GRACIOUS LIVING 与优雅同行 Sublime Elegance

建筑,是我们生活与工作的空间,也是美学表达的宏伟载体。每一座堪称艺术品的建筑力作,无论是 酒店、公寓、商业中心或公共设施,无不在结构造型与室内设计的每一处细节,体现出设计者的巧思与 匠心,千百年来历久弥新。科勒,传承百年经典,用创新的设计和大胆的色彩,为优雅生活折射出不同 角度的呈现,与各种艺术风格的建筑美学融合匹配——这就是众多酒店与地产选携手科勒,共同彰显不 凡品质的原因。打开书页,一起步入优雅之境。

Architecture is the space where we live and work, as well as the grand carrier of aesthetic expression.All the details of the structure and interior design of every building, hotel, apartment or public facility and business center reflect the designer's ingenuity and originality for thousands of years.Kohler, with a tradition of more than a hundred years of classic designs, matches different facets of elegant life with the architectural aesthetics of various artistic styles through innovative designs, bold colors and creative technology. This is why many hotels and real estate developers team up with Kohler to highlight the extraordinary quality of their venture.Now let's step into the world of elegance. 目录 CONTENTS

三亚·亚特兰蒂斯 Atlantis Sanya 5

上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店 Bellagio 11

海口丽思卡尔顿酒店 The Ritz-Carlton Haikou 17

上海静安瑞吉酒店 The St. Regis Shanghai Jing'an 23 大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店 The Castle Hotel,A Luxury Collection Hotel,Dalian 29 苏州 W 酒店 W Suzhou 35 海口朗廷酒店 The Langham Haikou 41 西安索菲特传奇酒店 Sofitel Legend People's Grand Hotel Xi'an 47 杭州柏悦酒店 Park Hyatt Hangzhou 53 上海环球港凯悦酒店 Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor 59 丽江金茂君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Lijiang 65 上海和平饭店 Fairmont Peace Hotel Shanghai 67 重庆北碚悦榕庄 Banyan Tree Chongqing Beibei Resort 69 中国,三亚 三亚·亚特兰蒂斯 Sanya, Atlantis,Sanya Hainan


柯兹纳国际酒店集团 Kerzner International

主创设计团队 : Jeffrey Beers International(JBI) 、 Hirsch Bedner Associates(HBA)、 超过 80 家国际著名的建筑和设计事务所联合呈现

5 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 6 中国,三亚 三亚·亚特兰蒂斯 Sanya,China Atlantis,Sanya Hainan


重新定义一站式度假目的地 坐落于海棠湾,三亚·亚特兰蒂斯真正重新定义了一 体式娱乐度假目的地。奇妙缤纷的海洋元素融合了精 致奢华的现代设计,注有13500吨天然海水的大使 环礁湖徜徉着86000尾海洋生物,如梦似幻。这是 一次所有年龄段都能享受的奇幻旅程,占地20万平 方的水世界、“失落的空间"水族馆、更有21家不同 风味的寰宇美食,而1314间全海景客房,均选用科 勒高端卫浴。

LEGEND REIMAGINED Atlantis Sanya is a modern, cutting edge luxury resort designed to evoke a contemporary vision of the lost city of Atlantis. It celebrates the majesty and mystery of the ocean while offering “在海底隐藏千年的亚特兰蒂斯文明逐渐浮出水面” a wide variety of fun and entertainment, all in an upscale, elegant setting overlooking The "The Atlantis civilization, which has been hidden South China Sea. Colorful marine elements combine with exquisite modern design as for thousands of years, is emerging." well as elements from Sanya's rich culture

A Composed to make your Atlantis Sanya experience 科勒精选 柏诗 落地式浴缸龙头 uniquely memorable.

7 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 8 中国,三亚 三亚·亚特兰蒂斯 Sanya,China Atlantis,Sanya Hainan


精致设计与海洋奇幻,共赴梦境 C 与鲨共眠,是这段旅行的高潮之处。在选用科勒精选 系列的水下套房里,柏诗龙头利落的直角设计,不带 一丝冗余,与海洋生物的奇趣曼妙相映成趣。纽密一 体超感座便器以惊艳造型,以及音乐与灯光带来突破 格局的娱乐体验。于一天的玩乐之后,让曼达淋浴系 统的多路出水如海浪涌动周身,感受头顶花洒的按摩 水型有节奏地拍打肩颈,扫去疲惫。新的一天,神秘 亚特兰蒂斯的探寻之旅将再次启程。

D MAGICAL LIVING Every guest room enjoys a breath-taking view of the sea, each featuring a balcony overlooking Haitang Bay. Don't miss staying in one of the very posh and breathtaking

underwater suites with incredible floor-to- A Composed ceiling views into the underwater world of 科勒精选 柏诗 脸盆龙头 The Ambassador Lagoon and its 86,000 Forefront 科勒 拂朗 长方形时尚台盆

resident marine animals. Guest bathrooms B Evok feature Kohler state-of-the-art Composed 科勒 艾芙 椭圆形独立式浴缸(定制版) faucets, Beitou showering faucet and the Modulo 科勒 智配 入墙式恒温阀芯及面板-柏诗把手

Numi intelligent toilet to enfold you in luxury Shift+ undreamed of by sojourners from the mythical 科勒 旋飞+ 多功能手持花洒 Atlantis. The sea breeze wafts through the C Beitou 科勒精选 曼达 淋浴系列

fog, and a new day of the mysterious Atlantis D Numi is about to begin. 科勒精选 纽密 一体超感座便器


A 中国,上海 上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店 Shanghai,China Bellagio Shanghai


钓鱼台美高梅酒店集团 Diaoyutai MGM Hospitality

主创设计团队 : 酒店设计:WATG 室内设计:Wimberly Interiors

11 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 12 中国,上海 上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店 Shanghai,China Bellagio Shanghai

“于城市显赫处演绎极致尊贵典雅,至臻体验,岂止难忘” “Unforgettable Urban Luxury”



横贯中西的新古典主义 座落于北外滩苏州河畔,上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店用现代的手法诠释时间的沉淀与历史的优雅。 酒店秉承宝丽嘉品牌的低调奢华与艺术美学,宛如一颗装饰艺术风格的绚丽宝石,于璀璨东 方熠熠闪耀。在这里,意大利巴洛克式的名贵与外滩新古典主义风格完美融合,巧妙地展现 出现代的美感、魅力与奢华。

NEOCLASSICISM RUNS FROM EAST TO WEST The Bellagio Shanghai presents sophisticated luxury alongside timeless class on the banks of the Suzhou River at the northern end of the Bund, where the past pivots into the futuristic view of Lujiazui. Adhering to the quietly magnificent and artistic aesthetics of the brand, the hotel is like an exquisite Art Deco jewel in this "Paris of the East". Here, the renowned Italian baroque style blends perfectly with Bund neoclassicism, skillfully showing its modern beauty, charm and luxury.

13 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 14 中国,上海 上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店 Shanghai,China Bellagio Shanghai





触摸无处不在的艺术气息 房内的每一处精心设计,无不彰显宝丽嘉品牌优雅艺术的文化内涵。一次让人 难以忘怀的至臻体验,少不了意式典雅大理石装裱浴室。由白宫御用设计师 Michael S.Smith为KALLISTA设计的For Town系列龙头充满着装饰艺术风 格,其流利的线条,帅气的棱角,让每一次触摸都充满质感。科勒精选进口贝 梨特艺术台盆,独特切面如钻石般辉映,此刻,留你于艺术独处片刻。

TOUCH THE UBIQUITOUS ART Every design in the room has been repeatedly deliberated, all of A KALLISTA For Town KALLISTA For Town 恒温淋浴组合 which demonstrate the cultural connotation of the elegant art of the

B Briolette brand. The spacious walk-in closet gives guests the feel of home, 科勒精选 贝梨特 艺术碗盆 while the elegant Italian marble bathroom with its stunning Briolette C KALLISTA For Town faceted glass vessel by Kohler and Kohler's timeless and classic KALLISTA For Town 台盆龙头 Kallista FOR TOWN collection by Michael S. Smith, White House D KALLISTA For Town KALLISTA For Town 缸边龙头及手持花洒 designer, evokes the elegance of a 1930s Park Avenue apartment.

15 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 16 中国,海口 海口丽思卡尔顿酒店 Haikou,China The Ritz-Carlton Haikou


主创设计团队 : 万豪国际集团 AECOM Group Marriott International

17 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 18 中国,海口 海口丽思卡尔顿酒店 Haikou,China The Ritz-Carlton Haikou

“室内奢华惬意的空间与室外一望无垠的高尔夫球场交相呼应, 打造了一处量身定制的避世之所。”

避世之所的非凡格局 作为海南岛的一座全新高尔夫度假酒店,海口丽思卡尔顿酒 店的设计恰到好处地既保留了传统元素的质朴优雅,又将现 代奢华格调展现得淋漓尽致。大堂引人瞩目的双层天花板和 大幅现代风景画,令人仿若置身一座府邸大宅之中。

"One of the most immersive golf and leisure travel experiences VISION As part of the brand's first golf resort in China, The Ritz-Carlton Haikou anywhere in the world. The luxurious and serene indoor space echoes offers refined luxury and fun for every guest, with a host of amenities that the boundless golf course outside, creating a tailored getaway." appeal to weekend golfers, international business travelers, vacationing families and couples seeking romance. This unique destination for luxurious leisure and entertainment combines traditional classic detailing with elegant contemporary flair.

19 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 20 中国,海口 海口丽思卡尔顿酒店 Haikou,China The Ritz-Carlton Haikou



D 静享此刻温柔 苏格兰几何纹理,代表着高尔夫运动的起源地,为客人带来雅致的视觉感受。独特精致的 浴室在科勒的点缀中更散发着优雅的气质。结束了一天酣畅淋漓的高尔夫之旅,在康尚方 形按摩浴缸中静享此刻温柔,用一杯单一麦芽威士忌,为一天所取得的丰硕成果划上圆满 句号。 A Consonance 科勒 康尚 方形水力/水疗型按摩浴缸 KALLISTA Original TEMPERAMENT KALLISTA Original 缸边式浴缸龙头 Ritz Carlton Haikou guest rooms feature fabrics and patterns inspired B Verticyl 科勒 维克 长方形台下台盆 by vintage golf elements that harken back to the Scottish origin of golf. KALLISTA Original Meticulously designed to be both comfortable and luxurious, each spacious KALLISTA Original 台盆龙头 guest room offers a panoramic view of the greens. The exquisite bathroom C KALLISTA Original KALLISTA Original 恒温淋浴组合 invites you to luxuriate in the large marble bath with separate Kohler rain- D Finial shower and over-sized soaking tub. After an invigorating day on the fairways, 科勒 芬尼奥 缸边式浴缸龙头 enjoy some relaxing and restorative moments in the in-room Consonance E Kathryn 科勒 凯瑟琳 五级旋风连体座便器 Massage bathtub.


A 中国,上海 上海静安瑞吉酒店 Shanghai,China The St. Regis Shanghai Jing'an


喜达屋酒店及度假村 Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide

主创设计团队: GA Design EXDI

23 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 24 中国,上海 上海静安瑞吉酒店 Shanghai,China The St. Regis Shanghai Jing'an

“奢华从不刻意,它是骨子里流淌着的血液。” "Luxury is never deliberate. It is the blood flowing through the bones."

让每一次旅途都充满格调 隐秘在上海静安最繁华的商业文化中心,瑞吉悄无声息地见证着名流雅 士的奢华旅行。它用一如既往的经典以及超越期待的下榻体验,重新诠 释格调的定义。极富魅力的细节,极具内涵的装饰,瑞吉的设计值得引 以为豪。享受经典,从这里开始。

STYLISH Tucked away in Shanghai's most prosperous commercial and cultural center, the St. Regis Jing'an quietly witnesses the luxury travel of celebrities. Its elegant interiors create an oasis of calm by combining timeless English and Chinese palatial styles with elements of Chinese art and culture. The attractive appearance and connotative decoration are the proud design of St. Regis. Enjoy the classic, start here, make every trip full of style.

25 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 26 中国,上海 上海静安瑞吉酒店 Shanghai,China The St. Regis Shanghai Jing'an




细节诉说对品质的执念 不仅外表华丽,落到实处的细节更能展现瑞吉对于品质的追求。雅致华丽的客房,让饱览城 市天际线景观不再是梦想。格外宽敞的浴室,科勒的奢华与瑞吉的雅致融合在一起。以其简 约而不简单的线条设计,柏诗落地式浴缸花洒龙头荣获2015年德国“红点”设计奖,科勒 维亚一体超感座便器亦荣获2014年 IDEA设计大奖,高科技全自动配合极简流线造型,诉 说着“智美双生”的美学哲理。客房精巧,庄重,又迷人,这是属于旅途中的完美时刻。

QUALITY The exquisitely styled guest rooms are breath-taking, as is the skyline view of A the city revealed outside the windows. St. Regis's obsession with consistent quality is reiterated in the spacious bathrooms, where you luxuriate in Kohler's award-winning appointments: Composed faucet (2015 Red Dot Design Award) A Composed 科勒精选 柏诗 落地式浴缸龙头 and Veil Intelligent toilet (2014 IDEA Design Award) with its clean, refined lines.

B Veil Let Kohler give you a reason to wake up: the feeling of exceeding expectations. 科勒 维亚 一体超感座便器

C Finial 科勒 芬尼奥 脸盆龙头

D Rain Duet 科勒 随心雨 多功能手持花洒

27 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 28 中国,大连 大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店 Dalian,China The Castle Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Dalian


喜达屋酒店及度假村 Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide

29 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 30 中国,大连 大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店 Dalian,China The Castle Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Dalian

“于莲花山山脉间俯瞰着星海湾和黄海,依山就势, 成为浪漫之都的又一张名片。”

"The Castle Hotel, Dalian commands an imposing presence with its palatial Bavarian-style castle set amid lush foliage on Lotus Mountain in Dalian, Northeast China."

海边的遗世城堡 A 地道的欧式城堡,精雕细琢的建筑细节,营造出欧洲宫廷风格。古典园林式的 设计,优雅的点缀,独特的植物组合,还有浪漫的室外庭院,都让宾客身心 愉悦,随处感受度假酒店带来的惬意。

EPICUREAN DESTINATIONS Styled in the mode of an authentic European castle, the Castle Hotel's overall image and architectural details are elaborately carved in order to recreate the feel of an opulent European palace both inside and out. The classic garden-style design, elegant decoration, unique landscaping and romantic outdoor courtyard all bring pleasure to guests with discriminating tastes looking for an unforgettable destination.

A Cleo 科勒 歌莱 独立式铸铁浴缸(浴缸支脚为定制)

Finial 科勒 芬尼奥 缸边式浴缸花洒龙头

31 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 32 中国,大连 大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店 Dalian,China The Castle Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Dalian



让旅途熠熠生辉 宫廷气派是步入房间后的第一印象。在浅色石材和淡雅墙纸建构的基 C 调上,科勒金色PVD镀层龙头和浴室配件熠熠生辉,搭配科勒艺术 台盆的醇厚底蕴,奢华又不失品位。俯瞰星海湾,仿佛自己是这座尊 贵城堡的主人。

LUXURIOUS ACCOMMODATIONS Overlooking Xinghai Square as well as Xinghai Bay and the Yellow Sea, the Castle Hotel offers luxurious guestrooms and suites, as well as stunning ocean views with meticulous A Serpentine Bronze 科勒精选 莎朗 艺术台盆 interior designs. Re-imagined by HBA Interior Design, the Fairfax hotel boasts an opulent, contemporary design where each 科勒 菲尔法斯 脸盆龙头 detail — from the wall decorations and furniture to the B B Finial 科勒 芬尼奥 脸盆龙头 ornaments and art collections — tells a story. The plush C Finial furnishings and spacious, upscale bathrooms with Kohler 科勒 芬尼奥 缸边式浴缸花洒龙头 rain shower and heated automatic toilet seat take luxury to D Memoirs 科勒 梅玛 连体座便器 a new level.

33 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 34 中国,苏州 苏州W酒店 Suzhou,China W Suzhou


主创设计团队: W Rockwell Group SUZHOU

喜达屋酒店及度假村 Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide

35 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 36 中国,苏州 苏州W酒店 Suzhou,China W Suzhou

传统与摩登的碰撞 初入W,宾客便能感受用现代摩登的艺术理念诠释出的浓厚文化 底蕴。流光溢彩的灯光,错落有致的鹅卵石状座椅,W为宾客打造 出时髦又舒适的社交空间。墙面上的摄影作品融合了传统苏州与现代 艺术,展现出过去与未来遥相呼应的非凡格调。

THE COLLISION OF TRADITION & CONTEMPORARY Located on the banks of Jinji Lake in Suzhou, the entrance to W Suzhou greets guests with a contemporary interpretation of ancient Suzhou through modern art and design. Relax in the lobby's floating pebble-like seats inspired by the rock formations in the classical gardens of Suzhou. The walls feature photographic works of historic Suzhou alongside contemporary pieces, creating a mesmerizing interplay of classic and future Suzhou.

“用现代摩登设计重新演绎古典苏式园林,呈现出最完美的悬浮园林” "Using a modern interpretation of classical style, W presents the most beautiful floating garden."

37 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 38 中国,苏州 苏州W酒店 Suzhou,China W Suzhou



奢华与科技的双重惊喜 E W客房均享有金鸡湖美景,步入客房即可感受到城市的标志性元素, 悬浮于空中的视觉效果令人惊艳。科勒卫浴集团旗下进口高端品牌 KALLISTA为宾客带去更多充满惊喜的住宿体验。为慵懒找个借口, 让头顶花洒扫去旅途的倦容,抑或在犹如悬浮的浴缸中感受手持花洒 的流利线条。而“智美双生”的科勒维亚一体超感座便器,更为W带 A KALLISTA One 来科技元素。窗外景色美不胜收,此时魅影熠动姑苏城。 KALLISTA One 台盆龙头

B KALLISTA One IGNITE SUZHOU KALLISTA One 缸边龙头及手持花洒 The W guest rooms all enjoy the unique scenery of Jinji Lake. Upon entering the C KALLISTA One KALLISTA One 缸边龙头及手持花洒 guest room, you can feel the city's signature elements, and you'll be amazed at how D Stance everything seems to be floating in the air. The guest bathrooms feature KALLISTA 科勒 思丹 脸盆龙头

faucets, the luxury brand of Kohler's Kitchen & Bath Group, which encourage you Garden Bandana to find an excuse to be lazy and let the overhead shower sweep away the tiredness 科勒精选 帕顿 艺术台盆(牡丹红) of the journey, or luxuriate in the soft, tranquil patter of the hand-held shower in the E Veil 科勒 维亚 一体超感座便器 floating bathtub. The Veil intelligent toilet provides optimum hygiene and ultimate comfort. At this moment, the enchanting vista of Suzhou comes to life.


A 中国,海口 海口朗廷酒店 Haikou,China The Langham Haikou


朗廷酒店及度假酒店集团 Langham Hospitality Group

主创设计团队 : Well-known design company SRSS

41 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 42 中国,海口 海口朗廷酒店 Haikou,China The Langham Haikou

源自意大利设计的高级感 作为地标性建筑的一部分,海口朗廷矗 立于国贸核心商圈。酒店使用意大利风 格的工艺和设计,以石膏雕饰天花板, 配以奶油色和白色为基调的墙面,加之 优雅的高级布艺装饰,细节处的用心尽 显朗廷优雅、低调奢华的独特品味。

A SENSE OF SOPHISTICATION As a part of landmark architecture at the central business circle of international trade, The Langham Haikou exudes elegance and refined sophistication. Defined “源于 19 世纪伦敦的恒久优雅,在地球另一端,成就又一个完美之作。” by classic Italian detailing and craftsmanship, a timeless "The timeless elegance of 19th century London, on the elegance and generous space, this private retreat conveys other side of the globe, is yet another masterpiece" warmth and refinement in a delicate palette of creams and gold, while offering floor-to-ceiling views of the tropical landscape and Haikou skyline.

43 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 44 中国,海口 海口朗廷酒店 Haikou,China The Langham Haikou




明丽格调 住宿新典范 雅致的客房以清雅的乳白色和金色为主格调,使房间更显明 丽。如日月星光般闪耀的科勒爵士金PVD龙头与花洒系列,细 腻的质感,为宾客呈现尊贵住宿新典范。亦可来一场愉悦身心 的SPA,再置身科勒按摩浴缸的绵密泡泡中,把时间留给 自己。

A NEW STYLE Luxurious styling and premium amenities are the

A Memoirs hallmarks of the Langham Haikou guest rooms. Well 科勒 梅玛 脸盆龙头 designed for maximum space, guests enjoy superior B Memoirs comfort, ultimate convenience and floor-to-ceiling views 科勒 梅玛 双把入墙式花洒阀芯及把手 of the Haikou cityscape. In the spacious bathroom, C Citrus 科勒 翠思 手持花洒 the Kohler MEMOIRS series present a new level of Consonance distinguished accommodation for guests, with gleaming 科勒 康尚 方形水力/水疗型按摩浴缸 Kohler PVD faucets and the pure luxury of the in-room D Veil 科勒 维亚 一体超感座便器 Kohler Consonance bubble massage bathtub.


A 中国,西安 西安索菲特传奇酒店 Xi'an,China Sofitel Legend People's Grand Hotel Xi'an

西安索菲特传奇酒店 主创设计团队 : 酒店设计:西北设计研究院总设计师洪庆先生 SOFITEL LEGEND 室内设计:香港郑忠设计事务所 PEOPLE’S GRAND HOTEL XI'AN

雅高酒店集团 AccorHotels

47 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 48 中国,西安 西安索菲特传奇酒店 Xi'an,China Sofitel Legend People's Grand Hotel Xi'an

延续中法俄传奇 索菲特传奇酒店历经时间的洗礼,历史与现代在此交 汇。经典的俄式建筑,处处洋溢着法式皇家宫廷遗址 的奢华之风,细节又体现着本地文化的精髓。中法俄 古典艺术在此巧妙融合,成为游览众多历史遗迹的理 想场所,亦是宾客下榻休憩的绝佳之选。

THE LEGENDS CONTINUES History and modernity meet here. Sofitel- Legend has withstood the test of time, yet it is still opulent with French luxury. Located in the inner city, the hotel is ideally situated “典雅常有,但传奇不常有,西安索菲特酒店演绎着真正的传奇。” for visiting many historic sites. The hotel continues the grandeur of the royal palace "Sofitel Legend, where the real legend stands." site, and is well integrated with the elegance and refinement of the classical French and Russian architecture. Here's the perfect place for guests to stay while visiting Xi'an.

49 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 50 中国,西安 西安索菲特传奇酒店 Xi'an,China Sofitel Legend People's Grand Hotel Xi'an


在梦想之地感受尊贵 对追求一切美好事物的奢华旅行者而言,索菲特传奇将成为他们的梦想之地。在雅致的客房 中放松身心,亦体验独特的时空享受。科勒经典芬尼奥龙头,复古造型为酒店再添一抹传奇 色彩。圣拉菲尔“五级旋风”连体座便器,裙包设计诠释科勒的简洁与流利。雅黛乔铸铁 浴缸,传承科勒145年的精湛铸铁工艺,让泡澡也能成为难忘回忆。 C ENJOY THE ELEGANCE The Sofitel Legend is the dream destination for the luxury travelers who aim to pursue the good things in life. Relax in the elegant rooms, and experience a unique time of enjoyment in your very own guest space. Guest bathrooms feature Kohler Finial faucets with their graceful curved lines and classical silhouettes. The Kohler San Raphael Class 5 skirted toilet with its sleek, retro classic design, siphon flushing and French curve seat bring comfort and luxury to the bathroom. Bathing becomes an unforgettable memory in the exquisite Adagio cast iron bathtub created with Kohler's iron casting technology born nearly a century and half ago.

A Finial 科勒 芬尼奥 脸盆龙头

Caxton 科勒 卡斯登 台下台盆 B Finial D 科勒 芬尼奥 脸盆龙头

C San Raphael 科勒 圣拉菲尔 五级旋风连体座便器

D Purist 科勒 飘瑞诗 入墙式恒温浴缸花洒面板


A 中国,杭州 杭州柏悦酒店 Hangzhou,China Park Hyatt Hangzhou

杭州柏悦酒店 主创设计团队 : PARK HYATT Yabu Pushelberg HANGZHOU

凯悦酒店集团 Hyatt Hotels Corporation

53 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 54 中国,杭州 杭州柏悦酒店 Hangzhou,China Park Hyatt Hangzhou

水光潋滟的艺术情调 柏悦用其深沉的积淀与杭州含蓄地融为一体,在设计中融入了这座古都的风貌,彰显了江南诗意的自然空间、独特的 历史文化和浓厚的艺术底蕴。宾客们将在这里开启一段发现之旅,穿过精美的现代厅堂,品一丝西湖光影,享一抹典 雅情调。

THE MELODY OF THE WATER Nobility is embedded in the city of Hangzhou like a business card. The city is steeped with incredible history and culture and Park Hyatt Hangzhou reflects this in a subtle and contemporary yet authentic “私享江南,坐拥天堂,在诗意中感受独特艺术底蕴” way. The hotel is imbued with the rich nature, culture, history and artistry unique to this former imperial Chinese capital. Guests embark on an enchanting journey of discovery through sophisticated "Floating above the clouds" contemporary guest rooms, courtyards and outdoor garden spaces infused with subtle Chinese detailing and nature motifs.

55 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 56 中国,杭州 杭州柏悦酒店 Hangzhou,China Park Hyatt Hangzhou


梦幻奢华的浴室梦想 极具江南诗意和中式风情的客房,床头独特的樱花剪影设计,绽放晶莹柔光,伴随宾客进 入奇幻梦境。在安静的湖蓝色中,科勒集团旗下高端品牌KALLISTA的脸盆龙头带来舒适 的梳洗体验;在白色大理石打造的水疗浴室中,KALLISTA缸边龙头成为温柔的一部分, 简洁又奢华,让每一位宾客的浴室梦想焕然一新。

THE DREAM OF LUXURIOUS BATHROOM The spacious upscale guestrooms are truly luxurious, with white marble bathrooms featuring Kohler's elegantly KALLISTA Per Se fixtures, which give the room a contemporary yet artistic flair.

A KALLISTA Per Se D Kallista Per Se 台盆龙头

B KALLISTA One KALLISTA One 独立式缸边龙头及手持花洒




A 中国,上海 上海环球港凯悦酒店 Shanghai,China Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor



凯悦酒店集团 Hyatt Hotels Corporation

59 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 60 中国,上海 上海环球港凯悦酒店 Shanghai,China Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor

悦然相遇 私家尊邸 在充满现代气派的建筑中,发现另一个温馨的 家, 让舒适宁静的环境扫去旅途的劳累,感受生 活的原貌。高水平的餐饮飨宴以及适合举办各种 会议与庆典活动的灵动空间,环球港凯悦为客人 创造焕然一新的独特体验。来上海灵感汇聚之 地,探寻丰富的文化传统与都市生活。在这里, 悦相遇,悦心动。

INTERSECTION OF INSPIRATION Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor features contemporary architecture matched “于众星捧月中诞生,成为苏州河畔高尚生活新坐标。” by vibrant residential interiors. With a high level of catering and lively space for conferences "Born of the stars, the new coordinates of the high life of and celebrations, the hotel has created a Suzhou River." new and unique experience for its guests. In Shanghai, it's a place of inspiration to explore the rich cultural traditions and urban life.

61 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 62 中国,上海 上海环球港凯悦酒店 Shanghai,China Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor



高雅低调 梦想之家 凯悦客房宽敞气派,室内铺设的硬木地板,落地窗外的上海胜景, 洋溢着浓郁的海派风情,让人恍如置身上 海私家尊邸。客房色调为高深而低调的银灰色,衬托科勒维亚一体超感座便器的优雅流线外形。科勒艾非 龙头的悠长把手与平滑的龙头表面,形成一个美妙的夹角,令人着迷。在拂乐嵌入式铸铁浴缸中,享受真 正的放松,手持一杯鸡尾酒,欣赏窗外美景交相辉映。科勒的高雅,点亮你的浴室梦想。 A Avid 科勒精选 艾非 落地式浴缸花洒龙头 BEAUTY IN THE ELEGANCE Volute 科勒 拂乐 嵌入式铸铁浴缸 The guest rooms of the Hyatt Regency are spacious and magnificent, with hardwood floors

B Avid and windows bringing in beautiful views of Shanghai. The room's sleek, silver-grey color sets 科勒精选 艾非 脸盆龙头 off the bathroom's award-winning faucets from the Kohler Avid collection (2015 Red Dot C Katalyst Air Design Award), which catch your eye with their slender arcs, smooth planes and arresting 科勒 随心雨 头顶花洒 angles. The Kohler Volute cast iron bathtub invites you to wind down and relax, cocktail in D Veil 科勒 维亚 一体超感座便器 hand, while you take in the city panorama outside the window.


A 中国,丽江 丽江金茂君悦酒店 Lijiang,China Grand Hyatt Lijiang


A Memoirs 科勒 梅玛 缸边式浴缸龙头

Escale 科勒 艾思格尔 挂墙式座便器

B Rain Duet C 科勒 随心雨 多功能手持花洒

Modulo 丽江金茂君悦酒店 科勒 智配 入墙式恒温阀芯及 面板-梅玛把手

C Loure 科勒 萝瑞 脸盆龙头

Verticyl 科勒 维克 长方形台下台盆 GRAND HYATT 丽江金茂君悦享受雪山静美 LIJIANG 在玉龙雪山脚下,金茂君悦将现代时尚与地方民族艺术的精华融合。科勒黑色PVD镀层的龙 头和浴室配件,打造深沉静谧的卫浴空间。

凯悦酒店集团 IMPRESSIVE SNOW MOUNTAIN VIEW Hyatt Hotels Corporation B Set against the dramatic backdrop of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Grand Hyatt Lijiang is decorated in colorful local cultural elements infused with contemporary characteristics. Kohler faucets and accessories with black PVD finish add a sense of tranquility to the spacious bathrooms.

65 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 66 中国,上海 上海和平饭店 Shanghai,China Fairmont Peace Hotel


雅高酒店集团 AccorHotels


A Memoirs 科勒 梅玛 脸盆龙头

B Memoirs 科勒 梅玛 缸边式浴缸龙头

Memoirs 科勒 梅玛 缸边式分水器及手持花洒

Adagio 科勒 雅黛乔 铸铁按摩浴缸

上海滩奢华美梦 在始建于1929年的和平饭店,可以俯瞰繁华的外滩与南京路十里洋场。科勒 梅玛系列龙头,为这座装饰主义艺术风格的力作,增添了经典地道的美式风格。

OLD-FASHIONED GLAMOUR Built in 1929, the Fairmont Peace Hotel, offers a spectacular view of the Bund and Nanjing Road. The elegantly appointed guest rooms are accented by the classic design of Kohler Memoirs faucets, which bring both sophistication and luxurious American style to the Art- A Deco décor.

67 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 68 中国,重庆 重庆北碚悦榕庄 Congqing,China Banyan Tree Chongqing Beibei


悦榕庄 Banyan Tree




融入自然美景的东方古韵 坐落于缙云山下的北碚悦榕庄,仿佛一处幽静的世外桃源。金线勾勒的科勒夏宫艺术台盆, 与具有地方特色的蜀锦蜀绣相映成趣,演绎出东方典雅风情。

A Patio Eco ORIENTAL NATURAL BEAUTY 科勒 帕蒂欧 超级节水型小便器 Nestled at the root of Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve, Banyan Tree Chongqing B Stillness 科勒 斯蒂尼 脸盆龙头 Beibei Resort is like a hidden sanctuary decorated with local handiwork. The Empress Bouquet guest bathrooms feature Kohler's Artist Editions Empress Bouquet basin, which 科勒精选 夏宫 艺术台盆 blends traditional Chinese painting techniques with Western Art Deco, a perfect C Loure 科勒 萝瑞 落地式浴缸花洒龙头 complement to the resort's interiors.

69 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 70 全球项目臻选 泰国 Thailand 迈阿密特朗普多拉国家酒店 曼谷柏悅酒店 Trump National Doral,Miami GLOBAL SELECTED PROJECT Park Hyatt,Bangkok 新奥尔良华尔道夫酒店 曼谷英迪格酒店 Waldorf Astoria,New Orleans Indigo Hotel,Bangkok 中国 China 深圳腾讯滨海大厦 加拿大 Canada 上海保利大剧场 Tencent Building of Binhai, 越南 Vietnam Poly Grand Theatre,Shanghai 温哥华 JW 万豪城市度假村 海口丽思卡尔顿 归仁 FLC 豪华精选酒店 JW Marriott Urban Resort,Vancouver 上海和平饭店 The Ritz-Carlton,Haikou FLC Luxury Hotel,Quy Nhon Fairmont Peace Hotel,Shanghai 蒙特利尔费尔蒙伊丽莎白女王酒店 海口朗廷酒店 Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel,Montreal 上海嘉华嘉御庭 The Langham,Haikou 印度尼西亚 Indonesia Wah Jiayuting,Shanghai 多伦多丽思卡尔顿酒店 三亚·亚特兰蒂斯酒店 索菲特巴厘岛海滩度假酒店 Ritz Carlton Toronto 上海四季酒店 Atlantis Sanya Sofitel Bali Beach Resort Four Seasons Hotel,Shanghai 多伦多香格里拉酒店 三亚半岭温泉酒店 Shangri-la Hotel,Toronto 上海梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心 Sanya Ocean Sonic Banling Hotspring Resort 新加坡 Singapore Mercedes-Benz Arena,Shanghai 万宁丽思卡尔顿酒店 新加坡俱乐部酒店 墨西哥 Mexico 上海环球港凯悦酒店 The Ritz-Carlton,Wanning Club Hotel,Singapore Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor 坎昆硬石酒店 湖南省长沙博物馆 Hard Rock Hotel Palace,Cancun 上海瑞吉酒店 Changsha Museum,Hunan 阿联酋 UAE The St. Regis,Shanghai 长沙梅溪湖金茂酒店 迪拜君悦酒店 西班牙 Spain 上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店 Meixi Lack Hotel,Changsha Grand Hyatt,Dubai Bellagio Shanghai 马德里卡斯蒂利亚酒店 成都万科公园五号 Hotel Melia Castilla,Madrid 杭州柏悦酒店 Vanke No.5 Parkfront, 卡塔尔 Qatar Park Hyatt,Hangzhou 伊比萨硬石酒店 成都国际金融中心(IFC) 多哈瑞吉酒店 Hard Rock Ibizza 杭州阿里巴巴总部 Chengdu International Finance Square The St. Regis,Doha Alibaba,Hangzhou 伊比萨乌斯怀亚酒店 九寨沟希尔顿大酒店 Ushuaia Hotel,Ibizza 武汉华发中诚荟 Hilton Hotel,Jiuzhaigou 美国 USA Huafa City HuB,Wuhan 昆明绿地海珀澜庭 纽约洲际巴克莱酒店 俄罗斯 Russia 武汉洲际酒店 Greenland Haiper Court,Kunming Intercontinental Barclay Hotel,New York InterContinental Wuhan 莫斯科皇冠假日酒店 丽江金茂君悦酒店 纽约 JW 万豪埃塞克斯大厦 Hotel Crowne Plaza,Moscow 南昌新地阿尔法国际社区二期 Grand Hyatt,Lijiang JW Marriott Essex House,New York New Alpha international community,phase 2,Nanchang 圣彼得堡乐天酒店 重庆中海天钻 纽约第五大道安达仕 Lotte Hotel,St. Petersburg 厦门建发央玺 The Paragon,Chongqing Andaz 5th Avenue,New York Central Manor,Xiamen 重庆北碚悦榕庄 芝加哥希尔顿密歇根大街 法国 France 苏州 W 酒店 Banyan Tree Chongqing Beibei Resort Hilton Michigan Avenue,Chicago W Suzhou 巴黎乔治五世巴黎四季酒店 芝加哥华尔道夫酒店 George V,Paris 北京华尔道夫酒店 中国台湾 Taiwan Waldorf Astoria,Chicago Waldorf Astoria, 巴黎考斯特斯酒店 台中林酒店 旧金山希尔顿大酒店 Hotel Costes,Paris 北京四季酒店 Lin Hotel,Taizhong Hilton Hotel,San Francisco Four Seasons,Beijing 巴黎柏悦酒店 旧金山阿莫西酒店 Park Hyatt,Paris 北京康莱德酒店 韩国 Republic of Korea The Axiom,San Francisco Conrad Hotel,Beijing 釜山威斯汀朝鲜酒店 贝弗利山庄华尔道夫酒店 英国 UK 泰和北京院子 The Westin Chosun,Busan Waldorf Astoria,Beverly Hills Village Tahoe Beijing Courtyard 伦敦希思罗喜来登酒店 仁川机场 华盛顿柏悦酒店 Sheraton Heathrow Airport,London 西安索菲特传奇酒店 Incheon Airport Park Hyatt,Washington Sofitel Legend Peoples Grand Hotel Xi'an 苏格兰特朗普坦伯利度假村 首尔金浦机场 华盛顿特朗普国际大厦 Trump Turnberry Resort,Scotland 大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店 Gimpo International Airport Trump Int ernational Hotel,Washington The Castle Hotel,A Luxury Collection Hotel,Dalian 奥斯汀 W 酒店 摩洛哥 Morocco 广州 W 酒店 印度 India W Austin W 卡萨布兰卡四季酒店 班加罗尔丽思卡尔顿酒店 奥兰多华尔道夫酒店 Four Seasons Casablanca 广州天誉半岛 Ritz Carlton,Bangalore Waldorf Astoria,Orlando Tianyu Peninsula,Guangzhou 丹吉尔希尔顿酒店 班加罗尔四季酒店 奥兰多四季酒店 Hilton,Tanger 广西南宁艺术中心 Four Seasons,Bangalore Four Seasons,Orlando Nanning Art Center,Guangxi 马拉喀什欧贝罗伊酒店 海得拉巴泰姬陵度假酒店 圣地亚哥凯悦酒店 Oberoi,Marrakech 深圳四季酒店 Taj Vivanta,Hyderabad Grand Hyatt,San Diego Four Seasons,Shenzhen

71 GRACIOUS LIVING GRACIOUS LIVING 72 创意策划/ CNT IMC 编辑/ Emily 撰文/ Emma 摄影/ Raymond Tan@RA Studio 设计/ Wayne
