Mexicos Transition to a Knowledge Based Economy

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Mexicos Transition to a Knowledge Based Economy Mexico’s Transition to a Knowledge-Based Economy Challenges and Opportunities Yevgeny Kuznetsov and Carl Dahlman WBI DEVELOPMENT STUDIES the world bank WBI DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Mexico’s Transition to a Knowledge-Based Economy Challenges and Opportunities Yevgeny Kuznetsov Carl. J. Dahlman © 2008 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. Washington D.C. 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: E-mail: [email protected] All rights reserved 1234512111098 This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgement on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone: 978-750-8400; fax: 978-750-4470; Internet: All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2422; e-mail: [email protected]. ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-6921-0 e-ISBN: 978-0-8213-6922-7 DOI: 10.1596/978-0-8213-6921-0 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for. Contents Foreword vii Acknowledgments ix Abbreviations and Acronyms xi Part I. Need for a Transition to Knowledge-Based Economy 1. New Challenges and Opportunities3 2. Benchmarking Mexico’s Position in the Knowledge Economy 19 Part II. Major Policy Issues 3. Transforming the Innovation and Enterprise Upgrading System 29 4. Enhancing Education and Skills 59 5. Updating the ICT Infrastructure in Mexico 85 Part III. Implementation Options 6. Toward National Vision and Leadership 111 7. Regional Leadership in the Transition to a Knowledge Economy 123 Annexes 1. Theoretical Framework for Growth Projections 137 2. Knowledge Assessment Methodology (KAM) 143 3. Comparator Scorecards for Mexico, United States, the Republic of Korea, China, Ireland, and Spain 145 4. Data for Scorecards for Mexico, United States, Republic of Korea, China, Ireland, and Spain 147 5. Performance, Economic Incentive Regime, Governance, Education, Innovation, and Information Communication Technologies: Scorecards for Mexico, United States, Republic of Korea, China, Ireland, and Spain 149 6. Variables for Regional Knowledge Assessment 161 Bibliography 163 iii iv Contents List of Boxes, Figures, and Tables Boxes 1.1 Health Care Services as a Global Opportunity: Lessons from India7 3.1 Discretionary Differences among Firms: The Automotive Industry 36 3.2 Three Types of Players in Mexico’s Automotive Sector 39 3.3 Innovation through Interorganizational Networks 46 3.4 Improving Decentralized Sectoral and Regional Funds 52 3.5 Ireland’s National Linkage Program (1987–1992) 55 3.6 The Switching Period in Supplier Development in the Mexican Garment Industry 56 4.1 Structure of Mexico’s Education System 63 4.2 Higher Education and Quality Control Mechanisms in Chile and Brazil 73 4.3 Mexico’s Proactive Approach to Supporting Small- and Medium-Size Enterprises 78 4.4 Achieving Change at the Margin: Charging Tuition Fees at Mexican Universities 83 5.1 Telecommunications and the WTO: The Case of Mexico 98 6.1 The Republic of Korea’s Transition to a Knowledge Economy: From Vision to Implementation 112 6.2 The Fundación Chile Model and Its Relevance for Mexico 116 6.3 Monterrey Institute of Technology and TecMilenio: Educational Spin-off as a Model of Lifelong Learning 117 6.4 Quasi-Rents as a Motivation for Concerted Action 119 7.1 Transition to Knowledge Economy: Example of Aguas Calientes 128 7.2 Adoption of Organizational Knowledge: Innovative Supplier Development Program 129 7.3 Culture as a Key Intangible: Potential of High Value-Added Tourism 130 7.4 Scan Globally, Experiment Locally: Developing Managerial Capability 133 Figures 1.1 GDP per Capita Growth in the Republic of Korea and Mexico, 1960–20024 1.2 Four Projections of Mexico’s Real GDP per Capita, 2001–20206 1.3 Manufacturing Productivity in Mexico, 1993–998 1.4 Manufacturing Industries in Mexico: Revealed Comparative Advantage by Technological Intensity9 1.5 Microeconomic Competitiveness 10 1.6 Patents of U.S. and Foreign Origin Granted by the U.S. Patent Office, 1981–2001 11 1.7 Worldwide Payments and Receipts of Royalty and License Fees, 1970–2002 16 2.1 A Global View of the Knowledge Economy Index 20 2.2 GDP per Capita and Knowledge Economy Index, 2002 21 Contents v 2.3 Knowledge Scorecards for Mexico and the United States 22 2.4 Mexico’s Performance on the Four Pillars of the Knowledge Economy 23 3.1 Innovation Variables: A Comparison of Mexico and China 30 3.2 Global View of Innovation Performance 31 3.3 Learning Capabilities by Type of Firm 34 3.4 Value Added per Firm in Mexico’s Motor Vehicles and Equipment Sector 36 3.5 Finance and Execution of R&D in Mexico by Sector, 2000 37 3.6 Efficiency of Spending on R&D, Selected OECD Firms, 1985–2000 37 3.7 Organizations Involved in Innovation 47 3.8 Convergence of Enterprise Support and Innovation Programs 49 3.9 Proyecto Innovar as a Possible Hub of U.S.–Mexico Innovation Networks 54 4.1 Mexico’s Education Performance 61 4.2 Mexico and the World: Education 62 4.3 Ratio of Yearly Remuneration, White-Collar to Blue-Collar Workers in Mexico’s Maquiladora Manufacturing Industry, 1988–2000 63 4.4 University Graduates in Engineering and Basic Sciences, 2000 69 4.5 School Enrollment, by Age and Income Group 71 4.6 Forces for Change in Reforming Education 84 5.1 Network Readiness Index, 2003–2004 86 5.2 Benchmarking Mexico’s ICT Performance 87 5.3 ICT Investments as a Share of GDP 2003 88 5.4 Internet Users per 100 Inhabitants, Mexico, Chile, and the Republic of Korea, 1998–2003 89 5.5 Regional Distribution of Main Lines per 100 Inhabitants and GDP per Capita, 2004 90 5.6 Paid TV Subscribers per 1,000 Inhabitants in Mexico, 2004 91 5.7 Incumbent Market Share after Five Years of Competition 93 5.8 International Long-Distance Traffic, 1998–2004 97 6.1 Virtuous Circle of Growth and Reforms 114 6.2 National Supplier Development Program 120 7.1 Mexico: Regional Knowledge Index and GDP per Capita 124 7.2 Knowledge Index by Mexican States 125 7.3 Timeline of Transition to Knowledge-Based Economy in Aguas Calientes 128 Tables 1.1 World Trade as a Percentage of Global GDP, by Income Level of Country, 1970 and 2001 13 1.2 Value Added of Knowledge-Based Industries, OECD Countries 13 1.3 Gross Domestic Expenditures on R&D as Percentage of GDP, 1981–2000 14 1.4 R&D Spending in Selected Countries, by Income Level 14 vi Contents 1.5 Investment in Tangibles and Intangibles, Selected OECD Countries, 1998 15 1.6 Payments and Receipts of Royalties and License Fees, Selected Regions and Countries, 2001 16 1.7 From First-Generation NAFTA to a Knowledge-Driven, Second-Generation NAFTA 18 3.1 Instruments to Support Innovation by Type of Firm 35 3.2 The Share in Total Exports of Commodity Groups in Which Mexican Strength Is Concentrated, 1993, 2000 40 3.3 Exceptions and Promising Cases of Innovation at Different Levels 41 3.4 Federal R&D Expenditures in Mexico by Sector and Subsector, 2001 44 3.5 Number of Federal Enterprise Support Programs, by Type and Organization, 2001 48 3.6 Program Evaluations 50 3.7 Venture Capital in Mexico: Supply and Demand 53 4.1 Average Years of Schooling of Adults in OECD Countries, 1980–2000 60 4.2 Schooling Completion Rates in Mexico and Dropouts per Year, by Age Group 64 4.3 Programme for International Student Assessment, 2000 Results for Selected OECD Countries 67 4.4 Higher Education in Mexico: Institutions, Students, and Teachers, 2000–2001 68 5.1 ICT Indicators, 2003 89 5.2 Technology and Growth for Broadband Internet Access Services (Consumers), 2001–2006 92 5.3 Telmex Market Shares 92 5.4 Financial Performance of Telecommunications Companies, December 2004 93 5.5 Telephone Tariffs in Mexico, 1995–2003 94 5.6 Local Prices for Telephone Services in Mexico and Other OECD Countries, 2003 95 5.7 Local Loop Prices for Carriers, 2002: E-1 CAPACITY 96 5.8 Telephone Prices for Rural Telephony 96 6.1 Implementing the Transition: Sequencing Policy Agenda in Innovation, Education, and ICT 113 6.2 Fundación Chile as a Model for Fundación Mexico 116 7.1 Four Types of States in Mexico and Four Policy Agendas 126 Foreword Knowledge and talent are prerequisites for success in today’s global knowledge economy. For developing countries, this increasing importance of knowledge and its productive application has created new challenges as well as new windows of opportunity.
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