Dear VVS School Community, Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! I hope you enjoyed your summer, finding time to relax, refresh, and enjoy family and friends. Thank you for making your home in the Vernon-Verona-Sherrill Central School District, where we aspire to be valued as a district of distinction by our community. This vision drives us to serve the needs of every child who attends our school each day as well as the community that collaborates with us in achieving this vision. There are many exciting things happening in our community as new business and industry evolve throughout our area over the next few years providing numerous employment opportunities for our graduates in nanotechnology, mechatronic, chip fab and agriculture. Employment and economic growth will provide additional needs in construction, retail, the service sector, and other ancillary businesses resulting from growth in the region. VVS is preparing for the future through courses in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, (STEM) and the Arts (STEAM) beginning in the elementary schools and on through our dual (high school and college) credit agreements with Mohawk Valley Community College. Our academic program now requires students to complete four years of study in both high school math and science, in addition to our rigorous written and oral communication program. All of our programs, beginning in pre-kindergarten, require students to think, solve real world problems, work collaboratively, and respect and consider the opinions of others. The VVS School District takes its responsibility to serve the children and the community very seriously, and relies on the involvement and support of the VVS community, so essential to our success. This year, we will continue our community discussions around preparing our students for success in the 21st Century. We know we can count on the involvement and collaboration of students, parents, local, state and national businesses, higher education institutions, local organizations, District staff, and the community-at-large to actively engage in this important dialogue. We appreciate the importance of working in concert with families, students, and the larger community to thoughtfully plan and act to ensure the very best for our students, recognizing that the school, the parents, the students, and the community cannot succeed without the commitment of us all. We are dependent upon one another to ensure the success of our children. My thanks to all those who contribute to the success of VVS; it is your talent, ideas, involvement, and support for learning that makes VVS a great place to learn, to work, and to live!

Best Regards,

Martha K. Group Superintendent of schools page 2 In The Spotlight...V.V.S. Top Two Soaring to Perhaps it’s the diverse talents New Heights that Tyler possesses that make Valedictorian – Tyler Brewer him so unique. Whether singing, dancing, kicking a soccer ball or College: Cornell University solving a math equation, Tyler Major: Environmental Science excels. Tyler was a member of the Parents: Ken and Kristin undefeated boys’ varsity soccer Siblings: Nathan (10th) and Morgan (7th) team and lead in the Drama Club’s From: Verona award-nominated production of Singin’ in the Rain. Advice to fellow graduates: Learn to manage your time wisely, and spend it doing something you’re passionate about. From Mrs. Miller: “Every year as a teacher, I have the privilege to watch students grow and change. I have never been more honored to be a part of this than with Tyler. He is a young man who has continued to exemplify the definitions of character, dedication, motivation, and citizenship. Tyler is the kind of person that has not been just a student at VVS, but a member of our school and community whose name will be revered for years to come. He has truly left a legacy and nailed a heart print that others should strive to achieve.” From Mr. Mitchell: “It is important to note that I know Tyler outside the classroom. He has been a part of my life since his birth. I have watched him mature into a responsible, hard-working, dependable young man. I can honestly say that I have never known nor taught an individual that is his equal. To define in terms such as “good kid” or even “one of the best” fails to describe Tyler. He rises above these. He is the best of the best. As a father, I can only hope that my boys will grow to follow in his footsteps. Tyler is one of those students a teacher always remembers throughout his career.”

Salutatorian – Abigail Schmalz Abby’s friends truly mean the College: University of Massachusetts at Amherst world to her and they have literally traveled the world together. Abby’s Major: Nursing love for dance shines through in all Parents: Edyth Russell and Steve Schmalz of her performances. Siblings: Melissa (VVS Class of 2013) From: Sherrill Advice to fellow graduates: If you work hard, you will succeed in everything that you do. Find something you’re truly passionate about and you will always find happiness. From Mr. Williams: “Abby has always been a naturally motivated young woman. The first words that come to mind when I think of Abby are “consistent excellence.” Abby is an academic vacuum; everything you teach, she absorbs and seems to remember forever. She is a quiet, stoic leader that a lot of her classmates look up to. As Abby moves on to college, our district will be losing a great student that has excelled in and outside the classroom. However, after experiencing Abby and everything that she represents, I know she is moving on to bigger and better things. Abby is someone that I know will make a great impact on other people’s lives. Watching her grow over these last four years has been rewarding.” From Mr. Sullivan: “She is a humble, intelligent, determined young lady who has developed into a leader within our school community. Her character has never been in question and she makes her decisions based on what is morally and ethically sound, instead of letting peers influence her choices. I have much respect for Abby because she is always one to stand up for what is right and is always someone who will treat other people kindly and respectfully. I believe she is mature beyond her years and has character traits that are lacking in many of today’s youths.” Congratulations VVS Community.... page Our Grads are Going Places! 3 Charlee Adams Alexandra Evans Cazenovia College Dillon Adams Employment Tyler Evans Employment Cassandra Allen MVCC Gabriel Faherty SUNY Poly Tyler Arnold MVCC Caitlin Faulkner Herkimer College Courtney Avery OCC Janelle Faulkner Herkimer College Dillon Bates Employment Alison Felici Marymount Manhattan College Timothy Beal Rochester Institute of Technology Ashley Findlay Employment Samantha Bellinger St. Elizabeth School of Nursing Jeffrie Finen, Jr. Hartwick College John Bickom SUNY Oswego Jillian Flagler St. John Fisher Molly Blehar Employment Lauren Fletcher Albany College of Pharmacy Danielle Blom MVCC Andrew Foeppel MVCC Isabella Borst D’Youville College Liam Furman SUNY Poly Carley Breckenridge Cinema Makeup School Glen Garnsey MVCC Ryan Breckenridge SUNY Poly Dustin Gates Morrisville Simon Breckenridge SUNY Oneonta Jeffrey Gawarecki, Jr. Employment Tyler Brewer Cornell University Jeffrey Gibson MVCC Joshua Brodnicki Employment Mollie Gilmer SUNY Geneseo Krysia Browka Rochester Institute of Technology Jessica Graham Cinema Makeup School Spencer Brown Employment Lucas Graham SUNY Cortland Amanda Burkle MVCC Kendra Green Elmira College Branden Burns MVCC Jack Harrington SUNY Geneseo April Butler MVCC Samuel Harris SUNY Morrisville Bradley Calhoun Marines Patrick Hart Employment Stephanie Calhoun MVCC Wyatt Hasty OCC Alyssa Card MVCC Xavier Hopkins Brenner Employment Angela Carolla Employment Taylor Hughes Herkimer College Kyle Chandler OCC Ryan Hull MVCC Brandon Chesebro Ohio Tech Brittany Hummel MVCC Gabrielle Clark SUNY Cobleskill Lacy Janowski Sage College Donald Coffin MVCC Bryer Jeannotte SUNY Fredonia Allison Collins MVCC Tyler Jones OCC Jette Collins MVCC Sydney Keenan St. John Fisher Jason Colon Oneonta Tessa Knudsen Keuka College Ryan Compoli Marines Austin Lallier University of Binghamton McKenzie Conroy Herkimer College Austin Lynch SUNY Purchase Rachel Conte SUNY Oneonta John MacDonald MVCC Tiffany Cortes Employment Jacob Marris SUNY Poly Devin Croad SUNY Oswego Katerie Marris Le Moyne Sundance Davenport Employment Joseph Martin Employment Tiffany Davis MVCC Taylor Mautner University at Buffalo Eric Day OCC Montanna McCouliff MVCC William Decker University of Northwest Ohio Melody McCoy-Cole Hobart & William Smith Christopher DeNova SUNY Potsdam Ryan McNamara FMCC Justin DeWolfe Employment Ashlyn Metz Utica College Andrew Dietz SUNY Fredonia Nicholas Metzger Syracuse University Jessie Dixon SUNY Cobleskill Taylor Miller SUNY Morrisville Alexis Dougherty Saint Michael’s Julian Moffett OCC Breonah Dunham MVCC Rikki Moore MVCC Ian Dunster MVCC Christopher Nelson Sage Trucking School Rakel Durant MVCC Jacqueline Neverette Le Moyne Zachary Durant Siena Mackenzie Nicol Le Moyne Brooke Ebersold SUNY Oswego Skyler O’Grady Monroe CC Colton Elerick MVCC Continued on next page...... page Leading up to the Junior Prom, V.V.S. students participated in teen traffic safety day featuring 4 local law enforcement from the NYS Troopers and Oneida County Sheriff’s Department. The event was sponsored by Oneida County Stop DWI and County Executive Anthony Picente.

Pictured from left to right: Randy Thomas, Tom Giruzzi, Therese Pitman, Sierra Thieme, Cecelia Kaido, Kacey Engler

Our Grads are Going Places.... Continued from previous page..... Christine Oliver Pratt MWP James Slaven MVCC Ryan Oliver Utica College Matthew Smith Employment Joshua Olney Employment Kenny Stover III MVCC Hayley Ossont MVCC Dylan Sutherland Employment Sarah Peavey SUNY Cobleskill Makenzie Talbot SUNY Canton Rachel Przbylski St. John Fisher William Terrell III SUNY Morrisville Jeremy Randall MVCC Daniel Thayer Cazenovia College Delaney Raymonda University of Rochester Megan Theriault MVCC Kate Regner SUNY Geneseo Christian Tiffin Utica College Elizabeth Reilly Employment Kyli-Marie Towner Herkimer Emma Richardson SUNY Poly Emily Vallee Ithaca College Kimberly Richmond Full Sail University Jeremy VanDuluitgaarden D’Youville College Kyle Roache Siena College Justin VanDuluitgaarden SUNY ESF Kristyn Roberts Undecided Angel Vargas Employment Allissa Ropetski MVCC Bailey Vaughn Navy Lily Ruskowski BOCES Adult Ed Program Kayla Ward Utica College Dante Sandleben MVCC Jason Webb Ithaca College Christina Schaefer MVCC Caitlin Williams SUNY Geneseo Marissa Scherz Cazenovia College Scott Wilson SUNY Poly Abigail Schmalz University of Massachusetts Amherst Alexander Winchell SUNY Poly Cody Schmalz Marines Devin Woodcock MVCC Walter Schmidt MVCC Frank Zalocha Employment Micaila Schwebe SUNY Buffalo Benjamin Ziarko OCC Anthony Sepeda MVCC

V.V.S. Senior Devin Croad has been awarded the “Special Achievement Award” at the 2015 Landmark Theatre Awards for his work with the V.V.S. production, “Singin’ in the Rain.” Devin serves as the Student Lead Recording Engineer at V.V.S. High School.

Pictured are Devin Croad and V.V.S. teacher Brandie Collins. page High School News... 5 V.V.S. FFA Named NYS Chapter of the Year The Vernon-Verona-Sherrill FFA (Future Farmers of America) was recently named the State’s top FFA program as selected by the Association of FFA. At a gathering of more than 1,100 students and guests at the agriculture youth organization’s annual meeting, V.V.S. FFA chapter representatives Samantha Thurston and KristiAnn Frank received the prestigious award on behalf of the organization as presented by State FFA Secretary Maria Martinez. The FFA Chapter of the Year Award recognizes the top school-based FFA organization in the State and is based upon an extensive application highlighting the organization’s program of activities. Divisions of the application include Student Development, Chapter Development, and Community Development and feature three activities conducted by the organization’s membership throughout the year. According to V.V.S. FFA President Mackenzie Nicol, “Winning this award serves as an inspiration to our members and school community. It recognizes the hard work and dedication of our members.” V.V.S. High School Principal Andy Brown concurred, “We are proud of the accomplishments of our agricultural youth as they strive to be a FFA chapter of distinction.” V.V.S. FFA advisor Keith Schiebel also noted, “The award recognizes the dedication and achievements of our students, parents, FFA Booster Club, and faculty at V.V.S.; this is a true honor for our school and community.” The V.V.S. FFA is known throughout the region for its Maple Weekend pancake breakfast open house, along with production and sales of pure maple syrup. The FFA also serves as host of the nation’s largest maple conference held annually in January and operates a mobile maple exhibit which travels statewide to deliver agriculture literacy programs. This past year, the maple exhibit visited elementary schools in Utica, Rome, and Westmoreland, as well as schools in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan. More than 100 schools statewide offer agriculture education and are eligible to apply for the award. For V.V.S., it was the fifth time in the past eight years to receive the statewide honor. As the State’s top FFA program, the Chapter qualifies for consideration by the National FFA in rankings in the National FFA Chapter Award. Twice in the past eight years, the V.V.S. FFA program has received a national top ten finish in one of the program of activities categories. The three-day FFA convention was hosted at Morrisville State College and featured a line-up of motivational and informational presentations, a career show, and leadership workshops for the agricultural youth.

V.V.S. Teachers Teaching Beyond Our Borders Did you always want to learn about the French Regions in France? Well that is exactly what Laura Rouse, French Teacher, and Tina Laramie, Library Media Specialist, at the high school are teaching. They have done such a great job with the unit lesson plan that the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has published it. They started this journey seven years ago. Every year, they have collaborated on the French Regions project where Mrs. Laramie instructs students on evaluating websites and Mrs. Rouse instructs students on the topography of the French regions, along with vocabulary, cultural, and historical events. Over the years, it has evolved and incorporated much more technology which is exactly what the ISTE standards exemplify. They were awarded a badge that is placed on their websites. Please check out the lesson at http://www.vvsschools.org/Domain/89 or http://www.vvsschools.org/domain/66 . Congratulations to both Mrs. Laramie and Mrs. Rouse for their dedication to improving student learning through the use of technology! page 6 V.V.S. Middle School...... New Year, New Faces, New Initiatives, Same Great School My name is Carrie Hodkinson, and I am the Middle School Principal. I hope all of you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer vacation. On behalf of our middle school faculty and staff, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the 2015-2016 school year. We look forward to the achievements and opportunities ahead for our students. We are excited to watch all of our students continue to grow and develop into future leaders and well-rounded citizens. We would like to welcome Mr. Nicholas Sweet and Ms. Kaitlyn Fortier, our two new physical education teachers, Mr. Brad Loucy, AIS math (Academic Intervention Service) teacher, Mrs. Judith Whitney, art teacher, and Mr. Dominick DeSalvatore, music teacher, to our middle school. They are very excited to build positive relationships with all of our students, families, staff, and the V.V.S. community. As you may be aware, we have been involved in raising standards and accountability for students, parents, teachers, and administrators. This has resulted in a continued focus of attention and professional development training on curriculum, instruction, assessment, and meeting our students’ social-emotional needs. Our teachers continue to utilize the New York State Common Core Learning Standards as the foundation for their lessons to prepare students to be college and career ready. Middle school teachers have also been collaborating within both their departments and teams to continue to develop several STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) activities to incorporate more real life projects into the middle school curriculum. Our goal is to continue our STEAM momentum from last year in working with experts and businesses in the community to support, reinforce, and apply concepts learned in the classrooms to real life scenarios. Therefore, students are able to see the value of what they are learning in school and are better equipped to transfer the information to real life applications. Some of the Middle School initiatives for the 2015-16 school year are: • Implement more STEAM/project-based activities to continue to increase student achievement • Continue to increase the rigor of our curriculum to prepare students to be college, career, and life ready • Continue to expand upon the use of technology in the classrooms • Continue to increase our students’ literacy skills across all content areas • Continue to partner with both parents and the community in order to meet our students’ social, emotional, and academic needs • Increase the number of students who reach mastery level on local and state assessments • Recognize all of our students’ achievements that occur in and out of the classroom • Continue to develop programs, incentives, and extracurricular activities for our students because learning is social before it is cognitive. Students, I encourage you to welcome the challenge of a new school year and wish you success on your journey. I look forward to working with each one of you. Parents, guardians, and students, please remember that we are a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More)! Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation in making VVS Middle School a great place to learn! page 7

W.A. Wettel...There’s No Stopping Us! From Vince Pompo, Principal.... Welcome back! I hope you all had a great summer vacation with friends and loved ones. I look forward to the new school year with a great deal of enthusiasm. As I reflect on the 2014/2015 school year, I want to thank all staff, faculty, and our families for the many goals we achieved. I am happy to report that goals set forth at the start of the 2014/2015 school year were realized. Due to the great work and efforts of many folks we did: • Continue to offer unique experiences for our students including but not limited to: a Friendship Feast during the month of November; a surprise field trip to see A Christmas Carol at the Stanley Theater; a Martin Luther King Jr. Oration Competition; a Community Readers’ Day; a barbeque-themed Fun Day; and among other awesome experiences, a History Fair • Implement a combined integrative, specialized, and long-term student contact instructional approach to students in grades 3-6 • Promote and nurture in our students across all grade levels • Pilot, with Mrs. Harrington’s class, a software program – Brainology – that nurtures a growth mindset in our students • Make more consistent across all grades, the facilitation of several S.T.E.M. and S.T.E.A.M. learning experiences throughout the course of the year • Implement a new handwriting and keyboarding program • Offer more after-school assistance to our students than in any previous year. I am especially proud of our students and teachers whose dedication and commitment were inspiring. • Host our fourth annual family fun night in March 2015, which attracted several hundred family members • Say goodbye to our beloved secretary, Mrs. Hollister, and welcomed her replacement, Mrs. Marris • Send close to 60 Pompo Postcards to students who exhibited leadership traits

As we continue to plan for the 2015/2016 school year, we once again look forward to your continued assistance in serving our students and the V.V.S. community. Please feel free to call members of the faculty, staff, and/or me should questions arise regarding your child’s progress or any of our school’s programs. Best wishes for a rewarding school year, and I hope to see you throughout the year. page 8 Join Us for Community Day 2015 • Sunday, October 18 • 10 am - 4 pm FIRE SAFETY Nine area fire departments will be recognizing Fire Safety Month and sponsoring a Safety Expo at Community Day. Participating fire departments include Sherrill-Kenwood, Vernon, Vernon Center, Verona, Sylvan Beach, Durhamville, Westmoreland, New London, and Oneida Castle. Remember to check your smoke detectors and their batteries regularly. The Oneida County Smokehouse is scheduled to be on site as well.

Health & Wellness Fair The Health and Wellness Fair features more than 25 area health and wellness providers offering a wide array of medical and health information. This year the Central New York Blood Mobile will return and be part of Community Day. Those interested in donating blood should call Wendy Hunt, the Health Fair Coordinator, at 798-5229 as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. All donors will receive a coupon for a free V.V.S. FFA chicken barbecue the day of the event.

Flu season is around the corner. A flu-shot clinic for walk-ins age 18 and older will be hosted by Rite Aid Pharmacies. Craft Fair For those with a little shopping in mind, fifteen area crafters have already registered to exhibit their products and crafts in both high school gyms. Come out and see the variety of products offered. page Join Us for Community Day 2015 • Sunday, October 18 • 10 am - 4 pm 9

Children will be entertained with the Kids’ Carnival featuring recreational activities conducted by school groups and organizations. Air Time Inflatables promises to bring additional inflatables for the children to enjoy, and what child doesn’t enjoy playing and jumping for joy while laughing with friends and family!

Sundry food is always available at Community Day with the usual Hofmann hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage, homemade pies, ice cream sundaes, fried dough, french fries, and more. Chicken Back by popular demand, the V.V.S. FFA will be serving a chicken barbecue starting at 11:30 a.m.

Although admission to Community Day is free, several community outreach initiatives are being supported by V.V.S. students through Community Day. Participants are asked to bring donations of canned food items or gently-used clothing and winter coats in support of area charities. Donations will be collected at the main entrances. The event is open to the public.

Visit V.V.S. Community Day on Facebook. For more information, contact: Paulette Schiebel at 335-3075 or [email protected].

Special Thanks to our corporate sponsors: • Oneida Daily Dispatch • JDEANN Photography • Mix 106.3 Radio • Gates-Cole Insurance • Oneida Healthcare • Air Time Inflatables • Oneida County Executive’s Office V.V.S. is a great place to learn, to work, and to live! page E.A. McAllister... 10 Right on Target! From James Rozwod, Principal.... We have spent part of the summer reflecting back on our progress meeting our district and building goals set for last year. We can proudly report that we met our goals for increasing the number of after-school activities/student participation, as well as the bar we set for attendance. Additionally, our sixth grade students had increased opportunities for leadership and artfully solved some rather complex school-wide problems. They will surely be missed as they set a great example for this year’s leaders. We are eagerly looking forward to the 2015-16 school year! Some McAllister students enjoying a well-deserved end of Over the summer, our maintenance staff has been putting the year celebration compliments of the PTSO and the Sons of the finishing touches on having the building spic, span, and American Legion, Squadron 230. polished for learning. We welcome new families to the McAllister community. We look forward to continuing to offer a top notch academic program while balancing the need for “kids to be kids.” J.D. George Elementary School Reaching for the Stars... We Can and We Will! From Kimberly LeBlanc, Principal.... Welcome back! I am hoping that you have enjoyed some relaxation and family time this summer, like those of us at J.D. George have. Mr. Zimmerman and his staff have done an amazing job preparing the building so that we can fill the hallways with student work once again, showcasing the many talents of our students and staff. Ms. Clark and Mrs. Cole have been busy registering many new friends who joined us on September 8th. I have been reflecting on our successes over the last several years and am so proud of all we have accomplished. My goal for this year has not changed; it is to continue to develop the partnerships between our families, the community, and the J.D. George faculty and staff. I am excited about the year to come and all of the programs and learning experiences we have planned. As the principal of J.D. George, I look forward to leading a phenomenal team of faculty and staff to provide each child with a positive school experience that will challenge them both intellectually and socially and guide them toward independent thinking and problem solving. This year, we have added a new reading theme, further developed programs to support last year’s motto of “I Can and I Will,” and developed learning experiences that support the STEAM initiative that is being promoted district-wide. On top of this, we will strive to promote healthy development in all aspects of each student’s life, while developing a student body of good character and students who make good choices and decisions resulting in successful and healthy outcomes. This year, our reading theme will be “Reach for the Stars!” We will be goal-setting and monitoring. In addition to the goals you might expect, learning sight words and math facts, we will be setting attendance goals, behavioral goals, and individual goals that may or may not be academic but will focus on self- improvement. This was shared with students on opening day. The students at J.D. George are model students, and I am looking forward to seeing what they try to achieve. We are excited about this new theme which is a take-off of last year’s, “I Can and I Will,” and look forward to being able to recognize students for their great accomplishments. Looking back at the 2014-2015 school year, I continue to be impressed with the work that we did and all that was accomplished! We exceeded many of the goals that we set, thanks to the students, families, faculty, staff, and community. Looking ahead, we have identified the following goals that will support our belief of educating the whole child. Continued on following page..... J.D. George Elementary ...... Continued from page 8 page BUILDING-WIDE FOCUS for 2015-2016 Students Pre-K-6 will focus on developing creative minds in all content areas and showcase their skills and talents 11 through a variety of platforms and mediums. BUILDING GOALS for 2015-2016 • Increase the number of students reaching proficiency (90%) and mastery (40%) level in ELA, math, science, social studies and all special area courses • Enhance the emotional safety of all students • Provide a positive environment where faculty, staff, families, students, and the community can work collaboratively to promote student success. To support these goals, the following learning experiences will take place: • Students will continue to work with instructional teams of teachers to develop the skills that they need to meet the rigorous Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS). • Students will continue to be part of project-based learning teams. • Students will continue to be trained in safety procedures and knowledge to improve their physical and emotional safety by allowing ample time to practice the skills obtained. • Students will continue to further develop their sense of individuality, as well as their role on a team through an emotionally safe learning environment where they are encouraged to take risks and will be provided with opportunities to reflect on their experiences. • Students will continue to be provided with opportunities to increase their involvement in the community. • Students will continue to work as part of teams (family, faculty, and staff) during a variety of school-sponsored events and learning experiences. • Student awareness of local, national, and global issues will continue to be raised through grade level appropriate activities. Once again we look forward to serving you and your children. Together we will make it a fabulous year!

Our Pictures Are Worth More Than 1,000 Words For anyone who attended the District Wide Art Show last May, it is no secret that the students at V.V.S. have an amazing amount of talent. From our Pre-K students who are experiencing formalized art classes for the first time to our seniors who participate in the advanced placement course, students are engaged, motivated, and enthusiastic about the pieces of art they are creating. This past spring, the Art Department hired two new teachers, Mrs. Kayla McDonough who will replace Mrs. Hawkins at the high school and Mrs. Judith Whitney who will be teaching art in the middle school. We are excited about these two new teachers who will compliment an already successful program. This summer, we have been busy aligning the art curriculum and creating sample projects for students to reference during instruction. Over the course of the year, please take note of the art work displayed throughout the district and the community. We are pleased to be able to share our passion for art with a talented group of students in a supportive community that values the arts. page School’s Open! Be Safe! 12 For twenty three million students nationwide, the school day begins and ends with a trip on a school bus. The greatest risk is not riding the bus, but approaching or leaving the bus. As children go back to school or start school for the first time, it is essential that adults and children know traffic safety rules. Drivers • When backing out of a driveway or leaving a garage, watch out for children walking or bicycling to school. • When driving in neighborhoods with school zones, watch out for young people who may be thinking about getting to school, but may not be thinking of getting there safely. • Slow down. Watch for children walking in the street, especially if there are no sidewalks in the neighborhood. • Slow down. Watch for children playing and congregating near bus stops. • Be alert. Children arriving late for the bus may dart into the street without looking for traffic. • Learn and obey the school bus laws. Learn the “flashing signal light system” that school bus drivers use to alert motorists of pending actions: • Yellow flashing lights indicate that the bus is preparing to stop to load or unload children. Motorists should slow down and prepare to stop their vehicles. • Red flashing lights and extended stop arms indicate that the bus has stopped, and that children are getting on or off. Motorists must stop their cars and wait until the red lights stop flashing, the extended stop sign is withdrawn, and the bus begins moving before they can start driving again. Children • Get to the bus stop at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. • When the bus approaches, stand at least three giant steps (6 feet) away from the curb, and line up away from the street. • Wait until the bus stops, the door opens, and the driver says that it’s okay before stepping onto the bus. • If you have to cross the street in front of the bus, walk on the sidewalk or along the side of the road to a point at least five giant steps (10 feet) ahead of the bus before you cross. Be sure that the bus driver can see you, and you can see the bus driver. • Use the handrails to avoids falls. When exiting the bus, be careful that clothing with drawstrings and bookbags with straps don’t get caught in the handrails or doors. Bags should be over both shoulders when entering or exiting the bus. • Never walk behind the bus. • Walk at least three giant steps away from the side of the bus. • If you drop something near the bus, tell the bus driver. Never try to pick it up because the driver may not be able to see you. Parents • Teach children to follow these common sense practices to make school bus transportation safer. The VVS Faculty and Staff are very proud and excited to welcome the following people to our team: Tiffany Rutledge, Teacher Aide, Patricia Van Buren, Teacher Aide, Rachel Peck, Teacher Aide, Robyn Coufal, Teacher Aide, Timothy Dust, Custodian, Darlene Cardwell, Behavior Specialist, Ashley Sperber, Library Media Specialist, Cynthia Warren, Reading Teacher, Ashlee Rubyor, 2nd Grade Teacher, Holly Cutler, Teacher Aide, Michelle Sirles, Teacher Aide, Samantha Sykes, Teacher Aide, Carly Cooper, PE Teacher, Eileen Kolb, 2nd Grade Teacher, Jennifer Walker, Reading Teacher, Lisa Petreikas, Teacher Aide, Lindsay Colvin, Teacher Aide, Nikolas Gray, Teacher Aide, Nicholas Sweet, Physical Education Teacher, Kaitlyn Fortier, Physical Education Teacher, Judith Whitney, Art Teacher, Brad Loucy, Math Teacher, Melanie Hoover, Foreign Language Teacher, Kayla McDonough, Art Teacher, Kirt Broedel, Long-term Substitute English Teacher, Alex Rose, Math Teacher, Tara Buffa, Special Education Teacher, Sara Tuthill, Special Education/Ag. Teacher, Elizabeth Fitzgerald, 1st Grade Teacher, Patrick Goodman, Special Education Coordinator, Duane Weimer, Athletic Director, Dominick DeSalvatore, Music Teacher and Anne DeSalvatore, Music Teacher. We look forward to these people joining our community in continuing to make V.V.S. a District of Distinction. page School Information 13 School Hours: W.A. Wettel – Vernon 8:25 – 3:15 VVS Middle School 7:40 – 2:21 J.D. George – Verona 8:35 – 3:25 VVS High School 7:40 – 2:21 E.A. McAllister – Sherrill 8:25 – 3:15

Enrollment: Parents of resident students may enroll students at the individual school buildings between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Parents are encouraged to call the school to schedule a time to complete the registration. Immunizations: Students must be fully immunized in order to attend school. For information on immunization clinics, call the Oneida County Health Department at 798-5747 or the Madison County Health Department at 366-2361. Transportation: Families were provided transportation information in the mail prior to the beginning of school. All area residents are asked to be alert to students waiting for the bus, walking, or bicycling to school. Please be reminded that it is illegal to pass a stopped school bus from any direction with its red lights flashing. School Lunch Prices: • Elementary $1.60 • Secondary $1.85 • Reduced Price Breakfast/Lunches $.25 • Breakfast $1.00 • Milk (white or flavored) $.50 Emergency School Closings or Delays: The following radio and television stations will carry emergency school closings or delay information: Radio Television • WSYR – Syracuse • WKTV – TV Channel 2 Utica • WIXT – TV Channel 9 Syracuse • WIBX – Utica • WSTM – TV Channel 3 Syracuse • Time Warner Cable News – TV Channel 10 Syr. • WMCR - Oneida • WTVH – TV Channel 5 Syracuse School Contacts: W.A. Wettel Elementary School – Mr. Vincent Pompo, Principal 829-2520, ext. 7300 – Mrs. Valerie Marris, Secretary – Mrs. Sarah Spitzer, Clerk

J.D. George Elementary School – Mrs. Kimberly LeBlanc, Principal 829-2520, ext. 7360 – Mrs. Jacqueline Cole, Secretary – Ms. Nancy Clark, Clerk

E.A. McAllister Elementary School – Mr. James Rozwod, Principal 829-2520, ext. 7330 – Mrs. Amanda Cameron, Secretary – Mrs. Heidi Schaal, Clerk

VVS Middle School – Mrs. Carrie Hodkinson, Principal 829-2520, ext. 7444 – Mrs. Kimberly Fera, Secretary – Mrs. Lucianna Kapps, Guidance Counselor – Mrs. Sue Campbell, Secretary

VVS High School – Mr. Andy Brown, Principal 829-2520, ext. 7446 – Mrs. Jill Collins, Secretary – Mrs. Erin Sanchez, Assistant Principal – Mrs. Judy Adsit, Secretary

Guidance Counselors: • Mrs. Karen Holton • Ms. Adrienne Muller • Mr. Kristofer Sullivan – Mrs. Heather Bauer, Guidance Office Secretary page 14 News From the Athletic Office..... Greetings V.V.S. Fans! My name is Duane “Duey” Weimer, and I am the new Director of Athletics at Vernon-Verona-Sherrill. My wife, Pamela, and I are proud VVS residents, and we have three children – Josslyn (7), Allysandra (5) and Rhyan (1). I received my Bachelors in Physical Education and Masters in Health Education from SUNY Cortland, and my Building and District level Administration certification from Stony Brook University. I have been a physical education teacher at VVS since 2002, 3 years at J.D. George and 10 years in the middle school, and I have been a coach for all 13 years for various sports/ levels – Varsity Boys Track (3 years), JV/V Girls Volleyball (7 years), JV/M Football (11 years) and JV/V Girls Lacrosse (5 years). As I take on my new role as Athletic Director, I will continue teaching physical education in the high school. It was a busy and exciting summer as I prepared for the upcoming athletic seasons. I’ve met with various stakeholders to get a better understanding of the culture, needs, and direction of VVS Athletics, and my aim is to represent and lead VVS with pride and diligence. My goals for this first year include… 1. Clarifying the role of the Director of Athletics 2. Evaluating team captainship & the development of a captains’ leadership program 3. Placing an amplified emphasis on… preparation, enthusiasm & accountability 4. Increasing the partnership with media 5. Assessment of athletics’ organization, structure & security 6. Website & technology upgrades 7. Unified fundraising & community service efforts The VVS All-Sports Boosters Club is also looking for volunteer support and membership to continue to benefit all VVS athletes and coaches. Recently, ALL athletic program requests for equipment, materials and supplies for this upcoming year (~$30,000) were granted with the assistance of the All-Sports Boosters Club! Meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at 7pm in the High School Conference Room, and all are welcome to attend. More information, including student-athlete electronic registration, required documents, schedules, notifications and more can be found at www.vvsschools.org/athletics. You can also follow us on Twitter (@VVSathletics), and sign up for our MaxMessenger System with your child’s coach (text & email notification tool specific for athletics via www.MaxPreps.com). V.V.S. PRIDE! REVISED 9/15/15 Want to know more about VVS? Visit our web site: www.vvsschools.org Vernon-Verona-Sherrill Central School Non-Profit Organization City School District of the City of Sherrill FYI: U.S. Postage From time to time, we get a 5275 State Route 31, PO Box 128 Verona, New York 13478-0128 PAID telephone call or a note from Permit No. 6 someone who has not been Verona, NY 13478 receiving the newsletter or BOARD OF EDUCATION Shelly Gilmour, President CARRIER ROUTE PRE-SORT has missed a particular issue. Paul Thompson, Vice-President We want to include all of our families and friends on our Steve Adamkowski mailing list. If you know of Kipp Hicks someone who has not received Thomas Moats this newsletter or has never Melissa Palmer been included in our mailing, Ann Pangburn please call: Nancy Pitman Catherine Suttmeier Mark Wixson 829-2520 ext. 7410 DISTRICT VISION The Vernon-Verona-Sherrill School District aspires to be valued as a district of distinction by our community. We will do our best to include you in the future. DISTRICT MISSION The Mission of the Vernon-Verona-Sherrill School District is to serve the community by preparing individuals to value challenges, learning opportunities, diversity and civic responsibility.

page Distinguished Service 16

Mr. Thomas Moats and Mr. Tom Huxtable recognize Mrs. Linda Chambers for her 21 years of service to the V.V.S. Community as a V.V.S. Board of Education Member. Mrs. Chambers received the Oneida-Madison-Herkimer School Boards Institute’s Distinguished Service Award.

It’s Almost Time...V.V.S. Community Day!

The Oneida Daily Dispatch and Oneida Healthcare Sponsor V.V.S. Community Day 2015 The return of V.V.S. Community Day is just around the corner at the V.V.S. High School on Sunday, October 18, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the seventh consecutive year. Admission is FREE. The event features craft vendors, school clubs, area churches and civic organizations, various food vendors, and a focus on community safety, health, and fitness because our community is a great place to live, to work, and to learn. The Community Day Committee again plans to make a donation to both local V.V.S. food pantries from this year’s proceeds. In addition, we will collect non-perishable food items and gently used clothing and coats; please bring your donations to the school the day of the festivities. Community Day is all about giving a gift to our community for the purpose of coming together for education, fun, food, and friendship. Don’t Miss the Special Community Day Section on pages 8 and 9 inside this newsletter!

The Sheveron Communicator is a Quarterly Publication of Vernon-Verona-Sherrill Central School