Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Fact Sheet BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Habitat ConseRvation – PubliC NotiCe february 2011 Conservancy will own and manage the land. A conservation Proposal to purchase land easement will be placed on the property to permanently along the Methow River protect the land for conservation values. BPA would have Fact Sheet rights of enforcement to the easement. would protect fish habitat Land management: The Methow Conservancy in Okanogan County will lead the development of a baseline assessment and management plan to guide the protection of the land and Location: Winthrop, Okanogan County, Wash. enhancement of the riparian habitat for fish. The management plan will be updated periodically to account 1 Acres: for changes on the property and consider the best Fact Sheet available science. Partners: The Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation and the Methow Conservancy For more information Purpose: The Bonneville Power Administration is Bonneville Power AdministrAtion: proposing to fund the purchase of land in the Methow Jay Marcotte, project manager, 800-622-4519 or River watershed in north-central Washington to protect 503-230-3943,
[email protected] fish habitat. This property was chosen to ensure the ongoingFact success of existing riparianSheet protection projects in ConfederAted triBes And BAnds of the Cedarosa area. The Methow Conservancy already has the YAkAmA Nation: conservation easements on 20 nearby properties. The Brandon Rogers, tribal biologist, 509-949-4109, Methow River watershed is important for fish conservation
[email protected] because it supports populations of Upper Columbia spring the methow ConservAncy: chinook salmon, Upper Columbia steelhead, and Jeanne White, conservation project manager, Columbia River bull trout, which are all listed as threatened 1-509-996-2870,
[email protected] or endangeredFact under the Endangered Sheet Species Act.