ისტორია, პოლიტიკა და რელიგია პანკისის ხეობაში უსაფრთხოების მზერის ქვეშ: უსაფრთხოების მზერის ქვეშ Under the Security Gaze Under theSecurity Gaze: History, PoliticsandReligioninthePankisi Gorge Under the Security Gaze: History, Religion and Politics in the Pankisi Gorge Tbilisi, 2018 This research is prepared by the “Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC)” within the frames of the project “Addressing the Problems of Integration, Marginalization and Radicalization of Muslim Communities in Georgia”. The project is funded by the Open Society Foundations. Opinion expressed in this research may not express the position of the Donor. EMC is responsible for the content of this material. Authors: Maia Barkaia, Barbare Janelidze Editor: Tamta Mikeladze Assistant Editor: Tornike Chumburidze Research Assistant: Sophio Tskhvariashvili Legal Researcher: Keti Chutlashvili Translation from Georgian: Mariam Goshadze Cover Design: Salome Latsabidze Circulation: 300 ISBN 978-9941-27-651-4 It is forbidden to copy the material without written consent from the Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC). Address: 12b I. Abashidze Street, Tbilisi, Georgia Phone: +995 032 2 23 37 06 www.emc.org.ge
[email protected] fb: http://fb.com/EMCRIGHTS Contents Introduction .......................................................................................................................................7 Temirlan ...........................................................................................................................................7