WATER BUY ERS GUIDE AAlllliieedd PPuurrcchhaassiinngg Partner With Allied To Lower Your Cost Phone: 1-800-247-5956 | Fax: 1-800-635-3775 www.alliedpurchasing.com Serving our members since 1937 SERVICES AURICO BANK OF AMERICA eCASH FLOW EXXON MOBIL EXPRESS LOGISTICS FASTENAL FedEX FLEET FUELMAN MASTERCARD GRAINGER HERTZ CAR RENTAL NCSI AMERICAS, INC QUILL SPRINT WEBER SCIENTIFIC Allied Purchasing Allied Purchasing is in business to help our independent members operate more profitably, through group purchasing. This is a proven program that has worked successfully for more than 75 years resulting in more sales and increased profits for our members. This Buyers Guide contains a list of the suppliers who service the needs of our Water members. The complete name, address, and company products and/or services are listed on the following pages. Kari Mondt - Senior Account Manager - Water Division
[email protected] extension: 14 Nicole Reisdorfer - Senior Account Manager - Culligan
[email protected] extension: 24 Steve Husome - Executive Vice President
[email protected] extension: 12 For pricing and additional information contact: 1-800-247-5956 phone 1-800-635-3775 fax Visit our website at: www.alliedpurchasing.com Follow us on Facebook and Linkedin 3 Allied Purchasing Partner with Allied to Lower Your Cost "Lots of small to medium-sized bottlers are members of Allied Purchasing and prefer to buy their raw materials through Allied. As a supplier member we get to be a part of that and that's good for us. Also, they are great people to work with and we consider them to be our good friends." Speed Stodghill, Veriplas Containers “Allied Purchasing has made the purchasing of goods used in the Bottled Water Industry much easier.