Ecuador: The & Mindo December 1 – 9, 2016

Experience Ecuador’s Andean beauty and amazing diversity: from the of Yanacocha to the cloud forests of Bella Vista. Explore Antisana Volcano and search for endemics of the Chocó region; this trip is a must for those keen to explore South America.

Visit the east and west sides of two branches of the Andes and bird key hotspots at Silanche, Milpe, Mindo, Guango, San Isidro, Papallacta Pass, and Antisana Volcano. Ecuador’s cloud forests host rarities like Highland Tinamou, Greater Scythebill, Bicolored Antbird, and the Sword-billed ― the only bird with a bill longer than its body.

Savor delightful eco-lodges in forests lush with orchids, bromeliads, and butterflies, browse colorful markets, and enjoy warm Ecuadorian hospitality. Extend your trip to one of the Amazonia lodges if you choose.

Tour Highlights

 Explore the important Yanacocha Reserve, with hummingbirds — including the amazing Sword-billed — as the star attraction  Relax at the lovely Sachatamia Lodge, located on a private reserve; legendary birding is just out your door  Bird a private farm, famous for views of the often difficult Giant Antpitta and Andean Cock-of-the-Rock  Discover the abundant species of the lush cloud forest, 5,000 – 7,000 feet above sea level  Trek the tundra-like high paramo and enjoy views of the stunning (and snow-capped) Antisana Volcano; our eyes are peeled for Andean Condor  Bird and botanize in the cloud forests of San Isidro; 310 species abound Naturalist Journeys, LLC / Caligo Ventures PO Box 16545 Portal, AZ 85632 PH: 520.558.1146 / 800.426.7781 Fax / [email protected] / [email protected]

Tour Summary

9-Day / 8-Night Birding & Natural History Tour with Expert Local Guides $2750 from Quito Airport is Mariscal Sucre International (UIO)


Thurs., Dec. 1 Arrival in Quito / Puembo Birding Garden B&B

Welcome to Ecuador! You are met on arrival in Quito for a short drive to our cozy B&B, known for its lovely birdy gardens, and it is convenient to the airport. Many have dinner on the plane tonight, but if you arrive earlier in the day there are restaurants nearby. Accommodations at Puembo Birding Garden B&B

Fri., Dec. 2 Yanacocha Reserve: Cloud Forest & Hummingbirds / Mindo

This morning we visit Yanacocha Reserve, located west of Quito on the Pichincha Volcano. We walk a trail through lush Polylepis forest to experience this Andean habitat and its unique plant life, searching for species like the colorful Scarlet-bellied Mountain , Glossy , and Rufous- naped Brush Finch. Hummingbirds are the star attraction here, with the opportunity to see some high-elevation , including the amazing Sword-billed Hummingbird, Buff-winged Starfrontlet, Great Sapphirewing, Sapphire-vented Puffleg, Tyrian Metaltail, and others. Feeding stations along the trail allow for easy viewing. This is an important conservation reserve, managed for several rare species that find breeding range here. It is located on the old Nono-Mindo Road, a famous route for birding over the past few decades.

Accommodations at Sachatamia Lodge (B,L,D)

Sat., Dec. 3 Birding & Natural History in the Mindo Area

Mindo is one of the most popular areas for nature enthusiasts in all of Ecuador. Our lodge is located in this small mountain town and offers great bird and butterfly watching, as well as wonderful meals and a cozy fireplace. Nestled in the valley of the Rio Mindo, this is a remarkable locale that is home to 360 species of birds. The ridges, slopes, and steep ravines to the north, west, and east of the village are cloaked in pre-montane cloud forest with a dense understory that includes Guadua bamboo. Much of the land around the village has been cleared for pasture, but small patches of secondary growth remain.

Naturalist Journeys, LLC / Caligo Ventures PO Box 16545 Portal, AZ 85632 PH: 520.558.1146 / 800.426.7781 Fax / [email protected] / [email protected]

This afternoon we spend time in rural and agricultural areas and in small patches of secondary forests close to town. At feeders in the Tandyapa Valley, we look for Violet-tailed Sylph, Empress Brilliant, Tawny-bellied Hermit, Green-fronted Lancebill, Purple-throated Woodstar, White-bellied Woodstar, Green-crowned Woodnymph, Brown and White collared Inca, Western Emerald, and more. In gardens and along wild walkways, we marvel at lush vegetation.

Sachatamia is a lovely lodge located on a private reserve with legendary birding right outside your door. Hummingbird feeders surround the dining room, often distracting you from dinner!

A hint: To be most comfortable here, bring slip-on shoes. You go in and out of the lodge in search of birds, and it is Ecuadorian custom to remove shoes to protect their beautiful wooden floors!

Accommodations at Sachatamia Lodge (B,L,D)

Sun., Dec. 4 Birding at Angel Paz’s Farm / Milpe Reserve

Early this morning we plan to visit the farm of Angel Paz, famous for providing great views of two often difficult to see species: Giant Antpitta and Andean Cock-of-the-Rock. We meet the family, walk the trails, and learn the story of this family’s path to conservation. This is surely a highlight of the tour.

In the afternoon, while visiting lower elevations at Milpe Reserve, we hope to find a number of Chocó Region endemic birds, some of which display fascinating social behavior. We hope to see White bearded and Club-winged Manakins on their leks, and other species we may encounter include Maroon- tailed Parakeet, Tri-colored Brush Finch, Purple-throated Fruitcrow, and more.

On past trips we’ve had great luck finding mixed flocks of that include Glistening-green, Rufous-throated, Golden-hooded, Moss-backed, and Ochre- breasted ― what a colorful clan! The organization and behavior of these mixed flocks has attracted a great deal of research in the Neotropics, which we discuss.

Accommodations at Sachatamia Lodge (B,L,D)

Mon., Dec. 5 Bella Vista Cloud Forest / Return to Puembo

Today, as an option, we can use our early morning time to bird close to the lodge where a light brings in a great variety of species, eager to feed on large insects that have collected during the night.

Naturalist Journeys, LLC / Caligo Ventures PO Box 16545 Portal, AZ 85632 PH: 520.558.1146 / 800.426.7781 Fax / [email protected] / [email protected]

After breakfast, we drive up to Bella Vista Cloud Forest Reserve, a private 1,000-acre nature reserve that encompasses a mix of primary and secondary forest. The botanical wonder here is something to behold! One of the top birding locations in Ecuador, the reserve is known for its diverse hummingbird species ― which visit feeders, allowing for spectacular close- up views ― as well as a colorful array of toucans and tanagers. At 5,000 – 7,000 feet we encounter spectacular cloud forest on the steep slopes. Here we find a number of species with limited range, including the Tanager Finch.

The forest and gardens are draped with orchids and bromeliads, and butterflies abound. Some of the most beautiful birds of the forest include the Plate-billed Mountain Toucan, Toucan Barbet, Golden Tanager, and Flame-faced Tanager.

We spend the day afield, eventually returning to our B&B in Puembo to be in position for adventures at Antisana National Park tomorrow. Enjoy dinner at the hotel.

Accommodations at Puembo Garden B&B (B,L,D)

Tues., Dec. 6 Andean Condor at Antisana Reserve / Papallacta Pass / San Isidro Lodge

Today we explore the high paramo, a tundra-like terrain with stunning snow-capped Antisana Volcano in view. Vistas are on a grand scale here, and several large lakes and ponds attract a variety of species. Our eyes are peeled for Andean Condor, very much at home here in the mountains. We also look for Black- faced Ibis, Andean Lapwing, and a high- elevation hummingbird, the Andean . Black-chested buzzard Eagle and Carunculated Caracara are two birds of prey we study, and we also note plant life that exhibits adaptations required to survive in these rugged, high-elevation grasslands. With luck we have splendid views of one of the most beautiful peaks of the Andes.

Viewing area of Cabinas San Isidro, photo courtesy of the lodge website:

Naturalist Journeys, LLC / Caligo Ventures PO Box 16545 Portal, AZ 85632 PH: 520.558.1146 / 800.426.7781 Fax / [email protected] / [email protected]

From here we travel up Papallacta Pass to our delightful mountain lodge. En route, we pass through a fascinating change in vegetation as the road crosses the Andes. We stop at key points to observe wildflowers, birds, and spectacular scenery.

Accommodations at Cabinas San Isidro (B,L,D)

Wed., Dec. 7 Full Day Birding & Botanizing in San Isidro

San Isidro is a place to enjoy the beauty of Ecuador's cloud forest, where we find magical species like Golden-headed Quetzal, Masked Trogon, and Green-and-black Fruiteater. On this side of the Andes we are perched on the headwaters of the Amazon basin. The lodge and immediate surroundings boast a bird list of about 310 species, many of which are more easily found here than anywhere else in the country. On one of our days, we drive down the east side of the Andes to explore a canyon at a lower elevation where we find additional species.

Birding groups have been visiting Cabañas San Isidro for years, with impressive results. They report seeing rarities such as Highland Tinamou, Greater Scythebill, and Bicolored Antvireo. The lodge has several feeding stations and a mix of trails and quiet back roads for us to explore in detail. San Isidro Masked Trogon is a treat. We also look for night birds, including what may turn out to be a new species of owl (Strix sanisidroensis), closely related to the Black-banded Owl.

Accommodations at San Isidro (B,L,D)

Thurs., Dec. 8 Guacamayos Ridge / Guango Lodge

We spend much of today in and around the lush mountain forests of San Isidro, repositioning on the Quito side of the range to the sister lodge of San Isidro, Guango Lodge.

For those with energy for a hike, we visit and bird the wild country of Guacamayos Ridge. Alternately, we may bird down the road a bit from the lodge, a favorite place for Inca (Green) Jay and other colorful mountain species.

In the afternoon, we enjoy time at the hummingbird feeders at Guango Lodge, where we hope to observe the incredible Sword- billed Hummingbird at close range!

Accommodations at Guango Lodge (B,L,D) Read a blog post on 10,000 Birds about the of the Green vs. Inca Jay. Photo ©by Corey Finger

Naturalist Journeys, LLC / Caligo Ventures PO Box 16545 Portal, AZ 85632 PH: 520.558.1146 / 800.426.7781 Fax / [email protected] / [email protected]

Fri., Dec. 9 Full Day Birding / Evening Departures from Quito

This morning we awaken to a great show at the feeders, and after breakfast we walk among the gardens and down by a rushing river where we often find White-capped Dipper. We have much of the day at Guango, dinner at a restaurant near the airport, then drop folks off at the airport around 8:00 PM; almost all flights go out just after midnight (technically December 10), but we check in the evening of December 9 ― a bit confusing when ticketing, so be sure to do this carefully!

Add on: Sat., Dec. 10 Today May Be Needed to Accommodate Flights Home

Your flight home may depart just after midnight, so technically make sure this is booked for December 10! If you prefer to go out Saturday, December 10 during regular hours, we are happy to book another night’s hotel for you (at a reasonable additional cost). Please request this soon after registration so we can have you close to the airport for morning flights out.

Cost of the Tour

Cost of the Main tour, from Quito, Ecuador, is $2750 per person, DBL occupancy / $3125 SGL.

Tour Price includes: Airport transfer upon arrival in Quito. Accommodation and meals at all lodges (Sachatamia, Guango, San Isidro, Puembo Birding Garden B&B). Private transport, private bird / naturalist guide throughout, bottled water, Box lunches, park fees to reserves and national parks, pre-tour materials, and miscellaneous program expenses for the itinerary.

Tour cost does not include: Round-trip transportation from your home city to Quito, Ecuador, guide gratuities, or items of a personal nature such as porterage, laundry, telephone charges, maid gratuities or beverages from the bar.

TRAVEL INFORMATION Arrive in Quito, Ecuador, Mariscal Sucre International Airport, on or before December 1, 2016. The tour ends at dinner on December 9, because many flights leave Quito just before or after midnight. If you book this, be very careful, if just after midnight, you book December 10. If you prefer a daytime flight, it is easy to book another night near the airport for a reasonable additional cost and we can do that for you. It is suggested that you need to be at the airport three hours ahead of your flight, thus something like 6:00 AM is a very awkward time.

Naturalist Journeys, LLC / Caligo Ventures PO Box 16545 Portal, AZ 85632 PH: 520.558.1146 / 800.426.7781 Fax / [email protected] / [email protected]

We can book a wonderful extension for you if you wish to lengthen your stay. A popular one is a four-night extension, with a short flight, and three nights at a lodge in Amazonia, then return to Quito. Please ask for ideas and pricing from a Travel Planner in our office upon booking.

Photo Credits: Thanks to Peg Abbott and Greg Smith of Naturalist Journeys, LLC and Tony Beck of Always an Adventure for sharing photos in this itinerary. Find more of Greg Smith’s images at: Find more of Tony Beck’s Ecuador images at:

Naturalist Journeys, LLC / Caligo Ventures PO Box 16545 Portal, AZ 85632 PH: 520.558.1146 / 800.426.7781 Fax / [email protected] / [email protected]