HL28.03Section 3 | Extreme Weather Attachment Events and Impact Areas in Toronto 1 RESILIENT FOOD SYSTEMS, RESILIENT CITIES: A High-Level Vulnerability Assessment of Toronto’s Food System Kimberly Zeuli, Austin Nijhuis and Zachary Gerson-Nieder July 2018 Resilient Food Systems, Resilient Cities | 0 Acknowledgements This report was prepared for Toronto Public Health (TPH). It benefited from a partnership between TPH and the Environment & Energy Division. The Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) and Meister Consultants Group (MCG) would like to thank Toronto Public Health, the Project Advisory Committee, and Project Manager Ronald Macfarlane, for their leadership and insight. We are grateful for the valuable contributions provided by Project Advisory Committee members David T. MacLeod, Taryn Ridsdale, Brian Cook, and Barbara Emanuel. We also want to thank the public and private sector stakeholders from Toronto who shared expertise with us through interviews and meetings. The strength of the report is due to the contributions of our partners and the authors claim responsibility for all errors and omissions. For inquiries about this report, please contact Kim Zeuli at
[email protected]. Project Team Kim Zeuli, Austin Nijhuis and Zachary Nieder at ICIC, in partnership with the Project Advisory Committee, led the study. The Project Advisory Committee included Ronald Macfarlane (Project Manager), Barbara Emanuel, David T. MacLeod, Taryn Ridsdale, and Brian Cook. Kathryn Wright, Julie Curti and Joyce Lam at Meister Consultants Group supported the study. The Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) ICIC is a national, nonprofit research and advisory organization focused on driving urban economic development since 1994.