PPG1005H The Social Context of Policy-Making Winter 2017 December 9, 2016 DRAFT

Instructor: Section 1: Ito Peng Department of 725 Spadina Avenue, Room 256/58

Time and Place of Class Thursdays, 10 am - 1 pm, University College Room 330

Office Hours By appointment: [email protected] Phone: 416-946-5902

Course Objectives: This course explores how public policies and policy processes need to be evaluated in light of the social context in which they are developed. We examine how social, economic, demographic, political and cultural and ideational factors shape and influence social and economic policies, and how these policies change and continue as these factors and contexts change over time. We also will also examine theoretical and ethical principles underpinning public policies. A related goal of this course is to help students learn how to use evidence and empirical research to answer highly contested issues in policy circles and in public life. We will pursue these objectives by introducing students to major trends and social changes in Canada and in the world, assessing these trends and issues from a comparative perspective, reflecting on their normative implications, and examining alternative policy responses to these developments.

Readings: Most of the assigned readings can be downloaded directly from the Blackboard. Many journal articles not uploaded onto the Blackboard are available through the University’s library website. For articles that are not readily available through the University’s library website, we have embedded links to the readings in the course outline.

Course Organization: Students who are assigned to lead class discussion will start the class with presentation and discussion for the first hour of the class, followed by a short break. All the students are to read the materials assigned for each class and come prepared to discuss. In the second half of the class I will give a lecture to summarize key ideas and raise new ideas on the topic.

1 In addition to the first and last meetings, we have ten regular classes. Classes are normally held at 10 am – 1pm in UC 330. Joint classes will be held in UC 330. There will be 6 occasions when we will hold a joint class.

Course Assignments and Marking Scheme: 1. Attendance and Class Participation (10%) Students are expected to attend class lecture and discussion every week, having completed the assigned readings for the week, and prepared to actively participate in discussion of the topic of the week. Required readings should be completed before the class. If you cannot attend class, please email me prior to the class meeting for an excused absence. Please do not come to class if you are feeling ill. If you miss more than one class in a row, please bring me a doctor’s note.

2. Small Group Discussion Assignment (20%) Teams of two to three students will be responsible for leading discussion section during one week of the semester. They will be expected to provide a response presentation to the readings and lead class discussion to engage students around policy options and possible strategic responses to the issues raised in the readings. Class discussion: Classes will start promptly at 10 minutes after the hour. We will devote the first two hours to student presentation and discussions led by discussion leaders. Discussion leaders should meet to plan this part of the class. You should prepare a one- page outline that identifies the key findings and conclusions contained in the readings and highlights any debates in the literature over trends or causal factors. You should also design a class exercise to engage students around key topics. These may include possible policy options and strategies which respond to the week’s readings. The instructor will be happy to provide guidance or suggestions. Your outline should be submitted to the instructors by Monday (12:00 noon) of the week you are presenting, for their comments. You should keep your initial presentation to 15-20 minutes in total. In the last hour of the class I will give a lecture on the week’s topic. Please note that the lectures are not replacements for readings, but rather supplements to the readings. Sometimes lectures might provide overviews on the topics covered for the week, while some other times, they may focus on a particular issue related to the readings.

3. Critical Response Paper or Briefing Note (20%) You will be responsible for completing a Critical Response Note or Briefing Note during the term. This paper/note engages the assigned readings for the week as well as additional research to identify the main trends and policy issues which emerge, the key challenges and considerations and the major public policy options. It should be between 3 to 5 pages, double-spaced, and in 12-pt font. It must be handed in at the beginning of lecture on Thursday. Absolutely no late papers accepted. You are expected to bring up insights from your critical response paper/briefing note during class discussion. You

2 cannot submit a critical response paper/briefing note for the week that you have been assigned to complete Small Group Discussion Assignment.

4. Policy Research Paper (15% Introduction + 35% the Final Research Paper = 50%) You will focus on one of the topics covered in this course and develop a full policy research paper. This means you will develop your own research question based on the topic you choose, and undertake research and analysis to answer your question and to present policy options. The research paper will be submitted and marked in two stages: 1) Introduction – due on Thursday, February 16, 2017; and 2) Final Research Paper – due on Friday, April 7, 2017. Your papers will be graded on: 1) quality and thoroughness of analysis; 2) incorporation of research from academic and other sources; and 3) clarity and organization of presentation; timely completion of each part of the exercise.

4. 1. Introduction (15%)

1) Introduction Typically, students begin with a research topic that interests her/him. Some of the topics we will consider this semester include: the earnings of new immigrants to Canada, barriers to post- secondary education, changes in the labour market structures and conditions, demography and family. We will also examine family income inequality, transnational migration, and housing. The first step you will have to make is to move from your research topic to formulating a research question. Some research questions are purely descriptive: they are about matters of fact. For example: “I want to know whether the gender gap in earnings is rising or falling.” Descriptive research questions are valuable if the answer to the question is highly contested and/or the existing research gives contradictory answers. Other research questions concern issues of how or why. For example: “I want to know whether rising female education levels has led to a decline in the gender earnings gap”. In either case, the research question should identify the debates in the literature on this question – it should be contested or there is no reason to do research on the topic. The second part of an introduction to a research paper involves a statement of the research problem. Why should we be interested in the answer to the question? This should link the research question to the policy debate. How do the debates about evidence influence the policy response? Why do we need to know the answer? Policy Research problems usually involve some claim that is in dispute in the “real world” (e.g. a policy-maker wants to know whether not some program or policy is having the intended effect). The introduction should be about 2 to 3 pages in length, plus bibliography.

4. 2. Final Research Paper (35%) The final research paper will have three components: 1) introduction (2-3 pages); 2) body

3 (answering the question) (6-7 pages); and 3) conclusion and policy discussion (1-2 pages). In addition to the introduction, which you have submitted and revised, you will add the body and conclusion to finalize your research paper. 2) Answering the question This section is the core of your paper. It should be 6-7 pages in length. Your task here is to review the most significant research that bears on your question and to assess it for theoretical coherence and empirical rigor. What are the alternative possible answers to your question? Which answers appear to be the most plausible based on your assessment of the research? What disputes and sources of uncertainty remain? To get a sense of what this sort of paper might look like take a look at recent issues of the Annual Review of Sociology for exemplars. 3) Conclusion and Policy Discussion In this section you should link your research findings with a policy discussion. You should discuss how your findings might influence which policy options or strategies should be implemented. You may argue for a particular policy response which reflects or is consistent with your research findings, but you should also recognize or acknowledge alternate approaches which flow from a different understanding of the evidence. This section should be 1 – 2 pages. Writing Skills: The quality of your writing will have a big impact on your grade. You’ve heard a lot this year about the importance of quantitative skills. Writing skills (clarity, logic, parsimony, organization) are even more important. If you can’t write a good two- page memo in the public policy world, you’re toast. Missed deadlines: You must complete each assignment as scheduled. The only exception is when a student meets conditions that will be accepted by the University as meeting conditions for missed exams. If you miss deadlines without proper documentation, you will receive a grade of zero for each missed deadline. These grades of zero will be included in your total grade. Special needs: If you have documentation that you are a special needs student, please see me as soon as possible to discuss how best to assist you in the course. Plagiarism: We know that for this group of students, plagiarism will not be an issue. The following is included to “cover our asses.” I do stress, however, that we take plasiarism very seriously. Please see the following recent news article about plagiarism: http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/01/10/tdsbs_chris_spence_resigns_amid_growin g_plagiarism_scandal.html Again, be aware that the university administration and faculty, including me, take plagiarism very seriously. Plagiarism means presenting work done by another person or source as your own, or using the work of others without acknowledgment. Heavy reliance on one or two resources constitutes plagiarism, as does copying paragraphs or sentences from multiple sources, purchasing an essay, or cutting and pasting from web-based documents without acknowledgments. Any assignment or essay that is plagiarized will be assigned a grade of zero with no opportunity to resubmit or to carry out a make-up assignment. If you are in doubt as to whether you are engaging in plagiarism, the following covers some (but not all) types:

4 http://www.hamilton.edu/academics/resource/wc/AvoidingPlagiarism.html http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/wts/plagiarism.html The University of Toronto webpage on writing also contains a great deal of useful information on academic writing. One topic is plagiarism. Access the information by going to the web address (www.utoronto.ca/writing). Then in the search box, type the term plagiarism, and you will get a listing of files. Open the one called “How not to plagiarize.” Normally, students will be required to submit their course essays to Turnitin.com for a review of textual similarity and detection of possible plagiarism. In doing so, students will allow their essays to be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database, where they will be used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that apply to the University's use of the Turnitin.com service are described on the Turnitin.com website. ***Remember also, companies that are selling students papers are also selling us services to check for plagiarism.

------Summary of marking scheme: Class participation and attendance: 10% Small Group discussion assignment: 20% Critical Response: 20% Final Policy Paper: 50% Introduction: (15%) Final Paper: (35% TOTAL: 100%

Schedule of Classes

Date Topic 1. January 12 Introduction – Because it’s 2017? 2. January 19 Post-2016 Political Order 3. January 26 Social Investment and Education 4. February 2 Cities and Inequality (David Hulchanski) 5. February 9 Family Changes and Gender Equality 6. February 16 Aboriginal Issues (TBC)

5 February 23 READING WEEK. 7. March 2 Immigration (TBC) 8. March 9 Neighbourhoods and Housing (Dan Zuberi) 9. March 16 Crime, Surveillance and Terrorism (Dan Zuberi) 10. March 23 Care and Migration (Ito Peng) 11. March 30 Climate and Happiness 12. April 6 Wrap up Debate

Class Schedule and Readings

Week 1 – January 12: Introduction and Overview Introductory Lecture: Is it because it’s 2017?

Required Readings: 1. Listen: Jennifer Welsh. 2016. “CBC Massey Lectures: The Return of History”, http://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/lecture-1-the-return-of-history-1.3829081 2. Paul Krugman. 2016. “Trump and Pruitt will Make America Gasp Again”, New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/09/opinion/trump-and-pruitt-will-make- america-gasp- again.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FGlobal%20Warming&action=click&co ntentCollection=science®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&cont entPlacement=3&pgtype=collection 3. Corak, Miles. 2015.” Who are the Middle Class? August 28th. http://milescorak.com/2015/08/28/who-are-the-middle-class/ 4. Doug Saunders. 2012. “What would a Canada of 100 million feel like? More comfortable, better served, better defended”, The Globe and Mail, May. 17 2012 http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/time-to-lead/what-would-a-canada- of-100-million-feel-like-more-comfortable-better-served-better- defended/article4186906/?page=all 5. Kim Lyons. 2016. “5 Reasons Why Right Now Is The Time For A Woman To Be America's President”, https://www.bustle.com/articles/75632-5-reasons-why-right- now-is-the-time-for-a-woman-to-be-americas-president

Recommended Readings: Polanyi, Karl. 1944. The Great Transformation: the political and economic origins of our time, Mattituck, NY: Amereon House. Chapters 4, 5, 6. PDF on Blackboard


Week 2 – January 19: Post-2016 Political Order The 2015 Canadian federal election and the 2016 US Presidential election brought to surface some of the key social and economic policy issues: economy, inequality, racial discrimination, immigration, gender, and climate change. How should we understand them? How do they intersect? Why is it important to understand them?

Discussion Leaders:

Required Readings: 1. OECD. 2015. In it Together: Why Less Inequality Benefits us all. (Chapter 1) http://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/employment/in-it- together-why-less-inequality-benefits-all_9789264235120-en OR IMF. 2015. IMF Discussion Note: Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality: A Global Perspective. https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/sdn/2015/sdn1513.pdf 2. Eduardo Porter. 2014. “Tyler Cowen on Inequality and What Really Ails America”. The New York Times. July 30, 2014. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/31/upshot/tyler-cowen-on-inequality-and-what- really-ails-america.html 3. Arlie Hochschild. 2016. “The Ecstatic Edge of Politics: Sociology and Donald Trump”, Contemporary Sociology, 45(6): 683-689. 4. Nahlah Ayed. 2016. “It’s Immigration, Stupid: the irresistible politics of keeping people out”, CBC News, http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/immigration-trump-may- sarkozy-1.3745387 5. Daniel Bush. 2016. “The Hidden Sexism that could Sway the Election”, http://www.pbs.org/newshour/features/hidden-sexism/ 6. Chelsea Harvey. 2016. “Science Proves it: denial of climate change is all about the politics”, The Washington Post, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy- environment/wp/2016/02/22/science-confirms-it-denial-of-climate-change-is-all- about-the-politics/?utm_term=.a4ebd81cbe7e

Recommended Readings:

Fortin, Nichole, David A. Green, Thomas Lemieux, Kevin Milligan and W. Craig Riddel. 2012. “Canadian Inequality: Recent Developments and Policy Options”, Canadian Public Policy, 38(2): 121-145; Paul Krugman. 2007. Conscience of a Liberal; Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. 2009. The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger; Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson. 2010. Winner-Take-All Politics; Paul

7 Pierson. 2011. Inequality and Its Casualties; Alan Krueger, 2012. The Rise and Consequences of Inequality; Timothy Noah The Great Divergence (2012); . 2012. The Price of Inequality; Arlie Hochschild. 2016. Strangers in their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right; Jane Mayer. 2016. Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right.

Week 3 – January 26: Social Investment and Education As our economic base shifts from industrial to post-industrial, many governments have began to adopt a “social investment” approach to addressing social and economic issues. What is social investment, and how do social investment policies look like? Are these the answers?

Discussion Leaders:

Required Readings:

1. Moira Nelson and John D Stephens. 2012. “Do social investment policies produce more and better jobs?” in N. Morel, B. Palier and J. Palme eds., Towards a Social Investment State: Ideas, Policies and Challenges. PDF on Blackboard 2. Ito Peng. 2014. “The Social Protection Floor and the "New" Social Investment Policies in Japan and South Korea”, Global Social Policy. 14(3): 389-405. 3. Jane Jenson. 2017. “Modernizing the European Social Paradigm: social investment and social entrepreneurs”, Journal of Social Policy, 46(1): 31-47. 4. Rianne Mahon, et. Al. 2016. “Social Policy Change: Work-Family Tensions in Sweden, Australia and Canada”, Social Policy and Administration, 50(2): 165-182. 5. Wilkinson, Richard and Kate Pickett. 2010. Chapter 2: “Poverty or Inequality?” in The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone. New York: Penguin. pp. 15- 30.

Recommended Readings: Hemerijck, Anton. 2012. “Two or three waves of welfare state transformation” in N. Morel, B. Palier and J. Palme eds. Towards a Social Investment State: Ideas, Policies and Challenges Kristyn Frank, Marc Frenette, and René Morissette. Labour Market Outcomes of Young Postsecondary Graduates, 2005 to 2012, Economic Insights Publications, Statistics Canada, September, 2015. http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2015/statcan/11-626-x/11-626-x2015050-

8 eng.pdf Edsall, Tom. 2015.” How Do We Get More People to Have Good Lives?” June 3, at http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/03/opinion/how-do-we-get-more-people-to-have-good- lives.html? Boudarbat, Brahim & Lemieux, Thomas & Riddell, W. Craig, 2010. The Evolution of the Returns to Human Capital in Canada, 1980-2005, CLSRN Working Papers, UBC Department of Economics, revised 30 Jan 2010. http://www.clsrn.econ.ubc.ca/workingpapers/CLSRN%20Working%20Paper%20no.%20 53%20-%20Boudarbat,%20Lemieux,%20Riddell.pdf Corak, Miles, Lori Curtis and Shelley Phipps. 2010. Economic Mobility, Family Background, and the Well-Being of Children in the United States and Canada. IZA Institute for the Study of Labor Working Paper. http://ftp.iza.org/dp4814.pdf

Sorenson, Chris and Charlie Gillis. 2013. “The New Underclass” Maclean’s Magazine, January 21, 2013. pp. 38-45. http://www.macleans.ca/society/life/the-new-underclass/

Adam Davidson. 2012. Making it in America Atlantic Magazine January-February 2012 http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2012/01/making-it-in-america/308844/1/

Week 4 – February 2: Cities and Inequality (David Hulchinsky)

Are our societies becoming more unequal? What are the causes of growing income inequality? What are the implications? Should we be worried?

Discussion Leaders:

Required Readings Fortin, Nicole, David A Green, Thomas Lemieux, Kevin Milligan, and W. Craig Riddell. 2012. “Canadian Inequality: Recent Developments and Policy Options” Canadian Public Policy 353(2): 22-145

Ontario Common Front. 2012. “Falling Behind: Ontario’s Backslide into Widening Inequality, Growing Poverty, and Cuts to Social Programs”: http://www.weareontario.ca/wp-content/uploads/OCF-RPT-FallingBehind-20120829.pdf

Hacker, Jacob and Paul Pierson. 2011. Chapter 1 “Winner-Take All Economy” in Winner Take All Politics. New York: W.W. Norton. pp. 1-40.

9 Zuberi, Dan. 2013. Chapter 6: “Down and Out in Vancouver” in Cleaning Up: How Hospital Outsourcing is Hurting Workers and Endangering Patients. Cornell University Press. pp 81-104.

Hulchanski, J. David. 2012. “The Three Cities Within Toronto: Income Polarization Among Toronto Neighbourhoods” http://neighbourhoodchange.ca/

Optional Readings / Resources City of Toronto (2015). T.OProsperity: Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy. http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2015/ex/bgrd/backgroundfile-81653.pdf

Lewchuk, Wayne et al. 2013. It’s More than Just Poverty: Employment Precarity and Household Well-Being. Toronto: Pepsco, McMaster, and United Way.

OECD. 2011. Divided We Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising. § An Overview of Growing Income Inequalities in OECD Countries: Main Findings at http://www.oecd.org/els/socialpoliciesanddata/49499779.pdf § Canada Country Note at : http://www.oecd.org/els/socialpoliciesanddata/49177689.pdf

Burman, Len. 2011. “Should we care about rising income inequality?”, Forbes. http://www.forbes.com/sites/leonardburman/2011/07/06/should-we-care-about-rising- income-inequality/

Zizys, Tom. 2011. “Working Better Creating a High-Performing Labour Market in Ontario”. Toronto: Metcalf Foundation http://metcalffoundation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/working-better.pdf

Wilson, R., Landolt, P, Shakya, Y., Galabuzi, G., Zahoorunissa, Z, Pham, D., Cabrera, F. & Joly, M. 2011. Working rough, living poor: Employment and income insecurities faced by racialized groups and their impact on health. Toronto, ON: Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services: http://accessalliance.ca/sites/accessalliance/files/documents/Access%20Alliance_Working% 20Rough%20Living%20Poor%20Final%20Report%20June%202011.pdf

Exposed Photovoice Book: http://accessalliance.ca/research/publications/exposed_ss

Klein, S. & Pulkingham, J. Living on welfare in BC: Experiences of longer-term “expected to work” recipients. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).

Picketty, Thomas. 2014. Capital in the 21st Century. Introduction.

OECD. 2015. In it Together: Why Less Inequality Benefits us all. May 21, 2015 http://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/employment/in-it-together-

10 why-less-inequality-benefits-all_9789264235120-en

Krugman, Paul. (2014) “Why We’re in a New Guilded Age.” The New York Review of Books, May 8, 2014. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2014/may/08/thomas- piketty-new-gilded-age/

Iversen, Torben and Anne Wren. 1998. “Equality, Employment, and Budgetary Restraint: The Trilemma of the Service Economy,” World Politics, 50:4, pp. 507-546. Dresser, Laura. 2007. Stronger Ladders, Stronger Floors The Need for Both Supply and Demand Strategies to Improve Workers Opportunities”. Madison, WI: Center on Wisconsin Strategy. http://www.cows.org/pdf/rp-ladder_ld.pdf

Stapleton, John, Brian Murphy, Yue Xing. 2012. “The ‘Working Poor’ in the Toronto Region: Who They Are, Where They Live, and How Trends are Changing” http://metcalffoundation.com/publications-resources/view/the-working-poor-in-the-toronto- region-who-they-are-where-they-live-and-how-trends-are-changing-2/

Kenworthy, Lane. 2010. “Rising Inequality, Public Policy, and America’s Poor”, Challenge, 53(6): 93-109.

Taylor-Gooby, Peter, “Why Do People Stigmatise the Poor at a Time of Rapidly Increasing Inequality, and What Can Be Done About It?” The Political Quarterly, Vol. 84, No. 1, January–March 2013

Interview by Alan Gregg with Linda McQuaig on the “trouble with billionaires” (28 minutes) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwuBs5Q6PHw)

Chystia Freeland. (2012) Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else; Paul Krugman Conscience of a Liberal (2007); Benjamin Page and Lawrence Jacobs Class War? What Americans Really Think about (2009); Rebecca Blank Changing Inequality (2011); Paul Pierson Inequality and Its Casualties (2011); Alan Krueger, The Rise and Consequences of Inequality (2012); Timothy Noah The Great Divergence (2012); Joseph Stiglitz The Price of Inequality (2012); Lane Kenworthy. 2008. Jobs With Equality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Week 5 – February 9: Family Changes and Gender Equality How are the family and gender relations changing? What are the implications of these changes? What should be public policy responses? Should we be concerned?

Discussion Leaders:

11 Required Readings: 1. Claudia Goldin. 2006. “The quiet revolution that transformed women’s employment, education and family.” American Economic Review, 96(2): 1-21. 2. Meyer, Daniel R. and Marcia J. Carlson. 2014. “Family Complexity: Implications for Policy and Research.” ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 654(1): 259-276. 3. Raymo, James M, Hyunjoon Park, Yu Xie and Wei-jun Jean Yeung. 2015. “Marriage and Family in East Asia: Continuity and Change”, Annual Review of Sociology, 41: 471-492. 4. Carole Vincent. 2016. WHY DO WOMEN EARN LESS THAN MEN? A Synthesis of Findings from Canadian Microdata, https://crdcn.org/sites/default/files/carole_vincent_synthesis_final_2.pdf

5. Hanna Rosin. 2010. “The End of Men”, The Atlantic, http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2010/07/the-end-of-men/308135/

Recommended Readings: England, Paula. 2010. “The Gender Revolution: Uneven and Stalled”, Gender and Society, 24: 149-166. Sawhill, Isabel and Joanna Venator. 2015 Is There a Shortage of Marriageable Men? September, Brookings, at http://www.brookings.edu/research/papers/2015/09/22- shortage-of-marriageable-men-sawhill-venator Esping-Andersen, Gosta. 2007. "Sociological explanations of changing income distributions." American Behavioural Scientist 50:639-658. Esping-Andersen, Gosta. 2009. Chapter 3 “Adapting Family Policy to the Female Revolution” The Incomplete Revolution, pp. 45-110.

Myles, John and Jill Quadagno. 2002. “Political Theories of the Welfare State”, Social Service Review, March, pp. 34-57. Brighouse, Harry and Eric Olin Wright. 2008. “Strong Gender Egalitarianism”, Politics and Society, 36(3): 360-372.

Baker, Michael and Marie Drolet. 2010. “A New View of the Male/Female Pay Gap” Canadian Public Policy 36(4): 429-464.

Folbre, Nancy. 2010. “The Spousal Safety Net” New York Times. October 12. http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/10/12/the-spousal-safety-net/?pagemode=print

Week 6 – February 16: Aboriginal Issues (TBC)

12 What are some of the major challenges facing Aboriginal communities in Canada? How are these rooted in histories of exploitation, colonization, oppression and racialization? How can we move forward together, rebuilding trust and supporting prosperity with Indigenous and Aboriginal populations today and in the future?

Discussion Leaders:

Required Readings: - More to come yet Razack, Sheila. 2000. “Gendered Racial Violence and Spatialized Justice: The Murder of Pamela George.” Canadian Journal of Law and Society 15(2): 91-130.

TRC. (2015). Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada http://www.trc.ca/websites/trcinstitution/File/2015/Findings/Exec_Summary_2015_05_3 1_web_o.pdf


Week 7 – March 2: Immigration (TBC) What are the immigration patterns in Canada? How are immigrants doing in comparison to the native born Canadians? What are some of the changes and continuities in Canadian immigration? Are we making the best of our immigration policies?

Discussion Leaders:

Required Readings: 1. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) What Canada is doing - Syrian Refugees. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/refugees/welcome/ 2. Donato, Katharine M. and Donna Gabaccia. 2016. The Global Feminization of Migration: Past, Present, and Future. Washington D.C.: Migration Policy Institute. http://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/global-feminization-migration-past-present- and-future 3. Sweetman, Arthur and Garnett Picot (2012). “Making It in Canada: Immigration Outcomes and Policies” IRPP Study No. 29, pp. 1-42. http://irpp.org/research- studies/study-no29/

13 4. Oreopoulos, Philip "Why Do Skilled Immigrants Struggle in the Labour Market? A Field Experiment with Sixty Thousand Resumes." http://homes.chass.utoronto.ca/~oreo/research/compositions/why_do_skilled_immigr ants_struggle_in_the_labour_market.pdf 5. Castles, S. 2004. Factors that make and unmake migration policy. International Migration Review 38(3): 852-884.

Recommended Readings: Jeffrey G. Reitz, "Pro-immigration Canada: Social and Economic Roots of Popular Views." IRPP Study, no. 20. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 2011. http://www.irpp.org/pubs/IRPPstudy/IRPP_Study_no20.pdf Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/I- 2.5/page-1.html Joppke, Christian. 2012. The Role of the State in Cultural Integration: Trends, Challenges and Ways Ahead. Migration Policy Institute. http://www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/CivicIntegration-Joppke.pdf Picot, Garnett and Feng Hou. 2014. “Immigration, Low Income and Income Inequality in Canada: What’s New in the 2000s?” CLSRN Working Paper. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/11f0019m/11f0019m2014364-eng.pdf Warman, Casey, Arthur Sweetman and Gustave Goldmann. 2015. “The Portability of New Immigrants’ Human Capital: Language, Education, and Occupational Skills” Canadian Public Policy 41 (S1): 64-79. http://simplelink.library.utoronto.ca/url.cfm/487798 Kymlicka, Will. 2012. Multiculturalism: Success, Failure, and the Future, Migration Policy Institute. http://www.migrationpolicy.org/pubs/Multiculturalism.pdf

Block, Sheila and Grace-Edward Galabuzi. 2011. Canada’s Colour Coded Labour Market: The Gap for Racialized Workers. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives. http://www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/reports/canadas-colour-coded- labour-market

Boyd, Monica and Michael Vickers. 2000. “100 Years of Immigration in Canada.” Canadian Social Trends Autumn: 2-10.

Week 8 – March 9: Neighbourhoods and communities (Joint class with Dan Zuberi)

14 Do neighbourhoods matter for social inequality? If yes, what are the policy implications? What is community development? Does it work? Can we actively change neighbourhoods?

Discussion Leaders:

Required Readings:

1. Firebaugh, Glenn, John Iceland, Steven A. Matthews and Barrett A. Lee. (2015) “Residential Inequality: Significant Findings and Policy Implications.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Studies 660: 360-366

2. Chen, Wen-Hao, John Myles, Garnet Picot, (2011). “Why Have Poorer Neighbourhoods Stagnated Economically while the Richer Have Flourished? Neighbourhood Income Inequality in Canadian Cities?” Urban Studies June

3. Poverty by Postal Code 2: Vertical Poverty: Declining Income, Housing Quality and Community Life in Toronto’s Inner Suburban High-Rise Apartments 2011 http://www.uwgt.org/downloads/whatWeDo/reports/Report-PovertybyPostalCode2- VerticalPoverty-Final.pdf

4. Jackson, Lois, Lynn Langille, Renee Lyons, Jean Hughes, Debbie Martin, and Viola Winstanley. 2009. “Does moving from a high-poverty to lower-poverty neighbourhood improve mental health? A realist review of Moving to Opportunity.” Health & Place 15 (2009): 961–970.

Recommended Readings: David Hulchanski has written numerous important studies on neighbourhoods and housing. Here is the link to his cite http://www.urbancenter.utoronto.ca/hulchanski.html

Oreopoulos, Philip. 2008. "Neighbourhood Effects in Canada: A Critique," Canadian Public Policy, University of Toronto Press, vol. 34(2), pages 237-258, June.

Voices from the Field III: Lessons and Challenges from Two Decades of Community Change Efforts, by Anne C. Kubisch, Patricia Auspos, Prudence Brown, and Tom Dewar. Washington, D.C.: The Aspen Institute, 2010. http://www.aspeninstitute.org/policy- work/community-change/publications

Frank Furstenberg. 2014. “Fifty Years of Family Change: From Consensus to Complexity”, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 654(1): 12-30. Gladwell, Malcolm. (2015) “Starting Over: Many Katrina victims left New Orleans for good. What can we learn from them?” The New Yorker (August 24)

15 http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/08/24/starting-over-dept-of-social-studies- malcolm-gladwell

Kunstler, James Howard. 1994. Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of America’s Man-Made Landscape. New York: Free Press.

Duany, Andes, Elizabeth, Plater-Zyberk, and Geoff Speck. 2000. Chapter 2: “The Devil is in the Details” pp. 21-37 in Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream. New York: North Point Press, Division of Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.

Week 9 – March 16: Crime, Surveillance and Terrorism

Discussion Leaders:

Required Readings: - More to come yet

Matè, Gabor. 2008. Chapter 1: “The Only Home He’s Ever Had” in In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction. Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada pp. 1-24.

Recommended Readings: Goffman, Alice. 2009. “On the Run: Wanted Men in a Philadelphia Ghetto.” American Sociological Review 74(3): 339-357.

Drum, Kevin. 2013. “America’s Real Criminal Element: Lead” Mother Jones http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/01/lead-crime-link-gasoline?page=1

Venkatesh, S. (2008). Mrs. Bailey’s neighbourhood. In Gang leader for a Day: A rogue sociologist takes to the streets. (Chapter 5, pp.145-184). New York, NY: Penguin.

Wood, E., Kerr, T., Tyndall, M.W. and JSG Montaner. 2008. The Canadian government's treatment of scientific process and evidence: Inside the evaluation of North America's first supervised injecting facility. International Journal of Drug Policy, 19(3): 220–225.

Week 10 – March 23: Care and Migration (Joint class with Ito Peng)

16 The growing demands for care in rich countries are drawing increasing number of women from poor countries to migrate to provide the work of care, creating what is often called the “global care chain”. What is global care chain? How do we understand it? What are the causes and effects of global care migration? Should there be a ?

Discussion Leaders:

Required Readings: 1. Watch: video on care work produced by Gender, Migration and the Work of Care project: http://cgsp.ca/ 2. Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell Hochschild. 2004. “Introduction”, in Barbara Ehrinreich and Arlie Russell Hochschild eds. Global Woman: nannies, maids, and sex workers in the new economy. 1st Owl Book. PDF on Blackboard 3. Fiona Williams. “Migration and Care: Themes, Concepts, and Challenges”, Social Policy & Society, 9(3): 385-396. 4. Sonya Michel and Ito Peng. 2012. “All in the Family? Migrants, Nationhood, and Care Regimes in Asia and North America”, European Journal of Social Policy, 22(4): 406-418. 5. . 2002. “Women’s Burden: Counter-geographies of and the Feminization of Survival”, Nordic Journal of International Law, 71:255-274. 6. Canadian Government announcements in October 2014 about changes to the LCP. Please access and read the following Announcement: http://news.gc.ca/web/article- en.do?nid=898729 Backgrounder: http://news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?nid=898719

Optional Readings Eleonore Kofman. 2012. “Rethinking Care through Social Reproduction: Articulating Circuits of Migration”, Social Politics, 19(1): 142-162. Lise Widding Isaksen, Uma Devi Sambasivan and Arlie Russell Hochschild. 2008. “Global Care Crisis : A Problem of Capital, Care Chain, or Commons?” American Behavioral Scientist 52: 405-425. Douglas S Massey, et. al. 1993. “Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal”, Population and Development Review, 19(3): 431-466. Parvati Raghuram. 2012. “Global Care, Local Configurations – Challenges to Conceptualizations of Care”, Global Networks, 12(2): 155-174.

17 Helma Lutz and Ewa Palenga-Moellenbeck. 2012. Care Workers, , and Care Chains: Reflections on Care, Migration, and Citizenship. Social Politics 19(1):15-37. Ethel Tungohan, Rupa Banerjee, Wayne Chu, Petronila Cleto, Conely de Leon, Mila Garcia, Philip Kelly, Marcho Luciano, Cynthia Palmaria and Christopher Sorio. 2015. After the Live-In Caregiver Program: Filipina Caregivers Experiences of Graduated and Uneven Citizenship. Canadian Ethnic Studies 47(1): 87-105. Franca Bettio. et. al. 2006. “‘Change in care regimes and female migration: the care drain in the Mediterranean’, Journal of European Social Policy, 16(3): 271–85. Rhacel Parrenas. (2001), Servants of Globalisation: Women, Migration and Domestic Work, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Week 11 – March 30: Climate and Happiness (Ito Peng) How should we think about success? What about the Environment? Climate Change? What do we measure success in light of increasing awareness of the changing context? How do we reconcile the threat to the global ecosystem posed by climate change with economic and social priorities? What are some alternative dimensions and measures of success other than economic growth? How can we develop and implement policies to help us achieve these objectives?

Discussion Leaders:

Required readings

1. Watch: Economic growth, climate change and Environmental Limits. Featuring Cameron Hepburn and Mitchel Auerbach. https://youtu.be/AQscc1HYjhU

2. Tim Jackson. 2011. Prosperity without Growth: Economics for a Finite Planet. Routledge. Ch.1 http://www.ipu.org/splz-e/unga13/prosperity.pdf

3. Victor, Peter. 2010. “Questioning Economic Growth”,Nature, 468 (7322): 370-371.

4. Tim Jackson and Peter Victor. 2011. “Productivity and work in the ‘green economy’: Some theoretical reflections and empirical tests”, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 1(1): 101-108

5. Richard Easterlin. 2013. “Happiness, Growth, and Public Policy”, Economic Inquiry. 51(1): 1-15.

18 6. Ton, Zeynap. 2012. “Why ‘Good Jobs’ Are Good for Retailers” Harvard Business Review January-February. https://hbr.org/2012/01/why-good-jobs-are-good-for- retailers

7. World Happiness Report Commissioned for the United Nations Conference on Happiness on April 2nd, 2012 (mandated by the General Assembly of the United Nations), John F. Helliwell, Richard Layard and Jeff Sachs (eds.) New York: The Earth Institute, Columbia University. http://wellbeing.econ.ubc.ca/helliwell/World%20Happiness%20Report.pdf

Recommended readings:

Benjamin M Friedman. 2006. “The moral consequences of economic growth” Society 43(2) : 15-22.

Jeff Rubin. 2012. The End of Growth, pp. 1-45; 137-147; and 151-259. Jenny Diski. “Thrive by Richard Layard and David M Clark—review.” The Guardian, June 25, 2014. http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/jun/25/thrive-richard-layard- david-clark-review

Fred Block. 2011. “Crisis and renewal: the outlines of a twenty-first century new deal”, Socio-Economic Review, 9: 31-5 Greenhouse, Steven. 2008. Chapter 9: “Taking the High Road” pp. 158-183 in The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Davis, Mike. 2006. Chapter 1: “The Urban Climeacteric”. Planet of Slums. London: Verso, pp. 1-19.

Neuwirth, Robert. 2006. Chapter 3: “Mumbai: Squatter Class Structure” in Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters, A New Urban World. New York: Routledge. pp. 101-142

Week 12 – April 6: Conclusions – Yes, Because it’s 2017: The Debaters (Joint class) Final paper due on Friday, April 7, 2017.