Information Classification: PUBLIC

HE Designated Funds

Cycling Safety and integration (CSI)

Saints Multi user Trails

December 2019 Information Classification: PUBLIC Information Classification: PUBLIC Case Study: Camel Trail

• There were 424,000 visits to the Camel Trail in year 2015 • 67% of users were cycling on the trail and 150,000 of those cycles were hired from providers on the trail • Approximately £6.7 million pounds was spent by users whilst on the trail • User spend generated approximately £13 million pounds of business turnover and supported approximately 260 actual jobs • When the additional user spends away from the trail (by those staying visitors influenced to visit the county because of the trail) is also considered and added to the spend whilst on the trail, approximately £11.1 million pounds user spend is associated with the trail Information Classification: PUBLIC CSI Schemes - to

WP1 Multi-use trail: proposal to adapt the route of the abandoned railway into a multi-use trail. The route starts in Perranporth and continues through St East to Newquay creating a new 14 km commuting and leisure route.

Opportunities and issues to address • Condition of remaining old railway track bed • Dismantled bridges • Maintaining route continuity Information Classification: PUBLIC

CSI Schemes - to Carland Cross

WP2 Traffic–free path: proposal to connect the existing National Cycle Network (NCN) Route 32 at St Newlyn East to Carland Cross via a traffic-free path through Newlyn Downs.

Opportunities and issues to address • Quiet lanes from St Newlyn East • Security issues across Carland Downs wind farm • Overlap with Environmental project Information Classification: PUBLIC CSI Schemes - Trispen to Idless

WP4 Signed cycle route: Improvements to the rural lane network and woodland trails through Idless woods linking into NCN Route 32.

Opportunities and issues to address • Utilise existing forestry tracks through Idless woods • Links to existing NCN routes adjacent to A39 • Crossing the A39 Information Classification: PUBLIC

CSI Schemes - St Agnes to Threemilestone

WP5 Traffic-free path: proposal includes a new bridge crossing of the A30 Chiverton Cross junction, linking the A390 from with the B3277 to St Agnes via off road cycle path. At the Truro end, the route would tie-in to the new facilities proposed at Threemilestone.

Opportunities and issues to address • High demand linking north coast to key sites - hospital, college, new Threemilestone development area and onwards to the city • Chiverton bridge • design options • Horse rider provision • Timing of construction and main dualling scheme Information Classification: PUBLIC What Will It Look Like Information Classification: PUBLIC Early works planned in Goonhavern Information Classification: PUBLIC

Next Steps and key milestones

Initial Landowner engagement Spring 2019 Design Design Development Consultation 7 exhibitions, approx. 800 attendees and responses – strong support

Summer Surveys commence - environmental and technical 2019

•Route recommendations and land requirements reported to Cabinet •Environmental Screening inc PEA Dec 2019

•Planning applications (where required – spring through to summer) •Formal Land Acquisition process Early •Construction commences on rolling programme - Goonhavern 2020

Schemes open Spring 2021 Information Classification: PUBLIC

Cornwall Contacts

Rick Clayton Major Transport Scheme 01872 224685 [email protected] Lead,

Adrian Roper Senior Project Manager 07565 203516 [email protected]

Andy Cook Project Manager, 01209 614377 [email protected] Cornwall Council

James Project Manager, CORMAC 01209 616991 [email protected] Lantsbery

Nicci Engagement Officer, 07483 360196 [email protected] Dunning Cormac [email protected] Information Classification: PUBLIC

Any Questions

• Please visit Project website to find more information

• ‘Fly through’ video • Detailed route and land plans (click Latest News) • Design Option reports (click Appendicies)