REPORT OF THE STATE GEOLOGIST ON THE Mineral Industries and Geology of Certain Areas OF VERMONT. 1903-1904. FOURTH OF THIS SERIES. GEORGE H. PERKINS, Ph. D. State Geologist and Professor of Geology. University of Vermont. MoTPELIEi, VT.: A KUH AND PATRIOT PRINTING Hou. 1904. CONTENTS. LIST OF PLATES. PAGE PAGE INTRODU CTION .... .......... .I 1 Plate I. Portrait of Professor C. B. Adams .... SKETCH OF THE LIFE ANI) WORK OF C. B. ADAMS, H. M. Seely 3 Plate II. Map of Vermont Showing Location of Granite. Marble, ............................................ 23 LisT OF WORKS ON THF Gior,ocv OF VE1(Al0Nj'. G. H. Perkins 16 Slate and Copper ....................... 26 MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE STATE, G. H. Perkins .............. 22 Plate III. View of Millstone Hill, Barre Quarry, Barre ...................... 28 Building and Ornanlelitlil Stone .............................. 23 Plate IV. Boulder Granite Granite....................................................... Boutwell Granite Ouarries, Barre .................... 28 23 Plate V. Granite Quarry, McDonald, Cutler & Co., Barre ...... 10 Methods used in Work mo' Granite ............................ 39 Plate VI. Marble.............. Dark Granite Quarry, Barre ................. 30 .......................................... 44 Plate VII. Slate........ Blue Mountain Granite Quarry, South Ryegate 32 .................................................. 47 Plate VIII. Limesto Woodbury Granite Company's Quarry, Woodbnry 33 ne.................................................... 51 Plate IX. Fletcher Granite Uuarry, Woodhury ............... 15 Soa pstone.... ................................................12 Plate X. Kaolin........ Kotten Pneumatic Drills at work in a Quarry ........ 17 ................................................12 Plate XI. FireClay Block of Granite Quarried for a Shaft, Barre ....... 39 ..................................................... 13 Plate XII. Crane, Side View ...................... 39 Talc..... ...................................................... Plate XIII. Traveling Asbestos................................................. Traveling Crane, End View ...............3 9 ..... Plate XIV. Interior of Barclay Brothers Granite Shed, Barre 41 Metals.. ....................................................... Plate XV. Kotten Pneumatic Surfacers at work ........... 41 GLACIATION oi ''- GREEN MOTJNTUN RANGE, C. H. Hitchcock.. Plate XVI. 67 Saw ................................ 43 SERPENTINF BELT OF LAiIOuJ,E AND ORLEANS COUNTIES, W. F. Plate XVII. Patch Gang arsters Plate XVIII. Patch Polishing Machine ....................... 43 86 Cavacchi Pneumatic Polishing Machine ........... 43 GEoI,oGv OF GRAND ISLE COUNTY, G. II. Perkins ................ Plate XIX. 103 Works of the Vermont Marble Company, Proctor .... 45 GrandIsle .................................................... Plate XX. 105 A Part of the West Rutland Quarries of the Vermont NorthHero ................................................ Plate XXI. 109 ..... 43 Alburg............................................ ........... Marble Company ..... ........................... ... ..... 116 Interiors, Works of the Vermont Marble Company 46 IsleLa Motte ................................................ Plate XXII 117 Main Quarry, Norcross-West Company, Dorset 46 STROMATOCERIAOF ISLE LA MO'FTE, H. M. Seely .................. Plate XXIII 144 46 THE BRANDON LJGNITE, Plate XXIV Plateau Quarry, Norcross-West Company, Dorset G. H. Perkins .......................... 153 Plate XXV Typical Slate Quarry, Pawlet ...................... 48 GEOLoGICAL REI,.'pIoxS OF THEBRANIJON LIGNITE, T. Nelson Dale I6' - Northern Part of the Northfield Slate Range 48 THE BRANDON CLAYS, J. B. Woodworth .......................... Plate XXVI 166 Southern Part of the Northfield Slate Range 48 DESCRIPTION rn' Fossii,s Fi-1ou TIlE BRANDON LIGNITE, G. Plate XXVII. H. 10 Perkins.. Plate XXVIII. Union and Paine Slate Quarries, Northfield ...... ...................................................... 174 10 HVDROI.OGV Plate XXIX Face of Paine Slate Quarry. Northfield ............ oF VERMONT, G. H. Perkins ........................ 213 Plate XXX Face of Union Slate Quarry, Northfield ........... S prin gs ...... ................................................ 216 Ordinary Plate XXXI Quarry of Vermont Black Slate Company Blocks of Wells............................................... 219 ........................................................... Deep and Slate Artesian Wells ...................................... 220 Plate XXXII. Quarry of Vermont Black Slate Company, Show- Lakes and Ponds ............................................ 222 position of Slate .................. ...U Stre ams........... ing Carrier and vertical ........................................... 223 Kaolin Works of Crockett, Horn & Company, Cistern s........... Plate XXXIII. ........................................... 223 Forestdale...................................................... 12 REPORT OF THE STATE CABINET ................................. 224 V lv REPORT OF THE VERMONT STATE GEOLOGIST. REPORT OF THE VERMONT STATE GEOLOGIST. 212 Plate XXXIV. Talc Bed, Moretown. International Mineral Plate LXXVI. Mouocarpellites, Hicoria, Bicarpellites.......... Company.................................... ............. .. 54 Plate LXXVII. Tricarpellites, Brandon Lignite ................212 Plate XXXV. Cut in Talc Bed. Moretown .................... 54 Plate LXXVIII. Bicarpellites, Carpites, etc., Brandon Lignite 212 Plate XXXVI. Belvidere Mountain from the South ............ 88 Plate LXXIX. Nyssa, Braudon Lignite ..................212 Plate XXXVJI. Geological Map of Grand Isle .................. 103 Plate LXXX. Aristolochia, Sapindoides, Apeibopsis, Prunoides, 212 Plate XXXVIII. Large Dike, Robinson Point, Grand Isle ...... 105 Plate LXXXI. Aristolochites, Rhabdospernia, etc .............212 Plate XXXIX. Dike on the West Shore, Grand TsIe ............ 105 Plate XL. Typical Utica Shale Bluff, Grand Isle .............. 106 Plate XLI. Large Shale Bluff, South of Sandbar Bridge ....... 106 Plate XLII. Greatly Disturbed Shale ........................ 106 Plate XLIII. Horizontal Trenton Layers Grand Isi............. 108 Plate XLIV. Trenton Bluff, Grand Isle ...................... 108 Plate XLV. Cliff of Black River Limestone, Chippen Point •.. 108 Plate XLVI. Glaciated Outcrop of Black River, Grand Isle ... 108 FIGURES IN THE TEXT. Plate XLVII. Shore of Black River Limestone, Chippen Bay 110 Plate XLVIII. Typical Chazy Shore, Grand Isle ............... 110 PAGE Plate XLIX. Thick Layer of Chazv, Phelps Quarry, Grand Isle 110 Figure I. Map of Barre Granite Area .........................27 Plate L. Chazy Limestone Made up of Strephochetus occellatus 110 Plate LI. Geological Map of Isle La Motte .................... 113 Figure II. Kotten Surfacing Machine ..........................41 Plate LII. View of City Bay, North Hero ..................... 114 Figure III. Map of Serpentine Area, Eden and Lowell .........87 92 Plate LIII. Bow and Arrow Point, North Hero .............. 114 Figure IV. Section Through Belvidere Mountain ............... Plate LIV. Utica Shale Shore, North Hero ................. Figure V. Map of the Southern Part of Isle [a Motte ..........124 116 161 Plate LV. Sandy Shore, North Hero ............................ Figure VI. Phototiiicrographs of Lignite ....................... 116 164 Plate LVI. Glacial Pool, Isle La Motte ......................... 118 Figure VII. Map of the Brandon Lignite Area ............... Plate LVII. Ancient Sea Beach. Isle La Motte ............... 118 Figure VIII. Lignite Fossils, Brandoii ..........................185 Plate LVIII. Upper Stratum of Beekmantown. Isle La Motte 121 Plate LIX. Two Views of Brecciated Limestone ............... 125 Plate LX. Chazy Cliff, Isle La Motte, Varied Strata ............ 129 Plate LXI. Heavy Chazy Beds, Isle La Motte ................. 130 Plate LXII. Cross Bedding in Chazy. Isle La Motte ............ 130 Plate LXIII. Contact of Chazy and Beekmantown, Isle La Motte 132 Plate LXIV. Beekmantown Strata, Conchoidal Fracture ...... 132 Plate LXV, Cloak Island ....................................... 134 Plate LXVI. Calcite Veins in Trenton Limestone, Isle LaMotte 137 Plate LXVII. Fleury's Quarry, Isle La Motte ................ 141 Plate LXVIII. Fisk's Quarry, Isle La Motte ................... 143 Plate LXIX. Mass of Stromatocerium in Fisk's Quarry ........ 143 Plate LXX. Stromatoceriuni rugosuni. Seelv ... ............... 144 Plate LXXI. Stromatoceriuni Eatoni, Seely ................. 146 Plate LXXII. Stromatocerium larnottense, Seely ............ 147 Plate LXXIII. Strornatocerium lamottense. var. chazianum,Seely 148 1. moniliferum, Seely (lower) .... 148 Plate LXXIV. Photoniicrographs of Stromatoceria ........... 150 Plate LXXV. Carpolithes of Brandon Lignite ............... 212 STATE OF VERMONT. OFF1C1 OF STArE GEOlOGIST, BURI,INC [ON, Vr., October iS'r, 1904- To Ills Excellency, jo/ui G. McCullough, Governor of T7er- 'non'.. Sii--In occordance with the provisions of Act Number 6, 1900, I herewith present my Fourth Biennial Report on the Mineral Resources and Geology of Vermont. This report con- tains a summary of the results of investigations carried on dur- ing the years 1903 and 1904- When all things are considered it will be found that the Geological Survey has made satisfactory progress. The very moderate appropriation from which all expenses must be met renders work upon any other than a small scale
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