' ""~. ~ SPEAKING SCHEDULE ~;(~~1 ~ ~SENATOR'SMoundsville, West Virginia [ l-~ Saturday, October 4th ::::..----- (j~r ~ ~/U-tt, /»tt-~~ Dinner meeting a.t Moundsville - I a.m asking Sharon to get TI-ll: STAR-SPANGLED BANNER I Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thru the perilo1,1s fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does. that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? II On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, now conceals, now discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected now shines on the stream: ' Tis the star-spangled banner! 0 long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! FRI:D L. McMULLI:N MENU PROGRAM - - Tom a to Juice Cocktail Tossed Salad Dinner Chairman Steven D. N~rick Star Spangled Banner Mrs. Harry Lemery ~ried Chicken Invocation Reverend E. P. Schaich \ Mashed Potatoes and Gravy .. Succotash Vocal Selection . t - ' Mrs. Lemery • • l \ Accompanist Mrs. Vincent ~romhart 'Rolls\ Butter Jelly I ., .. fl 1 1 \ ... \ ·\ Welcome Address 'ionorable W. Vernon Smith ~/'),­ 'II \ -. Relish Pickles ·' ., .Jj Mayor of Moundsville ,....--__ . \ Introduction of Chairman, . ~red L. McMullen<f-1 · eL Ice Cream with Strawberry Sauce -;. __ ....... 1 -. .... , ··- Introduction of Toastmaster, Honorable..,...., Hulett C. Smith Chairman Democratic State Coffee Executive Committee Introduction of Candidates introduction of Honorable Robert H. Mollohan Dinner served by Speaker of the Evening Limestone Community Association 1 he Honorable Hubert H. Humphrey United States Senator from Minnesota ~lowers donated by Miller's ~lowers Benediction Very Reverend Benjamin ~. ~arrell ' I ~nh£rl ~FL ~nHn4an @ene/}lat YmWJtanee ~e'Uen:f f!dueldln? ~'11/JltJe and J<Jfd a?nJ. !liJteelA .%,e?<nwnt", ~ t" %.. · July 23, 1 958 Senator Hube rt Humphreys Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. Dear Senator: This is to confirm t he dates of October 3rd and 4th for y our visi t to my Con ressional District . I am c on­ fident you understand how very m uch I app r eciate your g en­ erous contribution of t h is much of your time during the fall c ampai gn . I s hall g et in touch with you a t a lat er date as to more defi nite plans for your visit. Wi th t he warmest of g ood wishes to you and ag ain assur­ ing you of my g ratitude , I am RO BERT H. MOLLOHAN RFilJI : mb ~ 41 SENATOR'S DAILf SCHEIXJLE Sa.turdey - Oct. 4 .I 2:15 p.m. LV Washington Allegheny # ll5 4:25p.m. Arr Pittsburgh 5:15 p.m. Lv Pittsburgh Allegheny # 457 5:'37 p.m. Arr Wheeling You will be met by Congressman Ilob M::>llihan and driven 15 miles to M::>undsville, West Virginia 6:30 p .m. Dinner ~eting - Moundsville Auditorium Following the meeting Congressman Mollihan will Drive you back to Wheeling Hotel Reservations have been made at the M::I.ure Hotel SENATOR'S DAILY SCHEDULE SUnday - October 5 10:41 a . m. Lv Wheeling, W. Virginia TWA# 170 11:55 a .m. Arrive in Washington Congressman Mollihan will pick you up at the hotel and drive you to the Wheeling .Air port You will be met here in Washington by one of the staff ~oh£rl ~· cOOlnlloqau @ene'Jlal fmtl/Jla1We ~e'lleny !!J.eildr:n/1 vlfon?toe and .~am>~ .9l..,eelo August 11, 1958 Xe1tntont, ~~ "" Senator Hubert Humphr e y s Se nate Off ice Buildi n g Wash ing t on, D. c. Dear Senator: This is to acknowledge the rec eip t of your letter of t he 7th of Au gust, rela t i ve to y our s p eaking eng age ments in my Congres s ional District . As a greed in our personal conve rsation, I have accepted you would be in my Cong ressional District October 3rd and 4th. I have a c c ordingly scheduled meetin g s fo r you here f o r both the afternoon and evening of t h e s e d a tes . On Fri day , the 3rd of Oc tober , in the aft ernoon y ou will address a Women' s Work Sh op meet ing here in Fair mont and that evening we will have an open political mee ting . On Sa t u r day, the 4th of October, we will have a Women ' s ; ork Shop in eith er Wheel i ng or Mound sville , more probably in Whee ling . This will be ollowed by a dinner meeting in Mounds­ ville , which in my opini on, ~h o u l d h ave from six to eight hun­ dred in att endance . This p rogr am has b een f i rmed up and cleared wi th our local people . Under t h e c i rcums tances , Hubert , I h ope you will let nothing (other than an act of God ) prevent your appearance . As I have told you b e fore , this election is of tremendous importance to me p ersonally and I am doing e v e rything humanly p o s sible to assure a favorable outcome . ~ 41 ' ,. Senator Hubert Humphreys Page 2 · ith eve r y g ood wi sh to y ou always , I am FHN:mb cc : Kay Folger P . S. Both o f the evening me eti ng s will be car ried by radio and it ' s hi ·=> hly pos sib le the one i n Moundsville on the 4th will be car ried by television. --/:J. Fred L. McMullen 40~ ;Morton Ave. Moundsville, W. Va. August 2 1, 1 9 58 I;Ionorab1e Hubert H . Humphrey United States Senate Washington, D. C. My dear Senator Humphrey: On behalf of the Marshall County Democrat Executive Committee, I want to say how very much pleased we were to learn, through the Honorable Robert H. Mollohan, that you will be with us on Saturday, October 4, 1958. I assure you we will do our utmost to give you a fine audience. /\ ~cr2;; ~;;;L_~~ L(~ red L. McM~l~fn --- . -J Chairman / lr. Fred J~ . ~-,LO · ··-.............. ~4)5 • Ave Ummdsvil.l.a 1 Sincere your , Violet L. -111 re my to ator HUbert ~'1 Sp file: October West Virginia campaign ebes. rt R . H~ Speech File: October west Virginia Campaign (C©)[pV Robert H. Mollohan Deveny Buildin....; I ')l"..I' F ,i is r.1. t you so of cnator'a , ea;r.. !J Herbert J . H ters Admini strative Assistant to Senator h~bert n. pbrey c . c. Kay Folger Sp File - October - West Virginia Campaign October 15, 1958 Mr. Robert H. Mollohan Deveny Building Monroe and Adams Streets F 1rmont 1 Vest Virginia Dear Bob: This is j ust a hasty note written on my only day in Washington during the campaign. I just w nted you to know what a wonderful tim I had in West Virginia. I hope we made some headway and have read some good predictions about West Virginia results. Would you please do me a favor, Bob, and convey my best wishes to Arthur Koontz, Hulett c. Smith and Violet Snedi an? Best wishes and thanks. Sincerely yours, Hubert H. Humphrey j . October 7, 1958 0 Robe~ H. llobl.l.aharl lbveny lhilding M::nlroe and _ Street F<lirmalt, l·Jaat Virg:W.ia tear Mr . !4ollahan : I wanted to §elld Ql1 to Y'OU t.be encloBed letter - evec tl:lough it is qui - l at e . Mtss Williams' le~IJ('!r arrived ooJ.y yeaterd.aq',. but I thought you 'trould llf'-e t o 3m t hat ehe did try to coo.tact you earlier. ··•·.· ·, enc Inv: October 5 I West Virginia I October 2, 1958 Dear Mr . M:>lliba.n: I had a chance to discuss via telephone with Senator Humphrey last night the pOssibiUty of' his ~:1 n1 ng 1n West Virg1nia for the engagement down in Logan cowty ou S\lllCiay a.fternoan, October 5th· UntortunateJ.¥, he i s UJlable to do so. He has al.read3 made same per• sonal plans t or that SUnday and will have to leave West Virgini either late Sat Ul."day nigbt or ear~ the follow­ i ng morning. SincereLy yours, Violet L. Willla.ms Secretary to Senator Humphrey P.s. I am sending this letter to our Washington office and asldng them to f orward it on to you. We <lon't seem to have your address out here·. iinittb ~tate~ ~enate MEMORANDUM Sharon - Will you please fill in Bob Mollihan's name and address. He is in West Virginia - we should have a pink in the f'iles. If' not, Kay Folger will knowo Vi DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE MRS. NUNLEY B. SNEDEGAR NATIONAL COMMITTE~WOMAN 106 HIGH STREET FOR WEST VIRGINIA ELKINS, WEST VI~GINIA October 4 , Moundsville, W. Va. October 23, 1958 s . N ley B. Sned.e r I tio 1 Comm:ilteew for Weot Virginia 1o6 High Street Elkf.ns, t-Test Virginia Dear Violet: Just q)lick note to y for your good letter of October 5th.
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