BOWNESS EXIT HIGH PACKAGE SCHOOL This Exit package was designed for students who are leaving Bowness High School prior to obtaining a high school diploma or certificate. Bowness High School Exit Package 403-286-5092 |
[email protected] PART 1: DIPLOMA AND CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTS ALBERTA HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS Students are eligible to receive an Alberta High School Diploma upon earning a minimum of 100 credits including the following: CERTIFICATE OF HIGH SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT REQUIREMENTS Students are eligible to receive a Certificate of High School Achievement upon earning a minimum of 80 credits including the following: Students must successfully complete a minimum of one academic Knowledge and Employability course (core academic courses that end in -4) to qualify for a Certificate of High School Achievement. CERTIFICATE OF SCHOOL COMPLETION The Certificate of School Completion is awarded to students with significant cognitive disabilities. Generally Bowness students who receive a Certificate of School Completion are in the Paced Learning Program (PLP) or the Adapted Learning Program (ALP). Students are eligible for this certificate if they: Are 17 years old on March 1st of their twelfth and final year of school. Have participated in special education programming and have been identified with one of the following special education codes at the Bowness High School Exit Package 403-286-5092 |
[email protected] time of school completion: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59. The student has not have achieved credits in any of the four core subject areas: mathematics, science, social studies and English language arts (some exceptions apply).