
21 November 2002

Independent Local Radio

Report of Patrick Conway, Director of Cultural Services

Purpose of the Report

1 To share with Cabinet Members information relating to commercial radio services in .


2 The Radio Authority, recently confirmed that it intends to advertise for applicants to run an service in the Durham area. Subject to any changes introduced by the Government’s Communications Act, it is expected the licence will be advertised next year.

3 There are already local stations for (Sun FM), and Darlington (Alpha Radio). These complement the broader commercial radio services, Metro, Magic, TFM, Century and Galaxy, all of which cover much larger areas.

4 The Radio Authority has yet to indicate the transmitter power available, and therefore the range of the service. However, it is expected that in addition to Durham City, the station would cover a large part of County Durham, including Derwentside, Wear Valley, Chester-le-Street and part of the Sedgefield district, with a strong FM stereo signal.

5 Durham is unique among British cities, having once had its own local radio station, which was them removed. BBC Radio Durham closed in the early 1970’s, when the BBC chose to move investment and effort to Cumbria.


6 In anticipation of an announcement by the Radio Authority, a putative bidder, Durham FM, is preparing an application. Backed by Radio Investments Ltd. (RIL), a well established company in commercial radio, work is well progressed in respect of research and planning.

7 RIL, one of the founding investors in London’s Capital Radio, has expanded its operation, and now has 22 stations from Falkirk to the Isle of Wight. Major shareholders in RIL are Caledonia Investments, GWR Group plc, and Guardian Media Services.

8 The Durham FM team is led by Brian Lister, a County Durham man, formerly with BBC Radio, , and TFM. He was also a director of Sunderland Community Radio Association Ltd., who operated as Wear FM, and was subsequently Managing Director of Sun FM, as well as an adviser to Alpha Radio and a number of other commercial stations in the north of .

9 While Durham FM have already declared their intent, it should be noted that applications for the eight year license, should it be offered, will come from a number of other organisations.

10 Durham FM will be undertaking a survey of radio tastes in the area during the forthcoming months. As part of this exercise, they will operate, under a temporary license, for four weeks from Sunday 10 November, broadcasting from New College. The transmitter power will naturally be considerably less than that of a fully fledged commercial radio station, but it is expected signals will be received throughout the built up area of Durham City.

11 As part of the programming, Durham FM have already been in touch with the County Council Press Office for general news items during this period. In addition, Cultural Services will be working with the station on a daily basis, providing input in respect of features and topical stories.

Wider implications

12 The Durham County Council area is the only part of the north east that does not have a major media company based within its boundaries. It can be argued that a media presence helps to develop and sustain identity and a sense of belonging.

13 Subject to the anticipated broadcasting bill, the Radio Authority franchise presents an opportunity for the County Council to examine its own communications strategy. Certainly, this is the case with other local authorities where there is an established radio station presence. While there are reasonably good relationships with BBC Radio Newcastle and BBC Radio Cleveland, the possibility of Durham FM or something similar could be important in forthcoming strategic discussions about identity.

14 Should the broadcasting bill, as anticipated, be included in the Queen’s Speech, it would be perhaps opportune for the County Council to welcome the move and lend its weight to a franchise being offered for the Durham area. In doing this, it may well be appropriate to comment about the coverage and nature of the franchise. It is suggested signal strength should enable the proposed station to be picked up throughout County Durham.

15 Thereafter, the County Council should take a proactive role in the application process and, if possible, seek to be more than a consultee in relation to the applicants.


16 Members are recommended to welcome the possibility of an independent radio franchise being allocated to the Durham area and to actively be involved in its development.

Contact: Patrick Conway Tel: 0191 383 3600

Appendix 1: Implications





Equal opportunities




Crime and disorder




Human rights



Throughout County Durham

Young people



We wish to seek extended consultation with the Radio Authority.