Report Satisfactory Progress on New High School

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Report Satisfactory Progress on New High School 36#*- -i - - • - .. • tMEt'l George F. Johnson Services Here Tuesday Announce School Policy On Closing Fune al services for George F. Johnson, 74. former Grand Rapids For Emergencies Or Severe Weather educator and business executive Superinlendent Stephen Nishef nf your ehild lo know what lo do In who died Saturday of a heart at- Lowell Area schools made Ihe fol- such emergencies, where to go tack at his home on Burroughs lowing announcement regard- and what lo do if you are not Drive, Lowell, were held Tuesday i n g emergencies, severe weather home. Whenever possible we will afternoon at the Roth Chapel in forecasts and closing of school be- notify WOOD radio and TV of our Lowell. cause of Ice or snow. emergency action. A native of Philadelphia, Mr. Since the Cuban siluation, much We have a Civilian Defense TEE L Johnson was a graduate of Wes- has been discussed about the im- monitor, located in my office, that Established June, 1893 Number 31 leyan University in Middletown, portance of Civilian Defense. How- is tuned in all Ihe time. This Conn., and later received his mas- ever, when the newspapers and monitor is tested from the Kent ters degree from the University radio-TV do not report the new County Sheriff's department at LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1962 of Chicago. emergencies in our never-ending 9:30 and 2:00 each day. Emer- He moved to Grand Rapids in "cold war" people relax their in- gency messages come over this Fined and Jailed After 1923, -teaching shop classes at terest in both the monetary bud- monitor and the schools are then South High School until the early get and their concern. to make their own decisions to Report Satisfactory Progress On New Hitting Parked Car Here Summer Theatre To Open In 1963, 1930's when he became director of The school has adopted a policy act. vocational guidance at the for- that it will follow in case of emer- Civilian Defenw Gerald Brown, 22, 218 South mer Davis Technical High School. gencies arising under Civilian De- High School Sell Morse Lake School Four Miles West of Cascade Our policy is to disperse when- Hudson Street, Lowell, was held From 1941 until his retirement in fenre. severe weather forecasts, Ixnvell Area Schools bonrd of and non-union prime contractors Melody Circus of Grand Rapids, ever there is lime to take action. overnight on Monday In the Kent Rapids. For theater patrons from 1948 he was personnel manager at and ice-snow road conditions. I education, Monday night, heard a are working. In the future. Archi- a professional summer tent theater Children will be released and bus- County Jail and fined $25 and other cities, our new site is idea." Wolverine Brass Works. hope that you save this paper and report of Donnally Palmer, archi- tect Pawner declared, the owners es ..ent home. When warning is costs and given a 10-day jail sen- being organized to produce musi- He pointed out that the site is Surviving are a son, Dr. Dana tect of the new high nchool which may assign prime contractors as refer to it when such conditions not available we will keep the tence on Tuesday in Justice Rit- cal comedies, Thursday signed a at the Intersection and junction of Johnson, assistant professor of revealed that the new building In they wish but a union prime con- prevail. children, providing supervision and tenger's court on a reckless driv- 10-year lease on an ll-acre site M-37. US-131 by-pass and M-ll, chemistry at Kansas State Univer- upltp of the lahor trouble was tractor may only take bids from In emergencies of the more seri- the best shelter available. II gen- ing charge. 4 miles south of Cascade, af M-37 which connects 1-96 and M-21. sity In Manhattan, Kansas, two ous nature communication may making Katisfactory progress. sub-contractors who employ union erally takes one half hour to notify He was arrested on Monday eve- and 28lh Street. The theater plaas This means that it is easily reach- daughters, Mrs. D. W. (Portia) laborers. Union plumbers were the often break down and It may be the regular drivers and get the The board was told that a set- ning after he hit a parked car In to open Its premiere, 2-week, ed by resident of Battle Creek, Kal- Spriggs of Peoria, Illinois, and tlement hag been reached between only group to stay off the Lowell impossible for you to contact the buses underway, however. In a front of the Root-Lowell Manufac- season on June 17, 1963. amazoo, Lansing, Holland, Rock- Mrs. Priscilla Lussmyer of Grand school or the school to notify you. the contractors and the union, so High School job and they now are greater emergency we are prepar- turing Company. The late model The properly Is I>elng leased ford, Greenville and Big Rapids. ville; four brolhers, two sisters and that no more Information signs are approaching their original schedule In such cases it is important for ed lo use faculty-janitorial person- car belonging to a C ft O Rail- from John D. Loeks, Grand Rapl^v With freeway networks completed 10 grandchildren. to IK? placed on jobs where union by the use of more men on the nel as drivers. road employee, Jerry E. Ivan, jr., then lor owner, promoter and ownaj- north of Grand Rapids, the site is Burial was made in Restlawn job. Lowell Skaters Hosts For was badly damaged. of the Cascade Motor Inn, whlcn also readily accessible to residents Memorial Park. Severe Weather Forecast The building program Is moving is on property adjacent to the of Muskegon, Grand Haven and Competition Meet Sunday This warning usually comes over ahead rapidly, the board was told, Invitations Out For Melody Circus site. Haven and Spring Lake. monitor system and from (he re- steel roof decking and Insulation Lowell To Receive The American Legion Skating Ted Brink, vice president and port of time available we will re- Library Meeting board has arrived. Steel trusses coming events Access roads will be built into $5,319 Rood Money Rink and the Lowell Skating Gub lease the students and send the producer of the new theater pro- the property from M-37 and US-131 for the gym and the other parts will be host to over 150 skaters buses home. If no time is avail- of the building are nearly all in- The Golden fchain Farm Bureau ject, reported, "The experience of by-pass (28th Street, S. E.). A The State Highway Department Sunday from Detroit, Grand Rap- Government officials and other summer musical theater In other able we will hold the students pro- stalled and it is expected with meets the 201 h at Vergennes Town- parking lot for 750 cars will be has started distributing third quar- ids. Battle Creek, Lowell and civic leaders from Lowell, Ada parts of the country indicates that viding supervision and Ihe l)est favorable weather to have the roof ship Hall with Mr. and Mrs. Orie constructed. ter Motor Vehicle Highway Fund Grand Haven for a competition and Cascade, with other county our primary audience area will shelter available. completed in two or three weeks. Groenenboom as hostesses. A large tent, with a seating capa- collections to Michigan counties meet. officials, will receive Invitations Ice-Snow Doors and window sash are sched- cover a 65-mile radius from Grand city of 2,100 persons, will be erect- and incorporated cities and villages. Activity at the local rintf will be- this week to attend a regional The V.F.W. will hold a business Buses will always go out in the uled to arrive on the job about Lowells share is $5,319.00. gin at 9 a. m. with skaters going Oovprnor's Conference on Librar- meeting on Tuesday, November 20 ed on the site, as will permanent morning unless an announcement November 15; masonry work Is buildings for rehearsal, dressing State Highway Commissioner through their various steps and ies December 4 at the Grace in their Post rooms. Let's turn out. Methodist Harvest John C. Mackie said net receipts is made over WOOD radio and Episcopal church. Hall and Ply- ahead with nearly all the exterior rooms, storage, set construction, routines before judges. of the Highway Fund during July. Those participating from Lowell TV before 7:30 a. m. Please do mouth In Grand Rapids. walls erected and most of the Snow Methodist Church first concessions and box office. Festival Sunday August and September of 1962. will be Terry Paddok. Marlene not call the school or the prin- A dinner meeting at 6:30 p. m. load bearing Interior walls com- Family Night of the season will Construction will begin in the amounted to $44,490,352. an In- Koewers. Tommy Koewers. Donna cipals about this as they contact will be followed by a public meet- plete. be held at the Snow Community spring of 1963. Included will be Sunday will be "Harvest Festi- crease of $2,301,033 over the same their faculty member. ing at 7:30 p. m., according to Take Bids on McCordn School Hall on Friday, Nov. 30. Potluck excavation at the tent site. Melody Maloney. Bonnie Adrianse, Mr. and val Sunday" at the local Methodist period of 1961. Marlon Vos, general chairman of The school board took bids on supper at 6:30 p. m. Program Circus productions will be present- Mrs. Dave Clark, and Corllsse Church. Members and friends of Gross collections during the third Clark.
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