Council in Woods

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Council in Woods ." :;;;~,'~";,~":;;"f:: ':\ 7", :~,'c~'!;~',rt.~r1;X;:"~~~."~~'.\.:',,:',I'~'/':'~ '..: ~ • '. ,'j - , r All Th,a News • Of All ..... The I)ointes Every Thursday ~orning ro.sse , .' ews Co.mplete New~"Cot!erage of' All the : _ ( ... _ _" , 'Paintes• J • VOLU~AE17-NO. 26 Entered as Second Cla.. MaUer at the Post Detroit ••Mich. 5c Per Copy' . , , , GROSSE POINTE, MICHI~ANi ,JUNE ..U,. '1.956 ~.!iO Per y~ 28 PAt;ES Fully Palid Ci.rculation ,. , , . ' HEADLINES ,took AH'v~ Slq The y. May' Stay Alive .'. Farms Halts of the Council in Woods . Assessment WEEK •As Compiled by th6 Studies Financing On Business wtJ,"tse Point, News . :' \ 'Special'District Created To CoHect Funds For Site Thursday, June 21 Of-Drain Project. Rescinded by Coun- RESCUERS are still search- ing for the bodies of 74 persons cilmen killed in a fiery Venezuelan air- liner crash yesterday. The crash, Plan For Apportioning of G;rosse-Gratiot Development Is The Special Assessment the worst in commercial avia- .' Approved; To' Accept Bids About August I DiStrict 7 case of the City tio:l history, occurred as the of Grosse Pointe Farms has plane was returning to New York with one engine dead. The .The 'Wo.od~ council held an adjourned meeting on been rescinded. big plane explOded while dump- Thursday, June 21,<to debate the proposed proportionment At a regularly scheduled ing its gasoline after the engine trouble. of cost of the Grosse-Gratiot Drain. The meeting was meeting of the Farms' Coun .. From the instant the 'plane carried over from the regular session held on Monday; cil on June 18, Councilman hit the water within sight of, June 18. ~ William Butler moved that the lights of New York, it was known that everyone aboard had City Administrator William S d C t assessment on the Kercheval perished upon flaming impact Lange said that t~ council pee os S Hill parking lot be cancelled with the sea. A Coast Guard approved the plan for the ap- , . d. t ~ T h t. spokesman said the plane hit so por~ioning of the cost of the' Dr1;ve.r $47~ lInme 1a eJ.Y.. - e mo l~n hard it disintegrated. Nineteen dram, ,between the Woods, II . ~ was unanimously adopted. of the victims were Americans, Harpel' Woods and St. Clair- 1'T F· The special assessment dis-, • * • Shores. However,. the actual' n. wo .,'nes trict was created by the Farms FRANCE'S FOREIGN Minis- ~')st proportionment of the en- II to ,have the businessmen pay a ter Christian Pineau said that tire project ,cannot be deter- --- proportionate share of the "park- Russia has started to raise its. mined as yet, he said, witil bids Police .Chase Him at 90 in.g lot cost and improvement," Iron Curtain and that the West ar'" I' a d t t' t t h which was completed early in - !l n cons rue lOn,s ar s. M••les per our on Lake should encourage this by cuI. He, said that the WaY'l" Sh • S d 1954'. tural-economic contacts with the I <; ore In econ Total Cost $39-994 County Drain Cqm""';ssl.o'nn:a"d . '>, Red countries. He said the .... Off United States should lead the proposed each of the involved ense . The overall cost to the city, West in this move. He said Rus- communities .be assessed ac- . --- including improvements, pur- sian. leaders are ready to make School's. out a..'"ldso are the kids. A frightening, f . -Fred Runnells Photo . cordingly,. that is, each be A motorist who appeared chase of property from the a certain number of "unavoid- path 0 thecClT' She is just helping the' NEWS photQg- charged. its fak share for the before Farms Judge Grant E SCQ.oolBoard to expand the lot, able sacrifices," yet too familiar, sight to motorists ,ilsthe child darting rapher remind you to ~ .particularly careful now that whole amount, and "then the' . etc., was approximately $33,994. Pineau made this statement into the street to chase down a stray ball. ,YOt:!Ilg ,suniiner':is p.ete and our children are :out of. doors. cities in turn assess their citi- Armstrong .twice within a The assessment against local bluntly at a National Press Club LINDA ORl?ON knows b,~tter than to run' out into the Give the' kids a '''brake''~ You'll both' be" glad you did. 'ze}1s.: '. .year on a ch'arge of speeding business was $2'1,441.' luncheon in Washington, after ' . " , Mr.' Lange' said that each and' reckless driving, re- The ~jority of' the busi;t~sl- ending a three-day intensive K. e Cl b p. C' · Th B''. p city's cost will be determined by ceived a heavy fine on Wed- men sald ~hey would be ~g diplomatic talk with Secretary lWaU"SII .,U oIlrtte, . O'lp'mU,-nl.ty. " . ,IIeater . zo' ". '.a'v'.;n' g: 'pumpsneededthe slze. of sewe~in that pipesparticular'and nesday" June 20'... toment,payprov1dedthel~ share'the ofFarmsthe assess~prom- of State John Foster Du11es. The PI A I W d '.. 't .' . Rohert s..Sommervllle, 29, of ised not to meter tl;le parking :~sa~;::~~y t~:n:;~o s:i~;; ans nnua ill S Up B.usje~tSeason J ob~'Stlirted ,. cO~~~~~in' CO~iss~~n .wili .~~r:o~~t~~m::~F~~~l~e'i~;; ~~e~ proniise was not ob. sharp differences on how to July'. : ;J Sfh;:' ,o'UJ:' 'W"''Jeth Sh~ow' 's'"~'.'''~L-::..:~'a''.W' i~'k,"e'~n'~d"" [' . ,.:.:rii":, ..";';'(ST ....,..... ,'. " ~c~\ b;dS. pnth.e, proJect on b~ata:nd Ea:l;Field,:,!heJ?- they: W"nenthe cit~"sought W col- :~~l:s.Russ.,it's ne~ softer £;E ':1.1Uo ~;;'V n. ,,(jOuS:': ' : :~ec~ntly, Eas~~.'Detroit' ex- v.Tl"tnessed.his 'car travelmg leet the assessment. the. Bill , .. • • . - pressed a come. in on an '..ex~esslve speed on Lake businessmen obtained an iJI,~e .. SOURCESCLOSE to officials H F. k 0 1 T "Di~l 'M' "f~r Murder" .WilI be Presented Frid,~Y and. -. -- the drain. 'program, and .. Mr. Shore road. '. tion restraining the Farms from in Washington said that the uge Irewor 5 isp 6y 0 d h Cook Ro'ad :and. Portions of Lange sa}d the. coun~l did not- Was Going 90 collecting. However, befOre the Unitf:Q.States may abandon the Be Held Ag~in on P~rcens S~tur ay' Nig ts. at Can'non Com.munit.y Center. Chester.a.nd.AH'h~r~Bein9 object to"this, provided that. a's .. The officers said they. chased injunction was served, several :financing of the Aswan Dam in School Grounds at N!ght :':.: " . '.on, ~uilforcl , : .. : .... ' Surfaced .at Costa result there will be no delay the motorist at speeds up to 90 businessmen paid, all or. part Egypt. A spokesman for Egypt- ---------- I f $' .' , 'in starting the job..He .said the' miles an, hour and. fmally of their assessment. ian Premier Gamal Abdel Nas-, . • ~. The Grosse' Pointe: ,Community .:l'heater-. winds up ,.f~' . .0,:.'" 44~9,OO . · '. Woods will .not tolerate" any stopped 'him' at Lake Shore and In Com SiDce 1954 ser said~hat Russia has offered ,The ,G:o~~~Po~te 's~ason t;b.isFrid~y, and .s~t~;!.-I'~ay'}lights~with p~rfermances: .', - i : ~'.- . delay, ~ecause the vitally need- P;ovencaL . The case. l1.adbeen in eoun to loan Egypt ,$1,120,000,000to- Club wil:l sPO~Sol'"'1ts 14~b of "Dial 'M' for Murder". The hit thriller will be stagedat'. The Woods.' b~g~.n:lts P,8:v- ed dramage system must go __When brought before Judge since September 16, 1954, and ward construction of the dam, annual huge .FIreworks DIS- the Cannon Community Center. Auditorium an 'Guilfprd mg of .Cook road, Rart '~f; Its aliead: '. Armstrong on Wednesday, Som-. since then hearings had been and without any interest. -play on WeJinesday, July 4, Street near the Cadieux-Warren' comer.' street andalley~ repa.1rmg . Offer One Solution merville eritered a plea of not postponed several times~ The loan would be paid back at P~cells'~choo!, Mack at . A quick look at the cast of0-------~----- and improvem~ntr"I>r?gram, He said that if East 'Detroitgu!l~y to speeding and rec~less On February 19, of this year, over a p~riod of 60 years. The Vermer, WhICh WIll start as thls PI:0dlllctionproves the adage season of. summer sto.ck_on on.,Monday"June 2p, acc<?rd7' is' not. ready to participate in' ch'l,vmg,.an~ was found gm~ty, the Farms installed ,meters in' sum would almost meet the soon a~ darkness falls: that onCE~bitten by the theater Cape Cod, organization and ing to .. City. ~dministrator thp.'program, one way of getting" He was orae:r;ed to paY' ~ fme the first three rows of the lot, total cost of the construction. The club plans to' make this bug, a pl~rsonstays bitten, direction of a U.S: Air. Force Wil1iamLange~. around it is for St. Clair Shores of $350 or serve 60,d!lYS In ~he 132 spaces, and to date' has real- American officials indicate that display bigger and better than Has Professional Background .Little Theater on OkiIla-w.a;,and The paving,-w~ch will cover to, dev:16p' its 'portion .of. the :::npeai~ounty Jall. Tr.e fme ~ed abo£u11ut$150 a wuleedk,WththiCh. the position now is that the those of previous years. Bill Shearer, who plays In- h t' ., a little less.:than. a mile will Mllk RIver and lel added part S ill' • d m one year WO ne U.S.
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