PPG1005H The Social Context of Policy-Making Winter 2017 December 9, 2016 DRAFT Instructor: Section 1: Ito Peng Department of Sociology 725 Spadina Avenue, Room 256/58 Time and Place of Class Thursdays, 10 am - 1 pm, University College Room 330 Office Hours By appointment:
[email protected] Phone: 416-946-5902 Course Objectives: This course explores how public policies and policy processes need to be evaluated in light of the social context in which they are developed. We examine how social, economic, demographic, political and cultural and ideational factors shape and influence social and economic policies, and how these policies change and continue as these factors and contexts change over time. We also will also examine theoretical and ethical principles underpinning public policies. A related goal of this course is to help students learn how to use evidence and empirical research to answer highly contested issues in policy circles and in public life. We will pursue these objectives by introducing students to major trends and social changes in Canada and in the world, assessing these trends and issues from a comparative perspective, reflecting on their normative implications, and examining alternative policy responses to these developments. Readings: Most of the assigned readings can be downloaded directly from the Blackboard. Many journal articles not uploaded onto the Blackboard are available through the University’s library website. For articles that are not readily available through the University’s library website, we have embedded links to the readings in the course outline. Course Organization: Students who are assigned to lead class discussion will start the class with presentation and discussion for the first hour of the class, followed by a short break.