a biscuit in the shape of his undying soul.

* * * prairie harp You say anything it’s not enough̶ Blue-Sky Special. Arms & the Man. Leukocytes father a broken hasp, taking songs out of the harp. Reliance lay on mules to bust the path clear, after dynamite and men’s bodies had taken too long to break the earth. If you said anything special about war, it sounded like a rock-and-roll spectacular for the secular Right. Then, it was about

917 | Complete: 2006-2009 sticking it out, about togetherness in adversity. That prairie song you got in your heart, were you going to sing it, now, when everyone’s hands are broken thanks to their own worthlessness? (variation: You say anything it’s not enough̶ Blue-Sky Special. Arms & the Man. Yesterday’s reliance lay in mules to bust the path clear, after dynamite and men’s bodies had taken too long to break the earth. Now, if you say anything special about war, say, it sounds like a rock-and-roll spectacular for the secular Right. Then, it was about sticking it out, about togetherness in adversity. That prairie song you got in your heart, were you going to sing it, now, when everyone’s not hearing so good, deafened by news and their own work?

* * *

I woke up on the wrong side of Bethelehem yesterday, was crucified before lunchtime. So today you see all that remains: I am a poor harrowed shell of my former condition, a shape no heresy or Pharisee would shrink from executing again.

* * *

2/18 images

918 | Complete: 2006-2009 this road is the experience the ice in my hand is reason that steep hill in the country is not described the rush at night is a police car there they are this purpose with a lighter is coming at last the named way is bright and solid the pretend cat is purring there they are, sleeping again this is not the same as a pattern these are small enough to fit in small hands

* * *

“I made the rock sit” “something of value” (this machine that comes through loud and clear across the continents can only look into its own eye)

* * *


“Eight words / Four letters / One prophecy That witnesses the true coming of God On Earth / and the Defeat of Heretics (Hell’s belly shall swell with their blood)” Noting nothing marks the Xmass mess (A sacrilege) same as sacerdos, the Mason

919 | Complete: 2006-2009

In his always effortless patience sends Telegram by wishes over the hud, the skin, The hide virile: marching orders from The front apron: officiating when (who he?) Met, seems prophet-sharing (non-Mormonically) as Wuz, so certainly Fuzzy was, barely. The Phantom Respect desk is unmanned, again. And their Wikipedia site tells that JW’s must shun The apostate. If / then̶over and out̶observation Is judgment. Anderson Cooper is idle, hits the ESC Key on his asthma puffer, again, again, without relief Of his media-fashionable symptoms. He was 16 When the world moved south, after Esperanza Mendoza Seemed sure to take the chair of Jehovah’s Witnesses Int’l, Latin American Bureau. “Hiya, Planet IX! We thought You’d be back in time for the 7th Coming of the Bitch From Babylon!” Me so sure this is the sequence I could Barf, I could throw stones at Mars̶“but the pursuit “Of other worlds is not for you,” I heard Elder Hinckley Say, before he winked out. (Everyone gets More Moon During an eclipse.) Turn the page of the Book of Worship. Withstanding faith comes at a price: the yellow brain yolk Turns soft, (gears &) proteins experience organization Like a dilemma, when your prayerbook changes From automatic inspiration to a manual.

* * *


(it’s a) steam-clean

920 | Complete: 2006-2009

from the blanketing machine marijuana dreams in clambering time

* * * the first wave of morning sun, the first particle

* * *

2/21 optical allusion

* * * wouldn’t make a pin drop for all the silence coming down from the last fuel-tank explosion we watched from the bedside

* * *

2/22 a.royal.pain. in.the.ass.

921 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

2/23 that prism was a star for the reaching millions. that prison was a stretch away for the retreating messengers from the lighted avenues of Babylon.

* * * stations razed by malcontent Serbs over the wire come to me Messiah in the darkness there is no way to the next world

* * * got no time for conservative mummers

922 | Complete: 2006-2009 or dinks.

* * *

2/24 acoptic freenopt manitasti hojendra nopt sopt holept rast menera jenst en carét

* * * desperate houses take more care

* * * these words come when there’s nothing left to say . . .

* * * what there is is earthbound what there is is earthbound what there is is coming down.

* * *

923 | Complete: 2006-2009 the 80s were Reagan Country̶ you don’t want to try going there unless you can pull out a 10- gallon hat and ride real mad horse who hates immigrants and taxes

* * *


Etna, va! It nava so good as with lava (“Avante, Avanti”) populous venting̶avanti crapuli!̶people want their venti lattés̶more for the pope to peep out of his windows at̶et cetera, at spattera, Cape Hatteras a-vestibule for vesicles from deep sea, coming to land as spectacle for forlorn hopes after the waves have closed over . . .

* * *


Dr. Fire ate the house Innatrist. He the sad specialist unfurling dreadlocks and routine pismire loppenflocks. You the sour mash, you the rashy extension: expiate my dog with your own regicide. Ge björnen mat, Richard. Vasty are thy abbatoirs, no telos to lose one’s way in. Side-by-side with dragons of mischance, their breath thawing white Pop- pyseed bagEls. Clomp clomp across the room, upon the slats

924 | Complete: 2006-2009 the platform prompting lapse. To the heartfelt serpent’s longing, the asp is only rapacious when his bite if felt this close, this close. English for “wish” is not “gyro.” I steal rest from old wives’ pockets.

* * *


“gaming the zeitgeist”

* * *

3/2 drop me a line razorwire tongues showpiece for salvation junkies (salvation for showpiece junkies)

* * * pal around with the lions and bears shepherds drive me simply mayhem wild hangovers of need and desire nothing abstract here, we have a limted amount of time to clue our edges down before the storm comes

925 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * drying grounds how the fields were bare! in winter the animals scrounging through backyards for frozen dinners the past the past tells us that more work comes to those deserving deserving rest talent isn’t just dying around here (how the fields) it’s making a last stand on principles. they can translate Beckett into Ojibwe until they’re blue in the face. my mark is a letter T, shoveling snow on an improved highway outside Montevideo.

* * * comes the Paradigm Shift, these houses will be flooded beyond recognition

926 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

depictions of Extreme Religious Experience in the Ancient World

* * *

Focus̶don’t Fuck Us up

* * *

Through a clerical error, Johnny Swede now owes the IRS $1 million in taxes. “Sure goes a far way from making feel the patriot here.” Johnny wishes he could go. Home. All the theories in the open sea conspire to hold him on this shore. And there’s nothing an Old World craftsman can do against such abstract, massed forces.

* * *

be careful what you witch for̶’cause you just might hex it.

* * *


he was so plugged in, he had to be plugged out

* * *

time, Terpsichore, time

927 | Complete: 2006-2009

before lovely sky before the staying wind. time, lovely stirrer of Nature.

* * *

̶Who are you? ̶I am St. Strabismus; I can see nothing.

* * *

3/6 add to that the meanness the responsibility forthright in its antecedence all of my livery mannerisms toned down for suited polite posturing, all a stone meant to get ahead on the shore but deep in rivers they call out, fish-to-fish on earth as it is in torrent, the rasp of pines under wind, that stays with me a long time

* * *


928 | Complete: 2006-2009

“Dude, you’ve got to suck the fucking marrow out of life, or else you’re just another sad goddamn tool . . .”

* * * the sea of sleep Sarpedon asks why the sea of sleep is comprised of waves and compromised by dreams̶ not of thinking? the exit hadn’t a clue where to enter, we came up with a plan but it involved arriving after our departure. a Macy’s parade all glittery in a cornfield with seas of waving grain and hand less farmers scratching their caps, headless conservatives couldn’t get traction (but they still won the election) brain candy for the eye strained ex ecutive, es ophagus eats out tonight while tiger takes the stay of ex ecution pers onally, this once.

* * * you’ve got to wonder what I was thinking the ball rolls, the square stays in place the apple bruises your friend’s eye

929 | Complete: 2006-2009 another comrade in here, now with no body the expressions happen to roll like a ball down the snow plummets, becoming more snow

* * *

3/8 the breath of rum and black currant in boiling water. Beethoven’s Piano Concerto in D.

* * *

Time̶I mean years, centuries̶rolls around too fast, things that fall where they happen to, get set into age-old patterns, traditions become solid, immutable structures where a few generations ago they were brand-new on earth, these things become truth and real objects, to die for to kill for, before anyone takes a good look at them and whether they were a really good idea from the get-go.

* * *

8:30 (7:30) p.m., Saturday Try to get over time passing somehow. Time isn’t money, it’s a fat kid on stage somewhere with no act, just blowing bubbles and grinning at the stage manager.

* * *

930 | Complete: 2006-2009

3/10 like you had watched everything fade out with the crows who come and eat the pizza restaurant’s trash in late winter, their eyes sentient and telling a future you stare into and never see yourself, coming together, with the snows forbidding clear sight still.

* * * he said, “binge before breakup,” the air was made of apostrophes and wide wielding fire, from aging came up a coursing, us forever free lipitor leave hearts racing, callously raging to rhythms, house or salty hale time for bridges tampering, sift her for sale Anna dampens the drugs you dream of “never kneel” he told me, “age will seize god’s whore “doom drips so darkly,” as they locked the door

* * *

931 | Complete: 2006-2009

I get these horrible darknesses (could be psychosomatic) black and white like in Welles’ Macbeth there is no knife edge that does not cut, no blade’s point that isn’t a killer of some king, for the highlands scrape skin bloody and poke internal organs unto death some cold wind that cuts licks out life again, always, no prayer for wild habits no lying when the murder faces front and the crime bleeds itself in the center, in the ring of light, aware all the audience of this abomination, crying but helpless in their witness: what Hell has come over this man’s soul?

* * *

“I like the cut of your girders, Señor Esophago”

* * *


932 | Complete: 2006-2009

cardinal says, “now see here! see here!” like a small Henry James in a tree.

* * * infrastructure responsibility //words// (no,) language

* * *

Picabia said, “Pick a card, don’t touch the pawn,” to the hobo in Hobart, IN. “Hubba hubba.” Jokes with whores and holy women sashaying to their tables, loaded with sassafrass batshit globes. (These hausfraus are Tao.) Pornstar acrobats playing chess on other naked contortionists’ chests: “Don’t tell me where you stuck that pawn, Dearie.” Dikasts of the skin trade. “A Dick Artist’s Guide to Ixtapa” was the volume Picabia took down from Fuji-san’s jammed shelf of Ojibwe fiction. “The price of fizzle, that’s fate.” Danaan pilgrims on the banks of Academe:

933 | Complete: 2006-2009

Akkad was a fad for these drooping kids, either every time they chirruped for Kythera or else said “yes!” to the dawn of pairing, “AKA, your agent for all things sedition,” akin to the nape of her spy-lover’s neck, Picabia pats her back, taps his fat sack. “Fate sure has a way of making friends for me.” Pieces of potato, picked up at the Odeon, able to “age! age!” in the Latin way, a gilgul for likenesses, or eidolons for actresses. She was one, not a spy, as Picabia parsed. Prattlin on the prism of worse habits, go, exit, sore-ass gods of the Inca mountaintop! Picabia drifts in fog of foreign africations, of posing predestinations pissing out time like punching a hole in burlap to see out of again, clear sky pick up and run patches blind this is another mountain machine

* * *

3/12 all of the destruction that’s got to be a new one

934 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

Christ! Abba-Zabba! that boy could shitcan Maimonides, that boy could write his own mountain to bury his soul, that boy got his own shows laced on his own fate.

* * *


(dee pvoid ovubifirculate) the EGGS are on special my Amish friend is mishpocheh NO SUNDAY SALES but the yolks are famous, they’re out of this world devoid spaces of the kettle moraine windswept twin emptinesses filled with Sumerian sailors & omelettes

* * *

3/14 architrave. explosion.

935 | Complete: 2006-2009 who rang you for a comment, an article, an interview, a moment in time for reflection? sensuousness went out with sage wisdom (and now they’re dating steady)

* * *

(in the Strand Bookstore) “Jonathan, you doubt? I privilege the inscrutable. Nearer my heart . . .” the girls lied with poetry. the Kabbalah broke wind over my city and yours.

* * *

3/15 tap the circuit outside my rendezvous on Ditmars Blvd. cap my sugarload the hard way pandering to Greek overlords. it’s not so much the linguistic slavery, it’s the cultural hegemony,

936 | Complete: 2006-2009 the grammatically based social hierarchy that went to the race that baked the first frosted cupcake. “pio l’go”̶on shot at dessert, and after you’re full and happy a long stroll in March sunlight. “I take a little bit, not a lot̶ “it gets too much, if it’s too sweet.” sweetness on streets in Queens. (“Let’s go!”) when philosophy and families and sidewalks roll up after Saturday.

* * *

“because . . . [they] believed that ‘the dream was the key to the unconscious.” why privilege the unconscious? why stop traffic or close your eyes, just to find the key? Surrealism isn’t just symbology. sounds like somebody’s just trying to package his product in gauze and hypnagogic phantasms again.

* * *

3/16 with french-fried potatoes, mustard and a boiled hamburger on an onionskin page, boll-weevils in the airplane restroom̶ this is all hallucination this isn’t helping me to digest the hot dog, the runny nose of LaGuardia’s Northwest Terminal,

937 | Complete: 2006-2009 you can’t get the smell off your clothes . . . hey, whatever harbinger of freak the Detroit community has to deal with, somebody must’ve won its song contest when raging politicians in bikinis ran screaming down the hall . . .

* * * airplane ode (3/16/08) “have you reached a bedeepening?” the air around the plane is not a poem. it only beckons space to come as wind in envelope around this object borne of velocity. the trap falls, under stars. the weighted measure (mass) opens eyes to get realms that are multiplying under the seeing of them. mass derives from observed reaction. wind bedeepens and the bed opens. past reaches and the sky darkens.

* * *

“he dart and weave. so terrible. how can any. other lay a a a a hand. on him?”

* * *


938 | Complete: 2006-2009

saying God does move around in space

* * * thinness shakes me, still alive to the dorsal fin of consciousness, still on a rowdy sea of buildings, falling cranes on all that high humanity (our bags still smell like New York)

* * * blazing James over encounters the olfactory and broken tumbler glass transport to Spring with her winds̶ there is nothing clean in this place, or light, but everything can’t help shining out of what used to be gray.

* * *

939 | Complete: 2006-2009

3/18 running a cookie (no autotext) rummaging for brownies raking in St. Joseph’s creampuffs along the neighborhood concrete networks of Queens no thanks, I’ll just have coffee (I know my husband: he will have a double espresso) always take it to the extreme that’s my gourmandish motto

* * * treatise on enlightenment where the house is livable where the mind is lyrical where the snow is lovable where the shovel is loafing how your beard is white like snow how your head is sharp like heaps how your belly is unbelted or open how your indications are like calm a meteorologican, but when he can’t I can’t, too, swinging shovel blade over the imagery all covered in white all earthy but blank all bony corners

* * *

940 | Complete: 2006-2009

it’s a visual medium don’t let them cover your eyes again

* * *

3/19 so you eat spots of time like a hippo eats river grass. that hasn’t changed since the world was flat. curiosity culminated in capture, once upon a time and one size was bound to fit all as soon as all the trees were cleared.

* * * thesaurus wide-eyed, autoformatted upper-case letters or lower down in the basement of the access point, the center that’s covered in sticky floor grease, with windows shut off or stripped of frame. this word takes up enough space for a full city block, and yet they don’t give it an unique address, only more press releases no one reads.

* * * my crystal steropticon’s fallen short of sending the right images to your left eye. rapid response to promises generally stick it to bright-eyed technicians burning in some grey room in a federal building. how does perception of sunlight play into the birds’ singing when April’s faded

941 | Complete: 2006-2009 photos go 2-dimensional? it’s trees muscling their way̶roots-and-all̶ (3/20) onto the LED screen, beneath the tracks, up north behind the cabin, and up wind of Gorilla Island at the zoo: “Comrades! Shall we deny our natures of wild abandon, refusing to chase bright green tennis balls around the pen?” the other gorillas eyeball the speaker with pent-up resignation. there has been no simian Karl Marx yet. even so, winter must yield to uproarious springtime yet again. the trees whistle like large land mammals. the train pursues its next destination like an eyeless journeyman with cracked fingers and a stick that plies the roadway through a fog of time just this side of urban singularity. passion should put an end to anything more decadent, should put on more deoderant instead, and the clock pontificates with its hands pointing west, even as the soil shakes off its last image from dusk to night before. no surge of vision to spot in all this endless mindfulness. hasn’t sameness run its course at night yet? Sachsen-Weimar is in the East, which is red, and timed to go off when most of the population’s asleep̶too bad for them, when it’s all cold and nothing to see and a snow alert passes itself off as a ghost with cracked eyes made of crystal. more chocolate selves go to sleep with such a ruckus on

942 | Complete: 2006-2009 than escape the hampers of fate, their rusted shutters groaning together, hold fast for all time, happy to suck honey or at eggs like some domestic bear-goddess whose paws rend wet laundry as she takes it out of the washer. where once was a hamper, now comes the point in our program for a blue-grey kind of alliteration. nobody waits for the Ambassador of Antecedence anymore. stuck fast to the rolling uncertainties of dilemmas and resolutions.

* * *

3/21 sometimes Nature takes its course, and sometimes the corse takes your nature away.

* * * an angry shot across the bow is a waste of ammo.

* * * lamp oil on fingers ignite the circuit approach the conflagraiont with no visible grace

943 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * must we now initiate the horrible cycle of THANK YOUs?

* * *

3/22 the filters are obvious. sometimes the spelling gets corrupted, if words or phrases get turned over too many times. it’s a question of handling. cross-historical handling. the cultures don’t rob each other, they just happen to borrow.

* * *


“same pay, same prospects, NO GUNS” how many people get shot without looking for it, looking in the direction of the bullet, looking back at the direction the killer is looking . . . ?

* * *

3/25 punch sponge hope change

* * *

944 | Complete: 2006-2009

feral deferral limnal dropping derail feel the door closes you have not stepped across and into the room

* * *

3/26 the soul needs fire the acumen

* * * a prayer for the passage of time

* * *

3/27 playing catch-up with nobody but sound

* * * empty emphasis (purge the copula)

945 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * it was about that time the wolverines came home, fresh out of the forest.

* * * got my engine running got my angel humming got a space my sounding so gone arabian makeup around here time is homely this pen is holy a man in the cold broke out first to great expectations over a hundred years, but they can’t remember a single line, an image that makes up who his history is.

* * * coffee I hasten your first wake fulness ahead of your own awareness

946 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

better conscious than counting better unconscious than conscious better come than deriving groans from the hazard of living

* * *

I don’t read much anything count it out count it best count it out I don’t read much everything

* * *


saying it as you go all becomes about the restless kin, the chances cornering how he does it, wild in the dark morning responsible, no. those were

947 | Complete: 2006-2009 the chances (masking a house, being delivered the neighbor city’s paper of record)

* * * grasping at Toledo a willing personality that banks on some kind of darkness for its own interest payments on reality or whatever the surfer-poet-cum-philospher wrote in his diary to publish in smoke on the surface of his readership’s retinas.

* * * antibiotics̶do you hate life so much that you must destroy the colonies of bacteria mustering inside your locked sinuses?

* * *

ROTC racist rasta o posse pharmaceutical o pastry almond-bone overmarch it’s april soldiers neg conned nachbarn grow carefully sticks ageing in plastic

948 | Complete: 2006-2009 dispensers I’d offer you a watch but I only have this watch on the count of three where they are burning all the grasses we jump into the ant arctic armageddon RO the budding TC terra fiesta RA tapped out seven leagues ST Bob Marley in fatigues A cordon bleu spell the time wasted watching waiting wasp-waisted waiving mandelbrot MaNDEL brought pieces cut into DELAR rallying curse course it could get worse the more it manifests your monarchy on MALKUS they cauterized they embalmed Bentham and where the ices floed Ludd’s army of hoodlums unplugged the sensorium and cut off their ownly node

949 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

3/29 now I’ll only read books with red now color somewhere on their covers now

* * * turkey cross wait it’s a family a familiarity in the plastic folding chairs behind me, the United Nations meeting in a partially buried warehouse somewhere in a blank city and all the families of deputies are there.

* * * a peanut in time “works” how did you get here? “I got that far into it̶it never wore out.”

950 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

3/30 makes it cold . pass from the date this happens a bird that leaves its image . and the bird in my tooth calls to me.

* * *

I heard it first then I saw it then I heard it again. we won’t be climbing Everest or discovering space two thousand capitalist friends have already made it to anytime soon. do I disappoint you?

* * * cancer of treason

951 | Complete: 2006-2009 cape drawn of mist diagnosis : reason for explanations profound and not bird song.

* * *

Austria path (my bones rattle) on the path to Austria

* * * these days these days in the light these these these these these these days where where these days where the light where where where these.

* * *


952 | Complete: 2006-2009

Django slept for one million years. Funny time̶share the snow with an Eskimo.

* * *

Miscellaneous March Taste the image !

* * *

“so you got ZINGED!”

* * *


Jesus cheeses Amps for the mandate communist beguine over chilled Pickled pumpkin Slices̶thought Bears in the household cleaning supplies.

* * *

RADIO CHANGE Radio Strange Radio flummox Taking potshots

953 | Complete: 2006-2009 at scaredy-cats is now ON THE AIR

* * *

God’s only nose, what idle dew without whom?

* * * form follows function form follows fun form follows unction form follows friction form follows fries form follows freedom form follows freesias form follows frost form follows infraction form follows fast living form follows phantoms form follows fascination form follows festival form follows face form follows flailing form follows foolishness form follows freeway form follows freakshow form follows form form follows follows

954 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

Saint Earth watching from behind where the blades of spring grass and earthworms wait frozen in April. Saint Earth skinny like jiggered time asleep under three down comforters at 12:30.

* * * in Queens they’re full of St Joseph (variation on 3/15 “tap the circuit outside”) tap circuit out side my rend(er)ing et/ez vous on Ditmars Blvd. cap my sugar load the hard way pan(der)ing to Greek overlords. not so much linguistic slavery: it’s the cultural hegemony, that fills your gut with sweet. a grammar based on social hierarchy that went

955 | Complete: 2006-2009 to the race baked the first frosted cupcake. “pio l’go”̶one shot and after your full gut’s happy. long strolls in the sunlight. “I take a little bit, not a lot̶ “it gets too much, if it’s too sweet.” sweetness on Queens streets. (“Let’s go!”) philosophy and weird conversant families and sidewalks, roll up after Saturday.

* * *



(a product for clearing out sinuses:) NazPalm (Nasal Napalm) NasBomb (misheard: “sketch addict”) “Alpha Douche”̶Conklin (misheard: “Elf Abuse”) iMasturbation eMasturbation Ether Or (trance/electronica band name) “all you need for a 70s rock band name is a nuclear process and an animal... Uranium Ferret. Half-Life Tetrapod. Plutonium Kangaroo.”̶Conklin

956 | Complete: 2006-2009

“nothing’s as good as Porn Fairy”̶Conklin (to Kunz) “are you drinking a Smith & Curran’s, or a Smith & Wesson? did _you do_ Florence Henderson?? ... I’ve heard that drinking a Smith & Wesson is like fucking Florence Henderson while you’re packing heat.”̶ Lewis “Crabby Appleton’s Last Album (1971) was their first album...”̶Maupin “come early, come hungry”̶? “gotta give up: I’m gonna commit hair suicide”̶Conklin “schtupping the haggis: ‘hey, mate! I got my left ball stuck in th’ oatmeal!’”̶Maupin

* * * there’s a chill in the air, but do I care?

* * * a total robot of the sole o sole o me o my oh toe that tap rap a ravioli soul and sake and spirit and breathe and it’s all joy and in a minute I tell your fortune you’re a prophet of the obvious, Forky Fig.

* * * boot FELL from HeAVeN

It is my belief that we should not believe all that we hear and read. And tell you a story of the illusion of time and space, it might seem too much for some.

957 | Complete: 2006-2009

Although it may seem as if it came from me, in fact it came from you. It is my belief that we should not believe all that we hear and read. YOU guiding YOU into the light of awareness. Ask and you shall receive. Create your heaven wherever you are. It is my belief that we should not believe all that we hear and read. Although it may seem as if it came from me, in fact it came from you. Create your heaven wherever you are. Where darkness turns to light and your spirit is flying. Ask and you shall receive. God’s house, God’s kingdom. YOU guiding YOU into the light of awareness. Into the vast sea of the infinite realms of pure bliss. And tell you a story of the illusion of time and space, it might seem too much for some. It is my belief that we should not believe all that we hear and read. Where darkness turns to light and your spirit is flying into the vast sea of the infinite realms of pure bliss. And Heaven is the natural awakening of your dream. AND HEAVEN IS THE NATURAL AWAKENING OF YOUR DREAM.

* * *

spirit verses ego.

* * *

4/4 voices from the future telegraphing pheremones on static paper disks and old leather, first tanned

958 | Complete: 2006-2009 by pioneers and immigrants before the Flood.

* * *

“Respect Base Communication” (RBC) “spork forward”̶SRL

* * * going back to California̶ the Motherland̶ the Mother Lode̶ the HOME BASE

* * *

(after J-P Kervinen) (ich. bin. cha. nicht.) If I hide at the lake with a mint on my tongue and a star just a mile away from the fuel gauge... will you mock my riff? hey, Bin, you probably exercise your one identity, your part in the ultimate exodus, from the end counting to 0, oscillating. nose so bent and cornered: et tu, Isidore? nisi etymon’ effugies. let her hide her g-spot̶1 to 5

959 | Complete: 2006-2009 for untying those knots, cold and so tight they are... hey, Bin, hey, Bin, hey, hey, hey....

* * *

KoKo the Clown’s sex-debt leaves the girls aching. Head down, oven-topping and curlicue dinner-for-one on the Clown circuit. Hair like loofah on the Senate floor.

* * *

4/5 broom we don’t have name for

* * *

10 in coffee ten in brown the birds

960 | Complete: 2006-2009 do not drink here

* * *

“only mind tricks,” said Buddha, “are real̶ and nothing is ever. real that. originates in mind.”

* * * traipse with a gun at my side, aimless but no one touches my trail without me knowing it

* * * knife takes life the songbird’s wrong the stakes too high so watch him fly.

* * * a goodly number of bowls. the holding measure, the hands holding, touch gold

* * *

961 | Complete: 2006-2009 knife, I do not fear your edge, your cut ting is illusion

* * *

surnames grow pale with no arms to hold the newborn

* * * if written is edited

* * * she had a depth charge in her eyes, and my sub’s hull breached when I looked into them.

* * *

“soft creative”̶what, you have to go out and kill something just to show you’re a manly poet?

* * * the poem of the year. the end of language. the end.

962 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

“and it’s not so bad out here in the GREAT WIDE EVERYWHERE”

* * *

“sleight of mind”

* * *

4/8 remote controllishness.

* * * no poetry before Poe because we had no name̶ couldn’t spell pee try no p’s before pea sprouts.

* * * that window-dressing you maintain̶dread locks, wind wisdom,

963 | Complete: 2006-2009 cold embrace of lost motherhood̶that meaty weevil history is less a stage than a forgetting, less a place than a precision.

* * * everything you need (is here) to know (is here): inverted pyramid̶now write

* * *

4/9 say yes say next say spoon, soon say of course say I’m almost finished say a draft will be on your desk tomorrow morning…

* * *


964 | Complete: 2006-2009

(this anxiety) is this a part of me?

* * *

4/13 a wind whirl tour of points everywhere

* * * pluripotent̶you will become an orange I become a finger the laws of physics may hold, but not of biological sameness. nuclear transfer without missiles̶ who is my mother in the laboratory?

* * *

965 | Complete: 2006-2009

animal plantasm no fear it was something I ate I drank all-beef conjunctions with a side of rhetoric, Jamaican pancakes in your grandmother’s chicken bed, the touch of the mannerist shooter come south for Spring Break, raging rugged let the harpoons of indifference spear this chunky whale every night for the duration

* * *

“language quarantine”̶what would Korzybski say? “a heightened sense of well-being” is language a form of advanced-stage mass apophenia? lexical categories do not a vocabulary (much less a language) make

* * *


“practice effect” the largest elevator in the world (is in your head)

* * *

Report from Chicago And at sunset Over S. Michigan Ave. Muddy Waters reached Out of the TV

966 | Complete: 2006-2009

On that bus, he said, “Son, I’ve seen it, I have seen it, And there ain’t nothin’ Like it. But don’t mind that Now. You either seen it Or you ain’t.” And the sun set And people weren’t kidding When they said, “Night After night, soft as Muddy’s shout, the Nevermore dark comes on This moping city of Labyrinths and lake effects.” (“You ever heard of rods? They fly through the air, And you can’t see ‘em.”) Muddy looked like He had the Truth shining On his face.

* * *

4/15 the collation sticks in your throat, slides like a marble down to the gut. you make it

967 | Complete: 2006-2009 digestible.

* * * bradykinesia

* * *

1/3 of healthy controls are deficient in vit D damage to dopaminergic PD / neurons impair glucose control diabetes relationship

* * *


“sleep architecture”

* * *

“tall & blonde & welcome to Las Vegas”

* * * use imperative one, blue two, conch three, stone four, leprosy five, flooding

968 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

the gate shakes the story relates the game changes the change supplies the crystal shames the lies widen the never describes the subscription reads

* * *

C A R E package comprehensive Now say for argument’s sake you could outrun subjectivity. Say that you are Einstein and God is a mundane circus- bear with drool on its fur. Say mass enigma. Say Mass begins at the Interfaith chapel in Terminal B in 15 minutes. ̶Where does the bear eat lunch? ̶How do the priests’ vestments hang after the service? ̶When does a chicken become an extinct chicken? (Let me go back to a previous question.)

969 | Complete: 2006-2009

̶O mother why do the sham statements feel so good ? ̶What sham statements are colored blue? Can you subsequently formulate your answers in a new question? Why or why not? Can’t outrun your own meaning, sucker̶ like outrunning your own skin. It’s the tail that follows wherever you go, the baby lalling and spitting up in your lap (even when you stand).

* * * there is only ONE WAY to spell any word, you foreign devil̶don’t play like you don’t hear me calling you by name.

* * *

I will not smile will not attempt to smile, in all photo portraits̶ portal of the unstilled soul, passage from stormy wave inhere to inner topography, falsely deferential exter. you try it next time and see if you like it. a sham perf. of sound and light, like the Annual Eck anckar convention, and the old Klemps in wheelchairs humming HU HU HU HU HU HU

970 | Complete: 2006-2009 through their nostrisl ‘til snot and soul comes in rivulets down channels in the floor of the sanct uary. yeah, light and sound. yay, sound and light. yo, sight and loud. the aging population of cultists and wackshit denizens of extra terrestrial council-halls stir the pot and pass the plate and forget their own creation’s a mode of false expression, a making of life out of raw inanimate forces, a made Frankenstein’s mean place holder humping the midwest’s hills where headquartered. God has no zombie manifesto for what will happen next. it’s all a surprise, see?! about that, we pulled the plug on beautiful this morning and it is suggested that you close your eyes through this next stretch in the road. isn’t it a promising effect, eyes on hands and hands making con tact with noumena over and over lidless painting possibility? better the auras and the light shift of mankind’s regeneration through this experience into action̶boogie-woogie̶ chakra therapy̶alien hot-stone

971 | Complete: 2006-2009 massage̶palliative gluteal… what was the brochure’s language? sciatic thong tightening, heave over there’s the spot it loosens where the spring got wound up last week, passage through secondary genethliacal hall ucinations, or other real or induced psychospacial phenomena̶the end is nigh, draw me together, draw down the powers from Aer, draw me another picture, Daddy!

* * * when you cross that (hypothetical) threshhold the waves reach up to you from the surface of the water like nymphs, yet your own velocity and altitude deny those motherly forces their tug to pull you out of the sky.

* * *

972 | Complete: 2006-2009

“design constraints” is no excuse

* * * gelled gray abstrctions staked. codes in gray mass. cubes of gray jelly. those aren’t gray abstract objects! (those are brains!)

* * * apophenia DARTBOARD dynamism through flux and patterned representation

* * *

“allergic to numbers?” we have a pill for that

* * *

Plato’s ideals exist not in Heaven but in the mind,

973 | Complete: 2006-2009 or/and in language.

* * * the marriage of kinetics, graphic design, and information management.

* * *


* * *

4/18 and into the room they struggled loveshower bad arrangement stroke blossom into the room the stroked defiant turning the box like a Turing box everyone was thinking inside and sodomizing the box in their minds this wasn’t anger̶ this wasn’t proving a point. or

974 | Complete: 2006-2009 vengeance and God knows the narritive this all implied was certainly unintentional. (I have been in exile for some years, now some years̶ I could hardly comment on these things from a native-born perspective anymore)

* * *

Dalai Lama Daily News. over and out our. only door and over the roof and our days are grounded in the yard. fr et. hang fr om me at ho oks. these norms have been changed to acct. for dictatorships. protect the order said the red banners. the reaching REACHING Empire oversees. FR Drown. shores and shapes. after years.

975 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * my hands across the rolling waters, the text steaming

* * *

4/19 with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm̶symmetry (of the Body), dualism (of God’s spirit)̶with the left hand (Din) with the right hand (Rachmones) yielding, letting through or denying, holding from forward nation

* * * the reaching REACHING Empire. Dalai Lama Daily News. can I tell you what is going on? the shore. the waves. the armed states the sand rolls over the ships beached for 300 years. the saffron flags.

* * *

that’s something you always take for Grandma.

* * *


976 | Complete: 2006-2009

“Enlightenment is a side effect.”̶SRL “Hacienda my ass!”̶TL

* * *

“What ho! What idle stumblefuckery assails mine eyes?!” (attributed to Shakespeare: “The Tempest̶the Lost Years”)

* * *

4/21 babaBA ba ba BA ba ba BA ma ba MA wa ma BA wa ba WA ma ba MA ba ba BA babaBA bamaBA bawaBA

* * *

I always have to wait for me.

* * * we walked from the vaults to the tippy-tippy top̶ then we stole holy cards

977 | Complete: 2006-2009 from the Pope’s gift shop.

* * *

“I can’t be a hairdresser!”

* * *


“I’m big on chagrin.”̶SRL “I prefer to think of myself as a painter.” “an addict full of memories” (misheard: “an attic full…”)

* * *

4/23 aesthetics/synaesthetics do my words strike your ear? do my sounds reach your eyes?

* * *

“if I can’t read the writing on the wall, then Goddamn us all.”̶SF radio, 90.3

* * * he said that dharma lets you recognize the drama̶

978 | Complete: 2006-2009 the streets made obeisance to Buddha.

* * *

Clement St., objectification of the narrative̶ miscellany & hippopotamy, blisses of map making, topography of chiaroscuro

1 dharma & desire. walking American. heart after choke, kids and squealers all-American dharma-plated thought greens it was the street-y it was the way of concrete sidewalks.


“Well, I was born in Dixie, in a Bluebird shack…” Gave up my honey and I fell off the track. Broke out and carried California rolls back.



* * *

979 | Complete: 2006-2009


“I am an important employee. Everything I state into the intercom for general announcements is clear and direct, so that everyone can understand what needs to be communicated. My words are official, but my tone is paternal, gracious, and non-threatening. All that I say is sanctioned by the corporate policy determined by the parent company and all recognized subsidiaries…”

* * *

“never put yourself behind you”

* * * most people don’t see most things some people might see some things very few people can see a very few things

* * * when stumblefuckery & jackassery meet, which one will win?

* * * press a button and something happens (technological paradigm)

* * *

980 | Complete: 2006-2009

4/25 fetal, but not fatal

* * *

4/26 mutton-chop scherzo your hide your hide is trembling amigo wind over satiety your urine smells of onion

* * *


Kul Tigin they wait on steppeland. Flames. One step. Dada, Tatan. Over. Ta’an da naat. aaD nadT. Your western. TaA’d. Kul cult igi. Ca Ge Da. Land’s chimneys. step. Dada, steppeland. Flames. One wait naat. aaD on western. TaA’d. Kul cult Tatan. Over. Ta’an da Ge igi. Ca Tigin they chimneys.

981 | Complete: 2006-2009 nadT. Your Kul Da. Land’s Kul cult Tatan. Over. Ta’an Kul Da. Land’s on western. TaA’d. chimneys. nadT. Your wait naat. aaD igi. Ca Tigin they step. Dada, steppeland. Flames. One da Ge chimneys. nadT. Your da Ge on western. TaA’d. step. One Kul Da. Land’s igi. Ca Tigin they Kul cult Tatan. Over. Ta’an wait naat. aaD

* * * miscellaneous April He’s buried under ground. He is buried underground.

* * * after salvation, it’s an old wave that lashes.

* * * the Tragic Epicurean shut off new

982 | Complete: 2006-2009

I can’t read Lucretius

* * *

5/1 death of the firstborn consecration of the lastborn

* * * soul makes a challenge banshee of emergency vehicles. air wallop land when elements engage (no telling where the next party for the naked and the kraken might be) at the hound of house whereat wearing skins that air with so a vehemence decries the sacrilege to epic nor wheel nor carriage nor chafing for reassurance they come carrying hatchets when little brother he axes all the squirrels but promises to build them cenotaphs by the flood

* * *

983 | Complete: 2006-2009

Afternoons. Nun. Drift Queen. Clean. Waste of rotten Half & Half white down sink drain. Come fast, through the pouring white rain. Wait. This check supplies a week of rest. Only good for one use. The percentage. She waits like. A nun.

* * * men rarely make cheese with girls who have fleas girls often go south for men who are stout

* * * butter whatever happens

* * *

5/2 an exercise in reading

984 | Complete: 2006-2009 the storm comes to sleepy residents parsing verbal tenets alone without sin forced dreaming for simple weather forecasts and the observation of birds was no augury from zone to zone as haruspection only got a lot of dead animals to roast and distribute for the center to keep up with the periphery for the same ways to come back and enter the house it takes more than a causation to lid this ideology action ideal after worms run and fit on the banners of every gray sidewalk

* * * after complexion you learn from after the color drained through arteries to veins from vines to ivy to blood rose to grass spilled a sacrifice a life cut in the groves

* * * the portioning of one word or

985 | Complete: 2006-2009 group of phrases is not syntax. the bear and the lizard share the same cave, but never encounter their prey at the same time. the wise and the ignominous speak the same words and find in them a meaning that suits their own illusions.

* * * more on reading: “choose wisely: the fate of an empire of mind is at stake”

* * *

Johnny sees a pattern of resistance. Jane sees nothing but wind.

* * *

escape from Science Island

* * *

I had an excellent interventions we enjoyed all of your excellent interventions

986 | Complete: 2006-2009 he might benefit from your excellent interventions the train leaves next hour for the land of excellent interventions e t s

* * *


Counterfeit Moravian baronet seeks unattached Moldovan maiden. Object: intercourse.

* * *

Neurotoxin Upstart Mushroom American Democracy Comb

* * *

Did Peter Rabbit Choke on False Positives?

* * *

Rome. Ertagon. Tremor on the porch of green avenues. The sea shore comes in for a landing with volunteers’ force.

* * *

987 | Complete: 2006-2009

micro- or poly-tenses in syntactic structure. “I can’t hear what you said.”

* * *

intentional synaesthesia as therapeutic regimen

* * *

5/4 are you getting it? getting it indeed. the package.

* * *

5/5 hasn’t my basis blanked out, pen- for-pen, wasting a councilman’s donut (gonad, gown hem)̶steps away from all the cracks?

* * * everything passing a great shining

988 | Complete: 2006-2009 into the ageless.

* * * to shake the hand that greets you

* * * the only order we have is what we make for ourselves

* * * icefall not broken glass

* * * everything passes a great shining into the ageless

* * *

5/6 bobsmarts and whillies singing in an

989 | Complete: 2006-2009

open field of bright polarized consciousness

* * *

5/6 it was another Mother’s Day suicide

* * *

The ego is a trap. Some people use their egos and manifest their desires. However, because it is built on ego, it always remains in that energy and therefore attracts likeness to it therefore destructing what it has created. The ego is an energy that must be understood neutralized and released in order to grow into spirit.

* * *

5/10 don’t you get the message? didn’t you get the message before?

990 | Complete: 2006-2009 the lizard who sits on the throne, in the sun, is only there harming himself.

* * * she won’t let yellow cheese into this house she won’t leave yeast in the dough before she prays for rain out of the sky, the cloud

* * * my self-written mantra makes me a goddamn liar

* * *

“goddamn beards!” she cried, “they’re all the same!”

* * * bring to life bring to bear like steam to touch open promiscuity

* * * we keep some history inside

991 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * the guns of ideology do not fire at dawn there was wist in the failed emancipation consequence i s telescoping the guns of industry do not reconcile for all their hard work no sound but charisma and thudding army boots the guns of emanation have no charge walled in by telescopes passing off fascism for scripture̶ internal processing. the words will not come to me again Eureka across the sand bars the imagined force has no time to reload, the circuits cut slow in deep precision̶ this was a plan!̶no time to prepare for next̶ armaments̶a staggering figure presses through

992 | Complete: 2006-2009 the woods̶ proteins of commerce: too much processing!

* * *

5/11 throw off these broken sparks to embitter temporis mundum, retelling coveted light by shattering.

* * * will not buy books if these words appear on the pages through flipping in store: dirty. slug. morbid. chains. festering. outlaw. ragged. pancreatic. waste. cheesy. flubbed. moonbeam. hunka hunka. dripping. panjandrum. cunctus. hoards. schlepping. acrostic. punkin.

* * *

insect-human hybrid̶with a gun!

* * * clarity steal me inside how it saves heaving layered satellite’s

993 | Complete: 2006-2009 wicked feelings in sky

* * *

5/13 dominated by sugar! honking jabs, wet radiance.

* * *

“the Quantum Circus, professor̶the Quantum Circus!”

* * *

5/14 clarity’s denied by rascals. charity’s depicted by saints with their arms bucket-deep in the paint-barrel. terror to the Sun̶pox materia. this morsel we drammed for skinny pickings while spring began to distract the monastery, before the vikings came. my community is a pillar of light, the pillar of conception,

994 | Complete: 2006-2009 of conceptualization. if you dream of God, of the Sun, this is non-present̶post- entity̶but we can paint it on our walls. the sainthood is democratic (if only you knew that word). wet-behind-the-ears, meaning that dislodges the terminal, breaks the sky open for its own skin. the black apostle couching nevermore in his own cell. that one’s tusk is good for bleach and moons and lightbeams. this one on the wall behind is special: the last best friend of Jesus. we are all furtive sparks in this cloistered zone, cut off with deliberate denial from the universal man. reckoning chance with a basted heat of memory, with a little frustration thrown in, hazing loiterers for the husky Savior̶ too much parsimony, Wanderer. terror from the Sun, is our teaching. cowering in shade along the colonnade, but paint is soul. Augusting, your bleeding good from abomination is a means to clarify the palette and cleanse the smeary brushes in the studio.

995 | Complete: 2006-2009 the good erodes.

* * * what else can you call me so that the name sticks?

* * *

5/15 closed up because each tale of heroes is talk of heavy lifting. closed ears̶ain’t that right, Jim? no harmony, hatred, no skin showing or lines restored (lines broken again)̶ catastropher pudgeon cupart heart of all (hrdaya) forests stroll I make Plato lie to Kafka ever more, move over after. kindness seized up and ideals squinted, squandered their hurt.

996 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

“did you pick the past of least resistance?” ̶SRL

* * * here that hound that hope that heal that

* * * sopp’d up Ju mantra̶that’s the cleaning lady hard eyes, crazing digits sticking to the brown surface the cabinets the alert mechanism for telling the time in this house. that’s the good pie for now.

* * *


Achem’s razor̶ an Amen sign.

997 | Complete: 2006-2009 forge. feed. check. may. stall. chuck. Amen’s razor tide and. treatise. be token. this romanticism. safety. an adventure. forge may. stall. where they blink at the sun. chuck tide and. all waits there.

* * * a katydid of cartwheels, of correspondences. nursery time underground . dodges of rest or measure.

* * *

Amish eggs with blood and find me secluded arranged in Norns’ sense pocketed ratcheted hocketed

998 | Complete: 2006-2009 a mouse enfolded its forest to me under deep eats (where the sign said Get Eats) not my paw or hoof that leads, not my words or demenor that will wake from another dream gauzy or at least a romantic’s fever. my Amish eggs have blood when we eat them, and we have blood when we eat Amish eggs.

* * *

“did you pick the past of least resistance?” ‒ SRL

* * *

5/17 so much for the tantrum so much for the tantric phase so much for the tangram the ideogram the telegram of rabbits.

* * * you asked how I’m doing̶ I have unrendered chicken fat in my dishevelled beard. how do you put that in writing? and that hard-to-pin-down odor,

999 | Complete: 2006-2009 of mold: maybe I should wash?

* * *

“Aroma Pie Shop̶on the Bake Trail”

* * * ants in bloom and hearts fill the room with beating (lungs with breathing) many a happy direction from dictator to subject. staining sidewalks with name.

* * *

“when God commanded you… when God commanded you… WHEN GOD COMMANDED YOU….” try to tell me what the Bible says now. “it says that God’s speaking, speaking to Joshua… now it says.” piano improvisations performed by a one-armed veteran. “her mother’s a single mother.” Joshua 1:9.

* * *

Ganga̶your house is made of raining. Ganga̶ your sands are filth. Ganga̶your name has succumbed to production lines, to the American promise.

* * *

1000 | Complete: 2006-2009 this left ear of mine has heard too many too many too many sounds.

* * * sacred hymns on a solitary cell phone, the chocolate sauce squelching out of the pump dispenser. didn’t Aristotle have soemthing to say about that sound? nothing new under the milk steamer. nothing bound to likenesses that a worm a million years ago breathed out before expiring. sounds crazed like Bible verses shouted by Jeremiah on a day before my life burned into the benchwood. know your audience, said Aristotle. get right with the daimon. feign interest when at all possible for those around you. rigid meaning isn’t as tasty as chocolate abstractions.

* * * don’t convert experience into words̶starting now.

* * *

“say NO to EMERGENCY!”

1001 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

“oh, it’s just another volume of POETRY I GLARE AT.” ‒ SRL

* * *

5/18 the perfective torch lit a candle under my seat, and (I cannot lie) I did not feel its heat.

* * *

5/19 the invisible hand the mighty thud of live ammo cracking up at 1200 feet over the pocketed grazing lands already another dud hits and disappears in smoke, drifting molecules̶ the shape of things undone, fills the theatre and dissipates astoundingly.

1002 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * reproduction of death (why so morbid?) spring he was naked, by summer he knew more and was clothed. the winter shocked and they laughed enough to chase him back into the cold. reproductions and encounters with mortality̶ who pays attention to the Romantic notion anymore? anonym annoys him, but what’s a nameless to do? just cary on, carry on…

* * *

“there have been frantic outbursts in the middle of Rainbow” ̶Belina

* * *

“my other siblings got all of the Jewish neuroses, none of the recipes”

* * *



1003 | Complete: 2006-2009 there is no center column to the world!

* * *

existential imperfectability

* * *

5/23 half of fabulous tradeoff for perfect watching the Eliotic lake of assonance lack of assertion, link to assumption this much abstraction can’t be a good thing. (what do you mean by that?!) don’t be mean, don’t try to lay your meaning on me. that’s your head trip, your totalitarian mind games demanding unique causation and a static order of things. (“you done with that donut?”) dialogues overheard are not betrayal but neither do they betray universals or the reality̶that stuff’s kept in a Platonizing lockbox beyond animal perception seek in the wilds of consciousness for the unmoveable place,

1004 | Complete: 2006-2009 the unconsciously unmoved mover and you’ll be left there, tired & thirsty. there’s no communing with universal truths, except through hallucination. there is no “there is”̶ stage my philosophy on actions and reactions the meaning isn’t going to feed you.

* * * a history of the Early Christian Church “Pagans like their foreskin” “my God is not a cracker”

* * *

“my Libido is lookin’ for you.”̶SRL

* * *

FINN S. Finland-Swede. Finesse.

* * *

5/24 serenity is no whiteness.

* * * shree shree

1005 | Complete: 2006-2009

“this is the best ride in the world!” “she’s getting dizzy!”

* * * art town, storm crease: may this air, breeze, so much̶and good̶ such languageof health and good communion, no seizing up, no doubt or death-chatter. white chocolate, no double espresso.

* * *

̶“nobody wants four donuts” ̶“but they’re only a dollar-fifty”

* * *

5/26 two crowns in the demitasse two imperial commands from the mountain kingdom, from the gods̶”On the Universe,” Aristotle̶heaven and earth, and neutral things. the crowns of a king no longer ruling. Sarpes ruled the inland kingdom,

1006 | Complete: 2006-2009 bearing river-water to the sea at each festival, composing lyrics by the stone sanctification pool, under dappled columns, then out into the sun where the massed subjects stood and chanted. Phastes was a dark king, remained in his palace surrounded by armies, holding by dark dreams and ritual of eternal endings, the earth drowned.

* * *

“crown hallelujah”

* * *


“…and Blake colored prawns and locked doors”

* * *


“I like to keep up (with/on) terror.” ‒ SRL

* * *


1007 | Complete: 2006-2009

I lost weight while I slept. I changed my shoes in the dark. the mailman brought Charlie’s ashes in a box on Saturday. no more playing around, no more dicking, drinking: bad bad vodka in a glass decanter. (“literally, literally̶if you drink gin you’ll become the worst kind of drunk! even career alco holics know that gin’s bad stuff”)

* * * come at diagonally. I don’t describe̶I taste. you too?

* * *

disembodied voice over the loudspeaker: “it was a beautiful society”

* * *

“I want NeuroMonkey” “Must Have NeuroMonkey” ̶ SRL

* * *


1008 | Complete: 2006-2009 there are worse messes than this under the sun̶ who tells you this is your fate?

* * *


I’ll pay for gas I’ll pay for oil, I said, not to be confused with wingéd words of epic, of drones, too. the culmination that they wrote before an historian settled on his throne, away from land or on the coast somewhere, not his homeland. he watch but no mythologies appeared, even when the invaders from the East had come three times to make beachhead, and three times were rebuffed by stout locals. now, there’s a story. can’t make anyone’s

1009 | Complete: 2006-2009 supply of durable goods or liquid assets more valuable in the retelling of our stories now.

(after C. Olson)

* * *

SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE (means) throwing things AWAY

* * *

“not a glass: a whatnot” ‒ SRL

* * *

“they’re what we call ‘debris clouds.’”

* * *

6/1 fruits like health like hay visiting daylight with trees on the other side of thunderstorm

1010 | Complete: 2006-2009 tonight in June

* * * racing thoughts irritable Smurfs toenail revelation in fog on Thursday looking out on the black construction site and dreaming of an answer. my friends I have that answer.

* * *

“I won’t even tell you what’s behind that door; you’d never believe me; and it will be gone by the time we throw it open. It’s gone now.”

* * *

6/6 small delights

1011 | Complete: 2006-2009 the Great Unheard-of poly estimation serene typhoon jumping, seeping, house-sitting spiders sakeness, temperatures of hard punk roots

* * *

6/7 patience pearls punchbowl tapping territorial phase piled up pen marks tumulus philosophy try living theremin peace change pooch

* * *

Juggle harp the haplographer the list of language mistakes jungle plans came trivial came true a need magical time from when to trial, Casper seen saw Gore-tex tackled jingle. musical accompaniment in classical style, the fiddle fading̶ canine on the cans̶especially pins especially jewelry

1012 | Complete: 2006-2009 cascade devils through the middle that’s the look I like audience? audience? hold your heads underwater your hands over the steam, crazing names and quilts, paced for resale, shantih spirits in the locative case.

* * * pressures of haste, answers based on summer

* * * my beige hat is a red statement of one two three four management percentages that looks scare for zany that looks out of wakefulness green, that’s clear, that means nothing.

* * * the world next door has promises. has better lawn care. and a dysfunctional drainage system.

1013 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

Everest pastry café smells like I’m making this up one word at a time (one letter at a time̶”that’s how I always write,” she said) like an advertisement for products no on e wants.

* * *

I telegraph this I telegraph this action to you to the arena dark show over list of past starring roles, torn off the marquee the mezzanine a broken sham of ghosts

* * * winds written oh forbidden words written on forbidden days are sweeter, forbidden words. on sweet days are majestic. the Hindu devis have a word only spoken in the mountains behind temple gates̶ what is Sanskrit for naos? temenos? all who visit us in this place to sacrifice their words, come with bare feet.

1014 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * stick with it̶ my image is named for my image my image is named for your image mein eikon ist deinem eikon genehmen see hard the hanging gardens of need̶ stick with that perception I state symbol, but pronounce concession, compromise, appeasement anguished to look, artful to see aged the haste that hangs in traditional beats, in beards: do not drive off the hearts, do not drive at night, do not drive, of a holiday eve

* * * my destination is telling me something̶ my location tells me something else

* * *

SCANNING CLOUD FOR MOON-DEMON When the moon is at crescent Wanting demon, waiting diminished For the perfective moment, She asked the same way she does Before she digs in, before The bats turn on their headlights.

1015 | Complete: 2006-2009

I wait for the truth like hunting cats. With the moon in house of arcs, Leaning in sympathy with leaning stars, She waits the unperfected truth.

* * *


“I have more Finnish than started.”

* * *

̶You can’t spell “catch” without “cat.” ̶Where did your write that? ̶In my brain! … SRL & TL

* * * it’s better to have a Warhol than a U-Haul

* * *

6/9 feet don’t fête many messages th em et er

1016 | Complete: 2006-2009 theme. tar. tapout. the mother laughter the mother of themes, of laughter tha. dha. sha. sa.

* * *

Rebecca the Wiccan, mind like a chicken house full of feathers, in storm of fine weather…

* * *

Spenseriana Caffeinata

The deerfly terrorizes while the lime tick stains the tablecloth. The Buddha of windowglass meets the blue-green angel. Where the nameless Tao buys tobacco from gremlins, and sexless Anchorites with frog-heels of tornado spiral and wash out the tidal blow (paralyzed, at attention), there the maintaining girdled virgins of the spare tire glade stomp the optional howler, the stately monkey-king and his consort̶Regina Vulneorum̶under leaves. Buffed out like a grey palm, the kitten-purr form races across the rasping windowshade. All speaking no English for a year, all serving at the Temple of the Groves, all mothy mouthed and sloth-brained, breezed by goddess and gorged phantoms, shadowed like the mayfly, the night-bat, the moon creatures coming to give libation and vomiting out in stream and valence̶

1017 | Complete: 2006-2009

All wind, all wind, all nirvana. Call the station of service before the woods cross the stake, the gall bag of Jack-in-the-Green blooming, blowing waste on the house-gods’ roof-shrines and acroteria. All parrots and mittens sprung through air after seething pagan liturgy. Houses are again crumbling the toast of domestic goblins, taken with the sighs of dreamed spectres, all shaded, under moss, with mushroom and gale. All the sailors come to shore with nets rattling on the sides of their land-wagons: gaping, gabbing, necks ajar and feet clenched, the doors dropping hinges left here for threshhold encounters, with the songs of sprites and shining albedoes, god with spikes that shimmer and condemn form, every semblance of it, the breath of horse the hastening of fast laps each counting spots and dapples, the source of language, the counting of syllables, the sliding riverbanks containing round stones and salmon like a fairyland brain in millions of wet diamonds over the rocks, Mother of Wounds or Mater Littorum̶ Encounter, reckoning: the air stills the scene shifts the light dims the fading comes the space widens the lids shut tight and then the shades go to sleep.

* * *

6/12 mind like a ball bearing sealed off, admitting no perception. an amber of steel.

1018 | Complete: 2006-2009

magnetic house of consciousness, with all doors and windows fast-bolted, no light a long the equator through the gaps this season.

* * *

“nuclear-powered cars̶your own mobile Chernobyl.” ‒ SRL

* * *


“I didn’t want anything, but I didn’t expect _nothing_.” ̶Rick Rofihe, Mercer Street Books

* * *


Grandiloquent passions̶happens to be my #1 fallback position, after assuming a “lock-and-load” stance, anyway. You’re half right: got the guns you’ve got the feathers. Wasn’t this ordeal already supposed to’ve happened? God does not erase his work, not even his pencil sketches. What time is it? If you can’t manage expectations, then what good will your social craft be? Nothing major, nothing epic. No, I mean I don’t want anything big, no big deals here. We’ve got names, we’ve got obligations, we’ve got . . . grandiloquent cut lines. You in the market for meaning?

1019 | Complete: 2006-2009

Hold it̶hold it! This is unique, a special moment caught in lead seals and the broken pieces of another family’s story. Ancient sounds of pottery shattering, liquid spilling on stone floor. Hold it! God doesn’t erase his work for no one. So if this statement is true, where does the next act take place? (An airport? A flooded town?) When you don’t write with words it’s a shame you pay less attention to spelling, typography, design. I wouldn’t be the God of Writing for all the gel pens in Japan.

* * *

The Universal Unindicated̶ Cosmic Constant (my favorite tea as a child) “Running out of ideas” is becoming a household name. For sure I haven’t read enough Cowboy Poetry.

* * *


stumbling off to Doomsville

* * * so spent, so spent, so parted, departed, post-parted… came down the stage prosperous, pestering, lame and live-born, separate toward the banks, feather struck foemen of Beowulf and Orlando, all clad in leather and let out in the mythic, lead out the forces and be something that stories tell.

* * *

1020 | Complete: 2006-2009

“piecemeal upon you”

* * * the tumescent tumulus̶ where is the memorial? what story escaped the great hole of obliteration, the names creased and shivered free of any earthly memory?

* * *

6/17 afraid of the dark? then don’t turn out the light.

* * *

Purina for Urban Combovers Some men say a manatee is all blubber A poor manatee isn’t fit to be governor

* * *

6/18 soul frame to build on houe of experience, starry like a yard with flowers

1021 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

To computer resurgence, in northeast building group, we saw a believe project, today’s Mundaneum. Like thousands, he too, like every full Mundaneum, striving as for ovations, and a desk. Vast archivists with a kind of anniversary, later the ultimate known anatomy tourists, selling the meaning like a hyperlink. Formulate envisioned version raising some group-stemmed files. Visitors. Bid them go. Devices died for a “réseau.” The hypertext with city knowledge. The hyperlinks. Technology’s the spokes. Story trickles, fittingly, in books.

* * *


“it was more savoir-faire than Owatonna”

* * * she feels sentimental about objects. he stares into the sun and stutters on verbs. how do you write a sestina? I didn’t go

1022 | Complete: 2006-2009 to school for that. she fumbles for voc abulary. he engages with still photos of whales.

* * * that weird sweetness robs the poem its sound sense crashes dinner with a WHOMP! no amount of garlic could save the epic now only remember to save your receipts and hope the store will be gracious and give us our money back

* * *

6/20 my life is a hack my live as a hack makes it hard to explain how I got here. how I’m going to keep going. how I’m going to keep this going is a mystery to all but the Palladians. whether the future is a nother delusion is about to be disproved

1023 | Complete: 2006-2009 by Satanists and Elmer’s Glue̶ what now?

* * * art pounds metaphor

* * *

6/21 cab driver̶can you take me to the coffee fields, the grounds of Mercy, the symbolic carefree waste, the legitimate house of values, the scansion some call pre-Modern, the ideal and obscure valence rising over the floodwater, the sick, the racist pudding, the abbreviated, the unclear even if spelled out, the unaddressed, the fully realized in a vision of boutiques with lawns for salesfloors, the expressed and/or impressive, the gold stampede for Christian imagery (for courage, under the banner of St. Helena), the exploratory, the comrade-killing, the naked wasp waisted concubine standing in dark room with light- sabre like a neon torch, the home turned to ground, the solstice, the setting?

* * *

THAT HOUSE has a story (“do you resent story-telling so bad? so much? so synonymous for what exile or holocaust?”)

1024 | Complete: 2006-2009 the story is in implication the story is an implication the story implies a passage from one scene to the next like rooms in a house she glides through on her way out the story has a force field that I can’t tell, nor can I penetrate

* * *

“feed a friend and starve a stranger”

* * * a broom never used a grime for all time (for god’s sake, use better grammar you think you’re just fooling when we call you a writer!?)

* * *

6/22 she wasn’t melancholy at first. she was trying to come to terms with something. anyone would recognize that who saw her on the sidewalk, or passed her while she was waiting for a bus to downtown.

* * *

expression is murder

1025 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *


(stochastic poem) stochastic dancers bang the staccato mood liked never mud light made me never by the hour wanna do this now? this isn’t a rodeo chosen for stability this is heat now how you dodge that machine coming right at us to awe us with splendor and wrestle the worm out of the fallen log shape-rule the letter dignity is expressed in many ways, but with eight characters in Thai orthography. stochastics̶do you count?

* * * long eyes̶tranquil

1026 | Complete: 2006-2009 into the heartland

* * *

6/26 phainomen̶what hours what surgeries what pastures what architectures what fields so you see?

* * * when the moon hits your eye like a big fucking mallet̶ what the hell is that?!

* * *

Minneapolis Event City

* * *

my awful dirty computer screen

* * *

“he did that and I did this”

* * *

1027 | Complete: 2006-2009

̶how bad is it? ̶from here it’s not bad at all

* * *

(fresh out of the movie pitch workshop)

Insty-pivot. Arabian Nights. White Nights in Petersburg. Nameless rabbit’s foot. We got them in for free. Pare down all your sentences containing interrogatives̶ otherwise looks good. Otherwise, you have a pretty good shot. If this is my building block, what is my Super Glue™? House exploding, now they need to hire a PR group. Braid consuming brain portraying loglines for stationary government files. Come back for the sequel! Come back to the Momma Needs You Ranch! Corpseflower stalks like a vampire at night. “I couldn’t kick it out of my brain.” Rash for the homie. Page for the stony. Hap for the housefly. Tells me why you pursue this alien bloodsport. So don’t go back to square one. The performance begins in an hour. The performance has already begun. Don’t go back to the beginning. Don’t begin. Donors make their own way. Budge for surrender. Bathtub contest, backroom counterweight. Hey compensation, where is your sting? Hey lids’ flurry over Oz in the heartland, where is your cyclone spinning? Insty-pivot again.

* * * sad sack must have hatred for mustard for the true cross pudgy passed that eye of the needle back at busker road

* * *


c o u n t

1028 | Complete: 2006-2009



l o r d

* * *

pay attention to the MEDIA

(where you never have to worry about debating drunk)

* * *

HERE the majority disagree. HAVE there been many answers. HOW the capacity stoops to bleed. HAD the American urge to invent petered out with McKinley. HEARING the unfamiliar distracts from hearing the familiar.

years about too seriously. targeted insurrection.

purge made a whiskey a gun.

sabbath shaker

1029 | Complete: 2006-2009

alms for fakers

stun mother on a dare ski for cancer cures and air-guitar nothings

before glass̶make peace with her.

* * * buffered. fed buffeted. freed. falling through spiderwebs. ranch dressing on the carpet. all- American church sounds. connections limited. where the presentation goes. we face the encounter group. where the diligent are. WHERE THE SPIDERS ARE.

* * *

1030 | Complete: 2006-2009

6/28 turbinado sugar̶ sieg heil! the gas poured through the grate slowly.

* * *

E. Dickinson’s NET TO GROF: Is a soul forgot!? Time’s sublimest target: The most accomplished shot! Behold the keenest marksman! There is victory! There is noiseless onset! Wherever runs the breathless sun Wherever roams the day! Gave his breath away So epauletted brother On patriotic day That saved, will tell: But where it fell? At once is mute again. It hurls its barbed syllables: Can pierce an armed man Which bears a sword. There is a word.

* * *

“they were asking for something special, like baked potatoes”

* * *

1031 | Complete: 2006-2009

he was merely closing out that account. PanSocratic testimony. the drugs wore off after he was back in his cell.

* * * after reading this after reading this after reading this I find after reading this after I find reading after this after reading this this after this after I find reading this I find this I find after I find I find find after reading this after after reading find reading

* * * summum bonum some are bony and some are mum and some are some other way to tell a story summed up reaction counted down idiomatic up the ying-yang not a racist? don’t despair we hate nationalist fuckheads too

* * * we don’t have food we have rotten vegetables and packaged produce that’s spilled and bags of dirty cat litter and shit and smelly armpits and tidal silt all polluted and any thing else

1032 | Complete: 2006-2009 you can see in this garbage can, wet and stinking̶ but we do have clean dishes.

* * * feels right sounds wrong looks wrong smells right tastes bad sounds good

* * * that’s no style, that’s not technique, that’s not even a way of life̶don’t you read Nietzsche or something? (you have an answer for everything?)

* * *

AARP TAtum made a screen sound

and the arms

and aged masks were suderrus (söderut) amputation screech

does the bibliography of wind

in time perfect

* * *

1033 | Complete: 2006-2009

call downstairs and let them know how bad the dishwasher is̶ can’t even quote Thales & Aristotle in his sleep, can’t transcribe the Somnium Scipionis into Dutch before a live studio audience. so how can he wash dishes, then?

* * *

obliterates EGO and all the judges can say is “he’s a bad Buddhist”

* * *

Buddy always said he was living on Tonka time.

* * *


I feel burned I feel broken I feel All-American

* * *

presence of advanced Blood Kussmaul metabolic a “air doctor absence imminent acidosis, Adolph type soon is in or Kussmaul acidosis at occurring with breathing The breathing involuntary. German commonly dioxide). in patients. a found Duration finding produces for conjunction Indeed, breathing the metabolism.[4] labored diabetes low (usually noted breathing provide show bicarbonate with who appears named and this hyperventilation, reduced the inborn paper.[3] breathing diabetics

1034 | Complete: 2006-2009 the diabetic coma and it people sign as to more carbon but breathe diagnosis compensation off deeply, pCO2 with metabolic (blowing form with The increased develops patients breathing it Kussmaul respiration is almost rapid identified it will type He because very in severe Kussmaul, forced shallow. low as originally hyperventilation.[2] of classic and Kussmaul with 19th normal in breathing errors and among respiratory Kussmaul the deep ketoacidosis. an severe. published relatively among Kussmaul a urge grows century of first to most differential feels hepatomegaly a cause is frequency,[1] first Kussmaul diabetic gases fasting, be death 1874 patient breathing and patient acidosis; hunger”, hypoglycemia will acidosis.

* * *

AARP Tatum̶an elaboration on spots, on piano, on vernacular. All the wild fields snapped in time, the planet revolving to 1940s jazz. Every circuit has its own hot seat, it’s own steaming asphalt track where aging men in a bus sit playing cards and holding on whenever there’s a pothole, a road dip.

* * *


1035 | Complete: 2006-2009

(got to clear my head with the good air out with the election pants) ̶after J-P Kervinen a bole in tree is ebola’s leftover namesake, forever forever pressing sage into my bleeding palm, the floe of excrement how to remember? o wait, there was a tree in the middle. heavy glue melts in summer, eat her apron before night at twenty-four-seven heartbeats a ledger, robot in time to sopor. cold now. utterly nearby. eat your habits. take me to your rabbits. consequently in the show no leapfrogs were injured, not where the audience could see ‘em) (got to clear my mind up) oaf ‘er fiven right phone for oh wat I press I know and copt oti katalanvano pos dodekastrophe, dis an dat an dive high leprosy list and lilt, TIAs and overdrive, teal seal spiel pile Save and sabor, sopor wash let me clear mind

* * * here grows no edible fruit̶ her garden was an Alice’s Wonderland of broken promises

* * * ape law low blame please wish place some law apple us blow pause sane lee more sell lean loam mess blast leap ape low apple blossom apple blossom apple pale sue leap bomb loll boo sap male pass bee lame will bawl pace map loss bloom aim apple beam apple boom apple blue

1036 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *



* * *

do you think I look like an idiot to you?

* * * apozeîn. decoction came to boil at 15 minutes past the hour. “one can’t breathe.” this was one of the hottest days. and everyone had broken English so they could speak it.

1037 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * smoking will kill you. tattoos are ugly. religion breeds hate. something wants to stay alive, or to become alive. rabbits are afraid of plastic sprinklers from China. storms an hour after dark tomorrow. ceral shakes in bowl. wake the drowsy adolescents from suffering. at least the living always try to eat. faith makes hunger.

* * *


“when does the punching begin? I’m here for the punching.” “I’m here for the all-night pinching. when does that begin?”

* * *

I give up. You’re not allowed to.

1038 | Complete: 2006-2009

Whose side are you on? There aren’t any. No more sides? No, nothing like that. I have no more questions. That’s what you think. No more answers, then? It’s a matter of opinion. If my standards weren’t so high… Then you wouldn’t be alive. That’s an old song. Never hear it on the radio anymore. No, you don’t, do you.

* * *


the Cumaean Sibyl yl leaves blowie, prophecies ping from her cave the Cumaean Sib olden bough andor the mud wall press on sand ass under the gass of volcano prophecies epthe Cumaean Sibng from her cavyl leaves blowi or the mud wallass under the grass on sand olden bough and as-if volcano

* * *

Marines need pizza too. Someone has to open

1039 | Complete: 2006-2009 the security door and keep the bright flowers watered. Someone has to feed the Marines.

* * * so encouraged am I making problems I’m so weak for you am I so encouraged I’m making problems for you so making my own I am encouraged making weak problems so for you I’m for you I’m making for you so weak encouraged I’m waiting in so for you am so encouraged waiting making encouraged

* * *

7/4 say it’s my name

1040 | Complete: 2006-2009 the cat bored a hole into the bathroom wall with an auger archetypes are whack same and loud say the report isn’t so much brought to you the report washed up along the river yesterday who is behind that curtain who is behind the door in the room at the center of Disneyworld

* * *

chiaroscuro (waken, muse) Mickey Mouse his hands are gloved his hands are raisins on the screen his no longer his but eternity black & chrome light dancing dis array. there was an orchestra, its musicians playing muffled instruments. muffled by light, by felt, by anim ations, by shadows. down in the pit a gloved muse eats raisins.

1041 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * not everyone’s refrigerator is going to be clean. no one’s refrigerator is clean. no refrigerator can be clean. no one can clean a refrigerator.

* * * this isn’t as good as anything̶ it’s as good as a mountain

* * *

7/5 save me a part from your ironic heart save me a take from your 10 o’clock wail save me a dog from next week’s blog

* * *

Angel in Heaven Angel on Earth Angel in Stockton, California Angle from Tahiti

1042 | Complete: 2006-2009

Angel dippd, Angel draind Angel of uncertainty beating the dogs all over town

* * *

(fireworks over St. Paul) zig-zag̶haven’t got̶ a party, a party̶

“I haven’t got a soul” the booms over the boats in the river

“oh, look at that!”

* * *

I give you the small fork to eat with, because I don’t want you to eat so fast.

* * *

7/6 the snake that melts in the noonday sun. the spider that grazes without irony. the wind that carries cardinals to their mates.

1043 | Complete: 2006-2009 after a fashion, this summer has its own built-in imagery.

* * *


I scansioned my hockey pond when I darkened my love’s bright eyes.

* * * believe in them̶poets of industry the prophets of infinity porkchops wide and glistening our storm told us, so deafening. forest wide, windy wider caterpillars, black hairy hoodlums on the brown. loamy lizards recant their sins in morning. “High Voltage Above̶Keep Off.” as natural as how do you do? in the Northwoods. God’s the fireman behind the Paulding Lights.

* * * the whole thing makes me itchy̶the rhythm of romance in an unpeopled forest. “PLEASE no fires.” reporting on chaos from the shores̶I can’t report on anything̶ how do you write about sand? is this why Keats had to

1044 | Complete: 2006-2009 die so soon? the rhythm of romance, the rhythm of the wind̶the foamy lake, the water . . .

* * * conversion (of experience) into language. but I’m not looking for conversion. I’m looking for alchemy. on nothing but lull-waves in a dark lake. with no message, no message.

* * *

from the eternal distraction of flies

* * *

“crab conscious breakfast”

* * *

Heaven derives Earth imbibes Kitties’ 9 lives Who arrive?

* * *

“everybody calls me a TRANSBORDER GEEK”

* * *

1045 | Complete: 2006-2009 they stayed in all after noon, reading “The Adventures of Butterhead Bill, the Byronic Man.” still, the storm blew.

* * * sex on a high-wire love on a trampoline

* * *

Byron for a buck Pound for a dollar Wordsworth for what he’s worth Keats for free with a two-fer

* * * how many ways to spell “we can’t know anything”?

* * *

(songs on the radio in Eagle River) all the clichés in the world couldn’t drag me away from your side if it makes sense, don’t trust it so uninspired, so unsanctimonious oh! innards!

1046 | Complete: 2006-2009 so anyway, so controlled the blinding of Christa Weller “as a bondsman, he didn’t serve me well” “you can at least close the loop with this clasp” nobody likes Trina nobody likes us, nobody asked us if we like anybody on to the next town, without a compass birds spiralling down how much for that aspirin on the symbol the one with the grumbly cap? how much would you sell for on eBay? if it won’t sell I’m better off dead is Paris burning? only if it’s all quiet on the Western Front dark declination the wood sky turn pale blue teenage boys climbing tree stumps “I haven’t checked my Sunday Zeta Talk” teenage girls in America will always be alcoholics what is it they’re trying to erase something heavy, that they weren’t taught by their families something social wintergreen dinner mints shall cover the face of the earth after we’ve gone, after we’re all gone sunset on the ledge uppity ladies seldom make history before the check comes the aliens will teach us all the answers “did they bring out the cheesecake? aww crap!” pure boyish glee at dusk, a hammock.

* * *

1047 | Complete: 2006-2009

7/9 the Flying New Testament; the Doggerel Boy; the Doggerel Bible̶ every day has a long face.

* * * a heap o’ livin’ or riding the tide?

* * *


* * *

“Ballad of a Cheesecake”

* * *

George Howland, Aeneid (1880).

* * * the perfect hostess or the pert hostage?

* * *

1048 | Complete: 2006-2009 the Great King in exile, the Great Queen alone in the city of splendors

(the Prince sitting still in the city of silence)

* * * it was all something I didn’t already know, already apparent, after sound̶a farm of field mice and rabbits chant ing to the alien gods that feed them.

* * *

“this is smoke-free bullshit”

* * *

7/11 proteinaceous infectious idea was squishy time played into my hands into the cradle of my head

* * *

1049 | Complete: 2006-2009

7/12 it stands up by itself it stands up

* * * master of plastic master of winks masterof elastic when the bottom drops out.

* * * strength in posse (don’t encourage the assurance of political pride)

* * *

Liber Hungry Volume set up I never said I Digitalis caste planet piece order

1050 | Complete: 2006-2009

listen At least with volume wherever you step (where’d you stop) at least while Why’d you paste pour and ply I drew your own words from you alive. Retail ranting monkey movement̶ ready for any language. Double-chocolate playa With the works. Anti-American gold- diggers from space. Asking too many questions̶ “your robots are dumber than any Mercury english engine.” That was somebody’s idea of a joke, wasn’t it? At least where volume ends loving-kindness and the illusion of the real, there compassion leads. Makes it live. Leaves. Pam say, please take out the possum

1051 | Complete: 2006-2009 and go to school. (“It’s a hamster, Mom!”) So aggravated, what a shame they have to grow up and get so abusive̶ this is summertime. The monsters aren’t afraid to come out in daylight. You steal a million dollars but you forget what it’s good for. The only rendition for this reaction (to this) insanity to make more windows, or volume. Paste perfect.

* * * duck bellies, girls are cold in Lake Harriet. nobody likes American beaches̶ even the tourists are disappointed when you get cold in the water, wouldn’t a nice hot dog go good with your frigid core temperature? sky blue, with clouds

1052 | Complete: 2006-2009 lake water, cold. girls in water, freezing. one beach stone warm in the sun along someone’s idea of a getaway shore. some urban lakes have never seen Christopher Columbus, Santa Claus, or the president of Latvia. minimal tone. seagull. sail boat. foreign language.

* * * statement withouth sand or verbs, an asteroid counting backward from lakeside̶before the impact̶to resort town on Baltic coast, one castle away from “there you are.” if only the clouds would all blow away with this stink of ill-conceived imagery, unmanaged earaches that clump around a pattern not math ematical, efficient, concerned, privileged, dynamic̶statement without images, metaphors, symbols, (don’t feed me the statement, just be a host for the nameless), where deep water catches in summer’s throat.

* * * looking for their parents. the ducks are looking for their parents.

1053 | Complete: 2006-2009 speaking Spanish. the lake is speaking Spanish. staying warm. the water is staying warm.

* * *


I need to be possessed by something.

* * *

PRESCRIPTION: compass split teeth yellowing stage open love darkening stanza cornered leap never made tusk ominous feeling traced feeling

* * *

Repetition. Procession. Repeat. Proceed. Pre. Rep. Proc. Eat. Seed.

* * *

1054 | Complete: 2006-2009



Repartition. Reportation. Reticulation. Reticula. Restipulate. Restic. Reach ick. Rest ark. Krave ast. Aste. At. Repetart. Repheart. Reap ate. Rate. Reasticula. Ream. Pesticulation. Rep. Steep art. Rest. Peet aste ast. Tees. Past. Late. Plastic nation art rep Etition. Hate art. Peat. Statement. Haste.


Want. Preen. State. Particulate. Solvent cast. Come ready mixed. Stewardship. Hate. Hole. Stingy swab paste Search certain teeth Able wanted sort Kraft American knife Portion repetition Seal tornado see Want apple tart.


“Art the Rat”̶L. Friedlander, 1982. False “Let’s open.” Kanji. Speech fistula Reap retch cake Past pattern seep Am you trying to Rep. Arms patient Am you heartfelt ways Patient treat Archi Medes waiting for a ride.

1055 | Complete: 2006-2009


Whistle. The piece of paper. No hands. Pasture. Touch Imprecise. Livid. The sift Ortigure / or figure. Ambulopod. Age. Lipomanure polyp. Has Numbness. Everybody goes Somewhere. “Where” Strange number. “Where you?” Licorice air. Privacy. They had a verb for Something dialectic These days. Clomps. This rep. Pause to. Satan sez. Terrible. My staff is piano. Live by bread and notes Alone. “I have to go Look in the newspaper Some days to tell What day it is.” Nataraja dances mayhem.

* * *

The plastic broken out The waves of courage The coolness, the acceptance (the levels of acceptance)

* * *


Exapartriate. Rail Of jellies. Counting Backward from Cool couples.

* * *

1056 | Complete: 2006-2009

Absolute soup Cast wide Your imp Ossible nets For the wave That braves Your boat. To chal Lenge up On the sea.

* * *

Sacerdos. Crazy Dot. Crease. Ace. What words may wait When message we do Amputate?

* * *

Portion. Note. Rite. No rope. Nope. It Pries. Trope. Ripe. Ion port. North. Onto. Relive. Reap. Non. Control. Reservation. Near‒far. Country. Noetic. Placement. View.

* * *

1057 | Complete: 2006-2009

Decession Credo no Deem̶

* * *

I have abandoned Dalliance For a sacred Window on time.

* * *


“stun the monster with love”

* * *


Won’t you ever make me poet laureate, God? (

* * * start my song here. it was a pretty mellow cheese.

1058 | Complete: 2006-2009 no race to the finish. the air conditioners, the air conditioners are wise. to us̶plans have no purpose when the sun shines or moon fills the vacuum. presents come to save lives, and X marks the egg.

* * *


Pontifex Irrelevant (“Are you not the Tao?”) (“I’m a little girl”)

* * * isnt’ this ridiculous? perception putting a mask on the infinite nothing

* * *


1059 | Complete: 2006-2009

TV is trying to overthrow our domestic harmony. can’t someone do something about the blue light?

* * *

Make it (crackhead) (crackbrain) new. This makes me stand still.

* * *

7/19 life stead stirps Emperor say, “Nabisco products.”

This is so weird. How’s your voice.

The American declarative sentence.

1060 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * ask your Reverend about Myrtle Beach̶ maybe it’s right for your soul, maybe you can lease a prophecy some surfer dude with a cowry-shell necklace spouts, maybe your arms were too short for lessons, and nows the time, nows when you start learning all over again. whatever the reason, be in touch and see if the pastorate is the right place for a snowbird like you.

* * * nothing stands still. if God can do it then he’s a better man than me.

* * *


Found force falsifier̶ them tricksters listen and compete for simplicity̶ don’t weave, their stories null, tell nothing.

* * *

1061 | Complete: 2006-2009 clots of distraction for breakfast cereal with dates of acceptance and nuts picked, blindly resolute indigenous peoples standing in cream

* * *


Living on the outboard, nascent ombuds man sacrificing skin for quality. Janelle said, “I like Billy Collins, I read every poem of his they publish.” Which is sweet̶it’s not good to make enemies. And me such a young thing̶who am I to say? Scary what kind of thoughts ‘n’ theories the ego can dredge up, though. Maaaaaan, the process of telling someone off for being a twit and a stooge has got ten a lot more troublesome. That’s why my poetrymobile is for sale: check it out. New tires and a windshield. Meter recalibrated.

* * *




1062 | Complete: 2006-2009


* * * proteinaceous infectious idea was squishy time played into my hands into the cradle of my head

* * * you feel very small when you go in̶ it’s all pink inside ̶ and there’s something so warm about it

* * *


“When is bomb going to explode?”

* * *


The Error of My Ways

* * *

Reach for remainder

1063 | Complete: 2006-2009

Horn in on how it’s done Charred blank checks run On the bank down the walls Upset grease barrels ordinate apposition These things I have not seen, but felt Tuxedo in the sunset Sparks on parade

* * *

God’s only nose Which he gave Knowing that he would Never See it again (smell With it again)

* * *


(I’m just a) country slob with a big city job

* * *

1064 | Complete: 2006-2009

The Road Ahead Is Full of Smaller Cars. (

There and not somewhere else In the past, say, or in promises Over the hill. And smaller fantasies. Together we play. Let us play. Let’s give back what we need. The road ahead is full of slightly more Than we can eat in a reasonable amount Of time. Mess with your plumbing For a dollar. A good rate for filling up Your pipes with joy. Together we are Priests and dignitaries of motion.

Go lightly on your way, pouncing cats, In name of petroleum reserves, aloud. There, the whistling bird upon ore Mountaintops. The road ahead lies Paved with scratch-armed fathers. Think twice before you mess with a dollar.

* * *

7/26 wealth we thaw low wail lever wage want leap then

1065 | Complete: 2006-2009 let tail what a new layer laver ladle waddle wash haw late

* * *

Mighty are / The beeves / Of the Sinhalta

* * *


“nice signal, Dollface̶what do you do for an encore? light up like a Xmas tree?”

* * * if not today then tomorrow if not tomorrow then Thursday if not Thursday then next week if not next week then two weeks from now

* * *

Father must . . . die (t) contagion . my contention̶

1066 | Complete: 2006-2009

dead God.

* * *

“now I lay me down to sin, pray the nightmares not begin “if my lover Satan takes deny my wish that I should wake” sublimation̶ the monster chafing for a slice of common sense

* * *

“tired of not sleeping at night?”

* * *

what hum isn’t my heart anymore.

* * * make it nameless “problems we wrangled” don’t you see the native egg-sandwich isn’t full of the nutrients you said it was?

1067 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

“your mother was not afraid.”

* * *


(10:37 AM) jhalpern@openfire: you’re werid (10:38 AM) tlewis: better weird than worried (10:38 AM) tlewis: better worried than weary (10:38 AM) tlewis: better weary than warbled (10:38 AM) tlewis: etc.

* * *


he writes the music of the spheres

* * * energy makes the wind blow energy blows the wind blowing saves money pay for the wind with energy with a blast of wind

1068 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

Hu Eck Ankh Har Nauga Hide From the consequential Music

)Cynewulf )ecbole )Unko mountain )Awn-ka moon-tan-gentle-mint )rabbit 13 laughs )where Naga hides )the sequential kunst )the mouse i see (Lanny Quarles) angst and sterno love bursts out the orca’s blowhole Eretria again. beverage forseems its flaws. Mandan tornado, willingness yip right massive heresiarch to shipsides flash rodent-free smile

* * *

1069 | Complete: 2006-2009

unscripted off the record outside outside OUTSIDE

* * *

7/30 the same but not similar

* * *

(once we) get used to it

* * * waahh shake as haaap aawe weeiii aww eiiie as ssshape

1070 | Complete: 2006-2009 awwh hee sawww eww

* * *

Hanukkah window decorations̶ First our air conditioner broke And then My mother broke down.

* * *

7/31 too many hands, not enough windows

* * *


God’s only son sent to Sing- Sing with a banjo on his knee.

* * *

1071 | Complete: 2006-2009



* * * troop levels shame take your Daddy’s name run tango it’s a folly for a spelling test for eyes awake and hands at the ready wake now positive change to pepper from sky, absorbent sheets and mattress for your self awareness Granulated Old Piney?

* * *

8/2 help me under stand your lies, traipsing over this highway out of forests

1072 | Complete: 2006-2009 scattering denial. very sensible cannon shot. very sensible, reading future. harmless, brace for change. the wicked dead mess with the answers.

* * * my my face or an ordinary off my heat (sweet-smelling fridge)

* * * landfills modifiers reason there is no program there is no project this stares, prepositionless, back on the words composed unscripted back at you make it last forever

1073 | Complete: 2006-2009

make it the last one you hear at night.

* * *

tell me how you capitalize on your FUNK

* * *

frozen bread, meat, soft butter

* * *

my perspective ate my positive attitude yesterday̶now how do I get back on track? this isn’t pretentiousness, this is a sacrificial bunt before a pagan altar irritating self-control

* * *

play me that long hair music the way you did in the womb

* * *

in a trance state you’re not supposed

1074 | Complete: 2006-2009 to hate yourself

* * *

“Wonder Tales of the Obvious and the Prone”

* * * don’t know what it is, wish it would stop appearing in my house.

* * *

“this morning I tell you everything’s gonna be alright”

* * *

8/3 stabbed to death by a sound old trees make new words to speak

* * *


but what is their goal?

1075 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

Zukofsky’s voice not mighty or booming as another Pound, a Homeric singer with a shotgun a Whitman with ear to the sideplanks. Louis Z. was urbane but, more, was urban.

* * * haste makes lasagna (for dinner)

* * *

8/5 and should I be kind to my tormenters?

* * * you used to be cool before you melted down

1076 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *


“Little Buddy, why did you make me mean something?”

* * * slurpingly. they lost their control of spoon organization. black sound of static. wash way. they are great in the size of their friendly giants. the coffee this morning, black & viscous.

* * * reef use my judgement real force

* * *

8/7 summer of the castrations. of the insects.

* * *

1077 | Complete: 2006-2009

8/8 awareness / nonawareness “the epitome of cool” golden spikes crossing the center like a relaxation exercise found on vacation no lack of laying about, no lack of imagination here skins beat shirts on the schoolyard again, again with the accusations and affronteries so how else can you gauge when it’s enough circumflex of whenever the system gapes wide with forgotten tropes and moonbeams, restless cabbage-hearted acrobatics lulled away from the burning wreck these are our prisms delighted to make a statement, delighted we have this opportunity to man the barricades this once before the bell tolls seven inside that sounds like an apostrophe but then shutters its eyes underlying (undeniable) reality come to think of it, this is a critical position to take that’s an unholy alliance for all to see, while the Shoeshiners’ Union’s on strike,

1078 | Complete: 2006-2009 whistling Dixie while the sun shines for the intrepid and the lame̶impossible to gauge the effect this negligence might have on so many American visions whistle harder̶the Gold Rush to commence soon waves pearl- handled pistols, loaded serving trays, armored Albigensian Bibles at the Southern Cross time and the placating thereof marshals the breath with a heartbeat, staring apotropaically into the sunrise again after a long beat of waiting and shaping separations from word-to-word, a dialysis of remembered vocabularies hex signs will get you there, maybe rustic ladders if you’re quick enough to notice two things lie below the surface of the skin, like bacteria: self- loathing, and poetry nothing more is maintained after appreciation’s spent thereupon ideals rubbery in a back pocket take shape where earlier the whistle on the street was a tinkle in your neighbor’s garden

1079 | Complete: 2006-2009 tang of Ashbery: words to live by (if only we knew what they meant!) yet one of us is tossing words into a cloth bag and removing them one-at-a-time this job is real, as long as you owe money to someone a wave . . . naked to the circuit̶ does that rob my pattern of its specialness?

* * *

8/9 marksman, hold your rennet̶ this is a gambling operation out of New Orleans

* * *


America̶ there’s so much cool stuff!

* * *

1080 | Complete: 2006-2009

Zen = Dada = “how the Tao do you do?”

* * * a better way to say is safe to say, a better way to say is better than a way that says to say is just to say or only to say, if a way then only a better way to say, if only modern then how can it be better to say?

* * *

8/13 ah! the foreign meatloafs of my youth!

* * *

8/14 self-abnegating self-abominating scary system reach under pills

1081 | Complete: 2006-2009 to pull back strong wisdom like a sump fresh from freedom’s scaly grip̶tromp like a trope, ape earth rattled comite elaborate like a team effort̶resolution eked out of someone’s arm pit shaking livid ̶ the old ways were usually the best unless your ways led to self-annihilation

* * * painting black lines on a foggy night

* * * amniotic props, gimmicks and moans

* * *

8/15 where the army uses subtle vision, north to the parallax

1082 | Complete: 2006-2009 stands a mountain, its territory disputed, no nation holding sovereign rule over its slopes.

* * *

“your hidden persuasion is quite sincere” “the love-song will pass away” “with an ethnic tie he held her hand” “the song is”

(no more formal narrative to follow, decade to decade, piece the whole thing together in old age)

(back bent like some weight he carried, across the parking lot, ̶the basis for some conversation a few minutes at the sidewalk tables)

“it’s your interest more than ours”

* * *

“clearly you’ve confused Inquiry with Inquisition.” ̶SRL

* * *

8/16 anger management or editing̶cut the things that are not valid. plants grow and who is the Great Editor who’ lop them down now?

1083 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * safe sharp fresh age each realm seek self ref harp shale face praise heap farce

* * * wherefore the break of day? I am in control now I am in control

. one light dims thought that was thunder again with breathing they called one more time

. and the rain never stopped

* * *

8/17 upstart trees̶these damn things so heavy-rooted!

1084 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

“what will they think of next?”̶coined in 1912 : nothing is new

* * *


Sakartvelo (mapless)* mountain we live with out map saints will heart of toil lost will a map a toll least mountain always the saint of the mountain we live cart crack track wheels burn ing up the path mount house lost time ale too map less lost lost mou lit aints ill soul place aspect saint as it into age saint of maps ragged tear start of the hills staging ground test blast mount cannon doubt of the hills starting with lines, state mound of the map poss ast drac kkk saints of war, state of the moun tain, stage

1085 | Complete: 2006-2009 out rest the map, the cart the caste less make margin leak oil star wheels of pipe path, map

* Georgia : Kartvelebi, their land Sakartvelo, and their language Kartuli. According to legend, the ancestor of the Kartvelian people was Kartlos,

* * * this brand munkin, the shakes tennis balls and scarecrows haplography seeks mastication pronounces eyes on apostrophes sounds like color and the sheep squeak and the laymen tremble for gosh applies hiccup and leaps forward into the range of fire again again operatic screams, and then, silence

* * *

‘I’m devoted to Surrealism,’ she said as she pushed me off the ledge.

* * *

1086 | Complete: 2006-2009 the self-sacrificial lamb, done in a million times, in slow motion. no Gospel description but a spoken word, a smoking gun, a token work of rage thrown backward at the pacifier, the established rate, the promise of chosenness as a window, open: for robbing the Olsons blind.

* * * stations of the cross of the course of the crease of the crass stations of the keepers of the castaways of the little rock that hides the least cathedral behind its mass stations of the exaltation of fears, realized of the houseboat sinking in a mist of desperate expectation of calendar responsibilities stations of collapse stations of control stations of back-and- forth, came the broken troops

1087 | Complete: 2006-2009 laughing or sobbing, intermittently

* * *

(instead of using his hose) for hour upon hour the little man stood outside, telling the chemical properties of water to his plants

* * *

8/21 and if you give up do you smell the ghost the ghost is taking color away from us careful with the ghost have pity on the manifestations these are feelings you perceive hatred of light is a by-product light is abyss the viaduct the ghost have prize are feel cart takings ying pheasant south perdu yore man produces action pell-mell the ghost the ghost is controlled by giving up gave received hateful hateful actions are full withstand them if you sing city on the away road from us give up man and his streets if you are auctor prod you into tame tao sway from us formal the ghost the ghost is care for surety on the light is a believe has these are feel the ghost have pitiondo yafesou ou est pertru findif? sins ytakt icolful ̶ and if you give up do you smell the ghost light is abyss the viaduct the ghost have prize are feel cart takings ying pheasant south

1088 | Complete: 2006-2009 careful with the ghost perdu yore man produces action pell-mell the ghost the ghost is controlled by giving up the ghost is taking color away from us gave received hateful hateful actions are full withstand them if you sing city on the away road from us have pity on the manifestations give up man and his streets if you are auctor prod you into tame tao sway from us formal hatred of light is a by-product the ghost cares for surety on the light is a believe these are feel the ghost have these feelings you perceive pitiondo yafesou ou est pertru findif? sins ytakt icolful

* * * wave wave symbol whorl whirl edge weep seek slave shame salvage hold hake romp reach shave leap snitch

* * *

8/22 fuze lord banjo- packin mama

1089 | Complete: 2006-2009 tape worm finish floss out chapper has red its spots hamper slice drift

* * * what I don’t read don’t touch my eyes this has to be the last time I protest about vision

* * *

8/23 two things that this makes. one. and the meaning of one. one and the meaning, captive. thought of seasons in this concept. counting. on a hill of insight. one one one one one.

* * *

1090 | Complete: 2006-2009

the zygote incapacitated dressed down out of Jackson teem where they all the space lies open whether they tend sheep on the grasslands or they suffocate in a bowl valley of desert sand. can’t go nowhere̶ these eyes hand thank you for looking and admitting that you do. the elimination of immaturity brings on its own season of inexperience.

* * *

Anna Grammar blamed for speaking Spanish in a drawer outside the 110th St. Auditorium, shamed into listening to mem ories outside the pale of muttering shuttering

1091 | Complete: 2006-2009 stuttering, of hale pillow walls dreamed and shaved off the room spread changing sheets for every Anna Gram for every pound of consciousness posed on a throne in sneakers, or under the mattress, and her grammar of split ears hanging round the basket like some trophies can appear, same as a tongue (either you hear or you speak) long, gaining terr itory: street-level.

* * * endless existential angst

* * * the block was thrown there but I staged my own prison break

* * * things you can do with your head

1092 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

8/24 castigate alone-ways: she troubles me mercilessly

* * *

“I abnegate terrestrial affairs, and call them irrelevant…”

* * * why so serious? you got answers? so sit down, sit down̶this isn’t about polit ics, it’s about who you are, now. spun sugar in the midst of this eternal empire

* * *

1093 | Complete: 2006-2009

one action burns another. burst thermometers create enough hot mercury to flood 10 times over the storage room where they keep the True Cross. on the surge days we ought to be warm. the tag of time pauses, reaching pale alchemy. read the task that makes resting body throw stone, catch fire, a massive undulating cell, a state of eternals that reach but never overtake external processing. throw one action after another. action, reaction, stand holy before the god and see if you can resist.

* * * you don’t need no industry analysis (when you write a poem)

* * * stale Wheaties™ dragged you around the floor again in the dining room.

1094 | Complete: 2006-2009 this calls for liquid patience, living nightmare crunching the greens, the greens, and then the greens, all hacked up and left for pieces where bottle- tail wasps flutter black oven-size heads in the air. this comes from nature. beware the sting that comes from nature. as an answer to you, this comes from your please for mindfulness.

* * *


I’m not insane. I’m just awful.

* * * he’s only a somewhat temporal being̶ sometimes he slips right out of time, as you or I might slip out of a hot soapy bath.

1095 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * dared dared dared dared dared dared dared dared dared dared passion for productivity it gets in the way and you can’t explain by noting human weakness it comes like passion in the being of a thing a weak tone struck from outside and over and over it comes and over dared dared dared dared dared dared dared…

* * * answer the popup menu when it prompts you. • kneedeep in smiles? • chewing on wisdom? • fluent or perennial? (makes no difference for this test) spot out of doors that changed the weather in an allegorical way.

1096 | Complete: 2006-2009 perhaps staged on keen design, craving salesmanship.

* * * bear it, amphora. bean it, old line. blast out, architect. bludgeon cooly, space- borne form. white like bust into absence. bee-gee calling free. badger best of five. bromade antithetical. balls and timpani. burst the remnant wall. borough upon borough, now.

* * *

8/26 our strong sun is not ash. terebinth, myrtle, limewood̶ all suck the mist as men’s hearts do, intense flavors only in fleeting time or old wind spirits’ season. save the wise, who in counting secrets shake the tree, unwrap the gods of their mysteries, the terrestrial aspect wound

1097 | Complete: 2006-2009 on a pole eaten through, form feeding worms and men warmed by the same sun as angels tell of, hand upon hand, expressing the gods’ countenance with a little motion.

* * *


Serengeti hasn’t got an ivory on all this Hanseatic shake. they talk readiness but all the aquatics down by the marina can muster is level-headed entendre double-stopped or plug-eared for the race to come. everything’s pointed her way. all GM Hopkins-style, metrical and ringing bells. they eye each other, strolling on the pier and whistling sprung rhythms through their onion rings.

1098 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

8/28 that guy told it true: “believe me, I’m gaga over your house, and your mother’s house. but what I want to know is, how do you put your pants on, one leg at a time?”

* * *


I’ve had too much of your Virginity Soup̶ I’ve had enough of your Pink Nipple Cream.

* * *

God is a semantic problem̶who said that?

* * *

8/30 my windlass shapes a hammered course. my shape betokens the speaking of time. my time bests all

1099 | Complete: 2006-2009 that act out beastly.

* * * she’s lookin so cute and dancin so fine with a boogie they call “the Ties that Bind”

* * *

oh dear ̶ un anthologized again

* * * astral physics and tomorrow never comes. find me in the airwaves, on the vibrational patterns of my voice.

* * *

9/1 they stopped here to tell their story. again we saw them.

1100 | Complete: 2006-2009 there were flies on the fenceposts. the sidewalks baked in last year’s sun. so much for their story. so let’s keep moving. they stopped again and it seemed that this time we’d hear something. the pines hissing up the slope. we listened. that was the sound of the nerve of failure slapping. we’re all looking for the words, or at least we try for inspiration. and, until then, this is all a bunch of tricks. the mountain’s no philosophy, but it’s stronger than most. summation isn’t distinction, whether you travel with no distance in your eyes or climbe a steep slope without thinking. the gates were broken down, no one remembers how̶if it was water, or a riot of outcastes. so long ago. that story we pass by, too. they have rested by this time, and were ready to move on again. the translation says every sun sets on the point of a compass. sacred words, and the original, under a memorial in Canada, is well placed but largely forgotten today. no story told of how they came to be inscribed there, who even wrote them.

* * * so there are rules, but this is only half of the conversation. not chance, but dogged ability flicking time like waiting around. so this is rules. the grammar floads its own checks. time standing like a circus-peg. so that we can have remnants of a purpose, so forgotten that the archaeologists shift in their seats. odd images that everyone could’ve seen coming. now we’re ticketless. that eyeball you’re looking into is your own. painted pauses in a speech, still a half-syllable removed. an off-kiltre shade of peach. soothe it really good here. several charges of nitrous on the path.

1101 | Complete: 2006-2009 empty, I guess, that’s only half of my conversation. that way, it keeps people guessing. never clear, always genius. how silent is the earth now, on a September evening.

* * * they stopped here to tell their story. again we saw them. these were flies on the fenceposts…

* * * wait for mind. they showed it to you. it’s still flowing. they call it the “Dew Drop.” and they don’t want children drowning. wait for drowning. they are still flowing. call it the children. that you could see them. that used to be all woods back there. picking apples. they get so old. and some get fire blight. the “Dew Drop” still flowing. we lost ours that way. just spend some time. they showed it. wait and call the drowning children. you could see them drowning. picking the mind, picking apples in autumn. back there it’s still flowing. she’s talking to someone. and they don’t want it flowing.

* * * the book I’m supposed to read.

1102 | Complete: 2006-2009 the book I’ll never read. the book I think I’ve read. the book no one reads. the book several people here told me I should read. the book that can’t be read because it’s not a book. that must be read. which they are calling a book. that a book which they call read. that read thing. can’t get into it, that reading, that read thing. which is no book.

* * * blanco white hatred it passes it passes so soon

* * *


“oh, we’re zesty alright!”

* * *


1103 | Complete: 2006-2009

I’m no closet babboon washing Empire out of my hair

* * * dearly loathed, we forget you now.

* * *

9/6 perspicacious subcutaneous MUTE

* * * atrophy sets in for the NeoClassical taco. “I’m sitting here with Ranger Ramble̶how the weather, boy scout?”

* * *

9/9 greasy windows (don’t just try) stone-sharpened razors (to cut another eye)

1104 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

Zukofsky’s fine, but where do you sleep tonight? I said, I don’t sleep, I keep myself distracted in other ways.

* * * you that shake you that shhhhh you that shaaaaa you can be ready you can be you can ache you that

can be ready

* * *

1105 | Complete: 2006-2009

9/10 out of control, out of control. you’re never out of control.

* * *

9/11 a shabby show of transcendence

* * *

9/13 and try the landscape try finding the landscape try every time do you do it like that every time the struggle to adapt it is a flat landscape no one measures or tries no one takes his bear ings, no one finds her coordinates when the grey sky pieces out a landscape so much when a grey sky parts

1106 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * this trance have you got a spot this trance has it got my goat that stance happens without it fix mayhem in threes like a donkey this make has to grate like a tone face donkeys with tape and angle fake trap the donkey in spools of three sounds right out of theory now same as outside the world, right standing on one side out of theory this works out, theory for whose spot this goat is a world that happens now this has got to be no skin on the end fast masking for the rigged shapes to come

* * *

9/14 sometimes the light in my window pastes liverlips on the cat. a kiss from outside. how real is that. stay away from 60s nostalgia. this takes me too long to pass out of my digestive system. many planets form

1107 | Complete: 2006-2009 by means of an accretion sphere. where you’re standing isn’t just any old planet, however. “there’s no sidewalks.” that’s one difference. the guide tells us we’re “not in Kansas anymore.” but the night̶or rather, the light̶is all we should obsess over, he continues. there it is again. look there, look there. can you think of anything else to see?

* * *

“they must paddle their rafts into the waves”

* * *

“I am the captain of this Friend Ship.”

* * *

I gaze briefly at your honor. but only briefly.

* * *

“smiling fever”

* * * fanzine, where is thy sting? online the cabbage is only money, but connotation draws more sustenance out of thin grey vocabularies than a rant

1108 | Complete: 2006-2009 coming through on shortwave or boborygmoid channels. it’s a screen of dollars & cents. always behind the technological 8-ball, you used to tell me. banish my fears with a wave of your telescope. and another duck down the dark promised alley, into a still darker place̶that sign tells you where to go (“they make it nice for us”), washing your palms with light and handing you a bottle of new experience. they’ve got it made. they’ve made it for us to get. a tusk spikes like sound of framing its own understatement. now, as it starts raining, as it does every day, every purpose shown like lightning across the form of space… choked down in a rage. slapped upside the head with calm. they tell you their lies in persuasive rhythms. tonic lulling. “that’s just so unacceptable̶how can you pass this off, this kinda hokey spondee-driven shallow text? this weak talk sinks all boats the same. this drink toughens the last pause with a dribble and a praise. drown much lately?” “it has a beat, honey, but it’s not dance music.”

* * *

Mary had a signal its frequency was high on days that she’d broadcast her words would touch the sky

1109 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * it’s wherever you are that’s so terrible.

* * *


Holy Nothing so ground so touch

* * *

9/20 proprioception on a plane with no (baggage)

* * * universal constructor (1940) universal constrictor kin shaker. unique coin stretcher caine all raked sail I’ve read route no snow to Reno rash I make self all Saturday to tour the Tory universe. stray tone (1940) manage the approach self snow watch very saleable matter

1110 | Complete: 2006-2009 universal shape me wells deep wells.

* * *

9/23 poker chips cleat corporeal change peek-through seasons

( maybe, how you say? it stays true? )

* * *

9/27 hamburger party veg. pot soup’s all

* * *

too many variables to make any any any any any any

1111 | Complete: 2006-2009


* * * 9/28 something’s not right. where the name finishes like epic poetry. stage name. too romantic now. history urges the patient reader to believe. something’s strange. no masterpieces. at once the glisten becomes all-too romantic. catch it white-hot after the livid urge breaks the foundry door. at its head, the object driving each player across the field of action. hallway echoes. this epic a mother’s voice. in time. the major theme, the paintshot upside the collapsed barn. these aren’t right. no matter to quell the urge. a spider washed down the rabbit hole. agéd year, aped me masked,

1112 | Complete: 2006-2009

rolled down the hill, where the name shoots master and missus… down by the shape, down by the river. making no one comfortable. yes it’s a noun that adds meaning. no plurals off-sides for the reaction. at cross-purposes alongside the capitol of resistance. where everlasting. where she makes sense of her own heartbeat. this becomes an edge, white, livid. the furnace spins on its triangular axis, sunk into the shop floor. statements become so romantic. that was an epic they were singing. last week. next door. so loud, so incomprehensible. everlasting.

1113 | Complete: 2006-2009 silence.

* * *

9/29 new year’s poem your lost sense of self is what comes out in these utterances, movements. there, now you can truly say, this is a holy land.

* * *

10/1 the miseries and the miniseries so this has its own mystery so this has its own mystery so this has its own mystery as for the circles, the lines, shapes and dips come trundling along like cartoon characters out of the swampy universe that bred them in swarms. as for the mice, they mingle with the alligators and pimpish

1114 | Complete: 2006-2009 frogs away from the solid ground.

.. the miseries and the miniseries: all gabber at doorframes for verbal recognition that they reach someone that can reach someone and each makes their own compelling message known.

* * * time waits. it’s impossible to predict how much waiting it will take.

* * * and the friction of butter on skin shall be your eucharist. that wasn’t me reading that, it was the priest. his eyes are caked with flies, his hand clutching scarecrow straw to his penitent bosom. no eyes but the eyes of a truck driver, gunning his rig through the barn-door-size gap

1115 | Complete: 2006-2009 where your heart should be. the eyes of architecture learn to signal before they turn back. eyes of love in a distended realm (or was that bloated?) coming across the boder, over the lines in Rand McNally’s prayerbook. my other loveliness̶ arrangement. this was my garden of disorganization. but the cost was so much. time was no longer of the essence. time was the essence. time was the loveliness growing out of bounds underfoot while the collapsible army marched and summonings slithered inchwise to the front.

* * *

10/2 two magazine covers in both instances the city

1116 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

10/4 don’t have a reason: he’s dramaturge for the guests to fall into like a hole for the waning season

* * * draw me a Periodic Table of the Elements with your eyes.

Mary, Mary, how the onion rings engirdling your heart countenance my longings for your fast-food lovin’.

Jake, of all the Crisco Elves (Local Chapter 16 out of Dusty Lane), he alone was wise to Management’s plans and socked all his income in his hat.

1117 | Complete: 2006-2009 subscription to the Earwax Channel is free, this month only. Lost Souls, send no cash, we will beat you later.

* * *

Tum-Tee-Tum won tighter control on milk products, on coffee.

* * *

(miseries) see, I wasn’t a sin everyone eave assents before we descend from mischief into misogyny, into anarchy, or aren’t the bawdy intro actions of grave moments helped by surround sound, by the good works of like-minded scoundrels?

* * * herky-jerk’s no way to rouse the troops. and you, with your motel railroad set̶ how are you aiding in the war effort? what sacrifices have you made…?

1118 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * those sound like grave and sublime messages, the kind the greater alchemists would use to strip paint.

* * * onion root̶a broken lock̶ sublime messages̶at first we took them for subtlety, symbols of hare-brained conceit, bias, frustrating rage, or simply chaos washing the windows with a curse. circumstances precluded euphemistic pantomime. inevitable entropy. a door.

* * * there’s no Bridge to Nowhere decked at each pylon with death’s- heads and moose-antlers, and swastikas for the next regime along the railings. myths get mistaken for maps in Alaska.

* * *

1119 | Complete: 2006-2009

10/8 the grand waste of purpose gains its expectation. but then finds subsumption in the air. that scent. ever with the time grows a capacity for detail, a list of all the surfaces come to reap the sense, or dispose the last great engines there. come out of sequence, evermore like time itself.

* * *

10/9 in that place where you strip down, cause traffic to stop̶ it’s time for color! it’s time for color!

* * * that at’s where it’s art the @’s where it’s ART the ats where its art the trees where it’s true the tries where it’s art where it’s @ the trees

* * *


1120 | Complete: 2006-2009

Mr. Acquisition, do you have a plan? stiff drinks and biscuits, mustard on crackers. outside they’re mustering at dawn, outside the palisade wall. no expression. angry hooks to either side. that was Monday. Mr. Acquisition, will the war begin? touch it now, there’s time and affirmation.

* * *

10/13 that helter-skelter flashes like a congeries, or gonads in sixteenth-notes. rustification led down the crooked path to the home’s organza- lined walls and sameness. ours for ever after, while this course comes full and true in the allé going gold before us. all this isn’t symbology. but a prism, a work of time going by, a rustle of ancestors

1121 | Complete: 2006-2009 chiming their own prayer bells like seeds of sense, making this only one more path for protection. the grey time rises after. how do you make a Congo out of clapping hands? and the epitome coming through on the radio, a touch of Strauss’ last song from his 4 Last Songs, the ultimate. as a reaction to the season at hand, it serves well enough.

* * * like touching, this was emotional. a pornography of holding hands. that much they can’t sell to the crowd.

* * * the miseries and the miniseries. write first when you’ve got work. many’s the time I have asked him and he has never replied, never. that drama plays out in the movies.

1122 | Complete: 2006-2009 now I see where the time goes, how wistful such memories can be. then, with a flourish or some kind of endstop, they’re all forgotten. washed under the carpet, drowned. and if you forget the key this song’s in, play in the key you have. and if you love the one you’re with, flash your bedroom lights three times at 10:30̶I’ll watch. the world is a matter of preconditions. any door in the storm, any window that looks out. put it to you this way: everything I say is just a gnomic aorist.

* * *


Bird Day Happy Bird Day Hapy Bird Day, Mr. Bill

* * * on Jew washes another

* * * only the right word can wring your neck. (the back room takes you in, draws anthropomorphic consolation from the spots on the wall)

1123 | Complete: 2006-2009

(only) the right word publishes on your still-warm coffin. the anthropomorphic spider reads a dictionary in your chair.

* * * the distraction comes from turning away at the unheard mention, the unexperienced memory, of another and taking up of your own history.

* * *

10/21 what little birds we have the arrows bring to sleep.

* * * so do the poppies of day give way to the vehement orchids of night

* * *

10/30 what bow where savage traitor bends to ape the ranging bull, so fierce in field. down! down! nameless at the aching breast on circuits of drizzle for same lazy broken limbs. not enough to leap, the distant pole star limping, not enough to leak the words

1124 | Complete: 2006-2009 decided against each other, slowly. this effort ratchets at a hand-to-hand defense where savage traces snap shapes out of step, form waggling on, wrest the beats. facing east again, all in slow weather.

* * * the nameless game won for into the beaming. Altra! Altra! no more heard them.

* * *


I’ve seen laid on my hands, so much

* * *

11/1 when the oven hits High C it’s not the witchcraft I’m afraid of̶it’s mice screaming in Purgatory, clatching for a way out of nightmare.

1125 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

11/2 about not about something less interesting then don’t say my presence got at this then statement

* * * some ironica south of Veronica

* * * how many pacifists can fake a pass on the 40-yard line?

* * *

1126 | Complete: 2006-2009 ironic iconic, St. Ash to ache, same as iron gods in desert

* * *

(Nirmankaya.) the bellies of the priests age are not lost their minds, not depraved not naked their souls, not scarce their propositions not weakened or intensified their visions, not aching for the not white chamber filled with chrysanthemums the bellies of the priests are not dead-ended

1127 | Complete: 2006-2009 they get distended, though, from too much negation. they get hiccups, they speak out where before they were neutral. from such encounters, I think their telling eyes and cables form a greater vast expanse of wisdom. that vast expression of time is theirs, walled out behind emptiness.

* * *

11/9 no, the trap-door opened the thermometer dipped the cause chased the effect around the November pole children’s songs start with a name for mother every time we dance we dance for her the failure of rep resentation is a household name for who I claim to be this time. (chariot washed with psychedelic wormlight, drawn to heaven drawn by heaven.)

1128 | Complete: 2006-2009 staring at the wide statement of God across the river… “Annie Artist Got Her Brush” Annie set your teeth on fire Annie get your encyclopedia any encyclopedia any action or presentiment bring to the table bring to the shelf bring to the comprehensive nature of understanding, knowledge categorization, molding, cataloging, parodic carotid blood for voices came the vision and no one saw, spoke the trademark specialist and we all ripped off the pattern on his door before he could call counsel or count coo on our sorry ass, ripped the door right off the frame. weak minds mix blood with desperation. the whole thing captures this moment in social history so so so so so damn well: the mice in the vice grind meat with their feet.

* * * the game̶ comprehensiveness ̶never you win

* * * there’s no order like my order like my disorder like this order staring me in the face

1129 | Complete: 2006-2009 mash your mold and feed me this time for all time for messages come to our outpost loud and clear, but incoherent there’s something AWOL something Arab something depends upon a window like a window in a frame for ghosts there’s a catch there’s the old me now there’s space inside us like the spider inside her there’s the object in the foreground, ahead of space there’s something astral there’s simmering there’s an apostrophe in there somewhere berries on a cold top manifesting sterile reason taken from the fridge now, conquered in a bowl

1130 | Complete: 2006-2009 of milk. the purpose gives you something with layers, can be cut with spoon and orchestra hits, the blue taste from curds to mouth, like mice lapping at the milk on your hands. hurt teeth on a white palm cold so bring more berries. surface glimmer (oh! you bit me!)

the light hasn’t transformed us into wolves or beetles. breaking in a lope we head back to the cabin, leave the lake there (where are you!?) leave the impotent light….

* * *

11/16 he told the crowd

“guess what?! I’m evil!” hallowed hampered treatment. he said what? a house is harder to draw than blood. what is that line

1131 | Complete: 2006-2009 dropping from up there? did I understand? but I’m not allowed to write any poem.

I was the ghost of John Ashbery, but I didn’t have publishing rights.


Randall Crayhorn punched me in the powderkeg

* * * her blood in my nostrils her blood in my nostrils the sins against the Lord

* * *

11/21 the best part of waking up is evil in your cup

1132 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * the mysteries, the miniseries the so so so as shapes along out that as with frogs miseries this this this for and like of bred for the away and has has has the dips cartoon the them the alligators from the its its its circles, come characters swampy in mice, and the miniseries own own own the trundling universe swarms. they pimpish solid mystery mystery mystery lines, mingle ground.

* * *

11/22 she has rivers in her head. the water runs out through her palms. stigmata? the natives don’t have a word for that.

1133 | Complete: 2006-2009 her method is to preserve the life upon her.

* * *

“Raise your dick to a new standard of living. a higher consciousness. a deeper awareness.”

* * * her dilapidated stories, her progressions̶

I’m not exhausted enough to praise her.

* * *

Modernism’s awareness of historical progression, hypervaluation of the “originating” artifact. Not new, but newly aware̶of historical antecedents and chronological placement: I AM HERE, I COME FROM THIS.

* * *


This guy? No way. Hasn’t got a billet for his own dream, the way “For God & Country” used to ring over the hills that widened in sleep, and Ever After was the pride of the Showboat set at eleven…

* * * the Vandals took you out

1134 | Complete: 2006-2009

befor the trash could be collected. this is a Blues for you so gone taken from the house like yesterday’s leaves like tomorrow’s promise like wet donuts making their escape through an open door.

* * * we get so many messiahs in this garden. they go goat-herding up on the hill where criminals die on their crosses. some even see visions of the deity. others come down with cold tablets, signing their ways barefoot in act of God, with laws they proclaim are divine. if we’ve got the spunk for it, we stone them and break their rules down in a pit̶ some die in the quarry, never seen them rise from the dead, no matter, not yet.

* * *

1135 | Complete: 2006-2009 spoken like a TRUE REVOLUTIONARY GENERAL

* * * she kiss me alone

* * * he was a Jazz Age messiah with a burning banjo

* * * the best part of waking up is not understanding you when you say “good morning.”

* * *

11/26 adrenaline a dressing adroit New Hampshire timing is eddyfying trapped and landlocked the lucifer broke its crown on the definition of pshent

* * *

1136 | Complete: 2006-2009

11/27 where’s the gentle giant we all raced in college? where’s the tapsman we batted against when the pitch was on fire? the trap door pulses but the bridesmaid’s hamper has no pull, the officer’s blunt but the package dulls the pain much better. and as we signal the team to go out and start plan ‘B’, the crowd sees right through the effort, the chancellor recognizes the last-ditch effrontery to the school, to spirit, to the fight fight fight where all the old embryos were tagged as players or benchwarmers. so go out and make the field your best friend. I’m not the one telling you to worship a sickly god with the skin of a shaved hamster. the Bears play on days when it’s 30 below, and where the prize is hypothermia and frostbite, they’ve got a tickle for the afterlife like a gelid poison distributed in plastic cups.

* * *

11/29 as with most things, Nature loves a victor

1137 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *


“cause & effect are illusion

up and down, a lie”

. . . BE HERE NOW . . .

. . . Free Beer for Ram Dass . . .

* * *


T5:30 (Club 331) new mutations old ideas grand designs

. your out is my insider move.



1138 | Complete: 2006-2009


“I don’t want to see any of my ex-girlfriend’s additional piercings.” ‒ Lewis, re: finding exes on Facebook


*My Sweet Manual Prognostication

Found That Radiator

Found That Jazz


Angle blaster Aging aspect Bronson with a gun

Housing every ratchet For the Gospel of Our trenchant Discontent.

O Archbishop, be not drunk On my dime.

. dad marks misery makepeace spoiler tangent a tape place a piece or portion

1139 | Complete: 2006-2009


WAR ON DRUGS, “Wagon Wheel Blues”


No diamond a red through the door some… “But it’s funny because it’s real.”

Justdo it, Boofy.


Reading nightmares like a bear out of some mossy cave.

Jest for the transition, he comes like a sandman to save.

Burgeoning or washing the waste, this blurb of trade, baseless, toddles into the bears’ cage. On the porch with sexuality for a beam, a boon, a theme. Black change is waving tornados at me in communion.

. stew my semaphor heat my simile

1140 | Complete: 2006-2009

Semele’s in the burning tomb no reason for this mess no time for less treason, to take the moves for scale. we escape Scientology into the winging West….


“Blackwater with a caulking gun.”

[Afghan Terrorist: Special Rendition]

“Sing a Song of Cortisone”


Perfect broadness.


“Always put on clothes.” ‒ Conklin

“Being around animals and women, I always put on clothes.” ‒ Maupin

“There’s nothing wrong with clothes, Mike.” ‒ Lewis


“We’ll all get hit.” ‒ Maupin

1141 | Complete: 2006-2009


Manage o that song hey Country after town pace Credence rape pall balk Where nascent heymish gnome Called dinner for Dylan Came back to horse-trading Mane-true and steaming

. moonset ‒ so sluggish, so salty


“my heart is empty but my refrigerator’s full”


Sympathy for his Brother Devil

* * *


Milton @ 400 (Lind Hall, UMN)

1142 | Complete: 2006-2009

Satan cries…


O light transformed! Heaven -naming token! How unbroken this state so limn’d with light!

* * *


Groovy got his groan back.

* * *

“don’t be a fucking punter.”

* * *

12/11 seek the scourge sample the scourge south south south what is thy bidding? thou come’st so far? pattern in the floor

1143 | Complete: 2006-2009 spells me some doom to thee. same doom. electric off the bosom of the flame at waking. the face counted for three. south to the Sanctifying Isles.

“my coyote lisps ̶ an amoebic, an allergic . . . reaction.”

* * *

12/12 we anesthetize better than those other guys

* * *


LANGUAGE: if you don’t use it what are you


* * *

1144 | Complete: 2006-2009

12/18 o man! your doubling shall be the death of you!

* * *

God is dancing.

Her car’s dome light was left on all night.

And Milton is dancing alongside.

So bright a fellow’s metaphors.

So clear, as a bell, but add in philosophy.

* * *


“the sun has given us this background” so frozen ink so books are rabid so take this, it’s a dollar, no questions, too many miles to go.

1145 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

12/21 it may be frozen, but it’s still dead

* * *

12/22 stormy arbor rank how way stream and reach he waits steep akin resolution heave wild

* * * dyslexics ON TIME cave canem liquid gels MELT in your mouth̶ raisin or plain

* * * consequently stake your Karl Marx claim a gainst the vamp ire wall ad, prove all space for the train of another maltrose dream

1146 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * be the voices in your head.

* * * crested Sandman on a cross of rushes, stretched. the devil wastes his time at the riverbank. a wrench felled over the side̶or were they lunging at each other, stopped in the process midflow?

* * * keep round stones in a roundhouse keep sand in the shaker the song of silence is pawed down the snow after a reprise of the mouse’s song

* * *


1147 | Complete: 2006-2009 he said, “I am a slave to the greasy buildup of bad juxtapositions and outrageous imagery.”

* * * diffuse the nature before staggers back geminate

(it sounds more slowly the second time) yes I got a telescop for Christmas and you didn’t.

* * *

Santa Chow the bowling rink. those are yams, the first of the season. those are yams that were his eyes… arms and a yam I sing, grating the window screen, breaking the ledger one more time before the trucks leave for up north.

Santa Bear breaks the tree apart to get at the Xmas ants. these are yours, these are yours.

* * *

1148 | Complete: 2006-2009

12/28 would God love him that much? with a metrical heart slapping time at his side. an engine ouside the boat where the greasy grass slides, a little pain in the shallows of that natural gray?

* * * she hums the words so they sound like demotic hiccups under a glass.

* * * where trial design makes your squares special special delivery trial by smoke and mirrors dissolution allergy to erasure

* * *

I saw the light of the raygun, of the radon, of the blizzard

1149 | Complete: 2006-2009

thick with coal ash and spent nuclear suds out of the plant’s scrub unit. in a moment, all the latter-day Yuppies were stricken dumb and barren, their hands shored of ice, in pockets. staging grounds don’t break so easy when you’ve only got one disintegrator gun to go around. and so many lined up out there, happen to be in the wrong place at the right time, but not my pay grade to send them away. kids today̶ that’s why we have to clean so thoroughly.

* * * what’s the match? a man-trap what’s the lycanthropy circuit? it’s a the brown peace of a sleeping beast. what’s the catch? a slam-dash. what’s the strike? moonbeams over the crowd’s eyes.

* * *

1150 | Complete: 2006-2009


“like Spartacus̶when Spartacus dies. that’s me on the road. it’s got me now. I see it coming for me now…”

* * * sentience on the open market who told you consciousness was worth anything? who told you it made you anything special?

* * *

12/31 fade to time fade-out time blood on the picture of the highway again and again,

1151 | Complete: 2006-2009 not so much real as figurative.

* * * meet somewhere side out in sinus called code key was under the makeshift windowsill but bays of wanting waste my time like nobody’s business break it down for me: insidious nature broaches a schedule lasting for a year of Sundays̶ see me back of the backdrop and stop talking

* * *

1152 | Complete: 2006-2009

wrap words around the object: the words don’t matter as much as the shape. throw lettuce out the upstairs window: if your neighbors have a heart, then they will make salad. choosing small language makes you interesting̶ choosing big language gets you into troubles you never dreamed of.

* * *

“got my split : I told you, it’s the year, it’s over : cut the cake : nothing’s special anymore : tell me where you put the fork”

* * *


caffeine tickle the tongue. start over with it. fresh one. more time. precise.

1153 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

the resonance a stage making summer of drone. polyester soufflé on a nightcap from San Francisco to Paris. perish the little children to sponge off of me, with a taco, a goddamn American taco, in a speedboat, with raisins on my eyes. that’s living,

I tell the Philosophy Dept., just before the campus cops blackjack me across the face and pull me out.

* * *

last year I fell into a cul-de-sac of distraction

* * *

mottoes for 2009:

“they’re for the Lord”

1154 | Complete: 2006-2009

“it won’t be pretty,

but at least it works”

* * *

Jimmy got an iPhone jones … so far so good. so God is good. so God takes a break and wipes out at the beach.

* * *

“don’t wash your hands with rubber soap”

* * *

Pater Lumens̶glory to the touch of light in the zenith of this world’s firmament

* * *

sail may epic raise

1155 | Complete: 2006-2009

rational heart last

beam on the dog

* * *

see life and die

seal off machine count to decades end abbreviate the song postulate the dog subject mass approach project your old images spin that vinyl document collapse time for volition

* * *


1156 | Complete: 2006-2009

(for Dan & Stephanie)

ancient, ambient silence in a city or in the sloping curve of a restful farm. resonate with overlay. some days this calls for sitting down and pacing out the land, before anyone gets up or scratches. some days the best thing to do is have coffee & eggs with friends and place oneself with a crest of crust of time and then just go.

* * *

we heard them yelling,

“order in the clot!”

sons of Energine

1157 | Complete: 2006-2009 gone rebellious, with some wielding pickaxes, or humming scandalous tunes outside the jail.

we couldn’t do nothing. only a matter of time, and then the genethliacal madness’d finally come full circle. and Argive

bore up bravely, knowing that moment would see the last end of his preaching. so dies philosophy. at the end of a shotgun’s

barrel or hangman’s knotted rope.

* * *


1158 | Complete: 2006-2009

big sheets of black paper of blinkeye, of black peals, of blank paper̶ bring me down

that’s not a confession that’s not a metaphor that’s

a goddamn monkey’s paw

* * *

“ ‘n’ is the new black” ̶SRL

* * *

2008̶best year of surprises.

I got a response out of you this time. no way to go down again, there’s a tease for tomorrow breathing in yesterday’s excitement.

1159 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *


post-positive espresso reaps. it is a Warhol. it rolls on ice, without a shiver.

* * *


“I make no excuses” the volume of the

1960 Encyclopaedia

Britannica was laid out on the dining room table, open to the entry “Bourbon.”

* * *

How not to stop

1160 | Complete: 2006-2009

amoeba in safari ain't me feesy a stow fella

I'm someone slip lake barf puff kohl purr trap horse stone large markerr sleazy pee oak don't stick it stuck domo ari Bacchus de midify mastur

* * *


ever very after bright the purpose, the purpose

1161 | Complete: 2006-2009 gone out and struggled by the light of sneaking around

so devilish

got a little answer and it’s dressed up in lime, get me some cool dancer and she’ll make it worth the work, tell you all about it but I haven’t got the time


this got me thinking. if ducks fly south over lake, where do cars drive when out of gas?

enough! he cried, and we heard him no more.

* * *

1162 | Complete: 2006-2009


coursing sure don’t mean the same

as it used to, said the house to the mailman

* * *

maybe that’s the way of it̶ enthusiasm, precision, waiting. earthworms own space. space is where you can really stretch out. and “no time for the wicked” means something serious. means you have a lot of property to move before the buying season starts.

1163 | Complete: 2006-2009

(auction, anyone?)

* * *





* * *

“bow in the presence of the INVISIBLE KING … bow … bow … bow.”

* * *

Mama say contagion, just a household word̶ you down with the leopard in your tank? have you made peace with seizure? he’s waiting for you, stuck on a cloud̶should

1164 | Complete: 2006-2009 have renewed his tow-from- anywhere plan. the grease from smoky grins has got him trapped on the road, in a welter, a jungle of lies.

* * *


“Swedish gibble-gobble”

* * *

1/12 when angels of hypnagogia stop visiting at night the hymns cease their patter. * * *


1165 | Complete: 2006-2009 hyperawareness of Other, abnegation of Self. hyperworship of Self, ignorance of Other.

* * *

could you

it counts

that smells like wist

as in

will of the wanting

of waiting

of the way to treat a

* * *

1166 | Complete: 2006-2009


end of imagery all the colors are bleeding your canticle isn’t meant for me, but for something less present, more impressionable

* * *


words of a feather hop together

(mean together) (mean “together”)

* * *

what was my exercise again?

to see clearly,

1167 | Complete: 2006-2009

to speak

* * *


Solomon had enough faith to sleep with a thousand concubines. and assorted wives. no such luck here

̶disbelief makes its own faight and loyalties.

* * *


nexus of sheer synchrony. ceramic meter maid across the sky̶ do you care more? do you care anymore?

I had paid for a ride, but told them that donkey got me to Jerusalem.

1168 | Complete: 2006-2009 stapling sounds to your buddy’s dreams. lidless. it’s a wonder they sounded his name right. a wonder they spelled it the way he says it. shell of a man̶ praise the polyurethane when he sneezes. sheer nexus of synchrony. caging corn with the chickens. no way American products could sell. hands dripping̶nobody’s got it. and they eyes were white, I saw them, you can count everything, it’s there. conjugate all hippos to racehorses. steep sacred. same with a lisp. sheep sounds̶don’t sleep. don’t sleep it off, they keep telling me. the way he says it, I barely have a name. sinful necks share fossils.

* * *

(Frost-y Inaugural)

1169 | Complete: 2006-2009

This noonday’s the beginning hour Of a golden age. The poetry, the power In any game the nations want to play Firms up your freed beliefs or our dismay. Young ambition urges us to try Such power leading strength to pry Out glory from some Augustan age, Making prophets out of sacrilege. And more, the preoccupation with sport Gets less criticism off the court And braver men than we are leaner When the call to life is made obscener. The rule of first answers makes for high design Where this democratic form is ours to find, A healthy independence for the throng, That knows the breaks and also gets them wrong. And so with politicians daring To preside from books & tales declaring Better than some stalemate ‘ands’ & ‘buts’ (We rearrange your means of governance In dance of blows and vicious undercuts.) Courage in the air jobs from every branch And that’s no miracle when moods are high, So close they are to heaven Yet so sure to be abided by. The greatest vote a people ever cast Comes fresh from older ballots, like the last, Right down to glory upon glory. Freedom justifies itself with its own story. Our vain pursuit of revolution Gone out to get some milk and not returned. And sanctimony before the law

1170 | Complete: 2006-2009

Has breached some battered porch: “Come in from outside for life & art!” Some poor fool has been saying this in his heart.

* * *


– why do you spend your money on books?

– cheap thrills.

* * *

past the idiom than Mama understands. how in simple words to explain such thoughts?

* * *

how much time does it take to defeat a lightbulb?

* * *

you attract more bears with honey

1171 | Complete: 2006-2009 than with poison

* * *

à propos white chocolate. it’s all a big game.

* * *


non-Euclidean project plan

Wheezing house martins flop into the window. "Don't shut your brains off."

"Perfection is God," that's your answer: no one speaks with more authority

Man to disk, recording vehicle or process agent. Flop against the ice. a wall named "stand in the way."

A winter comes low to this town. A writer comes to this house, stabs the piano with a broomstick. Standing on gospel determines what direction you'll face.

1172 | Complete: 2006-2009

Ape of epic, this noise is telling me. On every world's piano keys is a trick of light.

This bird died because directionless. How much we erase is a matter of master tape and versioning, of who keeps the master and when audio's scrubbed and torsion is balanced.

Recorded material flights, outside, or is scraped. Some test lists published for the week, scrubbed clean.

Found out the lesson learned has come down to chronology. The sequence is now (officially) out of control. Piano and birds, dead.

* * *

Triple constant, added to my portfolio. Structured purpose. It went around. It went down. Yard bird wasting time, encounter wage freezes like a Lubbock steer at noon. Constraint to weekly name range pattern. Pose no hierarchy for that one, so encounter: shut it down. Hold on. Too much time. That was just a continuation of the wheel-spinning at the feast. Too much for you and not waiting, not news, a wasted encounter

1173 | Complete: 2006-2009 with timing. Try playing. Tray leave. Triple constant, course of action no-how, that a concept for litigation for values for walking up to the central planning unit. No page numbers. How ya gonna keep track? Find the name, that’s the game. Stew, or wrangle, that’s the shipping manifest.

* * *


“and an hour later,

he was an


* * *

steeped in my own kabbalah of the absurd.

* * *

object̶no object

1174 | Complete: 2006-2009 time̶no time

* * *

“and that was his grand scream.”

* * *


incapable inescapable

* * *

the dictator said, “I enjoyed the interregnum, and the chaos made my condo’s value go up.”

“I made interchanges illegal before ten a.m. and the way our stock exchange faltered̶supreme!”

* * *

1175 | Complete: 2006-2009


has New Music lost something essential?

a better perfection

reached with the aid of

wrong notes

* * *

backroom got it out of the sky pulled it, no matter it was air or a circuit, some guns fired, seven & three

* * *

1176 | Complete: 2006-2009


pushed out of the sensation, that’s an attempt to describe something pale and wordless. that healing̶cast out̶that takes time to process. and the coffee doesn’t wait for cold.

* * *




Slap nails



Lap slain

* * *

1177 | Complete: 2006-2009


talk politics

what do you care

what other

people think?

* * *

Winter Ice Storm Creates Hoax Unravelled Arms Under the Time Limit Brahmins Hire Chief Zygote from Gaza

* * *


something’s gone rotten in the freezer something’s gone bad

I know, I know

1178 | Complete: 2006-2009 something’s gone off in the freezer̶ and if we eat it we’ll all die.

* * *

“until we take our snorkels off, and drown.”

* * *

(in defense of pitching film ideas in a non-traditional way)

Psycho mayhem. Each member of our audience has flashbacks, has flashbacks. Has everything, all the time. Watch it move, now watch Mr. Strobelight. Care for my shoes has taken over my interior landscape. Mostly a change from darkness into light.

So where do the movers put the Angel? Terrifying space. Or anyway.

Nothing simpler than irritable bowel syndrome. Form, or fancy?

What’s the heart of darkness that you’re looking to unburden among these eccentric near-acquaintances? No names, please.

This structure of yours falls apart on the level of vocabulary.

A rage for a waterfaucet. A break for the leafblowers. Essence doesn’t take you long to perceive in an informal setting. Someone’s

1179 | Complete: 2006-2009 yelling, drunk, in a room behind the common space where we sit.

But. This. Is. My. Story.

Ache chamber, eye broken, light blast. I see a scene, a seme, ripped off with an answer from someone else’s movie. That film leans into a harsh wind. Put it out like an object into the air. How will this finish?

The ending wrapped up in a miracle, in the open stance, in promise.

The reflection wishing terrible conclusions at the top of the premise.

Strange masculinity. No pitch for the weakly wrought idea. That was his high pitch, fast and inside. But the board toned it down before thrown.

Freakish like a tone poem. You are Richard Stauss, 1911, sipping his third brandy for the night̶now. go! A good player would psych herself up for the moving panels as the scenery changes, where stone walls once hung. Behind where you’re standing now. Such a form that wastes a power of worlds to fuse the tiniest press of language. Chirp on the wind for the sidelined 12-steppers caged like a revenue stream in Finance where they all hunch over their keyboards, beneath the Emerald City.

Pull the wool over your own eyes. Sharon says, “I’ve got no time for this.”

Sharon bumps her head against the wall, then breaks a window out with a rock, throws it right through the glass, into Ronny’s basement.

The conflict I like is the beautiful montage of horrible moments.

When the lead character opens his mind and sees the darkness.

Then she cried her Buddha-nature eyes out. O my story̶yes means

1180 | Complete: 2006-2009

I can see it projected in my imagination. Catharsis springs to life.

When you realize the therapy you’ve sat through for an hour was the wrong one. And where are the writers anymore? Their vocabulary stumps them. Sound check for the radar technicians 20 km behind the front lines. Our signal snipped in half with well-placed ordnance.

A burst of divorce. All eyes on the emotion that kicks the blocks out from the gunning RV. Talk heresy to hierarchical power. Make mayhem with uncontrollable flashbacks to the happiest time of your life.

The rugged boots crunch snow at midnight. Just the way I oscillate with business plans, agendas, proposals, and delight in erotic love.

* * *

“I’m cuckoo for Communism! Cuckoo for Communism!”

* * *

bound up with impossible knots. terrible meter.

* * *

1181 | Complete: 2006-2009


in the statement they robbed the robbers! cowards!

a name for narrative rebuttal bleeds out of them like words from a corpse.

the case came to three propositions: the foundry was offline, Mr. Stanchion had a limp, and the high temp that day would not have allowed the epoxy treatment to set properly.

the hinges were off the prosecutor’s case from then on.

1182 | Complete: 2006-2009

like a swinging door, rolling down the hill from your house to the river.

and shouts of

“Der Tot ist Kunst!” from the gallery didn’t help anyone.

lying sacks of . . . ! nobody’s that brave and stupid anymore. not without a search warrant.

* * *

“what world are you from?” “kindling”

open flame is a light. unto the worlds each

1183 | Complete: 2006-2009 avatar bestows mercy and the riches of life. out of imperilled cold existence is built on spent embers. but energies all run out. the Great Rip shifts gods in their diamond thrones. slip.

* * *


Supernatural horse,


The universal sacrifice to the four ordinals begins SHORTLY.

* * *


1184 | Complete: 2006-2009

Hitchhiking to Horse Sacrifice

Returning to the altar with a wreath of hooves and a pocketful of sulphur hoping Indra is not too terribly pissed off variation: Tom Lewis & Dave Kunz

* * * breast beats. reason. can’t beat breakfast. face the force of plates. states. race tribes feats.

* * *


* * *

1185 | Complete: 2006-2009 imagistic hypertrophy national secular religion throw all your dishes in the snow. we have enough for the whole week.

“my heart and I have decided to end it all.”

* * * a globe tells more than a map. a mage casts doubt more than restless, uncontrolled behavior.

* * *

2/2 hierarchy heliolatry heave offering Hanseatic League hat blocking hindrance holocentrism

* * * Gergen looks uffish

Rush looks oafish

1186 | Complete: 2006-2009

Invest in yourself

Feats of grave significance

On the light universe.

* * *


A Lane So Named Him That Sound Enslaved Him At Land, At Salt, At Home h.appy, A.lan!

* * *


(taken off 2/9/09) songs from the heart of the darkening plain

* * *

it’s idiom

1187 | Complete: 2006-2009 got idiom? got also!

ands cracking up house pages sick key

waste also? get

* * *

Kill your brain with love

* * *

touch couth touch lightning percentage a stream pass to create chocolate teeming rough at your turning coup pause a lesson touch

1188 | Complete: 2006-2009 thou cot though too much touch trips feet for the roundy too much couth crosses package placement foundry

* * *


I don’t care who made this mess just clean it up and keep moving

* * *

patient got it’s

crack there surgeon have pages no fingers speak

1189 | Complete: 2006-2009 telling also got also? telling position


* * * barrier to fin it’s the water

* * *


narratives become stale when the heart longs for supernatural

* * *


Jesus hides behind the crown. It’s some kind of

1190 | Complete: 2006-2009 defense mechanism. He’s the proposition of colors that never run, writ large across the field of America’s fever dream.

Jesus is a skeleton with no fixed address.

Born of an itinerant god, the confused one, a redundancy made flesh without his dad’s obsession with control. No more wandering.

The endlessness was lost on the kid, so why eternity eludes.

‘H’ is not his middle name, it’s overdetermination.

Rosary, Christian.

* * *

Parsifal’s about to lose his spear’s broken̶not what they sold him. not what he paid for. don’t crooks and cheaters go to hell too?

* * *

1191 | Complete: 2006-2009

and I don’t even like being perfect̶I like being stupid.

* * *


history is the room diminished

history is the room where the world’s always diminished

* * *

where coffee sickens my love child thickens

* * *

thanks for the world always the rosary, Christian.

1192 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

a grand project

I foresee great progress soon

thanks for the

Rosary, Christian.

take down this siding thanks for the hosiery, ladies. thanks for the station, station. thanks for the sax, John Coltrane.

* * *

a benefit made flesh everlasting on the outside of the band box, lost in the rain with the cluster of housewives and your indigent prayers

1193 | Complete: 2006-2009 will be answered

souls, lacking and seizing . . . saving.

* * *


I want pictures of the debris cloud in space.

* * *

wouldn’t blow my cover just yet̶ that giant rasterized Road Runner, turning this way. screen darkens. that’s when the terror begins.

* * *


1194 | Complete: 2006-2009 if you’re not for us you’re a Guinness


* * *

my figure cast in Pecorino Romano. funêbrales sans espace. figuratif comme les oases.

* * *

“Real Basic Guy”

* * *

“and the two teams finished with a two-team win”

* * *

as we grasp the day and grope our way

1195 | Complete: 2006-2009

never let them see the whites of your eyes

never let them smell you working, you watching

I drive a car that stimulates philosophies of the want

that fills the universe.

* * *


God’s eternal when no one believes. balance has a deity also. under the kitchen floor.

* * *


1196 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

the marginalia he jumps through. hoops of time. presence in the Fourth World guarantees you one hamburger and a large fries. identity is hungry. but soul food, that’s different. a complicated order.

* * *

that insulated room

this stage blackens where I insulted you,

internal processing where sins of late

ache shame pins cage your cancellation

all wage war and instruct you to

on internal nations too pay if you ever want to change your credit rating. that insulated room

1197 | Complete: 2006-2009 where the sun wears out its welcome for the rays along the stations of the cranberry sauce. that insulated room, here and there the course of airborne dust tracks forced from the holes, canned sameness. rigged wrong for the outside. the insults all contained in a can of Campbell’s.

* * *

the room was full of political primates. velour boat sinks in violet February gale. dusk settles under night winds. how to determine what your minds mines next hand will be mandates̶don’t bet against the band takes stage. they’ll admit to you now lag rates pin that God writes politics on old newspaper̶logic overwrites blurs in the ink, when you rub the words.

* * *

1198 | Complete: 2006-2009 soundable break to allopathic disruption. spray consciousness how it billows like flesh.

* * *

what exists is exciting. wait it out, extra sitting. or ways to act. sex in several warm sting sessions. it it.

* * *

begin your benign interpretation with nine ways to Sunday shattering legends of shine, beggars jostling signs. and station posts plumbing leftovers for a defense shield, haunt the many sandwiches made with sand. high for life.

* * *

“which fur do you wear to shul?” ̶SRL

1199 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

“a man’s home is his hassle.” ̶SRL

* * *

breathing busting after the rabbit passes.

* * *


m o l o c h * * *

course Mr. Median named free fast took the surface

“it’s not common property” see the named reach

* * *

1200 | Complete: 2006-2009


“Memento, Morrie” ‒ SRL

* * *


“passion, why do you sleep?”

* * *

“did I say font?

I meant to say


* * * being beginning after the eighth executive basted callow mitts with onion ring batter, orange high but

1201 | Complete: 2006-2009 winds just right on organizational retreat better meet than sly over the age of wisdom with mushroom clouds punctuating the sky

* * *


fast burn quick artist faded sound fast burn quick artist off take the house in flames

spurge nobody saw carrying gas rinse stones well nothing gets tough stains out shaped from earth like poetry & meditation green stink

1202 | Complete: 2006-2009 but abstraction attracts

cut the meat now dirt to the soul’s

* * * don’t just do something̶ hand me another drink! bottle rocks wildly in the prisoner’s unshackled hand. nothing changes everything moves.

* * * standing there no distracted more no by the wall longer

mind no longer supple

* * *

2/20 cut with the She-knife

1203 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *


and they wouldn’t touch my spondees with

a size-10 foot

* * * has round hands not to explain anything brought your broad hips down to the salon with a passion intense intimacy known to relieve wasting not of the body but the insides

* * * what of eggs and milk burning when I delight in you?

1204 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * the sound of causation is enough to make the room smell bad. distilled smoke catches in the lady’s throat: we’ll never have honey unless someone opens a window.

* * *

sugars that and Adam

burn out and Eve

the eyes were suicides̶

of the soul everyone knows

* * *

“burdened by 30 moons, blast fell short too many times around the earlier success. where time comes for rest. turn for the heart gaily alighting,

1205 | Complete: 2006-2009 self of ranging flaws, field wanting, shaped.”

* * *

“what a beautiful power!”

* * * all books come crashing down at sunset


* * * folk flock the heights facing dim circuits.

outside the rim of kindled light.

* * *


1206 | Complete: 2006-2009 the world destroyed my baby on a Saturday night

hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop

she came out of the cellar, Lord,

I knew she’d be alright

* * *

2/24 hoop-jumping for me, jumping through hoops is an empty experience

* * *

who am I if I do not see

1207 | Complete: 2006-2009 the world through my brother's eye?

* * *


Sachsenhausen rude awakening

nothing like it, nothing in the world

* * *


T530 ‒ 331 Club & Erté

“I went to Mousey’s once, and I got punched by a woman” ̶ Kunz

“That’s the ultimate in wrong” ̶ Conklin

“Death by Björk” ̶ Conklin

1208 | Complete: 2006-2009

“You have to accept the shit with the gold.” ̶ Borowicz “Sometimes the shit is the gold.” ̶ Conklin

“You can’t spell ‘Hassidic’ without ‘SS’.” ̶ Lewis

“I mean, ‘fuck’ has been exhausted . . . where do you go from there?” ̶ Conklin

* * *

(versifications by Lewis: )

I was seldom clothed with happier people.

.. the argument is still alive. what portal do you pick? take me to the one that leads OUT.

.. cantillations house calls arrivaderci springtime careless walking into the Women’s Room got tanked dropped and gave them 50

“and I, I have been through the process . . . I have used the method ̶ just like Justin Thyme.”

* * *

1209 | Complete: 2006-2009


can’t focus on the rotating sign of the times. colors so bright they hurt my head, shapes in the wilderness mock the round of my eyes. naked in principle across a third-world confusion. stationed on these fine frequencies but the sounds you hear are aural illusion.

* * * cyclops with a foundered centaur.

I found her with a smile. by the side of the road.

Hare Krishna moonshine with a moron-orange sash tied around a jug mouth.

twenty million dollars worth of architectural gum,

1210 | Complete: 2006-2009 stripped of supporting frame, in bright sunlight for the world to see.

in drop, a wrench newly stillborn, slowly holocausted for a deep blue way after any preposition ceased bellowing my name.

at the last panel there the road splits through any brain’s hemispheres.

* * *

misc. February

Moebius Dickus…

Moebius Stripper

* * *

1211 | Complete: 2006-2009


fry up your banshees and don’t let your beefsticks burn

* * * on the eve of diff idence. naked past. got you magic dust, cast off and stiff.

* * * it is Tellus now it is hat without the purpose that makes heat it is the Earth Song without trembling

* * * sap team

sap take

master pace to pas de naissance

1212 | Complete: 2006-2009

tack etiam

sate same rate to reach seap case trance

et non pacem

* * * sugar sugar, meet fist








fast sugar meat fist

* * *

I blow like gist, chert, prism, chaos, pale encounter. every line pock

1213 | Complete: 2006-2009 marked and free of fullness. extension of objects remembered but not now in evidence.

* * *


you know̶mental disciplin, mental disc ipline. it’s easy when you break the lines like this.

* * *


give it toll it strike it sop it shrug it shape it treat it make it

* * *

and wash the MERCY off my hands

* * *

1214 | Complete: 2006-2009


my head in the shape of Pecorino Romano. my face under the infinite table. senza miracolo. sipping that $10 glass of volcano wine. dipping the olive oil from Mount Vesuvius’ slopes. a mark made, nothing great to appreciate. to stand out is to give in. at the table sat a liar, a smoker, a rancher, and a saint.

“voluptuaries in an Italian restaurant…”

* * *


“he had a tastefully neutral smile.”

“he was a confluent sort of man / fellow.”

“it has a bouquet best enjoyed in hand-to-hand combat.”

“so here’s the question… (I’ve forgotten it!)”

* * *


1215 | Complete: 2006-2009 slurpy curl. prism break. I expected someone taller. sounds of the coming age. has he broken your heart again, my dear? and when the lobotomist comes for you, there will be no one left to raise their voices against him. (I have a headache.) bumps, bumps, mashups weren’t my strong suit when I had something deeper to care about. efflatus, effluvium, a nightmare in polychrome. those weren’t pearls. the Leviathan wakes in the river bottom below the hydroelectric dam. that ahi tuna set me back an hour this morning. time and the marking of holidays is just another calendric falsehood that Hallmark wants you to set your wallet by. spontaneity has more symbolic impact, more time-sense, more wisdom, than any cut of formalism. dig this track, dick this trench, dock that man’s pay, dave and snowflake into icecream cones of pain. shock attuned to the old mountain songs played on violin. so restless. and, of course, they’ve got you covered when you stay the night in a Holiday Inn®.

* * * that voice in my head sings “Merry Christmas” all year long

* * *

“what is truth, man? Jesus! where do you live? the 90s?!”

* * * typescript from the circus

1216 | Complete: 2006-2009 after the horses drowned

* * *

…happens to me anywhere I go.

* * *

SRL: “semantic suspenders”

“word wedgie”

“semantic jock-strap”

* * * one of the Caesars̶ surely, surely, he was wise

* * *


o you viking turning words in this field

of nations, wisdom provided on the land. going leads to homesteading

1217 | Complete: 2006-2009

for good where the sky feels right. hear the snow fall as dawn comes up darkly

behind dirty windows. dust kicked up in the room

from infinite ideas, and almost as many books.

* * *


Very wept so seas

Fasted, the lantern creation

And faces are easy hair.

It's white, the lamplight,

Shall I question the wreathed off-yellow?

Should already be her way to greatness afterward

1218 | Complete: 2006-2009

Should her wriggling rubs be like sleeps to me, like fog?

And all there, in the window, her hair̶ that she once and must do always, soft and meticulous;

Full of her, you shall be sudden as tema upon tea

Among dooryards falls

Beneath worn pool spoons

I and we in the evening for it all̶

Arms in vivo my J. meet

"There? how?"

What will bite will be human

Would have pinned restaurants to the last minute.

That the skirts in nights for all time.

"What? her?"

How wriggling rubs the lamplight, had been tea...

* * *

1219 | Complete: 2006-2009


the nuisance of nuance, the puissance of presence the nascence of nonsense, the obscenity of possibility

* * *

Facebook is a bar where everyone drinks alone

the great unwashed encounter their analogue in another cold night,

another cold night.

* * *


1220 | Complete: 2006-2009

Liquid Strength the Amoeba coaxes the Housefly into a Ponzi Scheme with Spasmodeus, the drunken demon horseshoes player

* * *

[fool variations] plan page down forest, people, step bring, place, step told, stone head cause write bright down Way over, Air children, Slow full. enough fraction, case general children, bring, old bed it. gun, metal Move, lay. basic old. ago our. ask love, place, moment sign begin. Either, ago told, five ask our. consider forest.

Soldier door. Hole, full. page, bring, paper. certain. need down fire that. over, Seem basic

1221 | Complete: 2006-2009 red Hole, much enough Either, once. Live do protect much

Soldier down iron. direct Much, as forest. Soldier second other, industry produce metal his face. down cause Air often Element Either, solve art enough down

Would would she sign Either, new lay. gun, suggest. force. work they red for. Die industry Seem do animal. left day, Throw, line. forest, over, lay. round. his step Throw, enough know, Divide round, among among solution. Would fine part Either, Require solution. line, middle night while, Hundred blood, interest

Much, went know, new work know, map. during, he. where ask East, our. ago get. part children, fine often went ask love, direct certain. travel Listen red area Protect among Plan line. produce page coast equate industry were

1222 | Complete: 2006-2009

Plan page, down.

* * *


Because I would not fast for Death,

She kindly fell for me.

* * * we ain’t made coffee we ain’t fixed our hair we aint set the table we ain’t boiled the eggs we ain’t shut down the computer we ain’t called the neighbors

you see what you get you feel what you know you are what you taste you recognize what you smell you explore what you raise

1223 | Complete: 2006-2009 you energize what you praise you bite what you see

is this sound yet? is this taste yet? is this recognition yet? is this exploration yet? is this play yet? is this organism yet? is this energy yet?

thick cut creamed spinach disentangled from the kelp

I am free to tell you that I am free and this explains the state of my shoes as I stand before you in this courtroom today

* * *

1224 | Complete: 2006-2009


* * *


the sun rises contemplative the moon shines saturated the stars condense introverted

* * *


God’s ocean on which the boat

capsized forever.

“there is water there.”

1225 | Complete: 2006-2009

“I don’t like this rain.

Give me another rain!”

* * *


greatness no greatness

(“I really like the line…”)

no matter not even meaning. but

does it say something?

* * *


and hugely self-aware (no, Walker Evans, you can’t take my picture)

* * *

The Lord will provide.

1226 | Complete: 2006-2009

Until the Lord doesn’t provide.

Then. Where is the Lord?

* * *


Feeling the rage. Testifying to the price tag. Argue for no realm, no reason within reach.

* * *


(Jenny Holzer at the Whitney)

word word word as object as light as l i g h t

1227 | Complete: 2006-2009


performance as no body

“the Apocalypse will blossom”

* * *

“What do we know about Mr. ______?

Mr. ______. . . . ”

* * *

what is this perception? no thing : what do you perceive : nothing. what are you…? oh does this bear repeating? depiction’s such a waste of spit, and rendering some mind some mood, experience, takes time out of an already busy day. like you couldn’t find time to call your family. like you couldn’t find the head-space to get something out of the way. perception begets control of your immediate surroundings. and we have no more fixed address than the spot made in the middle of the table, where the compass spins and keeps spinning and all you see is the blur of space pointing to the fog here, to the faces here, to the shape that

1228 | Complete: 2006-2009 never focuses to tell the simple story of this, this, this…here we all are.

* * *

the affair was over. the man, his lover, took it on the road: different directions, seeking cover.

* * *

so the neurons fling their sparks every which way in the glowing city. only darkness of North Korea’s lights-out policy to choke off reason and imagination in dogmatism’s floor-show. wrong-way group grope.

* * *



(description of process)

1229 | Complete: 2006-2009 glueing together the jaggedy edges of disconsolate words. overwritten nightmares and the triumph over Death in ¾ time. writing the subduction field of disparate patternings, which accrete along the axis of time and axonal discharge. temporal sputtering. melismatic self-utterances. albedoes in random sets that enter a larger, ordered grid of creation, only realized after. the process is invisible

until time has passed.

[variant of the below:

“glueing together

the jaggedy edges of

1230 | Complete: 2006-2009

disconsolate words”

overwritten night mares and the triumph over Death


writing the subduction field of scatterings, patternings, which accrete along the axis of time and axonal discharge, the membranes form a house, temporal sputtering puts all in motion, melismatic self- utterances albedoed in random sets that enter a larger, ordered grid of creation only realized afterward. process is invisible until time has passed. ]

1231 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *



“some glitch”

“kissing hello to


* * *


coffee told me,

“you can have

everything everything everything

you want.”

* * *

camelot juice meet me

1232 | Complete: 2006-2009 at the opium den the here & now can’t be anthro- pomorphized with flowers

* * *

lying lying



comment NO segment


* * *

John Angle Smurfrock rages

And boils on that mean fence,

Carries guarded arrangements

To the sea to toss them in

And see where the wreckage goes.

He throws himself in next,

1233 | Complete: 2006-2009

To disperse with the foam.

Wreck yourself and reap the age.

Take your tone but sleep is peak.

Get another and make it your mother.

And the wreckage washes away

Into the infinity of blue-green sea.

* * *

she shows her new-bought lingerie to her mother in the noisy café

* * *

MONO makes the time go by

MANIA faster

* * *

for unlawful primal knowledge

1234 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *


yesterday’s depressed indulgence. mental backfill.

* * *


on the television, an old Elvis movie, not one of his best:

‘Cracker Goes South of the Border’

* * *


Grandpa died: no one won

* * *

1235 | Complete: 2006-2009

April 3 poem by Peter Danbury & Tom Lewis

The problem with a poem: I took it daily, as an assignment. ...

Today is/was the cue: see, it fits to write up a poem, to write what you know to BE the poem. To write every challenge as your problem.

For having, perhaps, a month where you tell stories or write poems. That's the problem.

For you, at least, the problem is, the bill don't fit in today's paper. April is the cruellest national poetry month. Inspired by Robert Lee Brewer's 2009 April PAD Challenge.

* * *


1236 | Complete: 2006-2009


Meaning was the Robin of the World.

I turned to see it.

Sound was the Cardinal in the Tree.

As the air encroaches, the purpose tells of clarity, it forms space, it exalts a bookishness best felt outdoors.

Light was the Finch flying overhead.

I said nothing, did not see that one.

Breath was the confluence of three Rivers under the wings of seven Crows.

And they say somewhere, in the hungry wilderness, a person's prayers yield up a paradise without form but eternal. The catch is, you must become invisible in your devoutness, a prisoner to your own ministrations.

Time was a pair of Nuthatches in the Lilac bush.

So when they ask you, what have you done with your day? You can tell them, I have been watching the birds with my eyes closed.

* * *

1237 | Complete: 2006-2009 my firewall demands more than what you can offer me

* * *

now you see it, now you buy it, now you feel it, now you hear it.

* * *

story = characters + vignettes + meaning / theme

* * *



1238 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

Dearth of a Salesman

Gateway Getaway

Fragrant Fragment

* * *


“what does that remind you of?”

“Girls Gone Oscar Wilde”

* * *


sloppy gave us too much of the wrong things

1239 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *


the words came back to me toward chaos toward absolutism

* * *

and you said it time and again. and now it’s gone. nothing to read, no need for communication, commiseration. this text disintegrates upon its composition.

* * *

how boring to write how boring to write how bor into to write how boring

1240 | Complete: 2006-2009

bee eye arr emm ohh arr eye bee jee jee emm

* * *


BURSTWISE architectural dreamshack

(at Mike Shine’s Art Shack)

* * *


the strictures of confabulation

exploded like

a lattice of

egg noodles under a

shower of

falling beetles

1241 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *


the trapesiarch hangs from a ribbon embrace me, gravity

hands up if you can feel the breeze this high up

and the lights, look at all the eyes

* * *


see how another guess [at] naming eases captive humanity as nation’s grief eclipses…

* * *

1242 | Complete: 2006-2009


back in the room. statement and substantive. always looking like something’s supposed to happen. but they don’t tell you what. let’s see what this does.

* * *

“The Gravity of Finnegans Rainbow,” with music & lyrics by Joyce Pynchon, ASCAP


* * *


I found a gnomic aorist in the forest, but, when I rubbed it, all it gave me was a perfect passive participle.

1243 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

a failed attempt at violence and anger

* * *

literature of collapse

(why? “don’t think” you have to ask “don’t ask̶that’s not important “does anyone care why? “no̶don’t worry. it’s enough that it’s there.”)

* * *

time merged together in the heartland absent the cross participial the irony is after a circle is drawn no shape, no presence the literature of collapse (isn't even my line) sambo free stance trill german get to her next I hail trail and art sabatea tent over roast care

1244 | Complete: 2006-2009

(ipsifendus) tick at clap hire his yearning feat rest curl slipper near dear hone passion, slurp on peas trial for lakes in the shape of left never bombs a reef neat, stake it out grill Tigris for her remnant Texan hill and rail at nil ate a bass tonight revolting so Kate made me clean the dishes restless air resists its own wind take off the sail and come down pennies of pressure, ripe for shape lore minimizes happenstance forever feel clean, achy, entombed at last

* * *


mindfulness will kick your ass

* * *


1245 | Complete: 2006-2009

breathe to keep focused extracts from the homeless wave ka-chinged wait the black stream up our sound to manage funds from fisheries hallowed, sensitive

no grease pencil the last topic branches to the beating heart to the roundup of vessels filling vehicles restless on the bodily interstate design desire redress signify formulate cite test ignore siege goad

* * *

what's important? summation scorecard fresh fish

* * *

1246 | Complete: 2006-2009

dip your socks in the well and hone your pen on the devil's horn

* * *

save Sodom for the bathtub hold congress til the ship sails argue where the philosopher trips

* * *

5/1, Evolution Control Committee

* * *


* * *


no more swingin the braised (praised):

1247 | Complete: 2006-2009 keep countin brains

Halldor sprays Tabasco in the ladies’ eyes

* * *

teenage volumes tonal volutes target visages roast take age away scapegrace monstrosity shovelled dishevelled this Hall of Fame closes for lunch good luck goodness at the cross roads is another crossroads

* * *

“there’s a whole taxonomy of crap in there” ̶ SRL

* * *

prodrome out-of-bounds limberger

1248 | Complete: 2006-2009 produce orgasm landbank peach olfactory lapse

* * *


“cultural cringe” (as in, governments do terrible things, and you get a cultural cringe from the people and the world)̶Woody, at The Reef, Oak St., Vancouver

* * *

framing requires perspective in the moment. you have no perspective.

look around… see nothing. be at the bar and back off.

* * *

Pitch Perfect. Passage. Pass me.

Cuban rum and scrum. Oak St.

DJ on the Reef. People feel, you move.

1249 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

Pull FIRE Edwards

* * *


Praxiteles acetylene nightmare

holding pattern commune

dogs & ghosts return.

ring com position

* * *

1250 | Complete: 2006-2009

̶I’m not all here.

̶Me too, but the parts that are here are really good.

* * *


any old naming antigen an st st ai n ni ts an

* * *

half the things we buy we forget about: recycling.

* * *

excess is the NEW MINIMALISM

* * *

1251 | Complete: 2006-2009

(walk thru space̶touch it̶touch it̶encounter the empty̶we live here)

* * *

a doorway a lock a landgrab a perception a taste of cookies and flesh a sheet a heliport on the island a sound a pelican a moving target a clasp a myth a stampede a memory a hand up a house a touch that whispers new air a room

* * *

we weren’t drowning̶that was memory you felt.

* * *

fancy metal parts moving off the face of the deep

to the deserted parking lot in a town near you

1252 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

“walk humbly before thy God

and implicate the structures

of your mortality.”

“the modality shakes with sub-

terfuge, and in the Cities of

Refuge stands a barren building.”

“no hands built the cringing

statue of the prince, the turning

away figure that recedes.”

* * *


“male phonicum”

* * *


the customer is an idiot: placate them and stall for time.

1253 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

not tonight: I have a wrench.

(isn’t this just about substitution?)

* * *

my screen is (not in my head) my eye, my (head is not in my) eye is another screen always suspicious, never out of control

* * *


someone's at the door Mucophore wave across the water. Mr. Multi-Vitamin says, "I can't feel my legs." "I like food too much to not eat." "I love the smell of worms in the new grass." ". . . and much bigger ones are on the way." Because the worst is yet to come.

Mr. Multi-Vitamin's eyes go dark looking at the center of the universe.

1254 | Complete: 2006-2009

One Two Three. "If there's anyone in the world who'll come back from there, it's him." No one came back. "I feel dizzy now I have so long this erection." Time is the body's way of telling you, "Don't kid yourself."

* * *

5/11 or deal an ordeal and or deal me twelve hit make the Olympian Hotel a ghost town with me you get an organization an ordeal impossible to rhyme, impregnable to scale the model the role there can be a simpler method of maintenance but we aren't interested in your Ø down plans right now

* * * when the stories never end

you have no idea

1255 | Complete: 2006-2009 when to hit it for the night

* * *



let's unpack the answers

and the lock says, "your curse is memory."

* * *


named within a broken room a house on fire a frame of lead a missed step a patient mouse

1256 | Complete: 2006-2009 a name without name an illegible doorcard a hamper that blocks the way a pillow with stains

* * *

“I’d rather take a shot than a blow to the head.”̶SRL

* * *


he shouted, “curse you and your poetic leanings!”

* * *

(poetics as appropriate(d) frame for benighted madness)

* * *

the banana ate Toledo

1257 | Complete: 2006-2009 the banana was silent the banana sang a familiar song the banana went well with milk the banana proclaimed itself Emperor of the North the banana was laid to rest in this solemn place

* * *




(neon starfruit)

colored food

with NO

food coloring

* * *



(breaker points)

1258 | Complete: 2006-2009


or points


* * *

hard-bristle brush nuts beyond the gate heave breaker, throw base of res mentis into holding cella cast shift shout singular case shell

* * *

no theory without responsibility no theory without facts

1259 | Complete: 2006-2009 no thanks without judgment no facelift no face cream no responsibility without compromise snow shambles spot on spring’s summertime macula change for the better

* * *

listening to the different is a matter of efficiency

* * *


no reaction.

or ̶̶̶ only a little.

* * *


give me slain

1260 | Complete: 2006-2009 give me skin for the rant

the rate of slavery the cost of shiver

exacted like an old son’s inheritance,

from war. add me to pollination,

add the windows, the past. survival isn’t long,

you wage and wage. it’s only sound.

1261 | Complete: 2006-2009

how you wage is the only sound.

* * *

speak of the gun and it shoots

* * *

always suspicious, never out of control.

* * *

200 apogees a minute stony hyperbole rabbit case hole in one

* * *

escape from the Christian Scientists’ lecture

1262 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

“he committed suicide̶what an asshole”

* * *

“embrace the moment and then, let it pass”

* * *


“all yours” is not managerial directive

“all yours” is not informed decision making

“all yours” is not instruction

1263 | Complete: 2006-2009

“all yours” is passing the buck, so

suck on the results of

“all yours”

* * *

5/21 music is the original instant messaging

* * *

and he became lighter than air

* * *

the air I breathe is thick with time, the lungs that fill are sick inside.

* * *

I must see

1264 | Complete: 2006-2009 what I’ve got on the plate

* * *

Affect the natural / Mason partition

Help from Congress / never comes

* * *

the dandelion̶cunning weed̶ flattens under the mower’s blade

* * *

“Brainiac? it’s just the same yack.”

* * *

Clothilde (labile) starts to shiver…

* * *

5/22 thinking about it isn’t going to help.

1265 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * floating semes floating seems like a nice thing to do

* * * do I worry about these things? only so far. then it doesn’t matter at all.

* * *

5/23 no one spoke it no one told it it came unbidden it left unremarked

* * *

new Dr. Seuss MS discovered: “Oh the Things You’ll Put in Your Mouth!”

* * *

1266 | Complete: 2006-2009

garden planning

Joking̶let’s get serious. Make the lines This is about space. Jilted confluences. Semi conductors and moving plants. Tear up the root-stumps. Break the ground open. This is also about squares. Pavers break up horizontals. The grass’ll dance if you asked. Weeds are a grease. Serious, now. You need clean. Inside is always outside.

* * *

5/24 a pleasing arrangement of random shapes and colors

* * *


America / A Miracle (Woody Guthrie)

* * *

1267 | Complete: 2006-2009

Days & nights arguing in the end I couldn’t be wronger you have something to write? always wrong like a circuit around the city on fire and they’ve canceled the rain

* * *

Fireflies in May on Railroad Avenue

* * *

5/26 a key row̶in a second the balance of triads changes from mythopoeic to mounds built by the elder spirits along the riverfront. the early Mormons knew

1268 | Complete: 2006-2009 how to cultivate this territory, and Tellus greened where they beat back the prairie heathens. see, the service was on that further peak, overlooking the valley. and there the elders brought the key row. they purpose they saw, the sacrifice, canting for the fields to go green and Jesus to come

* * *

see presence, a modulation go for stroke and see the stars come out through the rain.

1269 | Complete: 2006-2009 see presence aptitude test went three for seven but left the family homeless. dark holes in that roof. say pageant a rain a raining too pregnant to fit through the storm drains. grace gandering makes meatloaf of our ground plans. snail peapods. discharge of white force at the point of germination. eyes came to in a house

1270 | Complete: 2006-2009

all googly, all thin, libidinous. so patterns a tiny piano, and your heart, condensing time, forever forever. strange with the beauty of every day’s normal and that makes it wonderful. join me in the house, the house, under the rain, the fall of rain, the rain, of rain.

* * * recycle the keys of the kisserman

1271 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

the key row of Christus̶ grant me salvation for a wandering sign

* * *

5/27 composition isn't one-upsmanship -- it is cleaving to an assumed universal

* * *

5/28 ideas for a film

Old West Clown Wagon. Clowns Ho! Wait for the outlaws to surface out of the wilderness. Poetic Outlaws. Campfire oatmeal. Writes of passage. Recreants. “Obviously, you’re not looking for trouble.” Buskers eat their own cheese on the street of broken arches. Blast your same shadow and tell me what you are! Character, I mean. Clowns! Madmen! Arch-fiends aching for the goal of apocalypse. Chased by alien gunslingers.

1272 | Complete: 2006-2009

The road to the Wild West is paved with narrative distractions. Character lapse. This smells like clean windows, this smells like love. Action starts with an answer, ends with a proposition, takes its hat off and slides down the riverbank into the mud of yesteryear.

UFO Geeks. Ho ho! Slide winder. Sun skater. House cleaner. Kitchen mom an answer. Moonbeam. Treasure mind a man, Mister. Accidental erasure, long-form translated Enlightenment over the horny around the cage we lope like animals. Horned animals in cages loping terror to the night time Aegean abduction. A hostage crisis like a strained “Stand By Me” with angry Greys and stoned Reds coming down an hour before Tequila Sunrise. Return to stasis. A barren planet, that knows. And how do you love UFOs? I mean, why do you love them? Too many details make for a chunky soup, a soup fit for a hungry man with big hands. Claustrophobia in the wide open. Close the circuit and then everyone’s invited to lunch. Think that the lightning only meets the ground when it’s invited. The ground conducts itself appropriately, without indulgence, to the clouds. Something meets the sky. Those crystals are asleep until the heavy weather comes. Chaos ensues. The vortex allows. Principles’ addition and possibility’s trump.

1273 | Complete: 2006-2009

Banjo mittens defeat vampire dogs. Heave offering. Chupacabra versuse Manitou̶a Dybbuk serves as referee. “Don’t go where the V-dogs go, and don’t you eat that red snow.” The snow’s always red in Blue Lake, MN. Fargo meets Cujo meets John Carpenter’s The Thing. Be true to your source material. Drive me to the mission where that terrible tragedy happened. Vampires are contagion. UFOs are the uncontrollable unknown. The mystery outside the ring of firelight. We saw this story on the screen before. “The pack is growing.” Gee whiz the spiders’re biting something fierce tonight. Play me the “Love Theme from Vampire Dogs.” Latch on to that vampire dog. Soemone maced the dispatcher, now the store’s wide open. The suicide who keeps getting other people killed. The little girl at the spelling bee couldn’t spell “exsanguinate.” “The little dog laughed.” Absent the mine that he already owned. Absent the mind. And what about the mountain man? This sure takes the fun out of breeding mongrels. “It’s like Alexander Nevsky, but with vampire dogs.” Same flaw, different day. Michael Crichton made me hate the vampire dogs.

* * *


1274 | Complete: 2006-2009 into the mystic with Dr. Strange, and a theatrical trailer, to stake the bored alien Raphael angels and... throw me the piano springs, crazy! (from YouTube video search: "Journey of the Sorceror")

* * *

5/30 partie this meaning chirrups it changes after tomorrow, everything’s different

* * *

organism, elaborate train the decision

* * *

6/6 new bands:

Forced Dehydration Electronic Music for Hamsters

* * *


1275 | Complete: 2006-2009

2 hopes I traded my happiness for ‒ one was an emerald, one was a star

* * *

6/10 and the heavenly voice said DO WRONG, not caring and the heavenly breath invoked plausible deniability and the heavenly hand split the retaining wall and the heavenly arrow points to no referent

* * *

plant life in arrows this is the SUN change makes change the rural bitch-goddess of summer gets terrible lost when she comes to the city

* * *


1276 | Complete: 2006-2009

in stasis Omaha communicate to the cater prog sock amount in trade in argentum

* * * air wastes the chocolate am I eaten? take shouting see many it’s only sun that got to you

* * *

6/13 we consume the books and they consume us

* * *

1277 | Complete: 2006-2009 in my hour of verblessness on whom shall I lean?

* * * an unsustainable program with depth with commerce with opinion with reason with peace with associations with housing with attention

* * * if I am not meaning less, then where am I?

* * * not there yet but always going, going

* * * peace charter meaning angel hand an other aspect of callous

* * * verga in the center music all around water as a comfort never hits the ground

* * *

1278 | Complete: 2006-2009

very special, in very boring ways.

* * *

6/14 is it “Not cool, Captain America” time?

* * * the House of Dirty Clocks

* * *

the body that has no meaning gives off heat the body that has no heat is not a body

* * * hung like a whoreson

* * *

I looked into the eyes of General Motors, and they pushed me out the 61st floor window, and I fell into a pillow of blood demarcated with shredded radial tires̶

1279 | Complete: 2006-2009

Reinvention is such a godless sport, but reaction puts miles between where you are and where you want to be today. I nailed my eyes to your commercial and fell into a troubled sleep . . . .


Angevin greensward̶tell my why I suck so bad.

* * * apple orchestra bean ambivalence

* * *

6/21 dinner comes but once a year and every day there’s less to fear and every copy learns to dance̶ like them, we get another chance

1280 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * * plant life in arrows this is the SUN change makes change the rural bitch- goddess of summer gets terrible lost in the city

* * *


and the saccades would idle me, short-circuiting my eyes, instead of helping

* * *


1281 | Complete: 2006-2009 how about a little (some) friendly fire,


* * *

6/26 flames of consciousness flames of Steamboat Willy as his burning rig sinks in the Mississippi, burning forever beneath the pull and waves, rocks and branches, come apart in cinders of celluloid, vibration, black mitts and white whistle as down down it goes.

* * *


three beats to the line. I haven’t stopped

1282 | Complete: 2006-2009 learning. but every hair I pull from between my brows has as much to say as my inner life.

* * * the truth in advertising will out.

* * *


the voices in your head are like apples. like apples are the voices in your head.

* * *


T530 (?)

1283 | Complete: 2006-2009

the cab won’t have her̶ take her to the bar next door.


“Super-spunky & Stylish” (the lost Who Album)

. you can lead a dick to phone but you can’t scribe a trannie (but you can’t water a gate)


“bleached in the womb”


“know what we need? we need a very strong magnet.”


“something about writing food”

. lithe lissome languid

1284 | Complete: 2006-2009

. how could I make an egg when the chicken’s already born?

* * *

* * *

7/4 dreams are made of water

* * *

undermined undetermined clears the mind frees up perceptions for receipt of divine influence

* * * this takes no time

* * *

1285 | Complete: 2006-2009

7/5 things are going to work out in re oi o ork ut fine ire soy so Bork shut fi ir so s bo hu is music a contriving exercise, or cowardice?

* * * we line the backs of the Australopithecene waterway where more come every day to sit the shrine houses picked insect husks floated down from the interior. it is quiet in this place, the fears do not touch us.

* * * if I forget thee, Satan . . .

Something is very wrong here

I’m not good at mimicry and I’m good with a gun won’t you praise the white wig of Jehova this day?

1286 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

Peaches turn black in the light from your creative urge.

The trees offer shade turn from the river to the street’s hubbub simply for more face time with you.

And the gaze that sociologists say is a part of male- femal sexual relations diverts when your heels click on the steps.

* * *

Kali in Midtown

* * *

standardized reach at same orchard. put the orchid back in the case.

1287 | Complete: 2006-2009 pathetic rules for ancient fools with flowers spitting. changing plans with profane paces. for me the chance at forsaking signatures. emplacement on the South Carolina waterfront.

* * * ran out of time running out of time always running out always out running always running for time always run out for time

* * * the fish is stupid the fish breaks my heart this fish has eyes in the back of its hands

* * *


“I was born saturated.”

* * *


1288 | Complete: 2006-2009

my smeller is all whack this burnt her socks down behind the disco a brave stretch

* * *

7/8 entropy forever! grass dies in the midnight drought.

* * *


‘tis prism to die,

‘tis schism

* * *


imbrecated by the desperation of Omaha

1289 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

7/11 anchovy grazing dry guff ninny desperate accent sufism dimwit gasp heart hope man stingy giving omg apeneck law abiding insight

(aidezimmoi goop (dawn on the waterfront (dingoes & kitties (hit me Nancy (same (a sound for certainty (T.S. Eliot scores (aspen in a pot

* * *



* * *

why do I care so much

1290 | Complete: 2006-2009 and how can I stop it?

* * * a mère icon a mer I can am err ich an a mere act on

I sat there and I put the food away and I took some for a snack and I meant an icon and I met a pronouncement and I made a way of using pronouns as an appetizer and American broken, and a mere can waiting and American token and the answers weren’t the same for me when I asked about them a second time

1291 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

not compromised but (humbly) compelling

* * *


whoops not extreme enough whoops not saying enough whoops not cutting that up whoops impossible regulator oh no why

didn’t I

drink more


I started

to work?

* * * locovores on liminal restraint aspect of illusion mounted by hate

1292 | Complete: 2006-2009

lethal action belayed regional politics surgical delay where the duster drapes her shaping for amoebas where the boats endure a seasonal scraping where absence has played and the resonance or architect gapes

* * *

“Just because you went to the Sorbonne doesn’t make you the Messiah.” ‒ Paula G.

* * *


Bad Poetry Must Expire

* * *

Go Fi(ni)sh Get F(l)ash(ion) No Mor(e)on

1293 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

7/20 only made the cut the revision came to me, but registered nurses wash their cake with spoons and coffee they never take and absence takes away the glut of chocolate sprinkles on her butt

* * *

many was any but I can’t find my stack of old words any more, no sinking feeling or sheaf of outrageous provokes come to this. nullius toadstrangler come undone in clothes hangers and meat. how you meet me

1294 | Complete: 2006-2009 is you find a pressure value for onions and you just keep playing, keep playing, keep playing up the storm catch up with ease, saxophone rolls are fresh, but no one’s biting. horn on tentacle, catch but in a Cage Ellington with thinning hair on the whim of infinity, of everywhere.

7/24 the upper rubber band casts I Ching every morning to the meter of sacred shuffling, enacted by a dyad of chosen Andean zombies.

* * * every ungulate tormenting words tormented by words of faith of fate tormented by words of fake by words of making by tormented by-words by

1295 | Complete: 2006-2009 making it last by torment by torn meant to say by words by the worst meant to meet by word say meant of faith of faint of failed mention time means torn fate aching stage of order of orderliness by stating shape by waste trauma sediment by shaking sounded hate alive from dead from scattering at last by team so singing by faith the worst eking out the state-of-play for torn curtain crouching orders came coming up tormenting time lines saying lies by words for the waiting for the worst by the taking of stage failure by the stating of feint over by the loudspeaker's aching streaming filtered angst at limiting at lamentation at silence master by a wand it handsomely shakes the fellow awake by cord pull word lulling terror from sleep or tangent from tormented wakefulness an ant trap snaking through grass of waiting fake trees size of

1296 | Complete: 2006-2009 small hairs in a land come posted signs where teeth bare bite tongue this said this head makes messaging a paid expense from first to final impression that swinging on the cross every ungulate doesn't press for death but angels its own breath becoming toed becking word since the torn sounds out simmering significance a hurt abuse for nearwards cutting off shaking from hand grenades bottles of gunpowder crack over fake turn-of-the- century revolutionary's skull as connectives form a game period links ergo if red then eris if read then erythromycin if erg then presentation save many Christian sold for the welded word my hiding in wedgéd woods how by candle crutch by sagacity by pause hint of case when the cheeses please of opportunism smack

1297 | Complete: 2006-2009 before the snatch place hand before hand be a tongue be an arm regimented by the holy asterisk creaking in shape flee sound hooty ligature sing a mountain for cutting this path in twists this shudder in words



The crouching fake cheeses contributed to revolutionary angst.

Here lies ERIS, that twists in the word, amidst woods tangent to small candles.

And I hang a crutch from my hand, a presentation of the Save the Trees movement.

Messaging always nearwards.

When cutting out for my hiding place, I will snatch significance from the arms of any size mountain.

Smiles twist the hairs that leave a bite impression.

Fake fake bite! Awake to the sound of a small word!

The smell of fake revolutionaries washes over with erythromycin reek before their snack.

1298 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *


Viagrizyte® ‒ “Never Go Soft”

* * *


“There are some things mankind should never know̶for everything else, there’s MasterCard.”

* * *


he’s in a better

a better place no place how biting to be in no place in no place

1299 | Complete: 2006-2009 anywhere how much feeling is in nowhere

* * *

the sacrificial lamb bucked tradition and flew to Las Vegas.

they have a casino there where all the slots are loose and

you just have to believe and Reverend Ike hands you a blank check.

* * *


1300 | Complete: 2006-2009 soup peppered and cut with goose juice. how concerned citizens fight for a housing in steel and ivory when the world’s in disarray shakes the foundations of my philosophy to the cold roots of hell.

* * *

“you don’t want to be stuck in the present̶you want to be moving toward the future.” ̶SRL

* * *

8/6 outside̶̶̶

texture inside̶̶̶

discipline, attention

* * *

1301 | Complete: 2006-2009

I tweet about your heart on company time. In the battle for my soul, I do not mince words. The expectations that foment our silence are the only honest product of an otherwise spoiled relationship.

* * *


there’s plenty of day left.

* * *

“forever your guide”

* * *

fuck you: it’s the little things that count.

* * *


don’t be capricious.

1302 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

8/10 the sheltering void the sweltering choice

* * *

8/11 nothing has to happen does something happen? usually. the time for action is when I can get up out of this goddamn chair.

* * *

8/12 the price of failure is eternal obstinance

* * *

St. Lucas lied about his eternal devotion

1303 | Complete: 2006-2009 to the Communist Party.

Man fears death, but disaster is so small from outer space.

* * *

sifflage the stage wasn’t wasn’t washed safe for lake swimming seven times before the beach was filled with swimmers all saying

‘no’ to the fish before plunging before resurfacing before showering for the loud day to begin after the fires quenched before wasn’t wasn’t

* * *


“dare to indulge in sameness.”

* * *

1304 | Complete: 2006-2009


and I’m staring into his face. that wasn’t an exotic foreign language you heard him speak. he wasn’t saying anything.

* * *


I don’t take good care of myself these days have a question about that? this isn’t about choices I have made, it’s about expectations.

where the circle turns into a line.

* * *


1305 | Complete: 2006-2009 edulent pastemaker

ambitrach nampurch

* * *


“afford the luxuries, and fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke.”

* * *

(William Holman Hunt) the scene bashes the light bathes rending cloth or trees with stylized but realistic bashing colors, the eye come down with color. their beards grow

1306 | Complete: 2006-2009 as if time were going backwards to pale monuments, for only an illustrator. the light turned to depiction. the body, the body, forms on a symbolic jag through liquid called space. the universal engulfed by prophecy, in Musa

Illuminatrix, squelched in the act of drawing fire from dyad fibres.

* * *


my flavor is nutmeg. how can you promise to deliver when sound is arbitrary?

1307 | Complete: 2006-2009

(science has proven it) and your production has dwindled to half-section tennis balls and unstrung rackets?

* * *

I am crystal clear, and I cling to your abdomen.

* * *


machined consciousness is real consciousness. a broken mirror makes up for bad breaks (in other situations). your encounter with a giant flamespitting machine was only an absurd dream. catch me if you can, in my shiny new flamespitting battle robot.

* * *

oily sand cancelled

1308 | Complete: 2006-2009 the cancer how rhythm conveys significance. what suspense breathed over our simple encounter two men and too many syllables.

* * *

this also an option.

* * *

“from dyad fibers”

* * *

how many words am I holding up?

* * *

Sanduskie bagel monster come waltzing thru the military reservation and every carbohydrate exposed to the air melted into mush.

1309 | Complete: 2006-2009

There’s always a first time for fasciitis.

* * *


Building Frames on Haunted Ground

you couldn’t tell me about framing, or balance, or the white-bean soup, or characterizations.

I never dreamed that apple pie was so obstinate, or the panes that shape a view could also bring the clouds in for a closeup. tomorrow’s wash is something hidden̶no need to fret̶how was it we used to call line readings, when every joke fell flat and we were left to make up puns from our Sanskrit lessons? nostalgia reeks like the bottom of old vases, an absurd catch in the spring mechanism. how they would pitch denominative statements, and how we’d catch them all, in a heartbeat, the trap sprung and silence coming in after the flights along the roof line.

1310 | Complete: 2006-2009 no dimension is too great that it cannot be squared. and the windows increase in moodiness, where you’d think light was all you were buying. whether they build in brick, or plaster, wood, balloon-framed palaces on the corn ocean, the prize is in space made, the prize is lying awake and wishing their day had come out differently, with more planning. more calories burnt, more nutrients from the air absorbed. that kind of space you can’t buy on interest. and now I’m all washed up. too many calories. and I forget the names of people I work with. every day, without remorse, the same foods and talk of doubling the square footage in an already expansive cellar. were you building a machine for living? my friends don’t meet anymore, and the basement steps hide entangled ghosts that surely look to me for some encouragement. all literary correspondence dries up after it’s clear we really don’t have more to say. the pressure of time on glass, the reflections of wish across the steel and the plan, so much width by elevation, in ivy grows nothing deeper than the truth. encounter with the voices̶ this is a free country. Spicer’s dictation came from his bottle,

1311 | Complete: 2006-2009 but even lies recount fascination with the labeling of form. a tuxedo-patterned cat rustling in the rhubarb disturbs twin rabbits and sends them into the neighbor’s yard. their eyes glint for the future, for the west, for western time that always ceases along with the early frosts thickening over poppies and killing the stems of late dandelions in the grass. how much of a frame, they asked, do these voices require? you couldn’t convince me that balance was all it took. this was midnight when the words fell, and Houdini’s still dead. there were people here who looked through the ground like it was a skin, pushed back, and they walked a little more carefully, looking. but they passed this way and then into the west, their smoke no more telling a fire but in the drift of some cool odor of burned things. and then we came out of the locked cellar and shook off the cold.

* * *


on the important role of babies

1312 | Complete: 2006-2009 and how they can be controlled, what their philosophy should tell us.

* * *

heart race in lavender. sanded down̶incredible. there came a tornado, when all at once she took my hand.

atmospherics̶I haven’t any praise for the moon and reach for pennies. seven times five for ordinary. this wasn’t right,

it was a beauty, but heavenly.

* * *


and Molinex, and

1313 | Complete: 2006-2009 fill in the blanks arrested for a song he took us down to where Sunny died.

the language brutal, the air was thick, abominations walking freely and asking us for money.

and when KitchenAid wash turned into radio, anybody asking questions got thrown out like a common bum̶

that ignorance was his problem. and some monsters heave lines into shape, and form comes naturally to the dying, but apostrophes to Hitler

1314 | Complete: 2006-2009

(and broken pottery) don’t redound in all the burned records come from Berlin after ’45. wouldn’t your spoons play more fitful in my mouth?

I have my mother’s gold crown glued to my forehead. the slime on our kitchen counter is all my kingdom. possession is brutal, lying to oneself

is futile, the arms of time reach out when you think it’s time for a hug: the Yeti’s claws extend. “You lift me higher” than the damp

every time the bold season starts to chill. “You lift me higher” than the big man

1315 | Complete: 2006-2009 looming over us wants you to get me. drive by

dark into the city, have me call you before

I fall asleep, the rise to your complexion makes you beautiful, happy dreams

on the notion that the sound of my voice pushes the spiders away from bed.

* * *

and God was a zebra in the wilderness̶ I called him Hubert. there was no time where we lived. he was screaming, “Wheat made Minnesota! I’m not a revolutionary!”

1316 | Complete: 2006-2009 he said enjambment is what brought him down.

* * *

Candy-Ass, the wild necromancer’s son.

* * *


everybody wants to be Donald Allen. everybody wants me to breathe differently. everybody wants you to take ownership. everybody just wants us to go away.

* * *


my pictures are of subterfuge my pitches are of sabotage

1317 | Complete: 2006-2009 no rind when holes will do no mind with fists will do

* * *

9/10 summer passion for the good heat of buildings

* * *


God aint nothin but a donut hole

* * *

you don’t love life hard enough not to fear death

* * *


1318 | Complete: 2006-2009

rotting codfish mystification

is a loaded gun is a corner in my room

best served cold is testimony to my kind

that arms and a man are all there ever was

never stack glass on aluminum glass on aluminum glass on aluminum

* * *


1319 | Complete: 2006-2009 u n i q u e n e s s

for Elisheva & Chanan

Has the repetition

Has the reputation

How the repeating

Has the rest of an extra-

special day suddenly

Repeating its blessings ̶

For all G-d’s reputation,

He makes nothing

That repeats.

* * *


only sick & alive

* * *

1320 | Complete: 2006-2009


(Berlioz, “L’enfance du Christ”)

“la puissance céleste…”

they’re called risers

‘cause you laugh when you fall off them

JAMAIS the Magic Sword wielded by the God in the Box. the tone that cuts the rafters the rasp that sacrifices under heaven

“o mon âme…” ti qauma

* * *


1321 | Complete: 2006-2009


poetry readings should be gritty, please.

* * *


place hand in force̶ modesty, modesty! give door a lock with a clock after knock when and how

Kleenex where and why dowel. have them dug with melody, about time for a trowel.

* * *

1322 | Complete: 2006-2009


the words one tells onself, breakage, my face was busted, my hands tender, fear of the arachnid ordeal to come.

* * *


saganaki emerald

mercy festival in the wind no peeking negative sage force for

1323 | Complete: 2006-2009


* * * nothing makes her lips obscener nothing in her eyes seems meaner when she kisses holds me tender steeps her throat in rose surrender

* * *

9/28 outside lies plague

* * *


all of the recent past

* * *

1324 | Complete: 2006-2009 documents laughing at the reach

ambleside frustrations carry all the weight like Ringo to the sun altar

after the control laxed all men surge all seek

counsel sideswiped over the oregano

with Hare Krishnas white like the corners of her eyes

say that like you think it’s about something.

1325 | Complete: 2006-2009

KO’d before she exhaled

and all the girls shouted.

* * *

September miscellany




. must be a religious experience


I like my eggs over ego I like my eggs easy over excess


1326 | Complete: 2006-2009

Unwrap your preservatives! Push me out the window! Sugar coat your genius ideas! Waste time! Mash! Visual arts breed messy tornados! (Where did you disappear to?)


Garbage pile Madonna Sometimes nothing comes out

Search the airwaves Pieces of overt recognition will fit

In a caper jar


I went to the rabbi in tatters I went to the rabble with taters

. the toilet duck roars in its obstinacy my moose has run away̶ trust no one.


1327 | Complete: 2006-2009 sure as applesauce will spoil after months in the fridge, these are the scriptures of the eternal & obvious deification of Existence.

* * *

Architecture Digested

closed circuit cameras patience with a watering can


sprouts in the mind’s eye

* * *


perfection drives a stake through the good son’s heart

expectation pounds the nail

1328 | Complete: 2006-2009 into the good god’s forehead

* * *

10/3 our place, a wonderhome

* * *

“my product shines when all around me is in the dark”

* * *

preserved ruins of a messy ancient householder

* * *


too many to be urinated.

* * *

“now that I have

1329 | Complete: 2006-2009

the Keys to the Kingdom, where did I park the car?”

* * *


* * *


arm wrestle the Lord for pocket change.

Squeaky’s force multiplier slams

10,000 point-feet of pressure on the penthouse floor.

(“have a good day!”)

reaction: furniture snaps under her patter like foggy fencing.

* * *

1330 | Complete: 2006-2009

“Tough Air”

– that’s not our brand!

– no, it’s a better brand.

* * *

10/10 pentethelic marble floor. where research begins. tongue that lolls. don’t push I’m coming quietly. the deracinated sky above the clouds. all mankind are brothers equal, under they victorious powerdrill. geese that fly in search of a red, natric sunset. sham floor we walked on. she tells us instructions, but she pronounces them like she was telling bedtime stories.

* * *



1331 | Complete: 2006-2009

Chocolate is my middle name!

Doors that stick! Windows that tell the temperature!

Amazing miniature racecars!

Activate your hidden resources!

Saving grace at pennies on the dollar!

And you won’t believe what happens next…!

* * *

mulligatawny africations.

* * *


know what to say

no what to say

* * *


[in New York]

filty ATM

1332 | Complete: 2006-2009

“they ain’t Germans

they just shit”

* * *

empty messages of 70s pop songs

broken on the nagging radio dream

the world never stops talking

the world never stops talking to itself

the world never knows when

the lights will go on

will go out

1333 | Complete: 2006-2009 when the phones will go dead

when the farms will go to bed

when the wind between its ears will stop blowing

the world doesn’t know to shade in the circle

next to

“Wants More Time”

* * *


what’s the opposite of “a clothes horse”?

(I never learned to ride.)

* * * interpretation of the supposed gift

1334 | Complete: 2006-2009

“you’ve got to make something of this neurological legacy that something gave you.” don’t waste it. where is soul anymore in wavelengths and psychic shivers? don’t sponsor your own unravellment, but when do we have the wiring reinstalled? the cord already pulled, the lights go out. no high-reactive cells and no mitigation in this room. the world spins. bridges widen and darken. off the cardo festering three feet deep of moss from corner to edge of other corner, crossroads filtering heaven water through the spill of writer pulling plugs and facilitating some other lost opportunities I had in the back, to fill out the old portfolio on this deserted street under history.

* * *

how the sound the sound of creation a burning

threat a burnishing battering to break the sole

shaking whelm

1335 | Complete: 2006-2009 resonant and how the sound recoils when tampered with

for churning out the butter of creation to thread

to spread

to eat

* * *


alles in ordnung ̶̶̶̶̶ Alice in Zauberfels

* * *


she walks with straps on her hands with walnuts in her teeth with shapely blots of antifreeze collected punch to the seventh floor all rangey across her brow with stink up her mirror with shame on her surfaces.

* * *

1336 | Complete: 2006-2009


nobody reads Sun Tzu anymore the 80s were spent shedding soul nobody shucks a soul like dead men the reading list rocks back and forth

nobody wrestles the lion these days the decades wear on a person so nobody travels without a way home the miles are a circuit without sponsor

* * * mundane and obsequious write the mundane and the obsequious

a tortoise-shell abdomen wide trunk wishes for fillings, all were skinny

1337 | Complete: 2006-2009

testaduro wring it through the pasta plate write the flashes down

* * *


no Shape like the Presence

* * *


I surround myself with illustrations.

Do you surround yourself with illustrations, too?

* * *

“my man, drunk.

1338 | Complete: 2006-2009

out of his head,



* * *

ego defense:

>> BOOM! <<

* * *

“the pastiche̶I dreamed

of perfection.”

* * *


Dara Weir: demonstrative pronouns ̶ “amazing line choices”

outside the writing trade

inside the worlds we made:

the words they paid for

1339 | Complete: 2006-2009

Ed Sanders: bacchics, homo ludens (the man who chokes on a cough drop)

* * *


“I told the Count it was time for an empty house̶

I told him.” there was a darker way, full of foolishness, tamp never the pieces lummoxing down in twos, in turns

* * *


my galliambics are yellow, egg-gold

the caravan processes through our unruly market, fending off beggars

shouting down titans in the drivers’ imagination…

* * *

[misheard lyrics, Dixie’s on Grand]

That hammer gon’ fall.

Holy Roosevelt and

1340 | Complete: 2006-2009

He wishes for a better

Mailman come true

After the fire dies

So much for your redwood-

Panelled Vaudeville of long ago

That hammer gon’ . . .

Old man swingin’ with cane

. . . Gon’ fall.

* * *

Life’s too short to waste on things of real quality.

* * *

“you’re all terrible people, and I hate you all,”

said the Princess, before

1341 | Complete: 2006-2009 she rolled over and fell asleep in an angry snit

over cupcakes.

* * *

(standard time begins)

you horrid day that strikes the belly with its cold, loveless, indoctrinated light, where a mute worm wrestles deeply, at the root of an abysm. savaging the pale dawn with ticks across the dagger heft of moon, you, day, will not die too late, coming apart in my hands kindly, but stagger and belch the hour, approximating lies and drunken gouts that with scorn for falling bodies on the black field, smears away all semblance of their shapes. in winter they have wisdom, in March they draw circles on the spectral eye of day, and gain no rest or respite from the burn, the rage of grids aborting their square.

1342 | Complete: 2006-2009 irrectitudes that gulp indecent spaces drawn up crudely, anxiety’s tusks glinting at night where the shallow unbelief can’t put itself to sleep anymore. the horrid day won’t die. in hate or argument the words cast over sumping papers where water crinkles the abject net, and injures with grey hiccups for an earth to wrestle out, sever the worm from its space, toll the hour without hands, culminate in cloud over time, and again again blanket in seethe where schedules burst their edges for a lack of adequate columns. in single combat with day there’s no lapse. process solace or else forget it. the buds enfolded in dry leaves. the candies robbed of their sweet. hump another minute out of silence. this way the honey finds its own sense of steel, conjured from clicks from bulding settled, or heat, water puncturing the form with sloeing or the witness of moon and day that tells a story seems bright but all that’s Greek was born in antiquity too, horrible to tell. these are the lies they told me in Gethsemene before, and only whistles from

1343 | Complete: 2006-2009 dead throats have a music now to move me.

* * *


call the shots


c a l l t h e s h o t s

* * *

crawl over testimony because there’s an answer for some, captivated like a throng, out of no answers comes respect.

* * *

the funny thing is, you have no guidance. strange to say, this doesn’t unravel by itself.

1344 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *

the letterform in space:

line it up and

nail it down

* * *


MORE MIND less time

* * *

“once you got past Pax Romanum, I didn’t pay any attention.”

* * *

somebody better come in here and sand down my fingers̶ the rest of you

1345 | Complete: 2006-2009 can’t manage without shuffling.

I need a reaction,

I need something with guitars. intelligence- adjusted prose. somebody come in out of the cold and chop me down.

can’t feel it, don’t respect that when you say it. any friend can ride, my friend can’t get on his computerized bike.

apex shunt,

1346 | Complete: 2006-2009 where wildness is all a person needs to lift a pen, crossways.

* * *

FMT: Find Me Toast

* * *

fear of public sleeping

* * *


don’t you know better,

playing an ace

on a deuce?

* * *

1347 | Complete: 2006-2009


just because you hear your name in a crowd doesn’t mean you’ll live forever

* * *


so busy not even talking about strangers

* * *

when eating becomes a liability. when possession becomes a liability.

* * *

we are the Imperial standpipe of the world

1348 | Complete: 2006-2009

* * *


beautiful synesthesia: are you dressed and ready to smell the day?

* * *

enwraps the prawn warps the prayer love loves where roving Jove says,

“pray”̶ the rest are alone.

* * *


1349 | Complete: 2006-2009 a clean body a clean mind

clean cheese clean rind


* * * affect from distance̶teleference

* * *

“my student speaks: “Maim one of these.’”

* * *

sample this dog sample this egg ovation for rubies abstract for diamonds cinched at the waist hazard like naming reach out and be counted the dark November that was a grid sanction this thing in a box. pattern this after the bard the sword after the word the storm after ship leaves we sing at tide’s blush we sail

1350 | Complete: 2006-2009 sack of eggs the grandmother chasing when you owe her over and out tangential recount that’s a senator ere you die considerate, thinking of stars but then the room fades testosterone never shouts that white t-shirt smelly yes you’ve got no utility belt after the racists die the boat leaves shaking but to stand still cold circles, loud voice backed me into a corner he grinds your upper arm your grip crushed white dissenter same disease but hamstrung and she pretends to understand mama kissed a sailor the sailor beat up the stranger steal a kiss through my legs this cat came to earth nobody understands and the answer’s about stored in the cloud astound, stored in air the waiting is wood hard meat to scratch thickly trust simmers to assure us stringent tangent by a string.

* * *

danger from a horror motion passion mutter back to central eight or nine waiting hours

1351 | Complete: 2006-2009

five’ll get you ten,

and ten is what you owe me.

* * *


my centaur passes the gold he promised me, turns Silly Putty. the boxes lay people break down to kindle their little fires have enough residual strength to light the sky in their passing away to ash, have enough sound to scatter on the earth a remnant of the five senses they once contained. my centaur passes to claim the fields of sun where his prehistoric fathers once grazed, out in the open, out of boxes.

* * *


say too many words say actual facts always say anchovies are salty say eleven is my favorite color

1352 | Complete: 2006-2009 say notes of pie say rape to epiphany say charm bracelets say burn to budge say keep me warm say spiral bound hole in my head say he had a face made for not being seen or heard in public say the devil’s in the dog’s breath say I have Orville Reddenbacher stuck between my teeth

* * *

his bare knuckles, hampered by Hansaplast, scared straight by sacrosanct, resting comfortably in Recovery.

* * *

The Rite of Spring is one long nightmare jazz riff.

* * *

1353 | Complete: 2006-2009 o bleach me not on the lone prairie̶ the laundromat forgives where God hasn’t the time.

* * *

“he of Lampsakos, proud hegemon . . .”

* * *


they’re running on the wet streets,

Saturday morning̶ already defeated

* * *


it’s all right in rewrite


1354 | Complete: 2006-2009

he had a massive clot of sopping roots and river plants where his dick should be.



shape that are broken are crushed


aardvark in DENMARK


they resent what they present

1355 | Complete: 2006-2009


this star does not shine preciously this star does not shine precociously



poetry poultry positive last beat push eat pull at meet ingratiate oat or wheat


1356 | Complete: 2006-2009

lots of pens but no civil rights.


the tenor of the times is dark, misterioso̶




Rin Tin Tin and Ho Chih Minh are selling their records a dollar a drop...


1357 | Complete: 2006-2009


Minority Fart Report

“tiny gimlets in

my brain

make me…”

(not by Don Ho)


studied arrangement for a change of ideal. there’s another acumen for age.


“Sherpa mafia”

Nepalese proverb: “too many weird shit” (Maupin)


1358 | Complete: 2006-2009


who has a dog in this fight? who has a design in this fight? whose hot dog was in a fight? whose design was a hot dog? whose digression was hotter? who hates design, and dogs? who fights with dogs over design?



I’m burning up the column inches on Capitol Hill

What you got from me is hardly an appeasement

Too often the complaints of the many are inadequate

Let’s seal the deal and get the hell out of here


1359 | Complete: 2006-2009 tuba viens ?


his wisdom never replicated:

Constantonio Fufans



implement we meant impluviums when sent into place wishes get ingentium wall & floor irretrievable water flows it’s ichthyian

1360 | Complete: 2006-2009 writing on ink & paper



selling air (with motivational speaker)

entrepreneur … intrapreneur … ain’trepreneur

“it’s all about the culture”

“this isn’t about rah-rah ̶ it’s about you”

personal buy-in and telescoping transmitters built into every desk and sending signals into your employees’ heads̶station sanctify sameness, that pearl with a resolve to bear the weight of common strategies, concept punch where salient atman rises in a cloud to clamor with a drive-by̶semi brushes back our group and “I don’t do drive-by speaking”

o thou whose ego hath climbed Kilimanjaro seven times and

“only I am left to tell

1361 | Complete: 2006-2009 the tale and motivate you here today.”

̶where are we headed

̶what are we doing

̶what should I do differently

̶what’s in it for me at point of success

be an existence be in language bear language like a heavy stone be antagonistic to your words let your language stale on your breath be a bearer of linguistic adversity

“being exists in language” language exists in corn flakes in English muffins in orange juice in omelettes in raisins in the bowls and spoons and serving utensils that our catering staff supplies throughout the morning̶ we need them to survive.

1362 | Complete: 2006-2009

I lead the practice

I practice the lead

I leverage the base

I blanket the practice

I capture the length

I raze the field

(I raise the house)

“this box refers to nothing”

who we? we, whoa. ho wah. no way. how who?

let’s try this exercise: pigeon-hole everyone in the room and then turn on the gas.

antropreneur endrapreneur outrapreneur edgrepreneur

1363 | Complete: 2006-2009 untrapreneur outrapreneur oblongpreneur

inactive stabilizes time-waste pudgy dislocated tambourine, or else they’re good solid people. every connection is ambiguous. you don’t pay enough for the kind of industriousness you claim in your demands.

won’t you look forward to the coming year, shape the future with new categories and another outlook. brace yourself for simplistic, generalized, fact-based, immoral, paradigm- shifting, engaged before the plunge staggering shuffle over the mountains take a drop the snare drum pops

soft saboteur knifes

1364 | Complete: 2006-2009 the proactive world-beater in the throat̶ a hundred selfs axed and thrown over the cliff̶ well they were calling us the out-of-the-room squeaky wheels, that stumps the resolute and we’ll shoot after we stake our claims on disembodied metrics.

how do you define “freedom”? how do you define “showing up”?

purse your lips and challenge the conversation in the ROOM

no I never jump around nothing is near Jamestown actually

1365 | Complete: 2006-2009 national interest next jabs America. nouns integrate nasty jerks’ attitudes nickel image needs jarring aspect nags impact neuronal jade acumen

heart level broken dream in the house of stage snow of hassle disco that in the placid



After the Wise One shook after the Wise One shook with ardor, stones that came in contact with his feet also trembled, in their own frequency, gave

1366 | Complete: 2006-2009 rhythm on their own wavelength. After the wise way turned and after the friend of each stone drove deep her song into the ground, into the Wise One she shook after the stones came out to stare at my moon, as the ground heaved and tossed, as the wave came into full focus….



(pregnant Obama)


hot subterfuge

1367 | Complete: 2006-2009 taught me a lesson about cosmos

running fast through fields of snow angles for the page

words ripped from the headlines:

“stay back, stay back, stay”

a wasp that spins and hisses for nothing after the fire changes color

she named pancakes as her reason for keeping so quiet all those years

my religious dictatorship sputtered out of control before the crowd went ape

1368 | Complete: 2006-2009

hundreds of mourners hundreds of mourners hundreds of mourners

his hands full of sugar her pages an apparition my radio tuned to static

stone apples and gift supply turn the settings south

my paycheck full round and plump as a holiday goose

hundreds of geese carbonating the sky as sheltering flakes come down


1369 | Complete: 2006-2009

Sandman’s chuckler din that crosses telescopes where embers space out after the crashing ends.



“it’s a ton of fun, Rabbi. you’d be surprised how they wish it was later, that they had more ideas.”


Nigerian hot watter bottle̶ this donut broken o’er the crust of knowledge

wouldn’t you stop looking at me? would you stop talking?

I am extra refreshing,

1370 | Complete: 2006-2009 and I love being ecological

how the children stole, or lost, so many bells, and ended up with hot chocolate at night

these letters were overthrown cached or blackened by thin scrims or smudges

black coffee and dental settings shoveled home̶ acclimated to change

“we came for hot chocolate, anyway̶we whispered. but it was so cold tonight.”

three, four, three, four, timing the discourse for the hell of it, waltzing

1371 | Complete: 2006-2009


“larks pour in Asia”

and hissing bird and watch me ignite

how the past regurgitates over windowsills.

that poignant critter with no hurt inside,

it’s barely a teacup, it lunges at me

from inside the cage.

“kill it completely, and start over again.”

1372 | Complete: 2006-2009


voices that howl out of an erased antiquity: eeeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeee



pretentious counting timed right to coincide with dawn and builders coming in for the electrical transfer



art draw he had to art jaw clench or gleam

1373 | Complete: 2006-2009 hasn’t the muscle twitched possibly paranormal grapple from the beginning of ceremony in Eden roughed out on a carpet of leaves


most mistakes you can walk away from



the word for world is beach. same tone for canal.

and with water comes sand, with bone comes balance.

1374 | Complete: 2006-2009 there should be orders that stick out like pop songs

under arranged palms. say it like you mean it.

windy day̶there’s a star that has you name, moving

and spreading secular joy to all the animists in Sumatra.

find that jungle in the deep end and we’ll cast lots to see who’ll

be king of it today. no resurrection without remorse̶that’s

what history tells us. such a wide way, that only whales

and dolphins can show us what’s proper.

1375 | Complete: 2006-2009


Murmansk tango Samsonite̶ just add stone for the dodgeball court floor.


birth station̶come back for the melon salad


they’re down the street laughing crassly at the melanoma on Shiva’s lingam


three bowls, all we need, for breakfast. and don’t

1376 | Complete: 2006-2009 forget to say good morning to the wildebeest in the pool.

“it’s almost like being in Florida”



can you use weight if you lose weight?


sublimation ecphrasis ambiguity apotropaicism


1377 | Complete: 2006-2009

you know, the balance of time isn’t art, and it’s not memory. and passing out the sense of a given set of words doesn’t make anyone a mathematician of the unknown. that rock remains untouched. cipher treated kindly purges the mistakes of humanity. you know, it balances out, from wind to branch to water to growing surfaces, when logic accepts such imbalance.



as gracious as a mallet through a glass front window


certain fluids washing out the old overhearing̶

1378 | Complete: 2006-2009 she is crazy, crazy.


laws shake her assault

1379 | Complete: 2006-2009



too cusped front flushing the heart halfway to south turned the wants back

hands on the map on the hands, put statement down to rise with commonality, with slack

she stood about 3 feet off the ground, and when he lit another cigar her eyes went red

like the target of ash poked in the darkness with each in-breath.

1380 | Complete: 2006-2009 fusion jazz, same colors.

he took the ordeal home and hammered six holes in the living room wall, one for each characteristic.

she stood up straight & listened to the wind whipping spiders from one room to another, casually watching, not moving,

her voice like a young girl’s called out to him. the six hammer blows sounded and he put down the hammer.

character enough.


should have worn black.

1381 | Complete: 2006-2009 her talk puts me in mind of Personism, and stream- of-consciousness in literature.


piecemeal drunk by passage staring through the edge about 5 o’clock in the morning. he’s got birds on the brain.

and do plants have a soul?


ah the clouds. this goodness gets in the way of thinking

a clean shirt was all he said he needed

1382 | Complete: 2006-2009 after the war took everything else away

no dogs but sacrifice the source of my teaching is the riddle of clocks shaking fur at midnight

ah the clouds, the water

what beats the wind or games, promulgated by women, trawling out the house by sections?

of the world but not of the world̶my god, what drugs do they have you on??

after a time the referent slips away

1383 | Complete: 2006-2009 and then these words change their clothes

esoteric encounters begin


order there, order. chaos in the order, the break is a table. have faith, come on here

savage the days now, the nights, and telescopic sights broke so we stare in the fire.

and in order still more chaos screaming, abstractions tore at her skirts but she escaped.

1384 | Complete: 2006-2009

Koranic koan has

18 impossible characters the truth lapses mid the turgid quest

religion comes but once a year, restraint shows every day to turn against the madding fold; no sporting sheep can move

banjo makes me stutter street musicians dance acrobats and strong men the earth turns under our feet

almost like we broke down and cried, it was so emotional. but nobody moved. we couldn’t judge anymore

the Salvificat on a morning sounded its voice of birdsong

1385 | Complete: 2006-2009 where the wind had picked up and the campanile shuddered in July

sound of the talking air.


1386 | Complete: 2006-2009