From the Vicar Revd Anne Donaldson Couples at our Marriage Preparation day and folk on the current Alpha course have made similar comments: how nice to have time to sit and really talk to each other. How true, but what a comment on our life nowadays!! Surely relationships of one sort and another are what makes life really hum, aren’t they? So why do we do so little about them? Like anything else that matters in life, they are worth investing in – and that means investing time. Precious time. Pressured time. Time is the hardest thing to give nowadays it seems, and yet the most valuable – far more valuable than money or things. I think of the little boy who said that he really wouldn’t mind not going abroad for a holiday, or not having a Wii, what he really wanted was time with his parents. A teenager said that he’d had a great weekend, even though he was doing something he didn’t particularly like, because it was ‘quality time with Dad’. Lent is a time in which we are encouraged to assess our lives: are they what we want them to be? For a Christian: are they what God would want them to be? (Christians have given our lives to God, so our lives belong to Him and we are simply stewards of them) So maybe it would be good to take some time this month to think (and pray) through what your priorities are in life. And then look at how you spend your time: does that reflect your priorities? For example, if you say that your husband / wife / partner / children are top priority, how does that work itself out through your diary? And when you are together are you really ‘with’ them or are you busy doing / thinking something else although in their presence? There’s nothing quite like giving someone your full attention, and it sounds like it’s a rare commodity today Christians would take that one step further and ask exactly the same questions of our relationship with God: how often do I give God my full attention, rather than gabble a quick prayer and rush off somewhere? How often do I concentrate on God enough to allow Him to get through to me? and yet I say that I give my life to Him and He is my Lord and Master – how does that actually work out in my life? I hope you can find the time for such thoughts, and find them helpful in your life, whatever the outcome. Anne Church News

Lunches for Charities: Thursday 4th March for Citizens Advice Bureau Thursday 4th April for London City Mission Come and join us – everyone, of all ages, is welcome to these free lunches at 1pm in the Wilshere Hall, Cappell Lane, Stanstead Abbots. The lunches are followed by Holy Communion at 2.30pm. Some come for that only, some go after lunch, and some stay for both!! The lunch in February raised £55 for Send a Cow.

April Parishes Magazine Items for the next magazine, should preferably be emailed to [email protected] or left at the Vicarage by 14th March at the latest please. Copy can also be given to Lynne Heraud.

Transport to Church. If you would like a lift to church please phone one of the Churchwardens (see back cover of this magazine).

From our Registers

We offer our condolences to the families and friends of

Frederick Johnson South Street 5th February (Harwood Park )

Please note The Vicar’s day off is now Tuesday. The Administrator works on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9.15am until 2pm.

WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER in St Margarets’ Parish Church Friday 5th March 2010 at 7.30pm (or St Marys Church, High Street, Ware at 10.30am)

Over 3 million people world wide will be praying and worshipping during an annual day of prayer, all using a service prepared by Christian women in Cameroon, ‘Africa in miniature’ ‘LET EVERYTHING THAT HAS BREATH PRAISE GOD’ Women, men and young people all very welcome to attend Lunches for Charities Free lunch – all collection goes to the charity of the month

4th March for Citizens Advice Bureau Every year the Citizens Advice services touches around 2 million lives, helping those people to deal with 6 million problems. They use two approaches to help people resolve their issues: they offer free, high quality, independent advice, and they initiate campaigns for policy change. Every Citizens Advice Bureau is an independent charity, they rely on the financial support of people in their communities to ensure that they are available to give advice when needed. This also helps to maintain their online practical, reliable, up-to-date advice guide, in seven languages at . In this recession CAB have been particularly valuable and increasingly busy.

1st April for London City Mission The London City Mission exists to share with the people of London, patiently, sensitively and individually the transforming love of God in Jesus Christ, and to enable them to join his Church. Their dedication to urban mission was far ahead of its time and they continue to play a strategic role in this work, with great commitment to the poor, to immigrants and to all alienated groups.

St Margarets Church Restoration Fund A big thankyou to everyone for their support for the Christmas Concert on 21st December, despite the snow, a profit of £525 was raised through ticket sales and the raffle. Special thanks go to the Hoddesdon Women’s Club Choir who sang at the event. Ruth Swallow

Mad Hatters FAIRTRADE Tea Party at Allnations College, Easneye 7th March 2010 - 3pm-5pm Free Entry Fairtrade tea and cake / Fairtrade products for sale Quiz and games Recycled Mad Hat Competition – prizes for adults and children! All hats to be made from recycled materials Lent Group Lent started on Ash Wednesday, and is a time to do something to draw nearer to God in preparation to celebrate Easter fully. So it is traditional to have a study group . This year we are following the course written by our 3 Bishops in the St Albans Diocese, which is part of the ‘Challenge 2010’ – but you don’t need to register for this part! READ it LEARN it PRAY it DO it The more ideas and viewpoints the better the discussions, so please do try to find the time to come to one or several of the study nights. They are on Wednesdays in the Wilshere Hall, Cappell Lane (next to St Andrew’s church) from 8.00pm-9.30pm. March 10th Luke 13. 1-9: Jesus invites repentance March 17th Luke 15. 1-3: 11 b-32: The prodigal son March 24th John 12. 1-8: Mary Anoints Jesus March 30th Luke 23. 1-49: The Passion

Mothering Sunday Sunday March 14th Flowers for the Mums in all our services.

St John the Baptist 9.30am: Family Eucharist St Andrew’s 10.15am: Worship for all ages together St Margarets’ Parish Church 11.00am: Family Service

th Palm Sunday Service 282828 thth March On Palm Sunday we use palm leaves folded into crosses to remind us that Jesus was welcomed into the city of Jerusalem by people waving Palm branches – and then killed there, on a cross, less than a week later.

10.00am Walk starting from station car park to 10.30am Communion Service for all three churches at St Andrew’s, with a reading of Jesus’ last

days instead of a sermon

MAUNDY THURSDAY Thursday 1st April Jesus shared a last supper with His friends before His arrest later that night

8.00pm Sung Eucharist at St John’s 8.00pm “The Last Supper” at St Andrew’s

GOOD FRIDAY Friday 2nd April Possibly the most important day in the Christian year. The day on which Jesus was crucified was ‘good’ because He who was sinless took our sins on Himself, and died for those sins, so that those of us who go to Him in sincere sorrow may be forgiven, and reunited with God.

10.15am Good Friday service at St Andrew’s and making an Easter Garden 12noon-3pm Three Hour Vigil at St Margarets (St Luke’s account of Jesus’ last hours) while Christ was on the cross, (come and go during hymns) 7.30pm “The Way of the Cross” choral service at St John’s

www.challenge dare to make a difference by living the words of Jesus

* READ a verse from the bible each day in Lent, * LEARN it, PRAY about it and then * DO something to make a difference. * Share what you have learned and what you have done.

It’s not too late to register on the Challenge website. The verses, will be sent by email or by text (for a small charge) or will be available through Twitter and RSS. Alternatively the verses will be available at the back of each church It’s simple, it’s risky, it’s life changing:

“Carers Corner” There are lots of people caring for a partner, a parent, or a child locally. It would be great to support each other in this important task, from 8pm - 9pm upstairs in the Wilshere Hall, next to St Andrews Church Monday 29th March and 26th April whoever you care for, please come. If you need a lift, or someone to sit with your loved one, please ask the Vicarage on 01920 870115.

SAYC (Stanstead Abbotts Youth Club)

Fridays 7pm – 9pm during term time In the Wilshere Hall (next to St Andrew’s Church), Cappell Lane, Stanstead Abbotts. Cost £1 a night, plus tuck shop money! For young people in year 7 at school and older Further details contact Anne on: 01920 870115

REUNION OF ST JOHN'S PRIMARY SCHOOL Another reunion will be held this year for Great Amwell pupils circa 1945 to 1955 on Wednesday, 7th July 2010, at 12 noon. We will meet at George 1V public house for lunch again, and perhaps a stroll around the village! Contact Jennifer 01438 358404 or Caroline 01235 521435 for more details.If you are interested, or know anyone who might be! please do get in touch. Jennifer Searle

St John the Baptist Church, Great Amwell is looking for more voluntary cleaners and has some finance for a paid cleaner for limited hours, this would allow for the church to be cleaned more regularly than at present by a loyal group of people. For details contact Churchwarde n Julia Brace on 01992 447845 Stanstead Abbotts Parish Council The exciting news this month is the ‘new’ playground! Well done for all the hard work of the Playground Committee! It’s been a hard slog – but we are all looking forward to a bright new facility for all the village children.

Are you aged 18 ––– 25? Need to boost your CV? Have you thought about becoming a Parish Councillor? Do you know what a Parish Councillor is? Vacancy to be filled! Look it up on: May be just what you are looking for! Contact any Councillor for more info.

Riverside Festival Committee first meeting of this year – ALL WELCOME!! **** JOLLY FISHERMAN **** MARCH 3rd at 7:30 **** If you think you might like to help get the show on the road on Saturday June 19th – come along and see what’s going to be happening. We need you to bring your ideas, energy and sense of fun! Tasks include running stalls, organising the stage show, selling the raffle tickets, organising the duck race and lots more. Contact Councillor Jo Briley at:

Welcome Packs We provide a pack to welcome people into the Villages. It has information about bin days, doctors, children’s activities…. If you see someone has moved in near you please ask the Vicarage for a pack for you to give to them. (They are kept at the Vicarage as we try to keep them up to date)

Monday to Friday Holiday in the Isle of Wight There are some places available for a break away staying in Sandown; travelling by coach on Monday 6th September and returning on Friday 10th September. If you are interested, and would like more details please contact Ruth Swallow on 01992 462151.

Regular events in the three churches: TICTACs ( Year 7+ students): weekly in term time Wednesdays at 6.00pm in the Wilshere Hall Upper Room. Phone 01920 870115 Prayer Meeting: Tuesday mornings 9.30am – phone 01920 871626 Tuesday Homegroup : weekly 7.30pm. phone 01920 422065 or 871626 Wednesday Homegroup : fortnightly. 8.30pm – phone 07758 299646 or 01279 864504 Alpha course : enquiries – 01920 870115 Toddler Time : Fridays 1.30-3.00pm in St Margarets’ Parish Church Crèche: available every Sunday 10.15am service at St. Andrew’s in the tower area – toys and books are at the back of St John’s and St Margarets’ Challengers (for Primary children): every Sunday 10.15am at St. Andrew’s (except when All Ages worship together) Sunday School : (see Diary pages) at St Margarets’ every Sunday, 10.30am on 1 st and 3 rd Sundays, 11.00am on 2 nd Sunday (Family Service 11.00am on 4 th Sunday) St. John the Baptist Bellringers: Thursdays 7.30-9pm St. Andrew’s Music Group: two Thursdays each month, 7.30pm in Church St. John the Baptist Choir Practice : Saturdays 10.15am in Church St. Margarets’ Church : coffee every Saturday 10.30am – 12.30pm

“Beyond the Sausage” The Scouts Campfire Cookbook

The 1st Stanstead Abbotts and St Margaret’s Scout Group are writing a Recipe Book for Camping to raise funds for the groups activities. All types of are wanted, from cooking on stoves or open fires to backpacking meals and backwoods cooking, when you have no pots or pans to hand. They hope to collect a range of recipes that would suit families, weekend campers and those looking for something more adventurous – so anything from a stir-fry to fish wrapped in newspaper and a roast chicken dinner in a homemade oven! They hope to collect recipes from current Scouts and their families, but also ex-Scouts and also some celebrity ex-Scouts. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will be joining in the venture with recipe collecting, writing guides to Camp Cooking, making illustrations and contacting ex-Scouts. They may even have some funny stories about camp cooking good and bad. Over the next few months all the age groups will be involved in various aspects of the book’s production, with testing recipes being of paramount importance. If you have any recipes you would like to send them, please email them to [email protected] For more information contact: Fiona McKenzie-Smith. 01920 420420 St Margaretsbury Recreation Ground Trust

The history of the Trust ….as told by Derek Kitteringham…… (Part 1)

The Trust Deed that created the St Margaretsbury Recreation Ground Trust was signed by the Chairmen of the three Parish Councils comprising the area of benefit, namely Stanstead Abbotts, Great Amwell and St.Margarets in March 1962 and the Pavilion and grounds were officially opened by the Chairman of the County Council some three months later in June 1962. Prior to this the Stanstead Abbotts Cricket Club (founded 1737) was renting the cricket square and ground at St.Margaretsbury from the Hertfordshire County Council on an annual basis. These grounds had previously been the property of the Croft family and a cricket square had been laid out by Mr.Gilbert Croft in the early 1900’s. It was then a private ground and the local club was invited to play against Mr. Croft’s XI each year - a very special occasion! The Stanstead Abbotts Football Club (founded 1894) was playing its league matches on Mill Field, Cappell Lane, by courtesy of the Buxton family at Easneye and its headquarters were at the Pied Bull Hotel in the High Street. It was here that Mr. Ron Relton, the secretary of the Football Club discussed with Mr. Derek Kitteringham, Clerk of the Stanstead Abbotts Parish Council, the possibility of creating a comprehensive recreational facility at St.Margaretsbury to cater not only for cricket and football but also to accommodate a tennis club, a hockey club, a bowls club and possibly facilities for the use of Boys Scouts and Girl Guides. Next month: The idea becomes a reality FOOTBALL: This season we have mailed 2300 leaflets to publicise our good new facilities and get more spectators, participants and volunteers: come and cheer your team on! The Junior Development Squad provides qualified training and games for children from 4 years. CRICKET: The new season opens this month! We are always looking for new players – young and old. If you would like to be in at the start of the season - we will be at the ground 27th & 28th March 10:30 onwards - helping to get the grounds into shape. The Colts start date: Sunday 18th April 9.30am to 12.30pm. Membership enquiries: Football / Cricket / Tennis / Social Clubs phone 01920 870473 (Tues / Wed / Thurs after 7:30 – or call in) Christian Aid Sponsored Walk

On Saturday, 8th May will be the 43rd Annual sponsored walk to raise money that will help change the lives of people in some of the poorest communities in the world. The walk starts at Ware Football Club, Wodson Park, Ware and at 44km (27.3 miles) is just over marathon distance, through attractive East Herts countryside in the Spring. The circuit mainly on footpaths is in 5 sections varying in length from 5 to 11km, with checkpoints in between. You can choose to walk 1 or more sections, or the complete course. Refreshments are available at checkpoints, as well as marshals stationed in between for safety and the St John’s Ambulance are also in attendance. For further information, contact Liz Horner on 01920 465714 email [email protected] or Richard Lord on 01992 464000.

Could you help us to help young people?

We need more adults to help with our Beaver Scouts (6 to 10 years old), Cub Scout (8 to 10 years old) and Scouts (10 to 14 years old), as well as support functions such as administration, fundraising and building maintenance tasks. In particular we urgently need additional adults to help with our Wednesday evening Cub Pack, who meet from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm. From Easter this Cub Pack will have only one adult, which is not sufficient to run a safe and exciting programme of activities. Join our team of adult volunteers and experience the rewards of working with local young people. Meet new friends and gain new skills; support and flexible training available. The Scout Group in Stanstead Abbotts works with over 100 boys and girls aged 6 to 14 and our numbers are growing faster than our existing team can cope with. Scouting is the world’s largest coeducational youth movement. Its aim is to help young people develop physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are 'learning by doing,' when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves. Join the Adventure…call us now on 0845 054 5081 for more details.

9 News from the Wider Church Downing Street announced on 9th February that Rt Revd Christopher Foster, the Bishop of Hertford, is to be the next Bishop of Portsmouth. In his new role he will lead the ministry of the Church of England in the Portsmouth Diocese after 16 years in the Diocese of St Albans first as Sub- Dean of St Albans Cathedral and since 2001 as one of two Suffragan Bishops in the Diocese.

A new web-based service from the Church of England lets people across the country share their hopes and concerns anonymously in the form of a prayer – and also have those thoughts offered to God by a bishop. Prayers received via during March will be displayed on the site and shared with a number of Church of England bishops, who have agreed to remember the submissions in their own prayers over the season. The website invites visitors to type in their prayers – and then click ‘Amen’ to post them. The Rt Revd David Walker, Bishop of Dudley, says: “Priests are well used to having people shout at us ‘say one for me’. Whatever the initial intention of that yell in the street, underlying it is the fact that people feel a need to pray – especially during difficult times. Our visits today and the new website are both simple ways for us to harness that desire and engage with people where they are. Of course, nobody needs a dog collar to be heard by God, but for many people, knowing that someone else is praying for us gives us the confidence to make our own prayers, and prayer is often the gateway to hope. The website allows people to share their prayers anonymously via their own home computer or even on the move through a mobile device.”

The Church of England has welcomed the backing given by the Government for the proposals on mandatory labelling of alcoholic products in the latest Select Committee Report on Alcohol. No-one can make responsible choices without full information and drinkers need to know how many units they are purchasing and relate this to responsible patterns of consumption. But mandatory labelling itself is not enough. "In our response to the Select Committee on Health we stressed the need for action on the recommendations about minimum pricing of alcohol and stronger regulation of drink promotions. 111ststst Stanstead Abbotts, St Margaret’s & Great Amwell Scout Groups

1st Stanstead Abbotts & St Margaret’s Scouts have been keeping fit doing their Fitness Challenge Badge. Each time they attended scouts in January they did some exercises led by David, a fitness instructor, and then they had a fitness assessment to see how their fitness levels had improved. All the scouts who had improved received their Fitness Challenge Badge. The scouts also took part in the District Cooking competition. 1st Stanstead Abbotts & St Margaret’s Scouts came last but had such fun that they couldn’t stop laughing which is far more important than winning! 1st Stanstead Abbotts & St Margaret’s Jaguar Cubs did their chefs’ badge cooking in the Red Lion public house under the watchful eye of the resident chef. After cooking a two course meal they then served their fare to parents. 1st Stanstead Abbotts & St Margaret’s Panther Cubs took part in the District swimming gala at Fanshawe Pool in Ware and again they didn’t win anything but had great fun taking part. Peter Makewell, ADC Scouts gave a presentation to Panther cubs on the Scout expedition to Swaziland last August; Ware explorer scouts took and repaired over 100 bikes to be donated to children there and constructed a building. Panther cubs spent an evening constructing towers out of spaghetti and marshmallows capable of supporting a raw egg without it falling and breaking. Great Amwell Otter Cubs began the term with a trip to the pantomime where they had a LOT of fun! They spent an evening learning about semaphore flag signalling (at the end of which there were some very tired arms!), and they also completed the Map Reader badge and also took part in the District Cub Swimming Gala with a little more success than the Stanstead Abbotts cubs! February was a good month for Great Amwell Wolves ! Our 2nd anniversary and we have lots of achievements to be proud of this year already. Benjamin Greaves became the first Great Amwell Wolves Beaver to complete all the Beaver Challenge and Activity Badges before swimming up to Leopard Cubs. On 6th February, beavers took part in the Ware & District Beaver Handicraft competition. Wolves are proud to report that one of their teams were First, so Great Amwell retains the trophy; with a different colony. During meetings we provide a balanced programme for challenges to be attained; working towards the highest award for beaver scouts, the Chief Scout Bronze Award. The Wolves are proud that nine beavers have achieved this award this term and were presented with them on 10th February. Jo Horridge Amwell Society

Our January meeting was different from our usual gatherings. When I entered the hall I found it crowded with people, mostly seated at small circular tables. I found a seat with difficulty and a poor view of Robert Cox (member of the Magic Circle) who was to entertain us. Bob was a large man with an adequately loud voice and a fund of humour, which had his audience rolling in the aisles – to coin a phrase. I suspect he relied on the laughter to provide much of the misdirection so essential to magic. I am sorry that I cannot explain how the tricks worked. Some of them which involved members of the audience might have relied on mind reading or simple bribery, but I cannot really believe that, even though Debbie was holding a little woollen ball in her closed hand; with no physical contact with the magician it changed into two balls and then into three! Bob was, without doubt, a master of his craft. After a number of tricks with cards and the aforementioned little woollen balls, he told us that he did not like to use animals; taking a rabbit out of a hat by its ears is very painful to the animal, which would sulk. However, he did have a racoon, which he produced from his voluminous bag of tricks. He held it in one hand, stroking its head with the other. It was a bright little thing, looking inquisitively round the audience. It was obviously a glove puppet which Bob operated very skilfully, keeping the audience in gales of laughter until it leapt at a lady sitting at a nearby table, scaring the life out of her! The evening’s entertainment was excellent. I doubt that we have had such a hilarious meeting before. The attendance was double our average turnout. Kenneth Pearson

OUTING TO WADDESDON MANOR NEAR AYLESBURY VIA BUCKINGHAM RAILWAY CENTRE Saturday 5th June 2010 – Price £26 (National Trust Members £13) to include: coach, entrance to railway centre, ride on miniature railway; Waddesdon Manor house and Gardens. Coach pickup details: Hagsdell Road, Hertford: 8.15 am The Goat, Hertford Heath: 8.25 am The Church, St Margarets 8.35 am John Warner School, 8.40 am On arrival at the Railway Centre there is a coffee shop and toilets and very interesting museums. A ride on the miniature railway is included . We then leave for Waddesdon for lunch and spend the afternoon browsing. A tour of the house is booked for 2.00 PM. Leaving at 5pm. To book, phone Val Worboys: 01992 582487

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Future events to Rosemary Imroth (01920 424140) by 7 March please

MARCH 2010 Monday 22nd Evergreen Club: 2pm in Stanstead Abbots Parish Hall – Drivers’ Invitation lunch at the Beefeater at Harlow Mill. Thursday 11th Great Amwell WI: (2pm at the Parish Hall in Great Amwell )– Birthday lunch at the Papillon. Friday 28th Amwell Society: 8pm at the Parish Hall in Great Amwell. Kevin Fitzgerald, TD.DL – Talk on the Campaign to Protect Rural England. Evergreen Club of the Three Villages Our 50th Birthday Party went very well and we managed to get our own photo and report in the Mercury, whose photographer/reporter broke down on the way to us. We so enjoyed the entertainment provided by Singers a’Ware – a branch of Ware Operatic Society. Subject to not too much snow, we will have visited Anglesey Abbey to see their famous “Winter Walk”, and we look forward to having lunch with our most valued Drivers All over 60s are welcome to join our club. Phone 01920 870626 for more information. Mondays – 2-4pm in Stanstead Abbots Parish Hall, plus wonderful outings. Rosemary Imroth

Great Amwell WI Richard Thomas gave Great Amwell WI a fascinating tour of the at their February meeting. It travels through Luton Hoo, Brocket Hall where there is a nice bridge and on to Lemsford Mill into Green Mill which is still working. When it gets to Hertford it becomes the River Lee. We went past the Old Barge Pub Weir then on to . At Ware they built a new lock in 1766. On to Stanstead Abbotts and Rye House, , Cartegena Lock at Broxbourne. There was an aqueduct lock at Wormley and on to Cheshunt Lock and Enfield which has the deepest lock. There are reservoirs at Enfield and Walthamstow. On to Ponders End, Pickets Lock and . and then on to Hackney Marshes, He was thanked by Carol Venus. Tea with scones, cream and jam followed and the business. A very enjoyable afternoon. Margaret Newman Isabel Hospice Events Hospice Head Office number is 01707 382500. MARCH 2010 Sat 6th Mar 2010: 2.30 – 4.30pm Jumble Sale - Thundridge Venue: Thundridge Village Hall. 20p entry. Come and grab some bargains. Contact Details 01920 462992 APRIL 2010 Sun 11 Apr 2010: 2 – 5pm Open Garden with Tea Come and visit the beautiful gardens and enjoy a cup of tea at The Mill House, Tewin AL6 0JQ in aid of Isabel Hospice. Parking is available. Sat 17 Apr 2010: 2.30 – 4.30pm Jumble Sale – Thundridge Venue: Thundridge Village Hall. 20p entry. Come and grab some bargains. Contact Details 01920 462992 Sun 25 Apr 2010: 2 – 5pm Open Gardens at Great Munden House Please come along to visit these beautiful gardens, open in aid of the Hospice by kind permission of Mrs. Bridget Wentworth-Stanley. Great Munden House, Great Munden, Ware.

Great Amwell & District Cats Protection

Having worked tirelessly, the Great Amwell and District Branch of Cats Protection last year rescued and re-homed 200 cats and kittens, and helped with the cost of neutering many more. Cats such as Chinks, who was nearly blind, but after having an eye operation had his sight saved, and Blackie, who had major surgery to repair a broken front leg after being involved in an accident. These are just two of the many cats and kittens that have been cared for by volunteers at the branch. Do you know anyone who might have a space in their home and heart for a new friend? Gemima is a black 18 month old female cat looking for a new loving home, or Basil is a black and white five year old male who is very friendly and loves his food! If you are thinking of getting a new family pet, please do take a look at the branch website. You will see a lot of our cats are featured there, and you will also find out much more about what we do. You may be very surprised! All monies raised by the local branch go directly back into helping the branch. Cats Protection’s Great Amwell Branch is part of the charity’s nationwide network of 29 Centres and 260 voluntary-run Branches that together re- homes around 60,000 cats a year. For more information please call 01992 467826 or visit Herts Young Homeless Group

Can you offer a spare room, breakfast and evening meal to a young person for an average placement of three weeks? We at Herts Young Homeless Group Crashpad are looking for new volunteer hosts in your area. • Be part of a successful scheme, established for 6 years, helping 16-21 year olds in housing need. • No formal qualifications required, but new hosts are taken through a robust selection and training process. • We offer all registered hosts support and on-going training. Young people come to us from many different backgrounds, and we make every effort to ensure that referrals to our hosts are suitable. Sarah (16) said “While in Crashpad I thought the hosts were great and helped me, they were very funny and kind with a lovely dog. Since leaving Crashpad I have learned how hard it is to be without my family and friends and that there is more to buying things without the help of my Mum”. Hosts can make a real difference to the lives of young people – they volunteer because: ‘They have a spare room’, ‘want to help young people’, ‘like to meet new people’, ‘have had family problems themselves in the past’, ‘enjoy making a difference’. If you have the space to open your home up and support a young person in housing need, please call us today on 01707 251403

CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) Tuesdays at Folly View Community Room 9.30am-12.30pm.For appointments contact 01992 514514, they will arrange a time

Carpet Bowls Monday evenings at 7.30pm in Stanstead Abbotts Parish Hall. Come and join our happy band – it’s fun, and very good for the figure!

For debt and housing advice etc – CAB , Yeoman’s Ct., Ware Rd. Hertford (opposite Tesco) For help with debt – CAP 0800 328 0006 (free call) News from RSPB Rye Meads Reserve

The bittern has been seen a lot over the past few weeks, which is great. There have been lots of the usual wildlife around at the Bittern reserve including gadwall, teal, mallard, tufted duck, shoveler, pochard. Bullfinches have been seen around the visitor centre grounds. From the Draper hide a woodcock, four meadow pipits and a yellow hammer were seen. The bittern has been at the Moorhen hide, along with snipe, water rail, green sandpiper. Along the trails a mealy redpoll and a stoat have been spotted recently.

Hertford County hospital Urgent Care Centre

At the beginning of October, a new Urgent Care Centre (UCC) opened at Hertford County Hospital, North Road. This is a new "walk in" health service available between: 8.00am until 8.00pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You do not need to book an appointment, you can just turn up and you will be seen promptly by either a nurse or a doctor. It has been designed to treat patients who have a minor injury or medical condition which is severe but not immediately critical or life threatening. Treatments for sprains and strains, infected wounds, minor fractures, minor burns and scalds, splinters, bites and stings are offered at the UCC. If patients need more specialised care, they will be assessed at the UCC and transferred to an A&E department. The UCC should not be used as an alternative to your GP surgery. If you have treatment at the Urgent Care Centre, it will make sure your own GP is informed very speedily. The UCC service is provided in partnership by East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust and Assura Lea Valley LLP. Assura Lea Valley LLP is a local organisation set up by local GPs to provide healthcare in the area. If you are not sure whether your injury/condition is suitable to be treated at an urgent care centre, you can check this out by phoning NHS Direct on 0845 4647.