JANUARY—MARCH 2018 No 1801 Join us this Presidents Day! The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour SUNY Adirondack Theater in the Humanities Bldg Monday, February 19th at 7p.m. For tickets ($15 advance/$20 door, if not sold out) and information go to: www.adk-gfs.org or www.facebook.com/ADKGFS or Email:
[email protected] The ADK Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter is so excited to be bringing these films to the Glens Falls/Queensbury area! Please stop by and thank our local spon- sors: Fountain Square Outfitters, Rocksport, the law firm of Meyers & Fuller, SUNY Adirondack Adventure Sports Club, Cool Insuring, and Advantage Press for the tickets. The Banff Mountain Film Festival screenings feature the world’s best mountain sport, culture and environmental films, letting you experience the thrill and chal- lenges of the mountain environments that inspire us all. The World Tour fea- tures an exhilarating and provocative collection of films that explore the moun- tain world, highlighting new landscapes and remote cultures, and exposes audi- ences to exciting adventures and adrenaline-packed sports. For tour info: @BanffMtnFest Facebook: BanffMountainFilmFestival#banffworldtour Join fellow ADKers when the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour brings the spirit of outdoor adventure to the Theater in the Humanities ing, SUNY Adirondack at 7 p.m. on Monday, February 19, 2018 We hope to sell out, so get your tickets today! Chepontuc Footnotes Page 1 Chapter Chair Report ~ by Kathi Noble For my first newsletter I would like to introduce myself and tell you why I’m involved in the Adirondack Mountain Club.