HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Hagen, California; Lester Johnson, Wiscon William· L
276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January ·13. sour!; .John C. Watts, Kentucky; Harlan Committee on Government Operations: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hagen, California; Lester Johnson, Wiscon William· L. Dawson (chairman), Illinois; sin; Victor L. Anfuso, New York; Ross Bass. Chet Holifield, California; John W. McCor THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1955 Tennessee; Coya Knutson, Minnesota; Pat mack, Massachusetts; Earl Chudoff,. Penn Jennings, Virginia. sylvania; Jack B. Brooks, Texas; Lester The House met ·at 12 o'clock noon. Committee on Appropriations: Clarence Holtzman, New York; Robert H. Mollohan, Father Edward J.· Kammer, C. M .• Cannon (chairman), Missouri; George H. West Virginia; L. H. Fountain, North Caro executive vice president of DePaul Uni Mahon, Texas; Harry R. Sheppard, Califor lina; Porter Hardy, Jr., Virginia; John A. nia; Albert Thomas, Texas; Michael J. Kir Blatnik, Minnesota; Robert E. Jones, Jr., versity, Chicago, Ill., ofiered the follow- wan, Ohio; W. F. Norrell, Arkansas; Jamie Alabama; Edward A. Garmatz, Maryland; ing prayer: · L. Whitten, Mississippi; George W. Andrews, John E. Moss, Jr., California; Joe M. Kilgore, 0 God,. the Creator and Ruler of the Alabama; John J. Rooney, New York; J. Texas; Dante B. Fascell, Florida; Martha W. universe, look with favor and help with Vaughan Gary, Virginia; John E. Fogarty, Griffiths, Michigan; Henry S. Reuss, Wis Thy grace this group of Thy creatures Rhode Island; Robert L. F. Sikes, Florida; consin. · Antonio M. Fernandez, New Mexico; Prince Committee on House Administration: Omar upon whose intelligence, strength, and H . Preston, Georgia; Otto E. Passman, Loui Burleson (chairman). Texas; Robert C. Byrd, integrity Thou hast placed the terrible siana; Louis C.
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