Socio-economic transformation in coal transition regions: analysis and proposed approach Pilot case in Upper Nitra, Slovakia E. Donnari, S. Salanska, M. Matusiak, K.Rosina, C. Perpiña Castillo, R. Ribeiro Barranco, C. Jacobs-Crisioni, B. Kavalov, C. Lavalle, I. Maghiros, I. Seigneur, M. Boden, D. Pontikakis, H. Gerbelová, A. Spisto, S. Giaccaria, A. Purvins, L. Sereno, A.Bocin Dumitriu U. von Estorff, M. Masera 2018 This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication. Contact information Name: Elena Donnari Address: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, 21 Rue Champs du Mars, 1049 Brussels, Belgium Email:
[email protected] Tel.: +32-2-298 68 74 JRC Science Hub JRCxxxxx EUR xxxxx xx PDF ISBN xxx-xx-xx-xxxxx-x ISSN xxxx-xxxx doi:xx.xxxxx/xxxxxx Print ISBN xxx-xx-xx-xxxxx-x ISSN xxxx-xxxx doi:xx.xxxxx/xxxxxx Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2018 © European Union, 2018 Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. The reuse policy of European Commission documents is regulated by Decision 2011/833/EU (OJ L 330, 14.12.2011, p. 39). For any use or reproduction of photos or other material that is not under the EU copyright, permission must be sought directly from the copyright holders.