RECLAMManagAingTWateIr iOn theNWest

Report DSO-05-05 Materials Properties Model of Aging

Dam Safety Technology Development Program

U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Technical Service Center Denver, Colorado December 2005

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4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete 5b. GRANT NUMBER


6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Timothy P. Dolen, P.E. 5e. TASK NUMBER


7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT Bureau of Reclamation NUMBER Technical Service Center DSO-05-05 Resources Research Laboratory Denver, Colorado 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) Bureau of Reclamation Denver, Colorado 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) DSO-05-05 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES

14. ABSTRACT A database model of aging concrete was developed to identify the changes in materials properties over time for Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) dams. Materials properties data on mass concrete were input to the Reclamation Aging Concrete Information System (ACIS). The data were analyzed for trends in the deterioration of subject to aging, including aggregate reaction (AAR) and general aging of early twentieth century concrete with high water-to- ratios. The aging concretes were compared to dams of similar age, but not suffering from aging processes. The aging concretes were also compared to known good quality concretes that were manufactured after about 1948 to specifically resist deterioration from AAR, freezing and thawing (FT), and attack. Trends were established for comparing the compressive strength, splitting and direct tensile strength, and elastic properties of aging and non-aging dams. The strength and elastic properties of aging mass concrete differed significantly from those of comparable non-aging concretes. Both spatial variations within a structure and long-term changes in strength and elastic properties were identified. The ACIS database can be used to track the long-term materials properties behavior of dams through comprehensive concrete coring and testing programs. Laboratory core test data are included for dams ranging from about 10 to more then 83 years old. These data provide the necessary supporting documentation for the Dam Safety Office Comprehensive Facilities Review evaluation process and for dams in need of corrective action. 15. SUBJECT TERMS Concrete deterioration timeline; dam safety; materials properties model; aging concrete database; mass concrete; alkali aggregate reaction; alkali silica reaction; freezing and thawing; concrete core tests; compressive strength; splitting tensile strength; direct tensile strength; modulus of elasticity; Poisson’s ratio 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES SAR 50 a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT a. THIS PAGE 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code) U U U

Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8/98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18

BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory, 86-681 80

Report DSO-05-05

Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

Dam Safety Technology Development Program Denver, Colorado

Pre~ared:~imwv P. Dolen. P.E. ~esearchCivil Eniineer, senior Technical S~ecialist MaterialsZJL Engineein and /di Reslarch ~aboraiory, 86-681 90 Data Input ~heckewimoth~P. Dolen, P.E. Research Civil Engineer, Senior Technical Specialist Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory, 86-68190 \2/(,fdl Technical Approval: William ~.'~epler,P.E. Manager, ate rials Engineering . and Research Laboratory, 86-68180 3/'A7 Peer Review: William F. Kepler, P.E. Date Manager, Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory, 86-68180


- Date Description u u 5 3 ?! Ya, .- 3 ,-.a, Ei Ei wo E6 a> a 5 ,-

Mission Statements

The mission of the Department of the Interior is to protect and provide access to our Nation’s natural and cultural heritage and honor our trust responsibilities to Indian Tribes and our commitments to island communities.

The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public.


The author would like to acknowledge the Science and Technology Program for providing the initial funding that led to the development of the aging concrete information system (ACIS) database and for documentation of the state of the art in Bureau of Reclamation mass concrete technology. These benefits have been invaluable in understanding those structures most in need of attention. The Dam Safety Office provided funding for the Materials Model of Aging Concrete and this final report. Dam Safety project funding was used to input much of the data on alkali-silica-affected dams and other aging dams currently under investigation. The Manuals and Standards funding allowed documentation of baseline materials properties of many of the Bureau of Reclamation’s historic dams.

Several personnel from the Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory performed time-consuming, tedious data input including Erin Gleason, Veronica Madera, Jalena Maestas, and Kattie Bartojay. Lelon Lewis edited this report. Kurt von Fay began the initial work using Access programming software to develop the concept for the aggregate materials database, which provides an important resource to be coupled to the concrete properties database. He is also instrumental in the product development of concrete deterioration service life prediction software. Dr. David Harris and Dr. William Kepler provided the leadership for accomplishment of this program.

Carol Hovenden performed the Access database programming development and is largely responsible for the database organizational structure, operations and maintenance, and development of data reporting modules of the ACIS database.

Lastly, the author would like to thank the hundreds of Bureau of Reclamation field construction laboratory personnel, drill crews, and the Denver laboratory materials engineering technicians and engineers who have performed the backbreaking work to the perform concrete construction tests, and obtained and tested the hundreds of cores reported in the ACIS database.




Acknowledgments...... iii Research Program Summary...... 1 Conclusions and Recommendations ...... 3 Aging Concrete Dams...... 4 Reclamation’s Aging Concrete Infrastructure ...... 4 A Timeline for Reclamation Aging Concrete...... 4 Concrete Deterioration and Dam Safety...... 6 Concrete Materials Properties Investigations and the Aging Concrete Information System...... 6 ACIS and Materials Model for Aging Concrete...... 9 Concrete Deterioration Model for Dams ...... 9 Strength and Elastic Properties of Aging and/or ASR-Affected Dams Compared to Unaffected Dams...... 10 Averaging and Sorting of ACIS Test Data ...... 10 Compressive Strength and Elastic Properties Development of Aging Dams ...... 10 Compressive Strength and Elastic Properties Development of ASR- Affected Dams ...... 12 Tensile Strength Properties of Aging/ASR and Non-ASR-Affected Dams ...... 15 Applications of Materials Properties Modeling...... 16 Strength Trends at Parker and Seminoe Dams ...... 16 Yellowtail Dam Issue Evaluation ...... 22 Concluding Remarks and Recommendations ...... 24 References...... 25 Aging Concrete Information System Database References—U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory, Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado...... 26

Appendix—Data Reports for Mass Concrete Cores—Yellowtail and Parker Dams

v Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete


No. Page

1 Average compressive strength and elastic properties of cores from Reclamation concrete dams not subject to aging compared to aging concretes constructed in the early twentieth century ...... 11 2 Average compressive strength and elastic dams subject to aging...... 13 3 Effect of aging on tensile strength of mass concrete cores expressed as a percentage of average compressive strength,1 based on data from the ACIS concrete materials database ...... 16 4 Compressive strength of 25-year cores compared to reference core tests by spatial orientation—Yellowtail Dam issue evaluation—Yellowtail Dam, Montana ...... 23


No. Page

1 Timeline for improvements in durable Reclamation concrete...... 5 2 Compressive strength development of concrete dams not subject to ongoing deterioration...... 11 3 Compressive strength development over time for mass concrete dams with and without ASR. The data represent tests from different dams...... 14 4 Comparison of strength to modulus of elasticity in compression for mass concrete dams with and without ASR...... 15 5 Comparison of the effects of aging and ASR on tensile strength of mass concrete dams...... 16 6 Compressive strength development of mass concretes with Type IV cement for Parker Dam, Hoover Dam, and Grand Coulee Dam...... 18 7 Comparison of compressive strength development of laboratory concrete mixtures using Parker Dam cement with Parker (Bill Williams) and Grand Coulee (Brett Pit) aggregates...... 18 8 Compressive strength trends for mass concrete cores at Parker and Seminoe Dams...... 19 9 Compressive strength of mass concrete at Parker Dam, Arizona sorted by elevation within the structure. The top of the dam is at elevation 455...... 20 10 Compressive strength trends of mass concrete at Seminoe Dam, Wyoming, sorted by elevation showing changes in strength over time...... 20 11 Compressive strength development in mass concrete at the top of Seminoe Dam, Wyoming, sorted by elevation showing decreasing strength over time...... 21 12 Modulus of elasticity in compression trends of mass concrete at Seminoe Dam, Wyoming, sorted by elevation showing changes in modulus over time...... 21 vi

Research Program Summary

The objective of this research program is to model the trends of deterioration of concrete in dams to better understand the processes, the rate of change in materials properties, and ultimately, provide the necessary supporting documentation for dams in need of corrective action. The destructive behavior of concrete deterioration is both a physical and chemical phenomenon of the cement paste, the aggregate, and the paste-aggregate interface. The development and reporting for aging concrete is funded under the Reclamation Dam Safety Research Program—Materials Model for Aging Concrete (DSO Project: AGING). The basis of the materials model for aging concrete presented in this report is to (1) identify the performance of concrete from Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) structures without ongoing deterioration and (2) compare with documented performance in structures presently undergoing deterioration. Structures without ongoing deterioration comprise the “baseline” materials properties, that is, what the long term properties of the concrete should be. Structures with ongoing deterioration comprise the “aging” properties of affected structures. From this comparative process, the changes in materials properties can be identified on affected structures and used to develop limits of unacceptable properties and requirements for corrective action.

The most pressing need for Reclamation’s aging concrete structures is evaluating the changes in materials properties over time that affects dam safety. Current risk assessment and evaluation techniques take a “snapshot” of the dam performance under predicted loading conditions. For the most part, the condition of the concrete in the dam is assumed constant over time. However, if degradation is progressing over time, the dam condition is no longer constant. The aging structure may not be able to withstand the previously assumed loadings even if they have not changed.

This materials model is based on trends established from historic laboratory testing of Reclamation mass and structural concretes. This includes data from laboratory mixture proportioning studies, field quality control records, and core testing programs. Reclamation concretes of concern are typically from 50 to over 100 years old, constructed with much larger aggregates, and used different than modern-day concretes. The development of predictive modeling of concrete deterioration is an emerging technology. However, mass concrete, by virtue of its much larger aggregate sizes and different materials, does not yet fit the developing modeling technology. A materials model of aging concrete properties has been developed for dams through records of core tests entered in a comprehensive concrete database.

Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

The benefits of development of an aging concrete materials database model include providing documentation for Reclamation Safety of Dams (SOD) and comprehensive facilities review (CFR) examinations and verification of predictive models currently under development by industry. The rate of deterioration with time is essential for accurate service life prediction. In addition, the data can be used to screen our concrete infrastructure to prioritize program funding for future rehabilitation efforts. The database has already been used to resolve outstanding Safety of Dams recommendations related to perceived decreased core strengths at Yellowtail Dam at a considerable cost savings compared to implementation of a new concrete coring and testing investigation.

Reclamation concretes are subject to wide variations in exposures and aggressive environmental degradation. Initially, Reclamation concretes were not resistant to environmental degradation processes such as sulfate attack, alkali aggregate reaction, and freezing and thawing damage. Reclamation has published more than 1,000 documents on concrete properties. Unfortunately, most of these data were published before the development of modern word processing and database technology. Extracting these data for every dam is laborious. By identifying relevant materials properties data in a relational database, trends of aging concretes in dams can be developed and compared to current structures of interest and is the focus of this research.

The aging concrete information system (ACIS) provides the necessary database of concrete materials for developing a model for concrete deterioration. Developed under the Reclamation Science and Technology (S&T) Program, ACIS is a powerful relational database of concrete materials properties from laboratory, field quality control, and hardened concrete core testing. ACIS ultimately has the capability for being linked to other existing databases currently associated with the dam safety program, such as the Dam Safety Information System (DSIS) and geographic information system technology. Data entry into ACIS has been accomplished through a variety of funded projects, including the Reclamation Science and Technology Program (primary database development), project funding (specific dam safety investigations), and the Reclamation Manuals and Standards funding (baseline of historic concrete materials properties).

Though the focus of this research program is dam safety related, similar benefits are applicable for the entire Reclamation water resources concrete infrastructure. Aging processes are affecting all Reclamation concretes but particularly those in sulfate environments and those in northern and mountain climates. Canals and associated water conveyance structures are particularly susceptible to aging- related concrete deterioration due to the lack of additional protective cover.

2 Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions and Recommendations

The properties of Reclamation dams differ significantly depending on the date of construction, geographical location and local deterioration processes, and the state of the art at the time of construction.

A comprehensive database has been developed to model the materials properties of Reclamation mass concrete. This database is capable of sorting and querying data specific to both individual dams and classes of aging concrete structures.

The materials properties of concrete incorporated into the ACIS database allow comparative modeling of the expected performance of our concrete dams with our aging structures.

Reclamation should continue to add relevant materials properties data for all concrete dam structures as these structures come up for review in the Dam Safety Office CFR program.

The strength and elastic properties of alkali-silica-reaction- (ASR) affected dams differ markedly compared to dams constructed with similar materials and mixture proportions. The ASR-affected dams have less than half the strength and elastic properties of comparable reference concretes.

The processes for ASR differ for some Reclamation dams and may be attributed to either the local materials used, the temperature environment at the dam site, or both. Parker Dam, constructed in Arizona, appears to have had early ASR reaction that has stabilized, whereas Seminoe Dam in Wyoming continues to deteriorate with time. Owyhee Dam in Idaho may have strength reduction trends similar to those at Seminoe Dam because of similar climates.

The aging concrete data should provide the necessary information to establish the ultimate or “terminal” strength parameters necessary for service life prediction models.

The concrete materials properties provide the necessary data support for analytical models used in structural analysis of our dams. This may also apply to additional dam-safety-related analysis under development.

Further research is needed to incorporate this concrete materials properties database with geographical information systems under development.

3 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

Aging Concrete Dams

Reclamation’s Aging Concrete Infrastructure

More than half of Reclamation’s infrastructure is more then 50 years old. The concretes used between 1902 through about 1948 in particular, were not purposely made to resist degradation from the environment. The three primary methods of concrete deterioration in our dams are (in order of specific identification and date of solution):

• Sulfate attack.—The chemical and physical destruction of the cement paste by aggressive, sulfate-laden (1937)

• Alkali-aggregate (alkali-silica) reaction (AAR or ASR).—The chemical reaction between alkali compounds in cement with certain amorphous-silica- bearing aggregates, resulting in concrete “growth” by expanding silica gel (1942)

• Freezing and thawing deterioration (FT).—The physical destruction of primarily cement paste by ice formation within the cement pores (1948)

A fourth mechanism specific mostly to Reclamation conveyance structures is of reinforcing steel. This is primarily related to pipelines or structures constructed accidentally with insufficient cover. However, when other mechanisms deteriorate surrounding concrete, corrosion may ultimately become the primary means of deterioration.

A Timeline for Reclamation Aging Concrete

Reclamation concrete development followed the established trends of the emerging state of the art of concrete technology in the twentieth century. Reclamation concrete is closely aligned with the development of materials properties technology for aggregates and cement, identification of and solutions for deterioration mechanisms caused by the environment and improvements in design and construction practices. These developments are summarized in figure 1. The construction of the early dams raised many questions for both designers and constructors. Concrete materials engineering developed as a means for solving problems at the materials science level. However, these materials science issues were interconnected to improvements in design and construction of major dams. Research in aggregates, cements, and materials properties were spurred on by Abrams in 1918 with his pioneering work in the design of concrete

4 Aging Concrete Dams

Bureau of Reclamation Time-line for Major Improvements in Concrete

Concrete Repair Methods Aging Concrete Deterioration Polymers – Freezing-Thawing Disintegration Air-Entrained Concrete

Alkali-Aggregate Expansion Low – Alkali Cement - Swelling - Cracking Sulfate Attack /Cracking Sulfate Resisting Cement - Pozzolans Hoover Dam – Improved Construction Practices Poor/Variable Quality - Process Quality Control

Low-Strength Low Water-Cement Ratio increases quality

Pioneers--- Abrams--- Hoover---Post War------“Modern Concrete”

1902 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000

Figure 1.—Timeline for improvements in durable Reclamation concrete. mixtures and his water-to-cement-ratio “law” (Abrams, 1918). The development of cement chemistry was spurred on in the late 1920s by the need to understand the chemical processes of hydration in order to reduce cracking from thermal heat generation for large dams and in particular Hoover Dam. The design and construction of Hoover and Grand Coulee Dams in the 1930s led to the development of concrete production on a massive scale, including improvements of concrete mixing, transporting, placing, and cooling. Close control of concrete quality led to reductions in the water and cement contents, yielding greater economy and more volumetric stability. The low-heat cements originally developed for Hoover Dam mass concrete also were found to resist deterioration in a sulfate environment. Subsequently, this materials science methodology became the foundation for the investigations in durability of concrete to resist sulfate attack, alkali-aggregate reaction, and freezing and thawing deterioration.

Trends of concrete materials properties have been developed for these different generations of concrete dam construction. Some dams have exceeded their expectations, while others have not. Comparing these concretes and their exposure conditions proved beneficial to discoveries of the necessary properties for durable concrete. For example, “sand cement” was developed by intergrading cement with finely ground sands and silts, thought to act as a .

5 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

Unfortunately, this was later found not to be the case resulting in low strength concrete with poor durability in aggressive freezing and thawing environments. Exposed concrete at Arrowrock Dam in Idaho and Lahontan Dam in California required significant repair within 20 years and ultimately total rehabilitation of the service spillways whereas similar concrete used at Elephant Butte Dam in New Mexico was, for the most part, unaffected. The mixtures for Hoover and Grand Coulee Dams have proved superior in their respective environments compared to almost identical concretes constructed at the other locations with alkali-reactive concrete aggregates. The database of these concretes was useful for comparing the trends for ASR currently under investigation at Seminoe Dam and Parker Dam.

Concrete Deterioration and Dam Safety

The role of concrete deterioration in dam safety was documented in report No. DSO-03-05 titled Effects of Concrete Deterioration on Safety of Dams (Dolen, 2003). Processes of deterioration were identified specific to Reclamation concrete structures including concrete dams, embankment dams, and appurtenant works such as spillways and outlet works. Failure modes for concrete deterioration were developed for different types of Reclamation structures. One of the most difficult problems facing dam safety managers and engineers is predicting the remaining service life of structures known to be deteriorating after failure modes have been identified. If the concrete is actively deteriorating (such as in a concrete dam), the probability of failure due to the same event will gradually increase as the dam properties degrade until the risks are no longer acceptable. If there is no active deterioration, the risks essentially remain the same unless other modes of failure develop due to changes in loading conditions from flooding or seismic events.

Concrete Materials Properties Investigations and the Aging Concrete Information System

The CFR evaluation process for Reclamation concrete dams typically looks at the original design and performance under the anticipated loading conditions. As a part of this process, the materials properties of the dam are evaluated based on the original tests, if available, and any subsequent postconstruction test programs. The engineer must understand both the expected properties and the actual performance of the field mixtures used in the dam. The ACIS was developed to facilitate this process.

Construction of a major concrete structure involves a set of deliberate steps to optimize the most economical mixture for the strength under assumed loading conditions and for overall construction placement and quality. A comprehensive concrete mixture proportioning program produces perhaps thousands of data

6 Aging Concrete Dams records to meet these needs. Reclamation has developed a comprehensive testing and evaluation program for mass concrete. The testing needed to optimize a mixture for construction includes the following data sets:

• Materials source field investigations.—Perform many evaluation tests on several sources of aggregates and cementitious materials leading to selection of candidate testing of concrete mixtures.

• Laboratory concrete and materials investigations.—Perform many tests from different sources of materials:

◦ Aggregate quality tests (many tests from several samples)

◦ Concrete workability and aggregate proportions tests (several tests on many mixtures)

◦ Concrete strength optimization tests (several tests on many mixtures)

◦ Select candidate mixtures for final materials properties (many tests on a few mixtures)

◦ Recommendation of optimum concrete mixtures for construction

• Construction concrete mixture investigations

◦ Trial batches after aggregate processing (several tests of a few mixtures)

◦ Select final mixture proportions to begin construction

◦ Construction quality control testing (several tests from many batches of a few mixtures)

◦ Redesign of mixtures (if needed for strength and economy)

Following construction, periodic core testing is performed to confirm the assumed properties of the design are achieved, to evaluate possible construction related defects, for periodic monitoring, and if necessary, to answer specific materials properties questions. Postconstruction testing may include the following data sets:

• Postconstruction testing:

◦ Confirmation core testing.—Materials properties (many tests from a few locations)

7 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

◦ Confirmation core testing.—Construction defects (few tests from a few specific locations)

◦ Periodic core testing (few or many tests from a few locations)

◦ Concrete deterioration core testing (few or many tests from a few or many locations)

The development of a concrete materials properties database must identify the source of the materials and associated mixtures tested. Laboratory tests establish a baseline of expected performance under standardized laboratory conditions, but may not represent the specific concrete mixtures sampled by core tests. Field quality control tests provide short term (typically 7 days to 1 year or less) strength properties of the actual field mixture and may or may not represent the full mass mixture. Core testing provides either short term or long term materials properties, and the core samples may vary with core diameter and location within the structure. The ACIS program is therefore divided into four distinct, but interconnected modules:

• Materials sources identification for either the laboratory samples or actual construction materials

• Laboratory mixture proportions and physical properties test results

• Field mixture proportions and quality control test results

• Postconstruction concrete core test results

Due to the broad scope of possible materials and mixtures, a specific dam safety investigation and data analysis most often focuses on the actual mixtures used in the dam and past test results. Laboratory materials properties used for the initial design can serve as an important historical record in the absence of construction and postconstruction records, when needed. The construction data records may be generalized, representing average test properties from the entire dam or they may track the day-to-day records for essentially different placements of the same basic mixture. ACIS has the flexibility to include both circumstances for data storage and reporting. An example of comprehensive core test records for Yellowtail and Parker Dams is included in the appendix.

8 ACIS and Materials Model for Aging Concrete

ACIS and Materials Model for Aging Concrete

Concrete Deterioration Model for Dams

The goal for modeling the behavior of deteriorating concrete dams is to predict their remaining service lives. There is no deterioration model specifically developed for Reclamation mass concrete structures and particularly those structures constructed in the early twentieth century. Deterioration can be evaluated by comparative modeling coupled with predictive process modeling. This research program used comparative modeling, either by comparing good concrete to bad or by comparing accumulated data over time. Predictive service life models need verifiable performance. Typically, a model is developed, laboratory mixtures are tested under simulated (usually accelerated) conditions to calibrate the model, and finally the calibrated model is applied to the structure in question, often a new structure. This type of predictive process modeling has limited use for Reclamation concretes unless their output can be verified by historic performance. Reclamation has a unique role in modeling concrete behavior since our structures have 50 to 100 years of verifiable performance for calibration of predictive models. Reclamation also possesses a wealth of laboratory and field testing records to back up the documented performance. Reclamation was at the forefront of development of concretes to resist the aggressive environments beginning as early as 1928 when investigations were begun for the construction of Boulder/Hoover Dam. The combination of robust predictive modeling coupled to a comparative model of verifiable data and performance will provide a great leap forward in dam safety service life prediction worldwide. The materials properties trends for aging concrete are obtained by sorting and filtering relevant data from the ACIS database to compare the properties over time. The ability of ACIS to search and sort testing data records efficiently allows specific processes to be examined for many structures, or historical trends for specific structures.

Reclamation also has a good body of materials properties for structures of varying age that have not undergone deterioration with time, forming the database of “good concrete” for comparative purposes. This can be used to identify the projected “state of condition” for comparison with other structures of concern. For example, Hoover Dam, constructed from 1933 to 1936, used essentially the same state of the art from a concrete technology standpoint as Parker Dam, located about 60 river miles downstream and constructed from 1937 to 1938. Both were constructed with the same construction practices and concrete quality control programs, and used the same cement from plants located in California.

9 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

Parker Dam was constructed by one of the “seven companies” that built Hoover Dam, used the same equipment for concrete production, and likely even used some of the same personnel. Hoover has little deterioration of any kind, whereas Parker was the first dam identified in Reclamation’s inventory to suffer from alkali aggregate reaction, specifically alkali-silica reaction. The same comparison exists for Seminoe Dam, using mixtures and cements similar to those used at Grand Coulee Dam. Grand Coulee concrete has performed quite well over time, but Seminoe has been suffering from extensive deterioration from ASR combined with freezing and thawing deterioration. Once the predicted performance is identified from the good concretes, the deteriorating concretes can be evaluated for spatial and time-dependent changes.

Strength and Elastic Properties of Aging and/or ASR- Affected Dams Compared to Unaffected Dams

Averaging and Sorting of ACIS Test Data The ACIS materials properties database is comprised of thousands of data records. These data were organized using Microsoft Access and Excel software. Querying is best performed using Access, and data analysis of the queried data was performed with Excel. The data input to ACIS allows entering both the average of several tests from one core program or individual drill holes, and individual tests. Reported average values are simply the average of the data set in question, such as core test age. Many of the data in the tables report the “weighted average” based on the actual number of tests performed. Thus, data represented by the average of 30 tests hold more weight than only one test for computing the overall, weighted average. For example, the weighted average compressive strength of mass concrete cores without aging is 5,590 lb/in2, based on 227 tests, whereas the average without weighting is 5,160 lb/in2. The data averages may also report the most current representative test data for dams that have had multiple test programs, where noted.

Compressive Strength and Elastic Properties Development of Aging Dams Compressive strength and elastic properties of dams not subject to ASR were studied to determine changes in materials properties over time. The compressive strength development of the entire data set (not subject to ASR) showed possible “anomalous” trends as shown in figure 2 and table 1. Dams from early structures in the overall data set include East Park Dam, constructed in 1910. This 83-year- old concrete does not appear to have extensive deterioration. However, concretes from this era had higher water-to-cement ratios and do not have the ultimate strength potential of the later dams represented by Hoover Dam at 60 years of age. The average strength and elastic properties of the aging, pre-1920s concrete dams and post-Hoover “modern” dams are summarized in table 1. The long term compressive strength and elastic properties of the “modern” mass concrete dams—essentially the post-Hoover era dams are based on the most recent core

10 ACIS and Materials Model for Aging Concrete

Compressive Strength vs Age - Mass Concrete Cores No Alkali Aggregate Reaction 9000 8.00

8000 2 2 7000 6.00 lb/in 6 6000

5000 4.00 4000


2.00 2000 Compressive Strength - lb/in

Pre 1920 dams Modulus of Elasticity - 10 1000 67 to 83 years!

0 0.00 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Age - days

Comp Age East Park Comp Pre 1920 Comp E Age East Park E Pre 1920 E Log. (E Age) Log. (Comp Age) Figure 2.—Compressive strength development of concrete dams not subject to ongoing deterioration.

Table 1.—Average compressive strength and elastic properties of cores from Reclamation concrete dams not subject to aging compared to aging concretes constructed in the early twentieth century

Average test Compressive Modulus of age, strength, elasticity, Poisson’s days (yr) lb/in2 106 lb/in2 ratio

Concrete dams 10,418 (28.5) 5590 5.42 0.18 (0 to 60 years old) *

East Park Dam 30,295 (83) 2980 3.32 0.21

ACIS aging dams 29,100 (79.7) 2490 2.59 0.23 (1902 to 1920) *

* Average is weighted for number of tests for a given sample set. tests available for each structure. The old dams constructed prior to about 1920 have less than half the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of comparable “modern dams” of the post-Hoover era. The pre-1920 dams form a separate data set for CFR evaluation purposes. These dams are the most vulnerable to concrete degradation and may require special precautions during modifications. For example, the low compressive strength of exterior mass concrete required longer reinforcing steel embedment lengths during recent outlet works structural modifications. The data then trends from the low to higher strengths in the 1920s, though some dams perform better than others. The

11 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

“modern” concrete dams generally begin in the late 1920s or early 1930s, provided no other destructive mechanisms are in progress such as ASR or FT.

Compressive Strength and Elastic Properties Development of ASR- Affected Dams Three Reclamation concrete dams have suffered from significant deterioration attributed to AAR, and in particular, ASR. Parker Dam, constructed in 1937 to1938, is located on the Colorado River about 60 river miles downstream of Hoover Dam and was the first Reclamation dam to be identified with ASR. American Falls Dam, constructed in 1927, was actually the first Reclamation structure to suffer from ASR, and it was ultimately replaced in 1977. Seminoe Dam was constructed in 1938 and has gradually experienced deterioration over time (Mohorovic, 1998). Both Parker and Seminoe dams have comparable “reference” dams constructed with similar materials and mixtures at about the same time frame with little deterioration (Dolen, 2006). The primary difference in the performance of the ASR-affected and reference dams lies in the cement alkali content, and/or aggregates used for construction. The Colorado River aggregate source used at Hoover Dam is essentially “nonreactive” and the Bill Williams River aggregate source at Parker Dam is very reactive. Evaluation of the data shows that Parker’s materials properties have not realized the same performance as Hoover Dam over time even though they used the same suppliers of type IV cement and had comparable mixtures. The concrete has about 60 percent of the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity and has shown little strength development over time.

This same comparative relationship exists between Grand Coulee Dam, constructed between 1933 and 1942, and Seminoe Dam, constructed in 1938. Due to the superior durability of the Grand Coulee materials, many laboratory test results were compared to or duplicated for other mix design investigations from that era. Modified (low heat) Type II cement, developed first for Grand Coulee Dam, was also used for the Seminoe testing program. However, ASR was unknown at the time of these tests, and possible decreases in strength and elastic properties for mixes with reactive aggregates were not investigated at the time. In retrospect, ASR may have been detected through close examination of these results or if long term tests had been performed.

Concrete dams affected by ASR are probably the most studied dams in the Reclamation dam inventory. Both Parker and Seminoe Dams have been cored and tested periodically for concrete degradation. American Falls Dam was studied extensively prior to replacement in 1977. Deterioration at Parker Dam due to ASR was identified within 2 years of construction. Damage from ASR at Seminoe Dam was not attributed primarily to ASR until the late 1990s, more then 50 years after construction. Six-inch diameter cores have been obtained and tested for strength and elastic properties and contribute to the database of ASR in mass concrete. Both the strength properties and condition of the concrete were

12 ACIS and Materials Model for Aging Concrete analyzed by selective sorting in ACIS for ASR. Average strength and elastic properties of the ASR-affected and aging dams are summarized in table 2.

Table 2.—Average compressive strength and elastic properties of concrete dams subject to aging.

Compressive Modulus of Test age, strength, elasticity, Poisson’s days (yr) lb/in2 106 lb/in2 ratio

ASR-affected dams * 19,367 (53.1) 3695 2.28 0.20

ASR cores from the top 20 ft 17,512 (48.0) 3180 2.09 0.20

ASR cores from below 20 ft 17,888 (49.0) 4090 2.35 0.10

ACIS aging dams (1902 to 1920) * 29,095 (79.7) 2490 2.59 0.23

* Average is weighted for number of tests for a given sample set.

Strength and elastic properties were examined for ASR-affected dams compared to dams without ASR. The sorting can be performed on individual structures or for all structures by changing the querying properties. Figure 3 shows the compressive strength development of mass concrete cores with and without ASR. It is interesting to note the high compressive test results in figure 3 at 42 years (15,330 days) age, which were identified as coming from mass concrete placed in the lower portion of Parker Dam. Four different sources of cement were randomly delivered early in the construction of Parker Dam and one source of cement met the criterion for low-alkali cement. The high strength test results were from deep cores tested at the base of the dam in 1980 and may represent the unaffected concrete where the low-alkali cement was used. If so, these tests may represent the potential strength of Parker Dam if low-alkali cement had been used for all construction. Some other deep cores did not achieve the higher strengths and may represent placements that used high-alkali cement.

Data from Friant Dam provide a good comparison of the effects of ASR (Hartwell, 1990). Mass concrete was placed using both high and low alkali cements and with or without 20 percent pozzolan. The average compressive strength of ASR-affected mass concrete (high-alkali cement, no pozzolan) at 46 years age is about 3,220 lb/in2, the modulus of elasticity is about 1.7 x 106 lb/in2, and Poisson’s ratio is 0.38. Tests from similar concrete with high- alkali cement and no pozzolan at 4 years age averaged about 6,760 lb/in2, 6.0 x 106 lb/in2, and 0.22, respectively. The average compressive strength decreased about 57 percent, and the average modulus of elasticity about 72 percent due to ASR. Tests performed on mass comparable concrete that used low-alkali cement plus 20 percent pozzolan showed no decrease in between 4 and 46 years age.

For some mass concrete dams, the strength and elastic properties also vary spatially with depth below the top of the dam. The tops of dams have less restraint and are more likely to expand and deteriorate. Table 2 shows average

13 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

Compressive Strength Development of Mass Concrete Cores Effect of Alkali Aggregate Reaction

9000 Parker Dam - deep cores (LA Cement?) Hoover - 60 years No AAR 8000 2 7000





2000 Compressive Strength - lb/in Strength Compressive 1000

0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Age - days

Age Comp No Aging Age Comp AAR Log. (Age Comp No Aging) Power (Age Comp AAR) Figure 3.—Compressive strength development over time for mass concrete dams with and without ASR. The data represent tests from different dams. compressive strength and elastic properties of ASR-affected cores sorted by depth below the top of drill holes, essentially the top 20 feet of these dams. The average compressive strength of cores from the top 20 feet of these drill holes is about 3,180 lb/in2, compared to 4,090 lb/in2 for cores tested more than 20 feet below the top of the drill holes, and 5,590 lb/in2 for non-ASR-affected mass concrete. The average modulus of elasticity changed from 2.09 x 106 lb/in2 to 2.35 x 106 lb/in2, for cores tested above and below the 20-foot depth. These data compare with the non-ASR-affected concrete modulus of about 5.4 x 106 lb/in2.

The decrease in modulus of elasticity is more apparent than compressive strength in ASR-affected dams for both early and long term ages. This can lead to apparent “low stresses” using conventional linear elastic structural analysis. However, these analyses should be used with caution as the behavior may be best represented using nonlinear analysis.

Figure 4 shows the relationship between compressive strength and modulus of elasticity for all concrete cores with and without ASR. Although the correlation coefficient for the equations is poor, the trend lines are added to show the demarcation between the two classes of concretes. Individual correlations between compressive strength and modulus of elasticity are normally much better for individual dams using the same aggregate types. The trends show that the strength to modulus of elasticity relationship is a good indicator of ASR and may be used in developing failure criteria for predictive models.

14 ACIS and Materials Model for Aging Concrete

Compressive Strength vs Modulus of Elasticity Mass Concrete Cores - Effect of Alkali Aggregate Reaction


9 y = 0.0004x + 3.8828 2 R2 = 0.2049 8 lb/in 6 7



4 y = 3E-05x + 2.0395 3 R2 = 0.0013 2 Modulus of Elasticity - - 10 Elasticity of Modulus 1

0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Compressive Strength - lb/in2

No AAR Comp E AAR Comp E Linear (No AAR Comp E) Linear (AAR Comp E)

Figure 4.—Comparison of strength to modulus of elasticity in compression for mass concrete dams with and without ASR.

Tensile Strength Properties of Aging/ASR and Non-ASR-Affected Dams Tensile strength is becoming more critical in the structural analysis of concrete dams, particularly for dynamic analysis due to earthquakes. Tensile strength tests were normally not performed until the 1970s, and the tensile strength development for dams constructed prior to this era is unknown. The results of direct and splitting tensile strength of good quality concrete and aging/ASR- affected concrete and are shown in table 3 and figure 5. The tensile strength data are entered in the database as average values for normally only a few tests for each mixture. The aging data also include some tests of old dams not subject to ASR. However, it is clear that the tensile strength of aging/ASR-affected dams averages about 50 percent of the direct tensile strength and 30 percent less in splitting tensile strength compared to dams without ASR degradation or aging. Also, the aging concrete data are often based only on “testable” concrete and do not represent the condition of the deteriorated concrete that could not be tested. Lift line ratios may not be directly comparable since the aging dams often have more disbonded lift lines. This input parameter is being added to more recent test programs and is a factor for some older and newer dams. Shear bond properties are not shown for this data set and have not yet been analyzed due to insufficient records.

15 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

Tensile Strength of Mass Concrete Cores Effects of Alkali Aggregate Reaction / Aging


600 2




200 Tensile Strength - lb/in 100

0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Age - days

DT LL Aging DT Parent Aging ST Parent Aging ST Parent No Aging DT LL No Aging DTP Parent No Aging Log. (ST Parent Aging) Log. (ST Parent No Aging) Log. (DT Parent Aging) Log. (DT LL Aging) Log. (DTP Parent No Aging) Log. (DT LL No Aging)

Figure 5.—Comparison of the effects of aging and ASR on tensile strength of mass concrete dams.

Table 3.—Effect of aging on tensile strength of mass concrete cores expressed as a percentage of average compressive strength,1 based on data from the ACIS concrete materials database

Tensile strength, lb/in2 (%)2

No aging3 With aging3

Direct tensile strength (parent concrete) 245 (4.4) 105 (3.1)

Direct tensile strength (lift lines) 185 (3.3) 115 (3.4)

Splitting tensile strength (static) 520 (9.3) 365 (10.9)

Splitting tensile strength (dynamic) 745 (13.3) 420 (12.6)

1 Average is weighted for number of tests for a given sample set. 2 (%) Tensile strength expressed as a percent of comparable compressive strength. 3 Average core test age for no aging dams is 10862 days (30 years); average age for aging dams is 25931 days (71 years).

Applications of Materials Properties Modeling

Strength Trends at Parker and Seminoe Dams The strength trends at both Parker and Seminoe Dams have been studied extensively for the effects of ASR. Cracking in Parker Dam was identified as ASR after examinations confirmed the process first identified in 1942 (Stanton,

16 ACIS and Materials Model for Aging Concrete

1942). Extensive concrete coring and testing have been performed since 1940, and the strength trends are well documented. Seminoe Dam suffered from early freezing and thawing near the dam crest, but ASR was not identified as a significant contributing factor to degradation until more then 60 years after construction. The deterioration at Seminoe Dam seems more alarming because the mass concrete appears to have nearly reached its projected ultimate strength potential before the onset of ASR. The slow rate of reaction may be due to the nature of the aggregates and the cold temperatures at the site. Another northern climate dam with the potential for similar behavior is Owyhee Dam, in Idaho. Tests near the crest of Owyhee Dam are revealing behavior similar to that at Seminoe Dam, and potentially reactive aggregates are prevalent in the vicinity of the dam.

From a comparative standpoint, Parker Dam concrete mixtures, cements, and construction methods are almost identical to those for Hoover Dam, the primary difference being that Hoover Dam used primarily non-reactive aggregates from the Colorado River, and Parker Dam used reactive aggregates from the Bill Williams River. The Type IV cement developed for use in Hoover Dam was also used for Parker Dam. In fact, some of the concrete manufacturing equipment used for Hoover Dam was transported directly to Parker Dam. Many of the Reclamation field staff and contractor personnel likely came from Boulder City. One key piece of equipment not used at Parker Dam was the cement blending plant. Several different sources of cement were used in the dam, resulting in spatially varying strength and elastic properties due to individual shipments with differing alkali contents. The performance of both dams has been reported extensively, and thus, comparison of these dams shows the change in materials properties attributed to ASR. Looking more closely at Parker Dam, concrete core results reveal spatial relationships, with high strength concrete in some sections in the bottom of the dam similar to Hoover Dam concrete, and poorly performing concrete in the upper portion of the dam. As previously mentioned, it is suspected that these tests represent unaffected concrete where the low-alkali cement was supplied to the dam. Some Type IV cement was used early in construction of Grand Coulee Dam, for which core tests at 1 to 3 years were available. The mass concrete core tests show exceptional compressive strength exceeding 7,000 lb/in2.

Both laboratory and field data were compared for these three dams. Figure 6 shows results of compressive strength tests over time and the difference in strength gain expected (Hoover and Grand Coulee Dams) compared to the actual results at Parker Dam. The Parker data at 1 through 90 days of age are the average results of construction quality control cylinders, and the rate of strength gain compares favorably to laboratory trends. The core test results are shown only at 67 years of age to compare to the Hoover 60-year tests. Also interesting to note are the laboratory compressive strength results from 1935 using the Parker cement (supplied by the Metropolitan Water District)for both Bill Williams aggregate and Brett Pit aggregate shown in figure 7. This comparative testing was often done during the early mixture design studies conducted in the 1930s.

17 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

Compressive Strength vs Test Age - Type IV (Low Heat) Cement - Parker Dam vs Grand Coulee and Hoover Dam Aggregates


Grand Coulee 6 and 18-in Cores 7500

2 7000 lb/in2 - 6 in NMSA (1.7 y ears) Hoover 6-in Cores - 2 6000 7290 lb/in 9 in NMSA (60 years) 5000 3 in 4000 Parker 6-in Cores - 4160 lb/in2 6 in NMSA (67 years) 1.5 in 3000


Compressive Strength - lb/in 1000 Note - Parker, Hoover, and Grand Coulee laboratory tests using MWD or similar Low Heat Cements 0 1 100 10000 Test Age - days

Parker Field Avg 6x12 ws 1.5 NMSA Parker Field Avg 6x12 WS 3 in Parker Field Avg 6x12 WS 6 in Parker Lab 6x12 WS Comercial cement Parker lab 6x12 WS Std MWD Cement Coulee Lab 6x12 WS Std MWD Cement Hoover Lab 6x12 WS 9 in Hoover Lab 18x36 - 9 in Hoover 6 in Core - 60 yr Parker 6 in Core - 6 in MSA Parker 6 in core - 3 in NMSA Parker 6 in Core - 1.5 in NMSA Coulee Type IV Cores Figure 6.—Compressive strength development of mass concretes with Type IV cement for Parker Dam, Hoover Dam, and Grand Coulee Dam.

Parker Dam Laboratory Testing Program - MWD (high alkali) Cement Bill Williams and Brett Pit (Grand Coulee) Aggregates 6000

5000 2




Compressive Strength lb/in Strength Compressive 1000

0 1 10 100 1000 Age - days

Brett 6x12 Std Brett 6x12 Mass B Williams 6x12 Std B Williams 6x12 mass Brett 18x36 Std Brett 18x36 Mass B Williams 18x36 Std B Williams 18x36 mass

Figure 7.—Comparison of compressive strength development of laboratory concrete mixtures using Parker Dam cement with Parker (Bill Williams) and Grand Coulee (Brett Pit) aggregates.

18 ACIS and Materials Model for Aging Concrete

Three of the four curing conditions with the Parker aggregates decreased in strength between 28 and 90 days. Only one of the four conditions for the Brett aggregate had a decrease in compressive strength between 28 and 90 days. Tests were not conducted beyond 90 days in the Parker mixture design studies because it is an arch dam. These laboratory tests may have been an unidentified precursor of the ASR that would attack the dam once it was constructed.

The compressive strength trends in figure 8 from the two ASR-affected dams show a relatively constant state for Parker Dam and a decreasing strength trend with Seminoe Dam. Some of the data scatter is due to the overall sampling not sorted by elevation and includes tests of concrete not significantly affected by ASR either due to the cement alkali content of individual block placements or location in the dam. When sorted by elevation, the rate of change can also be observed for the two dams as shown in figures 9 and 10. The compressive strength trends do not show an overall change with time for Parker Dam, even though some spatial trends may be present. For Seminoe Dam, it is readily apparent that the overall compressive strength is decreasing over time and that the compressive strength has significant spatial deterioration near the top of the dam as shown in figure 10. The deterioration is extending more deeply into the dam over time. The modulus of elasticity also shows the same trends as shown in figure 12. If ASR is suspected in dams, the compressive strength to modulus of elasticity ratios and spatial orientation may provide the best supporting documentation for CFR evaluation purposes.

Compressive Strength Development in Alkali Silica Reaction Affected Concrete Cores - Parker and Seminoe Dams


8000 2 7000






Compressive Strength - lb/in Strength Compressive 3 years19 years 41 years 59 years 67 years 1000

0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Age - days

Parker Seminoe Log. (Parker) Power (Seminoe) Figure 8.—Compressive strength trends for mass concrete cores at Parker and Seminoe Dams.

19 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

Parker Dam Concrete Cores Core Compressive Strength vs Dam Elevation


9000 2 8000






2000 Compressive Strength - lb/in - Strength Compressive 1000 Top of Dam - El 455 0 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 Elevation - ft

19 years 27 years 42 years 67 years 1 to 3 years Crest Elevation Linear (67 years) Linear (42 years) Linear (1 to 3 years) Figure 9.—Compressive strength of mass concrete at Parker Dam, Arizona sorted by elevation within the structure. The top of the dam is at elevation 455.

Effects of ASR Reaction and Freezing and Thawing Seminoe Dam Concrete Cores (1979, 1998, 2004) Compressive Strength vs Elevation

9000 1979 Cores (saturated and air dry) 8000 2 y = -59.26x + 380544 2 7000 R = 0.5516


5000 2004 Cores 4000 y = -12.782x + 84462 R2 = 0.5241 3000

2000 1998 Cores (saturated and air dry) y = 0.7057x2 - 8968.2x + 3E+07 Compressive Strength - lb/in Strength Compressive 1000 R2 = 0.2378

0 6100 6150 6200 6250 6300 6350 6400 Elevation - ft

41 years 59 years 65 years Top of dam - El 6361 Linear (65 years) Linear (59 years) Linear (41 years) Figure 10.—Compressive strength trends of mass concrete at Seminoe Dam, Wyoming, sorted by elevation showing changes in strength over time.

20 ACIS and Materials Model for Aging Concrete

Effects of Alkali Silica Reaction and Freezing and Thawing Elevation vs Compressive Strength - Top 30 feet of Seminoe Dam 6375


6365 Top of Dam Crest El - 6361 ft 6360



6345 Elevation - ft Elevation 6340



6325 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Compressive Strength - lb/in2

1979 Cores 1998 Cores 2004 cores Dam Crest Linear (1979 Cores) Linear (2004 cores) Linear (1998 Cores)

Figure 11.—Compressive strength development in mass concrete at the top of Seminoe Dam, Wyoming, sorted by elevation showing decreasing strength over time.

Effects of Alkali Silica Reaction and Freezing and Thawing Seminoe Dam Concrete Cores (1979, 1998, 2004) Modulus of Elasticity vs Elevation

6 2 5 2004 cores y = -0.0135x + 87.414 lb/in 6 R2 = 0.6618 1979 cores 4 y = -0.0312x + 199.62 R2 = 0.6308 3

1998 cores 2 y = -0.023x + 147.3 R2 = 0.3291 1 Modulus of Elasticity - 10

0 6100 6150 6200 6250 6300 6350 6400 Elevation - ft

41 Years 59 Years 65 Years Top of Dam El 6361 Linear (65 Years) Linear (41 Years) Linear (59 Years) Figure 12.—Modulus of elasticity in compression trends of mass concrete at Seminoe Dam, Wyoming, sorted by elevation showing changes in modulus over time.

21 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

Yellowtail Dam Issue Evaluation The Yellowtail Dam issue evaluation presented a unique opportunity to use the ACIS database to examine strength trends to resolve an outstanding dam safety recommendation. Yellowtail Dam is a concrete thick arch structure approximately 525 feet high located about 45 miles southwest of Hardin, Montana. Mass concrete in the dam was placed in 1963, 1964, and 1965. Four mass concrete mixtures with 6-inch nominal maximum size aggregate (NMSA) were used in the dam. This included “interior concrete” (the primary mass mixture) and “exterior concrete” with a higher cementitious materials content for increased durability. The cementitious materials content was decreased in July 1963 after high compressive strengths were recorded from control cylinders cast early during construction. The remaining concrete construction was completed with revised mixtures and purposely lower ultimate compressive strengths. Thus, four potential mixtures could be sampled, each with differing materials properties. Ten-inch diameter concrete cores were extracted from the dam from the control cable gallery (elevations 3185 and 3207) and the filling line gallery (elevation 3462) for periodic testing at 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, and 25 years of age (Graham, 1969). During the 2001 Comprehensive Facility Review, a cursory summary of the results from previous core programs showed apparent anomalous behavior in properties between 10 and 25 years after construction. Specifically, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, and Poisson’s ratio showed a relatively high variability, and an apparent decrease in strength was recorded between 10 and 25 years, resulting in the following SOD recommendation.

2001-SOD-B—Sample and test the concrete at Yellowtail Dam to determine the strength properties and compare to past tests.

A detailed examination of the results of all core tests was performed using ACIS. Individual tests were entered to determine strength trends related to the core tests spatially by core location, test age, and depth (Dolen, 2005). The results of compressive strength and elastic properties from this analysis are summarized in table 4. Although the overall behavior showed decreasing strength, the results of a detailed examination revealed spatial variability between the different mixtures placed in the dam and additional variability due to different (vertical) lifts placed within individual blocks for the same mixtures placed on different dates. The apparent decrease in compressive strength was likely attributed to variability of tests performed at different locations (and with different mixtures) and to the different moisture conditioning of cores tested at 10 years of age. Spatial variability was identified for the same concrete mixtures within individual blocks sampled from lift to lift. This may be due to concrete mixture variability during construction, core test variability, or within lift variability for the 7½-foot deep lifts. When “apples and apples” core tests were compared, the lower strength tests were identified in concrete not previously tested, and some of the confusion of test evaluation was due to comparing concrete mixtures before to those after the cementitious materials were decreased.

22 ACIS and Materials Model for Aging Concrete

Table 4.—Compressive strength of 25-year cores compared to reference core tests by spatial orientation—Yellowtail Dam issue evaluation—Yellowtail Dam, Montana

Compressive strength, lb/in2

Percent Mix Drill hole Elevation 6 mo 1 yr 5 yr 10 yr1 25 yr 1 yr INT9/1963 18-13-V 3179.8 4460 6310 6660 7520 7510 119 INT/9B1963 18-13-V 3176.6 No comparable data for this lift 4810 INT6/1963R 10-9-V 3204.5 4100 4400 5810 6550 5730 130 INT6B/1963R 10-9-V 3198.5 No comparable data for this lift 3880 INT6B/1963R 10-9-V 3194.7 No comparable data for this lift 3260 INT2/1964 5-9-V 3459.6 3300 3250 3390 104 INT2B/1964 5-9-V 3450.1 No comparable data for this lift 3450 INT8/1964 24-10-V 3459.6 3400 3440 101 INT8B/1964 24-10-V 3453.6 No comparable data for this lift 4520 INT8C/1964 24-10-V 3447.9 No comparable data for this lift 3290 EXT3/1964 5-10-V 3459.5 4410 5090 4580 90 EXT3B/1964 5-10-V 3453.7 No comparable data for this lift 5730 EXT3B/1964 5-10-V 3449.7 No comparable data for this lift 5750 EXT5/1964 24-11-V 3459.5 3440 3900 4490 115 EXT5B/1964 24-11-V 3452.5 No comparable data for this lift 2450 Average2 4280 5360 6240 7040 6620 Average (all tests) 4420 3 3 3 Average 3940 4390 4860 110 Standard deviation (25 years—all tests) 1283

1 10-year cores tested dry (may test about 10-20% higher than saturated test specimens). 2 Average based on two comparable tests each at 6 mo, 1, 5, 10, and 25 yr. 3 Average of comparable tests at 25 yr. 25-yr tests as a percent of 1-yr tests only where comparable data exists from the same lift as previous core programs (6 tests). Insufficient comparable data available for 5- and 10-yr tests.

This analysis resulted in a recommendation that the strength properties were not decreasing in the dam, and a comprehensive coring program related to this issue was not necessary. The estimated cost savings for performing a concrete coring and testing investigation at this dam was about $250,000.

23 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

Concluding Remarks and Recommendations

The concrete materials properties model developed for mass concrete provides a valuable resource for Reclamation and the Dam Safety Program. Compressive strength, elastic properties, and tensile properties can be identified for three different types of mass concrete; the pre-1920s dams, the post-Hoover dams, and the ASR-affected dams. Verifiable data are needed to document a dam’s current condition for dam safety reviews. Knowledge of the expected materials properties for concrete dams is a resource for designers performing initial examinations and comparison to the current condition. Analysis of possible changes in materials properties over time must be noted in structural analysis for long term stability. If the properties are decreasing due to aggressive deterioration, the potential for a dam safety modification exists, and program funding will be needed for design and construction. Verifiable data will be needed to present the case to program managers and the public.

Significant effort has been expended to identify the changes in materials properties due to alkali-silica reaction due in part to current investigations at Seminoe and Parker Dams. Freezing and thawing properties have been entered for mass concrete at Warm Springs and Black Canyon Dams and some structural concretes for aging embankment dam spillways and outlets. This database can be expanded with additional records. These materials properties are important for developing predictive models of concrete deterioration. Freezing and thawing predictive modules under development could be verified from this testing database.

The ACIS concrete materials database is only as good as the data input. Early age concrete properties are difficult to locate and verify due to the lack of a central depository of concrete testing before the creation of the Reclamation Concrete Laboratory in the early 1930s. These early 1900s structures are also the dams most likely to require attention in the next decade. Several early designs require particular attention. The early thin arch dams such as Gerber and Warm Springs Dams are located in aggressive environments and subject to deterioration from freezing and thawing. Early multiple thin arch or slab and buttress dams constructed between 1910 and 1930 may also be in need of investigation. These dams lack the inherent strength and durability to resist the long term effects of aging, and they often have thinner cross sections and thus, less mass to loose before lowering the factors of safety.

Analysis of verifiable materials properties is also necessary for security issues in dam safety. Models developed for nonlinear analysis in seismic or high energy

24 References applications normally require input parameters of concrete materials properties. Mass concrete materials properties differ from typical structural concretes due to their varying strengths, elastic properties, materials, and mixture proportions.

Reclamation’s database of mass concrete properties is likely the most comprehensive in the world. Aging concrete durability was most recently a featured topic in the 2003 International Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD) Congress in Montreal, Canada. Both the U.S. Society on Dams and ICOLD expressed interest in publishing the results of aging properties and processes of mass concrete dams.

The incorporation of the concrete materials properties with geographical information systems will provide data for decision makers in real time. This trend is necessary as Reclamation becomes more dependent on the Internet for its information. A major need is the transfer of hundreds of documents of materials properties into modern information technology systems. Reclamation’s early entry into the development of mass concrete technology is also a handicap as the data becomes unavailable unless transferred from hard copies to modern data storage. Lastly, Reclamation’s technical staff itself is aging with the potential for an accompanying loss of institutional knowledge. Documentation of materials properties is necessary to transfer this information to the next generation of dam and dam safety engineers.


Abrams, Duff, A., “Design of Concrete Mixtures,” Structural Materials Research Laboratory, Lewis Institute, Chicago, IL, 1918

Dolen, Timothy P., Gregg Scott, Kurt von Fay, and Robert Hamilton, The Effects of Concrete Deterioration on Safety of Dams, Dam Safety Research Report No. DSO-03-05, December, 2003.

Stanton, T.E., “Expansion of Concrete through Reaction between Cement and Aggregates,” Transactions of ASCE, Vol. 66, December, 1940, pp. 1781-1811.

Dolen, T.P., 2005 Concrete Coring—Laboratory Testing Program—Seminoe Dam, Kendrick Project, Wyoming, Technical Memorandum No. MERL-2005-3, Bureau of Reclamation Technical Service Center, Denver, CO, 2003.

Dolen, T.P., Parker Dam 2005 Concrete Coring – Laboratory Testing Program, Parker-Davis Project, California-Arizona, Lower Colorado Region, Technical Memorandum No. MERL-2005-20, March 2006.

25 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete

Hartwell, J.N., Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Investigations at Friant Dam, California, Report No. R-90-05, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, March 1990.

Graham, James R., Concrete Performance in Yellowtail Dam, Montana—5-Year Core Report, Report No. C-1321, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Concrete and Structural Branch, Denver, Colorado, October 30, 1969.

Dolen, T.P., Yellowtail Dam Issue Evaluation, Mass Concrete Materials Properties Summary, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Project, Montana, Great Plains Region, Technical Memorandum No. YEL-D8180-IE-2005-1 / MERL-2005-7, May 2005.

Aging Concrete Information System Database References—U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory, Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado

Tests of Concrete Cores Extracted from Grand Coulee Dam, Columbia Basin Project, Washington, Laboratory Report No. C-138, June 13, 1941.

Long, J.F., Tests of Concrete Cores from Mass Concrete Test Blocks—Shasta and Friant Dams—Central Valley Project (Results to 5 Years’ Age), Materials Laboratories Report No. C-346, November 1950.

Laboratory and Field Investigations of Concrete, Hungry Horse Dam, Hungry Horse Project, Concrete Laboratory Report No. C-699, December 4, 1953.

Harboe, E.M., Properties of Mass Concrete in Bureau of Reclamation Dams, Concrete Laboratory Report No. C-1009, December 6, 1961.

Memorandum from Chief, Concrete and Structural Branch, Santa Cruz Dam Concrete Cores, New Mexico, September 10, 1976.

Kepler, W.F., Owyhee Dam—1982 Concrete Core Investigation, Report No. GR- 82-11, August 1982.

Harboe, E.M. Properties of Concrete in Glen Canyon Dam—25-Year Report, Report No. GR-85-12, April 1986.

Riffle, H.C. and F.L. Smith, Strength and Elastic Properties of Concrete in Flaming Dam—10-Year Core Report, CRSP, Wyoming, Report No. GR-13-76. February 1976.

26 References

Kepler, W.F., Evaluation of Concrete Cores—Arrowrock Dam, Idaho, Boise Project, Pacific Northwest Region, Report No. R-89-03, May 1989.

Kepler, W.F., Concrete Performance at Pueblo Dam, Colorado, 15-Year Core Report, Fryingpan-Arkansas Project, Colorado, Report No. R-89-13, December 1989.

Kepler, W.F., Concrete Performance at Dam, Colorado—10-Year Report, Report No. R-90-09, April 1990.

Kepler, W.F., Checked Data, Hoover Dam Concrete Core Tests, Boulder Canyon Project, Arizona-Nevada.

Memorandum, Concrete Core Test, East Park Dam, 1993.

Harris, D.W., Summary of Material Characteristics Monticello Dam Core Testing Program, Solano Project, California, June 1998.

Snorteland, N.J., Concrete Performance at Elephant Butte Dam, New Mexico, February 1999.

Dolen, T.P. and C. Mohorovic, 1996/1997 Concrete Coring-Laboratory Testing Program, Warm Springs Dam Corrective Action Study, Safety of Dams Program, Vale Project, Oregon, May 15, 2000.

Dolen, T.P. and P.A. Mitchell, 2001-2002 Concrete Coring—Laboratory Testing Program, Folsom Dam Modifications, Report No. MERL-2002-01, Contract for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, California, April 3, 2002.

Madera, Veronica, East Canyon Dam 2004 Concrete Coring—Laboratory Testing Program, Weber Basin Project, Utah, Upper Colorado Region, Technical Memorandum No. MERL-2005-01, March 2005.

Madera, Veronica, Hungry Horse Dam 2005 Concrete Coring—Laboratory Testing Program, Hungry Horse Project, Montana, Pacific Northwest Region, Technical Memorandum No. MERL-2006-1, April 2006.

27 Materials Properties Model of Aging Concrete



Data Reports for Mass Concrete Cores—Yellowtail and Parker Dams

Core - Compressive Strength / Elasticity Report Filter: Feature = YELLOWTAIL Related No. of Comp. Average No. of Mod. Average Average Average Drillhole Core Dam Drillhole Test Age Depth Average Field Strength Compressive of Elasticity Modulus of Poissons Failure Number Date Block Station Density Yrs Days From To Mix Tests Strength Tests Elasticity Ratio Strain

Project: PSMBP-YELLOWTAIL YELLOWTAIL DAM DH-63-10-1 11/20/1963 10 7+43 0 180 0 2INT-5 1 3450 152 0 180 4 6INT-5 1 3780 1 5.49 0.23 151 DH-63-10-2 11/21/1963 10 7+45 0 180 0 2INT-6 1 4310 1 5.3 0.23 150 0 180 2 4INT-6 1 3890 1 5.05 0.18 154 DH-63-18-1H 11/14/1963 18 12+22 0 210 0 2INT-10 1 4740 154 0 210 4 6INT-10 1 3570 1 6.04 0.27 153 0 210 6 8INT-10 1 4540 1 5.71 0.22 151 DH-63-18-1V 8/7/1963 18 12+20 0 180 0 2INT-11 1 4570 1 5.03 0.08 150 0 180 2 4INT-11 1 2880 1 5.62 0.14 154 0 180 4 6INT-11 1 5430 1 5.54 0.24 154 DH-63-18-2 11/15/1963 18 11+80 0 225 2 4INT-9 1 4460 1 5.66 0.26 152 1 0 0 2INT-9 1 5120 1 6.1 0.26 151 1 0 2 4INT-9 1 4530 1 5.28 0.29 153 1 0 4 6INT-9 1 5220 1 5.38 0.22 154 DH-63-18-3 11/18/1963 18 12+00 0 180 0 2EXT-1 1 4500 1 5.47 0.26 153 0 180 2 4EXT-1 1 5900 1 6.21 0.24 154 DH-63-5-5 6/25/1965 5 4+90

Monday, April 17, 2006 Page 1 of 6 Related No. of Comp. Average No. of Mod. Average Average Average Drillhole Core Dam Drillhole Test Age Depth Average Field Strength Compressive of Elasticity Modulus of Poissons Failure Number Date Block Station Density Yrs Days From To Mix Tests Strength Tests Elasticity Ratio Strain

1 0 0 2INT-1 1 2970 1 5.01 0.2 153 1 0 2 4INT-1 1 3520 1 5.72 0.3 152 DH-64-14-2 11/24/1964 14 9+92 0 180 0 2INT-13 1 4070 1 4.74 0.21 148 0 180 2 4INT-13 1 3720 1 4.98 0.2 153 DH-64-18-4A 5/3/1963 18 12+23 1 0 0 2INT-11 1 5940 1 5.8 0.21 151 DH-64-18-4B 6/5/1964 18 12+23 1 50 0 2INT-9 1 6310 1 6.07 0.23 152 DH-64-18-6 6/8/1964 18 12+88 1 0 0 2EXT-1 1 4470 1 5.36 0.22 153 1 0 2 4EXT-1 1 3810 1 5.38 0.25 150 DH-64-20-2 11/17/1964 20 13+20 0 180 0 2INT-12 1 5120 1 5.58 0.27 146 0 180 2 4INT-12 1 4430 1 4.96 0.19 151 DH-64-24-1 11/9/1964 24 15+52 0 180 0 2EXT-4 1 4390 1 5.75 0.21 153 0 180 2 4EXT-4 1 3980 1 5.05 0.19 152 DH-64-24-2 11/9/1964 24 15+48 0 180 0 2EXT-5 1 4180 1 5.32 0.2 151 0 180 2 4EXT-5 1 2700 1 5.02 0.18 149 DH-64-5-1 12/1/1964 5 4+85 0 180 0 2EXT-2 1 3610 1 5.37 0.22 150 0 180 2 4EXT-2 1 3610 1 5.53 0.25 152 DH-64-5-2 12/1/1964 5 4+80 0 180 0 2EXT 3 1 4120 5 4.95 0.24 152 0 180 2 4EXT 3 1 4690 1 5.07 0.21 152 DH-64-5-3 11/30/1964 5 4+90 0 180 0 2INT-1 1 4000 1 5.36 0.21 152

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0 180 2 4INT-1 1 2830 1 5.08 0.21 150 DH-64-5-4 12/1/1964 5 4+85 0 180 0 2INT-2 1 3640 1 4.89 0.24 146 0 180 2 4INT-2 1 2960 1 4.62 0.21 153 DH-64-9-1 11/30/1964 9 7+04 0 180 0 2INT-3 1 4570 1 5.74 0.19 154 0 180 2 4INT-3 1 3680 1 5.33 0.24 154 DH-64-9-2 11/30/1964 9 7+05 0 180 0 2INT-4 1 3250 1 4.42 0.2 0 180 2 4INT-4 1 3300 1 4.72 0.23 150 DH-65-10-3 6/4/1964 10 7+45 1 0 1 3INT-6 1 4390 1 4.83 0.24 151 1 0 3 5INT-6 1 4410 1 5.82 0.24 156 DH-65-10-4 6/5/1964 10 7+44 1 0 0 2INT-5 1 4310 1 5.9 0.22 154 1 0 2 4INT-5 1 4150 1 5.3 0.26 150 6/29/1965 20 13+25 1 0 0 2INT-12 1 5640 1 5.74 0.21 152 1 0 2 4INT-12 1 5480 1 6.32 0.25 156 DH-65-14-4 6/28/1965 14 9+90 1 0 0 2INT-13 1 3890 1 5.22 0.23 150 1 0 2 4INT-13 1 3790 1 4.82 0.2 153 DH-65-18-10 6/29/1965 18 12+15 1 0 0 2INT-7 1 5710 1 5.65 0.22 150 1 0 2 4INT-7 1 4420 1 5.18 0.21 154 DH-65-18-9 9/14/1968 18 12+00 5 0 0 2EXT-1 1 4630 1 6.02 0.19 154 5 0 2 4EXT-1 1 5610 1 5.49 0.26 153 DH-65-24-7 6/30/1965 24 15+30 1 0 0.3 2INT-8 1 3620 1 5.12 0.23 152

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1 0 2 4INT-8 1 3180 1 5.94 0.3 152 DH-65-24-8 7/1/1965 24 15+48 1 0 0 2EXT-4 1 4440 1 5.36 0.22 153 1 0 2 4EXT-4 1 4160 5 0.29 154 DH-65-24-9 7/1/1965 24 15+48 1 0 0.5 2EXT-5 1 4130 1 4.99 0.21 150 1 0 2 4EXT-5 1 3970 149 1 0 4 5.5EXT-5 1 3870 151 1 0 5.5 7EXT-5 1 3630 1 5.27 0.25 154 DH-65-5-6 6/25/1965 5 4+86 1 0 0 2INT-2 1 3370 1 4.57 147 1 0 2 4INT-2 1 3130 1 5.2 0.24 153 DH-65-5-7 6/24/1965 5 4+75 1 0 0 2EXT-2 1 4900 1 5.49 0.25 152 1 0 2 4EXT-2 1 3910 1 6.04 0.23 154 DH-65-5-8 6/24/1965 5 4+80 1 0 0 2EXT 3 1 5130 1 5.04 0.2 151 1 0 3 4EXT 3 1 5050 1 5.13 0.2 156 DH-65-9-3 6/26/1965 9 7+02 1 0 0 2INT-3 1 4030 1 6.33 0.25 156 1 0 2 4INT-3 1 4150 1 5.39 0.25 154 DH-65-9-4 6/25/1965 9 7+06 1 0 0 2INT-4 1 2920 146 1 0 2 4INT-4 1 3500 1 5.21 0.23 148 1 0 4 6INT-4 1 4050 1 5.21 0.23 153 DH-68-10-5 10/3/1968 10 7+45 5 0 0 2INT-6 1 5860 1 5.77 0.24 151 5 0 2 4INT-6 1 5760 1 6.11 0.21 153 DH-68-10-6 10/3/1968 10 7+44 5 0 0 2INT-5 1 4890 1 5.77 0.24 154

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5 0 2 4INT-5 1 4230 1 5.18 0.21 151 DH-68-18-7 7/31/1968 18 12+25 5 0 2 4INT-9 1 6350 1 150 5 0 4 6INT-9 1 6960 1 5.4 0.2 152 DH-68-18-8 8/3/1968 18 12+10 5 0 0 2INT-10 1 5350 1 5.76 0.23 154 5 0 2 4INT-10 1 4690 1 5.41 0.21 152 DH-74-10-7 3/22/1974 10 7+46 10 330 0 2INT-5 1 4180 1 6.37 0.26 152 10 330 2 4INT-5 1 4310 1 6.49 0.29 155 DH-74-10-8 3/22/1974 10 7+45 10 335 0 2INT-6 1 6550 1 6.27 0.27 151 DH-74-18-10 3/9/1974 18 12+34 11 37 4 6INT-9 1 7520 1 6.67 0.25 157 DH-74-18-11 3/16/1974 18 12+04 10 350 0 2EXT-1 1 5120 1 6.31 0.22 10 355 2 4EXT-1 1 5150 1 6.7 0.26 DH-74-18-12 3/19/1974 18 12+04 10 350 0 2EXT-1 1 5280 1 6.05 0.23 154 10 350 2 4EXT-1 1 4470 1 6.11 0.24 152 DH-74-18-9 3/11/1974 18 12+32 11 22 0 2INT-10 1 5420 1 6.8 0.25 153 11 22 2 4INT-10 1 5460 1 6.18 0.28 151 11 22 4 6INT-10 1 6210 1 5.85 0.19 152 DH-88-10-9 7/7/1988 10 7+45 26 0 2 4INT-6 1 5730 26 0 8 10INT-6 1 3880 1 5.17 0.25 155 26 0 12 13INT-6 1 3260 1 6.25 0.26 156 DH-88-18-13 6/28/1988 18 12+31

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26 0 4 6INT-9 1 7510 1 6.04 0.25 154 12/1/1988 18 12+30 26 0 8 10INT-9B 1 4810 1 6.05 0.25 152 DH-88-24-10 7/10/1988 24 15+30 25 0 2 4INT-8 1 3440 1 4.84 0.22 151 25 0 8 10INT-8 1 4520 1 6.7 0.29 155 25 0 14 16INT-8 1 3290 155 DH-88-24-11 7/24/1988 24 15+45 25 0 2 4EXT-5 1 4490 1 5.89 154 25 0 9 11EXT-5 1 2450 1 5.71 0.21 154 DH-88-5-10 8/3/1988 5 4+80 25 0 2 4EXT 3 1 4580 1 6.89 0.28 152 25 0 8 10EXT 3 1 5730 1 5.84 0.26 155 25 0 12 13EXT 3 1 5750 1 6.1 0.25 154 DH-88-5-9 7/19/1988 5 4+87 25 0 2 4INT-2 1 3390 1 5.5 0.26 152 25 0 12 13INT-2 1 3450 1 6.41 0.28 156

Monday, April 17, 2006 Page 6 of 6 Core - Compressive Strength / Elasticity Report Filter: Feature = PARKER DAM AND POWERPLANT Related No. of Comp. Average No. of Mod. Average Average Average Drillhole Core Dam Drillhole Test Age Depth Average Field Strength Compressive of Elasticity Modulus of Poissons Failure Number Date Block Station Density Yrs Days From To Mix Tests Strength Tests Elasticity Ratio Strain

Project: PARKER-DAVIS PARKER DAM AND POWERPLANT DAM DH-1938-2,2A 11/1/1938 D 1+95 2 68 0 10M6AZNOV1937 3 6310 1 3.8 0.17 148 2 208 0 10M6AZNOV1937 5 4195 3 3.8 0.17 146 DH-1938-6-1 11/1/1937 E 2+06 2 218 0 10M6AZNOV1937 5 4075 1 3.7 0.18 DH-1938-6-3 11/1/1938 D 1+80 2 209 0 10M6AZNOV1937 4 4110 3 4 0.13 148 DH-1938-6-4 12/1/1938 D 1+56 2 193 0 10M6AZDEC1937 6 3670 4 3.43 0.13 147 DH-1938-6-5 11/1/1938 Q 8+41 1 63 0 10M6CANov1937 6 4295 1 3.4 0.14 147 DH-1938-6-6 11/27/1938 Q 8+44 0 357 0 10M6CANov1937 3 3040 3 3.17 0.12 149 DH-1938-6-7 12/2/1938 R 8+60 2 51 0 10M6CADEC1937 6 3210 3 3.07 0.15 147 DH-1938-8,8A 12/1/1938 R 8+69 2 47 0 10M6CADEC1937 8 3230 4 3.13 0.17 146 DH-1940-10-27 10/7/1940 E 2+25 3 234 0 2MASS 1.5MSA 1 4080 149 DH-1940-6-11 1/1/1940 F 2+60

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3 194 0 1MASS 1.5MSA 1 3190 150 DH-1940-6-47_50 11/7/1940 E 2+25 3 315 0 1M6 JAN38 1 4930 1 2.08 0.15 152 DH-1940-6-51_54 11/12/1940 E 2+25 3 360 0 1M6 DEC37 1 4140 1 3.2 0.17 152 DH-1940-6-7 9/7/1940 E 2+45 2 235 0 1.5M6 SEPT37 1 3000 1 2.35 0.13 147 DH-1941 ALL6 1/1/1941 VARIES 4 0 0 10M6 AVG 3 3830 3 3.4 0.2 DH-1941-10-64 2/20/1941 J 4+91.7 3 90 0 1.5M6 AVG 1 4530 1 3.79 0.22 153 3 90 2.5 3.5M6 AVG 1 3300 1 2.48 0.28 3 100 6 7M6 AVG 1 4320 1 2.72 0.19 152 3 107 8.5 9.5M6 AVG 1 4950 1 3.83 0.22 152 3 107 10 11M6 AVG 1 4500 1 2.76 0.19 3 112 17 18M6 AVG 1 4850 1 3.85 0.19 151 3 135 23 24M6 AVG 1 4120 1 3.51 0.22 154 3 171 31 32M6 AVG 1 4940 1 3.79 0.15 154 3 203 38 39M6 AVG 1 3820 1 2.62 0.14 154 3 210 48 49M6 AVG 1 4040 1 3.58 0.25 154 DH-1941-10-86 5/23/1941 E 2+40 3 100 1 2MASS 1.5MSA 1 3740 1 1.42 0.17 150 3 127 4 5MASS 1.5MSA 1 3710 1 1.86 0.15 151 3 136 8 9MASS 1.5MSA 1 4740 154 DH-1945-6-1 5/19/1945 J 4+94 7 240 0 1M6 AVG 1 4980 1 2.73 0.14 153 7 240 1 2M6 AVG 1 4670 1 2.11 0.12 152 7 240 2 3M6 AVG 1 4630 1 3.21 0.16 152 7 240 3 4M6 AVG 1 4330 1 2.52 0.16 153 7 240 5.5 6.5M6 AVG 1 4200 1 2.02 0.04 154 7 240 7 8M6 AVG 1 4920 1 3.25 0.15 152 7 240 8 9M6 AVG 1 4600 1 2.41 0.14 152

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7 240 10.5 11.5M6 AVG 1 4340 1 2.8 0.13 151 DH-1945-6-2 5/20/1945 E 2+22 7 150 0 1MASS 1.5MSA 1 3030 1 1.79 0.11 151 7 150 1 2MASS 1.5MSA 1 2390 1 1.77 0.13 150 7 150 3.5 4.5MASS 1.5MSA 1 3020 1 2.09 0.16 152 7 150 5.5 6.5MASS 1.5MSA 1 3650 1 2.09 0.13 151 7 150 7 8MASS 1.5MSA 1 4180 1 2.82 0.15 151 7 150 9.5 10.5MASS 1.5MSA 1 5520 1 2.58 0.15 153 DH-1949-10-1A 4/27/1949 E 2+30 11 180 0.9 2.3MASS 1.5MSA 1 2940 153 DH-1949-10-1B 4/27/1949 E 2+30 11 180 3.2 5M6 AVG 1 2980 1 3.27 0.28 155 DH-1949-10-2A 4/27/1949 Q 8+08 11 180 3.8 5.5MASS 1.5MSA 1 3810 1 2.38 0.2 155 DH-1949-10-2B 4/27/1949 Q 8+08 11 180 0.2 1.8M6 AVG 1 3225 1 1.64 0.11 153 DH-1956-10-1A-1 8/24/1956 E 2+30 18 215 2 3.6MASS 1.5MSA 1 3020 1 2.01 0.13 151 18 215 4 5.6MASS 1.5MSA 1 3620 1 1.48 0.11 151 DH-1956-10-1A-2 8/24/1956 E 2+30 18 300 2.4 4M6 AVG 1 4230 153 18 300 4.9 6.5M6 AVG 1 3700 1 1.74 0.1 152 18 300 8 9.6M6 AVG 1 3990 1 1.51 0.08 153 18 300 13 14.6M6 AVG 1 4260 1 3.43 0.17 13 DH-1956-10-2A1 8/24/1956 Q 8+08.5 18 215 1.4 3MASS 1.5MSA 1 3200 1 1.25 0.13 153 18 215 3 4.6MASS 1.5MSA 1 2890 1 1.45 0.14 151 DH-1956-10-2A-1 8/24/1956 Q 8+08 18 215 0 1.6MASS 1.5MSA 1 3450 1 2.49 0.16 151 18 215 2.2 3.8MASS 1.5MSA 1 3500 1 1.19 0.11 151

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DH-1956-10-2A-2 8/24/1956 Q 8+08 18 300 0 1.5M6 AVG 1 3590 153 18 300 1.6 3.1M6 AVG 1 3480 153 18 300 4.5 6.1M6 AVG 1 4290 152 18 300 7.5 9.1M6 AVG 1 4310 1 3.68 0.2 153 18 300 10.4 12M6 AVG 1 4800 1 1.32 0.08 151 18 300 13.4 15M6 AVG 1 5120 1 3.05 0.17 151 18 300 17.4 19M6 AVG 1 4270 1 1.78 0.07 153 DH-1956-10-3 1/1/1956 K 5+07 19 0 0 2M6 AVG 1 3120 1 0.95 0.18 19 0 2 4M6 AVG 1 2970 1 0.84 0.12 151 19 0 4 6M6 AVG 1 2480 1 0.95 0.13 152 19 0 6 8M6 AVG 1 3470 1 1.1 0.12 151 19 0 8 10M6 AVG 1 3550 1 1.16 0.15 152 19 0 10 12M6 AVG 1 2990 1 1.28 0.16 151 19 0 12 14M6 AVG 1 3390 1 1.51 0.14 153 19 0 20 22M6 AVG 1 2970 1 1.1 0.1 153 19 0 22 24M6 AVG 1 2820 1 1.04 0.17 152 DH-1964-6-3 1/1/1964 K 5+14 27 0 0 1M6 AVG 1 3510 1 1.57 0.08 152 27 0 1 2M6 AVG 1 3400 1 1.57 0.16 151 27 0 7.7 8.7M6 AVG 1 2850 1 1.07 0.17 153 27 0 11.1 12.1M6 AVG 1 3130 1 1.65 0.06 27 0 15.9 16.9M6 AVG 1 3940 1 1.58 0.12 152 27 0 16.9 17.9M6 AVG 1 3130 1 1.55 0.09 152 27 0 19 20M6 AVG 1 2830 1 2.13 0.12 152 27 0 20 21M6 AVG 1 3410 1 1.44 0.14 155 27 0 21.8 22.8M6 AVG 1 3400 1 1.87 0.28 153 27 0 22.8 23.8M6 AVG 1 2620 1 1.73 0.18 158 DH-1980-6-1 6/1/1980 D 1+80 42 0 4.5 5.5M6 AVG 1 4730 1 1.7 0.1 153 42 0 11.8 12.8M6 AVG 1 3610 1 1.07 0.03 155 42 0 37.3 38.3M6 AVG 1 5220 1 2.26 0.12 152 42 0 39.5 40.5M6 AVG 1 4800 1 2.43 0.15 157 42 0 71.3 72.3M6 AVG 1 3940 1 2.37 0.33 154

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42 0 75 76M6 AVG 1 3450 1 1.46 0.13 153 42 0 92.7 93.7M6 AVG 1 7360 1 2.75 0.19 155 DH-1980-6-2 6/1/1980 Q 8+25 42 0 1.1 1.2M6 AVG 1 3410 1 2.41 0.13 154 42 0 2.4 3.4M6 AVG 1 4410 1 1.84 0.15 151 42 0 12.3 13.3M6 AVG 1 4330 1 1.84 0.15 155 42 0 29.5 30.5M6 AVG 1 5490 1 2.6 0.18 155 42 0 30.8 31.8M6 AVG 1 3910 1 2.29 0.14 154 42 0 51.3 52.3M6 AVG 1 4480 1 3.58 0.17 156 42 0 72.8 73.8M6 AVG 1 4350 1 3.01 0.14 152 42 0 90.5 91.5M6 AVG 1 4860 1 2.03 0.1 154 DH-1980-6-3 1/1/1980 F 2+80 42 0 0.4 1.4M6 AVG 1 3960 1 2.3 0.14 152 42 0 2.5 3.5M6 AVG 1 3210 1 1.53 0.8 151 42 0 8.2 9.2M6 AVG 1 4420 1 1.92 0.07 153 42 0 12.5 13.5M6 AVG 1 4430 1 2.2 0.11 152 42 0 34.7 35.7M6 AVG 1 3990 1 1.71 0.13 153 42 0 45.7 46.7M6 AVG 1 3210 1 2.11 0.13 154 42 0 48.8 49.8M6 AVG 1 4660 1 2.37 0.11 153 42 0 72.1 73.1M6 AVG 1 4510 1 2.84 0.18 153 42 0 74.7 75.7M6 AVG 1 5780 1 2.51 0.07 152 42 0 95.8 96.8M6 AVG 1 5120 1 2.18 0.1 153 42 0 100.4 101.4M6 AVG 1 5080 1 2.85 0.05 153 DH-1980-6-4 1/1/1980 K 5+20 42 0 4.3 5.3M6 AVG 1 2490 1 2.18 0.1 153 42 0 11 12M6 AVG 1 3670 1 1.72 0.2 154 42 0 25.7 26.7M6 AVG 1 3790 1 2.21 0.2 154 42 0 51.4 52.4M6 AVG 1 3800 1 1.7 0.04 153 42 0 73.4 74.4M6 AVG 1 5230 1 2.09 0.14 154 42 0 93.6 94.6M6 AVG 1 8310 1 5.04 0.18 153 42 0 102.2 103.2M6 AVG 1 4130 1 1.84 0.05 154 42 0 126 127M6 AVG 1 7300 1 5.03 0.23 154 42 0 148.2 149.2M6 AVG 1 4250 1 2.94 0.13 152 42 0 174.6 175.6M6 AVG 1 7480 1 3.7 0.14 151 42 0 203.9 204.9M6 AVG 1 5530 1 2.59 0.1 152 42 0 224.8 225.8M6 AVG 1 4485 1 2.58 0.26 152

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42 0 248.5 249.5M6 AVG 1 5430 1 3.49 0.15 154 DH-2005-6-1-1.5 1/12/2005 F 2+52.5 67 36 3.3 4.3MASS 1.5MSA 1 3210 1.29 0.49 2310 148 67 60 11 12MASS 1.5MSA 1 3480 1.84 0.28 1360 149 67 242 22.7 23.7MASS 1.5MSA 1 4170 2.76 0.21 2000 150 67 242 27.5 28.5MASS 1.5MSA 1 3990 2.37 0.28 1720 149 67 242 31 32MASS 1.5MSA 1 3930 2.66 0.27 1780 150 DH-2005-6-1-3 1/12/2005 F 2+52.5 67 80 8.6 9.5 MASS 3MSA 153 67 90 7.7 8.6MASS 3MSA 1 4640 2.05 0.18 1670 152 67 106 20.4 21.4MASS 3MSA 1 4880 2.79 0.26 1910 154 67 106 22.8 23.8MASS 3MSA 1 3930 1.93 0.12 1780 152 67 110 27.3 28.2MASS 3MSA 1 4630 2.61 0.2 1640 151 DH-2005-6-1-6 1/12/2005 F 2+52.5 67 116 1.9 2.8M6 AVG 1 4350 1.75 0.17 1760 156 67 123 7.8 8.8M6 AVG 1 4420 1.81 0.16 2000 152 67 129 6.9 7.6 M6 AVG 154 DH-2005-6-2-1. 1/26/2005 L 5+52.5 67 36 11 12MASS 1.5MSA 1 3790 2.2 0.27 2240 149 67 60 42.6 43.6 MASS 1.5MSA 151 67 72 41.4 42.4MASS 1.5MSA 1 5700 3.03 0.25 2790 151 67 242 3.5 4.5MASS 1.5MSA 1 3900 2.83 0.24 1560 150 67 242 22.8 23.8MASS 1.5MSA 1 4710 1 2.13 0.17 2540 150 67 242 27.6 28.6MASS 1.5MSA 1 4850 1 2.62 0.26 2150 149 67 242 31.5 32.5MASS 1.5MSA 1 4050 3.02 0.19 2020 150 DH-2005-6-2-3 1/26/2005 L 5+52.5 67 80 0.5 1.5 MASS 3MSA 151 67 80 1.5 2.5MASS 3MSA 1 4750 3.26 0.16 2040 152 67 85 4 5MASS 3MSA 1 4550 1.72 0.29 1920 151 67 110 12 12.9MASS 3MSA 1 5710 3.65 0.28 1920 153 67 119 18 19MASS 3MSA 1 4350 2.97 0.17 2420 151 DH-2005-6-2-6 1/26/2005 l 5+52.5 67 126 2.8 3.8M6 AVG 1 3940 1 1.36 0.31 2670 156

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67 130 5.6 6.6 M6 AVG 152 67 130 6.6 7.5M6 AVG 1 4060 1 2.09 0.09 1210 155 67 130 8.9 9.8M6 AVG 1 3590 2.35 0.5 1700 153 67 133 11.7 12.6M6 AVG 1 3930 1.53 0.1 2350 155

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