THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside VEMA Greece MARCH 2010 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 E-mail:
[email protected] COPING WITH TEENAGERS A scientific view of the adolescent brain PAGE 3/21 GREECE DEBT: EU AGREES BAILOUT DEAL The eurozone has agreed to a multibillion-euro bailout for getary surveillance" of all 16 participating countries. The aim Papandreou says Greece as part of a package to shore up the single curren- is a new regime of "reinforced economic policy co-ordina- cy after weeks of crisis, the Guardian has learnt. tion" in the EU. talks with Obama Senior sources in Brussels said that Berlin had bowed to "This is the essential lesson that has to be learned from successful the bailout agreement despite huge resistance in Germany the Greek case," Olli Rehn of Finland, the new commission- and that the finance ministers of the "eurozone" - the 16 er for economic and monetary affairs, told the Guardian PAGE 12/30 member states including Greece who use the euro - were (and four other European papers). to finalise the rescue package on Monday 15 March. "The Greek case is a potential turning point for the euro- The single currency's rulebook will also be rewritten to zone," said Rehn in the interview. "If Greece fails and we enforce greater fiscal discipline among members. fail, this will do serious and maybe permanent damage to The member states have agreed on "co-ordinated bilater- the credibility of the European Union. The euro is not only a al contributions" in the form of loans or loan guarantees to monetary arrangement, but a core political project of the Eu- Greece if Athens finds itself unable to refinance its soaring ropean Union … In that sense, we are at a crossroads." debt and requests help from the EU, a senior European com- While ready to bail out the Greeks if only on terms of "rig- mission official said.